Repairs Design Furniture

How to put the puzzle blocks. Easy way to install partitions from puzzle plates. Formation of the last row

You make a serious renovation apartment with redevelopment or bought a new building with a free layout, you will definitely be the task, installation or several partitions. If you have the opportunity to hire workers, this article will help them control if the repairs are doing with your own hands, I will show it in the stages in the stages, how is the installation of a gypsum puzzle plate (PGP) or a puzzle partition with its own.

Two ways to install PGP partition

It is clear that any interior partition is not hanging in the air, and adjoins the floor, walls and ceiling of the room. Installation of a puzzle plate on technology involves two types of partition mounting, depending on the adjoining method:

1. Elastic adjoining (fastening). Elastic mount involves the installation between the edges of the partition and walls, the ceiling, the floor of the layer of sound insulation material. Available sound insulation material is a plug. It is important to understand that the elastic fastening is done where the customer is, that is, you need to improve the soundproofing qualities of the partition. There are no other criteria for elastic installation of PGP. 2. Monolithic adjoining (fastening). The monolithic mount involves the direct contact of the slabs of the partition with walls, floor, ceiling through the mounting glue.

Material for mounting partitions from PGP (Puzzle plates)

It will take:

1. Gypsum puzzle plate (PGP). Manufacturers: KNAUF, VOLMA, etc. In the amount of the PGP, it is interested in its thickness. Walled plates with a thickness of 80 and 100 mm. The number of plates is calculated from the area of \u200b\u200bfuture partitions with a reserve of 10% on undermines. Sizes of PGP:
  • 667x500x80 mm for calculating 3 plates per meter: 28 kg / 1 stove.
  • 667x500x100 mm for calculating 3 plates per meter: 37 kg / 1 stove.
  • 900x300x80 mm for calculating 3.7 plates per meter: 24 kg / 1 stove.

Note: If the installation of a puzzle plate is carried out in the room of normal humidity, the standard PSP plate is bought. For partitions in wet premises, we buy a hydrophobized (moisture-resistant) PSP plate. Moisture-resistant plate Knauf is marked with a green stripe.

2. It will take the mounted gypsum glue. It is sold in bags of 25 kg. For bathrooms you can use tile glue. 3. For the elastic fastening of the puzzle partition to the walls and the ceiling of the room, you can buy special brackets. These brackets C2 are labeled (for 80 mM PGP) and C3 (for 100 mM PGP). Replace brackets can be removed suspension (PP 60/125) used in the installation of plasterboard structures.

4. Only for elastic adjoining! Need a sound insulation gasket. These are a strip of 100-150 mm wide better from the plug. 5. If the floor is uneven, then it will take a dry cement mixture for floor alignment at the site of the partition installation.

What thickness of the PGP to choose

Interior partitions from PGP are made in one layer. Technologically, it is impossible to do a straight PGP partition above 3600 mm and wider than 6000 mm. In the apartments of such walls, usually no, so there are no restrictions on the use of PGP plates for apartments.

Installation of a puzzle plate in the apartment

Select the thickness of the slab for the partition is needed by its size. The larger the partition, the thickest plate. For partitions in the new building it is better to choose the PGP slabs 100 mm. For lining of the walls of the balcony and partitions in the bathroom, there are enough 80 mm PGP plates.

Tool for installation of the PGP partition

For work, you will need the following tool:

  • Saw: for cutting plates;
  • Drill or perforator: for mounting plates and kneading the solution. Nozzle mixer to drill;
  • Spatula gear width 200 mm;
  • Spatula simple: 100 and 200 mm;
  • The level is horizontal with a length of 500 mm and 1500-2000 mm.
  • Plumb for partition markup;
  • Rubber hammer for plates caps
  • Clean container for mixing the solution;
  • Clean water for solution and tool washing. Rag.

Installation of a puzzle plate with your own hands - by steps

  • Prepare a place for mounting the partition. Remove the garbage, drive the places of the septum adjoining.

  • The base of the partition should be horizontally smooth. If the base is visible when the base is visible, it is aligned with cement mortar. After drying the solution, it is ground.
  • Seam partition on the floor, walls, and ceiling. Use a plumb or laser level to mark up.
  • With an elastic (sound insulation) adjoining the partition to the floor, a sound insulation band is glued to the installation of the partition on the mounting glue.

  • PGP plates can be installed as a groove up and a groove down. However, for a reliable clutch, the installation of the groove is recommended.

  • Therefore, at the plates of the first row you need to cut the crest saw. Do not use for cutting power tools, the number of plaster dust will be unreasonably large.
  • Cropped plates in a number of partitions should not be 100 mm. Therefore, before mounting, make a dry installation and sign up the plates on the place. If the last plate in the row is less than 100 mm, cut the first slab of the row.

  • Set the first row of plates on glue. The quality of the entire partition depends on the horizontal and verticality of the first and two subsequent rows, therefore, we actively use the construction level to control the laying.

  • Starting from the first row, with elastic adjoining, put fillings. Corners are attached to the PGP standard self-drawing. For mounting a corner to the walls, we use a dowel with screws.

  • The number of brackets on one side of the partition can not be less than 3. That is, in the apartment with ceilings 2700, we put the brackets after the first, third and fifth rows.
  • We look at the photo, how the mounting glue is stacked in the grooves of the lower row.
  • Plates are installed spike in the groove with glue. Heat the plate with rubber hammer. Excess glue, extruded with the top stove, remove the spatula.
  • Constantly control the horizontal of the rows and the verticality of the partition.

Adjunction of the septum PGP to the ceiling

The adjoining of the PGP septum to the ceiling requires separate paragraph.

Adjusting the septum to the ceiling

The correct adjoining of the septum to the ceiling is more complicated than to the wall. The last row of PGP plates is trimmed at an angle. The angle must "look" at you. The distance from the bevel to the ceiling should vary from 10 to 300 mm.

Installation of a puzzle plate is over. After mounting the partition from the puzzle plates, inspect it, check the vertical level of the partition. The remaining glue, fill out if there is emptiness between the plates. Remove the excess glue, squeezed out of the seams.

Next, after pouring the glue, the joints of the partition with walls and the ceiling are sampled with reinforced ribbon and put it. The partition itself is frozen together with the walls of the room, usually shout several times. Further on the plan of repair (paints or glue wallpaper or something else).

On the installation of doors in a partition from the PGP, as well as the laying of communications in the PGP partitions in the following articles. Subscribe by registering on the site.

Puzzle plates are rectangular plaster parallelepipeds designed for the device internal non-carrying partitions in rooms with varying degrees of humidity. There are hollow and full-scale options for their execution.

Puzzle plates Knauf.

One of the most famous manufacturers of plaster is the German Concern Knauf. Brand products are available in three sizes: 667x500x80, 667x500x100 and 900x300x80.

Material of puzzle plates

The basis for the production of puzzle plates Knauf is a plaster binding two brands: Mr.or M-5. The material does not support combustion and does not contain toxic components, which allows its use in hospitals and kindergartens. It does not conduct electric current and resistant to sharp changes in temperature regime. High degree of vapor permeability is characteristic of all plaster products. The material is perfectly mechanically handling and does not have a specific smell.

installation of partitions from puzzle plates. Photo

Technical Description Plates Knauf

The KNAUF puzzle plate has a view of a rectangular parallelepiped, in the design of which is provided for a special high-precision compound by type of groove-crest. The finished product has the following specifications for all sizes:

Installation of partitions with a stove Knauf

Partition from puzzle plates with their own hands. Video instruction

The partitions from the Knauf Puzzle Plates are constructed according to the designer method, an accurate compound of the groove on the support side and the ridge on the docking, with the sizing of the jammed surfaces. Adhesive mixture can serve adhesive for glitzer PerlFix", Production of the Knauf concern. Installation of puzzle plates is carried out with accurate observance of rows in vertical, as well as horizontal planes.

Work on the construction of partitions should be carried out after the end of the production of the bearing elements of the room, but before laying the first floors. This period coincides with the finishing works indoors, is mainly the cold season. Temperature Indoors should not be below +5 ° C. Humidity must match the dry or normal mode. Before using the stove must pass acclimatization, that is, adapt to the conditions indoors. For this, they must lie inside at least 4 hours.

The permissible partition length is 6 m, and the height is 3.6 m. If it is necessary to build a longer or high partition, it is composed of individual fragments, each of which has a separate mounting to the supporting structures using a special framework.

Puzzle Clamps of the Volga (full)

Full-skinned slabs of the wall - have the shape of rectangular parallelepipeds with a groove-comb system, made by injection molding technology. The main purpose is the construction of the internal partitions in the rooms with three types of humidity in SNiP II-3-79. Moisture-resistant plates include hydrophobic additives and special plasticizers. Moisture-resistant option has a characteristic green color.

The stove material does not support combustion, and does not contain substances harmful to the body. They have high sound insulation and do not have a specific smell.

installation of walls from oxo-puzzle plates. Photo

Specifications of slabs

The surface of the plate and the geometric accuracy of the structure eliminates plastering when finishing the room. The full-scale plate is produced by one size - 667x500x80. The weight of one plate is 28 kg.

Puzzle Clamps Volma (Hollow)

For the construction of partitions requiring a decrease in the load on the base of the floor, the hollow plaster of the wave is provided. Their main use is the installation of intricant structures in modern panel houses. This is due to the maximum load that the ceiling slabs are able to withstand. Like their full-scale analogues, the plates can be standard and moisture-resistant execution. The size remains the same: 667x500x80 mm. Often the hollow plate is used for cladding outside the room. The weight of the standard hollow plate is 20 kg, moisture resistant - 22 kg. The properties of the material of hollow plates are similar to their full-scale analogue.

Installation of partitions from the slabs of the Volga

Installation of a partition from the oxidial oxide plates is carried out by accurate combination of grooves and crests on parallelepiped with their subsequent sizing. As an adhesive mixture for puzzle plates of the wall, any adhesive glitter is used for glitzer, including the recommended manufacturer " Volma mounting" Installation of a septum structure is carried out in the following order:

Partition from puzzle plates of the wave. Video instruction

Installation of electricians in puzzle plates

Wiring in puzzle plates is carried out by laying wires in previously done shorts. The depth of the strobe's laying has a limit: it should not exceed 40 mm with a stove thickness of 80 mm, and 50 mm with a width of a plate of 100 mm. Wires are fixed using alabaster or glue for drywall. Sealers landing nests should also not exceed the specified depth. Their arrangement is possible in a mirror image on both sides of the partition into the through hole. But thus the noise absorbing properties of the structure are lost. For additional insulation of electrical wiring in puzzle plates, corrugated tubes are used.

mounting technology of puzzle plates. Photo

Finishing of walls from puzzle plates

Like any other construction surface, partitions from puzzle plates provide all types of construction and finishing works. The advantage of such a partition is the lack of additional putty manipulations preceding the work on the decor. The decoration of the puzzle partition includes: painting the surface, laying of ceramic tiles and natural stone and shook wallpaper.

Laying of ceramic tiles on puzzle walls

The process of laying ceramic tiles on the plaster is similar to the glitter of tiles on plasterboard:

Due to the moist-absorbing properties of plaster, the finished surface should not be disturbed for three days.

Plowing wallpaper on walls from oxidic plates

Before the fitting of wallpaper on the puzzle partition, you should spend small finish painting works. This may be the applying of a thin layer of finished plaster, for example, " Rotband" Or surface coating with a layer of finishing fine-grained putty. Before applying putty, the surface is processed by primer deep penetration. After drying the putty, the surface is ready for shook wallpaper. Processing the base is not necessarily ground. The glue of wallpapers on partitions from the puzzle plates is performed according to the standard procedure, with the application of glue and on the wallpaper, and on the base of the surface of the surface.

Painting of walls from puzzle plates

Painting the puzzle plate is also made after the finish surface treatment small-grained spike. After drying the finish layer, it is thoroughly rubbed in a small grinding net under the light of the construction lamp. This is necessary to avoid invisible to the eye of irregularities and roughness. The painted surface should be treated with primer, and give time to dry it. After that, you can apply one or more layers of paint as needed.

Before any type of finishing of the puzzle partition, it must be carefully cleaned and processed by the primary composition.

puzzle plates mounting with your own hands. Video

Interconnectable wall partitions, in most cases, are not supporting structures in the house. They are obliged to have sufficient strength and good sound insulation properties. The design of the partition should easily withstand the domestic communications and mounted furniture.

In this article we will talk about puzzle gypsum (plaster) plates (PGP). This material is used to create interroom and inter-weltering partitions. With a competent approach to the construction of a partition from puzzle gypsum plates (PGP), the requirements listed above will meet. But it is necessary to make an emphasis on the installation of puzzle plates was competent!

If you negate the compliance with the construction technology, the installation of the puzzle partitions will be completed by the fact that instead of a solid monolith, the builder will have a shaky and uneven wall, ready to collapse at any time.

Kruchenkov. User Forumhouse, Moscow.

My house has a partition in the bathroom from the puzzle plates. Apparently when a hole was made under the sewer tube, something went wrong. Now, if this building is shaking hands behind the edge, you can hear how the blocks are stuck on each other.

For FORUMHOUSE, you can find a lot of similar examples. And if the partition was initially folded contrary to the existing technology, it is possible to correct defects, only completely destroying the design.

But do not be afraid, because the technology of building wall partitions from the PGP is quite simple. And if they treat it with due attention, the impression of the work done will be very positive.

Alexdo. User forumhouse.

I worked at the construction site. Reconstructed buildings of the old fund. So, all partitions were made of plaster discount plates, work is one pleasure. As a partition - the most. Easy and quickly stacked. Walls are smooth. After putty, they are ready at least under painting, even under the wallpaper. Fasteners in the stove keeps well. Noise isolation is also normal. But if that, you can make a crate, put the minvatu and separate the carpet or panels.

A little about the practicality of the PGP

Manufacturers of plaster plates ensure that this material provides a reliable fastening of standard elements of the modern interior. This means that GLC partitions withstand the loads comparable to the walls on the walls from other typical materials. Hinged cabinets, household appliances, stretch ceilings - all this is mounted without any problems on the puzzle gypsum partition. It is possible to expand the functionality of the wall partition from the PGP by mouncing metalplastic plumbing pipes in its body (with a diameter of not more than 16 mm) and electrical wiring elements.

Grachev68. User forumhouse.

And in the oilecrain of the door without good, you can put the electrician without frills, shelves and TV hang more reliable.

Puzzle plates - what it is

Standard PGPs are two species: full and hollow. The design of full-scale plates is more durable, but this material is much difficult than its hollow analog. For this reason it is not recommended
use as part of partitions mounted on the floor with
Wooden lags.

Hollow PGPs provide high sound insulation (43 dB), without overloading the floor design. Some people believe that in the inner space of hollow plates can live and intensively multiply insect pests. But a serious confirmation such an opinion has not yet found.

Conventional (full and hollow) Puzzle plates are used for the device of partitions or cladding walls in rooms with dry and normal levels of humidity. If the partition is planned to be put in a room with high humidity, then preference should be given to moisture-resistant plates having a kind of greenish tint. Consider that such PGP is a bit harder than ordinary full-scale products.

Preparatory work

List of tools for working with puzzle plates:

  • Marking cord:
  • Hacksaw with a wide web and a large tooth;
  • Roulette;
  • Putty knife;
  • Drill with a nozzle for mixing mixtures;
  • Bucket;
  • Construction level and plumb;
  • Rubber cizyanka;
  • Corolnic;
  • Screwdriver.

In accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturers, the length of the wall septum from the PGP should not exceed 6 m. The maximum design height is 3.5 m. It is possible to increase these parameters, but the maximum strength of the partition is provided only when the specified dimensions are observed.

The base under the wall of the puzzle plate should be smooth, stable and completely purified from dust. If the floor is concrete, and there are drops that exceed 3 mm, then before starting installation work it is necessary to align it; Create an aligning layer. For this, a construction solution is suitable based on sand and cement (the solution of the solution is not below the M50).

Alignment of the Wall from the PGP.

The solution is applied to clean moistened floor. To obtain an ideal surface, you can create some kind of formwork and pour it with a solution clearly along the horizontal level. After complete drying, the base must be covered with a primer for concrete.

If you can do without an aligning layer, the base under the future partition, as well as the place of adjoining the partition to the enclosing walls in 2 layers is covered with primer.

If the partition is mounted on the wooden floor, the base must be enhanced by a solid smooth bar.

Kirill147 User forumhouse.

According to the technology of plaster puzzle panels, a smooth base is required - a screed or a separate unheoming timber under the partition.

When the base is ready, the locations of partitions and doorways can be placed. This is done using lacing, plumbing and level.

The installation of PGP can be made at temperatures from -10 to + 30 ° C. Building material must be put in advance in advance. This will help him "get used to" to the desired temperature regime and insures the septum from deformation (when changing the temperature, the plates can slightly change their volume).

Installation of elastic strip

In order for the temperature differences and the deformation of the carrier elements of the building with time, they did not lead to the destruction of the partition, the design of the PGP should be isolated from the base and adjacent walls with a special elastic (damper) ribbon. Damping tape for PGP protects the wall from mechanical damage and increases the soundproofing qualities of the partition. The elastic ribbon is a special cork substrate (no less than 75 mm wide), we will glue to the base and walls in accordance with the markup. Plates and tape are fixed by the same mounting glue.

Consumables intended for installation work (construction mixtures, gaskets, dowels, suspensions, etc.), it should be chosen based on the manufacturer's recommendation to the PPP manufacturer. At negative temperatures, the installation of the PGP is produced using frost-resistant adhesive gypsum mixture.

Adhesive with a spatula with a thin layer applied to the prepared surface. The ribbon rolls on top and slightly pressed his hands. The glue is grabbed for one hour. After this period, you can proceed to the construction of the partition.

Mounting PGP

The damper gasket under the puzzle plates is covered with a layer of mounting glue, which is stacked by the bottom, the first row of the PGP. The slab can be placed with a groove or a groove down - it is not fundamentally. But if the groove is downstairs, the crest does not have to dump so that the stove becomes smooth. It is allowed to install the upper row of plates vertically (if there is a need caused by material savings).

During the laying of the first row, the adhesive grooves the puzzle plate and the base of the floor. Special attention should be paid to the observance of vertical and horizontal levels. Planting the plates should be with the help of a pile.

The thickness of the vertical and horizontal seams should not exceed 2 mm. After installing the next plate in its place, the spatula should be removed excess glue on its joints.

Dobly elements to fill the gaps between the whole plates, walls and openings are easily cut from the PGP with the help of hacksaw.

The relative displacement of the vertical seams in the PGT laying should be at least 10 cm. This is a prerequisite for ensuring the strength of the structure.

In places intersection of two partitions from gypsum puzzle plates, as well as in the corners, laying the plates is done in such a way that their joints overlap each other. Puzzle elements that interfere with the proper dressing device should be cut off with hacksaw.

After the partition is ready, its external angles must be strengthened with a perforated metal profile and sharpen.

Often asked whether the puzzle partitions should be sickled. Yes, the internal angles are sickled with sickle and laughing with putty.

Fasteners partitions to the wall

The strength of the adjoining partition from the puzzle for walls and the base is ensured by installing additional elements: fasteners, reinforcement or suspension. It is more convenient to use fastening corners or suspensions. After all, they are attached to the plate with the help of ordinary screws, and to the walls - with the help of dowels. Plates of the 1st, 3rd, and 5th rows are fastened to the side walls. It can be more often, but there must be several (at least three) fasteners. Sturdy base adjoining is created for each second plates.

Direct suspensions during installation can be installed directly into the plate grooves, having finished it up to the desired size.

There is a technological clearance of at least 1.5 cm between the upper bedding and the ceiling of the room. It must be left and appreciated by the mounting foam. After drying, the surplus of the foam must be cut off, and the seam is sharp. Between the upper side and overlap, the extra fastener is installed with the same periodicity as below.

Creating doorways

For the device of door or window openings, the width of which does not exceed 90 cm, you can make a masonry without additional reinforcement. In this case, an auxiliary design of a wooden bar is mounted over the opening, which is removed after the top row plates will be laid, and the mounting glue creates.

If the width of the opening exceeds 90 cm, then the wooden or metal jumper should be installed above it. The ends of the jumpers must be outside the opening of 50 cm on each side. This will ensure the uniform distribution of the load on the partition.

Door (window) The box is attached to the partition using frame dowels and mounting foam.

Archroom partitions from PGP

Archchair partitions from PGP, unlike partitions of interroom, are made double. Between the plates, the technological gap of 4 cm is left. One partition is first built, then the second one. In order to enhance sound insulation, the space between the plates is filled with sound insulation material, minvata, etc.

Installation of communications

The design of partitions from the PGP allows you to mount the wiring of the hidden type. Gypsum plates are strong enough to make vertical shoes and have sufficient thickness to install junction boxes. Technological cavities inside the hollow PGP can be used as horizontal strokes.

If the channel selected for the wire laying is to expand the crown with a diameter of 45 mm, then the cable will pass on it without difficulty. The main thing - during the installation work, do not score glue the side opening of the plate.

In order for the wire to be more convenient to skip through horizontal channels, we can do non-core mounting holes in the side surface of the partition.

Some doubt the safety of the vertical stroke of plaster walls. But, according to the manufacturers (and the builders themselves), there is nothing to fear.

Puzzle blocks are a building material that is used to mount interroom partitions. They produce them from plaster with low-temperature processing of natural gypsum, so their second name is plastering. This building material is characterized by high dimensional accuracy.

Types of puzzle blocks

There are conventional and moisture-resistant plastering plaster. Gypsum gypsum can have a trapezoidal or rectangular shape. There are full and hollow plaster. For the construction of walls indoors with a dry or normal moisture regime (apartments, hotels, offices, schools, industrial buildings), conventional gypsum are used, and for rooms with high humidity - moisture-resistant plastering plaster. Moisture-resistant plaster includes hydrophobic additives.

Gypsum - very profitable building material. And thanks to the high quality of their face surface, there is no need to spend a lot of money for finishing work. The wall of the plaster can be covered with wallpaper, paint or tinted with ceramic tiles.

Marking from plaster is very simple and easy. And thanks to a low price, the use of plaster gives a significant advantage over the construction of interior brick walls in apartments or at dachas. Another advantage of the plaster is their fire resistance.

How to mount puzzle blocks

In order to build one square meter of the partition, it will take 5.5 plaster bobs and approximately 1.5 kg of glue. In order to enhance sound insulation in the place where the partition is adjacent to the wall, use a cork gasket. If the strict sound insulation requirements is not extended, the blocks can be mounted to the enclosing structures directly on the adhesive solution.

Initially, the surface on which the partition from the puzzle blocks will be built, purified from dust and dirt. It is built before the installation of clean floor. Then the markup is made - with the help of a cord or laser level. Marks are transferred to walls with a plumb. In the event that the floor is uneven, you need to apply the leveling layer. The laying can be done no earlier than a day.

Before starting the installation, it is necessary to prepare an adhesive solution that advised the manufacturer of plaster (usually it is sufficiently available at a price). For this, the dry mix must be poured into a bucket with the necessary amount of water. Then mix thoroughly and leave for 2-3 minutes. It is necessary to take into account that the viability of the composition is only 1 hour, and the consumption of glue per 1 m2 of masonry is only 1.5 kg.

Council Proraba: When mixing glue, you need to use only pure container and clean cold water.

So that the blocks in the masonry clutch better, their laying need to make a groove up. To do this, the chopper blocks of the lower row of the masonry removes the comb. The masonry of the first row is made in terms of the level and is thoroughly aligned in the same plane. When laying the following series, the glue is applied and is distributed over the grooves of the already laid row. Vertical seams of each puzzle of the masonry also need to fill with glue solution. The thickness of the seams should not exceed 2 mm. During installation, plaster blocks in the masonry are cozed using a rubber hammer. The laying is made in the dispersion - at least a third of length. Doblyo elements are easily obtained using a hand-made plate. Elements of the last row of masonry are roasted at an angle so that there are no emptiness between the partition and the ceiling.

Council Proraba: If there are pile on the discohabrev blocks, they need to be filled with putty.

If the partition needs to be done, the width of which does not exceed 800 mm, and above which there is only one set of masonry, then the jumper is not necessary. In this case, it will be enough to install and leave the backup in the opening until the glue is dry.

If the width of the opening exceeds 800 mm, then you need to install a metal or wooden jumper over the opening. To give the external corners of the design additional rigidity, you need to strengthen them with a metal profile. Internal angles can be strengthened with the help of reinforcing tape.

Installation of plaster can be carried out not only a professional, but also a beginner builder. At the same time, an experienced worker for shift can make 20 m2 walls.

Council Proraba: When fastening the wall of the puzzle blocks of objects that have a non-linkage (mirrors or bookshelves), you can use crushing corrosive dowels. When installing suspended cabinets or sanitary equipment, it is necessary to apply corrosion-resistant bolts that pass through the wall through.

Gypsum - affordable favorable building material for the construction of walls indoors. To build a wall of plaster, do not need special knowledge, it is enough just to see a detailed video laying of plaster blocks.


Partitions from the puzzle plates are used in construction for a long time. But they received his new life relatively recently, when it became better to live, citizens began to repairs and redevelopes of apartments and houses using modern materials. The latter did not always turn out to be comfortable in use, especially inexperienced masters concerned, who were engaged in their own hands. In this regard, the puzzle plates are better because their installation is simple.

Puzzle panels partitions

This wall material for the construction of partitions is present in the market of building materials of two types: gypsum and silicate. The first is pure plaster with the addition of plasticizers. The second - lime, mixed with sand, formed in the plate and dried in the autoclave under the action of high temperatures.

The dimensions of plaster discogeneous plates - 500x667x80 mm. They have higher thermal insulation properties and good noise insulation qualities. Standard sizes of silicate plates - 250x500x70 mm. They are inferior in two above the designated parameters, but by strength is much better. In addition, silicate material is well withstanding humidity loads. Although it is necessary to pay tribute to manufacturers of gypsum panels, which today offer moisture-resistant plates painted in a greenish color. So, when choosing, you will not be wrong. Dimensions of hydrophobized blocks - 300x900x80 mm.

Add, silicate puzzle blocks are produced different thickness, which is convenient in terms of the collection of material for the partition relative to the strength of the structure and such an indicator as the carrying ability of the structure. Parameter thickness: 70, 88, 115 mm.

In all other remaining two varieties are possessors of almost the same characteristics:

  • do not rot
  • do not deform
  • do not burn
  • do not allocate substances harmful to humans,
  • have a smooth surface.

Puzzle plates

Montaja technology

It is necessary to immediately make a reservation that the installation of puzzle plates should be started after construction works are completed due to the leveling of the supporting structures: walls, gender, ceiling. For work will have to prepare.


  • puzzle plates,
  • gypsum glue
  • primer,
  • staples for fastening the material to walls and sex,
  • saws and dowels.


  • spatulas
  • building level,
  • capacity for the dilution of adhesive composition,
  • construction mixer,
  • hacksaw,
  • screwdriver.

Preparatory stage

In addition to the preparation of the necessary materials and tools, it is necessary to prepare the floor. He is already aligned, it remains only to put the markup of the location of the future partition, to be discussed and projected. So do always in independence concrete floor or wooden.

Regarding marking, it can be carried out directly on the surface of the floor base and on the walls, applying parallel lines with a marker or pencil, which determine the thickness of the puzzle plate. Additionally, on one side, it is possible to stretch a durable thread at a height of 30 cm, which will show the plane of the boundary of the installation of the chain of the first row.

Mounting process

The main requirement for the installation of puzzle plates is to properly hold the first row laying, considering the horizontal and vertical location of each plate, which will be based on the basis of the partition. But to start will have to prepare glue. It is simply pouring into a bucket with water, stirring with a construction mixer. The proportions are indicated on the packaging of the adhesive mixture.

Preparation of adhesive composition exactly according to the recipe indicated on the bag

On the wall and on the floor at the place of installation of the first puzzle plate, a glue solution is applied with small strokes with a small spatula.

Applying glue on the walls and on the floor at the place of installation of plates

Now you can install the plate on the crest, checking it on the horizontal installation using the construction level. The panel is pressed against the wall and to the floor. Strong floor base - a guarantee of accurate panel exhibit horizontally.

Checking the puzzle plate on horizontality using the level

The slab end is treated with glue. It is applied to the floor to install the second element for laying partition.

The end of the first slab is cooked by glue

Both plates are checked with a long rule on even the plane. It is necessary to do this, even if the slab material strictly stacked on the marked lines. A small skew can lead to large discrepancies at the end of the partition. So it is better to spend a couple of minutes to check than to redo the large amount of work.

Plates between themselves are checked by a long rule

This is the masonry of the first row of the partition from the puzzle plates with the installation of all elements on the intended lines. After that, you can collect the following rows. The installation of the second row begins with a solid slab, which establishes so that the joints between the panels are subsequently coincided in different rows. That is, the installation is made with a displacement, better half the panel.

The upper plate is stacked in the second row so that the joint of two elements of the first row hit in the middle

The space between the wall and the partition is filled with a piece of the puzzle plate, which is cut from the whole element with a hacksaw. You just need to accurately measure the size of the installation.

Puzzle plates are easy to cut in conventional hacksaw

To strengthen the design, the plates are recommended for the walls and relying on the floor base, fasten to the supporting structures with metal mounting corners (brackets), self-draws and dowels. To do this, hold the corner, for example, to the wall, one screws to attach it to a screwdriver to the plate, to another to the surface of the wall.

Fastening the puzzle plate to the wall using an assembly corner and screws

Construction of the doorway

Installation of partitions from the puzzle plates involves the construction and doorway. To do this, at the stage of applying markup, it is necessary to designate the location of the opening. It is before him and it will be necessary to collect a partition: on the one hand or from two. The main task after the assembly is to designate and form the upper row located above the doorway. To do this, in the two erected walls it is necessary to make grooves for a mortgage bar (jumpers). They are simply cut with hacksaw.

PAZ for a mortgage bar

The jumper is placed on the glue composition, it is also filled with a groove completely. It is important at the stage of markup of the grooves to set them so that the mortgage detail lay horizontally in them. After that, you can move to the installation of plates. Here, everything is also, the timing of the adjacent wall is failed with glue, after which the puzzle plates are installed at the destination.

Formation of a doorway through the installation of puzzle plates on a mortgage bar

When the doorway is finished, you can move to the last mounting step - the sealing of the gap between the partition from the puzzle plates and the ceiling. Usually, the gap is not very large, so the easiest option is to fit it with mounting foam. You can use glue composition, putty.

Filling the gap between partition and ceiling by mounting foam

If you want to bring the wall from the puzzle plates to the ceiling with the subsequent finishing, then on the one hand the clearance is shut-off with a plaster solution, on the other hand filled with foam, and the plaster is flawed. Simple marching is used only when the room, separated by the partition, will be drawn up with a tension or suspended ceiling design.

The partition from the puzzle plates is a flat surface that does not need to align the plaster. It is prepared with a small layer of putty, which gives the surface maximum smoothness.

Nuances of the assembly process

Any partition is the presence of angles: external and internal. They are subjected to certain loads, besides, there are always claims in terms of finishing. Therefore, external angles are recommended to close with plastic angular profiles of perforated type, which not only will create an evenness of the outer angle, but will be a kind of protection against the appearance of chips with minor shocks.

Use a corner of 30x30 mm.

  1. At the angle of the doorway, the partition is applied with a layer of putty.
  2. The corner is pressed into the solution until it stops.
  3. Another spike layer is applied on top to complete alignment.

To carry out this operation, it is recommended to use an angular spatula. If the lengths of one corner did not have enough, the missing length is cut with a length of 3-5 cm greater than the desired length. Because two jammed plastic elements are connected to the brass.

The problem of internal angles - cracks. You can fight with them in one way - sickle ribbon.

  1. First, a layer of putty is applied to the angle.
  2. According to the non-drying solution, the serpent is immediately stacked, which is pressed until the stop.
  3. Upper equalizing putty layer.

Self-adhesive tapes can be used to seal inner angles. When applied to putty, you can not use.

If the partitions are constructed from several walls, which among themselves constitute a broken design under the right angles, then they should be shown with each other not only with the help of adhesive composition, but also with the help of the puzzle blocks themselves. They are installed in perpendicular planes on each other. For this, the crest of the lower panels is cut under the upper grooves so that the upper blocks fitted tightly on the lower.

Rules for docking the puzzle panels in the joints of two walls

If the septum from the puzzle blocks is assembled on the concrete floor, then it is not necessary to fix it to the base with metal brackets. The glue composition is the guarantor of durable fastening. If the floor is wooden, then without mounting corners can not do. In this case, you can not even use glue between blocks and floors.

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