Repairs Design Furniture

Alteration of the bathroom and toilet: what you need to know. How to redeem the bath in a panel house: advice of professionals

Considering that the first panel houses It was built at the beginning of the 40s, it is quite unreasonable why sometimes layout inside the apartment is rather strange. And let the rooms themselves have a decent and easy-to-view, but, for example, the bathroom is often tiny and extremely inconvenient. That is why the question of redevelopment of the bathroom in panel house.

Overdowning options for combined bathroom

Although they used to do not really think about the comfort of tenants, but now of course, the maximum convenient arrangement of space appears. That is why we are so strive to redo the maximum and equip our living space with maximum thoughtfulness.

So, it is the small dimensions of the bathroom that lead to the fact that the owners of the apartment are trying to come up with new ways, how to make premises more. That is why they replaced the bathroom.

Features Redevelopment

Considering, every owner of the apartment should understand that in the end it will face the demolition of the wall between two rooms, and this is dirt, dust and trash. To this you need to be prepared as morally and materially.

Interesting! There are apartments in panel houses when the bathroom is already combined. Sometimes such rooms are divided into two.

In the photos of redevelopment of bathrooms in the panel house you can see how many furniture and miscellaneous technology It can fit into it quite a short space. Therefore, the reason for which tenants remove the wall are quite clear.

However, it is worth remembering that significantly such rework will not increase the humming of the room. You must understand that this room will be limited to 5-7 meters square. Therefore, it will take the use of visual effects, such as, for example, the decoration of surfaces with light and cold colors, which have the properties of spice the walls.

The main advantages of bathing and toilet combination

It would seem that redevelopment of the bath and toilet in the panel house is accompanied by many difficulties and problems related to the repair and registration of documents. However, all these disadvantages are still stopping the owners from such measures.

It is worth familiar with the main advantages of such alterations:

  • first and perhaps the most the main reasonis an increase in space. Removing the wall, in the room you can easily place the necessary plumbing (bath, cabin, toilet, sink), washing machine and lockers. Such a number of objects is almost impossible to establish in separate spaces;

Important! A significant number of lockers will give the opportunity to hide household chemicals, linen, towels and bath accessories, so that they do not climb the already small area.

  • the redevelopment of the bathroom in panel houses also makes it possible to carefully hide all communications, while freeing not excessive centimeters;
  • such an association of premises increases the influx of air, and the bathroom is quickly ventilated and enhances;
  • such actions are greatly saved family budget on repair - no need to put two doors, make the decoration of a joint wall, etc.;
  • another significant plus in such a situation is a significant expansion of design variability. Although not too significant an increase in space, still gives imagination more space for maneuver.

Main disadvantages

Of course, any alteration will be accompanied by a number of minuses, which are also worth mentioning. So, the main problem when redeveloping a bathroom and toilet in the panel house, performs the registration of a large number of different documents. How not to twist, but any alterations in state apartments must be accompanied by legally confirmed documents. You can't just take and demolish the wall.

Important! If the wall between two rooms is carrier, you never have the right to touch it, otherwise such actions can lead to serious destruction.

Another small but significant for big family A minus, is the impossibility of using the toilet and the bathroom at the same time. Such a drawback should be taken into account, and in the presence of a large number of people in the apartment, and with older people in it.

How to equip

Starting with learning photos of redevelopment of baths in panel houses. This will allow you to familiarize yourself with various examples already ready-made bathrooms and learn from them useful ideas. The main thing is before starting work to draw the scheme of the room, and think over all the little things - communications, electrics and placement of large objects.

Options for planning a combined bathroom and separate

All items in your bathroom should be placed so that they do not interfere with the free movement on the bathroom.

  • for first of all, it is worth abandoning whitewashing and painting. Increased humidity and steam will quickly lead such materials into disrepair, while making them completely non-primable. It is best to stop the choice on, rubber or;
  • the most common and popular and to this day remains, of course, tile. However, designers offer to try other materials for cladding. The main condition is the stability of them to negative influence moisture, steam and chemical cleaning agents;
  • the same requirements as in the previous paragraph must be applied to furniture. The most relevant I. practical options Ceramics, glass and plastic are published;
  • paul designers advise to do with heating. It is not only very cozy and practical. Warm heated Bottom faster dries space, thereby preventing the appearance of mold and dampness. If you make such a floor there is no possibility, it is worth thinking about special mats and pallets that not only save your legs from the cold, but also detain an unnecessary moisture.

Before starting work, read as many different tips from qualified designers as possible. This will help you easily plan space.

Comments To write alteration and permutation in the bathroom Disabled

Alteration and permutation in the bathroom

Starting repairs in an apartment or house, each homeowner thinks about what to start this business. For all the rules of construction equipment, repair begins with non-residential rooms, in particular, on the first stage alteration of the bathroom and a bathroom. The interior of these rooms must, of course, smoothly fit into the total topics of the whole housing.

In each dwelling, the bathroom has individual features, but its functionality is always associated with water treatments. Someone sheeps in the bathroom accumulated in the day negative and relaxes, someone in the morning receives a charge of cheerfulness there. And first of all, all furniture, plumbing equipment, appliances Must carry comfort and convenience. It is striving for the greatest comfort, people inspire repair. The bathroom can be different: large, small, combined, separate. But whatever the type or form is a bathroom, every time you want to change and improve the conditions, especially since the development of the market for building materials, equipment and technology does not stand still. I. Of course, the interior of the dwelling must comply with the modern requirements and needs of a person, all this concerns non-residential premises. You can seek help in the company for which the reworking of the bathroom and the toilet is a specialization. But not always the result will be the one planned. Or it is not always there for this tools, because the cost of the cost of such a repair will be higher than on the alteration of their own efforts.

Preliminary redevelopment estimate ^

Before proceeding with a thorough, it is necessary to estimate the current state of the premises. It is necessary to evaluate the functionality and modernity of certain things:

  1. Working condition, repair of plumbing
  2. Wall covering
  3. File condition
  4. Availability and modernity of accessories and furniture
  5. Reference and performance of technology.

Someone changes everything immediately and without thinking. Someone finds weak spots And it is partially replaced by the fact that in his own opinion it is necessary to change. To give a fresh look room, there are many ways. Alteration of the bathroom and toilet can be as follows:

  1. Change style and finishing
  2. Liquidation of the common wall between the bathroom and the bathroom
  3. Update and reinstall plumbing
  4. Permutation of plumbing, furniture and accessories.

Any of the above conditions will be a bathroom alteration.

The usual method of rearrangement of the shell and the bathroom can be achieved by the appearance of a small space in the room. Such a permutation is the easiest method of obtaining additional space.

  1. Sink was transferred to the bath.
  2. On the site of the former sink location, a bath is installed along the wall.

In this case, you can install a washing machine small size directly under the sink. Or quite an excellent option will be an angular sink with a hinged cabinet over it. You can replace the bath with a shower or shower, then the place will be even more.

Alteration of the bathroom and toilet - pros and cons of such repair ^

Even more space will give demolition of the common wall between the bathroom and the toilet. Such an option as the alteration of the bathroom and the toilet in the general room makes it possible to increase a lot of free space. But before proceeding to such a resolute step as the alteration of the bathroom and the toilet, we should weigh the positive and negative nuances of this repair.

Negative moments:

  1. In the case when many people live in the apartment (house), especially children and faces of the elderly, then you should not try the combination of these premises.
  2. If there are any problems with the documents, since the reorganization will require documentary renewal and registration of the project, it is not worthwhile to "turn the skeleton in the closet."
  3. When the common wall turns out to be carrier, then its complete demolition is physically impossible.
  4. The presence of extraneous smells, unusual bathroom, will be hidden on the installation of an electric powerful fan, and this is unnecessary decent costs. (For those who do not tolerate these smells).

Positive aspects:

  1. With the demolition of the wall there is a decent savings on the construction finishing materials According to her cladding.
  2. Savings on the installation of the door, since only one remains instead of two inputs.
  3. The appearance of additional space due to the demolished wall.
  4. The won space will allow to equip the interior of the room with better functionality, right up to additional installation Shower cabin or jacuzzi bath instead of usual. For the most clean people, it will be possible to establish a bidet.
  5. There will be more access to places of maintenance of pipes and counters.
  6. When combining the bathroom and the bathroom, it is possible to immediately wash your hands that is hygienically correct.

The alteration of the bathroom in the Khrushchevka leads to improvement general interior housing. After all, apartments built by typical projects That time was strict character, without excesses in architecture and layout. Often, the bathrooms were located in violation of moral norms and principles, through a thin wall or "door to the door" with a kitchen.

Bathroom modification options ^

There are several options for redeveloping these premises.

  1. Merge together bathroom and toilet.
  • The dissemination of the sanitary cabin, while the place is released.
  • Installation corner bath or an angular shower cabin for saving space.
  • Transfer of sink on the wall of the toilet, and the toilet deployed diagonally or across.
  1. Bathroom connection, bathroom and corridor parts
  • Ability to install additional plumbing
  • Having a place for the bathroom headset
  • More luxurious interior
  • Installation of bulky and additional techniques.

In this version, the area of \u200b\u200bthe bathroom increases so much that he gives the flight of fantasy. In such conditions, you can feel like a designer. Dinner bathroom and toilet. And rooms

Alteration of bathrooms - the work is quite complicated, but the result will bring a lot of pleasure. And of course, starting to all actions, it is necessary not only to weigh everything "for" and "against", but also to calculate all costs, full layout, choose in advance construction Materials In the appropriate style, purchase plumbing equipment. If it is not solved with all this, it is better not to start work, as in the future it may not be exactly what is needed. So, alteration of the bathroom should be done, prepared in advance to the main front of the work.

Update appearance ^

Plumbing update is decent costs, while they need to be made after accurate measurements and deciding with the choice. It is very important to take into account the size and shape of the equipment, so that the room would be more convenient and spacious. The main stages of updates are:

  1. Replacing the sink, when the washbasin will hide part of the pipes and wiring in the wall, thus providing the place under the shell stand, in which the knee will be hidden.
  2. Replacing the bath on the shower cabin (if desired) by choosing a model at your discretion.
  3. Replacing mixers for an improved variant having a smaller size, but greater functionality.

With the cardinal change of style and upgrades, the bathroom will also look different. For example, the design of the room in bright colors will give him a visually larger space. In addition to this, the change of style will turn the bathroom in absolutely no one for the previous premises. Do not be afraid of experiments. Part of life People spend in the bathroom, respectively, this room should be cozy and comfortable.

The main purpose of the alteration is to increase the maximum useful Square Rooms of a small bathroom. There are two main method of solving such a problem:

  • Full reworking the bathroom with the joining of the toilet and part of the corridor.
  • Expansion useful Square Premises with redevelopment and selection of plumbers, which will be compact, in addition, designer techniques are used, which are capable of visually increasing the space.

In the first case, you will radically increase the size of the room, but you will have large costs Labor and materials. And in the second case, the main problem is not even the reconstruction itself, but its coordination in different instances.

Methods for solving problems of small bathrooms - Change of stylistics, change of sanitary ware, combining the bathroom, permutation in the bathroom.

Each option involves specific work. For example, when moving the toilet or sink, it is necessary to carry out the transfer of the risers, as well as shocked water pipes Or, on the contrary, perform their gasket.

Design project 1. without permutation. The easiest way to change the design of the bathroom is 4 square meters. m in the houses of this series - to dismantle the partition separating the bathroom and the toilet. Plumbing leaves in its places. But the ventilation box is used for full: hide in it the installation of suspended plumbing, housing the drain system. And in the same false partition of plasterboard mounting the socket and switch for the lamp at the mirror.

Design project 2. Bath on the podium. This design project of the bathroom is 4 square meters. M assumes a complete redevelopment of the bathroom: as a result, the sink is on the place of the bathroom, and the bath is rising to the podium. Bathaming allows you to solve several tasks at once: allocate a spacious place for the daily wash procedure and create a closed bathing space. If desired, the partition can be replaced glass wallthat slightly breaks privacy, but will provide better illumination.

Back on the podium:

Design project 3. Bath in niche. This 4-square bath design. M assumes the division of space into three zones: as a result, the bath turns out to be in a niche one side of the entrance, and the toilet - on the other. This design of the room is 4 square meters. M allows you to even carve a place in the niche to embed the washing machine. In order for the door of the washing machine completely, the machine itself is supposed to raise onto the podium, or replace the traditional model with vertical loading modification.

Design project 4. Shower instead of a bath. In the design of the bathroom 4 square meters. M Refusal of the bath in favor of a spacious shower is only welcome. Successfully looks the model in the whole wall. Limited only glass doors, she will visually increase small premises. Drain is performed in the floor by construction method, or you can purchase appropriate embedded pallets. Lamps are integrated in suspended ceiling And hide behind the mirror. This reception gives a scattered, pleasant eye for the eye.

Another option with an angular arrangement

Design project 5. Functional mirrors. 4 square meters design project. m suggests the union of the bathroom space and its spectacular increase With the help of big glass doors Shower Cabin and Mirror Stripes Joining Two Walls With Progress ventilation box. By the way, the mirrors here serve as the facades of storage systems. Refusing a bath in favor of the cabin, managed to find a place even for the bidet! All thanks to the perpendicular position of the toilet.

Conding repairs in the apartment multi-storey houseVery often, in order to expand the space and increase comfort, redevelopment of the bathroom and a bathroom. Usually this question concerns small premises and provokes its need to accommodate a washing machine closer to the nodes of the water supply and sewage. Today, the washing machine is an integral attribute of any combined bathroom, which you can make sure looking at the photo in the article.

It is recommended to initially draw up a detailed draft redevelopment of the bathroom and to work to attract only qualified specialists who have the necessary experience and know all the subtleties of this event. Only in this case can be guaranteed high quality Work done and compliance with the prescribed rules.

It is important to remember that the alteration of bathrooms in many cases is accompanied by a change in the structure of the structure, laying new communication systems and electrical wiring, which requires coordination in certain instances.

Before submitting redevelopment in the bathroom, you need to make up detailed plan With all the planned redevelopments, accurate sizes and descriptions of the materials used. Before drawing up a project, you need to become familiar with all the requirements and regulatory prescriptions. For example, the alteration of a bath and toilet is prohibited if they are located above the residential premises or the available walls are carriers.

The main stages of work during redevelopment

The entire work complex must be decomposed in a strict sequence, which will significantly improve the quality and reduce the time spent. Step-by-step plan Action before you enlarge the bathroom will look like this:

  • dismantling of old equipment and plumbing;
  • destruction of unnecessary walls;
  • cleaning the room from the old cladding on all surfaces;
  • transfer of the bathroom in the bathroom, laying new communications and replacing electrical wiring;
  • alignment of the walls of the walls and closeing all the cracks;
  • primer surfaces, imposition of waterproofing layer and pouring screed;
  • facing the room with finishing materials;
  • installation of plumbing elements and electrical appliances;
  • decorating the room and general cleaning.

Reliefing the bathroom and toilet can be slightly deviated from the specified list depending on the tasks set.

Positive and negative sides of redevelopment

Like any other type of restructuring and repair workThe alteration of the bathroom also has its pros and cons that unfortunately do not always take into account. Positive indicators include:

  • a significant increase in space;
  • removing one wall, it turns out the purchase of finishing materials;
  • swimming the bathroom frees the place for mounting additional equipment in the form of a washing machine or bidet;
  • lack of second door, which visually increases the corridor.

Bathroom redevelopment has such negative qualities as:

  • significant inconvenience If more than three people live in the apartment;
  • foreign smells in the bathroom;
  • the financial costs of transferring the highways of water supply and sewage systems are significantly increasing;
  • wild procedure for the design of the necessary permits.

Before repairing the bathroom with redevelopment, it is worth a carefully weighed all these indicators.

Redevelopment in a small apartment

In small apartments built by the Soviet Union, few people cared for comfort and redevelopment of a small bath in order to increase the space becomes relevant. To solve this problem, it is usually enough to remove the partition between the bathroom and the bathroom, and the second entrance door is easy to sew a hyphotocarton or lay bricks. In most cases, conducting the transfer of the bathroom in such apartments, lay the door from the side of the bathroom and on this place there is a washing machine with furniture.

It is important to remember that in the small crutches of the walls of the bathrooms are part of the general framework of the building and to carry out such work requires permission to redecessing the bathroom in the relevant instances.

Redevelopment in the panel house

Unlike Khrushchev, the alteration of the bathroom and the toilet in the panel house is much easier, since the bathroom and toilet are usually represented as a separate built-in block and are not part of the building design. This allows the demolition of the partition without special permits. Since the room here is much more, then the alteration of the bathroom gives more opportunities in terms of transferring sewage systems and water supply systems.

In the panel houses you can increase the space in two ways:

  • demolish the partition between the bathroom and the toilet;
  • reference to a small bathroom due to the space of the corridor.

The most frequently used option is the demolition of the partition between the toilet, usually this is enough for a substantial expansion. But many people do not accept the very fact that the toilet is in the same room with the bathroom and consider it an unsanitary. In such cases, repairing a bathroom with redevelopment implies the use of a part of the corridor to install furniture and washing machine.

If a entrance door The apartment is located close to the bathroom, this option will not allow to win a lot of space. But if the entrance door is farther than 1.5 meters from the bathroom, then redevelopment of the bathroom in the apartment using the corridor is quite acceptable.

Household nuances

Before planning such work, it is necessary to solve on the Family Council whether the standard bathroom will be redeveloped to create inconvenience for all family members. It is also recommended, even without serious constructive changes, still make a work plan and approve it in the departures of housing and communal services, in order to avoid possible fines in the future.

It is also necessary to take into account all possible financial expenses by drawing up a detailed estimate and work plan, in order to redevelop the bathroom and the bathroom suddenly not for you expensive pleasure in the midst of work.

Bathroom for modern man - Very important place in the house. It is so important in a comfortable atmosphere in the morning to take a refreshing, invigorating shower, and so nice to plunge into a warm relaxing bathroom in the evening, freed from the accumulated negative energy.

Bathroom in Khrushchev - Photos from above

Thanks to Khrushchev's time that millions of people received a separate accommodation and moved from communal, barracks, outdoors and were able to heal in human. But very little square meters It was allotted in these bathroom apartments (photo).

A small space of Khrushchev comes to the implementation of a variety of designer ideas, designed as optimally use every centimeter of the bathroom.

It is very important that personal wishes of tenants also be taken into account, And at the same time the room should look as comfortable as possible, spacious and functional. Agree, not a simple task, isn't it?

Designers, schedulers and architects must show all their skills to make a bathroom in Khrushchev (photo) is really comfortable and beautiful.

The task is complicated, because in addition to installing a shower or bath, need to find a place for washing machine, Create a space sufficient for parents to get their children and others. In times of active Khrushchev building, few people wondered how much place in the bathroom would need in the future person to accommodate all the necessary items. But the world does not stand still, and now, thanks to modern inventions, you can save space, for example, by replacing a bath on a shower room, which will, in turn, place a washing machine, install a washbasin or put a basket for linen.

Interior bathroom in Khrushchev photo

The fact that the bathroom in Khrushchev Mala does not matter, it is important what kind of quality and texture are selected for finishing materials. The correct interior design creates miracles and is able to create the desired beautiful and comfortable setting.

Most often, when placing bathrooms in Khrushchev, designers use a large number of Mirrorl, which, as it were, "spread" the space, as well as the facing of the light tiles of walls and floors. Light tones give a feeling of comfort and relaxation. Also good decision Maybe application stretch ceilings. Such ceilings in their functionality and qualities can be perfectly operated in the bathroom conditions, they visually tower the room, reflecting objects, and also have waterproofing properties - the flood from above will not be terrible. In addition, due to the small area, this ceiling will cost inexpensively.

A successful option is to use contrasting materialswhen finishing walls and floor, minimizing furniture in the room (its complete absence or installation of a small bedside table under the washbasin). All the necessary items for the toilet can be placed on transparent shelves made of glass, which will give the shine room, and also do not lose their kind in wet conditions. In any case, before starting repair, designers represent the customer for coordination full project The design of the bathroom, which can be corrected in accordance with your own ideas and financial capabilities.

Repairs and redevelopment of the bathroom in Khrushchev

As a rule, repair in Khrushchev, as in any other, the dwelling begins from repair in the bathroom.Repair work here creates maximum noise and dust, so they need to be made first. In addition, you need to check the operation of the updated sewage to eliminate the emergency when the repair is manufactured in the entire apartment.

At the beginning of the repair it is necessary to align the walls of the room, for which you will need to remove the old tile from the floor and walls. In case the walls are trembling in conditions high humidityBefore applying the leveling plaster, the shrinking layer is removed, and the walls are dried. And only after drying all the layers of plaster on the walls and the floor stacked the tile.

Most likely, in Khrushchev will need Replacing water supply systems. Even if at first glance everything suits, it is better not to neglect and not save on it. Stoken 40-50 years of pipes can flow or burst at any time.

Replace also stands and wiring. Modern household appliances require high-quality wiring and good outlets. Otherwise, it will be offensively lose due to a small savings of the washing machine due to a short circuit. And by the way, in the conditions of "Khrushchev" the bathroom is best suited washer With vertical loading - you can save the room space to save.

The final stage in the repair of the bathroom in Khrushchev is installing a new bath(shower) and plumbing. The latter is set to the toilet - otherwise there is a risk of stain and clog it with brick and plaster. If nevertheless, the toilet is already installed, it should be covered with a blanket or polyethylene, which will help him survive the repair.

Cozy bathroom in Khrushchev

Modern bathroom interiors in Khrushchev in the photo may help you choose for yourself the most suitable option. Here are some more ideas for creating comfort in such a bathroom.