Repairs Design Furniture

Repair of a concrete roof of a panel house. Overhaul of the roof of an apartment building - methods. Videos: Technology for repairing cracks and swollen on a flat roof

Flat roof is the most common way to arrange the roof. However, it has limited life. The company "Atelier Roof" provides a wide range of roof carpet services, including the current and overhaul of a flat roof in Moscow and MO at a bargain price.

Types of repair

  • In the case of a local work of work, a partial replacement of a defective coating is made, as well as the elimination of detachalies and swelling.
  • With a major repairs of a flat roof, a complete replacement of the insulating layer and carpet material is assumed, including the preparation of the surface to the subsequent installation of the new coating. The cause of major repairs may be damage to more than 40% of the total area of \u200b\u200broofing. Due to the high labor and material costs, this type of work is much more expensive than the current one.

From which the cost depends

Repair begins with the departure of a specialist for inspecting the current state of a flat roof and evaluating the necessary labor and material costs. After that, the customer is consistent with the customer and the estimated cost of materials and other expenditure products.

The final price for repairs of a flat roof is formed from the following costs of expenses:

  • the cost of the purchase of basic and draft materials;
  • fare;
  • masters time costs.

The final estimate is made only after a thorough inspection of a flat roof, choosing an effective technical solution to the problem of the customer and accounting for all third-party factors.

How we are working

Leave an application on the website or by phone

At a certain time, we celebrate our specialist

Coordinate technical details

We conclude an agreement with a guarantee

We carry out installation work in an approved period!

Ready! You accept and pay for work

When do you need repair?

Problems with a roof coating of a flat type, as a rule, arise due to waterstools on the surface, wetting the thermal insulating layer or evaporation of moisture from the roofing carpet. As described reasons, the following coating damage may appear:

  • swelling of the surface;
  • bundle roofing pie;
  • formation of recesses and rainwater funnels;
  • formation of bubbles or cracks;
  • germination of various vegetation through the inner layers;
  • the destruction of the coating around chimneys.

Periodic preventive inspection will help you limit exclusively by current local repairs. Otherwise, after a while you will have to completely replace the coating, but also to spend money on the restoration of the premises. It is recommended to carry out work only on warm days and dry weather.

Our services

In order for the repair of a flat roof to be proper quality, our specialists perform all work on a specific plan:

  • the specialist goes to the object;
  • the coverage is carried out, all the necessary measurements are removed and the required calculations are performed;
  • if necessary, the old coating is dismantled;
  • the project of the future roof is prepared;
  • the base and roofing material is made;
  • conductive work on the installation of drainage.

Flat roofs in private housekeeping began to meet more often, because the hosts rated the benefits of such a roofing space. First, additional meters of square appear, which in the urban trait is never extra. Secondly, the low inclination of the roof requires fewer materials, installation works, and the heat such a roof saves more. Thirdly, the current repairs of a flat roof is quite simple and can be made by the owner itself, especially since there is no danger to slip down.

Most often, the destruction in the roofing coverage causes our not a mild climate. In winter, a significant snow cover can be formed on the surface of a flat roof, which is starting to melt, "glad" owners with leaks. But this is not the roof itself, but its poor-quality installation or "outdated" and short-lived waterproofing materials.

What materials do the repair of the waterproofing layer

Waterproofing in flat roofs can be created from materials of two types: bitumen and synthetic membrane. They are also repaired in case of leaks. Consider what coating is more durable.

Modern waterproofing materials are distinguished by elasticity and strength

Bituminous materials

Bitumen materials are more familiar. They are covered with roofs of high-rise buildings of Soviet times. And at least once every five years on these high-rise buildings, building brigade, eliminating leaks and repairing an old coating. And all because bituminous materials have a short service life - up to 5 years, and in our climate - and in short. They are afraid of sudden drops of temperatures, water stoles. As soon as the temperature leaves "in minus", the elastic properties of bitumen are lost, the material becomes fragile and gives cracks. The second disadvantageous property of bitumen is the ability to drink water, which when temperatures drops, it freezes in the pores of the coating, it hits. As a result, the material is separated and rushes in places of water accumulation.

In the summer, the bituminous coating, due to the dark color, strongly attracts the sun's rays. The heating level of the roof comes to 70˚. And at such a temperature, bitumen melts, it becomes fluid and gradually slides towards the edge of the roof, where the slope is sent.

If the bias are not sufficient, the puddles remain on the roof, the water penetrates into the lower coating layers, when heating becomes a steam that searches for the output and tear, divides the bitumen material on the layers.

Stagnation of water suggests that the bias are not sufficient, which means, in the year the coating will sweep

Check if there is no moisture inside bitumen, easy. It is enough to see on the roof the grass, weeds, and sometimes trees. They will not germinate where dry.

Polymer materials

The second type of waterproofing material is polymer membranes or mastic.

The mastic is based on polyurethane. And the easiest way to repair a flat roof, covered with bitumen - to fully obscure on top of mastic. It creates a coating like rubber, but withstands the heating to 100˚ and harsh winters. If, during the cleaning of the roof, such a coating is scratched, it is easy to repair, the woven spoiled brush places.

Another option is polymer membranes. If you want to forget about the repair of the roof for 20 years - unlock the surface with membrane material. Modern polymers in their composition are not afraid of temperature drops, ultraviolet, mechanical damage. They can be fixed on the base of the roof, and you can draw like a carpet, giving the ballast for strength.

The roof, laid by membrane coating, is attached to the base only around the perimeter. In this case, when shrinking at home in the coating there will be no breaks

In contrast to bitumen materials, the mambers is excluded by the membrane, when a good material is placed non-professional hands. The membrane coating canvases roll and the welding machines, connecting the joints with hot air. The option when the membranes are fixed only around the perimeter, without communicating with the entire surface of the roof, it is very convenient: when the roof is shrinking, there will be no cracks.

What problems in a flat rolled roof can be eliminated with their own hands

In the houses of old buildings, flat roofs were covered with several layers of rubberoid, which turned on a wooden base. The lower layer was mounted to the tree with nails, and the rest were associated with either bitumen mixtures or cold mastic.

If you find that in some places, the layers swept, it means that the stratification went inside the rubberoid, which should be urgently eliminated, otherwise wait for leaks.

Carefully explore the discarded plot. If it is dry, then put the patch from above. If the sweat is wet, then you need to look for, at what point the water penetrates, and then the entire area that dodged, change.

If the concrete band screed began to collapse - there is no current repair

How to do it:

  1. Clear the bloated place from gravel (or other material, scattered to protect the rubberoid from the sun rays).
  2. The bloated place to ride in the form of the cross so that the center gets exactly on the swollen part.
  3. Lift the cutting roof rail and look inside. If the internal layers are wet - teet deeper to the knife reached the wooden base.
  4. Leave the cutting roofing ride into the sun, having routed between layers some bars so that the heat penetrates into each layer. The drying process is much faster, with the help of a construction fabric.
  5. Making sure that the rubberoid was succumbed to the base, put the spatula from the inside around the edges of the cold mastic and pressed the rubberoid on the wooden base. Welcome the next layer and pressed to the previous one. On the last, the outer layer of the rubberoid top is navigated plastering nails to securely fix the outcrops.
  6. From the fresh rubberoid cut the patch, the size of which should overlap the cutting part of the coating.
  7. Lubricate the back of the patchwork with mastic and put on a repaired place.
  8. Plastering nails record the edges of the patch (step - 15 mm).
  9. Loss of mastic every hat of the nail and the contour of the patchwork.

Elimination of blinks on a large section of the roof

If you find that a significant section of the runneroid will be switched, then the repair is carried out as follows:

  1. The entire platform to be repaired is purified from the gravel layer.
  2. The entire swollen area needs to be cut. So that the knife does not stick to the frontier, dip it into the turpentine. Sluep layer behind the layer until you reach dry coating. If there is no - cut to a wooden base.
  3. Consider how many layers I had to remove.
  4. Rectangle or square you cut out, attach to a new rubberoid and circle the contour.
  5. Cut the patch (the patches of the same size are needed as much as you removed the layers of the old coating).
  6. The coating that is survived dry, or a wooden base. Loose mastic.
  7. Take one patch and wake it with mastic around the edge.
  8. Put it inside the site, which is repaid, and give up.
  9. In the same way, the second layer is applied: the entire surface of the first and outline of the second is missing the entire surface.
  10. Close the patch on each other until the new coating is equal to height with the rest of the roof.
  11. The last poppip is strengthened by killing slate nails around the perimeter.
  12. Create a patch from the rubberoid, greater in size than the one that you have already been used, the surface of the pregnant section of the mastic and the top of the rubberoid is placed on top. He must play the edges of the fallen site.
  13. Ruberoid is nailed with slate nails, and then the edge and every nail hat are deceived by mastic.
  14. Mastica is abundantly on top of the head of the rubberoid, and gravel scatter on it, pressing pebbles into mastic with the board.

Ceramzit pillow will save bituminous coating from overheating

How is the overhaul of a flat roof

If the service life of the coating has expired, then the latter will give nothing. Patchwork is disturbed by the integrity of the coating, although little restrain the destruction. In this case, it will take a solid repair. Conduct it yourself, without having professional skills - difficult. And often poor-quality laying "negates" the dignity of the waterproofing material.

In this case, it is necessary to attract specialists to repair, deciding in advance which type of overhaul needs your roof. Consider what may be a major overhaul of a flat rolled roof:

Full replacement of roofing

This repair begins with dismantling of all components of the roof and layers:

  • films are removed, aerators, clamping aprons, etc.;
  • all layers of bituminous or frontal coating are fully believed;
  • the layer of the concrete leveling screed is removed;
  • the insulation is removed.

Flat roofing after a full repair looks like a pie in which each layer performs its task

New roof stealth in the next order:

  • the beacons required to create a new leveling concrete layer are set;
  • sleeps a layer of insulation;
  • the reinforced grid is folded over it;
  • a new leveling screed is poured (4 cm thick);
  • the roofing coating is spilled in several layers with the subsequent device of adjoins;
  • the remaining elements of the roof are attached: parapets, belt, etc.
  • Refresh roofing with installation of an additional heat insulating layer.

As a rule, this repair is needed at home, the roof of which was laid on old technologies. In them, the level of heat conservation is insufficient and does not respond to today's impact on thermal insulation.

An additional thermal insulation layer can be reduced to a new roof or on it.

Warming with flat roofing

With underlined insulation, the old layers of waterproofing are removed and fill the plates that have a wedge-shaped profile. This profile helps build the desired groove slope for water drain and avoid puddle on the roof. On top of the insulation, modern waterproofing membrane coatings are filling.

If you choose a repair with insulation to a new roof, then work goes on the contrary: the waterproofing is first stacked, and on top of it - waterproof polyurethane foam or other material of a similar structure. In order for the insulation to be damaged by the wind, the thick gravel pillow is littered from above. Gravel will serve not only by cargo, but also ensure the protection of the insulation from the effects of ultraviolet.

Creating a new metal roof

This type of repair involves updating the damaged roofing, the construction of a rafter design and a declaration of profiled sheets. As a result, it turns out a sloping roof with a slight bias. It creates a waterproof shell for an old coating, but retains a sufficient ventilation level so that the rubberoid can dry. Often, such repairs are combined with additional insulation.

After the construction of the rafter design and the flooring on it profiled sheets, a sloping roof with a small slope

Creating herbal roofing

This is the most complex type of repair, which implies not only the complete update of the roof, but also enhancing its waterproofing properties and strength characteristics. An additional bulk layer of the soil, the weight of plants, etc. require professional calculations of the following points: how much does the roofing pad need to be strengthened, how many layers of waterproofing to lay, how to create a drainage system, etc. After all, living plants are small: they need to provide good conditions for existence. And at the same time not to create dangers for the collapse of the structure! Therefore, all repair work should be conducted by professional masters.

In the green roof too multilayer pie. It is better to trust his "cooking" professionals

To face less with the repair of a flat roof, it is better to initially, in the construction of the house, spend money on modern materials, entrust laying specialists, and in winter it is not to pierce the ice scrap and not slipping with snow with a metal edge.

Flat roof - a great way to overlap high-rise houses and household buildings, the price of which is several times lower than the rates for the construction of scanty analogs. It is created by layering bitumen or polymeric materials on a concrete or wooden base. Due to such multi-layered, roofing cake has a high degree of waterproofing and resistance to mechanical damage. Unfortunately, the harsh climate of Russia, low temperatures in winter and a large amount of precipitation lead to premature destruction of the coating, cracks, leaks or detachalies appear on it. This article will tell how to perform a capital or partial repair of a flat roof.

The price of a flat roof device is 2-3 times less than the construction of pitched structures, due to the absence of a massive rafter frame. However, the service life of the bitumen-polymer coating, depending on which materials used, ranges from 5 to 15 years, and complex operating conditions and lack of regular maintenance only brings the deterioration of the state of a flat roof. Damage on the roof surfaces occur for the following reasons:

Important! The advantage of the soft roof is that you can perform the current or even overhaul of the coating with your own hands. Most small damage can be sealing with liquid rubber. Technology allows the work of work with your own hands at any time of the year, the main thing is to stand dry weather.

Minor repairs

In most cases, homeowners have to deal with small damage to the soft roof. After a few years of operation, small cracks and bloody material appear on the surface of the roofing material. Technology eliminating these defects with their own hands as follows:

Important! The price of partial reconstruction, taking into account the rates for materials, is 700-800 rubles. per square. m. Performance of work with your own hands save 20-30% of this amount. However, the lamination of the holes in the rubberoid only slightly derete overhaul, without solving problems completely.


The service life of a flat roof when using modern polymeric materials is 20 years according to manufacturers. However, in real conditions of operation, the need for major repairs occurs after 10-15 years. The technology of complete reconstruction of the coating is as follows:

Note! The price of complete reconstruction of flat blood is from 2500 rubles per 1 square meter. m. Installation is performed using a gas burner by moving the lower layer of the rubberoid on the concrete base. If the roof base is made of wood, then the lower layer of the rubberoid is tapped by nails.

Video instruction

The cheapest at the price of a soft flat roofing device is a bitumen material that you can see in most multi-storey houses of the Soviet period of the construction.

In addition to the fact that bitumen is seriously tolerated negative temperatures, it is also capable of drinking water, which also leads to numerous impulses.

The second unpleasant fact of using bitumen as roofing is a strong heating on sunny days. Already at 70˚ resin, it begins to melt, gradually sliding around the edge of the roof. But even if it is made according to the verified technology, the water is still after penetration into the lower layers when heated is starting to tear bitumen material, turning into steam.

On the presence of water in the bituminous roof in the lower word, there is such a sign as growing on the surface of grass, weeds and even trees.

Polymer membranes are already a more modern material built on the basis of polyurethane. With the help of mastic it is possible to repair a flat roof, getting a rather long-term effect. The fact is that polyurethane mastic is perfectly coping with Russian climatic conditions, surviving low temperatures and can be partially repaired.

For those residents who plan to produce a flat roofing device and forget about it for repairs for many years, it is recommended to put the surface with polymer membranes, which have a service life of twenty years, are not afraid of temperature drops, mechanical damage and exposure to ultraviolet rays.

Modern polymers can be attached at the base of the roof or spread in the form of a carpet. In the latter case, a certain ballast will need, which could keep the surface from the rise of the wind.

The mounting of a flat roof with a membrane coating is carried out only around the perimeter, so even if the house begins to give a shrinkage, the tenants of the upper floors do not have to suffer from leaks.

The main difference between the membrane from the bituminous material is the absence of a human factor when installing. After all, if bitumen can pour unevenly, miss the cracks and blooms, the membrane coating is sprinkled, for example, by our professionals - "Moscow roofers", which reliably connect joints by heating and fix the material around the perimeter.

Problems of Reconstruction of Flat Roofing

Reconstruction of the flat roofs of industrial and civil buildings in the Russian Federation is one of the most frequent and natural types of construction work. Despite the emergence of modern roofing materials, the explicit improvement in the culture of labor during the device of the waterproofing of waterproofing has a huge cash every year spent on the current and capital repairs of the roofs of this type. The leaks, bloody, cracks, cracks and other roofing defects lead to a significant increase in the cost of operation of buildings.
As part of the current repair of roofs, which is carried out either when the first signs of the roof occurs, or according to the results of an assessment of the state of the roof, are made a sticker of one or two layers of roll-up materials. The durability of such a repair is usually small - only 2 to 4 years and it is necessary to again produce the sticker of the following layers of roof waterproofing. As a result of such a continuous repair, the waterproofing carpet of the roof may have a thickness of more than 200 mm (see Figure 1.)

Fig.1. Waterproofing carpet of flat roof after numerous repairs.

One of the main reasons for such a small deadlock, the roofs is saturated with water of various roof elements, both in the process of the direct device of the roof and in the process of their subsequent operation. Excess moisture appears in the elements of the roof when working in the autumn-winter period, during precipitation, also wedge elements of the roof during damage to the roofing carpet, in the absence, or violation of the cooler plate membrane. In case of water, or water vapor inside the structures of roofing pie occurs, the heat insulating layer of the roof laid under the layer of rolled waterproofing occurs. This also contributes to those building solutions that are most popular today. Widely used incess of clamzite gravel, thermal insulation of roofs with fibrous mineral waters with high water absorption. These materials can be saturated with water as in the construction process, during precipitation; And during operation, with different kinds of damage to the roofing carpet. It should be noted that insulation with high water absorption are prone to accumulating water under the waterproofing layer. In this case, water can be concentrated not in the place of leakage through waterproofing, which significantly makes it difficult to find the place of damage to the roof. When the roof is heated due to solar energy (in summer to 85 degrees C), the moisture from the heat-insulating layer evaporates with the creation of overpressure under the waterproofing membrane and, as a result, bloody carpet, bubbles occur. (See Fig. 1). These damage form subsequent disorders of the waterproofing layer leading to water leaks. The repair of the roof, which consists in a re-sticker of waterproofing is not effective, because it does not eliminate the cause of the roof defects, which consists in an increased water content of the heat insulating layer of the roof.

Existing options for the reconstruction of flat roofs

Radically correct the situation can only the decision on the overhaul of the roof, in which the roofing pie is entirely dismantled. But the overhaul of the roof is a complex of expensive construction work, which includes a large amount of financial investments in the dismantling and removal of construction garbage. In addition, during the overhaul of the roof, the risk of causing substantial financial damage to the interior decoration and equipment of the building is created, since when the precipitation is lost when the roof waterproofing is likely, water is likely to enter the building.
To some extent, it is possible to find a solution to this problem in the device of the so-called "breathable" roofs. In this case, in the lower layer of the waterproof carpet, due to its partial consolidation to the base, a network of channels are created on which there is a subsequent reset of excessive pressure under the waterproofing membrane. This solution has several substantial minuses:

  • High laboriousness of the device of the elements of the roof. Complicated in the design nodes of the output of the steam-air mixture.
  • In case of damage to the roof in one place moisture on the system of underpants the channels spreads over the surface of the entire roof. It is almost impossible to find the place of leakage at the same time, often you have to dismantle the whole roofing carpet.
  • When a breathable roof device, water stagnation is not eliminated over the old waterproofing carpet, almost always have a place on old roofs. Especially with the increased thickness of the waterproofing carpet.

Fig.2. A flattered roof section after the usual reconstruction (sticker of a new waterproofing carpet).

1. The base of the roof is usually a reinforced concrete plate.
2. A layer of vaporizolation.
3. A layer of old, moistened due to thermal insulation leaks (mineral wool, polystyrene foam, ceramzit, lightweight concrete, etc.)
4. The path of migration of the steam-air mixture in the heat insulating layer during the heating of the roof.

6. Excessive pressure generated by migrating water vapors.
7. Punish on the surface of a new roofing carpet, laid during the reconstruction of the roof.

Buffer layers of flat roofing from monolithic foam concrete.

An effective solution for the reconstruction of flat roofs is the use of monolithic. At the same time, on the surface of the old waterproofing carpet, ties made of foam concrete. Next, a new roofing carpet is applied to the surface of the foam concrete screed. Fully technology for the reconstruction of flat roofs is a number of the following steps.
. Assessment of the state of a flat roof: determination of zones of water stagnation, presence of damage to roofing carpet, etc.;
. Preparation of the base for the device of the buffer foam concrete screed. Cutting folds, detacies, bubbles - to the base, cleaning of garbage, detached putting on, removal of air cavities;
. Acceptance of hidden work;
. The device of buffer foam concrete screeds with a thickness of 40 - 100 mm;
. If necessary, the device of vertical transitions (films) is also from monolithic foam concrete;
. Obuntovka base with bitumen primers, according to the recommendations of the waterproofing roofing supplier;
. The device of roofing waterproofing carpet in two layers;
. Installation of roofing fans (flugames) at the rate of 1 piece by 150 - 200 m.KV;

Fig.3. Section of a flat roof during reconstruction using a monolithic foam concrete.

1. The base is a reinforced concrete plate.
2. Parosolation.
3. Old thermal insulation layer.
4. Ways migration of the steam-air mixture in the heat insulating layer of the roof.
5. Damage to the old waterproofing carpet.
6. Distribution of migratory water vapor in the pore space of the foam concrete layer.
7. A layer of new waterproofing laid during reconstruction.

With this design, the roofing layer serves as a buffer space for water vapor. The increased pressure created by evaporating from the heat-insulating layer of the roof with water is evenly distributed inside the extensive pore spacing of the foam concrete, which does not lead to damage to the roofing waterproofing carpet. It is this effect that explains why the layers of rolled waterproofing on roofs from foam concrete lie without repair for more than ten years with the complete absence of bloat and other damage. The similar mechanism also has the effect of frost resistance of cellular concrete - only during freezing in the pore space of foam concrete, not steam is pressed, but ice crystals grow, without damaging the material itself.
A separate line should be noted the effect called by the "self-drying" of foam concrete. Physico-chemical binding of water when portland cement cement, hydrate neoplasms, reduces water content of non-autoclave foam concrete even inside hermetically closed spaces. This occurs when laying a monolithic foam concrete into buffer thermal insulation ties, well-masonry, filling of other building cavities with non-autoclaus foam concrete. When water absorbing, foam concrete processes are intensified, thus stronger, foam concrete increases its strength characteristics. Well-known is the possibility of a long-term hardening of cement concrete in general, and cement foam concrete in particular. This allows the foam concrete screed even with subsequent injections of water, as a result of damage to the waterproofing coating, degenerate during the hydration of the cement matrix of foam concrete. It should be noted that the practice of works with monolithic foam concrete at the device of flat roofing convincingly shows that in roofs using non-autoclave foam concrete, a vapor insulation layer is not necessary. It can also be explained by the effect of "self-drying".

Description of the properties of monolithic foam concrete and equipment for its production.

The manufacture of foam concrete mixture was carried out using the so-called single-channel technology for the production of foam concrete mixture. This eliminates the preliminary preparation of a two-phase foam (f - d). The equipment prepared a three-phase foam (ZH-T-G) for one redistribution, a foam generator and a pump for supplying a foam concrete mixture are excluded from the technological chain. In the manufacture of foam concrete mixture at the construction site, the minimum necessary kit of the equipment is a fundamental requirement. The foam generator is a device that requires a high labor culture during operation, its presence significantly complicates the production technology of foam concrete. In this case, the presence of a foam generator does not give any tangible advantages in the production of monolithic foam concrete. The feed of the foam concrete mixture was made by injection of pressure inside the foam concrete chamber of the foam concrete mixer. This method allows to abandon the use of pumps (hetero, peristaltic) during the transportation of foam concrete, with a height of foam concrete mixture to 30 meters. Thus, the production and supply of monolithic foam concrete was carried out by one unit - foam concrete mixer, which combines the functions of the foam generator, foam concrete mixer and pump.

Fig. 4. Equipment for the production and supply of foam concrete mixture is placed on the body of a truck. Most of the workplace is the warehouse of binders and fillers.

Fig. 5. Production of a foam concrete mixture performs one working plasterer. In the foreground, foam concrete mixer SPBU 500m and the water container capacity.

Since the requirements of the economic efficiency of repair of flat roofs require the device of buffer foam concrete screeds of the minimum thickness, then it imposes a number of special requirements for physico-mechanical properties of foam concrete. Mandatory the presence of a complex modifying additive in foam concrete, which includes water-retaining additives. Otherwise, it is impossible to ensure a guaranteed set of strength, especially in summer with intensive heating of the base under the filling of foam concrete. Thin-layer laying is required of compulsory volumetric reinforcement to prevent the development of shrinking deformations. The volumetric mesh reinforcement of the cement matrix of foam concrete is carried out by hydraulically active silicate fibers. As part of a comprehensive additive, it is desirable to use the additives of the water-based action. Sometimes it is necessary to use the additives of the grapplation and hardening of the foam concrete mixture. The selection of complex additives should be carried out by a construction laboratory, taking into account the fact that many types of modifying additives have a clearly expressed foaming effect, for example, naphtalino-formaldehyde superplasticizers.

Table 1 Phoamotone physico-mechanical properties.

Foam concrete brand for medium density

Compression strength, MPa

The coefficient of thermal conductivity, W / m * hail.

Thermal resistance of the foam concrete layer is 100 mm thick.

Weight 1 m.kv. Foam concrete layer 100 mm thick. (taking into account operational humidity), kg


Used only as thermal insulation material, as well as to fill the cavities

Can be used as a base for a soft roof sticker

According to the results of perennial work related to the reconstructions of flat roofs with the use of buffer foam concrete screeds, the following positive effects of such a design and such material can be distinguished:
1. The deadline for fierce exploitation increases to 10-20 years.
2. Laying of monolithic foam concrete is carried out by industrial methods, a brigade of two people can lay up to 700 meters of square foam concrete screeds in shift.
3. Foam concrete ties provide additional roof thermal insulation. See Table 1.
4. When laying monolithic foam concrete screeds, irregularities of the roof are eliminated, there are no water stagnation.
5. Technology stickers of roll bitumen materials are simple and no different from technology stickers of these materials into a conventional cement-sandy solution.

Fig. 6. One of the stages of the reconstruction of a flat roof with the use of monolithic non-autoclaus foam concrete is presented.

You see a foam concrete tie lying on the old waterproofing carpet. The next and last stage of the work is a device of a waterproofing carpet from bituminous materials on top of the screed of foam concrete.