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Spraying deadlines from pests. Garden processing in spring from diseases and pests is a step-by-step action plan. Refusal of processing

So autumn has come: the end of the summer season is not far off. It is time to start preparing the cottage by winter, in particular to conduct an autumn eradicating spraying of the garden from diseases and pests.

It is believed that the autumn eradicating processing of the garden from diseases and pests should be carried out already after leaf fallWhen the plants fully go into rest state: its kidneys will "close" and become unavailable to enter powerful and strong solutions that you will spray them.

However, there is an opinion that the purpose of the eradicating autumn processing, on the contrary, it consists in the destruction of foliage before she herself completely yellowed and fall.

At the same time, you should not be afraid that the kidneys will burn from such a solution, because at this time they are ready for everything.

The fact is that, just the same applied to the foliage of powerful and strong doses of solutions should lead to the destruction of pests and diseases on the plant, that is, before the leaves fall to the ground and pathogens will hide in soil (will go to the ground to the unavailable depth, where they pump and begin their malicious activity in the spring).

By the way! After the treated leaves are on the ground, it will be possible to fully fit them into the compost for enrichment with iron or leave on Earth (as a mulch). But this is if the plants suffered nestly. If there were a lot of diseases, then the leaves are better to burn, and the ash is used as feeding iron.

However, if you use copper vigor or burglar liquid for processing, then you should not lay in compost.

In addition, such a garden treatment (before leaf fall, in order to destroy foliage) will provide much better wintering plants.

How it works?

Premature damage to the leaves (introducing them into the stressful situation) gives a signal to the plant that winter is close, and therefore it is time to actively prepare for the offensive of frosts.

By the way, such treatment extremely aging vines of grapes, branches in currant, shoots of roses and other plants.

Thus, process the garden is still needed in a sheet 2-3 weeks before the start of a natural leaf fall, but strictly after the end of the fruiting and harvesting.

A warning! Do not be afraid if after 2-3 days all the leaves are spinning and will look like buried. That is how it should be the effect - the leaves must "burn".

Black color is not only the color of the die away leaves, but also the fact that the inlay of the branch of the branches of the salts of iron is occurring, which will protect it from the penetration of various pathogens.

In other words, approximate terms of the eradicating spraying of the garden in the fall is the second half of September-October month. In the Urals and in Siberia - before all, a little later - in the middle lane (Moscow region), and in the south - at the very end of the autumn.

Note! In any case, time to spend spraying needed to frosts, because Most of the means work only at positive temperatures (as a rule, +5 degrees).

How to spray the garden in the fall: Rules and recommendations for the processing of trees and shrubs

Before starting the autumn garden processing, you should familiarize yourself with the basic rules and recommendations for the preparation and direct spraying of plants.

So, let's start with a paragraph of preparation for the eradicating spraying of the garden:

  • If you spray after the leaffall, it is recommended shortly before the procedure remove all plant residues (leaves, twigs) from under trees.

If the tree does not hurt, then they can be thrown into a compost bunch. But if it hurt, then you need to burn either very deeply bury.

  • Processing should be carried out in a dwelling day (in dry and windless weather), and it is necessary to spray in the morning so that the leaves and the bark are dried by the evening.

If it rains everything quickly, the spraying will be useless. It is very good if the solution will hold on to the tree at least 2-3 days.

Tip! If it rains, and after them promise a decrease in temperature to minus values, you will have to leave plants without autumn processing to spring. Is that if it suddenly finds the "window" with a plus and without rains.

  • and very poorly dissolve in water(Although Iron is better). therefore First, the vigor should be diluted in a small amount of warm water (40 degrees), and then pour into the sprayer through the filter and then dilute to the desired concentration with cold water.

Important! Breed or dissolve iron and copper vigor should only in glass or plastic containers, but in no way not metallic.

  • Do not forget to filter the solution when pouring into the sprayer(especially if the tool is a hard-soluble). As a rule, you must have special mesh. If there is no such mesh, then strain You can, let's say through pantyhose or gauze.

Rights of the Garden Direct Spraying:

Do not forget about security measures. Before spraying, the special mask, safety glasses and rubber gloves. Even better if you are a special bathrobe.

  • The autumn spraying should be as thorough as much as possible, and not only the crown and all branches of the tree are subject to processing (it also applies to old trees with cracked bark), but also the soil in the coil circle. However, you should not handle lawn grass, which grows next to the tree (as an option, you can throw the film to the ground under the tree before processing).

If you decide to treat plants to a leaf fall, then, naturally, the leaves should be sprayed on both sides.

  • Ideal if you create during spraying a whole cloud of a solution similar to fog.
  • If you are near fruit trees roughs grow, then processing should be done very carefully, trying not to fall on them,especially if the garden is sick, and you use a sturdy solution that can burn evergreen plants.

Note! If you treated the garden in the fall, then this does not mean that it is not necessary. Still as you need! Autumn eradicating spraying is actually similar.

Video: Autumn eradicating spraying

What plants to handle in autumn

Reply briefly: hold spraying preferably absolutely all adult fruit trees (apple trees, pears, cherries, cherries, plums, apricots, peach), berry shrubs (raspberries, currants, gooseberries, strawberries,) and other decorative plants and flowers (roses, hydrangea, Floxes, Dolphiniums).

Important!For autumn processing evergreen shrubnikov (Rhododendron, heather, Peieris) The concentration should be reduced to 2%, if iron vigor, and up to 1%, if the copper vaporam or burglar liquid.

  • Young seedlings of trees and shrubs, planted in this spring, should not be processed, it is better to wait next year and spend.

  • Flowering plants spray after their fruit or already at the end of flowering, and fruit-sized - after collecting fruits.

However, if the plant does not hurt at all, then processing can be carried out either a purely prophylactic nature (in a minimum dose), or not to be carried out at all.

What to spray the garden in the fall of disease and pests: the best means

Compared to the spring processing, the choice of funds for the autumn garden spraying is not as large, but in any case, you should familiarize yourself with the most effective means suitable for eradicating processing.


It is perhaps the most popular agent for the autumn eradicating garden processing.

Also he (Iron samus) will help get rid of moss and lichens (In the idea, after treatment, they will die and disappear from the crust).

Naturally, spraying enricht Soil and plant iron.

By the way! Read more application of iron vitality in gardening Read

Some gardeners believe that it works and against harmful insectswhich winter in the crust.

But! It is believed that in the fall during the eradicating spraying to fight pests is useless, because They themselves die themselves, but all the eggs have long been postponed, the larvae fell and hid.

What is the concentration of urea solution for garden processing?

Dose first of all it depends on whether your plants were sick this year and how strong there was infection:

Important! From age, the concentration does not depend.

  • if the trees and shrubs did not hurt (the garden was "clean") - 300 grams per 10 liters of water;
  • if they hurt - 500-700 grams per 10 liters of water.

Note! Indeed, which in the autumn period can provoke the growth of shoots, but in view of the fact that the processing is carried out shortly before the first frosts, no effect, except for the "eradicating" (fungicidal and insecticidal), urea will not cause.

Ideal combination: Iron samus + urea

To increase the efficiency of the eradicating autumn garden processing, it is very desirable to mix urea and, prepare a kind of tank mixture.

That is, for example, in 10 liters of water to dissolve 300-500 grams of urea and 200-500 grams of iron vigor.

By the way!The urea is probably certainly aiming against the larvae of harmful insects.

Video: Autumn treatment of trees and shrubs Iron vitrios and urea

Will be even better if you use the recipe for autumn eradicating processing from Popular youTube Channel ProcvetokNamely (recipe for 10 liters of water): Initially dissolve 20-30 grams of citric acid in water (to preserve the iron mood in an unknown state, so it will be more efficient), then add 300-500 g of iron vitrel, 500-700 g urea (carbamide) and 3-4 tbsp. Spoons (50 ml) of a liquid soap or dishwashing agents (for better adhesion on the leaves and branches) and draw the necessary amount of water (up to 10 liters).

  • It is required to use lemon acid, and not any vinegar or something similar.
  • The same applies to liquid soap or dishwashing agents, i.e. economic or green soap do not fit.

Copper Kuner

Another excellent and inexpensive fungicide for autumn treatment of fruit crops and berry shrubs.

In general, the spectrum of action is similar to iron vitrios, except that mosses and lichens you will not be able to defeat this spraying.

But! In the fall, as a rule, it is used precisely, and not a copper (its spring).

The fact is that the excess of copper is not good (even in a sense toxic), while the excess of iron is not dangerous and even useful for plants (within reasonable limits).

Copper mating consumption for the preparation of a working solution for autumn spraying:

  • if the trees and shrubs did not hurt or practically did not hurt - 100-200 grams per 10 liters of water;
  • if they hurt - 300 grams per 10 liters of water.

Bordeaux mixture

In other words, spraying the garden of the Bordeaux liquid (similar to the copper cune) helps in preventing and fighting and other spotting, as well as mildewing dews, various rotes, including.

You can buy a ready Bordeaux mixture or. For example, for a 3% solution, you will need to take 300 grams of copper vitriol and 400-450 grams of lime. Copper vigorous is dissolved in 5 liters of warm water, then in a separate bucket (in 5 liters), they dissolve lime. Next, a thin flowing, constantly stirring, the vitriol is poured into the solution of lime.

The required concentration of the Bordeaux fluid solution during the garden is treated in autumn:

  • if the plants did not hurt - 1% (100 grams of copper sulfate and 100-150 grams of lime for 10 liters);
  • there was an infection - 3% (300 grams of copper municipal and 400-450 grams of lime for 10 liters).

Important! Do not be afraid if, after processing the Bordeaux liquid, your garden has become a blue color. Everything is simple: the solution has a bluish color due to the presence of copper, and keeps on branches due to lime. Sometimes such a spraying is called "Blue".

Video: Spraying of trees in the fall - scheme and means when and what drugs need to be processed

What else can you spray trees and shrubs in the fall

It is worth understanding!Processing with drugs that you used in spring and summer, there is no point. They are designed for processing in foliage, and the autumn eradicating spraying is carried out precisely after the leaf fall. Although, if you disinfection to its appeal, then a certain meaning is, but in general it is useless.

However, some daches handle their fruit trees and shrubs more sophisticated ways, for example, making a tank mixture based on "Skor"

Thus, if you are in a timely manner and correctly spend the autumn eradicating processing of the garden from pests and diseases, the next year you can wait for the repetition of success

Note! In the fall, only one eradicating spraying is carried out. No need to handle plants at once with all drugs and several times. That is, for example, it is enough to treat only urea and.

Video: The eradicating processing of the garden in the fall of diseases and pests

In contact with

Healthy garden is a gardener. But to the trees are not terrible diseases and dangerous insects, you need to spray them in time. The first work in the garden starts from March. Treatment of trees in the spring allows you to destroy diseases and pests, as well as prevent their appearance, because at that time many insects are awakened, and the diseases are activated.

In the spring processing of fruit trees, as well as berries, is carried out several times. Usually it makes early spring, before the appearance of colors and after flowering. In all these manipulations, you can "get lost", especially if gardening practices have never been. Below is a detailed table, where it is indicated when, and why and what to process trees in spring.

Period Work Preparations (to choose from)
Early spring Whitewash
  • lime solution
  • ready compounds for whitening fruit trees
Spraying prophylactic from pests that winter in trees
  • salok
Before the dissolution of the kidneys Spraying from fungal diseases
  • bordeaux mix
  • copper Kuner
  • inkstone
  • urea
Prevention against pest larvae
  • carbofos.
  • insecticides of a wide spectrum
During flowering Spraying to enhance immunity against fungi
  • bordeaux liquid
  • copper Kuner
Treatment of ticks, weevils
  • anabazin
  • carbofos.
After flowering Prevention from rot
  • combined preparations of a wide range of action
Spraying from pests

As can be seen, there are a lot of work in spring trees for trees. But they are necessary to maintain the immunity and overall health of garden crops.

Check out these articles

The first events in the garden fall on March, before the kidney began to bloom on the trees. It is necessary to remove insulation, remove the territory, carry out sanitary trimming. At the same time, the treatment of trees in spring from pest begins. Insects, depending on the species, can settle on trees at different times of the year, so it is impossible to make spraying once in the year in hope no longer encounter them. Prevention and additional work will be required throughout the warm season, but in different cases use different methods of struggle.

The whims of the trees of lime allows them to protect them from different pests that can settle and live in the cortex. Before paving, the bark needs to be cleaned, and then to spend the blame. Thus, you can destroy the habitats of insects and prevent their re-seal in the crust.


Trees of trees also protect the trunk from sunburn on hot days.

Before the blooming of the kidneys on the trees, you need to take measures to combat larvae, which it is in this period that becomes active. They can use effective insecticides of a wide range of action: "carbofos", "Aktellik", "Decis Profi", "Clamps", as well as "Bordeaux liquid", "urea".

Approximately before the appearance of buds, or when they massively appear on the tree, cultures are often subjected to mass attack of frozing. Caterpillars especially dangerous for apple trees! So before flowering you need to work on their destruction. You can use the preparations of "Phytoverm", "Atom", "Callery", "Ivango", "Sirikko", "Decis", "Alatar", "Iskra M", "Binom", "Lepiocid", "Dutiks" or "Bordeaux liquid", "urea".


Effective gardeners consider spraying with diesel in the early spring. It covers the surfaces with a thin film, overlapping the oxygen access to pests.

During the flowering of trees, ticks wake up. So at this time it will not hurt to protect the fruit trees, as well as berries, from the effects of a dangerous insect. If this moment is missing, then the ticks will fall on each tree and it will inevitably affect the crop. Aktellik, Bon Forteer, Karate, Phytoverm is often used from the ticks.

After flowering, trees carefully examine the presence of pests. If such are noticed, re-processing, if not, then all subsequent work can be postponed until summer.

Even one disease, if it is not treated, can lead to the complete destruction of the garden. Trees are capable of fighting for a long time with fungi, viruses, but if they do not help, sooner or later the disease will win. So the treatment of fruit trees in spring from diseases begins before the blooming of the kidneys.

  • Seeded crops are treated before the blooming of the kidneys from black cancer, pasta, accumulation and cytospose.
  • Bone trees can be sprayed from swasteporiosis, moniliosis, kokkomicosis and cytospose.

And for the bone and for seed trees, such fungicides as "Horus", "Sorrow" use to dissolve the kidneys. You can also apply "Iron Capor", "Copper Middle", Bordeaux Liquid.

In order not to carry out treatment from pests and diseases individually, you can interfere with the means in one container, and the resulting composition of the trees. However, this is possible only if the drugs are compatible! So before buying it is worth consulted by the seller - you can interfere or not.

Before flowering, and sometimes during, spraying from pasta and spotted, kokkomicosis, moniliosis, slurryososporiosis. Despite the fact that the majority of these diseases have already carried out processing, it is necessary to re-increase the resistance of plants. It can be used for this preparations: "Staters", "Sorrow", "Chorus", "Raek", "Phytolavin", "Bordeaux mixture", "Polym DF".

When the flowers appear and will appear in their place, it will be necessary to make one more, final treatment from rotary diseases. Here you can recommend "Alin-b", "discor", "Topaz", "Gamair", "Glyocladin", "Phytolavin" or "urea". At this spring processing of trees against pests and diseases ends. But this does not mean that the work in the garden is finished at all. In the summer it is worth carefully follow cultures in order to protect them from summer ailments on time and insects.

Some drugs in the garden are used more often than others. They have high efficiency and help themselves very well from both pests and diseases. To know about these drugs is obliged to every novice gardener and use them if needed. Among such drugs are highlighted - burglar liquid, urea, copper and iron vigor.

Bordeaux liquid is one of the most famous and common tools used for trees. It consists of copper sulfate and lime. Its color is always blue, so confused with something difficult. 3% solution is used for processing.

Bordeaux liquid is considered a strong fungicide. It can cope with fungal diseases, spotted and effectively against pests, due to the fact that there are lime in its composition. It is suitable for processing any fruit and berry crops.

Iron Court - the second most popular drug. It is most often used when treating plums, pears, cherries, apple trees. Mainly allows you to get rid of all kinds of diseases that already exist on the tree or can only hit it.

Iron vigor not just a protective agent. During use, it also suits cultures with iron, which is necessary for many fruit and berry for normal development and fruiting.

When using an iron mood for treating trees in the spring you need to know that with this tool work exclusively before the kidneys will be dissolved! A 3% solution is used - this will be more than enough for an adult culture.

Treatment of trees with copper vigor

Copper vigorous in its action is similar to burglar liquid, but it helps badly against pests. In order for the drug to bring much benefits, some insecticide of a wide range of action usually add to it. If such a product was not available on sale, you can simply alternate the processing with copper vitrios with spraying insecticides - it will also be effectively.

The copper vigor itself copes with curlyness, coccquomskosis, moniliosis, philosticosis, slurry-position, as a passage and other diseases. They are not only possible, but even recommended to handle apple trees, pears and plums.

But there is a copper vapor and one big drawback is poisonousness. While working with it, protective suits, gloves are used. It is important to eliminate it in a reservoir, a fountain, a tank with water from which pets drink animals, people, fish. The working solution is prepared from 100 g of copper mood and 10 liters of water. A stronger concentration for trees can be dangerous.

Treatment of urea trees

Urea or urea is a strong agent against the extermination of a wide variety of pests on fruit and berry trees. Also, this tool can protect trees from rotary diseases. Treatment of trees in spring involves the use of a solution prepared from 500-700 g of urea by 10 liters of water.

Treatment of urea trees allows you to fight insects, and also satures with nitrogen plants by activating the process of awakening and growth.

Gardeners are often prevented by urea with copper cune. On average, 50 g of copper vapor and a bucket of warm water takes 600 g of carbamide. Such a mixture allows you to get rid of pests and diseases on the tree, and also slows its development for 1-2 weeks. A similar method is often used for those crops, flowering that falls on return freezes. If you have a processing in time, the bloom will occur after returnable frosts and the buds will not be wound.

The drug is not dangerous, in any case, for a person, therefore, serious protection measures are not required if urea did not interfere with anything. Prepared tool for processing immediately before the procedure! A concentrated solution is used only in the spring, and after flowering - weak, because the abundance of urea can leave burns on leaves.

Treat the garden from pests and disease in the fall is extremely important.

There are several reasons for this:

  • autumn garden treatment - good prophylactic procedure, reducing the number of wintering diseases of diseases;
  • autumn heat and humid air stimulate the reproduction of microbes and bacteria. At this time, they penetrate into the Software system and spread throughout the wood;
  • autumn garden processing is recommended to spend at the beginning of the leaf, and during this period the main works are already over, the free time at the gardener becomes more;
  • until the ripening of fruits is still a lot of time and you can apply more concentrated and effective mixtures;
  • special attention should be paid to the processing of young trees. Their immune system has not yet strengthened and untreated trees may not live to spring;
  • autumn treatment with elevated concentrations of drugs Destroys most of the insects that have arranged for wintering.

Treatment time

Optimal duration of autumn processing it could be considered Start of leaf fall.

At this time, the leaves are already wishes, but still remained on the tree and it is convenient to process them. Even high concentrations of solutions will not cause harm tree - no need for leaves no longer.

Under the trees of the soil are not yet covered with fallen leaves and it is also necessary, to be treated with a cooked pesticide. Thus, we will destroy the pests of those who have gone to the wintering in the soil and waiting insulation from foliage.

Trees preparation

Starting from the middle of the autumn begin to cook trees for winter. Increase the winter hardiness of trees can be made by phosphoric and.

The bases of the skeletal branches and the trunk of the tree are cleaned from the dead crust and the pests hidden in its cracks. At the same time, the trunks and bases of the branches cover the protective layer of garden bliss. The trunks of young trees are tied up with rubberoid, underfloor material or byproof pantyles.

What spray fruit trees?

To spray the garden in the autumn period, you can use:

  • inkstone;
  • carbamide or urea;
  • preparation 30B;
  • diesel;
  • bishal;
  • soap-copper emulsion.



Trees are processed with iron vapor solution or before the commemoration of the vegetation, or with the beginning of the leaf fall. Dissolved in water this powder helps to fight diseases of seed and bone trees, and berry shrubs. The effect of sulfurish iron is detrimental for moniliosis, spotted, password.

For garden treatment, a 5-7 percent solution of a substance is used. For the preparation of the working fluid, it is necessary:

  • 500-700 g powder is dissolved in a small amount of warm water;
  • after complete dissolution, the volume of the liquid is adjusted to 10 liters;
  • the liquid mixture is transfused into the sprayer;
  • customize very small broke;
  • evenly cover the leaves and the branches with a solution, not scary if part of the fluid falls on the ground. It should also be sprayed.

Copper Kuner

Copper Kuner

Copper Caps OS or copper sulfate is a recognized fungicide that helps in the fight against spotlights, rotten, a pair, cokkkomikosis, lichen.

The working solution of the copper sulfate for garden processing should have a 3-5% concentration. It is prepared as well as iron vapor, only the powder takes 300-500 g on the same amount of water. Prepare and use similarly.

Urea or carbamide

Using urea or carbamide for autumn garden processing includes trees and soil treatment under it. The deadline for such treatment is the beginning of the leaf fall. Strong urea solution is able to smear all wintering forms of pests and diseases.


Procedure for treating trees:

  • 700 g of urea or carbamide is dissolved in 10 liters of water;
  • processing non-false leaves and trees trunks;
  • the same means treated the rolling circle.

Apply such a liquid for autumn garden processing need as possible as possible. Nitrogen, the shock dose of which is contained in solution, can cause growth of new shoots. In the spring, nitrogen fertilizers under the trees treated with carbamide will not need.

Preparation 30B

Insekto-acaricidal "drug 30V" destroys in the garden and on berry shrubs of wintering pests: shields, whiteflies, leaflerting, floss, ticks, mole.

Preparation 30B

The drug breaks the air and water balance of insects, leading them to death. Pests cannot adapt to the action of the drug, it can be used annually. The funds of the funds include environmental safety, high efficiency, excellent adhesion, the ability to use the whole season from spring to autumn. The drug has a contact action, it must be applied, not leaving the raw areas.

The drug is very simple in breeding. It is simply dissolved in water and used over the next 2 hours after breeding.

Treatments are carried out at an outdoor temperature above + 4 ° C.

Concentration of the solution for treating trees and shrubs 3-4%.

The protective effect of the drug lasts from 5 to 10 days. You can collect harvest after processing in 20 days.

Diesel or diesel fuel (DT)


The diesel fuel is an oily liquid. After processing the tree, an oil film is formed on the surface of the crust, which destroys pests, clogging the breathing holes.

Diesel fuel, being the result of oil refining, is not considered an environmentally friendly substance, and therefore it is dangerous to apply it in the spring. It is best to use such a means in the fall, by the time of harvesting it will completely disintegrate and will not remain in ripened fruits.

Successful Recipes Application Sunior:

  • in 10 parts of water, 1 part of the iron vapor dissolve;
  • add 10 parts of the lime milk 10% concentration;
  • 20 parts of the diesel fuel are added to the mixture;
  • the resulting mixture is used to process landings after leaffall.

Another successful recipe:

  • in 5 parts of water dissolve 5 parts of clay;
  • 20 parts of Dt are added to the resulting mixture;
  • the resulting emulsion is treated landing.

Another solution effective in the fight against pests:

  • crushed 1 part of the household soap;
  • chips are dissolved in 9 parts of water;
  • 10 parts of DT are added to the resulting solution;
  • the resulting emulsion process the garden.

Using a diesel fuel should be remembered that its density and water is very different, and it will not get a full-fledged solution. When mixing water and diesel fuel, an emulsion is formed, which is very quickly divided into two fractions. I remember this, when working with such a mixture, a solution should be occasionally periodically.

Bordeaux liquid

Bordeaux mix

Bordeaux liquid is a mixture of copper sulphate and lime in the ratio of 1: 1. This mixture destroys the foci of diseases (moniliosis, spottedness, rot and fungal diseases, a passage), and also destroys the wintering forms of insects.

For the preparation of burglar liquid, you will need lime, copper vigorous, water, any non-metallic dishes and lactium paper:

  • in a non-metallic dishes in a small amount of hot water, 1 kg of copper sulfate is bred and adjust to 50 liters;
  • in another capacity, 1 kg of oversized lime is quenched and a solution of up to 50 liters is breed;
  • immediately before applying, both solutions are connected - a solution of copper sulfate is added to lime milk (only on the contrary).
  • the resulting mixture is checked with litmus paper - the solution reaction must be neutral;
  • for a better adhesion of the solution with a 100 liter of liquid, 100g sugar or 5 cups of celastic are added;
  • you can buy a mixture in a garden shop.

Bordeaux blends need to be used in warm, dry, weak weather. On one tree use up to 10 liters.


Bishofit (Bishal)

Autumn and early spring treatment of fruit trees can be carried out using Bichal drug. This is a natural biyshofite solution. It has almost all microelements necessary for plants.

Depending on the concentration, this solution can handle trees before the kidney dissolve or in front of the leaf fall, you can process the garden along the green sheet, you can use for soaking seeds.

Autumn garden treatment with a solution of Bishali destroying pests prepared for wintering, bacterial, viral and mushroom infections.

For autumn processing, Bishal is bred in proportions 1:10.

Bichal, like urea, burns all the infection that remains in the creams of the cortex, but in contrast to the urea contains many essential trace elements.

The advantages of Bishali refers to the lack of waiting time after processing the garden.

Soap-copper emulsion

Another means for the autumn garden processing is soap-copper emulsion. The recipe for her cooking is very simple:

  • in 0.5 liters of water dissolve 10 g of copper sulfate;
  • separately in warm water, 100 g of a unrong household soap is bred;
  • a solution of soap is added to a solution of copper sulfate, the mixture volume is adjusted to 10 liters;
  • if the water is rigid (flakes appear in the solution) you can add 50 g of calcined soda.

With a high amount of wintering pests or strong infection, the dose of soap and copper mosper increases by 2-3 times.

Time and means for spraying trees in spring.

Each person has a garden associated with delicious apples, pears, plums, peaches and cherries. But in order to grow such a garden, you need to work a lot and in time to handle the trees plants. Let us consider in more detail how the methods and the care facilities for the garden so that he generously delighted us with his beauty and delicious fruits.

When spraying trees and shrubs in the garden in the spring: timing, schedule

The responsible owner who cares about the future harvest, begins to work in the garden immediately after the first snow melted. After all, work is to have a lot: before starting directly to spray the garden, you need to carefully prepare.

In the first half or middle of Marchwatch there is a dry bark and damaged after the winter branch, all this needs to be removed. Spring - very troublesome time, nature awakens and need not to miss the moment to protect it from different diseases and pests.

If you are just starting to do this case, and do not really understand the subtleties, then it is better to invite an experienced specialist who will tell you what to do first. 3 months of spring can be divided into 3 main stages in Garden Works:

In order to better navigate in these stages, professionals in this business have developed special calendars and benefits in which exact timing of trees processing are given depending on the problem.

Such detailed charts are designed to know how to act in a particular situation. Be the responsible masters of your garden and let him always generously thank you for your works.

When in the spring in the spring to do the first spraying of fruit trees: apple trees, pears, plums?

In order for the garden to bestow the owners with an abundant harvest in the fall, it is necessary to work out in the spring. In the summer, preventive spraying can also be carried out as diseases occur.

Now, let's consider in more detail when spending spraying in the spring period. After all, it is then that you need to strengthen your departure after the winter break.

Let's start with your favorite apple trees. Spray them need to:

  • Period before the formation of the kidneys (Often fruit trees spray to protect the tree from a variety of fungi and other insects that survived after the winter). Spraying must be carried out when the temperature on the street will reach at least 6-7 degrees of heat. Previously, it does not make any sense, since its effectiveness will be reduced to zero.
  • Period when the kidneys begin to bloom (At this time it is very important to ensure that they are not attacked by a password or other insects that affect the number of fruits).
  • The period '' pink bud '' It is also necessary to watch the pests listed above do not infected the tree and did not lead to huge crop loss.
  • Directly period of flowering (At this time, the trees are very strongly at risk of infection with different types of ticks, caterpillars, tli, etc.). The most important thing at that time is a quick response and spraying immediately as soon as you saw the first signs of infection. So the opportunity to protect other types of trees in the garden increases several times.
  • Spraying immediately after the apple trees have been blowing, to protect against moths, lousy or 14-21 days, if attacked fruzing and other pest insects.

Similar to pear and drain spraying procedure, periods are the same. Plums are very strongly susceptible to various fungal diseases, which, unfortunately, without the use of chemicals, it is impossible to overcome.

If you love apples, pears and plums, then do our best to protect them. The main thing is to clearly follow the recommendations and adhere to the established deadlines.

You can also help with fruit trees, dropping a malicious beetle on the litter and winding up with special belts that contribute to the catch of blooms. These measures in the complex give a very good result, which is worth all efforts. If you are just starting to care for a young garden, then these tips will help you navigate how and when you need to start gardening work.

How to treat fruit trees and shrubs in early spring to the dissolution of the kidneys?

Now there are a huge amount of funds that can be used to combat different pests and diseases of garden crops. All of them have different spectrum of action and efficiency, but compliance with the methods of application and the correct dosage will allow you to achieve high results when harvesting in the fall.

Remember that you need to choose a garden processing tool depending on the level of aging of trees and the expected occurrence of various diseases. We offer to familiarize yourself with the means that you can use until the moment when the kidneys begin to bloom:

  • inkstone - an effective remedy allows you to accelerate the growing season and prevent or in case of illness to cure fruit trees from different types of insects and fungal diseases, which at the present time appeared even more. The concentration of the finished mixture for spraying should not exceed 3%. The method of application can be read in detail on the package where the dosage is prescribed.

  • NitrafenIt can also be used to combat different insects, especially well, it helps fight ticks overwhelmed in the crust, Tly, etc. For spraying fruit trees, a 3% mixture is used, and for shrubs - 2%.
  • Copper Kuner - contributes to the disclosure of the kidneys and their growth, and also actively struggling with different pathogens of diseases. The solution should be with a 1% concentration of this substance, it will be enough to handle shrubs and large trees in the garden.
  • Preparation number 30. It is often used by experienced gardeners to combat different types of tolls and eggs of ticks, also perfectly removes the larvae of the tribes and caterpillars. He has proven himself for a long time and still enjoys great demand for the fight against these pests. It needs to be used just before the start of the renal disclosure in 3% concentration.
  • Oleokuprit 4% - Fights with laid eggs, ticks and cores, and also helps protect trees or shrubs from various types of spots that affect leaves and fruits. Efficiency is proved by many gardeners.

  • With the appearance of various spots on shrubs and black dots on the overwhelming shoots, they are usually treated carbamide. It removes stains and black dots and contributes to the active growth of the kidneys.
  • Bordeaux liquid - effectively struggling with many species of famous fungal diseases of plants.

Until the reckance of the kidney, it is also possible to carry out thorough wetting branches to remove the set of insects, which remained wintering in the crust and at the first spring sun attacked the tree. Remember that when working with mixtures you need to stick to the elementary safety rules - wear a protective suit, mask and gloves.

What to treat fruit trees and shrubs in early spring after the blooming of the kidneys?

After dissolving the kidneys, the garden is best to bind 1% burgundy fluid solution, After all, the kidneys have become very sensitive and if you can increase the concentration, you can simply burn them. Such a liquid serves excellent protection of plants from pests and will allow the kidney to fully reveal.

It is best to use combined drugs, such as, for example, "Horus"who has perfectly proven himself and showed high results in the fight against different types of fruit trees and shrubs. In combination with other drugs, 2-3 times increases the resistance of trees to various types of disease pathogens.

"Decis" It struggles directly with various types of insects, which appear a huge amount and without chemicals, the trees can not be saved. Not always folk remedies can stop the activity of pests, "Decis" will help you with this.

But remember, if you have a different kind of doubt, it is better to consult an experienced gardener before spraying, let them give their recommendations. Be sure that the result will not make yourself wait a long time, you can save all our plants from the negative impact of harmful living organisms.

35 g of copper chlorocycy on 10 liters of water is also a good means of protection during this period. The same can be said about polychoma and polycarbacin. What to choose, look at your discretion, all of them are very effective if you adhere to the basic methods of application and dosages.

How to treat fruit trees and shrubs in spring after flowering?

Each person in which there is a plot with fruit trees and shrubs knows that after winter work is a lot. The main thing is to do everything on time.

Earlier, we described the main periods of spring processing. After the flowering period, it is important not to miss the moment to have time to protect all plants from the invasion of different insects, which at this time at the peak of their activity.

After all, if you treat only one thing, that is, a huge risk for further infection of other plants that are nearby. Without the use of concrete measures, the entire harvest may have the abyss and bring huge losses for the farm.

This spraying is mandatory, also applies a complex of drugs that are actively used to protect plants. Buy in special stores, to care for the garden and mix them together: "Horus", "Sorrow" and "Aktara".

You can also use, as when spraying after the blooming of the kidneys, a 1% burglar fluid solution, it will be very useful during this period. Chemical remedy for insects "Karate" has proven itself in the market as an excellent means of protection against various environmental impacts and living organisms. It is important to adhere to the system and do not forget to spray.

If you miss one of the steps, the risk of disease increases, and this will be reflected in the number of harvest. If you take care of the garden, as a living person, then he will surely answer you with a recipriety in the form of fragrant, very tasty, and most importantly, environmentally friendly fruits. There is nothing better than knowing that all this is grown by their own hands.

Preparations and means for spraying fruit trees and shrubs in spring from diseases and pests

Domestic manufacturers of chemicals for the protection of fruit trees and shrubs have developed a huge amount of drugs whose effectiveness has been proven by many experienced gardeners. The existing liquid and powders have been described by us earlier, as it was used at certain stages, to combat various malicious living organisms or diseases.

Among the insecticides that show high results in the fight against different types of insects can be noted:

  • Zolon.
  • Danadim
  • Mike.

They are well protected from toli, ticks, frozing and shields. Among the protection against fungal diseases, you can put on the first place:

  • copper Couner
  • Caravan
  • chlorine of media

All these drugs are well coped with the pathogens of fungi and kill them in the first stages of manifestation. Against various diseases often use Xom together with fufanon.

A complex means, when interacting with each other, destroys all previously listed pests. Horus, Aktara and Kare Zeon are used in a complex for dealing with a pair, rot, blooming and mole for different types of pears, apple trees, drain and other fruit trees.

Carbamide, copper and iron vigor for spraying trees in early spring: how to breed?

The carbamide is useful in that it is a means that kills pests and contributes to the enrichment of plants with a complex of substances necessary for their growth. Processing the garden with such a solution follows in early spring until the trees began to dissolve the kidneys.

For careful spraying of all plants and soil around them enough 700 g of substance dilute in 10 liters of water. Getting everything you need, plants slow down in growth and thus begin to dissolve the kidney later than the usual term. Therefore, different weather surprises them are not scary.

Copper vigoros is a very good antiseptic agent, it also contributes to the saturation of various useful substances and the destruction of harmful microorganisms. But it is necessary to work very carefully with it, often it is diluted with lime (then the famous bordeaux mixture is obtained, the concentration of two substances: 100: 100).

The dosage of the means is designed for 10 liters of water. 100 g of preparation It is enough to protect your garden from various insects that contribute to the development of various diseases. If the tree has many wounds and it is very sick, then add 50 g of the drug, after a while you will see that the wounds began to delay, and the tree actively entered the phase of growth and the formation of the kidneys.

Iron vitrel is characterized by the fact that it you can not mix with lime. Before the appearance of the first leaves, treat plants by this tool to prevent the possibility of various fungal infections that can infect all plants.

For this take 300 g of preparation (3%) and fill 10 liters of water. If the branches have darkened a little, this is a consequence of the drug. If you spent such treatment in the fall, then this in the spring it is unnecessary, quite just once.

Video: Spraying trees in spring

Spring occurs, and the work of the gardeners is added, and with the onset of heat, changes in the garden occur rapidly. On plants, yesterday still sleeping, the kidney swell is already beginning, everything literally comes to life. After a long winter, this can not but rejoice. But together with the garden, his problems come to life - insect pests and disease pathogens. Wedons, blooms, tli, swasteporiosis, moniliosis, pasta, powdery dew - you can list for a long time, yes, I think you know them yourself. How to make so that in the garden of these unborn guests was not or at least it was smaller?

There are different ways to achieve this goal, but perhaps the easiest and most popular garden spraying with efficient chemicals. Of course, I know about the dangers that these funds can apply the environment, animals and us, but still ... Do many are ready to refuse them? Here, in my opinion, here is the situation, approximately, as with mineral fertilizers. You can argue about it for a long time, but for many it is simple and effectively, the main thing to apply "with the mind." So, when and how to spray in the spring, so that it was "with the mind"?


When to start spraying the garden from pests and diseases?

The first thing you need to understand is a disposable spraying, you are hardly solving the problem. After all, all "problems" wake up not only in your garden, but also in the surrounding area. Get rid of you for a short time, but the breeze will bring a new portion and pests, and diseases. Therefore, it is worth spraying 4 times in the spring.

Second. The struggle is worth starting immediately with the onset of the first warm days (in different regions it is different and specific dates called meaningless). If you lose the first moment, and all this "evil" will start spreading and spreading around the garden, then it will be more difficult to deal with it. And now specifically.

First spring spraying - the most important thing

In my opinion, the first spraying of the garden is the most important thing, and it is necessary to do it. It is carried out early in spring until the swelling of the kidneys on plants under the average temperatures is approximately +4. At this point, the tree still sleeps just as they sleep overwhelmed pests and disputes of diseases. And you can use drugs rather strong concentration, without fear of damage to plants.

But it is worth seeing to look at different plants carefully, not all of them are in the same phase. Let's say if the apple tree is still sleeping, then on black currants, the kidneys and strong solutions can harm it, simply burn. Therefore, approach the first spraying very carefully.

What to use? Classic, one hundred years is already a popular solution - "Bordeaux liquid". This is a mixture of two aqueous solutions of lime and copper sulfate. Someone is preparing it independently (and it is necessary to do it right), someone buys in the garden shop ready for cooking ("Bordeaux mixture"). For the first spring spraying it is worth using a 3% Bordeaux liquid.

You can use iron vigor, spreading it in water (300-500 grams per 10 liters). What does concentration depend on? From the degree of infection of your garden. With a weak infection, there are enough 300 grams per bucket of water, with a clearly sore garden, it is better to dissolve 500 gr.

Some gardeners for the first spring spraying use the good old "nitrophen". Do this, in my opinion, is not worth it. "Good", in the sense of its effectiveness, but quite "not kind" to our health.

Much more interesting popular recently concentrated urea solution (carbamide). Take about 700 g of urea at 10 liters of water. You can add 50 grams of copper vapor. Such a solution is effectively fighting with pests overwhelmed insects, and with disputes of many diseases.

This solution has two additional "bonus". On the one hand, it slows down a little vegetation (7-10 days), which can protect flowers from spring frosts. And on the other hand, it is a nitrogen fertilizer, which is precisely in the spring and need to our plants. These, it seems to be contrary to each other, and, however, working properties.

There is a good option - "Preparation of 30-B". It is considered safe for us and the environment, because it simply creates a film on the surface of the sprayed plant, and the pests do not have "breathe". But it is worth remembering that he fights precisely with insect pests, but not with diseases. And it stands in those gardens that suffer from pests.

There are other drugs ... When choosing one or another chief criterion - whether it is suitable for early spring and treatments at low temperatures (remind +4 degrees).

The second spraying of the garden in the spring - "on the green cone"

The second spraying is called "spraying on a green cone." Already from the name it is clear that they spend it after the kidneys of the plant begin to develop and extend in the form of green, even tightly coarse cones. The revealing kidneys become vulnerable to strong solutions, actually, like the surviving and revived pests and diseases.

What to use? You can the same Bordeaux liquid, but in a much lower concentration - 1%. But, in my opinion, it is much more effective to apply modern drugs, and to prepare from them the so-called "tank mixtures". It is understood that in one bucket of water, you can mix two different drugs: one to combat diseases and the other to fight pests.

For example, you can mix "Chorus" (from the paste, mildew, moniliosis) and "actar" or "decy" (insecticides). There are other options, the main thing is carefully studying the instructions, whether they are suitable for mixing with other drugs and there are no air temperature limitations. The use of drugs in the form of tank mixtures allows you to reduce the number of treatments. Instead of separate struggle (first with pests, and then with diseases), you spend one comprehensive processing. I hope and harm the environment will apply less.

Third Spraying - "By Pink Buton"

The third spraying is carried out at the time of the extension of flower kidney (they are still closed). Since most trees in our gardens have pink buds, it is a spraying and called "Pink Buton". I will not tell a long time about him. You can use the same tank mixtures of fungicides and insecticides.

The only remark is buying one or another drug, pay attention not only to its name, but also on the active substance. Often, different manufacturers under different names hides the same thing. And it is desirable to alternate drugs so that the active substance is different so that there is no effect of addiction.

Fourth Spring Garden Spraying - After Flowering

The fourth spraying of the garden is also carried out by the tank mixtures immediately after the end of flowering.

Now a few, in my opinion, important comments:

  • In order for the spring spraying to have a result, they need to be done on time, focusing not on directory, Internet resources or advice of video bloggers, but exclusively on weather conditions and phases of plant development in your garden.
  • It is necessary to process the plant with one or another solution completely from the top to the ground, and, by the way, it will not hurt to peer and the rolling circle. If you miss something or simply be lazy, it may not be reduced to all your works, and the disease will flash again (or pest).
  • If the first spraying often allows you to treat all plants in the garden at the same time (they are all sleeping), then strong development differentiation begins. It is possible that by treating the tree "by pink bud", there will be a blooming tree nearby, and therefore it is impossible to process it. Be careful.
  • Try to agree with the neighbors surrounding you about simultaneous processing, so the effect will be more complete.
  • Try to find and use drugs, insects for insects of pollinators and animals, and there are such.
  • Do not forget that even if the packaging is written that the drug is harmless, it is worth taking care of protecting your skin, eyes and respiratory organs. My hard belief that if the drug kills the insect, then it is not harmless to us. Usually recommend using glasses and respirators, which, in my opinion, is uncomfortable. I like more transparent masks, of course, with a headdress and gloves included.

Of course, it can happen anyone and possibly the spraying will be needed in summer, and in the fall, but these are four first, are, in my opinion, decisive and defining the health of your garden this season.

Good health to you and your garden! And abundant harvest!