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Work cherry garden. Chekhov "Cherry Garden"

The estate of the landowners Lyubov Andreevna Ranevskaya. Spring, blooming cherry trees. But the beautiful garden will soon be sold for debts. The last five years Ranevskaya and her seventeen-year-old daughter Anya lived abroad. The Ranevskoy Leonid Andreyevich Gheaev and her reception daughter, twenty-one-year-old Varya remained in the estate. The Ranevskaya affairs are bad, there are almost no money left. Andreevna's love always sailed money. Six years ago, her husband died from drunkenness. Ranevskaya loved another person, agreed with him. But soon tragically died, drowned in the river, her little son Grisha. The love of Andreevna, unable to transfer grief, fled abroad. The lover followed her. When he fell ill, Ranevskaya had to settle him at his cottage near the cops and for three years he would take care of him. And then, when I had to sell the Dacha for debts and move to Paris, he absorned and threw Ranevskaya.

Gaev and Varya meet the love of Andreevna and Any at the station. Houses are waiting for the Maid Dunyasha and the familiar merchant Ermolai Alekseevich Lopakhin. The father of Lopakhina was a fortress Ranevsky, he himself rich, but he says about himself that he was "man a man." The feeder comes the feeder, the person with whom he constantly happens and whose "thirty three misfortunes" called.

Finally come the crews. The house is filled with people, everything is in pleasant excitement. Everyone speaks of his own. Andreyevna's love is looking at the rooms and through the tears of joy remembers the past. The maid of Dunyhasha does not tolerate telling the ladies that she made a proposal of the oscillage. Anya herself advises Vare to go beyond the blades, and Varya dreams of throwing Any for a rich man. The governess of Charlotte Ivanovna, a strange and eccentric emphasis, praises with his amazing dog, the neighbor's presenter Simeonov-Pishick asks for money loan. Almost nothing hears and murmurs something old faithful servant Firs.

Lopakhin reminds Ranevskaya that the estate will soon be sold from the auction, the only way out is to smash the land on the plots and give them to renting to summer houses. Ranevsk offer Lopakhina surprises: how can you cut her favorite wonderful cherry garden! Lopakhina wants to stay with the Ranevskaya, which he loves "more than his native, but he is time to leave. Gaev draws a welcoming speech to a century "durable" cabinet, but then, confused, again begins to sensely pronounce favorite billiards.

Ranenevskaya does not immediately recognize Petya Trofimova: So he has changed, drove, "a cute student" turned into an "eternal student." The love of Andreevna cries, remembering his little drowned son Grisch, whose teacher was trophim.

Gaev, remaining alone with Vares, trying to reason about the affairs. There is a rich aunt in Yaroslavl, who, however, does not like them: after all, the love of Andreevna married not behind the nobleman, and he behaved not "very virtuously". Gaev loves her sister, but still calls her "vicious", which causes the dissatisfaction of Ani. Gaev continues to build projects: the sister will ask for money from Lopakhina, Anya will go to Yaroslavl - in a word, they will not allow the estate to be sold, Gaev even swear in this. Grinding Firs finally led Barin, like a child, sleep. Anya is calm and happy: Uncle will arrange everything.

Lopakhin does not cease to persuade Ranenevskaya and Gaeva to take his plan. Threesome have breakfast in the city and, returning, stopped in the field at the chapel. Just here, on the same bench, I tried to explain to the foolishness, but she had already preferred to him the young cynical lacquer Jasha. Ranevskaya and Gaev seek not hear the blades and speak completely about other things. So without convincing "frivolous, weekly, strange people, Lopakhin wants to leave. Ranevskaya asks him to stay: "Still more fun" with him.

Anya, Varya and Peter Trofimov come. Ranevskaya turns a conversation about the "Gord House". According to Trofimov, there is no point in pride: a gross, unhappy person needs to be not admired, but to work. Petya condemns an intelligentsia that is not capable of labor, those people who are important philosophice, and with men drawn, like animals. Locked in the conversation: it just works "from morning to evening", dealing with large capital, but more and more makes it a little around decent people. Lopakhin does not agree, he interrupts Ranevskaya. In general, everyone here does not want and do not know how to listen

b of each other. There is a silence, in which the remote sad sound of the burst string is heard.

Soon all diverge. The remaining alone Anya and Trofimov welcome the opportunity to talk together, without Var. Trofimov convinces Anya that it is necessary to be "above love", which is the main thing - freedom: "All Russia is our garden", but to live in the present, you must first have suffering and work for the past. Happiness is close: if not they, then others will definitely see it.

It comes twenty-second August, the day of trading. It was this evening that at all in the same way, the ball is covered in the manor, the Jewish Orchestra is invited. Once here, generals and barons danced here, and now, as Firs networks, and the postal officer, and the head of the station "Do not go to the hunt". Guests entertained with their focus Charlotte Ivanovna. Ranevskaya with concern awaits his brother's return. Yaroslavl aunt still sent fifteen thousand, but they are not enough to redeem the estate.

Petya Trofimov "Soothes" Ranevskaya: It's not about the garden, it has long been finished, you have to look like a truth. The love of Andreevna asks not to condemn her, regret: After all, without a cherry garden, her life loses its meaning. Every day Ranevskaya receives telegrams from Paris. At first, she rushed them immediately, then - at first reading, now it is no longer a tears. "This wild man", whom she still loves, begs to come to come. Petya condemns the Ranevskaya for the love of "small rascal, insignificance." Angry Ranevskaya, without restraining, Mastit Trofimov, calling him a "funny eccentric", "freak", "quietly": "We must love yourself ... I must fall in love!" Petya is terrified in horror, but then it remains, dancing with Ranevskaya, who asked him for forgiveness.

Finally, confused, joyful lopahin and tired Gaev, who, who does not told anything, immediately goes to himself. The cherry garden is sold, and bought it to the lopahin. "The new landowner" is happy: he managed to surpass in the auction of rich Deriganov, giving over the debt of ninety thousand. Lopakhin raises the keys thrown on the floor of the proud varia. Let the music play, let everyone see how Yermolai Lopakhin "Enough as an ax on the Cherry Garden"!

Anya comforts the crying mother: the garden is sold, but ahead of the whole life. There will be a new garden, a luxurious thing, they are waiting for "quiet deep joy" ...

The house is empty. His inhabitants, sprawling with each other, travel around. Lopahin is going for the winter in Kharkov, trophimov returns to Moscow, to the university. Lopahin and Petya exchanged by bale. Although Trofimov also calls a "predatory beast" to the "predatory beast", which is necessary "in the sense of metabolism", he still loves "a gentle, thin soul" in it. Lopahin offers Trofimov money on the road. He refuses: Above the "free person", "in the first rows of going" to "Higher Fortunately", no one must have power.

Ranenevskaya and Gaev even have fun after the sale of the Cherry Garden. Previously, they worried, suffered, and now calmed down. Ranevskaya is going to live in Paris for money sent to aunt. Anya is inspired: a new life begins - she will finish the gymnasium, will work, read books, "New Wonderful World" will open. Suddenly, the breathtaking plant appears unexpectedly and instead of asking money, on the contrary, distributes debts. It turned out that on its land, the British were found white clay.

All settled in different ways. Gaev says that now he is a bank servant. Lopakhin promises to find a new place Charlotte, Varya settled with a housekeeper to Ragulin, the ipaths hired by a bladler remains in the estate, Firsa should be sent to the hospital. But still, Gaev says with sadness: "Everyone is thrown to us ... We suddenly do not need."

Between the varays and the blades should finally explain. For a long time, I will work tease "Madame Lopakhina". Vare Yermolai Alekseevich likes, but she herself can not make an offer. Lopakhin, I also knows the well-spoken about Vare, I agree to "end immediately" with this business. But when Ranevskaya satisfies their meeting, Lopahin, and without drafting, leaves Wr., taking advantage of the first pretext.

"It's time to go! On the road! " - With these words from the house go, locking all the doors. Only the old Firs remains, which would seem to be taken care of, but they forgot to send to the hospital. Firs, sighing that Leonid Andreevich drove into a coat, and not in a fur coat, lies rest and lies motionless. The same sound of the bundled string is heard. "Silence comes, and only heard how far in the garden the tree is knocking on the tree."

One of the works studied in the school program is the play by A.P.hekhov "Cherry Garden". The summary of the play "Cherry Garden" on actions will help to navigate in the content, split the text on the storylines, allocate the main and secondary characters. Before the eyes will be held events related to the sale of a beautiful cherry garden, the loss of the estate by the unanimous owners of the old merchant Russia.

First action

The action begins in the estate located somewhere in the outback of Russia. On the street month May, Cherry bloom. In the house where the whole play will be, the owners are waiting. Maid Dunyas and the merchant Lopahin talk in their expectation. Lopakhin recalls how the teenager received a person from his father, a merchant in a shop. Lyubov Raevskaya (one of those who should come) calmed him, calling a peasant. Now he has changed his position in society, but it remained in the soul to belong to the Men's breed. He falls asleep when reading, does not see the perfect in many things. The bidding meter comes with flowers, it is embarrassed, drops them to the floor. The feeder leaves quickly, clumsily dropping the chair. Dunyasha brags that seeds of the omphodas made her an offer.

Through the room there are arrived and their escort. The landlords of Ranevskaya love Andreevna two daughters are: Native Anna, seventeen years old, and reception cooking, twenty-four years old. Together with her, Brother - Gaev Leonid arrived. The hosts rejoice at the meeting with the house, they were smeared with pleasant memories of the past. From the conversation with the sister, it turns out that cooking awaits offers from the blades, but he pulls away, silent. Firs (servant) serves the hostess like a dog, trying to predict all her desires.

A merchant Lopakhin warns the owners that the estate is put up for auction. It will be sold if you do not take any action. Lopakhin suggested to cut out the garden, split the earth to the plots and sell under the cottage. Brother with sister against cutting of cherry trees. Firs recalls how much all made from fragrant berries. Lopahin explains the dackets - this is a new class, which will float soon all of Russia. Gaev does not believe the merchant. He boasts a cabinet age, which is 100 years old. He with Paphos addresses furniture, practically crying over the cabinet. Emotions cause silence and perplexity of those present.

The landowner is hoping that everything will be resolved. Ranenevskaya does not understand what is broken, she "squeaks" with money, which is almost no, can not refuse the Bar gan habits.

A mother came to the young lacquer Yakov, she sits waiting for the Son in Human, but he was not in a hurry to go to her.

Gaev promises Anne to solve a difficult situation with the garden, find a way out that will not sell the estate. Dunyasha shares with sisters, but they do not interest anyone. Among the guests there is another character - Peter Trofimov. He refers to the category of "Eternal Students", who can not live on their own. Peter says beautifully, but does nothing.

Second action

The author continues to acquaint the reader with the heroes of the play. Charlotte does not remember how old she is. She has no real passport. Once parents took her in fairs, where she gave presentations, twisting "Flutto Mortal".

Yasha is proud to have been abroad, but cannot give an accurate description of all seen. Jacob plays on the feelings of Dunya, frankly the Hamit, the in love does not notice deception and insincerity. The ipaths boast the formation, but can not figure it out to live or shoot.

The hosts are returned from the restaurant. From the conversation it is clear that they do not believe in the sale of estates. Lopahin is trying to form the owners of the estate, but in vain. A merchant warns that rich Deriganov will come to the auction. Gaev dreams of monetary help from the aunt of the landowners. The love of Andreevna confesses that he squeaks money. It is impossible to consider it a happy fate: still enough young remained widow, married a person who easily falls under debt. After the loss of the Son (drowned), leaves abroad. Three years lives next to a sick husband. I bought myself a cottage, but it was sold for debts. The husband left without property and went to the other. I tried love to poison, but probably frightened. I came to Russia to native estate, hoping to fix my position. From her husband received a telegram in which he called her to return. Memories of a woman pass against the background of the music of the Jewish Orchestra. Love dreams to call musicians in the estate.

Lopakhin admits that he lives gray and monotonous. Father, idiot, beat him with a stick, he became a "nerd" with a handwriting, like a pig. The love of Andreevna proposes to marry Vare, Yermolai Alekseevich is not against, but it is only words.

Trofimov joins the conversation. Lopahin, laughing, asks the opinion of the student about himself. Peter compares it with a predatory beast, eating everything in its path. The conversation is about pride, human intelligence. Gaev with Paphos appeals to nature, his beautiful words are rudely interrupted, and he ships. Passing passersby asks Warm 30 kopecks, the girl crows frightened. The love of Andreevna, without thinking, gives golden. Lopahin warns about the ambulance of the cherry garden. It seems that no one hears him.

On stage, Anya and Trofimov remain on the scene. Young arguing about the future. Trofimov is surprised by Vare, which is afraid of the appearance of feelings between him and Anna. They are above love that may prevent them from being free and happy.

Action third

There is a ball in the estate, many people are invited: post official, head station. The conversation is about horses, the animal shape of the meal, maps. Ball passes on the day of trading. Gaev received power of attorney from grandmother. Varya hopes that he will be able to buy a house with the transfer of debt, the love of Andreevna understands that there is not enough money for the deal. She convulsively wait for her brother. Ranevskaya suggests Vare to go out for the Lopakhina, she explains that he cannot make a man's sentence. Gaev and Lopakhin return from a bid. In the hands of Gaeva shopping, in the eyes of tears. He brought food, but these are unusual products, and delicacies: Anchovies and Kerch herring. The love of Andreevna asks about the results of trading. Lopahin announces who bought a cherry garden. It turns out that he is lucky and new garden owner. Ermolai talks about himself in the third person, he is proud and cheerful. The estate where his father, grandfather were in slavery, became his property. Lopahin talks about bidding, as he raised the price before the rich Deriganov, how much gave over debt. Varya throws the keys in the middle of the room and leaves. The new owner will raise them, smiling acquisition. A merchant demands music, the orchestra plays. He does not notice the feelings of women: the love of Andreevna bitterly crying, Anya stands in front of his mother's knees. The daughter is trying to calm the mother, promising her a new garden and a quiet joyful life.

Fourth action

Guys come to say goodbye to the owners who leave the house. The love of Andreevna gives his wallet. Lopakhin offers a drink, but explains that he was busy and bought only one bottle at the station. He regrets the money spent, as much as 8 rubles. Drinks only yaks. The yard is already October, the house is cold as well as on the soul of many present. Trofimov advises the new owner to wave less. The habit of bad, according to the "scientist" of the student. The merchant laughs, ironizing the future lectures of Peter. He offers money, but Peter refuses. Lopakhin again reminds of his Men's origin, but Trofimov says that his father was a pharmacist, and this means nothing. He promises to show the way to the highest happiness and truth. Lopahin is not frustrated due to the failure of Trofimov to be borrowed. He boasts again what works a lot. In his opinion, there is a part of the people who are needed simply for circulation in nature, there are no affairs from them, as well as benefits. Everyone is preparing for departure. Anna is interested, whether by Firsa to the hospital was taken away. Yakov rearmed the task of Him, it is no longer interested in it. Mother came to him again, but he was not satisfied, she brings him out of patience. Dunyash rushes to him on the neck, but no response feelings. Yasha soul is already in Paris, he reaches the girl in indecent behavior. The love of Andreevna says goodbye to the house, she wakes familiar from childhood. The woman leaves for Paris, she has money that gave grandmother to buy estates, they are slightly enough for a while.

Gaev set up in a bank for 6 thousand per year. Lopakhin doubts his hardworking and opportunities to stay in the banking service.

Anna is pleased with changes in life. She will prepare for exams in the gymnasium. The girl hopes to an ambulance with his mother, they will read books and know the new spiritual world.

The Picker appears in the house, everyone is afraid that he will again ask for money, but everything happens on the contrary: the pister returns part of the debt to the blades and Ranevskaya. He has a happier fate, not in vain he offered to hope for "Avos." In his estate, they found white clay, which brought him income.
The love of Andreevna cares (in words) about two things: patient Firs and Varya. About the old servant she is told that Yakov sent an old man to the hospital. The second sadness is a receptional daughter, which she dreams of issuing married to the blades. Mother calls the girl, Yermolai promises to end the desired for the Ranea offer. Varya appears in the room. The groom asks about her plans, when he learns that she leaves for Ragulin in the housekeeper, speaks of his departure and quickly leaves the room. The proposal did not take place. Gaev is trying to be pathetic to say goodbye to the house and garden, but it is rude.

Brother and sister remain alone in the already strange house. Gaev in despair, the love of Andreevna cries. Everyone is leaving.

Firs is suitable for the door, but it turns out to be closed. About the old servant forgot. It is upset, but not about himself, but about the gentlemen. At first he wants to sit, then lie down. Forces leave the Firs, he lies motionless. A horned ax is in silence. Cherry garden cut down.

Comedy in four actions

Ranevsky love Andreevna, landowner.
Anya, her daughter, 17 years old.
Varya, her reception daughter, 24 years old.
Gaev Leonid Andreevich, Radane's brother.
Lopakhin Yermolai Alekseevich, merchant.
Trofimov Peter Sergeevich, student.
Simeon Picker Boris Borisovich, landowner.
Charlotte Ivanovna, governess.
Epiphans Semen Panteleevich, Butter.
Dunyasha, Maid.
Firs, Lackey, old man 87 years old.
Yasha, young lackey.
Head station.
Mail official.
Guests, servants.

The action takes place in the estate of L. A. Ranevskaya.

First action

The room, which is still called Children. One of the doors leads to Ani's room. Dawn, the sun will go soon. Already May, the cherry trees bloom, but in the garden it is cold, the matinee. The windows in the room are closed. Enter the dunchers with a candle and a lopahin with a book in hand.

L about p and x and n. The train came, thank God. What time is it now?

D u n i w a. Soon two. (Cutting a candle.) Lightly.

L about p and x and n. How much did it be late for the train? Two at least one hour. (Yawns and squeezes.) I'm good, what a fool put it! Delicious came here to meet at the station, and suddenly slept ... Sitting fell asleep. An annals ... at least you woke me up.

D u n i w a. I thought you left. (Listens.) Here, it seems, already go.

L about p and x and n (listened). No ... Luggage get, then yes ...
The love of Andreevna lived abroad for five years, I do not know what she now became ... It's a good man. Easy, simple person. I remember when I was a boy of fifteen years old, my father was my deceased - he traded him here on the village - hit me in a fist, the blood went out of the nose ... We then came together for some reason in the courtyard, and he was drinking. Love Andreevna, as I remember now, still young, so thin, led me to the Waterman, here in this very room, in the nursery. "Do not cry, says, peasant, he will heal before the wedding ..."
A peasant ... My father, though, was a man, and here in a white vest, yellow shoes. With swine socks in a fire range ... just that is rich, there is a lot of money, and if you think about it, then a man's man ... (turns the book.) Read this book and did not understand anything. I read and fell asleep.

D u n i w a. And the dogs did not sleep all night, they feel that the owners go.

L about p and x and n. What are you, Dunyasha, such ...

D u n i w a. Hands are shaking. I fainted dropping.

L about p and x and n. You are very tender, Dunyasha. And dress as a lady, and hairstyle too. You can not do it this way. We must remember.

Includes bakers with a bouquet; He is in the jacket and in brightly cleaned boots, which will creak strongly; Entering, he drops a bouquet.

E P and X about d about in (raises a bouquet). Here the gardener sent, says in the dining room. (Gives a bouquet diny.)

L about p and x and n. And I will bring kvaas.

D u n i w a. I listen. (Goes out.)

E p and x about d about in. Now the matinee, frost is three degrees, and the cherry is all in bloom. I can not approve our climate. (Sighs.) I can not. Our climate cannot contribute just right. Here, Yermolai Alekseich, let you add, I bought myself a third day of the boots, and they, I dare to assure you, creak so that there is no possibility. What would lubricate?

L about p and x and n. Loose Tired.

E p and x about d about in. Every day there is some misfortune with me. And I'm not a pope, you got used and even smile.

Dunyash enters, serves a lopakhina kvass.

I will go. (Stops off the chair that falls.) Here ... (as if triumphant.) Here you see, sorry for the expression, what circumstance, by the way ... it's just even wonderful! (Goes out.)

D u n i w a. And me, Ermolai Alekseich, confess, the proposal of the proposal.

L about p and x and n. BUT!

D u n i w a. I do not know how ... He is humming, but only sometimes it starts talking, you will not understand anything. And good, and sensitive, only incomprehensible. I seem to me and like it. He loves me crazy. He is unhappy man, every day something. It is also teased with us: twenty two misfortunes ...

L about p and x and n (listened). Here seems to go ...

D u n i w a. Go! Well, that's with me ... I wonder all.

L about p and x and n .. ride in fact. Let's go to meet. Does she recognize me? Five years have not seen.

D U N I W A (in excitement). I'll drop now ... ah, drop!

You can hear how two crews come to the house. Lopahin and Dunyash quickly leave. The scene is empty. Noise begins in the neighboring rooms. Through the scene, leaning on a stick, hurriedly passes by Firs, traveled to meet the love of Andreevna; It is in the old livery and in a high hat; Something speaks with himself, but you can not disassemble a single word. The noise behind the scene is increasing. Voice: "That's here ..." Love Andreevna, Anya and Charlotte Ivanovna with a dog on a chain, dressed in a road, cooking in a coat and scarf, Gaev, Sememon-Pirch, Lopakhin, Dunhal with a knot and umbrella, servants with things - Everyone go across the room.

And I. Come here. You, mom, remember what room is it?

Liu b about in a n d r e n n a (joyful, through tears). Children!

Varya. How cold, my hands are crying. (Lyubov Andreevna.) Your rooms, white and purple, the same remained, mommy.

LUK B O V L A N D R E E V N A. Children's, my dear, beautiful room ... I slept here when I was small ... (crying.) And now I'm like a little ... (kisses my brother, cook, then again brother.) And cook is still all such same, the nun is similar to the nun. And I recognized Dunyasha ... (kisses Dunyash.)

G A E. The train was late for two hours. What? What are the order?

W and a r l o t a (food). My dog \u200b\u200band nuts eats.

P and Sh and to (surprised). You think!

All except Ani and Dunyshi go.

D u n i w a. We were waited ... (Removes with Ani coat, hat.)

And I. I did not sleep on the road four nights ... Now it is very hard.

D u n i w a. Did you leave in a great post, then there was snow, was it frost, and now? My dearest! (Laughs, kisses her.) You have come on, my joy, Svetik ... I will tell you now, I can't lose one minute ...

A N I (sluggish). Again something ...

D u n i w a. The feeder of the feeder after the holy offer I made.

And I. You are all about one ... (correlacing your hair.) I lost all the studs ... (it is very tired, even stealing.)

D u n i w a. I do not know what to think. He loves me, he loves so much!

Anya (looks in his door, gently). My room, my windows, as if I did not leave. I'm at home! Tomorrow morning I will stand, run into the garden ... Oh, if I could fall asleep! I did not sleep all the way, I was getting anxious.

And I. I left for a passion week, then it was cold. Charlotte says all the way, represents tricks. And why did you impose me Charlotte ...

Varya. You can not drive one, dull. Seventeen years old!

And I. Come to Paris, it's cold there, snow. In French I say terribly. Mom lives on the fifth floor, I come to her, she has some French, ladies, old pater with a book, and smashed, uncomfortable. I suddenly became sorry for my mother, so it's a pity, I hugged her head, squeezed my hands and I could not release. Mom then everything caressed, cried ...

In a r i (through tears). Do not say, do not say ...

And I. She has already sold his dacha about Mentons, she had nothing left, nothing. I also had no penny left, barely reached. And my mother does not understand! Summates to dine at the station, and it requires the most expensive and goes on the tea by ruble. Charlotte too. Yasha also demands a portion, just awful. After all, Mama Masha, we brought him here ...

Varya. Saw a scoundrel.

And I. Well, how? Paid interest?

Varya. Where exactly.

And I. My God, my God ...

Varya. In August will sell the estate ...

And I. Oh my God...

L about p and x and n (peeps on the door and mice). Me-E-e ... (leaves.)

In a r i (through tears). That would give him ... (threatens to fist.)

And I (hugs cooks, quietly). Varya, did he make a sentence? (Varya shakes his head negatively.) After all, he loves you ... Why don't you explain what you expect?

Varya. I think so will not come out. He has a lot of things, he is not up to me ... and not paying attention. God with him quite, it's hard to see him ... everyone talks about our wedding, everyone congratulates, but in fact there is nothing, everything is like a dream ... (another tone.) You have a broach like a bee.

And I (sad). This is my mother bought. (Goes to his room, says fun, childishly.) And in Paris, I flew in a balloon!

Varya. My shoes arrived! Beautiful woman arrived!

Dunyasha has already returned with a coffee pot and cooks coffee.

(It costs near the door.) I go, a shower, a whole day by housework and I dream. Would give you for a rich man, and I would then have been the desert, would go to the desert, then in Kiev ... to Moscow and so everything would go through the holy places ... I would go and walked. Well! ..

And I. Birds sing in the garden. Which hour now?

Varya. Must third. You have to sleep, shower. (Entering the room to Ana.) Wellness!

It includes Yasha with a blanket, a handbag.

I W A (goes through the scene, delicately). Here you can go-s?

D u n i w a. And you do not know you, Yasha. What are you taken abroad.

I w and a. Um ... and who are you?

D u n i w a. When you left here, I was a story ... (Shows from Paul.) Dunyas, Fedor Kozedova Daughter. You do not remember!

I w and a. Um ... cucumber! (Looks around and hugs her; she screams and drops meal.)

Yasha quickly leaves.

D U N I W A (through tears). Soccer broke ...

Varya. This is good.

And I (coming out of my room). It would be necessary to prevent mom: Petya here.

Varya. I ordered him not to wake.

A n (thoughtfully). Six years ago, Father died, a brother brother Grisha drowned in the river, a pretty seven-year-old boy. Mom did not transfer, left, left without looking back ... (he shudders.) As I understand it, if she knew!

And Petya Trofimov was a gris teacher, he can remind ...

Firs enters, he is in a jacket and white vest.

F and R C (goes to the coffee pot, concerned). The lady here will eat ... (put on white gloves.) Ready Caucas? (Strictly, Duny.) You! And cream?

D u n i w a. Ah, my God ... (Quickly goes away.)

F and R S (cotton near the coffee pot). Oh, you are, ink ... (mutters about myself.) We arrived from Paris ... And Barin once went to Paris ... on horseback ... (laughs.)

Varya. Firs, what are you talking about?

F and P s. What do you please? (Joyful.) My lady arrived! I waited! Now, though to die ... (crying from joy.)

The love of Andreevna, Gaev and Simeon Picker are included; Simeon-Piece in the rustling of thin cloth and sharovar. Gaev, entering, hands and torso makes movement, as if plays billiards.

LUK B O V L A N D R E E V N A. Like this? Dai to remember ... yellow in the corner! Wupelet in the middle!

G A E. Correct in the corner! Once we are with you, sister, slept here in this very room, and now I already fifty one year, oddly enough ...

L about p and x and n. Yes, time is coming.

G A E. Who?

L about p and x and n. Time, I say, goes.

I wish to disturb you, Avdota Fedorovna, for a couple of words.

D u n i w a. Speak.

E p and x about d about in. I would be desirable with you alone ... (sighs.)

D U N I W A (embarrassed). Well ... only first bring me my talm ... she is near the ward ... here there is a little raw ...

E p and x about d about in. Well-with ... I'll bring, with ... Now I know what to do with my revolver ... (takes the guitar and goes well.)

I w and a. Twenty two misfortunes! Stupid man, between us speaking. (Yawns.)

D u n i w a. God forbid, shoot.

I became anxious, I worry everything. I was still taken by the girl to the gentlemen, I now looked off with a simple life, and here are white-white hands, like a young lady. Gentle became such a delicate, noble, I'm afraid ... it's scary. And if you, Yasha, trough me, then I do not know what will be with my nerves.

I w and a (kisses her). Cucumber! Of course, every girl should remember himself, and I don't like most of all, if the girl is bad behavior.

D u n i w a. I passionately loved you, you formed, you can argue about everything.


I w and (yawns). Yes, with ... In my opinion, so: if the girl loves whom, then it means immoral.

It's nice to smoke a cigar in the clean air ... (listens.) Here they go here ... these are the Lord ...

Dunyzha pushes him.

Go home, as if we went to the river to swim, go through this path, and then they will meet and think about me, as if I am with you on a date. I can not tolerate it.

D u n i w a (quietly cough). I got a head from the cigar ... (leaves.)

Yasha remains, sitting near the chapel. The love of Andreevna, Gaev and Lopakhin.

L about p and x and n. We must finally decide - time does not wait. The question is completely empty. Do you agree to give the earth under the cottages or not? Answer one word: yes or no? Only one word!

LUK B O V L A N D R E E V N A. Who is here smokes disgusting cigars ... (sits down.)

G A E. Here the railway was built, and it became convenient. (Sits.) We went to the city and have breakfast ... Yellow in the middle! I would first go to the house, play one party ...

LUK B O V L A N D R E E V N A. Have time.

L about p and x and n. Only one word! (Imploringly.) Give me the answer!

G and E V (yawning). Who?

LUK B O V L A N D R E E V N A. (Looks in his purse). Yesterday there were a lot of money, and today there is very little. Poor my cooking from savings feeds all milk soup, in the kitchen the old people give one peas, and I spend somehow meaningless. (Dropped the purse, scattered gold.) Well, they fell apart ... (she annoyed.)

I w and a. Allow, I now pick up. (Collects coins.)

LUK B O V L A N D R E E V N A. Be kind, Yasha. And why did I go to have breakfast ... crazy your restaurant with music, the tablecloth smells soap ... Why so much drink, Lenya? Why there are so much? Why so much talk? Today in the restaurant you spoke again a lot and all the way. About the seventies, about decades. And to whom? Polit talk about decades!

L about p and x and n. Yes.

G and E B (waving his hand). I register, it is obvious ... (irritably, ich.) What is, constantly rides before your eyes ...

I w and (laughs). I could not hear without laughing your voice.

G and E V (sister). Or me, or he ...

LUK B O V L A N D R E E V N A. Leave, Yasha, go ...

I shh a (gives love to Andreevna wallet). Now I will leave. (Barely holds away from laughter.) This is a minute ... (leaves.)

L about p and x and n. Your estate is going to buy rich Deriganov. For trading, they say, will come personally.

LUK B O V L A N D R E E V N A. And where did you hear from?

L about p and x and n. In the city they say.

G A E. Yaroslavl aunt promised to send, and when and how much will send, unknown ...

L about p and x and n. How much will she come? Thousand hundred? Two hundred?

LUK B O V L A N D R E E V N A. Well ... thousand ten-fifteen, and Thank you.

L about p and x and n. Sorry, such frivolous people like you, gentlemen, such non-one, strange, I have not yet met. You are told by the Russian language, your estimate is sold, and you definitely do not understand.

LUK B O V L A N D R E E V N A. What do we do? Teach what?

L about p and x and n. I teach you every day. Every day I say all the same. And the cherry garden, and the land must be leased under the cottages, to do it now, as soon as possible, - auction on the nose! Understand! Once finally decide that there are summer cottages, so you will give you any money, and you are then saved.

LUK B O V L A N D R E E V N A. Dacha and dackets - it went so, sorry.

G A E. A completely agree with you.

L about p and x and n. I am either buried, or shout, or faint to drop. I can not! You suffer me! (Gaevu.) Baba you!

G A E. Who?

L about p and x and n. Woman! (Wants to leave.)

LU SA B O V L A N D R E E V N A (frightened). No, do not leave, stay, dove. I ask you to. Maybe I decide to do something!

L about p and x and n. What to think about!

LUK B O V L A N D R E E V N A. Do not leave, please you. With you all the same.

I'm still waiting for something as if the house should collapse.

G A E in (in deep meditation). Wasplet in the corner. Croisie in the middle ...

LUK B O V L A N D R E E V N A. We have a lot of sinful ...

L about p and x and n. What are your sins ...

G and E in (puts a lollipop in his mouth). It is said that I was all my state on lollipops ... (laughs.)

LUK B O V L A N D R E E V N A. Oh, my sins ... I always sailed with money without retaining, like a crazy, and married a person who did only debts. My husband died from champagne, "he died scary, - and, on the misfortune, I loved the other, I agreed, and just at that time, it was the first punishment, a blow to the head, - here on the river ... drowned My boy, and I left abroad, completely left to never go back, not to see this river ... I closed my eyes, fled, myself was not remembered, and he is behind me ... ruthlessly, rudely. I bought a cottage near the cops, as he got sick there, and for three years I did not know the rest or night; The patient was inspired by me, my soul dried. And last year, when the cottage was sold for debts, I went to Paris, and there he screamed me, threw me out, I tried to poke yourself ... so stupid, so ashamed ... and suddenly it was suddenly in Russia, home To my girl ... (rubs away tears.) Lord, Lord, be merciful, forgive me my sins! Do not punish me more! (Pulls out a telegram from his pocket.) Received today from Paris ... asks for forgiveness, begins to go back ... (River Telegram.) Like somewhere music. (Listens.)

G A E. This is our famous Jewish orchestra. Remember, four violins, flute and double bass.

LUK B O V L A N D R E E V N A. Does he still exist? He would call it somehow, arrange the evening.

L about p and x and n (listening). Do not hear ... (quietly sissing.) "And for the money of Rusak Germans from the Germans." (Laughs.) Which I watched a play yesterday in the theater, very funny.

LUK B O V L A N D R E E V N A. And, probably, nothing is ridiculous. You do not watch the plays, but would look more often on yourself. How you all do you live gray, how much you say unnecessary.

L about p and x and n. It's true. We must say directly, we have a stupid life ...

My dad was a man, an idiot, I did not understand anything, I did not taught me, but only beat Spyhan, and all the stick. In essence, and I am the same boy and idiot. Nothing studied, my handwriting is bad, I write so that from people conscientious like a pig.

LUK B O V L A N D R E E V N A. You need to marry my friend.

L about p and x and n. Yes it's true.

LUK B O V L A N D R E E V N A. In our Wary. She's a good girl.

L about p and x and n. Yes.

LUK B O V L A N D R E E V N A. She is from simple, works all day, and most importantly, you love. Yes, and I have long liked.

L about p and x and n. What? I'm not away ... She's a good girl.


G A E. I am offered a place in the bank. Six thousand a year ... I heard?

LUK B O V L A N D R E E V N A. Where are you! Sit ...

Firms enters; He brought a coat.

F and R S (Gaevu). Ensure, sir, put on, and then damp.

G and E in (puts on coat). Tired you, brother.

F and P s. Nothing there ... I left, without saying. (Looks back.)

LUK B O V L A N D R E E V N A. How did you come, Firs!

F and P s. What do you please?

L about p and x and n. They say you aged very much!

F and R S (without hearing). And else. Guys with gentlemen, gentlemen in men, and now all the battle, do not understand anything.

G A E. Sorry, Firs. Tomorrow I need to the city. They promised to acquaint with one general who can give a bill.

L about p and x and n. You will not get anything. And do not pay you interest, be deceased.

LUK B O V L A N D R E E V N A. It is he rant. There are no generals.

Complete Trofimov, Anya and Varya.

G A E. And here we go.

And I. Mom sits.

Liu b about in and n d r e e n a (gentle). Go, go ... My relatives ... (hugging any and cook.) If you both knew how I love you. Sit next to, like this.

All sit down.

L about p and x and n. Our eternal student all walks with the young lady.

T r about f and m about in. None of your business.

L about p and x and n. He's fifty years soon, and he is still a student.

T r about f and m about in. Leave your stupid jokes.

L about p and x and n. What are you, Crank, are angry?

T r about f and m about in. And you do not stick.

L about p and x and n (laughs). Let me ask how you understand me?

T r about f and m about in. I, Yermolai Alekseych, I understand: you are a rich man, will soon be a millionaire. This is how the predatory beast is needed in the sense of metabolism, which eats everything that comes across to his way, so you need.

All laugh.

Varya. You, Petya, tell us better about the planets.

LUK B O V L A N D R E E V N A. No, let's continue yesterday's conversation.

T r about f and m about in. What is it about?

T r about f and m about in. We talked yesterday for a long time, but did not come to anything. In the proud person, in your sense, there is something mystical. Perhaps you are right in your own way, but if you talk simply, without clauses, what is pride there, whether it makes sense in it, if a person is physiologically arranged, if he is in his huge majority, unfortunately, unfortunately. We must stop admiring themselves. We should only work.

G A E. All the same die.

T r about f and m about in. Who knows? And what does it mean - die? Perhaps a person has a hundred feelings and with death die only five, famous for us, and the remaining ninety five remain alive.

LUK B O V L A N D R E E V N A. What are you smart, Petya! ..

L about p and x and n (ironically). Passion!

T r about f and m about in. Humanity goes forward, improving his strength. Everything that is inaccessible for him now, will ever become close, understandable, only here you have to work, help with all the forces who are looking for the truth. We, in Russia, work while very few. The huge majority of the intelligentsia, which I know, is not looking for anything, nothing does anything and is not capable of work. They call themselves an intelligentsia, and the servant say "you", they treat the men, like animals, they study badly, they don't read anything seriously, they don't say anything, they don't say anything about sciences, there are few in art. All are serious, in all strict faces, everyone speaks only about important, philosophy, and meanwhile, everyone in the eyes of workers eat disgusting, sleep without pillows, for thirty, forty in the same room, the bugs, Smraff, dampness, moral unclean. .. And, obviously, all the good conversations with us for only to take away your eyes and others. Specify me where we have a nursery that they say so much and often, where are they reading? They write about them only in novels, in fact they are not at all. There is only dirt, vulgarity, asian ... I'm afraid and do not love very serious physiognomies, I am afraid of serious conversations. Better quilted!

L about p and x and n. You know, I get up in the fifth hour in the morning, I work from morning to evening, well, I have my own money and other people, and I see what kind of people. It is only necessary to start doing something to understand how little honest, decent people. Sometimes, when you do not sleep, I think: "Lord, you gave us huge forests, immentable fields, the deepest horizons, and, living here, we ourselves would have to truly be giants ..."

LUK B O V L A N D R E E V N A. You needed giants ... They only are good in fairy tales, and so they scare.

In the depths of the scene passes the ipaths and plays the guitar.

(Thoughtfully.) Epiphans goes ...

A n (thoughtfully). Epiphans goes ...

G A E. Sun village, gentlemen.

T r about f and m about in. Yes.

G and E V (quietly, as if declaming). About nature, wondering, you bloom by eternal radiance, beautiful and indifferent, you, which we call your mother, combine being and death, you live and destroy ...

In a r I (imploringly). Uncle!

And I. Uncle, you again!

T r about f and m about in. You are better than yellow in the middle of a doublet.

G A E. I'm silent, silent.

Everyone is sitting, thought. Silence. Hears only how quietly mourns Firs. Suddenly there is a distant sound, accurately from the sky, the sound of the bunting string, served, sad.

LUK B O V L A N D R E E V N A. What's this?

L about p and x and n. I do not know. Somewhere far in the mines fell out of Badja. But somewhere very far.

G A E. Or maybe some kind of bird ... like heron.

T r about f and m about in. Or Filin ...

Lu b about in and n d r e y y n a (shudders). It is unpleasant for some reason.


F and P s. Before misfortune, it was: and Owl screamed, and Samovar buzzed unversrate.

G A E. Before which misfortune?

F and P s. Before the will.


LUK B O V L A N D R E E V N A. You know, friends, let's go, already the evening. (Ane.) In your eyes tears ... What are you, girl? (Hugs her.)

And I. It is so, mom. Nothing.

T r about f and m about in. Someone goes.

It is shown passerby in a white plug-in cap, in a coat; He is slightly drunk.

PR O X about and y. Let me ask if I can go right here directly to the station?

G A E. Can. Go on this road.

PR O X about and y. Sensually grateful to you. (Coughing.) The weather is excellent ... (recites.) My brother, suffering a brother ... Say on the Volga: whose moan ... (Vare.) Mademoiselle, let the hungry Russian kopecks thirty ...

Varya was frightened, screams.

L about p and x and n (angry). Any disgrace has its decency!

LU YU B O V L A N D R E E V N A (Outer). Take ... Here you ... (Looking for in the purse.) There is no silver ... I don't care, here's golden ...

PR O X about and y. Sensually grateful to you! (Goes out.)

In a r i (frightened). I will leave ... I'll leave ... ah, mommy, there are nothing to eat at home, and you gave him golden.

LUK B O V L A N D R E E V N A. What about me, stupid, do! I will give you at home all that I have. Yermolai Alekseich, give me more borrowed! ..

L about p and x and n. I listen.

LUK B O V L A N D R E E V N A. Come, gentlemen, it's time. And here, cooking, we completely wondered you, congratulations.

In a r i (through tears). This, mom, can not be jokes.

L about p and x and n. Okhnelia, go to the monastery ...

G A E. And my hands trembled: I have not played at billiards for a long time.

L about p and x and n. Okhnelia, about the nymph, remember me in your prayers!

LUK B O V L A N D R E E V N A. I go, gentlemen. Soon dinner.

Varya. He scared me. The heart is stuck.

L about p and x and n. I remind you, gentlemen: the cherry garden will be sold twenty-second. Think about it! .. Think! ..

All except Trofimova and Ani leave.

A n (laughing). Thanks to the passion, scared with cook, now we are alone.

T r about f and m about in. Cooking is afraid, and suddenly we love each other, and all days do not leave us. She can't understand her narrow head that we are above love. Bypass, then petty and ghostly, which prevents being free and happy, so the goal and the meaning of our life. Forward! We go uncontrollable to a bright star, which burns there away! Forward! Do not fall back, friends!

And I (splashing hands). How well you are talking!

Today here is drank!

T r about f and m about in. Yes, the weather is amazing.

And I. What did you do with me, Petya, why I do not like the Cherry Garden, as before. I loved him so gently, it seemed to me that there was no better place on Earth as our garden.

T r about f and m about in. All Russia is our garden. The land is great and beautiful, there are many wonderful places on it.

Think, Anya: Your grandfather, great-grandfather and all your ancestors were serfs who owned alive souls, and really have human creatures from each trunk, with every garbage, do not hear the votes ... own Alive souls - after all, it was reborn all of you who lived earlier and now living, so your mother, you, uncle, no longer notice that you live in debt, on someone else's account, at the expense of those people you do not allow the front. .. We are behind at least two hundred years, and we still have nothing yet, there is no certain attitude to the past, we only philosophic, complaining for longing or drink vodka. After all, it is so clear to start living in the present, we must first redeem our past, end it with him, and you can take it only by suffering, only extraordinary, continuous work. Understand this, Anya.

And I. The house in which we live, no longer our house, and I will leave, give you a word.

T r about f and m about in. If you have keys from the farm, then throw them into the well and go. Be free as the wind.

And I (delighted). How well you said!

T r about f and m about in. Believe me, Anya, believe! I still have no thirty, I'm young, I'm still a student, but I already delivered so much! Like winter, so I'm hungry, sick, alarmed, poor, as a beggar, and - where only fate did not chase me, where I was not! And yet my soul is always, at all time, and afternoon and night, there was a misconceptions. I am anticipating happiness, Anya, I already see him ...

A n (thoughtfully). Moon dates back.

Hear how the ipaths plays the guitar all the same sad song. Moon dates back. Somewhere around the poplar is looking for Any and calls: "Anya! Where are you?"

T r about f and m about in. Yes, the moon is rising.

Here it is, happiness, here it goes, is getting closer and closer, I hear his steps. And if we do not see, I do not unsubscribe it, then what trouble? Others will see him!

Again this cooking! (Angry.) Outrageous!

And I. Well? Come to the river. It's good there.

The estate of Lyubov's love of Andre-EVNA Ranev-Skoy. Spring, blooming cherry trees. But the beautiful garden will soon be sold for debts. The last five years Ranev-Sky and her Seven-Tits-Ti-Summer daughter Anya lived abroad. In the estate, Rada-Skoy Leonid Andre-Evich Gheaev and her receptional daughter, the twenty-three-year-old Varya. The affairs of the wounds are bad, the means almost never remained. Love Andre-Euna always sailed the Days. Six years ago, her husband died from the drunk-property. Ranev-Skye Field-beat another man-century, agreed with him. But soon, tragedy was killed, drowned in the river, her little son Grisha. Love Andre-Ehna, unable to re-bear grief, fled abroad. Lover after-dodged for her. When he fell ill, Ranev-Skoy had to pour him on his dacha near Mentons and three years after him. And then, when I had to sell Dacha for debts and re-go to Paris, he absorbed and threw the wounds.

Gaev and Varya meet the love of Andre-Ehna and Anya at the station. The maid of Dunyasha and the familiar merchant Ermolai Alek-Seavich Lopakhin are waiting for their homes. The father of Lopa-Hina was a fortest wound, he himself was a split-gate, but he says about himself that he had a man's man. " The feeder comes the feeder, the person with whom is per-manno something occasionally and which the "twenty-two messengers" nicknamed.

Finally, the crews finally felt. The house is swept-nya, everything is in pleasant excitement. Everyone speaks of his own. Love Andre-Euna Vigilan-dyes - the room and through the tears of the joy of the Po-Mi-Natu past. Maid Dunyhasha does not wait to ride the lady that she made a pre-loying of the oscillation. Anya Sovie-Tuet Ware is to go out for Lopa-Hina, and Varya dreams of throwing Any by the God-Togo-century. Gouver-Nantka Charlotte Ivanovna, the strange and extece-trial special, praises with his surprise dog, the neighbor's presenter Simeonov-Pisher asks money to loan. Almost nothing hears and murmurs something old faithful servant Firs.

Lopahin Drins-Mi-Nat Ranev-Skoy that the estate should soon be sold from trading, one-sided output - split the land on the plots and give them to the rental of dachensons. Roune-whit-wagge-hin is surprised: how can I bewitch-beat her favorite substitution-chalk cherry garden! Lopa-Hiru wants to stay with the Ranes-Skoy, which he loves "more than his native, but he is time to leave. Gaev is shatting with a greeting speech to a tonnaya "Many-Uva-Mom" cabinet, but then, Skon-Fu-magnifying, again, start-netting nonsense Low billiards.

Ranev-Skye will not immediately recognize Petya Trophi-Mova: so he changeless, drove, "a cute student" turned into a "eternal student." The love of Andre-Evna is crying, Win-Milna of his little son of the son of Grisha, the teacher of which was Trofimov.

Gaev, Leaves, alone with Varai, is trying to argue-to give about things. There is a rich aunt in Yaroslavl, who, however, does not like them: after all, the love of Andre-Evna married not for the no-nina, and he behaved not "very well de-telno." Gaev loves her sister, but still nazas - it is "vicious", which is waiting for the abnormal-free ani. Gaev continues to build projects: the sister will ask for money from Hina's lopa, Anya will go to Yaroslavl - in a word, they are not allowed to make the estate to be sold, Gaev even swear in this. High-grade Firs finally led Barin, like a child, sleep. Anya calm and happy Liva: Uncle will arrange everything.

Lopahin does not re-become the Uzkova-river wounds and Gaeva take his plan. Threesome tomorrow-Cali in the city and, return, ourselves, remain-no-wiped in the field at the chapel. Just here, on the same bench, I tried the bays to explain with the dungee, but she already had time for him of the Molo-Dia Cinema Lacey Yasha. Ranev-Sky and Gaev seem to not hear Lopa-Hyne and speak completely about other things. So without convincing "easily-thought, ned-catch, strange people, Lopakhin wants to leave. Ranev-Skye asks him to stay: "Still more fun" with him.

Anya, Varya and Peter Trofimov come. Ranev-Skye starts the conversation about the "Gorde-Century". According to Trofi-Mova, there is no point in pride: the gross, unhappy man-in-law, you need to not be free, and to work. Petya disperse-gives an Intel-Lee-a-agency that is not able to work, those people who are important to Filo-Sof-Sofa, and with men, I agree, as with belly. In the conversation, in the conversation, the burdock is just working "from morning to evening", dealing with large capital capital, but is increasingly convicted, as little around the spey of her daughter people. Lopahin is not a grand-va-rift, his re-Bashets Ranev-Skye. In general, everyone does not want here and do not know how to listen to each other. Silence is puet, which hears the stainlessness of the bundled string.

Soon all right-go. Ostivia alone Anya and Trofimov are pleased with the possibility of pogo-rite together, without Var. Trofimov urges, gives Any, that it is necessary to be "above the love", which is the main thing - freedom: "All Russia is our garden", but to live in an innocent, you must first first be a passion and difficulty in drinking past. Happiness is close: if not they, then others are obliged to see it.

Nastu-falls twenty-second August, trading day. It was this evening that, in general, in the manor, the Ball is, the Jewish Orchestra is invited. Once here dance-shaped genes and barons, and now, as the company complains, and the postal officer, and the head of the station "Do not go to the hunt". Guests have entertained by their foci Charlotte Ivanovna. Ranev-Skye with a battery expects a brother's return. Yaroslav-Sky Aunt still sent stains-rely thousands, but their feasible-hundred-definitely to snuck up the estate.

Petya Trofimov "SUDU-KA-I-WAET" Wounds-Sku: It's not in the garden, it has long been pushing, it is necessary to look at the truth. The love of Andre-Evna asks not to see her, shy, fire: After all, without the Cherry Garden, her life loses its meaning. Every day, Ranev-Skye semi-chain-grams from Paris. At first, she rushed them immediately, then - at first reading, now it is no longer a tears. "This wild man", which she still loves, begins to take it. Petya disperse-gives the wounds-scarce for the love of "Small Round, Nothing-Speech." Angry Ranes-Skye, not singer-stamped, takes a trophy-mow, calling him a "funny eccentric", "freak", "quietly": "We must love yourself ... I need to lie!" Petya is terrified to be attended, but then it remains, dancing with Ranev-Skoy, his forgiveness has been forgiven.

Finally, the appearance of Skon-Fu-magnificent, joyful lopahin and tired Gaev, who, who says nothing, immediately goes towards himself. The cherry garden is sold, and bought it to the lopahin. "The new landowner" is happy: he managed to surpass the richer Deri-Ga-Nova auction, giving over the debt of the nine-wear thousand. Lopahin raise the keys thrown on the floor Proud Varai. Let the music play, let everyone see how Yermolai Lopakhin "Enough as an ax on the Cherry Garden"!

Anya comforts the crying mother: the garden is sold, but ahead of the whole life. There will be a new garden, a luxurious thing, they are waiting for "quiet deep joy" ...

The house is empty. His dwelling-teli, a spokeshot of each other, the junction journals. Lopahin is collected for the winter in Kharkov, trophimov returns to Moscow, in the union satell. Lopahin and Petya, like a flaw. Although trophimov and nazas - Hina's Lopa "Predatory Beast", the need-honing "in the sense of metabolism", he still loves in it "gentle, thin soul." Lopahin Preda Laets Trophy Mov Money on the road. That refusal is: above the "free man-age", "in the first rows of going" to the "Highest happiness", no one should have the authorities.

Roune-Skye and Gaev even pee-seed after the sale of the Cherry Garden. Previously, they are wave-waved, suffering, and now the success of the co-and. Ranev-Skye is going to live in Paris for money sent by aunt. Anya Wodo-Shev-Lena: Starting - a new life - she will finish the gymnasium, will work, read books, the "new wonderful world" will be revealed. Soon, the appearance of Symeon-Pisher and instead of asking money, on the contrary, distributes debts. It was presented that on his land, England Chan was found white clay.

All arranged and differently. Gaev says that now he is a bank servant. Lopakhin promises to find a new place Charlotte, cooking the arrangement of the college-rag-linous, the ipaths hired by Hyne, remains in the estate, Firsa must send to Nitsu. But nevertheless, Haev with sadness, it is: "Everyone is thrown to us ... We suddenly needed."

Between Veres and Lopa-Chini should finally explain the explanation. For a long time, cooks tease "Madame Lopa-Hina". Vare Yermolai Alec-Se-Evicho like, but she herself can not make a pre-loy. Lopakhin, too, excellent willing-va-you, I agree with this case, agrees. But when Ranev-Skye slightly, their meeting, Lopahin, and not deciding, she, the rest, gives you to cook, Zo-Vav-Sanis, the first prog.

"It's time to go! On the road! " - With these words from the house go, locking all the doors. Also, only the old firms, which, of Kaza, would be, all the call, but which they had forgotten and forgot to send to Nitsu. Firs, sighing that Leonid Andre-Evich drove into a coat, and not in a fur coat, it rests to the rest and lies Nepno-Dew. The same sound of the bundled string is heard. "Silence is puet, and only hear how far in the garden is tagged on the tree."

The estate of Lyubov Andreevna Ranevskaya. Spring, flower cherry trees. But the beautiful garden will soon be sold for debts. The last five years Ranevskaya and her seventeen-year-old daughter Anya lived abroad. The Ranevskoy Leonid Andreyevich Gheaev and her reception daughter, twenty-one-year-old Varya remained in the estate. The Ranevskaya affairs are bad, there are almost no money left. Andreevna's love always sailed money. Six years ago, her husband died from drunkenness. Ranevskaya loved another person, agreed with him. But soon tragically died, drowned in the river, her little son Grisha. The love of Andreevna, unable to transfer grief, fled abroad. The lover followed her. When he fell ill, Ranevskaya had to settle him at his cottage near the cops and for three years he would take care of him. And then, when I had to sell the Dacha for debts and move to Paris, he absorned and threw Ranevskaya.

Gaev and Varya meet the love of Andreevna and Any at the station. Houses are waiting for the Maid Dunyasha and the familiar merchant Ermolai Alekseevich Lopakhin. The father of Lopakhina was a fortress Ranevsky, he himself rich, but he says about himself that he was "man a man." The feeder comes the feeder, the person with whom something constantly happens and which was called "twenty two misfortunes".

Finally come the crews. The house is filled with people, everything is in pleasant excitement. Everyone speaks of his own. Andreyevna's love is looking at the rooms and through the tears of joy remembers the past. The maid of Dunyhasha does not tolerate telling the ladies that she made a proposal of the oscillage. Anya herself advises Vare to go beyond the blades, and Varya dreams of throwing Any for a rich man. The governess of Charlotte Ivanovna, strange and eccentric emphasis, praises with his amazing dog, the neighbor's presenter Simeon-Pister asks for money loan. Almost nothing hears and murmurs something old faithful servant Firs.

Lopakhin reminds Ranevskaya that the estate will soon be sold from the auction, the only way out is to smash the land on the plots and give them to renting to summer houses. Ranevsk offer Lopakhina surprises: how can you cut her favorite wonderful cherry garden! Lopakhina wants to stay with the Ranevskaya, which he loves "more than his native, but he is time to leave. Gaev draws a welcoming speech to a century "durable" cabinet, but then, confused, again begins to sensely pronounce favorite billiards.

Ranenevskaya does not immediately recognize Petya Trofimova: So he has changed, drove, "a cute student" turned into an "eternal student." The love of Andreevna cries, remembering his little drowned son Grisch, whose teacher was trophim.

Gaev, remaining alone with Vares, trying to reason about the affairs. There is a rich aunt in Yaroslavl, who, however, does not like them: after all, the love of Andreevna married not behind the nobleman, and he behaved not "very virtuously". Gaev loves her sister, but still calls her "vicious", which causes the dissatisfaction of Ani. Gaev continues to build projects: the sister will ask for money from Lopakhina, Anya will go to Yaroslavl - in a word, they will not allow the estate to be sold, Gaev even swear in this. Grinding Firs finally led Barin, like a child, sleep. Anya is calm and happy: Uncle will arrange everything.

Lopakhin does not cease to persuade Ranenevskaya and Gaeva to take his plan. Threesome have breakfast in the city and, returning, stopped in the field at the chapel. Just here, on the same bench, I tried to explain to the foolishness, but she had already preferred to him the young cynical lacquer Jasha. Ranevskaya and Gaev seek not hear the blades and speak completely about other things. So without convincing "frivolous, weekly, strange people, Lopakhin wants to leave. Ranevskaya asks him to stay: "Still more fun" with him.

Anya, Varya and Peter Trofimov come. Ranevskaya turns a conversation about the "Gord House". According to Trofimov, there is no point in pride: a gross, unhappy person needs to be not admired, but to work. Petya condemns an intelligentsia that is not capable of labor, those people who are important philosophice, and with men drawn, like animals. Locked in the conversation: it just works "from morning to evening", dealing with large capital, but more and more makes it a little around decent people. Lopakhin does not agree, he interrupts Ranevskaya. In general, everyone does not want here and do not know how to listen to each other. There is a silence, in which the remote sad sound of the burst string is heard.

Soon all diverge. The remaining alone Anya and Trofimov welcome the opportunity to talk together, without Var. Trofimov convinces Anya that it is necessary to be "above love", which is the main thing - freedom: "All Russia is our garden", but to live in the present, you must first have suffering and work for the past. Happiness is close: if not they, then others will definitely see it.

It comes twenty-second August, the day of trading. It was this evening that at all in the same way, the ball is covered in the manor, the Jewish Orchestra is invited. Once here, generals and barons danced here, and now, as Firs networks, and the postal officer, and the head of the station "Do not go to the hunt". Guests entertained with their focus Charlotte Ivanovna. Ranevskaya with concern awaits his brother's return. Yaroslavl aunt still sent fifteen thousand, but they are not enough to redeem the estate.

Petya Trofimov "Soothes" Ranevskaya: It's not about the garden, it has long been finished, you have to look like a truth. The love of Andreevna asks not to condemn her, regret: After all, without a cherry garden, her life loses its meaning. Every day Ranevskaya receives telegrams from Paris. At first, she rushed them immediately, then - at first reading, now it is no longer a tears. "This wild man", whom she still loves, begs to come to come. Petya condemns the Ranevskaya for the love of "small rascal, insignificance." Angry Ranevskaya, without restraining, Mastit Trofimov, calling him a "funny eccentric", "freak", "quietly": "We must love yourself ... I must fall in love!" Petya is terrified in horror, but then it remains, dancing with Ranevskaya, who asked him for forgiveness.

Finally, confused, joyful lopahin and tired Gaev, who, who does not told anything, immediately goes to himself. The cherry garden is sold, and bought it to the lopahin. "The new landowner" is happy: he managed to surpass in the auction of rich Deriganov, giving over the debt of ninety thousand. Lopakhin raises the keys thrown on the floor of the proud varia. Let the music play, let everyone see how Yermolai Lopakhin "Enough as an ax on the Cherry Garden"!

Anya comforts the crying mother: the garden is sold, but ahead of the whole life. There will be a new garden, a luxurious thing, they are waiting for "quiet deep joy" ...

The house is empty. His inhabitants, sprawling with each other, travel around. Lopahin is going for the winter in Kharkov, trophimov returns to Moscow, to the university. Lopahin and Petya exchanged by bale. Although Trofimov also calls a "predatory beast" to the "predatory beast", which is necessary "in the sense of metabolism", he still loves "a gentle, thin soul" in it. Lopahin offers Trofimov money on the road. He refuses: Above the "free person", "in the first rows of going" to "Higher Fortunately", no one must have power.

Ranenevskaya and Gaev even have fun after the sale of the Cherry Garden. Previously, they worried, suffered, and now calmed down. Ranevskaya is going to live in Paris for money sent to aunt. Anya is inspired: a new life begins - she will finish the gymnasium, will work, read books, "New Wonderful World" will open. Suddenly, the breathtaking plant appears unexpectedly and instead of asking money, on the contrary, distributes debts. It turned out that on its land, the British were found white clay.

All settled in different ways. Gaev says that now he is a bank servant. Lopakhin promises to find a new place Charlotte, Varya settled with a housekeeper to Ragulin, the ipaths hired by a bladler remains in the estate, Firsa should be sent to the hospital. But still, Gaev says with sadness: "Everyone is thrown to us ... We suddenly do not need."

Between the varays and the blades should finally explain. For a long time, I will work tease "Madame Lopakhina". Vare Yermolai Alekseevich likes, but she herself can not make an offer. Lopakhin, I also knows the well-spoken about Vare, I agree to "end immediately" with this business. But when Ranevskaya satisfies their meeting, Lopahin, and without drafting, leaves Wr., taking advantage of the first pretext.

"It's time to go! On the road! " - With these words from the house go, locking all the doors. Only the old Firs remains, which would seem to be taken care of, but they forgot to send to the hospital. Firs, sighing that Leonid Andreevich drove into a coat, and not in a fur coat, lies rest and lies motionless. The same sound of the bundled string is heard. "Silence comes, and only heard how far in the garden the tree is knocking on the tree."