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How to draw giant robots from anime. How to draw a robot with a pencil step-by-step instructions for children. How to draw a Terminator robot

It is believed that only boys love robots, and girls like dolls and Barbies more. But after Wally's cartoon, try to say that the robot is a man's toy! It turns out that they are also for girls. In our article we will tell you how to draw a robot, what is needed for this.

The first lesson for the curious is where the word "robot" came from. Back in 1920, the Czech writer Chapek Karel took and coined this word for his character from the play. This is how the name for mechanical machines came from science fiction. Now, every year, not only cinema, but also real engineering technologies create new powerful intelligent mechanisms.

How to draw a transforming robot

Step by step we will learn how to draw the boys' favorite toy - a transformer robot:

Imagine, in the East in some countries there are racing camels. And the owners arrange camel races. But the rider for the running animal should be light. And the evil owners of the show began to plant a child up to 4 years old to control the camel. And so that the baby weighed very little, he was simply not fed for several days. Now this is prohibited in the developed countries of the UAE and Qatar. Who do you think they put on a camel? Special remote controlled robot jockeys.

Terminator - draw a tough defender

For the older generation, this is a warrior from a cult movie. And his phrase "Astalavista, baby" became winged. How to pass by without portraying such a character? Maybe the younger ones will catch up to the lesson. Moreover, a detailed step-by-step story will show that this is a very simple task.

For the curious: Did you know that Honda's ASIMO robot is considered the smartest. He is so human-like in movement, facial recognition, response to his name, and also a behavioral factor. He changes behavior according to the circumstances. But, it is even more amazing that a humanoid machine can play football!

Teaching a child to draw the most simplified robot

The diagram below will teach you how to draw a robot quickly, using a lightweight template, using only geometric shapes.

How to draw Lego Ninjago characters

The boys love this show. They remember all the heroes by name, ask for toys with their image. You can learn to draw such robotic people with your child. A couple of warm friendly evenings will bring joy.

An interesting fact - a mechanical machine, very similar to a person, is liked by people more than an ordinary mechanism. But when the robot begins to be completely humanized and endowed with some character traits, the opposite reaction comes into force - fear. It's about the conflict between reality and fantasy. This effect is called "evil valley". This term is often found among animation artists. They use the evil valley trick on both positive and negative cyborgs.

In this tutorial, we will again draw a robot with a pencil step by step, but first, let's practice again drawing squares in perspective! In this figure, this is the most important foundation. Take a blank piece of paper and draw 15 squares in perspective. Go through the first three steps very carefully. In a few more days, you will be able to draw these squares with your eyes closed!

1. Place two dots further apart. Make your drawing fill the entire page of the album.

2. Place your finger in the middle between these points and draw two more: one above and one below the finger. You now have two points far apart and two points side by side in the middle. These first points are very important for the correct construction of the entire drawing. If they even skew a little, then the whole drawing will "melt" like in a microwave oven! Be very careful in the placement of these first points.

3. Connect the dots, completing the square in perspective. This is a very important figure. With it, you can draw huge skyscrapers, a cruise ship sailing in the Pacific Ocean, or even a spaceship!

4. Make sure the middle line is drawn slightly longer. Remember the rule that near objects are lower on the paper? This is the law of location (to brush up on the basics, skip to ""). So to make the bottom edge of the box look closer, draw the middle line slightly longer.

5. Connect the bottom edges of the box, this will be the body of the robot. Now we draw the near leg, again making the middle line longer. We hid the top of the leg behind the torso using the law of overlap. We also have to use "size": the near leg should be larger than the far one. In one drawing, all the rules for drawing in 3D should be combined, so we will give the effect of depth and volume to the drawing. Have you noticed that you need to offset the midline of your leg from the midline of your torso? This gives the image more character.

6. Relax your arm, draw light lines. Add guide lines at the bottom of the legs. These lines will also help in drawing large stops of the robot.

7. Guess what's next? More guides! Use the lines drawn in the previous step to draw new ones. Now you understand how important that first square was in perspective. Each line drawn after the first square is drawn according to it, from head to toe of the robot.

8. Add even more guides to the feet.

9. Complete the feet. Note that even the drop shadow follows the guidelines. Let's sketch out the shape of the head and draw the holes for the arms in perspective. The arms will cover the sleeves, and the contour lines will give them volume and shape. Another circle in perspective will be in place of the face. A circle in perspective is as important a shape as a square. I want you to draw 15 circles in perspective on a blank sheet of paper to practice. Here's a tip: start with two points farther apart, and then connect them in an oval shape, keeping them flat, just like in a square. If the oval is too open, almost like a circle, it will change the construction of the entire drawing.

10. It's time for the funnest part. Apply eyeshadow, face, cool helmet, antenna and hands. Write a story for your robot: where is it from, what is its mission?

Leave your robots and their history in

Robots are often seen in a variety of cartoons and films. Every child has seen this hero at least once. Many people think that it is difficult to portray him, but in fact it is not. According to our instructions on how to draw a robot with a pencil step by step for children, even a beginner in this type of creativity can cope with these drawings.

Friendly robot

If you succeed, then there will be no problems with this work. This drawing is not difficult, even if you are new to this art. The main thing is to adhere to our instructions. Prepare an album and markers before starting the creative process.

Prepared? Now we will tell you how to draw a robot in stages:

The picture is ready. Since you learned how to draw a robot for a child, we will continue our fine arts lessons with other paintings.

Cute robot

If we have coped with the previous drawing, let's portray the hero in a different way. This work will require the same tools and materials as for the previous image. But the creative process itself will be more difficult.

Let's start drawing:

Ready. This lesson is not difficult, even if you are a child with it easily.

Wall-E Robot

We will not stop there. We propose to portray a character from one popular cartoon. Drawing, of course, is difficult for novice artists, but if all the requirements are met, you will cope with it without much difficulty. Prepare a simple pencil, a sketchbook and a set of colored tools, we took pencils.

Ready? Let's start drawing:

Wall-E is ready ..

Armored Baymax

And the previous versions of the work, we propose to draw one of the main characters of the animated film "City of Heroes" by Baymax. For work, you will need markers and an album for creativity.


The drawing is ready. Now you know how you can portray a robot for a child. And if you involve him in this creative process, then he will be much more interesting.

Full length blacktop

Let's continue drawing characters from popular films and cartoons. This time we propose to learn how you can depict the Blacktop robot with pencils according to the step-by-step instructions for the child.

This character is one of the main characters from the movie "Real Steel". Almost everyone who has watched the film knows what this hero looks like. Therefore, there will be no difficulties with the creative process, and if you are a beginner and decide to start studying right away from this drawing, we recommend that you adhere to our instructions.

Prepare pencils and an album and start drawing:

  1. In the middle of the sheet, draw two lines connected to a corner.
    Draw another corner to the inner side of the corner. Draw small segments upward from the top three corners. Draw a square in the middle of the figure and divide it into parts with horizontals.
  2. Finishing the sketch. Show a rectangle above this shape. Show the eyes on the character's face. We clarify the details in the figure, and depict a helmet. Shade the middle of the helmet.
  3. Show the neck with vertical segments under the head. Draw a horizontal line under this part. Add lines upward and connect them to the neck.
    We draw a line that is also identical in turns. Draw a rectangle with flared sides. From every corner of this shape. We direct the lines down. Show the main detail just below the rectangle.
  4. Draw three circles under the drawn part. We detail them and direct the elements. We finish drawing the bottom of the body and complement the drawing with the beginning of the arms. Separate them with a thick line. We continue to draw the bottom, while selecting areas in the form of stripes.
  5. Add a rectangle with a narrowed bottom to the bottom of the silhouette. Add one tilted rectangle on the sides of the bottom. In the middle of the silhouette we depict one element of protection. We clarify the sides. Draw the upper legs. Add details and draw the lower limbs. We detail the image.
  6. We finish drawing up, hands. We clarify and direct all the details of the hands. We outline the entire character with a pen and can be painted.
  7. We paint the main part of the body with red. We paint the areas on the arms with gray. Draw all the other parts in black. We cover the eyes and details on the body with yellow.

The drawing is ready. Now you know how to portray a robot in an easy way.

Hello everyone! We have prepared for you a new lesson in which we will consider the step-by-step drawing of a robot.

In fact, the robot that we are going to draw today is very simple - it can even draw it completely. We deliberately decided to pick up a simple lesson to relax after, because it was really difficult and voluminous.

In general, our today's robot is inspired by nostalgic images from films and books of the seventies and eighties of the last century, when the life of the inhabitants of the 2000s was represented as a set of futuristic stereotypes, among which there were necessarily cars flying through the air, games with full immersion in "virtual reality" by dressing special glasses and, of course, robots with light bulb eyes and an antenna on their heads. As you can see, none of this (well, or almost nothing) has become a part of our life, but here draw a robot from the fantasies of people of that era, we can easily. Let's do that!

Step 1

First, let's draw a stickman - a man made of sticks and circles. Today's stickman is probably the simplest of all that we have drawn on our site. We designate the legs with two completely straight sticks, the arms are slightly bent at the elbows, and in place of the head we draw a contour that looks like a bucket.

Step 2

Let's draw a stickman, more precisely, the upper part of his torso and arms. We mark the head with a vertical line of facial symmetry and a horizontal line of the eyes and draw an antenna on the top of the head. Let's draw the outline of the body (note that it does NOT end with the belt line from the last step, and a little earlier).

Then we will give shape to the arms, on the shoulders and elbows we designate the joints with two or three lines. Two-fingered hands will look more like pincers than human hands. Let's draw some stripes on them and move on to the next step.

Step 3

Now let's draw the lower part of the torso and legs. This step is so simple that you can get a little distracted and look at a rather sociable robot that somehow looks like a vacuum cleaner.

Draw the belt and groin of the robot in the form of a triangle, connect it to the body with a couple of lines that will indicate the waist (it should be narrower relative to the upper and lower parts of the body). On the legs, mark the knees and feet and proceed to the next step.

Step 4

Let's draw the robot's face - it should be a little deranged, but cute. First, let's draw the light bulb eyes (mark them as circles), then use the inverted letter "C" to mark the lower jaw and draw the teeth. Do not forget also about the antennas in place of the ears, after all, our robot is the pinnacle of technology.

Step 5

Let's continue detailing the robot by drawing a chest plate on its body. Now it has become quite similar to it, and so that it differs from it in at least something, we will draw a rectangular panel with four buttons under the plate. We finish the stage by drawing a pair of horizontal lines at the waist of our robot.

Step 6

The last step remains - to erase the extra auxiliary lines from the legs and draw them a little. At the end, you should end up with something like this:

Check out another video - the top 10 weirdest and (or?) Most technologically advanced robots. There are some really funny examples among them, such as the Einstein robot or the Lego robot bartender.

Well, we traditionally wish our readers health and creative success - all the best, visit our website more often, we are constantly drawing new lessons just for you! See you!

Many kids love to play with robots. They are the main characters of fairy tales, films and cartoons, and it is not surprising that at a certain age your kid will start drawing them and inventing stories about them. Parents should support the children's passion for drawing and help them master difficult drawings so that the child develops artistic vision and creative thinking.

There is a very simple scheme, thanks to which you can easily draw it with your own hands in stages with a pencil. First, you will need to draw a vertical line on paper, this will be the axis from which you will start.

In the square for your feet, you will have to draw them in the form of two vertical rectangles. Divide your legs into three sections so they look more like legs.

Equip yourself with a rubber band and erase those lines that you do not need, round off the edges of the head and body drawn with a pencil. To get it completely beautiful, in addition to performing the work in stages, you will have to give your legs volume, for beginner children of 10 years old it will be quite simple to do this.

Be sure to draw his neck leading to the head, as well as the doors on the body. They will show that, if necessary, a mechanical person can be opened and repaired.

To make the contours of the picture realistic, you will need to step by step draw his ears, antennas, cheerful eyes and a smile on his head with a pencil. Also, do not forget about the hands, they can be flexible from different parts, and can end with three movable fingers.

How to draw Valli the robot

Many children love cartoons and it is not surprising that someday this invention will become the hero of a picture drawn by children of 10 years old. It is best to start drawing with an uneven square. Draw caterpillars near a square on each side, which will look a little like triangles with rounded corners. Such drawing in stages with a pencil is quite possible for children of 9 years old.

On top of the cube that formed the body, you need to draw the head. Since his head is quite complex, it should be done with a pencil in stages, focusing on how to draw the details very well. The head will need to give details, draw rivets, the drawn eyes will become more expressive if you give them a rainbow structure.

After the head, you will need to draw a base for the hands and begin to work through the drawn details with a pencil in stages. If you look at the diagram, then such drawing will be very simple for beginners, you just need to carefully look at the details of the picture. After adding the necessary details to the arms and body, you can move on to the tracks. For novice children, it will be interesting to direct some details, erase others and the hero will turn out like a real one.

How to draw an embarrassed robot with a pencil