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Margaret Thatcher Years. Internal Politics M. Tatcher

Course on the topic

"Internal Policy M. Thatcher"


Brief biography Tetcher

Economic policy Tatcher

Social politics

National policy towards Ireland




For the three term of its reign, Margaret Thatcher became one of the most important figures in the history of Great Britain. We know a lot from the story about the foreign policy of Thatcher and its greatest contribution to world politics, but at the same time, forgetting that, having come to power in 1979 and driving to her until 1990, the Tatcher government completely changed the Great Britain. For a short period of reign, Tatcher, England coped with the difficult socio-economic crisis and until 1990 the economy will raise steadily. These events are sometimes called the "English miracle."

The first term of the Board of Thatcher was not smooth and unequivocal, since the country was in a 50-year economic decline. But the competent economic policy gave a fracture in the economy towards its active growth. This was the basis for that rapid growth, which began in 1985.

Even, despite the rigid and unpopular social policy at the beginning of the Board, the government of Thatcher in recent years has solved many social issues and has overcome social tensions in society. Trial times transferred to the English society in 1979-1981 were justified. In this paper, we will consider the work of Thatcher in more detail and its contribution to the social and political development of Great Britain.

Brief biography Tetcher

Margaret Hilda Tatcher (Margaret Hilda Thatcher, nee Roberts, Roberts) was born on October 13, 1925 in the city of Grant (Graftvincolnshire) in the Alfred Roberts Bakaleshchik family (Alfred Roberts), which occupied various positions in the municipal council of the city, and his wife Beatrice. Margaret's father not only was engaged in local politics, but also was an Alderman (elder) and a preacher at the local arrival of the Methodist Church.

Future Prime Minister graduated from Samersville College at Somerville College, Oxford University, then, in 1947, - Chemical Faculty of Oxford University, receiving a bachelor of science. As early as Students, Tatcher managed the Association of Students - Conservative University Conservatives. Until 1951, he worked in chemical enterprises in Menningree (Essex County) and London.

In 1953, Tatcher received a legal education, and a year later, "S Inn's lawyers was adopted in a panel of lawyers. She led to lawyer practices, specializing in tax law.

In 1959, Tatcher was first elected to the House of Commons of the UK from the Conservative Party. In 1961-1964, she was a parliamentary secretary of the Ministry of Pension Provision and State Insurance of Great Britain, in 1970-1974 - Minister of Education and Science. She also held posts in "Shadow Cabinets", was a "shadow minister" on housing and land use, on finance, energy, transport, education (1967-1970), on environmental issues, financial and economic issues (1974) .

In 1975, Thatcher headed the Conservative Party of Great Britain. Under her leadership, the party defeated the elections three times in a row (the first case in the history of Great Britain since 1827). According to her tough position in relation to the USSR in 1976, Soviet journalists from the newspaper "Red Star" called Thatcher "Iron Lady", and this nickname was gained in the international press.

After the victory in the 1979 elections, Tatcher became the first woman - the Prime Minister in the history of Great Britain, remaining in this post until 1990.

During the leadership, the British government, Tatcher conducted a tough neoliberal policy, which became a story called "Tetcherism". She decided to confrontation with the trade unions, many state-owned enterprises in the UK were privatized with Thatcher, and many of its reforms were nicknamed "shock therapy". During the reign, Thatcher was somewhat weakened by state control over the economy, inflation reduced, reduced maximum tax levels (from 83 to 40 percent).

According to experts, the main result of Tatcher as head of the Cabinet was overcoming the deep economic crisis that swept the UK in the late 1970s.

In foreign policy, one of its main successes is considered to resolve a dispute with Argentina about Falkland (Malvinsky) Islands (1982) and the completion of the Cold War.

After the resignation, from this position for two years was a member of the House of Commons from Finchli. In 1992, at the age of 66, she decided to leave the British parliament, which, in her opinion, gave her the opportunity to more openly express their opinion on a particular occasion. In 1992, Thatcher was assigned to the title Baroness Thatcher Off Caestle, she became a lifelong member of the House of Lords.

In July 1992, Margaret was hired by the Philip Morris tobacco company as a "geopolitical consultant". In 1993-2000, she was an honorary rector of Wilhelm College and Mary in the US state of Virginia, and from 1992 to 1999 - an honorary rector of the University of Buckingham (the first private university of Great Britain, founded in 1976).

In 2002, Tatcher survived several microinsults, after which the doctor advised it to refuse to participate in public events and move away from public and political activities. In February 2007, Tatcher became the first prime minister of Great Britain, who was established a monument in the British parliament during his lifetime. "Iron Lady" is not the only characteristic of Margaret, she was also called the "only man in the British office" and a "strong man in NATO." It's not by chance that one of the favorite quotes Thatcher is the expression of Sofokla: "It costs once to put a woman on a par with a man, as she starts to exceed it." She was also known as a person who has an unshakable faith in his own principles, which all his life served faith and truth. Thatcher is the author of the books "in defense of freedom" (1986), "Years on Downing - Street" (1993), "Skill to manage the state" (2002). Margaret Thatcher had numerous degrees of the title: Honorary Professor Samervilly College of Oxford University, Honorary Professor of the Royal Chemical Institute, Member of the Royal Society, Honorary Doctor of Russian Chemical University of Technology named after D.I. Mendeleeva. Margaret Thatcher was awarded the Higher State Award of Great Britain - the Order "For Merit" (1990), as well as the Order of the Garter (1995), the "gold medal honest" (2001) and had awarded a number of other states, in particular, in 1991 she was given the highest US Civil Award, Presidential Medal of Freedom. Margaret Thatcher was married to Lawyer Denis Thatcher (Denis Tatcher), who died 10 years earlier, in 2003. They have children twins: Carol (Carol) and Mark (Mark).

To solve economic problems in front of Great Britain in 1979, of which the most acute inflation was. The Government Thatcher took the economic doctrine of monetarism. The economic doctrine of monetarism was popular since the beginning of the 60s, when her author Milton Friedman released the book "Capitalism and Freedom". The essence of this theory, as the English press interprets it, is that the reason for inflation lies in increasing the growth rate of the amount of money in circulation, above the growth rate of an economic product. This ratio can be affected by political will, because the government has a technical ability to control the issue of money in circulation and, as a result, can reduce this difference. The second important side of the theory of monetarism consists of a position that economic policy should not limit the freedom of action of entrepreneurs, the intervention in the capitalism mechanism is not necessary and can only lead to a decrease in productivity. The first tests were waiting for Margaret Thatcher already in the discussion of its radical program at the open session of the Parliament and when discussing a new state budget, which provided a sharp reduction in state ownership, a significant cutting into industry, education, health care, energy, transportation, housing construction, cities, resolute Measures to limit the activities of Tred - Unions. On the other hand, another feature of the government's program was to reduce the tax rate especially for large profits. At the same time increased value added tax, excise taxes on cigar consumption, alcoholic beverages, gasoline increased. All these measures did a new budget extremely unpopular, which led to an unprecedented fall of the government's rating. At the same time, the course of the pound, which reached his peak in 1981.

This led to the fall of the export of industry, production and a sharp drop in employment in industry. But it was not scarecrow M. Thatcher and its like-minded people. Her budget was to play the role of the "Cold Soul". But the results were catastrophic. In the next two and a half years, thousands of firms went bankrupt, industrial production fell by 9%, the unemployed army increased by 1.5 million people. As noted by critics from the Labor camp, "Tatcher brought more economic damage than Hitler's bombs." At the beginning of 1981, unemployment reached 10% of the working-age population of the country. It was the highest indicator since the Great Depression 1929-1933. The premiere was put out pressure to convince it to increase the taxation, to increase government spending and thus suspend the continuous growth of unemployment, that is, rotate 180 degrees. At one time and Wilson, and Hit, and Callang walked on it, but Thatcher stood up. "Return, if you want. A woman cannot be returned back. "She said. This phrase became the informal motto of her government. Attacks on Thatcher in parliament were intensified, but it only strengthened her spirit. "I stand in front of them and think:" Well, Maggie! Come on! Rely only on yourself! No one can help you! And I like it. " First of all, of course, accused Laborians. It was imputed to the fault that the Labor Government D. Callagen left conservatives to the inheritance millionth unemployment, without having anything to undermine his obscures. "We all hate unemployment, and we all remember that it was the previous leadership in such a big extent increased it," said Tatcher in parliament. The main reason for the growth of unemployment, she called the failure of the attempts of the honorable gentleman (James Callagen) and his respectful friends to destroy the roots of unemployment when they were in the government. The "guilty" in the growth of unemployment was both English youth, and English old: youth - because the number of graduates of secondary schools increased, the elderly - because they do not want to retire (since it has become difficult to live).

It was getting both women who suddenly wanted to work and thus increased the number of unemployed. "More and more women want to work, and we have to create more jobs to stop the growth of unemployment," the prime minister said. In general, in her opinion, all the British are: they do not want to retrain, do not want to move from those places where there is no work to areas where there is an excess jobs. "People are not capable of moving, even for relatively short distances to find the mobility of the workforce. If people today do not want to move around, as their parents did, the economy cannot develop. " Understanding that all this is little happy, conservative propaganda applied another argument: it is not necessary to talk about how many people cannot find a job, but about how many British work. "Most of the British continue to work," the leaders of the Conservative Party were comforting. "One of the eight British is unemployed, it is very much, but seven continue to work," the prime minister reassured the voters. In justifying the growth of unemployment, the government also led the argument that unemployment is characteristic of all countries of the Western world and even for individual socialist countries that unemployment though and evil, but evil is inevitable. One of the ministers of the British government even said: "These Laborlasts are artificially inflated the problem, in fact the British have already become accustomed to unemployment and believe that it is impossible to do without it." In general, the conservatives, emphasizing the universal nature of unemployment, avoided reminding that in England, unemployment was much higher than in other countries. The government, along with this, tried to assure the people, which takes measures to increase employment. Cabinet Thatcher felt frank hostility to the nationalization of companies. An English researcher gives a speech of one of the ministers of the conservative government, did not want to call himself. He said: "We are sick of nationalized industries in the throat. They bring us huge losses in them there are trade unions, they are spoiled. Almost nothing can be done with them, so we are increasingly bothering that they need to get rid of them. " The government decided to appoint significant and rigorous businessmen of Mackerel and King by the heads of the largest nationalized British style companies, British Cole, British Eyrules, before which was tasked to prepare the denationalization of these companies and return them to the private sector. By 1983, the sale of shares "British Petroleum", British Eirospeis and others were organized, and the eight largest companies. Government profits from this amounted to 1.8 billion. pounds. Privatization was one of the forms of reorganization of the public sector. Its main purpose was the revival of competition. The second goal is closely related to the first and consists of an increase in the efficiency of the industry, since climate change in the market should have stimulated the more free operations of the management, great interest in the results of the labor of workers and employees. The third goal of privatization was to reduce the expenditure articles of the budget. The fourth goal was to attract investors interested in the final result of the labor and creation of "folk capitalism".

Such a goal was pursued by the creation of joint ventures and the restructuring of nationalized industries, the creation of several companies, perhaps even government, which could compete. So, conducting privatization, the government wanted to reduce the deficit of the state budget, incorporate the population, increase the competitiveness of enterprises. About 40% of enterprises nationalized in 1945-1979 were provided to private hands. The share of shares was overbought by workers and employees of corporations. Conservatives argued that it made them direct participants in the management of the enterprise. But it was not quite so. First, most of the stocks were redeemed by a large business, which provided him with real control over these enterprises, and secondly, many ordinary British, who bought shares, then quickly sold them.

Thus, the number of individual owners of Shares "British Eirospeis" decreased three times in two years. The number of individual shares rose from 2 million in 1979 to 9, 2 million in 1987, and in 1990 this figure amounted to 11 million and for the first time exceeded the number of trade union members. Most of the new owners of the shares acquired them in privatized companies, and some of them were sold at low prices (Shares of British Telecom). This largely became a factor in democratization of property. More than 2/3 of the public sector was granted to the hands of individuals, cooperative enterprises. 1981 The Government of Great Britain sold to private owners of 18 major industrial companies with a total capital of 14 billion pounds sterling. The possibility of acquiring the shares of those enterprises where they worked was distributed. Tax benefits were provided for the purchase of shares to a certain amount. Separate firms were redeemed by their employees. And it is worth noting that the demand for privatization shares significantly exceeded the number of these shares. When, in December 1986, Shares "British Gez" appeared on the market, 4.5 million applications arrived on them, 4 times more than the most shares were issued. The number of applications for privatization certificates of companies for the production of aircraft engines "Rolls-Royce" (1987) exceeded the number of shares by almost 10 times. The sharp increase in demand for the shares of privatized companies is explained, firstly, the fact that the Tatcher government has taken measures to maximize The simplification of the procedure for acquiring shares, secondly, the government in most cases of privatization allowed the payment of installments. Thus, people with a serious state received real chances for acquiring shares. Workers and employees of privatized companies enjoyed additional privileges.

When, for example, British Gz "was privatized, each employee had the right to 52 free shares and another 1481 share with a 10% discount rate. 130 thousand Employees "British Gez" became owners of shares. A number of tax sentments were also introduced, which stimulated the interest of small owners. By the end of 1987 4/5 of all servants of privatized companies owned their shares. On the other hand, it should be noted that 54% of the shares belonged to 1% of the richest shareholders. The denationalization of state justified also by the fact that significant expenses were sent to the social sphere, and this led to significant losses in competition with private enterprises, the extended reproduction of capital. After privatization, the shares of almost all companies have grown in price. "British Telecom" in the three years of activity in the private sector increased its revenues by almost 30%. Moreover, the influx of private capital into the state industry was just one of the weighty factors. Not less, but according to the British journalist, D. Buryus - Gardin, the restriction of the privileged position of state monopolies was even greater importance. The Law on Transport 1980 "British Rail" was deprived of the sole right to solve the issue of transportation of passengers. At the same time, the government retained a "special" stake in a number of companies so that they do not undergo control of foreign shareholders. Also created special audits and control institutes that should ensure that privatized companies ensure demand and services for the population. One of the most important events that the Tatcher government implemented was the privatization of housing, since in the early 1980s the main part of the urban population rented housing in urban power. The housing economy was unprofitable, so his maintenance of a heavy burden lay on local budgets, and ultimately - to the power.

The new course of Tori led to the revival of business activity, accelerated the modernization of the country's economic structure. The British economy has grown in 80 years 3 - 4% faster than in other leading Western countries, with the exception of Japan. At the same time, consumer price growth rates decreased in 80 years. 1988 they accounted for 4.9%, while in 1979 - 13.6%. True, it should be noted that the processes of privatization and the spread of the number of shares holders, although they have covered a significant part of society, had their opponents because, by definition of specialists, the majority of the country's population, even in Britain, remained unseltened about how British functions economy. It was this ignorance that explained why a significant part of society referred to the processes of privatization and mass incorporation with certain caution, and sometimes even hostile. The only way to overcome such bias M. Thatcher considered the fastest involvement of the British to this process, in order to actually demonstrate to them the advantages of private property before the state, since it was directly involved in the activities of a company not only made it possible to increase the financial interests of each owner, but also brought it By understanding the real processes of economic life as the country as a whole and a particular enterprise. As the Thatcher later noted in his memoirs, privatization itself did not solve any of the problems, she only showed hidden problems that it was necessary to immediately decide. Monopolies or quasimopolia, which is privatized, demanded state support, regulating their activities. It was necessary to breathe confidence in them, to deprive biased fear of market difficulties, cruelty of competition and unpredictability of consumers. "Support for the privatized and privatized companies, - notes the ex-prime minister, are completely different things," because in the first case the government was forced to engage in unresolutely functions for him, the rest - the government translated a significant part of the responsibility for the private sector, creating conditions for it decent functioning and providing from the surprises of the "free market".

The success of tetcherism in the context of the United Kingdom testified to the ability of the capitalist system to transform and adapt to new socio-economic conditions. The main directions of the implementation of structural changes in the country's economy are preserved in the 90s, despite the "compression" of socio-cultural potential of society. Until the end of his tenure, the power of the first government, Tatcher managed to overcome the decline in the economy. The gross national product fell by 5% between the first half of 1979 and the lowest recession - the first half of 1981. Since 1982, the annual production growth begins, and since 1983 - an increase in employment. Subsequently, the growth of industrial production confidently gained the pace and in 1988 GNP was 21% higher than in 1979 and almost 27% higher than 1981. The real recovery of the investment climate occurred in the mid-1980s, after which the investment began to grow rapidly. In 1983, the import of industrial goods in the UK for the first time in peacetime exceeded exports. The service sector has grown, a positive balance of payments was achieved by unprecedented incomes and trade in non-industrial goods.

Social politics

The basis of "tetcherism" was the formed "monetary theory of the American economist of Professor Milton Friedman. The monetary theory is based on the unconditional efficiency of the market model, free competition and the basic nature of the principle of rational behavior of a person in a market economy, the provisions on the leading role of the monetary factor in the development of the modern economy. From the point of view of monetarism, costly state regulation (budget redistribution of income, inflation suppression by administrative methods, anticyclic regulation, etc.). And trade union activities violates the basics of the economic mechanism and deform the market infrastructure. Within the framework of the monetary theory of employment, the idea of \u200b\u200b"natural unemployment" is held, the level of whom reflects the real state of reproduction factors and the state should not artificially influence NY-focused on the rejection of the previous practice of the global state settlement of the economy, the priority of anti-inflation policy and the intensification of natural, market Mechanisms of Economics.5.

At the same time, Margaret Thatcher and its like-minded people turned "monetarism" from an economic model to a holistic socio-political concept of the ideological level. In addition to calculating market efficiency, they proceeded from the need to revive social activity and personality responsibility, supporting the interests of a particular person who fights for improving their lives, and not hoping to help state. The expression of Thatcher "Free Cheese only in a trap" became a symbol of this social ideology, which was named neoconservatism. Neoconservatism is one of the leading directions of modern conservative ideology. Neoconservatism is a complex set of ideas and principles, the main rod of which is an economic concept. Neoconservatives tried to develop concrete recommendations on the integrated correction of public policy. A feature of the British neoconservative political thought was the role of moral argument, the appeal to the "natural" conservatism of the British, the traditional Victorian spiritual values \u200b\u200bof the British society - respect for the family and religion, law and order, hard work and leaning.

In addition, tetcherism as a political strategy was distinguished by cruelty and steady sequence in the realization of the goal. Among the value orientations of neoconservatism, in general, the tetcherism of particular, an important place belongs to individualism, which is almost identically anti-collectivism. In fact, individualistic philosophy underlies the entire social-economic policy Margaret Thatcher. This philosophy began to appear after her victory in the 1983 Parliamentary elections. 7 After victory in the elections, the priority direction of techherism was the policy of limiting the power and influence of trade unions. It should be noted that Margaret Thatcher acted gradually and cautiously. The first bills were limited to picketing, "solidarity" and freedom of trade union activities in enterprises. The democratization of British trade unions contributed, in the opinion of Tetcherovskaya officials, introduced voting by mail in the elections of the leadership and decision-making on strikes by most members of the trade union, restrictions on the rights of the "closed shop", paying fines for non-compliance with laws. At the same time, the Prime Minister, except for the adoption of laws, sought to form a public opinion directed against the violence of trade unions and corporatism. It significantly reduced the functions and powers of the National Council of Economic Development, its industry bodies, restricted the participation of trade unions in other state bodies, reduced their activities to private issues (occupational safety, retraining and employment of people). It was useful for the government to fall in the number of trade unions, especially in traditional industries whose employees were active participants in the trade union movement. The consistent and purposeful activities of the government on the legislative restriction of the strike struggle and active actions against strikers finally gave positive results if they keep in mind a purely economic effect.

Along with the reform of property relations and the restriction of prerogatives of Tred - Unions, the tatcher offensive was the restructuring of the system of state social services. According to Tetcherists, the root reorganization of this system is intended to save compatriots of equalized services in the field of services, to facilitate the establishment of freedom of choice and in the social sphere. This in turn will stimulate the initiative and entrepreneurship, the desire to rely only on themselves and on their own strength.

It is necessary to emphasize that there was nothing fundamentally new in this. Part of the events of such a direction long before Margaret Thatcher introduced E. Hit. Also, the Tetcher government is a pioneer in initiating private social insurance, which sufficiently spread in the 1950s. At the same time, the Tetchirov policy in this area was not a simple continuation of established practice, because, unlike its predecessors, its government's goal was to achieve such a level of denationalization, which would provide social services for new quality.

This strategy required, on the one hand, sequence and political will, and on the other, graduality and even caution, which caused a long, and sometimes the painful nature of the suspension of the social system. Particularly serious efforts required the reform of the health care system and school, where they had to not only look for new approaches, and overcome the resistance of numerous opponents.

Thatcher began to introduce "market" principles in medicine, intensified the process of transferring private capital on a contract and competitive basis of various subsidiary services (laundry, cleaning, patient care) The cost of these services, according to the National Health Service, amounted to 1 billion in 1983. pounds sterling, so competition turned out to be very cruel. Many firms, seeking to consolidate the promising market, agreed even on low rates of services.

According to official data, the introduction of competitive systems for supporting medical services allowed the state to save almost 100 million pounds annually. This process was deepened and private firms took on other types of services: the protection of the premises, the maintenance of patients at home, the management of large hospitals and the clinic, the content of car parks. More in addition, they began to make their hands and basic medical services: duty in the wards, home medical care, separate types of laboratory tests, etc. One of the negative consequences was the reduction of medical personnel.

The reform of its structures and management was an important innovation of Tetcher Governments in the activities of NSW, the transfer of the market basis, the introduction of methods of modern management. The practice of transmitting private firms to managing various functional units and the health care system was distributed.

In addition to the comerization of the state health system, the government of neoconservatives in every way encouraged the development of private hospitals, clinics, pharmacies and private health insurance. As a result, if the 1979 they used 2 million people (5%), then 1986 these figures rose respectively to 5 million (9%) .8

A somewhat different way of privatization was the system of school education, the state of which was unhappy with both parents and the general public. The task of conservatives was to prevent the implementation of the idea of \u200b\u200buniversal and equal secondary education, which was introduced by the Laborian governments. The fact is that on the basis of the two main types of schools that operated in England - "grammatical", in which the children came on the basis of exams and tests, and after her end could enter into higher educational institutions, and "modern" who did not give rights Admission to the Higher School, Laborists created the so-called "United Schools".

Already in the first program statement, the "right approach", which was based on the "Charter of Parents", neoconvators formulated their program in the education system. It helped to provide parents all the information about existing schools so that they had freedom of choice, and also had the right to participate in school councils, etc.

As one of the options for scheduled changes, a system of introducing vouchers, which issued parents with the right to transfer them to any school chosen by them. The number of voucher recruited schools should determine its finance, selection of teachers, equipment, construction of premises. True, subsequently from the "voucherization" of schools, the conservatives refused. But in order to prevent training standards, it was supposed to restore pluralism in school education, to create a system of scholarships for gifted children. Also, the parents were given the right if the child did not express the desire to have a secondary education, take it from school and give the student to the enterprise, or on training courses. All these ideas were reflected in the laws of 1980, 1986 and 1988 Rokyv.9Penedovsim, the Laborian legislation on "United" schools was abolished, so 260 grammatical schools, which were still left (from 5 thousand state) received a chance for survival.

The 1986 Law was aimed at improving the standards of education, reorganize management of schools and the learning process, expanding the composition of school councils with the involvement of business structures. According to this law, the United Schools introduced a more differentiated assessment of students' knowledge. So, the children who have reached the age of 16 received seven species of certificates according to the exam results, which determined their further training or specialization. The law from 1988 was assumed to streamline the entire system of educational work on the basis of single school programs.

The need for a structural restructuring of the economy, its renewal on the basis of modern scientific and technical development acutely set the question of the urgent need for diverse and high-quality technical education. In this regard, laws from 1986 and 1988 provided for the creation of a network of urban technological colleges. They were funded both the state and private business. Among the events that have to bring school education with the needs of the economy should be mentioned by the organization of internships of teachers on firms and enterprises, passage of human practices.

It should be noted that the theoretical model of the reform of school education, which neoconservatives offered, was always corrected by life and tetcherism acted not by refusing from the old practice, but through a combination of the old social resource, and the new non-operating models.

An important component of the "state of welfare" along with a well-thought-out organization of health and education was a system of social insurance and assistance to those who, by virtue of different circumstances, could not earn themselves to ...

The Government of Margaret Thatcher introduced the principle of freedom of choice and encouraging various types of private insurance. At the same time, the task was to increase the role of state social insurance and maintaining it only for those who were not able to use the services of the private sector. Through a number of laws, the Conservative Government significantly reduced assistance to the unemployed, mainly by the abolition of the practice of determining this assistance in accordance with the size of the salary and its further increase depending on the increase in prices. As for pensions, the Tetcher government refused to be a periodic increase in connection with the growth of wages and introduced the system of "binding" to the price level. Thus, the gap between the salary and pensions significantly increased. According to the same principle, the premises of pensions of disabled, widows, and lonely mothers were canceled. According to some reports, only the "savings" of states in pensions amounted to 4 billion pounds of sterling in 1979-1988.

Conservatives made themselves what the non-state sources of retirement revenues increased noticeably, since ¾ They showed that they have personal savings, so that their income increases annually by 7 percent. In general, in the late 1980s, the process of commercialization of pension services expanded and almost half of the economically active British participated in the pension funds of its enterprises. As for the pensioners themselves, at the beginning of the 1990s, almost 90 percent of them had, except for the state pension, another source of existence.

Thus, in the social sphere, Tetcherists introduced a kind of hybrid of European and American systems.

4. National policy in relation to Ireland

Northern Ireland, or rather, Olster Province in the north of Ireland Island, in the early Middle Ages was an independent kingdom. At the beginning of the XVII century. The process of gradually capturing the British of the Irish territories, started in the XII century. Finally ended and immigrants came to Irish lands - colonists from England, Scotland and Wales. They brought their own ??language, traditions and religion - Protestantism. Irish - mostly Catholics - were in a humiliated position, which was combined with political powerlessness and below the socio-economic status, compared with the arrived Protestants who considered themselves the crowns called upon to defend the "higher" British culture from "barbar".

At the beginning of the XVIII century. Olster (the northernmost province of Ireland) - or rather six counties of this historical territory - Antrim, Londonderry, Tyrone, Dong, Arma Ta Ferman - became the source of the liberal movement of the Protestant nationalism, the purpose of which was to obtain independence, turning the Irish Parliament to this Executive Assembly and elimination Civil and religious discrimination. As British sources are written, the population of Northern Ireland is about 6% of the total population of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Most of the inhabitants of Northern Ireland are 1 million out of 1.6 million - are the Protestants who agree that Northern Ireland is part of the United Kingdom and want to remain in its composition. Catholics activists oppose this. The abbot of their struggle was based on the release of Northern Ireland from the British presence and unification with the rest of the island of Ireland.

Irish militants expect to be able to force the British government with the help of terror to give the British government to participate in the affairs of Northern Ireland, to give the opportunity to Catholics and Protestants to give themselves to agree on the prospect of achieving Ireland. Ira's leaders are confident that the costs of the content of the army in Northern Ireland, international pressure on London, the fear of the British in front of the terror will finally make the British government bring the army from Olster.

The development of the Olster problem can be divided into three stages:

From 1921 to the end of the 60s. - At this stage, the whole full of power in Northern Ireland belonged to Protestants, and the relationship between the two communities was increasingly aggravated.

anglo was signed - the Irish Agreement, according to which the SUGA was granted the status of the dominion. The agreement undermined the position of the Government of Northern Ireland and produced an extremely destabilizing influence on events in the region. According to the contract, Northern Ireland automatically entered the new Ireland, and although it remained the right to "free output", for this it is necessary to revise its borders on the border commissions. This formulation gave hope for the separation of nationalist cultivated Counties of Ferman, Tyrone and Derry from Northern Ireland. Prime Minister Crang accused the British government in treason and made it clear that his government would ignore this commission. In Northern Ireland, the real civil war broke out between supporters of the contract and his critics. 1925 Signed an Irish agreement on the borders in which the Government of the Free State of Ireland recognized the borders of 1920 in exchange for some financial concessions from the British government. The Council of Ireland is the last link, officially tied two Ireland - was dissolved.

Of all the UK regions, except, possibly Wales, Northern Ireland experienced the most economic difficulties caused by the undeclared "Economic War" with Britain. The unemployment rate on the eve of World War II reached 27-30%. The three main industries of Northern Ireland - shipbuilding, growing flax and agriculture - began to fall, and attempts to attract the attention of investors to new promising industries did not have success given to general instability in the region. The economic crisis aggravated the mass discontent and caused protest waves. After 1921, the Catholic minority in the north was increasingly discriminated against the unions in elections, in the distribution of public housing, in the field of employment and education.

) The end of the 60s is the beginning of the 90s - a characteristic intensive struggle of a Catholic minority for its rights and the intervention of the British government to resolve the problem.

After the war, an attempt was made to improve the economic situation of Northern Ireland: a government housing construction program for workers, modernization of agriculture, extension of trade with Britain has been created. However, the nationalists saw in this only the desire of the imperial government to enrich the east through the event.

In 1956-1962, having received two places in Westminster at the 1955 elections, the Irish Republican Army began a new campaign aimed at the liberation of Northern Ireland from the British occupation.

the Association of Civil Rights was created - a massive, mainly Catholic organization, who proclaimed its slogan "British rights for the subjects of Britain" and quickly received the support of British Laborians. In October 1968, the Association conducted a mass demonstration in Derry, "Citadel discrimination". The opposition dispersed the demonstrators with batons, and the television of the whole world showed the bloody scenes was a turning point in the development of events in Northern Ireland. The newly radical student movement "People's Democracy" organized one demonstration after another, despite the brutal repressions of the police. Flashing violence finally forced the British government to take responsibility for security in Northern Ireland.

By the end of the 1960s, the Government of Britain made the form that the problems of Northern Ireland do not concern. However, the events of 1969-1972 began to develop too quickly and dangerous. Therefore, 1969, British soldiers landed in Derry and Belfast. At first, the population welcomed them, but the army was unable to resist Ira. After a "bloody Sunday," in January 1972, when the soldiers were killed by 13 peaceful demonstrators, the work of the Northern Ireland parliament was discontinued and a direct board from London from the liquidation of regional and parliament regions.

) The beginning of the 90s is a present, characterized by the beginning of multilateral negotiations on the further fate of the Olster and a decrease in voltage in the north-east of the Irish Island.

At the initiative of the British government in the 90s of the city of the twentieth century. A number of reforms on the Royal Olste Police were carried out. On the problem of terrorism, the British government conducted a double policy: on the one hand, he tried to find a compromise with paramilitary groups through negotiations, and on the other hand, he struck military potential in Northern Ireland, created anti-terrorist legislation. In the 90s, the policy of the British government was aimed at negotiations with leaders of militarized groups in order to curb violence in Northern Ireland.

Ira has always been the biggest enemy of the British government. And London led his struggle against terrorists is also extremely cruel. In Belfast, where violence gained the greatest scope and in London, armored personnel carriers with troops were kicked through the streets, and hiking patrols made circumpassions of the quarters. In Belfast, whole areas were rewritten in Belfast. New residential arrays were planned without small alley and secret passages, which there were many in old quarters. Thatcher was firmly convinced that terrorism could not be justified in any interests and the fight against him should be conducted everywhere. In May 1984, a group of nationalist politicians proposed a set of recommendations on the reunification of Ireland and the prevention of "violence, anarchy and chaos". The document, called the "Report of the New Irish Forum", assumed the creation of a single state with the capital in Dublin, with a new constitution. The report suggested two other possible solutions - a federal device of the state with governments in both capitals (London and Dublin) and a single president or establishing a joint management of Northern Ireland. But none of the options are satisfied with the British Prime Minister. Ira began to gain strength again - her political wing was able to hold his leader into the parliament. This talked about the need to urgently resume negotiations with London. Tatcher colleagues persuaded her to go for it. The parties came to an agreement a year after the renewal of the negotiations. In November 1985, the Hillsboro Castle under Belfast Thatcher and Fitzgerald signed the Anglo-Irish Agreement. This document confirmed that any change in the status of Northern Ireland requires the consent of the majority, as well as the fact that the current majority does not want any changes. If in the future most will be for the union of Ireland, the parties promised to go for it. As a political decision, the agreement recorded the principle of transfer of power - a gradual transition from Britain to local authorities.

A decision was made to form the British-Irish authority - an intergovernmental conference. The agreement achieved did not suit only Protestants-loyalists of Northern Ireland, whose leaders regarded the admission of the advisory role of Dublin as a complete erosion of British domination. Subsequently, they put pressure on Margaret Thatcher so that it moved away from this agreement. But she did not go to it in the hope that the signed agreement would stop the rampant terror.

But the hopes of the Prime Minister were not justified. When a little over a year later, the leadership of Ira became clear that since the signing of the agreement did not change anything, its activists began to reign. From 1987 to 1989, another wave of murders was held.

During the years of the reign of Margaret Thatcher, Britain's approach to Northern Ireland issues has changed for the better, her biographer Chris Ogden. "When the case concerned Ira, Thatcher was a Surov, which had personal and state reasons for, but the movement forward went intensely than when Wilson or Hita. Helped the efforts made by her in the field and the British economy. London was able to spend more on improving the situation in the north, which means that, despite the weakening stress and economic problems, the daily life of Catholics of Northern Ireland became easier. "


career Board Tatcher merit

Given all the above, we came to such conclusions. Conservatives came to power with a clearly developed action program. Its purpose was to withdraw the United Kingdom from the socio-economic stagnation. The government Margaret Thatcher conducted a number of events to improve the situation in the country. Among these events were carried out:

inflation was discontinued, the strengthening of which upset the economic life of the country;

reduced taxes on corporate income and personal income, which made it possible to increase investment in the country's economy;

the rooted state intervention in economic and social affairs was narrowed, still negatively affected the growth of the economy;

the legislation has been revised regarding trade unions, which undermined the development of the business;

privatization has been carried out.

Among the social measures, the Tori government applied the principle: who earns a lot to this is nothing to be treated and learn. Reform was carried out in education in medicine. Not left aside and pension reform. Successes contributed to the growth of incomes of the population. Annual salary surcharges accounted for 7-8%. In the 80s, the number of shareholders in England has tripled. Preaching social darwinism (everyone for himself - let the strongest survive), the conservatives sought to make the British nation of the owners. So we can note that at the intersection of 70-80 years in the UK there were serious socio-economic shifts that brought the country from the total crisis.


1. Margaret Thatcher. Woman in power. Chris Ogden // Portrait of a man and politics, Moscow, - 1992

Economy: The 1981 Budget. Material from: Margaret Thatcher The Downing Street Years, PP132-139

British Economical Politic Under Margaret Thatcher: A Midterm Examination. // University of California, Los Angeles National Bureau of Economic Research. UCLA Department of Economic, - 1982.

Fine B. Can be Folk capitalism . // Problems of peace and socialism. - M.: True. 1988. - №2. - P. 73-76.



9. Solmin A.M. Conservative Government of Great Britain. - M.: Knowledge. 1985. - C.215.

Popov V.I. Margaret Thatcher: Man and Politician. - M.: Progress. 1991. - p.440

Matveev V.M. United Kingdom: Results of the policy of conservatives. - M.: Knowledge. 1986. - P.64.

Galkin A.A. Rakhshmir P.Yu. Conservatism in the past and present. - M.: Science. 1987. - C.190.


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  • early years
  • Politician of one idea
  • Burden leader
  • Tetcherism successes
  • Test of endurance
  • Tatcher. RESULTS

Margaret Thatcher is remembered so far either with gratitude or with hatred. She could not like everyone: Too difficult period fell to the share of the first and only woman - the Prime Minister of Britain. She was cursed on the streets and squares, attempted her attempts. She made decisions that were terrified even by her party comrades. For 12 years of its reign, England survived a short fierce war, overcame the protracted economic crisis, the fall of the Berlin Wall and, in fact, the collapse of the two-polar world. Thatcher did not transfer only betrayal of colleagues and resigned with proudly raised head. But who now remembers the names of her shifters who drove after her on Downing Street, 10? Is that political scientists. And the name Margaret Thatcher forever became a symbol of determination, inflexible will and the ability to find the right decision in a situation where it seems to not exist. Her political legacy is so rich that even one of the macroeconomic ways to control the economy is now called no other than "Tetcherism". In the peripeties of the fate of the Iron Lady will understand in today's article.

Looking at the life path of the great figures of modernity, trying to find the origins of their genius in childhood, consider the deposits laid down during education, or take into account the amazing turns of the fate, ascended by a person to the tops of the Political Olympus. In the biography, Margaret Thatcher did not have a light start thanks to rich and influential parents, nor unexpected flews, nor Gifts fortune. Everything went as if by your guy.

early years

Margaret Roberts was born on October 13, 1925 in the provincial British town of Gentem, where her father owned two grocery shops. In a small apartment over one of them Margaret and sister and conducted their childhood. Her father was not only a grocer, but part-time and Methodist Pastor, and even took an active part in political activities at the local level, was part of the city council! The peak of his career was one post-war year in the role of the mayor of the native city. Margaret at that time has already studied in Oxford. Back in school years, comrades in their studies for a loosening character nicknamed her "Maggie Toothpick". She was not beautiful, did not lead the list of the desired partner at school evenings also because each cavalier could get a hard and capacious characteristic from her. Who will like it? At the same time, Margaret was a versatile girl: he played on the piano, studied poetic skills, he was engaged in hockey on the grass. Who is familiar with the British education system, he knows that this is the norm for a foggy albion, in general, nothing special. « There is not the slightest meaning to be a pitiful soft substance in the chair. Is not it?» She received strict upbringing, good education and with this baggage already during the war of the war went to Sommerville College Oxford, where he studied chemistry. However, already in the student years, Margaret was actively interested in politics and even headed the University Conservative Party Association - the highest achievement of a political career for a student. After the university, she worked for some time in the specialty developed emulsifiers for ice cream, but political activities occupied her more and more.

... In 1948, at the party conference of the County Conservatives, a friend of the university showed its party bosses, and they were so impressed with the factories of a 23-year-old girl, which literally persuaded it to join the election campaign. Margaret's candidate was only three years later, and although he did not won, but firmly bathed the nerves confident to the Laborists. That 1951 was a swivel in her fate: at the party conference (and where else?!) She met her husband Dennis Tatcher, after six months he married him and soon his twins gave birth to him. Along the way, Margaret (Already Thatcher), with the support of her husband, received a legal education, however, not to engage in law practice (although he received a place for her husband in the board of lawyers), and to strengthen its political positions. After all, not for the day, for a minute, Margaret did not refuse the thought of becoming a deputy of the British Parliament. Through the extension sieve in 1955, she did not pass, several years after that staged the necessary connections, she gained experience, he ordered the character. At the same time, Margaret has always had real looks for life: « I would instantly leave my career if we were not affordably the housekeeper» . Four more years of insane works, and finally Thatcher is a deputy of the British parliament from the Conservative Party! And although Margaret Thatcher is only 34 years old, you can't call this career rapidly. After all, there were 16 long years with her participation in the first party conferences to the bench in the House of Commons!

Politician of one idea

Back in the war years, the young 19 year old girl Margaret read the book "Road to Slavery" Friedrich von Haysk. This economist performed to reduce the role of the state in the economy, considering the excessive government intervention in this sphere as the path to the authoritarian state and the key to economic turmoil. Aversion of his era about thirty years, this insightful scientist easily operated on offers, which even for the most developed countries of that time seemed wild. Privatize transport, communication, natural monopolies. Reduce taxes, cancel all restrictions on the movement of capital and price control, to release the entrepreneurial initiative, cancel government planning. It was 1944! USA twelve pre-war years fought with a great depression with an accuracy of the opposite - all strengthening the role of the state in the economy. Stalin and Churchill had not yet defeated Hitler, but their countries lived on the principle "Everything for the front, everything for victory!", So that the Communists and the capitalists have worked as the entire economy under the state cap. What is "freeing entrepreneurs"? Who then thought about the atom?! And why would the young student of the Chemical Faculty of Oxford not read any more suitable book? But Margaret literally studied the pages of serious labor, agreeing with the author literally in all its discoveries. Has the young Margaret assumed that 35 years later, she would bring all these incredible postulates into life? Unlikely. But there is no doubt that all the subsequent years of his life, she twisted Britain's economic pulse with the teachings of the background Hayek. And seeing all the mistakes that predetermined on Downing Street, 10, she finally believed: the economy breathes on the property because no one in Britain had been listened to Hayek. I needed only an iron will to make all his ideas in life, and Margaret had never had problems with this. No wonder for her, thanks to a random Soviet note, the nickname "Iron Lady" stuck!

From the very first steps of his political Carter, Thatcher adhered to the glands of Hayek to the economy, while she was still who raises taxes - leiborists or conservatives. She with the same rage was attacked both on his political opponents and on comrades, but the party, if it was about her fundamental views. Often she had to go against Tori's party line, for which it was not mistaken, considering it. And she got his own, not embarrassed in expressions: « High taxes are a step towards non-socialism, but to communism!» The force of such a rigid performance (1966) can be understood if you recall the anti-communist rhetoric of the time. "Maggie Toothpick", like sometime in school,

i beat the word novamat. But not afraid of "difficult areas". When difficult times came in the economy in the economy, she agreed to the post of minister of education, although he knew: the only thing she had to do in his post was to cut the budget. Among other measures of savings, Tatcher canceled the issuance of free milk in schools. The press immediately thrown into Margaret, to which the nickname of "kidnapper of baby milk" loose stuck.

Later in autobiography, she recalled this with bitter irony: « I got a valuable lesson. Brought over the maximum of political hatred for a minimum of political benefit» . It would seem that it was possible for the rest of my life to refuse severe decisions, because in politics a compromise is much more profitable, but Thatcher made a completely different lesson from this story. « If you are only configured to like someone, you should be ready to compromise for anyone anytime - and you will never achieve anything This ability to go to your expensive, despite anything, led Margaret, and with her and British, to those tops of political and economic power, which we are seeing now. In 1975, she became the first woman who was headed by the British Party. Four years later, Tori under her leadership won parliamentary elections.

Burden leader

When Thatcher entered Downing Street, becoming the first woman by the Prime Minister not only in the UK, but also throughout Europe, the country was in economic decline. Annual inflation was 18%, the pound depreciated to the worst indicators in history, the country was shaken by continuous strikes - miners, doctors, railway workers, postmen. Then, then there - up to ten strikes daily! The bloated and staging state sector along with the uncontrollability of trade unions brought the economy to the handle. All politicians understood that it was necessary to do something, to begin reforms, but at the same time realized that the one who would start, doomed to political suicide. After all, any reforms mean the inevitable growth of unemployment, a reduction in social benefits, and hence both the support of the voter. Therefore, when Tori, led by Margaret Thatcher, won the 1979 elections, leiborists with a clean soul recognized their defeat, waiting for their imminent return to Downing Street. After all, as soon as the "kidnapper of baby milk" will take away the adults of the British, the people will immediately indicate her place. So gloatingly thought her opponents, but in the ranks of the conservatives of the conservative part of the unity of the opinion. The question "What to do?" It seemed that there was no intentive answer at all. At that moment, in all Britain, perhaps, only Margaret Thatcher knew where she would lead her country.

Everything that Margaret Thatcher made the Prime Minister, still causes live discussions of economists and simply the rage of street demonstrators - although it is already three years old as not with us! On the day of her funeral in the radioparta, the song "Dim Don, the witch died!" She was ordered by the British who suffered somehow during Tetcherism and did not forgive the "iron lady" of its determination. After all, the first thing Thatcher strongly cut off all government spending on supporting depressive regions, at housing and communal services and education. The closure of unprofitable mines and unprofitable industries led to the fact that unemployment passed for three million people, the production fell by 10%, the country was overwhelmed by real riots, the miners declared a universal indefinite strike. To consider in these first years of reforms at least some signs of the recovery of the economy could have experts under a microscope. Yes, inflation fell from 18 to 6%, yes, foreign investments went to the country, but what was to do to ordinary voters who stormed the busty exchange? Thatcher became the most unattended man of the UK, her support rating fell from 48 to 23%. Even many party colleagues believed that the Iron Lady pulls the Tori batch to the bottom. Removed requirements to change the course, refusing reforms. It was then that Thatcher uttered his famous phrase: « Lady does not turn!» And continued to bend his line. All reductions in state spending, she explained simply: « There are no state money. There is only money taxpayers!» And although many tax payers agreed with her (the same quarter of the imputed British), still the total rejection of Thatcher's methods acquired the forms of the Rarestream for the British Britain. So, in the history of the country, she remained the only prime minister, which Oxford University "Rotatil" is calling for a Honorary Doctor. It was believed that this status was made by the chosen premiere automatically, but the scientist council rebelled against the "Tetcherism" after the rebellious students. The top of universal hatred was an attempt to Margaret Tatcher militants of the Irish Republican Army during the Conservative Party Conference in Brighton. The explosion of a powerful bomb in the Grand Hotel over the premiere number was so strong that literally spread several floors, five people died, dozens of suffered. The Tatcher itself wonderfully saved her secretary, he urgently needed to sign the paper, and he literally pulled the premiere of the shower room from mined terrorists. Under the protection of special services, overwhelming the terrorist attack, Tatcher has already stated that the conference will take place in spite of everything. And when I collected the remaining supporters, then from the tribune of the conference firmly stated that he would not work with the path of reforms or the path of democracy.

The first years on Downing Street became for Margaret Thatcher a long and exhausting battle, in which daily had to go out the winner. Journalists whose salary fell markedly, watered her mud from all sides. Yellow press even detected the topic that the queen itself does not share the Tatcher approaches to the country management. And from the Buckingham Palace in response, there was so sluggish refutation that it only reinforced the confidence of the public in the split at the very top. However, a confident Margaret never lost the presence of the Spirit, even seeing the hordes of his opponents: « If I leave one against forty eight, I feel sorry for these forty eight!» And in the end, its unsinkable tight rate began to bring the required result.

Tetcherism successes

For the three main years, Tatcher reforms sold state ownership by $ 25 billion. Privatization was vowel and open, each British ILO will buy shares of British railways, British Telecom, coal and gas companies. At the same time, millions of new shareholders appeared in the country - the British became a real "nation of new capitalists." It turned out that in private hands all these smooth, huge and opaque companies suddenly begin to demonstrate wonders of profitability. Of the unprofitable monsters, the stones hung on the neck, the former natural monopolies in the eyes turned into modern, managed, profitable enterprises.

At Thatcher, nine most important concerns of the country were privatized, a third of all state ownership moved into private hands. However, a system of relations with those enterprises in which the state share remained. From now on, they produced goods and services under contracts - "done-received." No state financing of unprofitable productions Margaret Thatcher was allowed in principle. All ineffective enterprises should leave the market, this is a natural process, she thought. Instead, hundreds and thousands of small businesses appeared on the market. Particularly reacting to the conjuncture, alone interested in their success, not burdened by a multi-level management system, these small firms became a real locomotive, which pulled the economy of Britain from the crisis swamp. For 11 years of stay Margaret Thatcher as Prime Minister, production in the country grew by 3-4% annually. In terms of growth in labor productivity during these years, Britain came to second place in the world, yielding only Japan! The enemies reproached Thatcher that she sent all her energy to the creation of conditions only for those who wanted to make more and more, succeed, from the rich to become even richer. But critics were forgotten that economic growth eventually allowed the government of tough reformators to return to social issues: in 1990, it was spent on these purposes in Britain for 38% more money than a year of the arrival of Thatcher to power. Rich began to earn money for the poor.

Few people know that, despite the hard handling of miners, Thatcher made Britain a country that fully ensures himself energy resources and is the tenth exporter of fossil fuels in the world. Modern technologies of oil production are largely created thanks to the effective work of British engineers, for whom Thatcher simply created suitable conditions.

Test of endurance

Heavy transformations in the first years of the work of the government of Tori, forced conservatives literally shuddering in anticipation of the 1983 elections. Most likely, Margaret Thatcher would work with all its iron will and loyal colleagues in these elections, it was too great that the number of those who frankly hated it. But the help came from where they did not wait. In April 1982, the Argentine military units seized the Falkland Islands for the whole world. This is the slices of British sushi forgotten by God in the very south of the Atlantic Ocean, just two thousand inhabitants, and no minerals for you. Today you can only assume what the generals have built their calculations who then belonged to power in Argentina - wanted to raise the morale of the nation with light trophy? Most likely! Britain is far away - at the other end of the Earth, the British has an economy in decline, and the Prime Minister in the Skirt. Probably the military remembered that Churchill, even winning the war, lost the first post-war elections. "Thatcher will not want to experience his fate, and preferred to us to negotiate," apparently, there was a summary of the meeting in Buenos Aires on the eve of the landing of the Argentine landing on the islands, which Argentina still calls Malvinsky.

Argentine Macho with many stars on the chains and did not think that Thatcher would react instantly. After three days, she headed the military office of ministers, which is created only in the event of war, declaring the Blocade of the Islands. Margaret Thatcher did not turn to the NATO allies for help, counting only on their own naval forces. One weeks later, a powerful squadron was published from British ports to the south. On May 2, the atomic submarine of Britain outside the announced blockade of the flagship of the Argentine Fleet cruiser "General Belgrano" (one month after the start of the fighting, on the other end of the globe!). Moreover, the order for the launch of Torpeda gave a personally iron lady - even the British admirals have experienced doubts! The remains of the Argentine Fleet in order to avoid further losses were removed into the ports of the registry, and already on June 14, everything was over. Over Falkland, the British "Union Jack" again developed, attaching the military analysts of all over the world, who did not doubt the superiority of Argentina with their shores.

According to some declassified items now, and Soviet intelligence was confident in the defeat of the British, perhaps, so the USSR and abstained when voting in the UN Security Council - just in case. After all, they have long passed those times when the wins won the expeditionary buildings, and cost the Argentine Air Force to sink one British ship, as three dozen new helicopters went to the bottom. Would there be a couple of such success - and what would the British dismantle their islands?! But Margaret Thatcher personally met the heroes of the warriors in the port, the Victory Parade was arranged in London. And a year after the triumph, the iron lady was re-elected to the post of prime minister, which actually rarely happens to reformers. « Defeat? I do not understand the meaning of this word» .

Tatcher. RESULTS

The Board of Thatcher became the longest in the Britain of the 20th century: the local public loves to make the deck of premieres, but the Iron Lady managed to hold out the top of the authorities. She, together in Ronald Reagan, rightly received the status of the winner in the Cold War, because the Soviet Union collapsed not without its active participation. « You need to study your enemy well, then one day you can turn it into a friend» .

The foundations of the economy embedded during its reign, allow Britain to maintain the growth rates above the world. And although thousands of the British, it sincerely hate so far, many simply do not give themselves the report in what the Thatcher must thank almost for almost everything they have. And the baggage of her bright thoughts gives hope not only to the British, but also to supporters of transformations in other countries. « The richness of the country is not necessarily built on its own natural resources, it is achieved even with their complete absence. The most important resource is a person. The state only needs to create the basis for the heyday of the people's talent» .

25 years has passed since its resignation. Three years ago, Britain buried her. But still in many corners of the world, where the chaos reigns in the economy, where the crises are developing, where the income of people fall, where the weak politicians only aggravate problems, you can hear: "Tatcher is not on you!".

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Margaret Thatcher Biography briefly in Russian is set out in this article.

Margaret Thatcher Brief biography

Tatcher Margaret Hilda was born on October 13, 1925 in Graytem's city in the Bakaleshchik family. After graduating from school, she studied at Oxford University, in 1947-1951 he began working as a chemical researcher. But such work did not bring her pleasure. Margaret wanted to change the world, change the consciousness of people and change their lives for the better. Over time, the future "Iron Lady" was seriously fascinated by politics and in 1950 first put his own candidate in parliamentary elections. But she failed.

Margaret marries a rich Denis Tetcher. Some considered this marriage profitable for a woman. Thanks to the wealth of her husband, who was also 10 years older, Thatcher decided to receive a legal entity, which did in 1953. In the same year, she gave birth to husband of twins - a boy and a girl. After receiving a diploma, he took up law practice. And already in 1959 it was elected to parliament. She took the first step towards his dream.

In 1961- 1964, Margaret Thatcher was at the post of the younger minister engaged in pension and social insurance issues. From 1970 to 1974 - he held the position of Minister of Science and Enlightenment.

In 1974, the Conservative Party lost the election, and it was a Star Hour Thatcher - she was elected her leader. Persistently engaged in the political image of the party and state affairs, in the elections in May 1979, the conservatives receive a victory, and Thatcher is the post of Prime Minister.

She developed its program to improve the economy, which provided for:

  • reducing government spending
  • termination of subsidies of unprofitable enterprises
  • transfer to private ownership of state corporations,
  • hardness in defending their views

Such rigidity in the introduction of decisions adopted by it was consolidated for Margaret Thatcher Tatula "Iron Lady". Thanks to him, they know it all over the world.

Deciding to embody his program to life, Tatcher first in 1982 she sent British troops to Falkland (Malvinsky) Islands captured by Argentina. In the elections in June 1983, after convincing the victory of the conservatives, Thatcher kept the post and continued the scheduled course.

Thanks to this woman, politics decreased inflation and increased labor productivity. At the next elections in June 1987, Thatcher for the first time in the history of modern Great Britain remained for the third term of the Prime Minister.22 November 1990, Margaret Thatcher was forced to resign, because of some discrepancies in her views with the activities of parliament.

After leaving the post of Prime Minister, she for two years was a member of the House of Commons from Finchli. In 1992, being 66 Summer Woman, she decided to leave the Parliament, considering that this would give her the opportunity to openly express opinions according to the events

In February 2007, the Iron Lady became the first prime minister in the UK, which was established a monument in life in the British parliament. She died April 8, 2013 in London.

In 1967, Thatcher was introduced in the Shadow Cabinet (the Cabinet of Ministers, formed by the Party in opposition to the party of government in Britain). Under Edward Hita, the Prime Minister in 1970-1974, Margaret Thatcher, being the only woman in the government. Despite the fact that in 1975 the conservatives lost their elections, Mrs. Thatcher retained the ministerial portfolio, even in the liberal government.

In February 1975, Thatcher headed the Conservative Party.

The convincing victory of the Conservatives in 1979 in the elections to the House of Communities made Margaret Tatcher Prime Minister. Until now, she remained the only woman who served this post in the UK.

Over the years of stay as head of the Government of Margaret Thatcher: In her office, all the work was built on a clear hierarchy, accountability and high personal responsibility; She was an agreed protector of monetarism, restrictions on the activities of trade unions with a rigid framework of laws. For 11 years of stay as head of the British Cabinet, she conducted a number of tough economic reforms, initiated the transmission to the private hands of the sectors of the economy, where the monopoly of the state (British Airways Airlines, the British Gas gas giant and the telecommunications company British Telecom), made an increase in taxes.
After the occupation of Argentina in 1982, the disputed territory - the Falkland Islands, Thatcher sent warships to the Southern Atlantic, and British Islands control was restored in a matter of weeks. It became a key factor for the second victory of conservatives in the parliamentary elections, in 1983.

Material prepared on the basis of RIA news and open sources

Margaret Thatcher is one of the most chaismatic, noticeable and contradictory figures in modern political history. She became the only woman as Prime Minister of Great Britain and the first of women in this position in the European state. The Prime Minister Thatcher was the longest in her country last century, and the political course held by the Government of the Iron Lady perpetuated her name in his name - "Tetcherism".

Margaret Thatcher: Biography of early years

Margaret Hilda Roberts was born on October 13, 1925 in the English city of Gentheme (Lincolnshire county). Her father owned two grocery shops. In addition, he served as a member of the Municipal Council of Genthema and was a pastor of the Methodist community. Strict education, given by the Father, affected the formation of the nature of the future "iron lady" - first of all, they were encouraged by such qualities as discipline and diligence.

In children's and young years, Margaret developed a versatile. Having graduated from the elementary school in his hometown, she received a scholarship for training at school for Girls Kestegen and Graham. In addition, she was fond of playing on piano and poetry, and also engaged in a sports walk, hockey on the grass and swimming.

In 1943, she entered the University of Oxford, where chemistry studied, and after four years she received a bachelor's degree. During his studies, her interest in politics began to manifest itself: it became Chairman of the Association of the Conservative Party of his university.

After graduating, Margaret Roberts received work in Essex County, becoming a chemist of celluloid plastics. At the same time, she joined the local Tori Party Association.

Start of political career

In January 1951, a friend of Margaret on the university, obviously, feeling serious political potential in it, recommended to include it in the electoral list from the conservatives of one of the county counties of Kent. After approval by her candidacy, Margaret Roberts moves to the city of Dartford. It happened her acquaintance with businessman Denis Thatcher. In 1951, she married him.

By participating in the elections of 1950 and 1951, Margaret Thatcher (then Roberts) attracted the attention of the press as the only woman in the party list and as the most young candidate, but she failed to enter the parliament - Laborists won. However, despite the loss, she received invaluable experience.

In the same period, she finally leaves chemistry classes and with the support of her husband receives the second higher education - legal. After becoming a barrister - a high-ranking lawyer who has the right to do business, Thatcher continues to run into the parliament, in parallel with the upbringing of Karol's twins and Mark, which appeared in 1953.

In April 1959, luck finally smiled at her: Adopting a candidate from Finchly County, in the course of the difficult election struggle, she became a member of the House of Commons. In parliament, he focused on the position of the Chairman of the Pension Committee and at the same time the head of the National Security Committee.

In 1967, after the victory in the elections of the Laborians, Margaret Thatcher entered the "Shadow Cabinet" formed by the conservatives, becoming the minister of housing construction. And three years later, when power in the UK again moved to Tori led by Edward hit, she became the minister of science and education.

In 1975, the Liberals won the elections of the conservatives, but the popularity of Thatcher allowed her to stay in a ministerial chair. In the same year, Margaret Thatcher became at the head of the Conservative Party.

Elections of Prime Minister

By the beginning of 1979, the economic situation in the UK was very complex. Inflation has increased significantly, labor productivity has fallen, the quality of equipment produced in the country has decreased. The low standard of living of people caused a wave of strikes who paralyzed many industries. Government crisis has been crisis.

Margaret Thatcher, who was at that time the opposition leader, carried a vote of the distrust to the government, who (with a transcendence of just one voice) supported the parliament. New elections were to take place on the third of May 1979.

Tori's manifesto, written by Thatcher, in fact, embodied the plan for the removal of the country from the crisis. She suggested to reduce inflation by reducing the spending on the state apparatus (excluding the sphere of healthcare). As an incentive for the development of entrepreneurship, it was supposed to reduce the upper border of taxes. Taxation of low-paid layers of the population was planned to reduce.

As a result, the elections conservatives received a convincing majority of places in parliament. And Margaret Thatcher, whose biography replenished with a new achievement, became the first woman - the Prime Minister in the history of his state.

Foreign policy

Foreign Policy Cabinet Thatcher suggested the revival of the Great Britain as a great global power, as well as participating in solving a number of global issues on the world arena, including those who are not within the scope of the direct interests of the country. British diplomacy of that period is characterized by decisiveness and rigidity - the features that the policy of Margaret Thatcher differs in general.

"Iron Lady" made a bet on the development of mutually beneficial bilateral relations with former British colonies in southern Africa. Thanks to them, Britain managed to significantly strengthen their economic and military presence in this region.

In 1982, after Argentina was occupied by controversial territories - Falkland Islands, Thatcher sent the British warships to the south of the Atlantic, who managed to restore control over the islands in a matter of weeks. This achievement brought to conservatives to the second victory in the parliamentary elections held next year.

To the processes of European integration, Thatcher treated sharply negatively. She would prefer to orient Europe's life for the same principles that she preached in his own country: freedom of entrepreneurship and cash flow, lack of protectionism and free market. In her opinion, the basis of relationships on the continent was to be cooperation between independent sovereign powers. However, some concessions, in particular, the participation of Britain in the European mechanism of exchange rates, the predecessor of the currency union, said that the "Iron Lady" was still on compromises, aware of the inevitability of integration processes occurring on the continent.

Relationship with USA

The premiership period Thatcher is characterized by the convergence of Great Britain with the United States. The latter supported Britain to the UN during the Falkland crisis; Allied relations of these countries have strengthened significantly in a number of global issues. In many ways, it was justified by the similar political convictions of US President Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher. A photo of both politicians during their frequent official meetings are known to the whole world.

Thatcher approved the American project of soybeans, as well as NATO plans to build armaments, allowing you to place a hundred-sixty medium-range missiles on the territory of Britain and adopted a program for equipping nuclear submarines by American missiles "Trident". She supported Reagan's initiatives towards the USSR to which they both believed with distrust.

Relationship with the USSR

Back in 1976, heading the Conservative Party of Great Britain, Thatcher advocated a sharp criticism of the political actions of the Soviet Union, stating that he was tuned to conquer world domination. In response to the pages of the Red Star, the newspapers of the Soviet Ministry of Defense, it was called the "iron lady". This characteristic immediately picked up the English edition of The Sunday Times. Since then, the nickname Margaret Thatcher - "Iron Lady" - it became its second name.

At the same time, despite the rigid anti-Soviet position at the very beginning of his stay in power, it was Thatcher who became the first leader in the Western state who supported political changes in the USSR. Even before the fall of the Berlin Wall and Socialist regimes in Eastern Europe, she spoke about the end of the "Cold War", in open supporting Mikhail Gorbachev. After the arrival of Gorbachev, the relationship of two leaders retained the constructive and emphasized respectful character.

In the book "The Art of Management State", published in 2002, from under the pen Margaret Thatcher, a whole chapter was written about Russia. In general, supporting the reformers of the 90s of the last century, it expresses the idea of \u200b\u200bthe impossibility of "enter" Russia into the framework of Western European values \u200b\u200bdue to the historical features of the development of this country.

Domestic politics

For eleven years of stay as head of the British Cabinet of Ministers Margaret Thatcher held a number of hard reforms in different areas of the country's life. She was initiated by the transfer of traditionally public sectors of the economy (telephone, aerospace and gas companies), as well as the purchase of housing by his tenants, raised a number of taxes.

She actively fought against the influence of trade unions, limiting their powers. She revised the unemployed help system, stimulating an earlier retirement, part-time, retraining of more sought-after personnel. In addition, the development of small businesses was encouraged.

These measures actually led to the stabilization of the economic situation, a decrease in inflation and unemployment. However, the introduction of a new communal "pillow tax" instead of the previous, rental-based house, as well as the promotion of paid education and medicine caused sharp protests from the British and contributed to the fall in the popularity of the Prime Minister and its party.

Resignation and life after it

After the adoption of a number of unpopular measures, accompanied by the scope of anti-government speeches, Margaret Thatcher did not have a different choice, except to resign. She decided on this step in November 1990, after long hesitation. Her place was taken by John Major, the former finance minister.

In the same year, the "iron lady" was awarded the Order of Merit, and after another two years, the Queen of Great Britain Elizabeth The second gave Margaret Thatcher Baron Title and the right of life membership in the House of Lords.

The postulates of "Tetcherism" were accepted by many of her followers. Tony Blair met with her, Gordon Brown and David Cameron, after they were elected to this post. Until recent days, she continued to participate in the public and political life of his country. In addition, she wrote several autobiographical content books, and also established its own fund.

Margaret Tatcher died on April 8, 2013 in London at the age of eighty of seven. Panhid took place in the Cathedral of St. Paul with Military Humans. "Iron Lady" is buried next to his spouse at the Military Hospital Cemetery in Chelsea.