Repairs Design Furniture

Smoking hand from barrel diagram. Skolna from the barrel: how to make with your own hands. Wooden barrel smokehouse

Artem Schavelsky


The main part of the homecoat is a smokehouse. It is made from different materials, one of the options is a metal or wooden barrel. You can make a smokehouse from the barrel with your own hands at the cottage or in the courtyard of a private house.

Homemade smoking

The optimal option is the manufacture of a smokehouse from a two-toll barrel. Socker from the barrel of this size has a greater performance and it is easier to maintain the necessary temperature in hot smoking mode.

Small iron barrel shape allows you to arrange hooks for sausages or fish into several rows.

In addition to advantages, such a device has shortcomings. When working from it, smoke is allocated, so the device cannot be used in a closed room, for example, in the kitchen. It is necessary for this.

Scheme of smoke barrel with 200 liters capacity

Small barrel smokehouse

It is not always possible to make a smokehouse from a barrel with a capacity of 200 liters. In this case, you have to use barrels 50, 60 and even 20 liters. The design of these smokelers does not differ from the devices of large sizes, except for the amount of grids with products and performance.

Alternative to the smokers from the barrel is similar to design.

How to make a smoking smoked smoking at home from barrel

The most common device is for hot smoked. Such a device is easier in the manufacture, and the processing process lasts 0.5-2 hours.

Before the start of manufacture needs preparation. The oil barrel is sufficiently washed with soda solution or a dishwashing agent, capacities from under other liquids, you need to burn gas burner.

Simple hot smoked smoking

The easiest way to make a device for processing hot smoke. To do this, in the walls of the metal barrel, the holes are drilled in which steel bars are inserted, with which grills with products and a pallet for fat are attached. The lower rods are installed at an altitude of 5 cm from the bottom for setting the pallet, the following for grids, every 15-20 cm. Sawdles are poured on the bottom of the barrels.

The container of large sizes is used as a smokehouse and is installed horizontally:

  1. Cut the side wall along the entire length and 1/3 of the circle.
  2. Fasten the carved part on the hinges as a lid.
  3. At a distance of 1/3 and 1/2 diameter from the bottom of the smoke chamber, drill Ø10mm holes for steel rods Ø8mm.
  4. Make pallet and grills that will be installed on the rod.

Smaller barrel is installed vertically. This is a firebox for the device:

  1. The top cover is removed.
  2. The upper part is trimmed so that without the gaps to connect with the smoke chamber.
  3. Two doors are cut - larger in the top, to load firewood, smaller over the bottom, for pushed and clean the stove from ash.
  4. Doors are fixed on the loop.
  5. Inside the barrel between the doors, a grain griller from a thickness of at least 5mm is fixed.
  6. Rear at the top cut hole Ø100mm for chimney.

After the manufacture of individual parts, they are collected together and chimney joins the stove.

The principle of operation of such a smokehouse is similar to other hot smoking devices:

  1. On the bottom (bottom side wall) of the top barrels are poured by sawdust.
  2. The steel bars are installed pallet for fat and grilles with products.
  3. Fire is divorced in the stove.
  4. Saws are heated and highlight smoke.

Assembling Smokelni from two barrels

Universal device for cold and hot smoked

Homemade smoking boch can be used for all types of smoking:

  • In cold mode, a pipe with a smoke generator is connected to the container. It connects through the hole at the bottom of the side wall.
  • In the hot mode, the chimney is closed with a wooden or metal plug and it is installed on a support from bricks. Between the bricks divorces the fire.

Scheme of universal smokehouse for hot and cold smoked

Electric smoking

If you install the pump meter to the bottom of the barrel, then it turns out. In this case, an old cast iron pylon with sawdust is installed on the tile, and the fat tray is located on 5 cm above the frying pan.

The wire from the electric cooker is displayed outside through a special hole at the bottom of the smoke chamber wall. When installing in the upper part of the thermal sensor, it supports a constant processing temperature and an electric power becomes automatic.

To use the electrocrust in the closed room, it is necessary to equip the barrel by hydraulic. And the smoke tube is characterized by a reduced smoke.

Metallic Barrel Electric Scheme

How to make a cryo smoked smoking

From such a container, it turns out not only the cryptille of hot, but also cold smoking.

In these devices, the processing of products is carried out at a temperature of 20-40 ° C, so the smoke is not produced in a barrel, and next to it comes inside the chimney. Its length depends on the design of the smoke generator.

To improve the quality of smoke and finished products, the chimney can be equipped with a cooler, filter, condensate collector and other accessories, so such devices have a more complex design than hot smoke products are intended.

Analogue of this apparatus is.

Skolna from a barrel without the bottom

These smokehouses are located on the hill or ravine slope, smoke smoke is produced when combustion of firewood in a pit or a small focus, located at the bottom of the chimney:

  1. On the hillside, dig a ditch with a length of 5-10 meters with a cross section of 15x15 cm.
  2. At the bottom of the ditch, dig a hole 50x50x50cm.
  3. Cover the chimney by boards, slate or sheets of metal, leaving the hutting the upper end of the ditch to 20 cm.
  4. From bars to make lattices and consolidate them on 4 vertical rails.
  5. Install the rails with grilles over the unlucky end of the ditch.
  6. Place meat or fish on grilles.
  7. Cover the rack with barrel products without the bottom.
  8. Divide in the focus a small fire.

Turn the stove only wood hardwood trees.

Metal Barrel Smoke Duke

Skolna from barrels and pipes

Similar construction can be made in the courtyard of a private house:

  1. Fire is divorced in a small brick or steel stove.
  2. Smoke in the barrel comes along the pipe Ø100-150 mm long 3-5 meters.
  3. The chimney joins the barrel through the hole in the wall at a height of 10 cm from the bottom.

To provide traction, the barrel is installed on the stand so that the bottom was above the stove.

Cold smoked smoked smoking

Smoking with a smoke generator and fan

With a lack of space and to save sawdust to generate smoke near the barrel there is a smoke generator. In these devices, smoke is distinguished by the decline in sawdust. To improve the thrust and enhance the smoke in the upper part of the generator, an ejector is installed to which the compressor is connected.

Processes products longer than hot smoked smoking, but snacks are obtained higher quality.

For uniform access of smoke to products, the chimney is connected to the bottom of the smoke chamber.

For the work of the smokehouse there is no need to use a powerful compressor. It is allowed to use a computer cooler or a similar exhaust or injection fan:

  1. In the bottom of the plastic bottle, a hole, a diameter corresponding to the cooler blades is cut.
  2. Scotch tape fan is maximally sealed to the hole.
  3. The cover is drilled in the lid, corresponding to the PVC tube for air supply to the ejector.
  4. The cover is screwed to the bottle and the tube is inserted into it.
  5. The hose entrance to the lid is winding with adhesive tape.

To adjust the air flow, the fan is connected through a dimmer or its inlet hides with a piece of tight paper.

Fan manufacture at home

Wooden barrel smokehouse

For cold smoking it is allowed to use not only steel barrel or stainless steel, but also wooden. The lattices are also allowed to make wooden bars and rails.

There are two types of wooden barrels:

  • From individual claps. The grids are installed on steel rods similar to a metal barrel.
  • From thick plywood. The grids are collected on racks in a solid design and fall into the smokehouse on top, along with products.

There are two ways to supply smoke into a wooden barrel - through the chimney, dug in the ground or with the help of a smoke generator through the chimney pipe. For tightness of the place of attachment of the chimney pipe, it is deceived by clay or dough from flour and water.

Wooden barrel cryptile drawing

Smokelock with cartridge and soldering lamp

For the production of smoke, it is possible to use a metal container of a small size with a removable lid, preferably from thick metal. Another name of this container is "Cartridge". It is so called due to a cylindrical form, like a rifle sleeve and sawdust instead of powder.

The cartridge is heated on the bore or with a soldering lamp. For the flow of smoke in the barrel, it connects to it at the bottom of the pipe with a thread 1/2-3 / 4 ". For better cooling, the pipe must be at least 1 meter long.

The barrel with the cartridge can be used as a hot smoked smoking. In this case, the sawmills are poured onto the bottom, and the fire is divorced under the barrel.

Smoked smoking machine from a metal barrel with a soldering lamp and a cartridge

The smoke barrel is an excellent and advantageous option for those who want to collect such installation with their own hands, and not to buy three roads in stores, collect such an aggregate from a simple metal tank. At the same time, the main and most important condition, the requirement for the installation of smokers, is the need to find it and use exclusively in the open air.

Since the smokehouse from the barrel with their own hands is a device that allows you to smoke various products, it is necessary for it and therefore chimney, for most models, it is not done according to the principle of furnace-fireplaces, which makes it necessary to operate such a device only in the garden or in the country area.

Get acquainted with the benefits and features

The smokehouse of the cold from the barrel is one of the most simple in the implementation and execution with its own hands of the options, such a smoke line will become alternative as the instruments of the purchase type collected from barrels, boxes, refrigerators. In this case, this variation is suitable only for cold smoking, which distinguishes it from more massive stationary models, in which, if necessary, can be used both the mode of cold and hot and half-spurs.

Cold smoked smoked mefall, distinguished by its simple design, which will not be difficult, even for a beginner or having experience of a person, used as the main elements. The cold smokehouse from the barrel with their own hands is guaranteed to be collected according to all the requirements and basic rules, if you have a ready-made step-by-step guide and a scheme of such a project.

Barrel smokelock, as well as similar equipment has a number of their distinctive features and advantages with which we recommend reading more details:

  • To assemble such a design, the simplest, inexpensive materials that can be found in any house or on the plot, if necessary;
  • The design and key features of your particular model can be completely unique, which will make such a smoke unit the only and unique in its own way;
  • You can assemble such anchitka with your own hands in just a few hours an experienced person and for 6-12 hours a newcomer;
  • At the expense of simple design features, buildings, such a smokehouse works as fully as possible, on hollow power and has a high degree of efficiency;
  • Create a project based on the principle of operation of the aggregate is quite possible;
  • The cost of assembly, the construction and purchase of the necessary materials, fittings are very low, in comparison with the purchase of finished smoke equipment in a specialized store.

A homemade smokehouse has one significant disadvantage that you need to know before planning and carrying out the installation of such equipment. The fact is that at the expense of its principle of work and constructive features, the smokelock can function and post only on the street, that is, in the garden or country site, but in no case in the house.

You can also collect a cold smoking smoked metering, barrels, a metal box, such a device may differ from not large dimensions, weighing and thereby easily transported and transported. There are also cumbersome brick smokers, which are installed in one place and can be intended for both cold and hot, half-meggy smoked.

Before you know how to make a smoke barrel, it is necessary to determine and accurately solve for myself for what exactly the type of smoking it will be used and targeted. Not the most popular today is a hot smoked, the basis of which is the effect on the product of high temperatures, which will flow into the barrel as a result of the heating of the bottom directly as a result of this, the smoke heating temperature will reach 120 degrees, and for the preparation of the product will require no more than 4 hours of time .

Hot smoked smoked smokery should be equipped with a firebox, from which it will proceed with heating, such a fire separation can be like being part of the barrel and equipped with the very bottom, and are completely separate and separately. In the first case, it will be necessary to equip the barrel with a swinging flap, through which you can lay the chip, in the second enough to limit ourselves to the furnace, for example, from the brick that is best deepened to the Earth to achieve the maximum stability.

The smoked smoked smoking barrel is done and functions somewhat in a different principle, for such a design, it is necessary that the smoke masses affecting products in the tank are cooled, temperatures up to 40 degrees. In this case, the barrel is complemented by a long chimney of 1.5-2 meters, which is connected to the furnace with one end and with a barrel to others. In order for such a chimney to prevented, it is pre-in the earth, suitable on the length and depth of the pit, in which it is laid and covered with sand, will be rambling.

If you have in the garden there is no place to build a chimney for copper smoked smokers, it can be equipped with it in such a way that at the time of its work and the flow of smoke, it is cooled forced, in this case, you can use a hung rag with cold water.

The most optimal and advantageous solution will be built, though more complex in the construction of a combined smoking in the garden, which will have both hot and cold smoking mode.

Variations and manufacture

You can collect different variations, for example, a very popular smoke pot of beer keg uses very popular, it is necessary to simply equip the chimney with a chimney barrel on one side, and place special lattices inside. If you want to smoke a large number of products at the same time, the best option is to assemble vertical smokers from the barrel, in this case you will need to assemble and install not only the basis itself, but also the furnace compartment.

Also, the smokers may differ not only in their structure and the principle of smoking, but by the type of product loading, they can be placed in a barrel, both in the vertical and horizontal position. Collect smoking, which will simultaneously combine the hot and half-spurster smoking can be from two barrels installed on each other. In this case, they are connected to each other with tubes, the top is intended for half-spurs.

Also, the smoke can also be welded from two barrels, but in this case, in this case, the previous one, they will have the form of the letterL, while the lower part is designed to load the fuel, and the upper for products.

If we talk about monolithic stationary smoothie, which are not rearranged from place to place, the best option will be a barrel that will be slightly delved into the ground and through the hole done in the side wall will connect with the chimney, which passes through the trench to the furnace. For security purposes, such anchitz is best to further set off bricks from all sides.

If we talk about stationary models, it is also possible to make such a simple barrel, in this case it will not have a long chimney, it can be limited to a simple flexible tube or steel pipe, on the other end of which the furnace is located represented by a steel box.

In order for the process of assembling the smokehouse with their own hands, it happened as quickly and correctly, it is necessary to conditionally divide it into three main stages:

  1. Preparation of materials;
  2. Creating an individual and suitable scheme with all measurements and calculations;
  3. Product assembly and installation work.

The following materials may be based on homemade smokehouse for home and cottages:

  • Metal barrels;
  • Metal kegs;
  • Wood barrels;
  • Brick and cement base;
  • Rods and metal lattices;
  • Metal sheets and slate.

The most popular option is to assemble a smoke barrel from a barrel, also you can also collect such a device from even more affordable and budgetary materials, such as: burlap, rods to which components and a rag filter will be hung.

You will also need to get a baccoon, shovel, tape measure, construction level and a welding machine, which is not far for each model.

First of all, you need to create or select suitable drawings on which all the design features of your smokers will be displayed, its dimensions, a scheme in the context, a view from several angles. After that, the conditional marking on Earth is performed, the safety of placement, deleting from dangerous and flammable objects is determined. Now it is necessary to deepen our barrel into the ground at a distance of about 400-500 centimeters, a hole is made in the container, to which the chimney is connected and fit into the pre-dug pita.

If it is planned to build a cold smoking smoke, the length of the chimney in the case of creating natural cooling will be about 2-3 meters, if cooling will be forcibly, the chimney may have a length of about one meter.

For hot smoked smoking, the distance from the furnace, to the digging in the barrel of products should be about 25-40 centimeters, in order for the products to be burned and not burned. The barrel is important to clean regularly, and inside with special hooks or gratings, also for the flow of fat is recommended to equip the design with a special pallet.

If we talk about the installation in more detail and in detail, it will be best to take advantage of the following step by step guide:

  1. Deepen the barrel to the ground away from 35 to 50 centimeters;
  2. the chimney will be deepened under Earth for about 15-25 centimeters, and its length will be about two meters;
  3. The pit is pulled in such a way that the chimney was placed in her, which will have a cross section of about 6-7 centimeters, also the design of the barrel and chimney itself can be chosen by bricks;
  4. Equip the design with a special filter, which can be periodically cleaned, also for fatting fat, install a special pallet on the bottom of the barrels;
  5. For smoking products, inside hooks or metal grilles are installed;
  6. It can be equipped with a design viewing window and a remote thermometer, which will allow control of the heating temperature;
  7. The barrel must be quite in-depth in the ground, and to give additional stability, it is placed bricks, joints and chimney joints with chimney are treated with sealant;
  8. In order for part of the smoke from the barrel, and the air regularly arrived in it and was updated, several ventilation holes should be done in the design.

After the smokehouse from the barrel with their own hands is fully assembled, and all the sealants and solutions were dried, it is possible to put it into operation. To do this, firewood is laid in the furnace, and the fire is burned, chips are laid in the tank, and in the barrel products that need to be prepared.

In this video, it is described in detail about how to collect hot smoked smoked smoking from a simple barrel with their own hands at home:

The article will talk about the types of smoke, their advantages and disadvantages, as well as how do you make a smokehouse from a regular barrel or even two, what tools will be needed, instructions for use and tips on choosing fuel.

Made species

There are 2 smoked varieties.

Hot smoking.

Hot smoking is a quick, safe way, as the temperature of processing smoke by an average of 60 degrees.

Under such conditions, they smoke from several hours to two days. The finished product is obtained juicy, fragrant.

Cold smoking.

The process is very long, on average, small slices of the intended product, already saline, need to be processed from two to four days, depending on the desired result.

Large pieces of product can save up to a week. The temperature of this smoking is an average of 40 degrees.

The purpose of this method: gradual removal of moisture and saturation with smoked aroma and taste.

As a result, the product comes out and with a fraction of fat.

The advantages of such a type of smoking are caused by the long-term storage of the original product.

For lovers to pamper themselves with smoked products at home, homemade smokehouse from the barrel is simply an indispensable thing in the farm. In addition, make such a device will not make much difficulty.

Using an ordinary metal or wooden barrel, you can build a smoking for different types of smoking.

From one barrel will be released by the mid-size smokehouse, in which the products for the whole family are accomplished. If you wish, you can expand the device using two barrels.

How to make from one barrel

Use such a way of smoking indoors is categorically prohibited, it is better to install anchitka at the cottage outdoors.

After determining with the location, create a drawing taking into account sizes and scale.

What tools are needed:

  • metal or wooden barrel (more practical to take a metal barrel);
  • shovel;
  • bricks;
  • metal sheets;
  • bars for hanging products (depth);
  • fabric for covering the filter;
  • construction silicone (for the sealing of the barrel).

The manufacturing process is reduced to the following steps:

Profession of a specialist: The prerequisite is the tightness of the barrel, therefore the beginning and end of the chimney are wrapped up with the simplest cloth or seal by purchased silicone.

The cooking process starts with the ignition of sawdust at the bottom of the hearth. Then laid out already trained products (fish, meat, poultry).

Of two barrels

You can build a large smokehouse of two barrels.

Such a design will help significantly reduce cooking time, and accommodates more products.

So, they connect two barrels, one put vertically, the second horizontally on it. Between the barrels, as in the previous version, must establish filters.

For this, a moistened fabric or burlap is suitable. All recommendations are applied for this method as for smoking from one barrel.

The lower barrel will act as a chamber for the furnace, which is filled with sawdust and chips. The top barrel will serve as a wardrobe for products.

Council from practice: The barrel on liters 200 is well suitable for smokers from one barrel, and when the filter is located inside, there will be the same effect as of two barrels.

To make your work on making homemade smokehouses did not pass in vain, follow the rules further:

Sawdust and firewood

To obtain a product with excellent flavors, smoke is needed from high-quality raw materials.

The most suitable are solid trees.

These include:

  • oak;
  • olkhovy;
  • apple.

As mentioned above, it is important that the sawdust of the tolere, but not light up. Wood is preferably dry, but in rare cases you can use wet (for hot smoked). The chip is added gradually, in small portions, distributing evenly.

As you can see, make a smoking barrel with your own hands. The homemade smokehouse is no worse than the borrowing, it is not necessary to make it not much work in the presence of barrels and remedies.

Watch a video in which the user shares the experience of making a smokehouse from a barrel with their own hands and features of its operation:

Smokery from the barrel - the usual smokehouse, which is done to prepare an excellent barbecue. From this article you will learn how to make a smoking smoked smoking from a barrel.

Good Cold Smoking Smokers in the store stand in the area of \u200b\u200b15-20 thousand rubles, and the price for the top quality smokes reach 60-70 thousand rubles, although in quality they are not very different from homemade smokehouse from the barrel, which we will build with our own hands for 5-6 thousand.

Step 1: Required materials and tools

For the main barrel:

  • Barrel itself: can be found in 1-1.5 thousand, it is better to look for the restored, it will be cheaper.
  • Cover: I used the grill cover, which someone threw out. Any suitable with the same diameter like a barrel, or a little more.
  • Ball Crane: I used 1/2-inch forged brass ball valve. If you do not use the supercharger, then such a crane may not be enough. In this case, it is worth taking a crane more. (300-400 rubles)
  • 1/2-inch cast iron sleeve, which is connected to the ball valve from the inside of the barrel. If your tap of another size, then the bushing must be taken appropriate. (100-120 rubles)
  • M20 washers: To strengthen the plug of crane with a barrel - 2 pcs. (40-50 rubles)
  • Brass guide rails: enough 2 pieces, because they can be cut in half. Note: If you use another barrel, you need to calculate the required number of guides - 2 pcs. (300 rubles)
  • Clamps that are inserted into guides from above - 12 pcs. (1 pack) (150-200 rubles)
  • Nuts and bolts: For fastening the guides to the inside of the barrel - 9 pcs. (3 for each guide) (100 rubles)
  • High temperature paint: anything suitable. Some craftsmen draw a flame or various logos on their barrels. (300-400 rubles)
  • Handles I used a metal handle on the screws. (200-300 rubles)
  • Steel grille (grilles). The grill grill with a diameter of 50 cm is perfect. In the store you can find for (800-1000 rubles)

Wood coal basket:

  • Extended steel. If you take two pieces of 60 × 30cm extended steel, the result is a large basket. You can take one such sheet, and cut it in half to get two pieces of 60x15cm. Then the basket will get small, and it may not be enough for 10-12 hours of work smoking.
  • Smaller grid. It is well suited for making a coal basket. It should be less than the lattice on which food will prepare.
  • 100mm bolts + nuts. For the legs of the basket.
  • Washers that are suitable for 100mm bolts.
  • 12mm bolts, nuts and washers for fastening extended steel ends. Any size / caliber. I used 8mm and nut hexagon bolts.
  • Wire. Used to attach extended steel to the edges of the grid. You can try using paper clips. I also used the wire when creating a handle.
  • Drill and drill to drill holes 22mm.

Step 2: Remove the old paint and apply a new

If your barrel is a non-removable top, you need to sprinkle it. You can use the saw.

The next step is not mandatory, but if the paint on your barrel is not heat-resistant, then when cooking it will peel, crack and highlight the caustic smell. It rules the beautiful flavor of the barbecue from your smokehouse when it will work.

There are several ways to remove the paint. I used the paint removal tool, then burned a barrel with a torch, and processed by a credit circle. When the coating is removed, you need to apply a couple of layers with its heat-resistant paint.

Step 3: Cut the hole and mount the ball crane

Use the appropriate drill and drill the hole from the side around the barrel bottom. The hole should be as close as possible to the base. Do not forget to leave enough space for the washers.

Attach the ball crane by screwing it to the sleeve through the hole using the M20 washer on each side. The washers will help keep the crane in place and seal the seal.

Also attach the handles.

Step 4: Installation Shelves

In my smoke from 200 liter barrels, adjustable racks are used, so I can change their height. So, I can install several shelves at once, if I want to make a lot of ribs or remove them if I cook a few pork trees that occupy much more space. The disadvantage is that I should be careful when I remove the basket for grill or charcoal, so as not to drop the brackets. It is very annoying when the bracket falls right in the middle of burning coal.

Reduce the rack guides to the sizes of the barrel and install them in the smokehouse, and then insert the racks.

If you do not need to adjust the lattices, you can make one and fasten it with bolts and nuts straight to the barrel.

Step 5: Basket for charcoal

Show more images

Let's make a carbon basket:

  1. Take one piece of extended steel and bend it until it comes with a curvature lattice.
  2. Cut 6-10 pieces of wire and bend them in the form "u".
  3. Use cut pieces for fastening the trim to the lattice. Tighten the wire several times to make it dense.
  4. Bend the second piece of extended steel and screw it with bolts to the first.
  5. With the help of a large piece of wire, attach the second piece of steel to the grid.
  6. Screw the legs of 100mm bolts.
  7. Attach the wire as a handle, and everything is ready!

Step 6: And where is the thermometer?

Each smoke need a thermometer, and you may have noticed that my assembly does not have a built-in device. I developed my own automatic thermostat with thermometers that you can build. If you do not want to create it, you have two options:

  1. Buy a wireless thermometer, for example Maverick ET732. It shows the exact temperature, and it has an additional thermometer to control your meat. He also has alarm and wireless communication, so it is perfect for night gatherings. If you end up often use smoking, it is very useful for you. The disadvantage is that it costs about 4,000 rubles. If you decide to accomplish yourself, it is easiest to make a small recess on the upper edge of the smoke and spend the wires under it under the cover.
  2. Use the onboard thermometer similar to the shown. I do not recommend taking such because they are inaccurate, as well as the temperature on the edges can be more than in the center. The needle of the thermometer can also prevent lattices. The only advantage is that they are inexpensive.

If you go on this route, drill the hole from the side just below the top grille and insert the thermometer.

Step 7: What to do if you do not have a grill cover with a spout

If you do not have such a lid, you need to do it. The best option would be to buy a barrel with a removable lid and attach to it a pipe.

Barrel is an excellent base for the manufacture of smokehouse, and working on a cold technique or hot. In the first case, this is a cold smoking unit - AKK, in the second hot - AGK. Most often used metal barrel.

When using one barrel, a small device is obtained. Its enough to create smokers for 3-4 people. You can use two barrels as a basis. We will analyze all the well-known ways how to make a smoked smoked smoked meat.

Option with one barrel

The first thing is determined by the zone for the smoking smoking with their own hands from the barrel. Home Conditions are not at all suitable for this. Therefore, this option is more suitable for owners of private houses.

Deciding with the place, you need to create or get the drawing of the planned design. It is necessarily taken into account the scale.

Example drawing:

Trench breaks out. This is a chimney. Depth - approximately 30-40 cm. Barrel is located above it. And under her - the hearth.

The focus is necessarily trummed by bricks. And the barrel is also placed on a brick pedestal.

Sheets made of metal join the chimney and the hearth.

The pit under the hearth has a small depth. Its parameters are caused by the sizes of the barrel.

The more barrel - the greater the depth of the pit

Then the pit is separated by brick. This blocking the heat so that he does not go to the ground and was stable.

From the hearth drills the pit. It is hermetically closed with steel sheets and falling asleep earth. This is a smoking smoke.

At the end of the pit is located barrel. Holes are done in its bottom at an equal distance from each other.

The barrel is divided into two sides by the filter. It will protect the products from the penetration of ash and ash.

For AHC, you need to use a moistened fabric. It is periodically replaced with a new similar material.

At the highest barrel zone, the grille is mounted

Apply a bolted method. It is attached 10-15 cm from the edge of the device.

You can attach the grille with a welding method. But then it will become static. It will be impossible to remove it for cleansing. It will place products for smoking.

ACC closes the burlap. It is fixed on the wire.

Key criteria for all installation activities here - ensuring high tightness. The input and output section of the chimney is winding with a cloth. You can apply the construction silicone here.

Breaks are placed on top. They can be made of steel or other metals. This is the case of your budget.

Their placement is transverse. They will then place products on them.

The top of the apparatus in the process of smoking is covered with burlap.

The cold technique implies solid time spent on this process, since it proceeds at low temperature parameters.

Two barrels version

To get high-quality and functional techniques, first decide the issue with the drawings. They will significantly simplify work for which a couple of unused barrels can be used as the foundations.

Thanks to this installation, you can significantly reduce the duration of the culinary process. Cause - smoke will be better distributed.

Two barrels made on each other. Between them is satisfied with the filter

This is a moistened fabric and standard burlap. Barrel from below is a flue department. It will smoke fine fuel cells, such as chips and sawdust. Barrel from above is designed to premise products.

Due to burlap on top, you can adjust the temperature indicators. And the filter creates defense from the penetration of soot.

Often the dilemma gets up: what barrels to use for the manufacture of smokers? Apply what is at hand.

A two barrel version will not lose its effectiveness if smaller barrels are used.

For a single bar version, it is better to use a 200 liter capacity. Inside, it is also possible to arrange a filter and in such a way that the design is formed similar to two-bit modifications.

The fuel used should not be ignited - only to smooth.

Production of AHC with one barrel

It has a lot of analogies with the already described version of the creation of AHC. But there are nuances here.

The material of the barrel here does not matter much. It can be made of metal or wood. In the second case, it passes a thorough treatment with protective varnishes and antiseptics.

The barrel is eliminated by the bottom. Next to her also hold a trench

Its length - 2 m. As already known, this is a chimney. It binds the furnace compartment with a barrel.

In the very barrel of the walls, we will be resurrected by slate or metal sheets. Also, it creates additional small shelves.

The trench is strengthened, the earth is attracted. In her end focusing the metal sheet. And the barrel is already put on it. It should be holes for the passage of smoke.

And for the top covering of the unit also applies burlap. As a result, smoke follows the chimney. By the end of the way it is cooled. And cooling occurs naturally.

The temperature formed is enough for the operation of AHC. And you can easily control the depression in the focus. After all, this is the most important criterion. It is important that the low temperature is stably maintained.

Products, wigured in such a device, is obtained dry, salty. She has a characteristic taste.

AHCs need to be manufactured by observing all the necessary criteria. The smoked process needs constant control. Otherwise, you can get dishes with a lot of harmful bacteria. It will become immediately clear in his mind and the opposite smell.

Your AKK based on barrels must be protected from moisture and precipitation. Usually its top zone is covered with a meshe. But the optimal solution is to install the apparatus under a canopy. With this situation, any precipitate will not have a cardinal effect on the smoke process.

Do not cover the ACC cover.

Questions on fuel

So that smoking in the barrel AHC brought positive and amazing results and delicious dishes, and not a handful of coal, make serious attention to the type of fuel used and temperature.

A competently built apparatus, thanks to the tightness of the working capacity, allows to achieve the necessary temperature modes.

Only due to the reasonable amount of moisture dishes get the right taste.

Fuel is raw materials from suitable wood. If you wish to get dishes with good quality and taste, you should not apply raw materials from coniferous rocks. From it, the resins are distinguished during smoked. They impregnate the product and spoil his taste and smell.

The best options are the materials from fruit trees. Apple, cherry, pear sawdust are often used.

You can apply oak, lime and outer raw materials. You can combine types of raw materials to achieve an exquisite taste of dishes.

Smoke is the key component. His tightness and thrust hold it in the barrel.

Sawdust in the focal zone is added gradually, approximately 100 grams. There they must be distributed evenly.

Alas required to eliminate. If the filter is arranged in the device, it is necessary to replace it every 4-5 hours.

After each application, the device is thoroughly clean and dried. In another situation, fat and soot negatively affect the taste properties of the product.

Coals are periodically removed from the hearth. They only prevent the smoke movement.

Smokehouse on the basis of a tree barrel, even well-treated with protective preparations, still needs enhanced control. It must be on a metal sheet.