Repairs Design Furniture

Spring trimming actinidia. Pruning actinidia on points. Compote from Aktindia

Only conquer its popularity. However, its high decorative qualities, unpretentiousness and resistance to pests contributes to the spread of this plant and an increase in the demand of gardeners and landscape designers on it. Those who all decided to plant the actinidia at home should provide her correct and regular trimming, then the culture of full will show their decorative qualities.

Brief description of actinia

Aktinidia refers to the genus Lian. Its natural habitat is so wide, sampling, fir and fir forests in China, Japan, Asia and other countries. But today there are both aligned forms of lianas, which are adapted for cultivation in various climatic belts. In our region, Aktindia is used for decorative purposes and for obtaining fruits.

Aktinidia is Liana, it means she needs a support. Thanks to the frame, the plant is growing rapidly, freely entrusing the support with a diameter to ten centimeters. Liana actively grows and forms a dense carpet from its green mass. Note that in natural natural conditions, Aktinidia uses trees for support, according to the branches of which can rise to the height of fourteen meters. But the varietal views on garden sites Not more than four meters grow. In addition, the actinidium of various species have intense growth, their stems and leaves are different in a strong structure, they are quite simple in care, easily adapt to any soils and natural phenomena, differ in a long period of life. For good care And the correct trimming, Liana will decorate the landscape and pamper with its fruits for more than fifty years.

Favorable conditions for the plant are solar sections, in extreme cases, light and short shadow.

The flowering period of the Liana is completely short, but after at the place of the flowers, the fruits begin with a diameter of about three and a half centimeters bright green with numerous seeds inside, along the structure and appearance they resemble the kiwi fruits.

Of course, landscape designers loved actinidia for her beautiful abundant greens. Therefore, it can be grown as a decorative plant. But Liana also fruits, its fruits are very tasty.

Thanks to the works of breeders, today there are more than seventy five types of plants, which are grown in the conditions of parks, squares, garden sites. But all of them without exception require proper trimming. Only thanks to this manipulation, it is possible to achieve high decorativeness of Liana and get a plentiful harvest.

Features of the structure of Liana

Aktindia seedlings need to be planted next to the support - this will ensure the right growth and development. As the plants and the obsession of its branches increase, three types of shoots are distinguished. Each of them is characterized by the type of growth, purpose and other parameters. And so, shoots going:

  • growth;
  • mixed;
  • fruit.

Thanks to the Rostov Elegum, the support skeleton of the plant is formed. They grow from sleeping kidneys on Liane, which for more than two years. During the growing season, they actively increase and reach up to three meters long. They end with a sharp top, which in the winter dies.

Rostile shoots are distinguished by a large number of cores inside, large leaves and wide interstices. These shoots are poorly rooted and, naturally, are also poorly leaving, therefore they are not used for reproduction as a cutlets.

A distinctive feature of mixed shoots is that they are formed from the kidneys on the shoots of last year. Their length does not exceed one meter, and they end with a stupid top. It is these shoots that are not only involved in the formation of a skeleton of Liana, but also give a crop. Fruits are formed at the very foundation of shoots.

Mixed shoots can be safely used for shilling.

As for the fruit shoots, they are formed on annual wood Liana. These are the shoots of the third order, after the fruiting ends, they dry.

With good accessibility sun rayMany lianas form and mixed fourth-order shoots. On them for the second year of life, small fruits appear, but they are not able to assign support, so they do not constitute decorative value. The main function of the designated branches is fruiting. For reproduction, they are also not suitable.

Aktindia Pruning Rules

Due to regular trimming, a viable plant is formed, its appearance and decorative component is significantly improved. Since, liana is used in landscape design, To form an attractive living hedge, it is necessary to attach some forces. Of particular importance is exactly the trimming of the branches. And you need to start immediately after planting seedlings. The first thing is plugged with the top, such actions are awakened by side kidneys.

Before proceeding with trimming, it is necessary to familiarize yourself as it should be done, because inept actions can weaken the plant or even lead to his death.

And so, after disembarking, Liana on permanent place Prothesiation of shoots is carried out, it is recommended to leave only a few kidneys on each of them. Next season, strong healthy branches are formed from them. For the second year of Aktindia's life, you need to take up to three shoots, which will be the foundations of a fan-shaped bush. All other shoots are trimmed to the very foundation. When Liana reset the leaves, then these shoots are shortened before the woody of escape.

The following year, a three-year-old Liana actively begins to form lateral shoots. Sturdy branches are evenly tied to the support. Only weak branches are subject to pruning.

For the fourth year, Aktinidia forms fruit and mixed shoots, they are also neatly tied to a frame basis.

For the fifth year, fruitless shoots are shortened, leaving up to five kidneys over the fruiting point on each branch. Other shoots are also cut, leaving only the strongest.

As a rule, a fan form of actinide is fully formed in five years. In the future, sanitary trimming is carried out and to maintain specified form bush.

When trimming the shoots of adult liana, the removal is subject to breakdown branches, weakened, thin and those that contribute to thickening.

In most cases, after trimming, shoots can be used as cuttings for subsequent reproduction.

In order for everything to go well, it is necessary to follow the following rules:

  • all manipulations with liana branches are performed only in the fall, after foliage dropping. Spring trimming It can lead to the death of the plant, since at this time there is an active infection. Summer is also not the best time, since the unnatural activation of the kidneys on young branches is possible;
  • it is necessary to delete first of all dry, frozen, weak, thickening the crown of the branch;
  • in the first year, the plant shorten up to three kidneys, on the second - only three skeletal branches leave, on the third - form a beautiful form, distributing a bush on a support, on the fourth - actinidia is not cut off at all, on the fifth, all weak branches are cut off.

As you can see, in principle, there is nothing complicated, so even a beginner gardener can cope. Separately, it is recommended when removing shoots, the locations of the sections are lubricated to the garden harder, due to this it is easy to prevent the penetration of infections and pathogenic microbes.

Also standing after trimming to take care of the shelter of the plant for the winter. So that the krone does not frozen, liana is covered with special light tissues, and the rolling circle covers spruce branches or agrovolok. These simple measures provide protection of actinidia in frosty winters.

Subtlety trimming individual varieties of actinidia

Getting started to trim the plants, it is necessary to take into account the varietal affiliation. For example, the varieties of "kolomykta", "polygam" form the fruitful kidneys not only on long, but also on shortened kidneys. Which is characteristic, pruning shoots significantly increases the yield of the plant.

However, actinidia varieties of "Kolomikt" is allowed to trim and pinch only from the seven age.

The "Argut" grade requires intensive thinning and short trimming of branches, because in this case the fruiting is possible only on short shoots.

Wooden Liana Aktinidia is attractive with its delicious fruits with a high content of ascorbic acid, unpretentiousness (landing and care for it is not distinguished by difficulties), longevity (lives up to 40 years). In a temperate belt with cool summer and cold winters, many successfully passed garden grades Aktinidia (Kolomykt, Argut, Polygam, Purple, etc.).

Did you know? The name "Aktinidia" comes from Greek. Ακτινιδιον - beam. For the first time, Aktindia was described by Lindlehe in 1835, and in 1905 the plant was found in New Zealand, the resulting fruit called "Kiwi" in honor of the New Zealand bird. I. Michurin from 1909 was actively engaged in the breeding of actinidium.

Planting actinia seedlings

If you decide to plant Aktinidia on your site, then it is necessary to use sprouts obtained by stalling (actinidia grown from seeds lose their varietal signs). You can grow seedlings yourself, but you can buy in a specialized store. When buying actinidi seedlings, two circumstances should be taken into account:

  1. How the escape ( if the escape grows from the kidney - it is derived from the seed, if a short barrel with side processes - escape is reproduced by a cutting).
  2. What gender plant ( aktinidia - Dwoomber culture, so for fruiting it is necessary to buy seedlings of both sexes).

Important! By purchasing actinidia seedlings should pay attention to the roots - they must be closed (in the ground, polyethylene, a special container). sunlight, heat, dry air can harm the plant. The most optimal age of a seedling is not more than three years (more "adults" plants are worse to transplantation). Paul plants can only be found in the flowers. Thornal seedlings inherit the floor of the donor plant, so it is recommended to buy the process of flashing plants.

Optimal landing dates

The cultivation of actinidia largely depends on the time of landing. Among the gardeners there are no unity on the issue of optimal terms. Several options are possible:

  • early spring, while the juices did not start their movement;
  • the end of April is the beginning of the summer (after the end of flowering);
  • autumn (minimum in two - three weeks before the start of frosts).

The composition of the soil

Aktinidia prefer acidic and weakly acidic soils (pH \u003d 4 - 5), but they grow well and on neutral (with good fertilizer). The least suitable clay soils from high levels Groundwater. Required requirement For successful growth - soil for actinidia should have a good drainage. It is advisable to plant plants on the elevated areas with a natural flow.

When landing actinidia in advance (two weeks) you need to prepare landing pits (when decorating walls - trenches):

  • 0.5 m - width, length, depth (the length of the trench depends on the length of the wall);
  • drainage (brick crumb, pebbles);
  • on top of the drainage - enriched soil (humid (bucket), charcoal (50 gr.), Superphosphate (250 gr.).
After precipitation of the soil, during the landing of seedlings and after the usual land should be glued.

Good precursors and neighbors of actinidia

Best predecessor - Black currant (it bursts the soil, does not deplete it). The choice of "neighbors" is due to the utility of the plant for Aktindia. The beneficial effects provide:

  • legumes - beans, beans, peas (improve the soil, support the desired moisture balance, improve microclimate);
  • black currant, lion;
  • flowers - Petunia, Gerbera, Calendula, Astra, etc. (do not drain the soil, decorated).
Negative consequences are guaranteed when landing near:

Important! Aktinidia must be shaded until it seems to reach 3 years old (sun rays can cause burns of root system and stems).

Right landing

Before boarding, the seedlings of actinidia are prepared as follows: cut off dry or broken shoots, the roots dip in the clay boltushka, the water bucket is poured into the pit.

The root neck must be on the same level. It is necessary to follow, so that the emptiness is not formed, the land is a little to thunder and mulch the organic matter.

For fruiting for every three female plants, one man should have one man. The distance between the planting seedlings is at least one and a half meters. Upon completion of the landing, it is necessary to pour a seedling 2 - 3 buckets of water and close from direct sunlight marley, paper, etc.

Did you know? Determine where women, and where men's individuals can only be used in the middle of the actinidia: if in the middle of the flower - white ovary with stilts - it is female flowerIf the marking is surrounded by stamens - a male person.

Basics of care for actinidia

Proper landing and complete absence of pests make care of actinidia. For better growth Plants and increasing fertility It is advisable to provide it with supports - trellis (galvanized wire between columns).

Important! Planted cuttings from the weathered actinidium can not be transplanted at least two years - their root system must grow up.

Watering and soil fertilizer

Watering Aktinidiya - moderate. Excessive moisture should not be allowed (the earth has the root of the roots). All actinidia love spraying leaves with water dust (in the morning and evening).

Fertilizers are selected taking into account the preferences of the plant (weakly acid and acidic soils) - potassium chloride, ammonium sulfate, ammonium nitrate, wood ash, etc. Categorically contraindicated chlorine-containing fertilizers such as lime and fresh manure.

Before you feed the actinidia in the spring, after melting of snow, you need to shallow ground near the roots (by 3 - 5 cm). It is impossible to jump off - you can damage the roots. It is necessary to feed:

Important! Aktinondi is sometimes affected by spottedness of leaves and gray fruit rot. Young plants (shoots and especially roots) can go cats. For the safety of the roots, the sprouts are struck by a metal grid.

How to trim

Care for Aktindia implies regular trimming of plants. Trimming is needed by young liana (for its proper formation) and an adult plant (the permanent growth of lianas leads to thickening, dimming, reducing the yield).

When planning trimming, it is necessary to consider the following:

  • the most optimal time for the procedure is considered summer months, immediately after the completion of flowering;
  • in the fall, about a month before the frosts (in different regions, the periods of frosts may vary) - Pruning is not recommended (awakened kidneys and young shoots will not raise and kill them). In the southern regions, sanitary trimming is carried out after the end of the leaf fall;
  • in early spring (When the flow of juice on Lian) is prohibited, any violation of the integrity of the plant is fraught with its death.

Important! Every variety actinidia has their own specific featuresto be taken into account when pruning. For example, a kolomikta over 8 years old annually one old branch is cut off and replaced by the shoot of the escape. Krucik in the shape of a bush is poorly fruit and needs the trellis. The Argut home Liana serves the whole life, but it needs to more intensively cut forward and shorter cut (fruit short shoots), etc.

Pruning young actinidia is associated with plant formation. When the question is solved - where to plant actinidia, should be taken into account how it will grow. For kolomykt, fan formation is most common:
  • the first year is cut off the above-ground part, leaving 2 - 3 kidneys;
  • for the second year - all shoots are cut off, except 2 - 4 vertical (sleeves). After the end of the leaf fall, they cut off the top kidneys;
  • the third year - select the strongest side shoots and tie to the left and right taplers;
  • the fourth and fifth year is a further garter of the strongest and fruitful branches, trimming of weak, thin, broken and non-pronomous branches.
For adult plants (starting from 8 years of age) every three to four years, it is possible to carry out a rejuvenating trimmer - liana is cut to the level of the stump at 30 - 40 cm. Annual trimming - shortening one-third of the length of shoots, cutting off the extra branches.

Winter hardiness Aktindia

Actinide varieties grown in our latitudes have quite high frost resistance (kolomikta can carry frost to -35 ...- 45 degrees ° C). The first 2 - 3 years of life young plants for the winter is better to cover the pillow of leaves, facothy or polyethylene.

Large danger to Lian is not low temperatures In winter, and spring frosts (to them the most sensitive young sprouts of actinidium, floral buds and kidneys). The decrease in temperature below zero to 8 degrees can destroy the young escape.

Actinide landing near the residential building partially neutralizes the danger of frosts, but there may be a problem from the flow of rainwater from the roof.

Harvesting and storage

Aktinidia brings the first fruits to achieve three-four-year-old age. Plants of the seven-year-old and older fruit regularly (one actinidium can give from 12 to 60 kg of harvest). The collection begins at the end of August and continues until frosts.

Ripening time of berries different varieties Aktinidia unequal:

  • kolomikta - In the middle of August (fruits ripens unevenly and some of them can crumble on the ground). Green fruits can be swallowed in warm after removal from Liana. For transportation and storage, it is better to collect slightly greenish berries;

  • arguta and Djiralda - the beginning of September (acquire bright green and gentle flesh);

  • Polygama - September (the color of berries - from yellow to orange);

  • Purple - The end of September (berries do not appear, purple color).

Fresh fruits are better stored in cool rooms with good ventilation (smells absorb strongly).

Did you know? One Aktinidia Berry provides a person's need for vitamin in a day. The berry of the kolomikt contains 4 times more vitamin C than in black currant and 13 times more than in Lemon. When recycling the Aktinidi's berries, all vitamins and active substances are saved. Pectin in actinidium berries actively displays salts of heavy metals and radioactive isotopes.

Aktindia berries are stored:

  • frozen (wash berries, wipe and freeze);
  • dried (wash and dry in the oven (55 degrees);
  • like raw jam (rearrangement berries with sugar - 2 K 3);
  • drier (my berries are poured with hot syrup, 7 minutes warmed, the syrup is drained, the berries are brown in the oven for 15 minutes at 80 degrees.

Reproduction of Aktindia

Aktinidia has been breed enough. Vegetative reproduction has advantages - transmits signs of varieties, gender, fruiting on the 3 - 4th year. Seed reproduction makes it possible to get more enduring plants, but fruiting - from 7 years of age.

Root offspring

The reproduction of root offspring is used for actinidia polygam and kolomykt.

Did you know? The reproduction of root offspring at the arguity is impossible - no root offspring of this variety.

Green and weathered cuttings

Description of methods vegetative reproduction Aktinidia, you need to start with the fastest and most common - shuttless. This method allows you to inherit varietal signs and get a lot of seedlings. Two options are used - green and gloves.

Green cuttings (the upper part of the escape from 10 to 15 cm) is reserved at the end of May - early June (when flowering ends): cuttings with two - three kidneys and interstices. The lower cutting cutter must have 45 °, the top is straight. Cutter:

  • singing for rooting into the landing pit with a substrate (drainage, 10 cm mixture humidification and 5 cm river sand), keep under the film, spray twice a day;
  • after 30 days begin to air, since August is open overnight;
  • for the winter she is covered with a pillow of leaves, in the spring - transplant.
Warm cuttings (length - 20 cm) are harvested in autumn and the beams are kept in the sand until spring (in a vertical position), after which they plant to the greenhouse. The rootability of such cuttings is lower than green.

To increase this indicator, the pinch method is used (a month before the cutting of the cutlets put on ice with the upper ends and closed - the development of the kidneys is suspended. The lower parts are warm. After 30 days, the roots appear, then the cuttings are planted into the open ground).

Decision bushes

The division of the bushes is infrequently used in households as a method of reproduction of actinidia, but if there is a bush plant (grows on poor soils, suffered from frosts, without support, etc.). The bush is divided after a leaf fall to frosts or early spring before the start of the juice movement. Each part of the separated bush should carry stalks and roots at the same time.

Reproduction of removal

The method of reproduction is simple and efficient. Under the Liana, the grooves are digging (7-10 cm deep), the soil in the grooves is mounted with a humor, peat, sawdust.

Care of actinidia when reproduction of removal in spring, includes laying in the grooves of the lower young shoots, their fixation, falling asleep soil and regular watering. The tip of escape remains above the ground. The chains are separated for the next year.

Reproduction of seeds

Aktinonds from seeds germinate hard. Therefore, to somehow speed up this process apply the stratification method:

Today we will talk more in more detail about such a plant as Aktinidia Kolomykta, landing and care for which the most interesting dachensons. In our country (the area of \u200b\u200bthe Far East), there are only four types of actinidia in vivo. But Russian varieties of this plant are created only using actinide kolomycty, which is a climbing liano with a sufficiently thin and branched barrel with a diameter of 2 to 4-5 cm.

Aktinidia Kolomikt: landing and care, popular varieties

This species stands out among other high winter hardiness. It is quite easy to withstand up to 45 degrees of frost without any shelter. The length of actinide kolomykti usually changes from 8 to 10 meters.

On the trunk there is a large number of medium sizes of thin light green leaves (8-10 cm) with double rare cloths around the edges. They have an oval shape with a small sharp end and covered on both sides with a short down.

This speciesAs mentioned earlier, attracts attention to the original coloring leaves, which changes several times during the season. At the very beginning of the growing season, the leaves are painted in a bronze tint, and in summer it becomes greens. In addition, with the blooming of the flowers, the ends of the leaves are painted in a white shade, and after some time - in crimson. With the arrival of autumn, the leaves become either pink or purple.

The urine roots of this culture are located at a depth of 30 to 45 cm. The width of the root system is from the half-meter to 0.8 meters. Spectacular white flowers with a diameter of about one and a half centimeters have a pleasant aroma. Especially beautiful looks in the center of the flower of stamens with yellow anthers, located evenly around the pestle.

Interestingly, on male plants, the flowers bloom in loose flowering inflorescences of 2-5 pieces, and on women - one by one. The greenish actinidia fruits with an attractive aroma and sweet taste have a length of about 2 cm and a slightly more than one centimeter width (1.2 cm). They ripen on slightly tilted and elongated frozen. At the entire length of the fruit stretch thin dark stripes. Their weight varies from one and a half to five grams.

Description of varieties

Currently, there is a little more than three tens of actinidium varieties. We will get acquainted with several popular hybrids.

Variety Description

The grade of fantasy gardens ripens early and can be used both in fresh form and for canning. A medium-sized bushes are formed by rather long brown shoots, which are covered with a thick olive shade with a pilla-toothed edge. Strongly elongated green fruits covered with strips of green gray. The weight of one berry reaches 2.3 grams. Pleasant sour-sweet taste complements powerful pineapple flavor. It is almost not damaged by pests and diseases. Grown on the trellis.

Berries on the bushes of grade abundant ripen early. The mid-grade bushes consist of brownish-red curly shoots with a small glitter. They are covered with lots of medium size green leaves. Berries in shape resemble a bit compressed on both sides of a cylinder painted in a yellowish green or dirty green shade. The weight of one fetus reaches 4 grams. The taste is sweetish sour. Stands out good winter hardiness.

Fruits grape varieties are designed for use in a fresh form. The grade of early and is famous for resistance to pests and diseases. Also draws attention to its winter hardiness. Medium size olive fruits with longitudinal stripes have an attractive aroma of strawberries and an acidic and sweet taste.

Small fruits weighing from 2 to 2.5 grams of sorts of swelling ripen in early August. They attract attention to the sweet taste and aroma of marmalade. The color of the berries may vary from yellowish green to green-olive.
One of the best hybrids created on the basis of actinide kolomykti is considered to be a waffle variety. It ripens in the Moscow area in early August (early). The shoots of the plant can reach 7-8 meters, and the stem width varies from 3-4 to 10 cm. The optimal landing site is lightweight. The fruits of a greenish-olive shade with a fairly strong apple or a pineapple aroma of a length of one and a half to 2.5 cm have a weight from 3 to 4 grams. To obtain good yields, plants are required - pollinators.
Also among the varieties of this cult, it is worth noting the festive hybrid, the fruits of which are like a sweet-sour taste and apple fragrance. The medium-sized fruit of about 3 cm can have a weight of 3 to 3.5 grams. The color of the berries may vary from greenish-yellow to dirty green. This variety is early (beginning of August).

Selection of place and landing

For the cultivation of actinidia, they choose well lit and warm sections. Best of all, this culture is possible on weakly acid or neutral soils with a large amount of nutrients. The length and width of the pit for planting is about 0.6 meters, and the depth - from the half-meter to 0.8 meters depending on the composition of the soil. A layer of fine gravel or a mixture of sand and rubble with a height of 10 to 15 centimeters is necessarily poured onto the bottom.

Also before landing in the pit, trace elements or ashes are made, ground egg shell (50-70 g), as well as about 10 kg humus. All fertilizers and humus are necessarily stirred with good land.

BEST TIME For the landing of actinidia is spring (the first two weeks of May), but this culture is also good and in the autumn period. At the cottages of the plant are placed in an ordinary landing, and between the bushes should be from 2 to 2.5 meters.

Since actinidium refers to dioval cultures, then for good harvest sit next to men and women's plants. It is worth knowing one instance of male flooring enough to pollinate 5-6 female bushes.


Work on the care of various types and varieties of actinidia consists of regular feeding, irrigation, weeding, as well as weed removal. This culture perfectly responds to the introduction of both organinery and organic fertilizers.

Organic fertilizers are usually introduced in spring and autumn periods. In the spring (end of April) for feeding use complex fertilizers with nitrogen. In the fall (second decade of September), Aktinidia felt fertilizers with phosphorus and potassium. Fertilizers spread in the location of the root system before loosening.

Formation and trimming of actinide kolomict

Since this culture is highlighted by a rather powerful increase in escapes and availability. large number Side kidneys, and this causes a rapid thickening of the bush. Therefore, throughout the entire growing season, actinidium requires proper and regular trimming.

The best times of it is autumn, since the spring pruning can lead to the depletion of the bush. But if it is still needed to spend in the spring, then it is carried out at the very end of spring or early summer (during the intensive rust of shoots).

Pruning and the formation of actinidia directly depends on the process of cultivation. With a vertical method of cultivation of the bushes, they are placed on a height of about 2 meters high, between which 3 or 4 rows of wire are stretched. They can be wooden and concrete. Typically, the taperes are installed from the east to the west. Along them, two-year seedlings are planted from the south side.

There are two options for forming a bush shape with this method of cultivation that make it possible to obtain regular and abundant crops: fan and combidoid:

  • With fan-shaped, the bush shoots at an angle to the grinding. Usually on the plant form from 5 to 8 major branches, which are replaced with young shoots in 5-6 years. It is worth noting that the crown in the form of a fan does not require a large number of manual labor.
  • The comb shape of the plant is created in several stages. The formation starts a year after landing, when two most powerful escapes are chosen on the bush, which are located in different directions on a sleeve on the lower wire row. All other shoots cut off.

The next year in the spring, horizontally located branches give vertical shoots. Of these, they leave from 4 to 6 (2-3 each of the main skeletal branches) and are tied up to the top rows of the wire. They must be well developed and are located quite symmetrically relative to each other. The remaining shoots are definitely removed.

Vertically growing branches most often grow and develop unequal. The most powerful appears from the kidneys located at the beginning of skeletal horizontal shoots. It is worthwing to know that the yield of berries ripens on the side branches from vertical shoots. The main horizontal branches are replaced by new ones every 5 or 6 years.

Also, actinidia is grown in the form of a bush. The formation of bushes starts at a biennium. The plants are left from 3 to 4 of the best shoots, which shorten up to 30-40 cm, and all other branches are completely cut out. In the following years, during the annual trimming, shoots without colors shorten on half or one third, and also remove thickening branches.

To rejuvenate the plant after 7-9 years, the main shoots replace new and simultaneously cut off the branch of the branch, giving little fruit. This gives impetus to the appearance of new shooting kidney shooting.

Reproduction of actinide kolomykta

Different types and varieties of actinide kolomycta are quite easily multiplied with cuttings (weathered and green), leaves and grains. But reproduction with seeds is used only when the new hybrids are eliminated at special experienced stations and during selection tests.

The main method of obtaining plants is considered green shining. Shooten shoots start to harvest at the very beginning of the appraising process. IN middle lane This happens in the first decade of July. The length of the cuttings may vary from 10 to 15 cm, and the green top is not used.

On each cutlets there should be 2-4 sheets. To reduce the evaporation of water during the rooting, the upper leaves are cut completely, and the lower - half.

The rooting ground is made of river sand and peat in proportion 2 to 1 and 3 K 1. The finished mixture is poured into low drawers or other containers of a layer at least 20-25 cm.

Prepared cuttings are planting from 5 to 6 cm. The distance between them should be 5 cm, both in the row and between the rows. The first roots begin to appear 15-20 days after disembarking. The rooting of actinidia is carried out on beds, covered with film, as well as in greenhouses with installations of artificial fog. For quick and high-quality rooting, high humidity is required for 2-3 weeks and shading in the first 4-6 days.

By the beginning of the autumn months, young plants are already developing a beautiful root system from 10 to 25 cm long. The percentage of actinidia cuttings reach almost 100 percent.

With the onset of winter, young actinidia is covered with dry sawdust or leaves of a layer of 8-10 cm. Next spring (After May 15), plants land on the garden in the garden or garden to grow.

For cuttings, completely overwhelmed shoots of this year from 0.4 to 0.6 meters are chosen. They are harvested or after the end of the Society (November - December), or before its start (March). The optimal length of the cutting is 15-20 cm. When disembarking cuttings, it is necessary to remember one moment, the scars from the leaves should look down.

Wearing cuttings rooted on beds with loose nutrient soil Or in tubers and cold greenhouses.

The simplest and most reliable way to get young actinidium is. With this method of reproduction, plant output is good, so it is more suitable for gardener lovers.

The rooting of the chains is carried out during the intensive growth of shoots (the end of May). For this use annual shoots. They are laid in small recesses. And they attach in places of relief of the shoots of this year. Then they fall asleep the earth, but necessarily leave the free end of the branch. Throughout the warm time, the taps are plotting several times and watered, especially if it is hot weather. Already by the beginning of the fall, well-developed roots are formed on shoots. Separate and planted bushes at a permanent place next year in spring.

As you can see, it is very useful nutrients Culture and very beautiful Liana At the same time. So with pleasure we recommend that you grow so garden plantAs Aktinidia Kolomikt, because landing and care for it is quite forces to any passionate dacket.

It is important to know: everything about the formation and normalization: thoroughly, it is essentially trimming actinidia in the fall, proper formation and rationing, preparation for winter.

We'll figure it out that, as well as trim - a brief excursion to biology: about the shoots of Aktindia.

About pruning actinidia: why do it do

Why do you need trimming? For forming, rationing, preventing frozen. We will form a bush itself, depending on the type - the bush method, or on the horizontal grinder.

The formation, rationing and trimming of actinidia is the mother of yield and the guarantee of the health of Liana. Cut the right.

We will normize both a delicate of bush and harvest: overload berries is fraught with a decrease in the viability of the bush, weak wood aging, low yields for the next year - and simply weakening the plant. In addition, non-invalid shoots are fought - this is part of the preparation of Aktindia by winter.

And the purpose of the trimming is to rejuvenate the bush. And clarification: actinidia shoots should be located freely, without shading each other for good illumination so as to skip the scattered light.

In the thick shadow of the plants are discharged by foliage, and young shoots are formed at the top of the crown - closer to the light. Thus, the bottom of the bush is broken, takes the form of a strain.

How to circumcise actinidia, which is mini-kiwi and just kiwi: tips and secrets.

If saplings autumn planting Move into growth, threatening with frozenia, their tops are pouring to stop growth.

If they were frozen in winter, it is not worth upset: sleeping kidneys will be awake in their lower part, which are given growth to new shoots in the spring.

When trimming actinidia

The best time trimming actinidia is the late autumn after the leaf fall, when preparing for winter. Or early spring, before the start of Sokotivation in April. Deletion, trimming during the growing season even in April faces the expiration of the juice: the cuts are extremely poorly tightened, and not a helpfulness. Often "crying" becomes the cause of Lian's death.

Timing actinidia cutting and preparation for winter: when to trim and how to normalize.

Timing trimming in the fall - at night minus temperatures, after leaffall. Depending on the climatic zoneThis is October either November.

Aktindia trim in autumn: part of theoretical

Liana shoots are divided into three types that perform various functions and very different from each other.

1. Vegetative (Growth), carrying a support function. Two-year-old escapes grow from the kidneys or older branches, they are distinguished by short interstices, large leaves, lots of core. The sharp tops of the vegetative shoots are unseen as a rule, and often frozen in winter. For reproduction, rarely is used due to poor rooting.

During the summer, they reach lengths from 0.7-1 m to 2x, on plants growing in a thick half and up to 3 m. Often, their abundant increase is observed after intensive trimming, with mechanical damage.

Soothes of mixed type.

2. Generative-vegetative. It can be both supporting and fruiting - carry a small amount of large fruits at the base and on the top.

They are formed on the growth of the previous year, more often curly, up to 80-100 cm long, with a stupid top. Used for overlap.

Vegetative shoots are wrapping everything and only against the clockwise arrow: such a habit.

3. Generative. Side fruit silent shoots of about 10 cm with a stupid top, shortened by interstices. They do not carry a reference function, are formed on annual wood - as a rule, these are third-order shoots. When growing in the shade, the half-drift is possible after the harvest, they continue to grow in the sun, and the next year they give the branching of the fourth order with very small berries. Their main purpose is fruiting, they are not used for reproduction.

And generative.

Why did this classification needed? And for the general understanding of the process:

  • rostile shoots are usually shortened to a length of 50 cm during trimming;
  • mixed type, up to 40-49 cm;
  • the generative old cut "under the ring".

Formation and trimming: short algorithm

When growing in vertical form, the main task is to travel a comb-like or fan-shaped to the shoots.

The formation and pruning of actinidia by the years of life: step-by-step schemes Construction of T-shaped and horizontal support.

In the first year, to achieve an increase in the upper support wire, the tops are shortened to stimulate the side branch. Young plants for 2 years after landing are cut to a height of 40-50 cm for intensive bunning.

Two escapes of the main stem are divorced along the trenches in different directions, are tied up to the lower wires, all others are weak, curved removed by the secateur.

The following year, 4-6 pieces are left of the thrown on the two main skeletal branches of vertical shoots - symmetrically located, strong. They are evenly linked to the second-third wires, the rest are removed.

Soothes, "Sleeves", coming from the head of the plant, are removed.

Inverting the vegetative shoots of formation (long - up to 3 m) - cut into 5 o-70%, otherwise the liana develops support. With the beginning of fruiting remove fruit sprigs.

We form the actinidia: raise the horizontal support.

The most crops are the side shoots forming fruit large, good quality. They are not updated not with frequency of three seasons, no more often.

Council. Do not shorten the average shoots of the first order, which do not go out, cannot be removed the annual short increase in generative shoots, new fruit branches - the growth of second order.

When growing in a bush form, actinidia is trimmed simply:

For the second year after landing, 3-4 of the strongest vegetative escapes are taken, shorten up to 30-40 cm, the rest are cut to the base. In the future, vegetative shoots are shortened by 1/3 of the length, brighten the crown - cut off the thickening.

By 7-10 years, acting actinidia is carried out: replace the old skeletal branches, cutting the old low-productive at the base.

In the rest, under sanitary trimming, weak, broken, thickening bush are cut off, shortening exceeding a length of 3-3.5 m.

Plantation actinidium. Lianins are growing and fruit and more.

There are other differences. So, adult collectite needs an annual replacement of one of the main old branches of a young escape. The arguity the main Liana serves all her life, and are replaced only as a last resort - when frozen, mechanical damage.

In general, the pruning of actinidia depends not only on from the form, but also from the variety. So, the slaughterhouses of the collectites do not need to form up to 7-8 years old - large, universal, nuclear, compact, Vir-1.

The strengthened trimming of the intensive growth force of Novosibirsk early, snowball, etc.

It is important to take into account species features. So, the collectite, the polygamas lays the fruitful kidneys on long and shortened shoots, the cropping of which reduces the yield. The argument also forms fruits on shortened shoots, and intensive squeezing is applied to it, frequent thinning, short trimming.

... and the preparation of Aktindia by winter

Further preparation lies in mulching priority Circle The layer of peat, overworked sawdust, sweetheart.

In the northern regions of Russia - in the Urals, in Siberia, in the north of Bellarus, thermal-loving forms are removed from the supports, they are covered. A nonwoven material is used - spunbond, Loutrasil, throwing forms on plants, remove from supports that is not possible.

In general, experienced gardeners are confident: when trimming actinidia should be relying on experience - someone else's experience, its own practice developed by years. And - in something for intuition, which will prompt approach to this amazing culture, who can be grateful in response to the care and warmth of the master's hand.

Aktinhydia Kolomykt is a stripped liana, so requires constant formation. It is in the fall (after the leaf fall) and these events should be held.

It is known that Aktinidia is wrapped in support, and for the season annual growth has time to win. Therefore, it is not desirable to directly send Liana to painless removal of Liana to the pergolas, gazebos, the fences in which she firmly breaks over the summer. It is better every year in the spring to tip the actinidia to the horizontal crossbar of the Trelliers (height 2-2.5 m) with strong cords. In the fall of ropes are simply removed (cut off), and liana is easily lowered to the ground.

Autumn Pruning Aktindia
One of important moments In caring for actinidia, the formation of the plant is considered, and in particular - trimming, which is as follows:

The young (annual, very long - up to 3 meters and more) shoots ("zero"), who usually chase supports or each other; They are shortened by 50-70% (leaving the shoots of the desired length, so that Liana has not worked hard);

Remove springs (where berries were);

Remove unnecessary young sleeves (shoots running from the head of the bush);

Remove old sleeves or from part without increment, not branching, patients.

Cannot shorten medium shoots (30-70 cm long, not curly, growing on shoots of formation - first-order shoots) and delete new fruit branches (Short annual increase - second-order shoots).

If the varieties or shapes are slaughter, then they do not require formations up to 8 years after landing (VIR-1, large-scale, university, compact, indental).

Require enhanced formations of high-spirited lianas, as a rule, more yields (Novosibirsk early, snowball).

After trimming, the lianas are laid on the ground,

they associate (so that less crashes in winter) and enclosure with hooks.

So they are left before the onset of sustainable cooling (when and during the day, and the temperature is below 0 ° C) - approximately until the end of October.

Shelter for Liana
Since this berry liana is the Far Eastern relative "Kiwi", then at the occurrence of cooling, it is covered with a solitary nonwoven material (agrotect and others). Even a small snow covers the plant completely, and there is no danger of frozen even into a minor winter. But in a minor, blowing winds on top of the nonwoven material lay the layer polyethylene film 100-120 microns thick. With such a shelter of winter frozenings, this type of Lian Aktinidia does not happen.