Repairs Design Furniture

Coloring rubble. Colored painted crushed stone for landscape design. How to paint rubble with your own hands - a step-by-step scheme

In order to create an interesting and colorful garden or park design, quite often resort to the use of stained rubble. In addition, such an original decorative material is widely used in interior design, when decorating aquariums and decorative flower pots.

The demand for painted rubble is quite high and not falling for many years. Use the production of color crushed stone as a business, quite profitable. The technology of its production does not represent special difficulties, and it is quite simple to master it.

Documents for business

To start your work, first of all, you need to register. To engage in rubble, with the aim of his subsequent sale, you can register as an individual entrepreneur (IP) or legal entity - limited liability companies (LLC).

Since such production is not characterized by huge speeds and large industrial production, it is easier and more convenient to register as an individual entrepreneur. To make it necessary:

  • write a statement of the established form to the Federal Tax Service at the place of registration;
  • pay the state fee for registration as an individual entrepreneur;
  • to present a passport or other document that allows you to identify your personality.

After granting the specified documents, after five business days, you can get a document on your registration as an IP.

When filling out the application, you need to choose and specify the code for your future activities on the All-Russian Classifier of Economic Activities. To do this, it is worth carefully examining the classifier and choose all the codes that you currently fit and the codes that you plan to apply in the future.

In addition, it should be borne in mind that when registering an IP, the tax system is automatically placed as common. In order to change it, it is necessary for three days after you have registered it is necessary to write a statement about changing the tax system.

The total tax system is the most laborious in terms of accounting and taxes on it is quite high. For the production of colored stones, it is worth choosing a simplified taxation system (USN). It happens two species - taking into account the costs and without their account. In the first case, you will pay 15% tax with net profit, and in the second - 6%, but from all turns. What is more profitable for you, to solve you personally.


In order to paint rubble according to technology, sufficiently simple devices and uncomplicated stages:

  • the separation of rubble on the fraction (this stage can be avoided if you buy a fractional crushed stone);
  • rubble coloring in the mixer (concrete mixer);
  • drying stones.

Consider in more detail all stages of the technological process.

  1. The first stage of the process we indicate the separation on the fraction. To do this, use special sifters that need to be purchased. This stage can be avoided by buying a certain rubble fraction, but this will lead to an increase in the cost of your products. This is due to the fact that the crushed stone separated by fractions is more than several times more expensive.
  2. In order to carry out stones color, use concrete mixers. Stones are loaded into the concrete mixer together with paint and stirred for 20-40 minutes. A small advice: if there is an opportunity, then you should buy several concrete mixers to speed up the production process. The question arises - "How to paint crushed stone?", But after him later.
  3. For drying, the painted crushed stone is discharged to the metal grille and dried. If the production is small, then rubble can be dried simply in the air. When the volumes increase significantly, special drying chambers or bunkers use for drying.

See also: How to open a mini-typography: business plan


In order to organize production, you need to buy at least a minimum set of equipment. Be sure to buy at least one concrete mixer, and is better somewhat. Ideally, concrete mixers should be as many as colors in the color scheme of the rubble you produce. In addition, it is possible to separate crushed stone with manual sifting.

As already mentioned, the purchases of the sifter can be avoided, but it is very recommended to buy it. Despite its cost, about 80 thousand rubles, it will pay off rather quickly. Its fast payback is related to the fact that the price of a separated and unrequited on the rubble fraction differs several times.

In order for the drying process to be faster, you can buy a drying chamber. At first, there will be no particular need for its acquisition. When you start expanding production, then the issue of acquiring the dryer will rise by an edge. If you make small rubble volumes, it is possible to dry it simply in a dry, well-ventilated room.

Naturally, it is necessary to purchase a small inventory, such as shovels, sieves and the like. In addition, it will not hurt to acquire workers gloves and other small things.


In order to organize mini-production for the manufacture of painted rubble, it is quite possible to do without workers. If you do not plan to work yourself, and you are going to deal with only administrative activities, then you cannot do without workers.

With average production, you will have enough four employees who will work through shift. The qualifications of workers practically does not matter. Load to the concrete mixer crushed stone and unload it can any physically strong man.


For the production of finished products, you will need to buy raw materials. Colored crushed stone consists of a crushed stone and dye applied to it.

It is clear that the main raw material is crushed stone. You will buy it with tons. It is desirable before staining to conduct preliminary training of stones, namely wash them. This training will allow you to get a more saturated color.

It is important to remember that before staining the stones need to dry.

The dye also relates to raw materials, but you will buy it, of course, not tons. In addition to the staining pigment, you will also need a binding component. PVA glue is usually performed as a binding basis current. Sometimes polymer paints for rubble are used for staining.

See also: Price Machine for the production of screws

Business plan

In order to open mini-production in your garage, you will need a minimum of investments. It will be enough to buy 10 tons of rubble, worth 15-20 thousand rubles, the dye for him is about 10 thousand rubles. Also, it is impossible to do without concrete mixer, worth about 9 thousand rubles. In addition, the sieves and shovel will be needed.

In general, the organization of production in its own garage will cost you about 50 thousand rubles. Considering the profitability of such production, you will be able to recoup the invested funds in less than 3 months of work.

If the opening of large production is planned, then costs can be about 900 thousand rubles. This amount includes equipment, raw materials, rental and salary workers. Such attachments will be reappeared fairly quickly - within 6-9 months.


For such an organization, in order to comply with the technology of color crushed stone, even a garage or canopy. All this can be organized even at home.

If you are going to engage in serious production, then you should choose a room in the industrial part of your settlement. The size of the room will depend on the scope of your production.

It is important that the fare of heavy trucks and trucks will be provided. Your main raw material, rubble, will be delivered to heavy vehicles.

It is necessary that the room is electricity, water supply and sewage. Electricity is better with a voltage of 380 W.

Advertising and sales

In order for production to bring profits, it is necessary to establish the sale of finished products. To achieve established sales channels, it is necessary to declare themselves to consumers.

Depending on the volume of production, it is necessary to develop an advertising campaign. If you are planning a rather large business, then you need to hold quite large-scale advertising. Here, billboards will come to the rescue, advertising on transport, in the media and advertising brochures.

If production is small, it is better to work under the order. To search for customers, you can use such a tool as the bulletin boards on the Internet. It is necessary to create your own website.

Given some seasonality of this business, it is necessary to take care of orders in the so-called dead season. To do this, it is worth offering our customers such a service as the storage of the paid goods "to demand". This will allow you to load production throughout the year, and not just in warm seasons when people are massively engaged in territories landscaping.


The most important component that will ensure the quality of finished products is paint for rubble paint. It should be pretty picky for it. It must be resistant to the effects of ultraviolet rays, as it is mainly crushed out outdoors.

The need for painting crushed gravel and rubbanks in bright and beautiful colors occurs when the sections around the reservoirs, forming original flower beds and embankments and the implementation of other landscape projects. The business in its production has a high profitability, with a small amount of dye for rubble (within 1 kg per 100) and minor output efforts, a high-quality and high-elective material of any desired shade is obtained. The technology is considered easy and accessible to fulfill at home, the volume of products are limited only by the size of the concrete mixer bowl.

For these purposes, moisture-resistant, ultraviolet and mechanical abrasion of the composition are required, ideally changing the shade when dissolved by water or mixing with other dyes. There is no particular restriction, sprayed aerosols, facade and alkyd enamels, cement with dry additives and a mixed PVA was mixed with pigment. But optimal results are achieved when buying polymer LCMs based on acrylic resins, silicates and styrenes. Having a light resistance of at least 6-7 units and high adhesion with minimal surfaces, they do not fade, do not wash away and do not erase for several years. Special varnishes help to consolidate the effect, but under normal conditions there is no need.

Among the proven times, the variants decorated on the basis of high-strength organic dyes, organosilicate OS-12-03 composition, acrylic VD-AK-191 and universal PF-115 enamel. All of them have a rich and diverse color gamut and hold well on the edges of the crushed stone. When choosing a specific brand, future operating conditions are taken into account. When planning the flowing of flower and fences in the grids of sufficiently high-quality facade enamel, to obtain suitable water bodies and filler aquariums, it is necessary to buy a polymer variety based on acrylics.

The above stamps are relevant in the processing of individual portions of gravel with a volume method - by mixing in a bowl of the concrete mixer or a clean container. When planning work with aerosols, it is recommended to purchase cans for painting cars or similar sprays with high adhesion. To reduce their flow, the future decorative crushed stone is to be previously sprayed or fully wetted in a container with reduced roughness. For these purposes, you can buy ordinary building soils for outdoor use.

Staining technology

The process includes several simple stages: sorting, cleaning and drying material → Preparation of the working tool and LKM (most are implemented in finished or easily diluted with water, but some cheap stamps and independent mixtures need pre-soaking and thorough stirring) → Loading in a bowl or bunker And directly staining → Disinfect liquid residues (if available), drying and packaging of colored rubble. Each of the steps requires control, otherwise grain will not cover a uniform film.

At the preparation stage, the stone is purified from large garbage, if necessary, sieved through the roar in order to obtain the desired fraction, washed with water and dried. The maximum decorative effect is achieved by applying polymer paint on the average grain of 10 mm. It is not advised to ignore the need for pre-processing, in the presence of large garbage, individual particles stick together and look ugly, the coating faster peels. Rough raw materials subsequently can also change the color to the darker.

Cleaning is easiest to spend directly on the sieve or grid with the help of the hose, water under pressure omotes crushed stone on all sides and stalking without delay. When using polymer paint, the fraction is completely dried. At this stage, fluster decomposes with a homogeneous layer on the grid or grid and leave on the street or indoors with good ventilation until the moisture is completely output. During the preparation, it is recommended to divide the material in advance for individual portions of 2/3 from the volume of the mixer bowl. The share of acrylic LKM is calculated based on the proportions specified in the instructions or from the ratio of 20/80 or 70/30.

After that, it is enough to fall asleep fractions into the bowl, pour it with a kelper and start the mixing mode on average for 40 minutes. The principle of operation of the mixer (forced or gravitational) does not play a special role, but in the course of processing, the equipment will be saved from overload and overheating. Some species dry faster - for 15-20 minutes, the exact gap is determined by the experimental way.

The process is considered completed after the total coating of particles of the emulsion and the formation of a solid and rack film on them. Unpainted faces and surfaces should not be left. The whole stage takes no more than 1 hour.

In compliance with the correct proportions at the outlet, it turns out almost dry colored crushed stone. To get rid of residues, the material is unloaded onto a sieve or grid and hold over the pallet for some time. After this fraction is left to final drying outdoors. When using modern species of paint and distribution of a thin layer, this process takes several hours, no more. Fully dry products fall asleep in drawers or packages in packages for sale. It is not possible to store oscipe for a long time.

The popularity of color crushed stone, as a finishing and decorative material, is constantly growing. The secret is simple - decorative rubbank is perfect for creating its own, unique design of the house and park landscape.

Multicolored rubble can be decorated with a bottom of the aquarium, originally and bright decorated the walls in the room, arrange original garden tracks and alleys.

Entrepreneurs like, first of all, simplicity in the technique of making colored rubbank. You can figure out in the production process in a couple of days.

The cost of the purchase of the necessary equipment does not exceed one hundred thousand rubles and pay off pretty quickly. The profitability of the business begins from 50% and reaches 100% and more.

In addition to small starting costs, plus this business is that two workers are enough to organize work in one shift. With that, special production skills work on coloring rubble does not require, therefore, workers will find it easy.

Organization of the production of decorative color crushed stone

To launch a mini-shop for the manufacture of decorative rubbing, it is necessary to purchase the following equipment:

  1. Vibrogrochot (Industrial vibration sieve for sorting bulk materials on various fractions), sieves crushed stone on the fractions of the desired dimensions. We recommend purchasing a rumble with a capacity of 20 cubic meters per hour. The cost of such equipment from 90 thousand rubles. Of course, you can immediately acquire a sinking crushed stone, but it costs it is much more expensive, so the vibrationrochot will pay off quickly.
  2. Concrete mixeris not used for a direct purpose, but as a paint bunker. Fall asleep rubble and bay paint - you can evenly paint the stone into the selected color. It is desirable for each color to purchase your own concrete mixer - it will speed up your production and will expand the range of finished products. The cost of the cheapest concrete mixer from 8 thousand rubles.
  3. Drying chamber (bunker) - Designed to accelerate drying of colored rubble. Cost from 100 thousand rubles.

You can still reduce the starting costs and not buy the vibration and drying bunker. So rubble without screaming is supposed to be sorted manually, sieving it through grids of different sizes, attracting low-paid workers. And already painted rubbank can be dried simply in the open sky, just the time of waiting for the finished products to increase. True without a concrete mixer can not do.

The production of decorative rubble passes several stages

The schematic diagram of production is simple and does not require any high-tech devices and devices.

  • As needed - sieving and sorting of rubble, to obtain various fractions;
  • Loading rubbank in concrete mixer for its painting;
  • Staining rubble by mixing it in a concrete mixer;
  • Removing the painted rubble from the bunker;
  • Drying painted rubble;

The most running size of rubble after sifting, about 1-2 cm (10-20 mm). This is not too large and not a small fraction. Painting such a crushed stone more convenient than small. By the way, when sorting rubbing, not only the smallest fraction, but also earth dust along with garbage and other impurities. Some entrepreneurs complement the production process of the washing of stone, dust and other small contaminants are removed.

Attention! Crushed stone should be dry, it will make the color brighter and saturated. Drying rubble can be done directly in the concrete mixer, for this it is enough to load rubble, turn on the concrete mixer and install the gas burner directed inside the bunker. 20-30 minutes of design work will allow to dryness to dry the rubbank.

After sorting, rubble falls asleep into the concrete mixer, the paint is poured with a certain color in the calculation - 20% of the total mass of rubble.

In order for the paint recalculation, the crushed stone is discharged to the metal grid and give it to stand. Excess paint, glass and assembled in such a simple way, can be used to dye the next serving of rubble. You can alternate until the finished party is searched on the grid, rubble with a new paint batch is loaded into the concrete mixer. The next batch is a rubbish, you will paint the glass paint, a little adding a new one.

The last stage is the drying of the finished crushed stone. With small production volumes, ready, painted crushed stone dried on outdoor air. With increasing production volumes, it is better to use a special drying chamber or drying bins. True, you will have to lay out a round sum for such a technique.

Registration of color crushed stone

To make a business legal, you need to register an IP or create an LLC. For small businesses, it is better to open an IP, the registration of which is extremely simple and does not require large payments.

As for the tax system, it is necessary to choose a "simplified" (USN - simplified taxation system).
When wept, the entrepreneur pays only 15% of the tax from the profits of his company. To register an IP on a simplified, you need to write a statement in the Federal Tax Service of Russia within three days from the date of opening of the PI.

Some OKVED codes suitable for the production of decorative rubbank

  • 26.70 - cutting, processing and decoration of decorative and building stone
  • 36.63 - Manufacture of other products not included in other groupings
  • 37.20 - Processing of non-metallic waste and scrap
  • 26.82 - Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products not included in other groupings
Income and spending of your business on color crushed

Calculate the approximate cost and profit of this business. For the manufacture of one ton of decorative rubble, you need:

  1. Water-level paint for outdoor work, it is better to take acrylic or silicone. Such paint will quickly dry, does not fade, it does not crack, it is not afraid of frosts and humidity. The cost of paint is approximately 1 kg - 10-20 rubles;
  2. Marble or granite crushed stone (costs from 2000 rubles / ton, for uneasy);

Total, the total costs for tons of color crushed stone are stacked in 6000 rubles.

The average price of decorative rubble is 22-23 thousand rubles per ton. So, income from one ton of color products is about 17,000 rubles. Profitability - up to 200%! You can increase profits if you hang and hang ready-made products in a small container, which will be released by kilograms for small household needs. So you can increase profitability up to 400%, though the question will be asked with the implementation (about it below), it will be much more difficult to find retail buyers than wholesalers.

When you have a business, it is worth optimizing all the steps. Otherwise, the costs of transportation, on a salary of workers, for taxes and other can "devour" up to 40% of profits. But still, even the profit will be in the area of \u200b\u200b50% a very good figure for a business with a starting capital of less than 100 thousand rubles.

Sales of finished products

The first condition for the success of any business is, of course, sales, that is, sales. Need quality, selling advertising goods. At first, if you are planning mass production - these are billboards and banners along country roads.

With a smaller production when you sell a colored crushed stone in a small container (packing in small bags of 20-30 kilograms), it is not bad to distribute trial samples of products on the construction markets and agree with sellers about generous percentages from implementation (remember that profit in 50% is also an excellent indicator of this business). Such sales work better than any advertising.

The trial series of sales is best launched at the beginning of spring, when the exhibition of cottages and suburban houses is fulfilled. Having created a purchasing flow on spring sales, you can count on constant purchasing demand for the entire season. In the offseason, you can arrange marketing actions - collecting preliminary orders from everyone, with free storage of finished products before the start of the season. Thus, you download your production and save it from seasonality, and you will be able to download your warehouses with the original material for the whole season, as in the winter the building bulk material is much cheaper than in the construction season.

Video: Colored rubble technology

2 Box: I apologize for a rescued tone.
And so, let's go. Want to know? Please, but only (Quote: Box wrote: "Yes, if I knew, it would be smart enough for free here.") Omit some details.
I live and work in RB, Minsk. Production was originally located 25 km from Baranovichi. It was purchased for work: 1. Concrete mixer 150 UEBAKS (hereinafter: ye), 2. Car 100 ye, VAZ 2101 brands, 3. Bruiser in a bruise for 200 ya. All together it cost 450 ya (the phone was more expensive). Next, on the neighboring ABA agreed with the master about buying 20 tons. Loashing rubble, fr. 5-10 with a postponement of payment of Naly (later switched to cuboid Fr. 4-6.3 - We will find - find, it is used in "typhoons" for patchwork or for an improved coverage of the proposed DRSU-136).
Now about the adjustment of the mini-production (i.e. with min. Costs, as I started at one time).
Water - needed as air, because Whatever crushed it was not clean - it is always dusty, which increases the consumption of paint and reduces adhesion and strongly changes the color of the coating to the dark. A small mesh was purchased with a cell 3x3 mm, it was embedded in the tar in the target box, which in turn went into a container with water and rubble by shaking and swinging washed from garbage. Not fast, but a ton for an hour 2 can be washed. Capacity must be periodically brushing from sediment. Next, the crushed stone was poured into a tank with a mesh bottom, (a grid in several layers and reinforced from below, because crushed stone has a larger mass even in minor volumes) with a hot air supply from below, which accelerated the drying process, the good in the garage was completely tanned by the heat Gas gun and cylinder. After drying, the rubble must be cooled otherwise when painting can be actually poisoned to toxins !!! (Such was with me, barely wondered). Next, the cooled dry crushed stone was poured by a measurable capacity (bucket) into a concrete mixer, where the dye was added (pigments in a mixture with organic solvents, etc., what kind of dye - I'm sorry I do not say - see the quote, too much time and money was spent on Search for a suitable, weather-resistant, abrasion-resistant and sharp temperature drops, moisture resistant, with a gloss of dye). Crushed stone stained at the rate of 125 kg. Crusched by 2 kg. Dye in two kneading. After that, at the initial stage, a special composition was added to accelerate the drying, which won the cost of the unit of products and "extinguished" gloss. But after, I developed a new technology that simplified and accelerated the entire process and drying, and painted, and got rid of unnecessary additives, improved the adhesion and glitter of the painted stone.
After the color, the crushed stone poured onto a flat surface (in my case the shields from the industrial refrigerator) and the naturally dried. After the conveyor for washing the dishes (School), who redid under the conveyor thermal furnace was acquired (with the hood - it is necessary) where and passed the crushed stone, pouring it out after drying in the container where he cooled and leanted .. Subsequently, the new technology allowed to abandon this Conveyor stove.
After drying, it is: in the first case about 2-4 hours (natural drying, painted crushed stone was scattered with a layer of 5 cm), in the second and third case 20-30 minutes. Crushed stone fished in Khozmaga bumps "For Soldering Cucumbers" and wasted a stapler. Subsequently found the manufacturer of those. Packages and purchased a ship.
All costs at the initial stage paid off from the first batch in 2 tons.
If there are any. Questions will be happy to answer. [Email Protected]
Regards, Alexey

Decorative work in the air in the form of a garden finish, laying out paving tracks, laying out flower beds can be made using such a popular material as colored crushed stone. It has a practically unlimited color scheme (like paint herself), therefore allows you to perform any design ideas. But in construction stores, such a material will cost 2-3 times more expensive than its unpainted analogue, because the question arises how to paint rubble yourself?

Spectrum of application

The demand for this material is due to the fact that with its help you can achieve a brighter and stylish design of the house area, as well as create whole pictures-messages reflecting some idea. Apply painted crushed stone for the following purposes:

  • creating original flower and lawns;
  • registration of areas around artificial reservoirs;
  • landscape work;
  • filling terrariums and aquariums (small crushed stone).

Choose a means for painting

In the conditions when you plan to carry out small finishing works, you are not desirable to purchase a large number of building materials, because the crushed stone in color is better to produce with their own hands, measuring as much stone as you need for the task.

A pleasant news for many will be the fact that the production technology is simple, and only 1 kg of paint is taken by 100 kg of rubble. This rule is valid if you are going to stain in the concrete mixer, and with other methods, the flow rate increases.

To implement the task, you can use any painting compositions: alkyd paints, water dispersed, enamel, sometimes even take PVA glue, mixed with dye. But the most favorable option for this purpose is acrylic paint.

This is due to the fact that you need a steady substance to moisture, as well as not fading in the sun, capable of keeping color for a long time. This is how the above paint is characterized, but besides this, it is also harmless, both for humans and for nature.

Required equipment

So that the entire coloring procedure has passed quickly and without a knockout, you will need the following devices:

  • concrete mixer;
  • machine "Rotty" - Vibrosito;
  • grille or sieve for washing or drying;
  • pallet;
  • capacity for storing the finished material.

Preparation of stone before painting

Buying crushed stone, you get an inhomogeneous composition, the value of each stone can range from 10 to 30 mm. There are smaller fractions that are more applicable for interior decoration. Therefore, it is necessary to package in size.

This can be done manually on the sieve with the desired cell size, or that faster and easier, use the "roar" machine. Any of the above technologies provides for the separation of unnecessary sera, too small pebbles, sand.

But that the acrylic paint keeps well, rubble must also be rinsed. This will provide a better grip of a dyeing substance with a stone surface and will create exactly the tint that you wish, because, if not washed stone is able to darken.

It is possible to carry out the wash right on the roar, watering out of the hose or water from the bucket. Due to the fact that the car creates shaking, cleaning will pass from all sides. After that, lay the washed mass with a homogeneous layer on the grille and carry out drying outdoors.

The process of creating painted rubble

Ways how to paint crushed stone - one, and it is practically automatic, since your participation in the main process will be minimal. The most effective and low-cost technology involves the use of concrete mixer. After you all the components properly prepared, you can go to the painting itself, which consists of several stages:

  1. In the concrete mixer you need to put a crushed stone for two thirds of the volume of the machine (if the capacity is 0.7 cube).
  2. Pour paint in a ratio of 30 percent by 70 percent of the stone.
  3. Start the mechanism and expect 40-60 minutes while the stone is completely covered with a color layer.
  4. At the end of the "kneading", the drying should be postponed everything on the grid, substituting the pallet under the bottom, where the residues of the paint will run.

Exceeded painted crushed stone is not desirable to store outdoors, it is better to use a closed container.

To protect against external influence it is possible to use. This will give the material an additional decorative effect.

Other method of coloring

If there is no concrete mixer in your access, then creating a painted crushed stone will be more difficult, but perhaps - you have to float a stone into a container with paint and mix yourself, and after drying the crushed stone.

Or simply spray the aerosol paint to the stone, however, this method does not give homogeneous color and uniform staining from all sides.

Make your own painted crushed stone for the finishing of park zones or a plot near the house is much cheaper than buying a finished product: for the unwrapped goods you will give a thousand rubles, while color is worth over 20 thousand. Given such savings and extremely logical production technology, the idea of \u200b\u200bmaking their own hands crushed stone for registration is rationally due.