Repairs Design Furniture

Spring gooseberry care. Pruning and formation. Diseases of the gooseberry and leaving the bush of early celant care for the gooseberry in May

With the arrival of spring on dachas and gardens there are many different work for their owners. It is necessary to quickly start performing some technological work to ensure future harvest. The gooseberry who was freed from the shelter of snow, also requires relevant attention and care.

Care work should be renewed, without waiting for a warm weather in a warm weather, and after melting snow - in mid-March. This is due to the fact that the gooseberry early begins to vegetate and in April on the bush, leaves are already designated.

The whole complex of work on the care of the spring is divided into 3 conditional stages:

  • trimmed bushes;
  • destruction of pests and treatment of diseases;
  • preparation and making fertilizers.

All these works are very important and require detailed lighting.

Inspection bush after wintering

In the spring, the first thing you need to remove the shelter from the gooseberry, which he was insulated for the winter, and carefully inspect the bush. Around the shrubs you also need to shit the mulch, which in the winter season was insulation, and now some kind of harmful insects settled in it.

Assembled garbage, along with pests, it is better to endure outside the garden and burn. If we talk about the sequence of work, it should be noted that first from the bush you need to remove the insulation material, and then unleash the twine and remove the mulch.


To protect the gooseberry from insects and diseases, get a good harvest, it must be systematically cut. In the spring, this operation is embarked in the end of March, when the snow is not all melted. It is necessary to complete this work no later than the end of April - to the dissolution of the kidneys.

As a result of the trimming, the branches of the gooseberry receive more light, are developing normally. This affects yields. Crown, cropped gooseberry, is perfectly ventilated, the plant does not affect fungi and illness.

Spring work on pruning the gooseberry is carried out by this algorithm:

  • all the extinct, broken or sick shoots are cut off, as well as those whose growth occurs in the bush;
  • from the shoots of last year, there are only 3-4 of the strongest, others are subject to removal;
  • cut off shoots growing from roots.

On old plants, which 5 or more years, carry out a rejuvenating trimming, in the process of which age branches are gradually replaced by young. After properly completed trimming, the bush will consist of branches whose age is different.

Soil processing

The gooseberry does not differ in any particular requirement to the soil composition, can grow and be froning on many types of soil. It is impossible to grow it only on peeled, cold and marshy soils.

If the bushes grow on clay soil, then it needs to systematically loose.

The gooseberry growing on sandy soil needs to enrich organic fertilizers. It is better to start processing soil in May. For these purposes, the hoe is used.


Major soil looser on the gooseberry is carried out within the krona of the bush. The processing depth should be 7-10 cm. Before looser, you need to remove the foliage, mulling and small twigs under the bushes.

Swimming contributes to improving the aeration and water permeability of the soil, which ultimately is positively reflected in the general condition of the plant and yield.


Immediately, after carrying out loosenings, the rooting circles of the gooseberry should be closed. As a material for mulch, a straw, hay, peat or sawdust are used, which are unfolded by a thin layer.

Thanks to this agropridge, the evaporation of moisture will slow down, we will not grow so intensively. Mulching reduces the amount of weeding and loosenings, saving the time of gardeners.


It is known that the gooseberry has drought-resistance, but it speaks well to rare and abundant watering. The greatest demanding to the soil moisture, it places in the flowering phase.

Water should be pouring under the root or equip the drip irrigation system. The roots of the gooseberry are quite deeply in the soil, so watering should be abundant to wash the soil layer of 40 cm. For this, each plant needs to pour 40-55 liters of fluid.

Apply for sprinkling the gooseberry, the water is categorically prohibited. Cold shower reduces immunity, the plant can be infected with fungal diseases.

The gooseberry does not tolerate the convergence, but also drought is also poorly tolerated. Watering, as a rule, combine with fertilizers to achieve maximum effect.


Kostiki, which were planted last year on the soils of the nutrients rich in feeders, do not need. And from the second year after the landing, you can start feeding. To do this, it is important to know than to feed the gooseberry in the spring for a good crop. To perform this agropré, complete mineral or organic fertilizers are usually used.

Both types of fertilizers, with proper use, enrich the soil with the necessary nutrients. When performing feeding adhere to the following application scheme:
  • the first feeder is carried out at the moment of swelling the kidneys of the plant;
  • the second feeding of the gooseberry is carried out in the flowering phase;
  • the final feeder in the season is performed during the period of fruit tying.

Full mineral fertilizers containing all major nutrients apply for feeding.

In the spring, immediately after the departure of the snow, the soil can be fertilized by urea, from the calculation - 55 g of fertilizer under each bush. And in the process of soil looser, it is possible to make a square 300 g of ash.

The gooseberry growing on the doused soils is fed by organic. For this, after flowering culture, in the groove along the perimeter of the rolling circle pouring a bucket of dung fat, diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 7, bird litter (1:12) or a cowboard (1: 5).

For feeding of gooseberry bushes, mineral tuks containing chlorine are unacceptable.

Processing against diseases and pests

The gooseberry is one of the first wakes up from the winter hibernation, so he quickly attacked hung harmful insects, and he can be amazed with viral and fungal diseases. To lower the risk of lesions of the gooseberry bushes, you need to know, - spray the gooseberry in the spring from pests and diseases.

For the extermination of pests and treating diseases, an extensive list of biological, chemical and home remedies is used, in practice they showed their effectiveness. The methodology for the use of these drugs for and extermination of insects and pathogencies in detail is setlined below.

The best moment for the start of treatment comes simultaneously with the beginning of the Softness, when the kidney is swollen, but have not yet revealed.

The gooseberry processing can be carried out from March 5 until April 15. However, each site owner must choose the optimal term for performing treatments, sometimes even shifting spray behavior at a later time.


The best conditions for spraying the gooseberry with chemical and biological means against insects and disease is dry and cloudy weather.

Biological means

Biological means suitable for spraying culture from harmful insects and diseases are absolutely harmless to humans and very effective. The active component of these drugs are bacteria, which in the course of their vital activity exterminate harmful pathogens. Processing is carried out through a certain time interval for prevention and cure.

Treatment of biopreparations are processed in spring when the air warms up to 18 degrees. With smaller temperature indicators, the effect of processing will be minimal, since the beneficial bacteria of the drug cannot develop under reduced temperatures.


"Phytosporin" is a drug that is created on the basis of bacteria that suppress pathogenic organisms causeing diseases of fungal and bacterial properties. For prophylactic purposes from a number of diseases, the bushes spray in spring during the period of mass breakdown of leaves and the tie of fruits. In the preparation of the working solution, 150 ml of the drug in 10 liters of water should be dissolved.


"Phytoverm" is an insecticide that showed a good result in the fight against insects. When inserted into the intestine of the pest, the active component of the drug causes its paralysis, leading to death. The most effective period of application of this fund is spring.

The drug showed excellent effectiveness against the tool and ticks.

The tool is valid for up to 2 weeks. For the preparation of the working solution, 2 ml of the mixture can be dissolved in 9 liters of water. After stirring, the composition is ready to work.


Triphodermin refers to the group of fungicides, its active acting component is a mushroom from the genus of Triphoderma. The antifungal drug well suppresses the pathogens of fungal diseases and enriches the soil with nutritional elements. For the manufacture of a working solution, 150 ml of the preparation is dissolved in 9 liters of water and the contents are well mixed. Processing is carried out in spring and summer, every 2 weeks.


The spraying of the gooseberry drugs based on chemistry should be carried out only in exceptional cases, because the toxins available in pesticides have the property of accumulating in the ground and the future crop.

Spring treatment of gooseberry bushes with chemicals can be conducted only before the flowering phase occurs. At the same time, it is necessary to adhere to the recommended doses and norms.

Copper Kuner

Copper vigoros is a very popular fungicide applied against many fungal diseases. Produced in the form of a blue color powder. It is a fungicide of contact action. The applied drug can wash off rain or watering.

If the mycelium pathogen is already penetrating the tissue deep into the tissue, it is not possible to kill it. It can only slow down the process of the development of the fungus. This powder does not give to germinate their disputes.

For spraying the gooseberry prepare 1% solution of the drug, for which 100 g of powder is dissolved in 10 liters of water. The drug can give an expected effect in the fight against anthrass, rust and different spots.

Bordeaux mix

Bordeaux mixture is prepared from equal parts of copper sulfate and lime. The bushes are treated with 1% solution before the start of the coilment and after the end of the flowering phase.

Treatment with this mixture protects the gooseberry from various fungal diseases, such as spotting, rust, pasta and anthracnose.


Fungicide Topaz has extensive use on the gooseberry from mildew, anthrax and other disease pathogens.

It is used for prevention and healing from the listed diseases. The active substance of the fungicide is Pengoneazole.

To obtain a working solution, one ampoule of the drug is dissolved on 9 liters of water. The tool is applied by spraying. The drug is insecable for people, so when working with it, it is necessary to apply personal protective equipment.

The drug gives a good effect on the gooseberry against the above diseases.


"Oxychom" refers to contact-system fungicides and is used to process leaves and gooseberry stems. At the same time, the active substance of the drug protects well the surface of the plants and deep layers of branches.

His ability to penetrate the stem deeply increases the efficiency against the causative agents of the disease. The last rain washes off only part of the drug on the surface. Another part of the means penetrating the roep of the gooseberry wood continues to act.

Fungicide "Oxychom" kills the pathogens of fungal diseases at any stage of their development. It is widely used in greenhouses and on open berry plantations.


Such a systemic drug as "Fundazole" is practiced on the gooseberries from pests and diseases, and in preventive purposes, and for healing. This drug copes well with causative agents such as:

  • anthracnose;
  • phytoofluorosis;
  • mosaic;
  • septoriasis;
  • yellow and grocery rust.

The main active component of the substance is benomyl. It takes place in the deep layers of the soil to the root system of the gooseberry, and then spreads through the entire plant.

For one season, double processing by this preparation is allowed. For the preparation of the working solution, 1 g of the preparation in 1 liter of water is dissolved. The remedy in water dissolves badly, so the mixture should be mixed well. For prophylaxis, the drug is used by spraying method, and for treatment - the remedy is pouring under the root.


The "Sump" drug is good in that it is endowed with the properties to ensure preventive protection and productive treatment of plants. The remedy can be used in any phase of the gooseberry development.

The method of practical application establishes the effectiveness of this drug in the fight against the following ailments:

  • pair;
  • tormenty dew;
  • hole and drier spot;
  • curlyness of leaves;
  • kokkkomikosis;
  • moniliosis;
  • swasteporiosis.

To obtain a working solution, it is necessary to dilute the drug in the water, following the instructions.


"Hom" is known as the most widely used remedy for mildew. Appearing on sale, this drug began to be used often in cases where burglar liquid was previously used.

To use the drug, it is necessary to prepare a 0.4% working solution for spraying. This is achieved by dissolving 40 g of the means in the bucket of water. Most often, spraying with this drug is spent once per season, before the flowering phase occurs.


This insecticidal remedy is well known to robes. Available in liquid form and packaged in canisters and bottles. Insecticide is effective against such pests as:

  • smorodine sawmill;
  • gallitz;

Working solution is not difficult to prepare. To do this, it is necessary to dissolve 75 g of money in 9 liters of water. The drug must be used on the day of preparation.

Colloid sulfur

Colloid sulfur showed high efficacy against ticks. To use this acaricidal agent, you must first prepare a working solution for spraying the gooseberry. For this purpose, 40 g of colloidal sulfur is dissolved in water bucket.


This drug is also quite often used on the gooseberry. The tool shows effectiveness against the gooseberry tribe. The preparation of the drug is carried out by spraying.

The working solution is prepared by dissolving 0.5 kg of the preparation in 9 liters of water. After stirring the drug is ready for use.


Excellent complex insecticidal agent, which is allowed to apply on the gooseberry against the following insects:

  • gallitz;
  • beetles of different subtypes;
  • flame;
  • sawfly.

To obtain a working solution, 15 ml of liquid preparation should be dissolved in 9 liters of water. After complete dissolution, the drug is ready for processing by spraying.


This drug is used to spring swelling. The product has insecticidal, fungicidal and gerbecid properties. After applying the drug, for a long time remains on the branches and leaves, providing protection for plants.

Finding into the soil, nitrafen has an inhibitory effect on the growth and development of weeds, acting as herbicide.

On the gooseberry, the means applies against the following diseases and pests:

  • puffy dew;
  • septoriasis;
  • scab;
  • anthracnose;
  • tLL and other pests.

Before spraying, a working solution is prepared, dissolving 150 g of means in a bucket of water. On one weaving, 20 liters of the finished solution are consumed.


This drug is also quite often used on the gooseberry bushes and is endowed with insecticidal, fungicidal and herbicidal actions. The remedy is poorly dissolved in water and organic solvents are used to prepare the working fluid.

The tool showed good efficiency from the following pests:

  • ticks;
  • shield;
  • sheet fleas;
  • median man.

For one hundred and 15 liters of the drug consumed.


Fungicide "Horus" is treated by many inconsider gooseberry and other berries, such as:

  • gray and fruit rot
  • scab;
  • puffy dew;
  • cockclock;
  • oidium;
  • white and brown spotting.

To obtain a working solution, it is necessary to dissolve 2-4 g of a chemical in 9 liters of water. This solution is enough to carry out 100 square metering. m. Sanding.

For processing, a dry and windless day is chosen, with a temperature range from +6 to +22 degrees.


Insecticide "Decis Profi" is a modern common tool in intestinal contact. The drug has a number of advantages over the analogues from which the following should be noted:

  • excellent efficiency with small doses of application;
  • speed action;
  • it holds on the surface of the sheet for a long time;
  • protects the plant from pests 14 days;
  • compatible with all chemicals, except for those that have an alkaline basis;
  • not dangerous for the gooseberry and soil;
  • does not oppress the soil fauna;
  • when processing according to the instructions, it does not cause burns of leaves.

To obtain a working solution, it is necessary to dissolve 1 g of liquid tools in a bucket of water. This will be sufficient for processing 1 weaving area of \u200b\u200bberry plantations.


Bitoccatillain is a biological insecticide, effective against a variety of common insect pests. Thanks to him, you can eliminate the most dangerous enemies of culture.

For the preparation of a working solution, 100 g of powder is dissolved in 9 liters of water and this is used by the amount of chemical for processing 1 weaving of berry plantations.

Folk remedies

To combat insects and pathogenic microflora of the gooseberry, not only chemical preparations are used, but also home remedies.

The popularity of these funds is due to their effectiveness and security for people. The second huge plus of these funds is their availability.

In any aqueous solutions based on folk remedies, it is recommended to add 50 g of household soap. Thanks to soap, the drug will better stick to the leaves and will act for a long time.

Below are the most popular home remedies used in the processing of the gooseberry in the spring season.


Soda showed itself as an effective remedy against mildew on currant and gooseberry.

To obtain a working solution, it is necessary to dissolve 40 g of soda powder into 9 liters of water and add to a better adhesion to the household soap or vegetable oil.

Processing is better to spend early in the morning, to the activity of the Sun. A week later, processing can be repeated until a complete extermination of the causative agent of the disease.

Lukova tincture

You can also save the gooseberry from pulse dew and other fungal diseases by this girlfriend. In addition, this infusion is possible to fall from the gooseberry tool and ticks.

Recipe cooking onion tincture:

  • take 200 g onion husks and pour it with 9 liters of boiling water;
  • withstand the composition for 2 days;
  • focus.

There is another recipe for the cooking of the onion tincture:

  • 1 kg of bows passed through a meat grinder;
  • poured the resulting mass 1 liter of water;
  • insist for 26 hours.

After the numbering, 20 ml of the infused is mixed with 10 liters of water, overflow the composition into the sprayer and start processing.

Birch tar

  • gooseberry fire;
  • goon farmer.

To obtain a working solution, 2-4 tablespoons are mixed with 10 liters of water. For better adhesion of the drug to the leaves, a finely distrustary soap is added.

Infusion of citrusovs

For obtaining infusion, fruit shells of citrus crops and spoiled fruits are used. 1 kg of prepared raw materials poured 10 liters of water and it is possible to strengthen for 5 days at room temperature.

After this period, the infusion is ready for processing. Spraying is carried out every 2 weeks against the shield, twee and mild cherwell.

Infusion of Vityatsev

Garden floral plants - velvets, can also be used to combat harmful insects.

For this, the velets must be dried, and then 1 kg of dry raw materials pour 1 liter of boiling water. After 50 hours of insteading, applied by the infusion by spraying against white bargaining, floss, ticks and fungi.


A solution consisting of soap and soda turned out to be effective against the pulmonary dew.

It will take 50 g of calcined soda to pour water in the amount of 10 liters and add 50 g of the household soap there.

Serum or sour milk

Local products can also benefit in the fight against mildew.

For these purposes can be applied:

  • kefir;
  • spoiled milk;
  • milk serum.

In the preparation of the working solution, 9 liters of water with 1 liter of the fermented milk product are mixed.

Solution Korovyaka

Many gardeners in spring, a cowboat solution is used against fungi on the gooseberry.

For processing, you first need to prepare a working solution. Cow pieces are bred by water in a ratio of 1: 3, and then insist 3 days. After that, immediately before use, the concentrated infusion of the cowboy is once again diluted with water in the same ratio.

Finished influence spray the gooseberry bushes before flowing.

Wood ash with soap

You can scare from the gooseberry harmful insects can wood ash with soap. For this you need to do the following:

  • take 1.5 kg of ash and put it in a bucket;
  • to fill with water;
  • for 25 hours, mix several times;
  • in the infusion add 50 g of soap and mix well.

The gooseberry with a time interval of 2-3 days was obtained by infusion.


Against the shields, Tly and other insects, you can apply kerosene. To do this, take 80 g of a fish soap and a teaspoon of kerosene and poured these ingredients of 1 liters of water. Then the solution is stirred to a homogeneous state.

The resulting solution is carried out a spring spraying of the gooseberry until the flowering phase occurs.

Tincture of garlic and mustard

The tincture is prepared as follows:

  • 300 g of garlic leaves, 200 g of Luke husks, 2 tbsp. l. Birch visiting and 1 tbsp. mustard;
  • poured ingredients with water;
  • insist 25 hours;
  • focus.

The finished tincture is carried out a spring spraying of gooseberry bushes.

Boiling water treatment

Many experienced gardeners in the spring, for the extermination of pests, apply the processing of bushes with simple boiling water.

For this, clean water is boiled, cooled it to 85 degrees. This hot water is watered with the soil in the rolling circles.

This technique extermines the larvae of harmful insects and disputes of fungi in the soil.

Basic mistakes of gardeners

When performing work on the care of the gooseberry, amateur gardeners, especially beginners, often make mistakes that affect the quality of the harvest and can even lead to the death of the plant. Here are the most typical gardener errors:

  1. Wrong watering. The gooseberry can not be watering the way of sprinkling. Water it is necessary to root or apply a drip watering.
  2. Incorrect resistance. The roots of the gooseberry diverge are quite widely and it is easy to damage with a spawn popox. Earth should be loosened by hoe or robbles.
  3. Formation of the crown of the plant for 1 passage. If you trim the bush for 1 reception and remove, with a lot of branches, it will cause great stress at the plant. As a result, the gooseberry will cover little fruit.
  4. Incorrect fertilizer system. This refers to the excess of doses and norms of fertilizers, the use of non-rewinding organic fertilizers, untimely feeding.

Gardener, calculating on a good crop of the gooseberry, must necessarily have a timely processing of plants in spring against harmful insects and diseases. Advanced for works on plant care is a little time, you can expect a good result.

This year, spring is not in a hurry, so all the ranks of the gooseberry bushes are shifted after wintering.

The gooseberry generously gods the gardener with harvest of the good-quality berries only in exchange for good feeding, as well as on the correct trimming. And one more condition should be strictly performed: the sun's rays should warm our "treasure" from sunrise.

In fact, the gooseberry bushes can be found in the shadow and half, where they will have. So sitting the poor, not formed by the Rastrep with a wops hanging in all directions of subtle useless branches. Berries, he gives, but the taste of them is so-so, sugar in them is not enough, the skin is acidic, there are many bones ... Now there are many varieties of silent, yields, giving sweet berries. But even such losing their characteristics, if not to care for them. Proper trimming and formation of the bush in the spring is directed precisely on obtaining high-quality berries, large, healthy and sweet. But is it not important to even enjoy the view of a beautiful, healthy bush adorning one of the corners of your site?!

I had to see a bushes many times, to which it was terribly approaching: it costs a "bouquet" of prickly arcs, and in the center, among the spikes, rare berries of mediocre taste and size are hanging. So that this does not happen, it is necessary to form a gooseberry annually. It is not very difficult, but will pay off berries and a good mood for many years.

It is still cold, the snow in the forest above the river only started to melt, but there is no snow in the snow, the kidney of the gooseberry, currants and the honeysuckle woke up. It happens that they are turned on in the winter of bullfinch and sparrows, but the snow cover was sufficient this year, the bushes were almost completely covered.

Bushes gooseberry under the snow

I like to form a gooseberry in the form of a bush with an open center, as well as on a short strain of 20-30 cm high. Now the kidneys are clearly visible, damaged, frostbed immediately noticeable.

The stram of this gooseberry was a 25 cm high, but it was necessary to raise the ground level, so I had to fall asleep. Nearby was another bush in the form of a bowl, it was removed, about it below. The plot on the slope, the pipes are laid, the drains are equipped. Gradually, you have to change the previous decisions, correct your mistakes.

As a result, in another place, several gooseberry bushes fell asleep, but it is not scary, it is better than digging out.

It should be noted a wonderful tool for trimming branches purchased in the summer of 2017. Easy, comfortable, in the size of the palm, cuts quickly, without effort. Sorry that I did not ask the surname of the seller of the Garden Tools Department in OBI in a warm mill in Moscow, whose recommendations also acquired garden scissors, and rakes, very pleased with the acquisition.

Thin roasted gooseberry shoots are easily removed by these scissors. Almost all the gorge varieties tend to lower. In order for the bush to maintain a vertical form, it must be trimmed on the kidneys addressed inside or up, or translate the conductor to the vertical side branch.

Consider how much to trim in the spring depending on the age of a seedling:

  1. If the bush is small, put in the fall, then you just need to examine the shoots (when landing cut off to a third), if something does not like after wintering, then you can remove the secateur to a healthy kidney. Our goal in this case is to build up a good root system, the above-ground part only in this case will be strong. It is possible to cut on the kidney, converted out if the branch is vertical, and addressed inward if the branch turns away.
  2. Two-year-old gooseberries in early spring we remove half conductors and increments of continuation.
  3. A three-year gooseberry needed again to remove half conductors (on the kidney in the desired direction). All weak, thin, damaged branches, as well as thickening the middle of the bush, should be removed.
As a rule, fruiting begins with a three-year-old age. In the future, each spring it is necessary to remove the conductors half (remembering the drooping of branches). The end of June - the beginning of July, here it is necessary to trim the lateral growth of the current year to five leaves. But now we are talking about the gooseberry Spring.

The next important stage of the spring care for the gooseberry is the removal of the kidneys, shoots at the bottom of the shoots. It is necessary to remove all the kidneys, short shoots at an altitude of 20-30 cm. This will create ease of care of a bush, especially if he is spiny. But even shattered varieties, believe me, have spines.

These young kidneys are easily wondering if they have chosen a height of 30 cm, then it is necessary to remove from all stems to such a height.

The next gooseberry care step is in no case to loosen the soil under the bush. Root system at the gooseberry surface, roots are easily damaged. But weeds must be tried to put at least manually. That is why it is so important to carefully remove when landing the roots of weeds. All 8 multi-arms of the gooseberry were inspected with leafy opeglades from olhovhovy and yav leaves with dry broken branches (light hollow wands on the top photo - cutting potatoes tops, it contains up to 22% of potassium). Such a mulch is a wonderful organic feeder for the gooseberry.

Through such a thick layer of layer of weeds manage to break through, but remove them from loose priority circle is very easy.

Another part during the formation of the gooseberry bush: you need to remove a new piglet in time, especially the one that comes from the bottom of the old branches, to obtain new shoots, we only leave only coming from the root and at a distance from the existing shoots. Then we get a beautiful bush-bowl with an open center, which will get enough sunlight and heat.

As a result, the air circulation will improve, the danger of infection with pulse dew will be reduced. Such a bush is easier to spray with liquid feeding on the sheet, and then it is more convenient to collect a crop. In case of disease, it is easier in case of disease. But, if you spend timely trimming, and then feeding the organicaic already in May, the bush will grow healthy.

Usually in our second decade of May, the gooseberry blooms, it is necessary to follow the weather, as spring frosts can damage the crop. Such elastic and low bushes can be covered on top with any material for the night. Then the gooseberry will not remain in debt, generously gives berries in the summer.
We decided to remove a couple of bushes from the site, one - with large green berries. I think that he is the same age to our 116-year-old house)). And with the red - "prunes", the young man is 15 years old.

Several times they gave him a chance to show myself, but the taste of berries (a little wine) did not like at all. Therefore, I dug, cutting all the old branches, but it was compressed and planted a room with roots at the Leschie, where I collect mulch.

It remains to be meditated.

Today, the autumn weather is already raining, even snow promises. I am glad to rain, as it is needed in the spring of all bushes and trees. Now, perhaps, the honeysuckle will not have to shed (and this is so necessary to do every spring!), And the "prune" will take it in a new place and will show yourself in a new way ...

I hope that my modest experience in the ranks of the gooseberry will not be superfluous. Sometime and they shared with me.
And the time for trimming is still there.

The entry is posted in the sections:

The gooseberry is one of the main berry shrubs found in the gardens. He quickly, after 2-3 years, gives a crop that increases with each season. Fruption can continue for quite a long time - for 20-30 years, but for this you need to create suitable conditions.

Growing gooseberry

For delicious and sweet berries, you must follow the rules for planting and care. Without attention, the gooseberry mines and acquires an acidic taste.

The gooseberry is the most damned from berry crops, from one bush can be collected up to 20-25 kg of berries

Landing and Cutting Gooseberry, Soil Preparation

The landing and transplant can be held in spring, and in the fall, but the best of all these works are scheduled for September - the beginning of October. 2-3 weeks before the start of frosts, it is necessary to complete the transplant so that the bush can take place in a new place.

When transplanting the gooseberry, the branches of up to 3-5 kidneys are shortened and the root neck is plugged

Hut down the gooseberry, take into account the fact that he does not like strong shading and excess of moisture, and follow the simple rules:

  • stop your choice on a lit no wetland;
  • the distance to the adjacent bush should be at least 2 m;
  • prepare a landing hole (for 1-2-year-old seedlings enough to 0.5 m in width and depth);
  • make fertilizers (organic or mineral);
  • prepare a seedling (remove the dried roots, cut the branches, leaving 5 kidneys);
  • site a seedling under the tilt, pour the earth, compact and plenty.

Going care

The gooseberry requires leaving early spring to autumn.

Spring care

Shrubs planted in autumn, in the first spring need care. A bush around and inside can be chopped by manure or peat, which will be fading, and mulch at the same time. You can also mulch straw or compost, pine bark, it will reduce the number of weeds and keep moisture.

The use of mulch will help reduce the number of weeding and keep moisture under the bushes

In spring, the bush is proceeded in spring, to the dissolution of the kidneys. Remove damaged, dry branches, and strong shortening for 2-3 kidneys. Subsequently, leave the most developed shoots, cutting apart annual by a third. Every year they retain from 2 to 4 zero processes, thus, after 7-8 years, the bush will have 25-30 branches of different ages.

The yield of 7-8-year-old shoots is reduced, so they are cut annually.

Forming trimming is carried out from the first year of landing

Early spring is important not to miss the time to prevent the damage to the pests. Good results give the treatment of the gooseberry boiling water along bare branches (before the dissolution of the kidneys), water from the watering can be watered, in this case the water is cooled to a temperature-safer temperature, but will be sufficient to combat pests.

The gooseberry is quite drought-resistant, watering in the spring may be required only in the second half of May, subject to arid weather.

To combat pests, the spring gooseberry is watered with boiling water from metal watering cans from a distance of 1 m

Care in the summer

Care in the summer is reduced to the loosening of the soil, the removal of weeds. It is necessary to spend 3-4 times for the season, watering - if necessary. At the end of June - the beginning of July, young shrubs are recommended to fade by dunglazhya (diluted with water 1: 8).

After collecting berries, in August, the crop of next year is laid, mature bushes at this time require mineral feeding:

  • 35 g of ammonium nitrate or 60 g of ammonium sulphate;
  • 70 g of superphosphate;
  • 30 g of potash salt.

Care in autumn, preparation for winter

In the fall, there is a shallow, about 10 cm, to beat the bushes and make a complex organic fertilizer under each 80-100 g (suitable, for example, autumn). Think about how to protect the gooseberry from frosts. Very good to fill the bushes with snow, it will prevent the feedback of the roots and branches, will contribute to the accumulation of moisture.

Reproduction of the gooseberry

To obtain new bushes there are many ways: seeds, plant division and vegetatively (cuttings and decodes), but not all of them are simple and effective. The most common ways to obtain seedlings:

  • horizontal grains - use 1-2-year-old shoots that are placed on the ground and pressed to a depth of 5-7 cm;
  • arcoid grains - bend the branch and cheat it in the recess 10 cm, the end of the escape is outward;
  • woven stalks - in September, the cuttings are harvested with a length of up to 15 cm, planted and covered with humus;
  • green cuttings - they are cut from young branches at the end of June - early July, withstand 10 hours in water and planted in a small greenhouse for rooting.

Photo Gallery: Gooseberry breeding methods

Reproduction of horizontal chains makes it possible to get a large number of seedlings The reproduction of arcoids is suitable for amateur gardeners, when there is a need to get several seedlings Warm cuttings need to prepare in September Green cuttings are cut from young branches in late June - early July

Protection of the gooseberry from pests and diseases

The shrub is often amazed by a sawmaker, a spider, soil, are subject to various diseases. A healthy plant is less amazed by diseases and pests, so observe the prevention rules:

  • soil looser;
  • removal of weeds;
  • pruning old, sick branches, their burning;
  • feeding organic and mineral fertilizers;
  • preventive treatment, for example, watering boiling water in early spring.

Compliance with these rules increases the stability of the plant, strengthens them. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to do only with preventive measures. If still the gooseberry attack pests, or you notice the fading of leaves and flowers from disease damage, it is necessary to apply spraying with special drugs.

Using chemicals, remember: Spraying can not be carried out during the flowering of the gooseberry, and in the ripening period of fruits strictly withstand the waiting time between the treatment and collection of the berries, which is recommended by the manufacturer of the drug.

Video: Treatment of berry shrubs from diseases

Various methods of growing gooseberry

In addition to the usual bush formation of the gooseberry, there are innovative methods that are rarely applied on household plots.

Features of growing gooseberry on a chopler

For growing gooseberry on a sleeper, tall varieties are suitable. Plants are planted more dense than with a normal landing - at a distance of 1-1.2 m from each other, between the rows - at least 1.5 m. The branches of the gooseberry must be positioned in the form of a fan and tied to the lower wires, the trenches are sent vertically.

This method of growing gooseberry has many advantages:

  • beautiful decorative look;
  • landing occupy little place;
  • the bushes are less likely to ill, as they are not thickened;
  • it is provided good access to the plant for the care and collection of fruits;
  • bushes give a good harvest, berries, as a rule, larger.

Gooseberries on a set saves a place on your site

Features of growing a strambed gooseberry

A straw gooseberry is grown in the form of a tree with a glass trunk of approximately 60 cm, such a plant looks very original and decorative. It is easy to care for him - to loosen the land, collect harvest.

Stambambic gooseberry looks very original

The formation of the gooseberry on the strain is a rather complicated and painstaking process. Saplings are grown for several years, then cut off the entire above-ground part, and only one, from it, and form the trunk from new shoots. Subsequently, all the kidneys are removed, except for the 5-6 tops, which will become future branches.

It should be noted that this method is not suitable for regions with frosty winters, as the bush is quite high, not covered with snow and is subject to low temperatures.

Video: Stumbing gooseberry

Features of growing gooseberry without spikes

Certain difficulties gardeners deliver spines on the branches of the gooseberry. The presence of spikes makes it difficult to care for the plant: weeding, cropping and harvesting. But now the sophisticated varieties are brought, right, and they are not completely devoid of spikes.

No spikes on the gooseberry greatly simplifies the collection of berries

It is the opinion that the fruits of shrubs without spikes are not so tasty and sweet. This does not correspond to reality, it all depends on the selected variety. They are also not inferior in winter hardiness and yield. Caring for a shattered gooseberry, pruning, reproduction are similar to the usual species.

Features of growing gooseberry in different regions

Different climatic conditions of regions dictate gardeners conditions of growing gooseberry:

  1. For landings, choose primarily zoned varieties adapted to growing in your area.
  2. For the northern regions, attention should be paid to frost-resistant varieties.
  3. For cultivation in the North-West and in the Moscow region, cold-resistant varieties with a good root system are also suitable, in winter it is necessary to organize the detention of snow, which will help to move the frost.
  4. In the northern regions, as well as in the Urals, in Siberia, in the Far East for the winter it is necessary to emphasize the root cervix and burn branches to the ground to protect them from severe frosts.

Compliance with uncomplicated rules of agrotechnology will lead to the fact that the gooseberry will become one of the favorites in the garden. His abundant yields will delight you and households for many years.

Unlike many cultures, it is necessary to care for the gooseberry in the early spring. The departure time begins in the first numbers of March. Why this is this month? Because the gooseberry refers to shrubs that begin the vegetation process much earlier than other berry bushes. Starting from April, small leaves are already visible.

The opening of the bush depends on the region of cultivation of shrubs. In the central and southern regions near the gooseberry with the beginning of the spring, mulch is crushed.

In winter, the mulch served material for insulation, but also was an excellent place to winter pests. In order to protect the shrub from hungry insects and exclude their reproduction, the organic trash is delivered by the territory and burn away away from landing.

How to deal with pests?

Early spring you need to ensure the care of the shrub, which begins to destroy pests. To perform data of manipulations, it is necessary to process a ferry ground shrub zone using a small watering can. Boiling water or hot steam will not harm the plant, and the larvae of insects will kill.

You can save a bush from insects using natural insecticides. It may be needles, white and allay elder. If folk remedies helped you can apply Malation.

Gooseberry - Diseases and their treatment

Some of the diseases appear unexpectedly. But there are diseases that are asymptomatic, which can be defined only in the last stages of formation. Consider the advice of experienced gardeners for the care of the gooseberry in the spring. Types of diseases and their treatment:

  1. Antraznosis The fungal disease that appears in the fallen leaves (not cleaned leaves in the fall). Initially, there are small brown tone stains on the leaves, then they apply to the stroke organ.
  2. Anthracnose control. Clean the leaves and unhealthy branks in a timely manner to eliminate the appearance of the dispute. Since April, it is necessary to spray bushes and a soil around the bush with a substance of copper sulfate, a bordeaux mixture, a fungicide or sodium carbonate. You can use a proven method. To prepare a solution, you need a liter ash bank, which is divorced in a declined bucket of boiling water. The solution should stand day. After that, a crushed economic soap is added to the container until complete dissolution. The cooked wells spray the gooseberry bushes. After collecting berries, it is necessary to repeat the spraying of the shrub, remove the old branches, unhealthy and weak processes. The soil should be switched and pour copper sulfate.
  3. Mutnoyalline mushrooms. After the emergence of the ovary, the white flare begins on the berries, which diverges on leaves and processes, then he darkens. Berries dry and fall out. Leaflets begin to twist, and the tops of the processes dry out. The struggle with spheres is similar, the use of 3% of the copper municipality to the dissolution of the kidneys. During the proliferation of the disease, spray the bushes on a systemic fungicide with an interval of 10 days. It is necessary to specify it on the package. When you do not want to use fungicides, there is a biological method. It is necessary to be pure manure that you need to dilute in the proportion of 1 to 10. After insisting, 3 days can be handled the shrub.
  4. When the bush is quiet, it may also indicate the presence of a fungus. The trunks begin to fade, the peel is covered with cracks and springs arise in cracks. The disease amazes more often unhappy shrubs.
  5. Septoriasis - fungus, which also winter in fallen leaves. On the sheets, there are at first small brown spots, then they increase, and the middle begins to be blighted, until it is done completely white, the dark cut remains at the edges. When the disease is launched, berries can be affected, and the leaves begin to crumble. In the fight against the disease can help sprinkling copper vitriol and nitrophen substance. Deleted in particular the fungus branches, the leaves at the autumn time must be removed and burning, pumping the soil.
  6. The rust of the gooseberry appears in those areas where the sources have been overgrown, the fungus lives directly there. From the back of the leaves, yellow growths begin to form, then they go to berries and stalks. It helps to cope with the fungus sprinkling by fungicides, before the formation of the kidneys, during the appearance of bud, and when the wound occurs. Creation can help using phytosporin preparation.

Cutting gooseberry spring

After the pests are destroyed, time to cut a bush. Spring trimming belongs to one with the most significant stages in care. It is from the proper trimming of the shrub depends a rich harvest.

The main thing to meet on time and cut the shrub to the dissolution of the kidneys. Only after cool and long-term winters, the trimming of the spring gooseberry is transferred during the dissolution of the leaves, so as not to miss one of the chesting portions of the bush. Also, together with the removal of unnecessary branches and processes, the shape of the shrub is attached.

Usually on the shrub leave from three to four roasting processes, which should be located apart from each other. All other processes are removed under the root. Those processes that left must be cut into account 1/3 of their length.

Similarly, pruning is performed annually in the spring time, until the whole is formed a bush. For more adult shrubs from six to eight years, the bush performs the rejuvenation of the bush, cutting off the former processes.

After trimming the processes, all sections should be hard to handle with the use of garden preparation. This is a substance, saving cuts of trees from infection with fungus or bacteria, pests and leakage of juice.

Earth processing for gooseberry

To the composition of the soil, the shrub is unpretentious: loves clay, thin, sand, sandy lands, but weakly increase in cool, wetlands and soils of increased acidity. Clay soad is constantly loose, and the sandy enriched by organic.

In May, the soil is treated with a hoe within the crown to a depth of up to 6 - 8 cm, in the aisles, they are drunk by a shovel by 10-15 cm. Pre-remove the fallen leaves and waste from crown crown, if it was not performed from autumn.

Swimming is combined with stealing potash and nitrogen fertilizers. Subsequent stage of land preparation - mulching.

The dense layer of mulch does not allow the weeds to grow and interferes with the formation of excessive roar row, protects the soil from drying out. Apply humus, peat, straw, sawdust, crumpled bark of wood, grass.

Watering and fertilizer

The gooseberry does not need constant watering. Undoubtedly, if the summer is very hot and arid, then the shrub will need a certain care, even after the fruiting is completed. The main thing is to observe the water temperature.

It is impossible to irrigate the cool water, as it negatively affects the roots and the general condition of the bush. Moreover, the plant is more often exposed to fungal diseases.

Do not forget that almost all the fungal microflora loves increased moisture and low temperature. That is, watering cool water not only reduces the immunity of the gooseberry, however, it activates the fungus.

To storing moisture in a dry time, it is recommended to cover the soil with leaves, straw, wood sawdust or peat in order to save moisture in the ground.

It is important to know

But feeding the gooseberry is necessary, while regular and correctly composed. Taking into account the fact that the shrub fertures every year and extremely rarely changes the place of growth, the Earth is extremely depleted.

Directly for this reason it is so important not to regret the introduction of mineral and organic fertilizers in order to maintain the normal balance of nutrient elements.

In the spring under the bush, half a bucket of compost mixed with phosphate (50 grams), sulfate ammonium (25 grams) and potassium (25 grams) should be made. At the same time, for constantly fruiting bushes, the dose of feeding rises twice.

Competent fertilizer application is carried out around the perimeter of the crown, since the roots apply under the ground in this radius.

For feeding, you need to carefully explode a shrub pad, which corresponds to the diameter of the crown, and mix the fertilizer from the ground.

Follow-up to the gooseberry is needed immediately after flowering, in order to ensure optimal fruiting. It is performed by the infusion of a cowboy: spread it 1: 5, and then pour no less than 5 liters of the resulting solution under the bush.

Typical care errors

Each person has its mistakes, especially when the conversation is about the performance of unfamiliar work. Beginner gardeners are often mistaken in subsequent things on the pretext of the gooseberry care.

  1. Watering is produced by the method of sprinkling, which is formed rotting and fungal diseases.
  2. Because of pity for the plant, short and weak branches do not cut, so the plant is more often sick with fungal diseases and is badly fruit.
  3. Strong rejuvenating trimming is performed at a time. Such rusting ends with a long-term disease and the death of the plant.
  4. The plant is cut or transplant after swelling the kidneys.

Paying the right care of the gooseberry in the spring quite a little time, you can safely count on a rich harvest. The main thing is to remember - all manipulations should be carried out on the appropriate time.

See here:

    Proper Growing Gorge Spring

    Moisturizing and feeding plants

    Several useful tips for care and reproduction

    Some of the most common mistakes

Proper Growing Gorge Spring

Spring is the most time consuming period of the year. After all, in order to remove a good harvest with the beds, it is necessary to have time to fulfill certain conditions, namely:

  • protect plants from pest attacks and various defects;
  • make timely processing of land with fertilizers;
  • perform pruning;
  • if planned to plant a shrub to a new place, then pre-prepare it.

Therefore, as soon as the snow leaves the parisade, it is not worth spending precious time, you need to stock garden tools and take up your berry garden.

How to care for the gooseberry in the spring? First of all, in May, it will take carefully to inspect the bush and cut all the weak, dry and defective branches. And also exchame all jumped pains. Perform this procedure first.

The fact is that such branches will not give fruits, but useful elements pull out of the bush strongly. This will be further affected by fruiting. When the sanitary trim is completed, all sections are well shuffled with extensive activated coal, so as not to enter the infection.

The next gooseberry care step is to process with boiling water. Do not be afraid to disseminate boiling water on the plant, such a procedure not only disinfected the shrub, but also the plant from the winter hibernate. On this, Martov preparatory work is completed.

As soon as May come, gardening work on the gooseberry needs to be resumed. In this case, you will need to perform the following steps:

  • pretty to shrangle the ground on the roaming bed to a depth of about 10 cm;
  • then climb each bush with straw or peat;
  • feel the soil with potash feeding to give impetus to the formation of greenery.

Growing the gooseberry on the household plot includes both the garter of each bush. If you landed this berry culture with rows. To do this, you can set stretch marks and pull the grid between them to which each bush is tied. This manipulation will be very by the way, in the case when the pains of the shrub are long and began to squeeze.

Moisturizing and feeding plants

Spring gooseberry care is a mandatory mapping of feeding and an inexpressible watering. As for watering, it is worth knowing - this culture does not need frequent moisture. But if the summer was hot with a minimum amount of precipitation, then several irrigations will still need to produce.

But it is important to consider that the gooseberry is categorically forbidden to moisturize the gooseberry. As this negatively affects the root system, and in some cases it is ice water and becomes the cause of shrub death.

Well, of course, you should not forget what exactly the excessive humidity, the first provocateur of the appearance of fungal diseases. The most favorable option will perform such care according to the following scheme:

  • the first watering is performed during flowering period;
  • the second watering during the period when fruits begin on the shrub;
  • and the last watering per season is performed when the whole harvest will be removed from the bush.

As for feeding, they should be made regularly and competently. And if we consider that this berry culture grows in one place for many years, then such a procedure becomes simply necessary. Therefore, do not regret the time and strength, but be sure to make such a feeder, according to the following schedule:

  • if you just put off the gooseberry with cuttings in the spring, then add overnoil overhead to each well;
  • in the event that the gooseberry was planted earlier, half ancient of the compost add to the soil under the bush, with the bushes, fruit, then such a feeder increases twice;
  • the second feeding of a diluted cowboy is produced during flowering. To do this, you will need to dilute a borologist with water in a 1: 5 ratio.

If you promptly make the necessary fertilizers around the perimeter of the crown, then the roaming shrub will definitely please the generous harvest.

Separately, it is worth highlighting the process of applying fertilizers. The optimal option will be pre-jammed soil and mix feeding with soil. Such manipulation will help evenly distribute fertilizers to feed the roots.

The most dangerous disease for the gooseberry is mildew. This defect has fungal origin, and provokes its development a warm medium with high humidity. It is possible to identify this problem in time by the following features:

  • first, the leaf appears on the leaves, which is easily erased by hand;
  • then, almost the entire gooseberry is covered by the spots of the brown shade, which become dense by their structure;
  • further, all the foliage begins to fade and twist, while the fruits themselves crack and fall.

You can get rid of such a defect, but it is advisable to take measures at first. To do this, you need to purchase a special preparation that is sold in any specialized store.

Often, a novice gardener is set as a question why the gooseberry turns yellow, when such a sign appears. In this case, if the shrub has been revealed by yellowing, it means that the plant was attacked by anthrand or rust.

A special preparation will also help against these defects. Often, experienced gardeners are recommended to use nitrafen or copper sulfate solution. But in this case, simply processing is not enough.

It is necessary to maximally quickly collect all the fallen leaves from the territory where the gooseberry grows, render and burn.

But it is also worth noting that the cultivation and care of the bushes of the gooseberry is fully identical to the care of currant bushes. Therefore, if you still grow currant in the country, you can safely use the above-described currant care guidelines.

As soon as the shrub will begin preparation for flowering, the butterflies appear flames, they begin to postpone their eggs in the inflorescences. Soon the offspring appears, which spoils not only the fruits of the gooseberry, but also its seeds. The result of such a negative action is to withering the bush, since it loses a large number of useful elements.

To avoid such an attack, the gooseberry in the spring is covered with rubberoid. Such a procedure is performed as follows: as soon as snow leaves, the soil around the shrub is coarsely covered with any dense material. Thanks to this, butterflies cannot get out of the soil in which they winter.

And the flooring is cleaned when the shrub will flash. And, of course, the care of the bushes of the gooseberry in the spring includes spraying with a solution of copper mosquito in the hot form of the whole bush and zone around it.

How to grow a gooseberry to further remove a good harvest from it? In this case, each novice gardener will use the recommendations of experienced gardeners.

Regularly observing all these simple rules, the gooseberry care will not be time consuming. At the same time, the generous harvest of delicious berries will surely please you.

Some of the most common mistakes

Such a lesson, like a gooseberry care in the spring in itself is easy, but it is necessary to perform it competently. Otherwise, instead of harvesting delicious berries, you risk getting a patient plant.

So, what the most common mistakes allow novice gardeners to care for the roof shrubs:

  1. Watering shrub cannot be performed such a manipulation by the method of sprinkling. This approach will not fulfill the main task, the roots will not receive the moisture required by them. It is for this reason that by watering only in the soil under the bush.
  2. If you decide to switch the entire zone around the roasted shrub, it is better to abandon the shovels, and use the trick. The fact is that deep soil perplex can damage small roots, which are often located in the upper layer of the soil. Therefore, it is better to use a chipper, but at the same time follow, so as not to hurt small sprouts of the root.
  3. If you decide to get a new planting material from the gooseberry seeds. That first you need to make sure that they did not damage the larvae of the butterfly flames. The fact is that there will be no damaged sowing material, but you can easily lose a lot of time and effort.
  4. In the case when the novice gardener wants to independently carry out such a process as the reproduction of the roasted bush, it is better to use the method called the shilling. Thus, it is possible to obtain a good planting material in the first year. But at the same time, do not forget that the pavement is performed only from strong young processes.

Above, we considered in detail the stages such as the gooseberry landing, the rules of care and recommendations concerning growing. It remains only to add that it's easy to grow one's own culture. Moreover, as many experienced gardeners say, the gooseberry is undemanding in care, so I will grow to the question without experience and will give a good harvest, the answer is one - yes.