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Rose bush Graham Thomas. Graham Thomas. David Austin. English Rose: New Vintage Aristocrat Rose Graham Thomas English Yellow Description

Namely, we will get acquainted with the unique variety of Graham Thomas.

History of selection

Saplings need to prepare in advance for landing, pre-kept them in 24 hours, and only after that, to land in the ground at the rate of 50x50x50 cm, that is, the depth, width and distance between the plants should be equal.

Prepare landing pits, you need good to moisturize them - It is recommended to use 1 water bucket for each well. After that, you can proceed directly to landing seedlings. It is necessary to accurately straighten the roots and put them in the fossa, then pour the substrate so that the vaccination kidney deepens to at least 7 cm. Failure the land, and the next day you need to dip the bushes and pour them away.

Care for varieties

This variety of roses is inherent English pedantry, so all care procedures must be carried out in a timely manner and properly. Subject to observance simple rules You are guaranteed to get a beautiful well-kept shrub with abundant blossom.


Humidity - One of the components of success in growing grade "Graham Thomas". Must be moderate, but at the same time timely. As soon as upper layer Around the shrub drop, you should proceed to water procedures. The amount of water depends on climatic conditions, so it is definitely not possible to determine it: it is necessary to rely on your experience and intuition.


Immediately after landing, at the beginning of the growing season, it should be made. Phosphorus and guarantee a prosperous score of buds - it is best to contribute to -. In August-September, you can feed roses. To the fertilizer of this gentle roses It is better to approach with caution, as well as to adhere to the principle that it is better to unfeese than to overgrow.

It all depends on your imagination and on how you see the plant in your. Be sure to trim only the affected and drooping processes, as well as the flowerons that beat away. Nevertheless, the remaining manipulations with trimming and formation of shrubs you can carry out your taste.

Protection against diseases and pests

All English roses do not tolerate excessive moisture: because of it, plants are most often sick. As preventive measure It is necessary to drain the soil well and not to fill the plant. In rainy weather, the bush and buds from the drops should be shaken.

I would like to emphasize that Roses "Graham Thomas" with sick and amazed extremely rare, as they are very viable and sustainable.

Features of breeding

We breed such roses cuttings and chains.
The most simple and subject to gardeners of lovers is considered to be reproduced by the gardens. To do this, you need to choose a strong young escape, trim the tip, insert a match there. Then you need to attach the stem to the soil, slightly shook and pour.

Conduct the procedure in-anguish, and in the spring you can separate the finished seedling from the parent plant.

It is considered less successful, but it is also quite widely used. Fresh branches are chosen for cuttings. A successful seedling is considered a cutlets with 2-3 leaves, with 1 or 2 bottoms remove, leaving only one sheet. Then planting material Sit into prepared fertilous, explosion and moistened soil at a distance of 20 cm apart.

The variety refers to the middle plenty groups. The bush is straight, grows very quickly. The aroma is very pleasant, fresh and sweet. Flowers terry, cupid, about 8 cm in diameter. Remind Peony. The center opens only when the flower begins to fall apart. In the rain, petals are satisted as medium. Blossom constant, continuous to deep autumn. Very resistant to diseases, the winter tolerates well, the shelter is necessarily in the first year. Until now, it remains hardly the best English rose.

Reviews with a ficker.

This wonderful representative of David Austin Roses since 1983 has firmly occupied the leading positions. It was in 1983 that this variety was represented by David Austin at the exhibition in Chelsea, where he produced a furyor with his delicious rich-yellow flowers of the unusual shape and a gentle sweet aroma. The variety was obtained as a result of pollination of Charles Austin grade Iceberg (Kordes 1958). Named in honor of the world famous gardener and breeder Graham Stuart Thomas. Also, this variety can be found called Lemon Parody, Ausmas, Ausmas, English Yellow. Starting to describe the color, everyone faces the difficulties of the wording: it's not that yellow with an admixture of golden, it's not dark yellow, or just golden yellow, and maybe just a warm-yellow color. The edges of the petals are a little lighter of the main tone. But it should be emphasized that even though it is characterized as "unchanged in all conditions", in the territory of Ukraine, the colors may appear a light peach tump, and pink notes appear in its colors with the onset of cooling. It is also worth noting that in the process of flowering, saturated yellow Slightly dumps. In a word, the colors varies with a small error, taking into account changes in weather conditions. The flowers of this rose variety, as already noted earlier, the old shape, terry (about 75 petals), cupid, with a diameter of 8-10 cm. Buds are disclosed gradually. Petals save a concave form, as if protecting the center of the flower. The middle open, but not completely. The aroma is distinct, pleasant, gentle, but not pronounced. Flowers are collected in inflorescences, often not exceeding 7 pieces. They bloom and hold on the bushes lasting, so the bushes are always in flowering. Blooming abundant, long, and ends already with the onset of frosts. Luxurious leaves dark green, brilliant, large. The bushes are fast growing, branched, with a slightly diluted shoots. The size of the bush depends on the conditions of growth, for example, in a cool climate, it can reach 120 cm, and in hot 250-300 cm, while the width of the bush is about 100-120 cm. To restrain the rapid growth of the bush helps a short trimming. The grade is highly resistant to frozen. Disease resistance is high. Reloaders are recommended when landing give preference to well-lit places, as in the shadow the plant grows too high and weak. The variety has repeatedly won prizes and rewards, was celebrated in various contests, but, perhaps, first of all, it is worth noting that in 2000 he received the highest award of James Mason from the Royal National Society of Rolling. Ideal for garden landscaping.

Beautiful rose. I planted it this year. As compared with other planned Ostinki of this year, about 1.4m rose. Color all summer. open place. All roses in some conditions, but this above all. He was sick, and after I was inspired in the middle of the summer, the color became even brighter. Very glad, I bought this rose.

My rose is the second year. For some reason, it became less terry compared to the first year. It is characterized by health and thirst for growth))), well, as it should be, however. There is a little disadvantage: very quickly flows and crept on. It's a pity: I want to admire all the colors longer, and so remains some colors, as they sleep quickly. But so that completely without colors - this was not yet. But now at the end of July temporarily (I hope) the bush "left on peace" and stands without buds after the first wave of flowering.

My New Year overwhelmed well. Nor did it recover, there was no infectious burn. In May, actively went into growth, but, according to the reasons, it began to fade during flowering. When studying the bush, there was a suspicion of the color of shoots similar to inf. burn. And it is in dry heat, but with moderate irrigation (bucket once a week under the bush). Without thinking, cut off radically suspicious shoots. Left one pure escape. I will observe.
In the meter of sin, Falstiff is sitting, which is not bad for two last year's shoots and issued a couple of basal height from 1 m. Strange ...
By the way, I'm not alone, it turns out, complaining this year to the sin of Thomas.

Originator: David Austin, UK, 1983.
Schrab ("Angli Roses") or climber, depending on the conditions of formation and cultivation.
Height from 100 to 300 cm.

Very popular English rose, with yellow flowers.

Graham Thomas variety is difficult to determine the color. Someone has a warm-yellow and yellow area, others have a pale orange ... [Click photo to enlarge.]


Flowers themselves, in the form and number of petals, are common to classic octin roses. Flowers with a diameter of about 10 cm, terry.

Color - from pale yellow to dark yellow, depending on the composition of the soil. Practically does not fade.

Aroma from average to saturated, with the smell of rose oil.

Flowering can be both single flowers and 5-7 colors with brushes. Since the flowers bloom on different shoots are not very smooth, then the flowering is long, but not very abundant. Repeated flowering continues until the autumn itself.

Flowers are quite resistant to the rain.


The plant is characterized by a large variability, and can be grown either as a typical English chebr, about 120 cm high, or as a small rose, with shoots up to 250-300 cm. Here it is worth navigating your region. If you have a longer warm season - then you can make a plenty rose from Thomas.

When trimming it is worth considering that this variety is inclined to bloom more on the tops of the shoots, so it makes sense to leave when spring trimming different length The branches so that one bloxed down, and others - higher. However, you probably have your ideas about how the rose should look like in your garden, and here we just share observations and experience 😉. For example, if you decide to plant this rose to the back plan of the Rosary, where she may be the very place, then it is necessary to cut a weak - to bloom as the nature is laid down - along the tops.


Despite the fact that many have already been bred yellow varieties Roses are perhaps more than varieties of any other color - this variety remains one of the most popular of all English roses. This is easily explained: Graham Thomas -Preasarity variety in all respects, but also there is little roses, even among tea-hybrid, which would have so pure rich yellow color. Flowers have a cupid shape, smell like a tea rose. The Graham Thomas has a beautiful shape of a bush, rose branches well and blooms regularly throughout the summer. (Daer)

Grows into a big bush, especially in a hot climate. One of the best varieties Austin. Flowers as abnormal. (RRC)

This magnificent variety is one of the most popular English roses, and also one of the most volatile. Buds vary in color from peach to red, they are revealed in cupid terry 7-10 cm flowers, usually bright yellow, in some conditions with peach tones, with age, burn to brighter. Simultaneously on the bush you can see flowers of several shades. Flowers appear in brushes, aroma medium or saturated. It is plentifully blooms in early summer, then waves of moderate flowering the remainder of the season follow. Shoots are long, arcoid, foliage dark green, shiny. The bush is a strong-resistant, reprehensive. In the cold climate, it grows to 150 cm, in hot countries, there are very long shoots of 250-300 cm, and it can be used by support. In a moderate climate, the rose can demonstrate both characteristics: let the shoots stretch out and let them down, or cut off half after the first flowering to stimulate branching. Some argue that cultivation on their own roots also stimulates branching. Disease resistance is good.


bright yellow

Number of flowers on the stem:
Flower size:

10-12 cm


100-120 cm


120 cm


Six zone

Resistance to pulse dew:
Black spot resistance:
Rain Resistance:

Root system Sednaroses Graham Thomas (Graham Thomas) to send to the customer is packaged in an individual packaging from peat mixture, covered in the film, thanks to which your sapling will come alive and full forces.

Buy rose saplingsGraham Thomas (Graham Thomas) You can by clicking the "Add to Cart" button and placing an order.

Packing type: roots rose Packed in wet nourishing substrate, tightly looked by the film, have a sticker with an indication of the sort of article. The permissible shelf life in the package without loss of quality while complying with storage conditions up to 3 weeks. Sending orders with roses seedlings is produced in the autumn and spring seating (restrictions on sending in accordance with the order of sending orders).

Roses are always associated with classical refinement and romantic vintage. Therefore, it is not surprising that the removal of pink varieties is engaged in England - a country of good traditions. One of the best English varieties - Rosa Graham Thomas.

This variety was derived in 1980 by the English farmer David Ostin. The variety was named after a friend Graham Thomas, with which a farmer has been breeding roses for many years.

The grade is a branching shrub tall from 1.5 to 3.5 meters and 1-1.2 meters in volume. The undoubted advantage of the plant is, it blooms continuously throughout the season. Graham Thomas flowers with yellow terry inflorescences of the shape of the bowl, the diameter that is 8-10 cm is reached. Bud hides in himself about 75 finest petals that hide the center. Externally, the flowers of English roses resemble peonies (see photo).

A distinctive feature of the variety is characteristic pronounced aroma, which is especially felt in cloudy weather, in the morning and evening.

Roses Grade Graham Thomas are well suited for use in landscape design. The bushes look perfectly as a separate garden or a parisader decoration. Also shrubs can be used to design a living hedge. Rose Graham Thomas received the greatest distribution in his homeland in England. There shrubs are an integral part of the park design.

Choice of Place and Conditions

Austin variety is absolutely unpretentious in cultivation, but how much the quality of the plant will depend on how high-quality.

Lighting and place

An ideal place for landing roses Graham Thomas is a well-ventilated area illuminated by the Sun for 6-7 hours a day. During the rest of the time, the plant is needed. If the plant will receive a lot of light during the day, it will grow low, but a colorful bush with large buds. Upon the condition of the lack of light, the bush will go to the height of the wind, and the flowers will be small. It is undesirable to plant roses in shorts, since cold air accumulates there, which has a detrimental effect on the plant.


Roses Graham Thomas are not addictive to temperature regimecapable of resist the frosts. But it is worth understanding that at cold temperatures the plant will not grow large, and the buds will also little size. Perfectly rose gets along in a temperate climate at a temperature of 25-28 degrees.

Air and humidity

Maintaining the desired humidity level is mandatory conditions For the successful development of the variety. Since the plant does not tolerate drought, he needs a moderate watering as the soil drying. Excessive moisture plant also hurts, since it has a weak immunity to fungal diseases, rotted and other diseases, followed by the convergence.

As refers to drafts

As already mentioned, it is necessary to ventilate a pink bush, but not drafts. Therefore, when planting a seedling, you need to choose a place protected from the wind.


Special Requirements Rosa Graham Thomas places to the soil in which it will grow. This must be fertile, lightweight land, freely transmitting moisture and air. But, if the soil is not suitable for growing plants, it can be fastened. For heavy clay soils Needed:

  • humus;
  • compost;
  • sand;
  • peat.

In the sandy soil add clay with manure or humus.

It is also necessary to maintain the desired level of soil acidity. For the fruitful development of roses we need a weakly acidic medium. In case of insufficient acidity, manure and peat are introduced into the ground, and with excessive - ash, chalk, limestone.

The composition of the soil is paying attention when planting the plant. So, in a shallow (approximately 60 cm), a hole under the bus is poured drainage material, top of a layer of compost or manure and garden land. After in the hole, the seedlock is placed in such a way that the vacation spot remains above the ground. Immediately after landing, the plant is watered. As soon as the moistened soil is settled, there are still lands. Near the seedling ground is peat.

Features of care

The rules for the care of rose sins Thomas are simple, but the main thing is to comply with their timeliness and correctness. During the season you need to hold several procedures:

  1. Watering. As mentioned, it is important to not allow drying and dismissed the plant.
  2. Podrel. Important fertilizers are important for the development and growth of roses. So, in the growing season you need to make nitrogen fertilizers. Before the start of flowering for the development of buds, phosphorus and calcium are needed. By the end of the season, roses need to be filled with potash fertilizers. It is important to comply with the correct dosages, as in an excess of organic and minerals Rose can start sick.
  3. Trimming. No procedure for this procedure special requirements. It is important to cut damaged damaged, and, especially, rotten plants. Pink bush is also cut into decorative purposes.
  4. Fighting pests. Basic harmful insects that may damage the plant, it is a word cobed tick, Cycadic. A solution can be used as a means against them. economic Soapwho need to spray leaves and buds. In order to prevent the appearance of these insects, the velvets and yarrow should be planted near the bush. These plants scare the pests.
  5. Protection against diseases. The most frequent diseases that are subject to English roses - diseases coming from the oversupply of moisture. This gray rot, puffy dew, Black spotty. In this case, you can take advantage of pesticides, for example, "Phytosporin M", "Gamair", "Alin B".
  6. Shelter for the winter. Despite the fact that the winter hardiness in the variety is increased, there is a danger of damage to the roots in spring during the melting period. Therefore, the wort of the bushes should be hidden. Before this, the bush is completely cut off, leaving only the escape with several soils. Then the bush is cheered soil, the sawdust layer or leaves sprinkle on top. In regions with harsh climatic conditions, where the temperature reaches -30 degrees, the plant is still covered with a film.