Repair Design Furniture

Deep drainage. Modern surgical approaches to the treatment of refractory glaucoma (literature review). The choice of materials for the drainage system

In the process of planning the construction of a country house, you should definitely remember that there are types of drainage necessary to collect and drain water from the site. Everyone hopes that the house will warm with warmth for many years, but at one point, excess moisture, which is often facilitated by autumn bad weather or spring floods, can nullify all efforts. Damage will be done not only to the house itself in the form of destruction of the foundation, flooding of the basement, the appearance of fungus and rot, but excess moisture can also cause freezing and rotting of trees and bushes, disease of plantings.

That is why, in order to get rid of such a misfortune, it is necessary to equip immediately, when building a house. This will later, in case of bad weather or floods, not create a new landscape of the backyard plot, spending money on its arrangement and drainage.

Varieties of drainage

Consider what drainage is: these are various structures and pipes that allow you to lower the level of water, both groundwater and groundwater.

Often, perforated drainage tubes with holes in the walls are laid lower than the water level is located - ground ground-pressure. Pipes can be either asbestos-cement or ceramic, pottery and plastic or polymer - PVC and polyethylene. The diameter of the pipes can vary from 5 to 20 cm and even more. To prevent clogging of the walls and holes of the drainage pipes with soil particles, special shells are installed, which are made of filter materials.

There are two main types of drainage - a surface drainage system (open) and a deep drainage system (closed). Let's dwell on them in more detail:

  1. Surface drainage plots are assembled from modular channels. This type of drainage is used to drain flood, melt and rain water from platforms and paths, the surface of the site, roofs of buildings and open terraces. This water is discharged into the storm sewer and outside the site. Open drainage of the site can be performed:
  • using point drainage or point elements;
  • organization of a linear drainage system or drainage line.
  1. Another type of drainage deep- this is a system of channels and pipes through which water is discharged into a special well or collector, outside the site.

Pro tip:

The surface type of drainage is arranged to prevent the occurrence of waterlogging zones around buildings, therefore it is preferable to develop it in combination with deep drainage.

Surface drainage and drainage

Local collection of both rain and melt water is why point-type drainage is needed, and a drainage line is useful for collecting atmospheric precipitation from a large area. The best way is to combine these two systems. Let's dwell on them in more detail:

  1. Drainage line. A linear drainage system is a system of deepened channels (drainage trays, gutters, gutters) and sand traps for them. A container that retains sand and small debris applied by water flows is called a sand trap. It protects storm sewer pipes and drainage systems from blockage. That is why it needs to be cleaned as it fills up. On the sand traps, as well as on the gutters, install removable gratings made of steel or cast iron.

  1. Point drainage. The use of point elements installed under gutter systems designed to drain water from the roof into doorways - this is precisely what is meant by the local collection of water - rain and melt. Point drainage is complemented by linear drainage systems (gutters, sand traps) for the possibility of draining water from entrance areas, balconies and terrace surfaces.

deep drainage

Closed drainage or deep drainage is a system of channels (drains) located underground, lowering the level of groundwater and serving to drain water from the territory and from structures outside the site.

It is necessary when the site is located in a lowland, it is swampy or in other waterlogged places. In the case of the assumption of the operation of the basement, it is also necessary to install a drainage device in the area, which in this case is a wall drainage. According to experts, drainage is almost always necessary for central Russia. Be sure to check the depth of the groundwater, even if the water does not squelch underfoot. After all, their close presence leads to decay and oppression of the root system of both shrubs and trees.

With a high location of a site with sandy soil that drains well, and the location of the groundwater level is lower than 1.5 m, deep drainage can be abandoned.

Deep drainage according to its design is divided into:

  1. combined;
  2. horizontal;
  3. vertical.

Horizontal drainage has been described above, so consider the features of other types:

  1. Vertical drainage - these are drainage shafts that are arranged in a special way, equipped with pumping stations and buried in the territory of the site. Such a site drainage system is a rather complex engineering structure. That is why vertical drainage is practically not found in suburban areas.

  1. Deep combined drainage combines vertical and horizontal systems. In some cases, it is he who can maintain the necessary water balance in difficult relief and climatic conditions. However, combined drainage, like vertical drainage, is structurally quite complex, has a high cost, and therefore is quite rare.

Drainage: his device

  1. In order to arrange a drainage system, it is necessary to first dig trenches of the required depth, which should have a slight slope towards the drainage well and towards the natural watercourse, if possible.

  1. Crushed stone or gravel and sand are poured at the bottom of the trenches.
  2. Then perforated drainage pipes with holes for water passage are laid.
  3. After that, it is covered with sand and gravel, and a layer of turf is laid.

Pro tip:

Usually lays pipes (drains) in several rows in the form of a herringbone. At the same time, the central drain collects water from the adjacent side parts, and then diverts it outside the site or into a drainage well.

A drainage well is arranged if there is not a sufficient slope to drain the water, or if there is nowhere to drain the water. In the well, if necessary, install a drainage pump.

Most often, the deep drainage of the site is laid parallel to the storm sewer, since the systems of underground and surface drainage solve different problems. Although some of the designers do not allow the combination of linear drainage with a deep drainage system, the rest of the designers consider this option to be quite acceptable.

In order to reduce waterlogging or simply excess soil moisture, to maintain the optimal water balance of the soil on the site, a drainage system is used - deep (closed) drainage drainage or drainage of the site. Deep drainage collects and discharges ground and surface (storm and melt) waters outside the site. Usually, the water is first collected in a collection well, which may be a separate or general part of the drainage system.

The essence of the deep drainage method is laying under a slope, usually 1 cm per 1 m, but up to 0.5 cm per 1 m of the drainage system is permissible. Typically, drains are laid with a slope towards a natural drain or to a drainage (bypass) well. With a total total length of the deep drainage of the site above 300 meters, it is advisable to use a drain - a central collector of a larger diameter, as well as to install several manholes on the central drain to facilitate system maintenance.

Deep drainage drains are a system of channels usually arranged in a herringbone pattern. The average depth of the channels is 1 m, but in general it depends on the relief of the site, and the tasks of drainage, for example, for a lawn it is worth making it a little less, for an orchard it should be deepened to 1.5 m. Drainage pipes are usually laid in drains and they are filled with crushed stone .

Pipe laying in deep drainage is usually carried out on a sand and gravel pad. After laying the pipes, the trench is covered with rubble with a layer thickness of 40 cm and sand with a layer thickness of 15 cm, at the end of the drain it is sprinkled with a layer of turf with soil.

For deep drainage of the site, the average depth of the trench (ditch) must be 1 m, the inner diameter of the drainage pipe must be at least 110 mm, and the pipe must have a geotextile winding.

deep drainage especially relevant for areas located in a lowland, with soil that is poorly permeable to moisture or with a groundwater level above 1.5 m.

With proper organization of drainage and its regular maintenance, the service life of the system can reach 30-50 years. Deep drainage allows you to solve the following tasks:

1. Protects the foundation of structures and engineering equipment (in this case, unlike drainage, the site must be dug deeper than the base of the foundation);

2. Prevents the penetration of groundwater and precipitation and, as a result, the flooding of basements and basements;

prevents increased dampness in these places;

3. Prevents rotting of the root system of plants, swelling and washing out of the soil.

4. Reduces the likelihood of mold and mildew, as well as the appearance of a huge number of mosquitoes and frogs in the area.

Sooner or later, every owner of a private house or commercial building is faced with a problem called "groundwater". Their level can rise sharply during floods, in the off-season, when the volume of melt and sedimentary water increases.

In some cases, even good waterproofing does not give the desired effect.

Underground moisture puts pressure on the foundation slabs, has a destructive effect on the monolith and “undermines the stone”, or rather, washes it away. Porous concrete, like a sponge, absorbs excess water and swells, as a result of which the walls and floor get wet, shrink and crack, and the basement smells of dampness. First of all, residents of lowland areas and swampy areas suffer from this phenomenon.

The high level of groundwater has a negative impact on outbuildings, the quality of pavement, horticultural crops and other infrastructure. Deep drainage helps to reduce it - an effective method of removing moisture.

Its essence consists in laying pipes around the entire perimeter of the drained area. Often, only this system allows you to create comfortable conditions for living and economic activities on the site. It is recommended to arrange it when water occurs above 1.5 meters underground.

There are three main types of deep drainage

Horizontal drainage

The most common, popular method, although it is distinguished by a large amount of earthwork. Drainage pipes are laid at a given depth at a clear angle.

Through these pipes, moisture leaves in a natural (inertial) way from the site to specially prepared sewage wells. The complexity of the horizontal complex (especially for beginners) lies in making accurate calculations and measurements before installation.

The method has a number of undeniable advantages: complete independence from power grids and other communications; ease of maintenance; long service life; simple, intuitive styling technology.

vertical drainage

A complex engineering system, the creation of which involves high costs and the involvement of special equipment, therefore it is never used in private households.

Within the framework of this method, deep storage shafts are created, and the collected water is pumped out of them using pumps of the central underground storage.

Combined type

It combines the components of horizontal and vertical systems, therefore it is extremely difficult to perform. It is used very rarely - mainly in severe climatic and geological conditions.

Despite technological differences, all three types of deep drainage work on the same principle: they exclude local moisture stagnation. Water passing through the upper layers of the soil is directed to storage tanks - pipes and shafts.

The principle of organizing a horizontal drainage system

In the process, you will need certain knowledge and skills in working with construction tools, namely a level and a rangefinder. They are necessary for planning and developing a pipeline laying scheme. You also need to take into account the existing terrain.

For example, observing the vector of water runoff during rains, one can accurately determine the slope of the site and the location of the concentration of waste moisture. Marks are placed on it that will help draw up a trench digging scheme. To create a horizontal drainage system, as a rule, finely perforated and corrugated outside PVC pipes with a diameter of 110 mm or 160 mm are taken.

To avoid the formation of blockages inside the pipes, it is recommended to wrap them with a geotextile cloth or any natural fiber filter material.

Drainage device algorithm:

  1. According to the finished scheme, dig trenches according to the markings.
  2. Seal walls and bottom. In deep pits, where collapses are possible, a sheet pile is installed around the entire perimeter. If ground moisture appears during operation, its level must be lowered by installing wellpoints.
  3. Fill the bottom of the trench along the entire length with a layer of sand about 5 cm thick.
  4. Lay a textile sheet with a width of more than 1 meter, leaving free allowances at the edges - they are useful for wrapping pipes. The sand base in this case protects the canvas from friction and direct contact with stones and dense soil.
  5. Form a gravel cushion over the geotextile, observing not only the optimal thickness of the backfill, but also the desired slope. It is best to use coarse gravel with a fraction of 20 to 40 mm, which does not retain water and, due to the presence of air cavities, retains additional heat in the system.
  6. Lay the pipes along the slope marks. It is preferable to mount drains with a diameter of 160 mm: they are able to remove more moisture than pipes with a diameter of 110 mm, and have a double wall that can withstand high loads during further backfilling.
  7. Bring the outlet of the pipe into the well, fix it with couplings.
  8. Fill the drains with coarse gravel and cover with the free edges of the previously laid canvas.
  9. Drain the entire system, including storm drains, into a collection manifold. It can be made from reinforced concrete rings or plastic containers can be used. Equip the collector with two drainage pumps: one will perform the main work, and the second will remain in reserve in case of breakdown or shutdown of the first. The pumping station will not allow moisture to rise above the mark of the inlet pipe and will pump out its excess to specially equipped drain points.
  10. Fill the trenches with coarse river sand. In a sandy prism, it is desirable to perform storm sewers.

Despite the seeming simplicity of implementation, each of the stages must be carried out taking into account technological requirements. It is worth allowing a slight deviation of the parameters - there is a threat of local silting of the pipe or blurring of concrete.

Obviously, as a result, this will lead to adverse consequences and entail serious expenses for the overhaul of the system, repair of the foundation and damaged structures on the site. Since drainage work is carried out with an open foundation, experts recommend at the same time performing related protective operations on the base of the building: laying a warm circuit, moisture insulation, and strengthening drainage with a studded membrane.

The procedure for digging trenches and installing manholes

Oddly enough, a seemingly simple thing - digging trenches - in practice turns out to be a difficult stage, at which gross mistakes are often made. Here we do not allow the principle of work "by eye", trenches are made strictly according to the markup, taking into account the slope of the site.

For the installation of PVC pipes with perforated walls, they dig channels with a width of at least 50 cm, which are convenient for further creating pillows from crushed stone and geotextiles.

As we noted above, during the installation of the drainage system, attention should be paid to the waterproofing of the foundation slabs and the plinth. For this purpose, roll-on weld coatings and coating mixtures are ideal. But the most effective today is the two-component mastic "liquid rubber" based on latex and bitumen.

It is applied to the concrete surface by cold spraying and forms a strong, completely sealed, seamless membrane. The material has high adhesion, tightly sticking to the foundation like glue. Due to the limiting coefficient of elasticity of 800%, liquid rubber is successfully used for processing dynamic knots.

In addition to trenches, manholes are needed for a deep drainage system. They allow you to clean and control the condition of the pipes and the width of their clearance. If the drains are laid to a depth of less than 3 meters, the wells can be made of PVC pipes of large diameter, and if more than 3 meters, it is better to use reinforced concrete rings.

What are the installation requirements?

  • The distance between two adjacent wells should be no more than 30 meters;
  • It is necessary to install strictly along the line of water flow, as well as in the areas of pipe rotation;
  • Installation is carried out before laying drains in trenches;
  • The bottom of each well must be sealed and the outlet covered from the outside with a lid to keep debris out of the system.

There is another important point: if you are draining the soil around the perimeter of the house, then foresee the place where groundwater will be discharged.

How to make a gravel pad and mount the pipeline

First of all, you need to set the desired slope of the trench surface. To do this, they are covered with a layer of river sand. After strengthening the walls, a geosynthetic is lined at the bottom of the trench, which filters moisture. The width of the fabric should be greater than the width of the ditch so that the free edges of the fabric can wrap the PVC pipe without stretching.

A pillow of gravel with a fraction of 20-40 mm is formed over the geotextile. It is strictly forbidden to use limestone rock, as it is quickly washed out. In order to maintain the slope of the site at this stage, do not exceed the thickness of the gravel layer.

Drain laying starts from the highest point of the site and is performed according to the algorithm:

  1. Manually or with the help of a fabric winch, PVC pipes are laid on gravel in sections;
  2. At straight joints, pipes are connected by welding or by applying a sealed clamp. If drainage is performed by a third-party organization, then welding work will increase the cost of the service by an order of magnitude, so it is more profitable to do with the installation of clamps;
  3. Perpendicular pipes are connected by means of transition tees (their diameter must be greater than the diameter of the pipes);
  4. At the entrance-exit sections of the system, high-quality waterproofing is created from manholes;
  5. The end of the pipe, which goes into the well, is tightly fixed and sealed;
  6. The PVC pipe along the entire length of the trench is covered with fine gravel and wrapped with the free edges of the geotextile lying below.

Plinth drainage specialists have some professional advice that will certainly be useful to a beginner. For example, when installing a pipe between it and the walls of the trench, free space must be left, otherwise friction will occur and the structure will deform.

Pipes must not be kinked or stretched. If you need to change the angle, just use the adapter. Although, the fewer turns and connections you make, the more efficient the drainage system will function - consider this nuance at the planning stage of the laying.

How much does deep drainage cost in Russia today

The main factor that forms the price is geography. Moreover, not always a high level of groundwater means the maximum cost of services. For comparison: on a site with soft viscous soil and frequent moisture stagnation, drainage work will cost the customer an order of magnitude cheaper than on a site located in a low rocky or rocky area.

It would seem that it should be the other way around? But in the second case, the terms of reference will be more difficult, it will require painstaking manual labor, the involvement of special equipment and, for sure, the carrying out of related earthworks.

To summarize, the price of a turnkey service depends on:

  • Region and terrain;
  • Soil features;
  • Type of deep drainage;
  • The need to attract special equipment;
  • Prices of the service provider, availability of a loyalty system and discounts;
  • The cost of building materials used in the process.

When there is too much precipitation or when groundwater is too close to the surface, it becomes necessary to protect the site from the influence of excess moisture. Excessive moisture can lead to washing out, heaving, swamping, flooding of basements, if any, serious undermining of the foundation of a house and buildings.

Drainage systems have a thousand-year history, during which only the materials used have changed. If our ancestors used clay pipes, today polymeric materials dominate in drainage systems.

Varieties of site drainage

To summarize all the points, the drainage system can be represented by the following plan:
Site drainage can be superficial or.

Surface drainage

Surface drains are designed to protect buildings and soil from excessive moisture, which can be caused by excessive rainfall, meltwater or water collected through stormwater systems. Surface drains can be divided into the following types:

Linear- are systems of trays laid on the surface of the earth, which have a slope for a stack of water to the point of water intake. For convenient operation, such trays are covered with special protective decorative grilles. Such devices are often additionally equipped with sand traps that allow you to trap sand, pebbles or small debris present in wastewater and which can lead to clogging of the storm drain. Such a site drainage system will do an excellent job of protecting the soil from excessive moisture, but only on condition that the groundwater is deep enough.

Point. They are a system consisting of storm water inlets or water collectors, which first collect water in themselves, and then transfer it to the sewer through pipes laid in the ground. Such collectors are usually installed under downpipes, water taps, and also at the minimum points of the site, which allows the collection of excess water.

Surface types of site drainage work great, but you need to choose the right materials and install them wisely, as well as clean the system in a timely manner.

deep drainage

Deep drainage systems- This is an option for regulating the balance of water in the soil by laying perforated pipes in the ground, which are called drains. Such pipes absorb excess moisture from the soil, thereby protecting the site and buildings from the harmful effects of excess water.

In order to properly perform the site, drain pipes must be laid with a slope towards the spillway point. Any reservoir, storm sewer, storage well, etc. can act as such a point. Revision wells must be provided in the system, with the help of which it is possible to clean the network.

It should be noted that deep systems are needed in areas where groundwater is high enough (up to 2.5 meters), in soils that have poor moisture permeability and near various structures in order to eliminate increased moisture.

The arrangement of the deep drainage system is associated with a significant amount of land work. That is why all the work on laying the drainage must be carried out before the construction of the house, as well as the complete arrangement of the site.

One type of deep drainage system is reservoir drainage. It is carried out under the base of the house in the form of a filter pad, which is combined with drains. Such a system will protect the house from excessive dampness and humidity, as well as from flooding with groundwater or melt water.

Drainage works

It must be said that if you can perform the surface drainage of the site yourself from beginning to end, then the deep drainage system must be carried out with the involvement of specialists, because. it needs a project that will include testing the soil for moisture content. Deep drainage should begin with a study of the existing level and amount of groundwater, which is quite difficult to do on your own without special skills.

Please note that erroneous pipe laying can lead to waterlogging of the area and even lead to flooding on the site. That is why it is possible to independently mount a deep drainage system only according to a project prepared by specialists.

The surface fertile soil layer should conduct water well. In cases where it is clayey, then water transfer will not occur. In such cases, it is necessary to improve the site by delivering black soil. If you look at the section of the soil, you can clearly see the layers. Most often, the upper fertile layer occupies about 20 cm, and after it there are layers of sand or sandy loam, under which dense layers of clay lie, which will no longer let water through. Just on the verge of clay and sand, drains should be installed.

The most common way to lay the channels of the drainage system is a system of one main and several side channels.

The slope of the pipes must be maintained at least 3 cm per meter. The water that will enter the side channels flows into the main channel, and from it already flows to the water collection point. In cases where the exit from the main main canal is located below the level of the receiving well, then another intermediate well must be laid at the system outlet. The depth of laying can be different, everything will depend on the level of the main receiving well. For the device of drains, plastic pipes are best, and even cheaper, which must be perforated, however, existing old pipes can also be used by making holes in them along the entire length. Additional drains are also connected to the main drains, and 3 cm thick gaps must be made at their joints, which are covered with coarse gravel.

Please note that the drainage system of the site can be made without pipes at all. You can simply fill the prepared channels with large gravel. However, such a system would be inefficient.

It is advisable to lay drains not immediately into the ground, but with an interval of gutters made of fine mesh, into which gravel should be filled, in which pipes are already laid. This must be done so that the holes in the pipes are not clogged with silt. In this case, the gravel acts as a filter.