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All about Rose Spray Description. Roses Spray: Description, Overview of the best varieties. Yellow and orange

For florist, great joy - resistant roses almost without spikes. These are exactly the roses spray. Elegant and miniature, they are beautiful in bakery compositions and in the landscaped decor. Let's talk about them in more detail, we will understand which varieties are worthy of attention.

General description, use

Roses spray are included in the group of so-called border colors. Slender, low, they are smooth rows of facilities and parks. A very successful name of the colors "Spray" speaks for itself - a lot of neat flowers as if they are "splashing out" by splashes with a smooth stem. Spray are a variety of roses of the Floribund group. It is rightfully occupied by the best characteristics of the group - mass flowering over the entire season, resistance in bouquets and unpretentiousness.

Thanks to a large number of flowers on a branch, a flower with a lot of buds looks like a bouquet. And in combination with other flowers and greens, it creates a feeling of grace and style. In the open ground, roses are low lush bushes, the most spectacular in growth up to 60 cm. Although some varieties are "reaching" and up to 90 cm.

Attention! It is noted that the stems with small flower flowers are the most long in the cut.

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Successfully use pink shrubs and in the design of the yard. Of these, you can create round compositions by setting around a decorative fence. Beautiful roses feel perfectly and in vertical "living walls". Alternatively, you can plant bushes in separate vases from the ground - as a container, use small wooden cars, wooden barrels and even old car tires.

Growing, care

Many flowerflowers are afraid to "communicate" with growing roses spray - the feeling that the elegant flower is very capricious. In vain, these roses are small, but resistant to cold and disease. Good care, they, of course, are needed, but without complicated features. The main thing is to consistently fulfill the basic requirements:

Popular strings of bright shades

Roses Spray are happy with a huge amount of varieties that all the time are replenished thanks to the breeding colors. Tell about the most popular.

  • Tamango. It is very noticeable with its bright - aluminum or rich in red flowers-bowls. It has an unobtrusive, but well-catching fragrance. Boots are low, about 50 cm. It makes glad to bloom to the first cold, and the petals do not lose their color under the sun.

  • Heidi Klum. Flowers with bright, almost lilac petals. The disclosed buds have a rounded shape, a diameter of up to 9 cm. The bushes are compact, low, up to half a meter. This variety does not like drafts and wind, it is undesirable to plant on high, open areas.
  • rose flower Arrow Folis Right from the USA. It belongs to the mid-grade bushes - grows up to 70 cm. The stem, unlike many other varieties, has spines. Buds have a "bold" color - the red main color is "diluted" pink, sometimes white spots. This rose is very effectful in bouquets. Buds stall tolerate cold precipitates without losing their saturated color.
  • It is impossible not to mention rose Orange Babe. Very beautiful bright orange flowers of rather large sizes. Petals are elegantly twisted inside, forming an almost triangle. Excellent option for a bouquet expressing love. Bustics have a large number of branches with 7-10 color lines. Long blooms, until October, with its brightness "diluting" the frowning shades of autumn.

Varieties of gentle shades

Many types of small-ceiling roses of light colors - white, peach, gentle pink often use florists in wedding bouquets. About some species in more detail.

  • rose flower White Mikado Differs in gentle white petals. They are elegantly wavy along the edge. Blossoms during the season several times, the stalks reach 70 cm, racing into the width to half a meter. This variety is subject to illness.

  • View Veding drunk It was recent recently, in 2-13. Buds look interesting - this is almost a round ball with a lot of petals, about 40 of them. This rose is one of the leaders in growth, it grows up to 120 cm. The flowers of buds are revealed slowly, long-term demonstrating their beauty.
  • Florist Florists Brown Rose Love Lidia. Resistant in cutting, with neat flowers of saturated pink. Shades vary - this variety can have cream shades. In every bloomer up to 10 petals. It blooms continuously the whole season, small bushes have a traditional "Rostovka" - up to 70 cm.

  • Love Lidia is sometimes confused with another name - Lidia. The flower is distinguished by the form of bud, they are glassworms. Different and height of bushes - no more than 60 cm. This grade is appropriate in the design of the plots - of them form group compositions. Flowers continuously all summer.

Roses spray - an excellent choice for both landscaping of territories and cut, in bouquets and compositions. Frost resistance of most varieties allows you to grow bushes in cool regions. Among the rich choice of color shades, each gardener will find a variety of taste.

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Unusual roses: video

Description and best roses spray varieties

Description of type

What is spray roses and what the difference is - this question may be interested in not only beginners, but also former flowerflowers. Roses belonging to the spray group possess all the characteristics of Floribundum, with the only difference that they are more compact and low.

The bushes of this rose have a height of 40-50 cm, although some varieties can grow up to 80-90 cm. Flowers are small, sometimes even miniature, diameter 3-7 cm (depending on the variety), arranged with brushes of 10-15 pieces on the branch . Buds can be elegant glassworm or denominations, different color shades.

One cut branch may well be considered an independent bouquet, because of which spray roses are often called "bought". They are beautiful and as a background for larger colors, or in mini-bouquets, so florists are these flowers most often used in wedding bouquets.

Like floribundam, spray roses for a very long time and abundantly bloom. With proper trimming, flowering lasts almost all summer. In addition to high decorativeness, they are very unpretentious to the conditions and winter-hardy, which allows them to grow in the medium strip in the climate and even in the cooler regions.

Another nice feature of roses is a small amount, and sometimes the complete absence of spikes, thanks to which they are easy to care for them, as well as make bouquets. In recent years, roses spray are increasingly used in landscape design and home gardening. They are equally beautiful both on the flowerbed, and in a single landing, and small gabarities of plants allow them to grow in pots and containers.

Best Roses Spray Varieties

The rapid popularity of colors contributed to the fact that new varieties of a wide variety of shapes, sizes and color palette began to be regularly appeared:

  • Lovely Lidia (Favorite Lidia) is one of the very first varieties derived in Holland at the end of the twentieth century. The bush is pretty spreaded, about 70 cm high. The flowers are small (3-4 cm), pink, with the edges brighter, darker in the middle.
  • Mimi Eden (Mimi Eden) is an incredibly beautiful and elegant rose of a white and pink palette. Buds are light-apricot, as the dissolves are becoming gentle pink, eventually burn out in the sun and get white.
  • Tamango (Tamango) is very compact (about 50 cm height) and a decorative rose. Buds are large (6-7 cm in diameter), denselyahrovy (about 40 petals), saturated scarlet, located at 10-12 pieces on the branch. High winter hardiness grade allows him to grow it in the cold regions of the country.

  • Typhoon (Typhoon) is a very bright rose with rich orange terry buds. The edges of the petals are red, to the middle smoothly go into yellow.
  • Satin (satin) - amazing beauty rose with marble two-color buds. Flowers are large (up to 8 cm), bright pink with cream divorces.
  • Tiramisu (Tiramisu) is another spectacular variety with two-color buds derived in Holland. Rosets are small, inside the terracotta petals, outside cream, in one brush contains 12-15 flowers. Compact bush (up to 50 cm).
  • Rubicon (Rubikon) is a very exquisite rose of dark purple color. Buds are large, glazing, fragrance lightweight, exquisite.
  • Orange Spray (Orange Spray) - a new variety of roses with bright orange coloring petals. Bututs are small (3-4 cm), in shape resemble a tea rose, exuded light flavor.

Landing and clock care

Growing roses Spray is a pleasant and exciting process. For landing, you should choose the wind-protected solar or slightly shaded place. Roses of light shades can be planted in the sun, but a variety with dark buds is better to arrange in a light half, as the flowers quickly burn out.

The planting process consists of the following steps:

  • digging the planting fossa width and depth of about 45 cm;
  • styling drainage layer (sand, small pebbles);
  • on top of the drainage, it is desirable to lay organic fertilizers (dry leaves, compost, well-overwhelmed manure);
  • fertilizers pour out a layer of land;
  • to put a bush to the resulting hollyk, straighten the roots and carefully fall asleep the earth.

After landing, the rose should be well pouring at the rate of 6-8 liters of water on the bush. Water should be accumulated and non-cool, and it is necessary to pour it into a small deepening, made around the seedling.

Caring for spray roses is required. They love regular watering, especially during flowering. So that the moisture is not evaporated, the land can be covered with mulch. In the absence of mulch, the soil must regularly loose and clean from weeds. In hottime, burns may appear on the leaves and petals of flowers. To avoid this, periodically the bushes need to arrange splashing.

For lush and prolonged flowering, roses are needed. In the spring, before the start of flowering, nitrogen-containing fertilizers are applied. Flowering shrubs need more phosphate, potash fertilizers and trace elements. Despite the high frost resistance, the bushes for winter need to be dipped and stole.

Trimming for roses is of great importance - it stimulates and prolongs flowering, and also contributes to the formation of new shoots (rejuvenates the bush). Cutting is needed several times during the season: the spring is sanitary, autumn forming. In the summer, it is necessary to regularly remove the sworded buds regularly, as they not only spoil the appearance of the bush, but also serve as a refuge for pests and microbes.

Video "Rose of a Bouquet" video

From this video you will learn how you can independently roam a rose from a bouquet.


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For centuries, cultivation appeared a huge number of roses varieties, which have to be currently separated by the World Federation of Gardeners' Societies into classes and groups. Roses "Spray" refer to one of the relatively recently emerged groups. These flowers are very loved by florists and are often the basis of wedding bouquets. Let's deal with what it is.

Roses "Spray"

This group of varieties was allocated from the Floribunda group, whose varieties are widely used to decorate household plots and are very beloved with landscape designers. This separation occurred recently, in the second half of the twentieth century. The group under consideration is rather diverse and includes both low-spirited bushes belonging to the type of border roses and higher plants.

The characteristic feature of the spray roses are relatively small (diameter up to 7 cm) flowers, which in large numbers bloom on one branch - there may be up to one and a half dozen pieces. Plants of this group can grow up to 90 cm, but more often they are compact half-meter bushes, decorated with inflorescences of small flowers.

Popular varieties

A set of varieties of Roses "Spray" with a variety of flowers, and the size of flowers are derived by breeders. Some popular varieties are described below.


This variety distinguished by splashing busheswhose height does not exceed 50 cm. Flowers are quite large, diameter up to 7.5 cm. They have a rich red color and a pronounced smell. The plant is steadily for winter cold and diseases, flowering continues until frosts.


Busta "Allegria" Can reach 70-cm height. Flowers are small, up to 5 cm in diameter, have orange-pink color, the smell is almost absent. Blossom continues the whole season. "Allegria" is characterized by increased resistance to low temperatures and diseases.


Height snow-Dance bushes Reaching 75 cm. Flowers, diameter up to 5 cm, can have a white or gentle greenish color. There are practically no smell. This plant blooms continuously, from May to autumn frosts. Like many representatives of this group, Snow-Dance tolerate frosts well and is distinguished by resistance to disease.


This variety is recently derived in the Netherlands. Description Roses: The height of the bush does not exceed 70 cm, pink flowers, from light to saturated colors, their diameter reaches 5 cm, the fragrance is weak, but tangible. Blossom continues the whole season and is distinguished by abundance. " Lydia "is resistant to frost and disease.


Bushes "Typhoon" Reach 70 cm in height. Orange flowers, bright, diameter up to 5 cm. Flowers Rose "Typhoon" to late autumn. Little is subject to disease and cold.

Roses "Shain" Located in the United States, in the 70s, and are considered one of the best varieties of yellow roses. The height of the bushes does not exceed the half-meter, the flowers are usually 4-cm with a diameter. The fragrance is pronounced brightly. Flowers "Shain" throughout the season. Resistance to cold and diseases above average.


This variety is distinguished by abundant flowering, On one shoot, it can be formed up to one and a half dozen drawers of diameters to 5 cm. The bush reaches 60 cm of height, the flowers in its delicate pink color, but over time they will be blown up to white and pink. "Victoria" is well tolerating frost and is little subject to diseases.

"Star and Strajps"

The original name of this variety of Roses "Stars'N'Stripes". Usually the height of the bushes does not exceed 50 cm, but may exceed this limit. Spikes are almost absent. Flowers are small, memorable, with the "striped" color - they alternate raspberry and white stripes and stains. The diameter is usually 2-3 cm, but can reach and 5 cm. The flavor of flowers is sweet, pronounced. Flowers "Stars'N'Stripes" all season.

File Flash

The height of the Fierheer Flash bushes reaches 70 cm. Flowers are motley, two-color, diameter up to 5 cm, combine red and yellow color, do not fade into the sun. Flowering long, to autumn frosts. Diseases and cold "Fayer Flash" is very stable.

"Fayer King"

This plant is distinguished by quite high bushes, up to 80 cm in height. Its flowers are bright red, the diameter reaches 6 cm. The aroma is barely distinguishable. Plant blooms all season. Fayer King has resistant to disease and cold.

Features of group growing

Almost all varieties of spray roses are unpretentious, landing and care for them do not represent difficulties for gardeners. For their landing, a 40-cm yum is prepared for a 40 cm sizes, it is dried by a cerazyt to provide drainage. When landing in the pit is added compost. For normal development of the plant, light weakly acidic soil is preferred.

For the landing, well-lit, but slightly shaded places protected from the wind are desirable. The best landing date is the beginning of May. Watering should be moderate, but regular. For the winter, with all the frost resistance, the plants are desirable to cover the sweetheart. In the spring, the sick and extinct shoots are cut, in summer - shoots growing inside the bush, in the fall - weak shoots, clearly unable to withstand serious cold.

So, how we were convinced, Roses "Spray" differ not only by excellent external data, but also unpretentious, as well as resistant to disease. This group of varieties is simply ideal for decorating the household site. The spectacular inflorescences of these bushes look perfectly both in bouquets and flower beds.

Best Roses-Spray Site for Dachnaya Plot

What it is? Characteristic

Small-color spray roses are somewhat different from ordinary garden flowers. Roses bushes are quite compact in size, about 50 cm, but they have a lot of lateral shoots. On each branch of the bush, depending on the variety of a flower, can grow and open from 5 to 15 buds of different shades and color.

Small diameter flowers themselves, measuring from 3 to 8 cm, have a light fragrance. After cutting, it is long standing in water, without losing colors and freshness, disclosed gradually, and are often used for wedding bouquets and compositions.

This rose grade is derived sustainable landing in different climatic conditions. If a rose is to water correctly, trim and fertilize on time, then small, but spectacular flowers will decorate the garden from the second half of the spring to late autumn, shimmering with red, yellow and cream shades.

Best varieties

In order not to guess with the appearance of the garden and collect beautiful bouquets all summer, you need to properly choose the varieties of plants in description and photos. Flowers on them can be different colors and diameters, with terry or with separated petals separated from each other.

The best varieties of roses:

  • Laveli Lydia. One of the highest spray roses bushes reaching 70 cm. Flowers small, pink color, long blossom. Because of abundant flowering and painting, the flowers of Laveli Lydia decorative, and therefore are selected for wedding bouquets;

The biggest spray rose is Constance. The bush is different from ordinary spray roses height, the plant can grow up to 2 meters, and the diameter of the drop-down buds, which can reach 15 cm. White, yellow and red rose flowers are similar to peonies, so terry and large, but due to abundant Flowering This plant attributed to spray roses.

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Growing the best varieties of roses group spray

Description of type

Spray roses as a separate group appeared relatively recently - in the second half of the XX century. Despite this, they won popularity among gardeners around the world.

The spray group used to relate to Floribund. The description of these varieties is different from other varieties of roses as follows:

  • plants have the form of compact bushes. They grow up to 50 cm in height. Some species can form shoots with a height of up to 90 cm;
  • on one shoot, about 15 flowers are usually formed. The size of buds is varied. Diameter can be from 4 to 7 cm;
  • blossom abundant. Therefore, the flowers have a decorative and exquisite view;
  • light and pleasant aroma.

These plants combine such profitable qualities as abundant and long-lasting flowering, excellent endurance (especially in terms of low temperatures) and unpretentiousness in terms of cultivation. Thanks to this, such flowers may well grow in the middle lane of Russia. However, in order to get all the advantages of growing these varieties, they need proper care.

Representatives of this group are often used in landscape design, as well as when creating bouquets for solemn events.

Video "How to Water Roses

From this video you will learn how to properly water roses in the garden.

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% D0% A1% D0% B5% D0% B3% D0% BE% D0% B4% D0% BD% D1% 8F% 20% D1% 80% D0% BE% D0% B7% D1% 8B% 20% D0 % B3% D1% 80% D1% 83% D0% BF% D0% BF% D1% 8B% 20% D1% 81% D0% BF% D1% 80% D0% B5% D0% B9% 20% D0% BE % D1% 87% D0% B5% D0% BD% D1% 8C% 20% D0% B2% D0% BE% D1% 81% D1% 82% D1% 80% D0% B5% D0% B1% D0% BE % D0% B2% D0% B0% D0% BD% D1% 8B% 20% D0% B2% 20% D1% 81% D0% B0% D0% B4% D0% BE% D0% B2% D0% BE% D0 % B4% D1% 81% D1% 82% D0% B2% D0% B5% B2% D0% 98% D0% B7% 20% D0% B2% D1% 81% D0% B5% D0% B3% D0% BE% 20% D1% 80% D0% B0% D0% B7% D0% BD% D0% BE% D0% BE% D0% B1% D1% 80% D0% B0% D0% B7% D0% B8% D1% 8F% 20% D1% 81% D0% BE% D1% 80% D1% 82% D0% BE% D0% B2% 20% D0% BD% D0% B0% D0% B8% D0% B1% D0% BE% D0% BB% D1% 8C% D1% 88% D0% B5% D0% B9% 20% D0% BF% D0% BE% D0% BF% D1% 83% D0% BB% D1% 8F% D1% 80% D0% BD% D0% BE% D1% 81% D1% 82% D1% 8C% D1% 8E% 20% D0% BF% D0% BE% D0% BB% D1% 8C% D0% B7% D1% 83% D1% 8E% D1% 82% D1% 81% D1% 8F% 20% D1% 81% D0% BB% D0% B5% D0% B4% D1% 83% D1% 8E% D1% 89% D0% B8% D0% B5% 20% D1% 80% D0% B0% D0% B7% D0% BD% D0% BE% D0% B2% D0% B8% D0% B4% D0% BD% D0% BE% D1% 81% D1% 82% D0% B8:

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  • % D0% A0% D1% 83% D0% B1% D0% B8% D0% BA% D0% BE% D0% BD% 20 (RUBICON).% 20% D0% 9A% D1% 83% D1% 81% D1 % 82% 20% D1% 86% D0% B2% D0% B5% D1% 82% D0% B5% D1% 82% 20% D0% B1% D1% 83% D1% 82% D0% BE% D0% BD % D0% B0% D0% BC% D0% B8% 20% D1% 82% D0% B5% D0% BC% D0% BD% D0% BE-% D0% BF% D1% 83% D1% 80% D0% BF% D1% 83% D1% 80% D0% BD% D0% BE% D0% B3% D0% BE% 20% D1% 86% D0% B2% D0% B5% D1% 82% D0% B0% 20 % D0% A6% D0% B2% D0% B5% D1% 82% D0% BA% D0% B8% 20% D0% BA% D1% 80% D1% 83% D0% BF% D0% BD% D1% 8B % D0% B5,% 20% D0% B8% D0% BC% D0% B5% D1% 8E% D1% 82% 20% D0% B1% D0% BE% D0% BA% D0% B0% D0% BB% D0% BE% D0% B2% D0% B8% D0% B4% D0% BD% D1% 83% D1% 8E% 20% D1% 84% D0% BE% D1% 80% D0% BC% D1% 83. % 20% D0% 9E% D0% BD% D0% B8% 20% D0% B8% D1% 81% D1% 82% D0% BE% D1% 87% D0% B0% D1% 8E% D1% 82% 20 % D0% B8% D0% B7% D1% 8B% D1% 81% D0% BA% D0% B0% D0% BD% D0% BD% D1% 8B% D0% B9% 20% D0% BB% D0% B5 % D0% B3% D0% BA% D0% B8% D0% B9% 20% D0% B0% D1% 80% D0% BE% D0% BC% D0% B0% D1% 82;
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Spray roses is a relatively new group of roses. This group appeared only in the second half of the 20th century and has already managed to love flowers from around the world. They are also called patio-roses. What are these roses spray and patio?

The spray group separated from the group of roses Floribunda. They are represented by low compact bushes. The average height is about 50 cm. Although they can grow up to 90 cm. About 15 buds can be revealed on one branch. Flowers themselves can be both large and not very. Diameter of flowers - from 4 to 7 centimeters. because of large number of flowers on one bush Spray roses are called pink splashes.

These are incredibly exquisite and decorative plants. They are used to design household plots, and also apply to create bouquets, including wedding. Therefore, these flowers are often called "wedding".

Spray roses combine the best qualities: long and abundant bloom, unpretentiousness to the conditions of content and endurance. They can be grown in the middle lane of Russia due to good frost resistance.

Ships on the stems are not so much, and they may be missing at all. If the flowers are properly trimmed, then you can get a long and continuously flowering - with the onset of heat and to the first frosts.

Culture is actively used in landscape design. They are grown in containers, as well as along the tracks.

Flowers have a light pleasant aroma.

On the title photo of Evelin variety.


As a result of breeding works, a huge variety of varietal varieties was derived. In this regard, there were spray roses with flowers of different colors, shapes and sizes. The varietal types of spray roses are distinguished by the size of the bushes, flower coloring. There are red, pink, white, yellow, orange paintings and their shades.

Pink and cream

Laveli Lidia (Lovely Lidia) - This is a sample spray rose. The variety appeared at the end of the 20th century in Holland. The height of the coastal does not exceed 70 cm. In the width it grows up to 50 cm. The flowers have a bright pink color, shimmering from a bright crimson to a gentle pink shade. At the loose flower you can have a dark color heart. The flower diameter is about 4 cm. Lav Lydia is distinguished by long and continuous flowering. The variety is resistant to frost and diseases. Lydia is spectacular to container landings, in the foreground in flower beds, as well as for bouquets.

Lavli Lidia

Yana. - Decorative varietal variety. Bustics are characterized by compactness. Height - up to 60 cm. Blossom is long and abundant. The diameter of soft cream flowers is up to 6 cm. The aroma is pleasant, barely catchy. Can be used to design borders and alleys.

Mimi Eden (Mimi Eden)- Incredibly elegant rose spray with dense dual-color colors. Inside the petals have a gentle pink color, and outside are practically white. Flowers are small, on one stem about 10 pieces. Flowers since the beginning of the summer before the onset of the first frosts. A bush grows up to 85 cm, and it grows in width to the 1st meter. Mimi Edem will decorate an absolutely any flower garden due to its unique sophistication.

Mini Eden is another version of writing the name of the variety.

Barbados (Barbados) - Dutch spray rose with pink flowers of fairly large sizes. Bustic grows up to 70 cm. The fragrance is not pronounced. Barbados is distinguished by frost resistance. It can be used for the design of borders, and so create a unique emphasis in landscape compositions.


Dip Water - Original abundant flowering bush with terry flowers of medium and fairly large size. Inside the petals have a gentle-pink color, and the outer petals are distinguished by a lilac shade with notes of red. Dip Water is used to decorate gardens, as well as to create bouquets.

Dip Water

Chiho Spray - Rose with rich-pink terry flowers. The size of their average. Up to 20 colors are collected from inflorescences. Blossom abundant and long. The fragrance is practically not visible. A bush can reach a height to the 1st meter. Due to its bright coloring, this varietal variety will become an excellent decoration of the flower bed.

Evelin (Evelyn) - Low (about 60 cm) Plant with gentle pink dense thick flowers. You saw it on the title photo. When painting, the flowers have an apricot color, and as it discloses pink shades. In the hot time, the color becomes more saturated, but the petals can burn to the white. Blossom abundant and long.

Grace - Another spectacular bush spray rose, blooming with pink solid flowers. The bush can grow up to 80 cm. There is a pleasant, light fragrance. The variety is often used to compile bouquets. In the cutting of the plants are long.

Lankom (Lancome)- Spray Rose with Gustomah Work Bright Pink Flowers. The bushes grow up to 60 cm. The variety is distinguished by long and abundant flowering, resistance to frost and pests.

Bonica (Bonica)- Romantic varietal variety growth up to 100 cm. Coloring of terry flowers - gently pink. Diameter 6 cm. In the brushes can be located up to 15 buds. The fragrance is barely noticeable. Flowers culture abundantly and before frost. The variety is frosty.

Satin (Satin) - amazing beauty plant with two-color colors (diameter up to 8 cm). Coloring - bright pink with cream spots. The height of the bush is not more than 70 cm. The aroma is pleasant, barely caught. The variety is resistant to frost and rain. Fuck rarely.

Ludeliaika - spectacular bushing high no more than 60 cm. The flowers are terry bright pink, closer to the center are almost white, very beautifully look at the background of dark green foliage.


PINK Intuition (Pink Intuition) - Another original plant. Flowers have a marble shade, bright pink strokes are located on the petals. Blossom abundant and long. Fruit smell, weak.

Pink Intuishn

Jessica (Jessika) - Elegant, abundantly blooming variety. Flowers differ in gentle pink color, the edges of the petals have a brighter pink shade. Frequently used to create bouquets.


Victoria (Viktoria)- Decorative grade with terry pink salmon flowers. Bustic grows up to 60 cm in width and height. Victoria is suitable for creating bouquets, for growing in the foreground in flower beds.


Glorius (Glorius)- Decorative bush with terry bright raspberry flowers, the diameter of which does not exceed 5 cm. Blossom is abundant and long. The aroma is pleasant, weak. Glorius was led in Holland.

Little Dream (Little Dream) - Abundant-beam grade. A bush grows up to 60 cm. Flowers with cream flowers with a pink sweat. Little dream is resistant to frost and diseases. Differs in decorativeness and elegance.

Little Dream

Yellow and orange

Mandarin - Another popular variety. The bush has a height of up to 60 cm. On one stem, about 5 small (about 4 cm in diameter) of flowers is revealed. They have a tangerine or orange color. Closer to the center of shades lighter, and the edges of the petals differ in juicy orange. The varietal variety is very effect, so actively used to decorate the gardens.


Sphinx - Rose spray about 60 cm high. Flowers have a fairly large size and a saturated yellow color. Possess a pleasant, weak fragrance. Blossom long. The grade is resistant to frost and disease.

Fire Flash (Fire Flash) - Another spectacular varietal variety. It is called a flame outbreak due to bright and abundant flowering. The height of the bush is not more than 60 cm. Flower - bright yellow with orange strokes on petals. Diameter - no more than 4 cm. This is a very elegant variety that will decorate any flower class or bakery composition.

Fire Flash

Kelly - Incredibly beautiful spray rose. On the stems of a height of about 70 cm there are about 10 buds. Flower - orange with salmon tint. The diameter can reach 7 cm. The variety is best grown in a small half, as the color is pale in the sun. Kelly is resistant to frosts, rarely might be affected by pests. The effectiveness of the variety allows you to grow it in containers, flower beds, along the tracks.

Summer (Summer) - A variety with lemon flowers with a diameter of up to 8 cm. On one stem can be up to 5 buds. Blossom long. Summer is resistant to freezers and diseases.

Samba - Spectacular rose spray high no more than 60 cm. Flowers are small, terry. Coloring - yellow, on the petals there is a wide border of red. The variety is distinguished by frost resistance and resistance to pests and diseases. Flowering lasts throughout the season.

Hit - Rose spray with densely small flowers. The inner petals have a yellow color, and external pink. The bush itself is short, no more than 40 cm.

Clementine - One of the most popular varieties. Flowers with dissolution have a pinkish shade, then take a peach or tangerine color. In addition, citrus notes can be caught in the aroma. The diameter of flowers is about 5 cm. On one stem, you can count about 5 pieces. Height of cooks - up to 60 cm. The variety is resistant to frosts and diseases.


Macarena - Popular varietal varieties derived in Holland. With the disclosure of flowers, the diameter of which does not exceed 5 cm, differ in a pale yellow tint, and then acquire a juicy pink color. The stem is up to 10 colors with a gentle light aroma. Bushes are distinguished by compactness and long blossoms. Makarena is resistant to frost and diseases.


San City - Bright yellow spray rose. The flowers are dense, size - 8 cm, lemon color. A bush grows up to 60 cm. It is used for growing in the open ground and in containers. Variety is resistant to frost. Blossom Long and abundant.

Orange Spray (Orange Spray)- Rose of bright orange coloring. The variety has recently derived. Buckets thick and compact. The height is up to 60 cm, the diameter of the bush is about 40. Flowers shape resemble a tea-hybrid rose. Their diameter is about 4 cm. Different with a slight aroma. Orange-spray is resistant to frozen, pests, not afraid of rains. Blossom abundant and long.

Orange Spray

Alegria - Very gentle varietal variety with terry orange with a pink colors whose diameter does not exceed 5 cm. Alegria is resistant to frost and diseases. It is grown to design gardens, as well as to create bouquets.

Allegria photo

Orange Baby (Orange Baby)- Bright varietal varieties. Flowers abundantly and long orange with a red shade of flowers. Used to decorate borders, as well as for growing in containers.

Orange Baby

Jazzabel (Jezzebell) - Bright spray rose with orange inflorescences. Diameter - about 4 cm. On one stem can be up to 10 buds. Flowers from June to frosts. A bush grows up to 1 meter.

Riezn Shaine- Popular gentle yellow grade spray roses. Frequently used as curb, since the bush grows not higher than 50 cm. Blossom is abundant and long.

Rizene Shain

Rumba - Another bright spectacular varietal variety. Flowers at disclosure are saturated yellow, gradually acquire pink and raspberry shades. On one stem, they can grow up to 15 pieces. All of them are not similar to each other in the color, which makes the bush unique and very decorative. The growth of the bush does not exceed 70 cm. Blossom is long and abundant. The variety can bloom again.

Typhoon It is distinguished by long and abundant blossoms until the onset of frosts. Flowers terry bright orange flowers. The diameter of them can reach 5 cm. The growth of the bush rarely exceeds 70 cm. On one stem, they can grow to 10 pieces. Rumba is resistant to frost and diseases.

Typhoon photo

Sorenka - Brightly blooming, spectacular grade. Gustomahmer flowers have a yellow color, along the edges of the petals there are any border. Height of cooks - no more than 70 cm. Blossom is abundant and long, lasts before frosts.


Pareo - varietal variety with orange reddish colors. Closer to the edges of the petals become brighter. Height - no more than 60 cm. Used to create bouquets and for decorating gardens.

Tibet - Orange-red rose spray. The plant can grow up to 90 cm. Flowers have a glassworm form, visually resemble tea-hybrid roses flowers.


Tamango (Tamango)- This is a bustard with a height of up to 60 cm and a diameter of about 50 cm. It is characterized by a compactness of a bush and abundant and long blossom. Velvet flowers are quite large (about 7 cm in diameter) consist of a large number of petals. On one branch there is up to 10 red with a raspberry tint of flowers. The variety is distinguished by resistance to frost and diseases. The plant can grow both in the sun and in the shade. Tamango is successfully used to decorate garden sites.

Natalie - Decorative grade, height not more than 70 cm. This is a compact and abundant flowering plant. Flowers are small - the diameter of them is about 5 cm. They differ in the bare aroma. Color - red. The plant differs in frost resistance and is effectively used in landscape design for garden landscaping and to create bakery compositions.

Midget - Spectacular red rose spray. The height of the bush is only 25 cm. Therefore, the variety is often used to design borders and for planting along the alley. Flowers are distinguished by small sizes - their diameter does not exceed 3-cm. The aroma is practically no. Compact bushes with abundant blossom. Midget is resistant to frost and pests.

Leyly Flirt - Elegant varietal variety. Groove bright red flowers with a yellowish middle. The edges of the petals have a burgundy shade. The bush is low (no more than 40 cm).

Leyly Flirt

Mikado (Mikado) - Dark red rose with terry colors of a glassworm form. A compact bush with a height of about 70 cm is distinguished by empty shoots and abundant blossoms. On one brush can be up to 6 buds. The variety is unpretentious, resistant to frost and pests. It looks spectacular on the front background in flower beds, and also applies to design paths and borders.

Baby Baccara (Baby Baccara) - Very spectacular abundantly flowing plant. Color coloring - saturated red. The diameter is no more than 6 cm. The aroma is pleasant and easy. This varietary varietality is often used for growing in containers, flower design and for the bordering of alley.

Baby Bakkara

Mirabel (Mirabel) - Bright low (up to 50 cm) Compact bush with abundant and long blossom. Medium-sized flowers have a rich scarlet color, which are luxurious against the background of green glossy foliage. Mirabel has a light, pleasant aroma with fruit notes. The grade is resistant to frost and pests.


Sveta - Rose Spray, characterized by unique decorative properties due to lush colors of red color with yellow strokes. The bustice grows up to 70 cm in height and as much as grown into the width. Bustic is distinguished by abundant and long blossoms up to frosts.

Arrow Folizes (Arrow Follies)- Original decorative culture with bright and abundant flowering. Buckets height not more than 70 cm. Completely covered with elegant terry flowers. Coloring - red with purple tide. On the petals there are white and cream strokes. Errov Folis is used for single and group landings, and is also often grown in containers.

Rose Spray Ario Foles

Fire King Flash (Fire King Flash) - Abundant busting bush tall up to 85 cm. Flowers terry, bright red. In one brush can be up to 15 buds. The variety is resistant to frost and diseases.

Fayer King

Black Jack - Rose spray, is characterized by spectacular decorative properties due to saturated-red, abundant flowering. The variety was derived in the United States at the end of the 20th century. On one bush, which grows up to 60 cm, can be up to 30 buds. Roses have medium sizes (no more than 5 cm).

Black Jack

Cherry Folies (Cherry Folies) - Beautiful compact bushing with glassworm rich-red flowers with almost white base. The aroma is pleasant, weak. The varietal variety is distinguished by frost resistance.

Cherry Folis

Rubicon (Rubicon) - Exquisite varietal variety. Frequently large flowers have dark red. The variety is grown in the open soil, but is often used on the cut to create bouquets.

Ruby Star (Ruby Star) - Two-color spray roses with bright red flowers, outside the petals have almost white tint. The variety is unpretentious, blooms throughout the season. Suitable for growing in containers and for framing borders.

Ruby Star.

Sasha - Red rose spray. On the petals there are orange strokes. Roses are about 6 cm. The height of the bush is up to 60 cm.

Terracotta - Compact bush is not higher than 70 cm. The flowers are densely, they have a saturated red color with an orange tint.

Sangrita - Bright red, miniature spray rose with small terry robes of a cupid form. Flowers long and abundantly. Used to framing borders, is also grown in containers.

Red Sensation (Red Sensation) - American varietal varieties of incredible beauty. Middle-sized flowers are distinguished by deep burgundy. The bush itself is not higher than 70 cm, it can brighten up to 1 meter in the width. Sort unpretentious, winter articles.

Red Senseishn


Paple Tierger (Purple Tiger)- One of the most spectacular spray roses. Gustomahmer flowers have a unique coloring - purple-purple with white strokes and stains. At the same time, lilac and pink shades can also be added. In one brush can be up to 5 colors. Diameter - about 6 cm. Blossom is long, often blooms again. A bush grows up to 70 cm. In a light aroma, musk notes are collected. The grade is used to design borders, and will also become a unique decoration of flower beds and a vacation corners.

Pap Taiger

Princess (Pricess) - An elegant plant with dense white snow-white flowers, which bloom throughout the season to frosts.


Kent (Kent) - Compact bush covered by numerous minor snow-white flowers. A bush grows up to 60 cm in height and width. Blossom long to frost.

Droplet - Rose spray rose is not more than 40 cm. This culture is suitable for growing on the garden plot, for the occurrence of tracks, as well as for growing in containers, including on balconies. Coloring diverse: red, pink, purple.

Abracadabra - An unusual rose spray. Mine flowers have almost burgundy painting with yellow strokes. The height of the bush is about 60 cm. Abrakadabra is used for growing in the open ground, in containers, and is also suitable for creating bakery compositions.


Orion - Very tender spray rose with large flowers that have a lilac shade. Flowers abundantly and long. Sustainable frost.

Bordeaux - Very elegant variety with dark burgundy medium size. The bush is compact, has a height of no more than 60 cm. In one brush can be up to 12 buds. Used on a cut, for growing in containers and in the open ground.

Tiramisu (Tiramisu)- Spectacular varietal variety. Small roses are distinguished by an unusual color. From the inside it is terracotta, but outside cream. Height - no more than 50 cm. The variety is from the Netherlands.


Where can one buy?

You can buy seedlings of these amazing crops in nurseries, gardening stores, buy seedlings spray rose by mail or through an online store.

Good E E Catalogs of plants can be viewed on the website of the Omsk nursery "Warranty Garden", on the "Bushes of Roses" website of the Krasnodar Territory, also in the catalogs of the Altai selection there are spray roses of a variety of colors (pink, red, yellow, white and others).

Landing and care

Planting spray roses - not at all difficult process. For landing it is recommended to choose a sunny place. However, some varieties burn out in the sun, so a small half-day is quite suitable.

In order to plant a plant, you will need:

  1. Dig a hole with dimensions of 45 * 45;
  2. On the base of the fossa put drainage (pebbles, sand);
  3. Above drainage to put organic fertilizers (dry leaves, peel, humid, manure);
  4. Sprinkle the plant into the landing pitch, fall asleep with soil and compact around the stems;
  5. Hiding outstanding and warm water (8 liters of water on the bush).

These cultures are distinguished by unpretentiousness. From spring until July, you need to make feeding with a high content of nitrogen. And in the summer and until autumn, the plant needs such trace elements as potassium, phosphorus. It is very important to make fertilizers during the bootonization period and at the end of flowering.

The soil around the stem must be regularly loosen. Watering should be moderate.

For the winter, roses need shelter.


Pruning is very important for spray roses. It stimulates the formation of young branches and provides more abundant and long-lasting flowering. Printing is recommended several times during the season. At the same time remove dry and damaged twigs. Also, at the end of flowering, it is necessary to trim faded flowers.

It is especially important to cut a bush in a summer period so that the plant does not waste strength on the formation of fruits, and blooming more intensively and is rich. In addition, pruning is the prevention of fungus.

Reviews and opinions of gardeners

In Russia, the most popular varieties are called Lydia, Ruby Star, Mimi Eden, Fire Flash. Reviews about them leave on forums more active than others. Moreover, these opinions are mostly positive - these varieties are deserved.

Most often discussing the issue of wintering. In the middle lane of Russia for the winter, the culture is desirable to stream, despite the sufficiently high winter hardiness of all varietal species. Recommend recommended by a husky or cheese.

In general, no additional plants care activities are required. Exception - trimming. It stimulates flowering that lasts throughout the season. When trimming at the end of flowering, there are about 15 cm from the surface of the soil.

Acquire preferably grafted bushes in proven stores and nurseries, and plant in autumn, in about mid-September.

Application in landscape design

Spray roses are actively used in flower growing and landscape design. They look perfectly in the foreground in flower beds and flower beds. In addition, suitable for growing in containers. Can become an ornament of recreation corners, veranda, house territories.

Due to its low growth, they are used to fraward paths and borders.

Side of the manufacturer

Breeders of greenhouse farms - how many squares are it worth it for spray-roses? There is always an interesting view of professionals growing roses on an industrial scale and therefore having the opportunity to compare a really wide range of varieties.

About roses with the fashionable name of the spray became known recently, at the turn of the century, and they purchased wide popularity even later - at the beginning of the XXI century. A varieties with bright buds collected in the brushes used to relate to the Floribund group, but the rapid increase in the number of these beautiful flowers allowed them to highlight them in a separate group. Rose spray is very decorative and elegant. It is appropriate in any flower arrangement - on a flowerbed or in a wedding bouquet. This article provides a description of the most exquisite varieties of roses, as well as recommendations for their cultivation.

Description of type

What is spray roses and what the difference is - this question may be interested in not only beginners, but also former flowerflowers. Roses belonging to the spray group possess all the characteristics of Floribundum, with the only difference that they are more compact and low.

The bushes of this rose have a height of 40-50 cm, although some varieties can grow up to 80-90 cm. Flowers are small, sometimes even miniature, diameter 3-7 cm (depending on the variety), arranged with brushes of 10-15 pieces on the branch . Buds can be elegant glassworm or denominations, different color shades.

One cut branch may well be considered an independent bouquet, because of which spray roses are often called "bought". They are beautiful and as a background for larger colors, or in mini-bouquets, so florists are these flowers most often used in wedding bouquets.

Like floribundam, spray roses for a very long time and abundantly bloom. With proper trimming, flowering lasts almost all summer. In addition to high decorativeness, they are very unpretentious to the conditions and winter-hardy, which allows them to grow in the medium strip in the climate and even in the cooler regions.

Another nice feature of roses is a small amount, and sometimes the complete absence of spikes, thanks to which they are easy to care for them, as well as make bouquets. In recent years, roses spray are increasingly used in landscape design and home gardening. They are equally beautiful both on the flowerbed, and in a single landing, and small gabarities of plants allow them to grow in pots and containers.

Best Roses Spray Varieties

The rapid popularity of colors contributed to the fact that new varieties of a wide variety of shapes, sizes and color palette began to be regularly appeared:

  • Lovely Lidia (Favorite Lidia) is one of the very first varieties derived in Holland at the end of the twentieth century. The bush is pretty spreaded, about 70 cm high. The flowers are small (3-4 cm), pink, with the edges brighter, darker in the middle.
  • Mimi Eden (Mimi Eden) is an incredibly beautiful and elegant rose of a white and pink palette. Buds are light-apricot, as the dissolves are becoming gentle pink, eventually burn out in the sun and get white.
  • Tamango (Tamango) is very compact (about 50 cm height) and a decorative rose. Buds are large (6-7 cm in diameter), denselyahrovy (about 40 petals), saturated scarlet, located at 10-12 pieces on the branch. High winter hardiness grade allows him to grow it in the cold regions of the country.
  • Typhoon (Typhoon) is a very bright rose with rich orange terry buds. The edges of the petals are red, to the middle smoothly go into yellow.
  • Satin (satin) - amazing beauty rose with marble two-color buds. Flowers are large (up to 8 cm), bright pink with cream divorces.
  • Tiramisu (Tiramisu) is another spectacular variety with two-color buds derived in Holland. Rosets are small, inside the terracotta petals, outside cream, in one brush contains 12-15 flowers. Compact bush (up to 50 cm).
  • Rubicon (Rubikon) is a very exquisite rose of dark purple color. Buds are large, glazing, fragrance lightweight, exquisite.
  • Orange Spray (Orange Spray) - a new variety of roses with bright orange coloring petals. Bututs are small (3-4 cm), in shape resemble a tea rose, exuded light flavor.

Landing and clock care

Growing roses Spray is a pleasant and exciting process. For landing, you should choose the wind-protected solar or slightly shaded place. Roses of light shades can be planted in the sun, but a variety with dark buds is better to arrange in a light half, as the flowers quickly burn out.

The planting process consists of the following steps:

  • digging the planting fossa width and depth of about 45 cm;
  • styling drainage layer (sand, small pebbles);
  • on top of the drainage, it is desirable to lay organic fertilizers (dry leaves, compost, well-overwhelmed manure);
  • fertilizers pour out a layer of land;
  • to put a bush to the resulting hollyk, straighten the roots and carefully fall asleep the earth.

After landing, the rose should be well pouring at the rate of 6-8 liters of water on the bush. Water should be accumulated and non-cool, and it is necessary to pour it into a small deepening, made around the seedling.

Caring for spray roses is required. They love regular watering, especially during flowering. So that the moisture is not evaporated, the land can be covered with mulch. In the absence of mulch, the soil must regularly loose and clean from weeds. In hottime, burns may appear on the leaves and petals of flowers. To avoid this, periodically the bushes need to arrange splashing.

For lush and prolonged flowering, roses are needed. In the spring, before the start of flowering, nitrogen-containing fertilizers are applied. Flowering shrubs need more phosphate, potash fertilizers and trace elements. Despite the high frost resistance, the bushes for winter need to be dipped and stole.

Trimming for roses is of great importance - it stimulates and prolongs flowering, and also contributes to the formation of new shoots (rejuvenates the bush). Cutting is needed several times during the season: the spring is sanitary, autumn forming. In the summer, it is necessary to regularly remove the sworded buds regularly, as they not only spoil the appearance of the bush, but also serve as a refuge for pests and microbes.

Video "Rose of a Bouquet" video

From this video you will learn how you can independently roam a rose from a bouquet.

This rose was removed in 2001 in France (Maland). Bushes grades Mimi Eden A height from 0.55 to 0.85 meters can reach a width of 0.9-1.1 m. They consist of numerous straight strong branched branches almost without spikes covered with dark green medium-sized leaves with a small glitter.

Spherical terry roses with a diameter of 3 to 4 cm are located on a colorhouse of 5-10 pieces. Each flower can withdraw from 27 to 40 petals. Particularly attractive two-color painting. The inner part is painted in a rather rich pink color, and the outer side is white with a small green tint. Powerful bloom Mimi Eden continues throughout the season (from June to first frosts)

Variety Romantic Pepita Created in 2013 in Germany. Narrow and compact bushes (length and width is 0.5-0.6 meters) consist of looking up branched branches covered with dark green leaves. Pretty large cupid roses (width from 5 to 7 cm) have many petals (about 45 pieces). They are formed in inflorescences of 5-10 pieces.

Especially like a gentle combination of watercolor shades of pink and green shades. The inner part of the rose is painted in pink color, and covering external petals - in light green. Grade Romantic Pippija like good frost resistance and portability of long rains

This rose was removed in 1990 in Holland and was intended for cutting, but later it began to land for landscaping of garden and country sites. Neat rough bushes Lidia They reach height from 0.5 to 0.6 meters, and wide from 0.3 to 0.5 m. Best of all, they look in groups of several bushes. Pretty large flowers with a diameter of 3 to 6 cm are disclosed in small inflorescences, which usually consist of 5-10 pieces.

The painting of buds is bright pink, but as it flows it goes into pink pastel. Shows the middle. Lydia variety practically does not ill powdered dew. Bloom repeats several times during all summer months

Variety Lavli LidiaCreated in Golandy in 1995, consider one of the best among spray roses. It is considered sports Lydia. Pretty compact bushes reach a height from 0.6 to 0.7 meters, and their width can vary from 0.5 to 0.6 m. Small flowers width from 30 to 40 millimeters are dissolved in inflorescences of 5-10 pieces. The color of flowers is striking, which varies from cream-pink to a gentle crimson. When the flowers are completely revealed, they show the middle of the dark shade. Blossom, almost the entire season, is practically not interrupted.

Love Lady grade is perfect for the design of the foreground of flower arrangements, as well as for cutting in greenhouses. This rose will pretty well tolerate cold, but has a small resistance to malny rose and black stainedness

Variety Tamango Created in 1965 at Mailand (France). Small neat bushes (width and height of about 0.5 meters) are formed smoothly curved and branched branches that are covered with green-gray foliage with a small gloss.

Red-raspberry with velvet with a width of 30 to 50 millimeters wide on the bushes is dissolved in attractive inflorescences from 5 to 8-10 pieces. Each flower consists of about 35 petals. Abundant blossom continues the entire warm season. Sorts are resistant to long precipitation

rose flower Arrow Folis Brought out in 2002 in the United States. The bushes of this variety are formed with harsh straight branched shoots with large spines and have about 0.7 meters in height. On the bushes are the largest leaves with a small gloss, which are painted in a dark green color. The size of the bush in the width is only 0.5 meters.

Flowers in size from 4 to 6 cm are disclosed in inflorescences in which it can be from 5 to 10 pieces. Especially attractive their coloring. In the petals of purple-red color, transverse strips of pastel pink and almost white shades are scattered.

Herrow Fallis variety is like luxurious and continuous flowering, as well as for excellent resistance to precipitation. It is used for landing in portable containers and groups

Small, but dense bushes Hello EvelinThe height of 0.4-0.6 meters, consist of a variety of branches with leaves painted in a very dark green shade. Attractive terry yellow lemon flowers (45-50 pieces) are collected in inflorescences that are from 8 to 15 pieces. Moreover, when roses are only revealed with bright lemon color, and by the end - gently yellow, almost white.

Multiple bloom lasts almost all the warm time

Variety Macarena He was led in the Netherlands. Small and rather dense bushes in height have from 0.4 to 0.6 meters. And their width is only about 40 cm. They are formed by straight strong branched branches with brilliant leafy of a dark green shade.

Yellowish and pastel-pink flowers of about 4 cm are dissolved from spectacular yellow shades buds that are collected in large inflorescence consisting of 9-12 pieces. During flowering, the painting of roses is becoming more pale. Makarena stands out among other varieties resistant to high temperatures

Variety Alegriacreated in 2007 in the Netherlands. Pretty narrow bushes high from 0.6 to 0.7 meters consist of hard straight branches. Orange-pink flowers, resembling a neat glass, are assembled at 25-30 pieces in biscuits of inflorescences. The flower width is about 50 millimeters.

Almost continuous flowering lasts before frosts. In the years with a large amount of precipitation on plants, black spot may appear

Variety Hot Rococco Very young grade. It was received only in 2013 in Germany (Tantaão). The bustle of the compact form 0.6 height and a width of 0.4 meters consist of numerous strong and branched branches that are covered with a dark dense-green leaf with glitter. Pretty large flowers of bright dark red color with a multitude of petals are formed on flowers in an amount of from 1 to 3 pieces.

Grade Hot Rococo draws attention to good disease resistance. It is suitable for foreground landscape compositions, as well as for cutting

Variety Sisi Mikado Also brought to the famous German firm Tantau in 2012. Pretty thick bushes reaching in a height from 50 to 70 cm are formed by straight branches that have a large number of branching.

Round pink buds with a pointed end appear in biscuits of inflorescences of 5-10 pieces. In case of dissolves, they turn into roses of the cupid shape of a very gentle pink shade with a dark middle. Sissy Mikado variety looks great in portable containers and groups

Variety Ruby Star. was obtained at the Netherlands Firm Interplant. Pretty dense bushes reaching in height from 0.6 to 0.7 meters are formed by branched branches with dark greenish-gray leaves.

Spectacular two-color roses with a small aroma size from 4 to 5 cm on the bushes appear in inflorescences of 6 -11 pieces. The inner part of the petals has a thick red shade, and the exterior is painted in almost white. Attracts the attention of the elongated form of bud, resembling a glass. Rather resistant to diseases

Variety Tiramisu Also created in the Netherlands (Interplant). Straight bushes reaching in a height of up to 0.7 meters, covered with a small leaf-sized, which have a bright green shade. The size of the bush in width is usually varied from 40 to 50 cm. Thermal flowers (from 25 to 35 petals) with a small aroma with a diameter of 2 to 3 cm are disclosed in inflorescences - bouquets of 5-10 pieces.

The inner surface of the petals has a red-terracotta tint, and the external - creicist - whitish. For the season there are from 2 to 3 blossom waves

Variety White Mikadoattracts the attention of rather large snow-white flowers with a width of 6-7 cm. Not very wide bushes with a height of 60 to 70 cm and half a meter will consist of a reprehensive branched branches. Flowers consisting of 20 petals are located on a colorhouse of 3-5 pieces. The bloom is repeated during the growing season 2-3 times.

Sort White Mikado weakly resistant to diseases

Variety Barbados It was obtained on the well-known company Interplant (Netherlands). Pretty neat bushes (height from 0.6 to 0.7 m, width - 0.6 m) consist of branched branches with shiny leaves of a dark dense green shade. Large roses (diameter from 6 to 7 cm) attractive bright pink-coral shade are located in inflorescences of 3,4,5 pieces. Blossom can be repeated from 2 to 3 times.

This variety is best used to create group landings and borders.

Bushes of roses variety Cherry Fallis,applying from 50 to 60 cm at a height, have a rather compact form. Straight slightly branched shoots are covered with small leafy with pointed tips. Spectacular roses widths from 30 to 50 millimeters have about 40 petals.

They are disclosed in inflorescences consisting of 8-10 pieces. Especially attractive dark red coloring with a deep cherry tint. Mid-roses and the outer side of the petals of Cherry Folis has a light cream shade. Long flowering is repeated during the season. Attracts attention to good resistance to various diseases

Variety Orange B. eyb. like for juicy bright orange flower color. The bushes, the length and width of which are from 0.5 to 0.6 m, are medium in size with a bright green leaf with a shiny surface. The diameter of roses consisting of 35-40 petals can vary from 40 to 50 millimeters. Flowers appear on powerful blooms in inflorescences of 6-10 roses. Abundant flowering (multiple) begins in June and ends in October.

Sort Orange Bebi draws attention to good precipitation tolerance. It has medium resistance to diseases.

Variety Mirabelwas obtained in the Netherlands (Interplant). Busta height from 60 to 90 cm consists of looking up shoots covered with dark green glittering medium-sized leaves. Reddish-scarlet roses with a small aroma bloom on branched flowers (from 4 to 6 pieces).

The sun can burn a little. Blossom can be repeated for the season several times (2-3). This variety is sufficiently resistant to rain and disease.

Variety File Flashbrought out the company Interplant (Netherlands). Pretty narrow bushes reaching from 0.6 to 0.7 meters are covered with a mass of leaves painted in a bright green shade. Loaded flowers width from 50 to 60 millimeters like the striped two-color yellow-red color, which can be pale in the sun.

Blossom is repeated up to three times per season. Bakertic flowers can consist of 5-10 roses. Grade Flash Fair is well with the precipitation and sufficiently resistant to diseases

Variety Typhoonit stands out with bright yellow-orange flowers of beautiful modern shapes that have many petals. Their diameter may vary from 4 to 5 cm. Flowers have a small aroma. The height of the bush may vary from 60 to 70 centimeters.

Variety spray roses Typhoon perfectly withstands a large amount of precipitation and resistant to diseases

Variety Veding drunkbrought out in 2013 in Germany (Rosen - Tanthau). Narrow bushes (from 0.45 to 0.6 m) reach a height from 1 to 1.2 meters. White-cream flowers of an old spherical shape with a pleasant robust aroma consist of 40 petals. Their width reaches 6-7 cm. Attracts the attention of a slow discovery and high resistance to precipitation. Blossom can be repeated several times.

Vedantingpiano grade stands out good resistance to major diseases of roses

Such garden crops like roses spray affect the observer with incredible beauty. These low compact plants appeared relatively recently, but quickly won popularity among gardeners.

Best Roses Spray Varieties

Constantly rising demand for spray led to the fact that in world selection every year more and more and more varieties began to appear. Next, read the description of the most common varieties.


It is considered a source for many cultures. The variety was led by Dutch breeders at the end of the last century. The plant is distinguished by a spreader bush to 70 centimeters in height, flowers up to 4 centimeters in diameter with pink petals.

Rosa Mimi Eden

It differs from the rest of beautiful white inflorescences with a pink tint. In the formation stage, the apricot buds, when bottling become pink. The initial color of the petals changes on white under the continuous exposure to sunlight.


The tamango compact decorative rose bush reaches 50 centimeter markers in height. The buds of this culture are up to 7 centimeters in diameter consist of numerous dense thickened alcoholic petals. At each branch can simultaneously place up to 12 color seals. A special feature of the variety is considered high indicators of the winter resistance.


Dutch Rosa Tiramisu is characterized by two-color buds. The height of the bush plant does not exceed 50 centimeters. Flowers are small, 12-15 pieces on the brush. The outer side of the terracotta petals, outdoor - cream.


Orange variety meets its name, because it has bright orange petals. Buds in appearance resemble a tea rose, their diameter does not exceed 4 centimeters.


Roses Spray Rubicon have large glassworm purple bootons. These flowers create a lightweight, exquisite fragrance.


The terry rose Typhoon has orange red petals that are closer to the middle become yellow.

All varieties of spray roses are often used to create wedding bouquets.

Selecting the place and preparation of the soil

The cultivation of cultures can be engaged in both beginners and experienced gardeners, the main thing to respect all nuances of cultivation. For planting plants in the garden, it is necessary to pick up the sunny, but the plot protected from the winds.

Varieties with light petals It is advisable to plant on solar sites, and roses with dark inflorescences are recommended to be placed in a half. If this is not done, then with high solar activity, the intensive color of plant buds will soon become light.

To prepare high-quality earth for flowers, it can take up to three months, so for planting plants in the fall of the soil, it is necessary to prepare since summer or in October, if the planting of culture is planned for spring.

The main rules for the preparation of the soil are as follows:

  1. We remove the weed plants and their rhizomes from the site.
  2. Pour the soil on the bayonet shovel with the simultaneous transshipment of the Earth. Next, make a ditch with a depth of 40-50 centimeters and fall asleep at the bottom of the upper ground with fertilizers, and then the bottom layer mixed with fertilizers. For several months, the land in the ditch sends and is saturated with useful substances. Along with this, the excess moisture goes.
  3. Some flower products immediately plant plants in pre-reinforced soil with dug depressions, but this method is considered less effective.

In the case of planting plants in the pre-prepared, transplanted soil, the root system will quickly develop and receive unhindered access to oxygen.

Many gardeners come differently. They hammer the plot on the bayonet shovel without preliminary leveling in the fall. This will help freeze the upper layer of soil and the destruction of pathogenic bacteria and harmful to roses of microorganisms, pest larvae. The fertilizer added during this period will be able to dissolve in the winter.

With the arrival of spring, the landing site is spilled with metal rakes and begins to dig holes for planting crops. The depth and width of such recesses should be 25-30 centimeters above and wider the root plant of the plant. When observing such parameters, the pit is filled with light nutrient soil, which will give an impetus to the intensive development of the root system.

During the preparation of the soil for the rosary, it is necessary to take into account the effect of precursors. It is known that roses are poorly growing in areas where they had a hypochka, cherry, quince or hawthorn. At such sites 50 centimeter layer of the Earth is removed and replaced with its new soil.

The acidic composition of the soil can be determined by a lactium paper. So the red color indicates the acidic ground, blue - to the neutral acid reaction soil. Sorrel and field horsette, alkaline - clover or horseradish usually grows on the acidic soil. In the presence of alkali soil in its composition, superphosphate or compost, chevy. Wood ash or bone flour contributes to acidic soil.

How to choose the seedlings

Rose planting material can be on sale in mini containers or in nutritious substrate packages, less often in the open form. When landing in the fall, it is better to choose seedlings with an open root system, but for disembarking in the spring period plants are better fit in containers.

Before purchase, carefully inspect the bush and its root system for damage and other defects, such as mold and dried plots. If plants acquired in package, pay special attention to the state of the soil, it should be crumbly, not to have a specific smell. The best choice will be a strong healthy seedling with white roots on the bottom.

On the successful alignment of the lead with a trip indicates even Calleus at the place of vaccinations.

Preparation of seedlings to landing

Before carrying out the landing work, the stalks of rose saplings need to be cut. At the same time, the boutons, damaged and dry branches are removed. On the main shoots of the bush leave 4 ... 5 eyes. Less developed stems should contain at least 3 kidneys. It is also necessary to cut the side roots slightly and remove damaged.

For disinfection and speedy healing, all sections of the sections neatly wake the garden ward.

After the specified operations of the plant with open roots are placed 12 hours into a solution from water and sodium humate. To prevent drying the roots of seedlings, dip in the chatter, which is made of clay, water and stimulator of the root formation, the components are stirred to a sour cream-like consistency. After that, the root system gently wrapping the moistened burlap.


Planting Roses Spray can be engaged in both an experienced garden and amateur. All workflow can be divided into several stages:

  • dig up the landing fossa with a depth and width of 45-50 centimeters;
  • on the bottom of the ditch, we fall asleep drainage in the form of small pebbles and coarse sand;
  • scatter the organic (compost and humus);
  • we spite the nutrients with a thin layer of land;
  • gently straighten the roots, put a seedling in the pit and sprinkle its earth.

After conducting such actions, we carry out roses with warm water. For each bush, it is necessary to use 6-8 liters of fluid.


Further care for spray roses is simple. All that will be required is to loosen the aisle and remove the weed plants in time, as well as carry out watering and feeding, trim shoots on lush bushes. Next, let's understand with all the activities in more detail.

Watering and feeding

Plants need regular abundant irrigation throughout the growing season, and especially during flowering at a stable drought. Simplify the process will help the laying of mulch in the root zone of the plant will help. Fat layer of wood sawdust or low-spirited peat will prevent moisture evaporation.

In the absence of a mulching layer, the soil needs to constantly loose and remove weed plants. With hot weather on roses leaves, burns may appear. To prevent this phenomenon, the bushes are watered with warm water in the evening with the way of sprinkling.

For prolonged intensive flowering, the spray roses should receive additional nutrients that are entered into the soil in the form of feeding.

At the initial stage of development, nitrogen is needed before the appearance of the first buds. Flowering shrubs take a significant amount of phosphoric and potash fertilizers, as well as trace elements.

Candle and form a bush

Not only old, but also young bushes are subjected to formation. After trimming, the autumn on the plant should remain strong wearing branches with the kidneys. On plants do not leave old and dry, as well as damaged by the wind shoots. During the trimming of roses, the following rules must be followed:

  1. use a pre-disinfected acute secator or other tool to work;
  2. pruning is carried out from below to the top of the bush;
  3. sections are carried out above the outer kidney at an angle of 45 degrees;
  4. with the possibility of damage to the plant with diseases and pests, wounds are smeared by Garden Warr.

The technology of the formation of the bush depends on the variety of culture. So short trimming is used for very bustling plants. With a medium formation, the bush is shortened on half of the length, leaving 30 centimeter stems with 5 ... 6 kidneys. Long trimming implies a removal of 2/3 branches, helps to achieve early flowering.

Such works are carried out in the fall in the evening in the presence of warm weather. During the formation on the bush, 5 most developed shoots determine, the rest are removed under the root.

A healthy escape does not have a large number of side branches, it has a dark-green bark, has a diameter of at least 1 centimeter.

On the selected stems, the bottom counts five kidneys and make a smooth cut of wood. During the work, make sure that the upper kidney remains from the outside. From her, the distance in 1 centimeter retreats and make a skeleton slice towards the middle of the bush. After trimming, the wound of the plant is smeared with a garden harder and remove branches.

Preparation for winter

For normal wintering, it is necessary to make a hill from the ground over the shoots of plants. Before dipping, unreserved shoots, flowers and leaves are removed. Experienced gardeners already in the last decade of October are cut off with roses all the flowers and buds. It will contribute to the hardened plants and prevent the use of additional nutrients from the soil. On top of the stems of roses to the height of up to 35 centimeters, sand or dry soil poured. Further, the hill is covered with wood sawdresses, low peat or sweetheart.

Do not take the soil with different colors, such actions can provoke damage to the root plant of the plant.

There is another method of shelter roses for winter, air-dry. It lies in the device of an improvised frame made of metal wires up to 50 centimeters high. Further, this design is furnished with foam rubber, sheets of foam or reed. Next, the frame is stretched by a polyethylene film that will protect the plant from the penetration of moisture. To prevent the destruction of the material, the hanging pieces of the film sprinkle the earth. The improvised shelter can be ventilated before the onset of cold weather with negative temperatures below -15 degrees.

As you can propagate

In practice, several methods of breeding roses spray are used:

  1. With the help of seed material. A time consuming method that implies the collection and stratification of grain, growing seedlings.
  2. The rooting of roses is carried out in spring. With this method of breeding from the maternal bush, one of the weaves are bent and fall asleep. Already by the fall, this escape will have their own roots, after which it can be transplanted to a new place as a separate plant.
  3. With root offspring. Such plants are separated from the maternal bush a year after the appearance when they appear their own root system.
  4. Highlighting. In the middle part of the escape, several pieces of stem are cut and installed in a solution of water and a growth stimulator. In the future, the plant is rooted in a special greenhouse, shutter under a certain temperature and humid regime.
  5. In the case of the division of the bush, the rose is cut into parts. At the same time, each define must be present its own root system and 2 ... 3 developed kidneys.

The fastest way of reproduction is the division of the bush. In this case, the spray roses retain the varietal signs. The use of seed material is practiced by breeders to obtain new types of crops.

Fighting pests and diseases


To effectively combat pest, a soap solution is used with the addition of mustard powder or chemical preparations of carboofos, actor, Rogor.


A pale yellow or white cycard with an elongated torso does not represent the danger to the plant. The main harm is applied insect larvae, which feed on the juices of the plant.

Cobed tick

You can detect the pest using a magnifying glass or by thin web binding leaves.

Settlements of the tick can be destroyed by Vermitek or Phytheerm chemical preparations.


From the pests of the rose should pay special attention to the leaflet. Caterpillars appear on the plant early in the spring, begin to turn the kidneys and young shoots, then take the leaves. Caterpillars are harvested manually and destroyed, with strong foci of lesion, the plant is treated with insecticides.

Puffy dew

Of the diseases of the rose, mildew is considered the most popular. The disease is manifested in the form of mild white raid on the leaves and shoots of culture.

The cause of its occurrence can be moderate temperature and high humidity.

The prevention of powdered dew is the spraying of plants by the bordeaux mixture and the introduction of phosphorus-potash fertilizers. With intensive pace of development of the disease, roses are sprayed with a solution of calcined soda 0.5% concentration.

Black spotty

This is a fungal disease, which manifests itself on rose leaf plates in the form of brown spots from the middle of summer. Strong defeat leads to full blackening, drying and foaming of leaves. Spore fungus winter in fallen leaves and shoots, which is why the organic remains need to be removed from the site and burn.

Another effective solution of the problem is the spring processing of roses of the Bordeaux liquid leaves.

With the growing spray roses, even a novice gardener can cope. The main thing in this matter is to comply with the rules of planting and care of plants, conduct timely processing of colors from diseases and pests.

Elegant decorative spray roses have become popular relatively recently - at the beginning of the XXI century. Earlier, this variety was related to the group, however, with a rapid increase in their number, a separate group was obtained. This type of roses is appropriate in any flower composition. In this article, we will look at the main types and varieties, as well as the features of planting and care.

In this section, we will answer the question: "What is it, Roses Spray"? If you say briefly, this species has the same characteristics as Floribund, but with the difference in that they differ compactness and, in comparison with other representatives of the family, more shorter.

Schraba of this type of roses miniature, mainly reach the size of 40-50 cm, but also meet varieties that grow up to 80-90 cm. Flowers of small sizes, from 3 to 7 cm in diameter, neatly collected in the brush on the shoot of 10-15 pieces Buds are denselyahrovy or glazing with different colors.

Florists consider these roses created for the design of bouquets. This is due to the fact that on one branch, as mentioned above, many colors, so one branch can be considered an independent bouquet. It is perfectly combined with other colors, still roses spray are often used to create bouquets for weddings.

Like the varieties of floribundum, spray roses are distinguished by long and abundant flowering. BUT if you have pruning for all the rules, you can easily achieve flowering throughout the summer. They are also unpretentious in care and enough frost resistant.

The next advantage will be the fact that they have a small amount of spikes, which simplifies care and drawing up bouquets. Roses Spray are very popular in landscape design, they can disembark both groups and solitary bushes, and given their small sizes, you can plant in containers or pots.

Roses spray varieties with photos and descriptions

Popular varieties can be attributed to:

  • Tamango;
  • Allergy;
  • Snow-Dance;
  • Lydia;
  • Typhoon;
  • Shaine;
  • Victoria;
  • Star & Strajps;
  • Fire Flash;
  • Fayer King.

Spacidious bushes with a height of 50 centimeters with large, rounded colors of about 7 cm. They have a pleasant, expressed fragrance. Flowers of red rich color. This the variety is resistant to diseases and frosts, continues its color to the very first cooling.


The bushes of this variety can reach sizes of 70 cm. Flowers are small, up to 5 cm in diameter, orange, pink or orange-pink color, there is no smell. Blossom continues throughout the season. Just like Tamango has resistance to cold and disease.


The height of the bush reaches 75 centimeters. Flowers are small, about 5 cm, white or greenish. This continuous-flowing grade begins its color in early May and continues to the first frost. Also has high resistance to frost and disease.


This variety has taken off most recently. The birthplace of this rose is the Netherlands. The height of the bush reaches no more than 70 cm, flowers of pink color, can be either brighter and gentle shades, for example, as the Yana Rosa spray or darker. The flower diameter can reach 5 cm, has a weak fragrance. Flowers abundantly, throughout the season. Like other representatives of the rose spray, has high resistance to disease and frost.

Reaches sizes of 70 cm. Flowers are small, bright, with a diameter of about 5 centimeters, orange. Blossom continues until late autumn. Resistant to cold, disease and pests.


This variety was brought out in the United States of America in the 70s. The bushes reach a height of 50 cm, the flowers are small about 4 centimeters in a bright yellow diameter with a pronounced aroma. Flowers throughout the season. Unlike other varieties, it has an average resistance to frost and disease. This variety is considered one of the best varieties of yellow roses.


A bush reaches sizes in 60 centimeters. This variety blooms abundantly, on the stem may be up to 15 colors of gentle pink, which over time fade to a white and pink shade. It has good resistance to disease and pests, as well as frost.

Stars'N'Stripes Stars'N'Stripes

The height of the bush on average is within 50 cm, but they can be both less and more. Flowers are small, with a diameter of 2-3 cm, in some cases can reach 5 cm. The color is peculiar: these are alternating strips of raspberry and white colors, stains may occur. The aroma is sweet, bright. Flowers this variety throughout the season. Freezing resistance is high. The main problem of the variety becomes a disease mildew.

File Flash

The height reaches the size of 70 cm. Double colors, motley, in the sun do not burn out. They have a diameter of about 5 cm and combine red and yellow colors. The grade is highly resistant to cold and disease. Flowers to the first autumn frosts.

Fayer King

This variety has sufficiently high bushes, up to 80 cm. Flowers with a diameter of 6 cm, bright red. The aroma is very weak. Flowers throughout the season. Like other varieties, resistant to cold and disease.

As can be seen, almost all varieties of roses spray are resistant to cold and disease, which makes them attractive for beginner gardeners. Next, we will talk about the rules of landing and care.

Features of planting and care

Choosing a place

To land roses in the garden you need to choose sunny, but protected from winds. It is recommended a variety with light colors to grow in the sun, and with dark - in a half. If you plan the dark grade in the sun, the flowers are simply burned.

The preparation of the soil takes a long time, so for planting in the fall, preparation must be started with summer. And if the landing is planned for spring, it is necessary to prepare the Earth since October.

Maintenance ground preparation rules:

  • First of all, it is necessary to remove all weeds and their roots.
  • Next, go to the ground with the transshipment.
  • After a ditch is made in a depth of 50 centimeters, and fertilizers are made.

It is necessary to take into account the influence of plants that grow in this place to roses. They grow badly where cherry, quince, a husk or hawthorn grown up to this. In this case, it is necessary to remove 50 centimeters of old soil and replace it with fresh.

Seat selection

For landing in the fall, you should choose seedlings with an open root system, and if the landing is planned for spring, you should give preference to seedlings in containers. Before buying a plant, it is necessary to carefully examine the presence of damage and defects. If the seedling is sold in the package, you should pay attention to the soil, it should be crumbly and without a specific smell. An ideal choice will be a strong, healthy sapling with white roots.

Preparation of saplings

Before disembarking, seedlings are cut, the buds, damaged and dry branches remove. Side roots cut slightly and remove damaged.

Important! For a speedy healing of cuts, they need to be lubricated with garden water.

After these procedures, seedlings with open roots should be placed in a solution of water and sodium humate by 12 hours. So that the roots do not fall asleep, they are dipped into the talker, which is made of clay, water and stimulator of root formation. The consistency of such a mixture should be sour cream. After that, the roots are covered by burlap.


The planting process looks like this:

Helpful information! After planting roses, you need to pour warm water. For each bustle, 6-8 liters of water are needed.


Care will not cause special difficulties at the gardener. All that will be required is the looping of the Earth, the removal of weeds, making feeding and regular watering, as well as trimming.

Undercaming and watering

Roses are required to regularly water during the growing season, flowering and during arid weather. Simplify this process can be laying mulch in the root zone. For this use wood sawdust or peat. Water roses are needed in the evening, as the sun rays can provoke burns.

For flowering intensity, you need to make feeding. At the initial stage of plant development, it is necessary for nitrogen. During the flowering period, the bustard will need phosphorus, potassium and trace elements.


Pruning is produced not only on old, but also on young plants. Spend it in the fall, after trimming on the bush, strong weighing branches with kidneys should remain. It is important not to leave the old, perhaps and damaged shoots.

Basic rules for rose trimming:

  • For work, use a disbelievable and acute secator or another tool.
  • Crop the bush from below and to the top.
  • Cuts should be made above the outer kidney at an angle of 45 degrees.
  • Wounds are smeared by Garden Warr.

It's important to know! This procedure should be carried out in warm weather and in the evening. In the formation of the bush, the 5 most developed shoots are chosen, the rest are removed.

Preparation for winter

It is required to make an earthen hill above the shoots of plants, having pre-cutting all the buds, flashing flowers, foliage and not fresh shoots. On top of the stems poured sand or dry soil with a height of 35 centimeters. After that, this hill is covered with wood sawdusts or a sweetheart.


There are several ways to reproduce the rose spray:

Helpful information! The fastest way is to divide the bush. In this case, the rose spray retains its varietal signs.

Diseases and pests

This rose variety is resistant to diseases, but sometimes it is still found. Consider and how to deal with them.

Roses spray - Did you hear about such? Is there really no! But probably saw in the flower stores cute bouquets of small elegant boutons of one-in-one, jewelry filigree and sophisticated. This is spray roses! And not only in bouquets, they are beautiful, but also on the flower beds, where they are often used to be used as curls, and tall varieties of spray roses are worth become the center of attention. What are they so notable?

Description of the group of spray roses

Many consider them a subgroup of Floribunda. But it's not right. Spray Roses - Independent, Pretty Numerous Group of Roses, having its distinctive features:

  • long and abundant bloom,
  • unpretentiousness to the conditions of content and endurance,
  • adapted
  • resistant to freezers,
  • few spikes on the stems or they are not at all,
  • long continuously bloom with timely pruning,
  • beautiful in landscape design and in bouquets,
  • suitable for growing in containers for landscaping balconies and terraces,
  • flowers of some varieties have a light pleasant fragrance.

The most beautiful varieties of roses spray

As a result of the painstaking care of breeders in the second half of the twentieth century, a huge number of varietal varieties of spray roses with buds of different sizes, shapes, paintings were brought and registered. We will consider the most popular of them, which can be purchased today to replenish your collection by these amazing representatives of the kingdom of roses.


Alegria (Ruiortro) de Ruiter Innovations BV Netherlands, 2007

Spray Rosa Alegria will not attract its aroma, which is practically absent. But its unpretentiousness in the cultivation and glazing flowers (in diameter 5 cm.) With terry petals of orange-pink color, attract attention. A bush is a reprehensive, 60-70 cm high, with steady shoots. On each of them in the bud.

In season, their number reaches 35 pcs. Rose frost resistant, but it can spoil black spotty, therefore preventive treatment is necessary. The variety is very gentle and attractive. It is beautiful in bouquets and looks gorgeous in the design of the gardens.


Kelly - the beauty is incredible, so many gardeners consider. Rose spray has on its stems (70 cm height) for 10 buds. Dismantled orange salmon flowers up to 7 cm in diameter do not like direct sunlight.

Petals lose freshness and pale. Kelly Rosa spray is not afraid of frosts, and pests rarely annoy it. Spectacular bushes Beauties will look along the tracks, in containers and in the flower beds.


Lovely Lydia® (Interkuyl) Interplant Holland, 1995

Spray Rose Rosa Lidia refers to a continuously blooming variety. It is resistant to rain, frost and mildew. But in order to avoid black spot, needs preventive measures. Rose Spray is interesting, therefore is recommended for garden sites and creating bouquets.

Lydia is spray-rose, which was first grown in the greenhouses, but over the years she began to plant in an open ground with shelting for the winter. A bus tide up to 60 cm high, width - from 30 to 50 cm. Blooms one of the first. Up to 10 buds are formed on the stem, which are increasing reaching the size of no more than 6 cm.



Barbados - Rosa Spray without a pronounced aroma. Dutch foreigner grows a height of up to 70 cm. Flowers are quite large, about 8cm, with pink petals. In the center, the color is saturated, the extreme petals are twisted into triangles. A distinctive feature is resistance to frost and diseases. Rose flowers continuously throughout the season. Flowers in the sun do not burn out.

Barbados is planted in landscaped compositions. Rose successfully draws borders.


BABE® (Interorlan). Interplant B.V. Netherlands, 2006.

Baib is a stunning rose spray having strong shoots and a brilliant green foliage. From other varieties of SPRY BABE is characterized by a huge amount of beautiful in the form of flowers (in 4 cm diameter) with terry orange or yellow petals collected in inflorescences up to 30 pieces on one shoot.

The length of the stems from 60 to 90 cm. Unobtrusive aroma and brightness of paints allows you to use spray rose in unforgettable bakery compositions. According to Florists, Babe has a spicy resistance up to 12 days. In the gardens spray rose is good as curb. This is an excellent option for growing in pots and containers.


Natalie (Poulren 014, Natalie Renaissance) L. Pernille Olesen Denmark, 2009

Natalie - a spray rose of a decorative variety is removed for bakery compositions and decoration of gardens. Compact and abundant bobbin bush is small - 70 cm in height. Flowers (5 cm diameter) with light aroma and pink petals. The plant is not afraid of frosts. Perfectly fit into the landscape design of the gardens, and makes a hint of solemnity in bakery compositions.


Jana (Intertrojaan) Interplant Netherlands

Yana refers to decorative varietal varieties of spray roses. Compact bushes reach a height of 60 cm. The flower diameter is 6 cm. Petals are painted in a gentle-cream tone. Pleasant fragrance barely catch. Rose spray will decorate the alleys and will look good as a curb plant. The perfect option for the bouquet of the bride. Es great demand among florists.


Mandarin (Korcelin) Mandarin Kordes, 1987

Mandarin became a popular variety, thanks to its juicy solar tangerine-orange colors. To the center of the petal lighter. There is a compact refrigerant to 60 cm. Each stem is decorated with 5 buds, which in the blossoming form reach a diameter of 4 cm. With abundant blossom of the rose spray, the mandarin fragrances citrus aroma. Does she not decorate gardens?


Macarena (Interporto) Interplant Netherlands

Makarena is popular as a variety of varieties derived in Holland. Its blossomed flowers (with a diameter of 5 cm.) First have a pale yellow shade, then the petals become pink. Each stem is decorated to 10 fragrant flowers. Compact bushes will not cease to delight you with blossom all season. There is a stability of Makrena to diseases and frosts.


Tamango ® (Meidanu). Marie-Louise (Louisette) Meilland France, 1965. Previously believed to Floribund.

Tamango - refers to the red varieties of spray roses. Compact bush has a height of 60 cm, in diameter - 50 cm. It blooms for a long time and abundantly. Flowers 7 cm in diameter have a large number of velvety lining of the raspberry shade. Up to 10 buds are formed on the branches. Spray Rosa Tamango is well tolerating freezing and resistant to diseases. It grows equally in the sun and in shady places. The variety is designed for decorating.

Modern manufacturers and markets of various areas do not cease to amaze all sorts of innovations, is no exception and flower market. It also develops and regularly supplies literally to all fragrant specialized fragrances stalls and shops All new types and colors options. One of these innovations is spraying roses. For a short time of existence, she received love and recognition of the flower flows of the whole world.

Basic information

So, the rose spray is a new group of roses. She appeared due to the efforts of flower and botanists in the second half of the twentieth century and managed to love the flows of the whole world over the past time. Also, this type of colors are called as patio roses.

The spray group appeared as a result of separation from the group of roses Floribunda. A new form is represented by compact low bushes. Their average height is approximately 50 cm, although sometimes they can grow to 90 cm. On one branch can flourish about 15 buds.

Flowers themselves can be large, and medium and small, creating the impression "splashes" on the bush. The diameter of the flowers of roses-spray - from 4 to 7 cm. On one bush there can be a large number of flowers, which is why this plant is called "Pink Spray" (English "Pink splashes"). These are decorative and very exquisite plants, they are used for the design of household plots, as well as used to form bouquets, in particular, wedding, so these flowers are often called "wedding".

Spray roses combine the best quality colors in themselves:

  • abundant and long flowering;
  • non-duty to the conditions of content;
  • endurance in Russian climatic conditions.

They can be grown in Russia due to excellent resistance to frost. There are not so many spikes on her stems, and sometimes they are missing at all. If this plant is trimmed correctly, then you can get continuous or just very long flowering: with the arrival of heat and before the onset of the first cold.

Plant is actively used in landscape design. It is bred in containers, rosarians, as well as on the street along the tracks. Flowers have a light pleasant aroma.

The most popular varieties

Due to breeding works, many varieties were obtained. In this regard, there were spray roses with flowers of all kinds of shades, sizes, shapes and paintings. There are different colors:

  • red;
  • orange;
  • pink;
  • white;
  • yellow as well as their shades.

Lydia cream and pink lavli (Lovely Lydia) were bred at the end of the twentieth century thanks to Dutch botany. The height of the bush of this plant does not exceed 70 cm. In the mature age, it grows into a width of up to 50 cm. The flowers are highlighted with a bright pink color, shimmering from a gentle pink shade to brightly raspberry. The blossomed flowers can be seen the core of the dark color.

The flower diameter is approximately 4 cm. Laveli Lydia is distinct and long blossom. Grade is resistant to diseases and frost. Lydia is especially effectable:

  • in flower beds in the foreground;
  • for container landings;
  • for bouquets and flower compositions.

Lavli Yana Lidia is a varietal decorative variety. Her bushes are highlighted by their accuracy and compactness. The height is no more than 60 cm. Blossom is abundant and long. The diameter of gentle cream flowers is not more than 6 cm. The aroma is barely catchy, pleasant. It can be used for decoration of alley and borders.

Yana Mimi Eden (Yana Mimi Eden) is an amazingly elegant rose spray with two-color denselyah. Petals inside the bud have a gentle-pink color, and outside - literally snow-white. Flowers are medium, small, on each stem of their approximately 10 pieces. Blossom comes with the arrival of summer, and lasts before the first frost. A bush is pulled up to 85 cm, and in the width grows up to a meter. Mimi Eden will be decorating almost any flower bed due to its unique refinement. Another option pronunciation and writing the name of this variety is Mini Eden.

Barbados (Lat. Barbados) - Dutch Rosa Spray with Pink Flowers of Pretty Large Size. The bush is pulled up to 70 cm. The fragrance is expressed Neyarko. Barbados is characterized by frost resistance. It can be applied to design borders, and will also help create a special focus in landscape ensembles.

Barbados Dip Wool - Abundant Blooming Original bush with terry flowers is quite large or medium sized. Inside its petals - gentle-pink color, and the outer petals are highlighted with a lilac shade with shades of red. Barbados Dip Maker can be used to decorate the gardens, as well as to create flower compositions and bouquets.

Dip Veter Hicho - Rose Spray group with terry rich pink flowers. Their size is medium. Up to 20 colors are concentrated in inflorescences. Blossom is long and abundant. The fragrance is almost completely felt. A bush can grow up to 1 meter in height. Thanks to its bright color, the specified varietal variety can be a great decoration of any flower bed.

Hiho Evelin (Hiho Evelyn) is a low (approximately 60 cm) a shrub plant with dense-colored delicate flowers of pink color. During the flowering period, the flowers acquire an apricot color, and on the disclosure, pink shades acquire. In the summer months, the color becomes even greater saturation, but in the sun, on the contrary, petals can quickly burn up white not very attractive color. Blossom abundant and long.

Evelyn Gratsia (Evelin Grazia) is another exquisite bush rose of spray groups, blooming large pink flowers. Bustic can reach up to 80 cm. Noted light, pleasant fragrance. The variety is often used to form bouquets, including wedding. Even in the cut, such plants cost quite a long time.

Grace Lankom (Gratsia Lancome) - a variety of spray rose with thick terry bright pink flowers. Bushes stop their growth, reaching 60 cm. The variety is characterized by abundant and long blossom, resistant to pests and frost.

Lankom Bonica (Lat. Lancome Bonica) - a varietal romantic variety of exquisite beauty, high and slim, growth of up to 100 cm. The color of the terry and thick flowers is also gentle pink. Their diameter is 6 cm. On the branches of the bushes can be located up to 15 buds. There is a hardly noticeable fragrance. The culture blooms to the most frosts, and very plentiful. Very frost resistant.

Plant landing and care

As already mentioned these plants are extremely unpretentious. Both the plant and plant care do not require excessive effort. For landing, it is recommended to choose an open sunny place. However, it is necessary to take into account in advance that some varieties under the open rays of the Sun very strongly burn out and become unattractive. For this reason, it is necessary either in advance to find out about the planting grade, or immediately organize a small half-day for planting.

The step-by-step process of planting this plant is as follows:

  1. Drop holes with dimensions 45x45.
  2. Drainage (sand, pebbles) are put on its base.
  3. Over drainage lay out organic fertilizers (dry leaves, humid, rot, manure).
  4. The plant is placed in the prepared hole, fall asleep the earth and trust it around the stems.
  5. Watering with warm and dilated water (8-9 liters of water for one bush).

From the beginning of March and until July, the owner will need infrequently, but regularly make feeding, which are saturated with a high content of nitrogen. And in summer days and before the autumn, the plant will need the addition of trace elements: potassium, phosphorus.

It is extremely important to make fertilizers in the gap of the bootonization and until the end of flowering. The ground around the stem is recommended to burst regularly. But watering should be moderate. In winter, the roses will need to be covered.

The need for trimming

For spraying rose cropping is extremely important. This procedure activates the formation of young branches and provides more prolonged and abundant flowering. Protecting is recommended several times per season. At the same time, removed damaged and dry twigs.

Upon completion of bloom, you also need to trim colors. It is especially important to do shortening the bush in the summer, so that the plant does not spend force on the formation of fruits, and bloomed is rich and more intense. Moreover, pruning is also preventive formation measures of fungus.