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Angel Rose Description and Reviews. Rose Angela is a tender representative of selection art. Loosening and mulching

Rose Angela, whose photo in front of you, very beautiful and unusual. Its popularity continues to grow. Rose Angela (Angela) is called Angelica. This wonderful grade is derived in Germany, it refers to the group of roses Floribunda. "Abdominal" - this is how the name of Floribund is translated, which fully corresponds to the truth, since roses belonging to this group simply beaten by flowers. This type was obtained as a result of the crossing of polyanth and tea-hybrid roses. It is because of this that this group of colors have a very diverse color of buds and excellent resistance to diseases and frost.

Rose Angela: Description

Rose of Angela variety is low bush. The height of the plant depends on what climate it is located. IN middle lane (4th climatic zone) Rose Angela reaches one meter in height, bush branches are a reprehension. With a warmer climate, the pink bush can grow up to two meters.

Listers glossy, bright, green, medium size. Angela blossoms early, at the very beginning of summer, the blossom is long, the last flowers please the eye in September. The buds are beautiful, semi-grade, cup-shaped, in diameter reach 5-6 cm. Flowers of light-pink color at the base, closer to the edges of the petals are much darker, are collected in lush inflorescences for several pieces.

Rosa Angela is appreciated not only for his beauty, besides this, she has many other advantages. The plant has elevated disease resistance, such as puffy dew And black spot. Angel is not terrible neither the wind or rain. Buds do not fade in the sun, possess a weak gentle aroma, similar to the aroma of apples. Blossom of the bush is abundant and long.

Landing and care

Rose Angela requires when landing well-trained soil with drainage, a place for a rose bush should be selected so that there is no stagnation of air. Plant young bushes better springThe place of the eyepling is recommended to shuffle at 7-8 cm.

Rosa loves the sun, so "place of residence" needs to be determined, given the wishes of the queen of flowers. Planting pink bushes is preferably in a sunny location with an amipable and fertile soil. As mentioned earlier, the air should be not stagnant, the place with the pink flower must be well ventilated.

Watering roses need moderately, as the soil drying. Twice for the season, the bushes need feeding. The first time at the beginning of the vegetation in the spring, the second time - before the floral buds are dissolved.

Before the appearance of the first leaves, pruning plants is carried out. It is necessary to remove broken, frozen and old with a brown branch sheath. So that the bush does not thicken, triggers growing inside and crossed with each other. If the bush is high, then, besides the listed, cut off all other branches for one third. Low bushings this rule does not concern.

Angela looks beautiful both in group landings and single. From bushes you can make a beautiful live hedge. Rose looks great next to evergreen coniferous plants And on the background of violet, blue and white clematis.

Preparation for winter

Rose Angela is a relatively winter-hardy grade. In the southern regions (fifth zone), the plant does not need to be covered for the winter. With a colder climate (fourth zone), pink bushes are necessary before the onset of winter is dipped to a height of 20-30 cm. It is better to make a bunch not out of the ground, but from the compost. The top of the plant also needs to be bought by observer material or burlap, for this you can still use a snack or a twig.

Rose Angela: reviews

Reviews Family lovers about rose Angela variety only positive. Flowers say that it blooms for a long time, it looks great in curb fittings, is also grown in vases and containers. From constant neighbors the best way It is suitable for this beautiful juniper, says, blue spruce, thuja. Everyone who is familiar with such a flower claims that the Angela variety beautifully blooms, in the cutting buds are not withering for a very long time. This rose can serve decent decoration Any flower bed.

Rose "Angela" (Rose Angela)

Very winter-hardy rose variety. Under the conditions of the middle strip for the winter requires light shelter.

Rose Floribund "Angela" when landing requires well-prepared soil with drainage. The landing site should be excluded by air stagnation. Very high heat resistance. Rose grade having very greater disease resistance.

For landing, select a well-lit place, excluding stagnation of air.

Rose "Angela" (Rose Angela) is used for border landings, rosary, growing in containers and vases. Also good in the cut.

Availability and prices for Roses "Angela" (Rose Angela) can be found on our website on the page "PRICE LIST ROSE"

The possibility of buying this and other plants, you can see by going to the site of our online store Eco Garden.

Rose "Angela" (Rose Angela) Floribund class rose with light pink flowers, lighter to the center having a soft flavor. Flowers size 3-4 cm. Flowers are collected in inflorescences of 1-5 pieces. Middle leaves, glossy. The size of the bush is from 80 to 150 cm. Grafted rose grade, we have a trip, maybe rosa rose and horse rose. Rosa is derived in Germany in 1984.

Rose Wings Angels 4.33 9

Description: This charming beauty perfectly feels like a flowerbed and in various containers. Compact bushes are sleeping with beautiful semi-marched and terry flowers. Abundant blossom to frost. The variety is characterized by high winter hardiness.
Features of agrotechnics: Express perennial. Optimal temperature To germinate seeds + 18-20? C, for plant growth + 10-14? p. When sowing seeds, pour out 2 mm fine vermiculite or loose soil substrate. While creating optimal conditions Shoots appear in 20-30 days. Begins to bloom after 10-11 weeks. Unpretentious. It blooms well in the sun or with light shading. Placed on loose and fertile soils. Sowing: February-March. Sleeping, transplant: April (2,3 decades) -May (1). Planting scheme: 25x25.

Rose wings angels reviews

it was flattened to the fact that Rosa begins to bloom in the first year with small robes, and terry and simple flowers, pink and white can be caught in one bag; my neighbor has happened. I didn't go out of 10 seeds, next year I will try again be sure!

we planted this spring, after 2 months already gave the first flowers, pink small, 5 petals. Out of 10 rose 5, but 3 died. 2 left, both bloom. Houses in the pot. Advise, can land them on the street? Or let while at home? (region - Ural).

Kostikov Roses

with terry flowers really did not grow, but this does not spoil the impression of the variety. The bushes grown from seeds winter without shelter for several years, do not hurt, bloom abundantly.

rose Wings Angels

i grew up this wonderful rose for several years, a miracle, what a charm, the flowers were all sorts of wheezing without a shelter, even in the Urals, now I bought seeds again, I want to plant and admire, and no special care does not require

Sadila five years ago. Bought in the store. All seeds rose, but there was not a single bustle with terry flowers and very burn out in the sun. Did not like.

Rose Wings Angels Russian Garden

Detailed description

Rose Angel Wings - very gentle and richly blooming many years of flower. It is formed into compact bushes with a height of up to 30 cm, so it is well suited for landing in flower pots or Vases. Flowers are white and pink and pink, semi-grade and terry (at least 80%). The aroma is thin, gentle, almost not audible.


Common parameters

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      Rosa Schrab Claire Austin: landing and care

      White roses have always noticeably stand out among other varieties of roses. They personify light, beauty and innocence. Really standing varieties of white roses are very small. This is due to the fact that, in contrast to the red fellow, it is very difficult to derive. Even well-known English roses of David Austin's English roses could not boast a variety of white varieties. But everything changed in 2007, when David managed to bring the pearl of all his collections - white rose Claire Austin, which he called in honor of his daughter.

      Description of varieties

      David Austin is a famous English farmer worldwide, who turned the flower world from his legs on his head. With it light hands The world saw new varieties of roses, which became known as "British Roses".

      Crossing the vintage varieties of English roses with tea-hybrid roses, he brought a large number of New varieties that are incredible popularity worldwide. He gave them different names that fully reflected their character and beauty. But only one grade awarded to wear the name of the most expensive person in his life - his daughter Claire.

      Claire Austin is rightfully among the most beautiful varieties White roses. It belongs to the Schrab Roses, which are different large sizes bushes and abundant blossom.

      The rose bush of this variety is distinguished by its spreadability. Most often, Claire Austin is grown in the form of a bush. At the same time, its height will be 1.5 meters, and the diameter will be about 2 meters. But it can also be grown as a plenty. In this case, due to support, the bush can grow up to 3 meters in height. The photo below shows how beautiful Claire Austin looks when growing with a support on the arch.

      As can be seen in the photo, Kush from Claire Austin is very humble. But at the expense of arcuate a little drooping shoots, he retains elegant shape. Leaves of this variety english roses Have a bright green color with a small glossy glitter.

      During flowering, bright green bushes are diluted with large flowers of incredible beauty. On each stem of this wonderful rose can simultaneously be formed from 1 to 3 large flowers. At the beginning of his dissolved flower Claire Austin looks like a conventional rose with a cup-shaped form and highly adjacent petals. But completely extended, the flower exposes numerous terry petals and becomes more voluminous. Coloring flowers Claire Austin varies depending on the flowering period:

      • at the very beginning of flowering, roses have a gentle-lemon color;
      • in the middle of flowering, they burn out to snow-white;
      • at the end of the flowering of roses, Claire Austin becomes a beige-pinkish shade.
      • The photo below shows the coloring of flowers from the beginning of flowering to its end.

        Like all the creations of David Austin, Claire Austin variety has a rather strong and resistant smell. It is harmoniously combined with a rich aroma of tea roses and notes of Mirra, Vanilla and Heliotrop.

        Unfortunately, these flowers have not very good rain-resistant. During precipitation, they are not disclosed, so they have to help manually. But it is necessary to do it extremely carefully, trying not to damage the gentle petals.

        This minus can compensate for the re-blossom of Claire Austin, which allows you to admire the flowers throughout the summer.

        In addition, this variety has good immune characteristics. Feeling with such common diseases as malievable dew or black spot, Rosa Claire Austin can only be disabled in terms of weather. This quality allows you to successfully grow the rose of this variety in the middle lane.

        Despite the fact that this rose refers to unpretentious grades, in the first year after landing, she will need special attention. At this time, it will only be prefabricated in a new place, so without proper care can get sick and die. So that this does not happen, we will tell about the rules of its landing and about further care for her.

        Her landing begins with the choice of a suitable place. Like other varieties of David Austin, this variety is tolerant refers to a half. But exceptional beauty can be seen only when disembarking in a sunny place.

        Claire Austin is very unpretentious. Of course, ideally worth providing her light soil. But if it is impossible, this rose will adapt to the soil that will be.

        Claire Austin variety is best to plant in the fall, but not later than October, when the first frosts begin. Autumn planting It is good because the bushes will build up a good root system, and not to let new shoots. It is also possible to land and in the spring months, but for this soil under the rose it will be necessary to overcast from the fall and easily humidify.

        For a purchased seedling there will be enough pits with dimensions of 50 * 50 * 50 cm. In order for a seedling to be better to root, it should be soaked before the disembarkation for a day in any stimulator of the root formation, for example, in korevin or heteroectsin. The main condition for the successful landing of the variety is the deepening of its vaccination. It should be immersed in the ground by 10 cm. After the seedling is properly placed in the prepared pit, you can fall asleep its roots. To do this, the Earth is used from the pit with the addition of compost or reworked manure. At the end of the landing, the land must be slightly tamped and pour.

        Watering the English rose Claire Austin is necessary only as the upper layer of soil drying. As a rule, under normal weather conditions, the regularity of watering will not exceed one time in 5 days. Watering should be carried out in the evening with estimated or rainwater. With hot weather, watering is worth a participation using for this water heated in the sun. If Claire Austin will be grown as a bush, then 5 liters will be enough for one plant. If this rose is grown as a plenty, then water will need to spend more water - up to 15 liters per bush.

        Watering roses is made all summer, until the end of August. If the summer was rainy, then cessation is worth it before August - in July.

        Trimming bushes is an important stage in the care of them. At the same time, it is worth it in the first year after disembarking. Spring N. april earlierWhen the kidneys have already woke up and swollen, and the first shoots rose 5 cm, the bush should be switched, leaving only 3 - 4 of the strongest escape. All broken, old or small shoots need to be removed without regret. They will only pull the strength from the plant while holding back its growth and flowering. Once in 5 years it is necessary to cut all the victims of the shoots, giving the opportunity for a young peel to germinate.

        In addition, all sections are made 5 mm above the kidney and only at an angle of 45 degrees.

        In order to provide Claire Austin's grade Abundant and lush flowering large roses shoots need to shorten their lengths. If you shorten the shoots by a third of the length, then the bush literally sprinkled with buds. After fading, the flowers must be deleted. Otherwise, repeated blooms can either come or come, but not soon.

        Feature grade Claire Austin must be minimal three times over the summer. Fertilizers for feeding apply depending on the needs of bushes:

      • before the start of flowering, Claire Austin can be filled with nitrogen-containing fertilizers;
      • before the dissolution of buds, complex trace elements and organicers are required;
      • before cleaning to wintering, the bushes should be filled with potassium and phosphorus.
      • If, when landing roses, a humid or organic was added to the landing jam, then the feeding should begin only from the second year of growth.

        The shelter of the English rose Claire Austin is an important part of her care. In our climate, without this rose just will get out of winter. Therefore, it is very important to pay high attention to this aspect.

        Start the preparation of roses to wintering stands in early October. For this, the bushes are first dipped, and then tilted as close as possible to the ground. After the onset of the first frosts from the shoots, it is necessary to remove absolutely all the leaves and buds. This is done to prevent the development of fungal diseases during the wintering of bushes. After that, the shoots are covered with a noodle and nonwoven material.

        In this form, the bushes are winter until spring. Before covering roses for the winter, we recommend you to get acquainted with the video:

        To date, Claire Austin is the best white rose among all the bred English varieties. Its landing and care will not require special knowledge and effort from gardener.

    Rose Floribunda, that translated means "rich-racing" - real decorations of the garden, besides, it is quite easy to grow this species. There are many varieties today, and one of the most popular is the grade Angela (Angela). This flower can boast a wonderful decorative appearance, come out with the character. We learn what Rosa Angela is represented, in what conditions to grow it, how to care.

    Rose Angela - Floribund in the shape of a bush having a low growth. But the softer and warmer climate, in which the shrub grows, the higher it will be able to wash: in the cool climate, only a meter, and in two and two. The variety, like many other floribunds, is derived by German breeders.

    External description

    Rose can boast a wonderful bright foliage of a gentle green shade. The size of the leaves is medium, but their number is quite large. There are few spikes on the shoots.


    The flowering period begins pretty early and lasts long. Literally from the very beginning of summer and until mid-September, an angel Rosa pleases with his decorative buds.

    Flowers deserve a separate description: they have a correct bowl shape, a seminal structure, a delicate light pink shade. The diameter of one flower is only 5-6 cm, however, due to the vast quantity of their bush looks almost completely pink (see photo).

    Pink coloring of buds is uneven: the brightest of it at the base of the petals, but as the edges approaches the edges. Buds are located not single, but going into small inflorescences. The aroma of the plant is very pleasant, resembles apple.

    Other features

    This plant can boast not only amazingly decorative appearance, but also highly resistant to diseases: including the fungus. The resistance of the rose to black spottedness and mildew is particularly noted: the main enemies of blooming garden shrubs.

    Also, the roses are not afraid of the winds or rains. Even after a strong shower, bright buds will not lose their shape and color, and after the wind will remain in their places.

    Application in design

    Angela Floribund is remarkably suitable for growing both in group compositions and monoposodes. In addition, often the plant is used to form elegant living hedges on the site.

    As for the plants-neighbors, the most advantageously look at Angela will be on the background of coniferous instances. If we talk about low colors, then the best neighbors for Floribuda will be blue, white and purple clematics. The following plants will also be good partners: Dolphinium, Astra, Monard, narrow-mounted lavender, Ival Derbennik, Kotovnik.

    Note that the rose can be used and for the preparation of bouquets: it is in the cut, it is long and good.

    Growing conditions

    We find out where it is best to plant this rose and what conditions she needs for prosperous existence.

    Place and lighting

    This pink grade loves the sun, so the landing place must be selected by the appropriate. In the shade, the plant, of course, will not die either, however, lush flowering In this case, do not see.

    But at least sunlight And it is necessary in abundant quantities, under the right rays throughout the day the rose should not be. In this case, the risk of rapidly fading gentle buds, their burnouts, and burns are possible. Best selection The site will become where the sun shines brightly in the morning or in the evening, and at noon time, a slight shading is provided with a plant.

    Choose a plot open and better - on a small hill. In the lowland, the flower shrub is not planted, since the stagnation of water in the ground is harmful to its roots.

    Temperature and humidity

    Rose Angela needs moderate air temperature: not bad, however, transfers both short-term drought and not strongly protracted cold. It requires shelter for the winter, and with a strong heat in the summer it is recommended to spray shrubs.

    Easy drafts plant tolerate without problems, absolutely not afraid of them. The gusty wind, however, is not needed by the plant. Rose should be protected from strong wind from the northern side, and avoid planting it at the corners of buildings, in the aisles between buildings.

    The composition of the soil

    The soil on the flower bed should be well drained and moderately fertile. The soil must have in composition and sand and clay, be more moderately moistened than dry. If the soil is poor or dense, clay, bring humus into it: this fertilizer and breaks soil, and make it more nutritious. Prepare a place to land a rose in advance, rebuilding the ground and bringing compost or manure into it.

    Seat selection

    When buying a seedling of this rose, pay attention to the presence of at least 2-3 weighing shoots departing from the trunk. The plants should be damaged and rot, have a greenish tint. The roots of the seedling should be affected and developed, branched.

    How to care

    Throw out what care is needed by this rose for lush flowering and rapid growth.


    Moisten a rose is moderately: only after drying the upper layer of the soil. But in the period of active growth and development of water, a rose need a lot: these periods come to dissolve the kidneys, flowering, formation of new shoots and foliage. After the first phase of flowering, watering should also be particularly abundant to stimulate the early beginning of the second phase.

    Water the plant in the evening or in the morning: but not at noon time. In the latter case, it is very likely that the shrub will get burns from sun rayFucking water drops.

    Loosening and mulching

    Floribunda will grow well only in the soil is quite permeable and loose: Therefore, the looping procedure is necessary. It should not be deepened, however: roots roses often come close to the surface. Experienced gardeners are loose at no more than 10 cm deep.

    When leaving the plant, a large help can be mulching. The mulch layer will help to maintain the root for a longer period by moisturous, will save from weeds and makes the looping procedure almost optional. The mulch can use hay, decomposed dry manure, peat facing foliage.


    Shrub for prosperous development additional food necessary. The optimal frequency of feeding is twice the season. For the first time make fertilizers in the spring, at the very beginning of the vegetation, the second - before flowing.


    A bush needs both in pruning sanitary and forming. The procedure is usually carried out in the spring, before the first leaflets begin to appear. The sanitary trim is to remove the frozen over the winter, sick, old and broken branches. In addition, the procedure should include the removal of shoots thickening the crown growing inside.

    With forming trimming, the branches are shortened by about a third of the length. However, if the bush is low, shortening occurs in a proportionally lesser extent.


    Angela is quite a winter-hardy variety, however, in our winter climate too frost to allow rose to conduct them without shelter. In the south of the country, it is possible not to be stolen if the plant is already an adult.

    Starting with the fourth climatic zone, Floribund needs to protect for the winter. To do this, before the onset of the cold, the bush is dipped with a soil or peat, forming a 20-30 cm ridge. You can use a compost for extracting: so you have a rose further apply.

    From above, the bush is covered with burlap or nonwoven material, which is now a lot on sale. The space between the branches is paved with a spruce noodle.

    Angela rose has a pink with raspberry reverse color. The height of the bush is usually about 100-150 cm. The width of about 100 cm., It happens more but quite rare. Resistance to Diseases of Rose Angela: Practically does not hurt.

    Description: Roses Angela

    Angela is an excellent and unusual rose, and its popularity worldwide continues to grow. Perfectly feels in any climate, from the cold continental to the Mediterranean. Angela's pale pink flowers, with raspberry reverse - a remarkable combination, deeply cupid, which is found in a few roses, except, except, Raubritter. Flowers are never disclosed completely, appear in very large tight brushes, where the contrast is clearly visible between the Red outside and pink center. The bush is very hardy and healthy, well-limiting. Green foliage, shiny. In the cold climate, the bush sufficiently reprehensive, with hotter areas grows into a high arcuate bush to 2 m, and can be used as a plenty rose. Certified according to the ADR system in 1982 (AR), the enduring Rose "Under the Starin", with large inflorescences of carmine-pink semi-world flowers can not disappoint the owner. Mine flowers, especially in the half-scaled bud, have a pronounced concrete-cupid form, characteristic of old roses. Volumetric bushes with a height of about 1 m also decorates bright green, elegant foliage. The variety is energetically grow, it blooms plentiful and pleased with health. Fashion for romantic roses is experiencing a real boom, and Angela is one of the best and characteristic representatives of the first wave. Recommended for single and group landings. (Read more. Flower Bulletin, №1, January 2006. Galina and Olga Pankratov. "Get acquainted with Mysterious Schrab")

    Rose Angela - extraordinary beauty flower, characterized by abundant flowering and uniform of the location of flowers across the bush. This variety is one of the most popular in the world, since Rosa Angelica (otherwise named after many rose) has excellent characteristics, and in particular, it is perfectly adapted to any climate, both Mediterranean and continental.

    A variety of foreign breeders has been derived more than 30 years ago. The author of tea-hybrid rose Angelica Rymer Cordes is a famous German rose.

    Rose Angela: Description of the characteristics of the variety

    Angelica's rose variety is in special demand for flower flows, because both tea-hybrid plants have excellent climatic characteristics. the main distinctive trait Roses Angela consists in its appearance. Flowers are deeply cupid, completely not disclosed. Color pastel-pink with raspberry edging along the edge of petals. The bush itself is quite powerful, with strong stems, grows up to one meter in height. The aesthetics of the Angelic Rose is that there are several scenery of roses on one stem. The bush is well frightened, intensively growing, buds have a beautiful oval shape and a pleasant thin fragrance.

    Rose Angela

    Angela Floribunda rose variety is the most successful view of pastures. The main features of the plant are described below.

    Plant Parameters

    An angel rose is remarkably adapted to the climate in which it is grown. The growth and size of buds depends on weather conditions. In the hot climate, the bush grows quickly and abundantly, in the cool zones, the plant is less active. Medium parameters:

    • The height of the bush is 100-150 cm;
    • Width - 80-90 cm;
    • The size of the flower itself is 6-10 cm;
    • The flowering period is repeated;
    • Leaves - glossy, bright green, dense;
    • A bush is a strong, growing, reprehensive.

    Bush roses Angela

    Climatic features

    Angela (Angela) Rosa cancels both cold and heat. It is a winter-hardy rose variety. When growing in the middle lane does not need careful shelter. The height of the bush will strictly depend on the climate in which it is grown. In the middle strip, the plant reaches 1 meter in height, the bush itself is a strengthening. In more warm conditions Rose tea-hybrid Angelica can grow up to 2 meters in height. The bush at the same time is slightly prone, curved. Such "fluffiness" will decorate any facade and will delight the eye of each plant owner.

    Additional Information! Buds are well tolerated heat, do not appear and do not burn out. This aspect is well distinguished by a rose among other types of hybrid colors. A bush blooms abundantly, with warm weather looks like a well-limited sphereless bouquet of roses. Aesthetic and attractive.

    Flowering and yield period

    The presented grade is good because it blooms from early summer until late September. Flowering continuous, the appearance of buds does not lose attractiveness and elasticity. The leaves of flowers are bright green, not faltering. The flower is resistant to diseases, does not require scrupulous care, it is well tolerating the mildew. Buds are disclosed on the stems of several pieces, the diameter of the bowl is 5-7 cm.

    Rose gives greater yield. Almost the entire bush was covered with buds, in a slice flower stand for a long time, do not appear. Spike small and frequent. It is worth noting that the angel can bloom to the most frosts, while presentable view Buds do not change.


    Angelica variety is used both in private houses on the flower beds and to decorate the streets. It is used for curb landings, rosary, container and vanity growing.

    Chic pink bush

    Method of growing and caring for a variety

    Despite the fact that the rose Floribunda Angela is not so good in cultivation, like some types of roses, it requires proper landing and care. If all the conditions are fulfilled correctly, in the future the plant will delight the eye, and it will not be sick.

    To grow bush angelic Rose, It is necessary to pre-prepare the soil with drainage. Flowers do not like stagnation, so it is necessary to plant a bush in the open space on the sunny side, as the plant loves moisture and sun. It is desirable that the soil is fertile and breathable, i.e. in obligatory It is necessary to break the earth.

    Planting roses is preferably at the beginning or middle of spring (the plant is not afraid of light frosts). Fruit starts in early June, although this parameter will largely depend on climatic conditions.

    The plant loves drainage soil with an acidic alkaline reaction of at least 5.6 and no more than 7.3 pH. The landing pit must be free to put the entire root of the plant. The depth is at least 50 cm. Drainage can be made pre-from sand or gravel to prevent water stagnation during watering.

    If a root system The saplings are open, it is recommended to hold the rhizomes in water 4-6 hours. You should pay attention to damaged shoots. If any, they must be previously removed. Long shoots need to shorten, weak clean, remove, and leave only strong and healthy medium length.

    Fertilizer soil

    To Rosa stuck and had blooming view, flower products are offered to prepare thoroughly soil as follows:

    • Manure (three parts);
    • Soil layer (fertile) two parts;
    • Sand (two parts);
    • Peat (one part).

    The most relevant landing time is May. By this period, the soil is already treated enough.


    Rosalia does not like abundant irrigation, it is necessary to moisten the soil after drying it. Flowers need feeding. It is necessary to do this procedure twice - the first time in the beginning of spring (with vegetation), the second - before breaking the buds. The feeding method is quite diverse, the choice of complex fertilizers is determined independently and depends, first of all, on the type of soil and the acidity of the Earth.

    Angelic Rosa loves complex mixtures of potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus. The proportions are 1: 1: 2. Many roseworks use organic feeding in the form of bird litter, manure. However, they need to be brewed with water and insist for several days.

    Additional Information! Spring composts make the ground loose, which increases the air permeability of the soil. This procedure can be done in the complex.

    The first feeding is carried out for intensive plant growth, the second stimulates the re-blossom of buds.


    In the spring it is important to pruning rosal even before the formation of the kidneys.

    The pruning procedure should be performed only with sharp and clean garden tools. This aspect allows you to grow beautiful decorative plant And to send the right vector of rising bush.

    The advantages and disadvantages of the variety

    In fact, tea-hybrid roses, and, in particular, the variety of Angelica are quite comfortable plants for rose lovers. They are not so whims, they have resistance to weather phenomena, well stand diseases. Rose Parkovanov Angela has the following advantages:

    • It tolerates both warm and cold climates.
    • Watering is carried out once a week (represented roses are not particular water lovers, which is very convenient for the owner).
    • The bush grows strong, while it has a compact size (not sprawling).
    • The entire bush is sleeping with bright and gentle buds.
    • Flowers continuously, petals do not appear, do not yellow.
    • Roses are beautiful in a slice ( for a long time Not wither, about 7 days).
    • Roses Floribunda grows abundantly and often on stems than other grades of tea-hybrid roses.
    • IN winter Easily covered, do not require landing.
    • Flowers make a pleasant and gentle aroma of medium power, which allows you to put the bouquets of roses in the house.
    • Sustainable to many diseases.

    Tea rose

    However, with tea rose Angelo, not everything is so smooth, as it seems at first glance. Yes, this variety can be easily raised at home, but it is important to find a suitable place to form flower beds. Angelica is a grateful and fruitful plant, but with improper landing this bush will not please the owner of the abundance of flowers. Of the minuses of hybrid decorative roses, you can note the following:

    • Systematic and high-quality soil preparation. If the owner of the seedling did not provide for all aspects of landing, the rose may simply not fit in the soil.
    • Welcome. A bush should be located in a well ventilated place. Otherwise, he will begin to root from the air deficit.
    • Sunny side. The owner must have a sunny place in the garden for planting this plant. Angelica loves the light very much, and with insufficient filling of UV rays, the bush begins to "go out" and fade.
    • Requires a solid feeding. Ideally, the flower plants are recommended to produce a finishing three times per season. The last time is carried out at the end of August for better preservation of the plant during the winter.

    Compared to other tea-hybrid roses of the angel, has the most interesting color. The petals are equipped with a beautiful raspberry reverse, which makes a rose even more in-depth and extraordinary in appearance.

    Rose Angela, whose photo in front of you, very beautiful and unusual. Its popularity continues to grow. Rose is called Angelica. This wonderful variety is derived in Germany, it refers to the group

    "Abdominal" - this is how the name of Floribund is translated, which fully corresponds to the truth, since roses belonging to this group simply beaten by flowers. This type was obtained as a result of crossing the polyanth and tea-hybrid roses. It is because of this that this group of colors have a very diverse color of buds and excellent resistance to diseases and frost.

    Rose Angela: Description

    Rose of Angela variety is low bush. The height of the plant depends on what climate it is located. In the middle lane (4th climatic zone), Angela rose reaches one meter in height, bush branches are a reprehension. With a warmer climate, the pink bush can grow up to two meters.

    Listers glossy, bright, green, medium size. Angela blossoms early, at the very beginning of summer, the blossom is long, the last flowers please the eye in September. The buds are beautiful, semi-grade, cup-shaped, in diameter reach 5-6 cm. Flowers of light-pink color at the base, closer to the edges of the petals are much darker, are collected in lush inflorescences for several pieces.

    Rosa Angela is appreciated not only for his beauty, besides this, she has many other advantages. The plant has elevated disease-resistant, such as malievable dew and black spot. Angel is not terrible neither the wind or rain. Buds do not fade in the sun, possess a weak gentle aroma, similar to the aroma of apples. Blossom of the bush is abundant and long.

    Landing and care

    Rose Angela requires when landing well-trained soil with drainage, a place for a rose bush should be selected so that there is no stagnation of air. Planting young bushes is better in spring, the place of the eyepiece is recommended to plunge 7-8 cm.

    Rosa loves the sun, so "place of residence" needs to be determined, given the wishes of the queen of flowers. Planting pink bushes is preferably in a sunny place with antenna and fertile soil. As mentioned earlier, the air should be not stagnant, the place with the pink flower must be well ventilated.

    Watering roses need moderately, as the soil drying. Twice for the season, the bushes need feeding. The first time at the beginning of the vegetation in the spring, the second time - before the floral buds are dissolved.

    Before the appearance of the first leaves, pruning plants is carried out. It is necessary to remove broken, frozen and old with a brown branch sheath. So that the bush does not thicken, triggers growing inside and crossed with each other. If the bush is high, then, besides the listed, cut off all other branches for one third. Low bushings this rule does not concern.

    Angela looks beautiful both in group landings and single. From bushes can be made beautiful rose It looks great next to evergreen and against the background of violet, blue and white clematis.

    Preparation for winter

    Rose Angela is a relatively winter-hardy grade. In the southern regions (fifth zone), the plant does not need to be covered for the winter. With a colder climate (fourth zone), pink bushes are necessary before the onset of winter is dipped to a height of 20-30 cm. It is better to make a bunch not out of the ground, but from the compost. The top of the plant also needs to be bought by observer material or burlap, for this you can still use a snack or a twig.