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Draw a white rose watercolor in stages. Rose "Watercolor": characteristics and varietal differences. Use in landscape compositions

Watercolor is considered one of the most complex techniques in drawing. And Rosa is one of the most complex plots.

Today we will analyze how to draw roses with watercolor in the technique of multilayer painting.

Questioned Example - a master class from the famous Watercolor Barbara Fox Watercolor.

Barbara Fox is an artist with bright and unique styleHer paintings are easy and realistic. It works only watercolor and is considered a recognized meter of watercolor floral painting!

Her work has repeatedly participated in personal and group exhibitions in museums and galleries throughout the United States. Barbara - Member of the National Society of Watercolor, International Guild of Realism, Pennsylvanian Society Watercolor and Northeast Society Watercolor.

More works on the site Barbara Fox

Drawing roses watercolor, MK Barbara Fox

"Lady Rosa", 22 "x 26", watercolor, paper "Arhes" 300 IB


I use materials from different manufacturers:

  • Colors: SAP Green, Cadmium Lemon, Peacock Blue, Cadmium Yellow, Permanent Rose, Cobalt Blue, WinSor Violet, Hookers Green and Pthalo Blue.


1. CONTURRY Figure

I make a thorough drawing of my object, I increase it through the copier, making sure that all the lines are dark enough, and then transfer the drawing into watercolor paper.

My transfer technique is very simple: I put the drawing on a large window, then on top of it - watercolor paper. The drawing is visible through paper, and I bury it.

It works only on a sunny day! I like this way, because it is simple and fast.

Note: The figure shown here is a copy to zoom. The drawing on my watercolor paper is too light to be shown in the photo.

2. Background fill

In this picture, I first wrote the sky and greens around the colors.

My way here: Moisten paper clean waterAnd then cover it in a rich color, which is necessary.

I mix the paint with a small amount of water in small cups, as I need a very thick, rich composition.

For this fill, I used three colors - SAP Green, Cadmium Lemon, and Peacock Blue. (Green, lemon yellow, heavenly blue)

I allow paints to spread around the water and mix. I add a little lemon yellow while the layer is wet.

I like this natural way Writing color infusion.

Another way to get good fill - Mask with a masking fluid (Mask Fluid).

Then it is easier to write on top of the reserved surfaces, you do not need to bypass white areas.

Relieve the basics of watercolorwith a popular course

"Watercolor Taming"

3. The first layer on the rose

I am writing petal flower for petal.

For a start, I witched a certain piece of petal, then prescribed it with a flower color, in this case it is a yellow cadmium, permanganate pink and cobalt blue (Cadmium Yellow, Permanent Rose, Cobalt Blue).

I do not add so much water, as in the case of the pouring background, this pigment should not be spread so much.

Look at it near:

Remember that you need to give a layer to dry well before you start prescribing the next layer on top.

VIDEO:Drawing roses watercolor. Beginner errors

4. Tighten the color and shades of the layer

Each layer adds an increase in color or shade to painting.

The picture above has a little more layers of shades of my flower: Cadmium Yellow, Permanent Rose and Cobalt Blue.

When the picture dries, I also add more details, such as pink stripes on a flower.


Several following photos show work step by step, layers.

I use, basically, the same colors from which we started, but the layers, increasing, increase the intensity of the color.

It takes time, but the result will be glowing colors.

Be patient and enjoy the process. What I love in watercolor is that painting is beautiful here at every stage

5. Add shadow

I am writing a shadow using cobalt blue and violet (Cobalt Blue and Winsor Violet).

When you write a transparent layer, they enable the previous layers through them, even yellow.

I also add a little more color In the mass of greenery, using viridon green and blue (Hookers Green and Pthalo Blue).

Want to master all the techniques and exposures of writing colors?

Then pay attention to the course:

He is step by step, from a simple to complex, teach you to draw individual flowers and bouquets so that it is watercolor, beautiful, professionally.

6. Holding layers

More layers! The layer of pink and cadmium yellow on buds. Together they look prettier.

I am writing more strips, darkening some sites, especially next to the edges of the petals.

I add more details in the stems and bracts.

In 1999, Tantau replenished his roses collection with a colorful name Aquarell. Synonyms names - Perfect Harmony, St. Margaret's Gold, Tanellqua. Really colorful flower, with soft watercolor overflows. Hans Jürgen Evers have been removed.


Group - tea-hybrid

Flower size 10-12 cm in full rose

Aroma strong citrus fruit

Height - from 70 cm to 1-1.2 m

Resistance to mildew - Above average

Black spot resistance - High

Cold resilience - before - 22 ° C in dry cold zones without shelter

Bloom - Permanent

Aquarell tea-hybrid-hybrid rose blossom blossoms, classic flower size with a cone-shaped center and fast mass extension, but plus, even the rich smell make this variety of roses from Tantau with an excellent plant that can take a huge amount of attention from guests. The first thing that attracts the attention of a watercolor-seeing rose, its smooth transitions of color from creamy-yellow to reddish-orange against a brilliant dark green dense foliage. Flowers are huge, dense, in a fully open state, they demonstrate a large shop of golden-brown stamens. They are regally towers on strong renovative shoots and are collected in small inflorescences of 3-7 pcs.


Contemporary tea-hybrid rose from Tantau Aquarell prefers neutral or slightly sour soilrich in useful substances and with good drainage. Before making the section of the section with flower deciduous compositions make a test for the composition of the soil, which can be bought in garden centers. The best place for landing - This is a sunny plot or a half (minimum 3-4 hours sun ray Must be sure to go on a rose). In the halftime, the flowers will be more rich coloring, but there will be less than when cold weather.

For a rose Aquarell need to be careful as well as any plant in the garden. First, it is necessary water. On 1 bush, it will take up to 10 liters of warm outwear water, which is poured under the base of the plant with small portions as needed, but not less than 2 times a week. In the dry time it makes more often, and it will also be nice if she will do spraying. Evening hours - optimal time for this. During the night, the soil is as impregnated as possible moisture and the flower will longer get a liquid from it. Very good if a mulch is used. It not only prevents the rapid evaporation of moisture, and significantly reduces the likelihood of "raids" of weeds.

Minerals, vitamins and organica make a plant more resistant against diseases, pests and cold. If you do not feed the rosa watercolor at least once every two weeks, then during the growing season, the plant will not "issue all its charms with a bang" in the amount in which it can, and half smaller. IN winter time Weak rose is susceptible to frostbite not only to the top, and the root system. It follows from this that there is a risk of losing half, if not the whole rose. Fulfill the soil in the plant can be poured around the plant of the granules of complex feeding, or breed them in water and alternate with watering. Vitam is better to give through spraying. Apply only a well-reworked organic. Alternatively, this is a mulch-reducing from a mixture of manure and soil (1: 2). In this case, with each watering to the plant, a fresh portion of the beneficial substances is "fits".

Loosening Soil necessarily - it helps the root rose system to obtain not only oxygen, and and get faster useful substances from the soil. In the "scored" soil of the plant "suffer". During loosening, weeds are also removed. If a mulch is used, then this reception is less common.

Aquarell roses variety needs trimming. Tea-hybrid roses Flower on the new year branches. How and when to cut them depends on the climate in which they grow. In warm areas, the autumn-winter trimming is not needed, only the spring is conducted by the correction trimming of Aquarell - the removal of old, damaged, patients of shoots (but this does not mean that if you cut off for the winter and it turns out as a result, it is excellent that you need to stop doing so. Do and share with us). In cold places, it is still better to make trimming - it will help to avoid winter friction. Also, such a kind of trimming is done where winter is not stable - non-permanent weather is even worse: long-lasting thaw and sharp frosts immediately behind them - Beach for roses. Roses quickly react to warming and launch vegetative processes. The first thing "leaves" the kidneys, launched by a rose in growth. As a result, the number of blooming shoots is less.


Roses from Tantau Aquarell from Tantau Aquarell was shown as a circuit plant (for bouquets - the length of the color seeds can reach more than 1 m). She is beautiful in all flower beds: mixlers, borders, alive hedges, at high strains, near stone retaining walls ... Her companion on the flowerbed can be any decorative-deciduous, coniferous plants. By color gamma It will be harmonized with monophonic painted flowers. They are either chosen in the tone of its coloring (pink, apricot, yellow tones More or less saturated), or monophonic with clearly understandable color - red, white, purple, blue ... in the neighbors Rose pick up long-flowing curly plants: Clematis, honeysuckle, Campxis, other roses, sweet pea, Kobeu, Ipomeje, wisteria for the design of the background or in the mixturore.

Sort Roses Watercolor: Description

Rose petals are similar to watercolor drawing. The color of petals smoothly flows from a gentle pink edge into milk or peach tint Middle. The variety belongs to one of the most popular thanks to beautiful color and long period of flowering.

Description of varieties

Disease resistant muced dew And black spottedness, but poorly tolerates frost. She needs shelter for the winter.

Source: Depositphotos.

Rosa Watercolor is removed for cutting and growing on the flower beds

Roses are well suited for landscape design. After cutting stand in vases about a week.


  • Flowers of a spherical shape with a cone-shaped core, diameter up to 12 cm, with thick terry petals. Inside the fully blossomed rose, golden brown stamens are visible.
  • Middle width bush, in height grows up to 1 m. Stems upright, powerful.
  • Dark green leaves, glossy.
  • The aroma is stable, expressed, with fruit and citrus notes.

The stem grows both in one and several flowers.

Growing and care

Plot for planting Choose smooth, protected from drafts. It should be 3-4 hours, in the morning or evening, lit by the sun. At noon, straight rays leave burns on gentle petals. Moisture should not be stated, it leads to the root of the roots.

The soil should be nutritious, neutral or weakly acid, with good drainage.

  • Watering the bushes rarely, but abundantly, under 1 root, pour 10-15 liters of water.
  • Mulching the soil allows you to keep moisture in the ground and prevents the growth of weeds.
  • Feed the plant during the bookmark of buds and in the flowering period by organic and mineral fertilizers.
  • Spray with drugs against pests and diseases.
  • Regularly loose soil to root system breathed.

Conspect the bushes, cut damaged, faded shoots and leaves. For the winter, cut the bush to stay with a height of 10 cm. Cut the ground, cover with sawdust, dry cheese, foliage. You can build arcs from thick wire and cover them with geotextiles. It is important that there is no humidity inside the shelter, otherwise the bush will die.

Roses need trimming. In a cold climate, to avoid charming, cut off the shoots in the fall. If the winter is pretty warm, remove old, weak, damaged stems in the spring, in early March.

Rose Watercolor was displayed for cutting in bouquets, the length of the color saw can reach 1 meter. It is grown and for the decoration of flower. It combines well with curly flowers and shrubs.