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The best cement brand. What is the best cement? Pouring foundation concrete

Types of material for foundation

Many builders know that only the choice of the proper grade of cement for the foundation guarantees its strength and durability. After all, cement is a mixture of mineral and organic substances, which, while compliance with water proportions, provide excellent binding properties. And if it is also added to the mixture to the mixture, then the composition will also acquire antibacterial and antifungal properties. But the cement for the foundation is needed special. After all, this is a key binder for the team design, it is from it a monolithic basis. The concrete mix is \u200b\u200bmade from cement, sand, rubble, lime and water in various proportions. Only if you comply with building standards, then there will be excellent durable monolith. But what cement is better for the foundation of the house? What products will be optimal to obtain a high-quality concrete mix?

Cement Brand Choice for Home

Solution for foundation

Now in the building materials market, you can buy cement of various brands, where the number corresponds to the dispersion of the material. Also, some plants produce the so-called dust cement, which is characterized by high knitting characteristics, is used in the construction of drilling rigs, but is produced in limited quantities and is very expensive. The most popular among builders remains portland cement, which is made with special additives.

It is additives that provide the necessary binding characteristics, perform different functions. Starting from providing frost resistance to a solution, protect the concrete from aggressive media, and also improve the speed of solidification.

When buying cement, you need to decide on the product brand. If buying cement with a higher brand, then a robust design is obtained, and it indicates the speed of solidification of the solution. Also on the package there are special indices that indicate a number of other cement characteristics:

  • D0 is a clean product without additives;
  • D20 - there are 20% mineral supplements in the composition;
  • N - normalized. The composition has a normalized clinker filler.
  • B - fast-hardening. This is a composition that is quickly able to harden.
  • PC is Portland cement.
  • BC is a white cement. In most cases, such a product is used in finishing work, facade and aesthetic works.
  • Pl - plasticized, it is distinguished by high frost resistance.
  • GF - hydrophobic. This specific type of material is distinguished by high levels of frost resistance, but it is not immediately absorbed by water.
  • CC - sulfate-resistant. An excellent solution in the construction of foundations and finishing work under conditions with the emergence of aggressive environments.
  • WRC - waterproof. This is a special type of product, which, when hardening, expands and practically does not let water.

What brand of cement is better to use when building a foundation?

Select brand cement

It is worth remembering about the properties and characteristics of a particular soil. For dry soil, it is better to buy an ordinary portland cement with a M500 D0 brand. Then it turns out a solution with the M350 brand. The proportions depend on the type of foundation, the most popular (for the construction of monolithic foundations) - this one part of the product takes two parts of the sand and four parts of the rubble and then water is added with uniform stirring to obtain the necessary consistency of the solution.

You can always seek help for help from professional builders who themselves will tell what product and what brand is better and what proportions will be optimal for the solution, as well as which sandy mixture is better to choose the dispersion and origin of the sand.

  • Mark M400 and PC400 (D20) is used in a small construction of single-storey houses, utility buildings or in the construction of private infrastructure facilities. For such foundations, durability and maximum load per unit area of \u200b\u200bthe base plays a non-core role, so such a brand is ideal when comparing price-quality.
  • M400 brand and PC400 (D0) according to properties is almost identical to the D20, but there are no impurities in it. Therefore, it is used in the construction of the grounds to which the requirements for high moisture resistance and frost resistance are put forward.
  • M500 and PC500 (D20) is optimal in the construction of large industrial and administrative buildings, as well as high-rise residential buildings.
  • PC500 (D0) is also used in the erection of large industrial facilities in conditions of protection against frost and moisture.

During the construction of grounds, fillers are also used. For example, a sandy mixture. First of all, the sand should be clean, without large fractions, sifted, because impurities can worsen the quality of concrete. To check the sand for purity, you can simply pour it with water and leave to stand for a day. If water is lubble, then such sand for the construction of the foundation is not suitable, it contains water-soluble mineral and organic impurities and salts.

When buying gravel, you need to remember, for what purposes it is purchased. If it is necessary to build a foundation for a small one-storey building, then it is advisable to buy gravel with a fraction of 0.8 cm. If the foundation is monolithic with reinforcement, then the fraction must be an order of magnitude less, 0.3 is allowed.

Checking cement for quality and compliance with construction standards

How to choose cement

Some manufacturers are fumbled focusing the date of production of their product, but there are situations where the folk craftsmen buy cement with a mound and tritely facing their containers. In such cases, you must first check it on hardness, and it must be remembered that in the corners of the cement bag is hardly faster than in the center.

The contents of the bag should be gray with a characteristic cutting odor. Fresh cement is soft to the touch, it flows and seeps between the fingers. Moreover, if it is squeezed in a fist, it turns out a lump, which quickly crumbles and does not fit.

But even if you open the bag and detect small lumps there, then this is not fatal. You need to check how they scatter. If from the slightest contact, then the cement is simply not quite fresh. But you can use it. But if the lumps are already durable, they formed a stone, they are hard to rub it, then it is impossible to buy cement - it is no longer suitable for construction.

Assessment of the composition of cement

To check the composition of the cement and its practical quality, you can use mineral water with hydrocarbonate composition, but non-carbonated. With such water and cement, a tough solution is mixed with thin edges and a thickened center. If the cement is made with high-quality materials and does not contain additives, then such a tortilla will freeze in 10-15 minutes, and it is hard to destroy, especially the center. During the frozen, the pellet is noticeably heated and changes its color to blue-green. But not every cement will give such an effect, much depends on the manufacturer. If the pellet even froze in half an hour, remains soft to the touch, then the cement does not differ in good knitting properties and contains foreign impurities that are not specified on the package. It is not worth using it for filling the base, it gives cracks after hardening and does not heat up.

On the test sample can be placed in the package and leave for a day in a warm place. If during this period, the pellet lost its original form, cracks appeared, then use such cement in construction is strictly prohibited.

It is also worth remembering that cement is considered key building material in the construction of foundations. Even the sandy mixture plays a smaller role in the composition of the solution. Therefore, it is not necessary to save on this product and immediately buy high-quality cement, and proven and popular among builders manufacturers.

Cement is an important building material, which just like lime, plaster or clay belongs to inorganic binders. It is necessary to know which brands of this material are and for which they are best used to determine which cement is better. At the same time, the products should be not only high quality, but also to maintain a long time.

Like other materials used in construction, cement has differences in physical and technical characteristics that depend on the conditions of its operation.

What to buy cement - in bags or scattering?

Despite the continuous development and emergence of new technologies, construction does not work without the use of cement mortar. This material is sold in a scattered form and in bags. Therefore, the question often arises, what option is the best and better? There is a unambiguous answer to this question - the best cement in bags. In addition, it is its most often you can find on sale. The material is produced both abroad and in the CIS countries. It is sold in construction supermarkets, on special bases, as well as in cement plants.

Cement, packaged by bags, has high quality and is better adapted for storage.

More cement, packed in bags, is much more profitable to buy, because it is easier to store it. But at the same time, the room where it will lie must comply with certain criteria. It should be well ventilated, not wet, since otherwise cement hardens. It is advisable not to keep this building material for more than six months - after this period, it loses its basic qualities.

The cement packaged in bags can be different, each of which has its markings, depending on the strength of the material in the finished form.

Before going on sale, still at the factory, all products are thoroughly inspected in accordance with which the manufacturer puts on the bag, the corresponding brand, trademark and the phone number for consultations.

In order not to be mistaken, it is best to acquire cement from the manufacturers known on the construction market that will value with their reputation.

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Basic signs of quality

Visual signs of high-quality cement can be seen in the process of construction work:

  • mass should be dark color;
  • cement must quickly dry, contact well with tools;
  • during compression there should be no dry matter;
  • classm cement must be taken in 28 days;
  • the brickwork for which the solution was used, when using high-quality material it will be durable.

The requirements for the quality of cement in accordance with the enshrined regulations are as follows:

  • drying period;
  • thinness of grinding;
  • consistency of the solution;
  • proper storage of various types;
  • alkali content.

There are various brands of this building material that have an individual composition and apply with various purposes. To understand which cement is suitable better in one situation or another, it is necessary to figure out in more detail in all kinds.

The main advantage of the loose cement is low cost.

Commes most often appear in the mixtures of high marks. To avoid water collection and strengthen strength, an acceptable magnitude of grinding should be about 350-380 sq. M / kg. At the same time, the density of the test is equal to 25-26%. Already in 4.5 hours, cement should be captured, and the hardening should usually occur on the third hour. If these requirements are observed, then the necessary strength will be ensured at the desired period.

In accordance with SNIP 2.03.11-85, in order to avoid the appearance of cracks, the content of alkali in cement should not exceed 0.6%. But in practice it is possible to effectively prevent the threat of strength, if adhere to the indicators 0.7 - 0.72%. Storage conditions and shelf life, as well as the method of transportation have a certain impact on quality.

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How to choose the best material?

If the material is manufactured in accordance with the World Standards, it must have an international ISO-9000 certificate.

According to the external properties of the non-professional determine whether the cement is selected, it is almost impossible, therefore, compliance with the declared characteristics should be determined in laboratory conditions. But at the same time, during his acquisition, it is still worth paying attention to some factors that will help solve which brand material is the best.

As mentioned above, the most acceptable option is a packaged building composition. We must be specified, the manufacturer, GOST, product brand, as well as what additives are also included.

The seller implements this product, the presence of documents confirming the quality is necessary. If they are not, this indicates the dubious origin of the material, which is not preferably acquired.

Another important factor is the price. When the cement meets all the requirements and has quality certificates, it cannot cost cheap. It should be noted that its cost is approximately the same in all countries. But at the same time, the shipping price is added to imported products. Therefore, in the case of the low cost of foreign building material, there is reason to think that it contains components of poor quality, or in the process of manufacture, the proportions were violated, there is no no one in the package or shelf life has long been released.

It is better to choose products that are produced by well-known brands that have a pretended reputation.

The question "What cement is better - Portland cement or SlagoporTland cement" worries many. However, it is quite difficult to find a unambiguous answer: each of them has its properties and has a certain purpose.

Consider all the "for" and "against" on the example of the PCII / B-400 and the SPCIII / A-400

  • Portland cement PCII / b-400 It is based on limestone and clay and may have mineral additives in an amount of from 21 to 35%. Scope is the manufacture of a precast concrete by steaming with a brand of concrete reaching M200. Also, PC II / B-400 is used in the production of monolithic reinforced concrete structures, airfield construction, the construction of hydraulic structures (in fresh waters), in the implementation of work with a fast platform, in the construction of winter work (under the condition of additional electric heating) in the production of asbestos-cement products.
  • SPCIII / A-400 obtained by grinding clinker, granulated domain slag and gypsum. Slag content - 21-60%. The larger the slag is used, the lower the activity of cement. In comparison with the PC, SlakoporTecent has a slow rise in strength at first, but in the future the speed of hardening increases and for 12 months the strength reaches the PC indicator.

The HPC is characterized by low heat release and high resistance to aggressive environmental impact. This building material was widely used in the production of conventional and reinforced concrete, hydraulic construction, general structures. However, it is not recommended to be used under conditions of reduced temperatures, in the implementation of structures that will be subject to regular freezing and thawing.

Summing up can be said that the PC is fully suitable for use in complex climatic and technical conditions, where a rapid grasp of the material is required. But civil construction can be quite successfully implemented using the SPC.

Recently, portland cement is most popular. Why is it believed that this cement is better?

Portland cement arguments

  • Full absence of either a minor content of granulated slag.

Yes, really a slag can be present in the FCC, and its content is able to reach 60%. Because of this supplement, the grasp of cement increases. However, given the fact that the domain granular slag is a waste of metallurgical production, its presence gives the HPC with such qualities as high corrosion resistance, workability, reliable protection against cracking and weathered, durability;

  • Portland cement grapping time is shorter than the SPC.

This statement is absolutely fair. Already on the second knocks, PC II / B-400 acquires up to 35% of planned strength, while the SPC is only 25%. However, on 55 days, the SPC for its strength is not inferior to the M500 PC, and its structure becomes more densely, which ensures high strength. However, the PC is unlikely to withstand the load greater than 540 kg / cm 2.

  • The domain slag is used in manufacturing to reduce the cost of material.

It's a delusion. It was the domain slag that reaches the clinker and gives the HPC with high operational qualities, which are devoid of PC.

Which cement is better - choose correctly

  • Quality. The quality of this building material is confirmed by the international ISO-9000 standard. Packaging should be present this designation. It ensures that you have products that meet international quality standards. Moreover, the packaging must be a paper dilapidated, hermetic without scratches and signs of autopsy. Special attention should be paid to the properties of the material (brand, the presence of additives, etc.), as well as for the shelf life. The longer the cement is stored, the worse than its quality. After 6 months of storage, the activity of this material is reduced by almost 35%. It is also important in what conditions the material contains. High-quality cement should wake up freely through the palm of palm and do not catch up in whom.
  • Price. The price of cement directly depends on its brand. A good building material can not cost cheaply. Today, many unfair manufacturers reduce the concentration of cement dust in order to reduce prices for produced products. However, such actions are negatively reflected on the quality of the cement mortar. Therefore, it is not necessary to navigate the cost, but on warranty and reputation of the supplier.

Which cement is better for the construction of the foundation?

Bookmark the foundation is the most important part in the house-building. The oversight in its implementation is able to lead to the destruction of the foundation and even at home. The quality of cement has a huge impact on the quality of the foundation. Failure to comply with the proportion or incorrectly selected brand of building materials can lead to sad consequences.

According to professional builders to fill the foundation of a residential building, the M300-M500 brand material is best used. Given the fact that 1 m 3 concrete to create a foundation will require 490 kg of cement M400 or 410 kg of M500, then with regard to the value of the material you can independently determine which brand it is more profitable to use. The use of low-brand building materials is not recommended. For example, Cement M200 is best suited for finishing.

Choosing heavy-duty cement brands (M600 and M700) to build a small residential building, you simply spend money.

After the stamp of building materials is chosen, you should pay special attention to compliance with proportions. It is also necessary to take into account the type of soil on which the house will be erected. On sandy and rock soils use concrete M200-250.

It is not necessary to acquire the material of the future. He very quickly loses its properties. It is best to calculate the required amount of cement and buy it immediately before the fill of the base of the house.

To decide which cement is better for the construction of the foundation (M300, M400 or M500), it is easier to be based on the technical characteristics of your project.

Any construction associated with the pouring of concrete will not cost without such a substance as cement. However, it is actually used everywhere (on finishing, masonry, plastering works, etc.).

High demand led to a great abundance of goods in the market. Now it differs not only in characteristics and manufacturers, but in composition.

But, as you know, not all of them are high-quality and useful to use. Due to incorrectly selected material, the structure may soon begin to collapse.

To avoid this you need to know which cement is better to choose for certain purposes. The marking will help us.

What is cement marking?

Brand on the package is a description of which you can choose the best cement for one or another type of activity. It is determined after laboratory testing. They are not relevant for all varieties of material.

Glazymatic, Slagoportland cement and fast-hardening are experiencing on another technology. For experience, create a sample of sand and, accordingly, substances in the ratio of 3: 1, give it the form of parallelepiped with the sides of 40 × 40 × 160 mm. Then, within 28 days, the copy is compressed with increasing force.

It is marked in accordance with two parameters: the composition and ability to withstand the load. For example, "M" and the figure near it (M200) denotes the severity that it is able to withstand kg / cm2, the letter "D" and the number (D20, D30, D40) means the percentage of additives.

For the foundation, cement is suitable with the class of strength M400 and M500, it is the most durable among the others. M350-500 is considered the most popular. For the final repair phase, it is customary to use M200-M300.

Decoding marking

  • SS is not destroyed in an aggressive salt environment. Suitable for hydraulic structures.
  • The HPC contains more than 20% of additives (plaster not more than 5%, clinker minerals with 6% magnesium, domain slags). It has good heat-resistant and resistance to sulfate water.
  • WRC - preferably used in wet conditions, as it is waterproof. The main advantage of its advantage is fast frost.
  • PC is the main binder in construction (Portland cement).
  • BC is white (for decoration or restoration).
  • B (fast) - used to create reinforced concrete structures.
  • Pl - has increased frost resistance and plasticity.
  • GF - combined the qualities of WCR and PL.
  • H is a clinker prepared on the basis of a threecalcium aluminate content (s) in an amount of no more than 8%.

First you need to decide on the supplier. Recommended how to explore the seller's reviews.

Select a manufacturer's country. The best option will be the domestic company. Its products will be fresher than a foreign merchant, which is very important.

The goods can be purchased by weight and in a packaged form. Of course, it is better to give preference to the second, as you will know what you are offered.

When purchased, scrupulously study the appearance of the product. According to GOST 2226, the paper bag must be three-layer or four-layer, high-quality sewn (glued) with a sealed neck and valve marks. The bottom is the photo of cement (packaging), which corresponds to GOST.

Carefully read all the information present on it, you will help you decide on the choice.

Ask for sellers to see all certificates and passports. Without the presence of these documents, you risk being deceived. For example, some unscrupulous merchants mix the classes, add to the sand mix, and then there are several kilograms at all.

Do not regret money. Of course, everyone wants to save, but in this case this is the most incorrect decision. After all, if you acquire poor-quality material, it can strongly affect the durability of the construction.

The price largely depends on the number of impurities. What they are more - the cheaper and low-quality products. In addition, manufacturers can reduce the cost due to transportation.

Pay attention to the shelf life (60 days) and storage conditions. If the goods ignore, it becomes not suitable for use. Be extremely careful when buying wholesale. Carefully check each package to the parameters you need, mass and date of packaging.

Make sure that the mixture is crumbly and not raw, it is enough to knock on the corners of the bag. Feelings should not resemble a stone kick.

Photo of cement