Repairs Design Furniture

The smallest rose for the garden. Little roses. Differences from other species

Not the first decade, small roses are very popular with flowers lovers. This type is universal: you can grow such crumbs both in pots and in flower beds in the garden. For those who have not come across miniature roses, it will be useful to learn their most popular varieties and peculiarities of care.

Dwarf roses

Motherland miniature roses is China. Now the breeders withdrew more than 100 varieties. All of them are distinguished by beautiful small flowers of various shades that exude a thin fragrance or do not smell at all.

The advantages of dwarf roses to decorate gardens and loggias:

  • The bushes are compact, up to 40 centimeters in height, stalks do not fall on the ground.
  • Most of the sorts of frost resistant, so suitable for decorating flower beds as a perennial.
  • Blossom continues from May to frosts, old buds are constantly replaced by new ones.
  • Flowers miniature are diverse in shape and color.
  • Among the dwarf roses there are varieties of both with one flower on the stem, and with a lot, which allows them to fit perfectly into the landscape design.
  • Pleet and sharpening views of mini roses are of long (up to 5 meters) shoots, small flowers, up to 4 centimeters in diameter, but they are saturated almost the entire bush. The flowering period depends on the selected variety. This is an excellent option to create an elevation and arches.

Small roses

Popular varieties of small roses

Small roses are diverse in height of the bush, the length of shoots, the amount of inflorescence. Therefore, the most popular varieties among flower flows can be divided into 3 groups: swabs, roses mix and soil.

Swimming roses

These roses have long swinging thin stems, which are all covered with flowers. They are distinguished by unpretentious care, fit perfectly into the garden design when creating flowering hedges, walls, arches, and so on. Most popular varieties:

  • Pomponella. This rose with small flowers collected in the brush, has received its name due to the unusual shape of flowers. By themselves, they are small in diameter, round and closed, reminiscent Pompon. Possess a subtle aroma, the color scheme ranges from pink to red. Escapes grow up to 1.5 meters in diameter. Plants are frost resistant, they will fit well in the middle lane of Russia as a perennial. Have a good immunity to diseases.
  • New Down. The most unpretentious grade, which is not terrible wind, rain and even severe frosts. It blooms abundantly and magnificent, the bush itself is very powerful. Rose fine-cexual, terry flowers, up to 3 centimeters in diameter, with wonderful thin aroma, coloring - gentle pink. Plants are resistant to diseases, perfectly suitable for the middle strip of Russia.
  • Iceberg is another unpretentious variety is iceberg. Small snow-white flowers of standard shape, shoots powerful, up to 1.5 meters high. Sitting almost in any climate.

Rosa Iceberg

Roses mix

This is a separate group of low-roses whose bushes are compacts, look like a bouquet, do not exceed 50 centimeters in height. They are the most capricious in care, most often grown at home, larger varieties are used by designers in landscape compositions.

Most Popular:

  • Rose mini mix. Many are interested in the variety of the smallest roses, as these tiny roses are called in flower pots, adorning balconies and loggias. The most miniature among rose colored is a mini mix. This Asian beauty grows with a small bush, 10-15 centimeters in height. On the stems a lot of leaves 10-25 millimeters in length, small flowers, cover the plant with a beautiful hat. The color scheme is diverse, but most often there are pink inflorescences. A very capricious plant, suitable only for growing in rooms or closed balconies. Does not like drafts, direct sunlight, dry air. Demanding in watering, the root system does not tolerate the stress of water in the soil immediately begins to rot, so the care of the rose mini mix even at home is very complicated. Breaks like all dwarf roses, stalling. Once every two years, the plant necessarily needs a transplant in a more spacious capacity.

Note! In the southern regions of Russia (Astrakhan, Volgograd), where on average the air temperature in winter is 15 degrees, the roses mix mini can be grown in the open soil, covering them on the winter with a sweetheave or other affordable shelter.

  • Hummingbird. It has accuracy, a bush of about 30 centimeters height does not grow up, it is very compact located on the flower bed. Flowers in diameter do not exceed 3 centimeters, terry, orange or yellow shade, but the petals will very quickly burn out in the sun. The roses of this variety love the southern areas, are hardly tolerated freezing, so they are best to dig up for the winter and placing in the period of rest in the room with a minimum air temperature of 5 degrees.
  • Los Angeles. This multi-year grade of the Extra class is famous due to its abundant flowering. Flowers up to 4 centimeters in diameter are collected in beautiful inflorescences. On one shoot can be up to 80 pieces of roses forming large blooming flasks. Height of cooks on average is 35 centimeters. Leaves - dark green, egg-shaped. They are pretty abundantly gaining growth due to rustling shoots. Perfectly get along in the southern regions, although with proper shelter they are able to survive any cold. Do not differ resistance to diseases, require protection in the form of special preparations.

Los Angeles

Soil grades

These dwarf roses are distinguished by their ability to grow into width, forming large splashing bushes, similar to the flowering carpet. Main advantages: frost resistance, unpretentiousness and strong fragrance.

The most common varieties:

  • Rose Flirt. The shoots of this rose are thin, sharpening on the ground. The height of the cookistic is up to 50 centimeters, it grows in width no more than 1.25 m. Blossoms of lush, up to 5 centimeters in diameter, visible the middle of the flower. Rose Flirt refers to unpretentious floral plants, resistant to many diseases. Suitable for growing in the open soil. The most appropriate areas - the average and southern strip of Russia, puts out frost to -23 degrees.
  • Degenhart Rosa. The flower is a gentle pink along the edges, white inside, a yellow middle is visible, has a delicate thin aroma. In inflorescences, up to 10 colors grow, in diameter not exceeding 4 centimeters. The plant is more miniature than rose flirt. The bushes grow up to 40 centimeters in height and 1 meter in width. Stems thin, decorated with a thick glossy greens. Winter hardy is not subject to illness, perfectly feels like in loamy weakness soils. Plant blossoms start at the end of May.
  • Rose White Cove. Snow-white, like paper, a miniature rose is perfectly arrived at the flower bed next door to other colors. A small (about 40 centimeters) refers to the soil. The leaves are small, the flower diameter - up to 5 centimeters, has a light aroma. A resistant to frost and diseases, perfectly carries out in thin soils with moderate humidity, does not like wetlafting. Gives shoots that it is possible to transplant in the form of a separate bush.

Rose Weat Cove

Care for miniature roses in the garden

Dwarf roses in the garden are considered an unpretentious culture. The main thing is to choose the right place for the flower and provide it with the necessary care.

To properly put a mini rose on the household plot, you need to take into account a few moments:

  • It is necessary to plant in a place protected from the northern winds, where it was not growing rose.
  • Roses love driving weakly acidic soil, although they are able to get along in any soil, which is not too dense and wetlable. Therefore, in places of accumulation of moisture, add drainage in the soil.
  • The best time for landing is the end of April, when the soil has already warmed a little. If planted a plant in such an early term, it will have time to develop well and prepare for overgrown. After landing, roses should be stolen overnight so that they do not make it.
  • When landing a fossa for the roots of a seedling should exceed their diameter. The root is best to straighten, after which it is to cover the soil and a little tamper with your hand, then ridiculously pour.
  • The optimal distance between the bushes is 30 centimeters.

Watering a rose is needed in the evening under the root, not allowing droplets on the leaves, and even more so the flowers. The procedure should be carried out regularly with a small amount of water, not allowing the drying and overwhelming the soil.

Important! Watering mini roses should be warm water.

When growing miniature roses in the open soil, without feeding it is not necessary. From production fertilizers, it is best to use special compositions for a family of rose colored, which are bred according to the instructions on the package. The main feeder is carried out 2 times - in spring and autumn.

If the bush overwhelmed the winter, then it is cut, removing spoiled over the winter shoots. The cut should be done at an angle, leaving 3 kidneys on the shoot. After a rose is immediately fed. If you choose from organic fertilizers, the horse manure is best suited. It is placed under the bush in a slightly loosened soil.

During the flowering period, the rose can be filled with calcium spit. Only do it should be carefully, otherwise the plant can be easily burned. To avoid this, in the early morning, you should first pour a flower, then feed the fertilizer (1 tbsp. L. On the water bucket).

Fertilizer Calcium Selievera

In order to avoid disease during the flowering period, the rose is sprayed with insecticide. The most suitable is an anti-trip and prestige, which are bred with water in a ratio of 2 drops of funds on a floor-liter water. So you can get rid of the attack of Tly, caterpillars, ants.

For the winter, the rose should be covered with a spruce vegetable, a special shelter or just land. At the same time, all the remaining flowers and flowers should be deleted.

Burgundy roses spawn. Selected shoots are cut from above straight, bottom - at an angle. Next, they are kept in the epin solution (100 grams per 1 liter of water). Drainage, soil and last layer of sand are laid in the container. The cuttings are placed, they are very moistened, covered with polyethylene. A month later, roots should appear, which can already be searched.

Important! For shilling, it is necessary to choose strong shoots with 3-4 kidneys. Scroll produce at least 2 centimeters from extreme kidneys.

Care for mini roses in the pot

Most often, miniature roses for breeding at home are purchased in the store. After 7-10 days, the plant should be rehanced in another pot. Do it best step by step:

  1. Drainage is covered with a clean capacity with a hole at the bottom.
  2. Place the soil bought in the store, or the soil from the country area in the pastime.
  3. Reliest the plant by the method of transshipment along with the land of land.
  4. We compact the soil in the roots, watered with extreme water.

Important! If you use soil prepared by yourself, it should be necessary to disinfect. It is best to do it with the help of a couple, that is, to disappear land.

The pot with a rose should be placed in the room with a temperature of 18 degrees. This indicator can fluctuate for 5 degrees in each direction. The main thing is that the air is wet and absent drafts. Dwarf roses love sunlight, but not straight sun rays. The flower feels perfectly on the northern windows. Light day should be at least 6 hours. For year-round flowering in winter, roses are highlighted with special lamps.

Near the pot should not be heating devices that dried the surrounding air. The miniature rose will feel great on the glazed balcony, where there is no draft.

Good to know! Once every two years, the rose is necessarily transplanted by transshipment into a larger pot with a new nutritious soil.

Watering the plant needs moderately, not allowing soil drying. The land in the pot must be wet, but not wet. You can pour water on a saucer under the pot. Be sure to spray the plant from a pulleysist with small spraying, to do it as often as possible. Periodically, the soil should be loose, so that the roots are saturated with air. For irrigation, only the remaining or melting water is used, since the rosette is very sensitive to chemicals contained in tap water.

Water moderately

In the period of growth 1 time per week, the plant should be picked up by nitrogen fertilizers, for example, nitroammophos. If the plant is covered with rotting or pulse dew, then it is necessary to remove damaged shoots, and the remaining leaves and stems to be treated with soda solution, avoiding it in the soil.

In summer hot days, rosette will feel great on the balcony or in flower bed. For the winter, the plant can be removed in the coolness, providing resting period. For this, the bush is cut, leaving 5 kidneys on the escape and transfer 5-8 degrees into the room with an air temperature.

Rose at all times amazed with its beauty. Thanks to the centuries-old work of breeders, now every amateur of small flowers will find a rose in the soul, decorating her garden or home.

Miniature roses are an extensive group of garden roses, skillfully combining the beautiful shape of a bush and a lush flowering that continues until late autumn. Dwarf roses are universal in their application: they can be in the mountaineering, on the front row of flower beds and flower beds, place along the tracks and reservoirs.

What are miniature roses

The birthplace of dwarf roses is China, because it was there that the first attempts have been taken to create a mini-version of the flower, which would bloom all year round and was more hardy (we all know that the rose - a rattle flower is quite capricious). In the late 1890s, Europeans were also experiments to create highly productive dwarf versions of roses.

The founder of the first modern advanced miniature roses varieties are the famous variety of Rouletii.

Since the gardeners became interested in breeding mini-roses, breeders became annually to carry out several hundred different varieties and hybrids of dwarf colors. All of them are similar to the compact Habius of the bush, but differ in color of the petals and the structure of flowers: they are simple and terry, large and small, cupid and beddown. Most varieties of miniature roses are suitable for garden, and for indoor cultivation.

Value of dwarf roses:

  • dwarf roses in the height of Gabitus are similar to the soil. However, their features of the structure of shoots are distinguished by the mini version, they do not fall and do not steal on the ground, but they grow only upwards, creating a beautiful magnificent bush;
  • short shoots are still very durable and strong. They are well withstanding a thick layer of dense foliage and the severity of dozens of volumetric inflorescences;
  • small buds have a diverse single and two-color petals color;
  • for many varieties, the color gamut of flowers is changing as the budding and aging of the bud;
  • flowers in miniature versions are most often assembled into large brushes consisting of 5-20 buds;
  • flower dwarf roses from spring to late autumn waving. With proper care at home, buds are formed all year round.

Miniature roses are the same garden roses, only in a reduced copy.

Dwarf roses - self-sufficient and full-fledged garden element. And although they are not as smaller with a single landing, and in large floral compositions are lost, they look great in curb design (miniature flowers are also called "curb"), on the front plans of the rocarium and rosary. The lowest grades whose bushes are barely reach the 20-centimeter heights are excellent for container growing. Lush flowering caps look spectacular in suspended porridges, as well as in vases and pots placed on the terrace, porch or at the entrance to the house. Miraculously delated these wonderful flowers and home premises. In addition, border roses look gorgeous in a cut-off bouquet.

Popular varieties

A group of miniature roses currently includes more than 5000 varieties and hybrids. This includes classic bushes, soil, strambly and other garden hybrids that bloom abundantly for many months. Most miniature roses are unpretentious in leaving, have enviable health, the ability to adapt to poor climatic conditions.

Los Angeles

The classic view of a miniature rose, on the basis of which a lot of modern hybrids was created. Los Angeles is a lush low shrub, which rarely reaches a height of 40 centimeters. The plant goes well, his shoots quickly hang out. Stems flexible and thin, grow primarily up. In the spring, they are thickly thrown a dark green slightly rough matte egg-shaped greens. Sheet plate is collected from 5-7 sheets with carved needle edges.

Some subspecies of the Los Angeles variety have an unusual color to foliage: there are copies with brown leaves or painted in light green, with dark streaks.

Gardeners prefer to grow Los Angeles hybrids because of rich bright flowering, which can last 3-4 months. Small 4-5 centimeter flowers have salmon color. They are collected in loose inflorescences consisting of 8-10 buds. Each shoot can be formed simultaneously up to 80 terry flowers of bright orange colors. The color of the petals changes at different stages of the ripening of the flower: at first closed buds have a lemon yellow color, and as the colors are turned into a coral or purple tone.

Jewel (Jewel)

Roses Zaverii Jewel have characteristic leaves - they are rounded shape, dark green glossy (at an early stage of development of cherry), the bodies are practically not allocated. But there are varieties with matte carved leaves (for example, Baby Jewel and Flamingo Jewel). Stems have rare not sharp spikes.

The jeell roses bloom for a very long time - from June to early October. Boots of glassoid, pointed at the edge. The center of the flower is brighter, painted in yellow. The rest of the petals has a bright red color. The lower petals at the dissipated bud greatly bent outward, while the inner rows remain tight pressed to each other. This makes a flower more voluminous and loose. The color on the patio holds for a long time, however, due to the inhomogeneous structure, the flower quickly crepts during rains and wind. But cut flowers are very long, for 12-14 days.

Sortoeria Jewel unites a dozen varieties that differ in the color of flower petals. For example, Amazing Jewel varieties has a biccologist of buds - orange-yellow; Icy Jewel flowers are painted white; Lipstick Jewel hybrids, Sparkling Jewel, Purple Jewel belong to the pink species of Jewel.

All varieties of Jewel Group are well tolerated in room conditions. They are rarely amazed by diseases, and even a spider tick, settled on the lower leaves, will not stop the violent blossom.

Clementine (Clementine)

Soil roses were obtained using interspecific crossing in 1997. Small dense thickens are collected in huge inflorescences. The color of the petals as the flower aging changes with a gentle pink to orange. The color of mature booth resembles the color of the mandarin, and the roses are smelling with citrus. More than all among many types of Clementin stands out grade apricot Clementin. This hybrid is completely simple to care, racks for many infectious diseases and color to the first snow.

Clementine bushes are quite tall for dwarf - they can reach 60 centimeters of height. Escapes The plant forms a lot, due to which 2-3 summer bushes greatly grow up, forming a volumetric high-branching shrub. Elegants grow up. They are durable and straight, thickly hurt with dark green foliage.

The first buds begin to bloom closer towards mid-June. However, in unfavorable periods (cold, rain), flowers are not in a hurry to open. Because of this feature, the bush retains decorativeness for a very long time. In comfortable weather conditions, buds open the core rather quickly - five days after the flower formation. Patio is formed wave-like, and reveal. Cut flowers retain the trade form more than a week.


Clementine roses have high immunity to the most dangerous diseases of culture: black spottedness and mildew.

Cinderella (Cinderella)

The variety created in the best traditions of vintage tea-hybrid varieties. Flowers have a virgin white color, which over time becomes gentle pink with a pleasant apple fragrance. Buds are large, spherical (cupid). Small 3-4 - centimeter buds are assembled into dense volumetric case-shaped inflorescences of 10-20 pieces.

Cinderella bushes are low (20 centimeters) and compact. Stems are thin, but durable, do not have spikes. Roses begin to form on branches by the end of May, but to bloom begin already in the first days of summer. With competent caring, flowering can be repeated 2-3 times per season. And the blooming flowers are not withering for several weeks in a row. Cinderella foliage is large, dense with dark green gloss.

Roses Cinderella are universal in their intended purpose. They look spectacularly in solitary landings, at the same time can be harmonized with other plants in common compositions. They can be raised in the open ground, in pots and porridge.

Hummingbird (Colibri)

Ancient grade, led in 1958. Not inferior to their leadership positions to this day. A miniature compact shrub will grow no higher than 25 centimeters. Short strong twigs are thickly thoroughly leather shiny foliage of dark green. Flowers are very small and there are many of them on the bush. 3 centimeter podium buds in structure. Their color has various shades of yellow and orange. On the bright sun, the color of the petals quickly fade. Buds are formed by a box of 3-4 pieces in inflorescences. The blurred roses have a strong fragrance inherent in this culture.

Flower patio from June to late September. In the open soil, the roses of the hummingbird do not require shelter for the winter (in the south of the country). Basically, the varietal plants are used to create live curbs along the tracks. Many gardeners prefer to raise hummingbirds at home, growing in porridge or pots.

Bigoudi (Bigoudi)

Biguchi is less than everyone like a rose, as in the opening form, buds have elongated dense petals, swirling up and thick core - the view of the far from roses in the usual understanding. The variety is young enough - he was taken out in France in 2001.

A dwarf plant grows up to 30 centimeters. This is a compact, consisting of 15-25 thin semi-restless stalks of a bush, which already at the beginning of the summer is covered with dozens of dahlia flowers painted in a motley red-yellow strip. The patio diameter is 4-5 centimeters. The foliage in a mature form is dark green with redness, has a streak of a yellowish shade.

At the peak of flowering, buds consisting of 20-25 petals are collected at 10-15 pieces in bright, terry and very lush inflorescences. Rose Biguchi blooms several times during the season, keeping its decorativeness until late autumn. This grade has a good winter hardiness, but often suffers from fungal diseases. Biguchi is usually placed in group landings, however, due to excessive inflorescence, designers use them to dilute one-photon flower compositions, in particular roses are planted among grassy plants.

Lavender (Lavender)

The hybrid with fabulous painted roses painted in a purple color was created in 1999 by Maian. The bushes of the middle rosy, reach a height of 40 centimeters. The shoots are well limp, the spikes are rare. The foliage is dense, durable, leathery, with a dark green gloss. Flowers in diameter 6-7 centimeters, dense. In the dismissed form, they have a shape of a socket. They are formed on shoots single or collected in creeps-shaped inflorescences of 2-5 pieces.

Blossom comes in the end of spring and lasts half a year. In the south of the country can winter without shelter. The grade is resistant to fungal diseases, tolerately transfers bad weather.

Thanks to the lilac color of the buds, this rose looks advantageously in the composition with small-ceiling cultures of such a color (cornflowers, bells).

Daniela (Daniela)

Named variety, selected in 1987 by the German company Kordes' Söhne.

Dwarf bushes grow on 25 centimeters, no more. They are compact, reprehension. Foliage matte, juicy green. A distinctive feature of this variety are petals of cupid buds - they have a star-tiled shape and pointed ends. The color of the dense tight pink boutons, over time burning almost to the white. Daniel roses bloom for a long time (almost all year round), sourcing barely catchy delicate floral fragrance. The buds are revealed by rows - the extreme leaves are slightly thrown down, exposing the signed with dozens of petals. 10, 15 And sometimes 20 buds add up to a bulk compartment basket.

For Daniel characteristic high winter hardiness. At the same time, the grade is subject to fungal diseases.

Roses Daniela found their use as domestic flowers. They are glad to grow in pots and pots, cut into bouquets, use for boutonnieres. And practitioners of gardeners often instill this rose on the strab to other varieties, getting gorgeous bushy plants that bloom without ceasing.

Gold Symphony (Gold Symphonie)

This miniature rose was created in France, the selection firm Maian in the early 2000s. Gold Symphony - these are low (up to 40 centimeters) a bush, in the summer thick, crouching dark green glossy, leather foliage, in the wilds of which tens of tongues begin to form tight gust matomas. In the opening form, roses are rather large for dwarf species dimensions - almost 6 centimeters in diameter. They practically do not smell, but from this, their charming beauty does not fade away. At one branch, up to 5 flowers are formed. The color of the petals is golden yellow, sometimes yellow-orange. Color long keeps on the sun, not thorough. The denstomahper bud consists of 50-60 petals. Flowers rose abundantly and long until the middle of the autumn.


Gold symphony variety is ideal for curb decorating.

Garnet Bracelet (Garnet Bracelet)

The variety of domestic selection, with Zinaida Klimenko in Crimea in 2007. Miniature bushes grow up 35 centimeters high. Sobs are destroyed. The leaves are painted into a dark rich-green color, wavy in structure, gear around the edges. The flowers are dense, very large, in diameter reach 6-7 centimeters. Bicolor color - raspberry-white (main color of petals dark pink, raspberry; The outer side is slightly lowered, with silver shades; the core is white). The bud has the shape of a glass, completely not disclosed until the end of flowering. The flowering of the pomegranate bracelet goes continuously for 4-5 months and ends only with the arrival of the first frosts.

The grade of winter films has unreasonable immunity to many infectious diseases. Rarely amazed by pests. Thanks to versatility, roses pomegranate bracelet can be used in any kind of compositions, as well as raise the house in a seedlings.

Named a variety in honor of the story of A.I.Kuprina.

C-finger boy (Malchik-S-Palchik)

The variety is derived in Ukraine with the spouses Klimenko in 2008. A rather tall rose, a bush in height reaches 40-45 centimeters. The plant is straightforward, narrow, shoots grow advantageously up. Greens turn little. Matte leaves are small, dark green, egg-shaped. The generated buds are clearly visible on almost naked shoots. Flowers are small (diameter of 3.5-4 centimeters), collected in inflorescences of several dozen pieces. The aroma is thin, barely catchy, gentle. Flowers bloom all at the same time, hold on a bush for a long time. Color petals saturated pink, coral.

The grade of winter comfort, has enviable health. In good weather conditions can please bloom until mid-October. Sort Self-cleaning. Roseworks recommend landing a rose-and-finger boy along the tracks or use in group landings, placing on the first bottom row.

Amulet (Amulett)

Roses went out by the Germans in the nursery Rosen Tantau. The bushes for the miniature version of roses are rather tall, often grow up to 60 centimeters, and in the south of the country height can reach the meter. The bush is thick, shoots grow straight, firmly adjacent to each other. In the blossomed form, the bud more reminds Chrysanthma (or sometimes Georgina), rather than rose - petals are not spiral, but in a circle. Flowers are large, dense, consist of hundreds of leaves, painted in a saturated pink-red color. At first, the color gamut of buds is all the dark shades of the cherry, and then in the sun color quickly burns out, acquiring the usual color. 4-5-centimeter flowers are collected by 15-20 pieces in fairly large grinding inflorescences.

Rose varieties Amulet still can not give a classification. It is also ranked with Floribunde, and to dwarf roses, and scrasiles.

Roses have long been considered one of the most important decorations of any garden. In addition, what kind of girl will be able to abandon the bouquet of these fragrant flowers. Before the gardener wishing to plant this wonderful plant for the first time, it is a huge selection of various varieties and subspecies. What to do preference? Below will be presented the most popular and new roses among several categories.

Plants are distinguished by the presence of long and flexible shoots, whose length can reach 5 meters. Such roses can be used to create spectacular arches, walls or floral cascades.. This is due to the fact that they feel well on various horizontal or vertical supports.

Usually, the flowers are small, and they mowed almost the entire shrub. Time start, and flowering duration directly depends on the selected variety.

Pomponella ( Pomponella)

Smaller shrub, its shoots grow up for a length of 1.5 meters. Flowers of very unusual shape, closed and rounded, similar to Pompon. The color of such bright pink buds, also many gardeners note the presence of a bright aroma. The variety acquired its popularity not only due to appearance, but also because of unpretentiousness and immunity to many diseases.

Flementation ( Flammentanz.)

A distinctive feature is resistance to diseases and the ability to carry frost to -30 degrees. Shrub grows up to 3 meters long and 2nd width. Buds are painted in bright, red, possess a terry texture, a large size and pleasant aroma.

New Down ( New Dawn.)

This is the most steady and popular variety of plenty roses. The shrub is very powerful and stronger, can tolerate any, even the most adverse weather conditions. The terry gentle-pink flowers decorate the plant from the end of spring and before the beginning of autumn, besides, they are not afraid of the gusty winds and abundant rains.

Golden Gate ( Golden. Gate.)

It was led in 2006 and is already highly popular among flower water. Shrub grows up to 3.5 meters in height, characterized by a large number of shoots. Buds of bright yellow color, quite large size, texture of the petals of terry. This variety is not whimsical to the conditions of cultivation and care, has immunity to many diseases.

Iceberg ( Iceberg.)

An old grade that continues to be in demand and currently. The shrub is small, only 1.5 meters in height is completely suiced by snow-white flowers.. Middle-sized buds, classic shapes, are distinguished by the presence of a thin fragrance. In addition to the bright appearance, such a flower is good for practically in any climate.

Varieties of tea-hybrid roses

The most popular group of shrubs, is a rose with compact high shoots, on the tops of which are formed large buds of various coloring.

Gloria Day ( Gloria Dei)

Although it requires sufficient attention to themselves, in the form of additional shelter for the winter and protection against disease, is one of the most beautiful and popular species. The shoots are powerful and straight, grow up to 120 centimeters in height, the flower is very large (diameter 16-18 centimeters) and beautiful. The color of the bud gently yellow, on the edges you can see the pink cut. The structure of the flower is terry, and the form of invigoine;

Superstar ( Super Star)

Very resistant and beautiful, on one shoot, one or more bright coral buds is formed up to 110 centimeters., terry structure and shape, similar to a glass. The flowering period lasts first summer and before the onset of the first frost. Another advantage will be long-term preservation in the bouquet;

Landor ( Landora)

Resistant to cold and some diseases, shrub grows up to 120 centimeters height. Saturated-yellow buds with slightly elongated petals It looks well as the decor of any country area;

Paradise ( Paradise)

It is popular thanks to the unusual color of the flower, which changes as it discloses it. Initially, the bud is painted in light lavender color, then petals become bright pink, crimson And as if framing a brighter middle. Such roses are often used for cut;

Blue Moon ( Blue Moon.)

Such flowers have an unusual, lilac coloring petals and people are called "blue". Shrub low, only 90 centimeters, foliage freak, glossy dark green color. Lilac color buds consist of 35 petals of the terry texture. It also has an exquisite aroma and is not afraid of cold. The disadvantage will be the high risk of infection with malieving dew.

Roses with the largest flowers

This type includes varieties, The diameter of the bud of which exceeds a 12 centimeter frontThe most bright species are considered:

Polka ( Polka.)

The shrub of such a rose reaches 3 meters in height, the foliage is abundant and glossy. Flowers are very bright and beautiful, in the middle they are painted in a peach color, and along the edges in gentle-cream. The diameter of the booton is 14-16 centimeters, the edges of the petals of wavy. Blossom continues throughout the season.

Paul Neron ( Paul. NEYRON)

A missing shrub reaches a height of 100-150 centimeters, the foliage is very large and brilliant. Flowers reach 18 centimeters in diameter and are considered the largest, they are very similar to peonies with their spherical shape and wavy edges of petals. The color of such roses is saturated pink, the structure of the terry. The main minus is bad frost resistance and exposure to some diseases. Under favorable conditions, it can bloom every 1.5 months;

Ravel ( Ravel.)

A tea-hybrid rose grade is a medium-sized shrub with a large number of shoots and thick, close-green foliage. Usually, on one shoot, only 1 bud is formed, they are extremely rarely 2 or 3.. Blossom occurs gentle pink, terry bootons of a glassworm form. On average, the diameter of the rose is 12 centimeters. Grade is resistant to cold and most diseases;

Dame de Ker ( Dame. dE. Coeur.)

The shrub is small and neat, no more than 1 meter grows in height, the leaves are numerous, dark green. The bloom occurs "waves" and rose can be blooming several times in the period from mid-June and until the end of September. Buds of cupid shape, thick, with terry, saturated-red petals that do not burn out in the sun. Boot diameter 12 centimeters. The variety is not afraid of frost and most fungal diseases.

The most beautiful varieties of miniature and dwarf roses

K belongs to the height of shrubs of which does not exceed 35 centimeters. They look good in various compositions and are often grown in the form of a kind of live curb.

Hummingbirds ( Colibri.)

There are two roses called Colibri with golden yellow flowers. The first appeared in 1958, and in 1978 its improved version was displayed. Very bright grade resistant to diseases and unpretentious in cultivation. Shrub grows not higher than 25 centimeters, buds are collected in inflorescences of 3-5 pieces And they are happy with their beauty until the autumn itself. Humbler's flowers are small, terry bright, yellow-orange shade.

Maidi ( Maidy)

Bright red roses with silver bloom from the reverse side. Shrub in turn grows up to length 35 centimeters and has good resistance to diseases and frosts. Buds abundantly bloom throughout the summer.

Rosemary ( Rosmarin.)

A small shrub with thick, dark green foliage is not afraid of frosts and many diseases. Ourselves buds gently pink, slightly silver plated.

Amulet (Amulett)

The height of the shrub on average is 50 centimeters, the foliage is very thick, saturated green, is distinguished by a high rate of increment. Flowers are large, dense-terry, possess bright pink color. The grade is famous for long blossoms and a large number of buds formed, besides, small bushes are not afraid of the appearance of many diseases.

Baby bakara ( Baby. Baccarà.)

Very unusual grade of red shades, the bloom of which occurs by buds of the classic shape of burgundy, saturated color. Shrub low, only 25 centimeters, Croon spread, the leaves are shiny, with a bronze sampling.

Vortices of yellow, orange and red roses with long stem

Roses with long stems are usually grown for subsequent cuttingbecause they look great and unusually beautiful.

Cardinal 85 ( Kardinal)

The stem of the roses of this variety can reach a height of 125 centimeters, bright red buds, but after 2 weeks become brightly crimson. A feature of the variety will be curl of the top layer of petals And a beautiful glazing form.

Aalsmer Gold ( Aalsmeer. GOLD.)

Classical rose of bright yellow color, stem grows up to 1 meter long. The shrub is covered with dark foliage, the spikes are practically absent.

Queen Elizabeth (Queen Elizabeth.)

The stems on which pink inflorescences are formed can reach 1.5 meters in length. Buds velvet, terry, consist of 30-35 leaves, bloom in a very gentle, pink tint. Also these flowers have a beautiful aroma. The flowering of this variety lasts from late June and until November. With proper care, the grade is well tolerating the winter in the middle lane of Russia, resistant to a large list of diseases.

Forener Young ( Forever YOUNG.)

The height of the stem from this variety reaches 1 meter. Middle sized shrubs, almost without spikes. Buds terry, velvety, on average their diameter is 10 centimeters. Petals have very rich red and are popular among many gardeners. The variety is resistant to many diseases, not afraid of frosts. Also, such a rose in the cut sufficiently retains its freshness.

All roses are queen of any garden, regardless of the color of bud, leaves and shrubs size. This fragrant flower fits perfectly in any ideas and compositions.

Miniature roses in the photo

The first miniature roses appeared in China, and from there they were delivered to Europe in 1810. This is a historically recorded fact, but they did not receive widespread in the XIX century, their triumphal march began only since 1918, when Dr. Rulette was found in Switzerland, a bun for miniature rose was found to them later and called Rulett's rose. It was she who became the source of almost all modern varieties of miniature roses.

Since 1823, this group has become very popular in France to design the grounds in gardens and parks and for decorating winter gardens. Over time, interest in them weakened. In about 1910, they began to rise in large quantities in pots. About 20 species were distributed.

In Russia, these roses were grown in the collection of the Imperial Botanical Garden, who led the outstanding botanist E. Regel.

The hybridization of miniature roses on a wide scale began to engage in 1940 Spanish and Dutch breeders. To obtain new hybrids, they used low-spirited roses of other groups. Thanks to the interspear hybridization and the selection was obtained a number of varieties that retained the main signs of miniature roses, but they received a bright and diverse color, as well as the elegant flower shape.

The description of the miniature roses is quite consistent with the name of the group: these little beauties are really small - their growth is only 10-30 cm, but the shoots are abundantly covered with small dark green shiny leaves.

Roses can have thin durable spikes or be smooth. Flowers are small - 1-3 cm in diameter, usually terry, cupid, single or assembled inflorescences. Blossom Abundant and long - lasts almost without stopping all summer.

Corresponding miniature roses do not give root row, therefore it is breeding them with green cuttings. In the room they do in March-September, on the street - in May-August.

The descendants of Rulett roses are grown today in a variety of forms: there are both bush (considered classical), and solar, and, and, and. Therefore, the use of them is very diverse. Miniature roses are grown mainly as potted plants, but sometimes they can be seen on flower beds, and in Rabata, and in curbrad, and in garden groups, and in the Alpine slides.

As can be seen in the photo, miniature roses in landscape design you can decorate the walls, balconies, decorate the arches:

Miniature Roses on Walls (PHOTO)

On its own roots of the plant reaches a height of 15-20 cm, the bush is compact, well refined; Vaccinated on horseback is significantly higher (30-50 cm).

Quickly flamming shoots grow straight, each for up to 80 flowers are formed. Complex leaves, out of 5-7 leathery glittering leaves, ovoid shape, on the edge of small-eyed, most varieties are dark green, but there are varieties with bronze-brown foliage or light green with dark veins.

Garden miniature roses have small flowers with plenty of petals. They do not keep painting throughout the entire period of flowering: on the bush at the same time there are lemon-yellow, coral and pink, Punch-raspberry flowers, which makes the plant exclusively elegant. In moderate zones, the buds do not dissolve for a long time, they have a shape of noble large roses in half a raz. In hot conditions, buds are blown up on the 4-5th day and the whole bush is a whole summer is covered with bright beautiful flowers.

Cut flowers stand in water 7-9 days, without losing their decorativeness, some varieties have a subtle aroma.

The bloom of most varieties continues with regular watering to frosts (in the conditions of the southern region - 5-6 months); Some weakening occurs in the hot dry months (July and August).

Look at the photo - miniature roses are able to decorate any garden plot:

They are good in groups on the lawn, in vases on the porch, along the tracks, in compositions with decorative shrubs and perennials.

The varieties of miniature roses suitable for growing in the open ground are sometimes called dwarf shrub roses, or patio roses, and varieties for protected soil - potted roses. The latter usually do not exceed 25 cm in height and are grown as indoor plants. Flowers are also tiny, not more than 2-4 cm in diameter, terry or semi-world, all colors inherent roses.

And although miniature roses do not pull up, but they can please rich branchiness. Usually these roses do not smell. Along with breeding in pots, they can be planted on small flower beds or along the tracks.

The indisputable advantage of growing miniature roses is the ease of their reproduction with cuttings. Corresponding roses almost continuously bloom and, without having powerful roots, like grafted roses, can be used as a room culture.

Growing miniature roses: care and trimming

The cultivation of miniature roses is usually not difficult if they provide them with optimal conditions: a solar place, protected from northern winds, and weakly acidic soil, well holding moisture (easy lighter loams).

The care of miniature roses is also simple. It is necessary to regularly water roses, loosen the soil after irrigation and during the vegetation to give four feeders: 1st - after the liberation of the bush from the shelter of ammonium Selitra, the 2nd - as the escapes of the carbamide, 3rd - with the appearance of buds full mineral, 4 "In August, Superphosphate and Potash Selutyra."

When growing miniature roses in the garden, consider that they, like tea-hybrid, are amazed by mildewing dew, Marsonina (black spottedness of the leaves), populate aphid and a rose sawder.

For the winter, miniature roses are hidden, only when the minus temperature becomes stable and will be installed at a not lower than -7 ° C. It is not recommended to use for shelter peat, sand and sawdust - peat acidifies the soil, the sand solidifies, and the sawdust absorb moisture and lose their protective properties after the freezing. Perfect dry foliage, covered by agricultural. The bushes are plunged, fall asleep with leaves, the frame of the wire is installed on top, the height of which is 20-30 cm above the bush. Agrill is put on the frame and all this is covered with a plastic film and fix its ends with heavy girlfriend materials (pipes, bricks, etc.). In this form, miniature roses are perfectly winter. To avoid sprinkling in the spring in March - April during thaws conduct ventilation, opening the leeward side of the frame.

The south of the central strip of Russia, miniature roses are well preserved in winter, being covered with an earthen hormster 15-20 cm high. With a lower dying in frosty winters, shoots frost. In the spring, they quickly grow up, but bloom 5-7 days later than those that were not injured.

Miniature roses are multiplied with green and semi-resistive cuttings. You can breed with chipping on horseback. The difficulty lies in the fact that these roses have very thin shoots from which the eyes take the eye, while the magnitude of the eye should correspond to the thickness of the stock.

These plants have a kidney sit close to each other, which makes it difficult to trim miniature roses, they need to cut to several centimeters above the ground. There are 2-3 kidneys on each truncle of miniature roses. Trimming this group of roses spend in spring to swelling the kidneys.

Miniature roses, in contrast to large-flowered, need more thorough care. To preserve their decorativeness, it is necessary to regularly remove faded flowers.

With these roses, you can decorate balconies, loggias, terraces, small floral flower beds, but know, aroma is a rare phenomenon for these plants. And further. If the balcony is full of the bright sun, the roses will feel bad on it. The permanent footage of the Sun is categorically contraindicated with miniature roses - their flowers in this case are blooming each other with such a speed that it is impossible to remove the swords in time. From this flowering gradually becomes less abundant, and soon bushes lose their decorativeness.

The best varieties of miniature roses: photo and description

Currently, the top varieties of miniature roses are considered as follows.

Roses miniature "Orange Jugwel" in the photo
Flowers Salmon Orange, Large, Gustomakh Works in the photo

"Orange Jugwel"- Flowers of salmon-orange, large, dense, noble form, do not fade for a long time. The bush is strong, compact, easily grows. The height of this variety of miniature roses is 30 cm.

Roses miniature "amulet" in the photo
Flowers of saturated pink-red color, large, denominated in the photo

"Amulet" - Flowers of saturated pink-red color, large, dense. Green foliage. The bush is thick, fast growing, healthy. This variety is famous for charming flowers, as well as abundant and long flowering. Height - 50 cm.

Roses miniature "Little Baccarat" in the photo
Flowers semi-world, red-raspberry with a white middle (photo)

"Little Bakkar" - low (up to 25 cm) bush, spread. The leaves are shining with a bronze sweat. Flowers semi-world, red-raspberry with a white middle. Possess a pleasant smell.

"Baby Bakkara" in the photo
Flowers, velvety-red colors (photo)

"Baby Bakkara" - They differ in the perfect form of a flower, velvety-red, almost black.

Miniature Roses "Pomegranate" in the photo
Raspberry flowers. (Photo)

Miniature roses are a great option for those blooms that would like to admire these flowers almost all year round, and without leaving home. Despite the fact that they require more attention than standard indoor plants, the result is definitely worth it. What varieties should pay attention when choosing and how to create them the optimal conditions for flowering in pots - about this and will be discussed in this article.

Names and description of miniature varieties of roses

For the first time, miniature roses hit the European territory from China back in 1810, but they received widespread all after 1918, as a latter role played Dr. Rullet from Switzerland. It was she who first began to multiply mini-roses, so that in our time breeders managed to get more than a dozen varieties.

All of them are combined by the following characteristics:

  • the height of the bush is not more than 10-35 cm (for indoor flower growing);
  • small, dark green leaflets, with a shiny surface;
  • thin, but durable spikes;
  • small terry and cupid flowers with a diameter of 1-3 cm (may be single or collected in inflorescences);
  • long and abundant flowering over the entire summer period.

As for concrete varieties, the following varieties are among the most popular in domestic flower growing:

  1. - a low-speed plant with a height of 20-24 cm, with pointed buton, greenish-white color. Color color varies from pure-white to gentle-green, but they all do not exceed 2-2.5 cm in diameter. In each flower, there are about 40-45 fragrant petals, which give the colors of "terrain". Leaves of the plant - light green color, leathery and shine well in the sun. Bushes - semi-science, thanks to which they do not always need to bind. When creating all the conditions for the development of roses, bloom will always be abundant, especially since "Green Ice Min" refers to winter-hardy grades and has high resistance to a few.
  2. - Abundant blooming variety, represented by plants with elevation heights up to 35 cm. Claudia flowers are painted in a rich-yellow color, smoothly turning into pink-red. The diameter usually does not exceed 4 cm, while in each flower there are about 30-40 petals, with a slight and pleasant aroma. Leaves are leathery and perfectly shine in the light. The variety is winter-hardy and tolerates drought well. Suitable for both landland, and for the designation of borders.

  3. - A relatively young French variety, bred only in the 90s of the last century. In comparison with the previous ones, it is even more compact, because the height of its shoots does not exceed 20 cm. Flowers are large, sockets, with a slightly pointed petals of pink shade. The flowering is very abundant, and its feature is almost a complete lightening of flower petals closer towards the end of the season. Daniela can be grown not only as pot culture, but also in pragmatic purposes: for example, to create boutonnieres, however, it is not necessary to forget that the grade is afraid of frosts and requires shelter for the winter. Sustainability to pests and diseases is much higher.

  4. - Rose bushes grow up to 30 cm in height and differ from the rest with a long period of flowering. Coral-red flowers do not have a pronounced aroma, but at the same time it does not prevent florists to use them in flower arrangements. The shoots of the bush are denselyablic, leaves - oval, rich-green color. "Coalina" has good resistance to diseases and is characterized by high unpretentiousness in care, and both when growing in room conditions and when placed on balconies or terraces.

  5. - One of the old varieties of miniature roses, which was removed at the beginning of the XIX century. In comparison with the rest of the varieties, its flowers seem even more unique, as they have a saturated apricot-orange tint. The height of the bushes of these roses usually does not exceed 25 cm, the leaves are leathery, glossy, dark green. In inflorescences combined 3-4 fragrant orange flower. The flowering rose begins in the summer and continues until late autumn until the first frosts hit. The "Hummingbird" grade is often used not only in the room, but also in garden flower growing, applying it for the framing of flower or creating chains. Little roses often become the basis for wedding boutonnieres.

  6. - A low-spirited plant, reaching a height of 15 cm. Pinkish-lilac flowers of this rose are small (up to 3.5 cm in diameter), collected in inflorescences, slightly fragrant. The bushes look compact, denselyochy. Leaves - dark green, glossy. Blossom - abundant. In addition to growing in pots, "Lavender Juel" can be useful for creating beautiful live curbs, especially since it has high levels of winter hardiness.

The advantages of small roses

In comparison with the usual major buds on long legs, miniature varieties of roses seem not so impressive, however, they have a number of advantages that can convince landing.

Important! Given the small dimensions of miniature roses and a relatively low density of the bushes of many species, to increase decorative in the pots, several plants are better to plant at once (provided that sufficient nutrients).

  • First of all, it is worth noting the following features:
  • Dwarf varieties up to 45 cm high are always kept compact group. Their shoots do not spread along the ground, do not form arcs and do not require garters.
  • Despite the small size of the sheet plates, their decorative increases due to a large amount and glossy, shiny surface.
  • On different bushes there are fragrant flowers with a variety of shades: red, orange, yellow, pink, white and even green or purple. There are also varieties with a two-color color, which looks very unusual, but at the same time quite attractive.
  • Some miniature roses with age are able to change the color of their colors (for example, Daniela), and these changes can affect a completely unexpected color palette: sometimes the color changes from saturated-yellow to dark red.
  • Most of the varieties are characterized by terry compact inflorescences, 3-15 flowers in each, which only gives the bustice even more of chosen.
  • The flowering of mini-roses is rather long, and when creating optimal conditions, it is possible to enjoy their beauty, starting from May and to the first cold, and this is just if you are not going to pick up a plant for the winter. Potted roses often bloom even longer.
  • If the shoots sitting in the garden crops over the winter are a little jumped, then they can simply cut them in the spring, not experiencing for the abundance of flowering. It will not suffer from it.
  • When growing small colors in the garden, there will be no fear of familiar pests and diseases, because in comparison with large roses, the mini-option is more resistant to them.

As a pleasant addition to the list of mini-roses advantages, it is possible to note the ease of reproduction by shifting, which in some cases often becomes the only way to produce more plants.
As for the existing shortcomings of small varieties, then the main ones include almost complete absence of aroma and increased demands on the conditions of content.

Did you know? Natural oil obtained from roses is one of the most expensive in the world. It is not surprising, because for the preparation of one kilogram of the product, there will be no less than 3 tons of plant petals.

How to choose in the store

By and large, the rules for choosing roses of low-speed varieties differ little from recommendations for the purchase of ordinary, so in any case the flower is worth considering the following:

  1. Always choose only healthy plants, without visible mechanical damage or signs of activity of diseases and pests.
  2. Never buy the discounted bushes, even if at first glance they seem normal to you (no seller will work at a loss, which means that there is still questions to a specific copy).
  3. Carefully inspect not only the top of the flower, but also pay attention to the pot, looking into drainage holes: it should not be segmented by sprouted roots.
  4. The chosen bush should have a compact size, but with a large number of buds, otherwise the discontinuished flowers will not delight you for a short time.
  5. The plant should not be prompted, because even if there are no plates on it, it is likely that it will soon appear (the first sign is grayish at the bottom of the pot or fond of the lower leaves).
  6. Bustics from the group "New Arrival" is better not to buy on the same day. Wait a week to make sure of their viability (better let the weak rose perch in the store than at home by the buyer).
  7. If you buy a flower for your own needs, and not for sale, then pay attention to the options that have been in the store for a long time and even managed to fight. Confidence in such a rose is much more, because it has already proven its viability.
  8. The leaves of fresh and healthy roses should be dense, shiny, saturated green. Weak and faded leafy plates indicate violations in caring for a flower, and therefore, after transplanting from the transport capacity, it may die.
  9. If you trust the words of a particular seller, you can clarify the nuances of the care of the plant, and at the same time, to know how long it is on sale and to which attention is accustomed during this time.

At home, the acquired copy must be immediately placed in a warm, but not a hot place of the apartment and allow it to acclimatize. The lighting in this place should be bright, but at the same time sufficiently scattered, so as not to burn gentle leaves.

Important!You can not put pots with roses on the window sills, over hot batteries or next to other heating devices. Excessive temperature and dry air will be destroyed on buds.

Planting flowers

Given the small size of the plant, they cannot be planted on areas with frequent accumulation of wax and rainwater. If possible, it is advisable to choose only elevated places, placing bushes in southeastern slopes.

This will provide an optimal solar effect: in the morning it quickly dries the night dew, and in the afternoon it will not burn the flower leaves. Of course, it concerns only garden options for roses, because when disembarking in pots you can move the plant to any suitable place.

Choosing a room, it is also desirable that it is from the south-eastern or south-west side of the house, providing prolonged natural lighting of colors, but without burning sunlight.

As for the timing of the landing of mini-roses, then at home this procedure can be performed both at the end of February and throughout the spring months.

Before planting plants in the pots, be sure to prepare the nutritious and at the same time loose soil from 2 parts of the turf, 2 parts of humus and ½ of the sand. After mixing, the resulting substrate is spilled boiled or packed in the oven and only after that fall asleep into the planting capacity.

All further actions are performed in the following sequence:

  1. Place a layer of claympsit or other drainage material on the bottom.
  2. Fill the pot soil mixture, about 1/3 of the total volume.
  3. Sweep the ground so that water began to flush from the drainage holes (for the prevention of fungal ailments you can dissolve in the phytosporin liquid).
  4. Place the cutlets or adult rose into the center of the tank and fall asleep the remaining soil, leaving the capacity of at least 1-2 cm to the edge of the tank.
  5. Remove the pot with a seedlock on the southeast or southwestern side and regularly and regularly cut the liquid in small portions. If you are afraid of possible overheating, then it is desirable to wrap the pot of white porridge or ordinary foil. The earth dried on the sun is cooled first, and then water the room temperature is water.

The landing of small roses in the garden provides for almost all the same actions as the planting in the pots, except instead of filling the floral capacity of the earth you will need to dig a hole (its dimensions must correspond to the size of the root system of the plant), if necessary, adding a mixture of dried clay in it, Pouring and turf soil.

If there is a heavy soil on the site, then the mixture of peat, compost, ash and sand will help it. As in room flower growing, the best time to perform the procedure will be the early spring, so that for the summer Rosa managed to fully adapt in a new place and calmly survived the winter.

Important! Immediately after transplanting roses do not fertilize. This procedure will have to postpone at least 2-3 weeks.

Growing and care at home

In comparison with many other indoor plants, small roses can be called more arrogant in terms of care, requiring respect to their respective relationship.

However, if you immediately organize them a suitable temperature, the proper level of lighting and humidity, ensuring regular watering and timely feeding in the future, then any problems can be avoided. Let's look more carefully in all the requirements.

Optimal conditions

For roses sitting in the garden, the right choice of further growth plays a big role than for indoor specimens, but it is impossible to let everything on a self-shot.

The main thing to remember:

  1. Optimal temperature values In the summer period - + 18 ... + 24 ºC, in the winter (rest period) - about + 8 ... + 15 ºC (depending on the variety). In any case, it is impossible to overheat the root system, leaving a flower under direct sunlight or placing next to heating devices. Some varieties are able to increase the indicators to +32 ºC, but with long-term effects of such temperatures, the abundance of flowering may suffer. Also they will not benefit and sharp temperature jumps, so if possible, they should be avoided.
  2. Lighting - Bright, but scattered. Pots with flowers are preferably placed on the southern and southwestern windows, and in the summer and at all to be taken to open air, be sure to closing from direct sunlight in the afternoon. The room in which roses are, should be well ventilated, but at the same time be protected from cold winds and drafts.
  3. Humidity indicator. Excessively dry air causes drying of the leaves and the appearance of insect pests, so be sure to follow these values \u200b\u200b(they should not fall below 50-60%). In a hot period, you can spray a rose from the spray gun, and once a few weeks to arrange a warm shower.

If in one room the necessary indicators for some reason will change, then you can always transfer the pot with roses to another room.

Watering and making fertilizers

And room, and garden varieties have a high level of drought resistance, so their watering should be rare, but quite abundant (to the depth of the entire root system). Ideal time for soil moisturizing - up to 10 am or even in the evening, but before sunset.

Pour water is preferably under the root, avoiding moisture from entering the flower leaves. Under the sun's rays, low water drops begin to burn leafy plates, which does not most effect on the decorativeness of the rose.

Also, you should not water roses for the night, because if they do not have time to dry, then cold nights will be more vulnerable to some diseases: for example, rust or black spot.

As for the regularity of irrigation, it is important to take into account the rate of drying the substrate and the age of the plant itself. Young colors are needed daily watering, and in the future it can be reduced to 1 time in 2-3 days. The depth of soil graze should not be more than 2-3 cm.

Water for watering should be soft, well-resistant, without chlorine impurities and other harmful components. In addition, it is important to take only warm water so that the root system of the plant does not experience stress. If you wish, you can climb the rolling circle of wood sawdust or peat, which will reduce the regularity of fluid.

After irrigation, you can feed mini-roses specially designed for them with drugs, necessarily including nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. For the first time, the plant feed the early spring, immediately after removing the shelter. In the future, the regularity of the supply of nutrients is approximately 1 time in 2-3 weeks or after each flowering wave.
1-2 months before the winter rest, the supply of nutrients is preferably completely discontinued to prevent unnecessary growth and development of buds.

Important! If there is an indication on packing with a fertilizer only for soil, then you should prevent the possibility of getting the composition on the stem or leaves of the plant, otherwise they can get serious burns.

The first planning trimming of small roses is performed with the arrival of spring heat and is sanitary. After removing the shelter (if any), the flower engine should carefully inspect the bushes and remove broken, patients and jerked shoots.

In the future, it is possible to perform a forming trimming, while thinning a bushing from unnecessary shoots (especially growing inside). At least 3 kidneys should remain on the stem, and the slice is performed before the kidney located outside at an angle of 45 °. Sections of sections need to be powdered with an impellent coal.

In the summer, you need to remove all faded flowers from the rose bush, and perform this procedure, at the same time capturing 3 cm of the stem part, which will provoke the awakening of sleeping kidney and contributes to a faster development of buds.

Thus, continuous bloom of roses is supported. At the same time, you can remove dried twigs and yellowed leaves.

Autumn - time for the second stage of sanitary trimming. During this period, patients and dried shoots are removed, simultaneously shorting to healthy, especially if we are talking about roses sitting in the garden. Before the winter on the branches, at least 5 kidneys should remain, and the trimming is carried out to the kidney, looking outward, so that the new escape does not grow inside the bush.

Seasonal features

Seasonal features of care for mini roses depend on where exactly they grow. When growing in the garden after autumn trimming, almost all plants are covered with agricultural or fall asleep with a layer of mulch, so that the shoots are not extincting for the winter.

At home, such events may not be needed, but some varieties still should be covered with polyethylene film and endure in the winter to the cool room, with an air temperature not higher + 5 ... + 12 ºC.

Also, you should not forget about winter-resistant colors: it is likely that when growing Roses "Baby Masserand" or "Lavender Juell", the shelter does not need them at all. In this case, you can leave roses on a cold window sill, slightly increasing the lighting duration.

Did you know?The aroma of roses is considered one of the strongest antidepressants, so people who regularly inhale becoming friendly and discovery.

Pests and diseases of miniature roses

Given the small size of rose bushes of small varieties, it is not surprising that the diseases and pests quickly destroy them. In this case, the main task of the flower plant is to prevent infection, including the support of good health plants. If the plant does not work, then it is better to immediately know with which you can encounter.

The most common ailments of miniature roses include a black leg and rust, when the affected parts are detected, the affected parts are cut and burned. The remaining part of the bush is desirable to treat one of the possible systemic fungicides - "PhytoPorin-M", "Ridomil Gold" or "Fundazol".

In the prophylactic purposes of the spring plant is treated with a three-surround solution of copper sulphate.
From pests on indoor roses Sometimes sprinkle ticks, trips and troubles. Almost all of these pests suck the juice from the flower, as a result of which he turns yellow and dies.

Insecticides of a wide range of action are often used in the fight against them (for example, "phytodeterm" or "actor"), or simply treated with a solution of the economic soap (200 g) and a copper sulphate (20 g).

With a responsible approach to growing miniature roses, problems with them will be no more than with the cultivation of tall varieties. The main thing is to always maintain an acceptable level of lighting, humidity and suitable temperature values.