Repairs Design Furniture

Is it possible to wash the laminate with a steam cleaner. Is it possible to vacuum the laminate with a conventional vacuum cleaner. Models for laminated floors

Laminate requires gentle care, it is afraid of high humidity and high temperatures. Therefore, many are not solved to clean the coating with a steam cleaner. Are such fears justified?

Some contaminants require a special approach. In the house where there are 2 dogs and 8 puppies, this rule is especially relevant. In our apartment there are two adults Labrador, who, of course, are dirty in the room, but not as their numerous offspring. We try to divert a separate room for a baby, we will drag the floor with newspapers, but it helps it little. Sometimes dirt is simply impossible to extort, especially if she slept. Helps in this case a steam cleaner.

I know that many believe that a steam cleaner and laminate are incompatible things. I am sure if you act gently, you can completely process the pollution zone. I do not have the most expensive laminate, steam cleaner is also of average cost. I will say right away, the floor covering did not swell, it is important here only to strive a little steam and clean through a special napkin, which is attached to any steam cleaner.

To be honest, I'm not practicable to the ferry constantly, only in case of serious spots, if, for example, something stuck, stopped. In addition, the hot flow pair is an excellent disinfector, which is very important when there are animals in the house.

How to clean the laminate steam cleaner?

  • we remove the si, vacuuming or sweeping the floor;
  • we wear a napkin from the microfiber on the nozzle;
  • an active movements by the driver by the floor, periodically pressing the steam feed button.

Nothing difficult, you only need to not overdo it with the ferry and do not forget to use a special napkin. Otherwise, you can damage the floor. Of course, such a cleaning would not be allowed, if I had a parquet.

Do you practice cleaning laminate ferry?

The question is how to wash the laminate at home, there is every practical host of the house, which dreams of maximally extend the life of a beautiful floor covering. With incorrect leaving, it loses his shine, spars from moisture, and ugly traces of poor-quality cleansing become visible on the surface.

How to wash the laminate?

Thinking over the solution to the problem than washing, the practical hosts are ahead of the way, seek to acquire the best devices and gender care devices. The decorative coating has a glossy film that is easy to extort from the dirt with the help of even the simplest inventory, but the person always seeks to find the best household equipment for the house. To make it easier to decide on how to wash the floors from the laminate, you need to separate cleaning types in the category.

Main devices for different types of laminate cleaning:

  1. Dry cleaning is the simplest broom or comfortable brand of vacuum cleaner with a brush equipped with a soft pile.
  2. Wet cleaning - Flowholders are used with washing nozzles or modern butterflies with spin.
  3. The final stage of cleaning - rubbing the surface dryly is carried out by flannel rags or microfiber web.

Considering the topic, it is possible to wash the laminate with a cleaning vacuum cleaner, should always take into account the type of your production and its production technology. Budget floors performed by caching method and DPL lamellas can be cleaned exceptionally to dry method. CPL, DPR, HPL coating has moisture-repellent characteristics and it is allowed to use wet cleaning methods. To solve the problem than washing the laminate, powerful devices should be purchased, which do not leave a lot of moisture on the floor.

What washing vacuum cleaner is suitable for harvesting laminate:

The principle of these devices is to exposed to hot steam contamination, which helps soften and dissolve most unpleasant sediments. When choosing the option, which mop is better to wash the laminate, you need to consider the method of laying the flooring. Most manufacturers recommend using steam appliances exclusively to work with the floor-based floor.

They are more versatile devices compared to mop, but the principle of their work is almost identical. These devices can be used, both to clean the floor and other household items, to solve the problem than washing laminate at home, steam cleaners are good, but they are recommended to be used mainly to care for water resistant coating marks. It is desirable to set the average position on the device, carry out periodic steam supply and fold the floor napkin for the nozzles twice.

Earlier for cleaning the floor, a cotton fabric was used, later they got the spread of a rag from polyamide, acrylic, viscose. Thinking on how you can wash the laminate at home, it is worth considering the purchase of a canvas from the most modern and innovative material - microfiber. Ultra-thin fibers of this material perfectly absorb moisture and different contamination.

Main advantages Microfiber:

  1. Excellent hygroscopicity.
  2. The fabric does not lose the attractive color for a long time.
  3. Microfiber does not leave the veil on the floor.

Minuses Microfibra:

What is better to wash the laminate?

To facilitate flooring cleaning, manufacturers are now producing a lot of all sorts of means. In the question, than you can wash the laminate, it is better to give preference to known brands, acquire liquids and gels that, in addition to the cleaning effect, have additional protective properties. On average, it is required to dissolve up to 3-4 concentrate caps on 5 liters of water.

Popular brands of detergents for laminate care:

  • Mr. Proper;
  • Starwax;
  • Unicum "Laminate".

By purchasing special detergents, it should be excluded from your list dangerous for the laminated surface of the substance. For example, the floor can be covered with unpleasant spots when using chlorine-based fluid. In a case, than washing at home laminate, beware of apply solvents, acetone and varnish removal tools that can damage the delicate structure. Cleaning abrasive powders are an undesirable choice, they can scratch the floor surface.

Is it possible to wash with water laminate?

It is not recommended to pour the laminated floor in any case, even a waterproof coating can skip moisture into the lock connection, which will lead to undesirable consequences. If you do not have a special product in the house, but you need to clean up urgently, then clean water for wetting the rag is perfect. It is better to wash the laminate at home not too damp cloth, well pressing the cloth before use.

In cases where the laminate is relatively clean and need to be assembled from the surface of the crumb, animal wool and fine dust, the brush-sponge brush is optimally suitable for cleaning instead of a moistened rag. After a wet cleaning with a cleaning vacuum cleaner or steam generator, try to always wipe the floors dry, not leaving wet areas in order to avoid inside the seams of moisture droplets.

The question is, it is possible to wash the chlorine laminate, it worries, first of all, the owners of pets. There are many other reasons requiring regularly disinfecting the floor surface in the house to eliminate the appearance of pathogenic organisms. Preparations "White", Domestos, Chirton, Sanfor Universal or their analogues are preferably not used to clean the laminate. Reviews of many people talk about the adverse effects of active chlorine on decorative coating. Try to pick up funds with a safe composition or apply gentle folk methods.

My laminate with vinegar

Riding different options, the better wash the laminate, people always try to use the available household preparations that are available on the home kitchen. Vinegar is a popular and environmentally friendly agent, used for cooking a set of dishes or disinfection. If we are water with water, then the bucket is allowed to add a little bit of this fluid with sour taste at a safe concentration.

How to wash laminate vinegar:

  1. We dilute our means in proportion to 60 ml of vinegar per 1 liter of water.
  2. Pour the solution into a bottle with a sprayer and shake it well.
  3. For a better effect, you can add up to 3 spoons of the detergent gel to the water to clean the dishes (not containing chlorine).
  4. It is advisable to cover a small part of the floor with a working solution and immediately begin cleaning so that the vinegar does not have time to destroy the laminated layer.
  5. After processing, we wipe the floor with a wet cloth.
  6. The rag should be well pressed during washing.
  7. The final stage - wipe the laminate with a clean cloth.

Is it possible to wash a laminate with hydrogen peroxide?

In search of a solution to a problem than washing laminate, many often address the home first-first aid kit, where hydrogen peroxide can always be detected - the liquid with excellent redox and disinfectant properties. This is a strong drug that needs to be used with caution. In the question, is it possible to wash the floors from laminate peroxide, many nuances. It is desirable to apply this solution on the local area in the event of extremely complex spots, for example, from the blood.

To fulfill the task, how to wash laminate without divorces, the main condition is the use of crystal clear water. When clinging, immediately change the liquid in the bucket, after cleaning a small floor of the floor, try to slip the rag. It is advisable to remove the coating along the laid lamellae and in the course of the decorative pattern, then the small remaining traces are alive with the pattern. We finish washing the laminate always the surface of the surface with a clean cloth.

How to remove complex stains from laminate:

Trying to study the solution to the problem, how to wash the floors from the laminate, practical mistresses try not only to get rid of dirt, but also to give their sex covering a presentable brilliant look. Always try to sleep well at the initial stage of cleaning or clean the crumbs and dust from the coating so that they do not soften and do not smear it during a wet cleaning. To give glossy, a light acetic solution is suitable or special laminate care products - EMS Laminate, Mr. Proper, Lobacare Laminat Cleaner, Tri-Bio Concentrate, Bagi "Mastic".

How often can you wash the laminate?

The question of how often the laminate is washed, always disturbed by the careful owners, who seek to maximize the life of a delicate and beautiful coating. Without unwanted consequences, contact with water semi-commercial classes of material (32 and higher) and special waterproof stamps, budget floors with frequent wet cleaning are often affected by the joints of the joints. In any case, try to replace the washing of lamellas with dry cleaning types, more often using a broom, a soft brush or vacuum cleaner. Making the rubbing is always pressed with a cloth, completely removing moisture from the surface of the laminate.

Very bold post that compromises me like a hostess, with many very personal Photos. :) Please treat with understanding and invite you to a photo walk along the most dirtiest places of my cottage.

To begin with - a bit of history. A steam cleaner I wanted a long time ago, but he was worth some fabulous money with which we had tight at that time. It happens that the earnings rose, and the gadget fell, and you still have associations that it is not available. No! Like me - Karcher himself - Big and powerful, you can buy for 5 thousand, and less - in just three.

Touch why this company is. I climbed the entire Internet, read-read-read ... Karker had a lot of just disgusting feedback, and they walked ahead with enthusiastic. I did not like this whole thing - which of them are competitors who are the managers themselves - do not understand. But I found on the site flames a branch about steam cleaners already on 90 (!!!) pages, read - very interesting. Girls bought different models and shared opinions. And not bots with 1-2 messages, but long-lived forum, real women. I did a lot of conclusions, for example: to buy this steam cleaner and in no case is not manual.

So, I came to me what five. There were even more expensive - for example, for 20 thousand. Let's see if we need such an expensive device, as steam cleaners are working, whether it is a magical thing or hope for a miracle is not worth it and how you can use them in our homes.

Why is I not manual?
I have weak hands and I did not want the unit that I need to constantly keep on the weight. After I used the steam cleaner for the first time, I could not tear off and all day steam generally, I realized that my choice was completely right.

How much is not 20 thousand?
The difference as I see in the volume of water (1 l against 1.5 liters), heating power (1500 W against 1800 W). The steam pressure decisive was 3.2 bar versus 4 bar, I realized that 3,2 it would be enough for me - this is a normal adequate price for the device not industrial, but home use.

How does the steam generator work?
Imagine a mixture of an electric kettle with a vacuum cleaner working "on the contrary" - steam under pressure crashes out of the nozzle and with force beats the place you need. High temperature (more than 100 grams) and pressure - everything that can swallow and delay, swells and departs. Old fat flows, dry dirt instantly swells you just wipe the resulting dirty moisture with a napkin. But if you want to extradite lime deposits, or very old squeezed places on the stove - first treat specials, and then - steam.

What is cleaning a steam cleaner?
All that is not afraid of hot steam.
Tile - especially in the kitchen, with fat, between tiled seams - with a bang. Plate, especially nasty places like knobs with small details, oven. Clothes, fat stains and generally refreshing the past things, curtains. Carpets, sofas - extremely relevant, if there are animals and children. :) Toilet, bathroom - quick and perfect. Heating batteries - from this they were singing in all reviews that I read. Flowers wash - True, at a distance, so as not to scream. Floors - there is a special nozzle. Windows, mirrors - but this nozzle is sold separately. Walls, Doors, Furniture, and TD - all that - I repeat is not afraid of hot steam.Any dirt that can be dissolved by boiling water, really cleaned.

Where is the dirt going?
Nowhereins it disappears - it dissolves in a pair and the purified wet place should be wiped with a dry cloth, a napkin. If there is a fault on a steam cleaner, everything will remain on it.

Should I wait for miracles?
If you are not soaked with a slab for three years, it will be not enough once and wait for it that she will shine like on the day of purchase. For complex places (for example, very applemented) must be hooked and hold, lose them with a scaffold-brush. For the usual cleaning, this is just a miracle. It is easy to clean, nice and ... sterile - couples everything kills.

What are the nozzles?
It is my model that is simply a narrow nozzle that knocks out the dirt of their any gaps; A small rigid brush, cleans the complex places, a wide flat brush, and there is also a fabric case to clean, for cleaning fabrics, sofas and glasses and blasting; floor nozzle and also to her pitch; Two pipes extending the steam cleaner handle. I ordered immediately and the nozzle for the glasses, theoretically you can do, but the windows wash the windows faster.

What are very big pluses?
There is no need to contact with chemistry, breathe it - a steam cleaner removes without it. It is not necessary to smear, then wait, and after a long time to drag it, everything is easier to be easier, playing. Cleaning passes in minutes. It is washed away where it was not to happen or not to drop.
also savory attacks and not only: I changed my mind to dye the walls and batteries, the hood also came to the zero view)))

And now there will be the most terrible part of the post, where I will show the real photos before and after.

A little jerks me that this is a cottage, and children constantly resort from the street in the dirt, sand, fruits and berries, and their loved ones are just enough. I'm not talking about blanking, pouring, etc. And then all four do. : (Even the eldest.

I am really tired, because my efforts do not cost how much this cleanliness is extended (minutes). Protein in a damn wheel. Therefore, in anticipation of a steam cleaner, I just scored for laundering, deciding - we will test it so much!)))

Dermantine sofa, he is over 10 years old (I think about 12 years). Coating with wrinkles, everything is clogged there, which falls and pours off the table, simple wiping does not give anything to the sponge. Two times in the summer, I wrap it with chemistry, I am waiting for half an hour, and then long and hard work with a brush, and after all this thing is still washed with water, then I wipe it dry. This is hell.

But such a sofa began after a steam cleaner, I spent 10 minutes on him (for all) - it was still Alina, it took him literally out of the hands to try himself. There was a feeling of a miracle, because under the hot noise, the dirt was simply dissolved, disappeared, I just spent a cloth, collecting muddy moisture.

The nozzle climbed into all the cracks where I could not get. The sofa became like a new one - I show the photo below - from afar.

And these are the doors of the country cabinet, and again everything is bright. There are stored mugs, so the most sought-after khrushki is a place. Sleeping once or twice, and see what texture? The same - it is clogged and requires rubbing by the abrosy side of the washcloth along with Mr. Muscul.

I managed for 2 steam mansion (well, let it be three) seconds. Couple breaks through all the slots and dirt in the form of water simply protrudes on the surface. Two doors are completely - 20 seconds, I set up.

Blinds - my very sick topic.

First, they are golden, and dust immediately leads them into a terrible dim view.
Secondly - flies. All the same, they some miracle fall into the house and then these points ... ooo ..... you understood what I mean.
Thirdly, I generally cursed myself, which I bought not simple curtains - wash blinds is some kind of ... (((

As a result, I my once a year, in the summer. Usually before the arrival of the mother-in-law, GGG))))) the day dedicate to it - I have them 4 pieces, three large and alone are generally white.

Something I am with the light of Namudril, in general they are yellowish))) but dirt in all its glory and so ten square meters, you can imagine how I hate them?

The steam generator would cost only for the sake of shutters)))))
He spent on one lane twice - one smoked the dirt, the second - slenglened the unclean water.
Below is a towel for collecting dripping moisture.

White blinds "To" I didn't even shoot, fearing the mass raffle)))))))
This is "after."

Other things !!!
At the same time, as if between the case, the window washed. All mumbled points were laundered from one touch nozzle.

I was not soap microwave 1.5 months. It would be possible to justify himself the fact that there are no hot water in the country, but I will not be too lazy, it could warm the basin if you wish, soak something stronger and washed-rubbed. Better to buy a pond or with a little book ... (((

On the laundering the door left for a whole 30 seconds - the fat just melted, mixed with water and I erased it with a napkin and that's what happened. Once - and that's it. True, I rushed at a maximum of a couple with a brush nozzle. Then another 10 seconds and I already brought to the ideal, but I didn't get distracted by the camera - I dragged me into the microwave and I soak her soap was just really enjoying.

I solemnly promise that with this for my microwave will only sparkle!

I was a very stupid woman, when three years ago myself pushed the kitchen into white. This is my second large mistake after buying blinds.

Enemies do not come to us at night to get the walls - all this makes favorite children and often dirty heels. And how is it not to lie down yes nivan, without stopped by foot in the wall?!

It's all no longer washed. I sobbed, swear, threatened. Bestchart. The husband brought superficial, but dirt, apparently, drove into the micropores of the wall and did not take one brush.

I lowered my arms, spitched and planned staining of the cooney into a dirty gray color. It was not hoping for a steam cleaner here. About the hands and fingerprints at all silent. And the husband still can flip mosquito on the snow-white wall, although I'm getting ready for it and my husband is ready.

And completely in vain! Spots just melted and glass on the wall. I remained to collect them with a dry napkin.

Here - as after repair.

Especially elegant that the pair knocks the dirt out of the whole gaps, which I unless the toothpick was picking.

Dacha microwave. As just bought.

By the way, these are all events of one day. And I'm not even tired - the handle with a gun is very easy - just a pair of yourself and a pair. I would have died with a manual.

Moved all the household appliances from the inside and outside. Standing like from the store. Sparkle. EASILY! All click.

We have a used refrigerator, my husband even shuddered - as a stranger. :) He came to us in the worst state.

Usually I am a refrigerator at least an hour. Now honestly - did not block, but 20 minutes, no more. All rubber bands are snow-white steel.

So my first day went with a steam cleaner. Without a drop of chemistry, after which I scratch and cough, and we have two allergies in our house, not the charter, I did:

Four shutters
- Four windows
- refrigerator
- Microwave
- Bread machine
- Multivarka
- Aerium
- teapot
- table
- Three stools
- two sofas
- White walls
- Kitchen cabinets from the inside and outside
- Floors

That is, I had a kitchen in a state of sterile operating room - the couples and disinfect.

The next day, I predained an entrance hall, a fireplace, a staircase with balasines, our bedroom - all this with furniture.
Woven all the windows, the floors, the walls in places - now I'll show you some more pictures.

Parquet in the fireplace One of the problem areas is still flying soot.
For floor special forces.

While my mother moved over the water for the steam generator, Yashka decided to connect to cleaning.)))
Do not let the children are adopted - you can boil.

Mirrors and windows - for this I ordered a separate nozzle, which does not fit.
Here I am not in great delight, to be honest. Wash a large multicole of windows and quickly - yes, but you need to walk with microfiber and quickly pull the stripes, the sweat remains along the edges of the nozzle.

Although I'm already capricious - the driver washed raging, you can spend a second to erase strips.

In principle, you can wash the glass with that nozzle that in the kit:

In the photo, I clean her sofa.

And this is ours, so to speak, the story.

When children were 2-3 years old, they still painted on the walls. I was not able to wash off the lining. The husband suggested trying the steam generator - I agreed and ..... there is no more rockpath!

Even a pity, I got used to her.))))

The advantages of the laminate were all appreciated. It is well kept warm and creates the impression of a wooden floor. To care for it is easy, but is it possible to wash the laminate with a steam cleaner and how much is it afraid of hot water? Let's analyze these questions more.

Order with simple means

In regular cleaning, any floor covering is needed, and the laminate is not an exception here. Recall that the laminate is a multi-layered durable boards, which are based on a recycled wood, protected from above, a solid resy-infinite film. The boards of laminate are bonded between themselves with a special system of locks and form a single cloth.

We first describe the traditional and simple rules of cleaning. It is produced as needed or prescribed certain days of the week. It is enough to eliminate dust with a vacuum cleaner, and after working a little damp cloth to bring the floor in order.

So, at first clean the laminate with a vacuum cleaner, using a conventional floor nozzle. If suddenly you do not have a vacuum cleaner, you can make such a cleaning with a broom or brush.

At the stage of wet cleaning, you need to know how to wash the laminate. It is undesirable to wipe it hard, so we wipe the floor with a well-squeezed cloth or a soft mop, as always, in the direction of the walls and corners to the center and to the exit.

The question arises, which detergent to use to make the disinfection of the laminate and eliminate complex pollution. For this it is quite possible to apply a liquid soap divorced in water. It is even better to wash the laminate with vinegar. It is added to warm water (tablespoon on 5 liters) to wash all the dirt.

Choose only a very soft mop, for example, foam, since it is easier to press, and it does not make damage to laminate.

If there are no strong contaminants, then you can restrict the vacuum cleaner to clean the floors once again.

Complicated spots

Traces that remain after repair on the floor, sometimes it is very difficult to remove. If you do not have a special idea, to wash the laminate, then apply detergent for windows for windows or for dishes, without dissolving it in water, and shit a little until it works. Then erase everything with a damp cloth. You can wipe the laminate with a cotton swath in acetone or alcohol, just to act neatly and quickly. Pill the amount of solvent to the floor is prohibited.

Drops of thick paint after repair, traces of paraffin or wax are described by a plastic or wooden scraper. If stains remain after cleaning, they can be masked for restoring paste. But it is best to prevent such a case.

More correctly will clean the floors with special means, as they take into account the characteristics of the laminate. They are bought in construction and housekeeping stores.

  • Divide the laminate washing means in water.
  • Water in a solution of mop or sponge and squeeze.
  • Wipe the mop (sponge) floor.

Always pay attention to the instructions. Some means can not be flush, because they form a protective film that gives the laminate shine. Conventional detergents are always flushed with clean water.

Special equipment

Now we come close to the question, which technique is better to wash. It is no secret that in many houses and offices today enjoy a steam cleaner to make cleaning. Our Karcher devices are particularly popular because there is a large selection of price and power. A steam cleaner Karcher is brushing up soft furniture, carpets, tiles and even curtains. Is it possible to wash the laminate?

Steam cleaner

It turns out that the steam cleaner can be perfectly laundering the filtering dirt and dried spots remaining after repair. To do this, use a napkin, which is attached to the instrument of Karcher and to some other brands. To too much to wet the floor, which is afraid of hot water, it is necessary to properly adjust the flow of the couple so that it is not constantly walking, but periodically. Instead of microfiber wipes, which offers the same Karcher, some housewives use simple thin cotton towels.

Steam mop and vacuum cleaner

If you have a waterproof laminate, you can clean it with a cleaning vacuum cleaner Kercher. It sprinkles the solution on the surface and immediately sucks it together with the mud. Due to this, the effects of laminate with water becomes minimal, and the traces of fat and dirt disappear.

There are many different opinions and about the steam mop. Some people are satisfied with her, others complain about low efficiency. Note that the steam mop cannot wash the floors, whose seams and locks are not protected by sealant. For those who decided to still stop the choice on steam sin, we recommend not to use it too often.

If you compare the Karcher steam cleaner with a vacuum cleaner, then the first more functions. However, the models and firms are the most different, so always pay attention to what the surface can be applied to and whether it is suitable for complete cleaning of your home and laminate in particular.

If you are interested, the better wash the laminate, then you need to make a comparison between several means and methods.

Whatever cleaning method you choose, it should not include the use of abrasive agents. All that can create microcracks and damage the protective layer is under the ban.

Choose detergent carefully. It should be well missing dirt, but at the same time not to foam. It is forbidden to use the means, which includes glycerin or beeswax. If accidentally shed water to the floor covering, then wipe it faster with a dry cloth.

Although the wooden floors of hardwood can be easily kept clean with daily mop cleaning, steam cleaning promises disinfection and deodorization of floors. In this article we will tell you about the effectiveness of steam cleaning of solid floors, as well as on steam cleaning techniques.

The floors from the deciduous tree are undoubtedly the most elegant flooring among the available options. And although they require significant initial investments, as a rule, they cost their money. In addition, wooden floors are easy to maintain. Every day enough to maintain the glitter of wooden floors for many years. Nevertheless, from time to time, you may need a little more than just wet mop.

Allergies caused by the growth of microorganisms, as well as spots and fading associated with intensive traffic, require the struggle with specialized cleaning instruments. Purification of the ferry is one of these methods of thorough cleaning of wooden floors.

Efficiency steam cleaner for floor washing

Cleaning solid floors steam cleaner kills bacteria and other allergens. This cannot be achieved with conventional wet cleaning. A steam cleaner will also take care of unpleasant odors that can appear on the floor. In addition, steam helps control the development of mold and kills dust mites. All this significantly reduces health problems in the household.

Moreover, the cleaning of solid floors is an environmentally friendly solution. Cleaning a steam cleaner does not require the use of cleaning products and mixtures, not to mention aggressive chemicals. A steam cleaner uses only water that transforms into pairs. However, during the harvesting of floors, you must make sure that the machine uses only dry pairs, moisture can be harmful to the wooden floor.

Cleaning hard floors with a steam cleaner

A steam cleaner can be purchased at any home appliance store at a price of 4.000 rubles. These machines are available in a wide variety of brands, steam cleaners offer different features and temperatures. Whitewing Steamer, Bissell Steam Mop and Sargent Steam Some high quality machines are completely secure in your home use.

You can buy any of them for your home. And when you are going to take advantage of one of these machines, it is important to follow the instructions of the manufacturer, since different machines may have different modes of operation.

As a rule, you will be required pre-fitted wooden floors before using one of these machines. Fill the steam cleaner to the recommended level. Connect the machine to the network. Water heats up from five to ten minutes. After you finish with these settings, turn on the steam cleaner. Start working from one corner of the room to another.

Try not to take more than one square meter at a time. After you are finished with a room, you can remove a steam cleaner. Take a dry towel and wipe the plot that just removed. This solution guarantees that there will be no moisture on the wooden floor.

Cleaning hard floors steam cleaner is recommended only for sealed and laminated deciduous floors. You do not have to use a steam cleaner in unprotected and lacquered wood. If you do it, water can get into the wood and lead to swelling, and then rotting the tree.

Itself, of course, it will spoil the wooden flooring. Similarly, the use of a steam cleaner to laminate should be avoided. In addition, it is not recommended to use the cleaning of a steam on a protected tree if the surface suffers from scratches and other wear. Water can easily leak through scratches, but it will not be able to dry it.

Thus, in general, the purification of the ferry is an excellent solution in search of clean and shiny floors of solid wood. However, if you do not neglect regular floor cleaning, you will rarely need a steam cleaner to serve floors.