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Causes and goals of participants in World War II. History of World War II

The reasons:

    Confrontation of the Union of Germany-Italy-Japan and the Union of England-France-USA (the humiliating conditions of the Versailles did not suit Germany (large reparations, ban on the army and heavy artillery, the abolition of universal military duty, the elimination of the General Staff)

    Territorial disputes (countries that have lost some of the territory wanted to return it, and countries that have received territorial increments sought to save them or multiply.)

    The rivalry of the great powers with each other, their desire for expansion, to European and world hegemony. Building military power. Arms race.

    The danger of the war was particularly increased, when dictatorial, authoritarian and totalitarian regimes came to power, ready to change the existing system in a number of countries. They are the most characteristic devil full or partial elimination of democratic rights and freedoms, the suppression of the opposition, the dictatorship of one party led by the leader who had dictatorial authorities. (Nr., the establishment of the power of the National Socialist Party in Germany. Coming to power A. Gitler. )

    To contradictions and conflicts of the capitalist world, his conflicts and contradictions with Soviet Russia were added (since 1922 - the Soviet Union) - the first state, which proclaimed and recorded in its constitution, that it puts its main task "the establishment of a socialist organization of society and the victory of socialism in All countries "as a result of the victory of the international working uprising against the yoke of capital." The Soviet Union supported the communist parties created in many countries, who considered the USSR by the fatherland of all workers, laying humanity to a happy, free life without capitalist exploitation and oppression. In 1919, they united the United World Party - the third (Communist) International (Comintern), in the Charter of which it was said that he was fighting "for the establishment of the global dictatorship of the proletariat.

The nature of World War II

In the war, 61 states of the world took part in which 80% of the population of the Earth lived in the territory. Military actions were conducted on all oceans, in Eurasia, Africa and Oceania. In the army of warring countries, 110 million people were called up. In total, the war was drawn into his orbit 3/4 of the population of the globe. If the First World War lasted a little more than 4 years, then the second is 6 years. She became the most destructive of all wars. Losses and destruction caused by the Second World War have no equal. Human losses in World War II amounted to at least 50-60 million people. Material damage was 12 times more than in the First World War. The Second World War was different from the first character of combat operations. If the first was mostly the advantage of the positional war in which the defense was stronger attack, then during the second - the widespread use of tanks, aviation, the movement of the army and the strengthening of its firefight relics made it possible to break through the defense of the enemy and rapidly go to him in the rear. The war has become more maneuverable, fighting more dynamic, their geographical scope is wider. Moreover, during the war, the destructive power of the weapon continued to increase: by the end there was a rocket and nuclear weapon - the worst weapon of the XX century.

Chronologically the second world can be divided into three large periods. The first period - from September 1, 1939 until June 1942. It is characterized by an expanding scale of war while maintaining the superiority of the forces of aggressors. The second period - from June 1942 to January 1944 - this is the time of the fracture during the war, when the initiative and superiority in the forces go into the hands of the anti-Hitler coalition countries. The third period - from January 1944 to September 2, 1945 - the final stage of the war, during which the achieved superiority of the countries of the anti-Hitler coalition was implemented during the defeat of the enemy's armies, when the crisis of the ruling regimes of aggressor states was marked and their collapse came. The plans of the German command provided for the defeat of Poland in the "Lightning War" with the subsequent transformation of troops on the French border. The plan was mainly implemented.1 September 1939 - the invasion of German troops in Poland, the beginning of the Second World War. On September 17, Soviet troops invaded the territory of Poland. A new redistribution was produced. Poland has lost statehood again. England and France were counted for a positional war and did not have substantial assistance to Poland. On May 10, 1940, the German offensive against the Anglo-French troops began. The northern part of France was occupied. A proorman state was created in South. By the end of the summer of 1940, one England continued to fight Germany and Italy. The Prime Minister became Winston Churchill - a supporter of an uncompromising struggle with Hitler. Germany decided to start an air war against England. Until late in 1940, the country was subjected to continuous bombing.

In March 1941, on the initiative of the US Prizes, Roosevelt, the American Congress adopted the Law on Land Lisa, i.e. On the provision of weapons and military equipment of borrowing or renting those countries whose defense seemed vital for the United States. Without ending with England, Hitler decided, however, it was time to defeat the USSR, which in 1939-1940 joined Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, part of Finland, Besarabia and North Bukovina. In December 1940, a plan was drawn up a lightning war against the USSR. Germany has signed a three-way pact with Italy and Japan, according to which they all agreed on joint actions on the redistribution of the world. The contracts of Satellites of Germany joined the contract. Stalin knew about the beginning of the concentration of German troops on the Soviet-German border and was preparing for war, but wanted to pull her beginning. Hitler attacked June 21, 1941 without the presentation of an ultimatum.

Goals of warring parties

Goal Germany In the war were:

1. Elimination of the USSR and socialism, as states, systems and ideologies. Colonization of the country. The destruction of 140 million "unnecessary people and peoples".

2. Elimination of democratic states of Western Europe, deprivation of their national independence and subordination of Germany.

3. Conquering world domination. The pretext of aggression is an imperious threat to the attack by the USSR.

Goal the USSR Determined during the war. It:

1. Protection of freedom and independence of the country and socialist ideas.

2. Liberation enslaved by the fascism of the peoples of Europe.

3. The creation of democratic or socialist governments in neighboring countries.

4. Elimination of German fascism, Prussian and Japanese militarism.

The Second World War, planned by the aggressors as a number of small lightning wars, turned into a global armed conflict. At its various stages on both sides, from 8 to 12.8 million people, from 84 to 163 thousand guns, from 6.5 to 18.8 thousand aircraft participated. The common theater of military operations 5.5 times exceeded the territory covered by the First World War. In total, the war is 1939-1945. 64 states were drawn with an aggregate population of 1.7 billion people. The losses incurred as a result of the war are striking with their scale. More than 50 million people died, and if we take into account the constantly updating data on the loss of the USSR (they range from 21.78 million to about 30 million), this figure cannot be called final. Only in death camps were destroyed by 11 million lives. The economy of most fought countries was undermined.

It is these terrible results of the Second World War, who put the civilization to destroy the destruction, forced its viable forces to be activated. This is evidenced, in particular, the fact of registration of the effective structure of the world community - the United Nations (UN), opposing totalitarian trends in the development, imperial ambitions of individual states; Act of Nuremberg and Tokyo processes, condemned fascism, totalitarianism, punished leaders of criminal regimes; Wide anti-war movement that contributed to the adoption of international workbates on the prohibition of production, the distribution and application of weapons of mass lesion, etc.

Europe, Eastern and Southeast Asia, North, Northeast and West Africa, Middle East, Atlantic, Indian, Silent and Northern Arctic Oceans, Mediterranean.

Politics of many states; The consequences of the Versailles-Washington system; World economic crisis.

The victory of Russia

Territorial changes:

The victory of the antihytler coalition. Creation of the UN. Prohibition and condemnation of the ideologies of fascism and Nazism. The USSR and the United States become superpined. Reducing the role of Great Britain and France in global policy. The world splits into two camps with various socio-political systems: socialist and capitalist. The cold war begins. Decolonization of extensive colonial empires.


Italian Republic (1943-1945)

France (1939-1940)

Belgium (1940)

Kingdom of Italy (1940-1943)

Netherlands (1940-1942)

Luxembourg (1940)

Finland (1941-1944)

Romania (with Antonesska)

Denmark (1940)

French State (1940-1944)

Greece (1940-1941)

Bulgaria (1941-1944)

States who came from the Nazi block:

States supported by the axis:

Romania (with Antonesska)

Bulgaria (1941-1944)

Finland (1941-1944)

Announced German war, but not participating in hostilities:

Russian empire


Joseph Stalin

Adolf Gitler †

Winston Churchill

Japanese Empire Todzio Hiheki

Franklin Roosevelt †

Benito Mussolini †

Maurice Gustave Gamelen

Henri Philip Petten

Maxim Wegan.

Miklash Hrats

Leopold III

Rosto Ryuti.

Chan Kaishi.

Ion Viktor Antonescu

John Kurtin

Boris III †

William Lyon Mackenzie King

Joseph Tiso.

Michael Joseph Savage †

Ante Pavelich

Josip Broz Tito

Ananda Makhidol.

(September 1, 1939 - September 2, 1945) - Armed conflict of two world military-political coalitions, which became the largest war in the history of mankind. The war participated 62 states from 73 who existed at that time. The fighting was carried out on the territory of three continents and in the waters of the four oceans.


The number of participating countries has changed during the war. Some of them were active hostilities, others helped their allies supplies of food, and many participated in the war only nominally.

The anti-Hitler coalition included: Poland, United Kingdom, France (since 1939), USSR (since 1941), USA (since 1941), China, Australia, Canada, Yugoslavia, Netherlands, Norway, New Zealand, South African Union, Czechoslovakia, Belgium, Greece, Ethiopia, Denmark, Brazil, Mexico, Mongolia, Luxembourg, Nepal, Panama, Argentina, Chile, Cuba, Peru, Guatemala, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Albania, Honduras, Salvador, Haiti, Paraguay , Ecuador, San Marino, Turkey, Uruguay, Venezuela, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Nicaragua, Liberia, Bolivia. During the war, they were joined by some states from the Nazi bloc: Iran (since 1941), Iraq (since 1943), Italy (since 1943), Romania (since 1944), Bulgaria (since 1944), Hungary (In 1945), Finland (in 1945).

On the other hand, the Nazi Block countries participated in the war: Germany, Italy (until 1943), Japanese Empire, Finland (until 1944), Bulgaria (until 1944), Romania (until 1944), Hungary (until 1945), Slovakia, Thailand (Siam ), Iraq (up to 1941), Iran (until 1941), Manzhou, Croatia. On the territory of the occupied countries, puppet states were created, which were not essentially participants in World War II and joined the fascist coalition: Vichi France, Italian Social Republic, Serbia, Albania, Montenegro, Inner Mongolia, Burma, Philippines, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos. On the side of Germany and Japan, there were also many collaboration troops created from the citizens of the opposing side: ROA, Ron, Foreign SS divisions (Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Estonian, 2 Latvian, Norwegian-Danish, 2 Netherlands, 2 Belgian, 2 Bosnian, French , Albanian), "Free India". Also in the Armed Forces of the Nazi blocks, the volunteer forces of states, formally remained neutral: Spain (Blue Division), Sweden and Portugal.

Who announced war

Who was declared war

Great Britain

Third Reich

Third Reich

Third Reich

Third Reich

Third Rei

Third Reich

Third Reich

Great Britain

Third Reich


All fighting can be divided into 5 theaters of hostilities:

  • Western European: Western Germany, Denmark, Norway, Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands, France, United Kingdom (aviation bobs), Atlantic.
  • Eastern European Theater: USSR (Western), Poland, Finland, Northern Norway, Czechoslovakia, Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Austria (East), East Germany, Barents Sea, Baltic Sea, Black Sea.
  • Mediterranean Theater: Yugoslavia, Greece, Albania, Italy, Mediterranean Islands (Malta, Cyprus, etc.), Egypt, Libya, French North Africa, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Iran, Mediterranean Sea.
  • African Theater: Ethiopia, Italian Somalia, British Somalia, Kenya, Sudan, French West Africa, French Equatorial Africa, Madagascar.
  • Pacific Theater: China (Eastern and Northeastern Part), Japan (Korea, South Sakhalin, Kuril Islands), USSR (Far East), Aleutian Islands, Mongolia, Hong Kong, French Indochytay, Burma, Andaman Islands, Malaya, Singapore, Sarawak , Dutch East India, Sabah, Brunei, New Guinea, Papua, Solomon Islands, Philippines, Hawaiian Islands, Guam, Wake, Midway, Mariana Islands, Caroline Islands, Marshall Islands, Gilbert Islands, many small islands of the Pacific Ocean, Bo? Part of the Pacific Ocean, Indian Ocean.

Backgrounds of war

Prerequisites for war in Europe

Versailles Agreement extremely limited the possibilities of Germany in the military sphere. In April-May 1922, the Genoese conference was held in the North Italian port city of Rappalo. Representatives of Soviet Russia were also invited: Georgi Chicherin (Chairman), Leonid Krasin, Adolf Ioffe, and others. Germany (Weimar Republic) represented Walter Ratienau. The main topic of the conference was a mutual refusal to nominate compensation requirements for damage caused during hostilities in the First World War. The result of the conference was the conclusion of the Rapalle Treaty on April 16, 1922 between the RSFSR and the Weimar Republic. The agreement provided for immediate recovery in the full volume of diplomatic relations between the RSFSR and Germany. For Soviet Russia, this was the first international treaty in its history. For Germany, the former day in the field of international politics is outlawed, this agreement was fundamental importance, since thereby it began to return to the countries recognized by the international community.

No less important to Germany and secret agreements signed on August 11, 1922, in accordance with which Soviet Russia guaranteed the supply of strategic materials to Germany and, moreover, provided its territory to test new samples of military equipment prohibited for the development of the Versailles Agreement in 1919 year.

On July 27, 1928, Bedian - Kellog's pact was signed in Paris - an agreement on refusal of the war as an instrument of national politics. The Pact was to enter into force on July 24, 1929. On February 9, 1929, even before the official entry into force, the so-called Litvinov Protocol was signed in Moscow - the Moscow Protocol on the early introduction of the obligations of the Biang-Kelloga Pact between the USSR, Poland, Romania, Estonia and Latvia. April 1, 1929 Turkey and April 5th - Lithuania joined him.

On July 25, 1932, the Soviet Union and Poland concludes an aggression agreement. Thus, Poland is somewhat freed from the threat from the east.

With the arrival in 1933, the National Socialist Workers Party headed by Adolf Hitler, Germany, begins to ignore all the limitations of the Versailles Treaty - in particular, restores the call to the army and rapidly increases the production of arms and military equipment. On October 14, 1933, Germany comes out of the League of Nations and refuses to participate in the Geneva Conference on Disarmament. On January 26, 1934, an aggression agreement is concluded between Germany and Poland. On July 24, 1934, Germany is attempting to implement Austria's anchlus, inspiring the anti-government Patch in Vienna, but forced to abandon its plans due to the sharply negative position of the Italian dictator Benito Mussolini, who put four divisions to the Austrian border.

In the 1930s, Italy conducted an equally aggressive foreign policy. On October 3, 1935, she invades Ethiopia and to May 1936 captures it (see: Italo-Ethiopian War). In 1936, the Italian Empire was proclaimed. The Mediterranean Sea is declared "our sea" (lat. Mare Nostrum). The act of unreasonable aggression causes dissatisfaction with the Western powers and the League of Nations. The deterioration of relations with Western powers pushes Italy to rapprochement with Germany. In January 1936, Mussolini gives a fundamental agreement to annexation by the Germans of Austria, subject to their refusal from expansion on the Adriatic. On March 7, 1936, German troops occupy the Rhine Demilitarized Zone. The United Kingdom and France do not have any effective resistance, limiting the formal protest. On November 25, 1936, Germany and Japan conclude an anti-communications pact of joint combat with communism. On November 6, 1937, Italy joins the Covenant.

The British Prime Minister of Chamberlain and Hitler on September 30, 1938, a declaration of non-fire and a peaceful settlement of controversial issues between Great Britain and Germany was signed. In 1938, Chamberlain met three times with Hitler, and after the meeting in Munich returned home with his famous statement "I brought you the world!".

In March 1938, Germany is unhindered to Austria (see: Anchlus).

Georges Bonne, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the French Republic, and Joachim Ribbentrop, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the German Reich, on December 6, 1938 signed a Franco-German Declaration.

In October 1938, as a result of the Munich Agreement, Germany annexes the sundel region belonging to Czechoslovakia. Consent to this act gives England and France, and the opinion of Czechoslovakia itself is not taken into account. March 15, 1939 Germany in violation of the agreement occupies the Czech Republic (see the German occupation of the Czech Republic). The German Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia is created at Czech territory. Hungary and Poland are involved in the Czechoslovakia section. Slovakia declared an independent pronocyst state. On February 24, 1939, Hungary joins the Anti-Comintern Covenant, on March 27 - Spain, where Francisco Franco came to power after the end of the civil war.

Before this afraid, the aggressive actions of Germany do not meet serious resistance from the UK and France, which are not solved to start the war and try to save the system of the Versailles to be reasonable, from their point of view, concessions (the so-called "Decience Policy"). However, after violation by Hitler, the Munich Treaty in both countries is increasingly becoming aware of the need for a more rigid policy, and in case of further aggression of Germany, the United Kingdom and France give military guarantees of Poland. After the capture of Italy Albania, April 7-12, 1939, Romania and Greece receive the same guarantees.

As M. I. Meltyukhov believes, the objective conditions also made the Soviet Union by the opponent of the Versailles system. Due to the internal crisis caused by the events of the First World War, the October Revolution and the Civil War, the level of influence of the country on the European and global policy has significantly decreased. At the same time, strengthening the Soviet state and the results of industrialization stimulated the leadership of the USSR to take measures to return the status of the world power. The Soviet government skillfully used the official diplomatic channels, the illegal capabilities of the Comintern, social propaganda, pacifist ideas, anti-infhensiveness, helping some victims of aggressors to create the image of the main fighter for peace and social progress. The struggle for "collective security" became the foreign policy tactic of Moscow, aimed at strengthening the weight of the USSR in international affairs and to prevent the consolidation of the rest of the great powers without their participation. However, the Munich Agreement clearly showed that the USSR is still far from becoming an equal subject of European policies.

After the military alarm of 1927, the USSR actively began to prepare for war. The possibility of attacking the coalition of capitalist countries is replicated by official propaganda. Military In order to have a trained mobilization reserve, they began to actively and everywhere to train the urban population of military specialties, have become massive training of parachutism, aircodellism, etc. (see Osoaviahim). It was honorable and prestigious to pass the norms of the GTU (ready for work and defense), to earn the title and the "Voroshilovsky Arrow" icon, and, along with the new title, "Orelonosphere", also there was also a prestigious title "Icons".

As a result of the reached Rapalle agreements and subsequent secret agreements in Lipetsk in 1925, an aviation training center was established, in which German instructors trained German and Soviet cadets. Under Kazan in 1929, the Center for Tank Connection Commanders (the Secret Training Center "Kama") was established, in which German instructors also taught German and Soviet cadets. Many graduates of the tank school "Kama" have become outstanding Soviet commanders, among them the Hero of the Soviet Union, Lieutenant-General of the Tank Troops Krivoshein S. M .. For the German side, 30 ReichSver officers were trained during the school. In 1926-1933, German tanks were also tested in Kazan (Germans for secrecy called them "tractors"). In Volsk, a center was created for training with a chemical weapon (Tomka's object). In 1933, after coming to power, Hitler all these schools were closed.

On January 11, 1939, the mercance of ammunition and the People's Commissariat of Armament were created. Trucks painted exclusively in green protective color.

In 1940, the USSR began to tighten the regime of labor and increase the duration of the working day of workers and employees. All state, cooperative and public enterprises and institutions have been translated from the six days for a seven-day week, considering the seventh day of the week - Sunday - the day of rest. Tightened responsibility for absenteeism. Under the fear of imprisonment, dismissal and transition to another organization without permission of the director were prohibited (see "Decree of the Presidium of the USSR Sun of June 26, 1940").

In the army, we rush to armared and begin the mass release of the new Yak fighter, without even finishing the state test. 1940 is a year of development in the production of the latest T-34 and KV, the improvements of the SVT and the adoption of machine gun pistols.

During the political crisis of 1939, there were two military-political bloc in Europe: Anglo-French and German-Italian, each of which was interested in agreement with the USSR.

Poland, concluding allied agreements with the United Kingdom and France, which are obliged to help it in the case of German aggression, refuses to make concessions in negotiations with Germany (in particular, on the issue of Polish corridor).

On August 19, 1939, Molotov agreed to accept Ribbentrop in Moscow to sign a non-aggression agreement with Germany. On the same day, an order for increasing the number of rifle divisions from 96 to 186 is sent to the RKKA.

Under these conditions, on August 23, 1939, in Moscow, the USSR signs a non-aggression agreement with Germany. The secret protocol provided a section of interests in Eastern Europe, including the Baltic States and Poland.

USSR, Germany, France, United Kingdom and other countries begin preparation for war.

Prerequisites of War in Asia

The occupation of Japan Manchuria and North China began since 1931. On July 7, 1937, Japan begins the offensive in China (see the Japanese-China War).

The expansion of Japan met the active opposition to the great powers. The United Kingdom, USA and the Netherlands introduced economic sanctions against Japan. The USSR also did not remain indifferent to the events in the Far East, especially since the Soviet-Japanese border conflicts of 1938-1999 (of which the most famous fights for Lake Hassan and the undeclared war from the Khalkhin-goal) threatened to grow into a full-scale war.

In the end, before Japan had a serious choice, in which direction to continue his further expansion: north against the USSR or south. The choice was made in favor of the "southern version". On April 13, 1941, an agreement was signed between Japan and the USSR about the neutrality for a period of 5 years. Japan began the preparation of war against the US and its allies in the Pacific (Great Britain, the Netherlands).

On December 7, 1941, Japan strikes the American Naval Base Pearl Harbor. Since December 1941, the Japanese-China War is considered part of World War II.

First period of war (September 1939 - June 1941)

Invasion to Poland.

On May 23, 1939, a meeting was held in the hospital of Hitler in the presence of a number of senior officers. It was noted that "the Polish problem is closely related to inevitable conflict With England and France, a quick victory over which is problematic. At the same time, Poland is unlikely to fulfill the role of the barrier against Bolshevism. Currently, the task of the foreign policy of Germany is to expand the living space east, ensuring the guaranteed food supply and the elimination of the threat from the East. Poland must be captured at the first convenient case. "

On August 31, the press of Germany said: "... On Thursday, at about 20 o'clock, the radio station in Gleivice was captured by the Poles."

On September 1, at 4 45 minutes, arrived in Danzig with a friendly visit and with an inspiration of the German educational ship met by the local population - Outdated armadiole "Schleswig-Holstein", opens fire on Polish fortifications in Westerplatte. German Armed Forces invade Poland. In combat actions on the side of Germany, the troops of Slovakia take part.

On September 1, Hitler in the Military Unifeds appears in Reichstag. In the justification of the attack on Poland, Hitler refers to the incident in Gleivice. At the same time, he carefully avoids the term "war", fearing the entry into the conflict of England and France, which gave Poland relevant guarantees. In the order published them, only the "active defense" against the Polish aggression was said.

On the same day, England and France threatened by the announcement of the war demanded the immediate conclusion of German troops from the Polish territory. Mussolini offered to convene a conference for a peaceful decision of the Polish issue, which met the support from the Western powers, but Hitler refused, stating that it was not necessary to represent the diplomacy what was conquered by weapons.

On September 1, a general military service was introduced in the Soviet Union. At the same time, the prize age is reduced from 21 to 19 years, and for some categories - up to 18 years. The law immediately entered into force and in a short time the numerical composition of the army reached 5 million people, which amounted to about 3% of the population.

September 3 at 9 o'clock England, at 12:20 am France, as well as Australia and New Zealand declared Germany war. Within a few days, Canada, Newfoundland, South African Union and Nepal are joined. World War II began.

On September 3, in Bromberg, the city of East Prussia, which turned to the Versailles Agreement to Poland, there was the first mass murder on the national sign on the war. In the city, the population of which on 3/4 consisted of the Germans, from their number the Poles were killed at least 1,100 people, which was the last of the last time for the month of pogroms.

The offensive of German troops developed according to plan. Polish troops turned out to be a weak military force compared to agreed by existing tank compounds and Luftwaffe. However, on the Western Front, the Allied Anglo-French troops do not take any active actions (see Strange War). Only on the sea war began immediately: already on September 3, the German submarine U-30 without warning attacks the English passenger liner "Athenium".

In Poland for the first week, the German troops dissect the Polish front in several places and occupy a part of Mazovia, Western Prussia, the Upper-Silesian industrial area and Western Galicia. By September 9, the Germans manage to break the Polish resistance throughout the front line and approach Warsaw.

On September 10, the Polish Commander-in-Chief Edward Rydz-Smiglay gives an order about the general retreat to the Southeast Poland, but the main part of his troops, failing to move away for the Vistula, is surrounded. By mid-September, not having received support from the West, the Armed Forces of Poland cease to exist as a whole; Only local resistance centers are saved.

September 14, the 19th Guderian Tank Corps by a throw from East Prussia captures Brest. Polish troops under the command of General Pleastovsky for many more years defend the Brest Fortress. On the night of September 17, her defenders in an organized manner leave the forts and depart beyond the Bug.

On September 16, the Poland's Ambassador to the USSR was stated that since the Polish state and its government ceased to exist, the Soviet Union takes its protection and property of the population of Western Ukraine and Western Belarus.

On September 17, at 6 am, Soviet troops in the two military groups coordinate the state border. The same day of Molotov sends a congratulation on the "brilliant success of the German Wehrmachpet" to the USSR Schulenburg. In the evening of the same day, the Polish government and the Supreme Command fled to Romania.

September 28, the Germans occupy Warsaw. On the same day, Moscow signed an agreement on the friendship and the border between the USSR and Germany, who established the line of distinction between the German and Soviet troops on the territory of the former Poland about the "Line of Kerzon".

Part of Western Polish lands passes to the third Reich. These lands are subject to the so-called "Germanization". The Polish and Jewish population deported from here to the central regions of Poland, where the Governor General is created. Mass repressions are carried out against the Polish people. The very difficult is the position of the Jews, coented in the ghetto.

The territories deposited into the zone of influence of the USSR are included in the Ukrainian SSR, the Belarusian SSR and independent at that time Lithuania. In the territories included in the USSR, the Soviet power is established, socialist transformations (nationalization of industry, the collectivization of the peasantry) are carried out, which is accompanied by deportation and repression against the former dominant classes - representatives of the bourgeoisie, landlords rich in the peasants, part of the intelligentsia.

On October 6, 1939, after the end of all hostilities, Hitler advocates a proposal to convene a peace conference with the participation of all the largest powers to resolve existing contradictions. France and the United Kingdom declare that they will agree to the conference only if the Germans immediately bring their troops from Poland and the Czech Republic and refund independence to these countries. Germany rejects these conditions, and as a result, the peace conference did not take place.

Battle for Atlantic

Despite the refusal of a peaceful conference, United Kingdom and France from September 1939 to April 1940 continue to conduct a passive war and do not attempt any attempt. Active fighting is carried out only on marine communications. Even before the war, the German command sent 2 armadire and 18 submarines to the Atlantic Ocean, which, with the discovery of hostilities, began attacking the Great Britain and the Allied countries. From September to December 1939, the United Kingdom loses 114 courts from shots of German submarines, and in 1940 - 471 vessels, the Germans in 1939 lost only 9 submarines. Britain's sea communications strikes led to a loss by the summer of 1941 1/3 tonnage of the British Fleet of Fleet and created a serious threat to the country's economy.

During the Soviet-Finnish negotiations, 1938? 1939, the USSR is trying to achieve the concession of these territories from Finland, the transfer of these territories ruled the "Mannerheim Line" on the most important, Vyborg direction, as well as transfer to the rent of several islands and parts of Hanko Peninsula (Gangeut) under the military Bases. Finland, not wanting to give up the territory and make commitments of a military nature, insists on the conclusion of a trade agreement and consent to the remilitarization of the Aland Islands. On November 30, 1939, the USSR invades Finland. December 14 for the unleashing of the War of the USSR is excluded from the League of Nations. When the USSR began to exclude from the league of nations, then from 52 states entering the League, 12 of their representatives to the conference were not sent at all, and 11 did not vote for the exception. And among these 11 - Sweden, Norway and Denmark.

From December to February, the Soviet troops in the composition of the 15 Soviet rifle divisions take a lot of attempts to break through the Mannerheim Line, defended by 15 infantry divisions of Finns, but they do not achieve great success. In the future, there was a continuous increase in the strength of the Red Army in all directions (in particular, at least 13 divisions were additionally deployed to the Pridogo and North Karelia). Average monthly number The entire grouping of the troops reached 849.

The United Kingdom and France make a decision to prepare a landing on the Scandinavian Peninsula in order to prevent Germany's seizure of the Swedish Iron deposits and at the same time provide ways to the future transfer of their troops to the help of Finland; It also begins the transfer of bombardment aviation of long-range action to the Middle East, for the bombardment and seizure of oilfields Baku, in the event of England to enter the war on the side of Finland. However, Sweden and Norway, seeking to preserve neutrality, categorically refuse to take on its territory Anglo-French troops. On February 16, 1940, British destroyers attack the German ship "Altmark" in the Norwegian territorial waters. On March 1, Hitler, previously interested in preserving the neutrality of the Scandinavian countries, signs the Directive on Capturing Denmark and Norway (Weserubung Operation) to prevent the allies possible.

In early March 1940, Soviet troops break through the Mannerheim Line and capture the Vyborg. On March 13, 1940, Moscow signed a peace treaty between Finland and the USSR, according to which the Soviet requirements were satisfied: the border on the Karelian Isthmus in the Leningrad region moved to the north-west from 32 to 150 km, a number of islands in Finnish Gulf departed to the USSR.

Despite the end of the war, the Anglo-French command continues to develop a plan of military operation in Norway, but the Germans manage to get out of them.

During the Soviet-Finnish war, Finns were invented by "Molotov's cocktail" and the mines "protein" were invented.

European blitzkrieg.

In Denmark, the Germans with sea and air landings freely occupy all the most important cities and destroy Danish aircraft in a few hours. Under the threat of bombing of the civilian population, the Danish king of Christian X is forced to sign the capitulation and orders the army to fold the weapon.

In Norway, the Germans of April 9-10 capture the main Norwegian ports of Oslo, Trondheim, Bergen, Narvik. On April 14, the Anglo-French landline landed under Narvik, on April 16 - in Namsus, April 17 - in Ondalnesse. On April 19, the Allies unfold an offensive on Trondheim, but fail and in early May are forced to bring their strength from Central Norway. After a number of battles for Narvik, the Allies in early June are also evacuated from the northern part of the country. On June 10, 1940, the latest parts of the Norwegian army capitulate. Norway is under the control of the German occupation administration (Rekhomissariat); Denmark, announced by the German Protectorate, was able to maintain partial independence in internal affairs.

Simultaneously with Germany, the British and American troops hit Denmark in the back and occupied her overseas territories - Faroe Islands, Iceland and Greenland.

On May 10, 1940, Germany forces 135 divisions invade Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg. The 1st group of the Allied Army is put forward to the territory of Belgium, but does not have time to help the Dutch men, since the German group of "B" carries out a rapid throw to South Holland and already on May 12 captures Rotterdam. May 15, the Netherlands capitulate. It was believed that in retaliation for the unexpected forces, the persistent resistance of the Dutch, Hitler, after signing the act of surrender, ordered to subjected to the massive bombardment of Rotterdam (Eng. Bombing.of.Rotterdam) That was not caused by military necessity and led to huge destructions and victims among civilians. In the Nuremberg process, it turned out that the bombardment of the Rotterdam occurred on May 14, and the Government of Holland capitulated only after the bombardment of the Rotterdam and the threat of bombardments of Amsterdam and the Hague.

In Belgium, German paratroopers are captured by bridges through the Alberta Channel on May 10, which makes it possible to force it to approach the Allies and go to the Belgian Plain. May 17 Pal Brussels.

But the main blow is inflicted by the Army Group "A". Occuping on May 10, Luxembourg, the three Guderian tank divisions cross the Southern Ardennes and are transferred on May 14 through the Masa River west sedan. At the same time, the tank corps of the Gota breaks through it difficult for heavy equipment North Ardennes and on May 13 forces the Maas North Dinan River. German tank Armada rushes to the West. The captured attacks of the French, for whom the head of the Germans through Ardennes turns out to be a complete surprise, is not able to keep it. May 16 parts of Guderian reach UAZ; On May 20, they go to the coast of Pa-de-Kale not far from Abvilly and turn to the north to the rear of the Union Army. 28 Anglo-Franco-Belgian divisions are surrounded.

The attempt of the French command to organize May 21-23, Kontrudar, Arras could be successful, but Guderian at the cost of almost completely destroyed tank battalion stops her. On May 22, Guderian cuts off the allies the path of retreat to Buloni, on May 23 - to Kale and goes to the gravlin 10 km from Dunkirka, the last port, through which the English-French troops could be evacuated, but on May 24, he is forced to stop the offensive for two days in difficult personal personal The order of Hitler ("Miracle under Dunkerkom") (according to another version, the cause of the stop was not an order of Hitler, but the entrance of tanks into the zone of action of the English fleet of the English fleet ship artillery, which could shoot them almost impunity). The passage allows allies to strengthen the defense of Dunkirk and start the Dynamo operation on the evacuation of their forces by the sea. On May 26, the German troops break through the Belgian front in Western Flanders, and on May 28, Belgium contrary to the requirements of allies capitulate. On the same day, in the area of \u200b\u200bLille, the Germans are surrounded by a large French grouping, which is surrendered on May 31. Part of the French troops (114 thousand) and almost the entire British army (224 thousand) are exported on British ships through Dunkirk. The Germans capture all the British and French artillery and armored vehicles, vehicles, abandoned by allies during retreat. After Dunkirk, the United Kingdom turned out to be practically unarmed, although he retained the personnel of the army.

On June 5, German troops begin an offensive in the Lan - Abville site. Attempts by the French command hastily pushing the defense in defense unprepared divisions of unsuccessful. The French lose one battle after another. The defense of the French disintegrates, and the command hastily assigns troops to the south.

On June 10, Italy announces the war of Great Britain and France. Italian troops invade the southern regions of France, but they cannot go far. On the same day, the French government is evacuated from Paris. On June 11, the Germans are shipped by Marla at Chateau-Tierry. On June 14, they join Paris without a battle, and in two days they go to the Rhone Valley. On June 16, Marshal Pethene forms the new government of France, which on the night of June 17 appeals to Germany with a request for truce. June 18, French General Charles de Gaulle, who fled to London, calls on the French to continue resistance. On June 21, the Germans, without meeting almost no resistance, reach Loire on the site of Nantes - the tour, on the same day of their tanks occupy Lyon.

On June 22, in the compience in the same car, in which the Capitulation of Germany was signed in 1918, a Franco-German truce was signed, according to which France agrees to occupy the most part of its territory, the demobilization of the almost all the land army and the interchange of the navy and aviation. In the free zone as a result of the state coup on July 10, it is established authoritarian regime Petto (Vichy mode), which took a course for close cooperation with Germany (collaborationism). Despite the military weakness of France, the defeat of this country was so sudden and complete that was not amenable to any rational explanation.

The commander-in-chief of the Vishhite troops Francois Darlan gives an order about the discharge of the entire French fleet to the shores of the French North Africa. Due to the concerns that the entire French fleet can be accessed under the control of Germany and Italy, on July 3, 1940, the British naval forces and aviation within the framework of the "Catapult" operation strike on French ships in Mers-El Kubire. By the end of July, the British destroy or neutralize almost the entire French fleet.

Attachment of the Baltic States, Bessarabia and North Bukovina to the USSR

In the fall of 1939, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania concluded mutual assistance treaties from the USSR, also known as database agreements, in accordance with which Soviet military bases were posted on the territory of these countries. On June 17, 1940, the USSR presents the Baltic states ultimatum, demanding the resignation of governments, the formation of national governments instead, the dissolution of parliaments, holding extraordinary elections and the consent to enter the additional contingent of Soviet troops. In the current situation, the Baltic governments were forced to accept these requirements.

After entering the territory of the Baltic state of the additional parts of the Red Army, in mid-July 1940 in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, in the conditions of a significant Soviet military presence, elections are held in the Supreme authorities. According to a number of modern researchers, these elections were accompanied by violations. In parallel, mass arrests of the Baltic politicians by the NKVD bodies are held. On July 21, 1940, the newly elected parliaments, which turned out to be a progressive majority, the establishment of the Soviet Socialist Republics proclaimed and send the USSR to the Supreme Council of the USSR to join the Soviet Union. On August 3, the Lithuanian SSR, August 5th - the Latvian SSR, and on August 6, the Estonian SSR was taken to the USSR.

On June 27, 1940, the USSR government sends two ultimative notes to the Romanian government, demanding the return of Bessarabia (attached in 1812 to the Russian Empire after the victory over Turkey in the Russian-Turkish war of 1806-1812; in 1918, taking advantage of the weakness of Soviet Russia, Romania introduced troops On the territory of Bessarabia, and then included it in his composition) and the transfer of the USSR of Northern Bukovina (never part of the Russian Empire, but inhabited by Ukrainians mostly) as an "compensation of that huge damage, which was inflicted by the Soviet Union and the population of Bessarabia 22-year-old Romania's domination in Bessarabia. " Romania, not counting on support from other states in the event of the war from the USSR, is forced to agree to meet these requirements. On June 28, Romania displays their troops and administration from Bessarabia and Northern Bukovina, after which the Soviet troops are introduced there. On August 2, the Moldavian SSR is formed on the territory of Bessarabia and part of the territory of the former Moldavian ASSR. Northern Bukovina organizationally included in the Ukrainian SSR.

Battle for Britain

After the surrender of France, Germany offers the United Kingdom to conclude the world, but it receives a refusal. On July 16, 1940, Hitler publishes directive about the invasion of the UK (Operation "Sea Lion"). However, the command of German Navy and the land forces, referring to the power of the British fleet and the lack of the Wehrmacht experience of landing operations, requires the Air Force initially to ensure the domination of air. Since August, the Germans begin to bombard the UK in order to undermine its military economic potential, demoralize the population, prepare the invasion and will eventually force it to surrender. German Air Force and Navy make systematic attacks on English ships and convoy in La Manche. From September 4, German aviation proceeds to the massive bombardment of English cities in the south of the country: London, Rochester, Birmingham, Manchester.

Despite the fact that the British suffered large losses among the civilians during the bombardment, they are essentially able to win the battle for Britain - Germany is forced to refuse to carry out an intent operation. Since December, the activity of the German Air Force is significantly reduced due to deteriorating weather conditions. To achieve its main goal - to bring the United Kingdom from the war - the Germans never succeeded.

Battles in Africa, Mediterranean and Balkans

After Italy's entry into war, the Italian troops begin fighting for control over the Mediterranean, Northern and East Africa. June 11, Italian aviation strikes the British Naval Base in Malta. On June 13, the Italians bombard the British bases in Kenya. In early July, the Italian troops invade the territory of Ethiopia and Somalia to the British colonies of Kenya and Sudan, however, because of indecisive actions, they could not move far. August 3, 1940 Italian troops invade British Somalia. Using the numerical superiority, they manage to oust the British and South African troops through the sheds to the British colony of Aden.

After the succession of France, the administration of some colonies refused to recognize the Vichi Government. In London, General de Gaulle formed the "Fighting France" movement, which did not recognize the shameful surrender. British armed forces, together with the detachments of "Fighting France" begin to fight with the Vishi troops for control over the colonies. By September they are able to establish control in almost all French Equatorial Africa. On October 27, the senior authority of the French territories engaged in the troops de Gaulle was formed in Brazzaville, - the Empire Defense Council. On September 24, the British-French troops suffer defeat from the fascist troops in Senegal (Dakar Operation). However, in November they manage to capture Gabon (Gabon Operation).

On September 13, the Italians invade the territory of Libya to British Egypt. After September 16, Sidi Barranran, the Italians stop, and the British move to Merca-Merce. To improve your position in Africa and the Mediterranean, the Italians decide to capture Greece. After the refusal of the Greek government to skip the Italian troops to its territory, October 28, 1940 Italy begins the offensive. Italians manage to seize part of the Greek territory, however, by November 8, they are stopped, and on November 14, the Greek army goes into counter project, fully relieves the territory of the country and enters into Albania.

In November 1940, English aviation strikes the Italian fleet to Taranto, which is extremely difficult for the shipping of goods for the Italian troops to North Africa. Using this, on December 9, 1940, English troops are transferred to the offensive in Egypt, in January occupy all Kerenaica and by February 1941 go to the El Ageil area.

In early January, the British also take an offensive in East Africa. After beating January 21, the Italians Cassalu, they invade Sudan to Eritrea, capture Caren (March 27) asmar (April 1) and the port of Massaw (April 8). In February, British troops from Kenya penetrate the Italian Somalia; On February 25, they occupy a port of Mogadishu, and then turn north and enter Ethiopia. On March 16, the English landing land in British Somalia and soon causes the Italians defeat there. Together with the English troops in Ethiopia, the Emperor Hilee Selussie arrives in 1936. The numerous detachments of Ethiopian partisans are joined by the British. On March 17, the British and Ethiopian troops occupy Jijiga, March 29 - Harar, April 6 - the capital of Ethiopia Addis Ababa. Italian colonial empire in East Africa ceases existence. The remains of the Italian troops continue to resist on the territory of Ethiopia and Somalia until November 27, 1941.

In March 1941, in the sea battle at the island of Crete, the British apply another defeat by the Italian fleet. On March 2, the English and Australian troops begin to disembark in Greece. On March 9, the Italian troops are taking a new offensive against the Greeks, however, during the six-day fierce battles, they suffer a complete defeat and by March 26 are forced to move back to its original positions.

Full defeat on all fronts, Mussolini is forced to ask for help from Hitler. In February 1941, the German Expeditionary Corps arrives in Libya under the command of General Rommel. On March 31, 1941, the Italian-German troops go to the offensive, born in the British Kerenaica and go to the borders of Egypt, after which the front in North Africa stabilizes until November 1941.

Expansion of the block of fascist states. Battle in the Balkans and the Middle East

Gradually begins to revise its foreign policy of the US government. It increasingly supports the United Kingdom, becoming her "unheard ally" (see Atlantic Charter). In May 1940, the US Congress approves the amount of $ 3 billion for the needs of the army and fleet, and in the summer - 6.5 billion, including 4 billion for the construction of the Two Ocean Fleet. The supply of weapons and equipment for the United Kingdom increases. On September 2, 1940, the United States is transferred to the UK 50 destroyers in exchange for renting 8 military bases in English colonies in the Western Hemisphere. According to the US Congress on March 11, 1941, the law on the transfer of military materials by warring countries is borrowed or for rent (see Lend Liz), UK is allocated $ 7 billion. Later, Land Liz applies to China, Greece and Yugoslavia. Northern Atlantic was declared a "patrol zone" of the US military fleet, which simultaneously embarks on the conventionation of the commercial vessels heading to the UK.

On September 27, 1940, Germany, Italy and Japan signed a three-way pact: the distinction of the influence zones when establishing a new order and military mutual assistance. On the Soviet-German negotiations held in November 1940, German diplomats offer the USSR to join this Covenant. The Soviet government refuses. Hitler approves the attack plan for the USSR. For these purposes, Germany begins to search for allies in Eastern Europe. On November 20, Hungary joins the three-way union, November 23 - Romania, November 24 - Slovakia, in 1941 - Bulgaria, Finland and Spain. On March 25, 1941, Yugoslavia joins the Covenant, however, on March 27, a military coup in Belgrade, and the Government of Simovich comes to power, which declares the King of Young Peter II and proclaims the neutrality of Yugoslavia. On April 5, Yugoslavia concludes an agreement on friendship and nonsense from the USSR. In view of the events undesirable for Germany, Hitler decides to carry out military operation against Yugoslavia and the help of Italian troops in Greece.

On April 6, 1941, after the massive bombing of large cities, railway units and airfields, Germany and Hungary invade Yugoslavia. At the same time, the Italian troops with the support of the Germans hold another offensive in Greece. By April 8, the Armed Forces of Yugoslavia dissected into several parts and actually cease to exist as a whole. On April 9, the German troops, passing through Yugoslav territory, go to Greece and capture thessaloniki, forcing the capitulation of the Greek East Macedonian army. On April 10, the Germans capture Zagreb. On April 11, the leader of the Croatian Nazis, Ante Pavelich proclaims the independence of Croatia and calls on Croats to leave the rows of the Yugoslav army, which further undermines its combat capability. On April 13, the Germans capture Belgrade. April 15, the Yugoslav government runs from the country. On April 16, German troops are included in Sarajevo. On April 16, the Italians occupy the Bar and Island of the Krk, and on April 17 - Dubrovnik. On the same day, the Yugoslav army capitulates, and 344 thousand. Her soldiers and officers are captured.

After the defeat of Yugoslavia, the Germans and Italians throw all their strength to Greece. April 20, the epiria army capitulate. An attempt by the Anglo-Australian command to create a defensive frontier of Fermopil to close the Wighten of High Greece, was not crowned with success, and on April 20, the command of the Allied Forces decides on the evacuation of his forces. April 21 taken Janin. On April 23, the Tsoloplo signs the act of the overall surrender of the Greek Armed Forces. On April 24, King George II, together with the government runs to Crete. On the same day, the Germans capture Islands Lemnos, Faros and self-defraquity. April 27 captured Athens.

On May 20, the Germans land in Crete, which is in the hands of the British. Although the British fleet is trying to try the Germans to deliver reinforcements by the sea, on May 21, paratroopers capture the airfield in the Malema and ensure the transfer of reinforcements by air. Despite the persistent defense, the British troops are forced to leave Crete by May 31. By June 2, the island is fully occupied. But in view of the large losses of German parachutists, Hitler refuses plans for further landing operations to seize Cyprus and Suez Canal.

As a result of the invasion of Yugoslavia disseminated on the part. Germany Annexes Northern Slovenia, Hungary - Western Voivodina, Bulgaria - Vargar Macedonia, Italy - South Slovenia, part of the Dalmatia coast, Montenegro and Kosovo. Croatia is declared an independent state under the Italian-German Protectorate. In Serbia, the Collaborationist Government of Nedia was created.

After the defeat of Greece, Bulgaria annexes East Macedonia and Western Frakia; The rest of the country is divided into Italian (Western) and German (Eastern) occupation zones.

April 1, 1941, as a result of the coup in Iraq, the proprietary nationalist group of Rashid Ali Gailani is captured. By agreement with the mode of Vichy, Germany on May 12 proceeds to transporting through Syria, submanently France, military equipment to Iraq. But those engaged in preparing for war from the USSR Germans are not able to provide substantial assistance to Iraqi nationalists. British troops invade Iraq and overthrow the Government of Ali Gailani. On June 8, the British, together with the parts of the "Fight France" invade Syria and Lebanon and for the middle of July, the Vichy's troops regulate capitulate.

According to the leadership of the UK and the USSR, there was a threat to engage in 1941 on the side of Germany as an active ally of Iran. Therefore, from August 25, 1941 to September 17, 1941, a joint Anglo-Soviet operation was carried out on Iranian occupation. Its purpose was the protection of Iranian oil fields from the possible capture by their German troops and the protection of the transport corridor ( southern corridor), in which the Allies carried out supplies on Land Lesu for the Soviet Union. During the operation, the Armed Forces of the Allies invaded Iran and established their control over the railways and oil fields of Iran. At the same time, the UK troops occupied southern Iran. The USSR troops occupied the Northern Iran.


In China, the Japanese in 1939-1941 seized the southeast part of the country. China, due to the complex domestic political situation in the country, could not have a serious essay (see: Civil War in China). After France's surrender, the French administration recognized the Vichi Government. Thailand, taking advantage of the weakening of France, spoke with territorial claims to part of the French Indochina. In October 1940, Thai troops invaded French Indochina. Thailand managed to apply a number of defeats of the Vishi Army. On May 9, 1941, under pressure from Japan, Vichy regime was forced to sign a peace treaty, in which Laos was departed and part of Cambodia. After the loss of the virus regime of a number of colonies in Africa, the threat of the capture of Indochina with the British and Degollets arose. To prevent this, in June 1941, the fascist government agreed to enter Japanese troops to the colony.

The second period of the war (June 1941 - November 1942)

Invasion prehistory in the USSR

In June 1940, Hitler orders to begin preparation of the attack on the USSR, and Okch July 22 begins to develop a plan of the attack that received the code name "Barbarossa Operation". On July 31, 1940, at a meeting with the Supreme Military Command in Berghof, Hitler said:

[...] Nadezhda England - Russia and America. If Nadezhda to Russia disappears, America will disappear, for Russia's deposit to the unpleasant extent will strengthen the meaning of Japan in East Asia, Russia is the East Asian sword of England and America against Japan. [...]

Russia is the factor on which England is most likely. Something in London still happened! The British were already completely down *, and now they rose again. From listening to conversations it is clear that Russia is unpleasantly affected by the rapid progress of the development of events in Western Europe. [...]

But if Russia is broken, the last hope of England will fade. The Lord of Europe and the Balkans will then become Germany.

Solution: During this collision with Russia, it must be finished. In the spring of the 41st. [...]

* Below (eng.)

On December 18, 1940, the Barbarossa plan was approved by the Supreme Commander of the Wehrmacht Directive No. 21. An approximate term of completion of military preparations - May 15, 1941. Since the end of 1940, the gradual transformation of German troops to the borders of the USSR began, the intensity of which increased dramatically after May 22. The German command tried to create the impression that this distracting maneuver and "the main task for the summer period remains the investigation to the island, and measures against the East are only defensive and their volume depends only on Russian threats and military preparations." The disinformation campaign against Soviet intelligence has begun, who received numerous contradictory messages about the timing (end of April - the beginning of May, April 15, May 15 - beginning of June, May 14, the end of May, May 20, the first numbers of June, etc.) and war conditions ( After and before the start of the war with England, the various requirements for the USSR before the start of war, etc.).

In January 1941, the USSR hosts staff under the general name "Offensive Operation of the Front with a breakthrough of the UR", in which the actions of a large impact grouping of Soviet troops from the State Border of the USSR in the direction (respectively) Poland - East Prussia and Hungary - Romania were considered. Development of defense plans until June 22 was not conducted.

March 27 in Yugoslavia there is a coup and antinec forces come to power. Hitler decides on the operation against Yugoslavia and the help of the Italian troops in Greece, postponing the spring attack on the USSR for June 1941.

In late May - early June, the USSR holds training fees for which 975,870 military-ridden for a period of 30 to 90 days should be called. Some historians consider it as an element of hidden mobilization in the context of a complex political situation - thanks to them, the rifle divisions in the border and internal districts received 1900-6,000 people, and the number of about 20 divisions has practically reached staff schedule wartime. Other historians do not associate fees with a political situation and explain their retraining of the composition "In the Spirit modern demands" Some historians find signs of the preparation of the USSR to attack Germany.

On June 10, 1941, the Commander-in-Chief of the German Ground Forces, General-Field Marshal Walter von Brauhich, was issued an order about the period of starting war against the USSR - June 22.

On June 13, directives were sent to Western districts ("to increase combat readiness ...") on the start of the extension of parts of the first and second echelons to the border, at night and under the guise of exercises. On June 14, 1941, a message of TASS is coming out that for the war with Germany there is no reason and that rumors that the USSR is preparing for war with Germany are false and provocative. Simultaneously with the message of TASS, the massive hidden transformation of the Soviet troops to the Western borders of the USSR begins. On June 18, an order was published on bringing some parts of Western districts into full combat readiness. On June 21, after the receipt of several information about tomorrow's attack, at 23:30, Directive No. 1 was sent to the troops, which contained the likely date of the German attack and order to be in combat readiness. By June 22, Soviet troops were not deployed and started the war divided into three unrelated operational echelon.

Some historians (Viktor Suvorov, Mikhail Meltejukhov, Mark Solonin) are considering the movement of Soviet troops to the border not as a defensive measure, but as the preparation of an attack on Germany, calling various attack dates: July 1941, 1942. They also put forward the thesis on the preventive war of Germany against the USSR. Their opponents argue that there is no evidence of the preparation for the attack, and all signs of training allegedly towards the attack are preparing for war as such, whatever attack or reflecting aggression.

Invasion in the USSR

On June 22, 1941, Germany, with the support of its allies - Italy, Hungary, Romania, Finland and Slovakia, invaded the USSR. The Soviet-German war began, in Soviet and Russian historiography, referred to as the Great Patriotic War.

German troops apply a powerful sudden blow to the entire Western Soviet border with three large groups of armies: "North", "Center" and "South". On the very first day, a significant part of Soviet ammunition, fuel and military equipment was destroyed or seized; About 1,200 aircraft destroyed. June 23-25, the Soviet fronts are trying to apply counterdashers, but fail.

By the end of the first decade of July, German troops capture Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, a significant part of Ukraine and Moldova. The main forces of the Soviet Western Front are crushed in Belostok-Minsk battle.

The Soviet North-West Front suffered a defeat in the border battle and was discarded. However, the Soviet counterpart under the solutions on July 14-18 led to the suspension of German offensive to Leningrad for almost 3 weeks.

June 25 Soviet aircraft bombed Finnish airfields. On June 26, Finnish troops are transferred to the counteroffensive and the Karelian shelters will be returned to themselves, previously captured by the Soviet Union, without moving the old historical Russian-Finnish border on the Karelian Isthmus (north of Lake Lake, the old border was crossed on great depth). On June 29, German-Finnish troops are taking an offensive in the Polar, but the promotion of the Soviet territory is stopped.

In Ukraine, the Soviet South-West Front also tolerate defeat and discarded from the border, but the counterdride of Soviet companies does not allow the German troops to take a deep breakthrough and capture Kiev.

In the new occurrence in the central section of the Soviet-German front, undertaken on July 10, the Army Group Center already seized Smolensk and surrounds the main forces of the recreated Soviet Western Front. On the wave of this success, as well as given the need to support the offensive on Leningrad and Kiev, on July 19, Hitler, despite the objections of the army command, gives the order to move the direction of the main strike from the Moscow destination to South (Kiev, Donbass) and North (Leningrad). In accordance with this decision, the tank groups that advancing in Moscow are derived from the Center "Center" and are directed to the south (2nd tank group) and north (3rd tank group). The offensive in Moscow must continue the infantry divisions of the Center for the Center of the Center for the Center, but the battle in the Smolensk region continued, and on July 30, the Center for Army Center received an order to move to defense. Thus, the attack on Moscow is postponed.

On August 8-9, the North Army Group resumed the offensive on Leningrad. The front of the Soviet troops is dissected, they are forced to move on the divergent directions to Tallinn and Leningrad. The defense of Tallinn was part of the German forces, but on August 28, Soviet troops are forced to begin evacuation. September 8, with the seizure of Shlisselburg, German troops take Leningrad in the ring.

However, a new German attack with the aim of seizing Leningrad, undertaken on September 9, did not led to success. In addition, the main shock connections of the North Army Group were soon needed to be released for a new attack on Moscow.

I have not been able to take Leningrad, the North Army group on October 16 is making an offensive in the Tikhvin direction, intending to connect to the Finnish troops east of Leningrad. However, Constridar of the Soviet troops under Tikhvin stops the enemy.

In Ukraine, at the beginning of August, the army groups of the Army "South" cut off the Dnieper and surround the two Soviet army under Uman. However, capture Kiev again failed. Only after turning the troops of the southern flank group of the Army Center (2nd Army and the 2nd Tank Group) to the south, the position of the Soviet South-Western Front has deteriorated sharply. The German 2nd tank group, reflecting the Kontrudar of the Bryansky Front, forces the gum and September 15, connects to the 1st tank group, which comes from the Kremenchug bridgehead. As a result of the battle for Kiev, the Soviet South-West Front turned out to be completely defeated.

A catastrophe near Kiev opened the German path to the Germans. On October 5, the 1st tank group came out to the Azov Sea at Melitopol, cutting off the southern front troops. In October 1941, German troops capture almost the entire Crimea, except Sevastopol.

The defeat in the south opened the Germans road to Donbass and Rostov. On October 24, Kharkov fell, by the end of October the main cities of Donbass were occupied. October 17 fell Taganrog. On November 21, the 1st Tank Army entered Rostov-on-Don, thus achieving the goals of the Barbaross Plan in the south. However, on November 29, Soviet troops knock out Germans from Rostov (see Rostov Operation (1941)). Until summer, 1942 The front line in the south is installed at the turn of the r. Mius.

September 30, 1941 German troops begin an offensive to Moscow. As a result of deep breakthroughs of German tank compounds, the main forces of the Soviet Western, reserve and the Bryansky front were surrounded by Vyazma and Bryansk. A total of more than 660 thousand people were captured.

The remains of Western and Backup Fronts on October 10 are united into a single Western Front under the command of General Army G. K. Zhukov.

On November 15-18, German troops renew the offensive to Moscow, but by the end of November, stopped in all directions.

On December 5, 1941, Kalininsky, Western and South-West fronts go to counteroffensive. Successful promotion of the Soviet troops makes the enemy move to defense over the entire front line. In December, as a result of the offensive, the troops of the Western Front liberate Yachroma, Wedge, Volokolamsk, Kaluga; Kalinin Front frees Kalinin; South-West Front - Efremov and Elets. As a result, by the beginning of 1942, the Germans were discarded 100-250 km to the West. The defeat near Moscow was the first major defeat of the Wehrmacht in this war.

The success of the Soviet troops near Moscow encourages the Soviet command to go into a large-scale offensive. On January 8, 1942, the forces of the Kalininsky, Western and North-Western front are moving against the German Army Group "Center". They do not manage to fulfill the task, and after several attempts, by mid-April, it has to stop the offensive, which lasted large losses. The Germans retain the Rzhev-Vyazemsky bridgehead, which represents the danger to Moscow. Attempts by the Volkhovsky and Leningrad fronts to discharge Leningrad was also not crowned with success and led to the surroundings in March 1942 part of the strength of the Volkhov Front.

The onset of the Japanese on the Pacific Ocean

On December 7, 1941, Japan strikes the American Naval Base Pearl Harbor. During the attack, which was attended by 441 aircraft, based on six Japanese aircraft carriers, 8 linkers, 6 cruisers and more than 300 US aircraft were seriously damaged. Thus, in one day, most of the battlefields of the Pacific US Fleet were destroyed. In addition to the United States, the next day of Japan's war is also announced by the United Kingdom, the Netherlands (government in emigration), Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South African Union, Cuba, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Salvador, Honduras and Venezuela. December 11, Germany and Italy, and on December 13 - Romania, Hungary and Bulgaria - declare the US War.

On December 8, the Japanese blocked the English military base in Hong Kong and begin invasion of Thailand, British Malaya and American Philippines. The British squadron released to the interception is subjected to air strikes, and two linkra are the shock force of the British in the Pacific Ocean area - go to the bottom.

Thailand after a short resistance agrees to the conclusion of the military union with Japan and declares the war of the United States and the UK. Japanese aviation from the territory of Thailand begins Burma bombing.

On December 10, the Japanese capture the American base on the island Guam, December 23 - on the island of Wake, on December 25, Hong Kong fell. On December 8, the Japanese break through British defense in Malaya and, rapidly coming, pushed British troops to Singapore. Singapore, who before that, the British considered "an impregnable fortress", fell on February 15, 1942, after a 6-day siege. About 70 thousand British and Australian soldiers are captured.

In the Philippines at the end of December 1941, the Japanese are captured by the Islands of Mindanao and Luzon. The remnants of the American troops manage to consolidate on the Batan Peninsula and the island of Creurhidor.

January 11, 1942 Japanese troops invade Dutch East India and soon capture the islands of Borneo and Kebals. January 28, the Japanese Fleet defeats the Anglo-Dutch squadron in the Yavansky Sea. Allies are trying to create a powerful defense on the island of Java, however, on March 2 capitulate.

January 23, 1942 The Japanese capture the Bismarck Archipelago, including the island of New Britain, and then seize the western part of the Solomon Islands, in February - the Islands of Gilbert, and in early March they invade New Guinea.

On March 8, coming in Burma, the Japanese capture Rangne, at the end of April - Mandalay, and Mai master almost all the Burma, inflicts defeats by the British and Chinese troops and cutting southern China from India. However, the beginning of the rainy season and lack of forces do not allow the Japanese to develop their success and carry out the invasion of India.

On May 6, the last grouping of the American and Philippine troops in the Philippines capitulate. By the end of May 1942, Japan costs minor losses to establish control over Southeast Asia and the North-West Oceania. American, British, Dutch and Australian troops suffer a crushing defeat, losing all their main forces in this region.

The second stage of the battle for the Atlantic

Since the summer of 1941, the main purpose of the actions of the German and Italian fleets in the Atlantic is the destruction of commercial ships in order to make it difficult to deliver weapons in the UK, strategic raw materials and food. The German and Italian command uses in the Atlantic mainly submarines that operate on communications connecting the UK with North America, African colonies, South African Union, Australia, India and the USSR.

From the end of August 1941, in accordance with the agreement of Government and the USSR, mutual military deliveries begin through Soviet northern ports, after which a significant part of German submarines begins to act in the North Atlantic. In the autumn of 1941, even before the joining the US war, the attacks of German submarines on the American ships are noted. In response, the US Congress on November 13, 1941 takes two amendments to the neutrality law, according to which the ban on the entrance of American ships in the military zone is removed and it is allowed to arm trade vessels.

With the strengthening of anti-submarine defense on communications in July - November, the losses of the Fleet of Great Britain, its allies and neutral countries are significantly reduced. In the second half of 1941, they constitute 172.1 thousand gross tons, which is 2.8 times less compared to the first half years.

However, soon the German fleet for a short time intercepts the initiative. After joining the US War, a significant part of German submarines begins to act in the coastal waters of the Atlantic coast of America. In the first half of 1942, the loss of Anglo-American courts in the Atlantic is increasing. But the improvement of anti-submarine defense methods allows the Anglo-American command from the summer of 1942 to improve the situation on the Atlantic Marine Communications, to apply a number of response strikes with the German underwater fleet and push it into the central areas of the Atlantic.

German submarines operate almost all over the water area of \u200b\u200bthe Atlantic Ocean: near the shores of Africa, South America, in the Caribbean. On August 22, 1942, after the Germans sank a number of Brazilian courts, Brazil declares war in Germany. After that, fearing the unwanted reaction from other countries in South America, German submarines reduce their activity in this region.

In general, despite a number of successes, Germany was not able to rip the Anglo-American shipping. In addition, since March 1942, English aviation begins strategic bombing of important economic centers and cities in Germany, the Allied and occupied countries.

Mediterranean African campaigns

In the summer of 1941, all German aviation, operating in the Mediterranean, is transferred to the Soviet-German front. This makes it easier for the tasks of the British, who, using the passivity of the Italian fleet, capture the initiative in the Mediterranean Sea. By the middle of 1942, the British, despite a number of failures, completely violate the marine communication between Italy and Italian troops in Libya and Egypt.

By the summer of 1941, the situation of English forces in North Africa is significantly improved. This largely contributes to the complete defeat of Italians in Ethiopia. The British command is now getting the opportunity to transfer strength from East Africa to North.

Using a profitable situation, the English troops on November 18, 1941 are transferred to the offensive. On November 24, the Germans are trying to apply Constur, but it ends with failure. The British are released by Tobruk and, developing an offensive, occupy El Gazal, Derne and Benghazi. By January, the British again mastered by Kerenaica, but their troops are dispersed in a huge space than and taking advantage of Rommel. On January 21, Italian-German troops go to the offensive, break through English defenses and rushed to the northeast. Al-Ghazal, they, however, are stopped, and the front is stabilized for 4 months.

On May 26, 1942, Germany and Italy renew the offensive in Libya. The British bear big losses and are forced to retreat. June 21 capitulates English garrison in Tobruk. Italian-German troops continue to successfully advance and on July 1, they are approaching the English defensive border of El Alamein 60 km from Alexandria, where because of big losses are forced to stop. In August, the British command in North Africa is replaced. On August 30, the Italian-German troops again try to break through the English defense near El Halfa, but they suffer complete failure, which becomes the turning point of the entire campaign.

On October 23, 1942, the British are transferred to the offensive, they break up the defense of the enemy and by the end of November they liberate all the territory of Egypt, entering Libya and occupy Kerenaica.

Meanwhile, Africa continues for the fighting for the French colony of Madagascar, which was under the Vichi Office. The reason for the conduct of hostilities against the colony of a former ally for the UK was the potential threat to the use of Madagascar by German submarines as a base for action in the Indian Ocean. On May 5, 1942, British and South African troops are planted on the island. French troops have stubborn resistance, but by November is forced to capitulate. Madagascar passes under the control of "Free France".

On November 8, 1942, the American-English landing launched a landing in French North Africa. The next day, the Commander-in-Chief of the Forces of Vichy Francois Darlan is negotiating the Americans about the Union and the cease-fire and takes over the fullness of power in French North Africa. In response, the Germans, with the consent of the Vichi government, occupy the southern part of France and begin to transfer the troops in Tunisia. On November 13, the Allied troops begin an offensive in Tunisia from Algeria, Tobruk was taken by the British on the same day. The Allies reached Western Tunisia and by November 17 faced German troops, where by the time the Germans managed to take the eastern part of Tunisia. By November 30, due to bad weather, the front line stabilized until February 1943.

Creating an antihytler coalition

Immediately after the invasion of Germany in the USSR, representatives of the United Kingdom and the United States declared their support to the Soviet Union and began to provide it with economic assistance. On January 1, 1942, in Washington, representatives of the USSR, USA, Great Britain and China signed the Declaration of United Nations, thereby putting the foundations of the anti-fascist coalition. Later, another 22 countries joined it.

Eastern Front: Second German large-scale offensive

And the Soviet and German side were waiting for the summer of 1942 to implement their offensive plans. Hitler aimed the main efforts of the Wehrmacht to the southern front sector, pursuing primarily economic goals.

The strategic plan of the Soviet command for 1942 was to " consistently carry out a number of strategic operations in different directions to force the enemy to spray your reserves, do not make it a strong grouping to reflect the offensive in any of the items».

The main efforts of the Red Army, on the designs of the NGK bet, was supposed to be focused on the central sector of the Soviet-German front. It was also planned to carry out an offensive under Kharkov, in Crimea and break through Leningrad's blockade.

However, the offensive undertakes under Kharkov ended with the Soviet troops in May 1942. German troops managed to parry, defeated Soviet troops and switched to the offensive. The crushing defeat suffered Soviet troops also in the Crimea. 9 months Soviet sailors kept Sevastopol, and by July 4, 1942, the remnants of the Soviet troops were evacuated to Novorossiysk. As a result, the defense of Soviet troops in the southern plot was weakened. Using this, the German command made a strategic offensive in two directions: to Stalingrad and the Caucasus.

After fierce battles under Voronezh and in the Donbas, the German troops of the group of armies "B" managed to break into a greater radiation of Don. In mid-July, the Stalingrad battle began, in which the Soviet troops of the price of large losses managed to sow the strike group of the enemy.

The Army Army Group "A" on July 23 took Rostov-on-Don on July 23 and continued the offensive for Kuban. August 12 was taken by Krasnodar. However, in battles in the foothills of the Caucasus and under the Novorossiysk Soviet troops managed to stop the enemy.

Meanwhile, in the central site, the Soviet command took a large offensive operation on the defeat of the Rzhevian-Sychevskaya group of the enemy (the 9th Army of the Army Group Center). However, the Rzhev-Sychevskaya operation conducted from July 30 to the end of September was not crowned with success.

It was also not possible to break through Leningrad's blockade, although the Soviet offensive forced the German command to abandon the storming of the city.

The third period of the war (November 1942 - June 1944)

Fracture on the Eastern Front

On November 19, 1942, the Red Army passes to the counteroffensive under Stalingrad, as a result of which he manage to surround and defeat the two German, two Romanian and one Italian army.

Even the failure of the Soviet offensive in the central section of the Soviet-German front (Operation "Mars") does not lead to an improvement in the strategic position of Germany.

In early 1943, Soviet troops are transferred to counterattack throughout the front. The blockade of Leningrad is broken, Kursk and many other cities are liberated. In February-March, Field Marshal Manstein intercepts the initiative of the Soviet troops once again and discard them in some sections of the southern direction, but he cannot develop success.

In July 1943, the German command is the last time trying to return the strategic initiative in the battle under Kursk, but it ends with a serious defeat of the German troops. It begins the retreat of German troops along the entire line of the front - they have to leave the eagle, Belgorod, Novorossiysk. Began fights for Belarus and Ukraine. In the battle for the Dnieper, the Red Army inflicts the next defeat, freeing the left-bank and Crimea.

In the late 1943 - the first half of 1944, the main combat operations are held on the southern section of the Front. Germans leave the territory of Ukraine. The Red Army in the south comes to the border of 1941 and enters the territory of Romania.

Anglo-American landing in Africa and Italy

On November 8, 1942, a large English-American landing was settled in Morocco. Overcoming the weak resistance of the troops, controlled by the Vichi government, they by the end of November, overcoming 900 km, enter Tunisia, where by this time the Germans transferred part of their troops from Western Europe.

Meanwhile, the British army goes to the offensive in Libya. Here, the Italian-German troops were not able to resist El-Alamein and by February 1943, there were larger losses, retreat in Tunisia. On March 20, the united Anglo-American troops go to the offensive of the territory of Tunisia. Italian-German command is trying to evacuate his troops to Italy, but by that time the British fleet completely owned the Mediterranean and cuts all the ways to retreat. May 13, Italian-German troops capitulate.

On July 10, 1943, allies are planted in Sicily. The Italian troops are surrendered here almost without a fight, and the resistance to the Allies was provided by the German 14th Tank Corps. On July 22, American troops captured the city of Palermo, and the Germans retreated to the northeast of the island to the Messinsky Strait. By August 17, German parts losing all armored vehicles and severe weapons, crossed on the Apennine Peninsula. Simultaneously with the landing on Sicily, the strength of "free France" was landed on Corsica (the operation "Vesuvius"). The defeat of the Italian army sharply impairs the situation in the country. Grows dissatisfaction with Mussolini regime. King Victor Emmanuel III decides to arrest Mussolini and puts the head of the Government of Marshal Badolo at the head of the country.

In September 1943, the Anglo-American troops are planted in the south of the Apennine Peninsula. Badolo signs a truce with them and announces Italy's exit from the war. However, using the allied confusion, Hitler frees Mussolini, and in the north of the country, a puppet state of the Salo Republic is created.

US troops and the UK in the fall of 1943 are moving to the north. On October 1, Naples were released by allies and Italian partisans, by November 15, the Allies broke through the defense of the Germans on the river Vatorno and forced it. By January 1944, the Allies reached the German fortifications of the "Winter Line" in the Monte Cassino district and the Garlyano River. In January, February and March 1944, they attacked the German position three times in order to break through the defendant of the enemy on the Garlyano River and enter Rome, but because of the worsened weather, heavy rains, they did not succeed and the front line stabilized until May. At the same time, on January 22, the Allies land the troops in Anzio, south of Rome. In Anzio, the Germans made unsuccessful counterattacks. For May, the weather improved on May 11, the Allies began an offensive (battle under Monte Cassino), they broke through the defense of the German troops in Monte Cassino and on May 25, they joined the landed by the arzo. On June 4, 1944, the Allies liberated Rome.

In January 1943, at the Kasablancan conference, it was decided to begin the strategic bombing of Germany with joint Anglo-American forces. The objectives of the bombardments were to become both the facilities of the military industry and the city of Germany. The operation received the code name "Point-Blank".

In July-August 1943, Hamburg was subjected to massive bombardment. The first massive attack on objects in the depths of Germany was the double raid on Schweinfurt and Regensburg on August 17, 1943. The units of unguarded bombers were unable to protect themselves from the attacks of German fighters, and the losses were significant (about 20%). Such losses were recognized as unacceptable and the 8th air army stopped aircraft over Germany until the arrival of P-51 Mustang fighters had sufficient flight range to fly to Berlin and back.

Guadalkanal. Asia

From August 1942 to February 1943, Japanese and American troops are fighting for control over Guadalcanal Island as part of the Islands Solomon archipelago. In this battle for exhaustion, in the end, the top of the United States is injected. The need to direct reinforcements to Guadalkanal weakens the Japanese forces in New Guinea, which contributes to the liberation of the island from the Japanese troops, which is completed in early 1943.

At the end of 1942 and during 1943, British troops take several unsuccessful attempts to counteroffensive in Burma.

In November 1943, allies manage to master the Japanese island of Tarawa.

Conferences in the third period of war

The rapid development of events on all fronts, especially in Soviet-German, demanded from the allies to clarify and coordinate war schedule for the next year. This was done on the conference in Cairo and Tehran Conference held in November 1943.

Fourth period of war (June 1944 - May 1945)

Western Front Germany

On June 6, 1944, the Allied Forces of the United States, Great Britain and Canada, after two months, distracting maneuvers spend the largest landing operation in history and land in Normandy.

In August, American and French troops landed in the south of France, they liberated the cities of Toulon and Marseille. On August 25, allies are part of Paris, and free it with the detachments of French resistance.

In September, the union attack on the territory of Belgium begins. By the end of 1944, the Germans with great difficulty were able to stabilize the front line in the West. On December 16, the Germans are transferred to the counteroffensive in Ardennes, and the Allies command sends reinforcements to Ardennes from other sections of the front and reserves. The Germans manage to move to 100 km deep into Belgium, but by December 25, 1944, the German offensive choked, and the allies moved into counter-project. By December 27, the Germans did not hold the captured positions in Ardennes and began to retreat. The strategic initiative is irrevocably moving towards allies, in January 1945, German troops are taking local distracting counterattacks in Alsace, which also ended unsuccessfully. After that, the American and French troops surrounded the 19th German army near the city of Colmar in Alsace and defeated them by February 9 ("Kolmar Copper"). Allies broke through German fortifications ("Siegfried Line", or "West Shaft") and began the invasion of Germany.

In February-March 1945, the Allies in the course of the Mas-Rainic operation seized the entire territory of Germany to the west of the Rhine and forced Rhine. German troops suffered severe defeats in the Ardennes and Maas Rhine operations, retreated to the Rhine's right bank. In April 1945, the allies surrounded the German group of "B" in Riere and by April 17 defeated it, and Wehrmacht lost the Ruhr Industrial District - the most important industrial area of \u200b\u200bGermany.

The allies continued to go deep into Germany, and on April 25 met with the Soviet troops on the Elbe. On May 2, the British and Canadian troops (the 21st Army Group) seized the entire Northwest Germany reached the borders of Denmark.

After the completion of the Ruhr operation, the released US parts were transferred to the southern flank in the 6th group of armies, to capture the southern regions of Germany and Austria.

On the southern flank, American and French troops were captured by the south of Germany, Austria, and parts of the 7th American army, moved through the Alps on the Brenner Pass and on May 4 met with the troops of the 15th Army Armies of the Allies in Northern Italy.

In Italy, the offensive of the allies moved very slowly. Despite all attempts, they were not possible at the end of 1944 to break through the front line and forcing the software river. In April 1945, their offensive resumed, they overcame the German fortifications ("Gothic line"), and broke through to the valley of the software river.

On April 28, 1945, Italian partisans capture and execute Mussolini. Fully northern Italy was cleared of the Germans only in May 1945.

In the summer of 1944, the onset of the Red Army begins throughout the front line. Almost all Belarus, Ukraine, Baltic, was cleared of the autumn of the German troops. Only in the west of Latvia, a surrounded grouping of German troops was able to hold out until the end of the war.

As a result of the offensive of the Soviet troops in the north, Finland announced its exit from the war. However, German troops refuse to leave the territory of Finland. As a result, the former "brothers in arms" are forced to fight against each other. In August, as a result of the onset of the Red Army, Romania comes out of the war, in September - Bulgaria. The Germans begin to evacuate the troops from the territory of Yugoslavia and Greece, where the power in their hands take national liberation movements.

In February 1945, a Budapest operation is held, after which the last European ally of Germany - Hungary is forced to capitulate. The offensive in Poland begins, the Red Army occupies East Prussia.

At the end of April 1945, the battle begins for Berlin. Conducting its complete defeat, Hitler and Goebbels committed suicide. On May 8, after stubborn two-week battles for the German capital, the German command signs an act of unconditional surrender. Germany is divided into four occupying zones: Soviet, American, British and French.

On May 14-15, in North Slovenia, the last battle of World War II in Europe took place, during which the People's Liberation Army of Yugoslavia defeated the German troops and the numerous forces of collaborators.

Strategic bombing of Germany

When the PointBlank operation (eng. Combined.BomberOffensive.) It was officially completed on April 1, 1944, the Allied Air Force was on the way to conquering superiority in the air over the entire Europe. Although strategic bombing to some extent continued, the Allied Air Force switched to tactical bombing within the framework of providing landing in Normandy. Only in mid-September 1944, German's strategic bombings were again prioritized for the Allied Air Force.

The large-scale round-the-clock bombardment - US Air Force Day, UK - at night - many industrial areas of Germany, mainly the RUR, followed by attacks directly by cities, such as Kassel (English. bombing.of.KasseliN.WorldWarII.), Pforzheim, Mainz and often criticized on Dresden.

Pacific Military Theater

In the Pacific, the fighting was also quite successful for the allies. In June 1944, the Americans mastered the Mariani Islands. In October 1944, a major battle took place in the Gulf of Leyte, in which the US forces won the tactical victory. In the land battles, the Japanese army acted more successfully and they managed to capture all southern China, and connect with their troops that acted at the time in Indochite.

Conferences of the fourth period of war

By the end of the fourth period of the war, the victory of the Allian was no longer doubt. However, they had to agree on the post-war device of the world and, first of all, Europe. The discussion of these issues by the heads of the three Allied powers was held in February 1945 in Yalta. Decisions taken at the Yalta Conference for many subsequent years determined the course of post-war history.

Fifth period of war (May 1945 - September 1945)

The end of the war with Japan

After the end of the war in Europe, Japan remained the last opponent of the countries of the anti-fascist coalition. By that time, the war of Japan announced about 60 countries. However, despite the established situation, the Japanese were not going to capitulate and announced the conduct of the war to the victorious end. In June 1945, the Japanese lost Indonesia, were forced to leave Indochina. On July 26, 1945, the United Kingdom and China presented the Japanese ultimatum, but he was rejected. On August 6, at Hiroshima, and after three days, atomic bombs were reset on Nagasaki, and as a result, two cities were almost structures from the face of the Earth. On August 8, the USSR declared the war of Japan, and on August 9 began an offensive and for 2 weeks the crushing defeat of the Japanese Quantong Army in Manchuria. On September 2, an act on the unconditional surrender of Japan was signed. The largest war in the history of mankind ended.

Opinions and evaluation

Extremely ambiguous, which is caused by the big saturation of events in a relatively short historical period and a huge number acting persons. Often, the leaders have attracted their countries contrary to the opinion of most of the population, avalanche and doublues were in the order of things.

  • On the need for conquest for the Germans "Life Space in the East" The future Reichskancler Germany Adolf Hitler said in 1925 in his book "Mein Kampf".
  • British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, being a military minister, in 1918 was one of the main supporters and major initiators of military intervention to Russia, stating the need to "strangle Bolshevism in the cradle." Since that time, the United Kingdom and France with satellites successively achieved the USSR international isolation, as a result of which in September 1938, the Munich Agreement was signed, directly named in the USSR "Munich Credit", which actually unleashed Hitler's hands for aggression to Eastern Europe. Nevertheless, after the failures of Great Britain and the allies, almost all the theaters of hostilities and the German attacks in the USSR in June 1941 Churchill said that "to combat Gunns (that is, the Germans) are ready for an alliance with anyone, even with the Bolsheviks" .
  • Already after the German attack on the USSR, Churchill, annoyed by the Soviet Ambassador Ivan Maysky, who demanded help more than the United Kingdom could provide, and unequivocally hinting in case of refusal to loss the USSR, said:

Here Churchill has risked: after the war, he admitted that 150,000 soldiers would have enough to capture the UK. However, the "continental policy" of Hitler demanded first the seizure of most of the largest mainland - Eurasia.

  • Regarding the start of war and the success of Germany in the initial phase, the head of the operational department of the General Staff of Germany General Colonel Yodl, Alfred noted:

Results of war

The Second World War had a huge impact on the fate of humanity. 62 states participated in it (80% of the world's population). Military actions were carried out in the territory of 40 states. 110 million people were mobilized to the armed forces. Common human losses reached 50-55 million people, 20 million people were killed on the fronts. The greatest human losses suffered the USSR, China, Germany, Japan and Poland.

Military spending and military losses amounted to 4 trillion dollars. Material costs reached 60-70% of the national income of fought states. Only the industry of the USSR, the USA, Great Britain and Germany produced 652.7 thousand aircraft (combat and transport), 286.7 thousand tanks, self-propelled guns and armored vehicles, over 1 million artillery guns, over 4.8 million machine guns (without Germany) , 53 million rifles, carbines and automata and a huge amount of other weapons and equipment. The war was accompanied by colossal destruction, the destruction of tens of thousands of cities and villages, innumerable disasters of tens of millions of people.

As a result of the war weakened the role of Western Europe in global policy. The main powers in the world were the USSR and the USA. The United Kingdom and France, despite the victory, were significantly weakened. The war showed the inability of their and other Western European countries to contain huge colonial empires. In Africa and Asia, anticolonial movement increased. As a result of the war, part of the countries could achieve independence: Ethiopia, Iceland, Syria, Lebanon, Vietnam, Indonesia. Socialist regimes were established in Eastern Europe, occupied by Soviet troops. One of the main results of the Second World War was the creation of the United Nations based on the Anti-Fascist Coalition, which established during the war to prevent world wars in the future.

In some countries, the partisan movements have established during the war tried to continue their activities after the end of the war. In Greece, the conflict between the Communists and the Government of the Government into civil war. Anti-communist armed detachments for some time after the end of the war acted in Western Ukraine, in the Baltic States, Poland. In China, the Civil War continued, lasting there since 1927.

Fascist and Nazi ideologies were recognized as criminal in the Nuremberg process and prohibited. Many Western countries have increased the support of communist parties, thanks to their active participation in the anti-fascist struggle during the war.

Europe was divided into two camps: Western capitalist and oriental socialist. Relations between two blocks deteriorated sharply. After a couple of years after the end of the war, the Cold War began.

The Second World War (September 1, 1939 - September 2, 1945) is a military conflict of two world military-political coalitions.

She became the largest armed conflict in humanity. 62 states participated in this war. About 80% of the entire population of the Earth participated in hostilities on one or another side.

We bring to your attention brief history of World War II. From this article, you will learn the main events related to this terrible tragedy of a global scale.

First period of World War II

On September 1, 1939, the Armed Forces entered the territory of Poland. In this regard, in 2 days, France and declared German Germans.

The troops of the Wehrmacht did not meet worthy resistance from the Poles, as a result of which they managed to occupy Poland in just 2 weeks.

At the end of April 1940, the Germans occupied Norway and Denmark. After that, the army annexed. It is worth noting that none of the listed states could adversely confront the enemy.

Soon the Germans attacked France, which was also forced to capitulate less than in 2 months. This was a real triumph for fascists, because at that time the French had good infantry, aviation and a military fleet.

After the conquest of France, the Germans were on their heads stronger than all their opponents. In the process of holding the French campaign, Italy became an ally of Germany, at the head of which stood.

After that, Yugoslavia was captured by the Germans. Thus, the lightning offensive of Hitler allowed him to occupy all countries of Western and Central Europe. So began the history of the Second World War.

Then the fascists began to capture African states. The Führer planned to conquer the country on this continent for several months, and after starting the offensive in the Middle East and India.

At the end of this, according to Hitler's plans, the reunion of German and Japanese troops should be held.

Second period of World War II

Kombat leads to the attack of his soldiers. Ukraine, 1942

This has become a complete surprise for the Soviet citizens and the leadership of the country. As a result, the USSR and united against Germany.

Soon the United States was added to this union, aggravated to provide military, food and economic assistance. Thanks to this, countries have been able to rationally use their own resources and provide each other support.

Stylized photo "Hitler against Stalin"

In the late summer of 1941, the British and Soviet troops went to Iran, as a result of which Hitler had certain difficulties. Because of this, he could not accommodate the military bases there for a full war.

Antihytler coalition

On January 1, 1942, in Washington, representatives of the Big Four (USSR, USA, Great Britain and China) signed the Declaration of United Nations, thereby putting the beginning of the anti-Hitler coalition. Later, another 22 countries joined it.

The first serious defeats in Germany in World War II began from the Moscow battle (1941-1942). It is wondering that Hitler's troops approached the capital of the USSR so closely that they could already see it into binoculars.

Both German leadership and the whole army were confident that they would soon won the Russians. Once, the Napoleon dreamed of this, entering during the year in.

The Germans were so self-confident that they didn't even take care of the corresponding winter outfit for soldiers, because they thought that the war was almost over. However, everything came out quite the opposite.

The Soviet army made a heroic feat, starting an active attack on the Wehrmacht. The main military operations commanded. It is thanks to Russian troops, Blitzkrieg was ripped.

Column of the Germans in the Garden Ring, Moscow, 1944

Fifth period of World War II

So, in 1945, at the Potsdam Conference, the Soviet Union announced the intention to join the war with Japan, which did not have surprise to anyone, because the Japanese army fought on the side of Hitler.

The USSR without much difficulty was able to defeat the Japanese army, freed, Sakhalin, Kuril Islands, as well as some territories.

A military operation that lasted less than 1 month ended in the surrender of Japan, which was signed on September 2. The largest war in the history of mankind ended.

Results of World War II

As mentioned earlier, the Second World War is the largest military conflict in history. She lasted for 6 years. During this time, more than 50 million people died in total, although some historians call even big numbers.

The greatest damage from the Second World War suffered the USSR. The country has lost about 27 million citizens, and also suffered the hardest economic losses.

April 30 at 22 o'clock above the Reichstag was empty a banner of victory

In conclusion, I would like to say that the Second World War is a terrible lesson for all mankind. There is still a lot of documentary photo and video, helping to see the horrors of that war.

What is just worth - the angel of the death of Nazi camps. But she was not alone!

People must do everything possible so that such tragedies of a universal scale never happened. Never again!

If you like the brief history of the Second World War - Share it in social networks. If you like interesting facts about everything - Subscribe to the site. We are always interested with us!

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Forces side

The Second World War (September 1, 1939 - September 2, 1945) - War of two world military-political coalitions, which became the largest war in the history of mankind. She participated in it 61 states from 73 existing at that time (80% of the world's population). The fighting was carried out on the territory of three continents and in the waters of the four oceans.

Military Action at the Sea to the Second World War


The number of participating countries has changed during the war. Some of them were active hostilities, others helped their allies supplies of food, and many participated in the war only nominally.

The antihytler coalition included: USSR, British Empire, USA, Poland, France and other countries.

On the other hand, the countries "Axis" and their allies: Germany, Italy, Japan, Finland, Romania, Bulgaria and other countries participated in the war.

Backgrounds of war

The prerequisites of the war stem from the so-called Versailles-Washington system - the alignment of the forces that pretended after the First World War. The main winners (France, United Kingdom, USA) were unable to make a new system of world order sustainable. Moreover, Britain and France were counted for a new war to strengthen their positions of colonial powers and weaken competitors (Germany and Japan). Germany was limited in participating in international affairs, creating a full-fledged army and is covered with contact. With a drop in the standard of living in Germany, political forces with revanchist ideas led by A. Hitler came to power.

The German armadiole Schleswig-Holstein leads fire on Polish positions

Campaign 1939.

Capture of Poland.

The Second World War began on September 1, 1939 by the sudden attack of Germany to Poland. Poland's naval forces did not have large superwater ships in their composition, were not ready for war with Germany and were quickly crushed. Three Polish destroyers went to England before the beginning of the war, German aviation Skilled Esminets and a Mine Barrier Gryf. .

Beginning of the fight on the sea

Actions on communications in the Atlantic Ocean

In the initial period of the war, the German command extended to solve the task of combating marine messages using surface raiders as the main shock force. Submarine and aviation assigned a role. They had to force the British to carry out transportation in the conversions, which facilitated the actions of the surface raiders. The British were assumed as the main method of sending shipping from submarines to use the conmented method, and as the main method of combating surface raiders - to apply the experience of the First World War the long blockade. To this end, at the beginning of the war, the British were established by marine wages in La Manche and in the Shetland Islands area - Norway. But these actions were ineffective - surface raiders and the more submarines of Germany actively acted on communications - allies and neutral countries lost 221 trade vessel with a total tonnage of 755 thousand tons.

German commercial vessels had instructions on the beginning of the war and tried to reach the ports of Germany or the countries friendly, about 40 steamers were sinking with their teams, and only 19 vessels fell at the beginning of the war in the hands of the enemy.

Actions in the North Sea

Since the beginning of the war, a large-scale statement of mineralized barriers began in the North Sea, which was actively active in it until the end of the war. Both sides mined approaches to their coast of wide barrier belts of dozens of mine barrage. German destroyers set mine harnesses and off the coast of England.

Raid German submarine U-47 in Skapa Flow, during which she sank the English battleship Hms Royal Oak. showed the weakness of the entire anti-submarine defense of the English fleet.

Capture of Norway and Denmark

Campaign 1940

Occupation of Denmark and Norway

In April - May 1940, German troops conducted the Operation "Veserubung", during which they captured Denmark and Norway. With the support and under the cover of large aircraft, 1 armor, 6 cruisers, 14 destroyers and other vessels in Oslo, Christiansanne, Stavanger, Bergen, Trondheim and Narvika was landed a total of up to 10 thousand people. The operation was unexpected for the British, who were turned on. British fleet in battles 10 and 13 in Narvik destroyed German destroyers. On May 24, the Allied command was ordered to evacuate from Northern Norway, which was produced from 4 to 8 June. When evacuating June 9, the German battleships were sinking aircraft carriers HMS Glorious and 2 destroyers. In total, the Germans lost a heavy cruiser, 2 light cruisers, 10 destroyers, 8 submarines and other ships, allies - aircraft carrier, cruiser, 7 destroyers, 6 submarines.

Actions in the Mediterranean Sea. 1940-1941

Actions in the Mediterranean

Military actions at the Mediterranean Theater began after announcement on June 10, 1940 by the ITALY of the war of England and France. The fighting of the Italian fleet began with the production of mine barrage in the Tunisian Strait and at approaches to their bases, from the deployment of submarines, as well as with aviation raids in Malta.

The first large sea battle between the Navy and the Navy of the United Kingdom was the fight at the Punta-style (in English sources also known by Calabria. The clash occurred on July 9, 1940 in the southeastern tip of the Apennine Peninsula. As a result of the battle, losses none of the parties It did not suffer. But Italy had damaged: 1 linner, 1 heavy cruiser and 1 destroyer. And the British - 1 light cruiser and 2 destroyers.

French fleet in Mers-El Kubire

France's capitulation

June 22, France capitulated. Despite the conditions of surrender, the Vichi Government did not intend to give the fleet of Germany. Inspective French, the English government began the operation of the "Cataput" to seize French ships in different bases. 2 linkers, 2 destroyers, 5 submarines were captured in Pormmouth and Plymouth; Ships in Alexandria and Martinique were disarmed. In Mers-El Kebire and Dakar, where the French had resistance, the British were drowned by the battle Bretagne. And they damaged three more linkers. From the captured ships, the fleet of free France was organized, the Vichi government in the meantime ruined relations with Great Britain.

Actions in the Atlantic in 1940-1941.

After the surlands of the Netherlands on May 14, the German land forces pressed the Allied troops to the sea. From May 26 to June 4, 1940, during the Dynamo operation, 338 thousand military servicemen were evacuated from the French coast in the Dynamo region. The fleet of the allies at the same time suffered large losses from German aviation - about 300 ships and ships died.

In 1940, German boats ceased to act in the norms of prize law and switched to an unlimited underwater war. After the seizure of Norway and Western regions of France expanded the system of basing the German boats. After entering the war in Italy, 27 Italian boats began to be based in Bordeaux. The Germans gradually moved from the actions of single boats to the actions of the boat groups with veins, overlapping the ocean area.

On the ocean communications, German auxiliary cruisers were successfully operating - until the end of 1940, 6 cruisers captured and destroyed 54 vessel with displacement of 366,644 tons.

Campaign 1941.

Actions in the Mediterranean Sea in 1941

Actions in the Mediterranean

In May 1941, German troops captured about. Crete. British Navy, who was awaiting the enemy's ships island, from the attacks of German aviation lost 3 cruisers, 6 destroyers, more than 20 other ships and transports, were damaged by 3 lincars, aircraft carrier, 6 cruisers, 7 destroyers.

Active actions in Japanese communications put in a difficult position of the Japanese economy, it was violated the execution of a shipbuilding program, complicated the transport of strategic raw materials and troops. In addition to submarines in the fight against communications, the surface forces of the US fleet were actively involved, and first of all TF-58 (TF-38). By the number of across the japanese transports, aircraft carriers ranked second after submarines. Only in the period 10-16 October, the aircraft carrier groups of the 38th compound, exposing the naval bases, ports and airfields in the Taiwan area, Philippines, destroyed about 600 aircraft on Earth and in the air, 34 transport and several auxiliary vessels were sinking.

Landing in France

Landing in France

On June 6, 1944, Overlord operation began (Norman landing operation). Under the cover of massive blows of aviation and the fire of ship artillery, a maritime landing was held from 156 thousand people. The operation provided a fleet of 6 thousand military and landing ships and transport vessels.

The German navy did not have almost no resistance to landing the landing. The main losses of the Allies suffered from min - 43 vessels were injured on them. For the second half of 1944 in the landing area from the coast of England and in La Manne as a result of the actions of the German submarines, torpedo boats, and 60 allied transports were killed in mines.

German submarine Topit transport

Actions in the Atlantic Ocean

German troops began the retreat under pressure from the allied troops. The German Navy as a result, by the end of the year, lost the bases on the Atlantic coast. On September 18, parts of the Allies entered Brest, on September 25, the troops occupied Boulogne. Also in September, Belgian ports of Ostend and Antwerp were released. By the end of the year, the fighting in the ocean ceased.

In 1944, the allies were able to provide practically complete security of communications. To protect communications, they at that time had 118 escort aircraft carriers, 1,400 destroyers, frigates and boats, about 3,000 other patrol ships. The coastal aviation of the root numbered 1,700 aircraft, 520 flying boats. Common losses in the union and neutral tonnage in the Atlantic as a result of the actions of submarines for the second half of 1944 amounted to only 58 vessels with a total tonnage of 270 thousand BRT. The Germans only lost 98 boats during this period.


Signing of Japan's surrender

Actions in the Pacific

With an overwhelming superiority, American armed forces in tense battles in 1945 broke up the resistance of the Japanese troops and mastered the islands of Ivodzima and Okinawa. For landing operations, the United States attracted enormous forces, so the fleet off the coast of Okinawa consisted of 1,600 ships. For all the days of the battle at Okinawa, 368 Allied ships were damaged, 366 more (including 15 landing ships and 12 destroyers) was surrounded. The Japanese had six ships, including the Yamato battle.

In 1945, the taxes of American aviation on the bases and the coastal objects of Japan became a systematic nature, and the strikes applied both the sea aviation of coastal base and strategic aviation and shock aircraft carriers. In March - July 1945, American aviation as a result of massive blows was sinking or damaged all major Japanese surface ships.

On August 8, the USSR declared the war of Japan. From 12 to 20 August 1945, the Pacific Fleet from 12 to 20 August 1945 held a series of landings that captured the ports of Korea. On August 18, the Kuril landing operation was launched, during which the Soviet troops occupied the Kuril Islands.

September 2, 1945 on board Linkar USS Missouri. An act was signed on the surrender of Japan, which completed the Second World War.

Results of war

The Second World War had a huge impact on the fate of humanity. She participated in 72 states (80% of the population of the earthly ball), military actions were carried out in the territory of 40 states. Common human losses reached 60-65 million people, of which 27 million people were killed on the fronts.

The war ended with the victory of the anti-Hitler coalition. As a result of the war weakened the role of Western Europe in global policy. The main powers in the world were the USSR and the USA. The United Kingdom and France, despite the victory, were significantly weakened. The war showed the inability of their and other Western European countries to contain huge colonial empires. Europe was divided into two camps: Western capitalist and oriental socialist. Relations between two blocks deteriorated sharply. After a couple of years after the end of the war, the Cold War began.

History of world wars. - M: Centerpolygraph, 2011. - 384 p. -

World War II in numbers and facts

Ernest Hemingway from the preface to the book "Farewell, weapons!"

Having left the city, we were immediately heard at halfway to the front headquarters, and we saw a desperate shooting across the horizon by tracing bullets and shells. And they realized that the war was over. It could not mean anything else. I suddenly felt bad. I was ashamed to comrades, but after all I had to stop the "Willis" and get out. I started some spasms in the throat and the esophagus, began to break saliva, bitterness, bile. I do not know why. Probably, from nervous discharge, which expressed in such a ridiculous way. All these four years of war in different circumstances, I really tried to be a restrained person and seems to have really been. And here at the moment when suddenly realized that the war was over, something was staring - the nerves were passed. Comrades did not laugh and did not have fun, silent.

Konstantin Simonov. "Different days of war. The day of the writer"



Japan's capitulation

The capitulation conditions of Japan were put forward in the Potsdam Declaration, signed on July 26, 1945 by the governments of Great Britain, the United States and China. However, the Japanese government refused to accept them.

The situation has changed after the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, as well as joining the War against Japan of the USSR (August 9, 1945).

But, even despite this, members of the Supreme Military Council of Japan were not inclined to adopt the conditions of surrender. Some of them believed that the continuation of the fighting would lead to a significant loss of Soviet and American troops, which would allow to conclude a truce on favorable conditions for Japan.

On August 9, 1945, the Prime Minister of Japan Kantaro Suzuki and a number of members of the Japanese government appealed to the Emperor to intervene in the situation with the aim of the speedy adoption of the conditions of the Potsdam Declaration. On the night of August 10, the emperor Hirokhito, who separated the fear of the Japanese government before the full destruction of the Japanese nation, ordered the Supreme Military Council to go on a unconditional surrender. On August 14, the emperor speech was recorded, in which he announced the unconditional surrender of Japan and the termination of the war.

On the night of August 15, a number of officers of the Ministry of Army and the employees of the Imperial Guard attempted to capture the Imperial Palace, take the emperor under house arrest and destroy the record of his speech to prevent Japan's surrender. The rebellion was depressed.

At noon, on August 15, Hirokhito speech was transferred by radio. This was the first appeal of the Emperor of Japan to ordinary people.

The act of surrenders of Japan was signed on September 2, 1945 on board the American Linkar "Missouri". It put a point in the bloody war of the 20th century.

Losses of Party


the USSR

From June 22, 1941 to September 2, 1945, about 26.6 million people were killed. General material losses - $ 2 trillion 569 billion (about 30% of all national wealth); Military spending - $ 192 billion in prices of 1945 1,710 cities and settlements were destroyed, 70 thousand villages and villages, 32 thousand industrial enterprises.


From September 1, 1939 to September 2, 1945, in the war against Japan, 3 million to 3.75 million military personnel and about 10 million civilians were killed. In total, during the war years with Japan (from 1931 to 1945), China's losses amounted to, according to official Chinese statistics, more than 35 million military and civilian.


From September 1, 1939 to May 8, 1945, about 240 thousand servicemen and about 6 million civilians were killed. The territory of the country was occupied by Germany, resistance forces operated.


From April 6, 1941 to May 8, 1945, according to various data, died from 300 thousand to 446 thousand military personnel and from 581 thousand to 1.4 million civilians. The country was occupied by Germany, the detachments of resistance were acted.


From September 3, 1939 to May 8, 1945, 201 568 servicemen and about 400 thousand civilians were killed. The country was occupied by Germany, the resistance movement was operated. Material losses - 21 billion US dollars in prices 1945

Great Britain

From September 3, 1939 to September 2, 1945, 382,600 servicemen and 67,100 civilians were killed. Material losses - about 120 billion US dollars in prices 1945


From December 7, 1941 to September 2, 1945, 407,316 soldiers and about 6 thousand civilians were killed. Military Costs - about 341 billion US dollars in prices 1945


From October 28, 1940 to May 8, 1945, about 35 thousand servicemen were killed and from 300 to 600 thousand civilians.


From September 1, 1939 to May 11, 1945, according to various estimates, from 35 thousand to 46 thousand soldiers and from 294 thousand to 320 thousand civilians were killed. The country was occupied by Germany. Volunteering parts fought as part of the Allied Armed Forces.


From September 3, 1939 to September 2, 1945, about 87 thousand servicemen were killed. The civilian population of direct losses did not suffer, but a number of researchers consider to be a direct consequence of war death from 1.5 to 2.5 million Indians during the famine of 1943 (it was caused by the growth of food supplies of the British army).


From September 10, 1939 to September 2, 1945, 42 thousand soldiers and about 1 thousand 600 seafarers of the merchant fleet were killed. Material losses amounted to about 45 billion US dollars in prices of 1945

I saw women, they cried about the dead. They cried, because we were too much lied. You know how they come back from the war survived how much they occupy the places, how loudly boast the feats, what a terrible depicting death. Still would! They could not return too

Antoine de Saint-Exupery. "Citadel"

Hitler coalition (Axis Countries)


From September 1, 1939 to May 8, 1945, according to various data, from 3.2 to 4.7 million military personnel were killed, the loss of civilians was from 1.4 million to 3.6 million people. Military costs - about $ 272 billion in prices of 1945


From December 7, 1941 to September 2, 1945, 1.27 million servicemen were killed, the nebarean losses were 620 thousand, 140 thousand were injured, 85 thousand people were missing; Losses of civilians - 380 thousand people. Military spending - $ 56 billion in prices 1945


From June 10, 1940 to May 8, 1945, according to various data, 150 thousand to 400 thousand servicemen were killed, 131 thousand losses of civilians were missing - from 60 thousand to 152 thousand people. Military spending - about 94 billion US dollars in prices of 1945


From June 27, 1941 to May 8, 1945, according to various data, died from 120 thousand to 200 thousand military personnel. Losses of civilians - about 450 thousand people.


From June 22, 1941 to May 7, 1945, according to various data, died from 300 thousand to 520 thousand military personnel and from 200 thousand to 460 thousand civilians. Romania was originally on the side of the "axis" countries, on August 25, 1944 declared war in Germany.


From June 26, 1941 to May 7, 1945, about 83 thousand servicemen and about 2 thousand civilians were killed. On March 4, 1945, the country declared war in Germany.



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So far, it is not possible to reliably assess the material losses incurred by countries in the territory of which the war went, it is not possible.

For six years, many major cities have undergone total destruction, including some of the capital of states. The scale of the destruction was such that after the end of the war, these cities were built practically. Many cultural values \u200b\u200bwere irretrievably lost.

Results of World War II

United Kingdom Prime Minister Winston Churchill, US President Franklin Roosevelt and Soviet leader Joseph Stalin (from left to right) on the Yalta (Crimean) conference (photo chronicle TASS)

The post-war device of the world allies on the anti-Hitler coalition began to discuss even in the height of the fighting.

August 14, 1941 on board a warship in the Atlantic Ocean near Oh. Newfoundland (Canada) US President Franklin Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill signed t. N. "Atlantic Charter"- A document that declares the goals of the two countries in the war against Nazi Germany and its allies, as well as their vision of the post-war device of the world.

January 1, 1942 Roosevelt, Churchill, as well as the USSR Ambassador to the USA Maxim Litvinov and the representative of China Song Tzu-Wen signed a document that later became known as "Declaration of the United Nations". The next day, the declaration was signed by representatives of another 22 other states. Obligations were made to make maximum efforts to achieve victory and not to enter into a separate world. It is from this date that the United Nations is leading its chronicle, although the final agreement on the establishment of this organization was achieved only in 1945 in Yalta during the meeting of the leaders of the three countries of the Anti-Hitler Coalition - Joseph Stalin, Franklin Roosevelt and Winston Churchill. It was agreed that the basis of the UN activities will be the principle of the unanimity of the great powers - permanent members of the Security Council with the right of veto.

In total during the war, three meetings took place in the top.

The first passed B. Tehran 28 November - December 1, 1943. The main issue was the opening of the second front in Western Europe. It was also decided to attract Turkey to the Anti-Hitler coalition. Stalin agreed to declare Japan's war after the completion of hostilities in Europe.