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Abylai Khan: Biography. Abylai Khan: Biography of the University of International Relations to them Abylai Khan

Name: Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages. Abylai Khan (Kazumimia)
Year of foundation: 1941
City: Alma-Ata

Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages \u200b\u200bnamed after Abylai Khan (Kazumimia) (Kaz. AABLYA KHAN қAZAқ KHALYKARALYқ KATNASTAR ZHON әLUD T_LERІ University (KazhқzhәTu) ) - Higher educational institution of Kazakhstan. Carries out professional training of foreign language and international professionals.


* Faculty of Management and International Communications
* Faculty of International Relations
* Translation faculty
* Faculty of Oriental Studies
* Pedagogical faculty
* Faculty of Romano Hermann Philology
* Faculty of continuous and distance education

The university makes tremendous efforts to improve and develop the educational infrastructure of the specialties of a foreign language and international profile. The closest perspective of Casumimia is the expansion of the nomenclature of international specialties and an increase in the number of languages \u200b\u200bstudied.

The logistical, educational and methodological and library base of the university is systematically replenished and improved.

Active participation also takes international cooperation with educational and scientific organizations. Mutual cooperation agreements are concluded with:
* Varotrnovsky University Sv.Sv. Kirila and Methodius (Bulgaria),
* University of Allama Tabatabai (Islamic Republic of Iran),
* Poznan Higher School of Foreign Languages \u200b\u200b(Poznan, Poland),
* Ilia Pedagogical University (Cultsa, China),
* Genoese University (Italy).

Explicit orientation of the entire educational system of the Republic of Kazakhstan, including Casummy them. Abylai Khana.The entry into the global educational space and the approach of national education to international standards makes a particularly significant direction of the activities of this university for the development and expansion of international cooperation. And as a result, currently fruitful international cooperation is one of the most priority areas of activity. Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages \u200b\u200bnamed after Abylai Khan.


020600 Regional studies
021000 Journalism
021400 Translated
021500 Foreign Philology: Two Foreign Languages
021600 Jurisprudence
021800 Religious studies
022100 Orientalists
031900 Foreign language: two foreign languages
070500 Marketing and commerce
071100 World economy
080100 Tourism (by type of activity)
090100 International relationships
090200 International law
090800 Public relations
091200 Documentation and documentation management management

520500 Marketing
520600 Regional studies
520800 Economy
521000 Journalism
521200 Philology (by profile)
521400 Linguistics (by profile)
521800 Religious studies
522600 State and local management
540200 International law
540400 State and local management


520650 Regional studies
521250 Philology (by profile)
521450 Linguistics (by profile)
540350 Pedagogy

Postgraduate studies:

07.00.15 History of international relations and foreign policy
09.00.11 Social philosophy
10.02.02 Kazakh language
10.02.06 Turkic languages
10.02.19 Language theory
10.02.20 Comparative historical, typological and comparable linguistics
13.00.02 Theory and Methods of Training and Education

Doctoral degree

09.00.11 Social philosophy
10.02.06 Turkic languages
10.02.19 Language theory
10.02.22 Languages \u200b\u200bof the peoples of foreign countries
13.00.01 Total pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education, ethnopedagogic
13.00.08 Theory and methods of vocational education

Theme lesson:Khan Abylai.

Objectives lesson.

Training: Give information about the activities of Abylai Khan in the Association of Kazakh Khanate, about his role in Kazakh history. Explain the meaning of the policy of Abylai Khan.

Developing: Teach students to independently evaluate the activities of historical personalities on the example of Abylai Khan and thereby increase the cognitive abilities of students.

Educational: to teach respect to the acts of outstanding historical personalities; Create feelings of patriotism, heroism.

Type of lesson: Combined

Visual materials: Portrait of Abylai Khan; Political map of Kazakhstan; Movie "Nomad", presentation, drawings of yurt and rider, test

During the classes:

    Organizing time

Kazakhs do not have a more concise ancestor,

a greater person than Abylai Khan!

M. O. Auezov

    Survey homework.

Students checks the fulfillment of homework in several people. The rest of the guys can be asked about the historical importance of Kazakhstan's accession to Russia, as well as the activities of Khan Abyla.

1 Task: "Is that ...".

A statement is read, students should choose whether this statement is true or not.

"+" - yes, "-" - no

For example: Abulhair Khan Senior Jus. "-"- not.

10 correct answers - "5".

7 correct answers - "4".

Less than 7 correct answers - "3".

    Tarkhan is the title, which was assigned to the ordinary nomad. (-)

    Kurultay is a meeting of all representatives of Kazakh births and tribes. (+)

    Abulhair - Khan Senior Zhuza. (-)

    1730 is a year when Empress Anna John has signed a diploma on the entry of the younger Zhus to Russian citizenship. (+)

    Abulkhair is the initiator of the adoption of patronage from Russia. (+)

    The unity of the people interferes with the reflection of the enemy's mission. (-)

    Batyr - partisans, resisting Jung's ons. (-)

    Bulantinsky battle is a battle in which Jungars suffered defeat. (+)

    The feat is a faint deed. (-)

    Kalmak Kyrgan is the place of the joy of Kalmakov. (-)

2 task.

Determine 4 superflores in a number of personalities (terms) and explain the sign by which they are grouped:

A) Bayan, Abulkhair, Este, Malaysara. (Excess - Abulkhair, the rest were bathers)

B) Biy, Batyr, Khan, Kurultay. (Excess - Kurultay, the rest are social layers in society)

C) Tauca, Abulkhair, Kaizh, Bogenbai. (Excess - Bogenbai, other Khans)

3 Task

show on the map Russian state, Kazakh Khanate, Dzhungarian Khanate.

    Explanations of a new topic:

Showing the film "Nomad". It is necessary to pay attention to the identity of Mansur in this film. Then students are asked the following questions on this film:

What do you know about Abilmansure from this movie?

What is Abilmansur in this film?

With the help of the Yurt and the pointer rider, you stop at each stage: the pedigree Abylai Khan. Then, using the film's material, tell about childhood and youth Abyla. Make an emphasis on renaming Sabalaka in Abyla.

Life and political activities of Abylai Khan. Abylai Khan (Abilmansur) is one of the great Kazakh khanov, an outstanding statesman, commander and a diploma. He was born in the city of Turkestan in 1711 in the family of the ruler of the city. Father Abyla - had been killed in one of the battles with the jungari. Then the whole family of Abilmanssura died, and only stayed alive. He was saved by a wise mentor, a dedicated servant of the ruler of the Oraz.

For a long time he hid his khan desig. He pass a herd of camels Uyusun Tol Bie, so he was called Sabalak - "The boy in the crushed clothes, with disheveled hair." So I called it a lot of bi. However, the wise Bie noticed that Sabalak is not simple origin. From this time, he began to show the challenges of the future leader. He dramatically standped out in his youth by courage, mind, purposefulness. At 22, Sabalak met Batyr Bogenbay, who came to spend the Tol Bie. Bogenbai was a man who always knew how to see the best in humans. Bogenbai at the sight of Sabalaka said:

I see in the shine in your eyes, kid,

By moral, you are clearly khana blood,

In the spring, when we go to Kalmakov

Your help us will have to be!

With these words, he gave his boyfriend to his blessing and presented his horse. For the first time, the name of Sabalak became known in 1730 after the battle with the Jungars. On the eastern customs before the battle, the strongest of the two troops went on a duel. Kazakh warriors were defeated twice. At that moment, Sabalak expressed a desire to fight with the Kalmak Batyr Sharysheh and defeated it. After that, he cried to the enemy, shouting the cry "Abylay!". After this successful battle of origin, the Abyla became known to everyone. Kazakh Khan Abulmambet invited him to take the Khan title. However, officially Abylai was erected in Khan only in 1771 after the death of Abulmamba. Abylai - wise politician of his time, fearless batyr, gifted diplomat. He received Muslim education and was a skillful ruler.

Abylai to strengthen the Hannai power constantly relied on authoritative and talented people of their time, for example, on Zhuryu Bukhara, Umbeta, Tattikar, Batyrov: Cabanbay, Benget, Malaisar, Biyev: Tol, Kasybek, Ayteche. Abylai Khan led the far-sighted domestic and foreign policy of Kazakhstan, thereby turning his Khanate to a strong and unified state. With it, Kazakhs revived their national spirit. Abylai died in Turkestan in 1781, his body rests in a mausoleium skin of Ahmet Yassaui.

Task 3-fill cluster

1 2

3 4

1 years of life

2-nickname Abyla in childhood

3-Dzhungarian Batyr, with whom Abylai fought

4-in what year Abyla was built in Khana?

    Fastening the material.


1. Years of the Board of Abylai Khan:

a) 1693-1748;

b) 1718-1748;

c) 1726-1748;

d) 1771-1781

2. Which of the Kazakh khanov first took the oath of the Russian Empire?

a) Tueka Khan;

b) Kaizh Khan;

c) Abulkhair Khan;

d) Abylai Khan

3. In the early 18th century, from which state proceeded by the greatest danger of the Kazakh people?

a) Dzungar Khanate;

b) Russia;

to China;

d) India

4. Which of the prominent Kazakh workers helped Khana Abyla in the Office of the country?

a) fat bi

b) Bogenbai Batyr

c) Itete bi

d) Kazybek bi

5. Where was Khan Abylai buried?

a) Zhambyl region

b) city of Almaty

c) city of Turkestan

d) city Orenburg



2 B.




    D / s: Paragraph 15.

Write an essay "What would I like to be similar to Khan Abyla ...?"

The ruler, who left a trace in the history of the country, lives in folk memory. Certificate of this is the biography of Abylai Khan, an outstanding statesman, a brave commander and a talented diplomat in the history of Kazakhstan of the XVIII century.

Abylai Khan: Biography military leader

Abylai Khan lived in 1711-1781. His father was Cork Wali-Sultan, and Sant - Genghisid Abylai Khan Kansher, named as a fierce courage in battles. His Turkmen slave sultan gave birth. The boy was called Abilmansour. Later, when he became a warrior, he was unarked, like his grandfather, Abyla.

Abilmansuur was 12 years old when his father died. A teenager with a servant from the parental house makes his ways to Turkestan to relatives. But they did not recognize him. I had to go to the service to rich nomads, they had a shepherd and herds. At that time, I received a nickname Sabalak, which is translated as 'shaggy' or 'begging'.

In the history of the country, it was a period when the war began with the invaders neighbors - Dzhungarian Khanate. Sticky Abilmansur became the ranks of the defenders of his lands. In 20 years in a major battle, he showed himself brave warrior. Calling the clicch "Abylai!" Spirit of a nice ancestor, he defeated the Jungan Batyr in martial arts. Soon it turned out that Abilmansour had long missing the son of the deceased Sultan Wali. From this time, he becomes Abyla.

The skillful and brave warrior elected the Sultan of the strong and large genus Atygai. It begins his path of the commander and politics. In 1734, Khan Middle Jus was Abilmambet, and the warlord with him - Abylai, who won the fame of the experienced strategue by that time.

Abylai manifests itself from this time and as a wise statesman. He is one of the first to aware of the complex position in which there was a country. In the south in the war with Djungari, foci of agriculture, important trade and caravanways are lost. It was necessary to switch to new places, north, closer to the Russian Empire. By that time, trade in some goods was established. With the participation of Abyla in 1740, they agreed in Orenburg that the Russian Empire would be a patron of medium Jus.

Abylai Khan: Family

Abylai Khan was a descendant of Genghis Khan, led a pedigree from his eldest son Khana Chet-and Kipchak - Juci. Among the ancestors was one of the founders of the Kazakh Khanate.

Twelve Abyla wives gave birth to him 30 sons and 40 daughters. The names of almost all of his sons are known for historical sources. Family, despite the numerous, was cohesive and friendly, and for chapter - support in his state affairs. Especially helped the eldest sons of Wali and Genghis. Uaali during the life of the Father adopted his country management experience.

Wali became heir and Khan after the death of his father. He also had a big family - 14 sons. The eldest of them - Gubaidoll - became the next ruler of the country.

Until now, the researchers trace the paths of the descendants of the outstanding Abylai Khan. Among them were military personnel, politicians, most worked in the field of enlightenment, science and culture.

Abylai Khan and his role in the history of Kazakhstan

Among the nomads-Kazakhs in the XVIII century, a desire to unite into state communities appeared. This was required both the emerging changes in business, and the need to rally against external enemies. These processes managed to organize Abylai Khan, so that in the unification of all Kazakh land in a centralized state, his merit. In 1771, three Kazakh zhuza declared him with their ruler.

Being geographically between two huge empires - Russia and China, the state gained factual independence thanks to Khana Abylai. An experienced diplomat, according to researchers, could seem devoted to these powers, but in fact did not obey any of them.

The merit of the Abylai Khan and as an organizer of removal by external enemies. Dzungara was defeated, many years who excited the lands of the Kazakhs were crushed. In 1756-1757, Chinese warriors were rebuffed and their promotion was stopped on the territory of the country. In recent years, the Board in numerous campaigns were neutralized by cruel neighbors and raids of kyrgyz were stopped.

Having caught new trends in the lifestyle of nomads, Abylay Khan encouraged the development of agriculture and classes in different fields, the future of the country saw in the transition to a settled lifestyle.

As a statesman, Abylai Khan enjoyed respect and beyond his country. It is significant that his click "Abylai!" ("Attack!") Even Siberian Cossacks used.

The memory of the wise historical figure lives in the country. His name is classified educational institutions and prospectuses, monuments erected to the gallant commander. His images are on national banknotes and brands.

In Independent Kazakhstan in Petropavlovsk, the Museum "Residence of Abylai Khan" was opened. His life and state activities are known to Europeans and Americans thanks to the film "Nomad" ("KespendiLeiler") created by the director I. Passer and S. Bodrov.

The freedom-loving steppe ruler remained for the country in important historical moments by an inspirer and a symbol of the Renaissance.