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We solve problems with the entrance to the Google Account. Error: "You need to log in to Google Account" in Play Market. What to do

Some users are scattered. They periodically forget their passwords and login. Often this situation arises when they buy supported phones. When you try to connect, you need a new entry of the "Google" account. As a result, many ask such a question: "I can not enter the" Google "-Acunt! What to do?".

The concept of "Google" -Kack

"Google" -Acunt is an account of a specific user in Google. It is created during registration on the relevant site. Using it, the user gets the opportunity to use mail, disk, Google+ Social Network, YouTube video hosting, as well as other Google services. In addition, this account is required to users and tablets with the Android OS installed.

This system creates the above-mentioned corporation, therefore, to prevent theft, or taking into account the permanent use of the gadget, the manufacturer binds them to a specific account "Google". It is the last circumstance most often happens that they cannot enter the "Google" -Account.

The main reasons for the impossibility of entering the account

The first reason is the forgetfulness of users. There are those who create an account, for a long time they do not use them, so a password forget safely. However, it is easy enough to restore. To do this, when registering, you need to specify an e-mail or mobile number, where the message will come if you click on the link "Forgot your password."

The same problem concerns that the login is forgotten. Recovery occurs in a similar way. When registering, specify your real Full name, because when you restore the login, you will be asked for, and if you have entered the fictional data, you can hardly remember them. If you remembered - the confirmation code will come (by mail or phone), after which the input to the account will be available.

If you received a message that such a user in "Google" is not registered, then check all the data, including the backup e-mail, remember - did you change the phone number, and if so, whether it is available at the moment.

Sometimes when entering the account through the browser, a message can be issued that the cookies are disabled. It is necessary to include them. The order of their inclusion in each browser is yours. If it does not help - you need to clean the browser cache.

Observing these simple instructions, you can save yourself from the question of what to do if I can not enter the "Google" -Acunt.

If the account is blocked, then it will take more time on its recovery.

Entrance to your mobile phone account

In order to log in to Google account from a mobile phone with a pre-installed Android operating system, you need to go to the phone settings, open to "Account", then click on "Add Account". Some models suggest adding accounts not only Google, but also others. Click on Google, after which a menu appears in which you enter a login and password. Here you can create a new or primary account if it has not yet been created.

With the right entry of registration data, you will enter your account, and this data will be used by your gadget.

So the answer to the question on the phone? "Will be quickly found.

We enter the account after using the settings reset function

After the output of Android 5.1, the gadgets based on it received a function that should contribute to their protection from using stealing or loss. The meaning of this feature is reduced to the fact that the gadget asks after applying the reset function to enter the Google account. If you remember all the data of your account, this is your phone, and not bought from the hands, the solution of the problem does not represent any complexity. Just enter your data and that's it.

For different models of gadgets, there are ways to bypass the protection of "Google". Within one article, it is impossible to consider them all. We present some universal ways, but without guaranteeing their response to a specific model.

  1. Insert your SIM card into a locked gadget, call it, accept the call, click on the "Add New Call". In the number of numbers randomly press the numbers by clicking on "Add a number to an existing account", after which it should be prompted to add "Google" -Acunt, enter this data, overload, after saving the randomly dialed number in the account.
  2. Until the first click (first 3 steps), we repeat the steps of the first method. In the number set, press * # * # 4636 # * # *, as a result, you should get into the advanced settings menu, click "Back", go to the settings menu, select "Archiving and Restoring" or "Restore and Reset", turn off the recovery functions , Including data redundancy, restore the factory settings (re-reset), after downloading, we enter your "Google" -ACCount.

Thus, if in the "Google" -Acunt not to log in after resetting the settings, you need to try these two ways. If it does not help, try to search for instructions for your gadget yourself on the network. It may require the installation of third-party programs, support for FastBoot.


Finding a solution to the problem "I can not enter the" Google "-Kackout" is actually easy. In the article, we described several effective ways. Try first remember the login, password, contact "Google" for help. If you cannot unlock the phone after applying the settings reset, try applying different ways to restore access.

In order to enjoy all the advantages of Google Play, you must first register an account. If you encountered problems at the entrance, look for a solution in this article.

Why Google Play

Sometimes when trying to enter the Google Play account on Android, problems appear. A very common mistake in these cases sounds like this: "You need to log in to Google Account. Repeat. With a proposal to repeat the login and password.

What if you can't enter your account?

I can not log in to Google Play account

This situation may occur even if you enter your login and password and at the same time 100% sure that it works correctly. An error may occur for various reasons - here are some ways that can help solve this problem.

The first thing you need to do is clear the cache Google Play, for this you need to go to the settings - applications - Manage applications - Google Play, and click Delete data, Clear cache.

After that, reboot your device and it is desirable to remove the battery from it. Then try to enter again. If it did not help, moving on.

If you still fail to log in to your Google account, do the following:

  1. Go to Settings - Applications - all. Find Google Play, Google Services Framework and Google Play Services.
  2. Stop your service, delete all data, including updates.
  3. After that, clean the cache again. Next, you need to go to the settings - Accounts - Google and in sync remove all checkboxes.
  4. Next, you need to restart the smartphone or tablet on Android and return the checkboxes from the previous item back, then restart again.
  5. Now we are trying to log in again.

These actions should help in most cases. But if you still did not help you, then create an archive copy of the device and reset your phone, smartphone or tablet to factory settings. And even better reinstall Android or update to the latest version.

If you have any questions, ask in the comments, I will try to answer.

Today if a modern person has does not enter the play markethe immediately arises panic, because it is impossible to present successful and young people without a smartphone, a tablet or a computer device. And all these devices are useless without applications. Today, all this technique is the attributes of our daily life, and as it often happens, any object of considerable is early or late or breaks or breaks. Everything that man creates is not forever, and even virtual systems also fail. One of the most popular queries among the owners of the Android devices by the system is the topic: I can not go to the playing market. Indeed, a multi-million-dollar audience is confronted daily with various faults in services or work techniques, Google Play errors are also often found, because it is worth delighting this question and find out what the reason that the user cannot go to Play Market.

All applications in one place - in Play Market

Any devices with the operating system on Android support the mass of applications, starting with the navigator and ending with various "scanners" and music record programs. In general, our smartphone is the perfect place for experiments, but so that they have successfully and did not damage the technique system, you should consider only one point - the source where the selected application or the game is downloaded. Verified, reliable and free (also there is a paid content), is the Play Market service - here you can find everything for the technical means on Android. The only problem that may arise before the user is that it fails to go to the "Play Market". The reasons for this may be mass, and each of them has its own way to solve this problem.

The reason can be a malicious software on your Android device. In order to protect yourself from theft of your personal data, we recommend using secure browsers.

We recommend changing standard browser after Remedy problems with Play Market In order for the problem not appeared again. Because In order to download the app you need to restore access to Play Market

Causes of problems and ways to solve them

Why does not enter the playing market? There is a lot of answering options for this question, but the most frequent and popular is the absence of an account in the Google system. It is easy to correct this situation: you need to go to the Google site, start an account, then open the Play Market and enter it by entering the necessary data.

But if the account has been registered for a long time, and the service worked yesterday, and today there is no problem, the problem becomes different. Most often this problem lies in a small detail, when I can not go to the "Play Market". Writes in the pop-up service that the connection is there, but the connection is broken, or the system error occurred. In this case, you only need to check the dates and time settings. Users who took out the battery from the phone or tablet are subject to such a problem most often. It is not worth a despair, as it is enough to reinstall these values \u200b\u200band again try to enter Play Market.


Of course, this is not the entire list of possible problems. One of the mains can also be considered a crowded cache. Its regular cleaning is the key to the fast operation of the device, so if such "glitches" occurs, the first thing you need to go to the "parameters" of the device, find among the "Application Management" items and click on Play Market. Here you need to clean the cache and the data. Even if after that the user again says that I can not go to the "Play Market", then you need to reset the settings to the factory settings. This can usually be done through a short way:

  • "Parameters";
  • "Backup and Reset".

And of course, one of the frequent reasons that users write "I can not go to the" Play Market ", is a failure in the Internet connection. If the device has a weak signal, a low level of data transmission, then when data entered the profile to input will pop up a window with an error. In this case, the correction of the problem is just the search for a suitable network and high signal, for normal data transfer.

Play Market - Garant Safe Downloads

Why does this service from Google enjoys such success? The answer is very simple: you can download absolutely everything in this place, make your computer or mobile device fast and full-featured. But this service loved not only for the range and free content, but for the presence of proven programs and provisions that do not have viruses and fully work.

Fans to be everywhere and everywhere, often you have to go to different unverified sites, and then after such visits to "doubtful" resources, hundreds of requests appear on the forums: "Why can't I go to the playing market?", "Where to share money from my account ? " etc.

In order not to resort to extreme measures (reset the settings, flashing the device), it is best to restart your phone or tablet. Perhaps the usual "glitch" influenced the operation of services, and after the reboot will immediately disappear. Therefore, when downloading programs to your tablet or smartphone, it is better to use official services.

PS: And not "feed" pirates.

"Unable to establish a reliable connection to the Google server"

The full error message is as follows: "Failed to enter. Unable to install a reliable connection to the server. Perhaps this is a temporary problem or in the device Android is not provided for data transfer services. If the problem persists, contact customer service. "

If a you need to log in to Google AccountThe problem is also very simple. We will not sign for a long time, but just post another little video, the guy's voice does not inspire confidence :) But the solution is really working:

For this method will need Root Explorer. It can be downloaded by

As a rule, the question "How to enter the Google account on android?" Only those people who are not very familiar with this system are asked. In fact, there is nothing complicated here - you needed several banal actions when you first start the smartphone on this OS. However, if you missed this stage, you can forget about automatic input - now you have to configure everything manually. But you should not be afraid. So that you do not have any problems, we wrote a step-by-step instruction.

We enter google account through device settings

Of course, there is a couple of ways to enter your google account. Let's start with the most banal, where the input is literally in several taps. So, proceed:

Congratulations, account added. Even the most inexperienced user will need no more than two or three minutes, taking into account the painstaking password entry. But what to do if you need to enter the new Google account on android?

Change Google account to another

Quite often, users have the need to change the main account on the device. How to do this if an absolutely different Google-Mail is specified when you first start? Only, there is nothing complicated here. Moreover, the process is almost identical except for some separate items. Let's seek quickly how to enter another account:

If an attempt to log in to the account was not crowned with a positive result, check whether the mobile data is included - to do this, it is enough to pull over the status bar shutter located on top. Also, the problem may be in the input of the wrong password - check its correctness.

As you can see, everything is really trite and the problem is solved in a matter of minutes, especially with the use of our step-by-step instructions.

Android is one of the two popular mobile gadget systems. And at least supporting the platform is very good and prompt, often cases when the work occurs, including the Google Play Market application store, from which almost all applications for the device are downloaded. "Unable to connect to the server" one of the most common errors.

Server error in Play Market: Causes Problems

The server connection problem may arise due to an incorrectly installed system update or Google Mis. This is the most frequent problem. Also, one of the possible causes is malfunctions due to the crowded application cache.

It is possible that with Google Misa and there are no problems, but simply missing the Internet connection. Check on Mobile Internet or Wi-Fi.

Also, the connection to the server may be missing if the device has an incorrect date and time, for example, after the user took out the battery or completely discharged the device, this data is automatically reset.

It affects the operation of the playmark and synchronization with the Google account, which has all the users of Android. Perhaps the problem appeared due to installation or removal of the application downloaded through the store.

The connection problem may occur if you installed a hacked application or use cracks for games.

And last. Oddly enough, not all devices on the Android system support the application and the web version of the store. This is due to the fact that some smartphones and tablets simply do not meet compatibility requirements. You can see the list of models on the Google Play website in the Help section.

Cleaning cache

Unable to connect to the server, although the Internet on the device works stable and the date is set correctly. The first thing to do is to clear the cache of the Play Play application and services.

To do this, go to the system settings in the "Device" paragraph and select "Applications". We find the playing market and press it consistently:

  • stop;
  • erase data;
  • clear cache;
  • delete updates.

How to Clean Cash

The same actions are carried out for application Google Play service.

As well as in the market of the Market, click Stop, delete data and Clear Cache

Restart the device and try to go to the playing market. If the connection to the server is still unable to install, try to take the next step.

Turn off synchronization

Due to the synchronization error, the application store can also be correctly connected to the server. To disable it, go back to the device settings, move to the Accounts, select Google.

Disable all synchronization and reboot the device. We go to the account again and turn on the synchronization back. An error may appear, but they do not pay attention to it and try to go into the playing market.

For shutdown, remove all the checkboxes

It is important to turn on synchronization back. Because of its absence, malfunctions may also occur in the work of the market.

If the connection to the server is still missing, go to the next step.

Google Account Removal

This step can help in some cases and if games and other applications are not attached to it, you can try to use this way to correct communication error with the server.

To remove the account you need:

  • go in settings;
  • Accounts;
  • click on the email address;
  • call the context menu with the button on the front panel of the phone (next to the Home and Back buttons), in some phones the context menu is called by pressing the button with three points in the upper right corner of the screen;
  • select remove account.

How to add an account

Reinstalling Plate Market

If the problem has not disappeared, you can reinstall Play Market. For this:

  • open the tincture;
  • applications;
  • choosing a play market;
  • stop;
  • click to delete updates;
  • erase data;
  • remove from the default launch;
  • download the application with extension.apk;
  • we go to the file manager of the device;
  • run a file;
  • after installation, open the playmark market and enter the login and password.

How to remove Play Market

The application must earn.

Important. Since the market sews into the system and it is not expected to remove it, there is no one on the official website of Google Misa, so you have to download from third-party sources. Use only reliable and secure sites to secure your device. The latest version of the play of the Market can be found on the 4pda resource and the like.

What else can you do

If the connection with the service has not been established, despite all the actions taken, you can download applications remotely. Go from any browser to Google Misew website and log in with your account.

Web version Google Play

The interface is almost no different from the application by selecting the desired program, click Install, after some time it will appear on your device. You can go to the site from both the computer and the phone or tablet. The main thing is that accounts in the device to install the application and the site coincide. That is, if you use multiple accounts, you need to do an active one for the remote installation.

And the most radical option is to reset the device to factory settings. But at the same time all user data is deleted: downloaded applications, photos, music, contacts, etc., smartphone or tablet will come to a state as when buying.

Video: Play Market - Server Error What to do

In case of malfunction in the work of the playing market, first of all restart the device, it helps with most problems. If the error remained, some of the above methods will necessarily help eliminate it. Do not forget to clean the cache of applications, because of its overcrowding, not only Play Market can not work correctly, but also the system as a whole.