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Powerful advocates for the love of the girl. How to talk a girl for love. Conspiracy

Outstream is a magical effect that is aimed at cooling the senses between people or one person to another. Most often, this method is used to get rid of his own feelings for a person who does not meet reciprocity. it an effective way Allows you to exclude suffering from unrequited love. Also, the end of the edge can be applied to another person when his own feelings are cooled to him.

Outstorming on cooling of own feelings

All rituals aimed at the end of the senses should be carried out during the descending moon. If the ritual holds a woman in order to sob, then you need to give preference to women's days: medium, Friday and Saturday.

You can get rid of love dependencies with the help of a ritual involving the use of natural properties of water. Rite should be held in separate room Maximum isolated from external noise, that is, the doors and windows need to close tightly. Cold water is used for ritual. It can be dial from under the tap, but it is better to use spring or well. For better effect, water is recommended to be pre-cooled in the refrigerator.

Three times the following magic words are pronounced over the water, poured into the glass:

"In the blue and deep sea-ocean, a huge painting of oak grows on the island of green. Next to him the stone is large, and on it pike. She eats my longing, and I stop, the slave of God (own name) is grieving on the slave of God (name) from this moment. The ugly irresistible goes, and with her and the pain of my heart leaves. My soul is released for other light feelings. My word is strong and lumpy, there is no degree to remove it. All come true".

Immediately after reading the conspiracy, half of the water needs to drink, and the remaining part to slip the face and sprinkle around him. The rite is simple, but very effective. Waking up the next morning, it will be possible to immediately note that the world It seems to be transformed.

The ritual with a nail, candles and water is considered a popular edge-outer. As in the previous case, the rite is carried out in complete solitude. You need to sit at the table and focuses on the thoughts of a person, from longing for which you need to get rid of.

Then you need to light the candles and hold the edge of the nail over the flame of one of them until it splits.

After that, the nail should be lowered into a glass with cold water and speak:

"Natural water-driver, my longing for my servant of God (the name of a man) will cool. Both iron cool and the turn is my damaging disappears "

After the rite should immediately go to bed and do not think about anything. If everything was done correctly, then the relief will come very quickly.

If you consider statistics, then girls are resorted to love magic. They are prone to attract the attention of men with magic. It is for this reason that the largest volume of conspiracies is aimed at the women's audience. But despite this, there is a certain number of conspiracies that come to the rescue of the male part of the world's population. The strong floor is also able to attract women's attention to magical rites.

The range of such rituals is so extensive that each man can find a suitable way for himself. The choice can be built on the execution method, and the result of the result. The conspiracy of the love of women can be carried out independently at home.

If a man needs to be reciprocided, love glances from the girl, then rituals for love will become indispensable assistants In solving these problems. Men often fall into a dilemma, which lies in unrequited feelings. The standard situation, when a woman does not meet the reciprocity on the strengths and sincere feelings of the guy.

Meaning of men's conspiracy

Most often, white magic becomes a companion of indecisive men. By nature, such a man will never work for a woman, and does not admit to his feelings. Especially if the girl is beautiful, and implemented itself in the career sphere. The guy is just afraid to approach, because it has been programmed for a long time for a negative answer. The second reason may be that the man is simply afraid to be in the shadow of his woman.

White Magic He contributes to the man to do the first step. Magic is needed in several cases.

  1. A young man is afraid to take the first step towards his fate. The reason may be that the guy from childhood was brought up shy. The second reason can wonder that one day he had to suffer defeat on the love front.
  2. If you need to wake up love feelings in the chosen.
  3. If the question arose about what you need to interest the girl.

Walking a loved one is easy, but it is very difficult to live with the consequences. A man must understand all the responsibility that may come after the ritual is perfect. The ceremony strength can be so strong that the consequences will not be so pleasant. Before proceeding magic rite, you need to clearly understand your feelings. It is necessary to make sure that your feelings are not fleeting, and your plans look far away into the future.

You must be confident that the chosen lady will be your life companion. If your opinion will change in the future, then the consequences can negatively affect how they themselves and for the victim of the ritual. But their elimination can become a rather problematic occupation. And then the question is that it is worth seeking help from specialized magicians. But, here is the problem that not everyone will take responsibility for the removal of these consequences. It is quite difficult to remove them, because you, by ignorance, could block such woods that the lapse will take, not only a lot of time, but also will become energetically expensive.

The result that the young man awaits will not immediately become apparent, so if progress is not observed, despair is not a way out. The girl can continue to ignore you, not pay attention. Only this happens at first. Over the course of a certain period of time, the situation will change for the better. And if you decide to surrender, you can miss the love of your life.

The most elementary plot

For this riteThe man should not have a lot of knowledge from the esoteric area. It can be carried out even by those persons who have never had been resorted for help to magic. These characteristics in no case affect the effectiveness of the result. If you correctly follow all instructions, and observe faith, then a positive outcome will soon please the artist.

Remember that it all depends on your faith. The stronger it will, the more effective the rite will pass. In no case do not change the principle of the ritual. This is fraught with negative consequences for both sides. The duration of the holding is exactly a week. All actions should be carried out only in the evening of the day. Better, if it is before sleeping. The only thing that is required of you is to read a certain conspiracy.

"Heavenly Angels, Sons of the Lord. I ask for your help in a difficult situation that happened in my life. I love one girl, that's just she does not notice me. I ask you, let the slave of God (the name of his loved one) love me the most sincere love. I wish to be with her together, I want to create a family with her and grow children. Our family will be a role model. Our love will saturate our lives. You are strong, please send you your strength to fulfill my request. My word is invariably. Amen".

Conspiracy that uses hair woman

If you choose this option, try to get your hair hair. Without it, you will not be able to spend the ritual. And this is the only complexity. The principle of the magical ritual is so simple that even a man who has never had to deal with magic can spend it. Also, this magic requires to get a comb. Women hack on a prepared comb, and direct all your thoughts on the desire to be with a woman. Now it remains only to learn a conspiracy, or read it expressively, without hoisting.

"I urge to help all the highest strength. Web, swamp, and even branches will become excellent assistants. They have one amazing propertywhich is based on the hook. Let the slave of God hooked for me, and never leave me again. I'm not a hair now. And only sincere feelings and love, which should reign between us. Let the hair of the slaves of God (the name of his loved one) woven with the hair of the slave of God (your name) in the rustling of passion. Let them not be able to solve even the strongest enemies. No one can remove love from our hearts. We can only belong to each other. To love you until the end of life. Let my beloved will not be in the life of my beloved. Let there be other women in my life. Nobody can never separate us. Amen".

Conduct the rite is better at night. After you read the consuming, start combing your hair comb, on which female hair was wound.

If you believe the magicians, then better time The sunrise is considered to hold the rite. You will have to wake up before the sun goes. If you want to strengthen the action of the ritual, then write the following conspiracy on the back of the photo:

"I got up in the morning in order to see how the sun rises. Please make it so that with the growth of the Sun, the slaves of God (Women's name) grew up in the chest. Her love should be sent only to my side. No one else is allowed to become between us. The sun dries off earth ground with its rays. Therefore, you, my love, you will dry without me. All flowers bloom at the sight of the sun. They are sent their buds in his direction. I ask God's slave to go to me. I promise that I will make it the happiest. Unable to solve us. Amen".

You need to read at least three times. If you want to achieve a quick result, it is better to read many times. It all depends on your desire. Do not rush to finish the ritual. With the occurrence of the evening, wrap a photo into a dark cloth. Put the bundle next to the bed, or under linens. At this point, the attribute should be stored until you see the desired result.

If you have decided to hold a rite, then it is better to think about it all several times. It is necessary for a hundred percent to be sure that the feelings are not fleeting, because, you can dislike the woman. But afterwards, her notes will not give you peace.

Most full description In all details - a conspiracy on the love of women to read with a fairly strong and safe magic influence.

Love is never given simply, the problems in the amourous region are able to inspire the strongest longing. Any experienced family man confirms the fact that the amount of attached efforts in love relationships is proportional to the effect.

In the modern world, the most active users of reports of love plots are the representatives of the weak gender. To achieve the desired, the woman is able to perform delightful, incredible, and sometimes frightening actions.

Men also fall in love, sometimes turn out to be lonely, even when the heart breaks out of the chest at the form of a beloved.

When most of the usual ways to find a soul mate, return it, exhausted, to help men come a conspiracy on the love of the girl. Fortunately, there is a huge number of conspiracies, decisive problemHelping to disperse the longing, find your favorite woman. Considers are incredibly much, so each wishes will be able to pick up the most liked ritual.

Observance of the rules - one hundred percent result

The rituals created to attract the beloved are ideal for humble, indecisive men. Usually, for the start of the male floor, only the initial impetus is needed to quickly establish a personal life, get rid of longing. Experience in Amur Affairs is a unique tool that allows you to conquer hearts.

Initially, a conspiracy of the girl's love is useful. Remember the rules, non-compliance with which leads to unpleasant consequences. Resort to conspiracies, magic, witchcraft, it is exclusively in real necessary. Without counting on the coming long-term relationships, forget about the help of heavenly forces. Making a conspiracy to the girl need at one hundred percent confidence that she is your muse, a reason to wake up in the morning.

The elimination of the consequences of an unsuccessful conspiracy often turns the already sad life into a real nightmare, try to accurately follow the instructions. Trying to return the beloved, be sure to stay alone, otherwise you will betray.

When reading a conspiracy, a concentration on the form of beloved is important negative emotions, like longing and sadness, it is better to drive away.

A few days before the conspiracy, it is recommended to observe the post, do not take alcohol, it will prevent concentration. Perform one conspiracy to the girl, stop. It is quite possible, the result of the work will not be noticeable immediately. The most important thing is to continue to act, you are unlikely to love the girl, barely familiar with you. Also conspiracies are great to come back to the beloved.

Mighty forces will help to find love

The first conspiracy is recommended to read in the morning dawn, in the period of the growing moon. If you want to achieve the location of the girl, then this is one of the most popular rituals. You need a conspiracy in a whisper, being on the street. However, the inhabitants of large megalopolises are better spent at home, at the opened window. Conspiracy is repeated 12 times within 12 days.

Some, perhaps, quite a large period of time, your second half will start thinking about you. This method will allow you to return the girl or if love went to you by the side, find a new one.

A beloved woman can be conquered with other conspiracy. For example, this ritual is better to spend on days suitable for male witchcraft.

The most important thing is to clearly utter each word, including the "tail", because each part of the conspiracy is of great importance. If you are distracting anything, put a candle in front of you, it will allow us to focus.

Hair beloved strong tools of successful conspiracy, capable of attracting the attention of his beloved, return it.

The only complexity of the ritual is the procedure for obtaining a hair. However, if you already have it, you can quickly dispel the longing.

First of all, learn a small text of the conspiracy, which you should "bounce from the teeth." Then the girl's hair is screwed into the comb and speakers are pronounced several times.

After you are confident in the efficiency of work, you need to combat this comb.

The result of you Oshloomit

Proper compliance with the rules of conspiracy, its exact reading is already 90% of the result. It doesn't matter what exactly you came to, wanted to return the old lover, find a new one, in any case you will succeed. Dispel the longing will help communicate with a potential second half, rear themselves and try to talk to her. The highest forces will be on your side, so start with a small offer, for example, campaign in a movie or cafe.

Conspiracies for women's love with the help of white magic.

Conspuses and love spells with the help of white magic are the safest, and easily read at home. With a conspiracy to the love of a woman, you will not make her love yourself, but you can awaken a desire and interest in you. Naturally, the use of white conspiracies and love spells helps to establish love relationships and establish a personal life.

The magical ritual spent correctly, awakens and retaliatory passion, and interest in man, to hold next to him. Magical rites are capable and saving a family and establish a spoiled relationship. But always need to remember that if you are engaged in love magic, it is always violence over another person. In order for the woman to love you, will help a white conspiracy on love. They read this plot of ten days in a row to sunset, sunrise and noon three times a day. Conspence words, read by a quiet voice, should not be strangers.

White plot for passionate love on the girl's hair.

Men who want to make conspiractions, just say they do not really trust themselves. Although the best sorcerers are just men. In the modern world there is a large assortment conspiracies and love spells. Every person has its own case in life, but everyone will be able to find an option suitable only for him. There are complex and not very complex conspiracy, but the fact that they will definitely help you to establish our own life and gain happiness, that's for sure. And now, how to commit and mainly spend the right ritual himself:

For this love conspiracy, you will need your hair from the head of your beloved girl. I think this is not very difficult, the more or two hairs you will need. Any man who does not deal with magic will be able to hold such a ritual. Be sure to purchase new combAnd by heart learn the text of the conspiracy. You need to read a plot without witnesses, better until midnight. The girl's hair is screwed up on a new comb, fully focused on the form of her beloved, mentally presenting her next to him and a quiet voice of spell:

After reading the conspiracy, expect your hair with this comb and remove it into such a place where no one finds it.

White conspiracy on the love of his wife.

Each family has its own and joy, and disappointment. It seems that everything goes well, and order in the house, and the children have grown up, and Love has left her no longer. What to do? Part, or leave everything as is? You provide her signs of your attention, you want with her intimacy, and it will dissuade the fatigue, the most classical chance of headache. But because sexual relations play an important role in family life. Reading conspiracies will help return peace and love to the family, and the most important thing will help you save it! To carry out the magic ritual you need to mix such spices: a mixture of dry herbs that you put in food, pepper white and salt. All this mix and add to the cooked food, reading the words of the conspiracy:

Cooking your wife, try not to eat yourself.

The result will manifest in three days.

Conspiracy to mutual love.

Many know the flour of undivided love. The man you love with all your soul does not even look at your side, and so I want to see her constantly next to you. There is also the jealousy of peace does not give. In this case will help love plot on fire. Very strong plot. Fire at all times was considered a conductor to magical energy. Therefore, reading conspiracies on fire have the right to expect an excellent result. For the ritual, you will need to make a fire. It is necessary to breed it after sunset with a growing moon. After you divorced the fire, go around clockwise, keep your right hand over the flame, and read the words of such a conspiracy.

After reading the conspiracy, hiding the fire and go home, do not talk to anyone with anyone.

Conspiracy on true love.

Not everyone believe in real love. And it happens strong, and strong, and disinterested. How to make a girl love you? Sometimes love has to be achieved, attach a lot of effort, in order for the girl to give your attention to you. But it's worth it. Well, if the girl does not feel any feelings for you, you can try a strong love plot. It is necessary to act very carefully so that it does not have any discomfort being near you.

How to talk a girl on love relationships.

Conspuses on any person - especially conspiracies for the girl, are considered very effective and strong! The ritual must symbolize strong love! Needs to do the following: On the table, spread the handkerchief of the red color. On this handkerchief, before freeing the candles, read our prayer. Then burn the candles and the wax of the lit candle indicate the contour of the heart. After that, fill in all the wax heart wax, while thinking about your beloved. On this heart write the name of the sweetheart. Start to read a plot, at the same time believe that it is your most beloved and only.

After reading the conspiracy, try to hide your handkerchief in a secluded place away from prying eyes. Do not tell anyone about the magic ritual spent

Conspiracy for women's love

Read the strongest conspiracy for love and longing a woman who cannot be removed on her photo and the effect of such a guidance conspiracy comes in 1 day. White Magic of Love will open a good Orthodox conspiracy for the strong love of a woman to a man to read which will have to do.

What is needed to read the probation:

  • photo of a woman's beloved on paper, for the love spell, her photo is suitable from the phone printed on the printer;
  • church candle of yellow color;
  • wait for new moon;

If you already have these subjects and the new moon come, put a photo of a woman on the windowsill and burn the church candle start read a conspiracy to burn love in a woman who you like :

Far on the hemp, longing the crash sits, the photo looks and shouts.

The candle light in its window path will indicate a quick me.

Enter longing to the body of the slaves of God (name),

In a word, the conspiracy was covered, the seal of the wax candle was flooded.

No one and never take my conspiracy, do not break,

Woman beloved about me just think yes.

The coldness gone, love brought the wind. Amen.

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Conspiracies for the love of the girl

We conquer the girl with the help of magic

Men becomes most often objects of conspiracies. It is the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity that are prone to finding light paths to achieve a cherished goal. Therefore, rituals aimed at conquering the heart of a man are better known. But the effective conspiracies for the love of the girl are also represented in the world of esoterics in a worthy assortment. Therefore, each wishes will be able to find an acceptable option that will be understood and is easy to perform.

Features of love conspiracy for men

Features of love magic

Rituals designed to achieve the location of a particular girl will first of all, will be useful to humble and indecisive men. They fit perfectly in situations when there are not enough courage to get acquainted closer or try to establish a personal life. A simple rite will become a real salvation for those who have already tried to establish contact with the girl, but suffered a defeat.

An effective conspiracy will help attract attention, interest and even fall in love with a fine sex representative. But it is worth remembering that the use of conspiracy can turn into serious consequences. Many rituals have powerful power. Therefore, it should be used only under the condition of solid confidence that the chosen one will become perfect companion Life. After all, the elimination of the consequences of the conspiracy can turn into a huge problem if the feelings for the girl will disappear.

The effect of the ritual may not appear immediately. Therefore, it is not necessary to despair if the girl you liked the first time will continue to show indifference or dislike. Perhaps she will not immediately hang on the neck and have no attention signs. But it will take a little time, and the result will be obvious. The object of dreams will change its behavior, will become friendly and gentle.

The easiest love plot for men

The easiest way

This ritual refers to the category of most understandable and simple. It can even use a person far from the world esoterica and magic. But this feature does not diminish the effectiveness of the conspiracy. With the right setting and seriousness of intentions, the result will appear in the near future.

It is important to comply with the procedure for implementing the rite. It should be done every night for seven days. And necessarily before bedtime. The essence of the ritual comes down to reading a special conspiracy:

"Michael, Gabriel, Rafael! Make so that (the name of the beloved girl) loved me just as I love her. Amen".

Conspiracy on the hair beloved girl

Use hair girl

To make this ritual, you will need to get hair from the head of the sweetheart. But this is the only difficulty. Even a man who does not have any experience in esoteric can carry out a ritual. In addition to the Volos, it is necessary to stock combustion and learn a simple text of the conspiracy. You can perform rites at any time of the day.

Having hair on a comb. Focus on your desire to fall in love with a girl and pronounce:

"Calling Tina Bolotnaya, a poodle thick, forest bars. I wonder hot love, a bright soul, a fiery passion. Like hair slaves (the name of the girl's beloved) with a hair slave (his name) will pass firmly, but they are not confused and love slaves (the name of the beloved girl) to the slave (his name) stretches, wounds and grows.

After that, comb your hair comb.

Conspiracy in the photo of the beloved

Conspiracy on the photo

Rituals in which photos are used, allow you to achieve the greatest effect. And the advocate for the love of the girl is no exception. It is important to choose the snapshot for the rite. Only lover must be depicted in the photo. The presence of foreign objects, animals or people is extremely undesirable. It is allowed to have an image of only the person who commits a ritual.

Specialists advise this equal ritual In the morning, during the sunrise. To increase efficiency should be placed on reverse side Photograph of the text of the conspiracy. It is not long, so it will easily fit on a standard picture:

"As the sun rises in the morning, and in the heart of the slave (the name of the beloved) love flares. Like the sun shines, and love your love to me (my name) brighter in your heart shines. As the sun, the land is dried, so you will dry and wander without me. How people stretch to the Red Sun, so you will reach me. Without me there will be no life, how people do not have a life without a sun. My word is strong and solid. Amen".

This ritual does not end. It is necessary before the onset of twilight gently take a photo into a dark cloth and put under the bed or under the mattress. Here it should be kept until the conspiracy will not give the desired result.


For this, the ritual will need to cook a candle of red, boxes of matches and a knife with a white handle. The procedure is desirable during the growing moon. Before proceeding with the ritual, you need to carefully tune in, recreate mentally the image of your beloved girl.

On the surface of the candle, the tips of the knife scratch the name of the object of dreams. Wrong wick and clearly speak such a plot:

"Let the fire of love let the slaves (chosen name) burn, flared up. In her soul, the response feelings are born. Let these feelings of passion and love turn to me, to me, the slave (his name), let him turn face. May it be so!".

Wait until the candle is completely melted. Do not blew fire.

Conspiracy on two candles

Conspiracy with the help of two candles

To spend this rite, you will need to visit the church in Friday morning. There should be two thin candles. Hold rite immediately, on the same day. Consipient words can be chosen arbitrarily. The main thing is that they reflect the essence of the desire to achieve the location of the beloved girl.

On the surface of one candle, scratch your name with a needle, on the other - the name of the object of dreams. Tie a strong thread and set fire. While the candles are melted, it is necessary to watch continuously on the flame and mentally voting the words of the conspiracy. To improve efficiency, it is worth recreation in consciousness a picture from the desired joint future with the girl you like.

Conspiracy for food and drinks

Food and Drinks to help

These conspiracies for the love of the girl are suitable only if a man is familiar with the special person. After all, their distinctive feature is the need to treat the object of dreams with a delicacy or drink. Although, you can show fantasy and find the way to "slip" the beloved conspiracted products.

First, prepare products or drinks. To do this, be bent over them and pronounce:

"I will become, the slave of God (his name), blessing, go, cross, out of doors in the door, from the goal to the gate, and go out into the clean field. Sits in this pure field Mother of God, Holy Mother of God. As it creaks and hurts on their own son, and the slave of God (the name of the beloved) creaked and sick, and burned on fire, could neither be nor live, nor there or drink. In the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Strong conspiracy for men

This method allows you to quickly fall in love with your favorite girl or return the fastened feelings between partners. Despite the simplicity of execution, the ritual is very strong and efficient. To achieve the most quick effect, it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions and observe important rules: to focus on the set goal, remove all objects from the room that can distract from the sacrament of the rite. Ideal time for conspiracy - midnight in a period of decreasing moon. During the ritual, it is necessary to turn the face in the one way where the lover house is located.

"There was an evening dawn through the dark gate, led me, the slave of God (his name), to the bank of the river is wide and deep. In the midst of that river there is a white stone, the slave of God sits on it (the name of the girl's beloved) and tears is poured. On the shore of that river there is a father, but does not see his daughter. Mother goes along the shore, but does not see a cute child. As a month-moon decreases, so let the love of the faithful slaves of God (the name of the beloved girl) decreases to parents. And to me, the slave of God (his name), let her love griest and arrive. As with the stone, the girl will take off and I will do-comfort, so let her heart turn back to me. Amen".

Using a strong conspiracy to the love of the girl, you need to weigh everything and think about. Such a solution should be really necessary. After all, strong rituals are able to chase the object of dreams forever. And, if in the consequence of feelings to the girl fade, get rid of her attention signs will be very difficult.

Mr. 28.11.2013 09:39

Hello, I tried to make a conspiracy with a photo, I read everything as it should be, I read at the dawn, Zavevul in a black shirt was hollowing under the mattress, but today the boards in bed holding the mattress fell on the floor and the picture fell out of the fabric, therefore I was taken to take a cloth with a snapshot When I brought the bed of okay. Hello thinking for a long time read the rite again, nothing terrible to happen to me? Conspiracy has the same force?

Nikolay 08.12.2014 11:08.

Hello! Tell me please, but a ritual with the comb and hair of your beloved girl when you need to spend? On a growing moon or decreasing? At night or at any time of the day. How many times repeat and how often to spend this ritual?

Evgeny 01/05/2015 14:17

during a strong conspiracy, you need to be baptized? Text need to learn or can I read? Is the usual room suitable?

rodion 05.05.2015 10:34

and you can a photo on the tablet and not paper

Kadrbek 04/28/2016 16:43.

Print photo on A4 can be either like

Valentine 05/18/2016 14:45

Is it possible to cancel the spell (the latter that is strong)? And what are the consequences after the love spell.

Gennady 10/10/2016 02:29

Completely does not work. I did the very first, read within 7 days ... and nothing. What to do?

Ayat 14.10.2016 19:25

I want to shit a girl. I love strongly. It broke up with her. Fugged feelings. I want to return. Once and for all. Until the end of life I want to be with her

Alexey 10.11.2016 12:28

I want to return the girl ... I love it but she says that all the feelings went out .. how to make everything back again .. I know ... that in the depths of the soul, she loves me very much ...

Denis 03/18/2017 10:31

Tried to make the last conspiracy, he does not work

Powerful advocates for the love of the girl

Conspiracies for the love of the girl

Independent advocates for love girls will be allowed to see in the eyes of your favorite reciprocity and implement all your dreams. How to conquer the reciprocity of your beloved girl? This question sooner or later visits most of the strong sex. What to do when love is strong, and her feelings are far from yours.

Here is the first free conspiracy for the love of the girl:

"At sea, on the ocean, there is an island-Buyan, yes on the island Tom whitewashing; Tusca is torn, longing melancholy, with a tree into blue water, out of the water in the Red Flame, the black feature ran out of the flame and shouted: "Pavaushka Romana, hurry rather, inflated a slave (such something) in the red lips, in Bella teeth, in the joints And the bones and the flesh of her, the young in her body, in her heart, in her black, to slave (such something), tormented every time, every minute, every afternoon, every midnight; I would not have worried, I would not have dressed, I would not drink, I would not sleep, I didn't get enough sleep, but everyone would have gone to me, so that I would be better than someone else's wellms, better than my father and my native mother, best. I fix my conspiracy with seven-day seven castles, surrounding the seven-day family chains, throwing the keys in the sea-ocean, under the Bel-Gulching the stone wise Alatyr. The wider for me is charged, who will bring all the sand from the entire sea-ocean, he will drive the longing "

Here is another love plot to achieve the love of the girl:

"Lang I, the Slave of God (Name), Pray, will stand, rub, and I will go out of the doors in the door, from the gate to the gate, in a clean field, under bright stars, under the Moon God. In front of me, there are three roads: and will not stand on the right, and will not stand on the left; I will stand and go along the middle way, and the road is supplied through the Dark Forest. In that dark forest there is a flavored tree; longing and grills longing, sadness, and I put on that longing the slave of God (name); Toast to her white body and in a strong heart, and in the red braids, the blood is hot, so that she will be a servant of God (name) and everything would be born, she thought about me; To drink thirst for her did not quench her, so that her hunger does not drive her, so that her sleep did not sleep and always she would always, the servant of God (name), always kept. As the sun and the moon are eternal and reliable, so would my plot be eternal and reliable. Amen, Amen, Amen.

There is an independent conspiracy to your beloved girl:

"Stand early, not praying, I will go quickly, not blessing, aim in a purely field, like a whirlwind. In that field there is a bush of Rakita, and in that bush sits a fat woman, Satan, a senior, human sinner. I worship this thick woman, retreat from my parents, from his kind. And you, fat Baba, ragged the flames of the Red Maiden (name) in the heart for me, good young (name). "

For love, people are ready to go to all. It seems that enough forces in order to minimize the mountains and go through the biggest deserts of the world. This pleasure and happiness is that a loved one is responsible for your feelings, but that if he who you love all my heart, does not want to be with you? This brings unbearable torments. It seems that life is over, and there is nothing light and good ahead. Is there a way out of such a difficult situation? Yes, he, of course, is, only here, not everyone will get courage to try to get out of the position in this way. Now we are talking about a love spell.

Return Love Musha

To bring her husband's love to himself, go out into a clear, lunar night to the fence of your home. Stand your face to the moon and touch both hands with a castle before the breasts. Speak a conspiracy quietly, but firmly, without stopping and not confrontation in words: Mother My Moon, you live on soft clouds, in starry sky teremes. I will conquer you, I worship you in the belt. Take all my longing, fake her to my husband's temple, let him think about me, suffers, at night and never forgets, dries, hurts about me, about his wedded wife. MY CHAX, CHAIR, GROW, LOOK RECORD MUCH, RAVE, SELECT RAB (NAME). Let him cry without me and fits like a dove around the blueberries circling, there would be a sweeter of wine, roasting fire, and would be the whole century near me. My word is hard, my lopko is. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Love spell through Rosu

Love, created in dew per day at Ivan Kupup will never pass. Collect this dew on July 7. To do this, you should get up very early and be in the field and in the forest to Heavenly Dawn. Collect the dew in the vessel, from which no one has never drank. Collect dew from sheets, bushes and grass right into a new sudine. Then you will be surprised how many dews happen at this time. Collecting Rosew, stand up to the sunrise, crossing his face, chest and knees three times. Then tell me loud, ridiculously and confidently: in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Dieselova was with the agonya-king Power in the water. Water comes off from the sky, and in the sky, the Lord God ECU. You, Ivan Kupala, bring the dew, tear, longing, dry for me, in God's slave (name), on the servant of God (name). Laines with dew wash, I open love, I discover. I, the servant of the slave (name), with the slave of God (name) is forever and infinite. And while there is a dew in God's world, no one will separate our teles. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The prayer of the bride about a safe marriage

On the eve of the wedding of the bride should read this plot three times. You need to read like this:
Mother of the Virgin, the Queen of Heaven, save me in my marriage, save and hindle me from the man of man beating, from the anger of breeding, from Rugan Zolovka, from Roby and poverty, from the jarisks of Mayata. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and in the eyelids. Amen.

On love

I will come out, the slave of God (name), into the light. Cales, it's better not anywhere. I will go into a clean field, in a wide detriment, there will find 77 stone stoves. On those furnaces Fire Orzhi, hot roasters, ohh, sighs, love pursuers: 77 okhs, 77 sighs, ahs, suffering, day and night experiences, love tomboy and impatience. Stand up, go, the servant of God (name) Lay, drag it, lead to me, to God's slave (name). I'm full of him, I'll put it up, I'll take it myself in the narrowed. Hour, half the day, minutes, twist, mix, rush on his heart and liver. I would think about me, I did not forget, I didn't drink in a meal and drink, I missed, I was crying, I cried and burned for me, God's slave (name), I was damaged, and as it would see, so that he did not let him go. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and in the eyelids. Amen.

Conspiracy for love for 12 years

On the Savoy Mountain, at its height, the oak railniron is growing. On the oak volume there is a hop, round and large, in the voupel volume there is a place expensive. On the road, there is a bed. On the seam bed you can not lie anyone. And lies there to the longing, enemy force. Everyone who approached her, she was silent. Oh you, longing thatching, dry drying, create, longing, all your own kind, bring you, longing, all your own fruit, from old to small, from fathers-mothers, from grandfathers-great-grandfather, from grandchildren-great-grandfathers Golubushki. All of you, dry winds, loss, go, Slave God (Name) Find, Dry it, Lomate, In my heart, please: longing, meta, dry, suffering, jealousy, attention, love for me, to God's slave (name) . He would live, he would have been steadily, the day she held - he slept on his mind, I saw the night - in a dream I saw me, I hugged me with my hand, I was hugging me with the other hand, I pressed my hand, I kicked to the mouth, 12 God's God For me we cried and suffered, I did not forget not for one minute. As I said, I punished. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

From girlish solitude

Go to cover on the balcony or outside, so that you stand in the open sky. Raise both hands to the sky and tell me: Bride is bridle, the queen is heavenly, bring me out of the bride, take a heavy cross from me, bless me to the crown. Now and in the eyelids. Amen. Usually the girl is married in the same year. Conduct this rite secretly, in complete loneliness.

On loyalty and love

Run hair, barefoot and without any belts stand up face to your threshold, but not outside, but inside the apartment. Blank and read: Batyushka houses, call my husband home. Call him on the threshold: in the morning, afternoon and in the evening, in the Black Night of the Moon, in the Black Night Self-Munless. You went for nine winds behind him, nine whirlwinds. Let them find him, at least a walking, even standing or sleeping, Ali for drinking, Ali for hedge. Meet it in front, shoot him in the heart. Shoot. So that he could not live, nor to be afraid, nor night spend the night with my rival (name). Everything would hold me on the mind, I would see me with a brief sleep. As this threshold always stands in its place, dries and cracks, so I would be my husband (name) in front of me stood, crackled, threatened, sow. Bless my words, God. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and in the eyelids. Amen.
To be happy in marriage, pray to the Holy Martyr Trifon: "About the Holy Martyr of Christ Trifon, a quick assistant to everyone, to you resorting and praying before Holy Intelligence in your way! I hear now and for every hour the prayer of us, unworthy of the slaves of your who honors the holy memory of yours at any place.
You bo, pleased Christ, promised ECU before the outcomes of yours from the lives of your Tlennago praying for us to the Lord and we succeeded with the gift of this: Anyone who in anyone's need and sorrow will begin holy your nameThat yes will be delighted from all the prick zlago. And you can sometimes be a daches of Tsareva in Rome Grada from the devil to Muchima healed Ecu, Sita and us from the people of our goats, and our goat's belly, the same on the day the strange end of our sickness understand about us ,, Ees : Let us then assistant and fast wander of the shuffle demons, and to the kingdom of the Heavenly leader, the more you are coming from the face of the saints from the throne of God, the moths of the Lord will encourage us, and we are partakers to see the merry of joy, and you will honor the famous Father and Son to you Holy Comforter of the Spirit forever. Amen.

From any separation with his beloved

Grab the live fish with your hand right in the water and say: how the fish can not live without water, as a person cannot live without food, so that my dear, the servant of God (name), could not without me, the slaves of God (name), live, I could never get away from me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and in the eyelids. Amen.


He is read on drinking and food: in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. To the icon face, to the rival ridge, to her husband, servant of God, shoulder. He would love me and did not give me, he said to him with me, did not speak, I would sleep with me, but I would not sleep, I would kiss me, but did not accountess. How a hungry man thinks about food, so would my husband dreamed of me about my wedded wife, God's slave (name). Be, my words, fence, my speeches, be conspirable. Words my key yes castle. Castle - in the mouth, and the key to the sea. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Strong conspiracy

God's house. God's threshold. God's throne. The power of the mighty, tear of jealousy is combustible. You go, longing, to each hairs, on the slave of God (name), on his theme, on his temple, on the liver and heart, on the heap and on the celestial, on all his joints, on all his thoughts-thoughts, on his chest White, cheeks ruddy, lust and sighs. To sleep, he would not fall asleep, there would be not to eat him. Ten winds, tenth - whirlwind. Tighten your brains, so as not to eat, did not sit, did not lay, but I came to my out everywhere and ran. The locks will not hold it, the deposit will not stop. Lubashichki-ballobs do not docile, the aunts will not help, the uncle is not at once mint. He would all be me, the servant of God (name), he kept in his head, did not go crazy with the mind. He can hear my voice everywhere, without me, I don't breathe clean. How the fish on babe without water will die, the grass without land, the mother dries, the sky without clouds does not happen, so let the slave of God (name) never forgets me and with anyone. And who will heal it will be tired from the first day. Amen.

Spell on strong love

Put three candles on a new white tablecloth. They read the spell three times and after each time it extends one candle. When all three candles are repaid, tie them together and burn again so that nothing remains from the candles. Chad, smoke to fill in the window, let the spell go. About the forever Lord, I mock you with mild. Schatvory the wall is high, the pit is a deep, the fence is impassable, the longing is insurmountable. The depth is three sootains of the earth, the height is immeasurable height, and the longing of immense depth. Closters, Lord, and the corner, so that the Slave of God (Name) did not leave me, did not find another girlfriend. Close on the key and take yourself, help, Lord, God's slave (name). While this castle does not open, until then, the slave of God (name) do not break me out. Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

Conspirational words for love

They read the stove open door as soon as the firewood lights up: Smoke Dymovich, wind wind, do not fall into the water or to the ground. Fades on the servant of God (name), on the robust heart. As smoke in the oven is wriggled, so the servant of God (name) about the servant of God (name) Weight, we see. My words will be strong and modeling. Mount the stone, stronger the boulat. Amen. Read three times.

On fervent love (very strong love spell)

Made on salt. They read, keeping salt in solonka in his right hand. They read so nine morning dawn, while still stoves are not foxes and no one washed in the house and did not eat. This salt for the tenth day is sallying to her nice. Never a woman after this love spell will not interest your husband. Oh my God. Take a sigh, a brown string head. Go out with a cemetery, longing, come, find, attack on the servant of God (name) so that he does not sleep for me, on his wedded, legitimate wife, do not sleep, do not lie, father and mother do not remember, but me, Slava of God (name), never to forget. As it does not allow to forget about yourself in the body, the Bread and Salt can never forget, nine winds, and the tenth whirlwind, carry away from all the widowers and widows, from the abandoned orphans and the Melodian all their hot tears. In the salt, they are turned on, twist, turn, on my salt in his right hand drop, with food into the body of the slave of God (name) enter. There, be there and live. Let him be sad without me and feels. All four corners rushed. Meet it, winds, at least walking Ali at least standing. Remove the soul out of it, drink blood out of it, pushing a twist in the back. All to me, God's servant (name), follow, drive and send: from the tables of oak, maple beds, from friends and girlfriends. Bread me a friend, salt me \u200b\u200bmy mother. There is no one who can pollize mine. And the Slava of God (name) of the eyelid on the century, from now on and bring to me (name) not to forget. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and in the eyelids. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Love conspiracy and spells (conspiracy having power to death)

One day is served three marchs, in three churches at the same time for the rest and for the health of the one who needs to be inherent. Then go to such a place where the wind blows up, and there they throw the land brought in advance from the cemetery, with the three graves of the dead, who were called the same name like a husband. They throw the land against the wind and say: like the caps of the dead slave of God (name) no longer worn, so the servant of God (name) live without me, the slaves of God (name), no longer live. As the dead slave of God (name) is no longer walking, so the servant of God (name) cannot be live without me. Amen. Amen. Amen.

On loyal love

This conspiracy is read before Dawn. In a clean field, Iva is, on thatvaway, the bird's poultry is a nest, the egg with a chick in the sea dropped. Like this bird, I had a heart about the egg, so that the servant of God (name) is the heart and declared me, God's slave (name). So that I did not learn me, wine so as not to drink, with the grims so as not to forget, I did not fit the gray old age. I would seemed at night to him the Moon, at the dawn - morning star, in thirst - sweet water, with hunger - food. My hands - wings, my eyes - arrows. Age to love, the eyelids do not forget me, with whom never change. I'll close your keys, the locks in the sands in the sands, the keys are broke into the hole. Who will get those keys, only that I will become an obstacle in my love. Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

Conspiracy for love for twenty years

Buy two wedding candles on their angel day. Consiple the conspiracy on them, and then stand in the church at some weddings (candles necessarily take with you). After the wedding, the candles should be exhausted to the end. Rests keep at home, in a secluded place. They read like this: Angels you are weddings, rings you wedding, candles you are saints, the image is gold. As people trust you, you believe our fate, pray and hoped, so I, God's slave (name), I believe you and hope. Bless the heart of the servant of God (name) for love for a long, twenty years of life to me, God's slave (name). How the Red Sun will not be able to be without rays, as a person is hard to live without his clear eyes, a child without a milk, a century old man without Batga, like a fish can not be without water, a living person without food, so I could not be my husband without me , his wife, God's slaves (name). How hard it is to live a person without sleep, as it does not happen at home without doors and windows, the heads without thought, so it would be to the altar, it was driving it from now, with my punishment. My word is strong. Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

Conspiracy for eternal love

Rruge in the field dry grass, break dry paws in ate (the lowest) and bonfire bonfire in full moon in Women's Days (Wednesday, Friday). Left hand throw in the fire three fresh eggs from chicken, not knew the rooster. Coming around the bonfire clockwise, read the spell on love. The name of the Divine Fire! Slave of God (name), listen to me. As unborn chicks burn, your heart will burn forever. Your soul, body, blood, you all turn to love! So that you could not sleep (name) to sleep, there could not stand still on site, without me, I could not drink without me, I could not walk with my legs, to ride, to sleep with women, walking with the girls, you won't pay the bridge, you won't swim on the bridge The chair will not sit down, do not accept the decisions, you do not raise the hands against me, the words against me are not pushing. As the sun, the Red People joyfully meet, as a favorite mother, children will be brought as without salt, water, food do not live, can not be a canvas from the air. One I am for you, the servant of the slave (name). The forest crowns us, wanders the fire, grown us the earth, walked to God's words. Hour to minute, God of God on the century, and we are with you. Amen.

Conspiracy for love without treason

Read on the wedding ring: The Lord gave the earth, the Lord gave water. Earth gave birth to malico and silver. And how everything will be charged on gold, it stretches with hands, so my husband would love me, admired me, never parted with me. Lips, hands stretched to me, to his wedded wife, the servant of God (name), hugging and was pretty. As a true Christ, faith, did not change, so would my husband, the servant of God (name), besides me, would not know anyone, I did not change anyone before the grave. Now and in the eyelids. Amen.

Conspiracy to loyalty

I have loyalty to print, no one can take this seal: neither with your hands, nor conspiring words, nor a sedimal spell, nor a tried curse, nor a gray grandfather, nor a trick, nor a leader nor the evil sorcerer, nor Shaman, nor a tricky deception, Neither clear eyes, nor black curls, nor white breasts, nor adammed garden, nor before, nor the ass. My seal is not broken, the servant of God (name) is not lured, I will not change the centuries in the eyelids. Age to him to admire how the fire treason is afraid. As the breast cries the cat, the foals screams by the mother. Nobody will not rise between us, only one thing can separate: if one of us will die, with you the seal will take. Angels, Archangels, Stick Take, we carry me. Age on the century, from now on and dr. Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

Very very strong love

Get up at the crossroads, look at the moon and read in full voice: a clean field, wide detached, call here Brothers, 13 devils, drink, take a walk, pour, the slave of God (name) to remember. Drink you (name) Blood, sit on the stone board, give him a serious melancholy for me, God's slave (name). So that he missed him, he suffered hard, griefly grieved, sobbed blood. How cries sister on my brother when remembering, the grandfather barely saddens the grandfather. Does not eat, does not drink, I don't take anything to mind, no work, no work, no joy, no care, neither in the morning or afternoon or afternoon. The prayer is not lime, the broom is not refile of the prayer of God (name) for me, God's slave (name). Lock lock, closure key. Pike in water, finishing in me. While I am alive, it's not to kill my work, in prayer not to pour, do not remove, do not wash off. So be now and do it. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Conspiracy for eternal love without treason

Get down legs into the water. They read in a low-voice nine times. In this water, you will need to rinse the male to the shirt, dry it and give it to a week. On Earth there is an entrance who will enter it, that way will find. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit (Bow). I will take a slave of God (name) for the right hand, to bring the love and boredom to him. Do not wash off him, do not dissuade, do not break me out, do not forget (bow). There would be not to eat him and do not drink to him, they would not be bored in separation, suffer, rest and do not know. Whether I am like bread like water, like a clear sky and earth, miley of freedom, blood of blood. (Name), give your heart, and I take my heart. Close, mother earth, help, sister-water (bow). Go, (name), for me, for God's slave (name). Four stars at the top (bow), the power of the water below (bow). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and in the eyelids. Amen.

Conspiring words for men on the approach to the girl

Before you go there, where the girl is in front of which you robet, read the conspiracy on the approach to the maiden. You will see everything weighing you. My Earth, Mother, the Sun is red, swatushka, take and go, the case is mine and strengthen. The earth is sprinkled, the sun lights up, the Lord with the slave of God (name) blesses us. Singily, I am a soft moss, I will go to the house of the guest of the unexpected, and I will leave the groom welcome. Now and in the eyelids. Amen.

How to inherent to yourself well

I will rise, blessing, go out, cross, out of doors in the door, from the gate to the gate to the blue sea. There are 12 brothers there, I will go closer to them, worship down. 12 brothers, go on a blue sea, there is an island in the blue sea, there is an oak on the island, under this oak lies the plate slab, longing, longing, dry dry dryer. Site this slab, take this longing, bring, put it on the robeline of the servant of God (name). Let me push him to the sadness so that he would shout, shouted in a bad voice for me, the servant of God (name). So that he could neither live nor be, no day to day, nor the hour to come to a minute. With you, the sun is red, with Mother's dawn of Morning Mary, evening marimian, midnight Ulyana, with you, Light Moon. I would not go, I wouldn't sit, I wouldn't sit, I thought it was not thinking, I wouldn't have been smoking, I wouldn't have threw it, I would not have drove away, I would not drink, I would not drink, I would not sleep, I would not sleep, I took me in the morning, I got my mind Slava of God (name). The easiest wind of the midday, faster lightning fire, let the other girl will seem terrible, like a lioness, like fiery frequencies, like sea scary, like owl striped, like a laggy witch. And I for him, the slave of God (name), the firebird. Amen.

France on love

Read 12 dawn into windy weather.
Damn Satan, on the head of the horns, from hell come out, help me, the slave of God (name) to me. With the wind send dry shock, maget, love and longing. You look for him, evil, with the wind of the rainy in the face. To take His love-longing, Bila, broke, did not give to sleep at night, sent me to my porch. Evil frowning, grief ricking, the heart sucking, do not let, love, the slave of God (name), nor to go to sleep or to go with any other; abrepass him, kinds, all people and dislikes, uncle, son-in-law, mother and father and friends, every mobility, like Merin's mare, so that I missed me, I missed me alone, Zoreval, who would not have been dumbed, bread did not eat, did not drink water, without me, I would not sit for the oak table, I didn't go to bed at midnight, take it, Tosca, Love, and do not let go anywhere, for no time. Words of the wizard strong, modeling, stronger stone, sharper bulb, faster lightning fiery. Amen.

Strong bang

Starting on a drink, on food, so that you fell in love with: Velzevul Ancient, give me a ring-key open the door where the terrible beast is. Call his longing. Let him go and send him to the servant of God (name). Let him go to the heels behind him, he exists heavy longing. Welzewung horned, you are the main Satan, you will create the power of evil, tilting my power to you, I will have help from you, give me the heart of the slave of God (name). Amen.

Cute love

In the cover put a wedding ring of a husband into a glass with holy water and put this glass under the bed. At night, when you are silent, think about yourself and tell me: the ring does not end, my husband has no other in the eyelids the crown. I am the first, I'm the last one. Amen. In the morning give the ring to my husband.

Love spell on straw with seven yards

Collect straw from seven yards, put it with a handful, and then a woman should ride on the ground around this handcle. A straw is set up and read on the smoke: as Soloma is given to the power of this fire, and, and my dear husband (name), give me your peace. As the smoke fire conquers, up rises, so you, the slave of God (name), the eyelid on the century to me, never break with me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and in the eyelids. Amen.

Love spell on leash

To make a husband to friends and friends, take a dog leash, cross it back and forth, and then knocking a leash along the threshold, tell me: how did the dog leash, they were tamed to the owner, so that and my husband (name) to my The threshold was born, he did not fight off from his house. On Monday, it hugged, on Tuesday, I kissed it on Wednesday, I didn't lag behind, on Friday, it would be stronger on Saturday, I would have grown to me on Sunday, I had crumbled on Sunday, I cried and suffered, White Light without me, God Slaves, did not see. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Corporate words on the fishing network

This strong plot was caught guys in the groom even for the most ugly maiden. And how they are later well and dirty, they just envied them. It was done like this: early, at the first signs of dawn, went to the river, found the fishermen network. Holding for the network with the right hand, trigger words read three times: Lord, help. Lord, bless. And you, the network, catch fish for the uncle-fisherman, and for me, the slaves of God (name), the groom. Get up, my groom, from summer and from winter, from autumn and from spring, from the north and from the south. I spoke on this network myself a cute friend. How fish in the network come across how they are not chosen from it, they fall asleep without water, they will not wake up, so would my bridegroom (name) I went to my house and did not leave me anywhere. I'm closer for you (name) all the ways, the road, I close you feed thresholds. While the network itself does not unleash the network for all nodes, until then my groom (name) will not refuse me. Be, my words, modeling and strong. I close aminem. Amena shelter. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

On the morning dew

Stand up with bare legs on the morning dear grass and read the call-conspiracy: dew to dew, tear to tears, dawn to the dawn. You are zagyushka-dawn, where you are who you are not happy. Amend my heart. Marevo-Kururovo in the soul of Christian Slave of God
(name). Fall dew, salty tear to him on the Retovo heart. As the mother of the Most Holy Mother of God flashes, he wonders in his son, so would God would be a slave (name) and missed me, the servant of God (name). Dawn to dawn, tear to tear, Slave of God (name) to me. Amen.

On the first snow (implace on a woman)

As a man, Christian glad to the Pokrov-father, the snow, the snow, the first, so would be the slave of God (name) rejoiced to me and everywhere, Slava of God (name). It would have thrown without me all the care of worries, all the mother and aunt, grandparents, girlfriends and friends, and everyone would have been looking for me on the white light, everyone would be happy to meet me, how glad the children are small in the first snow. And how the snow melts in the hand of hot, so she let me melt without me and the eyelids are eternal. The word is firmly and peply. How snow will stick behind the legs, so Lipni, Lini to me, the slave of God (name). Amen.
Read, looking at the first snow.

The most complete description in all details is a simple conspiracy for the love of the girl to read with a fairly strong and safe magic influence.

Conspuses and love spells with the help of white magic are the safest, and easily read at home. With a conspiracy to the love of a woman, you will not make her love yourself, but you can awaken a desire and interest in you. Naturally, the use of white conspiracies and love spells helps to establish love relationships and establish a personal life.

The magical ritual spent correctly, awakens and retaliatory passion, and interest in man, to hold next to him. Magical rites are capable and saving a family and establish a spoiled relationship. But always need to remember that if you are engaged in love magic, it is always violence over another person. In order for the woman to love you, will help a white conspiracy on love. They read this plot of ten days in a row to sunset, sunrise and noon three times a day. Conspence words, read by a quiet voice, should not be strangers.

White plot for passionate love on the girl's hair.

Men who want to make conspiractions, just say they do not really trust themselves. Although the best sorcerers are just men. In the modern world there is a large range of conspiracies and love spells. Every person has its own case in life, but everyone will be able to find an option suitable only for him. There are complex and not very complex conspiracy, but the fact that they will definitely help you to establish our own life and gain happiness, that's for sure. And now, how to commit and mainly spend the right ritual himself:

For this love conspiracy, you will need your hair from the head of your beloved girl. I think this is not very difficult, the more or two hairs you will need. Any man who does not deal with magic will be able to hold such a ritual. Be sure to purchase a new comb, and by heart learn the text of the conspiracy. You need to read a plot without witnesses, better until midnight. The girl's hair is screwed up on a new comb, fully focused on the form of her beloved, mentally presenting her next to him and a quiet voice of spell:

After reading the conspiracy, expect your hair with this comb and remove it into such a place where no one finds it.

White conspiracy on the love of his wife.

Each family has its own and joy, and disappointment. It seems that everything goes well, and order in the house, and the children have grown up, and Love has left her no longer. What to do? Part, or leave everything as is? You provide her signs of your attention, you want with her intimacy, and it will dissuade the fatigue, the most classical chance of headache. But sexual relationships play an important role in family life. Reading conspiracies will help return peace and love to the family, and the most important thing will help you save it! To carry out the magic ritual you need to mix such spices: a mixture of dry herbs that you put in food, pepper white and salt. All this mix and add to the cooked food, reading the words of the conspiracy:

Cooking your wife, try not to eat yourself.

The result will manifest in three days.

Conspiracy to mutual love.

Many know the flour of undivided love. The man you love with all your soul does not even look at your side, and so I want to see her constantly next to you. There is also the jealousy of peace does not give. In this case, a love plot on fire will help. Very strong plot. Fire at all times was considered a conductor to magical energy. Therefore, reading conspiracies on fire have the right to expect an excellent result. For the ritual, you will need to make a fire. It is necessary to breed it after sunset with a growing moon. After you divorced the fire, go around clockwise, keep your right hand over the flame, and read the words of such a conspiracy.

After reading the conspiracy, hiding the fire and go home, do not talk to anyone with anyone.

Conspiracy on true love.

Not everyone believe in real love. And it happens strong, and strong, and disinterested. How to make a girl love you? Sometimes love has to be achieved, attach a lot of effort, in order for the girl to give your attention to you. But it's worth it. Well, if the girl does not feel any feelings for you, you can try a strong love plot. It is necessary to act very carefully so that it does not have any discomfort being near you.

How to talk a girl on love relationships.

Conspuses on any person - especially conspiracies for the girl, are considered very effective and strong! The ritual must symbolize strong love! Needs to do the following: On the table, spread the handkerchief of the red color. On this handkerchief, before freeing the candles, read our prayer. Then burn the candles and the wax of the lit candle indicate the contour of the heart. After that, fill in all the wax heart wax, while thinking about your beloved. On this heart write the name of the sweetheart. Start to read a plot, at the same time believe that it is your most beloved and only.

After reading the conspiracy, try to hide your handkerchief in a secluded place away from prying eyes. Do not tell anyone about the magic ritual spent

Magic conspiracies for strong, devoted love

A strong love plot can act with the same force as a spell. There are rituals, with the help of which the effect of light love, euphoria, ease in communication, sympathy can be achieved. Conspiracies for love can be made independently.

If you are going to read a conspiracy for the love of a man, then you first should read the prayer "Our Father". Words are pronounced in a low voice, every one is clearly pronounced. It is advisable to look at the photo chosen one. It is impossible to get back or confused. If the ritual refers to white magic, it is impossible to apply it to harm to another person.

Very strong plot

This ritual helps to attract clean, sincere and severe feelings into its lives. It helps to start new relationships and life from pure sheet.

"I will come out, the slave of God, (name), in Songy, then in a purely field and pour the Most Holy Theotokos and I will see in all four sides, and pursue the very Lord myself: Lord, Lord! Lord and mother of the Most Holy Mother of God! And I will ask: Pull the wind winds, and squeeze my longing-clever from a white body, from the rheetic heart and clear eyes. Apply my longing-clever cute (chosen name) in its clear eyes, black eyebrows and a white face, on the regulatory heart. To be on denne sorrow and for a night longing, and so that he could neither eat or sleep, and everyone would think about the servant of God, (his name), and so that everything went and fled like white SwanAnd I would think about me, about the servant of God, (your name). Be, my words, strong, like iron, and roads like gold. In the name of the Father and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Prayer for love and loyalty

Conspiracy for the love of a man helps to protect themselves and a loved one from people who envy someone else's of real love. There are such envious, which are trying in every way.

For the ritual, the following is performed:

  • Buy a new tablecloth, only white color.
  • There are three church candles on it.
  • Conspire words read in a row three times. After each reading, one candle is quenched.

"Oh, the forever, the Lord, I mock you with a moutigation. Schatvory the wall is high, the pit is a deep, the fence is impassable, the longing is insurmountable. The depth is three sootains of the earth, the height is immeasurable height, and the longing of immense depth. Closters, Lord, and the corner, so that the Slave of God (Name) did not leave me, did not find another girlfriend. Close on the key and take yourself, help, Lord, God's slave (name). While this castle does not open, until then, the slave of God (name) do not break me out. Key, lock, tongue. Amen".

  • When the text is read, all candles are repaid, they are associated together.
  • Next again ignite and allow to burn to the very end.

Conspiracy "The Disturbed Heart"

Love conspiracies with elements of the love spell are considered quite effective and strong. To carry out the ritual, you need to stock red candle. She symbolizes love. Do the following:

  1. Split on the table of white handkerchief.
  2. It is waxed from a lit candle with a heart shape of a heart. First indicate the contour, and then completely poured the figure.
  3. On the finished heart, the name of your loved one is written with a pen or pencil.
  4. The wax heart stick the needle and leave.
  5. A figurine with a needle is hiding in the most reliable place where no one can find it.
  6. From the moment of burning the candle and before piercing the heart, the needle read the words of the conspiracy:

"I don't break the flame, but I urge your soul, I will not wax, but I will ask the body, I'm not my heart, but I urge love to my life. Let the soul and the body are connected and in the slave (-th) of God (s) (name) appeal. His heart (her) is fulfilled by love, to me a slave (-Y) of God (s) appeals. "

Men or guys can use this conspiracy to the love of the girl, if you are confident that this is their second half. Special attention should be paid to one aspect. You can not sit and wait that the object of the lust itself will find and come to you. After the ritual, it is necessary to get into his eyes as often as possible. A person must feel as much as possible and learn your energy and power. His heart should know and see what he starts dreaming about.

Simple conspiracy

For a simple rite, it is enough to say the following words:

"A person cannot live without water and food, and my favorite (name) cannot live in no day or night without me (name) - your second half."

You can make a simple ritual for hair. For this, you will need five own hairs and three hair of the object of love. They are connected together, thrown into the fiery flame, saying:

"Lord, burn in the fire of the Holy Spirit of our kidneys and our heart. Amen!".

After the ritual, peace and harmony will come in the relationship. You can use this conspiracy to the love of the girl.


Together with conspiracies to attract love, you can use orthodox prayers. Not in vain in the Bible it says that you need to read prayers, ask and ask the desired, and it will definitely come to your life. True, if we talk about your beloved person, then he must be free, his heart should not be occupied by another.

Bad weather, torrential rain can help in attracting love. Rite spend only during rain, thunderstorms, snowfall or during a very strong faith. Read the text only in a whisper. No one should hear the conspiracy words.

"Walking to the church pop. The wheel rolls, spinning, the ass is rolled under the feet, behind the floors of his clothes clings. Let the Woman of God (the name of the guy) rushes to me, rushes at me, circles around me spinning like pop on the icon, let me pray for me. All the saints help, the servant of God (the name of the guy) will conquer me. Amen".

Ritual at Zare.

Many love conspiracies are read in the morning, at the dawn, using its energy. It is capable of like the sun, highlight your feelings for the Love object. The ritual can be compared with prayers to the forces of nature that came from antiquity. These conspiracies are used today. They are very effective and quickly make the object of lust pay attention to you.

In the morning, they get face to the east and read about themselves plotted words 7 times in a row:

"A person does not live without water and food, and the servant of God (the name of a man or a woman) cannot live and be without God's slaves (its name), no day, no night, without His half-ideas."

Conspiracy for love by photo

Photography in magic is a special subject reflecting the aura of another person. When exposed to it, you can change the behavior of the other in the desired side. The photo helps to smooth out the differences in his personal life and eliminate a possible rival. Before the rite, it is advisable to read the prayer "Our Father".

In magic there are several rules for which the image for the ritual is selected:

  1. It should be clearly visible eye pupils.
  2. Age in the photo should coincide with the real age of the object of lust. (It is permissible to use a snapshot of three years ago.
  3. The chosen one must be in the photo alone. Otherwise, magic can affect another person.

The words of the conspiracy in the photo are read three times a day: At the dawn, in the evening and during the sunset. You need to look straight into the chosen eyes in the picture, so that the magic affects and say:

"As a slave of God (pronounce a name) cannot live and be without a shade of yours, so the servant of God (pronounce the name) can not and without longing for me, God's slave (pronounce a name). Go, stumble, from the longing suffocate. As the sun goes across the sky, you go on any way to me, God's slave (pronounce a name). The word is firmly and peply. Amen".

After the rite, the photo is kept closer to yourself. But strangers should not see him. You can not bother the photo in the ground. The ritual refers to white magic and carries a positive.

Conspiracies for love are strong. Their effectiveness is the strength of words and faith with which they are pronounced. If without love it is impossible to live, and there is a person with whom I want to be near, you need to mentally tune myself on it. Before the ritual in thoughts, you need to represent a chosen one or look at his photo.

Strong faith, in performed actions, can work wonders. And conspiracies for love will help to set up a desired object on the desired way. They push him to the right path. In rituals it is allowed to invent words on their own. In texts, you can express the desired attitude towards yourself. But it is better to use the words proven in the eyelids and use the help of the forces of light, nature and magic.

Strengthen the effect of conspiracy words, using prayers. They help change the existing reality at the energy level. Prayers and conspiracies contribute to the appearance of positive events in the life.

Strong conspiracy on the love of a girl or woman

Despite the fact that love magic is more popular among girls, but sometimes men have the need to use a conspiracy to the love of the girl. Such rituals are especially in demand in cases if you want to awaken love feelings from your chosen. In addition, with the help of magic, you can return your favorite after parting on the basis of a petty misunderstanding or quarrel.

Features of rituals

Of course, it is possible to use a conspiracy for the love of a woman or a girl only if you sincerely believe in magic. In this case, all rules of a specific rite should be followed. Any digression from the rules can lead to serious negative consequences. In addition, making the decision to spend the ritual, you need to be confident in the power of your own love for your chosen.

Strong plot

Strong conspiracy is read in the morning dawn, one of the days of the growing moon period. It is recommended to hold a rite on the street without witnesses. But, as a rule, there is no such possibility in large megalopolis, so the ritual can be performed at home at the open window. Magic conspiracy is read twelve days in a row.

His words sound like this:

It will take a little time and your chosen, increasingly, will remember you. And in a short time, life circumstances will be formed that you will randomly meet, and it will be possible on the basis of this creation of certain relationships.

Rite awakening love

There is a very effective rite that awakens in the shower of a girl natural natural feelings. The rite implies the spoken of the bouquet of roses, which will later be presented to the chosen one. Of course, such a gift should be appropriate, so the rite should be held before any meaningful event In the life of the girl.

You need to talk very beautiful scarlet roses and the indispensable condition of the rite is that the flowers should be grown in your area. This is due to the fact that if your energy may not be enough to charge the love energy flowers from another region.

At midnight should be returned in a separate room, put acquainted roses in a vase and pronounce this conspiracy:

A bouquet should be given to the girl you like the next day. If everything is done correctly, it will be interested in you soon.

Call passion from a girl

You can, with the help of magic, awaken from your favorite girl passion. But at the same time you need to be very careful with such an impact. It should be prepared for the fact that some time in your presence your chosen one will feel embarrassed in your presence and only your random touch can calm her. After a while you will feel that your chosen is ready for intimate intimacy. But most importantly, after that, to build a harmonious relationship, so that the thrust to each other is not over simple desire Sex. Conspiracy is read in a secluded place on a picture of a girl in deep at night.

Looking into the eyes of the image in the photo, these words should be spoken:

Strong men tend to rarely enjoy magic. And it is reasonable, because nature has endowed male half Humanity by special natural abilities, using which they can conquer the heart of any inaccessible woman. And these must be used, but to leave magic just in case.

Read a strong conspiracy on true love Women: White Magic

In most cases, men become subjects of conspiracies. But how to be in this situation with modest guys who are indecisive and can not even meet the girl? There is an exit! There are uncomfortable, but effective methods Rescue, such as a conspiracy on the love of a woman. Thanks to some rites, the heart is fading, and she can look at the guy, completely different eyes.

The conspiracy of the girl's love will be especially useful to those men who independently cannot take the first step in the relationship.

What is important to know by committing a plot

Conspiracy of the girl's love will be useful to indecisive guys. After the rite completed, the representative of the fine floor will be fascinated only by you. However, do not forget about the consequences, because many rituals possess the most huge force. Therefore, you must be completely confident in your feelings. The elimination of the consequences of the conspiracy can be a serious problem that will be difficult to resolve.

The expected result may not appear immediately. At first, your object of adoration will be cold and indifferent as before. But later, a short period of time, the girl will begin to show interest, it becomes more sociable and gentle.

Correct conspiracies for women's love

So that love conspiracies are effective, you need to know certain rules, their spending and reading:

  • Read conspiracy during the growing moon. Night Sun can increase the effect of magic several times.
  • Use wax candles of red shades. It is this color that symbolizes love, passion and desire.
  • One of the basic rules of magic of success is faith in white magic and a successful result. At the expense of the rite should not be anger and irritation to his beloved, so that the conspiracy action was not turned against you.
  • Favorite woman should not be married, since prayer for love can destroy a joint alliance. After that, negative energy will spill, affecting all participants in the ritual.
  • It is necessary to be 100% confident. Do not doubt that this girl is your second half. Throw everything carefully, the error is unacceptable, it is almost impossible to remove the love plot.
  • No one should know about the perfect ritual, regardless of the final result.

These tips are very simple and available. Listening to them, the guy will be able to protect himself from the mass of errors and unpleasant consequences.

What could be the consequences of conspiracy

Reading the conspiracy of the girl's love, the final result can be both positive and negative. White magic is capable of presenting a lot of different surprises. The first rule of successful completion of the ritual is a clear observance of instructions. If the rite is performed for all the rules, the girl's feelings for a man will wake up gradually, no one will even guide the use of magic. However, in violation of instructions or changes in the words and sense of conspiracy, the love of the object of the object can turn into mania. The girl will load into crazy feelings, and instead of the desired halves will become extremely annoying special. In addition, poor well-being, headaches, ailments, tight relationships with others can be considered.

If still a conspiracy to love was crowned with a negative result, it is possible to decide the consequences. A visit to the church is a mandatory action, since the use of any magic is the invasion of the fate of people and is discussed by an unnatural phenomenon. After each ritual, do not be lazy to visit the holy places, pray and light the candles.

Conducting rites at home every year gaining more and more revolutions. So that the guy has successfully read a conspiracy on love, so that there is no unpleasant surprise, do not disturb the words and instructions of the rite. And only then you can hope for love, sympathy and strong relationship with your beloved.

Conspiracy on the photo of the beloved

Photo of a person is not easy image. It has the strongest energy and soul, looking at the photo, magicians can see the truth, aura, the future and the past of a person. Concerning the second half of half, applying the photograph, the energy flows at once of two people are connected. Speaking a guarantee of strong love relationship Between them.

Photography in magic is a special subject reflecting the aura of another person.

Take the photograph of your sweetheart and connect with your. The photo should not be images of other people. Next, you need to glue two photos, so that one joint thing happens. Take a picture of the received collage and print the original. Then in the first phase of the moon pronounce several times:

"My beloved look at me. Daily sun rises, let it light up love and warmth to me in your heart. Amen".

To strengthen the energy relationship between the hearts of the young, repeating the prayer is necessary for seven days. After a while you will be surprised how the behavior of the girl will change. She increasingly will be approaching you, inventing one or another reason, talk to you and look at you in love and joyful eyes.

Conspiracy with the help of legumes

To make this conspiracy to love, resort to the help of beans. This will require you to purchase three types of plants: red, white and black. Need to soak bean culture In convaciated water and wait until borsakers will be processed. As soon as this happens, put these seeds in the container with soil. Plant after twelve night nights, pronouncing prayer:

"Earth of Almighty, grain germinate. How the plant grows and let mutual love wakes up. "

When they pronounce magic words, imagine the image of your beloved. In addition, confidence in magic, and its strength should be unshakable. Capacity with beans should stand in your bedroom, on the windowsill.

Conspiracy on the lover's hair

This ritual is quite simple, the only complexity is to get the hair beloved. After that buy an ordinary scallop, which makes the hairs of the girl and read the spell:

"Tina is thick, marshagus, forest trees urge you to help attract Love passionate slaves of God (name). How scrubbing hair, so let our love go overwheld together. Amen".

Conspiracy is held at night in a separate room.

It is necessary to hold the rite after sunset. Reading words to think only about your desired girl and believe in a positive result. After the ritual, combat the conspiracy ridge.

Conspiracy on flower Ivan da Marya

In ancient times, this flower was the most demanded among the magicians and leading. His magic properties acted correctly and efficiently. In the present hour to find the plant is quite difficult. However, each pharmacy is sold medicinal feeswhich contain components Ivan da Marya. To carry out a rite enough even a small dose of flower. When herbal collection is purchased, place it in a cotton handbag, pronouncing the following words:

"Flower conspired by the mother's nature gifted, attracting my beloved my beloved, sweetheart of God (name). Amen".

After reading the prayer, tie a handbag with silk thread, red shades. Then put it under the pillow, so that in a dream your favorite came to you and told about my feelings.

Making a rite of women's love, weigh everything for and against. Conspiracies can forever wander the feelings of the beloved. If in the future the guy's sympathy will disappear, then get rid of the attention of the female object will be very difficult. Remember, magic is not easy words, it is power and strength!

Conspiracies for the love of the girl

We conquer the girl with the help of magic

Men becomes most often objects of conspiracies. It is the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity that are prone to finding light paths to achieve a cherished goal. Therefore, rituals aimed at conquering the heart of a man are better known. But the effective conspiracies for the love of the girl are also represented in the world of esoterics in a worthy assortment. Therefore, each wishes will be able to find an acceptable option that will be understood and is easy to perform.

Features of love conspiracy for men

Features of love magic

Rituals designed to achieve the location of a particular girl will first of all, will be useful to humble and indecisive men. They fit perfectly in situations when there are not enough courage to get acquainted closer or try to establish a personal life. A simple rite will become a real salvation for those who have already tried to establish contact with the girl, but suffered a defeat.

An effective conspiracy will help attract attention, interest and even fall in love with a fine sex representative. But it is worth remembering that the use of conspiracy can turn into serious consequences. Many rituals have powerful power. Therefore, to use them only subject to the solid confidence that the chosen will be the perfect companion of life. After all, the elimination of the consequences of the conspiracy can turn into a huge problem if the feelings for the girl will disappear.

The effect of the ritual may not appear immediately. Therefore, it is not necessary to despair if the girl you liked the first time will continue to show indifference or dislike. Perhaps she will not immediately hang on the neck and have no attention signs. But it will take a little time, and the result will be obvious. The object of dreams will change its behavior, will become friendly and gentle.

The easiest love plot for men

The easiest way

This ritual refers to the category of most understandable and simple. It can even use a person far from the world esoterica and magic. But this feature does not diminish the effectiveness of the conspiracy. With the right setting and seriousness of intentions, the result will appear in the near future.

It is important to comply with the procedure for implementing the rite. It should be done every night for seven days. And necessarily before bedtime. The essence of the ritual comes down to reading a special conspiracy:

"Michael, Gabriel, Rafael! Make so that (the name of the beloved girl) loved me just as I love her. Amen".

Conspiracy on the hair beloved girl

Use hair girl

To make this ritual, you will need to get hair from the head of the sweetheart. But this is the only difficulty. Even a man who does not have any experience in esoteric can carry out a ritual. In addition to the Volos, it is necessary to stock combustion and learn a simple text of the conspiracy. You can perform rites at any time of the day.

Having hair on a comb. Focus on your desire to fall in love with a girl and pronounce:

"Calling Tina Bolotnaya, a poodle thick, forest bars. I wonder hot love, a bright soul, a fiery passion. Like hair slaves (the name of the girl's beloved) with a hair slave (his name) will pass firmly, but they are not confused and love slaves (the name of the beloved girl) to the slave (his name) stretches, wounds and grows.

After that, comb your hair comb.

Conspiracy in the photo of the beloved

Conspiracy on the photo

Rituals in which photos are used, allow you to achieve the greatest effect. And the advocate for the love of the girl is no exception. It is important to choose the snapshot for the rite. Only lover must be depicted in the photo. The presence of foreign objects, animals or people is extremely undesirable. It is allowed to have an image of only the person who commits a ritual.

Experts advise this effective rite in the morning during the sunrise. To enhance efficiency, it should be placed on the opposite direction of the photograph of the text of the conspiracy. It is not long, so it will easily fit on a standard picture:

"As the sun rises in the morning, and in the heart of the slave (the name of the beloved) love flares. Like the sun shines, and love your love to me (my name) brighter in your heart shines. As the sun, the land is dried, so you will dry and wander without me. How people stretch to the Red Sun, so you will reach me. Without me there will be no life, how people do not have a life without a sun. My word is strong and solid. Amen".

This ritual does not end. It is necessary before the onset of twilight gently take a photo into a dark cloth and put under the bed or under the mattress. Here it should be kept until the conspiracy will not give the desired result.


For this, the ritual will need to cook a candle of red, boxes of matches and a knife with a white handle. The procedure is desirable during the growing moon. Before proceeding with the ritual, you need to carefully tune in, recreate mentally the image of your beloved girl.

On the surface of the candle, the tips of the knife scratch the name of the object of dreams. Wrong wick and clearly speak such a plot:

"Let the fire of love let the slaves (chosen name) burn, flared up. In her soul, the response feelings are born. Let these feelings of passion and love turn to me, to me, the slave (his name), let him turn face. May it be so!".

Wait until the candle is completely melted. Do not blew fire.

Conspiracy on two candles

Conspiracy with the help of two candles

To spend this rite, you will need to visit the church in Friday morning. There should be two thin candles. Hold rite immediately, on the same day. Consipient words can be chosen arbitrarily. The main thing is that they reflect the essence of the desire to achieve the location of the beloved girl.

On the surface of one candle, scratch your name with a needle, on the other - the name of the object of dreams. Tie a strong thread and set fire. While the candles are melted, it is necessary to watch continuously on the flame and mentally voting the words of the conspiracy. To improve efficiency, it is worth recreation in consciousness a picture from the desired joint future with the girl you like.

Conspiracy for food and drinks

Food and Drinks to help

These conspiracies for the love of the girl are suitable only if a man is familiar with the special person. After all, their distinctive feature is the need to treat the object of dreams with a delicacy or drink. Although, you can show fantasy and find the way to "slip" the beloved conspiracted products.

First, prepare products or drinks. To do this, be bent over them and pronounce:

"I will become, the slave of God (his name), blessing, go, cross, out of doors in the door, from the goal to the gate, and go out into the clean field. Sits in this clean field Mother of God, Most Holy Mother of God. As it creaks and hurts on their own son, and the slave of God (the name of the beloved) creaked and sick, and burned on fire, could neither be nor live, nor there or drink. In the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Strong conspiracy for men

This method allows you to quickly fall in love with your favorite girl or return the fastened feelings between partners. Despite the simplicity of execution, the ritual is very strong and efficient. To achieve the most quick effect, it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions and observe important rules: to focus on the set goal, remove all objects from the room that can distract from the sacrament of the rite. Ideal time for conspiracy - midnight in a period of decreasing moon. During the ritual, it is necessary to turn the face in the one way where the lover house is located.

"There was an evening dawn through the dark gate, led me, the slave of God (his name), to the bank of the river is wide and deep. In the midst of that river there is a white stone, the slave of God sits on it (the name of the girl's beloved) and tears is poured. On the shore of that river there is a father, but does not see his daughter. Mother goes along the shore, but does not see a cute child. As a month-moon decreases, so let the love of the faithful slaves of God (the name of the beloved girl) decreases to parents. And to me, the slave of God (his name), let her love griest and arrive. As with the stone, the girl will take off and I will do-comfort, so let her heart turn back to me. Amen".

Using a strong conspiracy to the love of the girl, you need to weigh everything and think about. Such a solution should be really necessary. After all, strong rituals are able to chase the object of dreams forever. And, if in the consequence of feelings to the girl fade, get rid of her attention signs will be very difficult.

Mr. 28.11.2013 09:39

Hello, I tried to make a conspiracy with a photo, I read everything as it should be, I read at the dawn, Zavevul in a black shirt was hollowing under the mattress, but today the boards in bed holding the mattress fell on the floor and the picture fell out of the fabric, therefore I was taken to take a cloth with a snapshot When I brought the bed of okay. Hello thinking for a long time read the rite again, nothing terrible to happen to me? Conspiracy has the same force?

Nikolay 08.12.2014 11:08.

Hello! Tell me please, but a ritual with the comb and hair of your beloved girl when you need to spend? On a growing moon or decreasing? At night or at any time of the day. How many times repeat and how often to spend this ritual?

Evgeny 01/05/2015 14:17

during a strong conspiracy, you need to be baptized? Text need to learn or can I read? Is the usual room suitable?

rodion 05.05.2015 10:34

and you can a photo on the tablet and not paper

Kadrbek 04/28/2016 16:43.

Print photo on A4 can be either like

Valentine 05/18/2016 14:45

Is it possible to cancel the spell (the latter that is strong)? And what are the consequences after the love spell.

Gennady 10/10/2016 02:29

Completely does not work. I did the very first, read within 7 days ... and nothing. What to do?

Ayat 14.10.2016 19:25

I want to shit a girl. I love strongly. It broke up with her. Fugged feelings. I want to return. Once and for all. Until the end of life I want to be with her

Alexey 10.11.2016 12:28

I want to return the girl ... I love it but she says that all the feelings went out .. how to make everything back again .. I know ... that in the depths of the soul, she loves me very much ...