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Seven white swans fairy tale. Wild Swans. GK Andersen. Why do not children's fairy tales

Wild Swans - Tale Andersen H.K. About the malice and injustice that you can overcome the resistance and faith in what you are doing. With this fairy tale, you will not only plunge into the world of magic and faith with wild swans, but also go on a long and wonderful trip to the world of witchcraft, tolerance and love that are capable of incredible feats. Read the fairy tale wild swans will be great pleasure for you and your child. This is an amazing story, which in the brightest colors will tell him the simplest and most important things for him.

Why do not children's fairy tales?

Some of the Andersen fairy tales can hardly be called children's. They do not differ in the positive plot, filled far from fabulous cruelty and evil witchcraft. However, all these stories are vital, and well reflect the appearance of severe reality, where adults fall. Such fairy tales are simply necessary. They helps to prepare children's souls to the real world.

Far is far away, in the country where swallows from us are flying away, the king lived. He had eleven sons and one daughter, Eliza.

Eleven princes brothers have already walked to school; On the chest, everyone was conquered a star, and the saber thundered on the side; They wrote on golden boards with diamond blades and perfectly knew how to read, at least a book, even by heart - all the same. It was immediately audible that real princes read! The sister of their Eliza sat on the bench from the mirror glass and examined the book with pictures, for which the policing was paid.

Yes, the children lived well, just for not long!

Their father, the king of the country, married an evil queen, who unloved poor children. They had to experience it on the very first day: fun in the palace, and the children started the game, but the stepmother instead of various cakes and baked apples, which they always got plenty, gave them a tea cup of sand and said they could imagine As if it is a treat.

A week later, she gave his sister by Eliz to raising the village in some peasants, and a little more time passed, and she had time to talk to the king about the poor prince that he did not want to see them anymore.

Fly like a match for all four sides! - said the evil queen. - Fly in big birds without voice and trample about yourself!

But she could not make them such an evil, as if she wanted, they turned into eleven beautiful wild swans, with a scream flew out of the palace windows and rushed over parks and forests.

It was an early morning when they flew past the huts, where they slept a strong sleep of their sister Eliza. They began to fly over the roof, pulled out their flexible necks and clapped the wings, but no one heard and did not see them; So they had to fly away from anything. They highly swayed to the clouds and flew into a large dark forest, which stretched to the sea.

The poor fever Eliza stood in the peasant hollow and played a green leaflet - she did not have other toys; She pushed his hole on a sheet, looked through her on the sun, and it seemed to her that she sees the clear eyes of their brothers; When the warm rays of the sun slid over her cheek, she recalled their tender kisses.

Days went over the day, one as another. Whether the wind pink bushes, growing near the house, and whispered roses: "Is there anyone more beautiful than you?" - Roses swung heads and said: "Eliza is more beautiful." Whether on Sunday day, at the door of his house, some old woman, reading the psalrty, and the wind turned over the sheets, telling the book: "Is there any more pickup?" The book answered: "Eliza weld!" And roses and psaltry spoke only the truth.

But Elise has passed fifteen years old, and she was sent home. Seeing what she was pretty, the queen accepted and hated a stepdaughter. She would love to turn her into a wild swan, but it was impossible to do this now, because the king wanted to see his daughter.

And now, in the morning, the queen went to the marble, all the wig-made wonderful carpets and soft pillows, took three toads, kissed each and said the first:

Sit Elize on the head when she enters the swimming; Let it be as stupid and lazy as you! And you sit on her forehead! She said another. - Let Eliza be as ugly like you, and father will not recognize her! You're lying to her heart! - whispered Queen of the third toad. - Let it be a challenit and suffer from it!

Then she lowered the toad into transparent water, and the water is now very green. After calling Eliz, the queen of her partition and told her to enter the water. Eliza listened, and one toad sat her on the topic, another on his forehead, and the third on the chest; But Eliza did not even notice this, and as soon as he left the water, three red poppies floated along the water. If the toads were not poisoned by a witch's kiss, they would have turned around, leaving the elza on the head and heart, in red roses; The girl was so diveged and innocent that witchcraft could not act on her.

Having seen this, the evil queen rallied by Elizes with the juice of walnut, so she became completely brown, smeared her larch smelly ointment and confused her wonderful hair. Now it was impossible to learn a pretty Eliz. Even his father was frightened and said that it was not his daughter. No one recognized her except the chain dog da swallows, but who would listen to poor creatures!

Eliza was crying and thought about his vanished brothers, secretly left the palace and a whole day of Brela in the fields and swamps, making his way to the forest. Eliza and herself did not know well where she had to go, but he was so frightened by his brothers, who were also expelled from his home, which decided to look for them everywhere until he finds.

For a short time she stayed in the forest, as night had already come, and Eliza was completely confused from the road; Then she lay down on a soft moss, read the prayer for sleep coming and bowed her head to the stump. Silence stood in the forest, the air was so warm, the grass flashed, exactly green lights, hundreds of fireflies, and when Eliza hurt her hand for some bush, they fell into the grass with star rain.

Along the night, the Elise of the brothers was dreaming: they were all the children again, played together, wrote with stalemies on gold boards and considered a wonderful book with pictures, which costs the polish. But they wrote on the boards do not dash and zero, as happened before, - no, they described everything that they saw and survived. All paintings in the book were alive: birds sank, and people went from pages and talked with Elise and her brothers; But it cost her to want to turn the sheet to turn over, - they jumped back, otherwise the confusion would come out in the pictures.

When Eliza woke up, the sun was already high; She could not even see him to see him for the densely foliage of the trees, but his separate rays were made their way between the branches and ran golden bunnies on the grass; From the greens there was a wonderful smell, and the birds almost sat down on the shoulders. The ombrement of the source was heard of the non-report; It turned out that there were several big streams that joined the pond with a wonderful sandy bottom. The pond was surrounded by a lively hedge, but in one place wild deer borrowed a wide passage, and Eliza could go down to the water itself. Water in the pond was clean and transparent; The wind of the branches of trees and bushes did not move, it would be possible to think that the trees and bushes were drawn at the bottom, they were so clearly reflected in the water mirror.

Seeing his face in the water, Eliza completely frightened, it was black and disgusting; And now she burned the handful of water, rubbed his eyes and forehead, and again her white gentle skin. Then Eliza was separated at all and entered the cool water. Such a pretty princess to search was on Belo Light!

Dressed and mopping their long hair, she went to the murmur source, got drunk out straight out of the handful and then went further through the forest, not knowing where. She thought about his brothers and hoped that God would not leave her: he had he commanded to grow wild forest apples to get hungry; He pointed to her one of these apple trees, whose branches were bent from the severity of fruits. Solding hunger, Eliza baited branches with chopsticks and deepened in the very thickener of the forest. There was such a silence that Eliza heard his own steps, heard the Shurchhana of every dry leaf, falling into her feet. Neither a single bird flew into this wilderness, nor a single solar beam slipped through the solid thicket of the branches. High trunks stood with dense rows, exactly log walls; Even Eliza did not feel so lonely.

At night, it became even darker; In MCU, there was not a single firefly. Sudnerly lied Eliza on the grass, and suddenly it seemed to her that the branches spread over it, and the Lord God himself looked at her; Little angels looked out because of his head and from hand.

Waking up in the morning, she herself did not know whether it was in a dream or in reality. Going further, Eliza met the old woman with a basket of berries; The old woman gave a girl a handful of berries, and Eliza asked her, did not pass here, in the forest, eleven princes.

No, "said the old woman," but yesterday I saw the eleven swans in the golden crowns on the river.

And the old woman brought the Eliz to the cliff, under which the river flowed. According to both shores, trees grew, stretching their long, densely covered with leaves of the branches. Those of the trees who could not be to weave their branches with the branches of their brothers on the opposite shore, so stretched over the water that their roots got out of the ground, and they still sought their own.

Eliza said goodbye to the old woman and went to the mouth of the river in the open sea.

And before the young girl opened a wonderful vastious sea, but at all his spacious, not a single sail was visible, there was no single boat on which she could go into the future way. Eliza looked at countless boulders, thrown ashore by the sea, - the water polished them so that they became completely smooth and round. All the rest of the seasy items: glass, iron and stones - also wore traces of this grinding, and meanwhile the water was softer hands of Eliza, and the girl thought: "The waves are tirelessly roll one after another and finally grind the hardest objects. I will be Worry tirelessly! Thank you for science, bright fast waves! The heart tells me that someday you will take me to my cute brothers! "

Eleven White Swan Perfhes was lying on the dried algae thrown by the sea; Eliza collected and tied them into a beam; On feathers still brilliant drops - dews or tears, who knows? It was deserted on the shore, but Eliza did not feel this: the sea was represented by eternal diversity; In a few hours, it was possible to turn more here than in the whole year somewhere on the shores of fresh inland lakes. If a large black cloud and the wind hit the sky and the wind was attacked, the sea seemed to say: "I can also blame!" - It began to spill, worry and covered with white lambs. If the clouds were pinkished, and the wind slept, the sea was like a rose petal; Sometimes it became green, sometimes white; But whatever quietly standing in the air and, no matter how calmly, it was, the shore constantly had a noticeably easy excitement, "the water quietly raised, like the chest of a sleeping child.

When the sun was close to the sunset, Eliza saw a string of the wild swars in golden crowns to the shore; All the swans were eleven, and they flew one by one, stretching out a long white ribbon, Eliza climbed up and hid behind a bush. Swans descended not far from her and slammed with their big white wings.

At the same moment, as the sun hidden under water, the plumage with the swans suddenly sleeps, and eleven handsome of the princes, Elize brothers, found themselves on Earth! Eliza screamed loudly; She immediately recognized them, despite the fact that they managed to change much; The heart suggested her what they are! She rushed into their hugs, called them all by name, and they were pleased, seeing and having learned their sister who had grown and had risen. Eliza and her brothers laughed and crying and soon recognized from each other, as the stepmother came with them.

We, brothers, - said the oldest, - fly in the form of wild swans all day, from sunrise to the sunset sunset; When the sun comes, we again accept the human image. Therefore, by the time of sunset, we should always have a hard ground under our feet: happen to us to turn into people during our flight under the clouds, we would immediately fall from such a terrible height. We live here; Far and far beyond the sea lies the same wonderful country as this, but the road is long there, you have to fly through all the sea, and on the way there is no single island, wherever we can spend the night. Only at the very middle of the sea sticks out a small lonely cliff, on which we can somehow relax, closely clinging to each other. If the sea rages, the water splashes are flying even through our heads, but we thank God and for such a gentleman: not be it, we could not visit our cute homeland at all - and now for this flight we have to choose two longest days in year. Only once a year allowed us to fly to their homeland; We can stay here eleven days and fly over this large forest, where we are visible to the Palace where we were born and where our Father lives, and the bell tower of the church, where our mother rests. There are even bushes and trees seem relaxing to us; The wild horses we have ever seen on the plains, which we have seen on the days of our childhood, and the coalsels still sing those songs that we danced by children. Here our homeland, here pulls us with all my heart, and here we found you, a sweet, dear sister! Two days we can still stay here, and then must fly over the sea, in someone else's country! How do we take you with you? We do not have a ship or a boat!

How would I free you from the spell? - asked the sister's brothers.

So they spoke almost all night and tricked only for several hours.

Eliza woke up from the noise of the swan wing. The brothers again became birds and flew in the air with large circles, and then completely disappeared. Only the youngest of the brothers remained with Elise; The swan put his head on her knees, and she stroked and moved his feathers. They spent the whole day together, in the evening they flew out and the rest, and when the sun village, everyone again accepted the human image.

Tomorrow we must fly away and we will be able to return no earlier than the next year, but we will not leave here! - said the younger brother. - Do you have enough courage to fly with us? My hands are pretty strong to bring you through the forest, - are we still not able to transfer you to wings across the sea?

Yes, take me with you! - said Eliza.

All night they spent behind the waters of the mesh from a flexible slotier and cane; The grid came out big and durable; Eleza put it in it. Turning to the sunrise in the swans, the brothers grabbed the grid with the beaks and swayed with a cute, sleeping strong sleep, sister to the clouds. The rays of the sun shone her right in her face, so one of the swans flew over her head, defending her from the sun with her wide wings.

They were already far from the ground, when Eliza woke up, and it seemed to her that she sees the dream at once, so strange it was to fly through the air. A branch with wonderful ripe berries and a bundle of delicious roots were lying near her; They scored and put it the youngest of the brothers to her, and she smiled in gratefully, "the dream guessed that he was flying her over her and defended her from the Sun with his wings.

They flew highly high, so the first ship, which they saw in the sea, seemed to them floating on the water of the seagull. In the sky behind them there was a big cloud - a real mountain! - And on it, Eliza saw the moving giant shadows of eleven swans and their own. That was a picture! She had no such thing to see! But as the sun rises above and the cloud remained farther and farther behind, the air shadows disappeared little.

The swans flew all day, like a raised arrow, but still slower than ordinary; Now they carried the sister. The day began to clone in the evening, the bad weather rose; Eliza with fear watched the sun, a lonely sea rock was still not visible. It seemed to her that swans were somehow sharply mashed with wings. Ah, it was she fault that they could not fly faster! The sun will go, - they will become people, fall into the sea and drown! And she began to pray to God from all his heart, but the cliff did not show everything. The black cloud was approaching, the strong gusts of the wind foreshadowed a storm, the clouds gathered into a solid formidable lead wave, rolling through the sky; Lightning sparkled by zipper.

One of its edge the sun almost already concerned the water; Eliza heart fluttered; Swans suddenly flew down the incommensnant speed, and the girl thought already that they were all falling; But no, they again continued to fly. The sun was half disappeared under water, and then only Eliza saw under him a cliff, a magnitude is not more than the seal who dried out the head out of the water. The sun quickly faded; Now it seemed only a small brilliantly asterisk; But the swans set foot on the firm soil, and the sun went out as the last spark of the rooted paper. Eliza saw around himself brothers standing hand in hand; All of them barely fitted on a tiny cliff. The sea was beating about him and proken them with a whole spray rain; The sky was glowed from lightning, and thunder thundered every minute, but the sister and the brothers held hands and sang the psalm, which poured consolation and courage in their hearts.

At the dawn, the storm smalleled, again it became clear and quiet; With the sunrise swans with Eliza flew on. The sea was still worried, and they saw from a height, as swarming on dark green water, definite flocks of swans, white foam.

When the sun rose above, Eliza saw in front of him as a mountainous country floating in the air with the masses of brilliant ice on the rocks; There was a huge castle between the cliffs, accompanied by some brave air gallenes from the columns; At the bottom under it, palm forests and luxurious flowers, magnitude with mill wheels swore. Eliza asked, this is not the country where they fly, but swans squealed their heads: she saw a wonderful, ever-changing cloudy castle of Fata Morgana; There they did not dare to bring a single human soul. Eliza again rushed his eyes to the castle, and here the mountains, forests and the castle moved together, and twenty-identical majestic churches were formed with bell tiles and silicone windows. It seemed to her even that she hears the sounds of the organ, but it was noisy the sea. Now the churches were quite close, but suddenly turned into a whole flotilla of ships; Eliza looked more closely and saw that it was just a sea fog that risen over the water. Yes, before her eyes, she had forever alternating aerial images and paintings! But finally, the real land appeared, where they flew. Wonderful mountains, cedar forests, cities and castles rose there.

Long before the sunset, Eliza sat on the rock in front of the Big Cave, exactly frightened with embroidered green carpets - it covered with gentle-green creeping plants.

Let's see what you dream here at night! - said the youngest of the brothers and pointed her sister her bedroom.

Oh, if I had dreamed how to free you from the spell! She said, and this thought did not come out of her head.

Eliza began to silently pray to God and continued his prayer even in a dream. And so it was chosen that she flies highly high through the air to the castle of Fata-Morgana and that the fairy herself leaves her to meet her, such a bright and beautiful, but at the same time surprisingly similar to that old woman who gave the Elise in the forest of berries and told About swans in gold crop.

Your brothers can be saved, "she said. - But do you have enough courage and durability? Water is softer your gentle hands and still grinds the stones, but it does not feel pain that your fingers will feel; The water has no heart that would be pushing from fear and flour like yours. See, I have nettle in my hands? Such nettle grows here near the cave, and only she, and even that nettle, which grows in cemeteries, may come in handy; Note her! You are narrating this nettle, although your hands will cover blisters from burns; Then you will dislike her legs, leak long threads from the resulting fiber, then we will spit out of them eleven shebasy-shelves with long sleeves and squeeze them on swans; Then the witchcraft will disappear. But remember that with the moment you start your work, and until we finish it, at least she lasted whole years, you should not say a word. The first word that breaks up with your language, pierces the hearts of your brothers as a dagger. Their life and death will be in your hands! Remember all this!

And the fairy touched her hands with burda nettle; Eliza felt pain, both from the burn, and woke up. It was already a bright day, and a beam of nettle was lying next to her, exactly the same as the one she saw now in a dream. Then she fell on her knees, thanked God and left the cave to take care of the same time.

She rushed with her gentle hands, burning nettle, and her hands were covered with large blisters, but she gladly tolerate pain: only she managed to save the cute brothers! Then she saming nettle with bare legs and began to dry green fiber.

With the sunset came the brothers and were very frightened, seeing that she became a dumb. They thought it was a new witchcraft of their angry stepmother, but. Looking at her hands, they understood that she became a dumb for their salvation. The youngest of the brothers was crying; The tears fell into her hands, and there, where the tears dropped, burning blisters disappeared, the pain was died.

The night of Eliza held behind his work; Rest did not go to her mind; She thought only about how to quickly free their lovely brothers. All the next day, while the swans flew, she remained alone and the same, but never once failed for her with such speed. One shirt-shell was ready, and the girl began for the next.

Suddenly, the sounds of hunting horns were heard in the mountains; Eliza was afraid; The sounds were approaching, then a bark of dogs rang out. The girl disappeared into the cave, tied all the nettle collected by her in a bundle and sat on him.

At the same moment, a big dog jumped out of the bushes, another third behind it; They leaf loudly and ran back and forth. A few minutes later the cave gathered all the hunters; The most beautiful of them was the king of the country; He approached Elise - he has never met such beauty!

How did you get here, adorable child? - he asked, but Eliza just shook her head; She did not dare to say: the life and salvation of her brothers depended from her silence. Hands of His Eliza hid under the apron, so that the king does not see how she suffers.

Come with me! - he said. - You can't stay here! If you are so good, as good, I'm nouring you in silk and velvet, I put the golden crown on your head, and you will live in my magnificent palace! - And he planted her on the saddle in front of him; Eliza cried and broke his hands, but the king said: "I just want your happiness." Someday you yourself thank me!

And she took her through the mountains, and the hunters were jumping behind.

By evening, the magnificent capital of the king, with churches and domes, and the king led the Eliz to his palace, where fountains were mured in high marble rest, and the walls and ceilings were decorated with painting. But Eliza did not look at anything, cried and gone; It was indiffered at the disposal of servants, and they were put on her royal clothes, pearl threads fell into her hair and pulled thin gloves on the burnt fingers.

The rich clothes went to her, she was so dazzling well that the whole yard kept in front of her, and the king proclaimed her with his bride, although the archbishop and shake his head, who had a king, that the Forest Beauty must be a witch that she took They all eyes and became the heart of the king.

The king, however, did not listen to him, filed a sign of musicians, ordered the charming dancers and serve the expensive dishes on the table, and he himself led the Eliz through fragrant gardens into the magnificent chambers, she remained still sad and sad. But here the king opened the door to a small room, which was just near her bedroom. The room was all hung with green carpets and reminded the forest cave, where they found Eliza; On the floor lay a bundle of spectacular fiber, and on the ceiling hung woven with an elise-shell-shebar; All this, like a wonder, captured with him from the forest one of the hunters.

Here you can remember your former dwelling! Said King.

Here and your work; Maybe you will sometimes wish to challenge among the whole ridiculous mischievous memories of the past!

Having seen her work dear to her heart, Eliza smiled and blushed; She thought about the salvation of the brothers and kissed his hand from King, and he pressed her to his heart and ordered to call the bell on the occasion of his wedding. Major forest beauty became the queen.

The archbishop continued to chip evil speeches, but they did not reach the heart of the king, and the wedding took place. Archbishop himself had to put on the bride of the Crown; From his annoyance, he snapped her a narrow gold hoop on his forehead, that every kind would hurt, but she didn't even pay attention to it: what a bodily pain meant for her, if her heart was tamped from longing and pity for cute brothers! Her lips were plugged, not a single word flew out of them - she knew that the life of the brothers would depend on her silence, - but the hot love of the good beautiful king, who did everything to please it from her eyes. Every day she was tied to him more and more. ABOUT! If she could trust him, express his sufferings to him, but - alas! - She had to be silent until she graduated from her work. At night, she quietly left the royal bedroom into her hidden room, like a cave, and wet there one shirt-shell after another, but when she began for the seventh, she had all the fiber.

She knew that he could find such nettle on the cemetery, but she had to tear her herself; How to be?

"Oh, which means bodily pain in comparison with sadness, soaking my heart! - I thought Eliza. - I have to decide! The Lord will not leave me!"

Her heart squeezed out of fear, exactly she was on a bad thing, when she made his way to the lunar at night in the garden, and from there along long alers and deserted streets in the cemetery. On the wide gravestone plates sat the disgusting witches; They dropped rampeds from themselves, they were exactly going to swim, ruined with their bony fingers fresh graves, pulled out of the body from there and devoured them. Eliz had to pass by them, and they so drank their evil eyes on her - but she made a prayer, scored nettle and returned home.

Only one person did not sleep at that night and saw her - Archbishop; Now he was convinced that he was right, suspecting the Queen, So, she was a witch and therefore managed to chase the king and the whole people.

When the king came to him in confessional, the Archbishop told him about what he saw and what he suspected; Evil words have fallen from him from him, and the carved images of the saints swung their heads, they wanted to say exactly: "Not true, Eliza Nevinna!" But the Archbishop broke it in his own way, saying that the saints testify against her disapprovingly shaking their heads. Two large tears rolled down the king's cheeks, doubt and despair traveled his heart. At night, he only pretended to be asleep, in fact, a dream ran from him. And so he saw that Eliza got up and disappeared from the bedroom; In the next night, the same thing happened; He watched her and saw it disappeared in his hidden room.

The man of the king was becoming more gloomy and gloomily; Eliza noticed this, but did not understand the reasons; Her heart left the fear and from pity for the brothers; Bitter tears rolled on the Royal Purple, glittered, like diamonds, and people who saw her rich clothes wanted to be on the site of the queen! But soon the end of her work soon; There was a lack of only one shirt, and asked him to go away and signs; On this night, she had to finish his work, otherwise all her suffering, and tears, and sleepless nights would disappear! Archbishop left, having displaced her by grave words, but the poor thing Eliza knew that she was innocent, and continued to work.

To at least a little to help her, the mice, mowing on the floor, began to collect and bring scattered straws to her legs, and a droid, sitting behind the lattice window, consoled her funny song.

At the dawn, shortly before the sun, the palace gates appeared eleven brothers of the Elise and demanded that they were allowed to kill. They were answered that this could not be: the king was still asleep and no one bold him to disturb him. They continued to ask, then began to threaten; The guard came, and then came out and the king himself find out what was the matter. But at that moment the sun climbed, and no brothers were no longer - eleven wild swans sway over the palace.

The people fell for the city to see how to burn witch. Falah Klyach was lucky the cart in which Eliza was sitting; they pounced on her coarse burlap; Her wonderful long hair was dissolved on the shoulders, there were no Bloodings in the face, the lips moved quietly, whispering prayers, and the fingers were leaving the green yarn. Even on the way to the place of execution, she did not let out of the hands of the work begun; Ten shelter shirts lay at her legs completely ready, it was eleven. The crowd was miped over her.

Look at the witch! Iha, mumbles! I suppose it is not a prayer in her hands - no, everything messengers with their witching pieces! We will break them away from her, let them break into the nurses.

And they were crowded around her, going to snatch work from her hands, as eleven white swans suddenly flew off, sat down at the edges of the cart and slammed their mighty wings. Scared crowd retreated.

This is the sign of heaven! She is innocent, "many whispered, but did not dare to say this out loud.

The executioner grabbed Eliza hand, but she hurriedly sacing eleven shirts on the swans, and eleven handsome of the princes got in front of her, only the youngest lack of one hand, instead there was a swan wing: Eliza did not have time to finish the last shirt, and in It lass one sleeve.

Now I can talk! - she said. - I'm innocent!

And the people, who saw everything that happened, bowed to her, as in front of Holy, but she fell without feelings in the arms of the brothers - so the relentless tension, fear and pain worked on it.

Far is far away, in the country where swallows from us are flying away, the king lived. He had eleven sons and one daughter, Eliza.

Eleven princes brothers have already walked to school; On the chest, everyone was conquered a star, and the saber thundered on the side; They wrote on golden boards with diamond blades and perfectly knew how to read, at least a book, even by heart - all the same. It was immediately audible that real princes read! The sister of their Eliza sat on the bench from the mirror glass and examined the book with pictures, for which the policing was paid.

Yes, the children lived well, just for not long!

Their father, the king of the country, married an evil queen, who unloved poor children. They had to experience it on the very first day: fun in the palace, and the children started the game, but the stepmother instead of various cakes and baked apples, which they always got plenty, gave them a tea cup of sand and said they could imagine As if it is a treat.

A week later, she gave his sister by Eliz to raising the village in some peasants, and a little more time passed, and she had time to talk to the king about the poor prince that he did not want to see them anymore.

Fly like a match for all four sides! - said the evil queen. - Fly in big birds without voice and trample about yourself!

But she could not make them such an evil, as if she wanted, they turned into eleven beautiful wild swans, with a scream flew out of the palace windows and rushed over parks and forests.

It was an early morning when they flew past the huts, where they slept a strong sleep of their sister Eliza. They began to fly over the roof, pulled out their flexible necks and clapped the wings, but no one heard and did not see them; So they had to fly away from anything. They highly swayed to the clouds and flew into a large dark forest, which stretched to the sea.

The poor fever Eliza stood in the peasant hollow and played a green leaflet - she did not have other toys; She pushed his hole on a sheet, looked through her on the sun, and it seemed to her that she sees the clear eyes of their brothers; When the warm rays of the sun slid over her cheek, she recalled their tender kisses.

Days went over the day, one as another. Whether the wind broke the pink bushes, growing near the house, and whispered roses: "Is there anyone more beautiful than you?" - Roses swung heads and said: "Eliza is more beautiful." Was it sitting on Sunday a day at the door of his house, some old woman, reading the psalrty, and the wind turned the sheets, saying the book: "Does anyone make you?" The book answered: "Eliza weld!" And roses and psaltry spoke only the truth.

But Elise has passed fifteen years old, and she was sent home. Seeing what she was pretty, the queen accepted and hated a stepdaughter. She would love to turn her into a wild swan, but it was impossible to do this now, because the king wanted to see his daughter.

And now, in the morning, the queen went to the marble, all the wig-made wonderful carpets and soft pillows, took three toads, kissed each and said the first:

Sit Elize on the head when she enters the swimming; Let it be as stupid and lazy as you! And you sit on her forehead! She said another. - Let Eliza be as ugly like you, and father will not recognize her! You're lying to her heart! - whispered Queen of the third toad. - Let her be a challenit and suffer from it!

Then she lowered the toad into transparent water, and the water is now very green. After calling Eliz, the queen of her partition and told her to enter the water. Eliza listened, and one toad sat her on the topic, another on his forehead, and the third on the chest; But Eliza did not even notice this, and as soon as he left the water, three red poppies floated along the water. If the toads were not poisoned by a witch's kiss, they would have turned around, leaving the elza on the head and heart, in red roses; The girl was so diveged and innocent that witchcraft could not act on her.

Having seen this, the evil queen rallied by Elizes with the juice of walnut, so she became completely brown, smeared her larch smelly ointment and confused her wonderful hair. Now it was impossible to learn a pretty Eliz. Even his father was frightened and said that it was not his daughter. No one recognized her except the chain dog da swallows, but who would listen to poor creatures!

Eliza was crying and thought about his vanished brothers, secretly left the palace and a whole day of Brela in the fields and swamps, making his way to the forest. Eliza and herself did not know well where she had to go, but he was so frightened by his brothers, who were also expelled from his home, which decided to look for them everywhere until he finds.

For a short time she stayed in the forest, as night had already come, and Eliza was completely confused from the road; Then she lay down on a soft moss, read the prayer for sleep coming and bowed her head to the stump. Silence stood in the forest, the air was so warm, the grass flashed, exactly green lights, hundreds of fireflies, and when Eliza hurt her hand for some bush, they fell into the grass with star rain.

Along the night, the Elise of the brothers was dreaming: they were all the children again, played together, wrote with stalemies on gold boards and considered a wonderful book with pictures, which costs the polish. But they wrote on the boards do not dash and zero, as happened before, - no, they described everything that they saw and survived. All paintings in the book were alive: birds sank, and people went from pages and talked with Elise and her brothers; But it cost her to want to turn the sheet to turn over, - they jumped back, otherwise the confusion would come out in the pictures.

When Eliza woke up, the sun was already high; She could not even see him to see him for the densely foliage of the trees, but his separate rays were made their way between the branches and ran golden bunnies on the grass; From the greens there was a wonderful smell, and the birds almost sat down on the shoulders. The ombrement of the source was heard of the non-report; It turned out that there were several big streams that joined the pond with a wonderful sandy bottom. The pond was surrounded by a lively hedge, but in one place wild deer borrowed a wide passage, and Eliza could go down to the water itself. Water in the pond was clean and transparent; The wind of the branches of trees and bushes did not move, it would be possible to think that the trees and bushes were drawn at the bottom, they were so clearly reflected in the water mirror.

Seeing his face in the water, Eliza completely frightened, it was black and disgusting; And now she burned the handful of water, rubbed his eyes and forehead, and again her white gentle skin. Then Eliza was separated at all and entered the cool water. Such a pretty princess to search was on Belo Light!

Dressed and mopping their long hair, she went to the murmur source, got drunk out straight out of the handful and then went further through the forest, not knowing where. She thought about his brothers and hoped that God would not leave her: he had he commanded to grow wild forest apples to get hungry; He pointed to her one of these apple trees, whose branches were bent from the severity of fruits. Solding hunger, Eliza baited branches with chopsticks and deepened in the very thickener of the forest. There was such a silence that Eliza heard his own steps, heard the Shurchhana of every dry leaf, falling into her feet. Neither a single bird flew into this wilderness, nor a single solar beam slipped through the solid thicket of the branches. High trunks stood with dense rows, exactly log walls; never else Eliza did not feel so lonely

At night, it became even darker; In MCU, there was not a single firefly. Sudnerly lied Eliza on the grass, and suddenly it seemed to her that the branches spread over it, and the Lord God himself looked at her; Little angels looked out because of his head and from hand.

Waking up in the morning, she herself did not know whether it was in a dream or in reality.

No, "said the old woman," but yesterday I saw the eleven swans in the golden crowns on the river.

And the old woman brought the Eliz to the cliff, under which the river flowed. According to both shores, trees grew, stretching their long, densely covered with leaves of the branches. Those of the trees who could not be to weave their branches with the branches of their brothers on the opposite shore, so stretched over the water that their roots got out of the ground, and they still sought their own.

Eliza said goodbye to the old woman and went to the mouth of the river in the open sea.

And before the young girl opened a wonderful vastious sea, but at all his spacious, not a single sail was visible, there was no single boat on which she could go into the future way. Eliza looked at countless boulders, thrown ashore by the sea, - the water polished them so that they became completely smooth and round. All the other items thrown by the sea: glass, iron and stones - also wore traces of this grinding, and meanwhile the water was softer hand of Eliza, and the girl thought: "Waves tirelessly roll one after another and finally grind the hardest items. I am and I will work tirelessly! Thank you for science, bright quick waves! Heart tells me that someday you will take me to my cute brothers! "

Eleven White Swan Perfhes was lying on the dried algae thrown by the sea; Eliza collected and tied them into a beam; On feathers still brilliant drops - dews or tears, who knows? It was deserted on the shore, but Eliza did not feel this: the sea was represented by eternal diversity; In a few hours, it was possible to turn more here than in the whole year somewhere on the shores of fresh inland lakes. If a large black cloud and the wind hit the sky and the wind was attacked, the sea as if he said: "I can also blame me!" - It began to spill, worry and covered with white lambs. If the clouds were pinkished, and the wind slept, the sea was like a rose petal; Sometimes it became green, sometimes white; But whatever quietly standing in the air and, no matter how calmly, it was, the shore constantly had a noticeably easy excitement, "the water quietly raised, like the chest of a sleeping child.

When the sun was close to the sunset, Eliza saw a string of the wild swars in golden crowns to the shore; All the swans were eleven, and they flew one by one, stretching out a long white ribbon, Eliza climbed up and hid behind a bush. Swans descended not far from her and slammed with their big white wings.

At the same moment, as the sun hidden under water, the plumage with the swans suddenly sleeps, and eleven handsome of the princes, Elize brothers, found themselves on Earth! Eliza screamed loudly; She immediately recognized them, despite the fact that they managed to change much; The heart suggested her what they are! She rushed into their hugs, called them all by name, and they were pleased, seeing and having learned their sister who had grown and had risen. Eliza and her brothers laughed and crying and soon recognized from each other, as the stepmother came with them.

We, brothers, - said the oldest, - fly in the form of wild swans all day, from sunrise to the sunset sunset; When the sun comes, we again accept the human image. Therefore, by the time of sunset, we should always have a hard ground under our feet: happen to us to turn into people during our flight under the clouds, we would immediately fall from such a terrible height. We live here; Dalitiously behind the sea lies the same wonderful country as this, but the road is long there, you have to fly through all the sea, and there is no single island along the way, wherever we can spend the night. Only at the very middle of the sea sticks out a small lonely cliff, on which we can somehow relax, closely clinging to each other. If the sea rages, the water splashes are flying even through our heads, but we thank God and for such a gentleman: not be it, we could not visit our cute homeland at all - and now for this flight we have to choose two longest days in year. Only once a year allowed us to fly to their homeland; We can stay here eleven days and fly over this large forest, where we are visible to the Palace where we were born and where our Father lives, and the bell tower of the church, where our mother rests. There are even bushes and trees seem relaxing to us; The wild horses we have ever seen on the plains, which we have seen on the days of our childhood, and the coalsels still sing those songs that we danced by children. Then our homeland, here pulls us with all my heart, and here we found you, a sweet, dear sister! Two days we can still stay here, and then must fly over the sea, in someone else's country! How do we take you with you? We do not have a ship or a boat!

How would I free you from the spell? - asked the sister's brothers.

So they spoke almost all night and tricked only for several hours.

Eliza woke up from the noise of the swan wing. The brothers again became birds and flew in the air with large circles, and then completely disappeared. Only the youngest of the brothers remained with Elise; The swan put his head on her knees, and she stroked and moved his feathers. They spent the whole day together, in the evening they flew out and the rest, and when the sun village, everyone again accepted the human image.

Tomorrow we must fly away and we will be able to return no earlier than the next year, but we will not leave here! - said the younger brother. - Do you have enough courage to fly with us? My hands are pretty strong to bring you through the forest, - are we still not able to transfer you to wings across the sea?

Yes, take me with you! - said Eliza.

All night they spent behind the waters of the mesh from a flexible slotier and cane; The grid came out big and durable; Eleza put it in it. Turning to the sunrise in the swans, the brothers grabbed the grid with the beaks and swayed with a cute, sleeping strong sleep, sister to the clouds. The rays of the sun shone her right in her face, so one of the swans flew over her head, defending her from the sun with her wide wings.

They were already far from the ground, when Eliza woke up, and it seemed to her that she sees the dream at once, so strange it was to fly through the air. A branch with wonderful ripe berries and a bundle of delicious roots were lying near her; They scored and put it the youngest of the brothers, and she smiled in gratefully, "she guessed that he was flying her over her and defended her from the Sun with his wings.

They flew highly high, so the first ship, which they saw in the sea, seemed to them floating on the water of the seagull. In the sky behind them there was a big cloud - a real mountain! - And on it, Eliza saw the moving giant shadows of eleven swans and their own. That was a picture! She had no such thing to see! But as the sun rises above and the cloud remained farther and farther behind, the air shadows disappeared little.

The swans flew all day, like a raised arrow, but still slower than ordinary; Now they carried the sister. The day began to clone in the evening, the bad weather rose; Eliza with fear watched the sun, a lonely sea rock was still not visible. It seemed to her that swans were somehow sharply mashed with wings. Ah, it was she fault that they could not fly faster! The sun will go, - they will become people, fall into the sea and drown! And she began to pray to God from all his heart, but the cliff did not show everything. The black cloud was approaching, the strong gusts of the wind foreshadowed a storm, the clouds gathered into a solid formidable lead wave, rolling through the sky; Lightning sparkled by zipper.

One of its edge the sun almost already concerned the water; Eliza heart fluttered; Swans suddenly flew down the incommensnant speed, and the girl thought already that they were all falling; But no, they again continued to fly. The sun was half disappeared under water, and then only Eliza saw under him a cliff, a magnitude is not more than the seal who dried out the head out of the water. The sun quickly faded; Now it seemed only a small brilliantly asterisk; But the swans set foot on the firm soil, and the sun went out as the last spark of the rooted paper. Eliza saw around himself brothers standing hand in hand; All of them barely fitted on a tiny cliff. The sea was beating about him and proken them with a whole spray rain; The sky was glowed from lightning, and thunder thundered every minute, but the sister and the brothers held hands and sang the psalm, which poured consolation and courage in their hearts.

At the dawn, the storm smalleled, again it became clear and quiet; With the sunrise swans with Eliza flew on. The sea was still worried, and they saw from a height, as swarming on dark green water, definite flocks of swans, white foam.

When the sun rose above, Eliza saw in front of him as a mountainous country floating in the air with the masses of brilliant ice on the rocks; There was a huge castle between the cliffs, accompanied by some brave air gallenes from the columns; At the bottom under it, palm forests and luxurious flowers, magnitude with mill wheels swore. Eliza asked, this is not the country where they fly, but swans squealed their heads: she saw a wonderful, ever-changing cloudy castle of Fata Morgana; There they did not dare to bring a single human soul. Eliza again rushed his eyes to the castle, and here the mountains, forests and the castle moved together, and twenty-identical majestic churches were formed with bell tiles and silicone windows. It seemed to her even that she hears the sounds of the organ, but it was noisy the sea. Now the churches were quite close, but suddenly turned into a whole flotilla of ships; Eliza looked more closely and saw that it was just a sea fog that risen over the water. Yes, before her eyes, she had forever alternating aerial images and paintings! But finally, the real land appeared, where they flew. Wonderful mountains, cedar forests, cities and castles rose there.

Long before the sunset, Eliza sat on the rock in front of the Big Cave, exactly frightened with embroidered green carpets - it covered with gentle-green creeping plants.

Let's see what you dream here at night! - said the youngest of the brothers and pointed her sister her bedroom.

Oh, if I had dreamed how to free you from the spell! She said, and this thought did not come out of her head.

Eliza began to silently pray to God and continued his prayer even in a dream. And so it was chosen that she flies highly high through the air to the castle of Fata-Morgana and that the fairy herself leaves her to meet her, such a bright and beautiful, but at the same time surprisingly similar to that old woman who gave the Elise in the forest of berries and told About swans in gold crop.

Your brothers can be saved, "she said. - But do you have enough courage and durability? Water is softer your gentle hands and still grinds the stones, but it does not feel pain that your fingers will feel; The water has no heart that would be pushing from fear and flour like yours. See, I have nettle in my hands? Such nettle grows here near the cave, and only she, and even that nettle, which grows in cemeteries, may come in handy; Note her! You are narrating this nettle, although your hands will cover blisters from burns; Then you will dislike her legs, leak long threads from the resulting fiber, then we will spit out of them eleven shebasy-shelves with long sleeves and squeeze them on swans; Then the witchcraft will disappear. But remember that with the moment you start your work, and until we finish it, at least she lasted whole years, you should not say a word. The first word that breaks up with your language, pierces the hearts of your brothers as a dagger. Their life and death will be in your hands! Remember all this!

And the fairy touched her hands with burda nettle; Eliza felt pain, both from the burn, and woke up. It was already a bright day, and a beam of nettle was lying next to her, exactly the same as the one she saw now in a dream. Then she fell on her knees, thanked God and left the cave to take care of the same time.

She rushed with her gentle hands, burning nettle, and her hands were covered with large blisters, but she gladly tolerate pain: only she managed to save the cute brothers! Then she saming nettle with bare legs and began to dry green fiber.

With the sunset came the brothers and were very frightened, seeing that she became a dumb. They thought that this was a new witchcraft of their angry stepmother, but, looking at her hands, they understood that she became a dumb for their salvation. The youngest of the brothers was crying; The tears fell into her hands, and there, where the tears dropped, burning blisters disappeared, the pain was died.

The night of Eliza held behind his work; Rest did not go to her mind; She thought only about how to quickly free their lovely brothers. All the next day, while the swans flew, she remained alone and the same, but never once failed for her with such speed. One shirt-shell was ready, and the girl began for the next.

Suddenly, the sounds of hunting horns were heard in the mountains; Eliza was afraid; The sounds were approaching, then a bark of dogs rang out. The girl disappeared into the cave, tied all the nettle collected by her in a bundle and sat on him.

In the same Mortu, a big dog jumped out because of the bushes, for her another and third; They leaf loudly and ran back and forth. A few minutes later the cave gathered all the hunters; The most beautiful of them was the king of the country; He approached Elise - he has never met such beauty!

How did you get here, adorable child? - he asked, but Eliza just shook her head; She did not dare to say: the life and salvation of her brothers depended from her silence. Hands of His Eliza hid under the apron, so that the king does not see how she suffers.

Come with me! - he said. - You can't stay here! If you are so good, as good, I'm nouring you in silk and velvet, I put the golden crown on your head, and you will live in my magnificent palace! - And he planted her on the saddle in front of him; Eliza cried and broke his hands, but the king said: "I just want your happiness." Someday you yourself thank me!

And she took her through the mountains, and the hunters were jumping behind.

By evening, the magnificent capital of the king, with churches and domes, and the king led the Eliz to his palace, where fountains were mured in high marble rest, and the walls and ceilings were decorated with painting. But Eliza did not look at anything, cried and gone; It was indiffered at the disposal of servants, and they were put on her royal clothes, pearl threads fell into her hair and pulled thin gloves on the burnt fingers.

The rich clothes went to her, she was so dazzling well that the whole yard kept in front of her, and the king proclaimed her with his bride, although the archbishop and shake his head, who had a king, that the Forest Beauty must be a witch that she took They all eyes and became the heart of the king.

The king, however, did not listen to him, filed a sign of musicians, ordered the charming dancers and serve the expensive dishes on the table, and he himself led the Eliz through fragrant gardens into the magnificent chambers, she remained still sad and sad. But here the king opened the door to a small room, which was just near her bedroom. The room was all hung with green carpets and reminded the forest cave, where they found Eliza; On the floor lay a bundle of spectacular fiber, and on the ceiling hung woven with an elise-shell-shebar; All this, like a wonder, captured with him from the forest one of the hunters.

Here you can remember your former dwelling! Said King. - Your work here; Maybe you will sometimes wish to challenge among the whole ridiculous mischievous memories of the past!

Having seen her work dear to her heart, Eliza smiled and blushed; She thought about the salvation of the brothers and kissed his hand from King, and he pressed her to his heart and ordered to call the bell on the occasion of his wedding. Major forest beauty became the queen.

The archbishop continued to chip evil speeches, but they did not reach the heart of the king, and the wedding took place. Archbishop himself had to put on the bride of the Crown; From his annoyance, he snapped her a narrow gold hoop on his forehead, that every kind would hurt, but she didn't even pay attention to it: what a bodily pain meant for her, if her heart was tamped from longing and pity for cute brothers! Her lips were still compressed, not a single word flew out of them - she knew that the life of the brothers depends on her silence, - the hot love of good the good king, who did everything to please it from her eyes. Every day she was tied to him more and more. ABOUT! If she could trust him, express his sufferings to him, but - alas! - She had to be silent until she graduated from her work. At night, she quietly left the royal bedroom into her hidden room, like a cave, and wet there one shirt-shell after another, but when she began for the seventh, she had all the fiber.

She knew that he could find such nettle on the cemetery, but she had to tear her herself; How to be?

"Oh, which means bodily pain in comparison with sadness, torping my heart! - thought Eliza. - I have to decide! The Lord will not leave me! "

Her heart squeezed out of fear, exactly she was on a bad thing, when she made his way to the lunar at night in the garden, and from there along long alers and deserted streets in the cemetery. On the wide gravestone plates sat the disgusting witches; They dropped rampeds from themselves, they were exactly going to swim, ruined with their bony fingers fresh graves, pulled out of the body from there and devoured them. Eliz had to pass by them, and they so drank their evil eyes on her - but she made a prayer, scored nettle and returned home.

Only one person did not sleep at that night and saw her - Archbishop; Now he was convinced that he was right, suspecting the Queen, So, she was a witch and therefore managed to chase the king and the whole people.

When the king came to him in confessional, the Archbishop told him about what he saw and what he suspected; Evil words have fallen from his language, and the carved images of the saints swung their heads, they wanted to say exactly: "Not true, Eliza Nevinna!" But the Archbishop broke it in his own way, saying that the saints testify against her disapprovingly shaking their heads. Two large tears rolled down the king's cheeks, doubt and despair traveled his heart. At night, he only pretended to be asleep, in fact, a dream ran from him. And so he saw that Eliza got up and disappeared from the bedroom; In the next night, the same thing happened; He watched her and saw it disappeared in his hidden room.

The man of the king was becoming more gloomy and gloomily; Eliza noticed this, but did not understand the reasons; Her heart left the fear and from pity for the brothers; Bitter tears rolled on the Royal Purple, glittered, like diamonds, and people who saw her rich clothes wanted to be on the site of the queen! But soon the end of her work soon; There was a lack of only one shirt, and here Elise again did not have enough fibers. Once again, the last time, it was necessary to go to the cemetery and narrow several nettle bundles. She thought about the deserted cemetery and about terrible wets; But the determination of her to save the brothers was unshakable, like faith in God.

Eliza went, but the king with the archbishop watched her and saw how she disappeared behind the cemetery fence; Going closer, they saw the witch's sitting marching plates, and the king turned back; Because of these wits was also the one, whose head just rested on his chest!

Let her people judge! - he said.

And the people were awarded to burn the queen at the fire.

From the magnificent royal assholes, Eliz was transferred to the gloomy, a raw dungeon with iron lattices on the windows, in which the wind was broken with a whistle. Instead of velvet and silk, gave a poor bunch with a nettle scored on her cemetery; This burning bundle was supposed to serve as an Elise headboard, and she woven hard shebashi-shells - bedding and carpets; But the most expensive thing I could not give anything more expensive, and she with a prayer at the mouth again began to go for their work. From the streets came to the Elise offensive songs of the street boys murked over her; No live soul turned to her with the words of consolation and sympathy.

In the evening, the lattice rang down the swan wing noise -This found the smallest of the brothers, and she looked loudly from joy, although she knew that she had to live only one night; But her job approached the end, and the brothers were here!

The Archbishop came to spend her last hours with her last hours, "he promised to the king, - but she shook her head and gaze and signs asked him to leave him; On this night, she had to finish his work, otherwise all her suffering, and tears, and sleepless nights would disappear! Archbishop left, having displaced her by grave words, but the poor thing Eliza knew that she was innocent, and continued to work.

To at least a little to help her, the mice, mowing on the floor, began to collect and bring scattered straws to her legs, and a droid, sitting behind the lattice window, consoled her funny song.

At the dawn, shortly before the sun, the palace gates appeared eleven brothers of the Elise and demanded that they were allowed to kill. They were answered that this could not be: the king was still asleep and no one bold him to disturb him. They continued to ask, then began to threaten; The guard came, and then came out and the king himself find out what was the matter. But at that moment the sun climbed, and no brothers were no longer - eleven wild swans sway over the palace.

The people fell for the city to see how to burn witch. Falah Klyach was lucky the cart in which Eliza was sitting; they pounced on her coarse burlap; Her wonderful long hair was dissolved on the shoulders, there were no Bloodings in the face, the lips moved quietly, whispering prayers, and the fingers were leaving the green yarn. Even on the way to the place of execution, she did not let out of the hands of the work begun; Ten shelter shirts lay at her legs completely ready, it was eleven. The crowd was miped over her.

Look at the witch! Iha, mumbles! I suppose it is not a prayer in her hands - no, everything messengers with their witching pieces! We will break them away from her, let them break into the nurses.

And they were crowded around her, going to snatch work from her hands, as eleven white swans suddenly flew off, sat down at the edges of the cart and slammed their mighty wings. Scared crowd retreated.

This is the sign of heaven! She is innocent, "many whispered, but did not dare to say this out loud.

The executioner grabbed Eliza by hand, but she hurriedly sacing eleven shirts on the swans, and eleven handsome of the princes got in front of her, only the youngest of the youngest lacked one hands, instead it had a swan wing: Eliza did not have time to finish the last shirt, and it was not enough Single sleeves.

Now I can talk! - she said. - I'm innocent!

And the people, who saw everything that happened, bowed to her, as in front of Holy, but she fell without feelings in the arms of the brothers - so the relentless tension, fear and pain worked on it.

Yes, she is innocent! - said the oldest brother and told everything as it was; And while he spoke, there was a fragrance in the air, precisely from a set of roses, - this everybody put roots and sprouts in the fire, and a high fragrant bush was formed covered with red roses. On the very top of the bush of glitter, like a star, a dazzling white flower. The king threw him, put on the chest of Eliza, and she came to his joy and for happiness!

All church bells rang by themselves, the birds flew entire flocks, and such a wedding procession reached the palace, which no king had not seen!

Far is far away, in the country where swallows from us are flying away, the king lived. He had eleven sons and one daughter, Eliza.

Eleven princes brothers have already walked to school; On the chest, everyone was conquered a star, and the saber thundered on the side; They wrote on golden boards with diamond blades and perfectly knew how to read, at least a book, even by heart - all the same. It was immediately audible that real princes read! The sister of their Eliza sat on the bench from the mirror glass and examined the book with pictures, for which the policing was paid.

Yes, the children lived well, just for not long!

Their father, the king of the country, married an evil queen, who unloved poor children. They had to experience it on the very first day: fun in the palace, and the children started the game, but the stepmother instead of various cakes and baked apples, which they always got plenty, gave them a tea cup of sand and said they could imagine As if it is a treat.

A week later, she gave his sister by Eliz to raising the village in some peasants, and a little more time passed, and she had time to talk to the king about the poor prince that he did not want to see them anymore.

Fly like a match for all four sides! - said the evil queen. - Fly in big birds without voice and trample about yourself!

But she could not make them such an evil, as if she wanted, they turned into eleven beautiful wild swans, with a scream flew out of the palace windows and rushed over parks and forests.

It was an early morning when they flew past the huts, where they slept a strong sleep of their sister Eliza. They began to fly over the roof, pulled out their flexible necks and clapped the wings, but no one heard and did not see them; So they had to fly away from anything. They highly swayed to the clouds and flew into a large dark forest, which stretched to the sea.

The poor fever Eliza stood in the peasant hollow and played a green leaflet - she did not have other toys; She pushed his hole on a sheet, looked through her on the sun, and it seemed to her that she sees the clear eyes of their brothers; When the warm rays of the sun slid over her cheek, she recalled their tender kisses.

Days went over the day, one as another. Whether the wind broke the pink bushes, growing near the house, and whispered roses: "Is there anyone more beautiful than you?" - Roses swung heads and said: "Eliza is more beautiful." Was it sitting on Sunday a day at the door of his house, some old woman, reading the psalrty, and the wind turned the sheets, saying the book: "Does anyone make you?" The book answered: "Eliza weld!" And roses and psaltry spoke only the truth.

But Elise has passed fifteen years old, and she was sent home. Seeing what she was pretty, the queen accepted and hated a stepdaughter. She would love to turn her into a wild swan, but it was impossible to do this now, because the king wanted to see his daughter.

And now, in the morning, the queen went to the marble, all the wig-made wonderful carpets and soft pillows, took three toads, kissed each and said the first:

Sit Elize on the head when she enters the swimming; Let it be as stupid and lazy as you! And you sit on her forehead! She said another. - Let Eliza be as ugly like you, and father will not recognize her! You're lying to her heart! - whispered Queen of the third toad. - Let it be a challenit and suffer from it!

Then she lowered the toad into transparent water, and the water is now very green. After calling Eliz, the queen of her partition and told her to enter the water. Eliza listened, and one toad sat her on the topic, another on his forehead, and the third on the chest; But Eliza did not even notice this, and as soon as he left the water, three red poppies floated along the water. If the toads were not poisoned by a witch's kiss, they would have turned around, leaving the elza on the head and heart, in red roses; The girl was so diveged and innocent that witchcraft could not act on her.

Having seen this, the evil queen rallied by Elizes with the juice of walnut, so she became completely brown, smeared her larch smelly ointment and confused her wonderful hair. Now it was impossible to learn a pretty Eliz. Even his father was frightened and said that it was not his daughter. No one recognized her except the chain dog da swallows, but who would listen to poor creatures!

Eliza was crying and thought about his vanished brothers, secretly left the palace and a whole day of Brela in the fields and swamps, making his way to the forest. Eliza and herself did not know well where she had to go, but he was so frightened by his brothers, who were also expelled from his home, which decided to look for them everywhere until he finds.

For a short time she stayed in the forest, as night had already come, and Eliza was completely confused from the road; Then she lay down on a soft moss, read the prayer for sleep coming and bowed her head to the stump. Silence stood in the forest, the air was so warm, the grass flashed, exactly green lights, hundreds of fireflies, and when Eliza hurt her hand for some bush, they fell into the grass with star rain.

Along the night, the Elise of the brothers was dreaming: they were all the children again, played together, wrote with stalemies on gold boards and considered a wonderful book with pictures, which costs the polish. But they wrote on the boards do not dash and zero, as happened before, - no, they described everything that they saw and survived. All paintings in the book were alive: birds sank, and people went from pages and talked with Elise and her brothers; But it cost her to want to turn the sheet to turn over, - they jumped back, otherwise the confusion would come out in the pictures.

When Eliza woke up, the sun was already high; She could not even see him to see him for the densely foliage of the trees, but his separate rays were made their way between the branches and ran golden bunnies on the grass; From the greens there was a wonderful smell, and the birds almost sat down on the shoulders. The ombrement of the source was heard of the non-report; It turned out that there were several big streams that joined the pond with a wonderful sandy bottom. The pond was surrounded by a lively hedge, but in one place wild deer borrowed a wide passage, and Eliza could go down to the water itself. Water in the pond was clean and transparent; The wind of the branches of trees and bushes did not move, it would be possible to think that the trees and bushes were drawn at the bottom, they were so clearly reflected in the water mirror.

Seeing his face in the water, Eliza completely frightened, it was black and disgusting; And now she burned the handful of water, rubbed his eyes and forehead, and again her white gentle skin. Then Eliza was separated at all and entered the cool water. Such a pretty princess to search was on Belo Light!

Dressed and mopping their long hair, she went to the murmur source, got drunk out straight out of the handful and then went further through the forest, not knowing where. She thought about his brothers and hoped that God would not leave her: he had he commanded to grow wild forest apples to get hungry; He pointed to her one of these apple trees, whose branches were bent from the severity of fruits. Solding hunger, Eliza baited branches with chopsticks and deepened in the very thickener of the forest. There was such a silence that Eliza heard his own steps, heard the Shurchhana of every dry leaf, falling into her feet. Neither a single bird flew into this wilderness, nor a single solar beam slipped through the solid thicket of the branches. High trunks stood with dense rows, exactly log walls; Even Eliza did not feel so lonely.

At night, it became even darker; In MCU, there was not a single firefly. Sudnerly lied Eliza on the grass, and suddenly it seemed to her that the branches spread over it, and the Lord God himself looked at her; Little angels looked out because of his head and from hand.

Waking up in the morning, she herself did not know whether it was in a dream or in reality. Going further, Eliza met the old woman with a basket of berries; The old woman gave a girl a handful of berries, and Eliza asked her, did not pass here, in the forest, eleven princes.

No, "said the old woman," but yesterday I saw the eleven swans in the golden crowns on the river.

And the old woman brought the Eliz to the cliff, under which the river flowed. According to both shores, trees grew, stretching their long, densely covered with leaves of the branches. Those of the trees who could not be to weave their branches with the branches of their brothers on the opposite shore, so stretched over the water that their roots got out of the ground, and they still sought their own.

Eliza said goodbye to the old woman and went to the mouth of the river in the open sea.

And before the young girl opened a wonderful vastious sea, but at all his spacious, not a single sail was visible, there was no single boat on which she could go into the future way. Eliza looked at countless boulders, thrown ashore by the sea, - the water polished them so that they became completely smooth and round. All the other items thrown by the sea: glass, iron and stones - also wore traces of this grinding, and meanwhile the water was softer hand of Eliza, and the girl thought: "Waves tirelessly roll one after another and finally grind the hardest items. I am and I will work tirelessly! Thank you for science, bright quick waves! Heart tells me that someday you will take me to my cute brothers! "

Eleven White Swan Perfhes was lying on the dried algae thrown by the sea; Eliza collected and tied them into a beam; On feathers still brilliant drops - dews or tears, who knows? It was deserted on the shore, but Eliza did not feel this: the sea was represented by eternal diversity; In a few hours, it was possible to turn more here than in the whole year somewhere on the shores of fresh inland lakes. If a large black cloud and the wind hit the sky and the wind was attacked, the sea as if he said: "I can also blame me!" - It began to spill, worry and covered with white lambs. If the clouds were pinkished, and the wind slept, the sea was like a rose petal; Sometimes it became green, sometimes white; But whatever quietly standing in the air and, no matter how calmly, it was, the shore constantly had a noticeably easy excitement, "the water quietly raised, like the chest of a sleeping child.

When the sun was close to the sunset, Eliza saw a string of the wild swars in golden crowns to the shore; All the swans were eleven, and they flew one by one, stretching out a long white ribbon, Eliza climbed up and hid behind a bush. Swans descended not far from her and slammed with their big white wings.

At the same moment, as the sun hidden under water, the plumage with the swans suddenly sleeps, and eleven handsome of the princes, Elize brothers, found themselves on Earth! Eliza screamed loudly; She immediately recognized them, despite the fact that they managed to change much; The heart suggested her what they are! She rushed into their hugs, called them all by name, and they were pleased, seeing and having learned their sister who had grown and had risen. Eliza and her brothers laughed and crying and soon recognized from each other, as the stepmother came with them.

We, brothers, - said the oldest, - fly in the form of wild swans all day, from sunrise to the sunset sunset; When the sun comes, we again accept the human image. Therefore, by the time of sunset, we should always have a hard ground under our feet: happen to us to turn into people during our flight under the clouds, we would immediately fall from such a terrible height. We live here; Far and far beyond the sea lies the same wonderful country as this, but the road is long there, you have to fly through all the sea, and on the way there is no single island, wherever we can spend the night. Only at the very middle of the sea sticks out a small lonely cliff, on which we can somehow relax, closely clinging to each other. If the sea rages, the water splashes are flying even through our heads, but we thank God and for such a gentleman: not be it, we could not visit our cute homeland at all - and now for this flight we have to choose two longest days in year. Only once a year allowed us to fly to their homeland; We can stay here eleven days and fly over this large forest, where we are visible to the Palace where we were born and where our Father lives, and the bell tower of the church, where our mother rests. There are even bushes and trees seem relaxing to us; The wild horses we have ever seen on the plains, which we have seen on the days of our childhood, and the coalsels still sing those songs that we danced by children. Here our homeland, here pulls us with all my heart, and here we found you, a sweet, dear sister! Two days we can still stay here, and then must fly over the sea, in someone else's country! How do we take you with you? We do not have a ship or a boat!

How would I free you from the spell? - asked the sister's brothers.

So they spoke almost all night and tricked only for several hours.

Eliza woke up from the noise of the swan wing. The brothers again became birds and flew in the air with large circles, and then completely disappeared. Only the youngest of the brothers remained with Elise; The swan put his head on her knees, and she stroked and moved his feathers. They spent the whole day together, in the evening they flew out and the rest, and when the sun village, everyone again accepted the human image.

Tomorrow we must fly away and we will be able to return no earlier than the next year, but we will not leave here! - said the younger brother. - Do you have enough courage to fly with us? My hands are pretty strong to bring you through the forest, - are we still not able to transfer you to wings across the sea?

Yes, take me with you! - said Eliza.

All night they spent behind the waters of the mesh from a flexible slotier and cane; The grid came out big and durable; Eleza put it in it. Turning to the sunrise in the swans, the brothers grabbed the grid with the beaks and swayed with a cute, sleeping strong sleep, sister to the clouds. The rays of the sun shone her right in her face, so one of the swans flew over her head, defending her from the sun with her wide wings.

They were already far from the ground, when Eliza woke up, and it seemed to her that she sees the dream at once, so strange it was to fly through the air. A branch with wonderful ripe berries and a bundle of delicious roots were lying near her; They scored and put it the youngest of the brothers to her, and she smiled in gratefully, "the dream guessed that he was flying her over her and defended her from the Sun with his wings.

They flew highly high, so the first ship, which they saw in the sea, seemed to them floating on the water of the seagull. In the sky behind them there was a big cloud - a real mountain! - And on it, Eliza saw the moving giant shadows of eleven swans and their own. That was a picture! She had no such thing to see! But as the sun rises above and the cloud remained farther and farther behind, the air shadows disappeared little.

The swans flew all day, like a raised arrow, but still slower than ordinary; Now they carried the sister. The day began to clone in the evening, the bad weather rose; Eliza with fear watched the sun, a lonely sea rock was still not visible. It seemed to her that swans were somehow sharply mashed with wings. Ah, it was she fault that they could not fly faster! The sun will go, - they will become people, fall into the sea and drown! And she began to pray to God from all his heart, but the cliff did not show everything. The black cloud was approaching, the strong gusts of the wind foreshadowed a storm, the clouds gathered into a solid formidable lead wave, rolling through the sky; Lightning sparkled by zipper.

One of its edge the sun almost already concerned the water; Eliza heart fluttered; Swans suddenly flew down the incommensnant speed, and the girl thought already that they were all falling; But no, they again continued to fly. The sun was half disappeared under water, and then only Eliza saw under him a cliff, a magnitude is not more than the seal who dried out the head out of the water. The sun quickly faded; Now it seemed only a small brilliantly asterisk; But the swans set foot on the firm soil, and the sun went out as the last spark of the rooted paper. Eliza saw around himself brothers standing hand in hand; All of them barely fitted on a tiny cliff. The sea was beating about him and proken them with a whole spray rain; The sky was glowed from lightning, and thunder thundered every minute, but the sister and the brothers held hands and sang the psalm, which poured consolation and courage in their hearts.

At the dawn, the storm smalleled, again it became clear and quiet; With the sunrise swans with Eliza flew on. The sea was still worried, and they saw from a height, as swarming on dark green water, definite flocks of swans, white foam.

When the sun rose above, Eliza saw in front of him as a mountainous country floating in the air with the masses of brilliant ice on the rocks; There was a huge castle between the cliffs, accompanied by some brave air gallenes from the columns; At the bottom under it, palm forests and luxurious flowers, magnitude with mill wheels swore. Eliza asked, this is not the country where they fly, but swans squealed their heads: she saw a wonderful, ever-changing cloudy castle of Fata Morgana; There they did not dare to bring a single human soul. Eliza again rushed his eyes to the castle, and here the mountains, forests and the castle moved together, and twenty-identical majestic churches were formed with bell tiles and silicone windows. It seemed to her even that she hears the sounds of the organ, but it was noisy the sea. Now the churches were quite close, but suddenly turned into a whole flotilla of ships; Eliza looked more closely and saw that it was just a sea fog that risen over the water. Yes, before her eyes, she had forever alternating aerial images and paintings! But finally, the real land appeared, where they flew. Wonderful mountains, cedar forests, cities and castles rose there.

Long before the sunset, Eliza sat on the rock in front of the Big Cave, exactly frightened with embroidered green carpets - it covered with gentle-green creeping plants.

Let's see what you dream here at night! - said the youngest of the brothers and pointed her sister her bedroom.

Oh, if I had dreamed how to free you from the spell! She said, and this thought did not come out of her head.

Eliza began to silently pray to God and continued his prayer even in a dream. And so it was chosen that she flies highly high through the air to the castle of Fata-Morgana and that the fairy herself leaves her to meet her, such a bright and beautiful, but at the same time surprisingly similar to that old woman who gave the Elise in the forest of berries and told About swans in gold crop.

Your brothers can be saved, "she said. - But do you have enough courage and durability? Water is softer your gentle hands and still grinds the stones, but it does not feel pain that your fingers will feel; The water has no heart that would be pushing from fear and flour like yours. See, I have nettle in my hands? Such nettle grows here near the cave, and only she, and even that nettle, which grows in cemeteries, may come in handy; Note her! You are narrating this nettle, although your hands will cover blisters from burns; Then you will dislike her legs, leak long threads from the resulting fiber, then we will spit out of them eleven shebasy-shelves with long sleeves and squeeze them on swans; Then the witchcraft will disappear. But remember that with the moment you start your work, and until we finish it, at least she lasted whole years, you should not say a word. The first word that breaks up with your language, pierces the hearts of your brothers as a dagger. Their life and death will be in your hands! Remember all this!

And the fairy touched her hands with burda nettle; Eliza felt pain, both from the burn, and woke up. It was already a bright day, and a beam of nettle was lying next to her, exactly the same as the one she saw now in a dream. Then she fell on her knees, thanked God and left the cave to take care of the same time.

She rushed with her gentle hands, burning nettle, and her hands were covered with large blisters, but she gladly tolerate pain: only she managed to save the cute brothers! Then she saming nettle with bare legs and began to dry green fiber.

With the sunset came the brothers and were very frightened, seeing that she became a dumb. They thought it was a new witchcraft of their angry stepmother, but. Looking at her hands, they understood that she became a dumb for their salvation. The youngest of the brothers was crying; The tears fell into her hands, and there, where the tears dropped, burning blisters disappeared, the pain was died.

The night of Eliza held behind his work; Rest did not go to her mind; She thought only about how to quickly free their lovely brothers. All the next day, while the swans flew, she remained alone and the same, but never once failed for her with such speed. One shirt-shell was ready, and the girl began for the next.

Suddenly, the sounds of hunting horns were heard in the mountains; Eliza was afraid; The sounds were approaching, then a bark of dogs rang out. The girl disappeared into the cave, tied all the nettle collected by her in a bundle and sat on him.

At the same moment, a big dog jumped out of the bushes, another third behind it; They leaf loudly and ran back and forth. A few minutes later the cave gathered all the hunters; The most beautiful of them was the king of the country; He approached Elise - he has never met such beauty!

How did you get here, adorable child? - he asked, but Eliza just shook her head; She did not dare to say: the life and salvation of her brothers depended from her silence. Hands of His Eliza hid under the apron, so that the king does not see how she suffers.

Come with me! - he said. - You can't stay here! If you are so good, as good, I'm nouring you in silk and velvet, I put the golden crown on your head, and you will live in my magnificent palace! - And he planted her on the saddle in front of him; Eliza cried and broke his hands, but the king said: "I just want your happiness." Someday you yourself thank me!

And she took her through the mountains, and the hunters were jumping behind.

By evening, the magnificent capital of the king, with churches and domes, and the king led the Eliz to his palace, where fountains were mured in high marble rest, and the walls and ceilings were decorated with painting. But Eliza did not look at anything, cried and gone; It was indiffered at the disposal of servants, and they were put on her royal clothes, pearl threads fell into her hair and pulled thin gloves on the burnt fingers.

The rich clothes went to her, she was so dazzling well that the whole yard kept in front of her, and the king proclaimed her with his bride, although the archbishop and shake his head, who had a king, that the Forest Beauty must be a witch that she took They all eyes and became the heart of the king.

The king, however, did not listen to him, filed a sign of musicians, ordered the charming dancers and serve the expensive dishes on the table, and he himself led the Eliz through fragrant gardens into the magnificent chambers, she remained still sad and sad. But here the king opened the door to a small room, which was just near her bedroom. The room was all hung with green carpets and reminded the forest cave, where they found Eliza; On the floor lay a bundle of spectacular fiber, and on the ceiling hung woven with an elise-shell-shebar; All this, like a wonder, captured with him from the forest one of the hunters.

Here you can remember your former dwelling! Said King.

Here and your work; Maybe you will sometimes wish to challenge among the whole ridiculous mischievous memories of the past!

Having seen her work dear to her heart, Eliza smiled and blushed; She thought about the salvation of the brothers and kissed his hand from King, and he pressed her to his heart and ordered to call the bell on the occasion of his wedding. Major forest beauty became the queen.

The archbishop continued to chip evil speeches, but they did not reach the heart of the king, and the wedding took place. Archbishop himself had to put on the bride of the Crown; From his annoyance, he snapped her a narrow gold hoop on his forehead, that every kind would hurt, but she didn't even pay attention to it: what a bodily pain meant for her, if her heart was tamped from longing and pity for cute brothers! Her lips were plugged, not a single word flew out of them - she knew that the life of the brothers would depend on her silence, - but the hot love of the good beautiful king, who did everything to please it from her eyes. Every day she was tied to him more and more. ABOUT! If she could trust him, express his sufferings to him, but - alas! - She had to be silent until she graduated from her work. At night, she quietly left the royal bedroom into her hidden room, like a cave, and wet there one shirt-shell after another, but when she began for the seventh, she had all the fiber.

She knew that he could find such nettle on the cemetery, but she had to tear her herself; How to be?

"Oh, which means bodily pain in comparison with sadness, torping my heart! - thought Eliza. - I have to decide! The Lord will not leave me! "

Her heart squeezed out of fear, exactly she was on a bad thing, when she made his way to the lunar at night in the garden, and from there along long alers and deserted streets in the cemetery. On the wide gravestone plates sat the disgusting witches; They dropped rampeds from themselves, they were exactly going to swim, ruined with their bony fingers fresh graves, pulled out of the body from there and devoured them. Eliz had to pass by them, and they so drank their evil eyes on her - but she made a prayer, scored nettle and returned home.

Only one person did not sleep at that night and saw her - Archbishop; Now he was convinced that he was right, suspecting the Queen, So, she was a witch and therefore managed to chase the king and the whole people.

When the king came to him in confessional, the Archbishop told him about what he saw and what he suspected; Evil words have fallen from his language, and the carved images of the saints swung their heads, they wanted to say exactly: "Not true, Eliza Nevinna!" But the Archbishop broke it in his own way, saying that the saints testify against her disapprovingly shaking their heads. Two large tears rolled down the king's cheeks, doubt and despair traveled his heart. At night, he only pretended to be asleep, in fact, a dream ran from him. And so he saw that Eliza got up and disappeared from the bedroom; In the next night, the same thing happened; He watched her and saw it disappeared in his hidden room.

The man of the king was becoming more gloomy and gloomily; Eliza noticed this, but did not understand the reasons; Her heart left the fear and from pity for the brothers; Bitter tears rolled on the Royal Purple, glittered, like diamonds, and people who saw her rich clothes wanted to be on the site of the queen! But soon the end of her work soon; There was a lack of only one shirt, and asked him to go away and signs; On this night, she had to finish his work, otherwise all her suffering, and tears, and sleepless nights would disappear! Archbishop left, having displaced her by grave words, but the poor thing Eliza knew that she was innocent, and continued to work.

To at least a little to help her, the mice, mowing on the floor, began to collect and bring scattered straws to her legs, and a droid, sitting behind the lattice window, consoled her funny song.

At the dawn, shortly before the sun, the palace gates appeared eleven brothers of the Elise and demanded that they were allowed to kill. They were answered that this could not be: the king was still asleep and no one bold him to disturb him. They continued to ask, then began to threaten; The guard came, and then came out and the king himself find out what was the matter. But at that moment the sun climbed, and no brothers were no longer - eleven wild swans sway over the palace.

The people fell for the city to see how to burn witch. Falah Klyach was lucky the cart in which Eliza was sitting; they pounced on her coarse burlap; Her wonderful long hair was dissolved on the shoulders, there were no Bloodings in the face, the lips moved quietly, whispering prayers, and the fingers were leaving the green yarn. Even on the way to the place of execution, she did not let out of the hands of the work begun; Ten shelter shirts lay at her legs completely ready, it was eleven. The crowd was miped over her.

Look at the witch! Iha, mumbles! I suppose it is not a prayer in her hands - no, everything messengers with their witching pieces! We will break them away from her, let them break into the nurses.

And they were crowded around her, going to snatch work from her hands, as eleven white swans suddenly flew off, sat down at the edges of the cart and slammed their mighty wings. Scared crowd retreated.

This is the sign of heaven! She is innocent, "many whispered, but did not dare to say this out loud.

The executioner grabbed Eliza by hand, but she hurriedly sacing eleven shirts on the swans, and eleven handsome of the princes got in front of her, only the youngest of the youngest lacked one hands, instead it had a swan wing: Eliza did not have time to finish the last shirt, and it was not enough Single sleeves.

Now I can talk! - she said. - I'm innocent!

And the people, who saw everything that happened, bowed to her, as in front of Holy, but she fell without feelings in the arms of the brothers - so the relentless tension, fear and pain worked on it.

Yes, she is innocent! - said the oldest brother and told everything as it was; And while he spoke, there was a fragrance in the air, precisely from a set of roses, - this everybody put roots and sprouts in the fire, and a high fragrant bush was formed covered with red roses. On the very top of the bush of glitter, like a star, a dazzling white flower. The king threw him, put on the chest of Eliza, and she came to his joy and for happiness!

All church bells rang by themselves, the birds flew entire flocks, and such a wedding procession reached the palace, which no king had not seen!

Information for parents: Wild swans are a magic fairy tale written by Gansa Christian Andersen. In Ne. talks about the bold girl Elise, who saved his brothers, on whom the evil stepmother put the spell. The fairy tale is instructive, it can also be read for the night of children from 5 to 9 years. The text of the fairy tale "Wild Swans" written very exciting. Pleasant reading to you and your kids.

Read the fairy tale wild swans

Far is far away, in the country where swallows from us are flying away, the king lived. He had eleven sons and one daughter, Eliza. Eleven princes brothers went to school with the stars on the chest and sabers at the legs. They wrote on golden boards with diamond blades and they knew how to read it no worse than on the book. It was immediately clear that they were real princes. And their sister Eliza sat on the bench from the mirror glass and examined the book with pictures, for which he was given to the polish.

Yes, it was well lived with children, just for a short time. The Father of them, the king of the country, married an evil queen, and she from the very beginning did not believe the poor children. They experienced it on the first day. In the palace, feast was walking, and the children started the game. But instead of cakes and baked apples, which they always got plenty, stepmother gave them a tea cup of river sand - let them imagine that this treats.

A week later, she gave his sister by Eliz to the village to the peasants to upbringing, and a little more time passed, and she had time to talk to the king about the poor princes that he did not want to see them anymore.

- Fly on all four sides and take care of yourself! - said the evil queen. - Fly big birds without voice!

But did not like it, as she wanted: they turned into eleven beautiful wild swans, with a cry flew out of the windows of the palace and rushed over parks and forests.

It was an early morning when they flew past the house, where they slept his sister Eliza's strong sleep. They began to circle over the roof, pulled out their flexible necks and clapped wings, but no one heard them, did not see them. So I had to fly away with anything. They swayed under the clouds and flew into a large dark forest near the shores of the sea.

And the poor thing Eliza was left to live in the peasant house and played a green leaflet - she did not have other toys. She pushed a hole in a leaflet, looked through her in the sun, and it seemed to her that she sees the clear eyes of his brothers. And when the warm ray of the Sun fell on her cheek, she recalled their tender kisses.

Days went over the day, one as another. Sometimes the wind stripped pink bushes, grew by near the house, and found the roses:

- Is there anyone more beautiful than you?

Roses swung heads and answered:

And it was a decent truth.

But the Alsea passed the fifteen years, and she sent her home. He saw the queen, what her pretty, he accepted and even more hated her. And I would like the stepmother to turn Eliz in a wild swan, like her brothers, but she did not dare to do it now, because the king wanted to see his daughter.

And in the morning, the queen went to the marble bath, cleaned by soft pillows and wonderful carpets, took three toad, kissed each and said first:

"How to enter Eliza to a swimming, sit on her head, let her be the same lazy as you." And you sit Elize on my forehead, "she said another. - Let it become as ugly as you, so that the father does not recognize her. "Well, you're lying to the heart on the heart," she said the third. - Let her be angry and suffer from it!

She launched the queen of the toad into transparent water, and the water was crying now. I called the Queen Eliz, partition and told her to enter the water. Eliza listened, and one toad sat her on the topics, the other on his forehead, the third on the chest, but Eliza did not even notice this, and as soon as he left the water, three scarlet poppies floated. And there would be no toads are not poisonous and not kissing a witch, they would turn into scarlet roses. So Nevinna was Eliza that witchcraft was against it powerless.

She saw this evil queen, sank by Eliz with a walnut juice, so she became quite black, smeared her face with smelly ointment, grind her hair. At all now it was not to know the pretty Eliz.

I saw her father, frightened and said that it was not his daughter. No one recognized her except the chain dog da swallows, only who will be listening to poor animals!

I cried the poor thing to Eliza and thought about your vanished brothers. Sad, she went out of the palace and a whole day of Brela in the fields and swamps to the large forest. Where she go, she didn't really know, but she had so hard on her heart and she woke up for her brothers, which decided to look for them until he finds.

It walked in the forest, as night came. I completely gotten off the path of Eliza, lay down on soft moss and bowed my head on the stump. It was quiet in the forest, the air was so warm, hundreds of fireflies flicker around the green lights, and when she clogged the branch, they sprinkled on it with a star rain.

All night dreamed by Elise Brothers. All of them were children again, played together, wrote diamond staples on gold boards and considered a wonderful book with pictures, for which he was given to the polish. But they wrote on the boards are not screenshots and noliki, as before, no, they described everything that they saw and survived. All pictures in the book came to life, the birds sang, and people went from the pages and talked with Elise and her brothers, but when she turned the page, they jumped back, so that the confusion was in pictures.

When Eliza woke up, the sun stood high. She could not see him well for the dense of the foliage of the trees, but his rays were realized in the embroidery, as if the oscillating Golden Kiese. It smelled her grass, and the birds almost sat down on the shoulders. A splash of water was heard - a few big streams ran nearby in a pond with a wonderful sandy bottom nearby. The pond was surrounded by dense bushes, but in one place the wild deer did a lot, and Eliza could go down to the water, so transparent that if the wind did not break the branches of trees and bushes, it would be possible to think that they were drawn on the day, so It was clearly reflected in the water every leaf, and lit by the sun, and covered in the shade.

He saw her face in the water, Eliza and completely frightened - it was black and disgusting. But here she buried the handful of water, wrapped his forehead and eyes, and again her white obscure skin. Then Eliza is separated and entered into cool water. The crash of the princess was to search all over the world!

Eliza got dressed, worn his long hair in the braids and went to the spar, got drunk out of the handful and walked further into the forest, not knowing where. On the way she came across a wild apple tree, whose branches were beaten from the severity of fruits. Has Eliza apple, drowned off the branches by pegs and deepened in the very thickener of the forest. Silence stood such that Eliza heard her own steps and the rustling of every dry leaf, which came. There was no one bird here, no solar beam made his way through the solid plexus of the branches. High trees stood so tightly that when she looked in front of her seemed to her that she was surrounded by the log walls. Even Eliza did not feel so lonely.

At night, it became even darker, nor a single firefly glowed into the Moss. Sad, eliminated Eliza on the grass, and early in the morning went on. Here I met an old woman with a basket of berries. The old woman gave Elise a handful of berries, and Eliza asked if eleven princes were passing around the forest.

"No," said the old woman. - But I saw eleven swans in the crowns, they swam on the river here nearby.

And the old woman led the Eliz to the cliff, under which the river flowed. The trees growing on her shores pulled each other long, covered with thick foliage branches, and where they could not reach each other, their roots were chopped out of the ground and, walking with the branches, hung over the water.

Eliza said goodbye to the old woman and went along the river to the place where the river fell into a large sea.

And now the wonderful sea opened before the girl. But neither a single sail was visible on it, nor a single boat. How was the Ace to continue his way? The whole shore was soaked as a mustache pebble, the water ran them, and they were very round. Glass, iron, stones - everything that threw off the waves to the shore, got its own form from the water, and after all the water was much softer gentle hands of Eliza.

"Waves tirelessly roll one after another and smooth out all the hardest, I will be tireless! Thank you for science, bright, quick waves! Heart tells me that someday you take me to my cute brothers! "

On the algae thrown by the sea lay eleven white swans feathers, and Eliza collected them in a bundle. They brilliated dew drops or tears, who knows? It was deserted on the shore, but Eliza did not notice this: the sea had ever changed, and in a few hours it could be seen here more than a whole year on freshwater lakes on land. So the big black cloud is coming, and the sea seems to say: "I can also look gloomy," and the wind flies, and the waves are shown with their white insanity. But the clouds are spinning pink, the wind is sleeping, and the sea is like a rose petal. Sometimes it is green, sometimes white, but no matter how calm it is, it is constantly in a quiet movement. Water lightly raises, as if the chest of sleeping child.

At sunset he saw Eliza eleven wild swans in golden crowns. They flew to land, following one by one, and it seemed that there was a long white ribbon in the sky. Eliza climbed to the top of the coastal circle and hid behind the bush. Swans descended not far away and slammed with their big white wings.

And as soon as the sun village in the sea, dropped the swans of feathers and turned into eleven wonderful princes - the brothers of the Eliza, the Eliza brothers screamed loudly, immediately recognized them, hearted them, which they are, although the brothers have changed much. She rushed towards them in his arms, called them by name, and how they were delighted by seeing their sister, which he grew up and looked! And she laughed and cried Eliza and her brothers and soon recognized from each other, how cruelly cost them stepmother.

"We," said the oldest of the brothers, - fly wild swans, while the sun stands in the sky. And when it comes, again we accept the human image. That is why in the sunset we should always be on land. It happens to turn into people when we fly under the clouds, we fall into the punching. We live here. Behind the sea lies the same wonderful country as this, but the path there is far away, you have to fly through all the sea, and on the way there is no single island, where you could spend the night. Only in the middle of the middle of the sea sticks out a lonely clutch, and we can relax on it, closely clinging to each other, which is what it is small. When the sea is worried, splashes and fly right through us, but we are glad and such a pan. There we spend the night in our human case. Do not be cluttered, we would not see our cute homeland at all: we need two longest days a year for this flight, and only once a year we are allowed to fly to your homeland. We can live here eleven days and fly over this large forest, look at the palace, where we were born and where our father lives. Here we know every bush, every tree, here, as in the days of our childhood, run wild horses on the plains, and the coils sing the same songs that we danced by children. Here our homeland, we strive here with all the soul, and here we found you, our dear sister! Two days can we still stay here, and then you must fly for the sea in a wonderful, but not native country to us. How do we take you with your own? We do not have a ship or a boat!

- Oh, if I could remove from you! - Sister said.

So they spoke all night and tricked only for several hours.

Woke up Eliza from the noise of swan wings. The brothers again appealed to the birds, they circled over her, and then disappeared. Only one of the swans, the youngest, stayed with her. He put her head on her knees, and she stroked his white wings. All day they spent together, and in the evening the rest were flying, and when the sun village, everyone again accepted the human image.

- Tomorrow we must fly away and be able to return no earlier than in a year. Will you have the courage to fly with us? I can bring you on your hands through the whole forest, so will we not all be able to transfer you to the wings across the sea?

- Yes, take me with you! - said Eliza.

... All night they saw a mesh of flexible yav and cane. The grid was big and durable. Eliza lay down in her, and the sun rose a little, the brothers appealed to the swans, picked up the nets with the beaks and swayed with a cute, who still had a sister under the clouds. The rays of the sun shone her right in her face, and one swan flew over her head, covering her from the Sun with her wide wings.

They were already far from the ground, when Eliza woke up, and it seemed to her that she sees the dream at once, it was so strange to fly through the air. Next to her lay a branch with wonderful ripe berries and a bundle of delicious root. They scored the youngest of the brothers, and Eliza smiled at him - she guessed that this he flies over her and covered her from the sun with his wings.

The swans highly flew high, so the first ship that they saw seemed to them floating on the water of the seagull. In the sky behind them there was a big cloud - a real mountain! - And on it, Eliza saw the giant shadows of eleven swans and their own. I have never seen such a magnificent spectacle before. But the sun was raised above, the cloud remained farther behind, and the moving shadows disappeared little.

The whole day flew the swans, as if brushed from Luke Arrow, but still slower than usual, because this time they had to bear sister. The evening was approaching, a storm was going. With fear, Eliza followed the sun, - the lonely sea clutch was still not visible. And it also seemed to her that Swans were masting wings as if through force. Ah, it is to blame that they cannot fly faster! So the sun will come, and they will turn into people, fall into the sea and drown ...

The black cloud was all closer, the strong gusts of the wind foreshadowed a storm. The clouds gathered in the Grozny lead shaft that rolled across the sky. Lightning sparkled one after another.

The sun has already touched the water, the heart of the Eliza fluttered. Swans suddenly began to decline, and so rapidly that Elise seemed to be falling. But no, they continued to fly. Here, the sun was half disappeared under water, and here only Eliza saw under his mouth no more of the head of the seal, dried out of the water. The sun was quickly immersed in the sea and now it seemed no more stars. But the swans stepped onto a stone, and the sun went out, as if the last spark of the burning paper. The brothers stood hand about the hand around Elise, and they all barely fit on the cliff. Waves with force hit him and pushed them with splashes. The sky, without ceasing, was illuminated by lightning, every minute thunder, but sister and brothers, holding hands, found each other and consolation in each other.

At dawn, it became clear and quiet again. As soon as the sun rose, swans with Elise flew on. The sea was still worried, and from the height, it was visible, as the dark-green water floats, precisely unbearable pigeons, white foam.

But the sun rose above, and Eliza saw in front of him as a mountain country floating in the air with blocks of sparkling ice on the rocks, and right in the middle a castle, stretching, probably, for a whole mile, with some amazing gallenes one over the other. At the bottom of it, palm groves and luxurious flowers with mill wheels were crushed. Eliza asked if it was not the country where they keep the way, but swans only shook their heads: it was just a wonderful, ever-changing outline cloudy castle of Fata Morgana.

Eliza watched and looked at him, and here the mountains, forests and the castle moved together and formed twenty majestic churches with bell tower and silicone windows. It seemed to her even that she hears the sounds of the organ, but it was noisy the sea. The churches were completely approaching, as suddenly turned into a whole flotilla of ships. Eliza looked more closely and saw that it was just a sea fog that rises above the water. Yes, before her eyes were always alternating images and paintings!

But the land seemed to be, to which they kept the way. There were wonderful mountains with cedar forests, cities and castles. And long before the sunset, Eliza sat on the rock in front of the Big Cave, as if frightened with embellished green carpets, it covered with gentle-green curly plants.

- Let's see what you dream here at night! - Milns the youngest of the brothers and pointed her sister her bedroom.

- Oh, if I had opened in a dream, how to remove you to spend! She answered, and this thought did not leave her from her head.

And so it turned out as if she flies highly high by air to the castle of Fata Morgan and the Fairy herself leaves her to meet her, such a bright and beautiful, but at the same time surprisingly similar to the old woman, which gave the Elise of berries in the forest and told about swans In gold crop.

"Your brothers can be saved," she said. - But do you have enough courage and durability? Water softer your hands and still plays stones, but it does not feel pain that your fingers will feel. The water has no heart, which would be pushing from flour and fear as yours. See, I have nettle in my hands? Such nettle grows here near the cave, and only she, and even that that grows in cemeteries, can help you. Note her! You narrow this nettle, although your hands will cover blisters from burns. Then you will dismiss her legs, it turns out fiber. From it you are madding eleven shebashes with long sleeves and throw them on swans. Then the witchcraft will dispel. But remember that with the moment you start work, and until you finish, even if she stretches for years, you should not say a word. The first word that will be angry with your language, as a deadly dagger pierces the hearts of your brothers. Their life and death will be in your hands. Remember all this! "

And the fairy touched her hands with nettle. Eliza felt pain, both from the burn, and woke up. Already rawdly, and next to her lay nettle, exactly like that she saw in a dream. Eliza came out of the cave and began to work.

She rushed with her gentle hands, burning nettle, and her hands were covered with blisters, but she happily endured the pain - just to save the cute brothers! With bare feet, she knead the nettle and nailed green threads.

But the sun went down, the brothers returned, and how they were frightened, seeing that their sister became a dumb! It is not different as a new witchcraft of evil stepmother, they decided. But looked at the brothers on her hands and realized that she thought for their salvation. I cried the younger of the brothers, and where his tears fell, the pain was dying, burning blisters disappeared.

I spent the whole night at the work of Eliza, because there was no rest to her until she would free her cute brothers. And the next day, while the swans were in the absence, she sat alone alone, but never again did not run time for her so fast.

One shelter shirt was ready, and she began to be over the other, how suddenly in the mountains hunting horn. Embared Eliza. And the sounds were approaching, lying dogs rang. I ran into the cave Eliza, tied to a bundle with her nettle and sat on him.

Here, because of the bushes, a big dog jumped out, after her, the third. Dogs loyal loudly and ran back and forward at the entrance to the cave. There were no few minutes later, as the cave gathered all the hunters. The most beautiful among them was the king of the country. He approached the Elise - and when he had not yet met such beauty.

- How did you get here, beautiful child? He asked, but Eliza only shook her head in response, because it was impossible to say it, the life and salvation of the brothers depended on it.

She hid her hands under the apron, so that the king would not see what flour had to tolerate her.

- Come with me! - he said. - Here you are not a place! If you are also good as good, I'm nouring you in Silk and velvet, I put the golden crown on your head, and you will live in my magnificent palace!

And he planted her on his horse. I cried and broke out Eliza, but the king said:

- I just want your happiness! Someday you will be grateful to me for it!

And he took her through the mountains, and the hunters were jumping behind.

By evening, the magnificent capital of the king, with temples and domes, was brought by the king of Eliz to his palace. In the high marble halls there were murmured fountains, and the walls and ceilings were painted with beautiful paintings. But I did not watch Eliza, but only cried and gloomy. As non-fat, she allowed her servants to put on the royal clothes, wept in the hair of pearls and pull thin gloves on the burned fingers.

She stood dazzlingly in a luxurious decoration, and the whole yard looked low to her, and the king proclaimed her his bride, although the Archbishop swayed her head and found the king that this forest beauty must be a witch that she took her eyes and became the king.

But the king did not listen to him, made a sign of musicians, ordered the charming dancers and serve expensive shorts, and he himself told Eliz through fragrant gardens into the luxurious chambers. But there was no smile on her lips, nor in her eyes, but only sadness, as if she was written on her. But now opened the king door in a small room next to her bedroom. The room was hurt by expensive green carpets and reminded the cave where they found Eliza. On the floor lay a bunch of nettle fiber, and under the ceiling hung, a shirt-gangbashing shirt. All this as a scatter captured with him from the forest one of the hunters.

- Here you can remember your former housing! Said King. - Here and the work you did. Maybe now, in the glory of yours, the memories of the past entertain you.

I saw Eliza dear to her heart work, and a smile played on her lips, blood stuck to the cheeks. She thought about the salvation of the brothers and kissed the king of his hand, and he pressed her to heart.

The Archbishop continued to be found in the king of evil speech, but they did not reach the heart of the king. The next day they played a wedding. Archbishop himself had to put on the bride of the crown. From the annoyance, he so tightly pulled her a narrow gold hoop on his forehead, which would hurt anything. But another, more severe hoop squeezed her heart - sadness for her brothers, and she did not notice pain. She was still closed - one - the only word could cost the brothers of life, - but in her eyes there was a hot love for good, a beautiful king, who did everything to please her. Every day she was tied to him more and more. Oh, if I could only trust him, tell him my flour! But she had to be silent, I had to do my job silently. That is why at night she quietly left the royal fever in her secret room, like a cave, and wet there one shirt-shell after another. But when she began for the seventh, she ended in fiber.

Finding her nettle to her, she knew, you can be in the cemetery, but she herself had to tear her. How to be?

"Ah, what does the pain in the fingers compared to the flour of my heart? - thought Eliza. - I have to decide! "

Her heart was compressed from fear, rightly she went on a bad thing when she made his way to the lunar at night in the garden, and from there along long alands and deserted streets in the cemetery. On the wide gravestone plates sat ugly witches and buried on her with evil eyes, but she scored nettle and returned back to the palace.

Only one person did not sleep that night and saw her - Archbishop. It just turned out that he was right, suspecting that the queen was unclean. And they really watched that she was a witch, that's why he managed to chase the king and the whole people.

In the morning he told the king about what he saw and what he suspected. Two heavy tears rolled down the king's cheeks, and doubt crept in his heart. At night, he pretended, as if he was sleeping, but the dream did not go to him, and noticed the king, as Eliza got up and disappeared from the flower. And so repeated every night, and every night he watched her and saw it disappeared in her secret room.

Day from day all grew and gloomed the king. Eliza saw it, but did not understand why, and she was afraid, and her heart was hurt for the brothers. The royal velvet and purple rolled her bitter tears. They glistened like diamonds, and people who saw her in a magnificent property wanted to be in her place.

But soon, soon the end of the work! Only one shirt lacked, and here she again ended fiber. Once again - the latter - it was necessary to go to the cemetery and narrow several beams of nettle. She was thinking about a deserted cemetery and terrible wets, but her determination was unshakable.

And Eliza went, but the king with the archbishop went behind her next. They saw, as she disappeared behind the cemetery gates, and when they came to the gate, they saw the witches on the grave plates, and the king turned back.

- Let her people judge! - he said.

And the people awarded to burn her on the fire.

From the luxurious royal chambers, Eliza was taken to the gloomy raw dungeon with a grille on the window, in which the wind blew with a whistle. Instead of velvet and silk, she was given a bunch of nets recruited on the cemetery, and harsh, burning shirts-shells were supposed to serve her a lie and a blanket. But she didn't have a better gift, and she again began to work. Street boys sang her mocking songs outside the window, and no live soul found the word consolation for her.

But in the evening, the lattice rang out the noise of swan wings - it found the younger sister from the brothers, and she cried from joy, although he knew that she had to live, perhaps, just one night. But her work was almost finished and the brothers were here!

All night flew Eliza last shirt. To at least a little to help her, the mice running along the dungeon, brought stems of nettle to her feet, and the lattice had a drop of Drozd and took her merry song all night.

It also started dawn, and the sun should have appeared only in an hour, and eleven brothers had already come to the gate of the palace and demanded that they were missed to the king. They were answered that this is not possible: the king is sleeping, and it can not be worse. The brothers continued to ask, then began to threaten, the guard appeared, and then the king himself came out and to find out what the matter. But then the sun rose, and the brothers disappeared, and eleven swans took out over the palace.

The people of Valil Castle to watch, how to burn the witch. Pieneling Klyach dragged the wagon in which Eliza was sitting. Balahon from coarse burlap was thrown on her. Her wonderful, wonderful hair fell on the shoulders, there were neither the blood buoy, the lips were silently moved, and the fingers of the tiny yarn. Even on the way to the place of execution did not let her work out of the hands. Her legs had ten shelter shirts, she was eleven. The crowd was miped over her.

- Look at the witch! IS, Shamkat lips Yes, everything will not discern with his witching pieces! Having silent them with it yes to break into the shreds!

And the crowd rushed to her and wanted to break the speckle shirts, as eleven white swans suddenly flew around, sat around her around the edges of the cart and slammed with mighty wings. The crowd fled down.

- This is the sign of heaven! She is innocent! - Many whispered, but not to say this out loud.

Here the executioner already grabbed Elizu's hand, but she quickly sketched the spectacular shirts on the swans, and they all turned into beautiful princes, only at the youngest instead of one hand and left the wing: did not have time to finish the last shirt, lacking one sleeves in it.

- Now I can talk! - she said. - I'm innocent!

And the people who saw everything bowed before her, and she fell without feelings in the arms of the brothers, she was so exhausted with fear and pain.

- Yes, she is innocent! - Milns of the eldest of the brothers and told everything as it was as he said, the aroma spilled in the air, as from a million roses - it was put on the roots and branches in the fire, and now there was a fragrant bush in the fire, all in scarlet roses . And at the very top shine, like a star, a dazzling white flower. The king ripped him and put him on the chest, and she woke up, and in her heart there were peace and happiness.

Here, all the bells rang themselves in the city, and the birds were separated by indispensable flocks, and such a joyful procession reached the palace, which no king still did not see!