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Fortune telling one card. Simple fortune telling: will it come true or not

Divination by desire is very common, since every person wants to be sure that his dream will come true. On this moment there are many ways to help you make sure that cherished desire destined to come true.

In the article:

Divination by desire

At the moment, there are many ways to help you fulfill your wish. You can summon an entity from the other world, for example, to help fulfill a dream.

If you do not want to contact the other world, then you can carry out some simple ceremony that will help you determine the likelihood of fulfilling your plan. You can do this yourself, at home, or.

Simple, powerful rituals

Exists a large number of fortune-telling for the fulfillment of desire. If you don't want wax and other magical attributes, then use these two simple ways.

In the first case, you will need to go outside at night, make a wish and go to multi-storey building... Your task is to count how many windows the light is on. If the number is even, then, undoubtedly, your dream will come true, if it is odd, then the answer is no.

Fortune-telling will help to shed light. Early in the morning, go out into the yard, crossing the threshold of the house, be sure to think about what you would like. Now it remains to wait for the first person you meet.

  • If a man comes towards, then the dream comes true.
  • If a woman, then what was conceived is not destined to come true.
  • If the first person you meet is a child, the desire will come true in a few months.
  • Met a dog, this suggests that you will have to make an effort to realize your desire.
  • If a cat came out to meet, this is a sign that the plan will not come true, since the enemy will interfere with you.

Fortune telling for the period of fulfillment of a desire

In order to perform this ritual, you will need new deck of 36 cards. You can use a magical attribute that was previously used for various fortune-telling, but in this case it must be properly cleaned and prepared for work. All cards should be shuffled and laid out face down. You should get 4 rows, 9 cards each.

Now turn on your fantasy. It must be assumed that the cards go from left to right in ascending order. The first line should contain clubs, the second line should contain diamonds, the third line should contain hearts, and the fourth line should contain spades. After that, you can begin the process of fortune telling itself. Take the last card that is in the first row and open it. For example, Queen of Spades fell.

Now you need to put this card in the place where it should be. Important: the cards do not move, an empty space is not freed up for this Queen of Spades, if her place is already taken, then she is placed on top of the face-down card. The one that lies at the bottom no longer opens. Reveal all cards in the same way.

If the Aces did not fall into place, this indicates that the desire will not be fulfilled. If it turned out to move them to the desired positions, then this indicates that the dream will come true in the next day or two.

If all the aces are in the right places at once, and some cards are still face down, then the interpretation will be slightly different. In this case, the first row is responsible for the year. If there is one face down card in the first line, it means that the dream will come true in a year.

The second row is responsible for months, the third for weeks, the fourth for days. Your task is to add up the number of years, months, weeks and days. As a result, you will receive the exact date accomplishment of the plan.

An easy way to find out if your dream will come true

You can find out whether a wish will come true using this simple ceremony. Take a previously cleaned and prepared deck of 36 cards, shuffle and set aside 6. Look at them and make your wish for any card that is not in the selected 6. Now shuffle the remaining cards and arrange them in 5 piles. The first should have 2, the second 3, the third 4, the fourth 5, the fifth 6.

Now you can turn them upside down. If the hidden image is in 1 line, then the wish will not come true. If in the second, then it is very unlikely that it will be fulfilled. In the third, you have an enemy who interferes with the execution of plans. In the fourth, it is likely that the dream will come true, but you will have to make an effort. In the fifth - the plan will come true very soon.

The desire of each person is a certain closed part of his life. People never speak openly about what they want, but they certainly want their plans to be fulfilled in the right way. In order to find out at home, this or that desire will come true, there are special fortune-telling.

This kind of fortune-telling can be carried out using items such as:

  1. Dice;
  2. Playing cards;
  3. Sheets of paper.

Divination by desire, whether it will come true or not, must be carried out in an atmosphere of complete secrecy. This is very important factor... Since when a person thinks about the innermost, he never shares it with anyone. Fortune telling is a simple and effective action that will show whether it is worthwhile to translate your ideas into reality or not.

Fortune telling on cards to make a wish come true

There are many techniques for such fortune telling. The cards themselves represent a certain magic item, with the help of which many sorcerers can bring both sorrow and joy to people. The use of such an object as playing cards does not contradict the very essence of fortune telling and cannot harm the fortuneteller.

For the first option of fortune telling, you will need a deck of ordinary playing cards... It is necessary to pull out the ace of the cross, the king of the cross, the lady of the cross and the six of the cross from it. Place the selected items face down on the table. After that, you should ask the question - will your plans come true in the near future?

Cards after the question asked are taken in hand and carefully shuffled. Then they should be laid out in order of priority on the table. The layout should start from the top card.

If the ace falls first from the deck, then the wish will definitely come true in the near future. If a queen follows the ace, then you should be patient. If the king follows the queen, then the dream will come true in any case, however, at what period this event will occur, it is impossible to determine exactly. It’s all bad if jack and six come up right away. This means that the wish will most likely not come true.

The second method of fortune telling on playing cards is a little more complicated than the previous one. To do this, take a full deck and divide it into approximately two equal parts. After that, each of the parts should be thoroughly mixed and laid out with the sheets upside down. Before you start laying out the cards, ask a question of interest about the outcome of your wish.

If, as a result, it turns out that there are more large cards, such as kings, queens, aces, and so on, in the first pile, then the outcome of the desire will be definitely positive. If in the second deck there are more cards with the indicated images, then the wish will not come true.

The third method is a mixture of the first two. From playing deck half of the cards should be removed. The second half of the cards does not participate in fortune-telling and is removed to the side. After that, the cards should be laid out in rows. Each row should contain seven playing cards.

After that, you should compare the resulting alignment with large cards and with small ones. If there are more large cards in the first and third row, then the wish will come true. If the second row and the fourth contain more large cards, then the fate of the desire will be in doubt. If there are more large cards in the remaining rows than in the first four, then the wish will not come true.

If in all rows there are approximately the same number of large cards, then fortune-telling should be repeated until a more accurate result is obtained.

Fortune telling on cards can be repeated every day. After all, as you know, higher powers have a changeable mood and the fate of a wish may depend on this mood.

How to know if your plan will come true with the help of cubes

The second most popular is fortune-telling using two dice / dice, on which numbers from one to six are applied. Before you roll the dice, you should ask the question - is it destined to come true?

Cubes should be placed in a glass and, having mixed the bones in it, throw them on the table. The cube that turns out to be to the left will mean a percentage of success, from one to six. The second cube, which will be to the right, will mean the execution time of the plan, also from one to six. If, for example, the combination turned out - six to three, then this means that the wish will come true in any case, but you should stock up on a little patience.

This method can be done with one cube in the same sequence. Only the same die should be rolled twice. This method, unlike playing cards, is the easiest, but not so reliable. Therefore, it is recommended to roll the dice. three times in a row. The result is considered reliable if the resulting numbers approximately coincide in two repetitions of three throws.

Truthful fortune-telling with a sheet of paper

To carry out this type of fortune-telling, you must take a blank sheet of A4 paper. The sheet is folded in four. Then it is torn into four equal parts. On each of the parts, you should write the numbers from ten to forty. After that, each leaf should be wrapped in a tube and placed in an impervious bag.

Followed by ask a question about success conceived desire and draw out one of the tubes of paper, having previously mixed everything well. The actual answer to the question will be the figure indicated on the sheet of paper.

The second type of similar fortune-telling is also carried out using sheets of paper. It will take three of them. Moreover, what format they will be, there is no difference. The sheets should be treated in the same way as above. Only on each sheet write phrases: "yes", "no", "later", "don't think about it", "I don't see for sure", "maybe", "show persistence." Leave the rest of the paper blank.

Further, in a similar way, the sheets are rolled into tubes and placed inside an opaque object. After it has been asked main question , you should pull out the sheet that first comes to hand. If you come across a blank sheet, then you should repeat the action until the final result.

In order to tell fortunes using the above items, you do not need any special knowledge. High power she will guide her hand and will not let herself be deceived. However, it should be remembered for a wish to really come true, it is necessary:

  • Do not sit still;
  • Don't rely on luck;
  • During the fortune-telling process, you must adhere to the instructions.

If these requirements are met, there will always be an exact answer to the question asked.

Attention, only TODAY!

Fortune-telling on a desire can answer all the exciting questions about the intended business. Will your wish come true? How soon? If it doesn't come true, why? All these questions can be answered by cards.

To tell fortunes on a desire, you need a deck of 36 cards. Take the cards in hand, shuffle them and make a wish. Then remove some of the cards with your left hand and transfer to the bottom of the deck. Now you can start fortune telling.

Begin to lay out the deck face down in a row of 9 cards. When you run out of cards, open the top cards of the resulting pile and remove those that match in value. The cards that lie under them need to be opened and also see if there are matching cards in the row. You need to remove cards of the same value to the very bottom row. If all the cards were removed in pairs, and there is nothing left in the laid out deck, then the wish will come true. If there are still cards left, then the plan is not destined to come true.

If you are not satisfied with the outcome of the first fortune-telling, or you want to get a more detailed answer, you can use the following fortune telling.

Take the cards and start shuffling them. In the process, think about your desire. Your intuition should tell you when to stop. Draw any card from the deck, its meaning and tell you whether the wish will come true or not.

The meaning of the cards in this fortune-telling is as follows:

  • 10, 9, 8, 7, 6 - there is a high probability that your wish will come true.
  • Jack, Queen, King - a wish will come true, expect help from outside.
  • Ace - a wish will come true and very soon.
  • 10, 9, 8, 7, 6 - the wish will come true, but you need to make an effort for this.
  • Jack, Queen, King - the wish will come true, but problems may arise in the process of achieving the plan.
  • Ace - the wish will come true, but not right away. Be patient.
  • 10, 9, 8, 7, 6 - the probability that the wish will come true is very small.
  • Jack, Queen, King - there are almost no chances.
  • Ace - the wish will not come true.
  • 10, 9, 8, 7, 6 - the wish will not come true because of your wrong actions.
  • Jack, Queen, King - the desire will not come true, since on the way you will have many rivals and ill-wishers.
  • Ace - a wish will never come true.

There is one more quick way to know, whether our plans will come true. To do this, you need to take your card. It is very easy to define it. If you are not married (not married), then your card is a queen of tambourine (king of tambourine), if you are married (married), your card is a queen of hearts (king of hearts), if you are an elderly person, then your card will be a queen of clubs ( king of clubs). Take a deck, mix it well, make a wish and start laying out three cards in front of you. When your card comes up in one of the triplets, see which two cards came out with it. If black suits - the wish will not come true, if red - will come true, if both light and dark, then there is a chance that your wish will be fulfilled, but for this you need to make some effort.

Exists another simple fortune telling... Take a deck of cards, shuffle it carefully and place 15 cards face down in a row. If there are aces among them, they should be set aside. After that, mix all the cards again, shuffle them and lay out 15 cards again. Put all the aces aside. The third time you need to do the same. If after three layouts all the aces came out, then the desire will come true, if not, then the hidden one is not destined to come true.

All these fortune-telling is not recommended to be used too often, otherwise the cards will begin to lie. It is also worth remembering that the deck should only be used for fortune telling. If she has ever been used in the game, she will never tell the truth. In addition, if you like to read cards, you should definitely know that to fortune-telling cards no one else should touch but you. This is the only way to get an accurate prediction. Useful article? Then be sure to put and

03.12.2013 14:07

Fortune-telling on cards will help to find out the truth about your lover and about the future of the relationship. Simple and ...

Self-divination technique:

Divination by desire. This alignment shows the possibilities and surprises on which its execution depends.

Card 1 - your desire or desired result;
Card 2 - How the past affects your desired outcome;
Card 3 - represents what you can expect in the near future;
Card 4 - represents what will have an impact on the near future;
Card 5 - represents help, including help that you can get from others;
Card 6 - represents a possible opposition or confrontation of the parties that you are aware of;
Card 7 - represents best rate actions to be taken to get the desired result;
Card 8 - suggests advice on how you can achieve the desired result;
Card 9 - Represents the expected outcome if you use the advice you received.

Desires need to be realized on time

Many people spend their energy, money and time on the realization of those desires that are no longer relevant. Just because they once wanted something, they embody it. Do you need to spend your time on this? Indeed, today you may have your own desires, which are more relevant.

Desires need to be realized on time. If after 10 years you bought yourself the sweater you dreamed of earlier, then, most likely, this thing is already outdated, has become irrelevant, unstable. Moreover, it has already become unnecessary for you personally, but you acquired it only because you once dreamed of it.

Make your desires come true, otherwise they will be unimportant to you later. At 20 years old, dreaming of a luxury car is normal, but only at 60 years old to buy this car is already a lack of brains. Embody desires when you dream about them. But if you are already not dreaming about something, then leave these unrealized plans in the past. If in childhood you dreamed of buying yourself a talking doll, this does not mean that you should buy it at 25, when you already know how to make money. As a child, you wanted a doll, but as an adult you no longer need it.

Of course, you are not able to fulfill all the desires that you are dreaming about now. But it is better to engage in their implementation than to spend your time implementing what you no longer need. It’s once you wanted to fly into space or become a ballerina, but that doesn’t mean that you really have to translate it into reality.

Yes, before you have not had the opportunity to realize your dream. But this does not mean at all that you are obliged to embody it now. You can use these opportunities to realize a more pressing goal. Desires need to be realized on time. Only then will your achievements bring you joy and a sense of success. Otherwise, your irrelevant dreams become a burden. They are not needed by anyone, and even by yourself.

Since ancient times, people have wanted to know their fate. How will tomorrow go? Will you be lucky in love? Will the next year be successful? In ancient times, fortune-telling for the future was as commonplace as it is for us now to go online. For divination, cards, bones, colors and many other paraphernalia were used. Today we offer you fortune-telling online to find out everything about the future.

What is online fortune telling to make a wish come true?

Another second and you will find yourself in wonderful world fulfillment of desires, on the development of which professional fortune tellers, connoisseurs of runes and ancient Tarot cards, craftsmen in card solitaire worked. You don't need to light candles, send your photo, or walk in the moonlight. Fortune-telling is absolutely free, and gives a 99% correct answer. Are you ready to find out your fate?

If so, close your eyes and imagine the desire you are waiting for. Formulate the question clearly, visualize it and boldly roll the dice (sign "Start fortune telling").

Roll the dice

After 2 seconds, you will receive an answer to the question:

  1. The wish will come true very soon.
  2. Be fulfilled, but a little later.
  3. Will not be fulfilled.

Maybe everything will turn out differently? It is impossible to predict the answer of our magic dice-bones, because it is individual for each person. Virtual fortune telling to the fulfillment of a desire, it is not easy to give dry answers "yes" or "no", depriving you of the right to choose. Fortune-telling pushes, clarifies, and going to a dream is your happy path, filled with experience, sweet expectation and the achievement of your goal.

Will the expected come true or not? Now this question no longer bothers you, you know whether it is worth going towards the goal, or whether it is pointless. We invite you to plunge into the world of your secret or open desires. Look into the future with magic dice-cubes that never deceive and give the most truthful answer.

The background of dice fortune telling, or all about card predictions

There are many technologies of fortune telling: on coffee grounds and melted wax, when in blurry image was looking for Jin or other signs. Fate can be seen in a mirror or a ball of fate, read it in a book, simply by guessing the page and line number.

Fortune telling on a wish on cards appeared, probably, with the invention of the first deck of cards. Of course, these were still primitive drawings, and the decks were used for games. But only enlightened and gifted people with a natural gift knew that in their hands the cards turn into messengers of the future and predict the most accurate development of events.

Fortune telling on the fulfillment of a wish today can be free on the Astrog website. For example, card " Gold fish"," Yes, no "," Four Kings "and others. The principle of these online fortune telling on cards is simple: each card and its suit has its own meaning. So, for example, the ace of hearts in fortune-telling is good news from afar, and the club of clubs means a friend, the peak one is sad news.

Remember that fortune-telling on a real deck requires “non-playable” cards, that is, a new deck. The cards that were played in "Fool" or "Preference" lose their true power.

A simple way of card fortune-telling

The easiest way to wish is fortune-telling with the help of 36 cards of a standard game deck. Make a wish, if you can't concentrate, then write it down with a pen on paper. After that, shuffle the deck and draw a card. The card of the red suit is good luck and success, and black meaning- unreal dreams.

The history of divination on bones

Fortune telling on the bones is as old as the world, generations of people have resorted to it, and dice are found even during excavations in the territories of disappeared cultures.

The use of bones, as we have already understood, is rooted in divination and fortune-telling. Initially, parts of the spine of a sheep called astragals were used for these purposes. This part of the spine has a relief surface, it was convenient to throw it and, importantly, it was convenient to interpret meanings on it.

Such ancient bones in each culture were made using a special technology: they cut out conventional signs, painted patterns with red and black natural paint. The last option is the great-grandfather of modern dice, which are made of plastic, wood is also used.

Surprisingly, fortune-telling on cubes according to desire gave truthful answers. But the person who made this wish had to throw the dice. If a stranger is guessing, then it is worth putting the cubes in a glass, shaking them and throwing them on a table or other flat surface to get an accurate result.

Plunge into the world of your desires, and find out the most accurate answer using online fortune telling on the bones!