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How to put candles rectally. Application for children. When it is better to start a course of treatment

A visit to the temple for beginners can be difficult. There is a lot of questions: What to wear, how to go, how to cross, how to put candles in the church correctly? Today we will look at the question of candles.

Where did the tradition come from

For many, the church is directly associated with candles. But in the first centuries of Christianity was different. Assembly of believers who often performed secretly in the catacombs, covered with oil lamps, not at all candles. They were often used in pagan cults. For the first time about the candles that were used during worship, it is mentioned in the life of Cyprian's priest (3 century).

The situation began to change under the emperor Konstantin. Then the Roman use began to penetrate the Christian rites. Soldiers with candles were common accompaniment for Roman nobility. Gradually, their use has become the usual and during Christian worship services. With 4 in. Candles began to light near the departed, were accompanied with them the deceased to the scene of the burial.

At the direction of Konstantin the Great Large Wax Candles were lit for Easter. To 5 c. Christians began to use them everywhere.

So why are candles put in churches?

  • He symbolizes also obedience to God's will.
  • The plasticity of the wax conveys well how the human soul is reborn in Christ.
  • Wax, like natural material, means that offering is made from a pure heart.
  • The burning candle is a symbol of the soul, in which the desire to serve God to serve.

In the previous times, Christians brought products to church, candles themselves, etc. In the modern world, people are much more convenient to purchase a candle, thereby sacrificing funds for the temple. In addition, many are inclined to observe the ruffles, seeing sacred meaning in it.

Candles are the same - the meaning of different

Prayers in the temple are raised both by living and for the dead. In order to honor the memory of the departed, it is necessary to come to the package, they serve weekly in every Orthodox church, on Saturday after Liturgy. During this small service, it is necessary to mentally pray for all deceased relatives, friends who are familiar who were Orthodox. You can submit a note on the soul member. Candles are taken in hand, as at the time of the depletion of the deceased.

But you can just come to church to put candles for rest. How to do it? To begin with shifting, women erase lipstick, wear a handkerchief. Go and attach to the central icon. Only then go to the bench, buy any candles. For the remembrance of the soul, it is customary to arouse them on a special table - it has a square shape, much lower than the usual candlesticks. It is usually near the crucifixion. Called such a table "Eve".

There are checked rules how to put candles in the church correctly. It is necessary to adjourn your candle from one of those that are already burning on candlesticks. On the one hand sticks out the fitted, it must be straightened - this is the top. First you need to set fire to it, then slightly hold on the flame of the bottom of the candle, so that it is reliable to hold. Then put on the candlestick or table.

Many noticed that believers in the church say something when they put candles. They just read short prayers: "Lord, Homes." At the same time, it is accepted three times to cross. You can, of course, read the prayer to the holy, or express a personal request. To do this, you can bring with you prayers, there is nothing token in it - few know all prayers by heart.

  • For the deceased pray for a brief prayer, which is easy to learn, it is in every prayer. They ask for to forgive the sins of the deceased, give him a stay in paradise. If a person died recently, they say not "the deceased", but "new-promoted".

How to put candles for health

In the church you can also put candles and zeal. How to do it? Entering the temple, each visitor immediately sees big icons, near them - candlesticks. What icons to put - choose arbitrarily. It is possible to pray to God and the Mother of God before any Virgin Icon, if you do not know what to prefer. In the center of the temple there is a festive image, first it is customary to approach him.

  • If there are no free places, the candle must be left on a candlestick. The ministers later lit her themselves. Do not extinguish someone else's to put your own.
  • Proper to put candles in the church before the start of the service. If people pray, it is impolite to clean them to go to icons. Please transfer the candle is also inappropriate. During the service there are such moments when it is forbidden to walk and build a candle. If the order of worship is unfamiliar, then it is better to wait for his ending.
  • To confession some suitable with a candle. This voluntary victim on the temple, the priest can light it during the sacrament, and can leave. There will be no effect on vacationing sins. Just a beautiful custom.

Prayer may be brought for all relatives, acquaintances, children. Many enter the temple in front of serious changes in life, far expensive, the beginning of a new case, before accepting a responsible decision. If you do not know where to put candles in the church, you need to see where parishioners are suitable. Either ask the obedient in the church shop. She will tell you where the funeral table is located, where the guys of the Mother and Saints are the guys.

Why do money take money for candles if you can not put them?

Many do not understand why candles put in the church. This is a completely voluntary action. Do not treat him as a magical rite. Neither the price of candles nor their number gives guarantees that the desire will "fulfill". A donation for the candles allows the leadership of the temple to pay bills for utilities, carry out the current repairs, support the work of social ministries, to pay the salary of clergy and other employees of the Church.

You can lower any amount in the donation box, if you do not want to put candles, or pray at all without them. The desire to sacrifice the house of God should be voluntary and conscious. Before the temple there is always a lot of beggars, they are customary to serve the soul for the deceased relatives. And for living, you can serve alms. Some brings unnecessary things to the temple, there will always find them to tell them - among the parishioners there are often families with children who need it.

It is important to understand that the Lord looks in the heart of a person, and not in his pocket. The amount of donation is not as important as a good location - remember the disclosure of the poor widow. God does not condemn poverty, he calls to get rid of greed, because she is from mistrust to the Lord. And this is a sin against the first commandment.


The mass of superstitions are associated with church rites. Orthodox Christians should avoid them. Some put candles behind the rest of the living person. This is a big sin that can harm the one who makes him. Such actions are already related to black magic, the believer should avoid similar manipulations.

To the category of hazardous things belongs to the passion of dreams. Numerous dreams give an answer to the question why dream of putting candles in the church? Interpretations are different, often directly opposite. If a person visited the degraded old church building, it foreshadows suffering. But if the temple was restored, it foreshadows assistance in affairs that close people will have.

The signal to the correction of spiritual life is considered if in a dream to go to the temple to pray. So, the man shows a pride. The presence in worship means that you should wait for the manifestation of respect from loved ones. Church singing suggests that desires will be executed. A lit candle in his hands foreshadows a meeting with a spiritually rich man.

  • Holy Fathers warn - to dreams should not be treated too carefully! Do not take them close to heart. Real spiritual revelations are a big rarity. Fascination with dreambooks, fortune telling can lead to great sins.

What to wait for the result

Sometimes people show naivety in spiritual matters. They believe that enough for a holiday to go to the church, put candles - and everything will be fine in life. But such views of the characters for paganism practiced in ancient Rome. There were many gods for each case. Christianity is a religion of effective love.

  • Permanent participation in church services, sacraments, prayers - this is what the spiritual life is. And she does not guarantee wealth and happiness, but only brings to God.

Problems for a Christian do not disappear, but the attitude towards them changes. He learns all his needs with God. Candles are a beautiful symbol of the spiritual life to which every believer is designed. They will be good only accompanied by sincere prayer.

How to put candles in the church - the response of the father

Have hemorrhoidal nodes, unbearable pain, bleeding? All this is a reason for visiting a proctologist. If the diagnosis of "internal hemorrhoids" is confirmed, the doctor will most likely assign rectal suppositories to treat.

We start learning the instructions

It's not so difficult to buy candles from hemorrhoids how to put and store and store. This is a completely different question, and for some "inexperienced" patients - also the problem.

Candles purchased at the pharmacy are usually stored in the refrigerator, since at room temperature, hemorrhoids of suppositories begin to melt and lose their healing qualities.

Now you need to explore the instructions, find answers to those who have any questions: how to use how to put candles correctly? It must be remembered about how to properly prepare candles to use and how to properly insert candles from hemorrhoids.

What does candle look like and what inside?

What is the hemorrhoids of suppository used to treat hemorrhoids? This is a dosage dosage form in the form of a cone, firm to the touch.

Preparations included in the composition of the candle reduce inflammation, contribute to the healing of the wound, stop bleeding.

The main ingredients belonging to the composition of the candles are analgesics, propolis, shark oil, hyaluronic acid, bismuth and zinc compounds, hormonal substances, etc. It all depends on the basic orientation of the drug.

The correct diagnosis allows you to use candles for the treatment of both internal and outer hemorrhoids, the cracks of the rectum, the wound of different character on the mucous membrane, to reduce the tension of the muscles of the sphincter, as well as during the postpartum hemorrhoid.

Incorrect option - Introduction Candles in an unprepared intestine. It is important before you put candles from hemorrhoids, be sure to free the intestine from the content. This can be done either naturally or with the use of the enema.

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This is necessary to maximize the absorption of drugs into the nesting mucosa of the rectum. And if there will be a carte mass there, and will be called on the act of defecation, then all the efforts will go to the pump, that is, the drug will come out with the feces, not having time to suck into the mucous membrane.

Hand processing and preparation of candle to administration

Before getting a candle from hemorrhoids from packaging, you need to thoroughly wash your hands with soap. Then it is desirable to hold hands under the stream of cool water. It is necessary so that the candle does not melted in warm hands, even before performing the rectum.

If you still think how to insert candles, and you can't decide on it, then in order to avoid melting of the candle with your fingers for something cold.

This will give the suppository once again not to melt. Everything else, the frozen candle is easier and easier to enter into the rear pass.

And another advice, how to enter candles so that they are very easy and simply slipped into the rectum. To do this, it is recommended to lubricate the sharp tip of the candle with vaseline.

If there is no one, plant sunflower or olive oil is suitable or a simple children's cream. Hold your fingers for the candles not treated with oil so that it does not slip out of the hands.

Even before putting a candle, it is necessary to carry out the usual hygiene of the anus area, prepare clean underwear, and, preferably, the gasket, because the candle has a property to leak when melting, and this can deliver trouble in the form of the desired linen.

Body Pose for Proper Candle

An introduction algorithm is very simple. First of all, the candle must be taken from the refrigerator. It is gently cutting her wrapper with thin scissors and try not to unlock and do not reck out the contents.

If you are a squeamy person or put the rectal suppository, and another person, you can wear medical rubber gloves.

Poses for administration:

  • knee-elbow;
  • lying on his back and high raising legs;
  • lying on the back, laying a roller under the crushes;
  • lying on the back and raising the pelvis;
  • standing, flashed a little forward;
  • lying on the side, pull out the leg, which is down, and press the top leg to the belly;
  • lying on the side and bent the legs in the knees - the pose of the embryo.

The last method is the most convenient, although everyone decides and chooses the perfect position for the introduction on its own. The main thing is that with any anus muscle pose, the anus was as relaxed as much as possible, because any voltage is fraught with painful sensations.

We do not miss the fact that when applying candles from hemorrhoids often arise spasms in the abdomen and urge to defecation.

Procedure for introducing a rectal candle from hemorrhoids

Now in detail how to insert candles from hemorrhoids.

  1. We accept one of the above poses, the candle take with one hand, and the other push the buttocks. Properly insert a candle with a sharp end, ideally, she must pass for the muscular sphincter, then the candle will not fall and will not give you discomfort.
  2. Insert Try without fanaticism, without existing excess pressure, carefully, not back in the wall of the rectum or, even worse, in a bleeding knot.

After the procedure for administering the rectal candle from hemorrhoids, the buttocks should be reduced, hard to hold them and hold them in such a position for at least a few seconds.

So that the candle is completely slimmed into the mucous membrane and did not fall out of the rear pass, you need to lie on the side, relaxing, 20-30 minutes. This time will be enough for the drug ingredients of the candle to fulfill and fulfill their function.

If you are all done correctly, but after 10 minutes after the introduction of the candle, there was an unbearable caking for defecation, then nothing remains how to go and empty the intestines. The probability of absorption of the drug will be zero.

Again my hands with soap, we carry out intimate hygiene and only after these simple actions insert a new candle.

If after the introduction of the candle, 15 minutes passed, and only then a call arose to the act of defecation, that is, the likelihood that the drug had a healing effect. Additional suppository is not required, since there is a risk of overdose.

If for any reason it is necessary to introduce half a candle with hemorrhoids, then you need to cut it with a sharp knife along, not across.

Thus, enter the hemorrhoids of the suppository is not properly difficult, this procedure does not require special knowledge and skills. Just strictly follow the instructions and perform simple rules.

Follow the correct storage of candles, naturally, in the refrigerator, when buying, pay attention to the shelf life and packaging integrity, observe personal hygiene, more often wash your hands with soap.

Be sure to use rectal candles from hemorrhoids to prescribe the attending physician, rather than engage in self-medication, after all, by entering an unauthorized rectal candle, you can not only alleviate your condition, but also harm.

Rectal candle. How to enter?

How to put and apply rectal candles?

For example, in the intolerance of any drug, a serious allergic reaction may occur.

Most of the people coming to the temple, consider candles with their duty. Some are suitable for the question of fundamentally and acquire the most massive specimens, hoping that in this way will faster will receive answers to their questions and earn a lot of preferences. But the essence of the litigation of candles is not performed by human desires, almost always dictated by earthly passions, and in the humble desire of the human soul to join the Divine Light. But still it is necessary to know the elementary rules of where to put candles for health in the church, so as not to overshadow the visit of the temple or the rest of the parishioners.

What is church candle?

The burning of the church candle, as the candle itself, has many meanings, and they all belong to the spiritual component of the connection of God and man. First of all, it symbolizes the prayer burning of a believer in front of the Lord, in the second place is a voluntary and sacrificing victim to God and his church, and also means the involvement of a person to the invisible divine light.

The litigation of candles, lamps, lamps in Christian temples historically dates back to times when the believer had to spend the service in the caves. But then the light of the candle not only helped to illuminate the prayer service, but was the symbol of Christ. The parishioner in the church should put a candle with a hot prayer and love, in the absence of a religious feeling the ritual takes a pagan color.

How to put candles?

The basic rule is sincere faith, the love of God and the man about whom will be uttered prayer. The amount of candles does not matter, the entire meaning of the ritual consists in purity of thoughts and the hot desire to the neighbor. The rules of behavior in the church are prescribed to light the candles before the beginning of the church worship, so that later their walking and actions do not interfere with parishings to pray, and send the cholesmithors.

You can put a candle at the end of the divine service. There are certain rules for behavior in the church when burning with parishioner candles:

  • Near the candlestick there are two waist bows with simultaneous imposing of cross-conversations.
  • Next lights a candle, it can be done from any candle standing on the candlestick. Do not light the candle from the central lamp, so that it is accidentally not to zagu the dripping wax.
  • It is necessary to cross again and set the candle in the free nest.
  • After establishing, the belt bow with simultaneous procession is placed.
  • Next read prayer.
  • If there are no free seats in the candlestick, then you do not need to cheer out and remove other candles. The candle is put next to the candlestick or wait, when the employees of the church will find the opportunity to free the nests of the general candlestick.
  • You can stand with a burning candle in the church only on a memorialist or upon vacation of sins in the presence of a priest.

Occasion and place

Candles in the church put in health and behind the rest. Cooling candles are lit in different reasons - with a prayer for health and long years of life, in gratitude for the accomplishment of an event, with a prayer for help or protection in any undertaking and even for very many reasons, candles for health are used.

Where to put and how to determine the place for the symbol of the health? Priests say there are no special requirements, following which icons to install a candle. If a person does not know where to put it, then the most correct decision will be the central candlestick, where most often there is a place and the possibility of appealing to the icons of the main iconostasis.

But in each church there is a particularly revered icon, near which parishioners often pray and the service is sent. These icons are considered the strongest symbols, and most prefer to leave their candle there. At the same time, it is necessary to read the canonical prayer dedicated to this icon and shown on it, but if the prayer is unknown to the parishioner, he will help him with sincere faith and words are poured from the heart itself, which is more valuable.

For the first time, a person who came to church is poorly focused not only in symbols, but in certain actions, especially when it seeks to put candles for health. Where to put so that by mistake not to install fire for rest. Candlestick with clock candles stands on a separate table and is located in front of the holy crucifix. It is distinguished by the form, the coolest candlesticks in the church, almost always, have a circle based, and the clock - a square or a rectangle without the main candle or the lamp.

Fundamental approach

If the mental state requires the involvement in spiritual life and it is necessary to express their respect, then you need to know where to put candles for health in the church:

  • It is useful for the soul to put a candle in the candlestick of the central aalo and at the same time laying down, pray and donate ourselves with a congestion. Actions should be calm, thoughtful, with awareness and tranquility in the shower.
  • If the church has the relics of the saint, then you need to put a candle in honor of his memory.
  • Removed in the icon temple is also the symbol where the candle will become relevant and deepestic together with a sincere prayer to the Holy or Saint, who is depicted on the icon.
  • The prayer for health (his own or a loved one) is performed near any icon, while leaving a candle on any candlestick of the temple. If the name of the Heavenly Patron is known, in honor of which the parishioner was baptized, the best choice will appeal to the icon with the image of the saint and read the prayer for protection and health.


Neophyte in the temple has many questions, the first of them - where to put candles for health in the church. Over time, an internal understanding of the semantic and spiritual burden of its stay in the framework of religious space and issues becomes even more.

Main questions:

  • What candles are for health? Church candles are not divided into species. They are the same for all needs. Differences can be in shape (straight, cone), size or materials of manufacture (wax, paraffin, mixed). To the pleasure of parishioners in church shops or private producers, you can buy candles with decorations of threads, symbols, different colors, to canonical rules it has nothing to do.
  • Where in the church to put a unresolved child? In this case, put a candle on the central candlestick, but it is desirable to get a newborn as soon as possible. To make a rite of a priest, invite home if it is impossible to bring a child to a baptismous temple. After making the sacrament, you can order forties, prayers and so on.
  • Where in the church put candles for health and getting rid of the addicted to alcohol, drugs, gambling? Prayer is carried out in front of the icons of the Virgin "Inspromandable Bowl", the Holy Martyr of Wonifati and Righteous John Kronstadsky, a candle is installed there.
  • Is it possible to pray and put a cozy candle about yourself? About his health, mental and bodily, pray and put candles in front of the icons of their heavenly patron or on the central candlestick. At the same time, they do not forget to be reached all available.
  • Where in the church to put candles for health and safe carrying out surgical operation? Among the Orthodox saints, Panteleimon the healer occupies a special place, it is considered the main assistant in recovery and the prosperous outcome of all medical interventions. Also revered and holy saints and Damian help. The patient is recommended to confess, compete and order in the church prayers about the prosperous outcome of the operation. It will be useful to pray for a surgeon that will make the operation and that the Lord rules his hands.

Almost everything heard about medical candles or suppositories. Many drugs in various diseases are written in the form of such candles, but not everyone can use them. In fact, the process does not require special skills and people can almost always perform the procedure independently at home. However, rectal, contraceptive and ear candles, respectively, are characterized by the features of the application. In this article we will talk how to properly insert candles of different character.

How to properly embed rectal candles?

With hemorrhoids, prostatitis and other diseases, doctors often prescribe medication in the form of rectal candles. If the patient never used such funds, the process may seem difficult to him. However, following simple recommendations, you can easily cope with it.

To properly insert a candle, you need:

  1. Wash your hands thoroughly.
  2. If the suppository is soft to avoid complications in the procedure, it should be placed in the refrigerator for half an hour.
  3. Dress up medical gloves.
  4. If the doctor prescribed the use of half a suppository, should be cut along it.
  5. Lubricate a candle with a water-based lubricant or conventional cool water.
  6. To lie on the left side, squeeze the right leg to the stomach and lift the right buttock to open the anus.
  7. The tip of the suppository insert into it along and push the index finger at 2.5-3 cm (children - from 1.5 to 2 cm).
  8. Hold the buttocks with compressed for a minute so that the suppositors do not slip back.
  9. For 10 minutes, it is necessary to be in the lying position.
  10. At the end to remove gloves and wash your hands.

How to properly insert contraceptive candles?

Contraceptive candles are one of the most common types of female contraception. However, not all representatives of beautiful sex are able to use them. Therefore, we consider instructions on the use of these suppositories:

  1. Before the procedure, get used to the intimate hygiene tool.
  2. Put medical gloves and take the suppository.
  3. Cut on the bed, split your feet, bend them in your knees.
  4. Lift the buttocks, push the floor lips with free hand and start entering the suppository into the vagina using the index finger.
  5. The ideal option is to introduce the length of the whole finger.
  6. If it is not possible to achieve this depth, it is necessary to maximize the vaginal muscles and repeat the attempt.
  7. It should be known that the correctly introduced contraceptive candle does not cause discomfort.
  8. In the lying position you need to be 10-15 minutes, until the suppository is dissolved. If a woman starts to walk immediately after the procedure, there is a high probability that it will slip out of the vagina, without melting.

How to insert ear candles correctly?

  1. The patient must lie on the side.
  2. One end of the candle should be lit, and the other insert into the ear.
  3. Suppository should burn to the desired mark on it, then it must be put out and clean the ear with cotton wand.
  4. The same must be done with another ear, even if inflammation or pain is one-sided.
  5. In the ears you need to insert wool and lie down in such a state of 10-15 minutes.

By the way, if in the process of burning a candle to massage the skin around it, then the effect of its impact can be strengthened. This procedure can be repeated in a day, but not more than three times. If the improvements are not observed, you need to consult a doctor.

It is clear that diseases vary. With some, you need to insert candles anally, and with others - vaginally. The ointments or other drugs are also used in the same way. But, I first encountered this process, the patient is lost, not knowing how to do it right.

In order for the medicine in the best possible way and distributed throughout the site, uncomplicated rules should be performed.

How to introduce rectal candles

Such drugs need to be stored only at low temperatures, for example, in the refrigerator. The fact is that if the ambient temperature reaches 34 0 s, the candle will begin to break out, after which its use will be impossible.

Take the packaging and carefully pull out the candle from it. It is recommended to make it clean hands, otherwise the dirt will fall on the candle. Next prepare anal hole. They boil water, waiting for it to cool down a little (to a warm state), after which the enema fill it. Using the enema kills two hares at once: the gastrointestinal tract is being cleaned and the expansion of blood vessels. Therefore, the drug will act more efficiently.

To improve the hygiene of the procedure, to insert the candle use gloves from rubber or polyester. After that, we need water, vaseline or vegetable oil. These substances lubricate one of the ends of the candle, which helps to insert it better. It is recommended to always perform a similar procedure, because the anal passage is quite narrow, and it is difficult to insert a candle in it, especially if there are hemorrhoids. Moreover, it is necessary to make the above actions if the candle is inserted into the child.

Further fall on the side and insert a candle. As soon as the candle is fully running into an anal channel, we can say that it was inserted correctly. If a person applies candles as a drug for treating hemorrhoids, they should very gently penetrate inside, not causing pain and without causing damage. To do this, gradually, without making sharp movements, rotate the candle clockwise.

Doctors say that as soon as the procedure for inserting the candle is completed, you do not need to get up immediately. It is best to lie for a few more minutes. It is recommended at least 25, but in general the body will be ascended by the medicinal elements located in a candle for 40 minutes. In addition, the internal organs were rendered mechanical impact, and such a rest will allow them to recover.

How to enter vaginal candles

The vaginal candle is inserted not as anal. Previously need to be bandaged. The measure of the bend is the length of the index finger.

Each medicine contains its ingredients to be considered when appointing them by a specialist. After all, the body of one person calmly transfers what the whole body does not withstand the body.

It should be performed by genital hygiene before entering candles into them, i.e. Simply wash. It is impossible to use the drug if a woman has monthly, because the healing effect of the candle in this case is neutralized completely. Hands too wash. Soaps do not apply, gel for intimate hygiene, too, only warm running water.

In addition, hygienic gaskets are needed, because in the morning all substances that recycle overnight, out of the vagina will increase.

For the correct introduction of the candle, it is necessary to lie down. Some species of this drug have special applicators that will greatly facilitate the woman to the procedure. Next, the knees are tightened to the chest, after which you need one hand gently push the floor lips, holding them, and the second insert a candle. If there is an applicator, then after immersing the drug in the vagina, it is carefully pulled out.

If there is a need to insert a candle afternoon, you should lie 20 minutes. But in general, all the candles of vaginal species are used for the night, before going to bed. The thing is that only during this time the composition of this drug is completely split. After that, apply the gasket.

It is undesirable at the time until the woman is treated with the help of a candle, have sexual contact, because otherwise infection is possible.

Introduction of candles Betadin

It is worthwhile that there is several contraindications from such a drug, so you need to read them carefully. These include the following:

  • Allergies to iodine and medicine based on it.
  • The pathology of the thyroid gland, for example, adenoma.
  • In physiological procedures.

It is forbidden to use Betadine candles until sex matures come. The preparation contains a lot of iodine. It can cause severe damage to the soft tissues that have not yet fully formed.


If a person does not know how to apply candles, then the tips mentioned above should help him. However, it is important to always remember hygiene. You also need to read the instructions, because sometimes there are other requirements when using the drug.