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What are black candles used for? The magic of candles. The meaning of candles by their color in rituals

We are all accustomed to seeing candles in temples and other places of worship. However, not everyone knows that the magic of candles belongs to pagan traditions, so ancient that their source is lost in the darkness of centuries.

Every magician knows that Fire is a powerful element, capable of purifying negative energy and empowering. But if the rituals of Fire are performed carelessly, the consequences can be simply disastrous.

However, you have nothing to fear, because we are not going to turn to infernal forces. Today Belshazzar is going to tell you how to use candle magic to perform relatively simple and safe rituals.

Choosing candles by color

I am often asked if it is possible to replace traditional wax candles with paraffin counterparts. In principle, paraffin candles are suitable for most white and black magic rites. But as a follower of the "classical" school, I recommend using wax candles whenever possible. Synthetics are not encouraged in magic; most occultists prefer natural materials.

In candle magic, the color of the candle you choose is of great importance. I will list the basic colors of the spectrum that are most often found in rituals.

White. This is the color of purity, light intentions. By the way, church candles it is considered to be "white", despite their yellowish tint. Such candles are used for the following purposes: white love spells, cleansing rooms from negative energy. They are used only in constructive magic, for creation or to fight against dark forces.

Red. The shade symbolizes blood, life, health. Red candles in magic are used when reading conspiracies for deliverance. They will also be appropriate if you need to be successful in a physically demanding endeavor. For example, it can be a sporting event.

Green. This color denotes a rich harvest, it is a symbol of wealth and material abundance. It is suitable for conspiracies related to the acquisition of material well-being and the solution of financial problems. In addition, green candles are used in healing, but only if a serious illness is to be treated.

Yellow. This shade has a positive effect on the intellectual potential of a person. Do you want to read the conspiracy to successfully pass the entrance or final exams? Do not hesitate for a second - you need to light the yellow candles!

Purple. This color is well known to all mystics involved in spiritual development. In ceremonial magic purple candles are used extremely rarely. But they are used when performing practices such as telepathy and clairvoyance sessions. Purple activates the work of the Sahasrara chakra, which is responsible for connecting a person with the subtle, spiritual world.

Black. It is easy to guess that black is associated with negative, with rituals. However, candles of this shade are used not only to induce damage or curse. They are also used when conducting spiritualistic seances, when invoking spirits. Black is optimal for working with the world of the dead, but such rites can only be done by experienced magicians.

Quantity matters

One candle is traditionally used to appeal to higher powers. Perform with one candle. Before carrying out a complex ceremony, the magician needs to concentrate, ask for help from the Universe. In this case, it does not matter at all whether you will refer to the Universe as to a personalized God or as an impersonal Absolute.

Use two candles in magic aimed at achieving material goals. For example, in conspiracies for the sale of an apartment or car, for successful employment. If your ceremony belongs to the spiritual realm ( love spell), then you need three candles.

I believe that you have not forgotten that the number of Fortune is 7. It is seven candles that are used in magic to attract good luck. If failures began to haunt you and you need to "get rid of" bad luck, then the number "6" will be more appropriate. Also, the magician uses the "six" when he wants to transfer the disease from his ward to a stranger.

How does your candle burn?

If the fire burns evenly, without flashes and crackles, then this means that the ritual is proceeding correctly. Sometimes the candles go out as if from a gust of wind, although there is no draft. If you observe such a phenomenon, then immediately complete the ritual, since it is simply dangerous to continue it. Suddenly extinguished candles indicate that there is a malevolent entity from the astral world (the so-called "elemental") near you.

A lit candle crackles and the flame vibrates? This means that the room has accumulated a large number of negative energy. You should not do anything, you just need to wait until all the negativity is burned out. Then you can continue the ceremony.

Candles have long been used to enhance the effect of a conspiracy, ritual or spell. The magic of a candle "stands on three whales": fire, material and color. Any ceremonies and rituals carried out with the help of candles, as a rule, work flawlessly.

How are candles used?

A candle is not only a source of light. It is also a decor item, a tool for creating a romantic setting, an offering to all the saints, a fragrance, as well as an integral part of almost any ritual.

It is used to increase the power of a ceremony, conspiracy¹, spells, summoning spirits.

How does candle magic work?

The candle contains a huge Magic force... It's amazing how this seemingly soft and gentle tongue of flame can hurt, cause irreparable harm, and at the same time warm, protect and soothe.

By the color of the flame, the intensity of combustion, you can get magical knowledge. Drawings on molten wax can tell about the upcoming event, the state of health, as well as the purity of thoughts. If necessary, remove damage, curse, evil eye, protect from negativity2, dispel bad thoughts, meditate the most affordable way Is to light the candles.

But nevertheless, it is very important to observe safety precautions and know the basics of candle magic.

The correct candle size is essential

In relation to candles, size matters and not small. If it is necessary that the candle burns in full force a few hours, it is better to use wax candles or so-called "tablets" (small round candles enclosed in a metal case).

What does the shape of the candlestick affect?

The form carries a certain meaning and influences the ritual itself. She can also tell about the character of the person using the candle. For example:

  • the classic straight form is liked by conservative and balanced people;
  • round or oval - selfish and narcissistic;
  • square - firm and self-confident;
  • narrowed on top - for romantic and sensitive personalities,
  • twisted - creative and creative.

The power and magic of the candle depends on the color.

The nuances that enhance certain of our abilities and desires are determined by the nature of the candle - its color. Color has a certain vibration and affects the subconsciousness³ of a person.

Red candle- an influx of energy, a change in the situation in life, survival, love, sexual relations, courage, health, aggression, anger. Its effect is strong and exciting.

Pink candle- platonic love, friendship, child protection, understanding, purity, light pleasant dreams, femininity.

Orange candle- success, optimism, self-confidence, attractiveness. Used for chaining spells (materializing desires).

Yellow candle- intelligence, energy, creativity, removing obstacles.

Golden candle- luxury, finance, investment, mutual attraction, victory, power.

Green candle- prosperity, harvest, wisdom, flexibility, charm, tact.

Blue candle- spiritual development, clarity, clarity of thought, bliss, inner transformation, harmony, patience.

Blue candle- purification of consciousness, wisdom, calmness, patronage, inspiration, recovery.

Purple candle- strengthening of fortitude, expulsion of the past, ambitions, treatment, secrets, psychic protection.

Black candle- destruction, revenge, punishment, contact with the dead, getting rid of unwanted relationships.

Brown candle- solution of housing problems, stability, mature solutions, study, the success of a common cause.

White candle- protection, purification, hope, marriage.

Silver candle- psychic abilities, intuition, female power, clairvoyance, helps to remove the negative.

Candle Magic Basics

The formula for combining a spell and a candle has long been deduced: INTENT + CANDLE = CHANGE. Those. it is very important to accurately define your desire, or even better, write it on paper. Preferably the paper is the same color as the candle.

Imagine what you are asking for.

If you are going to do a ritual, it is equally important to determine the time, namely the phase of the moon, and there are also so-called days of power. According to the magic calendar, it is necessary to determine which date has increased energy in relation to your request.

Before lighting the candle, you can lubricate it. essential oil or an infusion of herbs, which, by the way, also have their own purpose. For. in order to start translating your desires into life, in addition to motivation, you must have a certain reserve vital energy... In order for it to be, in the first place, you should not spend it on everything.

Your goals should be clearly defined. Don't be scattered!

Draw your own value scale. What's upstairs with you? This is where you should strive, otherwise you may not have enough strength for the most important.

How to conduct a ritual to activate additional vital energy resources?

This will happen through the inclusion of the first chakra⁴ - Muladhara. The energy of this chakra is red, so it is no coincidence that we need a candle of this particular color.

Take oils that give life energy, for example:

  • sea ​​buckthorn oil raises spirits, enhances optimism, self-confidence;
  • rose oil contributes to getting what was conceived effortlessly, easily and joyfully;
  • red orange oil, opens up more opportunities for us to make money;
  • cedar oil accumulates internal energy, helps to strengthen health;
  • ginseng root oil stimulates vitality.


  1. Rub 1 drop of each of the oils into the candle.
  2. Draw a circle with black salt.
  3. We sit in the middle in the lotus position.
  4. We put a candle opposite, at the level of the Muladhara chakra.
  5. We put our hands on our knees.
  6. For our urgent problem - replenishment of energy, the mantra for the Spiritual Ascent of the Soul along the Golden Path is ideal:. In the Slavic language it sounds: "ABOUT MYAN PEDEME HUM" and is translated as: "I rise with my mind, I rise with my mind" We sing the mantra aloud, the number of repetitions is a multiple of three.
  7. After building the energy channel, you can get up, but the candle should burn out to the end.

The next day, you should feel a surge of strength, readiness to implement plans. If the supply of vital energy is very low, it is necessary to do a ritual with three candles. The effect of the ritual lasts about 3 months, after which it can be repeated.


There are a huge number of rituals to fulfill any desire. You can always use them, but remember one of the most important laws: "DO NO HARM". Your actions should be directed towards the good.

Pay attention to your state of health, you cannot perform rituals in a state of aggression. Of course, if you are embittered, the energy can go off scale, but the consequences can be the most unpredictable.

The most interesting, ideal state for the ritual is harmony and peace. You can also achieve them with the help of candle magic. Just light any one, no matter what color and size it will be, light it and admire this incendiary dance, the dance of the candle flame.

Elena Shalomeeva

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Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ Conspiracy ( slander, words, whispering) - "small" folklore texts serving magic remedy achieving the desired in healing, protective, producing and other rituals (Wikipedia). You can familiarize yourself with various conspiracies on the pages of our site if you use the search box.

Over the years, candles have performed decorative function turning normal interior into the mysterious, romantic. And also fire is mystical sign, one of the five magical elements. He is a symbol of passion and supernatural strength.

There are people for whom candles are not just an element of decor, but an artifact, without which meditations, spiritual practices and certain rituals cannot do. Wax products help to improve the emotional state, to fulfill the most secret desires. We invite you to talk about candle magic and the meaning of candle colors in magic!

What is candle magic?

Magicians and esotericists call this one of the most primitive magical arts. This type, by the way, is usually referred to as natural magic. It was built on small rituals and on the use minimum quantity artifacts.

Every person at least once in his life performed the simplest rituals related to this type of sorcery. For example, he blew out the candles on a cake on his birthday. Yes, this is candle magic! Indeed, at the same time, a person makes a wish, sends it to the Universe, asking for support. And the final result is influenced, of course, by the belief in the actions performed and Higher power.

Why do many magicians choose candle magic for themselves? Of course, first of all, this happens because the fiery element has always been associated with inhuman power, transformation, purification and fulfillment of the most cherished desires... Fire fascinates and attracts, it is the embodiment of that divine spark, which, according to esotericists, is present in every person! In addition, it is fire that allows a person to become akin to something supernatural, beyond the control of reason, beyond material world... That is why bonfires used to burn on altars pagan gods, and therefore today in Christian churches candles are burning.

The advantage of using magic candles is the simplicity and convenience of this method of changing reality. In addition, this type of witchcraft is incredibly effective: it allows you to solve problems in almost all areas of life. Of course, the flame of a candle is much smaller than the flame of a ritual fire, but there is also a significant advantage - in addition to the pure energy of fire, candles have a "body" that the sorcerer can also use in the process of witchcraft. Various magic words and symbols can be applied to it, oils and herbs can be added, enhancing the effect of the ritual.

Rules for using candles

There are a number certain rules which sorcerers adhere to. Let's tell you about the most important ones!

For each ritual, it is necessary to take new candles, the sorcerers warn. Those that have already been ignited (even for a short time) already store in themselves information that can spoil the entire magical ritual. Some rituals involve lighting and extinguishing one candle several times. Please note - in no case should you change the candles or light them outside the ritual!

It must also be remembered that candle magic is, first of all, the most real creativity! Therefore, combinations of two or more colors are allowed here! Of course, the descriptions of the color given below can be called basic and widespread, but no one forbids the use of candles in accordance with your attitude. Another one important detail- candles self made imbued with the energy of the person who created them. Therefore, if you have the opportunity to mold a magical artifact yourself, be sure to do it! You can get an energy charge of incredible power.

After any, it is important to properly dispose of the candles. Experienced sorcerers advise to carefully collect the cinders (preferably not to touch them with your bare hands) and throw them away from yourself.

Candle color

The color of this magical attribute can be compared to a key that opens a certain area of ​​the human subconscious. What color should the candles be for the ritual? It all depends on what it is aimed at! We bring to your attention a selection of characteristics of certain shades!


Red candles are simply irreplaceable when it comes to love magic. After all, it is red that is the color of passion and expression, love and energy. They will help not only to attract new relationships into your life, but also return lost feelings, increase sexual desire. An important point- you need to light two identical candles at once - this symbolizes reciprocity between partners.

And red candles also help to find success in business - for this it is enough just to light them before some important event and just look at the flame. Magicians assure that red attracts good luck, improves the financial side of life.

It is worth using them in case of fatigue or before exhausting work. You need to sit more comfortably in an armchair opposite the candle, let your thoughts go free and look at the fire. Even a short rest will restore a huge amount of energy and allow you to do difficult work.

Another area of ​​application is the presence of outside interference. Esotericists recommend lighting scarlet candles throughout the house in those cases when fatigue falls on, everything literally falls out of hand, light bulbs burn out in the rooms. It is believed that the flame will drive out all evil forces.


White is the color of sincerity, insight, purification and wisdom. The magic of color allows you to use it in rituals aimed at healing diseases, searching for the truth. In addition, white candles help childless women finally feel. They also help to adjust the effect of wax of other shades.

Speaking about the meaning of the color of candles, one cannot but say that white is an excellent assistant for people of various professions, especially teachers! It helps you achieve all your goals. Candles white useful when you need a new source of energy or its awakening.


This color is considered to be synonymous with optimism and joy. Therefore, it is recommended to light yellow candles when there are guests in the house. In addition, they are often used to improve the relationship between spouses. The fact is that bright wax carries harmony, mutual understanding and respect!

The color of the sun is also associated with the intellectual potential of a person. That is why such candles are lit before passing exams, passing an interview. You can use yellow candles and just like that: lit in the house, they will bring financial well-being, comfort, tranquility and friendly atmosphere.


Candle of blue color is able to awaken in a person a feeling of mercy towards others. She also awakens her own feelings of guilt. Such attributes are good for various spiritual practices and meditations: they help to improve health, awaken energy, attract prophetic dreams... Another property of them is that they are able to provide answers to complex life questions... In addition, blue candles are a powerful weapon, often used in the fight against evil forces. The wax of this color has a large energy charge, however, magicians often do not advise turning to it - this can lead a person to depression and frustration.


Speaking about the meaning of the color of candles, one cannot fail to mention the magical attributes of black accumulates magical energy in itself, and therefore has a number of very different characteristics that can affect not only the consciousness of a person, but also the events taking place in his life.

Black candles are great help in the fight against obstacles, difficult circumstances. They get rid of negative energy, accelerate recovery from diseases. It is strictly forbidden to treat wax of this color lightly! You should not use them in rituals aimed at desires in which you are not completely sure. When should such candles be lit? Magicians say - in moments of meditation on difficult issues when justice is needed or when life is complicated by various obstacles. It is also important that black color affects the process of meditation, making it deeper.


What is green associated with? Of course, with fertility, abundance, material prosperity, summer greenery. That is why esotericists recommend lighting such candles when you urgently need to attract finances into your life, improve the health of households, increase the level In addition, green candles help in implementation creative ideas and ideas. Unlike blue, green attributes can be used on a daily basis to get inspiration.

Speaking of the magic of color, one cannot fail to mention that different shades of green help in solving different problems. For example, when a person burns dark green candles, greed and envy leave his heart. Emerald candles are a symbol of love, important achievements and bright emotions. Therefore, it is worth lighting them at a time when it is necessary to strengthen the union and dilute the insipid life with small joys.


Orange color- a symbol of the sun and summer, power and enterprise. He is able to give a person strength, enthusiasm and good luck. In addition, he strengthens both friendly and business ties, gives recognition and success. It is worth lighting candles of this color in those situations when it is necessary to quickly adapt to any situations, to adapt to reality. In addition, orange is the best helper for women who want to lose weight and transform.


Speaking about the meaning of the color of the candles, it is worth mentioning the pink candles. All shades of this color attract romance, sensuality to life, point to the path that will lead to spiritual harmony and balance. Too callous women should light such candles: they will help them become softer and softer.

One more useful property this color is the programming of energy for reconciliation. Therefore, you need to use them after quarrels. They will also help to find compromises in any situation. By the way, it is best to use pink wax products with the scent of roses - they will enhance the magical effect of the rituals.


Typically, these candles are used along with others in a variety of rituals. Their main purpose is to accelerate the result, enhance the ritual.


Purple wax products will help to reveal hidden opportunities and talents, expand the boundaries of consciousness, and make a wise decision. Magicians use them to create the necessary mood during predictions of the future or various fortune-telling. These candles are used to protect against magical effects, cleanse from negative impact.

Gold and silver

Sorcerers recommend using golden candles for women. It is believed that they will help to acquire happiness and wealth, determination and a spirit to win. Silver attributes are necessary if you need to get rid of negative effects, improve your well-being and find vitality.

Blue and turquoise

Who should use wax candles blue? People who lack patience and inspiration. Their effect is particularly gentle, so they can gently resolve spiritual torment. Often, such candles are used when conducting spiritualistic seances.

You can light blue candles, look at the fire and think about your loved one - this can program him for loyalty and incredible affection.

Turquoise attributes play the role of a kind of talisman that can cleanse the soul, push for change.


These tones are absolutely neutral, and therefore suitable for people who need to sort out their own thoughts and feelings. The meaning of the color of the candles allows them to be used for meditation and practices aimed at reflection and relaxation. Esotericists recommend lighting them at the end of a busy day.


Candles Help Gain Confidence Brown color... They prevent danger, free from unnecessary energy. Another action is balancing the connection with the outside world.

In which zones do you need to light candles

After you have decided on the color of the candles, you need to choose a place in the house where you will light them. Multi-colored candles located in the southwest will help to establish relationships with a loved one, to resolve conflict situations with kids.

If there is a great desire to succeed in professional activity, to gain popularity, magicians are advised to take red, blue and purple candles and light them in the south of the house.

It's no secret that Qi is the source of all life on our planet. If you feel that it has stagnated and needs to be dispersed, it is recommended to light it at least two to three times a week. magic candles in the most hard-to-reach places dwellings, for example, in the corners.

The candles that a person lights in the northeast of an apartment or room will help to strengthen the influence of the energy of the elements of the Earth (which means to bring stability, self-confidence, and preserve family happiness) into your life. This should be done at least twice a week.

You can also eliminate the chill that has appeared in the relationship with the help of candles. It is best to take products made of red wax. They should be burned in the bedroom, choosing for this the southwest side. Esotericists warn - you should not do this too often, otherwise you and your partner will simply get tired of the excessive manifestation of feelings.

You can light white in absolutely all zones and in all rooms. They will allow you to create an indescribable atmosphere of cleanliness and freshness in the house, relieve the home of negative energy accumulated for a long time.

Candles are used in magic in a variety of rituals and ceremonial activities. In this case, their shade plays a significant role, because the result of the mystical action will depend on the value of the color of the candle. Therefore, if you are ready to conjure, we advise you to carefully read this material.

You don't need any special training or training to master candle magic. It is available to almost everyone. The main feature of such magic is that for the ceremony you will need to stock up on a few candles, as well as have pure thoughts and unlimited faith in a positive result.

Fortunately, today stores abound with a very wide selection of candle products. In general, what kind of candle you get - the usual one, which we use if the lights are turned off, or purchased from an esoteric store - does not really matter.

But it is imperative that the candle is brand new. After all, if it was already lit (even for a short period of time), then it managed to be filled with a certain amount of information and it can negate the entire effect of the ceremony. In addition, the candles used earlier give vibrational currents to the Cosmos and will no longer help you in fulfilling your desires.

An important nuance. The magic of candles will only work if the ceremony is completely transparent and pure.

In general, ideal is to make candles for magic rite with his own hand. Handmade candles are filled with the energy of the person who creates them and this helps to create real miracles. Therefore, if you have the makings of a sculptor, be sure to use this and mold a few candles with your own hands. Thanks to this, you will be able to attract a very powerful flow of energy, which will give you the confidence that absolutely any dream can really come true.

The shade of ritual candles is also very important. Each of the shades has a different characteristic, therefore, when choosing candles for a ceremony, be sure to consider for what purpose you need them and what events you dream of attracting into your life.

Why pay special attention to the color of the candle?

The shade of the candle should be selected based on the specifics of the planned ceremony.

Specific colors attract specific types of energy, so color can either enhance or diminish the impact of the ritual being performed.

And in order not to make a mistake, you need to familiarize yourself with the meaning and characteristics of each of the colors in the magic of candles.

The magic of candles: characteristics of flowers with their properties

Let's consider for what purpose you need to use a candle of one color or another:

  • White candle - correlates with purification, health, soulfulness, truthfulness, divine power, peace and tranquility. You can light it up in meditation practices and during prayer. It is also used when working with the 7th energy center. White candles are also used as altar candles.
  • Ruby red. This shade, as a rule, finds application in love magic, helps to influence the feelings of people (both in a positive and in a bad sense). This means that using a candle of this color, you can both provoke feelings of love and anger, hatred and jealousy.
  • Red - has a wide range of effects. With the help of a red candle, you can really attract love and passion into a person's life. It also helps restore health and grants physical strength. Red is associated with the element of fire and can be used to help a person achieve their goals (for example, advance in a career). Corresponds to the 1st chakra.
  • Pink candle is a symbol of femininity, attractiveness, romantic and friendly relations... A pink candle will help attract tender and pure love, and will also contribute to building Serious relationships if you suffer from self-doubt.
  • Orange candle - helps to control the situation and change it. Associated with strength, attractiveness, power. Also, the spectrum of the candlestick is everything related to sex life and everything that gives a person pleasure. Orange is associated with the 2nd chakra.
  • Yellow candle - with its help you can increase creative energy, imagination, as well as fill a person with vitality and activity. Corresponds to joy and attractiveness. Increases the assimilation of information, improves memory. It is good to use a yellow candle in clairvoyance or in fortune-telling. With its help, you will better concentrate on something, your imagination will grow. The correspondence of the yellow candle is the 3rd chakra.
  • Light brown candle - used in money magic. Thanks to it, you will receive financial benefits and benefits.
  • Brown - allows you to successfully solve court cases, and also heals pets. You can also search for missing items with the help of a brown candle.
  • Olive - attracts money, luck in gambling, business, promising work. The difference between olive and green is that the former has a milder and longer lasting effect.
  • Green light - will also attract good luck in gambling, business, Good work, good harvest... Yet green color correlates with harmony, rejuvenation, healing of the physical shell, marriage, mercy. Has a connection with the 4th energy center.
  • Sea green candle - helps to heal emotionally, comforts, protects.
  • Blue - associated with spirituality, meditation, prayer, peace, tranquility and protection in the home. Helps to pass exams. The color blue is associated with the fifth chakra.
  • Blue candle - shown in the use of rituals that give a person wisdom and protection, in meditative practices. Promotes healing, improves well-being. Reveals spiritual potential, fills with inspiration. It will help to achieve peace and harmony in the home. It also helps to lose weight. Its correspondence is the sixth chakra.
  • Dark blue - can be used when they turn to the light forces for help. Dark blue candles will help with fractures, improve the process of bone fusion.
  • Purple candle - will help with clairvoyance and fortune-telling. Also, a purple candle can be lit when spiritual contacts are being made. It is connected with the 7th energy center.
  • Purple candle. Magenta is a highly spiritual color. It is used when spells are removed, dark forces are expelled, as well as when serious diseases are being treated. The shade will help with clairvoyance, divination, seances and contact with the other world. In addition, correlates with power, domination, subordination, management, control. Connected with the 7th energy center.
  • Gray candle - promotes gentle expulsion dark forces, successfully copes with different negative impacts... Also with a candle gray can be used in the process of thinking about complex problems. She is associated with charm, charm.
  • Black candle - it is often used when it is necessary to absorb and destroy negative energy. She binds evil forces and protects. It will help get rid of the evil eye and damage. Often, black candles are used as altar ones (together with white ones) to normalize the energy balance.

The influence of the phases of the moon on magical rituals

In many ways, how successful a magic ritual will be will depend on the phase of the moon. Before carrying out any ceremony, you must carefully study the lunar calendar.

  • The growing moon - suitable for those rituals that are designed to increase something (money, strength, energy, love), for creative actions;
  • The waning moon - suitable for rituals to destroy something and get rid of unnecessary things (obstacles, misfortunes, difficulties, diseases are eliminated, and also various troubles are caused);
  • At the time of the full moon - you can resort to any rituals;
  • At the time of the new moon, lapels and exorcisms are carried out.

Now you know which shade of candles you should choose for your magical actions.

In conclusion, it is worth watching an interesting thematic video material: