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The difference between the mosque and the temple. What is the difference between the Christian church from the mosque

In our country, believers live very many religions. And often, even out of curiosity, we go to the temples of representatives are not their faith.

Compare architecture, traditions, customs. What is desirable to know, entering the cult factor of Catholics, Orthodox, Muslims, Jews, Buddhists? What you need to remember to not insult religious feelings?

Orthodox Church in the form ...

The cult buildings of Orthodox Christians are churches, cathedrals and chapels. For a long time, all Christian temples are built so that from a bird's eye view, they look like a huge cross, a circle (symbol of eternity) or a ship (Noah's ark). According to tradition, the Orthodox church is always erected to the east altar.

The temple, as a rule, has one or more domes of round, cross-shaped or eight-marginal shape. They are crowned bell tower. Inside the Orthodox churches there is an iconostasis - a partition with icons attached to it. She separates the altar where only men can enter, from the Greater and Parity. In each temple there is also a choir and choirs for singers, readers and ponomarch, and in the middle is installed an allay with icons.

When entering the temple, a man should remove the headdress and become on the right side of the temple, and a woman is to cover his head and take a place on the left side.

Famous church. Saint Sophia Cathedral was built in the XI century in the center of Kiev on the orders of Prince Yaroslav Wise. At the turn of the XVII-XVIII centuries, it was rebuilt in the style of Ukrainian baroque. To this day, many ancient frescoes and mosaics are preserved in it, including the famous mosaic of the Mother of Orange.

Catholic church - without iconostasis

Catholics pray in chosets and cathedrals. Most often, these cult facilities are constructed in the Gothic or non-neutic style. The internal structure of buildings is largely similar to the Orthodox churches, but Catholics have no iconostasis. In the temple, the central part is clearly allocated, or, as it is also called, presbytery. This is the place where divine services are held and where the holy gifts are stored. It is noted by a non-registered lamp. Next to the central altar often spaced aparts in honor of the saints. In addition, in the premises of the Catholic church there is a separate place for choir and scenario.

When entering the temple, men should shoot hats, but women do not necessarily cover their heads. Fingers right hand Parishioners dip in the Kroplinitsa - a vessel with holy water, which stands in front of the temple, and then bawrs.

Famous church. Cathedral Holy Apostles Peter and Paul in Lutsk - the oldest in Ukraine. Built in 1616-1639 for the project of the famous architect Giacomo Briano as a church at the Jesuit Monastery.

Synagogue "Watch" on Jerusalem

Jews spend religious rites in the synagogue, the facade of which must be addressed to Jerusalem. In Europe, this means orientation to the East. Outside the synagogue is a conventional building. Inside it, the entrance has a washbasin, where the priests wash their hands and legs before the start of the service, and the altar for the sacrifice of animals. For them is the sanctuary in the form of a tent where only the priests can enter. In the depths of the sanctuary behind the curtain there is a holy of saints with the ark of the covenant, on which ten sacred commandments of Jews are carved.

Crossing the threshold of the synagogue, Jews should touch up to fortified door jamb Mesuza - case in which a parchment with a passage from the Torah is invested. Women and men enter the synagogue with a covered head and pray in different premises.

Famous temple. In the village of Zhovkva, the Lviv region there is a unique synagogue-fortress, built in the XVII century by decree of the Polish king Yana Casimir in the Baroque style.

Mosque facing Mecca

Muslim prayer house - Mosque. It is a round or square-shaped building, which is addressed to Mecca, with minaret towers (number from one to nine). There are no religious images in the mosque, but lines from the Quran can be inscribed on the walls. On the right there is a Department-Minbar, with which the preacher-imam reads his sermons.

Believers pray in mosques five times a day. In front of the prayer Muslims carry out ablutions, and before entering the temple, shoes are surely removed. Also, everyone needs to cover their heads, and women also put on the most closed clothes. Men and women in different premises pray.
Famous temple. In 2011, the Ar-Rahma Mosque ("Mercy") was built in Kiev on Tatar) with a huge 27-meter minaret.

Buddhist temple gathered cult treasures

Being a Buddhist means looking for a refuge among the "Three Treasures" - at the Buddha, his teachings and communities. Buddhist temple is designed so that all the treasures are collected in one place. Temples are distinguished by the abundance of spiers, stucco decorations on the facade, as well as a special device of eaves, which are gently and elegantly bent up.

The temple consists of three halls. In the Golden Hall, the statues and images of the Buddha are stored, and the altar is located. The second hall - Pagoda - has three or five tiers, in the center there is a pillar from the trunk of a large tree. On its top stored a particle of the remains of the Buddha. And the third hall, for reading, is intended for sacred scrolls and books.

Before entering the golden (altar hall), women and men need to remove headdress, go to the altar along the sun (left to right). During the religious service (Khurala), you can sit on benches or on the carpet in the lotus position, but you can not throw a leg to the leg, pull the legs toward the altar.

Famous church. The largest Buddhist Temple "White Lotos" is founded by followers of the Kung Fu school in 1988 in Cherkasy.

We will remind, earlier we told that.


Sacristy - The place where liturgical items are stored, including robes.

Lectern- A table to which books, icons and other church accessories are put.

Religion can change not only people. During the history of the mosque, the temples, synagogues of mosques, and Christian monasteries worked out Buddhists.

Mosque Magoka

The mosque was built with X to the XIV century. The building is located in the Uzbek city of Bukhara, on the site of the old bazaar, where in the old days traded with spices and idols. About the ancient pagan sanctuary in this place they say and archaeological excavations. The local literature says that a Buddhist monastery was located on the site of this mosque, then the Zoroastrian temple of the Moon, who was rebuilt into the mosque. Bukhara is the oldest of Central Asia cities, and here really in antiquity there were Buddhist communities and temples of fire-rolls. For some time, Bukhara Jews before the construction of the synagogue prayed in this mosque separately from the Muslims attending it.

Synagogue Del Trancito

The oldest synagogue of Toledo - cities in the heart of Spain. Built in 1357. After the expulsion of the Jews from Spain became the monastery of San Benito, which prayed and lived the knights of the Order of Kalatrava. Today is the museum.

Mosque as-Sunna

The numerous abode of Yemeni Jews, a synagogue in Djible, was rebuilt into the mosque in the XVI century. Together with the mosque in honor of the queen, Arva is dominant city.

Ayia Sofia

The main Christian Cathedral of the Middle Ages, the symbol of the Byzantine Empire. Here in 1054, the Patriarch of the Kerulary was excavated and the division of churches occurred. So the cathedral became the main orthodox temple. Some time (1204-1261) was under the authority of the Crusaders. After the conquest of Constantinople in 1453, the Cathedral of Hagia Sophia became a mosque.

Seville Cathedral

The largest gothic cathedral in Europe, for a hundred years was built on the site of the mosque in the city of Seville. Cathedral is business card The cities, especially his main tower - Hiralda, rebuilt from a minaret, typical of the Arab countries of North Africa. From the Muslim building remained: the portal decorated with bronze plates, the courtyard and fountain (first built by morewalls).

Mosque Lala Mustafa Pasha

Located in Cyprus in the city of Famagusta. The church in the style of mature gothic was built at the turn of the XIII-XIV centuries kings-descendants of the Crusaders. After 1571, the temple was turned into a mosque, which was called "Magus Ayia Sofia".

Pokrovsky Cathedral in Vitebsk

IN early XIX. The century was built as a Catholic church. However, in the middle of the century, it was closed and rebuilt as the Orthodox Church: the dome was prescribed and painting was added.

Church of Mikhail Archangel in Smolensk

The temple was built at the end of the XII century in a very sign for Polotsk-Smolensk architecture style. This style has arisen under the influence of European Gothic and attached the building to the building. After conquering the city by Poles in 1611, she served as a church around a hundred years. Later again moved to the hands of Orthodox.

They shook even experienced tourists. It is difficult to believe that this is the creation of man's hands. "The houses of the gods are huge and great, designed to get to think about the fraud of being and gain peace of mind.

Cathedral of the Holy Family He became a symbol of Barcelona (Spain), although the construction is not yet completed. It lasts since 1882 and is financed only by donating individuals.

The architect of the temple, Antonio Gaudi, was a famous specialist in non-standard solutionswhose projects overtook their time and were truly fantastic. So the Cathedral of the Holy Family became. All in bizarre curls, it looks a huge rock in the middle of the square. But it is worth coming closer, and the construction can be viewed by clock. Fragments from the Bible are carved in the walls. This was the idea of \u200b\u200bgenius - to create a unique architectural book.

Listing the most beautiful temples of the world, it is impossible not to mention Basilica of St. Peter. in the Vatican. She is the heart of the Catholic world, such a miracle simply could not be an ordinary architectural monument. Within 100 years, 18 kap managed the construction of the cathedral. The decoration was engaged in the 12 greatest architects, including Michelangelo and Rafael.

The size of a football field, he does not oppress its greatness, but striking. Outside the building in the form of a cross looks like a castle with domes, and inside is the most real museum. Here everything is a work of art: altari, oil, statues, mosaic, columns. Tourists should be approached by the famous statue of Peter on the papal throne and rub his feet. The feet of the saint is already exterminated from lovers to make desires.

The most beautiful Orthodox temples

The Orthodox Church also boasts architecture.

St. Basil's Cathedral In Russia, this is 9 churches built on one foundation. Many know a terrible story about how Ivan Grozny ordered to buy eyes to masse the eyes so that they would never be able to repeat such beauty. Especially shook the dome-dome of the temple, with a unique finish and different pattern.

How many times the fate of the cathedral hung in the hairs! That the French wanted to blow up in 1812, the party figures tried to clear the place for parades, but he survived, although he remained a museum. Only occasionally services are held here.

Famous Andreevsk Church In Ukraine - Baroque representative. It is built on the terrace of a two-story building, which stands on an artificial hill. Empress Elizabeth itself laid the foundation for the court church. According to the legend, Andrei is also prolonged watershed in this place the cross and stated that God's grace is here.

The church has no traditional bell tower that invigorates citizens to the service. For a long time In it and the service was not carried out, because the swallows were rare here, and the church is the royal. There is a legend that the sound of bells can wake up a subterranean spring, which will finally flood the shrine.

The most beautiful Buddhist temples

Temple Wat Rong Khun In Thailand, an amazing snow-white fairy tale, which in 1997 created a famous artist. Hahermhai Kositpipat 20 years collected money from selling his works to build a completely white church with a glass mosaic. The structure is looking for a pond with white fish.

In the sunset rays, this magnificence reflects the Red Rays of the Sun, and the beauty of beauty just blinds. The temple is like lace, all in curls, with interesting sculptures. Tourists note that the construction does not look like traditional Thai. If you are not interested in Buddhism, then it should definitely come here to make stunning photos.

Chwedagon Temple Complex In Burma is different from the traditional architecture of Buddhists with color and splendor. In addition, the pagoda is one of the unique temples of the world, she is also one of the most holy for believers. Under the Swedagon, the relics are mounted from different Buddhas: bowl, part of the tunic, staff and 8 hair. The famous pagoda does not have the entrance, it is a bulk hill, closed by stone and brick, and from above covered with gold.

Silver bells hang on the spier, who catch the wind. The entire top of the temple is covered with emeralds, rubies, sapphires and diamonds. It has sanctoes that correspond to the days of the week. They believe that desires are executed, if you leave gifts in the fact that the birthday corresponds.

The most beautiful Muslim temples

Mausoleum-Mosque (India) takes place not only among the most beautiful temples of the world, but also among the most famous. Translated from the Persian the name of the tomb means "the crown of all palaces". Previously, a snow-white building was crowned with silver doors, the walls were decorated with pearls and gems. Until our time, such wealth did not live. But the inlaid gems remained, a subtle painting and mosaic.

Taj Mahal elevated Shah-Jahan for his third wife Mumtaz. This is an amazing Indian story: the emperor met love in the market and blinded by her beauty, stopped noticing a poverty around. Mumtaz, despite the honorable age (19 years), gave birth to him 13 children, and died, burning the 14th. The tomb still transmits all the beauty of the beloved Shah-Jahan.

Famous sheikh Zaid MosqueBuilt in Abu Dhabi demonstrates the power and wealth of the UAE. Here you can see the most huge carpet in the world, chandelier in Swarovski crystals listed in the Guinness Book for your sizes. The spiers of minarets support the sky, their height is 115 meters. The largest mosque can accommodate 40 thousand believers.

Muslim temples are called mosques, and they are built by certain rules. First, the building should be focused strictly east, that is, the sacred place for all Muslims is Mecca. Secondly, a mandatory element of any mosque is a minaret - a high and narrow extension most often cylindrical or rectangular shape. Such in the mosque can be from one to nine. It is from this premises Muzzin encourages believers to prayer.

Almost all Muslim temples are equipped with a yard. Here, traditionally, a fountain, well or any device intended for ablutions should be arranged. According to Muslim customs, it is impossible to enter a dirty prayer. In the courtyard are also household buildings. Madrasa is different from the mosque by the fact that in the yard can be equipped with premises for seminarists. Modern temples, of course, have a rather modest architecture. However, if you look at the old magnificent, you can see that earlier yards often applied the columns, they even organized the perimeter of the gallery.

The mosque building is crowned by a dome decorated with a crescent.

These are the features of the Muslim Temple in the Exterior Plan. Inside the same building is divided into our time for two halves - male and female. On the eastern wall of the prayer room in obligatory Michrab is satisfied - a special niche. To the right of it is located a special department, with which imam reads his preaching believers. During prayer, old people stand closest to him. Behind them - people and in the most last rows - the youth.

Images of people and animals in Islam are prohibited. Therefore, of course, no icons in prayer room Or somewhere not yet. Nowadays, the walls are usually decorated with Arab writers - rows from the Quran. Very often for mosques, fractal or they can be used both outside the building and from the inside. Muslim temples are usually separated in traditional blue and red colors. In addition, in ornaments, it is often possible to observe the splashes of white and golden.

A wonderful example of Islamic architecture can be considered, for example, Taj Mahal in Agra. This is very believed to be a global pearl culture. Built this Muslim temple, whose photo you can see at the very top of the page, Shah Jahad in honor of your wife. A woman was called Mumtaz-Mahal (from here and a slightly reeued name of the temple), and she died at birth. In the temple there are two tombs - Wife Shah and his own.

On the second photo - the mosque of Sultan Ahmet, located in Istanbul. A distinctive feature Turkish Muslim temples can be called a special form of the dome - more common than in the mosques of other countries. On the third photo - the mosque of Sultan Ahmet from the inside. Quite often, Muslims adapted under their own conquered peoples. An example of this is the most significant monument of early Christian culture - Sofia Konstantinople, to which minarets were attached to the Turks.

Thus, such buildings like Muslim temples can be called the dome and the presence of the yard. In addition, mandatory architectural elements Are minarets, Michrab and the Department.

March 8, 2017.

For believers of people of different religions and confessions of temples - the place of worship and committing prayers and rites. For many centuries, people built and decorated temples that satisfy not only their spiritual, but also aesthetic needs ...

The main temples of various religions are, as a rule, also outstanding monuments of world architecture, each of them attracts numerous pilgrims and tourists from all over the planet.

Jerusalem Temple (Israel)

The believers of Jews around the world, according to the canons of Judaism, just one temple. And one is actually non-existent. Until I century, the new era was located in the center of Jerusalem, on the temple grief.

Now on the site of the Jerusalem Temple is the Muslim Mosque of the Kubbat As-Sahra, and the Jewish shrine was destroyed by the Romans in the 70th year of the new era, after which, as legend says, the Jews dissipated around the world.

However, in memory of the Jerusalem Temple, each synagogue anywhere in the basis of its internal device Repeats the design of the temple. Including the most ancient, which is, oddly enough, is not in Israel, but in the capital of the Czech Republic Prague, and is called Marionova Synagogue.

St. Peter's Cathedral (Vatican)

The main and largest temple of all Catholics of the world.

Ceremonial and spiritual center of the Roman Catholic Church. Located in the center of the capital Italy, on the territory of the smallest state in the world - Vatican.

In the creation of the Cathedral of St. Peter, outstanding artists and sculptors of the Renaissance - Bernini, Rafael, Michelangelo and others participated. The dome of the cathedral is the highest in the world, 136.6 meters.

Al-Haram Mosque (Saudi Arabia)

The main mosque of all Muslims of the world is located in Mecca, in Saudi Arabia.

In the courtyard, Al-Haram Mosque is the most revered shrine, the sacred stone of Kaaba, thanks to which Millions of pilgrims from all over the planet are visited annually.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe entire temple complex - 357 thousand square metersHere simultaneously placed up to a million pilgrims. Next to the mosque in 2011 built the largest complex of skyscrapers Abraj Al-Bate.

Borobodur (Indonesia)

This is a giant construction - the largest Buddhist temple in the world.

Borobodour is located on the island of Java, in Indonesia. It is noteworthy that this tremendous temple imagination, built about 800 AD, after eruption of the volcano and the strongest earthquake, was abandoned about 800 years, covered with volcanic dust and bored with jungle.

The restoration of the temple began only in 1907. Borobodore has more than 500 statues of the Buddha and about 1,500 stone bas-reliefs with religious plots.

Church of Christ the Savior in Moscow (Russia)

Full name: Cathedral Cathedral Church of the Savior. Has the highest status among Russians orthodox churches - Patriarchal Opportal. The Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill is the abbot of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

The current temple, built in the 1990s, is the external recreation of the same name of the same place, built by this place in the center of Moscow in the middle of the nineteenth century in memory of the war of 1812 and completely destroyed during the Stalinist Board in 1931. The temple building accommodates 10,000 people.