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Prayer rooms


God is invisible; He can be us independently of the circumstances. To create an atmosphere, more suitable for communication with him, it is best to highlight a special place for prayer; It can be both beautifully decorated and very simple.


If possible, highlight one room for prayer in the room of the Church or at home; If necessary, it can be used as a living room. This will help us learn to serve others just as we want to serve God and true parents.

If it is impossible to allocate a special room, free the part of the largest room under the main place for prayer.


Holding services and daily use

Services can be carried out in a place specifically reserved for prayer.

Well, if parishioners daily on return to church or home and before leaving the church or from the house will pray in the place allotted for prayer, but this is optional.

If desired, this tradition can be applied to any daily activities - for example, to pray even before running into the store. Thus, you will show the Heavenly Father your desire to live in the humility and purity of the sacrificial life, honoring him even in the simplest, everyday situations. Thanks to this you can feel strong spiritual support.


Make a daily cleaning in place allotted for prayer to raise a holy attitude towards him. Let this place be special as consecrated land.

It is necessary to pay more attention to the care of the prayer room. Beautiful curtains or curtains, fresh flowers and indoor plants, special chairs with pillows will help you create an atmosphere of holiness.

Jewelry for the prayer room

The prayer room can be decorated with a panel with the text of the "Walkers" on the Korean or native language, as well as a symbol or flag of the association church.

Etiquette in a prayer room

Bow at the entrance and exit from the prayer room

In fact, the tradition prescribing to bow at the entrance and exit from the prayer room does not exist. If you wish, you can make a bow (or respectfully to bow your head, or bow to the belt). However, much more important than any external rituals to raise the heart of ministry and respect during prayer.

Position during prayer

In the first chapter, revealing the etiquette of the ministry, you can find a detailed description of how to make a full bow. During prayer, the prelleget of all will be on your knees, but you can pray and sitting, and standing. Parishioners should remember that sitting in the face of the Heavenly Father and True Parents with the legs stretched in no hope and indecently.


The value of the family altar

On August 15, 1985, the true parents sought their 40-year-old path in the wilderness. This day the true father proclaimed the day of complete victory.

In 2002, true parents proclaimed the following motto of the year: "Mansenes in honor of the successful establishment of a free, conflict and happy country of the Universe and Unity, the ideal of parents of Heaven and Earth!". Thus, the peaceful establishment of the Chonylguk era was proclaimed.

On May 5, 2004, it became the day of the unity of two began and the victory of the number "Ten" (Svanhap Plischin Il). On this day, true parents proclaimed the end of the era before the onset of heaven and the beginning of the epoch after the attack of the kingdom of heaven. On this day, the tradition of the Days of Anchil was founded.

The peaceful establishment of the Chonylguk era means that the eternal God can now live with central blessed families at home. This gave real liberation to the heart of the Heavenly Father.

For the peaceful establishment of the Chonylguk era, we must follow the Family Tradition of Hundokhwe. Putting a photo of the True Parents in the house, we express your willingness to serve them. Every day following the tradition of Family Hundokhwe in front of the Family Altar, we proclaim and argue the peaceful establishment of the Chonylguk era.

Historically, the family altar is a tabernacle - the sample of the temple and the meeting place of the Jewish people with God. Therefore, for us, the family altar should be the most holy place in the house. On the altar we put things granted to us by God.

Before installing a family altar, you need to take into account a few moments. Do not worry too much about whether it is beautiful or too simple. Of course, the altar helps to create a certain atmosphere, but the most important is the relationship with which we pronounce prayer. We speak with the Heavenly Father in front of the altar, and for him the purity of our soul is most important during prayer.

If there are difficulties with the installation of the altar

Parishioners or missionaries who have to move often from place to place may not be easy to install a permanent altar. Of course, both prayers and services can be carried out without the altar, and without photograph of true parents. The most important thing is your attitude; It is important to remember that you dedicate this service or prayer to God and that this is not just an external ritual.

Temporary altar

If circumstances allow you to carry a small photo of true parents or any other objects mentioned below; If you wish, all this can be used to install the temporary altar before prayer or service.

The procedure for installing a family altar

If you want to install a permanent altar, you first need to remove the place intended for it, and then sanctify it with holy salt (see chapter 17 "Holy Salt", section "Practical use of the Holy Salt: Rooms and other rooms").

Locate a clean tablecloth or a cut of light fabric to the "altar" (it can be a small table, a bedside table, etc.). Top in the top of the true parents. The altar need to put a candle of Chonilguk, a box with a special holy salt (for example, made by senior parishioners or received by someone from the parishioners for the first time, and not with the one that is intended for everyday use), a vessel with holy wine, the divine principle and Chhonsongen.

Previously, the altar could also optionally put the small photos of Hyn Gin Nema and Tamonym.

On the altar you can put flowers (preferably fresh).

Attributes of the family altar

  • Photo of true parents - a symbol of the sketches, which personified for the Mesia and the Holy Spirit for the Jews and were in the Holy Saints.
  • The divine principle and Chonongen - God's Word, guiding people.
  • Candle Chonilguk is a symbol of sacrifice. Sorry for the sake of others, she protects us from Satan and helps to create a holy atmosphere.
  • Holy Wine and Holy Salt - the attributes of Chonillaguk, which should be in all central blessed families.
  • Holy Wine - a symbol of readiness to always transmit the blessing of true parents to all people.

Practical questions of the organization of the family altar

For the altar, it is desirable to choose a special place in the room. It is best to install the altar near the northern wall. However, if the location of the doors or windows does not allow it to do, the altar can be placed around any wall. If possible, let it be there all the time.

If the size of the room allows, it is better to make a separate altar. Otherwise, you can use a separate shelf in a closet or another place corresponding to the purpose of the altar. You can also solve yourself, cover the altar with a white tablecloth or not.

Box for holy salt should be small. It is desirable that the symbol of the church is depicted.

A small darkened bottle can be used as a vessel for holy wine. You need to pour a small amount of holy wine Chonilguk, which you need to take the church leaders. The remaining part of the wine can be stored in the refrigerator.

Hundokhwe in front of a family altar

Every morning, with the light of the lit candle, Chonilguk, a central blessed family participates in the tradition of Hundokhwe in front of the Family Altar, thus serving true parents and arguing the peaceful establishment of Chonilguk's era.

Table offering for holy days

In holy days, parishioners are covered with "offering table", placing dishes and baskets with fruits, nuts, sweets, etc. (See chapter 6 "Holy Days and Holidays", section "Holy Days: Recommendations for the celebration of saints at the local branch of the Church, District or Country").

Chapel, and genus. MN. Len, wives Premises for religious meetings, services and prayers (advantages. Sectors, non-Christians), prayer (mile) house. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Swedov. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

chapel - Chapel, Rod. MN. Male and outacious chapels ... Dictionary of the difficulties of pronunciation and stress in modern Russian

G.; \u003d Challenging, \u003d prayer room, room for religious assemblies and services (usually in sectarians and non-Christians). Explanatory dictionary Efremova. T. F. Efremova. 2000 ... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language

Chapel, chapels, chamenery, prayer, chamenery, chapels, chapels, chapels, chamenesses, chapels, chapels, chapels, chapels (Source: "Full accentuated paradigm by A. A. Zaliznyaku") ... Word forms

Pointed in the Olenevskogo Skit (photo of the late XIX century) Pointed in Russia (especially at Old Believers) Premises for the service of worship, home church. In the royal sorry, the prayer was also called a cross bedroom. Does not have the altar and not ... ... Wikipedia

Chapel - Small church, private chapel (often in the house). (Architecture: Illustrated Directory, 2005) ... Architectural dictionary

chapel - Mall Yelnya, and genus. p. MN. h. Len ... Russian spelling dictionary

chapel - (1 g); MN. Mole / Linen, R. Mole / Len ... Orphographic Dictionary of the Russian Language

chapel - І, g. Budernock, KIMNATA for relatives, Zboriv, \u200b\u200bVіtnign І Melínnya (Transl. In Sectantіv І non-Christians) ... Ukrainian Tlumachny Slovenik


  • Life at work
  • Life at work, Mur Thomas. Just three hundred years ago, Alchemists, such as Englishman John Di, followed a small stove in her smoky cluttered laboratory, patiently and carefully watching signs of progress. ...

This is a reflection of your inner world if there are many rooms, they are a symbol of various faces of your life or nature.

Rooms that in a dream are located on different floors: symbolize different levels of your feelings: the higher the room is, the more important for you this piece of the soul.

Clean, cozy room made according to Feng Shui: a sign of your mental balance and, as a result, a stable improvement in life.

Ufective room: sign of mental discomfort. Most likely, you have a lot of unresolved problems have accumulated, and it causes you anxiety, pouring into poor well-being or an unimportant state of affairs.

If there are strangers in the room, which are customized friendly: sleep says that you are in agreement not only with others, but with themselves.

This means that your business, especially related to the negotiations, must move successfully.

If the guests in the room behave aggressively: sleep indicates your inner break.

If you do not lead the feelings in balance, the conflicts and failures really await you.

An unfinished room: a sign of unfinished affairs and unrealized plans.

Empty, unsightly room: symbol of loneliness and spiritual emptying.

At the same time, if the empty room is beautiful and filled with clean light: this is a sign of your spiritual update.

If you don't get any interesting plans, they have every chance of success.

Bright light outside the windows of the room: may indicate that some external events will help you find harmony and peace of mind.

Darkness over the rooms of the room: warns that you are too closed in yourself. Try more attention to pay people and the world around - it will make your life rich and brighter.

Interpretation of dreams from the dreams of the twentieth century

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What exactly should be understood under the mosque? Is there a difference between the concepts of the mosque, Musalla, Jamaat Khan, etc.? These questions require a detailed analysis.

Nowadays (in particular, in the West), in Islamic centers, among other things, there is a prayer room, Musalla or Jamaat Khan. Some communities are renting a room in an industrial complex, a house or apartment, where members of the Muslim community can be collected for collective prayer (and in many cases also for other purposes). Many communities even bought premises and consider them their mosques.

Which of the above can actually be considered a mosque, and what rules exist on this?

There is a difference between the concepts of the mosque (Arab. masdzhid) And Musalla (or Jamaat Khan). "Musalla" (or Jamaat Khan) literally means a place where prayer is made or meetings are held, in other words, this is any place that believers are temporarily used to commit a collective prayer. Musalla is also a place that was not transferred to Vacf or has not yet been allotted to become a mosque to the vessel. Typically, this room is used temporarily, and the community can change it as soon as there is a more suitable, convenient and already permanent option. Muslims today often speak instead of Musalla "Mosque", and the literal importance of the Arabic word "Masdzhid" (the place where earth bows are performed) allows it. Nevertheless, from the point of view of Fick, Musalla is not a Sharia mosque. And the reward for prayer in Musalle is not as for prayer in the mosque.

Mosque (Masdzhid)

The mosque is a sacred place, a reward for prayer in which increases 25-27 times, the place where the grace of Allah is descended. Messenger Allah, may Allah bless him and welcomes, considered the best of the places. Ibn Abbas transmits:

"Mosque is Allah's houses on Earth. They shine the inhabitants of heaven just like the stars in the sky shine the inhabitants of the Earth. "

The true mosque in the Sharia is a place that Allah was dedicated forever - for prayers, reading the Quran and his commemoration. Any block of land, which is forever assigned to collective prayers, also becomes in the Sharia sense, mosque. The Great Hanafi Scientist Egypt Allaim Takhtavi said:

"Know that the place (plot of land) was considered a mosque, the presence of a building (construction) is optional."

The mosque is usually transmitted to the VACF or becomes public property (sometimes, depending on local laws, this happens is problematic). Nevertheless, as soon as the mosque was erected, she will always be a mosque and the property of Allah. She cannot return to the ownership of some person or community, even if they spent their funds for its construction. Allama Khackafi writes:

"If life in the settlement around the mosque is fugged and the mosque will remain desertless, she will still be a mosque, according to Imamov Abu Khanifa and Abu Yusuf, to the vessel day, and Fetwa for this opinion (Havi al-Kudsi)."

"The whole earth will disappear on the day of the trial, with the exception of mosques that will be connected to each other."

Mosque selection

The mosque (to become a mosque) should be officially determined by the members of the Special Commission or a group of responsible persons. They determine the area that the mosque will occupy, and its borders. In addition, they can establish that the area adjacent to the mosque will be used as bathrooms / toilets, warehouses, halls, etc. As for the second point, these areas will be only an addition to the mosque, although they are part of the vacuum, part "Mosque", a specific commission, they will not. Therefore, it is possible to legitimize as a "mosque" only the front part of the large hall (i.e. the first ten rows), and the remaining part at the same time will have the status of Musally. If the front part of the hall was highlighted under the mosque, all this place, including what's above and under it, becomes a Sharia mosque. This means that the space directly over the territory of the mosque and under it on any floor can only be used as a mosque, but not for any other purposes. All rules relating to the mosque are distributed to all those located above and under the mosque of the floors (including the ground floor), no matter how many of them. Place toilets, bathrooms, as well as make any inappropriate actions on or under the territory of the mosque prohibited. But it is allowed to build a toilet and a bathroom on any floor abroad allotted under the mosque of the site, since, from the point of view of Sharia, it will be adjacent to the mosque territory, and not directly the mosque itself. Allyam Khaskafi in the generally accepted work "hell-Durr Al-Mukhtar" writes:

"It is close to forbidden (Makrum Tahrim) to perform sexual act over the territory of the mosque. The same applies to the defense of a small and great need over the territory of the mosque, because the mosque is a mosque to the top of heaven (Ibn Abidin adds: "And also deep into the earth") ... it is undesirable to go there something unclean ... [although] over the room that It's just used as a mosque [in the house], or in the very same room, the commission of these actions is not bad, since these places are not the mosque on the ball ... a person in a state of great desecration and a woman during menstruation is allowed to enter there (i.e. In the prayer room (Musalla) or the place that is cooked for the commission of a festive or funeral prayer) in the same way as allowed to enter the courtyard adjacent to the mosque [not part of the mosque] ... ".

Therefore, if the boundaries of the mosque are installed, you can not make it so that any part of the premises for prayer ceased to be a mosque. But, before the plan approved and the territory is approved as a mosque, you can select areas on any of the floors above or below where the mosque will be located, for some other purposes having a relationship to the mosque, for example, under the repository , Cabinet Imam, the base for the needs of the mosque, the store, bringing the income of the mosque, etc. Ibn Abidin writes to Radd Al-Mukhtar:

"If they will place the Imam's room over it, then there is nothing reprehensible, because it refers to the arrangement of the mosque. But, if the device [definition of the boundaries] of the mosque has already been completed and people want to add a room there, it is forbidden to do this [change the approved mosque borders and place a room there intended for something else]. If members of the Commission claim to argue that they had previously had the intention to do this, their application will not be accepted [in court]. "

The same says the Egyptian connoisseurs of Fickha Ibn Nudeim:

"In Mujtaba," it is said that the guardian of the mosque is forbidden to build shops in the mosque or her courtyard [mean the courtyard in which Namaz is performed in summer in warm countries, it is also called the street part of the mosque]. "

Warehouse and warehouses for water over / under mosque

In the mosque there may be a storage room directly above or under the territory of the prayer hall. But the storage room under the prayer hall should be used exclusively for the arrangement of the mosque, and its location should be stipulated in advance at the first stage of design. It is also allowed to establish a water tank for mosque (as they do in some Muslim countries). In "hell-Durr al-Mukhtar" says:

"If there is a basement under the mosque for the needs of the mosque [But Allyam Ibn Abidin adds that it must have limited sizes], it is permitted, as done in the mosque in Jerusalem."

Residential zone and toilets over / under the territory of the mosque

Although during the design of the mosque, it is allowed to take it part of the Imam's room, as well as for other purposes, should not be planned to build toilets or imam apartments directly above the mosque territory, even if it is done at the preparatory stage of construction, because it is forbidden to protect the need for sexual intercourse and t. n. Over or under the mosque. And under no circumstances can not be diverted under residential premises or the Cabinet in the mosque, the boundaries of which were already identified. Allyam Ibn Abidin writes:

"And it requires solving the question of whether a person who transmitting property in the Wakf is permitted, to take place under the toilets [Beit Lill-Halya '] directly above the mosque, as in Masjid Makhallyat Ash Shahm in Damascus. I have not met a special Sharia decision on this. Yes, in the chapter dedicated to the issues of Vacpha [in the "hell-Durr al-Mukhtar"], it is said: "If the ground floor is made under the mosque for the needs of the mosque, it is allowed", reflect ".

Nevertheless, Ibn Abidin only mentions the opportunity to draw an analogy between the storage of the basement and toilets, indicating that this question needs more detailed consideration. This analogy is not a strict judgment.

Islamic centers and Musalli today

As for modern Islamic centers with a prayer champion, the room allotted in them for prayer can be considered a Sharia mosque if it was reserved as a mosque. As for the rooms adjacent to the mosque, such as the hall, dining room, children's room, gym, cabinets, then they are considered additional or extensions to the mosque, therefore, are not part of the Sharia Mosque, even if they are also included in the VACF (i.e. Refer to property that cannot go to whose property), and the rules regarding the mosque and the premises adjacent to it will differ, which will be discussed.

Women in the period of menstruation

A woman during menstruation and postpartum bleeding, as well as a person in a state of great desecration due to the selection of seed, do not have the right to enter the mosque. Prophet, and bless him Allah and welcomes, said:

"I did not make a mosque permitted for a woman during the period of menstruation, as well as for the one that is experiencing postpartum bleeding."

Small children in a mosque

It is forbidden (haram) to come to the mosque along with babies or young children, if there is a chance that they can be staining the territory of the mosque. If they are in diapers and the likelihood that they will be stained any part of the mosque less, bring them into the mosque undesirable (Makruh Tanzih), because in diapers they can bring with themselves in the mosque of sewage.

Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and welcomes, said:

"Keep babies and sacrificed away from your mosques."

Sleep and meal in the mosque

It is undesirable to sleep or eat in a mosque, except with the intention of the ITICFA or being in a journey.

To gather on five mandatory magazines in the mosque daily - this is a collective duty

The daily commitment of five mandatory prayers of Jamaat should be organized in the mosque, otherwise the sin falls for their carelessness, since the commitment of prayer with Jamaat in a mosque for local residents is Vajibum (duty). Allama Ibn Abidin writes about the prayer of tauguevich, which is a strong Sunny, not the Vajibum, the following:

"The explicit meaning of their [fakes] judgments is that to gather to make it [Namaz Taravich] in the mosque is a Sunny for the community as far as, if they are making Namaz Taravich in Jamaat at home, and there will be no Jamaat in the jamaat mosque They lies sin. "

Consequently, if such a decision is relatively recognized by the Sunna, the mandatory prayers of the Jamaat in the mosque in each locality even more importantly. The Messenger of Allah said:

"For someone who lives next to the mosque, there is no prayer, except in the mosque."

Conversations in the mosques

It is undesirable (macroh) to discuss worldly affairs in the mosque. For example, Umar took a special place outside the mosque where people could have come out to talk. Ibn Abidin writes:

"(It is undesirable to talk to the mosque,) meaning the conversation of a permitted nature, and not sinful, which will entail a much greater sin (if there is a place in the mosque)."

Musalla and temporary place for prayer

All the limits listed above (which can not be accepted on worldly themes in the mosque, etc.), from the point of view of Fick, do not belong to the Musalle, because this is a temporary place to worship. Consequently, the apartment, restroom, etc., may be located above or under its territory, moreover, Musalla can be used as an apartment when it stops used as a place for prayer. However, it is recommended to relate to Musalle as well as a mosque, because it is used for the same goals.

/ Challenging room

Chapera room

In mid-March (04/15/2004) in the Lipetsk Center Anti-Aid, the consecration of the chapel room opened on the initiative of the Center for Center and HIV Sick Infoction.

This undertaking found support from the Russian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate Lipetsko Yeetsk Diocese. It was decided to conclude an agreement on cooperation with joint activities in confronting such severe disease as AIDS. With the blessing of the bishop of the Lipetsky and Yeetsk Lord of Nikon, the priest of the Church of St. Nicholas The Wonderworker Andrei Surikov accepted the obesity of the AIDS Center.

After the consecration, a press conference was held for local media with the participation of the father of Andrei, the chief doctor of the AIDS Center - Kirillova L.D. And the author of the iconographic works of Olga Nekrasova, kindly submitted their works for organizing a chapel room.

On Mondays or Tuesdays, weekly, Andrey's father hurries to the service in a challenge room, where HIV +, employees of the center and everyone takes part in worship services, they are confessing, make joint prayers, discuss pressing problems, and prayers for HIV-positive and employees are also committed Center.

Vladyka Nikon approved, and blessed this good undertaking, promised prayerful and spiritual support.

March 23 and 30, April 13, the prayers "for sore and needy", "thankful" and "Easter" have already been held in a challenging room.

For employees of the center, the creation of a chapel room, as for HIV-infected, was a very important event. After all, they are subject to emotional exhaustion. They are characterized by "combustion syndrome". Constantly report patients about a deadly diagnosis - heavy burden, and for the holders of a heavy diagnosis, by and large, nothing but hope is left. The terrible awareness of his own illness, which has not yet been found for the effective agent, can break anyone.

In the chapel room, everyone who needs a good, the instrument of the church, is waiting for the father Andrei. According to those who visited there, the atmosphere, reigning here, soothes, pacifies, configures on a positive way.

According to the father of Andrei - "The Orthodox Church seeks to help each person spiritually. Often people suffering aid, fall into despair and despondency, and this is a sin. To spiritually support a person, we need a joint prayer, conversation, communication. The Lord is merciful, and forgives everything. The main thing is to melt your sin and have a firm desire to correct it. "

The ability to get sympathy, understanding and moral support is especially important for HIV-infected.

And it is very important that a person with HIV infection will understand that this is not an "end of life" that he has the future that there is an opportunity to live with a loved one, give birth to healthy children and find its place in life, to build plans for the future, which It would seem short.

So, Marina is a little for thirty. Two years have already passed after she was raised a terrible diagnosis, and it turned out that she was infected with a beloved person who once broke the heroin. And no matter how paradoxically, only after the spiritual mentor explained to her that the disease is not a pay for sins, she realized that life was going on, met real love, learned to enjoy life and will soon be a mother.

The chapel room now smells incense, and candles are burning. The atmosphere is the most that neither spiritual: on the walls and tables - icons. The author of all Icons - Lipetsk artist Olga Nekrasova, she kindly provided for the good endeavor of more than 15 of their work performed on the tree (Vladimirskaya, Kazan, Igor, Smolensk, and others). There is also an icon "Inspromandable Bowl", which helps people suffering from drunkenness and drug addiction, and after all, the problem of AIDS and drug addiction is very closely interrelated.

Already acted the first gifts from visitors to the room. Dentist (Stepanova G.N.) presented the icon of the Bogolyuba Mother of God, the Holy Crucifixion - an employee of the Center for AIDS (Dvrechenskaya M.T.), one of HIV-infected, the leader of the mutual assistance group for people living with HIV / AIDS - a carved icon Made on a tree.

The arrival of the temple of St. Nicholas The Wonderworker handed over to the Lipetsky Center AIDS part of his books to create a library of spiritual and religious literature with the chapel room.

In need of spiritual support can and in the absence of a spiritual mentor to join the truths of the Orthodox faith.

A wide range of books will allow you to find answers to such questions:

How to pray to God;

How to live in the face of death;

What does the word church and its basic properties mean;

Family life in the church;

About the sacraments of the church;

Life and illness;

and many other topics that interest today's generation.

The resulting literature will help people living with HIV / AIDS in comfortable psychological conditions to satisfy their religious needs, without fear of the disclosure of the secrets of their diagnosis.

This became possible as a result of the implementation on the basis of the Lipetsk Regional Center for the Prevention and Fighting of AIDS "Program for supporting mutual assistance groups of people living with HIV / AIDS" of the Russian representation of the British Charitable Fund (CAF Russia).