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Conspiracy to dream your girlfriend. Conspiracy to reflect. Magic smoke for dreams

Consider a trigger in detail. To dine a guy without a photo to bored - with detailed description All magical actions so that the ritual does not have negative consequences.

Plots for love longing the most effective

Strong conspiracies for love longing guy on the girl read independently

The girls will never stop reading conspiracies catching a love longing on his beloved guy so that he missed and wandered and in every way I was looking for the opportunity to meet with my beloved that I read a conspiracy on a strong melancholy. If you decide to shit a loved one, so that he "slander" and wander to you and married you rather took away one of the later conspiracies, and which one you will read - on the wind or by photo to solve you, one important condition for reading, It is necessary to say the words of the conspiracy on a longing need five days at sunrise standing at home near the opened window and read the morning conspiracies to the guy's longing to come to come only in this case the conspiracy on the strongest love longing will work very quickly.

Read a plot for longing for wind

In order for a person to give up for you, you need to stand in the wind to say the words given further conspiracy on a strong melancholy. But if you read this yourself strong plot On a love longing, a guy in the girl, going to the stalk of the roads into windy weather and after reading the words seeing the whirlwind of time to spit into it, then the favorite guy will not only wander and get bored for you, but also a lot to you. Man the rest of his life will love only one who spent this magical rite on him. Words of a strong conspiracy on the wind that need to read independently:

I will stand blessing, I will cross it out,

From the door to the door, from the gate to the gate to the blue sea.

There are twelve brothers there, go to them closer, worship down.

Twelve brothers, go on a blue sea, there is an island in the blue sea,

On the island there is an oak, under this oak lies a plate plate, longing togging.

Take this stove, take this melancholy,

Bring it to put it on the Rab (name).

Let me push him to the sadness so that he won, burned,

So that he could neither live nor be nor day

Neither one comes to pass for a minute.

With you, the sun is red, with Mother's dawn of Morning Mary,

Evening Marimian, Midnight Ulyana, with you, Light Moon.

I would not have gone, I would not sit sit, I thought, I did not think

I would smoke, it would not be lit, walked, did not throat,

He would love, did not start, drank, did not drink, I would sleep, did not fall asleep,

In the morning I got up, my mind took me, a slave (name).

Lighter than wind noon, faster lightning fire

Let him another girl will seem terrible

As a lioness, like fire frees, like sea scary,

How the owl striped like a witch shaggy.

And I for him, a slave (name), a fire-bird.

Strong conspiracy for longing by photo guy

The strongest way to push the girlfriend to the girl on a beloved guy to use the following plot so that the guy missed the guy. For the ritual, we need a photo young man To which we will read a conspiracy to the girlfriend, but be prepared for the fact that the ritual will have to get out of the house. At midnight to the full moon, stand at the crossroads of the roads, pressing a photo of a beloved guy crossed together with their hands and start reading these vintage words of a strongest probation on a strong longguard guy in a girl after which he is sure to marry you:

Clean field, wide detached, call here brothers,

13 devils, drink, walk, pour, slave (name) to remember.

Drink you at (name) blood, sit on the stone board,

Give him a grave longing for me, God's slave (name)

So that he missed him, he suffered hard, griefly burned, sobbed blood.

How cries my brother's sister when remembering

Sticks grandfather on a grandmother during a commander.

Does not eat, does not drink, nothing else takes

no work, no work, no joy, no concerns.

Neither in the morning or afternoon, no water and no fire.

Prayer not lime, broom does not dispose of the chalk (name) for me,

God's slave (name) lock the lock, closing the key.

Pike in water, finishing in me.

While I am alive, my thing is not killed,

In prayer, do not pour, do not remove, do not wash off.

So be now and do it.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

After that, silently return home and not talking to anyone to take a flow shower (rinse at least from the basin), having done a washing of negative. After that you can talk and live ordinary life Nobody speaking about conducting this strongest magic rite On the boredom of the navigating longing per person. Photo of a guy for which you read a plot for longing always carry with you (can be in a handbag). After this black conspiracy, a favorite guy who is at any distance is very sicked, will come to the girl who made this strong conspiracy to the longing with a proposal to marry him.

Strong conspiracy

On the island of Buyan, strong wind walks. And in the afternoon, and night it stones sharpening,

Go you the wind to my beloved, drifts the heart of his naswarns,

Let the Heart of the slave of God (name) crying, shoes,

Longing him for me (name), I waited with me and waited,

Favorite could not live without me, nor to be, nor drink nor.

Like a fish without water, like a baby without maternal milk, so it would (the name of a loved one), without me (own name).

I could not live, nor be, nor drink, neither, neither in the morning dawn, nor on the evening, nor at noon, nor with frequent stars, nor with the sunny winds, nor per day with the sun, nor on the night at the month.

Amen, Amen, Amen!

After reading this strong conspiracy on the longing wait for news from your beloved man. After putting a love longing, the guy will miss you very much. In practice, very often the favorite calls by calling a date. The longer he comes to communicate with you, the stronger the love longing will be touched by the soul and the heart of the man for whom they read a conspiracy on a strong melancholy, and you should take a waiting position and wait for a conspiracy on boredom - longing.


And here is another promised spell on the longing of a loved one, so that he missed you so much and I looked for me and I was looking for meetings. You can give a love longing by looking at the photo and reading the following conspiracy.

If you want the object of your love to start and wanted to meet with you, read the following words of conspiracy over his longing:

I will become, a slave (such something), blessing, I will go, cross, from the hut in the door, from the courtyard to the gate, I will go to the clean field, in the daschy side, the hollow is standing in the gate side, among the huts there is a board, under the shirt board. Crying longing, flashes longing, white light waits, white light red sun is waiting, rejoices and having fun! So, for a slave (such something), waited, was happy and having fun, could not live without me, nor to be, nor drink, neither in neither morning dawn, nor in the evening; like a fish without water, like a baby without a maternal milk, without a maternal of the womb cannot live, so there would be no slave (such) without slave (such) could not live, nor to drink, nor Morning dawn, neither on the evening, nor in the ordinary, nor at noon, nor with frequent stars, nor with the sunny winds, nor the day with the sun, nor overnight for the month. To dock, longing, eating, longing, in the chest, in the heart, in the whole belly, slave (such something), grow up and dragged on all the veins, on all the bones of rocket and dry shock (such).

All the above conspiracies for longing must be read independently. Action of a conspiracy on a longing which is read in the evening comes the next morning, provided that the ritual is carried out correctly only in this case, a strong longing will make her beloved quickly come to you or call.

Conspiracy to dream guy: His features and purpose

Colorful and realistic dreams are imprisoned in memory for a long time, especially if they were with the participation of a person's favorite or causing sympathy. Sometimes such dreams even pushed to certain actions. It is for this reason that sleep can become a wonderful magical agent.

Even in the old days, the girls used various conspiracies, with the help of which they managed to inspire a dream of a dream about themselves with the help of a pretty and cute heart. And such conspiracy turned out to be very effective, because the dreams are tightly connected with the subconscious. And it, as you know, greatly affects the actions of a person in real lifeAfter all, and psychologists have proven that the dreams express our desires hidden.

Thus, using a conspiracy to dream of a guy, any girl will be able to act on her young man who is interested in it through his subconsciousness, and thus, to draw his attention to himself, call him thoughts about himself and push him to the beginning of new or strengthening already existing relationships. .

Sell \u200b\u200bspecial magic words in order to dream of a lover, you can be on any day, if only this is not specifically stipulated in the ritual. Special force has conspiracies that are read in the phase full Moon. It is best to make a rite immediately before going to bed. In order for the plot to work successfully, it is necessary to pronounce it only in good physical form. The performer should not be in a bad mood at this time, to root or be tired. It is also impossible to perform a ritual with negative thoughts addressed to a young man. And of course, the desired result will be only if there is no doubt of the power of magic, in their own forces, and believe in conspiracy.

Conspiracies for a dream do not relate to the category of strong magical influences. Their goal is not to suppress the will and subconscious of man, do not force it, but to send. Conspiracies to dream guy are a reception of white magic, so their use does not bring any harm. But this does not mean that it is possible to use them countless times - abuse can lead to reverse effectAnd you will completely stop appearing in the dreams of your beloved.

What are conspiracies to dream your favorite guy?

Conspiracy on the Round Mirror

This plot is read on a small round mirror, on the surface of which the name of the beloved guy is written with a marker or cosmetic pencil. Words need to be pronounced so that the warm pairs of your breathing touch the mirror. Followable text 3 times:

"In the stroy, a mirror reflect, a loved one is a dream. (Guy's name) to rest and sleep, and in a dream they see me. Amen!"

The conspiracy mirror must be put under its pillow, so that the reflection is directed up. At night, your favorite must see sleep with your participation. Waking up in the morning, the mirror needs to be rinsed under running water.

You can use this conspiracy several times, but store the mirror, wrapping into a clean cloth so as not to lose information captured on it.

Conspiracy on the moon

Look at the moon, donate your mouth with the godman and pronounce:

This conspiracy can be applied not more than 3 times in one month.

Conspiracy to dream guy, smoke

With the help of smoke it is easy to post your favorite guy a dream about yourself, as the information will be delivered over the wind. For this conspiracy, a beam of dried grass will be required. It is desirable to cook it yourself. To do this, in the summer, we will hand over with your own hands with a bunch of green grass and dried.

Take a bundle and get out of it the longest blades, put it under your pillow. The remaining part burn in the refractory dishes at the open window or window, pronouncing the words of the conspiracy:

"Smoke smoke, go to God's slave (guy's name) . So that in the wind, the haze is driving and spinning, so that I dream of my dear at night. Amen".

Conspiracy pronounce all the time while smoke goes. The remaining ashes ash let the wind.

Another plot of smoke

Call 3 twigs from the old broom and adjust them at night (you can on the balcony or street). Fill down the smoke to the side where your favorite lives, and whisper say:

"I blow the smoke - the passion causing. I am sending to me ashad to me - in the footsteps, traces of whom noticed. Slava of God (the name of the guy) wish you. Let the rest he does not know, in his dreams only looks at me. Let him burn with love for me to me, mahogany girlfriend (own name) ”.

Conspiracy in photos

Take fresh single photos - your own loved one. Fold them together by the facial sides, wrap them in the flap of white fabric from natural fiber (cotton, flax), there should be no seams on the flap. Pictures Put under your pillow and say:

"I'll spend the power of love, the slave of God (guy's name) : See me in a dream. Please find me and come to me, love me and be faithful to me! "

Photos of these under the pillow can store how much time, however, you need to update the plot every night (read again).

Conspiracy to rain to dream guy

The peculiarity of this conspiracy is that he is read in rainy weather, it is desirable - to a strong thunderstorm with Livnie. Submire your palms under the rainy drops and say words:

"Kapay, kapay, rain, lovely Ubajawai. Give him to dream, you give us a di. Let him look at me, do not look. Let him love me, will not fall asleep. Like you, rain, mighty and strong, and the word my hard. Amen!"

Simple words before you fall asleep

At night, already in bed, imagine your beloved, his features, let's labeam that you are near, together. In this case, say:

To the guy bored

When love lights up between the guy and the girl, love is considered, it is believed that the feeling is the strongest. And, indeed, many examples confirming this fact. But how to be if the feeling flashed only on the one hand, and the second did not even understand that someone fell in love with it without memory?

It often happens that the girl suffering from a man writes to him, at the meeting it is meaningfully looking into the eyes, trying to find a pretext to be near. And he does not care. He does not even assume that she does not think of life without him. In the soul, the women will copy bitterness and insult, because the feeling is not mutual. What to do? Conspiracy so that the guy missed, wrote, met or to dream of him - will help her change the picture of the events for the better.

To the boy's boyfriend

In order for the conspiracy to make an effective impact on the subject of adoration, and the beloved missed, it is necessary to clearly present an image of a loved one. Even better if the item belonging to a man will be in the hands of his picture. White spell will necessarily, if you read it at dawn, at noon and at sunset for several days in a row. The text needs to be seized or loud:

I will come out, the slave of God (name) into the light, more beautiful, there is no one better. I will go into a clean field, in a wide detriment, there will be seventy-seven stone stoves. On those stones, fiery cakes, Ohhi, sighs, love pursuers, seventy-seven oh, seventy-seven sighs, Akhov, suffering, day and night experiences, love tomboy and impatience. Stand up, go, Slave God (name) Lay, drag it, lead to me, to God's slave (name). I'm full of him, I'll put it up, I'll take him in a narrow. Hour, half the day, minutes, twist, mix, rush on his heart and liver. I would think about me, I did not forget, I did not drink in food and drink. I missed, I woke up, I cried and burned about me, God's slave (name), did the bitter cry, and I would have seen, so that he did not let him go. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Now and are confessed, and in the eyelids. Amen.

This is enough so that the beloved missed the girl and day, and at night.

What to do in order to dream

Conspiracy to dream guy, and he won, you can read on any day, except Monday. For the ritual it is necessary to take a small mirror and write a cosmetic pencil, marker, felt-tip pen on it the name of the chosen one. This magical action will give results very soon. So that the guy wrote or came, the plot needs to be repeated 3 times before bedtime, and then reflection up the mirror under the pillow. The words are:

In a mirror stroy I reflect

In the dream is a loved one.

(Name of a man) sleep yes to rest

And you see me in a dream. Amen.

Ritual for meeting with a guy

The girl in love is languishing from the fact that the guy is not near, but in another city, or serious circumstances make it always be out of the field of her vision. What to do to be bored, and then came? Easy actions will allow bringing the long-awaited moment, and the beloved man will arise on the threshold, forcing her heart excitedly tremble. Read the conspiracy is preferably in the evening, with closed tightly curtains. The room is better to illuminate the lamp not light, but a warm candle flame. The words are as follows:

Lord, collect me on the road. And give me green light for a relationship. Open for me the mystery of my dating. Give me everything you need. Give me the opportunity to believe in (the name of your loved one) or let it be possible to disappoint. Save me from spending time in vain. Organize the meeting I need so that I understand my prospects. My heart is eating and worried. Sympathy emerged and multiplies. Do not give me a gulf in the torment. Bring on a date (name of your loved one). I will be for this I pray. My God, my vizarkdas. I will praise you, welcome. Do not let me miss my chances. Kuntaa UPar.

A woman will not believe his eyes when he is convinced of the first, that he came.

How to get a news from him

Conspiracy so that the guy wrote, you need to read when twilight is condensed. If there is a piece of leaf, on which there are lines written by a separate one - it is also useful when rising. It is necessary to light the church candle and, pronouncing the cherished words, burn on the fire, to which the man's hand touched. Login text:

Falcon is clear mine, the slave of God (name), welcome, beloved and long-awaited! Let the road direct only to me leads to me, and the voice of the great gentlemen will ask me. I remember more often and write do not forget (3 times)! Yes, you will not leave me for a minute, for strong and sincerely my words! Amen.

Reading any of the suggested conspiracies, you need to clearly represent the desired image and believing that the conceived will be implemented. If a girl admits at least a fraction of doubt what should happen - the ritual will be invalid and the result will have to wait for a long time. And on the other hand, before resorting to the services of white magic, it is worth thinking: maybe a sincere conversation with the chosen one will give much better results?

Conspiracy to dream guy and interest it

Conspiracy to dream guy is used to remind themselves a loved one. Often such a magical impact is used in cases if you are in love with a person, and he does not pay attention to you. And seeing you in a dream, your chosen one will certainly be interested in you, and, consequently, the probability of the origin of closer relations increases.

Effective rituals to dream

There is a huge number of diverse rituals. Most of them can be carried out in any phase of the moon. But the magicians believe that this type of impact is most successful during the full moon.

Any conspiracy to dream of a loved one belongs to white magic, so harmless. But at the same time, it will be successful only if you believe the whole soul to magic.

Appeal to the Moon

The rite in which the conspiracy is used, containing the appeal to the moon, it is better to spend on the street. During the ritual, the moon should shine in heaven. If there is no possibility to enter the street, then you can hold a rite near the window, which must be opened in advance.

Pre-conspiracy, which contains an appeal to the night luminaire, should be written on a sheet of paper.

Magical words may be such:

This plot, looking at the moon, you need to repeat three times. Then you need to set fire to the sheet from the match and the ashes to put in the wind.

This rite should be held late at night. After it, it is impossible to talk to anyone, but you need to go to bed as quickly as possible. Try to fall asleep needed with thoughts about your loved one.

With magic smoke

In order to dream of a loved one, you can spend strong ritual with smoke. For such an impact, it will be necessary to use a small beam of straw or hay.

Before the start of the ritual, you need one straw or dry router to put yourself under the pillow. Then the natural attribute is placed on a metal dish or tray and sets up next to an open window or a window.

After the smoke appears, such magic phrases are pronounced:

Words must be pronounced repeatedly, as long as the smoke is visible. Susta from the burned straw or hay should be dispelled in the wind.

Simple ritual with photo

Very simple but effective ritual You can spend using the photo. In addition to fresh snapshot, it is necessary to prepare one church candle and a small container filled with water.

In the photo, your favorite must be depicted alone. This snapshot is installed on the table, and the candle is lit in front of it, and there is a water container next to it. In the rite you can use water from under the tap.

At first, you need to sit opposite the picture of your beloved, so to see the image of a loved one through the flame. Carefully visiting the picture, you need to present the scene in which you would like to dream your beloved. How high quality it will be possible to visualize, the rite will be so successful.

Then the look should be transferred to the surface of the water, and present an image of a loved one. As soon as it is possible to do, water from the container should be splashing out into the window.

At the same time, pronouncing the following words:

After reading the conspiracy, you need to sit in silence in dreams of your loved one and wait until the knot candle.

This ritual is quite complicated for conducting, since it requires a maximum concentration. In this regard, it can only carry out people with good natural abilities.

With a mirror

In order to dream of a loved one, you can spend a magical action with a mirror. But so that such an impact is successful you should experience strong feelings for a person.

First you need to mirror surface Write the name of your loved one, and then read the plot, so that the breath touch the mirror stroit.

The words of conspiracy sound like this:

After that, it is quickly to go to bed, while the mirror must be put under the pillow with a mirror surface up. In the morning the mirror must be reached and rinsed under the running cold water And hide. Such a mirror is no longer recommended to use in domestic purposes, but it is impossible to throw it away. If necessary, the rite can be repeated after some time.

If your chosen one came to visit you and left a wet track from the shoes on the floor, you can use it and perform a rite aimed at that night he saw you in a dream.

To do this, approach the fresh trail and speak it with such words:

The trace should not be wiped until the morning, and on this night you will definitely dream your chosen one.

It should be known that any conspiracy aimed at will discern the chosen one can provoke the appearance of a loved one in your dreams. But this is not a confirmation that the plot was successful. Most likely, this indicates your impressionability. Success is entirely depends on your self-confidence and faith in magic. It is very important to hold a rite in positive settingThe depressed mood does not effectively effectively.

Conspiracy to dine a guy or a loved one

Interesting dreams, full paints, especially memorable, they can even push to any actions. The dreams are a kind of magic, so there are ways to dream of a person who is interesting for any reason. Starting with antiquity, the girls spent a variety of rites to come to sleep to the guy, which is sympathetic. Similar vision

help begin to start love relationshipOr strengthen existing ones.

Sleep is the work of our subconscious, and, therefore, everything that happens in dreams or already exists in it, or on the contrary, the next morning is imprinted.

How to hold ritual

Sleep call spells can be pronounced on any day and any time if there are no additional clarifications in the ritual. The girl conducted by the rite should be in excellent physical form, have a good mood and not be strongly tired. In critical days, the hold of the rite is better to postpone.

Varieties of conspiracy

There are many ways to dream of a man in a dream. In this article we will look at the simplest and safest of them.

On a circular mirror

Need to take a cosmetic mirror round shape, On the glass write the name of the desired guy. Conspiracy need to be pronounced almost close to the subject to lips so that the breath concerns the surface of the mirror. Spell how to dream of a person who loves:

"In the stroy, a mirror reflect, a loved one is a dream. (Guy's name) to rest and sleep, and in a dream they see me. May it be so!"

After reading the spell 3 times, you need to put a mirror under the pillow so that its reflection is directed upward. In the morning, rinse it under running water.

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Speak, looking at the moon:

Sleep - about me, only for you, God's slave (guy's name). Amen.

In the summer you need to go to the meadow or in the forest, rip out fresh herbs and dry it. From the beam, get the longest pointer and immediately remove it under the bed. The rest of the part is burning near the open window and read the spell:

"Smoke smoke, go to the name of the guy). So that in the wind, the haze is driving and spinning, so that I dream of my dear at night. May it be so".

Or you can take three twists from the old broom and set fire to the street at night. At the same time, you need to blow on the smoke so that it flew towards your goal house and read the spell how to dream man in a dream at a distance:

"I blow the smoke - the passion causing. I am sending to me ashad to me - in the footsteps, traces of whom noticed. (Guy's name) Wish to dream. Let the rest he does not know, in his dreams only looks at me. Let him burn with the fire of love for me, the girl red (his name) will be so. "

You will need 2 photos - the guy you want to dream, and yours. They need to wrap them together together white colorMoreover, it should be solid, without seams.

Read spell how to dream guy who likes:

"The power of love is breeding you, (guy's name): See me in a dream. Please find me and come to me, love me and be faithful to me! May it be so".

Both photos store under your pillow.

All material contains exceptionally introductory character provided by our visitors! The administration does not check the phone numbers and email addresses, be careful and do not get on the fishing rods.

Rituals, rites and conspiracy to dream guy or any necessary personcan help in several cases. The first case is to overcome the distance, in this version I want to just remind you of your beloved, and some of the technician even allow you to arrange a common dream for you, a kind of communication, overcoming the barriers of space. These are methods, rituals and conspiracies aimed at inspireing the right person's thoughts about themselves. Often it is used to take possession of someone's interest.

With the help of conspiracies you can dream your favorite person

When any person falls into the arms of Morphheus, it fails in a different world, the world of dreams and night fantasies. Even if the man doesn't think that he did not see any dreams, it was not. Our brain is not always in the morning leaves us the memories of night gold. But the dreams see almost all people and almost always.

But only people practicing the so-called informed dreams may not only be bright and detail their adventures in the world of Drema, but also to be fully realized there, to understand that the action does not occur.

If your final goal is a conscious self-escaped entry into the sleep of another person, and not just a guidance of thoughts about yourself, then you have to study this method.

Step 1. Message of dreams

You can achieve this level that dreams will be remembered completely

To begin with, it is necessary to raise your brain and your will so that you can fully remember you and clearly remember. You will need any notebook and pen or pencil. It is best to take a new notebook or a diary, to portray on the cover one or another mystical symbol, the main thing is that he liked you. Then sign it as a "Diary of dreams" and add your own full name, accompanied by a signature that you usually sign documents. This is a rather important condition that will help you correctly tune in.

Every night put a notebook and a handle next to the bed so that you can get it at any time without getting out of bed. The first period (about a week or two) is advised to install alarm clock at 4 am. As soon as he wakes you up - write everything that remember, scraps of dreams, thoughts, emotions.

It should be remembered that the world of dreams is not a real usual world, not the movie, where everything is simple and understandable, but a deep mysterious space in which everything in which the usual can become strange and bizarre, and unusual - familiar and banal. Therefore, remember everything, up to flowers and sounds.

Over time, you will achieve this level that dreams will be fully remembered, with incredible ease and a few weeks later, you will not need a notebook.

Step 2. Calling a specific sleep

Next you will need to learn how to call a specific plot in a dream. The method is simple, but effective - throughout the day, think as much as possible about that (or com), that (or, accordingly, who) want to see. Before you fall to sleep, imagine a small plot in the colors, the motive of which you want to see at night and write down his main provisions on a sheet in two words. Think about your beloved girl, a woman or a guy, if you are a girl. When you fall asleep - put a sheet under the pillow.

Step 3. Awareness in a dream

Throughout the day you need to ask: "Do I sleep now?"

Get yourself a habit to check everything for reality. Even in reality when you are absolutely sure that you do not sleep, time from time to time yourself in order to check the feelings, look at the space around you, even if it is pain your familiar wall of your home or office. In a dream, it is clearly some detail will fall out of the general picture or where it can not be there.

Try to take the habit to ask yourself a question throughout the day: "Do I sleep now?". All this contributes to and in a dream your mind across the habit of has to reproduce such actions that during sleep will be able to work as a toggle switch, which gives you a realization of the fact that you are in a dream.

Also strongly helps the method of intentional awakening. Install several alarm clocks from the evening with an interval of 1.5 hours. It will help keep your brain in a tone and contributes to the awareness during sleep. However, to minuses this method It is possible that most such frequent awakening, speaking directly, actually act on the nerves and people lose the concentration of will.

Step 4. Entry in someone else's sleep

When you learn to be recognized in your dream - you will see how much you can create in this kind virtual reality. But all this will happen only in your space. Arbitrary mixing of dreams different people Perhaps, but it happens infrequently.

To dream of a person, consciously say and make in someone else's dream what you need to make your own will. More often, if a person in good faith fulfilled all the above steps, then his will is already strong enough and ready for the invasion of other people.

From the evening, concentrate on the manner of the person you wish to appear. You must know exactly that the man at that moment had already fallen asleep. After that, imagine clearly how he sleeps in his bed.

Take a sheet of paper and, without ceasing to think about a person, write the word Raphael on a sheet on top, right under it - the name of the person you wish to appear in sleep, and even lower - Ragaut.

Now boldly go to bed. You will see in the dream of the desired person. In most cases, you immediately find yourself in one common Snow And you can do what they planned. But for checking - try to pass through the person who has disagamenting you. If this fails - be sure that you are already in his dream. If you have passed a person through, watch how the dream is changing, you will fall into a different dream, to what your object is dreaming.

If the practice of conscious dreams seem to you too complicated if you wish not do it for a long time, but only to achieve one simple goal, then the options presented below are more suitable for you. However, most of them do not imply active interference in someone else's sleep, but allow you to inspire thoughts and dreams to a person about you.

To dream your loved one, you need to read a plot before bed

Before reading conspiracies and perform rites for dreams, you should consider several important nuances. Pay attention to the moon. Often, in conspiracies, the Phase of the Moon is not taken into account, but experienced practices prefer to hold a rite in full moon, since during this period, people are easier to suggest. Use the moon in their rituals, especially aimed at dreams, love, etc. - an ancient and effective tradition.

Conspiracy to dream, cause love and thoughts about yourself in a person best right before bedtime. If you spend the ritual and immediately distract to other cases - the right moment can be missed. In order for the ritual object to see you in a dream, you should sleep at this time, despite the distance, even in completely different places.

Be sure to reinforce your actions with thoughts, the direction of will and the idea of \u200b\u200bhow it all goes. So you give the ritual of your own inner strength.

Conspiracy on the rain

Conspiracy to dream girl or boyfriend readable on rain. Wait for a rainy day and in the evening, adjacent opposite the window and looking at falling drops, say clearly out loud:

Kapay - Kapay Rain, Ubayuki a cute (cute). Give him to dream of him (she), let us dare. Let him look at me - do not look. Let him love me - do not fall asleep. As you are strong, rain, yes mighth, and my word is tight. Amen.

The strongest effect will be if you read this plot on the night during a thunderstorm. This conspiracy on sleep and love can be used to dream of a cute husband, with the aim of reminding himself to think about you (for example, if your husband is in a long business trip).

The following should be done:

  • Take the old broom, it is desirable that you used.
  • Empt three sticks from it and set fire. Bursting should be in the open space, but the balcony is also suitable.
  • While the twigs are burning, read out loud by blowing around the smoke to the other side where your favorite person is about:

I blow the smoke - turn off the passion. I am sending ashes on the profile to me, in the footsteps of what the tracks were noticed. I want to dream of a slave of God (name). Let the rest knows, in dreams only looks at me. Let Love Love for Me - Red Device.

Even if you tried the love spells to achieve love men, and they did not work - this effective method You will definitely help you to put my thoughts about you, which contributes to you in love with you. Walking in this way of man in the future it is very easy to arrange to himself so much to tie a strong relationship.

Ritual on a mirror for love sleep

Conspiracy to dream of a person you love. This ritual is performed on a decreasing moon. You will need a mirror to fulfill the ritual and dream of the right person. Men use such a way to come to a friend, a beloved woman or see their wife. Girls usually enjoy a ritual to see their narrowed or appear to be a cute fiance.

Wait for midnight and open the window in the house. Send a mirror on a decreasing moon and say a conspiracy on the moon to dine the right person:

Oh, the moon, the great and powerful, given to us as a promise, shall share their power over the kingdom of sleep.

Then expand the mirror to yourself and look into it. Say the second part of the conspiracy:

I enjoyed in the castorgal, like the messenger of the moon. There is no barrier to me in a dream, neither in reality. For the sake of love I want to appear today (call the person's name).

Then go to bed, and put the mirror near your bed.

With the help of a conspiracy on a photo of a loved one, you can dream of him (her)

Conspiracy readable to photography. Get a photo of a loved one for the execution of a conspiracy to dream of a loved one. Buy on the eve of a new saucer and build a photo on it, the image up. Put your palm on the photo on top and whisper 3 times in a row:

Sleep, favorite (beloved), stronger, fall asleep. I will dream of seeing you, I will see. Every night I will be near. The conspiracy is my faithful, sleep is long, my memory is strong.

Then burn the photo directly on the saucer. Watch how the photo is burning and imagine how the real passion flare up between you. Imagine how you live together, how to go around in the evenings in one bed and how together wander the world of dreams. The remaining ashes assemble and wrap in a blank sheet of paper. The resulting bundle put under the pillow every time you want you to have a conspiracy. Falling asleep, also 3 times read every time the above plot for sleep, but at the end adding the phrase:

I dream today, tomorrow and always.

After fulfilling all these actions, you can safely fall asleep, being in full confidence that the conspiracy to dream of a loved one, worked as a rite guarantees your appearance in someone else's sleep. To dream your girlfriend, conspiracy is also suitable.

All these rituals and conspiracies are tested by time and people. Men and women different countries And generations practiced similar actions and practiced successfully. They are effective and effective, but most of the success depends on you and from your will. Dare!

If in a dream you saw ourselves an object of conspiracy, then, in some difficult situation, do wrong. You organized a conspiracy will decline to the fact that to achieve the goals you use methods that will not cause approval from your loved ones. Nevertheless, you will be able to ...

Dream dream about plot

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If in a dream you saw ourselves an object of conspiracy - we fear the wrong steps in the business management.

Dream "speak" in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Pollute with someone in a dream - to loneliness.

See a plot

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Sleeping about conspiracy means that because of your rash actions, your affairs will fall into decline. Trap.

Dream Interpretation: What is the conspiracy

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Conspiracy with your participation against anyone - to unpleasant troubles.

If in a dream to see "plot"

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If the plot is preparing against you - you are destined to take incorrect steps in managing your affairs.

If in a dream to see "Conspiracy, spell"

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Sell \u200b\u200bspells in a dream - to the troubles between spouses or in love. In the dream of voices, pronounced spells - evidence of the insincerity of your friends.

Conspiracy - Interpretation in the dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Conduct that there is some conspiracy against you or see conspirators - to the wrong act in business sphere. Participate in the congestion - to draw yourself in some ugly story or an hopeless case, suffer from fear. Expand the conspiracy, to convey the Central Asian Consignors - to ...

Dream Interpretation: What is the conspiracy

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Conspiracy to see, hence the involuntary way to get into a stupid story.

Dream "Conspiracy read" in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

You have a family quarrel. How to improve sleep value? Imagine that instead of conspiracy you read prayer. Really read any prayer that you know (or take from the prayer room).

Dream Interpretation: What is the conspiracy

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Try to calculate all your steps in doing business, check yourself and your employees in order to prevent any annoying and ridiculous error.

Decryption and interpretation of sleep plot

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Conduct that there is some conspiracy against you or see conspirators - to the wrong act in the business sector. Participate in the conspiracy - to draw yourself in some ugly story or an hopeless case, suffer from fear. Expose the conspiracy, to convey on the conspirators - to ...

If you have a conspiracy, what is it?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

To see himself a conspiracy object - foreshadowed that you will make the wrong steps in managing your affairs.

Why dream of a conspiracy dream?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Being a witness to the conspiracy - it means that in reassigning in a stupid story. If you reveal a conspiracy against you, then such a dream foreshadows that you have chosen the right direction and, following him, will achieve significant success. Sleep, in which ingenious ...

Conspiracy (see in a dream)

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If you have dreamed that a conspiracy is brewing against you, then you should show special care in matters, since one wrong step can become fatal.

Conspiracy (magical) - to see in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

The reflection of the desire to resort to magical, sampling agents, also the need only for the disease. Warning that inconspicuous magical actions, even if desired, something good, it is very easy to harm the subject of conspiracy and herself.

Conspiracy - see in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Reflection of the fear of other people's intrigues. Reflection of the desire to start intrigue (and / or accomplished inclusion in intrigue). The need to stop being intrigued, for itself.

Dream - conspiracy - what to expect?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Be a witness to the conspiracy - involuntary way to get into a serious story. Reveal a plot directed against you - you will achieve significant success.

Dream Interpretation Online Conspiracy

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If you have seen yourself a conspiracy subject, we are afraid of the wrong steps in the business management.

Article author: Site

A loved one is always present in your dreams. It seems that he lives in them. But how nice to recognize that they are also present in his dreams. How does this happen? What energy forces help carry out such phenomena? And how to settle, settle in the dreams of your beloved person?

Spells act on the subconscious of people, cause thoughts about loved ones, strengthen the existing relationships or pushing new ones. In ancient times, many women used a conspiracy to dine a loved one.

If there are no clarifications for what period they are performed, then you can read miraculous speeches in any daily phase. The potent spells are considered those that are performed in the full moon. Effective conspiracies It turns out immediately before bedtime performer, without negative thoughts, with faith in speech said, magic, as well as in your strength.

Only with such requirements, rituals will be worthy and all dreams of a loved one will be filled with you. These are harmless rites of white magic, but they do not recommend abuse them, because the reverse process may occur and you will stop appearing in the dreams of your narrowed. Perhaps you will also use rites to, from early articles.

Effective rituals to dream

From the old days, our ancestors understood that dreams reflect our desires that act on our subconscious. Snami can be controlled using a variety of magic rites. They will remind a guy about you, will often think and wish to see you. There is a belief ─ when a person dream, it means he thinks about you. Every lovely girl dreams about the guy she could dreame at any time. The variety of spells allows you to conduct experiments on them, select the most effective rites for your case.

Appeal to the Moon

  1. The ritual is carried out in full moon. This is an old conspiracy used in the old woman, they wanted to make the dreams narrowed about them. In mystical time, standing in the yard, alone, silence needs to whisper magic speeches, looking at the moon:

"Deliver the slave of God (girl's name) to the slave of God (the name of the narrowed) today and every night. Amen!"

Words can not be pronounced, but only to imagine the face of the narrowed and ask mystical forces to fulfill your desire, so that this night he saw a dream about you.

  1. This plot used our great-grandmothers to the phase of the young moon. They asked heavenly forces to fill the sleep by a narrowed vision about them.

The ritual is carried out in the courtyard alone, turning to the young month with speeches:

"I appeal to you, a young month, let the dream of the narrowed will be filled with a newspaper about me. Let all thoughts be about me. Amen!"

This is an approximate petition. Magic speeches can be changed, the main thing is that everything comes from a clean soul and was sincere. The lunar petition has a lot of power.

With magic smoke

  1. To fulfill this rite, dry stems will be needed. First you need to spend one night with them. The next night put sprigs in the bowl and light. In the room, the fortietha or window must be open. At the first appearance of smoke, start reading magic words:

"Smoke, smoke, me, a slave of God (the name of the performer) I send you to the path of the track to my chief Choice of God (the name of the narrowed) so that he saw dreams about me. Amen!"

Conspiracy repeat until smoke goes. Then collect ashes, take out to the street and "put in the wind".

  1. An old plot on the smoke is held there, who has a Russian oven. The rite not only contributes to his loved one to see dreams about you, but also suggests a dreary state, memories of you and the desire to invite you on a date. Magic words are pronounced at the moment when chimney It will appear smoke.

"The lamps burn, crack, and smoke to the house of the cute my servant of God (the name of the narrowed) will fly. Let it fly, let him be knit and buyne will turn his hair. Let me dream about and does not know anyone. Amen!"

Night dreams narrowed will be blond, clear and good about you, that they will enforce it to further actions. And in a short time, the cherished words will be heard ─ "I love you."

Simple ritual with photo

  1. For the rite, you will need a photograph of the narrowed, where it is depicted alone, the wax candle and ceramic dishes filled with water. Before the photo, put a lit candle, and put the bowl with water in front of the candle. Sit in the room of one and without extraneous noise. Looking through the flame on the photograph of the narrowed, and then the gaze to send to the water and try to see the face of the narrowed.

Prophoving words:

"Wait for me, the slave of God (the name of the performer), I hurry to you, the servant of God (the name of the beloved) to take all your thoughts about me, all the night dreams about me. I will dream of you. As stated and done. Amen!"

If only visualized the image of the narrowed, we can assume that you have achieved your desire, and you need to spill the water from the bowl into the yard. This is not a simple plot. It requires great concentration.

  1. The rite requires great patience, as it will be held before bedtime for 9 days. The photo of the narrowed should be near the pillow. And every night, before bedtime, a snapshot is taken into hand and a quiet, calm voice read the following words:

"You're near, you are here with me the slave of God (the name of your loved one), I fall asleep with you, and you with me, the slave of God (the name of the performer) in the morning you wake up. Feelings flared up and in love turn. Amen!"

Corrected photo put under the pillow.

With a mirror

  1. Rituals with a mirror contribute to making a subconscious of a beloved person to see dreams about you. Before bed, you need to take a mirror in the hands and speak the mirror in the following words:

"The moon on the eternal sky shines, and the stars surround it. Let him dream of a slave of God (the name of the narrowed) is not monstering from the fairy tale, not well done epic, and the slaves of God (the name of the performer). In a mirroring smooth, I see myself, I don't sleep with you and slowly hurried to the dream of the slave of God (the name of the narrowed). Amen".

Girls who are afraid of conspiracies on a mirror reflection, do not be afraid of them. This safe rite is not complicated, but effective. If still in women there is a phobia on the mirrors, then it is not worth using it for your desires. Since any ritual needs to be carried out with clean thoughts, faith, hope and love.

  1. On a small round mirror write the name narrowed. To write a name, you can use lipstick, felt-tip or pencil for lips, eyes. At night, before bedtime, in the full moon phase, read the magic words:

"I want to reflect in a stroit, and Milom, the servant of God (the name of the narrowed) will appear. To sleep-bypass, I saw me in a dream. Amen!"

At the time of reading the spell, the mirror is to keep as close as possible to the mouths as possible so that the breath of the performer felt on the mirror surface. A conspiracy mirror should lie under the pillow so that the front side "watched" up. Repeat spell a few nights in a row.

On the trail

  1. It will take effect on the wet footprint, which will allow the dream to see about you. If he walks along the road next to your home, and you will have the opportunity to spill on the road. The wet trail of his beloved person is concerned with the following words:

"The next to God's slave (the name of his beloved) is guarding, and I will send your thoughts to you and fill your sleep. May it be so! Amen!"

The effectiveness of the ritual depends on confidence in own forces, desires and pure thoughts. If you are impressionable and emotional person, Daughty can dreamed and you. This will confirm the effectiveness of the magical words.

  1. The ritual on the trail can be done if you follow your chosen one on the street. You need to take 5-7 coins and on the path of the narrowed, to lay one coin in each trail. Then step on the coin and pronounce a plot:

"We talk, tie, thoughts to the slave of God (chosen name) I send. I stepped after my love was filled. I'll go to sleep, the Duma of your turn and to the heart of me. My word is a stone! Amen!"

These simple actions will help to penetrate love feelings in the subconscious of your beloved person.

How often do you want to be close to people who are at a distance. Especially if we are talking About your beloved man or husband.

And it happens when in relationships misunderstanding or quarrel and want a person to remind himself, about how well there is next to each other. I want to wake up and find out what you remember and love you. How nice to each girl to hear the phrase, that she had dreamed.

It is said that if a person dreams of you, he thinks about you

What will the magic of dreams

It is said that if a person dreams of you, he thinks about you. There are reasons why we cannot call or write first, it remains to wait for it that a person himself will begin to miss and think.

And whether everyone knows that you can remind your existence with conspiracy and rituals and make sure that the person missed and appear. After all, each of us waking up, the first thing about what it thinks about my dream.

A little good magic to achieve desires

It is not necessary to carry out rituals for love and make conspiracies so that a person is to be in mind to himself, just to remind themselves to her beloved and will help in this rite to dreamed beloved. After all, today someone can like one, and tomorrow is another. You should always choose paths that do not bring evil and harm others.

You can use good and harmless magic just to remind yourself and push a person to communicate suitable option Will, if you dream to a person.

Sleep suits this better than anything.

How to dare your loved one

The greater the desire, the more likely to be moved in a dream to a dear person.

What do you need to hold a rite

To implement a magic ritual. To dream your beloved need to prepare in advance:

  • paper;
  • a pen:
  • candle;
  • matches;
  • vase;
  • rose petals.

How to spend ritual

Before proceeding with the rite, you need to set up all your thoughts on the picture in the upcoming dream. You need to think about the details and visualize the full plot of sleep.

In order for the chosen one to see the dream you have to do so:

  1. On pure paper leaves write a person's name to whom you need to dream.
  2. Take a vase and put in advance the dried rose petals in it.
  3. Set fire to the candle and with its flame set fireing a leaf with the name
  4. Put a burning leaf in a vase with petals.
  5. While all the contents in the vase will burn, you need to read a plot:

    "The power of love I trigger the slave of God (name): Learn me in a dream, find out me, come to me, love me!"

The ashes formed in the vase should be dispelled in the wind. You can do it opening the window or turning out.

We send a dream to love

Very easy way to dream your beloved and pass the concrete message in a dream.

What will be needed for the magical ritual and how to spend it

To achieve the desired goal, the only thing that needs this confidence is that the beloved person really sleeps.

The greater the desire, the more likely to move in a dream to the dear person

How to perform a rite of slaughtering sleep

The ritual is carried out as follows:

  1. In complete darkness in their thoughts, form a dream that needs to be redirected to your beloved. Be sure to take into account that the dream should be in itself good.
  2. To transmit a specific promise through a dream, you can use the dream book to correctly formulate the message.
  3. When you will be ready to sleep and feel that you fall asleep. You need to start in a whisper to pronounce:

    "I compose your dream, I will send it, I sink to you, in a dream, in a dream, in a dream, so that in my life you will come to me. Amen".

  4. After reading, you can make a dream, mentally redirect it to your beloved. The main thing is to focus only on the invented dream and on the thoughts about the chosen.
  5. During the riddling of sleep and his mental shipment, sleep will begin to come.
  6. With a strong faith and desire, especially if there is a mental connection between two people, the young man will surely see a dream with all his nuances as he thought.

To carry out this rite, it is better to choose the night from Thursday to Friday.

Dreaming rite with photo

Rite to dream of a man and to remind themselves in this way.

What do you need to hold a rite

To spend this rite It is necessary to cook:

  • photo depicting a chosen one you want to dream;
  • candle;
  • khaila;
  • water.

How to spend ritual

The ritual is effective, although very simple in execution.

It follows it like this:

  1. Put a photo with a picture of a person who wants to dream.
  2. Before the photo you need to place a candle.
  3. Set up a candle.
  4. Through the flame to look at the photo and focus their thoughts on what kind of dream should see the chosen. This procedure will take some time. Do not hurry, you need to do everything from the soul and with great desire.
  5. You need to take the pile and pour water into it. Put next to the photo.
  6. After the thoughts about a dream are finished need to translate a look at the pile with water.
  7. Focus and see the image of a loved one in the water.
  8. If the result is achieved, then cute will surely see the dream exactly, since he was conceived.
  9. It is required to drink water and read the consideration of the following content:

    "My dear (name), wait for me in a dream. I go to you. Amen."

Leave a candle to trample, and go to sleep ourselves.

Ritual rite for a dream with a mirror

The ritual will provide your presence in a dream of a loved one.

What is needed for ritual

The conduct of this ritual does not require special accessories, enough:

  • small-sized mirror;
  • feltaster or cosmetic pencil.

How to spend ritual

  1. To spend the ritual it is necessary on a small mirror to write the name of the chosen one who want to dream.
  2. The inscription can be carried out using a marker or any cosmetic pencil, the color to which the inscription will be conducted is not important.
  3. It is required to present the mirror close to the face so that in it you can see the reflection of breathing.
  4. Read plot on the mirror:

    "In a mirror stroy, I reflect, in the dream your beloved will be. (Name) Sleep yes to rest, and see me in a dream. Amen".

  5. Conspiracy reread two more times.
  6. Place a mirror under your pillow, the front side should look up.

If there is a desire and the need to dream of several days in a row, you can repeat the ritual several times over the week.

Magic smoke for dreams

A strong conspiracy to convey the news through sleep to your beloved.

What will be required for the rite

To carry out the rite, the presence of the following magic dialing:

  • dry grass;
  • fire resistant tray;
  • matches.

For the ritual "Magic smoke for dreams" is needed dry grass

How to spend ritual

  1. To serve this ritual and reading the conspiracy, you need to rush in advance and dry grass. The main thing to tear grass with bare hands and dry it in the shade.
  2. Take a bunch of grass and pull out one straw from it, which must be placed under the pillow.
  3. The rest of the grave is required to put on a resistant to the fire spread.
  4. It is necessary to open the window and near her set the grass with matches.
  5. When it starts to form smoke you need to start reading a plot:

    "Go smacks, to the slave of God (name). So that the haze in the wind is driving and spinning. So that I dream of my own at night. Amen".

  6. You need to read until smoke goes.

After burning herbs, the ashes remained, it is required to start the wind into the open window.

Strong ritual to dream guy

The ritual is aimed at appealing to a nice sleep.

What will be needed for the ritual

For the ritual you need to cook this:

  • photo depicting cute;
  • your own photo;
  • natural fabric.

How to spend ritual

    1. It is required to take photos with your own image and a photo with a picture of cute.
    2. Fold them in this way so that the faces are located to each other.
    3. Photos must be wrapped in natural tissue and take into account that it should not be seams.
    4. Place pictures under. Pillow.
    5. Read the words of the conspiracy:

      "The power of love I trigs you, the servant of God (name): the usri me in a dream! Find out me and come to me, love me and be faithful to me! "

Simple rituals to appear in the dreams of the beloved

If you do not have a desire to contact Magu and order rites for dreams and your own experience is not enough for strong rituals. Try to use simple rites for dreams:

Rite on penetration into dreams

Penetration into the dream of a loved one will help not only remind him of himself but also to cause him to his sleep.

What will be needed for the rite

This rite will not require additional accessories for conducting. Enough to have:

the text of the conspiracy.

How to hold a rite

In the evening, burn any candle and lean towards the flame so that your breath disrupts the fire whisper 3 times: I'm not frowning for you (name) dry! I do not want to heat the candle and you (name) I urge to sleep! Not a candle Gasha and to you in dreams I go!

As soon as they say the last words of the conspiracy quench the flame just blowing on him and immediately go to bed. Before bedtime, dream of a man to whom you want to come.

All conspiracies and rituals that give the opportunity to see with a close person in a dream and give him a message requires the presence of desire and huge faith.

You must always be confident in your own, in your actions. When it is faith, then there will always be a result.