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Effective conspiracies for attracting narrowed. Meeting of love and mysterious fortune telling on the narrowed. Rite to attract a man

There are within a year special days most suitable for fortunenesses and magic.

This is the time when the border between Navo and the Jawi is blurred, which allows you to look into the future or a distant past, and the rites conducted these days have a special force.

In order to find equal ritual At the attraction of the narrowed, I went on a journey through a generic memory.

Of all the variety of memories, I allocated 3 girls. Each of them dreamed of meeting her beloved and create a family with him.

Rite first. Needlework and embroidery

I see how the girl sitting at the table, the light from the window falls, she sits down and stamps the head. In the pattern puts what sings.

Words of the song in the course of the needlework composes, in them the image of a meeting of the future prescribes and the fact that after the meeting will occur as the house will be built, life together to develop, kids.

The handkerchief after the embroidery is ready, she adds closer to the heart and is wearing there until the spring. On the carnival, when the stuffed winter was burned, she threw the fire in that fire.

The second rite. Doll welcome

The second girl with a salty dough sculpts, half of his palm. The female doll is a little Bereginka - the welcome. She has no faces, I see a sundress, the hair is long looped. The girl, preparing the pupa, too, at the table at the window sits, in the light of the day it makes everything and also the song refers.

Words, like the previous beauty, composes the images, puts: what a meeting with his beloved see, feelings prescribes which in the soul to stir up, as they will meet, what love they will have.

For the manufacture, doll 3 days and 3 nights On the shelf in the bedroom stood, where the look often fell, and then her girl in the furnace burned, as if holidaying his desire, passing him into the hands of the universe.

Rite third. Pupa Beregina

The girl is also a little small doll-Bereginn, only rag, of fabric and pieces - trimming. On the shop girl see at the window sitting. The doll manufactures, decorates and sings the song too.

Its dreams and images of a loved one and the family folds, sings, doll protect them to them. It puts it on for 3 days and 3 nights in the headboard bed. Upon the expiration of this term, under the tree, her doll bursts, as if in the hands of Mother Earth, his desire to pass, to the will of his holidays.

All three of these girls are in no way interconnected, they lived in different time, in different places and families. But all three rites were created when sunlight, in a day.

All three song sang, words along the fold. The motive was not important, focusing on the images, they, singing, they were invested in their handicraft, as if having transferred to pupae or pattern (on a handkerchief)

We prescribed in this way a meeting with your beloved, feelings, feelings that, when meeting him, wake up, stir up, life is then their family, happiness and joy together.

Each of it did in his own way, he picked up his words, they folded in different way and sang. But all three did it alone, focusing only on creation, not distracted by anything else, nor in the actions, nor in words or in the thoughts of their own.

Rite to attract the narrowed. Methods in our day:

Those of you, dear needleworks and craftswomen who can make dolls and embroider, can take those methods that are spelled above.

Important! Remember that in the manufacture of ritual dolls, the needle is not used.

For those who have not yet been strong in needlework, I propose to go to others:

1. Prepare in advance, ask no one to interfere with and distract.
2. Place Choose to light solar falls. Take a sheet of paper, handle and write.
3. Imagine your meeting with your loved one, not a meeting place to describe both clothes, and your feelings, sensations that awaken from the meeting of this.

Describe your dream, love, striving joint, joy. It is not necessary to prescribe all my life, let everything spell someone how the syllable goes. It is advisable to hover what they write, let the words, how in fairy tales folded.

Write without thinking about the form of recorded. Try the meaning of my dream, as brighter, deeper, put the multifaceted.

4. As you finish, lay the leaf, somewhere to leave it so that you can open, read. On the mirror and nearby do not place, under the pillow you can il on writing desk. Only no one else can read and see what you have written. Then you can burn this leaf in the flame of the candle, on the bountar or in the fireplace (the main thing is that the fire is alive).

The image of the soul is important

  1. Before prescribing your meeting with the narrowed, you should already register, know the image of his soul. Those. How do you see it, not external data, but personal qualities, character.
  2. Think, do you really want to meet, meet him, change your life?
  3. After holding a rite, look at yourself. Are you ready to meet? Do you meet your dream or need to work over something? Something to change something, some qualities, ability, perhaps develop? Carefully look around and start cooking yourself, because everything happens quite soon.

Meeting with narrowed

I suggest looking at three of our girls that the rite of this winter has committed. Looks a little forward. Carnival, festivities.

One to get acquainted with my sulfur at the fair. I see how the views of them met and the feelings flashed immediately.

The second on the playing was found in his fate, watching how well done delete their shown.

The third shirt of the fault, embroidered and sold them itself at the fair. There he found it. So he liked the shirt that the wedding soon played.

Those. It turns out that the dreams of all three girls came true in the spring, when winter retreated. What came true exactly how they were prescribed, what feelings were invested, so everything happened, and in life later there was a way.

Fairy tales or miracles? Or maybe understanding yourself and?

I give this rite to everyone, ready to take it.

Protect, dream, embody.

And let everyone who have not yet found his love will definitely meet it.

People have long considered it very important to meet a person with whom you can live happy and long family life. Family and family values \u200b\u200bexisted at all times. Therefore, in the magical traditions of all peoples, they occupy a great place love conspiracy: Conspiracy to meet with narrowed and conspiracies for love.

Conspiracy to meet with narrowed

This conspiracy to meet with narrowed only comes to girls. He is very ancient and strong. After holding such a ritual and conspiracy, a lot of new acquaintances will happen to meet with the narrowed in your life.

For a conspiracy to meet with narrowed church candle And your photo. Place the photo on the table opposite myself, put a candle in front of the photo and say the words of the conspiracy to the meeting with the narrowed.

"Oh, all-selling Lord, I know that my great happiness depends on that I love you with all my heart and my heart, and to fulfill you in all of your holy Will. Control the same, oh my God, my soul and fill my heart: I want to please you alone, for you are the creator and my God. Save me from pride and vague: mind, modesty and chastity let them decorate me. The idleness is opposed to you and gives rise to vices, give me a hunt for hardworking and blessings of my works. The alone your law commands to live people in an honest marriage, bring me, the saint, for the soul consecrated, not to see my conviction, but for the fulfillment of your destination, for you yourself said: it's not good to be one and, creating him a wife In the assistant, bless them to grow, multiply and inhabit the land. Hear a humble prayer for mine, from the depths of the Maughish heart you are distinguished; Give me a spouse honest and pious so that we are in love with him and in harmony glorify you, the mercifulness of God. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and are confined and forever. Amen."

After the words of the conspiracy, you need to take a candle, and make it circular movement around the photo, while pronounces words: "narrowed, narrowed, go to my house." Candle hide with your fingers. Hide and burn the next time when you first meet your narrowed. For the third time, he burn this candle on the night before his wedding and let it burn.

The day after the commission of this ritual, you need to go to those places where you can meet with a man.

Conspiracies for love, for women

Another strong conspiracy for love, for women. It can only carry out women to gain their female married lobe.
For this conspiracy for love for women, the roadside stone of the average value is needed, not heavy. Find such a stone and bring it to your home. Wash the stone under running water, say on it and this conspiracy on love for a woman: "There was a stone simple, the road lay on the road and the dust was collected. And now the stone will become clean and will help those whose hands of his soap. Amen." This action must be repeated 7 times.

After you were washed stone, you need to warm it up with fire: not wiping, put the stone on the middle of the heated electric stove or, if you have gas stove, then in the preheated oven. But not too hot, because the stone can crack.
Carefully watch the stone: it must warm well, but not too. After the stone heats up, remove it and cool a little. After that, you need to go out again. It is best to set up the beginning of the ritual in such a way as to go out into the street at a convenient time for you. You need to make 3 circles around your house with a stone clockwise, and then turn to the east. Go east until you meet good tree - Smooth, beautiful, healthy. You can search for such a tree in advance. Suitable: oak, birch, ash, canoe, but besides aspen.

Turning face to the tree whisper Tell me:

I will become a slave of God (name), I will go from the doors by the doors, from the gate of the gate, east, in eastern side, To a tree strong and reliable, old yes wisdom, I will put under stone tree,
The stone is solid and clean, and as long as the stone under the tree lie down, that to and me grief and loneliness do not know. How will the week from the day of this, meet me, the slave of God (name) is his love.
Yes, not the one that will come to leave, on the water, will swim by, and the thing is for all his life is coming.
And there will be my word stronger than this stone, and as it is said, so it will come true. My plot is strong as Alatyr stone. Goy!

After a conspiracy on love for a woman, put your stone under the tree, so that it is not noticeable and no one could pick up. Go around the tree three times, lean and touch the stone right hand, left to the tree trunk. Close your eyes and feel like through you from the tree to the stone and the other way was flowing. It will be best if the stone will lie on the root of the tree or touch him. So you joined the strength of the stone and wood so that they help you. After that, quickly go home the shortest road, do not talk to anyone (this is important!). House pour into a transparent glass cold water And drink salvo. Then read nine times the prayer "Our Father" or any other prayer to the God of your religion. In the morning, spread my hair with shallow comb, and those hair that will remain on the comb, burn, without removing from the combs, wipe ash in a clean handkerchief, take away away from the house and scream.

Conspiracies for women's love

This conspiracy for the love of a woman - that is, it is used by men to attract the love of a woman. Take a photo of the beloved woman. In the photo there should be only this woman - without foreign objects and people.

The rite must be carried out in the morning at sunrise. On the back side Photo Write this conspiracy to the love of a woman.

"As the sun rises in the morning, and in the heart of the slaves (the name of the beloved) love flares. Like the sun shines, and love your love to me (my name) brighter in your heart shines. As the sun, the land is dried, so you will dry and wander without me. How people stretch to the Red Sun, so you will reach me. Without me there will be no life, how people do not have a life without a sun. My word is strong and solid. Amen".
After the words of the conspiracy on the love of a woman, a photo should be wrapped in a dark cloth and put under your bed or mattress. Let him lie there until you are sure that this person loved you.

Tarotaro wishes you success and prosperity.

Girls from youth dream of finding out what their husband will be, what kind of people will they meet in the near future whether some meetings will happen at all, and the signs of acquaintance will help. Using them you can also determine how the narrowed it will look.

What the meeting foreshadows

Such believers will help to learn not only about the future second half, but also about people who will appear in your life.

  • The spider jumped into your direction - soon meet an interesting smart person.
  • Lit on Monday face, get ready for a meeting with new investors, clients.
  • The right foot is drawn - a high probability of meeting your loved one.
  • On Monday, the cheeks were born, meet a person who would be your reliable friend. This also warns a reddened face on Thursday.
  • About the meeting with old friends says itching in the neck on Monday.
  • Meeting with people itchs the right hand.
  • A meeting with old buddies warns itching in the right eyebrows.

Believe the second half

During a date to get under the rain - waiting living together With this person and she will be happy and rich.

  • If a bird flies into the room through an open window and immediately crashes, wait in the near future to meet with a dream man.
  • Lonely people scatter sugar on the floor, this week will meet a person with whom you will go under the crown.
  • The loss of earrings warns of pleasant acquaintance and novel.
  • If the girl often burns food, then the groom will be dark-haired.
  • Pay attention to what kind of man you will meet the first when you go outside in the new shoes. It is believed that your husband will be similar to him.
  • You presented the decoration from precious metal, Meet a man, but the relationship with him will be short. Decoration with turquoise, then the relationship will be long.
  • According to love signs Very soon to meet the narrowed, if the street is coming on the street.
  • With your beloved man will never be boring, if you will walk on a date with him, and with a date - another.
  • If the girl is constantly putting stains on the dress, then her husband will be a gambling player. But if she constantly sheds water, then drunkard.
  • If you are alone, and first gray hair appeared on your head, then a man with serious intentions will appear soon.

How to learn your narrowed - fortune telling

Divination-signs can be used if you want to learn more about your narrowed. These are not full magic rituals, so they can safely hold them anyone.

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You can find out the name of your beloved, if you leave in the dark on the street and, having met the first oncoming, ask his name.

Another option - Write a date, month and year of your birth. All figures in the year fold. Now take any book, open on the page equal number Birthday, write down the first letter with which the page begins.

The second open page should be equal to the number of birth. The third is the number obtained as a result of addition. Again, write down the first letter from which the page begins.

As a result, it turned out 3 letters that are the initials of the name of your future spouse. If different answers are obtained during different ghostas, you may have several spouses, or there will be novels and all these men will hope to lead you under the crown.

Next divination Very easy to adjust. For example, you want to know what your girlfriend is your girlfriend, sisters, daughters. In this case, send the girl to the park, the forest, just outside and ask to bring any branch.

Specz says that if it is thin and with many leaves, small twigs, the husband will be fit, and there will be a lot of children. The girl brought a thick branch, narrowed - a confident solid man. The old branch, the bark on it cracked - the groom will be noncain.

Next ritual You can also adjust. Offer a girl to choose at random one of the four glasses. In the first one should be water, in the second water with salt, in the third - with sugar, in the fourth - water with pepper.

  • The first glass is selected, it means for a long time The girl will be alone, it's hard to say.
  • Water with salt - We'll have to shed a lot of tears, the husband will be with a variety of flaws.
  • The third glass - the groom will just look, the troubles of the girl will not know.
  • The fourth glass - in life there will be a lot of both happiness and trouble. It is not necessary to miss.

Using these signs and simple fortune tellingYou will learn a little more about your narrowed, determine when there is a meeting with new friends or old buddies.

Each person wants to find the second half and create a family. But it happens that there are no worthy candidates. It may seem that the second half does not exist. From ancient times, rites reached our ancestors to attract love to their lives. Many plots are easy to fulfill and now.

Features of conspiracy

If a person is not tuned to the creation of a family, even the strongest conspiracy will not help. First you need to really want to meet your half and arrange a personal life. If the desire is a fleeting or appeared under the influence of external factors and the surrounding people, the result will be hard to get.

A decisively configured person, thirsty of love, will always have a visible effect from the conspiracy. But for this you need to clearly follow the rules of the chosen ritual. It is required to choose the method for which there are all the conditions.

What is the conspiracy different from the love spell

Many people confuse these two concepts. Conspiracy to the meeting, as well as a spell, is a magical ritual, but it acts on another principle. He does not distort the fate of a person and is not able to suppress his will and the energy field. The spell relates to black magic, and the conspiracy to the meeting is white and helps to meet two people with similar energy and character.

It seems to many that a quick acquaintance with your loved one was really random and the rite is not here. In this case, one should no longer be resorted to magical care, but to trust your feelings, as magic has already worked. It remains to act in love.

Conspiracy on the photo

It is considered pretty effective tool. Such a conspiracy to the meeting is suitable for lovers who are in a quarrel. It helps a pair to meet and make up.

For the rite will need:

  • Water in a glass.
  • Photo of a loved one.
  • Church candle.

Conspiracy is best spent in the evening. It is necessary to sit at the table on which a glass of water and a photo of cute should stand.

Then we talk on the water such words:

"Heavenly forces! Deliver this water with magical strength. Help melt the heart of the slave of God (pronounce the name of cute) so that he is happy with me. I spell, the forces of Heaven, owns me love, and not selfish interest. I beg to help me, let the water touches his body, the fire will be divided into his soul. We will find it then happiness and light love. The word is my hard. Amen".

After the meeting takes place, it is necessary that the beloved drank this water.

Conspiracy on the icon of the Virgin

Such a way helps to speed up the meeting with your loved one. Conspiracy on a date is carried out after the street will bete. Only the room is suitable for his commission, where the icon of the Virgin.

To make a rite needed:

  • Salt.
  • Water.
  • Glass.
  • Middle sized church candle.

You need to go into the room, not including the light, stand in front of the icon and put a glass with salted water. After that, light the candle and read the plot.

"Holy Mother of God! I resserved to you, I hope for you. Tell me the narrowed, like longing on him, show where my home. Water is a magical, good, beloved road, are growing on the ground and connect with cute. Amen. Amen. Amen".

At the end of the conspiracy, you need to pour water into the angle. Before you get out of the room, you need to pronounce our Prayer "Our Father".

Conspiracy to meet the narrowed

This way helps speed up familiarity with the second half. To spend the ritual, you need to wear a white shirt and break hair, remove all gum and hairpins. Conspiracy is read throughout three days at twilight.

It is important to concentrate and speak such words:

"My bright Zorya Alya, my plenty to you to you." Bring me well done for a crown. You guide his soul and eyes. Put us under the image. "

Conspiracy on a rose

This method is aimed at meeting the second half. It is advisable to take a fresh carved flower of red or scarlet. If the flower is bought, then it is impossible to bargain. It is important to carefully choose a rose, to acquire only the one that is more like others.

Before the rite you need to remove things from the room that interfere as focusing as much as possible. Initially, you need to take a rose in your hands and conveniently settled in front of the mirror, tune in to the execution of the conspiracy. The look should be directed to the flower, imagining the future of your loved one.

Pronounce words:

"I feel love, I see love, I inhale love."

Rose must be near the face. On time pronunciation of a conspiracy to a meeting with a man, you need to admire your reflection and inhale the fragrance of the flower, touching it. During the rite, you need to visualize a powerful love wave that penetrates the body.

At the end to look at their reflection and say such words:

"Love around me, inside me, comes from me. She goes to me. I am loved".

They repeat the words three times, upon completion of the rite, a rose is carrying three days as an amulet.

Conspiracy to a meeting on soap

The ritual is considered very effective in order for the beloved rushing on a date. It is carried out in the bathroom. On the soap, the name of the beloved, after which it is placed on the bottom of the bathroom. Water during the procedure should not be included.

The words are read on soap:

"In the emptiness, there are no winds and rains. Thunder will not hear here, trees will not see. Everything will go smoothly and calmly, I will be pleased. Amen".

After the ritual, the soap is worn everywhere with me. After meeting, the amulet will stop working. It is thrown onto the crossroads, pre-slipped the name of the beloved.

Ritual for a meeting with a man who lost

There are cases when a native and close man disappeared. In this case, you can resort to this conspiracy to the meeting.

For the rite you need:

  • Bay leaf.
  • Church candle must buy a person who will read a plot.
  • The frying pan you use.

Take a whole bay leaf, put a church candle on the table, light it. Next to the table put a pan, put a sheet of paper with the name of a person who has lost, and ignite it. Next pronounce such text:

"Fragrant smoke let, I attract (they say the name of the person), the roads overlap. Let the smoke flies to distant Dali, he will talk about sadness. Amen".

During the execution of the conspiracy, it is impossible to be sad and sad. It is best to abstract from negative thoughts, and thinking about the lost person, presenting his smile, voice. Such a rite use gypsies, it is considered very strong plot. Therefore, thinking about the grief, you can get trouble in your own and someone else's life.

Plot on Pear

Such a rite will help speed up the meeting with the second half. To perform it, you need to take three matches and a large pear. He read a plot of a growing moon before sunset.

The pear is divided into two parts and pronounce these words:

"As a whole was divided, so the one was separated, so I am alone."

The soults are then connected by matches in a specific sequence. The first stick up from above, the second bottom, and the third - in the middle.

When the halves of the pear connect, these words should be pronounced out loud:

"Like two parts of the pear joined, it was merged into one, so I will find my other half, sadness and longing to run. So be it".

At the end, the pear is wrapped in a pure flax handkerchief and leave it under the fruit tree.

Conspiracy on water

For better effect Take clean water From the spring or stream. Do not cost to gain water from the crane. Water should not be muddy. Conspiracy is read after sunset. They burn a candle of scarlet and put it near a glass with clean water.

Pronounce words:

"I read clean water, causing a narrowed future. Let him find out faster about me. Hurry up to me, time does not lose. He expect him to all his heart, love his guard. "

At the end of the conspiracy, the candle is blown. To the glass with water do not touch until the morning of the next day. Pull it into the lake or river, after the sun gets up.

Need to say:

"To my future, I wake up, sorrows my sorrow and toasting."

Conspiracy on candles

To fulfill it, it is necessary to go to church early in the morning. There to purchase 12 candles. But only two of them take home. Leave 10 candles near different saints. Three candles are placed near the Virgin and Crucifixion of the Savior. Four candles put near icons of hope, love, faith and mother of their Sofia.

Upon returning home, you need to wait for the sun and light two candles brought from the church.

Think of your desire - to find a soul mate and utter 12 words:

"Verify the Lord. Homes, mother of God. How the candles are glowing, so let the heart of cute for me will light up. "

You need to buy a candle in the church in a big holiday, after that you need to purchase any clothes for the future beloved. In the evening, they burn a candle, put a bought thing near her, and on it - a white thread.

They say these words:

"Like the candle wax melts, so my soul will like it. Only I call you, for seven knots to myself, a loved one, I will give. Amen".

What to do to make a plot worked

Before holding a ritual, it is necessary to tune in and prepared. It is necessary to decide that the plot is really needed. During execution it is worth being confident that he will bring the result.

Three days before the rite, such recommendations must be performed:

  • Do not swear and not fight.
  • Do not drink alcohol, tobacco, drugs.
  • Refuse meat, use only meal of plant origin.
  • Do not rush to fulfill the rite, you must first tune in to it.
  • Use conspiracies from proven sources, and also need to be sincerely believe in success. Otherwise, time will be spent in vain.

Conspiracies to the meeting will help many find their second half, as well as speed up a date with an existing loved person. There is a huge number of rituals that are tested by time. But before resorting to magic power, you need to take preparation and be sure to believe in future success.

Conspiracy of the Pechora Healer of Maria Fedorovskaya on love Independent and loyalty Pigeon-in-law Irina

To meet the narrowed

To meet the narrowed

First you need to take a dark tangle woolen thread, sprinkle, through your hands every centimeter of the threads to skip, and then wash back in the ball with your own hands. Then put it under the pillow and three nights to sleep on it. And on the fourth night you need to pretend that they went to sleep, and in a few hours when the moon in the sky will shine brightly, take the tangle in left, quietly get out of the house, reach the wasteland, which the moon completely illuminates (you can just get enough in the courtyard, where the windows do not go out so that curious eyes do not interfere).

Get up straight, look at the sky, three times around yourself Wrap through the left shoulder and say:

In the sky of Isus Christ, Naznodelo Marie, Angels and Archangels, Cherubim and Serafima. The moon shines them, to see helps. Here they see all my thoughts, everything is in front of knowing, about all the sorrows and sorrows of my cries with me. Help me, the moon, my beloved to find among everyone, bring me to him, sleep on my way, point to him. As three nights, they will meet me with a narrow-minded one, let my tangle rolling to him. And the tangle does not rush yes the road will not light up - let the name knocks him with the mouth of the person, whom I in three days in my house in my house. Those of the words of the sky - the key, the land - the castle from now on and before the century forever. Amen.

Talking B. right hand, unwind a little, put on the ground and podtolanny slightly so that he rolled. Then shielded three times yes go home without looking around. And leave the tangle where it was. Come home, nine times read ours "Father".

Three days, turning place at that place: if the tangle worried himself or it is not visible at all, then you will soon meet the right person. If the tangle went out not far, then you will know your guests, who will come on this day. Well, if the tangle and lies, as it was, there was no help to you.

There may be two reasons for this: or in your life needed man And so already there, or in your life soon, such a fracture will happen that no cute you no longer need. For example, you get sick or die. It is so scary to know this, but it is better to know than not to know. Because when you know, you can still do something.

How to check why the plot does not work

For the same reasons, any conspiracy may not work. We must definitely find out the reason. Go home. On the four corners of the room are drunk thin wax candles. Sit in the middle of the room is prolonged, barefoot, on the floor. Take your favorite ring, better without a pebble, tie to him a thread from that tangle, which has stricken. Take a clay bowl with water. Above the water three times read ours "Father". Then take a ring on a thread in the right hand, the pendulum will turn out, the thread must be centimeters ten. Keep pendulum over the water, five centimeters from the bowl. Stop it with your left hand. Further hold it and ask questions:

I have no help, because it's nice and so near me, but I do not see him?

If there was no, ask further:

I have no help, because I will soon be sick?

If the pendulum stands or in a circle goes, it means there is no, if from the side it is injected, it means yes. Then ask more:

Can I take the disease from myself?

If the pendulum stands or in a circle goes, it means there is no, if from the side it is injected, it means yes.

If the pendulum answered not to the question of illness, ask further:

I have no help, because I will die soon?

If the pendulum stands or in a circle goes, it means there is no, if from the side it is injected, it means yes. Then ask:

Can I get death from myself?

If the pendulum stands or in a circle goes, it means there is no, if from the side it is injected, it means yes.

After you learned all you need, quickly blow all the candles and throw in a bowl of water, the cover of it with a clean flaxed towel, twice shifted and say:

"Isus Christ, you are for all the Mellets, in the sky our concern, forgive me sins and sins, I hope for your mercy and dowry, I wash your feet, I wash your feet, I'm sorry for my sinner (name) in Syrosti, and Stupidity , and my gods, let my sins. "

After that, herself twisted, take that bowl as there is barefoot and proliferately bring her to the street and pour over the house. The towel, which covered it, throw out. And the bowl itself is boiling and never eat out of it and do not prepare food in it.

How to clean up to get help if you are waiting for a disease or death

If a disease or death is waiting for you, but it is told to you that you can take them away from yourself, you need to clean up. It is necessary to do this:

1. To hang three days, then confess in the Church of the Batyushka and coming up.

2. Recall all people who have inflicted, and ask for forgiveness. If there are no them next, ask mentally. Write letters. For those who are near, also give small gifts.

3. Disassemble all debts if they are. If even someone's ruble took, remember, give this ruble.

4. Roll into metal money hundred rubles and distribute the poor.

5. Buy a variety of simple meals and foaming dogs and cats.

6. Buy a bunch of bread and foaming birds.

7. Cooking pies and treatments of all neighbors.

8. Observe your clothes, put everything unnecessary on the street and leave there, so that everyone needs to, can take it.

9. For a week, do not drink wine, do not smoke, do not eat meat, do not swear (it means not only the marrying brand, but also any clarification of relations, manifestations of discontent).

How to find out what to do after cleansing

As a week passed, I have to sleep and tell me before bedtime, looking at the burning church candle:

"Isus of Christ, the Son of God, the light of the wonderful, life of teaching, from the nonsense of the saved, repentance, appea, thoughts in the head, how to me the slave of God (name) from myself sadness-kolukhin-bitterness deathly dive To pretend. Now and in the eyelids of the age of Amen. "

After that, drink a cup of herbal tea (zarvari in the mug of Valeriana, and a chabarm, and a branch of the basil, and three dried rose berries), lie on the right side, lay the right hand under the cheek and read our "Father", do not fall asleep. In a dream you will be the way to healing and assigning trouble.

What to do if you were told that the help would not be provided

If the pendulum answered you that you can't wait for help, clean and do the following. Take vacation at work, if you work, for a week or better for two and go to any monastery. Arriving there, from morning to night, pray and ask for monks to pray for the salvation of your soul and extending you life. And when you will hand out alms, all the poor ask for you to pray for you. And asking all their friends and relatives to put in the church for your health in the candle. Avosh and wake you up with the whole world.

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