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Solar eclipse February 26, 17 years old. "The practical course" Magic Eclipse "." "Workshop in the solar eclipse" make a desire, we plan and correct your life "!!! "

Themes and situations associated with eclipses could be referred to three weeks before the first eclipse, and the significance of the issues that eclipses will be felt every six months, until the next "Eclipse Season" in August, where the key will be a solar eclipse on August 21, 2017 in 28 ° 53 "Leo.

But the influence of eclipses, the themes affected by the eclipse and the situation with it are related, they can develop for many years until the next eclipse of the same Sarosa cycle (18 years).Both eclipses of February 2017 belong to one Sarosa 19s cycle.This Sarosa series began on April 16, 1512 and consists of 71 solar eclipses.

Eclipses are repeated in the same degree of the zodiac every 19 years, and every 18 years occurs the eclipses of one series of Sarosa. We can look back to remember: what happened to us 18-19 years ago. Threads, circumstances and events of 1998 and 1999 can be part of current events, remote or directly.For example, in 1998, the solar eclipse was also February 26, and also in08 ° Fish, but belonged to Saros 18s. In 1999, on February 16, there was a previous solar eclipse of the current Sarosa, it was 27 ° Aquarius.

Bernadet Brady in the book " Predictive astrology", Characterizes a series of Sarosa of February Eclipse 2017 so:"This family of eclipses brings with them an element of a pleasant surprise. Unexpected happiness, joyful event, good opportunity, random win. What is happening events can be trusted, they can positively change the life of a person. "

The characteristic is quite optimistic, but do not forget that there is a speech about Saros's cycle in general, and this is a period of 1300 years and more than 70 eclipses, it is rather an archetypical characteristic. But the fact that the total tonality of this Saros is rather gives the keys to the solution than the problem rolleriness, it hits. And she is also consonant aspects lunar eclipse February 11 at 22 ° 28 "Lion.

The first thing to remember relative to both eclipses and all this period,– i cite from your article "Eclipse and Fate":"At this time, especially near Eclipse, it should be carefully monitored by all the occurrence of situations, meetings and new ideas. It must be remembered - any event falling on an eclipse is more important than we can assume at first. Eclipse emphasizes the importance of events and seriousness of its consequences. Ideas, suggestions, projects and people who come to our life in the "season" of eclipses become part of our life for a long period. "

But errors, errors, miscalculations and misconduct, are also becoming more significant than at another time, and their consequences are inevitable and painful for a long period. Therefore, we are not going on with emotions, rely on the mind and reasonableness, do not succumb to provocations and temptations. Important solutions should not be taken during the eclipse period and especially on an eclipse day.

The second thing to remember - Z. the atmiests of this season are associated with our realization of their identity, its "I" other than others, your personal and creative tasks in a collective context. This is the topic: "I" and the team, the ability to dissolve in the interests of others, and it is necessary to build relationships so that cooperation or personal relationships do not interfere with our need to be ourselves. Do not go on any other, not to be included in dubious benefits and relationship relationships, do not have the principles and be loyal, even if for this you need to part with someone or something, or something to lose. It is honesty towards yourself and others, as well as to the law.This "Eclipse Season" - tale about how the sunny principle (A lion ) desires the outers of illusions (Fish ). This is the time of purification and clarification.But this is also a period of risk, especially the second half of February. Therefore, we will be alert. I write about risks below, in the paragraph of eclipse on February 26.Now about each eclipse specifically.

Embips Eclipse at 02:53:26 GMT

It will be visible in Europe, most Asia, in Africa, North America, South America, in the quiet, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Arctic, Antarctica.

The lunar eclipse on February 11 at 22 ° 28 "Lion in the northern node can be considered positive how positive an eclipse can be. The spectrum of those who emphasize the lunar eclipse in the lion is quite wide - from power before entertainment, from personal achievements to a financial adventure. During this period Interests are aimed at creative tasks and personal implementation, personal achievements. This is also the theme of children, relations with children, love relationship, hobby. These are the themes of personal and collective creativity, creative projects, friendly relationshipRelationship with loved ones, creative searches. It's the same cash issues - Money received from real estate or parents. This eclipse also activates risky adventures, gambling and speculation - this period will show their result, feasibility and prospects. The importance of the topics of power, the departure, the relationship between personal and collective tasks acquire. Events can encourage responsibility and manage the situation.

Eclipse gives the importance to everything that happens at this time. If accidents do not happen, then in the period of eclipses there is never. Tracking what is happening, make positive steps - the endings of this period will be important and will have a significant effect on a long period. Meetings that will occur near this eclipse and dating will play an important role in life. Therefore, it is better to choose where you go and who are dealing with.

It is also the time of the result - an intermediate or final result. What has been started has been taken before, now reaches climax, will give their fruits or comes to complete. This period will show the position of things, the essence of situations, the value of the former undersions or their short-term. Do not disdain from uncomfortable facts, do not close the eyes on the obvious, even if it is not as much as I would like - this is the time of illumination and awareness. Now everything is maximally manifested and you can understand a lot and see about the state of affairs, relationships and the prospects of projects to move on with this new understanding.

The focus can be the relationship with a business partner or marriage, the need to reconsider the approach to some other issues, to make decisions that repaid relationships or it will be the time of parting that has long been naply. But it will learn what has lost its importance. Therefore, if you have to part with something or someone, remember Eastern Maxim: "Do not hold what goes, do not replicate what has come." There will be something that will contribute to personal progress and promotion of undertakings. It is also the time of obtaining important information that will complement the initial intentions and will give an understanding of the new approach in relations and your personal prospects. If you come to the conclusion that we value personal relationships or collaboration, bfall ready to make changes to the initial plans, especially if the situation will urge you to take into account the wishes of partners, or those people on which the development of your undertakings and your plans depends.

Eclipse begins at 12:10:48 GMT

Maximum phase at 14:53:25 GMT

Embips Eclipse at 17:36:02 GMT

For Kiev add 2 hours, for Moscow +3.

Only a few observers in South America and South Africa They have the opportunity to see an annular eclipse on February 26. Its visibility will be a narrow track width of 31 km, which crosses the southern part of Chile and Argentina, South Atlantic, Angola, the borders of Zambim and Congo. Partial eclipse can be observed in South America, Africa and Antarctic.

Solar Eclipse February 26 in 08 ° 12 "Fish in South node. This eclipse coincides with the compound of Mars with uranium in opposition to Jupiter and the activity of the cardinal tau-square. I have already written about aspects related to this eclipse in detail in the February forecast, those who are not in the topic, here. And now about the solar eclipse.

This eclipse is complex. It completes the eclipse cycle of the last two years and is the final, pulling out the surface of the illusion and delusion, deception and miscalculations to get rid of this painful baggage and start the update period, getting rid of unrealistic installations and dependent relationships. The next time the eclipse on the fish-maid axis will be March 20, 2034 and in the period up to 2036.

This eclipse is associated with the theme of health, payable for the previous errors or the disclosure of the secrets that will affect important relationships. This is a confusion time, when the former flaws or irresponsibility can lead to problems with work, are likely to be dismissal or reduced. This eclipse is associated with the themes of isolation, involvement in dubious cases, abuse of any substances (alcohol, drugs, etc.), with the need to deal with cases that seem inexplicable or strange.

During this phenomenon There will be a high activity of such powerful planets as Pluto, Uranus and Mars. In this regard, there will be a high probability of destructive action to all surrounding. However, the influence of these planets is opposed to the spiritual planet Neptune, which will be able to instill faith in a happy future, contribute to the emergence of inspiration and sufficient forces for new achievements.

Where and when you can see the eclipse of the Sun on February 26, 2017

Unfortunately, residents of Russia will not be able to observe this eclipse. From his mysterious beauty, you can admire on the following regions of:

  • Argentina;
  • Antarctica;
  • Africa (Western and South);
  • Chile;
  • America (South);
  • Angola.

Moscow time Eclipse will begin at 17 o'clock 54 minutes, Greenwich - at 14 o'clock 59 minutes. At the time of the beginning of the eclipse, the sun will be in the sign of the fish (8 degrees).

Energy power of solar eclipse. What is it?

Solar eclipses occur, as a rule, once in a half year. These are very powerful phenomena in its energy sector, which can contribute to significant changes in the lives of people. At the same time, they personify a new report point in a particular life area. Everything that mattered before, irrevocably kanet in the fly, and a new period of life will begin. Eclipse, which will occur on February 26, 2017 - no exception. Astrologers say that in a few weeks before it began, people will feel a slight blow of the wind of change.

The powerful impact of the phenomenon will be felt by people and over the next 5 months. However, the most cardinal changes can be expected from February 27 to March 30. Everyone will be able to feel the unique energy energetics, because it will have a direct impact on the natal astrological diagram of all zodiac signs. But the strongest of its action will be subject to those who will exercise curiosity and activity.

What can and what can not be done on the day of the solar eclipse 26.02.2017

What business should do this day?

The sun symbolizes the masculinity, the strength of the Spirit, purposefulness, intellect, justice, initiative. But on the day of the eclipse, all these qualities should be directed to the achievement of equilibrium in their own life. For example, help someone who needs your help. Let it be a small advice or a small service - no matter. The good acts committed on February 26, 2017 will increase and be sure to be in karma.

Experts assure that the ideal option The pasting on the Eclipse Day is charity. Of course, not everyone has the opportunity to make a significant donation or to give the presents of orphans from the shelter. But, if you try to give the world to the world, you can still give a part of your kindness. For example, give you unnecessary toys and clothes in orphanageHelp the old woman to convey heavy bags to the house, feed homeless dogs and cats, go to church and donate for the needs or construction of a new temple symbolic amount.

Despite the fact that three planets will have a destructive impact on people, Neptune's strength guarantees security, allowing you to actively act on this day. The main thing is not to pass the stick and abide by the measure in everything. Activities and activity will serve as a springboard for new achievements in the field:

  • career. Boldly implement projects. Today is good luck on your side. The enterprise will help strengthen the authority among colleagues and get a long-awaited increase;
  • finance. There is a chance to gain new sources of cash income. Therefore, we are implementing your financial ideas, do not be afraid to start cooperation with new business partners;
  • love. If you are planning to make an offer to your loved one, February 26 will be the ideal for this day. If you have not been resolved for a conversation with a partner about a breaking of relationships, an eclipse day will also be a good period for such a conversation;
  • health. Procedures that strengthen health will bring double body benefit. On this day, you can start hardening, running in the mornings or evenings, comply with the diet. In the evening it is recommended to go through a relaxing massage procedure.

The destructive action of Mars, uranium and pluto can manifest itself in the form of deterioration of well-being, depression, reduce mood, easy depression, anxiety and even fear. To avoid such a state, you need to configure yourself to a positive way since the morning, taking something exciting. If the alarm was still visited, you should not succumb to a panic, stick to the sofa, relax, listen to relaxing music or look at an interesting TV show.

Loss of performance and every desire to move forward is one of the main problems that lie people on Eclipse. To avoid such a state of affairs, astrologers do not recommend:

  • find out the relationship with anyone;
  • planned to attend a doctor and conduct serious medical procedures (except emergency);
  • engage in self-defense, sorry for the mistakes of the past;
  • appear to the conscience of the surrounding who caused you offense;
  • refuse to help you who addressed you;
  • make unilent actions;
  • gluttonize;
  • punish children;
  • swear with close people;
  • we lose opportunities and ignore the signs sent by destiny.

EXPOSURE EXPOSURE February 26, 2017 for each zodiacal sign


Aries, whose nature is formed active life position, Eclipse energy can make actively act in the field of finance. But it is not worth the excessive initiative. Otherwise you can cross the stick and lose the possibility of profitable cooperation and, accordingly, additional earnings.


The day will be held under the motto: "The more, the better!" Tales, with peacefulness inherent in them, brilliantly realize all their ideas. Of course, not without the help of solar energy, which will give a powerful positive charge. In the cycle of events, Tales may forget about their loved ones, focusing on themselves. Therefore, they should pay due attention to relatives, friends, familiar.


Merry, optimistic, restless and forever somewhere hurrying twins solar energy Let me feel the alarm for your future. Never of unreasoning people of this sign are seriously concerned about relations with the second half. It will seem to them that soon idyll will end. From such thoughts, astrologists recommend to get rid of switching attention to something interesting. The benefit of the twins have a rich imagination, so that they will not be difficult to distract from evil thoughts.


Cancers are under the constant influence of the moon, which during the eclipse period, like the sun, will be located in the sign of the fish. This is what makes many people of this zodiac sign Throw out all the emotions that have accumulated in their soul for a long period of time. Someone wishes to express the unfair resentment, someone wants to frankly talk to a close person, and some - on the contrary, will be closed in themselves, frightened such a powerful tide of feelings.

a lion

Wards Lion is under the auspices of the Sun. Due to the fact that it will become the main defendant of the event, people lions can feel easy-to-leather. Special excitement can cause lumbar department spine. Therefore, the lions will need high-quality rest. Experts recommend to refrain from active leisure, replacing it with interesting, but creative pastime.


Amazing events can occur on this day with devices. Always pragmatic, assertive and accustomed to engage the dominant roles, they will want to at least once known. Virgin will be somewhat lazy and apathetic, and the fulfillment of their duties will be entrusted near man (Mother, Father, spouse). But it's even good! After all, in fact, the Virgin - workaholiki, the rest will only benefit them.


People of this sign intuitively feel how to behave on the day of eclipses. Scales of distinct others will understand what they need for soul equilibrium. Some occurrence of unusual desires can lead into easy bewilderment, but the scales will not contradict themselves. Perhaps this is the only sign on which the destructive effect of eclipse will not affect.


A few careless scorpions of the energy of the Sun will cause exacerbation of vigilance and suspicion. It will mostly touch the second half. If the scorpions fail to take emotions in a timely manner, suspicion will grow into a groundless jealousy, which will reflect the clarification of relations. Before you can not bring. Not only can you find a compromise, so also spend a colossal amount of energetic energy, which will lead to a significant decline in forces. Make conclusions in advance!


The only sign that the solar eclipse provides brilliant opportunities to establish and improve the situation in the family and at work. Sagittarius remains only to take advantage of the possibilities, realizing them in full. The main thing is not to sit, folded hands, and act. But the law on compliance with the measure in everything for Sagittarov no one has canceled, so they, as well as representatives of all other signs, to avoid obsessions.


The destructive energy of the day will fully affect health. Food poisoning and injuries are possible. Capricorn people are recommended a relaxing holiday. Meditative classes will also be useful, in the process of which they know the highest truth. This will help to figure out not only in yourself, but also in the laws of the universe.


The less time it will remain before the start of the eclipse, the more aquarity will be able to feel the desire to contradict themselves. All the canons that have previously existed and served for them by the unlawful law are collapsed overnight. Personal stereotypes and internal barriers will also fall. Of course, Aquarius is disturbed by the situation, but will soon realize that the changes do not cause any discomfort, but, on the contrary, affect them positively.


Since the sun and the moon during the eclipse period will be in the fish, representatives of this sign are more clearly destructive to themselves all the power of the destructive power of Pluto, Uranus and Neptune. Astrologers are not advised to overvolt the body or physically nor morally. Try to spend the day in a circle of relatives and close friends. With those who cause irritation, it is better not to intersect. Surround yourself with positive and do not let the emotions control thoughts and actions.

Such averaged February, full of eclipses, then the lunar, then sunny. The benefit of others does not happen

This time, on February 26, 2017, we are awaiting a ring Solar eclipsewhich will reach the maximum at 16:54 at the Riga time. Eclipse can be observed in the south of Argentina and Chile, in South America, Angola, Antarctica and Africa. As you can see, Europe and Russia remained aside, but nevertheless, the total energy of this day will be negative.

The sun personifies power and ruler. And since the influence of eclipses will be particularly strongly in South America and in the countries close to it, these days there can be expected unrest, strikes and other dissatisfaction with power. Moreover, this is the time when countries leaders may not hold back their promises and it will be difficult for them to agree.

In Vedic Astrology, the solar eclipse creates a shadow planet Ketu or the southern moon node. And for the Sun, this is the most unfavorable connection (for example, a person with such a compound in natal map It will be very selfish and it will be difficult for him to take authorities and senior advice). Therefore, do not be surprised if these days you have worsen my well-being and there will be a social sphere. Especially careful should be people with cardiovascular diseases - follow your pressure, take medicine on time and do not be nervous. Also, these days everyone needs to take sight.

Now we are in the corridor of eclipses, the first of which was the lunar on February 11. Many could feel the decline of strength, revenue decline, aggravation of diseases, depression, unwillingness to live other concerns. By the way, last time I was asked why not all people feel the influence of eclipses. The fact is that some of us, Nadi channels, for which the energy of life (Prana) is moving, cleaner. Such people are stronger than others can feel change in space and a common atmosphere, feel pain of another person. In others, these channels are not so clean and then the eclipse effects more on their coarse body than a thin one. Therefore, eclipses affect all, but in varying degrees. Plus to everything, the closer to the point of the eclipse, the stronger his decent effect.

"For the actions of a person, the sun, moon, air, fire, sky, earth, water, heart, yamaraj, day and night, dawn, twilight, as well as the Superdush" (Agni Purana, 255.35).

- Observe post
- After eclipse, take a cool shower

P.S. Before the eclipse, February 25 will be a new moon. Take care of your mind, which on this day can be extremely restless. And most importantly, keep the right attitude, do not lose, think only positively and repeat the right affirmations. Remember that at this time, any of your idea will form the future. Do not cycle in bad, otherwise it will be fulfilled. In general, watch your thoughts

And that's fine! But…!What do you need to do with this February eclipse? How can you consciously build plans and goals if Solar Eclipse February 26 will happen in fish? A sign that hovers in the clouds, full fantasies and altered states of consciousness. Applying to the depths of the subconscious and inspiring the greatest creators to the immortal works of art, and monks for disinterested ministry. Rising to the vertices of altruism. But, to the greatest regret, so little adapted to simple and sometimes cruel realities of the modern world and, by virtue of its nature, so difficult to achieve specific (especially, material results).

What to do? Of course, follow his nature! And instead of an attempt to build conscious plans, from the whole of the heart, to afford to this eclipse just go for your dream.

And if even more accurate - you can and should afford a dream and take a conscious decision just to go behind her!

By the way, another feature of the zodiac sign of fish is sacrifice. And in connection with this eclipse, I will allow myself a little expanding his interpretation. If you are the word sacrifice, replace infinite, unlimited, total trust in the world and the ability to surrender to its stream, without resisting - it will fully express the energy of this eclipse.

If you can do it now, the course of your fate will bring you there wherever it is necessary.

But no matter how easy you seemed to you now - believe me, to fulfill it at this time you will be very difficult.

And to understand how, why and how difficult it will be for you these days, just look at astrological map of the solar eclipse on February 26 and its main aspects.

The first complex aspect- Mars in conjunction with uranium in Aries in quadrature with Pluto and in the exact opposition with Jupiter. Very explosive and unpredictably destructive combination of planets.

In this regard, here are six specific advice.

First- Be extremely neat driving. Ideally, on the day of Eclipse, try to reduce the trips to a minimum.

Second- Keep your mouth closed and do not get involved in any scandals and quarrels. Rales of relationships these days will be fatal.

Third- Do not attempt yourself these days to find out the relationship with your partners. It will not lead to anything good, because And you and they will, to put it mildly, not at all adequate condition.

Fourth- Avoid clusters large number of people.

Fifth- Do not take any sharp spontaneous solutions, and especially actions that can affect your future.

Sixth- By any ways to hold yourself from aggression both in relation to yourself and in relation to others. Drink tea with mint, meditate, watch calm movies, keep in a warm bed, reading a quiet book.

Because the world around you in the days of eclipse seems to be crazy and you need to give myself a word in no way to participate in this.

It is in such tough external conditions You will have to take a gentle and mysterious challenge of this eclipse. It is extremely simple. Just decide to follow your dream.

And even if you manage to completely distance yourself from external events, the most important trap that you will meet, even closing the doors of your home - you yourself.

Another astrological configuration making this eclipse is truly special- This is a multiple cluster of the planets at the very point of the eclipse. And they will all be in the fish. Union of the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Neptune and South Moon node - And all this in the square to the Black Moon.

I explain to a simple human language, as it will manifest in your life

In the days of eclipse, you involuntarily, without noticing, will fall into a distorted space of reality. As in a mirroring labyrinth, but the mirrors will be distorted. And despite all my warnings, you will just sincerely seem that you are right. What you need to build plans, designate goals, clarify relationships, immediately take ingenious and final decisions.

Please do not do this. Let's do everything differently.

Since the energies of the eclipse can not be avoided, it is better sincere and completely immerse yourself in them. Live them. Use them. Only, consciously and for the benefit of himself and his fate.

Let's do it.

All i will write below you can do on any day from February 21 to 26. And even better if you do it right now. So far, written in your memory and not distorted under the influence of the Black Moon.

To begin with, distracted from reality and completely immerse yourself in the space of your most incredible, the most fantastic, most magical dreams.

Imagine that they gently envelop you as warm multicolored jets of water, and you are trusting to lie down on them, spreading your hands, and swim, completely relaxing and trusting their stream. Here all your dreams starting with those distant times when you were a little trusting girl. Your dreams are beautiful. And you do not care, they are real or not. You do not care if they will be your goals or plans. They should not be real. The main thing is that they are beautiful!

And when you're plenty of enjoy this magic sensation, trust your inner voice And feel what you dream now. Right now, on the eve of the magic eclipse in the fish, which does not need your goals and plans. He needs your most cherished, the most magical dream and your trust.

And as soon as you feel that this is what you dream about, immediately go to the next step. Destructive. But not for you, but for the enemies of your dreams.

Yes, yes, each of your dreams had an enemy because of which she never became a reality. He is also your dreams. And if you want it to come true, you need to get rid of it. Hard, consciously and irrevocably. Just in the style of destructive energies of this eclipse. Therefore - Choose!

Here are the seven enemies of your dreams.

- Lena

- opinion of others

- Excessive kindness towards other people

- Your well-established habits

- disbelief in yourself (insufficient significance of yourself)

- Anxiety about the feelings of other people

- excess perfectionism

And now take the second step - select which one is yours. Because of which of these seven enemies most of your dreams in the past did not become a reality? With what of the dream you said goodbye, never enjoying their embodiment only because they could not cope or overcome your personal enemy of your dreams?

The task of this eclipse is not to allow him to prevent you again. So, you need to get rid of it.

Do not think for a long time. Right now, choose from these seven enemies of your dreams of the one who is most likely ready to prevent her to come true. Close your eyes. Breathe deeply and exhale exactly seven times and tell me on the last exhale "I can be myself." Repeat these phrases until you feel how the strength fills you. Deep and quiet power of readiness to follow his dream. AND as soon as you are ready - write under this article your personal enemy of your dreams. Only one!

And we will do the rest for you. Because for us this eclipse is also a challenge! And we sincerely believe that your dreams should not be scattered as smoke, leaving a feeling of frustration and bitterness. Your dreams should be easily and beautiful, to joy you, peace and people you love.

Write here the main enemy of your dreams, and we will write it on a separate paper leave. Even if comments are not just a lot, but a lot, we will transfer them all to separate sheets of paper.

And exactly on the day of eclipse, in the evening, divorced fire in our magic garden Seasons of the soul and betray their fire! So that they turn into ashes and got into the smoke and did not prevent your dream this time! Let them dissolve and turn into an illusion. They are not your dream!

So write right now. We are ready!

And after you write, again close your eyes and say the most important, amazing, freeing phrase.

"I am meaning"

And repeat it as many times as your soul. You can repeat it every day during this eclipse. As a mantra that will give you strength just to go for your dream.

And so that your dream is already started to gain real embodied forms - in the period from February 21 to February 28, give someone a gift. It can be any. The price and form do not matter. The main thing is your sincerity, good intentions and altruism. After all, these qualities and will be your entrance ticket In that option of your destiny, where your most cherished dreams come true and beautiful. Just because you today decide just to go for your dream!

Solar Eclipse February 26, 2017 will occur in the 8th degree of fish constellation, when the sun and the moon form a connection with neptune and mercury. Neptune, responsible for spiritual ideals, gives hope for a bright future; Stars from this heavenly sphere always promise happiness and good luck.

Acting together in the coming months, the heavenly luminaries will make it possible to realize your dreams into reality, thanks to your natural, God to these talents.

You can observe positive stable results (especially in relationships), exactly so much time, how much you are ready to be humble and grateful higher power. Instrase, greed and egoism will have an end to your progress, and most likely, it will happen at the beginning of the next phase of eclipse in August 2017.

Solar Eclipse: Value in Astrology

Like the new moon, the solar eclipse is the end of one cycle and the beginning of another. The strongest and most important aspect In astrology - the sun in conjunction with the Moon. During this period, it all depends only on you, you open infinite featuresWhen you need to safely build plans for the future.

You should review old habits, preferences and model of behavior to find new ways to achieve success; This is the perfect time to start everything from a clean leaf.

The solar eclipse in February 2017 is in the constellation of Aquarius, however, due to the precession of the equinox (shifting points of spring and autumn equinoxies), it falls into the sign in the horoscope. Eclipse will be the most strong influence On those who are born in the first dean of the constellation of fish (February 19-28) and the very beginning of the second dean of the constellation of fish (February 29-March 10).

About how the solar eclipse will influence your life over the coming months, two celestial bodies will tell in detail: Skat - a fixed star from the constellation Aquarius and located from it just a few degrees above - the mysterious Blue Planet Neptune.

The stationary star of the skate coincides with the solar eclipse in February 2017 and will bring good luck, long luck, as well as the ability to quickly find a way out of any critical situation. This star favors success in many areas of activity: economic, social, technical and others. The name "Skat" means "desire"; Solar eclipse will contribute to the execution of any of your desires, however, the promised happiness and luck await only those who truly deserve it.

In cooperation with the Sun and the Moon, this star is particularly beneficial to relationships. You can make new and influential friends, get help and valuable gifts Or find love and get a family. Skat will give you an increased emotional sensitivity, from which the intuition will improve or will appear "the sixth sense", however, at the same time, it is possible to exacerbate criticism from the surrounding.

Solar Eclipse February 26, 2017: the influence of Neptune

Neptune is a patron saint of spiritual ideals, invites us to abandon excessive egoism and gain harmony in communicating with the surrounding people and with life as a whole. Pretty scary to walk in the unknown, but influence positive Neptune will increase just during the period of solar eclipse.

Solar eclipse as a whole is a positive event that gives energy charges for new beginnings.

The sun in interaction with neptune increases sensitivity, exacerbates compassion and empathy, as well as intuition. During this period, you can achieve unity with close people and enjoy this feeling. Big satisfaction will bring classes with charity, assistance to animals and nature, work in the social sphere; this is good timeTo go to the movies or escape from reality, immersed in reading a fantastic novel.

The moon in interaction with neptune increases emotional sensitivity. You can discard unnecessary doubts and send your energy to the right direction. Some mental and emotional states can be caused by the influence of the planets, but your compassion and empathy surrounding are genuine. During this period, you can become a good helper for anyone who needs your support, attention, conversations or friendships. After listening to other people's problems and having moral support, you will give the interlocutor emotional comfort and peace of mind.

The interaction of the Sun and the Moon with Neptune gives great potential to exacerbate the "sixth sense", so do not ignore your intuition, starting from February 28, 2017.

Solar Eclipse February 26, 2017: What still say planets

The union of the sun, the moon, Neptune and the stationary stars of the skate will certainly have a beneficial effect on your life, however, the success and luck are under threat due to the big opposition in the sky in the form of a red line, in which some planets will be lined up during the sunny eclipse period February 2017.

Jupiter in opposition to uranium significantly increases your needs in personal freedom and excitement. You will feel a strong desire to acutely respond to all bans or rebel against everyone who bothers having fun and do what you want. Most likely, some unexpected event will occur, which will give a splash to your emotions and energy and will lead to significant changes in life circumstances.

However, not only this confrontation of the planets will occur simultaneously with the solar eclipse; Square Sun - Jupiter will make you feel very confident in yourself, will strengthen the feelings of pride and optimism. The outcome of any situation will depend only on how you express your enthusiasm; Taking decisions, be designed and disciplined, keep moderation in everything that will achieve success, as well as avoid losses and failures.

The square of the Sun-Uranus will introduce you to a state of uncertainty, you can begin to feel embarrassed and alarming, as well as sense the coming changes. Accumulation nervous tension It may lead to unpredictable behavior on your part, which can manifest itself in changing mood, behavior, or possibly the appearance of various troubles.

The accession of Mars to the above-planned planets can further aggravate the situation: strengthen your bundar spirit, greed and egoism.

Square Sun - Mars can have a strong influence on your competitors or enemies. Men leaders or leaders will want to demonstrate their strength, which will lead them to conflicts. You can feel aggression on the part of your boss, you can become easily irritable and impatient, perhaps sharply respond to any provocations or threats of aggression. Do not give in pressure and keep calm, now is not the best time to enter the conflict with the manual.

Solar Eclipse: Let's sum up

After a solar eclipse in February 2017, you can become extremely sensitive to everything, the "sixth" feeling may appear or intensify intuition. You need to exercise more compassion and generosity to others, to take care of neighboring, which will allow you to gain harmony with yourself and the outside world, and also find your spiritual path, to achieve happiness and success.

The coming sunny eclipse will become a "companion" of the lunar eclipse, while the spiritual nature of the solar eclipse is perfectly combined with the mystical essence of the lunar eclipse. Under the influence of two heavenly luminaries in the coming months, leaning on their natural, god data talents, you can embody dreams to reality (especially in the sphere of relations with people).

To achieve goals, stay faithful to your morality and life principlesSince good luck and success are always inextricably linked with your spiritual development. Excessive lust, greed or egoism will not lead to anything good. In addition, the relationship of heavenly luminaries during the solar eclipse in February 2017 means that your errors can also negatively affect your loved ones.
