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Predictive astrology. Transits. Transit astrology

When we set, what events can occur, it is necessary to determine the predisposition to any event (more than 1 marriage, the death of a child, etc.). That is, at first it is necessary to determine which events can be. The events that are not indicated in the radix cannot occur. Planets in homes, Almuten talk about life events. All this information must be written on its basis to work with radix.

In addition to these events, nothing can happen to a person. The radixes are determined by the predispositions to events, but not the form and time of events. For example, if there are no indication of marriage in the radix, but the current situation develops so that it may be a marriage, it will mean that the situation will be implemented at another level (a person will lead himself a mistress, or marriage will not take place). If a person is planned at a social takeoff, but there is no instructions on this in the radix, then the person will not receive anything other than the premium or the 13th salary.

What should I need to navigate when determining the event time? To do this, we must take into account the transits of the planets, i.e. the real move them from the time of our birth to the very death, i.e. it is necessary to look at the ephemeride table and compare the position of the planets today with the position of the planets in the radix.

After our birth, the planet is not standing in place, they move along the zodiac. They pass in transit through the houses of the radix, the places planets in the radix and through points aspects of these planets, that is, they will continue to influence it, and we will constantly experience the effect of transits of these planets. Connecting transit planets with radical daughters talk about the most important events of our life (when they pass in their radical places, or in the places of other planets).

Transit - This is the most difficult thing in astrology, since it is necessary to take into account the mass of factors.

First of all, it is necessary to determine: which planets are responsible for what events, i.e., you must first determine the ruler of the houses. Always the situation associated with this house are conducive in cases where transit planets are built around this house. Let's say, A2 (Almuten of the second house) -. Therefore, the improvement of the financial situation will be only when the planets will not affect the transit Mars and there will be favorable indicators in the second house or favorable. Favorable indicators are "friends" and "good" radix planets. We indicate an important rule that helps to deal with transits.

Fast planets affect the earlier years of life (Moon, Mercury, Venus). And in later years, they are complementary factors. The effect of distant planets is enhanced closer to old age.

About transits in astrology does not know what is completely lazy. This way of the prediction of the future uses incredible popularity of both the astrologers themselves and the beginning of the study of star science. Everyone wants to know that he is preparing a one or another transit planet. On this fertilized soil bloomed a huge number of books, lectures, theories. Astrologers love to frighten the transit Saturn, which should bring problems. Evil Uranus, the culprit of numerous troubles. But why do some Saturn take away, and then gives others? From this article you will learn five golden rules for accurate reading transit in astrology. On the way, as usual, we will discharge common myths about prognostics.

How is an event formed?

Most people perceive the event as the right point on the line of life. From the series: Twentieth Numbers you must get married or fabulously getting rich. In reality, any event is a tendency, an energy wave, which after the ripening period brings one or another event.

In other words, any event in our life is the top of Iceberg trends, motifs, opportunities. Ripened the fruit of energy influences. Each situation has its roots, reasons, effect.

For example. Before getting married, you meet your chosen one, you will learn more about each other. Then get acquainted with my parents. Wedding is the result of a whole wave, which began with dating.

Not every trend in prognostics is poured into an event-result. For example, there are rumors about the reduction of state at work. The boss several times clearly made it clear that you can start rehearsing dismissal. The situation is glowing. But the month passes the other, and it subsides. Transit Planet Saturn approached the X-MU home, But without reaching a few degrees to the cure, turned into a retrograde movement. The voltage at work retreated.

Events are periods of our life. Imagine big clock. Arrows show your individual dinner time. If you have time to dine at this hour - you are full. If you are late and come in the period when you need to work - food either will not (for not time), or stress will arise, voltage.

Another example. You want to call the bank at midnight. Naturally, no one will answer you. If you are stubborn, you can find a bank employee telephone. But what effort will it cost? Yes, and the employee is unlikely to be happy from your call. Because you do this not on time!

Analogy with transits in astrology - transit planet Saturn Svadratitis Axis I - VII. Not time for romantic dating, empty communication. The period of cleaning your surroundings, building strong business connections. Either I become more serious, I put concrete, clear goals. Either depression, depression, a bunch of obligations, problems from other people.

Each period of the transit planet carries both pros and cons. From the point of view of nature there is no bad weather. The only question is how suitable for your business is the time now?

Rule 1. Remove the extra noise

In astrological books, love to frighten the values \u200b\u200bof transit planets. Many people wait with the fragrant horror when Pluto is up to the Moon. After all, the books promise the grievous burden of horns of the abundance of problems, crisis, destruction. Transit planet goes, and events did not happen or on the moon and Pluto you made a cardinal repair.

Another popular example. The passage of the transit planet of Jupiter on the II home is waiting for the manne of heavenly. In the same books about the horrors of the pluto it is written: Jupiter must bring a bunch of money. But the hour of X is coming. Instead of money, huge costs begin, losses. You grab the head and say that all this prognosis is solid nonsense!

Not all transits in astrology are equally working! Each transit planet has a large number of possible values. For example, transit planet Uranus in IV:

  • move
  • repair, real estate problems (Neighbors flooded the latest repairs; wiring decided to surprise unexpectedly, etc.)
  • tarve with family
  • death of relative
  • expanding residential area (purchase of real estate)

To understand what exactly should happen use the pyramid of prognostics.

  • Directorates, Progression Denote global phenomena tendency. This is an hour arrow of your life. If there is an indication of the event in the directorates - it means it will definitely happen. And vice versa, you are instructed by an accident in the transit method, but it is not in the directorate, then nothing happens.
  • Solarian - minute arrow of life. Directorates designate circumstances within three years. Solari make long-awaited clarity: what year will happen to what is indicated in the directorates.
  • Transits in astrology - A second arrow of life. When it comes, what is there in the Salare? Psychology of periods. Directorates and solaries indicate only the event level.

The main covenant of prognostics: if there are no events in the directorates and solaries - it will not happen!

Bright situations: death of relatives, accidents, crises, moving, weddings, the birth of children will definitely affect the directorates, solariums. Not the fact that you will see it in the transit method.

For example, transit planet Mars connects with moon in natal map. We can say:

  • tense day
  • anger, stress, irritation
  • injuries
  • quarrel with loved ones
  • heartburn

On this day, marriage may happen, dismissal, unpleasant news. And everywhere there is stress, tension. To understand what exactly it is about - Check with other techniques of prognostics.

Rule 2. Take into account the natal position of the transit planet!

In the books they say that Saturn, wherever he goes, will create difficulties, obstacles. However, it is only part of the overall picture. Any transit planet is also in a natal map in any house and controls something.

For instance, in Natal Map, Jupiter is in the I-M house. In prognostage, he will always pull the values \u200b\u200bof the i-th:

  • i am an expert
  • i myself, my initiative
  • my image

Transit Planet Jupiter passes through the X-th Custom:

  • i get a raise
  • i have social status
  • began problems with the law (tax closed. Low hypostsy X-th)
  • important contact with official or influential person

We, as if we impose the values \u200b\u200bof the first house (Transit Planet Jupiter pulls its Nataal position) on the values \u200b\u200bof the tenth.

If Jupiter in the radix is \u200b\u200bin the VII-M and again passes through the cure of the X-th:

  • parish of large partners
  • marriage
  • new market
  • court, the appearance of powerful competitors
  • increase customers

As you can see the transit planet in different maps is manifested depending on the context of the radix. The ignorance of this rule replenishes the ranks of unfulfilled forecasts. Transits in astrology are not to blame for this!

Rule 3. Psychological and eventful level of prognostics

Personal transit planets: Moon, Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars are more manifested at the psychological level. By themselves give small household situations.

Transit planet Mars crosses the Kupid III:

  • blocked the wheel on the car
  • quarrel with neighbors
  • a lot of information noise appears

Do not forget the previous rule: Where is Mars in Natal Map?

In astrology, transits of personal moon or Mercury may be almost invisible to humans. In aspects create a psychological background, mood.

There is a conviction that transits in astrology must display each of your action. From the burnt scrambled eggs to the goalkeeper to the toilet. N. and practicing it has no slightest practical application. Only if you have nothing to take yourself and you want to study the trends that led to the runaway murok on the stove.

Social Jupiter, Saturn, Higher Uranus, Neptun, Pluto In Aspects, personal planets create both a long psychological period and long-term situations.

Transit Planet Pluto goes aspect on the moon:

  • depression, self-destruction
  • loss of a loved one
  • family problems
  • repairs
  • move
  • transformation (psychoanalysis, opening of generic programs)
  • diseases, injuries of lunar organs: pancreas, eyes, chest
  • okolosmert experience (body exit)

Aspects of higher and social transit planets to Natalny Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto carry exclusively eventful meaning.

For example, transit Planet Uranus passed by a square in custard of the VI - Sudden injury, illness, sharp dismissal. Uranus gives color situation: sharply, suddenly, quickly, unforeseen.

Rule 4. Watch out aspects of transit planets.

Event factors, internal states are formed on the aspects of transit planets to the points of the natal card. Every aspect makes a changeIt affects any function or area of \u200b\u200blife.

There is a misconception that harmonious aspects indicate only good, and tense only negative. This is one of the most difficult misconceptions from curious minds about transits in astrology. The nature of the aspect refers to the nature of the situation itself. You can easily and without voltage to get into an accident or win the lottery.

Divide the circumstances on good and bad - Infantile approach to prognostics. Everywhere and there are always pros and cons. You were fired - but the possibilities were opened to open their project. Divorce - stimulus develop and go on.

Consider aspects of transit in astrology:

  • compound - Powerful energy thickening. Bright experiences, a strong indication of the event.
  • Thin. - The aspect gives energy. Situations, opportunities come by themselves, without your intervention. Everything happens easily. The space gently makes changes to your reality.
  • Sextil - Analog TRIN. The universe also gently adjusts reality. But to get a qualitative result - you need to make a little effort.
  • Quadrature - Voltage, stress, conflict, huge energy consumption. Do not consider quadratures with absolute evil. The square requires a lot of consumption, but in return gives success, rapid growth, promotion. Space changes dramatically reality. Or you learn to play on the new rules - either the eyelidity.
  • Opposition - A constant voltage is created, a situation requiring choice. The universe changes reality through losses, circumstances of coercion, patience, humility. If you find the balance - success. Otherwise, everything is the same eyelid. For example, a transit planet Jupiter Mars opposition - you have to work more than usual, heavy loads. Studies: I act largely, I am engaged in global tasks, it is leaving for life, small things. The alternate two modes are still an opposition.

Rule 5. Use this scheme for transit in astrology

The transit method complicates the task of interpretations due to the abundance of information. Just imagine how much it is superimposed on the natal card in prognostics. The confusion is inevitable. To avoid it

Sources: Bernadets. Marion March and Joan Mc Evers.

Transit, being a completely new energy that a person faces is perceived so alien to the conscious mind, which is quickly projected into the outside world, so that his conscious mind can be able to consider it safely. With this safe position of the observer, the conscious mind can reduce susceptibility to this energy and over time to assimilate this alien type of energy, brought by transit.

The significance of transit depends on personal factors, such as freedom of will, position and approach to life, health, age and a general view of life.

Interpretation of transit should be combined with other transit aspects acting at the same time as well as with natal, progressive and directing aspects. The actual aspect formed by the transit planet is less important than the understanding of the characteristics of the planets in contact with each other, and the fact that this combination can promise and how to solve it most structurally.

Any move forward in the horoscope can only bring you what is already promised in the natal map.

Transits are universal. The transit planet at any given time will have a certain zodiacal position, and this position will be the same for all. If the planet changes its zodiacal sign, the whole globe will experience the energy of this planet turning into a new sign. If the planet becomes direct or retrograde, it also occurs at a universal level. So Zodiacal information about the sign of the transit planet, the direction of its movement and aspects to other transit planets does not have great importance for this person if the planet does not aspect its card.

Transits affect us not only at the external level. Our reactions to transits, progression or directorate can be felt on any or at all levels, because it should not be forgotten that freedom of will is always the final criterion. If you want to be unfortunate, you will be like that, despite what is happening with you astrologically, psychologically or physically. If you want to live a positive life, you will succeed, despite how many stumbling blocks will meet on your way.

Each important event will correspond to several aspects.(it may be aspects of progressive, direct-research or transit planets), but not every aspect will indicate an important event.

Only slow moving planets, starting with Jupiter, can warn us in advance about the activity in the horoscope; Fast moving planets can narrow the choice of time to a certain week or day.

Do not worry about the form of formed aspects (compound, trin, quadrature, etc.); Rather, focus on the possible positive or negative use of a combination of planets and houses involved and signs.

When you work with transits, you are aware that the so-called difficult aspects seem more effective than trimes or sextiles. People tend to take all the pleasant incidents as granted, but complain about every slightest difficulty.
Any event (transit) has three phases:

Beginning, reason; firstyou have the origins of the situation. Because of these events, other events described by the transit will occur.

Event itself: lateryou have the main theme of transit.

Event consequences: on endyou have consequences - what has affected the event, the result of the event.

Transit to planets

Cause:the top row (the natal position of the planets involved in transit) can usually be considered as a sphere of life where the event is born.

Act:the middle row (a house through which transit planet is moving) is an isna where the main event occurs.

Consequence:lower row (at home of a natal card, which control planets involved in transit) are the areas of life affected by the effects of transit, i.e. result.

Transits to the corners: Passing a transit planet through the cross of matter. When a transit compound is formed with any of these points, this energy is applied directly to this angular point, focusing on the problems of this house. All aspects to the corners, except for the compound relate to the ACS and MC.


Sort transit

Frequency rule: The frequency of transit occurs inversely proportional to its influence. The slower the planet is moving in its orbit around the Sun, the more significant effect it has when it forms a transit to the natal map.

Movement rule: The speed of the natal planet or the point is directly proportional to its reaction to receiving transit. Transits to personal planets and crosses of matter have a greater effect compared to transits to planets, starting from Mars. The only exception is Saturn: any transit of Saturn to any of the radix points is very significant.

Aspect rule: The smaller the harmonic (the number to which 360 is divided to get an aspect) aspect, the greater its influence in transit.

The power of aspects:
1. Connection and opposition.
2. Quadrature and trin.
Z. Semi-shield, half-orphanvadrat and sextile.
4. Quikon.

Retrograd movement of transit

Transit is technically in the Orbe since the first accurate contact and until the last accurate contact with a specific degree and a minute of the natal planet or point. Events that begin in the formation of transit will take the entire period of transit period before completion reached.

The number of transit interactions with a natal point has a certain value, because It represents the number of times (and / or the duration of time), which fate considers it necessary to assimage a specific lesson, which is decisive for personal development.

The first passage of transit symbolizes the observation: the fixation of what is not in our consciousness, this is observed for the first time, to then become part of our conscious knowledge. Therefore, the first contact aspect may be the greatest shock.

The second phase symbolizes training - awareness or recognition: recognition of the question and our role in it, not accompanied by another understanding, what to do with it or how to manage it, but only recognition that it exists and is going to become part of our life - it can be very Difficult transit phase.

The third contact of the transit - absorption: the energy that was once unfamiliar, alien and disturbing, apparently merges with the background of other daily memories, resources and experience.

When the first contact of a particular transit occurs, events are outside the personal experience. With the second contact, a person does something that will allow him to include these events in his world. And the third contact is a period of assimilation, the time when the current transit problems are no longer a problem, but merge with the background, successfully connected with the life of a person.

If transit is long and consists of five contacts, it is possible that the second stage of "learning" will take longer. This means that there will be difficulties with the adaptation to a new situation caused by transit. If transit is short-term - as in the case of some transits of Jupiter and Saturn, which can have only one contact with a duration of no more than a week, is an indication that a person has already learned this information earlier. Real transit problems that need to be worked out will be very soft with very few consequences if they are generally.

Orbs of transit:

standard ORB - 1 degree.

weather-based modifications: ORB - 12 minutes of arc.


a) if the transit planet is approaching the natal point, it goes within 13 minutes of the arc from the natal point, but becomes retrograde before the aspect becomes accurate, man does not begin to test transit at that time. Transit planet should be within 12 minutes of Dugi.Before its influence will be felt.

b) when the transit planet last passes through the natal point, even if it is still within 12 minutes of the arc, aspect Completed.


a) when during saturn's transit movement changes the direction and begins to move to the natal point - and in this direct movement reaches exact aspect to the natal point - this isstart of transit. If transit is already in Orbe, then the periods of changing the direction are also periods of climax. Those. When Saturn becomes direct and going to move forward a few degrees, bypassing the natal point, the transit will be in Orbe from the day, as he became the direct.

b) uranus transits are accurateExecutives usually occur in the days of accuracy.

Transits and karma. Stefan Arroyo. Marion March and Joan Mc Evers.

During any transit, we can either sow seeds of new karma, or reap karma, which was activated earlier.

In most cases, it is impossible to find out if we are simply with karma of the past or create a new karma, with which we will deal in the future, or this is a mixture of both. Therefore, we must approach all the experience, assuming that we create a new karma, and, therefore, to use some degree of caution when situations seem to require it. But if our bestefforts cannot be held from a certain difficult situation or activity, which we feel, has a negative impact on our spiritual growth, we can assume that this is a past karma "matured" to pay.

Although there is no definite way to find out if the person has a karma or sow new seeds, there is a general difference among transits to which you want to specify. Transits of Saturn and Pluto are very often the time of harvest, periods when we face the results of past actions and thoughts.

In fact, because of this, Saturn was known for centuries as a "planet karma", since its transits often correspond to obviously predetermined events. Pluto transits often show a partly similar pattern of experience, which not only seems predetermined, but often completely incomprehensible.

The transits of Jupiter and Uranus, on the other hand, very often correspond to the sowing time when we offer potential future development. We receive directions and directives of further development, the implementation of which will be needed years and decades. The provisions of Transit Jupiter and Saturn in homes are of basic importance, since a lot of the structure, quality and rhythm of the cyclic participation of a person in society as a whole.

Key sheets of transit influence:

Plutoit takes on the surface and transforms, often completely ending the old form of life or expression.
Transit Pluto moves so slowly that its significance is not much different from the significance of progressive or directive planets, its aspects are in the Orbe almost three years. Pluto sows seeds of changes and transformations - but the real germination of these seeds may occur later. Often, when one of the rapidly moving transit planets activates the sphere that Pluto had previously affected. Pluto means power, intensity, concentrated long-term energy, rebirth, transformation, the ability to start rebuilding and rebuild everything, the desire to make large-scale cases and the energy of the masses; But it can also mean coups, obsession, gross strength, dramatic changes and a criminal element.

Neptunehe undermines, dissolves, makes sensitive, improves and inspired. It may mean an insight or illusion, idealism or vision of everything in pink light, inspiration, imagination and creative thinking. He can represent your sense of compassion, intuition or so bluntly perception that you can easily become a victim of fraudulent plans or get confused. This is the most elusive of all the planets, and the ability to use Neptune Principles is positively or to fall on their victim depends on the degree of your self-awareness.

Uranusaccelerates the rhythms of nature, a hurry change; It destroys, revolutionizes and brings to awareness that there was below the threshold of consciousness. Archetyapically he symbolizes unexpected changes, sudden hobbies, spiritual awakening, intellectual stimulation, intuition, originality, inspiration and divine dissatisfaction. With the positive use of its vibration, the exacerbated creative thinking can symbolize, an increased understanding of metaphysical issues, an elevated pleasure of unusual, unexpected and sudden. Those who try to support the status quo, the influence of uranium may seem stunning. People with strong earth / aqueous maps, featuring conservatism and striving for reliability, can be scared by sharp changes or impulsive actions. Air / fiery signs seem to attract a variety. For those people who never consider up to ten and love to be pressed at risky enterprises, the influence of uranium may be excessive. These people can act too impulsively, too hastily and imprudently or simply behave completely crazy.

Saturnslows down the rhythm of nature, concentrating in this way your experience; Squeezes, puts a person in front of a realistic approach to life. The sphere through which transit Saturn is being passed, well suited to lay new foundations and start positive construction in some direction. The negative use of the principles of Saturn can mean feelings of renunciation, restrictions and disappointment. You can experience difficulties and career, physical weakness, separation, too much burden of responsibility and even grief.

Jupiteropens the doors for new plans, aspirations and improvements; configures you for future opportunities; Moves the spread in new areas of experience. Indicates the spheres of expansion and expansion, including physical spheres (prompting to overeating with a resulting weight increase, when the transit Jupiter aspects aspects or the Sun). The Archetype presents prosperity and success, patronage, cooperation, good luck, gifts, growth, desire to learn, possible trips or travel to foreign countries, issues related to religion and law. Jupiter is considered a "beneficial" planet and has a wonderful reputation, but if you do not understand your Natal Jupiter and did not work with Jupaterian energy, the transit itself cannot work wonders. An excellent feeling of lightness associated with Jupiter can also quickly turn into indulgence of its weaknesses or in the tendency to overdo it in food, drinking, drugs, entertainment, gambling, idle personalities and other "funny" things.

Marsviolates the usual rhythm of nature, telling him energy and prompting to action; often makes a person impatient and temperamental. Acquires greater importance in all events related to the physical body. Mars's energy is important for a feeling of self-confidence, striving for achievements, feelings of the correct time, endurance and sexual desires. Many astrologists do not take into account transit Mars in annual forecasts. Some pay attention to the houses through which it passes, others mention certain aspects to which should be treated with caution. Since it basically means difficult or tensions aspects, it can create certain prerequisites for the client, as if your prediction causes an event to happen - or becoming part of the Customer Consciousness, can be implemented. This is one of the ethical problems faced by all astrologers, - to speak or not speak. If you say and "possible" unhappy event occurs, did you make it cause to happen to it? If you do not speak and the unfortunate event happens, was it possible to avoid it, warning the client? There are no unambiguous answers. You must follow your conscience: Pay special attention to the client's position.

Venusharmonizes, smoothes the flow of experience and the expression of human energy. Sometimes corresponds to a pleasant news or a sense of liberation from tension. Can nominate pleasure, public affairs, your popularity, love relationships, material resources and values. When it moves retrogradi, you can consider reasonable to postpone the purchase of some very expensive and big things. This does not mean that something terrible will be sure to happen to you, but some small troubles often pop up, which could be avoided. By making an annual forecast, you can not worry about the transit of Venus, but you have to check its movement if your client has some particular question related to a certain need or day.

Mercuryit is rarely important, but sometimes meets communications and meetings that are significant. Related to contacts, communications, correspondence, purchasing and selling, transport and training. Most astrologers advise customers not to make new expensive purchases (machine, house, etc.) and do not sign contracts when transit Mercury in retrofase. It should be realized that thanks to freedom of will, we can concentrate on preventing the loss of important securities and do not afford to lose mental calm. The period of Retrogradity of Mercury can be an excellent time to resolve the remaining tasks, pay unpaid accounts, finish unfinished affairs and clarify confusing concepts. This is a good period for research, written activities and for everything that requires deep thinking. If a person is retro Mercury in a radix, on transit retrofase, he will go well on his business, he will have clearer thinking. In an annual forecast, it is appropriate to specify the periods of Retrogradity of Mercury to customers so that they can respectively build his plans .

Sun and moonmust be taken together as a whole; The position of the new moon is the most important because it excites everything aspects. Full moon can also aspect natal planets. Since the sun can represent your energy level, willing to life, the chances of success or failure, your ego or any cases associated with the bosses or authoritative figures, its transit aspects are especially important when considering favorable work and career opportunities, if there are problems with Health or when it comes to the operation. Once a year near your birthday, the sun returns to his nataral position and activates all the natal aspects of the sun. This is an excellent time to continue working on any other non-solid problems and see the face of difficult tasks you have left before.

Key sheets of planets activated by transits:

Pluto. Transits to Natar Pluto affect the use of internal force and human resources. Sometimes mental experience is obvious, in other cases various forced patrols of thinking and behavior are activated. Transits to Pluto are often not clear for those who a little aware of their inner life. These transits sometimes mark the end of the whole chapter of life (especially if the transit planet is Saturn, Uranium or Neptune), leaving only an empty shell and distant memories as a residue.

Neptune.Transits to Natalny Neptune are especially important for spiritually oriented people. Since Neptune itself represents the state of extreme passivity, it should be activated by other planets (especially Saturn, Uranium, Pluto, or New Moon) to manifest itself strongly and constructively. These transits will be time transformation or determine the ideals of a person, collisions with expansion or increase in mental sensitivity. When the neptune is activated by Saturn or Pluto, a moderate crisis often occurs, because Both of them encourage the integration of human ideals or cleansing from escapist trends and self-deception. Often, during such transits, some circumstance makes us turn to face something that we would like to ignore. Often, but not always, there is a sexual problem (especially with a transit Pluto), since Western culture seems to specialize in self-deception, unrealistic ideals, hypocrisy in this field of experience, because Western culture does not have any life myth or other ways to understand the relationship between sexual energy and spiritual reality.

Uranus. Transitian Natalny Uranium affects how free a person feels like he expresses his uniqueness and originality and how he treats the restlessness and desires of change and excitement. These transits also have an impact on any new risky enterprises in which a person participates. The concept of a person about what is realistic is independence, often undergoes an important change when the uranium is activated by the transit jupiter, Saturn, Neptune or Pluto.

Saturn. Transits to Natal Saturn can influence the entire life structure of a person and all its long-term aspirations, but the emphasis usually falls in that sphere of life that is most related to the feeling of material reliability. Therefore, everything that is the work of man, professional activities or everyday classes, most often is the focus of these changes; And this in the same way includes the role of the housewife at home and mother as any role in the professional world. Whereas the transit of Jupiter to Saturn often complies with the improvement or expansion of the human professional situation, the transit of uranium, Neptune or Pluto is often perceived as a period of noticeable uncertainty and uncertainty about work and social status.

Jupiter. Transits to Natalian Jupiter mainly affect future person's future plans, whether these are business or financial enterprises, education or travel plans or the overall direction of human efforts to self-improvement through religious, philosophical or metaphysical activity. Transits of four external planets to Jupiter often have the effect of a significant change in future human plans and its realization of their true potential.

Mars.Transits to Natal Marce are felt as changes in the way you defend your rights, and in the methods that you use to achieve your goals. Usually the increased clarity about the what would you like(Except for the case of Neptune transit), as well as a noticeable change in the flow of your physical and sexual energy. For men, this is often a striking change in their sense of strength and confidence in his masculinity; Both of both sexes often marked the increased sense of competence and the ability to defend their own desires.

Venus.Transits to Natal Venus are tested as changes in one or a number of areas: relationships and emotional activity, financial affairs, aesthetic tastes and personal values. These transits also directly correspond to how happy and satisfied the person in everyday life feels. For both sexes, there is often a noticeable change in their feelings of attractiveness and ability to keep themselves; Women often experience important changes in the development of their sexuality and confidence in their femininity.

Mercury.The importance of transits of Mercury is often underestimated, since they usually do not correspond to direct radical changes in circumstances or especially painful crisis. However, since transits to Mercury affect the method of thinking of a person and expressing his perceptions, they should be given as much attention as any other important transit. Especially when Mercury aspects by five external planets, there is a powerful impact on the method of functioning of the conscious mind, in many cases leading, in the end, to a completely different position in relation to life (even if the changes may be elusive and not directly obvious to others) and / or to engaging in a new skill or scope of study.

The sun.Any transit to the natal sun can be important, even transits of Venus, Mercury and Mars, because everything that asks the sun is directly reaching your immediate consciousness. These transits most often affect the path that you try to express yourself with a confident and integrated manner, as well as influencing your creative potentials and a sense of well-being. They are important in your overall position in relation to life and in your way of expression of themselves; They also have a direct impact on your physical vitality.

Moon.Transits to Natal Moon affect the fact that a person feels about himself, as far as he is comfortable with himself and with his current life situation, as he considers his ties with children, parents, family life or other areas related to its "roots". Reliability and protection factors are prevailing in the mind of a person at this time, and he often is busy with thoughts, where he is "his own" (that is, where a person feels truly comfortable). Women often develop a new awareness of their femininity and its meaning for their future plans. And men, and women, however, at this time have the opportunity to strengthen their awareness of their lunar nature: soft, compliant and caring qualities.

If a planet is an ASC helper, sun or moon signThe influence will almost always be greater than if this planet is relatively related to important topics in the map.

Anyone connection with ASC or DSC One of the five highest planets in transit is usually important, often dramatic and directly having long consequences. Such transits affect not only your approach to life as a whole and your confidence in what you are, but also on your health condition and the level of vitality.

23 Grass 2009.

Transit method In astrology, the most indicative, both in terms of events and at the psychological level. Unlike symbolic methods of forecasting in astrology, such as progression and directorates, transit This is a real forecast method. Transit planets, passing through our natal houses and on the natal planets of our birthday card, operate in the present. The energy of transit planets is either favorable or negatively reflected at the moment on our lives. Also transits of the planets, it is possible to track well in the Sinastria, for synastric compounds, squares and opposition, especially the transits of higher planets. If partners have a strong aspect consulting in Sinastry, then passing transits on synastric aspects in both natal maps, depending on the transit aspect, both people in a pair feel transit well and this affects relations between partners in general.

Transits of higher planets in astrology - Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, there are quite a long time, and realize the importance of changes that occur under the influence of the transits of higher planets, it is possible only after some time, especially for Neptune and Pluton. At first, intense transits from higher planets can be perceived painfully, but if the person is honest with himself, then according to the results, the transits of higher planets will bring favorable changes. The transit of Neptune's highest planet slowly involves a person in a certain situation and only at the end of the Neptune transit to the personal planets of the Natal Map (Moon, Sun, Venus, Mars, Mercury), you can understand the whole importance of the changes that have happened - it is very important to track the internal motives here. self-deception. The transit of the Higher Planet of Uranus gives sharp changes, but they need us to get rid of the suspended and more unnecessary to us, both in relations and in work, in matters, in our image, etc. Over time, we begin to understand that these sharp and sometimes painful changes caused by the transit of uranium were necessary for us to direct us to something new in our lives. The transits of the Higher Planet of Pluton bring the deepest and long-lasting changes, and on these transits is also important to take responsibility for their lives and its elections to direct the development of the situation in the right direction. Pluto always requires transformation and refusal from the old method of action.

Transits of social planets - Saturn and Jupiter are also important, especially transits Saturn. Transit Saturn - Always call for patience, humility and an application effort. Transit Saturn, moving around the homes of a natal map, emphasizes certain areas of life, teaches us seriousness and responsibility. Although the stress transits of Saturn often make us worry and experience suffering, especially if Saturn's Natal Map is striking personal planets.

Transit Jupiter They are considered favorable and even in the stress aspects of a large evil will not cause. They call for faith in themselves.

Transit planets to the planets of a natal card:

Pluto wound. Healing of the wounded heart. Elizabeth Spring.

When Pluto in transit makes stress aspects to our personal planets, a crisis often arises, which leads to a sense of loss. The hidden aspects of psyche and tension in relations become obvious and "opens a heart wound" ... We must treat this wound as well as with any other wound. Here are some things that need to be considered ...

"What is going on" - this is exactly what the concept is translated transitwhich in Vedic knowledge is of great importance. Passing on the signs of the zodiac, performing transit, each planet has a direct impact on a person. And she will influence that house, that sphere that this house is. In this article you will learn what transits are planets

What is transit planets: periods of periods

For each planet, its duration:

Sun - in one sign stays 1 month;

The moon is just 2.5 days in one mark;

Venus, Mercury - in one sign stays for about 1 month;

Mars - in one sign it happens 1.5-2 months;

Jupiter - about 1 year resides in one mark;

Saturn is the longest transit, located in one mark 2-2.5 years;

Rahu, Ketu - stay in one mark of 1.5 years;

What is transit planets in the spiritual sense? This "awards" or more often "lessons", which give a person beneficial and malicious planets. It is believed that constant spiritual practice can soften the malicious influence when transit any planet, even Saturn, Mars, Rahu and Ketu.

Transits with good power

The effect of transits per person individually, but still there are general rules and laws that we consider below. So, for each planet there are good houses, moving there, it "softens", brings good results to a person.

For the sun it is 3,6,10,11 at home

For the moon 1,3,6,7,10,11 at home

For Mars 3,6,11 at home

For Mercury 2,4,6,8,10,11

For Jupiter 2,5,7,9,11 at home

For Venus 1,2,3,4,5,8,9,11,12

For Saturn 3,6,11 at home

For Rahu, Ketu 3,6,10,11 at home

Pay attention, strong pests, such as Mars and Saturn, have only three homes for good transit manifestations. But do not excuse, it will still be "lessons", but softer than in other houses! It also affects what the owners of what houses these planets are, initially they are strongly in the map or weak.

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Sadie Sati - the most "famous" transit

You learned what transits are planets, and for sure already heard the term "Sadhe Sati", which is called the most complex, karmic and fateful transit of Saturn 1, 2 and the 12th house from the moon. It is believed that Saturn's transits are always tangible and especially important for analyzing the fate of a person, his spiritual level and health state.

Sadhe Sati has a middle duration of 7.5 years. During this period, we basically "reap the fruits of karma," we observe the fateful events, sharp actions, both destructive and towering. After all, it is believed that at this time Saturn generously awards those who are engaged in spirituality, charity, self-improvement.

Unfortunately, if you are mired in Routine and everyday life, far from spiritual knowledge, Sadé Sati will have to "shake" you. And this will do this Saturn hard - the likelihood of complex diseases, the crisis in the family, accidents, problems with money is great.

Please note Sade-Sati affects the person's home, the first, so the "blow" or "blessing" will be sent for you. The second home, financial savings will also be affected, and therefore, the money, income, deposits and savings will be threatened. And finally, the transit of Saturn on the 12th house within the framework of Sadhe Sati carries long separation, loss of positions and influence.

Important! To assess the influence of transits per person, in particular, Transit Saturn and Sadhe Sati, you need to take into account two nuances:

  • understand that transit does not work independently and apart! Its influence imposes on the impact of the current period in the human life. That is, if there is a favorable period, it can "smooth out" the negative effect of transit.
  • sadhe-Sati's strength It is for you to depend on the strength of Saturn and the Moon in your card. So, this period can be calm if you have a strong moon, strong Saturn, you are disciplined, persistent, hardworking and, most importantly - a spiritual person!

And, finally, simple ancient wisdom, from the author "Phaladipiki":

"The one who controls himself does not harm anyone who honestly earns life to that transit planets are always favorable."

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