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Uncomfortable facts of history. Friendship of Hitler and Stalin. Stalin and Hitler: Collusion

the site continues a series of publications in the "Victory price" heading. Today, the guest of the same name of the same name on the radio station "Echo of Moscow" historian, writer Elena Congynova talks about "sympathies" between Stalin and Hitler. The ether was held by Vitaly Dymarsky and Dmitry Zakharov. Fully read and listen to the original interview canlink

In fact, anywhere neither Hitler nor Goebbels nor Gess, except for official documents, do not use the name Stalin. If they exchange some letters, notes, some developments, not in the final version, and in the stage of work, there is everywhere - Jugashvili. Just imagine how easy it is to write the surname Stalin by German letters and how difficult to write Jugashvili.

Recall a small piece of Berezhkov's memories, Stalin's translator, which tells about how he, together with Molotov, in November 1940 was at the reception at Hitler during negotiations on the Soviet-German Covenant. And so, at the end of the conversation, before parting, Hitler, shaking his hand, said: "I consider Stalin an outstanding historical person, and I myself am a thought that I am in history. And, naturally, two such political figures, as we must meet. I ask you, Mr. Molotov, pass Mr. Stalin my hello and my offer about such a meeting in the near future. "

Hitler: "I consider Stalin an outstanding historical person ..."

It seems that Hitler reflects a lot about Stalin, but quite a sparkor expressed (well, or there was little statements to us). For example, in 1932 (hess retelling) in the Mussolini family there was some regular trouble, and Hitler noted that his (Mussolini) would destroy the family, as the Bonaparte was killed. But as for Stalin, he stressed, here - a politician, a leader, on whom his family does not affect, relatives do not affect, although they have a lot of them, and, accordingly, draw conclusions. True, what - you can only guess.

Next 1933 year. In general, we did not have such a post as deputy Stalin, but in Germany was. The Deputy Hitler was Rudolph Gess, who had the so-called hess bureau - a structure that duplicated a lot of different structures: state, party and others. And there was such an interesting department, which was engaged in the study of the personalities of European politicians: their physical characteristics, addictions, weaknesses, shortcomings, families.

And from the very beginning, as soon as this bureau created such a department, some such discrepancy began between employees. Part of the staff argued that after the death of Lenin, Russia under the leadership of Stalin went along the path of East Despoty, that is, by the mid-1930s, she had accumulated the features of East Despoty, precisely from the personality of Stalin. The second part of the staff said that Stalin was not subject to any national signs: he is an internationalist, and Russia goes on an international path, having no national color. I wonder which of these groups did it allowed greater influence on hess? For some reason it seems that still the second. For Geess Stalin was more internationalist, but as far as he could transfer anything or prove Hitler, here it is difficult to say.

1937-1938. There are quite a lot of "allegedly" statements of Hitler about the general cleaning of Stalin. Why "allegedly"? Because they are not straightforward (well, someone from someone's words recorded). Nevertheless, the essence of these statements is that Hitler approved such a "coolness" of this disassembly, the will of Stalin. From this he concluded that in the next 15 years Russia will not fight.

Let's go back three years ago. 1934 year. Hitler destroys her companion Ernst Ryoma and other commanders of assault detachments of sa. And as Mikoyan told, again, in the Arrangement of Berezhkov, on the first after the murder of the Ryoma, the meeting of Politburo Stalin said: "Did you hear what happened in Germany? Hitler which is well done! This is how to deal with political opponents. " So, who took an example from whom is difficult to install. Hitler, by the way, very regretted in 1945 that once had to deal with the right, and not with generals according to Stalin. It was like that.

March 14, 1939. Gess writes to his friend Albrecht Haushofer: "After Munich, the Führer considers all the current Western politicians who crawled after the rain, and Stalin is a tank, which, if he moves and go ...".

Hitler loved to call Stalin eastern despot

But about the "Asian breed". 1939 year. Probably, Misanszen was like this: Hitler and his environment in the cinema looked at some kind, maybe soviet filmwhere Stalin was. And Borman writes so: "At watching the Führer noticed that the Soviet dictator reminds him of a strong beast of the Asian breed. Fuhrer expressed regret that this breed was poorly studied. "

Again 1939. The situation was as follows: Hitler prepared a software speech in Reichstag with charges of Poland and answer Roosevelt on his message on April 14. In this message Roosevelt offered himself as a "good mediator between Germany and Europe" and put a list of 30 countries, which in the next fifteen or twenty-five years Germany should not attack. And if, again, to believe hesce, then Hitler over this message and above this offer of the United States as an intermediary rather so ignored, laughed. Hess himself says about this: "This colonizer (about Roosevelte) would wish the Germans to drive into the reservation as their redheads. Us, Germans! Us, the Great Nation! And his connected trash dares to dictate to us, the Great Nation. These swine democrats will forget Versailles, only when you (Hitler) are hugging with Stalin. " That is, there are already some motives for future rapprochement.

And Borman, by the way, the same says in briefly and in essence. This is in one of his notebooks, which were found in 1945. Here is such a record: "There was a conversation about possible contact with the Kremlin. Führer expressed the reluctance to go to a personal meeting with Stalin. The Führer, however, agreed that the upcoming speech in the Reichstage would not contain the critics of the Kremlin and the Soviet system. "

Joachim von Ribbentrop and Joseph Stalin when signing the non-aggression Covenant in the Kremlin, August 23, 1939

Note that it was mutually, that is, the swearing in both directions ceased. But here, of course, no longer a personal relationship between Hitler and Stalin, but pragmatics, diplomacy, geopolitics. This is such a period when everyone screams about the world, but everyone already understands the need for military blocks, and this is coming to feel: who with whom. After all, at the same time, in the summer, negotiations are underway in Moscow: Russia, England, France. Negotiations go, go, and Hitler is terribly nervous, because for him the Union of Russia with England and France was like death. He himself refuses to go to Moscow, but he constantly goes the intention of someone there to suck. At first he is trying to send hess. Why? Hess brought up in Alexandria, in such an international city, and Hitler believed that hess would better understand how he writes, the "primitive-patus logic of Asian". This is also, by the way, the characteristic.

Then he begins to register the head of the union or labor front ley. Telegram Ambassador in Moscow Schulenburg Hitler: "At 11 o'clock, he received the consent of Molotov on the informal visit of Dr. Leia. The minister made it clear that Stalin would take him for a friendly conversation on the day of arrival. " This is August 21.

But on the same day the negotiations end. And the Hitler between the two and three clock sends Stalin a telegram composed of hess. The telegram sounds like this: "The tension between Germany and Poland became unbearable ... The crisis can break out from day to day ... I believe that if there are intentions of both states to enter into new relations with each other, it seems appropriate not to waste time ... I would be happy to get from You will quickly answer you. Adolf Gitler".

In 1939, Stalin and Hitler were supposed to meet, but did not work out

Interesting thing: During the war, after June 22, 1941, Hitler, if you believe in various German sources, quite often spoken in relation to Stalin, and moreover, it owns such a quotation that after the victory over Russia would be best to entrust the management of the country Stalin (Of course, in German hegemony), since he is better than anyone else, can cope with the Russians. That is, if you believe this quotation of the Fuhrera, he counted on Stalin as Vassal, manager, whom Germany will plan to lead the enslaved Soviet Union.

In the diaries of Goebbels of March 4, 1945, that is, when the situation of Nazi Germany was already hopeless and Hitler sought to negotiate with Moscow, there is such a record: "Führer is right, saying that Stalin is easiest to make a steep turn, since he does not need to take into account Public opinion ... In recent days, Hitler felt even greater proximity to Stalin, having highly appreciated him as a genius man deserving unlimited respect. Comparing itself with Stalin, the Führer did not hide the feelings of admiration, repeating repeating many times that both the greatness and unshakable themselves know in their essence or the tental of the bourgeois politicians in their essence.

Hitler's telegram Stalin, August 1939

Interesting detail: Throughout the war, not a single statement (deserving trust) Hitler about Stalin as a commander, strategist, tactics. That is, he never appreciated him from this point of view. But we note that Hitler appreciated Stalin higher than Western politicians: Churchill, Roosevelt, and so on.

With Roosevelt, in general, harder. It was the second politician, whom Hitler did not understand. He somehow did not have enough time to figure it out. The first was Stalin. Hitler considered him an opaque personality, just as an Asian, which is absolutely inadequate in general, in common sense from the point of view of Hitler, who may be absolutely unpredictable. He, by the way, believed that some of Stalin's solutions were just dictated by this Asian unpredictability, this alogicity.

Hitler appreciated Stalin higher than Churchill and Roosevelt

And finally, the quotation of Rudolf Hess, who, sitting in Shpandau, describes this cowardly, the nervous behavior of Hitler on the eve of the arrival of the ribbentrop: "Two wedges before throwing each other, gathered with the Spirit. However, as it became clear after the defeat, the Führer was fully felt then, in the 39th, the demonic power of the Eastern despot, which we all underestimated, and, in the end, turned out to be right. "

Interesting historical research on the topic of Hitler and Stalin. Many parallels can be traced. For example,

Hitler rules on behalf of the working class, the Hitler's party was called the working.
Stalin also rules on behalf of the working class, his power system was officially called the dictatorship of the proletariat.

Hitler has a red flag.
And Stalin has a red flag.

Hitler hated democracy and fought her.
Stalin hated democracy and fought her.

Hitler built socialism.
And Stalin built socialism.

Hitler considered his way to socialism only true, and all other paths perversion.
And Stalin considered his way to socialism uniquely faithful, and all other ways to deviate from the general line.

Party comrades who deviated from the right path, such as Rem and his environment, Hitler mercilessly destroyed.
Stalin also mercilessly destroyed everyone who deviated from the right path.

Hitler has a four-year plan.
Stalin is five year old.

Hitler has one party in power, the rest in prison.
And Stalin has one party in power, the rest in prison.

Hitler's party stood over the state, the country was ruled by party leaders.
And Stalin, the party stood over the state, the country was ruled by party leaders.

Hitler's congresses have been turned into ambitious views.
And Stalin - too.

Main holidays in the Empire Stalin May 1, November 7-8.
In the Hitler's Empire - May 1, 8-9 November.

Hitler - Hitlergenda, young Nazis.
Stalin Komsomol is young Stalin.

Stalin officially called the leader and Hitler - Führer
Translated is the same.

Hitler loved grand facilities.

He laid in Berlin the largest building of the world - a house of assembly. Dome of the building - 250 meters in diameter. The main hall was supposed to accommodate 150-180 thousand people.

And Stalin loved grand facilities.

He laid in Moscow the largest building of the world - the Palace of Soviets. Stalin's main hall was smaller, but all the construction was much higher. The building with a height of 400 meters was like a pedestal, over which the Stater Statue of Lenin was towering. The overall height of the structure is 500 meters.

Work on the projects of the house of assembly in Berlin and the Palace of Soviets in Moscow was carried out at the same time.

Hitler planned to demolish Berlin and build in its place new town From cyclopeous structures.
Stalin planned to demolish Moscow and in its place to build a new city from cyclopic structures.

For Germany, Hitler was a man from
He was born in Austria and almost until the very moment came to power did not possess German citizenship.

Stalin for Russia was a man from the side.
He was neither Russian or even Slavic.

Sometimes, very rare, Stalin invited foreign guests to his Kremlin apartment, and those were shocked by modesty of the situation: a simple table, a wardrobe, an iron bed, a soldier's blanket.
Hitler ordered to put a photo of his dwelling in the press. The world was shocked by modesty of the situation: a simple table, a wardrobe, an iron bed, a soldier's blanket.

Only from Stalin on a gray blanket black stripes, and Hitler has white.

Meanwhile, in secluded places among the fabulous nature, Stalin was built very cozy and well-protected residence-fortresses, which did not resemble the pick-up cell.

And Hitler in secluded places among the fabulous nature built impregnable residence-fortresses, neither granite nor marble did not regret them. These residences did not resemble the pick of hermit.

Hitler's favorite woman, Gel Raubal, was 19 years old younger.
Favorite Woman Stalin, Nadezhda Allilueva, was 22 years old.

Relubal gels committed suicide.
Nadezhda Allilueva - too.

Raubal gels shot himself from the Hitler's pistol.
Nadezhda Allilueva - from Stalinsky.

The circumstances of the death of Gel Rubal mysterious. There is a version that Hitler killed her.
The circumstances of the death of Hope Allyluve mysterious. There is a version that Stalin killed her.

Hitler said one thing, and did another.
Like Stalin.

Hitler began his rule under the slogan "Germany wants peace." Then he captured half of Europe.
Stalin fought for "collective security" in Europe, did not regret it neither forces or funds. After that, he captured half of Europe.

Hitler Gestapapo.
Stalin NKVD.

At Hitler Auschwitz, Buchenwald, Dakhau.
Stalin Gulag.

At Hitler Babi Yar.
Stalin - Katyn.

Hitler destroyed people with millions.
And Stalin million.

Hitler did not hang himself with orders
And Stalin did not hang out.

Hitler walked in a half-shaped form without differences.
And Stalin - in a half-shaped form without signs of difference.

They will return that later Stalin pulled on military ranks, for marshal lamps and golden epolutions. This is true. But Stalin assigned himself the title of Marshal in 1943 after the victory near Stalingrad, when it became completely clear that Hitler lost the war. At the time of assigning the title of Marshal Stalin was 63 years old. He was dressed for the first time as a Tehran conference for the first time during the Tehran conference, when he met Roosevelt and Churchill.

We cannot compare Hitler and Stalin in this issue simply because Hitler did not live to such ages, nor to such meetings, nor to such victories.

And the rest of all the same

Stalin without a beard, but with famous mustes.
Hitler without a beard, but with famous mustes.

What is the difference?

The difference in the form of a mustache.

And the difference is that the actions of Hitler's world considered the greatest atrocities.
And Stalin's actions, the world considered the struggle for peace and progress.

The world hated Hitler and sympathized with Stalin.

Hitler captured half of Europe, and the rest of the world declared war
Stalin captured half of Europe, and the whole world gone to him greetings.

In order for Hitler to be able to hold the countries captured in Europe, the West to the top of the German ships, the German cities bombed, and then landed the Heavy-duty army to the European continent.

And so that Stalin can capture and keep another half of Europe, the West presented Stalin hundreds of warships, thousands of combat aircraft and tanks, hundreds of thousands of the world's best military cars, millions of tons of primitive fuel, ammunition, food, etc.

Bukovina [The end of June 1940] and the Sovietization of the Baltic States begin the first friction of Hitler with Stalin. Hitler recommended the King Romania to accept the demand of the USSR on the return of Bessarabia, but the requirement to join the USSR Bukovina [there was still an offer to "ensure the economic interests of Germany in Romania ..."] He regarded as Russian on the West. Hitler in a note of June 22, 1941 was also a penal to Stalin to the college of the Baltic States, since after this subordinate to the military-economic needs of Germany the Baltic state industry became much more difficult even after it was captured. The crisis in Soviet-German relations arose in September 1940, when the USSR returned Moldavia, and Hitler immediately introduced troops to Romania and Finland.

In November 1940, Hitler suggested Stalin to join the triple CTU, in response to this proposal Stalin puts forward conditions unacceptable to Germany. Stalin demanded:
1. Guarantee the neutrality of Sweden.
2. Guarantee the passage of Soviet courts through the Baltic.
3. To withdraw German troops from Finland.
4. Revise Germany's relationship with Romania.
5. Allow the USSR to create Soviet military bases in the Strait area.

Hitler rejected these conditions. On November 25, 1940, Stalin told Hitler, which is ready to continue negotiations, but Hitler did not answer. December 18, 1940 Hitler signed a Barbarossa plan ... "
In this list, everything is clear, except for Sweden - why Stalin insisted on the Neutrality of Sweden, realizing that this country would be the main steel-smelting shop of Germany.
But this ending, but the beginning of the article ...

Article 29. Political systems of Hitler and Stalin

"I can not agree with the equating of Stalin to Hitler.
Yes, Stalin, of course, was tyrant, many call him a criminal.
But he was not Nazi! And ne. soviet troops
On June 22, 1941, Germany crossed the border, and quite the opposite.
This is the first one you can not forget ... "

As for Hitler and Stalin, the newly unheard of their dictatorial activity appeared in their dictatorial activity: they turned the murder into a dry bureaucratic act, sending innumerable many people to death exclusively on a formal appearance, whether nationality or social status. If a cynical technocratic calculation becomes the main thing in this case, then the "scheduled indicator" immediately appears on the scene - the number of victims to be killed. In the conditions of such a "division of labor", murder can turn into a routine operation even for relatively "harmless natures". But it would be wrong to formally compare the cruelty and the atrocities of these people among themselves, because each of them is inseparable from his society and its time ....

The basic principles of the Nazi regime in Germany and the Communist in the USSR were:
1. The domination of the Hitler's (communist) party, the complete submission of the state and all its institutions (local government, courts, army, police, special services) of the Nazis (Communists).
2. Sophisticated propaganda and social demagogue system, monopolization of propaganda means and insulation of masses from all sources of objective information from which they could get information about the internal and external provisions of the country. No wonder Pasternak called among the most important elements of Stalin's policies "inhuman power of lies".
3. The branched apparatus of violence and terror, the creation of an extensive network of informants, providing tight control over each citizen, regardless of his position and social status.
4. The establishment of concentration camps in which hundreds of thousands of people disappeared, in overwhelming cases of innocent accusations in the inspirated.
5. Introduction of sophisticated torture for coercion to "confess" in crimes that they have not committed.

All Germany was divided into 34 district, at the head of which Gauletertors appointed by Hitler. Each area was divided into the districts headed by cribs. The district included groups - local organizations consisting of cells, i.e. NSDAP was built on the territorial principle, covering the country of his hierarchical structure. Unlike the Nazi party, the communist, since the times of Lenin, was built on a territorial production ground. In addition to the territorial entities - the Embios, the Obmaoms, Raykomov, in all institutions, ministries, in enterprises, in collective farms were created by their partborations. Their governing bodies were partners, partburo, parters who have established global control over the entire political, economic and cultural life of the country.

Totalitarian state cannot exist without a certain worldview. Therefore, the Nazis believed the main task Parties as a political movement - to instill in Germany, the National Socialist World Wiring. The Communist Party of the USSR also considered one of its main tasks - the upbringing of the Soviet people "in the spirit of Marxism-Leninism and Stalinism" as a solid and slim system of philosophical, economic and socio-political views. To this end, they were released " Short course The history of CPS (b) "and" biography of comers. Stalin "which in obligatory We should have studied not only in all educational institutions, but also in government agencies, in production, in the army, heads of state farms and collective farms, and not even working housewives.

As in the USSR, all school textbooks, newspapers, books Natrelov named Stalin and in Germany, they are not a lesser degree in the name of Hitler. For example, a very demonstrative school dictation, compiled in 1934 and proposed by teachers for use in teaching their own speech: "As Jesus liberated people from sins and hell, so Hitler saved the German people from death. Jesus and Hitler were persecuted, but at that The time as Jesus was crucified, Hitler raised to Chancellor. While Jesus's disciples left him in trouble, renounced him, for Hitler Palo 16 comrades. The apostles graduated from the work of their Mr., we hope that Hitler himself will bring his work to the end. Jesus built for heaven, Hitler - for German land. "

The fanatic worship of Hitler and Stalin made it possible to achieve the rulers of both countries of their main goals: to approve domination over their peoples and move to aggression against other peoples. Despite all the differences in the goals and means of their achievement, in the color of flags and symbols, the cult of the leader's personality was in both powers. Although the objects of the cult themselves were not at all its initiators. Neither Hitler nor Stalin was personally given orders to erect the fifty-meter bronze nerd with a tube in hand or write a picture with a leader on horseback and in lats. All this did their surroundings - "Field Initiative" ....

Having come to power in Germany, in 1933, Hitler, the successful experience of Stalin - "exposed" three imaginary conspiractions: Two storms of attack aircraft and a conspiracy O. Strasser, formerly by Reichancler Germany before Hitler's arrival to power. In 1934, the "conspiracy" of the head of the removal units of Rem, actually led Hitler to the leadership of the Nazi party. In the future, "conspiracies" followed one by one. To establish an unlimited dictatorship of Hitler, following the example of Russian communists, which prohibited all the Bolshevik parties, dispersed all the Nazi parties. In February 1933, over 60 communist and 75 Social Democratic newspapers and magazines were prohibited. By April, all opposition editions were eliminated. Nazis became the head of the remaining newspapers and magazines, and all these press bodies turned into, in fact, in the NSDAP HRPP.

To strengthen personal power, Hitler and Stalin periodically arranged the pages of the party apparatus. Even major leaders should have remembered that their posts, influence and, even lifetime depend entirely and completely from the whims of their leaders. For the morality and morality of the Nazis, it is characteristic that almost to the murder of Strasser Hitler, they externally remained close friends. Stalin was guided by such morality. If it came about personal gain, both did not even gem even the closest friends and most devoted companions. Back in 1934, after the Hitler's crucifation with the command of the attack aircraft and its predecessor as Reichskanzler, General Schlechter, Stalin, at a meeting of Politburo, said: "Did you hear what happened in Germany? Which Hitler is well done! This is how to deal with political opponents."

Stalin welcomed cooperation with Germany since the very moment of the death of Lenin and did not change him when Hitler came to power. On the contrary, the triumphal victory of the Nazis strengthened his conviction as necessary to seek friendship with Berlin. Japanese threat on Far East Only spurred his steps in this direction. He drew the greatest contempt for "weak" democratic governments and essentially respected the "mighty" totalitarian states. He invariably guided by the rule that must be supported. good relations with superpower.

Also, also the statement of Hitler about Stalin in August 1942: "I have a book about Stalin. It should be said this is a colossal personality, an authentic ascetic that Iron fist subjured this gigantic country. But if someone claims that this is a social state, then this is a monstrous deception. This is a state Capitalistic regime, and headed by a person who said that he does not consider the loss of 13 million people excessive "...."

Is it possible to refuse Hitler in knowledge of the material?
And in the course of reading, there was no feeling of de Zhavu?

the site continues a series of publications in the "Victory price" heading. Today, the guest of the same name of the same name on the radio station "Echo of Moscow" historian, writer Elena Congynova talks about "sympathies" between Stalin and Hitler. The ether was held by Vitaly Dymarsky and Dmitry Zakharov. Fully read and listen to the original interview canlink

In fact, anywhere neither Hitler nor Goebbels nor Gess, except for official documents, do not use the name Stalin. If they exchange some letters, notes, some developments, not in the final version, and in the stage of work, there is everywhere - Jugashvili. Just imagine how easy it is to write the surname Stalin by German letters and how difficult to write Jugashvili.

Recall a small piece of Berezhkov's memories, Stalin's translator, which tells about how he, together with Molotov, in November 1940 was at the reception at Hitler during negotiations on the Soviet-German Covenant. And so, at the end of the conversation, before parting, Hitler, shaking his hand, said: "I consider Stalin an outstanding historical person, and I myself am a thought that I am in history. And, naturally, two such political figures, as we must meet. I ask you, Mr. Molotov, pass Mr. Stalin my hello and my offer about such a meeting in the near future. "

Hitler: "I consider Stalin an outstanding historical person ..."

It seems that Hitler reflects a lot about Stalin, but quite a sparkor expressed (well, or there was little statements to us). For example, in 1932 (hess retelling) in the Mussolini family there was some regular trouble, and Hitler noted that his (Mussolini) would destroy the family, as the Bonaparte was killed. But as for Stalin, he stressed, here - a politician, a leader, on whom his family does not affect, relatives do not affect, although they have a lot of them, and, accordingly, draw conclusions. True, what - you can only guess.

Next 1933 year. In general, we did not have such a post as deputy Stalin, but in Germany was. The Deputy Hitler was Rudolph Gess, who had the so-called hess bureau - a structure that duplicated a lot of different structures: state, party and others. And there was such an interesting department, which was engaged in the study of the personalities of European politicians: their physical characteristics, addictions, weaknesses, shortcomings, families.

And from the very beginning, as soon as this bureau created such a department, some such discrepancy began between employees. Part of the staff argued that after the death of Lenin, Russia under the leadership of Stalin went along the path of East Despoty, that is, by the mid-1930s, she had accumulated the features of East Despoty, precisely from the personality of Stalin. The second part of the staff said that Stalin was not subject to any national signs: he is an internationalist, and Russia goes on an international path, having no national color. I wonder which of these groups still had a greater influence on the hess? For some reason it seems that still the second. For Geess Stalin was more internationalist, but as far as he could transfer anything or prove Hitler, here it is difficult to say.

1937-1938. There are quite a lot of "allegedly" statements of Hitler about the general cleaning of Stalin. Why "allegedly"? Because they are not straightforward (well, someone from someone's words recorded). Nevertheless, the essence of these statements is that Hitler approved such a "coolness" of this disassembly, the will of Stalin. From this he concluded that in the next 15 years Russia will not fight.

Let's go back three years ago. 1934 year. Hitler destroys her companion Ernst Ryoma and other commanders of assault detachments of sa. And as Mikoyan told, again, in the Arrangement of Berezhkov, on the first after the murder of the Ryoma, the meeting of Politburo Stalin said: "Did you hear what happened in Germany? Hitler which is well done! This is how to deal with political opponents. " So, who took an example from whom is difficult to install. Hitler, by the way, very regretted in 1945 that once had to deal with the right, and not with generals according to Stalin. It was like that.

March 14, 1939. Gess writes to his friend Albrecht Haushofer: "After Munich, the Führer considers all the current Western politicians who crawled after the rain, and Stalin is a tank, which, if he moves and go ...".

Hitler loved to call Stalin eastern despot

But about the "Asian breed". 1939 year. Probably, Misanszen was as follows: Hitler and his environment in the cinema hall looked some kind of, maybe the Soviet film, where Stalin was. And Borman writes so: "At watching the Führer noticed that the Soviet dictator reminds him of a strong beast of the Asian breed. Fuhrer expressed regret that this breed was poorly studied. "

Again 1939. The situation was as follows: Hitler prepared a software speech in Reichstag with charges of Poland and answer Roosevelt on his message on April 14. In this message Roosevelt offered himself as a "good mediator between Germany and Europe" and put a list of 30 countries, which in the next fifteen or twenty-five years Germany should not attack. And if, again, to believe hesce, then Hitler over this message and above this offer of the United States as an intermediary rather so ignored, laughed. Hess himself says about this: "This colonizer (about Roosevelte) would wish the Germans to drive into the reservation as their redheads. Us, Germans! Us, the Great Nation! And his connected trash dares to dictate to us, the Great Nation. These swine democrats will forget Versailles, only when you (Hitler) are hugging with Stalin. " That is, there are already some motives for future rapprochement.

And Borman, by the way, the same says in briefly and in essence. This is in one of his notebooks, which were found in 1945. Here is such a record: "There was a conversation about possible contact with the Kremlin. Führer expressed the reluctance to go to a personal meeting with Stalin. The Führer, however, agreed that the upcoming speech in the Reichstage would not contain the critics of the Kremlin and the Soviet system. "

Joachim von Ribbentrop and Joseph Stalin when signing the non-aggression Covenant in the Kremlin, August 23, 1939

Note that it was mutually, that is, the swearing in both directions ceased. But here, of course, no longer a personal relationship between Hitler and Stalin, but pragmatics, diplomacy, geopolitics. This is such a period when everyone screams about the world, but everyone already understands the need for military blocks, and this is coming to feel: who with whom. After all, at the same time, in the summer, negotiations are underway in Moscow: Russia, England, France. Negotiations go, go, and Hitler is terribly nervous, because for him the Union of Russia with England and France was like death. He himself refuses to go to Moscow, but he constantly goes the intention of someone there to suck. At first he is trying to send hess. Why? Hess brought up in Alexandria, in such an international city, and Hitler believed that hess would better understand how he writes, the "primitive-patus logic of Asian". This is also, by the way, the characteristic.

Then he begins to register the head of the union or labor front ley. Telegram Ambassador in Moscow Schulenburg Hitler: "At 11 o'clock, he received the consent of Molotov on the informal visit of Dr. Leia. The minister made it clear that Stalin would take him for a friendly conversation on the day of arrival. " This is August 21.

But on the same day the negotiations end. And the Hitler between the two and three clock sends Stalin a telegram composed of hess. The telegram sounds like this: "The tension between Germany and Poland became unbearable ... The crisis can break out from day to day ... I believe that if there are intentions of both states to enter into new relations with each other, it seems appropriate not to waste time ... I would be happy to get from You will quickly answer you. Adolf Gitler".

In 1939, Stalin and Hitler were supposed to meet, but did not work out

Interesting thing: During the war, after June 22, 1941, Hitler, if you believe in various German sources, quite often spoke in relation to Stalin, and, moreover, it belongs to this quotation that after the victory over Russia would be best to entrust the management Stalin's country (of course, in German hegemony), since he is better than anyone else, can cope with the Russians. That is, if you believe this quotation of the Fuhrera, he counted on Stalin as Vassal, manager, whom Germany will plan to lead the enslaved Soviet Union.

In the diaries of Goebbels of March 4, 1945, that is, when the situation of Nazi Germany was already hopeless and Hitler sought to negotiate with Moscow, there is such a record: "Führer is right, saying that Stalin is easiest to make a steep turn, since he does not need to take into account Public opinion ... In recent days, Hitler felt even greater proximity to Stalin, having highly appreciated him as a genius man deserving unlimited respect. Comparing itself with Stalin, the Führer did not hide the feelings of admiration, repeating repeating many times that both the greatness and unshakable themselves know in their essence or the tental of the bourgeois politicians in their essence.

Hitler's telegram Stalin, August 1939

Interesting detail: Throughout the war, not a single statement (deserving trust) Hitler about Stalin as a commander, strategist, tactics. That is, he never appreciated him from this point of view. But we note that Hitler appreciated Stalin higher than Western politicians: Churchill, Roosevelt, and so on.

With Roosevelt, in general, harder. It was the second politician, whom Hitler did not understand. He somehow did not have enough time to figure it out. The first was Stalin. Hitler considered him an opaque personality, just as an Asian, which is absolutely inadequate in general, in common sense from the point of view of Hitler, who may be absolutely unpredictable. He, by the way, believed that some of Stalin's solutions were just dictated by this Asian unpredictability, this alogicity.

Hitler appreciated Stalin higher than Churchill and Roosevelt

And finally, the quotation of Rudolf Hess, who, sitting in Shpandau, describes this cowardly, the nervous behavior of Hitler on the eve of the arrival of the ribbentrop: "Two wedges before throwing each other, gathered with the Spirit. However, as it became clear after the defeat, the Führer was fully felt then, in the 39th, the demonic power of the Eastern despot, which we all underestimated, and, in the end, turned out to be right. "

Leonid Maksimenkov - about how the father of the peoples took care of the image fascist Germany

Two dates come together in the calendar: 85 years old from the date of the arrival of Hitler and 65 years since the death of Stalin. But this coincidence is not the only one that reduces two historical figures.

In the mass consciousness, the Hitler remained a rapid Führer in Germany in Germany. Polushemissed, which "by intrigue and conspiracy" (and not as a result of universal and multi-party elections) "captured the highest executive power." And as in fact, perceived in the Kremlin in general and Stalin personally, the founder and leader of the Nazi party, Reichanzler of the German government and the creator of the Third Reich and his project?

This is one of the most famous secrets of Russian archives. Mobile exhibitions "In the Staff of Victory" are cloned annually. A huge group of documents under the SIFER "G" ("Germany", "War with Germany") from the Foundation No. 46 of Obius N 3 (Politburo) As shut-connected by doors of safes in the Special Sector of the Central Committee of the CPP (b) seven decades ago, so this Day and remains tightly closed in the presidential archive. Nevertheless, they pop up there, then documents are found here, which allow you to not collect puzzle big games "Stalin and Hitler", then at least combine important points of the future picture.

Censor priorities

Adolf Hitler and German Foreign Minister von Ribbentrop. August 24, 1939

Photo: Reproduction Valeria Khristoforova / Journal Archive, Reproduction Valery Christoforova / Archive of the magazine "Ogonosk"

Let's start with the end and from the main problem: with Nuremberg and from the Eternal and Main Question - the human price of the multi-part geopolitical game Stalin and Hitler. It is clear that the leader conducted the activities of the Soviet delegation on the process of the main war criminals. And the key to the answer to the question registered is in the censor priorities of Stalin. Recently, these priorities have appeared.

In the Stalinist Personal Fund surfaced to the surface and became an affordable curious document. This is a project of the introductory speech of the main prosecutor from the USSR in the Nuremberg process, the prosecutor of the Ukrainian SSR Roman Rudenko. What remarks this typewritten text on 79 pages? The fact that it is clearly shown by the fact that Rudenko was going to say, and the fact that he was not given to say (if compared with the final version of the text). Did not give personally Stalin. With his edit and comments on the fields. The main array of text editing concerns two positions, and talk about them.

First of all, Stalin put doubt on the main objective result of the Bolshevik-Nazi relations: the catastrophic price of victory, expressed in human lives.

Rudenko, for example, writes: "The Hitler's executions were exterminated by millions of Soviet people." Stalin emphasizes "millions" and puts the question mark. This is about the victims.

In another place, Rudenko resembles a court of people who have stolen in fascist slavery: "As established documented, several million Soviet citizens were pregnant from the Soviet Union to German slavery, hundreds of thousands were hijacked to German slavery from Poland, Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia."Stalin again do not like these "millions" in applied to Soviet citizens. He emphasizes and sarcastically asks the author: "How much?"

About martyrs from Nazi death factories: "The Maidanek camp and Auschwitz with gas cameras were already called here, where over 5.5 million innocent people were killed."Stalin emphasizes the figure and (already predictable) puts a question mark. Five and a half million? Killed? In gas chambers? It seems that sincerely affects such an "efficient" genocide ...

Further (by text), the dissatisfaction of the Kremlin censor is the sad arithmetic continues. In particular, the Supreme Commander does not like the statement that "Hundreds of thousands, millions of Soviet people from civilians, as well as fighters and commanders of the Red Army, were tortured in Hitler's concentration camps.. He emphasizes "millions" and again puts the question mark.

The trend is obvious: when evaluating the crimes of Nazism, Stalin does everything that neither the Khrushchev-Brezhnev digit in 20 million nor Gorbachevskaya in 26 million

At the same time, Rudenko in speech on the process with accuracy will result in an accuracy of 7 million horses styled by invaders, 20 million pigs, 27 million sheep and goats and 17 million heads of large cattle. It lists 239 thousand spoiled electric motors, 175 thousand metal cutting machines, etc. According to Stalin's claims, Stalin's claims will not be. Surprise they will not call him. But how many millions of Soviet people died in the war, in the indictment of the main prosecutor from the USSR, the world will not hear.

The second topic, which caused the attack of the editorial allergies of Stalin, is Jewish.

Rudenko: «<...> Mass hijacking of Soviet citizens to a subalkal work in Germany, as well as the physical extermination of adults - women, old people and children, especially Russian, Ukrainians, Belarusians, the ubiquitous extermination of Jews ".

notice, that we are talking about the USSR. But Stalin emphasizes and writes in the fields: "And Poland, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia?" I did not like the "widespread extermination of Jews."

Rudenko writes in the project of performances: "The population of these countries, and first of all Slavic countries, especially Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, and Jews were subjected to merciless repression, up to physical destruction." Stalin again disagrees with the inclusion of Jews in the "population of Slavic countries" and the recognition of their "physical destruction." Displeasure takes a politically correct form: "And Poles? Czechs? Yugoslav? "

The main thing, however, does not change: it is important that there is no arithmetic. Without numbers. And now the censor pencil of the leader is drawn up mention that "Only in Kiev and Dnepropetrovsk for the period of their occupation, more than 60 thousand people were exterminated." It is clear that mostly persons jewish nationality (By February 46, it was already all calculated), but it is not given to know about this broad public. In Nuremberg, these data did not sound.

But that Stalin stresses the generalized definition of German fascism from the proposed Rudenko:

"Arbitration, violence, abuse of a person was erected by Nazis in principle. They threw hundreds of thousands of people in prisons without a trial, subjected to their persecution, robbery, enslavement, torture and destroy. They pursued, tortured and killed on political, racial and religious reasons, and often without any motives. "

Why is this passage removed? After all, everything is true: if you remove one word - "Nazis" - and replace it, say, on the "Hunt Pinochet", then it will turn out one to one. But the junta was not in those years, and Stalin was, and now he struck out. Why? Apparently, the political flair and understanding that the replacement could be ... Other.

There is only one explanation, the simplest thing is: the main censor saw in the text Rudenko hint at the crushing coincidence, recognized the signs of which the compiler of the document and did not think - slander and flight to the Soviet social and political system and its law enforcement, competent authorities, and the prosecutor's office , Punishment execution system. Stalin stressed the malicious paragraph (see illustration). And not only this: in the final speech Rudenko "Hitler's party" mentioned one (!) Once, and without its official name (National Socialist German Working). Soon, casually pronounced and the word "ideology". There is no doubt: everything that came up even to the slightest analogies, it was cleaned.

In complete agreement with these tales of the head of the leader in the text of the Prosecutor Rudenko, the Soviet propaganda car for decades will be interpreted by fascism and Hitler. And manicly look for and persecute, including judicial order, any comparisons.

Exploring appeals

Documents from the archive of the Politburo and the Stalinist "Personal Fund" suggest that editing by Stalin Speech Rudenko was by no means spontaneous or conjunctural. On the contrary, it seems natural. Stalin walked to her 25 years, and it is not difficult to trace.

At the Exchange of Soviet Political Technology, the main quotations of agitation and propaganda were recorded twice a year: by May 1 and November 7 - then the appeals of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) -tsc CPSU were published. To the spring holiday themes more answered "international solidarity" and the Leninsky-Stalinist "peaceful foreign Policy" On the anniversary of the October Revolution there were more slogans on the construction of "socialism in one separate country". The slogans have almost always been approved by Stalin. Many he left. Others rewrite. Third shocked. Something added.

Studying the Stalinist edits of appeals on the topic "Germany-Nazism-Hitler", it is impossible not to notice: all the pre-war years Stalin constantly and deliberately reduced the degree of anti-Hitler's attitude of his subordinates, and therefore subjects. And after the signing of the Covenant on nonsense and a treaty on friendship with Germany in 1939, seasonal "vaccination" against Nazism in the Soviet society generally comes to no.

In October 1933, Stalin crosses the proposed call "to overthrow capitalism and fascist dictatorship! ". Recall the background: That autumn was anxious, the leader of the German communists Ernst Telman in prison, in Leipzig, there is a process against George Dimitrov and the Group of Bulgarian Communists accused of arson of Reichstag.

Is the reaction to Stalin? He is overclocking the call: "Long live telman!" In the definition of the "proletariat of Germany" wakes up "Standing against terror and vigorous provocations of fascism!". Removes the slogan: "Fascist slander and provocations are powerless against growing influence in the masses of the glorious Communist Party of Germany!" and does not agree that Dimitrov with comrades "Mudishly defend the case of communism in the fascist shy!". Such editing is poorly consistent with conversations about the Kremlin solidarity, but it was.

A year later, in October 1934, the leader is overlooking the Warning of the Red Army in the list of appeals submitted to sight: "Japanese imperialism and German fascism are preparing an attack on Soviet Union. Workers of the Soviet Union! Bold the defense capability of our Great Motherland! Long live our glorious, invincible red army and her heroic detachment - red-known Far Eastern! " Recall the background: shortly before that, Hitler looked around with attack aircraft during the "night of long knives." Apparently, in the Kremlin was satisfied with the results, relaxed.

After killing Kirov and the first signs of Big Terror, the main enemies of Stalin - Trotskyists and Bukharians. So by May 1, 1935, the leader strongly cleans the position N 7 from the list of festive slogans: "The German fascism, a frantic detachment of world imperialism, carries war, ruin and enslave the peoples, feverishly prepares an attack on the Soviet Union. Down with provocateurs and war organizers! On the protection of the country of the Soviets - the Fatherland of the Workers of the whole world! "

May 1936. Ernst Telman continues to rot in the Nazi prison. He and drunk in a deep underground of Germany's compartment of Germany confident that Comrade Stalin in the Kremlin thinks about them. And Stalin, it seems, has already completely written off the leader of the German brothers in the class and their long-suffering batch. He strikes it in a row: "Our brotherish hello revolutionary proletarians! Long live the heroic Communist Party of Germany! Long live. Telman! I will pull it out of the hands of the fascist executioners! Freedom of fascism captives! " It is clear from which party in Germany after that the possibility of cooperation remained.

This Trend breaks either the events in Spain nor other "roughness", which happened in world politics, come to the memorandum of 1939, when the USSR and Germany conclude "unexpected" for the whole world (but not for them two) pact , Agreement on friendship and border, constellation of additional, trusting and secret protocols to them. They share Poland. Wehrmacht rushes in Western Europe and Norway. The Kremlin is preparing the capture and tieting of the Baltic States, the occupation of Bessarabia and Northern Bukovina ...

The fact that the Great Fracture of the autumn of 1939 was preparing consciously, thoughtfully and ahead, say Stalin's drafts of slogans by May 1st of that year. The leader was offered, and he stressed , for example, such a tirade: "Fascism is an open terrorist dictatorship of the most reactionary forces of capitalism, aimed against workers, peasants and employment intelligentsia. Fascism is the grip wars. Fascism - worst enemy Freedom and independence of the peoples of the world. Mobilize all the forces on the fight against fascism! "

In December 1939, Stalin had an anniversary - the 60th anniversary of his birth. On this occasion, the ambassador of Nazi Germany in the USSR Graf von Schulenburg sends him a detailed address (see illustration). This document was never published before, for eight decades stuck in the Personal archive of Stalin:


Deep-discharged Mr. Stalin!

I cordially congratulating you with the current 60th anniversary of your birth, I ask you to take sincere wishes of all the best for you personally and for your great country and inhabiting it nations.

With a sense of appreciation and sincere respect for you, remembering my personal meetings with you, I use the case to emphasize the unforgettable and decisive role that you played when establishing friendly relations between Germany and the USSR. I firmly confident that friendship between our two countries will be fixed and developed for the benefit of the peoples of Germany and the USSR and to the common blessing of the whole world.

With sincere to you respect.

Schulenburg. "

It remains to add: after signing the Covenant and until "June 22, exactly at four o'clock" antigherman appeals, the country of councils at the official level will not hear.

Hardware nuances

Many Soviet diplomats, party apparatuses, journalists of these "subtleties" did not understand for a long time. I had to clarify.

For example, in 1933 there is a process over the "arsonists" of Reichstag. On September 13, the Politburo is about to take a decree "On the press in connection with the process of a volitional of Reichstag". There is an employed passage to the item first: "Newspapers must be widely used by the materials of the Brown Book, the materials of the International Investigation Commission (Romain Rolland, Brantting, etc.), as well as the data appearing in the press abroad and exposing both the fascist phase of the Fire Reichstag and the Fascist Stage of the Court over Tolgler and Bulgarian communists. At the same time, "Izvestia" does not print materials in the part, in which they relate to personally members of the German government. "

The ruling, however, did not happen (Kaganovich, in coordination of Stalin, cancels all this idea), but the unlawful ban on the criticism of the "personally members of the German government" becomes the law of Soviet propaganda.

The leaders of the October Revolution of Trotsky, Zinoviev, Kamenev, Bukharin, Radek could "criticize" and physically destroy. And "touch" Hitler (personally and with comrades) - no.

When, in 1936, Hitler foggles in the party congress in Nuremberg and makes gross anti-Soviet statements, including attacks against the heads of the USSR, the People's Commissar of Foreign Affairs Maxim Litvinov and a police station in Berlin Yakov Suritz offered to resign. Politburo by order of Stalin solves in a different: "Reject proposal TT Litvinova and the Sury of the premise of protest notes by the German government about the speech of Hitler and others in the Nuremberg Congre. "

After this, not even the most reasonable should understand the "line": high leaders consistently evade the steps that Berlin can be perceived as "unfriendly". Visual illustrations follow one after another. Well, for example, after the pogroms of the Crystal Night, the British in Germany offer Stalin to agree and create a collective system of salvation of German Jews. Litvinov sympathize with the request of the British. Stalin replies on December 3, 1938:

"We need to say to the British that in the Constitution we can provide asylum right only to foreigners," persecuted for the protection of workers' interests, or scientific activities, or national liberation struggle "That, by virtue of this, we can take only people of science from German Jews. I. Stalin. V. Molotov. "

But another interesting detail - and in essence, and by date. Stalin reads the Tassovsky Bulletin No. 9 dated January 9, 1941: "In 1940, the book" Line Siegfried "(125 pp) was published in Germany. The author of the book - I. Pohlinger. Since the transition of power to National Socialists, the author writes, the first care of Hitler, along with the strengthening of military power, was and strengthening military fortifications on the borders of Germany "(see illustration). Stalin's material likes. He orders to send it to members of the Politburo as a mandatory reading. Gives him the title "On the fortified line of Siegfried in Germany". At the same time there is only one editorial amendment, but what! Ejects a fragment: "As the author indicates, Hitler took the most direct participation in the implementation of the plan for the construction of fortifications. Almost daily, he talked on the phone with his authorized Todt and was especially interested in planning individual bunkers. He sketched a lot of drawings and gave accurate indications of some details of construction ".

The motive of doubt does not cause: it is possible to reject one surname another (or others) without prejudice to get a familiar Soviet media product before pain: "I received the most direct participation in person," "almost daily talking on the phone," "gave accurate instructions" ...

Familiar face

Hitler came to power in 1933, and at the same time, a "Soviet-German novel" was launched by many even today. Understanding will be more if you take into account the essential detail: Moscow knew with whom it deals, Hitler was not a "mysterious" for her. Russian archives show that the Soviet leadership followed this figure in real time, starting with the beer coup in Munich on November 8-9, 1923.

In those October and November days, the Soviet police station (ambassador) in Germany Nikolai Krestinsky constantly sends reports to Moscow by the Commissar Litvinov, who sends them to the Kremlin. Today there are copies of reports on cigarette paper with troots marks. Read them and Stalin.

On November 6, Krestinsky writes Litvinov about the economic chaos reigning in Germany - a nutrient medium for any coup:

"In Berlin, spontaneous hungry unrest, which is still running along the pogromic-nationalist line. 10-thousandth crowd in the area of \u200b\u200bCanonir, GrenadirShtraße, where street currency speculation, not only benches, but also Jewish apartments<...> Antena will impose an ultimatum about the bias of the government if the government is captured by the right<...> The last days Pass under the sign of the active speech of the right ".

Krestinsky warns of an inevitable coup attempt: "Erhart acts not quite consistent with Ludendorf. Disagreements between them occurred on the basis of their relationship to banking (Jewish) capital and to France. Erhart believes that all Jews are German citizens - must be equated to foreigners with the corresponding restriction of their rights, and the bank capital belonging to them is confiscated. Ludendorf prefers to "save a connection with bank capital". " And further: "Hitler supports Erhart. But he has little weapons, and therefore his support is reduced to the protection of rear and connections ".

"On the 8th in the evening, the car performed in Munich at the Big Assembly in Burgersbrokeller(Beer hall in Munich. "ABOUT"). By the end of the meeting, the house and the whole quarter were surrounded by Hitler's armed people. Hitler himself entered the hall with several hundreds of armed allies, took a place in the stands and stated that the Bavarian and the Imperial Government were overthow and the government of the National Dictatorship was organized ".

Personalists gives and aligning personalities: commander of the troops - Ludendorf, Hitler with a political signature, car - the Temporary High Chapter of Bavaria, the former Munich Polish President Peter - the Bavarian President. And here is the key news for the Kremlin: "In a communal scale, the power of the overall imperial government takes himself Hitler".

Repeat the date: November 9, 1923. Who is Hitler, what is achieved and to whom it rests, in the Kremlin knew from the very beginning. And they closed the eyes to the tragic morning in June 1941.

Is it because the human price of victory over Hitlerism was so terrible? ..

Leonid Maksimenkov, historian