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The aspect of the didactic game "Who will call more actions. Didactic game "Who (what) flies

Didactic game

"Who will name more action"

Didactic goal: Teach children correlate the actions of people with various professions


1. Educational: teach children to respect the work of adults

2. Educational: continue to develop the memory of children

3. Speech: Develop a coherent speech.

4. Educational: to bring up friendliness

Gaming rules: call the action of this profession. If the child can not remember, he catches the ball and throws back leading.

Gaming actions: throwing and catching the ball.

Material: Ball

Preliminary work: Teacher before the game holds a short conversation, specifying the understanding of the words by children used in various professions, actions.

Stroke Game

1. Organizational moment.

Children enter the group, get a semicircle.

Educator: - Guys, look at guests, to each other, smile and say hello.

Today we will plunge into the world of professions and play a new exciting game "Who will call more actions? "

I will call the profession, and you remember all the actions of this profession. And what professions we will talk about today, you will learn when you guess the riddle:

I go there every day.
It is necessary, even if too lazy.
So need for my family.
There's good and there.
I already know everyone for two years
I eat with them and sleep, play.
I go there very happy
There is my favorite .......

Children. Kindergarten.

Educator: Well done. We will talk about the professions of kindergarten.

Gaming rules: call the actions of this profession. If you can not remember, then throw the ball back the lead.Cannot be interrupted.

Educator: Each person, having a profession, performs some actions.

What makes the head?

Children: Head manages the work of the kindergarten. She has many important cases. Makes kindergarten beautiful.

Educator: What makes the Deputy Head?

Children: She helps educators to teach kids. Makes up a lot of documents. Prepares children to participate in various contests.

Educator: What does the teacher do?

Children: Cares about us, loves us and understands, teaches to draw, sculpt, count, work.

Educator: What makes an instructor on physical culture?

Children: Physical culture instructor conducts physical education. He teaches children to be physically strong, healthy, deft, hardy.

Educator: What does the music leader do?

Children: teaches us to sing, dance.

Educator: What makes the assistant teacher?

Children: feeds us, washes dishes and floor, wipes dust.

Educator: What makes a nurse?

Children: Worst for our health children: inspects us.

Educator: What does Alexey Alexandrovich do? What is the name of his profession?

Children: Repair furniture, senseerit sandbox, crafts. Cuts grass.

The result, the result in the form of a win. Whoever gave the right answers, he won, the rest must be tried and the next time they will succeed.

Ability to generalize and classify objects

On various signs

Answer fast

The goal of the game. Fasten the ability of children to classify objects (in color, form, quality), to teach them quickly think and respond.

The course of the game. The teacher, holding the ball in his hands, becomes with the children in the circle and explains the rules of the game: "Now I will call any color and bother to some of you from you. The one who caught the ball must call the subject of this color, then he calls himself any color and moves the ball to the next one. That also catches the ball, calls the item, its color, etc.

"Green" - says the teacher (makes a small pause, giving children the opportunity to remember green objects) and throws the ball shaft. "Sheet," - answers Valya and, saying "Blue", throws the ball twist. "Sky," - answers Vitya and says "yellow", throwing the ball next. The same color can be repeated several times, as the items of the same color a lot.

The main feature for the classification may not be color, but the quality of the subject. A beginner says, for example: "Wooden", - and throws the ball. "Table", "answers the child who caught the ball, and offers its word:" Stone ". "House," - answers the next player and says: "Steel". - "The spoon". Etc.

The next time the main feature takes the form. The educator says the word "round" and throws the ball to any playing. "Sun" - it answers and calls another form, for example, "square", throwing the ball to the next player. He calls the subject of a square shape (window, book, shawl) and offers any form. The same form can be repeated several times, since many items have the same form.

When repetition, the game can be complicated by proposing to call not one, but two or several items.

Who will call actions anymore?

The goal of the game. Teach children relate to the actions of people with their profession, intensify the dictionary, raise the ability to quickly think.

The course of the game. The educator before the game holds a short conversation, specifying the children's understanding of the words "Profession", "Actions": "Children, I work in kindergarten as an educator. This is my profession. Tolina Mom treats patients. Her profession is called "doctor." What do you think, what is the profession from Antonina Vasilyevna, who is preparing lunch? (Children answer: "Cook".) Name what profession you know. (Children call: "Chauffeur, teacher, shoemaker, pilot, etc.".) Every person, having a profession, works, performs some actions. What does the cook do? (Children answer: "cooks, bake, fries, grind meat, cleans vegetables, etc.".) Now we will play with you to the game "Who will name more action?" I will call a profession, and you remember all the actions of a person of this profession. "

The educator says the word "doctor." Children answer: "inspects patients, headers, treats, gives medicine, makes injections, operations." "Tailor" - wins, Croit, threshing, ironing, trying on, sews, etc.

The teacher calls familiar children profession: janitor, nanny, bag, driver, and others. Children remember that people do these professions.

Who will name more action, is considered to win.

What do you need?

The goal of the game. Exercise children in the classification of objects, the ability to call the items necessary to people a certain profession.

The course of the game. The teacher reminds children the game "Who will name more action?" He says: "In this game you called, what actions perform a person of a particular profession. And today we will recall what you need to work for people of different professions. I will call a person by profession, and you say you need to work for work. " "Shoemaker!" - says the teacher. "Nails, hammer, leather, boots, boots, machine, paw," children answer.

The educator calls professions familiar to children of this group: a doctor, nurse, educator, nanny, janitor, driver, pilot, cook, etc.

If the interest in the game does not disappear in the game, you can offer a reverse option. The educator calls items for people of a certain profession, and children call profession.

"Reads, tells, teaches to draw, sculpt, dancing and sings, playing," says the teacher and throws the ball to anyone from the players. "The teacher," he answers and throws the ball to her.

In this game, as in other games, where the rules provide for the ability to quickly respond, it is necessary to remember the individual characteristics of children. There are slow children. They should be accepted to think faster, but it should be done carefully. Such a child is better to answer the first, since at the beginning of the game a large selection of words. The educator encaded the child with the words: "Vitya quickly found the right word. Well done!" It is emphasized precisely the speed of response.


The goal of the game. Exercise children in the classification of vegetables (according to the principle: that they have edible - root or fruit on the stem).

The course of the game. The educator clarifies with children that they will call "tops", and what - "roots". "The edible root of vegetable will be called" roots ", and edible fruit on the stem -" tops ". The educator calls some vegetable, and children quickly respond that it is edible in it: tops or roots. The tutor warns the children to be attentive, as in some vegetables, both are also. The teacher calls: "Carrot!" Children answer: "roots". "Tomato!" - "Cups". "Onion!" - "Cups and roots". The one who is mistaken is paying a Phanti, which at the end of the game is bought.

The educator can offer a different option; He says: "Cups", and the children remember vegetables, which are edible tops. This game is good after conversation about vegetables, about the garden.

Name three subjects

The goal of the game. Exercise children in the classification of objects.

The course of the game. "Children," the teacher says, "we have already played different games where you need to quickly find the right word. Now we will play a similar game, but we will only pick up not one word, but at once three. I call one word, for example "furniture", and the one to whom I broke the ball will call three words that can be called in one word "furniture". What objects can be called in one word "furniture"? " Children: "Table, Chair, Bed, Sofa." "That's right," the teacher says, "but only three words should be called in the game." "Flowers!" - Podagog says and after a small pause throws the ball to the child. He answers: "Chamomile, Rose, Vasilek".

In this game, children learn to attribute three species concepts to one generic. In another version of the game, children, on the contrary, in several species concepts learn to find generic. For example, the teacher calls: "Raspberry, strawberry, currant." The child who caught the ball answers: "berries".

A more difficult version of the game will be such when the educator changes the task during the same game: it calls species concepts, and children find birth, then calls generic concepts, and children indicate species. This option is invited if children often played various games for the classification of items.


The goal of the game. Exercise children in the ability to classify and call animals, fish, birds, etc.

The course of the game. Somewhere in a free place at one end of the yard or platform is a group of playing. This is a house. At a distance of several steps from the house - the further, the better - there is some label and drawn. This is a forest where different animals are found. In this forest and the hunter is sent - one of the players. Standing still, he utters such words: "I go to the forest to hunt, I will hunt for ..." Here he takes a step forward and says: "... hare"; Makes the second step: "... bear"; Makes the third step: "... Wolf"; The fourth step: "... fox"; Fifth: "... Badger ...". At each step, the hunter calls some beast. It is impossible to call one and the same beast twice. It is impossible to call birds, but if you play a bird hunt, you need to call only birds.

The winner is the one who reached the forest, with every step calling a new beast. The one who could not do this returns home, and the next hunt is sent. Unfortunate hunter can be resolved once again go hunting. Perhaps this time the hunt will be successful.

Note.On the principle of this game you can spend the game "Fisherman". The game is carried out in the same way. Fisherman says: "I'll go fishing and catch ... Pike, crucian, perch", etc.

Birds (beasts, fish)

The goal of the game. Fasten the ability of children to classify and call animals, birds, fish.

The course of the game. All children sit on the chairs set in a row or around the table, or become in a circle.

One of the players takes some item in his hands and transmits him to his neighbor on the right, saying: "Here is a bird. What a bird? " The neighbor takes the subject and responds quickly: "Eagle". Then he transfers the thing to his neighbor and says: "Here is a bird. What a bird? " "Sparrow," he answers and quickly conveys the subject to the following one.

The subject can be transferred in a circle several times until the stock of knowledge of the participants in the game will be exhausted. It is necessary to answer not bag. If the child is medleet, it means that he does not know the birds. Then all the other participants of the game begin to help him, calling birds. One and the same bird can not be called twice, every time you need to call a new one. If someone is repeat the name twice, he is taken by Phanta, and at the end of the game they make it redeem it.

Also play, calling fish, animals, insects.

Who will name more objects?

The goal of the game. Teach children to classify items at their place of production.

The course of the game. After a preliminary conversation that the items around us are made by people in factories, factories or grown in the state farms and collective farms, the educator offers the game "Who will name more objects?"

"What is done at the factory (in the factory)?" - asks the tutor and throws the ball to anyone from playing. "Machines," he answers and throws the ball to the next. Children follow the correctness of the answers, so that not repeatedly said.

"What is grown in collective farm (in state farm)?" - asks the tutor. Children call: flax, potatoes, rye, wheat.

In such a game, the knowledge of children is specified. For example, children learn that the grain grow collective farmers, and bread bakes workers bakeries, bakery.

A constant reminder to children that human labor was invested in the creation of almost every subject, he brings up their careful attitude towards all things.

Nature and man

The goal of the game. Fasten, systematize the knowledge of children about what is created by a person, and what gives man nature.

The course of the game. The teacher holds a conversation with children, in the course of which clarifies their knowledge that the items around us or are made by the hands of people, or exist in nature, and the person uses them; For example, forest, coal, oil, gas exist in nature, and at home, plants, transport creates a person.

"What is done by man?" - asks the tutor and transmits one of the playing any subject (or throws the ball). After several answers of children, he asks a new question: "What is created by nature?"

During the game, the teacher spends a small conversation with children that a person uses nature in order to better live people and at the same time people carefully relate to nature: guard forests from fires, purify ponds, lakes and rivers, guard animals and birds .

And if ...

The goal of the game. Educating the intelligence, resourcefulness, the ability to use knowledge in accordance with the circumstances.

The course of the game. The educator starts the game with such an entry: "We decided somehow the guys from kindergarten to go on a journey through the native country. Everyone wanted to travel, but nothing had nothing happened, it turned out that they all wanted to travel in different ways. Do you think that the children of the kindergarten offered? Where and on what they wanted to go? Each can offer only one route and one suitable type of transport, cannot be repeated. "

Children sit in a circle. The tutor transmits one of the plays some subject (pebbles, acorn, cube). He received him says where he would go and what, and transmits the subject next to a sitting player. So the item goes out of hand to hand until all means of movement are called. Children remember everything: boats, rafts, deer silent, rocket, etc.

Didactic game

"Who will name more dishes"

Purpose: develop the speed of the reaction to the question, attention; Educate exposure, patient.

The course of the game. The teacher calls a vegetable or fruit and asks to remember the dish, which can be prepared from it. The one who is broken by the ball should call the dish without repeating. Oven or nothing that said the child misses the con. The teacher can ask some kind of dish, and children must remember its components and agree which component will be each of them. The presenter shouts that he wants to put in a pan, and learned himself jumbles into a circle. The next joins and takes the hand of the previous one. While all the components are in a circle, the game continues. You can use mask hats, medallions with a picture of vegetables and fruits.

Didactic game

"What is eating in the raw form, and what in boaren? "

Objective: Develop a phrase speech, arbitrary attention; To form the ability to listen to your comrades, patiently wait for its turn.

The course of the game. The teacher shows the children alternately vegetables and asks what can be in the raw form, and what is impossible. Gives a sample answer: "Cucumber can be in the raw form", "potatoes must be boil." The teacher then proposes to clap your hands if the vegetable can be served in the raw form, and sit quietly, if not.

Didactic game

"Table, occur!".

Purpose: Secure the skills of serving a children's table.

Game Travel: Participants pull the leaflets with a picture of dishes at different stages of food (breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner) and with planes covering tables.

The game "Cover the table for dolls."

Purpose. Teach children to serve the table, call items necessary for reference. To acquaint with the rules of etiquette (guest meeting, gifts, invitation to the table, table behavior). Rise humane feelings and friendly relationships.

Game traffic:

The tutor enters into a group with an elegant doll. Children view it, call items of clothing. The teacher says that today the doll has a birthday, guests will come to her - her girlfriends will come. It is necessary to help the doll cover the festive table (doll furniture and dishes are used).

The educator loses with children. Stages of activity (wash hands, lay a tablecloth, put a vousel for the table with flowers, a napanert and bread, to make cups with saucers to tea or plates, and set to decompose cutlery spoons, forks, knives). Then the episode of the guest meeting is played, dolls are seated to the seats.

Senior preschool children with the aim of consolidating duty skills, it is possible to show substantive pictures with the image of the objects listed above and suggest laying them in order by defining the table serving sequence.

Didactic game "Cups - Spoons"

Objective: to introduce children with service subjects (spoon, cup, plate)

Didactic game "Teach Chuburashka to cover on the table"

Purpose: Teach children to customize the table, learn and call the objects of serving.

Didactic game « We will ask Katya tea "

Purpose: Continue to acquaint children with service objects, to sit at the table correctly.

Didactic game "Masha lies"

Purpose: consolidate in children knowledge about serving items.

Didactic game "We will cook porridge, we will feed Sasha"

Purpose: teach children to properly use the spoon.

Didactic game

"Feeding dolls"

Purpose: develop sustainable attention, ability to manipulate objects (spoon, cup, plate)

Didactic game "Beautiful napkins for three piglets"

Objective: Continue to teach children to the skills of using a napkin.

Games with subject pictures "Children dinner"

Purpose: consolidate the knowledge of children about the behavior at the table, knowledge of the dining room.

Game educational situations, didactic exercises, didactic games, games - classes.

· Situation "We are preparing for dinner"

Purpose: - To acquaint with the names of the dining room, their shape, color;

To explain to children a sequence of arrangement of devices for lunch

Equipment: tableware objects: plates (deep, small), mug, spoons (small, large).

The situation unfolds naturally. The educator draws the attention of children to the nanny, which prepares dishes for serving the table to dinner.

The tutor shows the children of the tableware tables pairly: deep and small plate, small and large spoon, mug. General and distinctive features are allocated. For example: "These plates are round form. This plate is small, and this is deep. "

The teacher explains to children the appointment of each subject of dining room. Next explains that all these items are also called dishes. They are put on the table to be covered with dinner.

"First you need to put a breadbox for the middle of the table. Around the lender you need to place deep plates. To the right of the plate should be put a large spoon, which we will eat soup. Next to the spoon you need to put the plug. She will need when we will eat a second dish. Between the deep plate and the breadhead, you must put a circle from which we will drink compote. "

After the table is covered, the teacher makes a generalization: "Look, everything that stands on the table is dishes. Such dishes are called the dining room. "

Nanny informs the children that the cook prepared today for children for lunch.

In his free time, the teacher organizes the game with the children "will cover the table to dinner for our favorite toys," during which the names of the tableware of the tableware are enshrined, culturally and hygienic skills, culture of behavior at the table, children are exercised in the proper table serving.

· Game Education Situation "Take for Lunch"

Objectives: - Create knowledge of the names and destination of furniture and dishes for the dining room;

Learn correctly and beautifully tow the table, culture of behavior at the table;

To form the basics of attentive and caring attitude towards partners in the game.

Equipment: doll, furniture, dishes for the dining room; dining tablecloth, tea tablecloth, canteens and tea wipes; Apron, a cake, a couple of mittens - CHAIRs.

Children are playing with a doll. The educator invites children to feed the doll. The doll sits down at the table. But no hope: there is nothing from anything. Children are usually laughing. The doll is saddened. It is necessary to console her together with the children: "Now we will cover the table."

In advance, it is necessary to prepare as many diverse dishes as possible so that the children can make the right choice and serve the table to breakfast, dinner or dinner, as they wish.

They put on a doll to a golk and apron, it will help children to serve the table. The teacher sets children questions on behalf of the doll: "What do you need to put on the table first? And what will we eat a second dish, drink compote? " Sometimes the doll is mistaken, for example, puts the cup not on a saucer, but on a plate. If the children themselves do not notice, it is necessary to attract their attention.

Finally, everything is ready: Nanny gives a doll food, and the teacher teaches her to sit at the table correctly, use the devices, is, thank you for the food.

The doll can ask: "Why do you need a spoon? After all, it is more convenient to eat hands, however, children? " And the teacher asks the children to tell the doll than the first dish eating, the second, fruit from the compote. Then the doll asks: "What should I do after eating, children?" etc.

After the end of the game, children play themselves, invite other dolls to visit, we serve a tea table, etc.

Option. For lunch to Malvina, Buratino, Cheburashka, Khryusha, other fabulous characters are invited.

Children teach dolls to touch the table correctly, skillfully use the devices, etc.

· Game - Claim "Wall with a doll Katya tea"

Didactic task:

Teach children to throw tea doll (later other toys: bear, bunny, etc.)

Form the ability to consistently perform actions, call items and actions with them;

Develop affectionate, caring attitude to the doll.

Material: dolls, cups, saucers, spoons, sugar bowl and teapot from a tea service, toy cookies.

Pedagogue - Mom covers a table for children, shows and calls each action. At the first lesson, it is advisable to cover a shared table by the number of playing children. An adult invites children at the table, once again clarifies that it stands on the table, as every item is called and why it is needed, as they can be used. The teacher says to children that children will take their daughters for this table (dolls). Due to the screen, dolls appear, children choose them at will, sit on the left knee and stick to your left hand (the show gives the teacher on his doll, helps each child to take a doll correctly if such a need arises). An adult speaks with his doll and invites each child, too, talk to his doll: "We will now drink tea, Katya.

Here is a tea in a cup ... I put sugar ... I stir the spoon ... take cookies ... Kusai cookies ... Pey tea ... do not hurry, hot tea ... "

In subsequent classes, the children themselves will eat dolls of tea, the game action is gradually complicated by entering the jam and so on. Where it may be more complicated by speech support, for example: "Do not drink tea from a spoon. Keep a cup tight. Well done, eat cookies neatly, not crumbs ... "

· Didactic game "Warm tea doll"

Didactic task:

To acquaint with the name of items from a tea service;

Exercise in the proper serving of the table to tea drinking (sequence of instrumentation for tea drinking).

Equipment: tea set (saucer, cups, welding teapot, sugar bowl, dessert plates, vase for cookies), teaspoons.

The educator appeals to children: "Guys, do you like when guests come to you?" Today our favorite toys will come to visit us. Let's leave the table for guests. What will we treat them? (Tea and cookies.)

The teacher explains to children the sequence of alignment of instruments for tea drinking. First you need to put a vase with the cookie on the middle of the table.

It is necessary to put a saucer around the vase, and a cup of each saucer. Near each saucer you need to put a dessert plate. In the dessert plate, every guest will put a cookie. To the right of each saucer must be put a teaspoon. The latter put the sugar and the brewing kettle. They also have to stand in the middle of the table, so that each guest is convenient to take sugar and pour tea.

Then each child is given short instruction type: "Andrei, put the vase with the cookie on the middle of the table." All children perform orders, arranging tea dishes on the table. The teacher commented on their actions: "Andrei puts a biscuits on the table." Etc.

What a vase is big or small? (Vase big.)

After the table covers, the teacher will summarize the statements of children.

Look, all that stands on the table - dishes. From this dishes drink tea. Such dishes are called "tea dishes".

In conclusion, children are searched at the table their favorite toys and "treat" their tea.

After the game, the teacher offers children to help in the evening mom to cover the table to evening tea party.

· Excursion to the kitchen.

Acquaintance with the names of kitchenware objects, clarification and consolidation of destination of kitchenware objects;

Give a submission to children about the profession of the chef;

Develop observation; Educating respect for the work of adults, the desire to call the childcare staff by name and patronymic.

Equipment: kitchenware objects (saucepan, frying pan, midnter, etc.)

Structure occupation

1. The organizational moment.

Guys, who of you knows where in kindergarten is preparing food? (In the kitchen.) Today we will go on an excursion to the kitchen.

The teacher resembles children, as needed to greet and get acquainted with other people.

2. Excursion to the kitchen.

The teacher leads children to the kitchen and introduces the cook.

What kitchen? (Big, bright, clean.)

Why such a big kitchen? (Very many children in kindergarten, you need to cook a lot of food.)

Who is preparing our delicious dishes? (Cook.)

Yes, this is a cook. Call her Galya. Cook prepares food. Look at how much in the kitchen of different dishes.

Draws the attention of children to kitchenware objects.

What is it? (Pan.)

Guys, and at home your mother is preparing in what pots? (In small.)

And here in the kitchen, what pans? (Big.)

Compare several saucepans, shows the children a small, greater and very large pot.

Guys, let's ask the cook (Gali), which subjects help him in work.

The first question sets the educator, giving a sample.

Knives what should be done? (Cut, clean.)

Hemist what makes? (Break, pour.)

Frying for what? (To fry on them.)

Meat grinder for what? (Chick meat, vegetables.)

(The teacher appeals to the cook.) And what today do you cook lunch?

Cook says.

3. Final conversation on the topic of excursion.

Where we were? (In the kitchen.) Who did you meet? (With a cook (Galya).

What did you see in the kitchen? (Children list remembering items.) This dishes are called kitchen, because it is used only in the kitchen, for cooking.

· Game Situation: "Kali's birthday"

Summarize the knowledge of children about the table serving, about some foods;

Consolidate the skills of food culture, use of tea dishes;

Educate the ability to be hospitable when meeting guests, rejoice in their arrival, express words of gratitude, show attention during treatments;

Relieve positive emotions. Develop an independent initiative conversational speech of children

Equipment: Toys: Doll in an elegant dress, doll - boy, bear, hare; Set of products: carrots, banana, orange, raspberry, apple; Items of tea dishes.

The move: the tutor reports to children that the doll Kati today is a birthday and she invites us to visit us all.

Discussion: "What can I give a doll Kate?"

Children gather for birthday, take prepared gifts with them.

Children come to visit Kat, greelly greet, give the Kate their gifts. Katya thanks children.

Educator: Look, children, what Katya today is beautiful, elegant. What is she dressed? (Children call the color of the dress, bow, shoes.)

Katya: My friends came to me for my birthday. Here they are sitting on the sofa.

Educator: Let's see who came to Kate.

Children call the characters familiar to them: Bunny - Punching, Teddy bear - bumping, boy Kolya.

Educator: Katya wants to treat his guests. Let's put guests to the table.

Masha, put on the bunny table. (The child puts the toy, and the educator activates the speech of the rest of the children: "Who helps to sit at the table Masha? Masha puts on the bunch table.")

Let's help the kate to cover on the table. Here in the basket Katya prepared a treat for guests (in a basket of carrots, banana, orange, raspberry, apple). Let's lay out everything on the dish.

Children get familiar products from a basket and answer the teacher's questions: what is it? What colour? How can I eat it? Do I need to remove the peel?

Then every child is given short instruction type: "Maxim, put the vase with the cookie to the middle of the table. Inna will put a savage around a vase, and the cup will put a cup on each savage. " All children perform orders, arranging tea dishes on the table.

Educator: Table covers, guests sat at the table. Now they will choose a treat.

What do you think the bunny will choose - jump?

Why do you think he will choose a carrot?

(Bunny - Pumpguka will choose a carrot, because he loves her.)

So all products are distributed. Bear loves berries - treat his raspberry. Boy Kolya loves apples. Kate gets orange.

Katya: Guys, you also came to visit me. I want to treat you tea with cookies.

Children sit down at the table and treat.

Then guests thank Katya for a tasty treat.

Play in the dance game "Causta".

Politely say goodbye.

· Game - Lesson "Feed the doll Katu Lunch"

Didactic task:

Teach children pour soup with a saucepan;

Learn to feed a doll with a spoon of a deep plate, in a small plate to put a second (pasta-sticks, mugs-cutlets, etc.), climb compote;

To form elementary skills to transfer the attitude to a doll as a child: to understand the condition of the doll: wants to eat, I was driven out, etc.

Teach children culturally - hygienic skills that need to be performed before eating.

Material: pan, cook, pan, spoon, plug, deep and small plates, cup - for each participant of the game.

It is advisable to use major game sets to make it convenient to use the children in the game.

The adult suggests that the dolls want to dare, they need to cook lunch and feed them.

Specifies with children that it is necessary for this. Specifies questions about what is needed every item: a stove, a saucepan, a cook; What dishes need to pour soup, etc. Then an adult shows how to cook soup on the stove: "I put the saucepan on the stove, the soup is cooked in it. Soup welded. I open the lid, soup pouring. Caution, the soup is hot, it is impossible to shed. Here poured the soup to the plate. "

The teacher puts a doll to the left knee, sticks it with her left hand and continues to act right. Children will do the same. If it is difficult for them, then you can put a doll on the chair, and by yourself, sitting or standing, to whom it is convenient to sit nearby, acting in two hands. The teacher shows a speech sample addressed to the doll, for example: "Eat, Katya. Hold a spoon smoothly ... Do not shed soup, good! Well done! I ate everything.

After a demonstration of game action, children are distributed, pan, saucers, plates, spoons, cooks; It turns out along the name and purpose of these items; Gaming action is made by children.

If necessary, the teacher helps children.

If this stage did not cause difficulties in children, you can continue the occupation, feeding the doll to the second dish. Or it is done in a separate lesson, and then combines a single chain of game action.

The teacher gives samples of actions and speech escort: "Well done, Katya, good soup. Now let you give you a second. Here is a skillet. On it cutlets and pasta ("Ponaroshka"). I put the cutlet and pasta in a small plate. Take the plug, eat the kitlet and pasta. Take a cup ... Hold firmly ... Pey Compote! " If the children want to feed their "children" the second, then they ask for everything you need: a frying pan, a small plate, a plug, and then a cup for a compote, just finding out what each subject is needed.

When the children learned to feed the doll dinner and the game actions do not cause difficulties, you can complicate the game, introducing new "products": small red squares - meat in soup, plastic small vegetables for soup and fruits for compote, etc. Depending on the existing material and imagination both teacher and children.

The complication goes through the connection of the chains of different gaming actions: washing hands and lunch; lunch and washing dishes; Hike to store for products, preparation of lunch and feeding dolls. The first time in the "store" works adult seller, he suggests and directs the actions of children:

"That's buy eggs (yellow or white balls, ovals), faint in a frying pan with a cutlets" or "Buy potatoes, here it is. Clean and put in a saucepan along with carrots and meat, there will be excellent soup. "

Later you will add "salt", "grater", "knives", etc. Children themselves will offer all new and new features of the game if playing with them systematically and with love.

Games and exercises aimed at the development of small-scale hands, contributing to the successful development of self-service skills and cultural and hygienic skills.

· The formation of the ability to independently use the knife

1. "Feed the beasts by salad"

Fasten the skill of the right food - keep the right spoon (three fingers - index, middle, large);

Chop plastic vegetables with plastic knife;

Stir a large spoon salad in a bowl; feed dolls by salad.

Dictionary: cucumber, tomato, onions; Salad man, spoon; I hold, cut off, mix, feed.

Equipment: toy animals; Plasticine vegetables, plastic knife, fork.

Game Travel: Bring a beautifully decorated box and offer the child to see what in it (toy animals). Tell me: "The beasts came to visit you from the forest.

In the forest is now cold and hungry. It would be necessary to treat them anything. " Offer the child to make a vegetable salad and treat animals.

Rhymma: I do not miss today,

I treat all lettuce.

Beasts on hemp sitting

And my salad is eating.

The child must cook "Salad":

· Cut plasticine vegetables;

· Fold them in a salad bowl;

· Mix the salad in the salad bowl with circular movements;

· Put the salad with a big spoon to each guest on a plate;

· Contact beasts salad.

2. "Tea for dolls"

Fasten the skills of using a cup - keep a cup of handle;

Enrich game actions - teach dolls drink tea from a cup;

Fasten the knowledge of the "tea ceremony": boil the water, brew tea, pour boiling water and welding into a cup.

Dictionary: tea, boiling water, welding, cup, kettle; I pour, brewing, treating; Hot, strong, tasty.

Equipment: Toy tea set, doll.

Game move: Around the child tea set.

Consider together the objects of the dishes. Ask a child to name every item. Show a doll, tell me that the doll came to the child to visit, and the guests are accepted.

Rhymma: Tanya invite Tanya

Tea with a bun with a bang.

Pey, Tanya, tea!

Pey and do not miss!

Invite the child to cook tea (put me a mnemokart in front of it with drawings depicting a sequence of action when cooking tea). When tea is ready, offer a child to drink dolls and adults playing with him.

Games and exercises aimed at forming food intake skills

D / and "Feeding doll"

Teach the simplest action with plot toys (feeding), instilling hygienic skills;

Cause speech activity; Relieve good feelings for a doll.

· Plot - Displaying game "Meeting doll girlfriends, treating them tea"

To introduce children with objects of dishes: to learn to call them, learn according to the word, use for their intended purpose;

Learning to serve the table to tea drinking;

Rail a desire to take care of the doll.

D / and "feeding doll porridge"

Purpose: viewing a plate, tablespoon, napkins. Training culturally - hygienic skills.

"We are preparing for dinner"

Familiarity with the names of the objects of the dining room, appliances, their shape, color;

Learn correctly and beautifully tow the table;

Teach dolls culture of behavior at the table.

· "Learn a doll to cook." ("Preparing lunch for dolls"; "Little hostesses")

Objective: - fixing the names of kitchenware objects, their destination;

Learning to distinguish food, determine from which dishes are cooked, from how many dishes consists of lunch;

Fastening the skill of differentiation on the purpose of the kitchen and dining room dishes.

· "Cohables Katu Lunch"

Table setting for dinner Kati doll;

Comparison of deep and small plates; acquaintance with the names of the devices and their

appointment: tablespoon dining room and tea, fork, knife.

· "Dolls Kata's birthday." (Cover the table for lunch and feed dolls.)

Purpose: Generalization of knowledge about the objects of dining rooms and food products, activation of the dictionary, connected speech.

· D / and "Lunch for three bears." ("Three bears are preparing lunch")

Purpose: Clarification of the concepts of "small" - "big" - "very large" in relation to the subjects of kitchenware.

"Fourth extra" (Classification of dishes for the purpose, use.)

D / and "Catin Garden"

"Gift bunny"

"What has grown in the garden."

Viewing vegetables; introduce the names of some vegetables;

Learn to recognize them by name and name themselves;

intensify the dictionary, develop a coherent speech (the ability to express the thought in the form of 3 - 4-like proposals).

Games for distinguishing objects of dishes

· D / and "Shop". (Buying dinner products. Purchase of dishes)

· "We will visit the patient doll. Cook her treats » (Items of items of the rounded shape - candy, cherry.)

· "Stuffing pies for doll" (Sand games)

Purpose: Learn to act as a scoop - Choose wet sand, fill the molds, tamper the sand in the molds of the back side of the scoop, turn the mold on the table, hold the sand hand4 to knock on the bottom of the mold, remove it; Consider a doll.

Actions with objects - tools. "Fritters for Kati."

Purpose: - Writing the eye meter, coordinate the movements of the right hand;

Exercise in the ability to pick up a round disk end of the blade;

Brief dexterity, skill, desire to bring the case to the end.

D / and "teach the doll to wash the dishes"

Purpose: - to educate the skills to use dishes, contain it clean;

Teach the use of dishes by appointment, carefully to

it relate to it;

Call objects of dishes during doll feeding;

Call actions (wipe, put).

Porridge from buckwheat.

Where was cooked?

Hooked, stolen,

So that Katenka ate.

Ladushka, Ladushka

Where were you?

By Grandma

What drank?

Maslenka porridge.

Male Sweet

Grandma Dobrenka

Poured on a her

Shu - fleet

On the head sat down.

Delicious porridge smokes

Lesha porching sits down

Very good porridge

Ate porridge.


Ate by a little.

This is a spoon,

This is a cup.

In a cup - buckwheat bash.

Spoon in the cup visited -

Buckwheat did not become!

Duck duckling

Cat kitten,

Mouse mouse

Call for lunch.

Ducks filed

Cats filed

Mouses filed.

Are you not yet?

Where is your spoon?

Just, at least a little!

Push, Leping

In the furnace sat

We looked at us

The mouth wanted.

Our seasier fidgets

Does not make dinner.

Sat down, got up, sat down again,

And then they ate all porridge.

Oh, Luli, Luli, Luli,

Ships sailed in the sea,

Nastya Kasha was brought.

Kehenka milk

For your beloved daughter.

Nastya, Rotik open,

Bashes sweet swallow.

And who is choking,

Mom with dad listens,

Grows strong

Healthy and beautiful.

Who is our favorite most?

Spoon the first mom,

And the second for whom?

Yes for your dad,

For whom the third spoon?

For a cheerful nesting

Eat for a woman

Eat for my grandfather

For the boy for a neighbor,

For girlfriends and friends

Eat more do not regret!

Eat for the holiday, noisy, bright,

For guests and for gifts

For the kitten, for the Timoshka

This little spoon

And for the red cat,

Here is a plate and empty!

Pan - Hitrulya

Slava Scharila's glory

The handkerchief covered.

And waiting, goes

Glory will come first?

Tili - Hour, Tili - Hour

here we have lunch now

We are taking care of the mother spoon,

We are missing for dad spoon,

For a dog and for the cat,

sparrow knocks in the window,

give a spoon and me ...

that ended the lunch.

Luli, Luli, Liena,

Flew gules,

Steel Guli say:

"How do we feed Mashenka?"

One will say: "Kashkoy",

Other - "Prostokvashko",

The third will say - "Milk,

And ruddy pie. "

Ai, Tu, Ai, Tu

Cook Cool,

Pull the milk,

Feed the Cossack.

Vanya, Vanyusha,

Pitch all you are boring.

Knock on a spoon

Touch the leg.

Slammer you are in your hands

And you pusher you cat.

Kitten in a cup

There were a lot of kashki.

Two tetteries flew

Two Tetteri Kashki ate.

And they shout with a kitten:

Rotosy you, rotos!

If you gave you porch,

need to eat it soon!

Went cat on the track,

Bought Masha shoes,

Went cat on Torzhok,

Bought cat cake,

Went cat on the street

Bought a cat bun.

Lee is there

Or to demolish Mashenka?

I and I bite

Yes, and Masha demolish.

Folk Songs, Fees

· "Oh, ladies-ladies, bake pancakes!";

· "Umnitsa, Katenka, eat Pokish Sweet ...";

· "I'm a Tanyushka cake to baked ...";

· "The grass-an ant from sleep rose ...";

· "Forty - forty";

· "Give, milk, stupid ..." (Czech folk song);

· "You are parasing, a cow, longer ..." (lit. Nar. Dog);

· "Excellent wheat" (Swedish Nar. Dog);

· "On the mill" (German nar. Dog);

· "Pie" (Hungarian)

Writers - Children

· "Who is more likely" S. Kaputichyan "

· "Hostess" V. Donnikova;

· "Pearls" Boyko;

· "Delicious porridge" 3. Alexandrova;

· "Three punishing" I. Frienders;

· "Masha lies" S. Kaputichyan;

· "ABC of Health" S. Volkov;

· "Alyonushka" E. Blaginina.

· "Fedorino Mountain"

· "Fly Tsokotukha"

· "Three Bears"

References used: pre-school education number 5/1991. and № 3/1991. Pre-school education number 5/2004.

1. Didactic game "Find a mistake"


Stroke Game: The tutor shows the toy and calls a deliberately wrong action that allegedly produces this animal. Children should answer, right or not, and then list the actions that this animal can actually make. For example: "The dog reads. Can a dog read? " Children answer: "No." What can a dog do? Children list. Then other animals are called.

2. Didactic game "Board Word"

Objectives:trying to clearly utter multi-line words loudly, develop auditory attention.

Stroke Game: The tutor says to the phrase, but does not negotiate the syllable in the last word. Children must finish this word.

Ra-Ra-Ra - the ig ....

Ry-Ry-Ry - Boy Sha ...

RO-RO - we have a new Veda ...

Ru-ru-ru - We continue ig ..

Re-re-re - worth the house on ...

Ri-Ri-Ri - on the branches of Snag ...

AR-AR-AR - Our owns ....

Ry-fish - children a lot of ...

3. Didactic game "It happens or not"

Objectives:learn to notice inconsistency in judgments, develop logical thinking.

Game traffic: The educator explains the rules of the game:

· I will tell the story in which you should notice what happens.

"In the summer, when the sun brightly shouted, the guys we went for a walk. Made from snowman snow and began to ride sleds. " "Spring has come. All birds flew into warm edges. The bear climbed into his Berlogue and decided to sleep all the spring ... ".

4. Didactic game "What time of year?"

Objectives:teach correlate the description of nature in verses or prose with a certain time of the year; Develop auditory attention, speed of thinking.

Stroke Game: Children sit on the bench. The educator sets the question "When it happens?" And reads text or riddle about different times of the year.

5. Didactic game "Where can I do?"

Objectives: Activation in the speech of verbs used in a certain situation.

Stroke Game: The teacher asks questions, children respond to them.

What can be done in the forest? ( Walk; collect berries, mushrooms; hunting; listen to bird singing; relax).

What can be done on the river? What do in the hospital?

6. Didactic game "What, what, what?"

Objectives:learn to select definitions corresponding to this example, phenomenon; Activate the words learned earlier.

Stroke Game: The educator calls some word, and playing in turn call as many signs as possible corresponding to this subject. Squirrel - redhead, smart, big, small, beautiful .....

Coat - Warm, winter, new, old ... ..

Mum - kind, affectionate, gentle, beloved, dear ...

House - Wooden, Stone, New, Panel ...

7. Didactic game "Finish Proposal"

Objectives:learning to complement offers by the word of the opposite value, develop attention.

Stroke Game: The educator begins the proposal, and the children finish it, only they say words with the opposite value.

Sugar sweet. And pepper - ... (bitter).

Summer leaves are green, and in the fall .... (Yellow).

The road is wide, and the path .... (narrow).

8. Didactic game "Learn, whose sheet"

Objectives:learn to recognize the plant on the sheet (call the plant on the sheet and find it in nature), develop attention.

Stroke Game: For a walk to collect fallen leaves from trees, shrubs. Show children, suggest learn from what tree and find similarities with not fallen leaves.

9. Didactic game "Guess what kind of plant"

Objectives:learning to describe the subject and recognize it in description, develop memory, attention.

Game traffic:The educator offers one child to describe the plant or make a riddle about it. Other children should guess what kind of plant.

10. Didactic game "Who am I?"

Objectives:learning to call a plant, develop memory, attention.

Stroke Game: The tutor quickly shows on the plant. The one who first calls the plant and its shape (tree, shrub, a grassy plant), gets a chip.

11. Didactic game "Who Who Who"

Objectives:secure animal knowledge, develop attention, memory.

Game traffic: The teacher calls the animal, and the children call the young in the only and plural. A child who will call the cub correctly gets a chip.

12. Didactic game "Who (what) flies?"

Objectives:secure knowledge about animals, insects, birds, develop attention, memory.

Game traffic:Children stand in a circle. The chosen child calls some object or animal, and raises both hands up and says: "flies."

When it is called the subject that flies, all the children raise both hands up and say "flies", if not, hands do not raise. If someone from children is mistaken, he comes out of the game.

13. Didactic game "What insect?"

Objectives:clarify and expand the ideas about the life of insects in the fall, to learn to describe insects according to characteristic features, to bring up a caring attitude to the whole living, develop attention.

Game traffic: Children are divided into 2 subgroups. One subgroup describes insect, and the other - must guess who it is. You can use riddles. Then another subgroup is asked his questions.

14. Didactic game "Hyperships"

Objectives:learning to find a tree by description, consolidate the ability to use in speech prepositions: for, about, before, near, because of, between, on;develop auditory attention.

Stroke Game: On the instructions of the teacher, some children hide behind trees and shrubs. The presenter according to the instructions of the teacher is looking for (find, who is hiding behind a high tree, low, thick, thin).

15. Didactic game "Who will call more actions?"

Objectives:learning to select verbs denoting actions, develop memory, attention.

Stroke Game: The teacher asks questions, children respond to verbs. For each right answer, children get a chip.

· What can be done with flowers? (tear, sniff, watch, water, give, plant)

· What makes the janitor? (sweeping, removes, watering, cleans tracks from snow)

· What can wind be done?

16. Didactic game "What happens?"

Objectives:learning to classify objects in color, shape, quality, material, compare, compare, select as many items suitable for this definition; Develop attention.

Game traffic:Tell me what happens:

green - cucumber, crocodile, leaf, apple, dress, tree….

wide - River, Road, Ribbon, Street ...

Wins one who will name more words.

17. Didactic game "What is this bird?"

Objectives:clarify and expand the ideas about the life of birds in the fall, to learn to describe birds according to characteristic features; develop memory; Rail a caring attitude towards birds.

Stroke Game: Children are divided into 2 subgroups. Children of one subgroup describe the bird, and the other should guess what kind of bird. You can use riddles. Then another subgroup is asked his questions.

18. Didactic game "Clean, we will go out"

Objectives:consolidate knowledge of garden and vegetable plants; The ability to call their signs, describe and find them in description, develop attention.

Stroke Game: Children describe any plant in the following order6 shape, painting, taste. The description should learn the plant.

19. The didactic game "happens - does not happen" (with the ball)

Objectives:develop memory, attention, thinking, fast reaction.

Stroke Game: The teacher utters the phrase and throws the ball, and children must quickly answer.

Snow in winter ... (happens) frost in summer ... (no)

In the summer ... (no) drops in the summer ... (no)

20. Didactic game "Third End" (Plants)

Objectives:secure the knowledge of children about the variety of plants, develop memory, speed of the reaction.

Stroke Game: The educator calls 3 plants (trees and shrubs), one of which is "superfluous." For example, maple, linden, lilac. Children should determine which of them "superfluous" and clap your hands.

(Maple, Lipa - Trees, Lilac - Shrub)

21. Didactic game "Game in Rights"

Objectives:expand the stock of nouns in the active dictionary.

Game traffic:Children sit on a bench. The teacher makes the riddles. The gaughty child comes out and his mystery itself. For guessing the riddles, he gets one chicken. Wins one who scores more chips.

22. Didactic game "Do you know ..."

Objectives:enrich the vocabulary of children by animal names, consolidate knowledge of models, develop memory, attention.

Stroke Game: You need to prepare chips in advance. The teacher lay out in the first row - images of animals, in the second - birds, in the third - fish, in the fourth - insects. Playing alternately call first beasts, then birds, etc. and lay out the trick in a row. Wins posted more chips.

23. Didactic game "When it happens?"

Objectives:secure the knowledge of children about parts of the day, develop speech, memory.

Stroke Game: The educator lays pictures depicting the life of children in kindergarten: Morning gymnastics, breakfast, classes, etc. Children choose themselves any picture, consider it. On the word "morning", all children raise a picture associated with the morning, and explain their choice. Then day, evening, night. For each right answer, children get a chip.

24. Didactic game "And what then?"

Objectives:consolidate knowledge of children about parts of the day, about children's activities at different times of the day; develop speech, memory.

Stroke Game: Children sit down semicircle. The educator explains the rules of the game:

· Remember, we talked about what we do in kindergarten during the whole day? And now we will play and find out whether you remember. We will tell about that. What we do in kindergarten from the morning. Who will be mistaken, sit down on the last chair, and everyone else will move.

You can enter a game such moment: the teacher sings the song "pebbles. Who to give? Who to give? That will answer. "

The educator begins: "We came to kindergarten. Played on the site. And what happened then? " Sends pechers to anyone from playing. He answers: "Delivered gymnastics" - "And then?" Transfers pechers to another child.

The game continues until the children call the last - home care.

Note. It is advisable to use a pebble or another subject, as it is not the one who wants, but the one to whom it will come. It makes all children be attentive and ready to answer.

25. Didactic game "When do you do it?"

Purpose:secure cultural and hygienic skills and knowledge of parts of the day, develop attention, memory, speech.

Games: The educator calls one child. Then it depicts some action, for example, my hands washes, brushing the teeth, cleans the shoes, combed and so on, and asks: "When do you do it?" If the child answers that brushes his teeth in the morning, the children correct: "in the morning and in the evening." In the role of the master can be one of the children.

26. Didactic game "Hold the word"

Objectives:teach children clearly utter multi-size words loudly, develop auditory attention.

Stroke Game: The teacher says words and invites children to clap his hands when they hear words in which there is a sound "s" (Komarik's song). (Bunny, mouse, cat, castle, goat, car, book, call)

The educator should pronounce the words slowly, after each word to pause, so that the children might think.

27. Didactic game "Tree, shrub, flower"

Objectives:secure the knowledge of plants, expand the horizons of children, develop speech, memory.

Stroke Game: The presenter utters the words "Tree, Shrub, Flower ..." and bypass children. Staying, he points to the child and considers to three, the child must quickly call what the presenter stopped. If the child did not have time or correctly called, he leaves the game. The game continues until one player remains.

28. Didactic game "Where is it growing?"

Objectives:learn to understand the processes occurring in nature; give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe appointment of plants; show the relationship of all living on Earth from the state of vegetation cover; Develop speech.

Stroke Game: The educator calls various plants and shrubs, and children choose only those that grow with us. If children grow clap your hands or jump in one place (you can choose anything), if not, silent.

Apple tree, pear, raspberries, mimosa, spruce, saksaul, sea buckthorn, birch, cherry, cherry, lemon, orange, linden, maple, baobab, mandarin.

If the children coped successfully, you can list the trees faster:

plum, aspen, chestnut, coffee. Rowan, Platan. Oak, cypress \\. Alycha, poplar, pine.

At the end of the game, the result is summarized who knows the most of all trees.

29. Didactic game "Who (what) will be?"

Purpose:develop speech activity, thinking.

Stroke Game: Children answer the question of an adult: "Who will be (or what will happen) ... Egg, chicken, boy, acorn, seed, cheek, caterpillar, flour, iron, brick, fabric, etc.?". If children come up with several options, for example, from eggs - chicken, duckling, chick, crocodile. Then they receive additional phantas.

Or the educator asks: "By whom he was before the chick (egg), bread (flour), a car (metal).

30. Didactic game "Summer or Autumn"

Purpose:consolidate knowledge of signs of autumn, differentiating them from signs of summer; develop memory, speech; Raising dexterity.

Stroke Game:

The educator and children stand in a circle.

Educator. If the leaves are yellowing - this is ... (and throws the ball to one of the children. The child catches the ball and says, throwing it back to the tutor: "Autumn").

Educator.If birds fly away - this ... .. etc.

31. Didactic game "Be attentive"

Purpose: Differentiation of winter and summer clothes; develop auditory attention, speech hearing; An increase in the vocabulary stock.

Carefully listen to the poems on clothes, to then list all the names that will meet in these verses. Name first summer. And then winter.

32. Didactic game "Take - not to take"

Purpose:differentiation of forest and garden berries; an increase in the vocabulary of the "berry"; Develop auditory attention.

Stroke Game: Children stand in a circle. The educator explains that the name of forest and garden berries will be pronounced. If children will hear the name of the forest berries, they must sit down and if they hear the name of the garden, stretch, raising their hands up.

Strawberry, blackberry, gooseberry, cranberries, red currant, strawberry, black currant, lingonberry, raspberry.

33. Didactic game "What is planting in the garden / garden?"

Purpose: Learning to classify items according to certain features (at the place of their growth, according to their use); develop the speed of thinking
humor attention.

Stroke Game: Children, do you know what is planted in the garden? Let's play such a game: I will call different items, and you listen carefully. If I call what is planted in the garden, you will reply "yes", if the fact that in the garden does not grow, you will say "no." Who will be mistaken, he comes out of the game.

· Carrot (yes), cucumber (yes), plum (no), beet (yes), etc.

· Cherry (yes), gooseberry (yes), potatoes (no), etc.

34. Didactic game "Who will most likely gather?"

Purpose:teach children to group vegetables and fruits; Relieve the speed of the reaction to the words of the educator, exposure and discipline.

Stroke Game: Children are divided into two brigades: "gardeners" and "gardeners". On the ground is lying to vegetables and fruits and two baskets. At the command of the teacher, the brigades begin to collect vegetables and fruits each in their basket. Who collected first, raises the basket up and is considered the winner.

35. Didactic game "Who needs you?"

Purpose:exercise in classification of objects, the ability to call things necessary to people a certain profession; Develop attention.

Educator: -Let's remember what you need to work for people of different professions. I will call a profession, and you say that he needs to work.

The educator calls a profession, children say that you need to work. And then in the second part of the game the teacher calls the subject, and the children say, for which profession it can come in handy.

36. Didactic game "not mistaken"

Purpose: consolidate the knowledge of children about different sports, develop resourcefulness, intelligence, attention; To raise a desire to play sports.

Stroke Game: The tutor lays the cut pictures with a picture of various sports: football, hockey, volleyball, gymnastics, rowing. In the middle of the picture athlete, you need to pick it up everything you need to play.

According to this principle, you can make the game in which children will pick up the tools of labor to various professions. During the year, they get acquainted with the professions during the year: cook, janitor, postman, builder, seller, doctor, teacher, tractor driver, locksmith, etc. They select images of the subjects of their labor.

37. Didactic game "Guess - Ka!"

Purpose:learning to describe the subject without looking at it, to allocate essential signs in it, to recognize the subject; Develop memory, speech.

Stroke Game: According to the tutor, the child who received a chip rises and makes a description of any subject, and then transmits the chip to the one who will guess. Gaying, the child describes his subject, transmits the following chip, etc.

38. Didactic game "Finish Proposal"


Stroke Game

Sugar sweet, and pepper - ... (bitter)



The ice is thin, and the trunk - ... ( fat)

39. Didactic game "Where is what lies?"

Purpose:learn to allocate from a group of words, from the speech flow of the word with this sound; consolidate the correct pronunciation of certain sounds in words; Develop attention.

Stroke Game: The educator calls the subject and offers children to answer where it can be put. For example:

- "Mom brought bread and put it in ... (Binztsy).

· Masha poured sugar ... where? ( In Sugranitsa)

· Vova washed his hands and put soap ... where? ( In soapy)

40. Didactic game "Catch up your shadow"

Purpose:become acquainted with the concept of light and shadow; Develop speech.

Stroke Game: Educator: Who gods a riddle?

I go - she goes

I stand - she stands,

Break - she runs. Shadow

On a sunny day, if you put face, back or sideways to the sun, then a dark spot will appear on Earth, this is your reflection, it is called a shadow. The sun sends his rays to the ground, they spread in all directions. Standing in the light, you close the way to the sun rays, they light you, but your shadow falls on the ground. Where else is the shadow? What does it look like? Catch shadow. Dance with shadow.

41. Didactic game "Finish Proposal"

Purpose:learn to complement the proposals by the word of the opposite value; Develop memory, speech.

Stroke Game: The educator begins the proposal, and the children finish it, they only speak opposing words about the meaning of the word.

Sugar sweet, and pepper - ... (bitter)

Summer leaves are green, and in the fall - ... .. (yellow)

The road is wide, and the path - ... ( narrow)

42. Didactic game "Who has some color?"

Purpose:teach children to learn colors, consolidate the ability to define objects in color, develop speech, attention.

Stroke Game: The tutor shows, for example, a green square of paper. Children are not called color, but the subject of the same color: grass, sweater, hat, etc.

43. Didactic game "What item"

Purpose:learning to classify items on a specific feature (value, color, form), consolidate the knowledge of children about the value of the items; Develop the speed of thinking.

Stroke Game: Children sit in a circle. The teacher says:

· We are in class and walks have seen many different items. Now I will call one word, and you will be listed which items can be called in one word.

· Long, "says the teacher and transfers his neighbor.

· Dress, rope, day, fur coat, - recall children.

· Wide, - suggests the teacher the next word.

Children call: road, street, river, ribbon, etc.

It also takes the game to improve the ability of children to classify objects in color, form. The teacher says:

· Red.

Children in turn answers: berry, ball, check box, asterisk, car, etc.

Round ( ball, sun, apple, wheel, etc.).

44. Didactic game "What can the beasts do?"

Purpose:learn to create a wide variety of verbal combinations; expand into consciousness the semantic content of the word; develop memory.

Stroke Game: Children turn into "beasts". Everyone must tell you what he can do what is powered by how moving. Those who told correctly receives a picture of the animal.

· I am a red squirrel. I jump from the branch on the branch. For the winter I make supplies: I collect nuts, land mushrooms.

  • I am a dog, a cat, a bear, fish, etc.

45. Didactic game "Come to another word"

Purpose:expand words knowledge; Develop attention.

Stroke Game: The educator says "come up with one word other, similar. You can say: a bottle of milk, and you can say a dairy bottle. " Kerissel from cranberries (cranberry kissel); Vegetable soup ( vegetable soup); Potato puree ( mashed potatoes).

46. \u200b\u200bDidactic game "Pick up similar words"

Purpose: Teach children clearly uttering multiplid words loudly; Develop memory attention.

Stroke Game: The tutor says the words close to sound: a spoon - a cat, ears - guns. Then he utters one word and invites children to choose others to him, close on the sound: a spoon ( cat, leg, window), a gun ( mushka, Drying, Cuckoo), bunny ( boy, finger) etc.

47. Didactic game "Who will remember more?"

Purpose:enrich the dictionary of children verbs denoting the actions of objects; Develop memory, speech.

Stroke Game: Carlson asks to look at the pictures and tell you what they do, what else can do.

Blizzard - team, Love, PURIT.

Rain - pours, heats, puts up, dripping, begins, shears,

Crow- flies, squabbles, sits, eats, sitting on, drinking, viet, t. d.

48. Didactic game "What else do you say?"

Purpose:consolidate and clarify the value of multivalued words; To bring up sensitive attitude to the combination of words in meaning, develop speech.

Stroke Game: Tell Carlson, what else can I say so:

It's raining: goes - snow, winter, boy, dog, smoke.

Plays - girl, radio, …

Gorky - pepper, medicine, .. etc.

49. Didactic game "Invent myself"

Purpose:learn to see in various subjects possible deputies for other items suitable for a particular game; To form the ability to use the same subject as the deputy of other items and vice versa; Develop speech, imagination.

Stroke Game: The educator suggests choosing to choose each child one subject (cube, bump, leaf, pebbles, strip paper, cover) and fantasize: "How can I play these objects?" Each child calls the subject to which it looks like and how can you play with him.

50. Didactic game "Who hears what?"

Purpose:learn children to designate and call the sounds of sounds (rings, rustle, plays, cracking, etc.); raise auditory attention; Develop spout, exposure.

Stroke Game: On the table, the teacher has various items, with the action of which the sound is published: the bell rings; rustling a book that leaf; Plays a doodie, piano, husli, etc., i.e., all that is sounding in a group can be used in the game.

One child is invited for the screen, which plays there, for example, on a swivel. Children, having heard the sound, guess, and the one who played, coming out because of the screen with a swirrel in his hands. The guys are convinced that they were not mistaken. Another child selected by the first participant of the game will play with another tool. He, for example, leafs the book. Children guess. If it is difficult to answer immediately, the educator asks to repeat the action, and listen to all playing attentively. "The book leafs, the leaves are rustling" - children guess. Because of the screen, the player comes out and shows how he acted.

This game can be done on a walk. The educator draws attention to the guys on the sounds: the tractor works, the birds sing, the car will signal, the leaves will be rustling, etc.



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Objectives:secure animal knowledge, develop attention, memory.

Game traffic: The teacher calls the animal, and the children call the young in the only and plural. A child who will call the cub correctly gets a chip.

Didactic game "Who (what) flies?"

Objectives:secure knowledge about animals, insects, birds, develop attention, memory.

Game traffic:Children stand in a circle. The chosen child calls some object or animal, and raises both hands up and says: "flies."

When it is called the subject that flies, all the children raise both hands up and say "flies", if not, hands do not raise. If someone from children is mistaken, he comes out of the game.

Didactic game "What insect?"

Objectives:clarify and expand the ideas about the life of insects in the fall, to learn to describe insects according to characteristic features, to bring up a caring attitude to the whole living, develop attention.

Game traffic: Children are divided into 2 subgroups. One subgroup describes insect, and the other - must guess who it is. You can use riddles. Then another subgroup is asked his questions.

Didactic game "Hyperships"

Objectives:learning to find a tree by description, consolidate the ability to use in speech prepositions: for, about, before, near, because of, between, on;develop auditory attention.

Stroke Game: On the instructions of the teacher, some children hide behind trees and shrubs. The presenter according to the instructions of the teacher is looking for (find, who is hiding behind a high tree, low, thick, thin).

Didactic game "Who will call more actions?"

Objectives:learning to select verbs denoting actions, develop memory, attention.

Stroke Game: The teacher asks questions, children respond to verbs. For each right answer, children get a chip.

- What can be done with flowers? (tear, sniff, watch, water, give, plant)

- What makes the janitor? (sweeping, removes, watering, cleans tracks from snow)

Didactic game "What happens?"

Objectives:learning to classify objects in color, form, quality, material, compare, compare, select as many items suitable for this definition; develop attention.

Game traffic:Tell me what happens:

green - cucumber, crocodile, leaf, apple, dress, tree….

wide - River, Road, Ribbon, Street ...

Wins one who will name more words.

Didactic game "What is this bird?"

Objectives:clarify and expand the ideas about the life of birds in the fall, to learn to describe birds according to characteristic features; develop memory; Rail a caring attitude towards birds.

Stroke Game: Children are divided into 2 subgroups. Children of one subgroup describe the bird, and the other should guess what kind of bird. You can use riddles. Then another subgroup is asked his questions.

Didactic game "Clean, we guess"

Objectives:consolidate knowledge of garden and vegetable plants; The ability to call their signs, describe and find them in description, develop attention.

Stroke Game: Children describe any plant in the following order6 shape, painting, taste. The description should learn the plant.

Didactic game "happens - not happens" (with the ball)

Objectives:develop memory, attention, thinking, fast reaction.

Stroke Game: The teacher utters the phrase and throws the ball, and children must quickly answer.

Snow in winter ... (happens) frost in summer ... (no)

In the summer ... (no) drops in the summer ... (no)

Didactic game "Third Extra" (plants)

Objectives:secure the knowledge of children about the variety of plants, develop memory, speed of the reaction.

Stroke Game: The educator calls 3 plants (trees and shrubs), one of which is "superfluous." For example, maple, linden, lilac. Children should determine which of them "superfluous" and clap your hands.

(Maple, Lipa - Trees, Lilac - Shrub)