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When Soviet troops entered Afghanistan year. Entering Soviet troops in Afghanistan - the beginning of the end


Afghan War 1979-1989. - Armed conflict between the Afghan government and allied troops of the USSR, who sought to preserve the prommunist regime in Afghanistan, on the one hand, and the Muslim Afghan resistance on the other.

Of course, this period is not the most positive in the history of the USSR, but I wanted to open a small curtain in this war, namely, the causes and main tasks for the USSR to eliminate military conflict in Afghanistan.

Cause of military action

The main cause of the war was foreign interference with the Afghan intra-political crisis, which was a consequence of the struggle for power between the Government of Afghanistan and the numerous armed formations of Afghan Mujahidees (Dushmanov), using the political and financial support of the leading NATO states and the Islamic world, on the other hand.

The internal political crisis in Afghanistan was the "April Revolution" - events in Afghanistan on April 27, 1978, the result of which was the establishment of the Marxist Provika government in the country.

As a result of the April Revolution, the People's Democratic Party of Afghanistan (NDPA) came to power, the leader of which was in 1978. Nur Mohammad Taraki (was killed by order of Hafizule Amina), and then Hafizule Amine until December 1979, who proclaimed the country of the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan (DR).

Attempts by the country's leadership to hold new reforms that would allow the lag behind Afghanistan, came across the resistance of the Islamic opposition. In 1978, even before the introduction of Soviet troops, civil war began in Afghanistan.

Without using solid support in the people, the new government brutally suppressed the inner opposition. Unrest in the country and distributed between supporters of "Chalk" and "Parchas" (NDPA was broken for these two parts), taking into account geopolitical considerations (preventing the strengthening of the US influence in Central Asia and the protection of the Central Asian republics) pushed the Soviet leadership for entering in December 1979 . Forces to Afghanistan under the pretext of providing international assistance. The commissioning of the Soviet troops into the territory of Afghanistan began on the basis of the decision of the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee, without a formal decision regarding the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.

In March 1979, during an insurgency in the city of Herat, the first request of the Afghan leadership about the direct Soviet military intervention was followed. But the Commission of the Central Committee of the CPSU in Afghanistan reported to the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee on the evidence of the negative consequences of direct Soviet intervention, and the request was rejected.

However, the heratian rebellion made strengthening the Soviet troops from the Soviet-Afghan border and, by order of the Minister of Defense, D. F. Ustinova began preparations for the possible landing in Afghanistan landing method of the 105th Guards Airborne Division. The number of Soviet advisors (including military) in Afghanistan was dramatically increased: from 409 people in January to 4500 by the end of June 1979.

The USSR intervening was the help of the USA Mujaughches. According to the official version of the story, the Help of the CIA Mujahedam began during the 1980s, that is, after the Soviet Army invaded Afghanistan on December 24, 1979. But the reality that kept secret to today is different: In fact, President Carter signed the first directive on secret assistance to opponents of the Soviet regime in Kabul on July 3, 1979.

On December 25, 1979, the commissioning of Soviet troops in Afghanistan in three directions began: Cookka - Shindad - Kandahar, Termez - Kunduz - Kabul, Khorog - Firebad.

The participation of the Soviet troops in hostilities in the territory of Afghanistan did not provide for the Directive, the procedure for the use of weapons even was determined for the purpose of self-defense. True, on December 27, the order of D. F. Ustinova appeared on the suppression of the resistance of the rebels in cases of attack. It was assumed that the Soviet troops will become garrisons and take an important industrial and other objects under protection, thereby freeing up the part of the Afghan army for active actions against opposition detachments, as well as against possible external intervention. The border with Afghanistan was ordered to go at 15:00 Moscow time (17.00 Kabulsky) on December 27, 1979. But still on the morning of December 25, the 4th battalion of the 56th Guards arrant-assault brigade, which set the task of seizing the high-mountainous passage of Salang on the road Termez - Kabul to ensure the unhindered passage of the Soviet troops to ensure the unobstructed passage of the Soviet troops to ensure the smoke of Soviet troops to ensure the smoke of Soviet troops to ensure the unhindered passage of Soviet troops. On the same day, the transit of parts of the 103rd Guards VD on the airfields of Kabul and Bagram began. Paradneers of the 350 Guards Parachute Regiment under the command of Lieutenant Colonel G.I. landed at Kabul's airfield. Shpak.

The landing landed at the airfields of Kabul, Bagram, Kandahar. The input of troops is not easy; During the seizure of the Presidential Palace in Kabul, the President of Afghanistan Hafizule Amin died. The Muslim population did not accept the Soviet presence, and in the northeastern provinces a rebellion broke out, spreading to the whole country.

On December 25, 1979, at 15.00, in the Kabulian direction, he began crossing the pontoon bridge through Amu Darya and the Marsh to Kabul Motostreve Division Turkvo, deployed in a thermomese. At the same time, the border was crossed by the aircraft of the BTA with the personnel and military equipment of the airborne division, which landing method was landing at the Kabul airfield.

1. A brief description of the forces that came to power in April 1978. Events preceding the entry of Soviet troops in Afghanistan.

Nine years, one month and eighteen days ... It was so much "Afghan War" continued. The war, which became the "swan song" of the Soviet Army and the Soviet Union.

The war, which carved 14,427 lives, through which 620 thousand people passed and which became one of the powerful prerequisites for a fundamental change in the geopolitical situation in the world.

What events preceded the introduction of Soviet troops to Afghanistan? Was it vital for our country or was it a clear water of the adventure?

Soviet troops were introduced into Afghanistan after repeated requests for the leadership of the People's Democratic Party of Afghanistan, who had fallen from the steering wheel as a result of an unexpected state coup for the USSR in April 1978. But even then the NDPA party did not imagine the whole whole, and consisted of two opposing factions - "Chalk" ("People") and "Parchs" ("Banner). The fraction's separation occurred almost immediately after the formation of the party in 1965. The Chalk faction adhered to the class principle of admission to the party, stood on the radical-left political positions, put his main task "Establishment of National Democracy", "the decision of the land issue in favor of landless and small-earth peasants with the general participation in this process of all the peasantry." The head of the Chalk faction Nur Muhammad Taraki, who later, at the head of Afghanistan, considered the Avangard's Avangard, not believable with the fact that in Afghanistan working class, if attended, then amounted to a very small part of the Afghan society. In such conditions, the ideological work of "Chalkists" was aimed primarily on the democratic intelligentsia and officer composition of the Afghan army. Ultimately, "Chalkists" wanted to build a socialist society in Afghanistan.

"Parchas" stood on a more moderate position, offered to take into a party on the basis of not from the class principle, but from the desire of a person to work. They themselves considered the most prepared revolutionary, "Marxists-Leninists". The ultimate Council The purpose of the Democratic Society in Afghanistan; To do this, they assumed to widely use the methods of parliamentary struggle, based on the intelligentsia, civil servants, the military, considering these layers the most real strength, with the help of which they could achieve their goals.

It should be noted that at that time (in the late 1960s-early 1970s) of the Soviet Union was not interested in the fundamental change in the State Device of Afghanistan. At that time, in Kabul there was a strong central government, personified by King Zahir Shah. Afghanistan was traditionally friendly to our country. Soviet specialists took an active part in the construction of the Afghan economy, in teaching their own Afghan personnel. Under the leadership of specialists from the USSR was built in 1964 the famous tunnel Salang, which allowed the shortest way to tie Kabul with the northern provinces of the country. Under the strong power of the king, all numerous tribes of Afghanistan lived peacefully and did not conflict among themselves.

In July 1973, there was an antimonarchic coup in Afghanistan, which headed the cousin of Zahir-Shaha - Mohammad Daoud, who personified the moderately nationalistic "third force", which was standing between traditional Islamic forces and NDPA.

Already in August 1973, armed performances of Afghanistan Islamic-monarchic device were organized, as announced, Pakistani military and political circles. Since then, the speeches of opponents of Dauda began to grow.

In April 1978, a coup in the country occurred, the cause of which was the contradiction between the leadership of Afghanistan and NDPA, who claimed power. On April 25, by decree, M. Dauda were arrested by the highest leaders of the Central Committee of the NDPA, including Nur Muhammad Taraki and Babraki Karmal. The reason for arrest was the accusation of NDPA leaders in violation of the Constitution, which prohibited the activities of any political parties. And already at 9 am on April 27, mass performances began, headed by the heads of NDPA remaining at the freedom, including Hafizule Amin. Already at 17.30, the arrested leaders of NDPA were released from prisons. With the assault of the Palace, M. Dauda, \u200b\u200bthe reserved servicemen, he and his family members were killed. April 30, Afghanistan was proclaimed by the Democratic Republic, and on May 1, a new government was appointed, which consisted of 20 ministers.

Such a development of events was actually a surprise for the Soviet leadership. which turned out to be not ready for such a rapid development of events. Yes, and the NDPA itself, tormented by internal contradictions, was not suitable for the role of the leadership and guiding forces of the Afghan society, which, while under the influence of Islamic religious and secular authorities, was not prone to immediately start the launching of the established traditional foundations. Moreover, having come to power, the new leadership of Afghanistan, headed by Chalkist Taraki, immediately began the root restructuring of all spheres of Afghan society. For example, major landowners were withdrawn surplus land, a land tenure limit was established - 6 hectares. Poor peasants were freed from debt bonders. 296 thousand families were endowed with land due to the withdrawal of land in rich landowners. However, landless peasants with caution and carefully accepted such "gifts" from the new government, because in the Afghan society, traditional foundations were strong, according to which the poor could not qualify for the wealth of the property, "for as many as an" Inshalla ")."

Another major miscalculation of the new government was the proclamation of the "South uprising" - "April" in one of the official languages \u200b\u200bof Afghanistan) "the proletarian revolution, part of the global proletarian revolution." And this is in the country where there were only about 100 thousand low-skilled workers for 16 million people. Most likely, the statements about the proletarian nature of the revolution were made on the comprehensive assistance of the USSR. Considering the general positive responses of the population on the overthrow of Dauda as approving its coming to power, NDPA began sharp socio-economic reforms, directly affected by the interests of a fairly wide layer of the Afghan society. In relation to the farmers, the new authorities began to behave arrogantly, completely ignoring the traditions and the foundations that have developed in the actual closed cell - the Afghan village. Thus, they provoked a massive influx of the Afghan peasantry in the ranks of the political and armed opposition, the first detachments of which began at the time of the reign of Dauda. In addition, the anti-religious policy of the new authorities (for example, on the first day of the new government, over 20 Mulle was shot only in the first day of Kabul), did not contribute to mutual understanding between the Communist atheists and the deep-religious Afghan people. All this led to the fact that in July-September 1978, anti-government performances were sharply intensified. This is due to a sharp increase in the financing of the intrafganic anti-government groups of the Islamic focus on the part of such international Islamist groups as "Muslim Brothers".

By the beginning of the summer of 1979, the military-political situation in Afghanistan sharply aggravated. Almost all the eastern province of Paktya controlled the detachments of the opposition, the rebellion of the Afghan regular army broke out in the garrisons. The Afghan leadership in the current situation was incapable of its own by its own, without having a combat-ready army and not using the support of the masses to stop the large-scale Natisk from the outside of major armed groups funded from abroad.

Since the spring of 1979, the Afghan leadership has repeatedly appealed to the USSR on the direction of a limited military contingent in Afghanistan to help reflect the external and internal "counter-revolution". Such appeals are 14. Here are some of the appeals:

"June 16. To send Soviet crews on tanks and BMP to protect government, airfields Bagram and Shindand.

But the Soviet leadership repeatedly refused.

However, the opinion of the Soviet leadership has changed dramatically in September 1979, when one of the leaders of the NDPA, the Prime Minister Hafizulla Amin eliminated President Nur Muhammad Taraki. The sacrificing was intrapartling flavored with a new force, which threatened the instability on the southern borders of the USSR. In addition, in foreign policy, Amin was increasingly inclined towards West and the United States. Yes, and the domestic political situation in Afghanistan sharply aggravated due to the fact that Amin began cruel political repression against "Parchamists". It was necessary to take the situation in Afghanistan under control. After a comprehensive study of the situation around Afghanistan, the Higher Soviet leadership decided to eliminate the amine, to put a more predictable leader and introduce troops to provide moral support to the Afghan people. The political decision on the commissioning of the troops was made on December 12, 1979 in the office of the Secretary General of the Central Committee of the CPSU L.I.Besnev. However, according to the leadership of the General Staff of the USSR, the USSR input to Afghanistan would lead to an increase in the rebellious movement, which, first of all, it would be directed against the Soviet troops (which subsequently happened). But no one listened to the opinion of the military.

2. Enter troops. Tasks originally stood before Oxv.

On December 25, 1979, at 15.00, in the Kabulian direction, he began crossing the pontoon bridge through Amu Darya and the Marsh to Kabul Motostreve Division Turkvo, deployed in a thermomese. At the same time, the border was crossed by the BTA aircraft with a personnel and military equipment of the airborne division, which landing method was landing at the Kabul airfield (from the certificate of the General Staff of the USSR's armed forces "to the question of the circumstances of the input of Soviet troops in Afghanistan).

On December 27, 1979, the special unit of the KGB of the USSR "A" (the famous Alpha), led by Colonel Boyarian, who died during this storming began an operation on the storm of the Palace of H. Amama, as a result of which the latter was eliminated. At this time, Soviet divisions have already crossed the border. On December 28, 1979, the situation in Kabul was fully controlled by Soviet troops. On this day, Babrak Karmal, who "on the armor" of Soviet tanks returned to the Triumphance from the "Honorary Link" from Czechoslovakia, spoke on the radio with the appeal to the Afghan people. Now he, a member of the "Parchs" faction, became the new ruler of Afghanistan.

Until January 1, 1980, about 50 thousand servicemen were introduced into Afghanistan, namely: two airborne and two motorized rifle divisions, security divisions). One motorized rifle division by a number of 12 thousand people was part of Afghanistan in the direction of Cook, Kandahar, the main forces - in the direction of thermez, Salang Pass on Bagram and Kabul.

In January 1980, two more motorized rifle divisions were introduced into Afghanistan. The total number of troops amounted to 80 thousand people. The first commander of the 40th army, which was the backbone of a limited contingent of Soviet troops was Colonel-General Yuri Tukharinov.

By mid-January 1980, the commission of the main forces of the 40th Army in Afghanistan was mainly completed. Three divisions were concentrated on the territory of Afghanistan (motorized rifle - 2, airborne - 1), a landing assault brigade, two separate shelf. Subsequently, the combat composition of the OCSV was specified, the re-formation of some parts was carried out in order to enhance them. Finally, the OCCV included:

4 divisions (motorized rifle - 3, airborne - 1),

5 separate brigades (motorized rifle - 2, landing assault - 1, Special forces -1)

4 separate shelf (motorized rifle - 2, parachute - 1, artillery - 1)

4 Combat Aviation Regiment

3 helicopter regiment.

1 Pipeline Brigade

1 brigade of material support.

Be that as it may, but for peacetime, such an unprecedented transmission of troops has passed as a whole successfully, without serious overlays.

As the initial combat missions facing the Soviet troops, were: the protection of the main transport highways (Cook Herat-Shindand-Kandahar; Termez Kabul; Kabul-Jalalabad; Kunduz Firebad); Protection of objects of economic infrastructure of Afghanistan, ensuring safe wiring columns with nationality cargo. But the situation made substantial adjustments to these tasks ...

The conflict grew a huge pace. And in early December 1979, the authorities decided to enter the Soviet troops, allegedly, based on contractual relations providing for good neighborhood and mutual assistance. The official reason for making such a decision was the desire to help the friendly people. But was it really possible? The Soviet leadership feared that the arrival of Islamic radicals to power with the anti-Soviet attitude would lead to a complete loss of control over the southern borders. Also, the fear caused Pakistan, whose political regime at that time was largely supervised by the US authorities. In this way, the territory of Afghanistan served as a "layer" between the USSR and Pakistan. And the loss of control over the Afghan territory could provoke a serious weakening of state borders. That is, a friendly mutual assistance was just a cover, under which the Soviet government skillfully hid the true motive of his actions.

On December 25, Soviet troops entered the Afghan territory, initially it was small divisions. No one assumed that hostilities would drag on the decade. In addition to military support, management pursued the goal to eliminate the amine - the leader of the LDPA actor at that time and replace him with a karmal that was close to the Soviet regime. Thus, the Soviet authorities planned to completely return control over the Afghan territory.

On December 25, 1979, the commissioning of a limited contingent of Soviet troops in the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan began.

This undeclared war that lasted 9 years, 1 month and 19 days, to this day, remains an unknown war despite numerous published books of participants memories, the events of war, veteran sites, etc., are described. If you compare how much you know about a three-year-old domestic War of 1812 and a four-year-old Great Patriotic War, then we can say that we do not know almost anything about the Afghan war. The image of a ten-year "campaign" in the consciousness of people, filmmakers and journalists is not at all clear, and after 33 years later, they repeat all the same stamps about the "meaningless bloody war", about the "mountains of corpses" and "blood rivers", about numerous, Crazy from these "blood rivers", veterans, which then sprinkled or became gangsters.

Some young people seeing Oxawa's abbreviation, think that this is a stupid tattooker made a mistake in the word "Moscow". I was 16 years old when this strange war began, and in a year - the end of the school and, or entry into the institute, or the army. And me and my comrades I really didn't want to get into this very oxv in Afghan, where the first zinc coffins were already started! Although some roarless themselves rushed there ...

And so, how it all began ...

The decision on the introduction of Soviet troops to Afghanistan was made on December 12, 1979 at the meeting of the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee and is issued by the secret decree of the CPSU Central Committee. The official goal of input was to prevent the threat of foreign military intervention. As a formal foundation, the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee used repeated requests for the leadership of Afghanistan on the introduction of Soviet troops.

In this conflict, the Armed Forces of the Government of the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan (DR) on the one hand and armed opposition (Mujahideen, or Dushman) were participated on the other hand. The struggle was carried out for full political control over the territory of Afghanistan. Military specialists of the United States, a number of European countries - NATO member countries, as well as Pakistani special services, provided dubbanam during the conflict.

December 25, 1979in 15-00, the commissioning of Soviet troops in the DRA in three directions began: a coupie - Shindand - Kandahar, Termez - Kunduz - Kabul, Khorog - Firebad. The landing landed at the airfields of Kabul, Bagram, Kandahar. On December 27, SpecialGroups of the KGB "Zenit", "Thunder" and "Muslim battalion" of special forces of GRU stormed the Palace of Taj Beck. During the battle, Afghanistan President Amin was killed. On the night of December 28, the 108th motorized rifle division entered Kabul, taking control of all the most important objects of the capital.

The composition of the Soviet contingent was: managing the 40th army with parts of security and service, divisions - 4, individual brigades - 5, individual regiments - 4, military aviation regiments - 4, helicopter regiments - 3, pipeline brigade - 1, brigade of material support - 1. And also, the units of the airborne troops of the USSR MO, parts and units of the GRS GS, the apparatus of the main military adviser. In addition to the compounds and parts of the Soviet Army in Afghanistan, there were separate units of the border troops, the KGB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR.

December 29 "True" publishes "Appeal of the Government of Afghanistan": "The Government of the DRA, taking into account the expanding interference and provocation of the external enemies of Afghanistan to protect the conquests of the April Revolution, territorial integrity, national independence and maintenance of peace and security, based on the Friendship Treaty, Good neighborliness of December 5, 1978, appealed to the USSR with an urgent request to provide urgent political, moral, economic assistance, including military assistance with which the Government of Dra had repeatedly appealed to the Government of the Soviet Union. The government of the Soviet Union satisfied the request of the Afghan side. "

Soviet troops in Afghanistan guarded roads, objects of Soviet-Afghan economic cooperation (gas production, power station, plant of nitrogen fertilizers in the city of Mazar-Sharif, etc.). Provided the functioning of airfields in major cities. Associated strengthening authorities in 21 provincial center. Conducted columns with military and nationality shipments for their needs and in the interests of the DR.

The stay of the Soviet troops in Afghanistan and their combat activities are conditionally divided into four stages.

1st stage:december 1979 - February 1980. Introduction of Soviet troops in Afghanistan, placement of their garrisons, the organization of the protection of deployment points and various objects.

2nd stage: March 1980 - April 1985. Maintaining active hostilities, including large-scale, together with Afghan compounds and parts. Work on the reorganization and strengthening of the Armed Forces of the DR.

3rd stage: May 1985 - December 1986 Transition from active hostilities mainly to supporting the actions of the Afghan troops by Soviet aviation, artillery and sperm units. The special purpose divisions conducted the struggle to curb the delivery of weapons and ammunition from abroad. The withdrawal of six Soviet regiments at home was held.

4th stage: January 1987 - February 1989. The participation of Soviet troops in the Afghan leadership of National Reconciliation Policy. Continuing to support the fighting activities of the Afghan troops. Preparation of Soviet troops to return to the homeland and the implementation of their full conclusion.

On April 14, 1988, under the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Afghanistan and Pakistan, Geneva Associations on the political settlement of the situation around the situation in the DRA were signed by UN Secondary Foreign Affairs of Afghanistan and Pakistan. The Soviet Union pledged to bring its contingent at 9 months, starting from May 15; The United States and Pakistan, for their part, should have stopped supporting the Mujahideen.

In accordance with the agreements, the conclusion of the Soviet troops from the territory of Afghanistan began on May 15, 1988.

February 15, 1989 From Afghanistan, Soviet troops are fully bred. The conclusion of the 40th army's troops was led by the last commander of a limited contingent Lieutenant General Boris Gromov.

Losses: according to refined data, in just war, the Soviet army lost 14 thousand. 427 people, the KGB - 576 people, the Ministry of Internal Affairs - 28 people died and missing. Wounded, contuge, injured - more than 53 thousand people. The exact number of those killed in the Afghan war is unknown. Available estimates range from 1 to 2 million people.

Website materials are used: and and photos from open sources of the Internet.

When in December 1979, Soviet troops entered Afghanistan to support the friendly communist regime, no one could have thought that the war would stretch for a long ten years and in the end "Wobit" the last nail "in the coffin cover" of the USSR. Today, this war is trying to present this war in the villain of the Kremlin elders or the result of the world conspiracy. However, we will try to rely only on the facts.

According to modern data, the loss of the Soviet Army in the Afghan war amounted to 14,427 people died and missing. In addition, 180 advisers and 584 specialists of other departments were killed. Conturately, wounded or injured more than 53 thousand people were injured.

Cargo "200"

The exact number of those killed in the Afghan war is unknown. Most often found a figure of 1 million dead; The evaluations fluctuate from 670 thousand civilians to 2 million in general. According to the Harvard professor M. Kramer, an American researcher of the Afghan War: "For nine years of war, more than 2.7 million Afghans were killed or crumpled (mostly civilians), several more million were in the ranks of refugees, many of whom left the country" . A clear separation of victims on the soldiers of the government army, the Mujahidees and civilians, apparently, does not exist.

The terrible consequences of war

For courage and heroism, which manifested during the war in Afghanistan, more than 200 thousand military personnel were awarded orders and medals (11 thousand awarded posthumously), 86 people were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union (28 posthumously). Among the awarded 110 thousand soldiers and sergeants, about 20 thousand ensigns, more than 65 thousand officers and generals, more than 2.5 thousand employees of CA, including 1350 women.

Group of Soviet servicemen awarded by government awards

For the entire period of hostilities in the Afghan captivity, 417 servicemen visited, 130 of which during the war were released and were able to return to their homeland. As of January 1, 1999, 287 people remained from the captive and not returned.

Packed Soviet soldier

For nine years of war peffects and weapons made up: plaine.tOV - 118 (in the Air Force 107); Helicopters - 333 (in the Air Force 324); tanks - 147; BMP, BTR, BMD, BRDM - 1314; guns and mortars - 433; radio stations and CSM - 1138; engineering machines - 510; Car on-board and tank trucks - 11,369.

Burned Soviet tank

The government in Kabul was all the time of war depending on the USSR, which in the period from 1978 to the beginning of the 1990s gave him military assistance in the amount of about $ 40 billion. In the meantime, the rebels tied contacts with Pakistan and the United States, and also received extensive support from The parties of Saudi Arabia, China and a number of other states, which in the aggregate allocated to the Muzhadam weapons and other military equipment in the amount of about $ 10 billion.

Afghan Mujahideen

On January 7, 1988, a fierce battle occurred in Afghanistan at an altitude of 3234 m over the road to the city of the Host in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Afghan-Pakistani border. It was one of the most famous combat clashes of parts of a limited contingent of Soviet troops in Afghanistan with armed formations of Afghan Mujahideen. Based on these events in 2005, the film "Nine Rota" was filmed in the Russian Federation. The height of 3234 m defended the 9th parachute rating of the 345th Guards Separate Parachute Regiment with a total number of 39 people with the support of regulatory artillery. Soviet fighters attacked parts of the Mujahideen numbers from 200 to 400 people who were trained in Pakistan. The fight lasted 12 hours. Mujaheds never managed to capture height. Large losses, they retreated. Six paratrootters died in the ninth company, 28 were injured, of which nine Heavy. All paratroopers for this fight are awarded the orders of the combat red banner and the Red Star. Junior Sergeant V. A. Alexandrov and ordinary A. A. Melnikov posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Frame from the movie "9 Rota"

The most famous battle of Soviet border guards during the war in Afghanistan occurred on November 22, 1985, in the Kislak Afrige in the Zarden's Gorge Gorge Gorge Darayi-Kalat in the north-east of Afghanistan. The battle group of the border guards of the Panfilovsk outpost of a moto-maneuverable group (in the amount of 21 people) fell into an ambush as a result of the wrong crossing over the river. During the battle, 19 border guards were killed. These were the most numerous losses of border guards in the Afghan war. According to some given, the number of Mujahideov participating in the ambush amounted to 150 people.

Border guards after the fight

There is an existing opinion in the post-Soviet period that the USSR suffered a defeat and was expelled from Afghanistan. It is not true. When Soviet troops left Afghanistan in 1989, they made it as a result of a well-planned operation. Moreover, the operation was carried out at once in several directions: diplomatic, economic and military. This allowed not only to save the life of Soviet soldiers, but also to preserve the Afghan government. Communist Afghanistan lasted even after the fall of the USSR in 1991 and only then, with a loss of support from the USSR and strengthening attempts by the Mujahidees and Pakistan, the crawling of the drive began to meet the defeat in 1992.

The conclusion of the Soviet troops, February 1989

In November 1989, the USSR Supreme Council declared an amnesty for all crimes committed by Soviet soldiers in Afghanistan. According to the military prosecutor's office, from December 1979 to February 1989, 4307 people were brought to criminal responsibility as part of a criminal liability, at the time of the entry into force of the decision of the USSR USSR, more than 420 former soldiers were in prison -INTERNATIONALISTS.

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