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Money question in an interview - how to discuss a salary? How to negotiate money in an interview: a negotiation strategy for a job seeker

Hello always, dear friend!

Let's continue the burning topic of salaries. So, we put in the resume the optimal salary value. During a telephone conversation with a recruiter, they designated this amount as the minimum and said that the real cost of our work is slightly higher and gave arguments about the sandwich technique. How to talk about a salary in an interview?

Let me remind you of a brief background in relation to the author of these lines:

I am applying for the position of head of the recruiting department in large company

I put the salary in my resume 100 tr. In a conversation with a recruiter, he indicated the real price of 110 net and gave a number of arguments. I will not repeat, we will return to them later.

Things are good? So far, yes, but let's not forget that my goal is 120,000. So during the interview the picture is as follows: 110 plus 10 “goes to mind”.

If the first interview with a recruiter, I will not wake up this question. I have already mentioned the amount of 110 net on the phone. The recruiter does not solve anything on the salary, and my task is to go to the next stage. We will discuss the salary with the one who decides. Has the authority to do this.

That is, with the HR director and immediate supervisor. In my case, it is the same person. If in your case it is different people, salary negotiations are best done with everyone. Just to understand? who plays the first violin and from whose submission the amount offered to you will be announced.

Once again, I say the disposition for the price. It was invented at the stage and adjusted for this particular company.

  1. 110 is the base salary. I voiced it to the recruiter as an approximate amount of salary, in which I estimate myself.
  2. 120 - net - target value. The salary to which I agree immediately.
  3. salary must be 60% from Gross,
  4. the smallest salary is 100. That is, at certain conditions: the presence of quarterly or annual bonuses, some additional buns, - I can go down from the base amount of 110 to 100.

When to talk about salary?

Usually, the salary discussion starts towards the end, when you are asked to ask questions. In the event that itis successful. That is, the very fact of discussing a salary, if it has come down to it, is already a good sign)

At the beginning, you should not raise this issue in any kind of code. A good salesperson always postpones the price discussion.

It is desirable that the employer be the first to name the salary that he is ready to offer.


There may be such a scenario:

The employer asks what salary I am looking for.

I call the amount 120t.r - that is, the goal that I have defined. If he agrees, everything is fine. Or he says “we will consider, think”. This is fine.

But it is possible that I will hear, for example, "This is a lot ...". How to react?

Here I have to figure out what lies behind this statement.

For example, comparisons. Is he comparing to the expected salaries of other candidates?

We ask the question: “A lot compared to what? Or with whom? ”. “I spoke with two candidates and their expectations were lower.” "Clear. I am not surprised as their expectations are evident at the market level. My expectations are somewhat higher because ... "I list. their advantages on a, when the price, as it were, turns into advantages.

My advantages:

  1. “I already have experience in implementing similar projects. I have done it before, I will do it for you ”. Let me remind you that past experience sells very well.
  2. “I know how to reduce the cost of such a project by 30% compared to what is usually spent on such projects”
  3. “I can take on related functionality, such as staff onboarding. I have such experience. "

It is very important to justify your expected salary. In addition to the sandwich technique, I have other arguments in stock:

For example: Return on investment.

“I showed how I can deliver a project at a cost 30% lower than the people you talked about. That is why your income from savings will amount to hundreds of times the salary plus that we are discussing. In fact, you are investing 10 tr. per month to get an effect of 300t.r. What do you think of it?"

Principles of Salary Negotiation

Basically, a salary negotiation is a price negotiation, and the principles are similar.

1. An employee always overestimates the price, the employer underestimates

Don't be afraid to raise the bar somewhat.

  • First, you can end up with an employer who is not overly price sensitive.
  • Secondly, you have freedom of maneuver and you can always make a concession.

2. Rejection of the original offer

This refers to the employer's proposal. If we know the first principle - the employer lowers the price, then it is reasonable to try to get a better offer.

In this case, you can use an emotionally colored reaction. For example, the "flinch" or "crunch" technique.

The purpose of the crunch technique is to make the employer question the feasibility of their proposal.

When I crunch, I show a kind of surprise. For example, if he offers me a salary of 100 tr, I will say with round eyes: “Are you kidding ?! This does not even reach the average market salary. Not to mention a specialist of my level ”.

3. Don't name the price first

Of course, if possible. If you have to name. But it is better if the interlocutor does it first.

For example, at a convenient moment, you can ask: "How much income can I expect?"

He is the first to name the price and you have the opportunity to name yours so that during the discussion you come to a value closer to your goal.

If you name the salary first, he may name a low level and in this case the compromise will be lower.

4. Don't make concessions quickly

If you are too much, the interlocutor may perceive that something is wrong with your proposal. You want to come to an agreement too quickly. Or you are in a state of need. He may want other concessions.

Even if you decide to make a concession, show with your whole appearance how hard it was for you.


Salami technique

Sometimes the salary is quite complex structure... And the subject of discussion may be: bonus payments, quarterly and annual bonuses, phantom shares, options, etc.

In this case, it is reasonable to use the "salami" technique. Discuss all the components of income separately. That is, for each piece, you should strive to get a profitable agreement. Let me remind you that even if you are told that the fork for this position is "from and to", there is no such fork. which cannot become extensible if you really interest the employer)

If your partner uses "salami" - try to negotiate on the principles of exchange. Yielding in one, ask for compensation in another. for example, if I am offered to supervise the adaptation process, why not compensate for this with a separate allowance.

Technique "Hare"

Something like artificial competition. For example you say. what have already been at several interviews and employers have suggested Better conditions... The technique is simple and even seems primitive, but it works well. But you need to be prepared for questions like this:

"If they have a better offer, why didn't you agree?"

It is clear that everything that we talked about in this article may not happen. And everything will be easier. After all, a salary agreement is not complicated price negotiations for large deals worth millions.

However, in my experience, the salary issue sometimes translates into multi-day positional trading. The price of the question for the applicant - calculate it yourself. In my case - 1.2-1.6 million rubles. in year. I think it's worth it to thoroughly prepare your salary policy.

We all know: usually the bargaining power of the employer is higher and it is difficult for the applicant to resist the conditions he offers. The employer has a choice. But…!

Let me tell you, as an experienced leader: choosing from hundreds of resumes received quickly turns into an illusion. There are only one or two candidates that I would like to invite to the team. And if you really interest the employer, you can have a discussion of your salary on a completely equal footing.

Thank you for your interest in this article. I would be grateful for your comment (at the bottom of the page).

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Have a good day and good mood!

The labor market obeys all the laws of economics, therefore the concept of "fair wages" does not exist on it: any labor costs exactly as much as it is sold for. And the device is on new job- a convenient reason to increase your income. We figured out what numbers to call and what kind of increase can be expected by moving to a new place.

The easiest way to evaluate yourself is to monitor salaries by looking at similar vacancies and asking colleagues and friends. When looking for a job, it is better not to count on a sharp rise in salaries: companies are closely monitoring the market and will not pay more to the detriment of their own interests. The exceptions are innovative companies and government agencies. To get to the first, you need to be a real star or a unique specialist. Getting a job at a top position in a state-owned company is also not easy. Therefore, we decided to consider the case in a simpler way: at the interview, the recruiter asked about the desired salary, and you began to think about what figure to name.

I want twice as much!

Why not give it a try? So you can take risks in two situations: when you already have good job or several companies are competing for the opportunity to sign an agreement with you. In the first case, you do not lose anything, in the second - well, it seems that you really need to pay for the possession of you.

Plus 15

The universal advice is to name the amount 15-25% more than the salary in the previous place. This will seem reasonable to the recruiter, and most likely fit the market. Be prepared for the employer to bargain, and during the discussion, you will stop at only 10-15% of the increase.

The same amount is enough for me

This tactic is suitable for those who received a really good salary in their previous job. If at your new job you will be motivated by interesting tasks and an excellent team, then you can agree to the same money without fear of being disappointed. Be sure to clarify what the recruiter means: salary gross - that is, before taxes, or net - the amount that you will receive on hand.

I am offered too little

You have almost reached an agreement, but suddenly you found out that the salary does not suit you categorically: the job is interesting, but the employer, for some reason, does not want to make concessions and offer more. Feel free to bargain and say openly that this amount is uncomfortable for you. Specify what additional bonuses the company has: maybe they are ready to pay for you travel and mobile communications, or they will take care of snacks. Ask a question about bonuses - how often they are paid and what their size depends on. If this is still not enough, try to negotiate with the recruiter that after probationary period or six months of work will revise your salary: perhaps right now the company cannot pay you more, but soon the situation will change for the better.

I will not say

Do I need to say how much you were paid at your previous job? As statistics show, HR managers are sure that people usually lie when asked about salaries at an interview. It turns out that the candidate is in a difficult situation: lying is not good, but the truth may not be believed. Therefore, you should not be tormented by doubts: always come to an interview with a specific number and openly talk about it to the recruiter - so that the market salary is “fair”.

Ignore the issue of wages it is forbidden. You should know your worth, what salary to ask for at an interview, not exaggerate or underestimate your capabilities. This is regarded as unprofessional.

Usually the employer himself starts a conversation about the salary, asking: "How much do you want to earn?" at the interview. The applicant also has the right to raise this issue - this is not considered a violation of etiquette. But in the second case, interest is shown not at the very beginning of the conversation, but closer to the end. It is believed that if an employee was among the first to ask a question about a salary, then he is less interested in work than a money question.

Some experts are inclined to believe that in this "game of nerves" the one who first voices his conditions wins. The following phrase will help to evade the answer: “Probably, the salaries in the company have already been approved. I am ready to accept them if you report them "or" I believe that you select only professionals for your team and pay them decently. "

How to answer a salary question in a job interview?

During interviews, the HR officer asks additional questions during the salary interview to get an idea of ​​the candidate's value. How to answer them?

"How much did you earn in the previous place?" A possible variation is "How much do you earn now?"

You can't lie here, since an experienced personnel officer monitors the level of wages in his field. It is forbidden neither raise nor lower the numbers- only true information. If the salary was lower than the industry average, then this can be explained by concessions from the company - for example, the ability to perform some duties at home or a free schedule.

High income may include a performance bonus, a percentage of sales. A truthful answer to present the applicant in a favorable light will testify that everything is in order with his self-esteem.

If there is no desire or opportunity to respond, then the refusal should be as diplomatic and polite as possible. One of the excuses is a contract under which the employee agrees not to disclose his earnings.

"Desired salary" This question contains the questionnaire of the company. If the questionnaire does not require you to report specific figure, applicants indicate the acceptable interval in which they agree to work.

It happens that the personnel officers "probe" the lower limit of the candidate. It is advisable to avoid questions about salary until a job offer is received. Psychologists do not recommend giving in too much. It would seem that the lower the salary a person agrees to, the more chances he has. This opinion is erroneous, because then the employer has speculations about low self-esteem, lack of confidence in their abilities.

How do I answer questions about money?

During the interview, employers are asked to substantiate the salary level indicated in the resume or announced by the candidate. In order not to get confused and correctly answer the question, prepare for the conversation the day before.

So how do you discuss salary in a job interview? For a start - what you can't talk about. Psychologists do not recommend delving into the jungle of personal problems - debts, mortgages, the intricacies of family life. The recruiter is interested in this only from the position of the “problematic” of the applicant, so some “revelations” can even be harmful.

We need to talk about the value that a person represents for the company. Here they talk about the merits in the previous place, possible developments, qualifications, additional skills that relate to the profession, the benefits that the employer will receive by hiring this person.

Some applicants laugh it off, wanting to get away from a direct answer or out of shyness. This behavior is unacceptable.

So how do you negotiate a salary at a job interview? The video will also tell about this. We invite you to take a look.

How do I report my desired level?

It is advisable to decide on the level of salary at the very beginning. It is good to indicate the number in the resume. Approximately 40% of employers or personnel officers form a base of potential applicants based on the amounts indicated in the document. Such leaders are confident that they are pleased to deal with people who soberly assess their abilities.

It so happens that the specified amount is lower than that indicated in the vacancy. Then you can refer to the fact that the starting amount is indicated in the resume.

When forming salaries, the following factors are taken into account:

  1. If the specialist is young, then it is important to ask for an amount that matches the experience. It is necessary to determine the priorities - cash income or experience in a prestigious company.
  2. Experienced specialists form their value based on the average salary in the industry, the status of the company.
  3. To leave room for bargaining, 30% is added to the resulting figure.

The numbers must be real the inadequacy of the candidate will scare the recruiter away and become the reason for refusal.

Experienced specialists should take into account that if they are offered a higher position than before, then another 50-100% of the previous salary should be added to the figure.

You can find out the industry averages on the Internet, from friends, according to statistics. But the indicators for the regions are different.

He who is looking for the first workplace must take into account that wages are taxed. Therefore, the employer is asked whether the figure he names is already after taxes or not? To understand how much is obtained "clean", the salary before the deduction of mandatory payments is multiplied by a factor of 0.67.

They also clarify what the remuneration consists of - salary, bonuses, bonuses, interest on sales, etc.

If the possible salary level is lower than expected

It happens that I like the vacancy, but the salary level is lower than we would like. Then clarify the prospects. Then you can resort to the following wording: “I like this vacancy. But the salary is slightly lower than I expected. Other companies I negotiate with offer me about the same amount. What can I expect in the future? "

To avoid disappointed expectations, they specifically discuss the results of work, based on the results of the month, quarter, half-year, year, as well as the percentage increase in wages. It can also be bonuses at the end of the year, other compensations.

Also follows inquire about the benefits package. Perhaps this item makes up for the difference with other companies.

How do you know if there is an opportunity to increase your income?

It makes sense to talk to the employer about a salary increase if the vacancy announcement contains a “fork” or there is a postscript “by agreement”. The same if more functionality is needed to achieve the goal. In other cases, it makes no sense to talk about a salary increase at this stage. But to talk you can return in 3-6 months, when the result of the new employee will be seen.

Watch out for the catch! Of the candidate should be alarmed by the situation when the employer easily agreed to pay high wages. An unpleasant trap may lie here:

  • irregular schedule;
  • bonuses come into effect only after a year of work;
  • the boss is going to combine the two staff units one.

To weigh everything and think it over, ask for time to make a decision and study the compensation package. In addition to the size of the salary, it matters:

  • indexing;
  • payout frequency;
  • conditions for granting leave and its duration;
  • various material incentives;
  • the possibility of training and who pays for it;
  • availability, conditions of health insurance.

Before you give your consent, you are asked to describe the scope of responsibilities, work schedule, bonuses, social package. All details reached orally must be confirmed in writing. By the way, the ability to defend interests is also assessed by the employer.

If you were refused, rejoice. Anyone who refuses - deny himself first of all. Remember that not only does the employer choose you, but you choose him too. And you are more of a choice than he is. Something you didn't like - you leave. They offered a higher salary - leave. Circumstances have changed, moved to a new place - leave. Found more interesting option- inform him at the last moment and leave. We used it, worked for a year - and on maternity leave at the expense of the company, although at the interview they said that they were not planning anything like that for the next 5 years. Of course, he wants to calculate all these risks and that is why he is so cynical and dry - he sees the catch in advance. It is you who choose. Stop shaking like a hare. You are not trembling because you are afraid of rejection in the workplace, but because you are afraid of rejection IN PRINCIPLE. It's all because of your painful sense of importance and low self-esteem... Build self-esteem, respect yourself and others' choices. You didn't get any worse from being turned down. You will find the one to your liking, that's all.

Tricky employer questions. What to answer?

What to answer - you decide. But I will say what he would like to hear. When asked about the reasons for dismissal from his previous job, he definitely would NOT want to know that your previous boss unfairly deprived you, did not listen to rational suggestions, insulted or harassed you in a dirty way. When you wash dirty linen in public, you don't want to do business with you. It is better not to talk about the past place of work any negative. He quit, they say, due to the fact that the company had financial difficulties, or - he stopped growing professionally, I want to develop and master new skills, to raise the level of my professional competencies.

Why do you often change your place of work? It is better to write your resume so that this question will not be asked to you. Flyers are of no use to anyone. If we really have to explain, then in this spirit: the first company collapsed, I left the second due to moving to another city, because I got married. In the third company, the job was initially temporary, because I was finishing my diploma. Now looking for permanent place full-time work.

During the interview, you may hear: what are your strengths and weaknesses... This is a common situation, be prepared for it. Do not under any circumstances say: I may be late, but not often ... Or: I am a lark, after four o'clock I am already nodding, I do not think well. Or: I get tired of communicating with clients, especially on the phone. It takes a lot of energy….


Positivity, Openness, Confidence, Competence - this is what the employer will evaluate at the interview.

Get ready for the test. And then, after all, some applicants may declare: I will perform any tasks only if I get paid for the work. This is an immediate refusal.

Why do you want to work with us? The level of lie of job seekers


There are much more lies in Moscow than in the provinces. Moreover, it is a lie - multifaceted and flowery. To the question: "Why do you want to work in our company?" most often they answer like this:

- I want to discover new facets in myself ...

- I am attracted by the opportunity to study in your company ...

- all my life I dreamed of working in such a large company as yours ...

- I like your friendly team and the reviews about your company on the Internet ...

- your company is a market leader, I would like to be a part of your legend ...

- you provide great opportunities for professional growth ...

- I love responsibility, I love to work hard, I can't imagine myself without work, and you have an irregular day ...

Saint Petersburg

In St. Petersburg, the most common answer is 50/50:

- I care about the level of income that your company offers, and the opportunities for professional growth ...

- I want to put into practice the knowledge I got at the university ...

Small towns

- We need to feed the family! I want money! - this is often heard.

Draw your own conclusions.

What level of salary are you applying for?

The question is not simple. It would be nice to do some scouting and find out how much your predecessor was paid in a similar position. In any case, in your head you should have that minimum figure below which you do not agree to start work. There is also the maximum, in the reality of which you hardly believe. From the very beginning, decide how much your skills and abilities are worth (probably no less than you received in your previous job). It would be nice to calculate in writing how much money you need per month in principle. For example: rental housing - 20 tons, gasoline 5 tons, loan repayment for a / m - 10 tons, food 20 tons, hygiene products, unforeseen expenses - 5 tons, rest, courses, self-study, gifts - 10 tons, clothes - 10 t. Postpone - 10 t. Already it turns out 90 t. It is necessary to look for a job no less than this amount, indicate it without embarrassment in the resume.

The form in which you give the answer is very important.

You can say:

- I indicated 90 thousand in my resume. This is what you should be guided by. (This is a boorish answer. Most likely, there will be a refusal).

- How much do you suggest? (Inadmissible, bazaar form of the answer. However, it is often resorted to).

- In my resume, I indicated 90 thousand. But I am open to different proposals, especially if there is a prospect of financial growth during the year. (Much better already)

- In my last job, I received a stable 90 thousand. I would like to find a job with a similar starting salary. (After that, it is better to be silent, not to squeeze the employer at the first interview with remarks like: "Do you have such an opportunity?")

- I received 90 tons at the last job, I indicated this in my resume. But I’m ready to start more modestly, because working in your company attracts me very much with the possibility of training and the level of responsibility. (You can say this when you are really ready for a lower salary and are strongly interested in this particular company).

The last two answers give the best chance of success.

Should I call back after the first interview?

Do not hesitate to ask when leaving: "May I ask if I have a real chance to pass this competition?" Most interviewees say “Thank you for your time” in a formulaic way and leave. Such communication is not specific. Feel free to say one of the phrases:

“Thank you for your time. I am very interested in this particular position and will look forward to your call.

- Thank you for your time. May I ask you to inform me of the results, whatever they may be?

- I was very pleased to communicate with you. I would be grateful if you would allow me to be proactive and learn about the results. When could I call you?

- Thanks for the interview. I learned a lot from you in a short conversation. Will they call me back or is it better to inquire about the results myself?

Suppose you feel that the answer is rather negative. Then, in order not to languish in anticipation, ask the question bluntly:

- I beg your pardon, do I understand correctly that I failed to pass the interview? If so, I beg you to tell me the true reasons for the refusal. I still have to go through an interview, perhaps more than once. You would be of great help to me if you could point out my weaknesses.

You need to have the courage to say such a phrase after an unsuccessful interview, and write down what you heard point by point and calmly thank you for the criticism again. The employer can be as weak as you are. You are afraid of rejection, but he is afraid and avoids rejection by looking directly into your eyes. Then he simply won't call you back or send you a template letter with a polite refusal. Or his secretary will do this unpleasant job for him. Most employers won't even bother to notify you of a rejection. This is weakness, a kind of cowardice. Help the employer tell you no directly. You will respect yourself more afterwards.

At the first interview, the employer assesses the general adequacy of the applicant, his emotional background, whether the candidate came on time, how he looks. You should always give yourself time to hear the voice of your own intuition. Often, the first stage of an interview takes place over the phone. When the interlocutor is not visible, but only heard, then such disadvantages as: undeveloped speech, unfriendliness, gloom, monosyllabic answers, alertness, a rude voice - become incredibly noticeable, they just bulge out of the telephone receiver. Train yourself to smile and say kindly: "Yes, good afternoon!" in response to every incoming call, and it does not matter that from an unfamiliar number.

Motivation level

“It is better not to hire a good employee than to hire a bad one” - there is such a saying among employers. Every employer dreams of hiring an employee with high level motivation. Therefore, if you persistently call back and are interested in the results - a plus, not a minus. Yes, this type of behavior is not inherent in everyone, but it often happens that at first the employer internally refused a person for an interview, but when he writes, calls, reminds of himself and says that he has listened to the recommendations and is mastering the blind typing method, a new accounting program, etc. , then the scales may well tip in your direction.

What can you give the company?

When interviewing an employer, be prepared to answer this question in a cheerful and detailed manner. “I am excellent at organizing a turnkey project, I had to give presentations to an audience of 1000 people, to participate in exhibition activities. I like communicating with clients on the phone, I am ready for overwork and irregular schedules. I am ready to work with documents, I am not afraid of routine. For 10 years of work, I have never been late, you can always rely on me in my work. " Never be afraid to compliment yourself. To the question: "Would you hire yourself?" - Answer confidently: "Yes!"

Tell the truth or embellish reality? What is the best way to answer the question about the amount of compensation in a previous job? Give a real figure - a potential employer will think that you were paid too much or too little. If you underestimate, in the end they will offer as much as you already have on this moment... If you overestimate, they will decide that such an expensive specialist of the company cannot afford it. In general, it is not easy to tell the employer about the previous salary, especially if you want to earn more at the new job. How do you answer a key strategic question so that everyone is happy with the answer? In an article on Executive. ru experts provide the necessary professional advice.

Essence of the question

The employer has very good reasons to be interested in the amount of the previous compensation of the interlocutor. According to the head of the Corporate practice of the company LuxoftPersonnelNatalia Marchenko, recruiting specialists ask this question in order to determine two important points concerning the candidate, and in many respects - to protect him from possible disappointment in the future: “The recruiter needs to determine what level wages was with the candidate earlier in order to correlate it with the capabilities of the current employer. If the offer of wages is significantly lower than that of this specialist earlier, then by default he will be in a situation of discomfort. Even if, according to him, he is ready to go down in terms of material motivation, he will have to "learn to live" on a lower salary. This implies that the company hires in advance a “dissatisfied”, “offended” employee, who, psychologically speaking, may have less desire to work. This demotivation will negatively affect both the specialist and the employer. It can be overcome if it is stipulated in advance that at the end of the probationary period, after a certain time, the employee will receive a salary increase in accordance with his expectations. "

In addition, notes Natalya Marchenko, a recruiting specialist checks in this way how the candidate's salary expectations are adequate and correspond to his professional level. If the salary expectations of a specialist are not justified, most likely, he will be denied employment. “Examples of unreasonable salary expectations include an excessive increase in comparison with the previous place of work,” the expert explains.

In addition, recruiters ask this question in order to understand how the salaries in the company match the salaries in the labor market.

According to Natalia Marchenko, this question is often accompanied by a number of additional ones. “For example, they may ask, what was the level of your salary at the previous place of work (salary, bonuses, bonuses)? What did your salary level depend on? Could you influence him? How? Etc. These questions, firstly, help to determine the level of responsibility of a specialist - whether he was effective and aimed at making a profit, and secondly, they help to find out how a given employee can be stimulated with the help of material motivation - bonuses, percentages of profits, and so on ”, - says the expert.

“In general, it cannot be said that candidates experience particular difficulties in answering this question or actively hide information about salary expectations. This can be a problem for individual specialists, but not for the labor market as a whole, ”concludes Natalya Marchenko.

How to answer?

Leading consultant in the banking practice of a recruiting company MarksmanAnna Benko notes that the answer to the question about the salary in the previous job depends on what goal the candidate currently faces. “If a candidate is not in an active search and came for an interview with the aim of getting to know him for the future, then the most logical thing would be to simply voice the amount he actually receives. Why not? If the candidate as a whole is satisfied with everything in his current place, then, most likely, he will be able to motivate him to move or the essence of the position (higher grade, expansion / change of functionality, or interesting projects) and then the employer / recruiter just needs to understand the level below which it simply makes no sense to offer a candidate a position, says Anna Benko. - If the candidate refuses to announce his salary, then there is a risk that the employer / recruiter will misjudge it and in the future will not offer an interesting project for the candidate from the point of view of tasks, because they will consider it too “expensive”.

Anna Benko notes that if the candidate is in an active search, then the answer depends on the reason for which he is looking for a new job: “If it is not related to dissatisfaction with the level of compensation, then you can voice real existing numbers. If the candidate is looking for a new job, because he is not satisfied with the current level of income, it makes sense for the employer to voice the desired numbers and say that they have a small "incrisis" in relation to the current level. For example: “I would like to consider proposals at the NNN gross level. This is about 15-20% higher than my current level. "

“I would like to note that it makes sense for 'external' recruiters (employees of recruiting companies) to always speak openly about the current salary level, since they are the candidate's consultants in the market. They work with different clients and have an idea of ​​the compensation levels in companies, how to whom it is better to present information about the candidate's salary, and how flexible this or that client is in discussing the "incrisis", concludes Anna Benko.

Natalya Marchenko also recommends betting on honesty: “It is in your best interest to answer as honestly as possible. In the event that at the moment you work in a company where one of the working conditions is non-disclosure of information about wages, you can outline what your wages (salary, bonus, bonus) consist of, and then indicate the approximate amount that is obtained when adding these indicators. In addition, it is very important to clearly indicate what salary you would like to receive at your new job. It's kind of a filter for future job offers. "

The expert also recommends that, as the desired salary, to voice not the minimum and not the maximum level of compensation that you agree to receive, but the amount that seems the most optimal and comfortable. “You shouldn't drive yourself into a corner with“ lower ”and“ upper ”boundaries, it is better to focus on prospects and growth. If in the future you expect an increase in wages, the employer must be warned about this in advance. The most correct wording in this case would be: “For me, such and such a level of salary is comfortable, in the future I am ready to consider an increase by such and such,” advises Natalya Marchenko.

Consultant of the "Banking and Investments" department of a headhunting company CornerstoneIvan Belov When talking with a potential employer, it is recommended to keep in mind the following important points: “Firstly, any interlocutor will strive to compensate for information deficiency (the employer's about you, yours about the employer). Secondly, the employer almost always has the opportunity to check information about your official income (2NDFL certificate, tax base, insider information). In addition, if you intend to become an employee of the organization where you are interviewing in the future, you should not start cooperation with omissions. "

According to Ivan Belov, the market is no longer growing as fast as it was ten years ago, and there is no longer a shortage of qualified specialists in many professional fields. Accordingly, there is no such acute struggle for personnel and employers are not ready to “overpay” or “outbid”: an increase of 25% to the current level of income is the maximum that can be counted on.

“Large organizations always have a fairly clear grading system, so regardless of your current financial compensation, the employer will not be able to offer more or less than the appropriate level of payment,” warns Ivan Belov.

“Based on these points, we recommend that you talk about the current level of remuneration in as much detail as possible. No need to be afraid this issue and avoid a direct answer to it, because any arguments about the impossibility of communicating this information will not cause anything but bewilderment among the interlocutor and may become an obstacle to the continuation of a productive dialogue, ”concludes Ivan Belov.

Photo in the announcement:pixabay. com