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When there is still a lunar eclipse. Dates of solar eclipses. Nearest solar eclipse

The lunar eclipse is a special astronomical phenomenon resulting from the location in a single direct three celestial objects: the sun, earth and the moon. It appears quite rarely, but his arrival can bring certain moments (pleasant or not), which in the root can change the situation both in a separate family and in the scale of a whole state. As happens moon eclipse And when will this astronomical phenomenon be in 2018? In which regions of Russia will be the best moon eclipse? What health problems this phenomenon can cause meteo-sensitive people?

Lunar eclipse from the point of view of astronomy

The lunar eclipse is a very rare astronomical phenomenon at which the moon is partially or completely hidden in the shade of the Earth. It happens several times a year at the moment when the sun, the earth and the moon are built into a single straight line. At the same time, the Sun illuminates the land, which at this moment throws his shadow to the satellite.

The fact of eclipses does not imply the complete disappearance of the moon from the field of view. It becomes dark red (burgundy), while remaining visible in heaven. The fact is that the earth is not able to obstinate sun rays Fully. Rays, touching the earth's surface, dissipated in its atmosphere, falling into a certain area of \u200b\u200bspace from which are sent to the surface of the moon, indirectly illuminating it. The color of the moon disk becomes such due to the fact that the earth's atmosphere for the red color spectrum is the most permeable. And it is these solar rays that have the longest wave reaching the surface of the moon at this moment.

Lunar eclipse can only be observed in the hemisphere of the planet, where natural satellite in this moment It is above the horizon line.

Types of lunar eclipses

Astronomers distinguish three types of lunar eclipses, which often can always be seen in Russia, the territory of which is located in several hemispheres of the Earth. So, these are the following types of eclipses:

  1. full
  2. partial
  3. half-blooded.

In the first case, the moon is shaded entirely, in view of the fact that the stain of the Earth shade 2.6 times exceeds the diameter of the moon. Partial eclipse implies immersion in the shadow of only part of the moon disk, and during the half-blood, when there is no perfectly flat line of building of the celestial objects, the moon is hiding only for the outside of the earth's shadow. In the latter case, the shine of the moon insignificant and does not represent much interest in astronomical observations.

It is worth noting that any satellite care in the shadow of land occurs only in the full moon, and the maximum duration of the maximum lunar eclipse in some cases can reach more than two hours.

When will the lunar eclipse in 2018?

In 2018, the moon will be completely hidden in the shade, which the Earth throws away. When, how much and where in Russia you can see this phenomenon can be found from the table.

Partial and semide eclipse of the Moon in 2018 will not happen.

Ideally see the eclipse in all its glory, armed with a telescope. It is clear that this equipment has no house. Therefore, in Moscow, for example, it is best to watch this phenomenon of nature from the planetarium, where in an astronomical site with the help of installed telescopes it will be possible to see the eclipse of the moon as much as possible. Although the departure of the Earth's satellite in the shadow of our planet is clearly visible and an unarmed look.

In addition to sunlight, the only obstacle that is able to prevent observers to see what the moon looks like at the time of its eclipse - it is high cloudy in the region.

The effect of lunar eclipse on the human body

In ancient times, such a phenomenon as the eclipse of the moon was considered an omen of misfortunes, a bad sign, which would result in certain and not always pleasant consequences. But the fatal nature of the events that took place on this day was not always the cause of the linear location of the celestial bodies. After all, as life showed, fateful changes arise far from movement and alignment of land and the moon in space ... Thanks to astrologers, humanity learned not as sharply and emotionally react to the lunar eclipse, as it was before. This astrological phenomenon today mainly affects the state of the body of weather-sensitive people, and is not a decisive factor in the occurrence of global changes in their lives. As for health, then such people often occur in this period:

  1. Headaches.
  2. Malaise.
  3. Enhance arterial pressure.
  4. Irritability.
  5. Overwork.
  6. The aggravation of chronic diseases.

In order to minimize the negative effect of the lunar eclipse on the body, doctors and psychologists are advised during this period, weather-sensitive people abandon excessive physical exertion, moving and long stay in crowded places. It is best to spend this time at home: in a natural setting, in silence and tranquility, in a circle loving people. Also during this period, it is recommended to maximally exclude those life situations in which emotions prevail over the mind.

All the inhabitants of our planet dream of seeing such an incredible sight as solar eclipse. This event is very rare and his every appearance causes genuine interest of the masses. In the article, consider what it is for the phenomenon, we will analyze the advice of astrologers and will determine with the dates of solar eclipses.

And why it happens

The eclipse of the Sun is one of the most anticipated astronomical events. It is observed when the moon, passing between the sun and the globe, covers a star from the inhabitants of our world. The shadow dropped by the moon to the ground has small sizes Regarding our planet, therefore it cannot stick all its area at once.

By the number of closed surface of the Sun, highlight:

  • Time of complete solar eclipse. When an observer in the Lunar Shadow band, the eclipse of the sun will close the entire solar disk, and only the so-called solar crown will be visible on the darkened sky.
  • Private eclipse is called so because only the share of the solar circle will be closed for spectators in the field. Accordingly, this event will be seen only with that part of our planet, which falls under the lunar shadow or adjacent to this darkened area (this approximate zone is called the half).
  • Ring-like solar eclipse. In 2017, this option was observed by residents of the South Pole. It is observed when the moon at the time of the eclipse is located on a large removal relative to our planet and the shadow from it does not reach the Earth. In this situation, it will be seen how the moon moves in the center of the Solar Circle, but its diameter less size solar disk, and, accordingly, the sun will not hide completely, and it will look like a bright ring with dark spot in the middle. The sky darkens slightly, discerning will not work.

In a situation where the eclipse sees with different points Earth (in the lunar shadow band) as a complete and ring-shaped, it will be classified as a complete annular or hybrid.

Solar eclipses of the 20th century were especially interesting to science. Thanks to this phenomenon, scientists were able to explore the surroundings of the Sun, which in normal conditions it is impossible. Since 1996, SOHO satellite helps in this. Until the beginning of the 20th century, a chromosphere was studied during the eclipse period and several comets were seen.

Dates of solar eclipses of 2018

In 2018, this astronomical phenomenon will be observed three times.
02/15/2018 at 16.30 A private solar eclipse will occur on MSC, which will be able to South America And Antarctica. Russians admire the phenomenon will not work.
07/13/2018 At 06.02, another private eclipse will take place on MSC, they will be able to see it in Tasmania, South Australia and East of Antarctica.
11.08.2018 at 12.47 Moscow time, a private solar eclipse will be held at 12.47 Moscow time. This time, to see with its own eyes an unusual phenomenon will be introduced to the Russians (central part, Siberia, Far East), as well as residents of Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Northeast China, Scandinavian countries, Greenland and Northern Canada.

Features of the eclipses of the coming 2018

According to astrologers, each new eclipse affects a person in a special way, due to the unique position of the planets and stars relative to each other, the sun and the moon at the time of the phenomenon. Calculating the influence of the interactions of heavenly bodies, the astrologists have compiled recommendations on the actions of a person at the time of the solar eclipse of 2018:

  • In the near Sunny Eclipse February 15, 2018 - a person can unwittingly manifest itself or strengthen the desire for not the best and noble acts. Consequently, on this day the most carefully should be controlled by their emotions, words and actions, try not to be drawn into conflict.
  • Eclipse July 13, 2018. Any undertakings on this day are doomed to failure.
  • Eclipse August 11, 2018. It should be carefully referring to the adoption of important decisions on an eclipse day, and better to postpone at all. Man will master the scatletination, weakens the attention to the details, as a result of which this day can be missed important nuances And, having accepted any decision, afterwards to regret it.

Solar Eclipse 2019

In 2019, as in 2018, earthlings will be able to admire the sunny eclipse in the dates:


Both doctors and specialists in such directions as astrology and esoteric are urged not to refer to the phenomenon of solar eclipse, as something catastrophic and destructive for humans. Before the coming one should not drastically change the lifestyle, laying at home in anxious waiting. But nevertheless, before the date of the solar eclipse, there will be no extra measures aimed at improving overall well-being: walks on fresh air, moderation in nutrition. Not very urgent cases and care should also be postponed to avoid additional emotional and physical exertion on the eve of the eclipse. Such "unloading" mode will allow you to remove the anxiety and nervousness in this unusual period.

Among the astrologers and esoterikov it is believed that the solar eclipse is the moment of purification, at this time the enterprises associated with deliverance from all the way that man or hurts its health is the most successful.

During future phenomena, as in solar eclipses in 2017, it should be borne in mind:

What can not be done during the eclipse

According to esotericov, the period of nearest solar eclipsene is unfavorable for any undertakings.

These days have such features:

  • It is believed that on the Eclipse Day, the likelihood of rapid acts is great.
  • It is undesirable to schedule large financial transactions on this day, marriage registration, signing important documents.
  • Caution should be treated with planned medical manipulations in this date, if there is an opportunity, it is better to postpone the procedure for another day.
  • It is not recommended to use psychotropic substances.
  • Also advise not to perceive the information "close to heart", you need to try to abstract and assess the situation objectively.

In order to prepare for natural phenomenon on time, you need to plan the necessary cases in advance and compare the scheduled with the list of solar eclipses .

Effect of Eclipse on Man

Medicine scientists adhere to the opinions that an astrological phenomenon does not have a significant impact on the physical health of a person, regardless of where a solar eclipse can be seen. Since the phenomenon is a short enough of the duration, it simply will not have time to intervene in a serious way in biochemical processes organism.

However, this amazing natural phenomenon traditionally caused a sense of anxiety in the population of the Earth, since the event is relatively rare, and is subconsciously perceived by a person as an alien. Similar uncomfortable sensations, people are experiencing, being in an unfamiliar hostile environment. A particularly pronounced feeling of anxiety arises in people with high meterans sensitivity, with manifestations of vegetative dystonia, in anxious and disruption, in persons with depressive disorders.

It is noted that during the eclipse period, the frequency of suicidal manifestations is somewhat increasing. Therefore, people with the above features of the personality of doctors are recommended when the eclipse date approaches the sedative reception in advance. And on the day of the phenomenon, if possible, protect yourself from additional experiences and loads.

Incredible facts

At the end of January, the inhabitants of the Earth have the opportunity to see an amazing lunar spectacle - "blue bloody superluna ".

The second full moon of January, which will occur on January 31, coincides withlunar eclipse .

The day before this, the moon will reach the nearest point to Earth, marking the second superluna this year. At this time, the moon will be closer to Earth, which will look 14 percent brighter.

It is also called "Blue", since this is the second full moon of the month, and the "bloody", since the moon will acquire a red shade due to the lunar eclipse.

The lunar eclipse can be seen partly or completely in Northern and Eastern Europe, Russia, North America, Asia, Australia.

All eclipse phases will be able to watchresidents of Siberia and the Far East .

Lunar Eclipse January 31, 2018

    Maximum phase 16:29 MSK

    Ending lunar eclipse at 19:08 Moscow time

Superline 2018.

According to astrologers, the moon affects our Depth emotions, thin strings of our character, your instincts and intuition, as well as reactions.

Full moon in particular this is an important time when you need to think about your personal relationships. In addition, at this time you can also reap the fruits of what you started before the arrival of the full moon and now see the consequences of previous events.

Also during the lunar eclipses is important leave the past behind, get rid of the negative and bring some results. If in some areas you felt stagnation, it comes to change and get rid of everything that has opposed itself.

Full moon January 31, 2018

During the full moon, the moon in Lev will confront the sun in aquare, forming a full moon. This full moon will be associated with the themes of creativity and love and our emotions.

What to expect all the signs of the zodiac during the January "Blue Moon" 2018?

Aries (March 21-19)

The blue moon and the lunar eclipse favors the Aries. It will bring them a feeling of internal equilibrium and family support and loved ones. If a lately It was difficult for you to find the balance between work and personal life, or between concern about yourself and others, this full moon will help bring everything in order.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

Taurles astrologists recommend paying attention not only to the "Blue Moon" on January 31, but also on the events preceding it in the middle of the month. If you tried to expand your intellectual opportunities, get new experience, the first fruits of your work will be visible in this full moon.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

During the "Blue Moon" on January 31, the twins will have to show flexibility. The lunar eclipse, which will occur at this time, can become a turning point for many, as it will affect the third house of communication and ideas.

Perhaps you will receive unexpected news or a conversation will be held, which will change the course of events, and will affect the projects that you work, or some of your relationship. But thanks to his ability to quickly adapt, you can cope with any situation.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

The first full moon of January was in cancer, so this month promises to be rich in events. Full moon on January 1 affected your emotions and everything that was important for you.

At the same time, the "Blue Moon" at the end of the month is associated with your finances, and promises turning into best side. Perhaps the lunar eclipse will lead you to the conclusion of negotiations with a possible employer. If you work for yourself, you can visit some new ideaEarnings related to earnings that may be very profitable.

Lion (July 23 - August 22)

Lions began to feel deep changes in the afternoon. You could upset some circumstances that affect the completion of cases. However, remember that it all depends on how you perceive the situation.

Moreover, the lunar eclipse January 31 and the "Blue Moon" will help to move your perception in right direction. Everything will work out, you just need to show flexibility and adapt.

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

This month was supposed to be pretty good forv. Transits of the Sun and Venus promised a good time for love, relationships and partnerships. The new moon in the middle of the month could strengthen your feelings that will be felt by you until the end of the month.

"Blue Moon" is a time when you can start thinking over the beginning of a new project or new relationships.

Scales (September 23 - October 22)

The lunar eclipse at the end of January will affect your friendship house, technology and teamwork, and this month you review your relationships at work, with friends and other people with whom you may want to part. You have forces to change the situation, so use them.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

Unlike Aries, which will acquire an internal balance, scorpions may feel that the lunar eclipse will somewhat complicate personal relations at home and in the family. It will be difficult for you to find equilibrium in this area. However, on the other hand, an important stage or a turning point can come to your career to which you will be ready.

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

If you recently worked on some kind of large project, the January Blue Moon will bring the results of this work. Also pay attention to your home, namely, other countries and foreigners, where you can establish links or start working in the international arena.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

Eclipses are time when it is important to revise any questions, and not make important decisions. Astrologers recommend you to remove a little, as you may encounter some surprises in intimate relations and joint finances.

Make sure you have all the information before you make any decisions and control your emotions. Your sanity will need you during the January shipyard and the lunar eclipse.

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

Your personal relationships will be in the center of attention during the "Blue Moon". Although you can be prepared, for example, to a wedding or some other major steps, you should refrain. The idea of \u200b\u200beclipses is to unite its forces with another person, but the conflict of uranium with Mercury does not favor contracts.

Wait until February to make important decisions, although you will most likely have all important information.

Fish (February 19 - March 20)

For fish "Blue Moon" can also play an important role. If something significant happened during the last eclipse on August 7 and August 21 last year, now you will see the results of those events.

Your work should be especially fruitful, although you also need to take care of yourself. You will make many requirements, but they will allow you to achieve new heights in the future.

The fact of the existence of such a phenomenon like a solar or lunar eclipse, who excited the minds of many wise men for more than three and a half thousand years, to watch this phenomenon began from 1136 to our era, when this phenomenon was first fixed. At first, it was noted that lunar eclipses occurs more than solar. The lunar happens only when the moon enters the full moon phase, and sunny - only at the moments of the complete absence of the moon (new moon). A couple of thousand years after the first lunar eclipse recorded in the chronicles, astrologers have learned schedule, and calculating the date of each of these, decided on the nature of their phenomenon.

Solar and Moon Eclipse Calendar for 2017

As you know, the planets move in orbit, which for the Earth has a pronounced form of an ellipse, somewhat inclined. Due to this corner of the inclination of the plane of rotation of our planet relative to the plane of the motion of the moon, no eclipse occurs every month, but only from time to time. For this, it is necessary that the sun, the moon and earth are on one straight line.

Solar Eclipse in 2017

For, we will be lucky to witness two solar eclipses: full and ring. What is the complete eclipse of the Sun to guess is not difficult - this is a phenomenon in which the moon completely covers the solar disk, and people who observe from the earth for what is happening, the sun will not be visible at all.

The phenomenon of ring solar eclipse is extremely harder. During such an event from the Earth, a certain bezel will be visible, which will remain from the Sun, when it hides behind the lunar surface. Ring solar eclipse will occur February 26, 2017, complete solar eclipse we can see August 21, 2017(see Calendar).

Moon Eclipses in 2017

The lunar eclipses occur only during the full moon, in 2017 there will be two: half-and-alone and private. To understand what it should be learn about what shadow is and half. These definitions are particularly familiar with artists, because they have to work with similar techniques in painting to create the illusion of the volume of the subject on paper. In life, the shadow and half the day meets everywhere. But the biggest scales of this phenomenon acquires in space. The moon throws his shadow to Earth, around which there is a large circumference of a half-way - the shadow in which the sun rays penetrate, making it transparent and weak.

The semoligo lunar eclipse implies that during this phenomenon The Earth will not take a direct lunar shadow, but only in her half-day, which is why the change in the brightness of the moon lighting will not be fixed with the naked eye. Hustled lunar eclipse will happen February 11, 2017. In the case when the moon falls under the earth's shadow, only partially, astrologers speak of a partial lunar eclipse. You can watch it August 7, 2017(See Calendar above).

Effect of Eclipse on Man

In addition to psychological influenceLunar and solar eclipses have an impact on human well-being. During such phenomena, there are cases of hypertensive deviations, which becomes the cause of headaches, rapid heartbeat and even irritability attacks.

An irreversible damage to the eye may occur as a result of observation of the sunny disk directly, in the camera viewfinder, in binoculars or a telescope, even if only the thin crescent of the sun or the rosary of Bailey is present. 1 percent of the surface is still visible sun 10,000 times brighter full Moon. Strichly observing the Sun in such circumstances is similar to the use of a magnifying magnifying glass for the direction of sunlight into the retina. The retina is fragile and not subject to recovery. Surgeon Specialist on the retina's eye can make the smallest or nothing to help you.
Never, in the absence of appropriate protection, do not look at the sun outside the full solar eclipse phase!

Standard or Polahoid Sunglasses are not light filters. They can contribute to some extent to relax the eyes while on the street in a bright sunny day, but do not even think about their use to observe the sun. So, you should not use sunglasses, even crossed polaroids to observe the sun during partial eclipse phases. They are bad or do not defend their eyes.

If a complete eclipse has come and bright surface The sun is hidden from the sight of the observer, then it is completely safe to observe him without the use of any filter. In fact, it is one of the greatest spectacles in nature.

There are several basic ways to observe a partial phase of solar eclipse without harming the eyes.

Point projection method

One of safe ways Observing the Sun during a partial eclipse - or at any other time is the use of a "obscura chamber", which allows you to monitor the projected image of the sun. There are complex cameras-obscuras that can be made from cardboard boxesBut fully suitable (and mobile) option is the use of two thin dense pieces of white cardboard. It is necessary to do a small through hole in one of the pieces of cardboard and send the sunlight through this hole on the second piece of cardboard, which will serve as a screen being under it. An inverted image of the sun is formed. To enlarge the image, it is necessary to place the screen away from the opening. You should not expand the hole, otherwise you will have a beam of light, but not an image of the crescent of the sun. We must remember that this device It is necessary to use, being back to the sun. Sunlight should pass over your shoulder through the hole and form an image on a cardboard screen under it.
No matter if you can not look at the sun through the hole!

Use of light filters for solar radiation

The second method of observing the Sun consists of its direct contemplation through a specially designed light filter. Such filters are missing only a meager share of sunlight. Advertising ads on solar filters can be found in popular astronomical newspapers.

One species of such a filter is made of aluminated polyester. However, it is necessary to remember that polyester, plastic, is of different density. To protect the vision, a metal coating is required, so it is necessary to examine polyester for the presence of small holes that can skip the sunlight through the filter and allow eye damage. A good light filter allows you to freely look at the thread of lamps with high incandescent intensity.

The second type of light filters is made of a black polymer, which gives the image of the sun yellow-orange shade, which is more pleasant for the eyes, rather than a bluish color visible when using filters with aluminated polyester. None of the types of filters provide complete safety if its optical density is not equal or does not exceed 5.0. This means that only 0.01% of sunlight can penetrate the filter.

However, when using any type of filter should not be closely considered the sun for a long time. Through the filter must be observed over a short period of time, and then remove the eyes. In this case, a tiny hole, which probably falls out of the review, will not cause any harm. Starting with careless days from childhood, we know that you can not damage your eyes, looking right in the sun and immediately removing the look.
Always remember that the eyes may be damaged even in the absence of pain!

Observation in binoculars

Binoculars was a favorite device of the writer-astronomer George Catch to observe a complete eclipse .. Binoculars will suit any size. The writer used binoculars with a size of 7 x 50 (7-fold increase with 50-millimeter lens lenses). "Even the best photographers cannot define exactly the details and the color of the Sun during an eclipse, and especially the smallest structure of the crown with very sophisticated differences that no film cannot catch the way as the human eye." He felt that people who were doing everything possible to capture the true image of the solar eclipse, are the artists of the nineteenth century, who saw eclipses with their own eyes and mind, they saved it in memory and moved to the canvas.

People intending to use binoculars to observe an eclipse, catching a common sense. Full eclipse should be observed without the use of the filter, be it just through either in binoculars or telescope. But partial phases of the eclipse, up to the effect created by the light zone around the dark disk must be observed with the filters mounted on lenses. And only after the disappearance of the bright zone is not dangerous to look without using the filter. In addition, come back to viewing through the filter while descending the complete eclipse and when the bright light appears on the western edge of the moon silhouette is quite dangerous. However, binoculars actually represents two small built-in telescope. If the surveillance of the Sun in the absence of a complete solar eclipse without applying the filter, it is possible to quickly damage unprotected eyes, then naturally, even more dangerous is to view the scour for an unnemedly sun into binoculars without using the filter.

Observation of the telescope

Some observers, including the historian-astronomer Ruth Freytag, prefer to see the progression of eclipse into a small portable binoculars, which is stable and less tires when used for a long period than binoculars. The telescope also provides a more detailed vision at high powerthan you can imagine. The light filter of solar radiation is removed when the complete solar eclipse occurs. When there is a desire to see a larger view of the crown, you need to switch to the scale of the seeker.

Light filters and light filters telescopes

Many companies on the manufacture of telescopes and cameras provide filters with metal coatingwhich are safe to observe the sun. They are more expensive than ordinary Malarov, but, in principle, he likes the observers more, as it is available in different colors, for example, a filter with a chrome coating, through which the sun is reflected orange color. Through aluminum Malar, the sun looks bluish-gray. With the help of Mailara, through such filters can be viewed right in the sun.

Attention: Do not confuse such filters that are created to install on the lens of the chambers or the hole of the telescopes, with the so-called solar eyepieces for the telescope. Solar eyepieces are still sold along with small amateur telescopes. They are not safe due to their tendency to heating and cracking, which contributes to the penetration of sunlight, fully directed to the telescope hole.

Fully exhibited and manifested black and white film
as a light filter

You can make your own black and white film filter, but an exceptionally real black and white film (for example, Kodak Tri-x or Pan-X). Such films contain a layer of silver after their developing. It is this layer of silver that serves to protect the eyes.

For the manufacture of your own light filter, you should go as follows. Open the black and white films and hold her minute in the sun. Film must be shown to obtain negatives. Use negatives for your film. It is better to use two layers of the film. With such a filter, you can look at the sun without feet.

Remember, however, that for the use of a black and white film as a light filter of solar radiation, it is necessary to prepare it, at least a few days before surveillance.

Attention: Do not use color or chromogenic black and white film, which is actually a color film. The manifested color film, regardless of the degree of brightness, contains exceptionally colored dyes that do not protect vision. It is metallic silver that is contained in a black and white film after its development, serves to create a safe light filter.