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Methods of influence on people. Psychological tricks: how to influence people


A person affects his life?

A person affects the outside world?

Consciousness of a person affects the outside world?

I have long answered all these questions. I think you will agree with me. Of course, we affect our life.

But how totaled this process?

How much percent do you affect your life?

What do you think?

Attention! This article can scare or at least surprise you. But in the end you will understand why it is so important, and why

In this article you will learn that you are affecting the outside world on 100% . And there are no exceptions. You even affect terrible weather in your city and that the bus did not come on time.

You have influenced what you took on a highly paid job and exactly also influenced that your child fell ill.

Do not agree?

Wait, read this strange story about an unusual therapist, told Joe Vitaly in his book "Life without restrictions."

And then discuss.

History from Joe Vital

A couple of years ago I heard about one Hawaiian doctor, who treated the most launched cases of madness of patients, without seeing patients themselves. He read the diagnosis data, and then looked inside himself to see how he created the disease of this person. And when he improved himself, the patient also went to the amendment.

When I first heard this story, I thought it was some kind of urban bike. How can anyone cure someone, in this way? How can even be the most insight to cure full madness?

I found a story with fiction. It was not logical, and I threw the story from my head.

But a year later I heard about it again. I heard that the therapist uses a Hawaiian healing method called Ho'oponopono. I have never heard such a thing, but now it's still firmly in my brain. If this story was true, I already wanted to know more about it.

I always understood the phrase "full responsibility" in the sense that I am responsible for everything, what I think, and what I do. And everything that goes beyond this understanding is no longer subject to me.

I think many people interpret full responsibility in the same way. We are responsible for what we do, but not for what anyone does. Hawaiian healer who treated people who lost the mind could teach me a new, deeper understanding of full responsibility.

His name is Dr. Michalieakal Hugh Len. With our first telephone conversation, we communicated almost a whole hour. I asked him to tell me the whole story about his activities as a healer. He said that he worked in the Hawaii State Hospital.

The branch in which there were crazy patients were quite dangerous. Physiologists quit from there literally in a month. The staff or pretended to be patients and did not go to work, or just quit. Everyone who had to go through this department, overcame it only with her back to the wall, fearing patients's attacks. It was not the most the best place For both life and work or visits.

Dr. Len told me that he never looked at patients. He looked through patient medical maps sitting in the office. While he considered these records, he worked on himself. And as he worked on himself, the patients began to recover.

"After a few months, patients who have had the right to move only in handcuffs, allowed to move freely," he said to me. - "Others who received huge doses of medicines, got exemption from them. And those patients who did not have the slightest chance of ever be on their freedom, got it. "

After I heard about it, I experienced a huge reverence.

"But this is not all," he continued, "the staff gladly come to work with joy. Poles and fluidity of frames disappeared. We finally completed the whole staff, we needed to care for patients, and all the staff worked fine. And today it is closed. "

And then the moment came when I asked a million dollars a question: "So what did you do such that all these people change?"

"I just treated those of my parts that they made them," he replied.

I did not understand anything.

Dr. Len explained that the full responsibility for his life means that you are responsible for everything that happens in your life - for the simple reason that this is your life - and therefore this is your responsibility. Literally - the whole world is created by you.

Blimey! This does not immediately reach. Being responsible for what I say or do is one thing. But be responsible for what everyone says or does in my life is completely different.

In addition, the truth is that if you take full responsibility for your life, then everything you see, you hear, feel the taste, why do you touch, or experience any other sensations, for all this you are also responsible because it is your life.

This means that the scope of terrorism, the president, and the economy is everything that you experience, and even everything you do not like is to treat all this. They exist, so to speak, only as projections from the inside of you. The problem is not in them, the problem is in you. And to change them, you should change.

I know it is difficult to understand, it is difficult to give responsibility for everything in one hands. The condemnation is much easier than full responsibility. But when I spoke with Dr. Lenom, I began to understand what he means treating himself, and that Ho'oponopono means to love himself.

If you want to improve your life, you need to cure your life. If you want to cure someone - even crazy, - you can do it,

I asked Dr. Lena, as he treated himself. What did he do specifically when he considered patient cards?

"I just spoke" Forgive me "and" I love you, "and repeated these words again and again," he explained.

And it's all?

And it's all.

It turns out that love yourself is the most the best way Improve yourself and when you improve yourself, you will improve your world.

Let me bring personal example how it works: one day someone sent me e-mail A letter that upset me.

In the past, I would work on my emotional "hot dots", or would have been thinking about that man who sent me an unpleasant letter. This time I remembered the method of Dr. Lena. I just repeat quietly: "Forgive me" and "I love you," I did not say these words to anyone specifically. I just awakened the spirit of love to cure inside me what the external circumstances did.

About an hour later I received another letter from the same person. He apologized for the previous epistle. Note that I have not committed a single action aimed at the outside world to get this apology. I did not even write him a reply letter. Repeating "I love you," I somehow cured in myself what he created him.

Later I visited Dr. Lena. He is now 70 years old, and he is considered hereditary shaman, and he leads a fairly solitary way of life. He praised my book "Factor of Attraction". And he told me that as I would treat myself, the vibration of my book would increase, and everyone who will read it will feel it. In short, if I improve, my readers are improved.

"And what about those books that are already sold and not available to me?" - I asked.

"They are not unavailable to you," he explained, again breaking my mind to mystical wisdom. - "They are still in you."

In short, there is nothing outside.

An explanation of this technique could take a whole book, and would deserve that. But it is enough to say that all that you would like to improve in your life, all this is in a single accessible place - in you.

How does a person affect life?

Let's ask yourself practical questions.

Who created the situation where I was drowned?

Who influenced the fact that my boss made me an unpleasant reprimand for anything?

Who influenced the fact that my relationship rolled down the slope?

Who influenced me suddenly drive heavy bags?

Who created this opportunity that I won these tickets?

How did it happen that I suggested this position so easily?

And if you wonder how I manage to influence your life and materialize the desired, come to my

The human body can affect a lot of different factors Environment, noise, ionizing radiation, alcohol, physical exertion, household radiation.

How many factors interfere with the work of our body, prevent us from living long and destroy us.

Effect on electromagnetic radiation human body

Each person has its own electromagnetic field, it helps us live, protects us from external influences and helps to work harmoniously.

If your protective shell begins to suffer, then you will be subject to various diseases and stress.

It is impossible to allow your electromagnetic field to be more powerful to your electromagnetic field than yours, it will lead to the destruction of the body and severe health deterioration.

What can affect your protective shell, such as phones, computers, household appliances, transport, also can affect us a bad mood of people, a large cluster of people, magnetic storms, geopathogenic zones on earth and so on.

How does electromagnetic radiation affect the human body and his health?

Weak electromagnetic fields, in which the power of hundredths and thousands of watt shares high frequency Influence the human body, the intensity of these fields coincides with the intensity of the human field, as a result of which the person's field is distorted and exposes a person to various diseases. Where the person has the most weaknessThe development of the disease begins.

Electromagnetic signals may not immediately affect the human body, they have the property of accumulating in the body and when they accumulate up to a certain limit, a failure of the body can occur and the person begins to hurt.

Who is most susceptible to electromagnetic fields?

Electromagnetic fields are primarily subject to people who work on a computer are connected with office equipment and phones, including cell Phones.

Such people are more likely to stress, they have immunity, the body's fatigue increases, sexual activity is reduced.

What negative sources surround us in life?

There is a lot of negative sources around a person who affect our organism and our health: cell phones and mobile communications, computers, geopathic zones, transport, power lines, televisions, microwave ovens (microwave oven), psychotronous weapons.

The main problem of the effects of electromagnetic fields, that we do not feel them until we start to hurt.

First of all, electromagnetic fields affect eye, immunity, blood circuit, brain, urinary system, gastrointestinal.

In the US, research was conducted, as a computer and its electromagnetic field affect the health of a person, and that's what they found out:

    in women who work on a computer during pregnancy, the fruit developed abnormally;

    the threat of miscarriages was almost 80%;

    in children of 10 years of age, after 15 minutes of the time spent at the computer, changes in the blood and urine were observed, these analyzes were similar to analyzes a person with cancer;

    in children of the age of 16, after 30 minutes of the time spent at the computer, changes in blood and urine were observed; these analyzes were similar to analyzes a person with cancer;

    in an adult person, such changes were observed in two hours of operation.

In people who work at the manufacture of electricians, the risk of earning brain cancer is 13% higher than those of other professions.

As influenced electromagnetic radiation on the nervous system?

Electromagnetic radiation affect the human body, from this can suffer your nervous system.

Electromagnetic fields violate permeability cell membranes For calcium ions and thus affect the human body. Nervous system gives a failure and starts working incorrectly.

Electromagnetic radiation is accumulated in the human body, and you can feel the weakness of making depression deterioration of the memory slow motion and so on.

How do electromagnetic radiation affect the immune system?

The immune system is also very strongly exposed to electromagnetic radiation.

When I conducted research on animals, it turned out that animals were subject to electromagnetic radiation, the nature of the infectious process changes - the course of the infectious process is allocated and becomes more difficult.

Electromagnetic radiation disrupt immunogenesis processes for the worse.

The same happens and with a person he also suffers the immune system From electromagnetic radiation.

How do electromagnetic emissions affect the endocrine system?

The endocrine system also suffers from electromagnetic emissions.

When they conducted research, it turned out that under the action of the electromagnetic field per person, it was stimulated by the pituitary-adrenaline system, that is, the adrenaline content increased in the blood, and the blood coagulation process was activated.

How do electromagnetic radiation on the cardiovascular system affect?

If you look at the cardiovascular system, it is also subject to electromagnetic radiation. The effect of electromagnetic radiation significantly increases the pulse and blood pressure, and phase changes in the composition of peripheral blood occur.

How do electromagnetic radiation affect the intermittent system?

The electromagnetic radiation is very strong influence the ovaries.

Men becomes less spermatozoa, girls are more likely born, the risk of birth of a sick child increases.

Women's sex field It is considered stronger in contrast to men and electromagnetic radiation on it do not affect it so much.

Electromagnetic radiation provide greater influence At the gastrointestinal tract, the urinary system, on the thyroid gland, on the liver, on the head vessels, and on those organs in the body that you have in a weakened state.

See how electromagnetic radiation from household appliances per person.

μW / (power flow density)

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Think about how electromagnetic radiation on a person affects, it is not possible to abandon all electrical appliances and transport in our time, it is difficult to do without electric assistants, but try to protect yourself and keep health. We wish you good luck.

Before starting, it is worth noting that none of the following methods falls under the fact that you can call the "dark art of impact" on people. Everything that may damage to a person or to hurt his dignity here is not given. These are ways with which you can conquer friends and influence people using psychology, without making anyone to feel bad.

Request a service

Cunning: Request someone about favoring for you (a way known as the effect of Benjamin Franklin). The legend states that Benjamin Franklin once wanted to win the location of a person who did not love him. He asked this person to lend him a rare book, and when he got her, he was very kindly thanked him. As a result, a person who did not particularly want to even talk to Franklin, made friends with him. According to Franklin: "One who once made you a good deed, will be more located to make something good for you once more than the one you yourself are required." Scientists decided to test this theory, and ultimately found that those people who researcher asked for personalobolence were much more favorable to a specialist compared to other groups of people.
Influence on human behavior

Mattake above

Cunning: Always ask more than you initially need, and then lower the bar. This technique is sometimes called the "approach door in the face." You contact a person with a truly too high request, from which he will most likely refuse. After this, you return to the "rank below", namely, you actually need from this person. This trick may seem to you with a illogical, but the idea is that a person will feel bad after he refuses you. However, he will explain it to himself the unreasonability of the request. Therefore, the next time you contact him with your real need for him, it will feel obliged to help you. Acquired after the test in the practice of this principle, came to the conclusion that he actually works, because the person who first appeals With a very "big" request, and then return to him and ask for a small one, feels that it should help you.

Influence of the name per person.

Call names

Cunning: Use the person's name or call him a position depending on the situation. Dale Carnegie, the author of the book "How to conquer friends and influence people," believes that frequent mention in the conversation name of the person is incredibly important. He emphasizes that the person's name in any language is the sweetest combination of sounds for him. Cartaging says that the name is the main component of human identity, therefore, when we hear it, once again we receive confirmation of your significance. That is why we feel more positively tuned towards a person who confirms our significance in the world. However, the use of posts or other form of handling in speech may also have a strong impact. The idea is that if you behave like a certain type of person, then you will become this man. It is somewhat similar to prophecy. To use this technique to influence other people, you can contact them as you would like to see them. In the end, they will start thinking about themselves in this vein. It is very simple if you want to get close to a certain person, then more often call him "friend", "Comrade". Or referring to someone, who would you like to work, you can call it a "boss". But keep in mind that sometimes you can get out of it.

The influence of words per person.


Cunning: Flying can lead you to where you need. It may seem obvious at first glance, but there are some important reservations. To begin with, it is worth noting that if flattering is not sincere, then it is most likely more harm than good. However, scientists who studied the flattery and reactions of people to her revealed several very important things. Simply put, people always try to maintain a cognitive balance, trying to organize their thoughts and feelings in a similar way. Therefore, if you flatter a person whose self-esteem is high, and the flattery is sincere, you like him more, because the flattery coincides with what he is thinking about himself. However, if you flatter the one who has self-esteem suffers, then negative consequences are possible.

It is likely that he will be worse to treat you, because it does not intersect how he perceives himself. It does not mean that a person with low self-esteem should be humiliated.

Methods of influence on people.

Reflect the behavior of other people

Cunning: Be a mirror image of the behavior of another person. The mirror reflection of behavior is also known as mimicry, and this is something that a certain type of people is characteristic of their nature. People with this skill are called chameleons, because they are trying to merge with their environment by copying someone else's behavior, manner and even speech. Nevertheless, this skill can be used quite consciously, and this is a great way to enjoy. The researchers studied mimicry and found that those whom they copied were very favorably tuned towards a person who copied them. Also, experts came to another, more interesting conclusion. They revealed that people who have imitators treated people in general, even to those who were not involved in the study. It is likely that the reason for such a reaction lies in the following. The presence of a person who mirrors reflect your behavior confirms your importance. People feel great confidence in themselves, so they are happier and well tuned towards other people.

Psychology of influence on people.

Use fatigue

Cunning: Ask about favoring when you see that the man is tired. When a person gets tired, he becomes more susceptible to any information, whether the usual statement about something or request. The reason is that when a person gets tired, it happens not only at the physical level, its mental energy supply is also depleted. When you appeal to the tired person, most likely, you will not get a certain answer right away, and hear: "I will do it tomorrow," because he does not want to make any decisions on this moment. The next day, most likely, a person will actually fulfill your request, because at the subconscious level most people try to keep their Word, so we are watching what we say to coincide with what we do.

Psychological influence on man.

Offer something from what a person cannot refuse

Cunning: Start the conversation from what the interlocutor cannot refuse, and you will achieve what you need. it back side approach "door in person". Instead of starting a conversation from request, you start with something minor. As soon as a person agrees to help you in small, or simply agree to something, you can go into the course of "heavy artillery". Experts checked this theory on marketing approaches. They began with the fact that they asked people about expressing support for tropical forest protection and ambientWhat is a very simple request. As soon as the support was received, scientists revealed that now people are much easier to convince you to buy products that contribute to this support. However, you should not start with one request and immediately go to another. Psychologists have discovered that much more effectively take a break in 1-2 days.

Takes of influence on people.

Keep calm

Cunning: Do not correlate a person when he is wrong. In his famous book, Carnegie also emphasized that they should not tell people about their wrong. This, as a rule, will not lead to anything, and you just get into disfavor to this person. In fact, there is a way to show disagreement, while continuing to a polite conversation, not to tell anyone that he is not right, but hitting the ego of the interlocutor to the depths of the soul. The method was invented by Ray Ransberger and Marshall Fritz (Marshall Fritz). The idea is pretty simple: instead of arguing, listening to what a man says, and then try to understand what he feels and why. After that, you should explain to a person those moments that you share with him and use it as a starting point to clarify your position. It will make it more favorable to you, and he most likely listens to what you say, while not losing your face.

The influence of people on each other.

Repeat the words of your interlocutor

Cunning: Rephrase what a man says and repeat what he said. This is one of the most amazing ways to influence other people. So you show your interlocutor that you actually understand him, catch His feelings and your empathy sincere. That is, paraphrasing the words of his interlocutor, you will achieve its location very easily. This phenomenon is known as a reflective listening. Studies have shown that when doctors use this technique, people are more revealed before them, and their "cooperation" is more fruitful. It is easy to use and in conversation with friends. If you listen to what they say, and then rephrase said, forming a question to confirm, they will feel very comfortable with you. You will have a strong friendship, and they will more actively listen to what you say, because you have managed to show what you care about them.

Methods of influence on people.

Close head

Cunning: Close a little head during a conversation, especially if you want to ask for something of your interlocutor. Scientists have found that when a man nods, listening to someone, he is more likely to agree with what was said. They also revealed that if your interlocutor nods, then you will also nod you in most cases. This is quite explained, because people often unconsciously imitate the behavior of another person, especially the interaction with which they will benefit. Therefore, if you want to add weight to what you say, navigate regularly during the conversation. The person with whom you are saying will be difficult not to navigate in response, and it will start positively to the present information you think, without even suspecting it.

As a name affects a person.

Is there a connection between the name of a person and his fate? Parapsychologists argue that all names have a certain energy. But only recently this theory received scientific evidence.

Name and appearance

A group of psychologists from the Jewish University in Jerusalem found out that the name is associated with the appearance of a person. So, in appearance it is possible, it turns out, guess the name - at least if we are talking About your compatriot. The role of certain cultural stereotypes play the role. The phenomenon received by scientists the name "Dorian Gray Effect", and the results of the study were published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.

Researchers conducted a number of experiments. In the first of them, 70 inhabitants of Israel participated. They were offered to watch 25 color pictures unfamiliar people And decide which of the four proposed names is more suitable for each of them. In 30% of cases, volunteers faithfully guess the name of the stranger - it is significantly more than it should be on the theory of probability. Also, similar experience was carried out with a team of 115 French. There, the percentage of guessing turned out to be even higher - 40%.

It turned out that the hairstyle of a person was influenced by the frequency of guessing. All photos were divided into three categories. On some, the hair, ears and neck were clearly visible, and the features of the face looked blurred. On others it was possible to look good eyes, cheeks, nose and mouth, but the hair and neck was not visible. Finally, the face and hairstyle were clearly visible on the third. It was on the pictures of this category. a large number of Correct answers - an average of 36%. Where the hairstyle was visible better than a person, the number of faithful answers was 33%. Where only people were visible - 30%. That is, to guess the name with a greater probability, the subject should have had as much as possible. complete information About human appearance.

True, certain restrictions were revealed. If the volunteers were offered snapshots and names of people of another nationality, the number of correct answers decreased.

In addition, scientists have developed a special computer algorithm that "taught" to identify conformity between people and their names. At the same time, training took place on the basis of 94 thousand individuals. As a result, the amount of guessing was 64% with a probability of 50%. It turned out that the computer gave the same name to people with a similar expression of individuals.

According to the leading author of the study of Jonat Tsubner, there are certain stereotypes in our minds. Therefore, we unconsciously build communication with others in accordance with these stereotypes, which affects the names themselves. The flowers believes that people produce a certain image depending on the name. But there are cases when they feel uncomfortable with this name, since it does not correspond to their inner state, they are hard to adapt to this image. And then a person changes his name. So, a girl who does not possess special ambitions can feel uncomfortable with the pretentious name of Christina, and start calling himself, say, Katya. But in show business is not uncommon when Maria or Elena, taking a pseudonym, becomes Marianne or Helen.

Lucifer complex

And how do you affect people unusual, non-standard names? Sometimes parents give children the names "with meaning", not fit into any cultural stereotype at all. For example, on June 26, 2002, a boy was born in Russia, called BOO RVF 260602 ("The Biological Object of the Man of Voronin - Frolov" Plus Birthday). True, in the registry office under the name of the child, they refused flatly. Up to 14, he lived without a birth certificate, and then he received a passport where Igor stood. He himself called himself.

A few years ago, one family called the child with Lucifer. In fact, this name means "light-point", but in Christian culture is the name of the Angel of Darkness. Since 1998, in Moscow, such names as Dolphin, Luka-Happiness Summer Summert, Buddha-Alexander, April, Zarya-Zaryanka, Ocean, Sofia-Sun, Alice Nefertiti ... Children live under the names of metallic, Lego and Google . In the US - Messiah, Instagram, Meningitis, Batman ...

In most cases, the child is still not called in everyday life. As a rule, invent some kind of home or reduce namewhich sounds more correctly. Especially since the dubious or intact name can be the subject for ridicule.

But sometimes unusual names help people in life. So, a student of a medical college diamond Bazhev rare name Several times helped in the design of various documents. Officials of the Passport Table and Tax Inspectorate at the sight of a diamond just melted ...

Names "Right" and "Wrong"

The well-known Russian expert in the field of names Boris Higir believes that the name really affects the human psyche and in the future - on his fate, so it is necessary to give the "right" names to children.

And which are considered

"Wrong"? Well, for example, in Russia these are double names like Anna-Maria: children with such names grow psychologically unstable. It is worth avoiding foreign names - they do not correspond to the stereotypes of our culture. Men with the names Sergey and Anatoly often have a tendency to drink and drug. Alexandra early begin to smoke and tend to theft.

Women's names Tatiana, Yana and Julia - in essence men, says Higir. Such women often have an increased level of aggression.

I think you really noticed more than once that people with the same name seem to look like and seem to behave. Therefore, if you want your child to have certain qualities, you must come up with a corresponding name for it. And if you do not like our own qualities, it is worth thinking about changing the name. Sometimes it is enough just to find a new derivative from your full name so that your destiny has changed.

Each person is individual, but when communicating, people with severe energy attract attention to themselves. They stand out for their excellent health, success and high self-esteem. Looking at such people, I want to become the same. To do this, it is necessary to deal with the biofield, whether it is possible to strengthen it and how the names with strong energy on fate are affected. About this further in the article.

Signs of people with a strong biopole. What are they?

What is primarily striking when communicating with a person who has strong energy- This is his positive in any situation. Such people are difficult to break, and they achieve their goals, despite the obstacles. Charges around your good mood, communicate with them - one pleasure.

What are the signs of strong human energy? What properties make a person with a strong biopole? Let's look at:

  1. They practically do not hurt, do not have problems with weight and physically well developed.
  2. Any it started by success, failures pass by the party.
  3. People just pulling them. Therefore, a person with strong energy surrounds a large number of friends.
  4. If there are problems or failures of strong disorders. On the contrary, out of all this will be concluded, and in the future such mistakes such a person will bypass.
  5. Such people have no negative and depression. They always see only positive sides And look with a positive to the future.
  6. People willingly go beyond man with strong energy, so it is easy for him to be a leader.
  7. They develop, do not sit long in one place. They have a permanent thirst for something new.
  8. Even with ordinary handshake, a strong biofe is felt. They can easily learn extrasensory abilities. They can deliver people from pain (head, unfortunate pain in the joints and so on).
  9. It is easy to communicate with them. Such people know how to listen and will definitely give the right and necessary advice.
  10. A man with strong energy draws her from everywhere, but does not keep her without a case, but shares with others and let the right direction For its own development.

The listed signs of strong energy may not necessarily be present at once. But if a person begins to develop his biofield, he will definitely come to the fact that all signs will be inherent in him.

A man in nature can manage not with all his biopole. Some abilities he can use more often, and the rest fade away. Therefore, the power of a person happens different species. Let's look at them.


Any energy aimed at humans is reflected from the mirror. This can be done even on a subconscious level. A person simply does not want to break his internal equilibrium. When communicating with a man-mirror negative man Gets back its charge negative energy and negative. Therefore, they avoid communicating with such people. But people with positive energy, on the contrary, love to support communication with a man-mirror. After all, the whole positive returns back to them. For example, with such a person shared great news, he definitely listened to her, took full part in the conversation, but he did not allow this information deep to heart.


In this case, the energy directed on humans is not easy to reflect back, it is like a ball, repelled from the wall. This is done, again, to preserve internal equilibrium. Minus in this case, that negative energy, bounced off the person-wall, can get into an innocent person. For example, a person was heated on the street, he did not closely accepted an insult, but it may accidentally be reduced to his friend, which will immediately meet after an unpleasant conversation.


This is not an insult. Just such a kind of people feed on any energy. Both positive and negative. If a good person, the negative energy can be very lowered by biopol. After all, when absorbing negative energy, only positive is emitted back. But it only benefits negative people. So they charge someone else's energy. Saw it from a person like leech. Inverse returns in the form of positive energy from them should not be expected. For example, a man learned that his best friend Reducked at work. He begins to sympathize, helps to look for a way out. Often forgetting about personal interests.


This type of people also absorbs all information - both positive and negative. But it does not reflect it back. Forming a kind of cocoon around them. In such people, their biofields will quickly weaken and begins to collapse under the action of negative ingenious information. For example, such a person was offended in an even place, he begins to worry, agrees with the accusation. But over time, just forgets the offense. And absorbs the next one. As a result, the human body begins to accumulate negative. But it may be positive information.


This kind of people is extremely curious. They assimilate any information and try to find only positive parties in it. They easily become donors for people with a weak biopole. W. negative people A man-plant can only cause anger. For example, such a person is extremely interesting why a neighbor in the evening was a scandal with her husband. He will definitely listen to, will help with advice or affair. But in the end, it may not be given any thanks in response, but it will take it a little.

Mediator man

Vampire man

Such a type of people nourishes its biofield at the expense of others. They usually have their own energy in exhaustion. For example, a person comes to visit and derives only positive information, and it can last it may not be one hour. At the same time, the interlocutor is very tired and emptied.

Filter man

This kind of people misses the information and gives it already in the modified form. Often in the filter sends a part of the negative. For example, these are people psychologists, diplomats, peacekeepers.

Energy of a person affects his surroundings, professional achievements. And often it is manifested in the character of man. For example, a vampire person is rarely inherent positive features character.

Women's energy

Not all girls have a strong female energy. Women with strong biopole are popular with men. The strong floor attracts their positive, with such a woman it is interesting to spend time, besides, they always achieve their goals. Men love it.

For what signs you can define a woman with strong energy:

  1. Men to such women pulls like a magnet. They can easily get acquainted even on the street or in a cafe. They are constantly shoved by compliments, give flowers and gifts. Such a kind of women are welcome for men.
  2. Such a woman does not sit without work. Easily gets comfortable for a new place. It has many ideas. And without problems copes with the tasks.
  3. No problems financially. First, they attract men to themselves, and they can provide an energetically strong woman, if only she was there. Secondly, such a kind of women easily copes with any work. And can financially do not depend on anyone.
  4. Strong woman Glows with happiness and energy from the inside. With her it is easy to lead a conversation, the eyes burn from happiness. It does not burden with tedious conversations or talking about anything. Her company is pleasant and charges with energy and positive.
  5. Woman almost never gets tired. All its internal energy is sent to a positive channel, creates new ideas and embodies them into life.
  6. Stand out unusual ideaswhich give a positive result. They have an interesting course of thoughts. It highlights them among other women.
  7. Lives every day in full, does not postpone things for tomorrow. Takes everything you can and slightly more.

A woman who has a strong female energy will always be surrounded by friends and men. It is easy to highlight among gray mass. And if a man meets such a woman, he tries to conquer her by any power and will never let him go from himself. It is these girls, or rather, their strong energy attracts the opposite sex.

There is no strong biofield for all women, and everyone wants to be desirable and go through life easily and dropping.

How to increase energy?

How can I increase the energy:

  • Monitor your behavior. Observe calm. It is not necessary to react much to events, whatever they are.
  • Love life and rejoice like small childEven the first snow. Know the price of the word "happiness". It can be found even in rainy weather or he has helped to work.
  • Surround a man with sincere feelings, tranquility and female charm. That is, do not run in front of him in curlers and pantalons and indignant, how bad and everything is bored.

So even a gray mouse, if working on myself, above my biofield, can become attractive for men. The main thing is to start, and when the result appears, there will be a desire to self-develop further.

Usually men have the energy in the overaffect. But it is used strictly for its intended purpose: to achieve the tasks and goals. The directional energy in the desired channel always brings the result.

Often biopol men compare with the sun. It is it that can heat. But if you go into the disfavor of a man, then you can be a wrath of his anger. It is because of the oversight of the energy of the guys are quick-tempered.

The most important thing is in strong energy - to learn how to manage it. Then it will be possible to achieve large goals and at the same time put the minimum effort.

How is the lack of energy in guys expressed?

When the man's body is exhausted and feels a shortage of energy, it is expressed in the following:

  • life loses its paints, becomes boring and uninteresting;
  • breakiness and fatigue, constantly sleepy, but it is impossible to sleep;
  • indifference to the world around;
  • depression becomes the usual state;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • uncontrolled mood differences, aggression.

How to replenish the guy's shortage of energy?

A man with a deficit of energy can even be dangerous for others. And the body is in exhaustion at this time. To replenish energy reserves:

  1. Analyze the menu. There are products that help to restore the imbalance in the body.
  2. Give the body time to restore, arrange a day off, give sleep.
  3. If there is a need to change the scope of activity so that the work was in joy.
  4. Learn to rejoice in trifles again.
  5. Spend more time in nature and fresh air.
  6. It is recommended to play sports. For example, running, tennis, swimming and so on.
  7. Do not pay attention to the negative, stress is bypass.
  8. Take a rule: "What did not kill me, then makes only stronger."

Take yourself in the hands and align your biofield is not at all difficult (maybe only at first). Every day rejoicing changes and achievements, it is easier to give energy to normal.

Often, disputes and reasoning arise, what energy is stronger, male or female. Here the comparison is inappropriate. After all, the moon is considered a patroness of female energy. And Woman S. strong energy It will be calm, reasonable and sincere. In men, the patron is the sun. And therefore men are more temperament, hot-tempered, sometimes even cutting in their behavior.

In any case, both sexes with severe energy perfectly get along and harmoniously complement each other.

How does it affect the surrounding?

Many may be interested, and is not dangerous to find next to a person who has a strong biofield? What is his influence on ordinary people? Let's figure it out:

  • When a person has a strong energy, it is pleasant to communicate with him. He unconsciously attracts people to him and calmly makes new acquaintances.
  • If a person is positive, he will definitely charge the surrounding positive energy.
  • But from negative or vampires it is better to stay away. To identify them easy. After communicating with such a person, a sense of weakness and breakdown appears.
  • A man with strong energy brings a feeling of calm.
  • Many communication or simply finding such a person next to the feeling of security (as if under parental care).

The main thing is to feel after communication, with which person I want to live, and the world played with new colors, and after what life is not sweet and there is a feeling of breaking.

Women's names with strong energy

As it may sound surprising, but the names are also inherent in a strong or weak energy. Sometimes the parents, not aware of themselves, are awarded the child is not just a name, but also a strong biopole.

  1. Eugene is passionate, intellectually developed girls.
  2. Inna - a woman with the same name is highlighted by honesty, temperament and changeable character.
  3. Karina is a pretty bright person with a strong energy, which attracts attention to others.
  4. Martha - a woman is inherent calm, stability.
  5. Regina - has positive energy, is very passionate about the work.

Male names with strong biopole

The strongest energy - men names:

  1. Alexander - people with this name are distinguished by courage, optimism. This is pretty strong peopleBut impulsive.
  2. Vladimir - the name rewards man by the features inherent in the leader, these are strong people.
  3. Daniel is standing out by the warehouse of the mind of an analytic nature, balanced personality.
  4. Mark - People with this name are quite jealous, occupy the place of leader / winner.
  5. Gleb - usually these are confident people, achieve their goals.

Of course, women's names With strong energy enjoy great popularity. That is why some are found so often.

Parents from the very conception try to give the child the best. And if the fate of the baby is not indifferent, then the name will be selected consciously. Sometimes it is proposed to choose it by date.

Only for example, 5 names with severe energy were considered. You can try to compare whether it corresponds to reality. If everything in a person is all one - and the name, and the energy field, then his life will be quite successful.

Negative potential

We called female names with the strongest energy. We also considered men's. Now let's talk about that, unfortunately, people with severe energy can have not only positive potential. There are negative personalities. They can be recognized by the following features:

  • After communicating with a negative-strong person, ailments appear ( headache, incomprehensible feeling of aggression, worried nightmares).
  • A man with negative strong energy often sicks, quickly gets tired, it is quite difficult for him to achieve something in life.
  • Difficulties and problems literally pursue such people. Mostly people are pessimists.

But for such people there is a way out of the situation. Negative strong energy can be rotated in the right direction. Although it can be happy. But the most important thing is to change this desire. Some just like to be a problematic person, attract attention to yourself and be unhappy.

Little conclusion

People who have a strong energy in harmoniously fit into their own life. They simply emit warmth, comfort and protection. And everyone will be able to become such a person. It is only worth attaching a little effort, and life will begin to change right in front of her eyes.