Repair Design Furniture

Remove the anomalous zone from the apartment. Geopathogenic zones: essence of the phenomenon, consequences and methods of elimination. How to determine the location of geopathogenic zones in an apartment

"), As well as outline the main recommendations for finding geopathogenic zones using biolocation, already mentioned in the article" Dowsing. She is also a dowsing ".

Geopathogenic zones and biolocation are closely related, since the former cannot be determined by almost anything other than with the help of the latter. But let's start with the first, so that it is clear what to look for. As various sources say:

Geopathogenic zones are areas where different types of radiation from the Earth's surface intersect and overlap. There are several types of radiation - these are radiation from several types of energy grids:

  1. E. Hartman (2m x 2.5m),
  2. F. Peyraud (4m x 4m),
  3. M. Kurri (5m x 6m),
  4. Z. Vitman (16m x 16m)

And also from underground water flows, geological faults. The result is a complex mesh, which is a whole series of separate mutually intersecting vertical walls about 20-60 cm wide and with pillars at the intersections (at the nodes). The walls of buildings, ceilings and roofs are not an obstacle for them, radiation freely passes through them.

Some researchers believe that the damaging effect of geopathogenic zones is based on the modulating effect of underground water flows on gamma radiation emanating from deep-lying granite rocks. It is also assumed that the formation of geopathogenic zones and their dangerous unusual type of radiation is based on anomalies in the electromagnetic and gravitational fields of the Earth, which form standing electromagnetic waves and gravitational waves

The modern most widespread understanding of geopathogenic zones and their sources can be represented in the form of a picture:

As you can see, the figure shows the lines of different grids, crossing in different places. The areas of overlapping grids are the very geopathogenic zones that we will try to learn to find using dowsing.

However, the representation indicated in the figure is INCOMPLETE.

It does not take into account, in particular, that the Earth has a spherical shape. And that the overlap nodes, which on the surface of the Earth have dimensions of, say, 2 by 2 meters, at the height of the fifth floor will be at friend distance from each other. And on the tenth floor, the distance will increase even more - and so on. Therefore, if you on the Internet or in books come across a quote like

The main grid in terms of its significance for human health is the global lattice network, which is oriented: 2.5 m from east to west, 2 m from north to south and forms geopathogenic nodes at intersections. The height of the nodes is endless. Such a rectangular "chessboard" covers the entire surface of the globe and not only covers, but also rises. So, on the ninth or sixteenth floors and above, it is determined in the same way as at the surface.

Now you know that this is written by people who are very far from reality, not familiar not only with the theory of geopathogenic zones, but also with the basics of elementary physics.

But back to our rams.

With an increase in height above the Earth's surface, not only the distance between the intersections of the energy grids increases, but the width of the geopathogenic stripes themselves will also increase, and if not for the next paragraph, then at a certain critical distance the energy grids would become so wide that the “free” space would disappear, and the entire surface at a given height would become a continuous geopathogenic zone.

But, " the height of the nodes is endless"(The expression from the previous quote) is an artistic generalization that relates more to marketing than to reality. Any energy, if it somehow manifests itself in the physical world, follows the laws of this physical world. And consequently, the intensity of geopathogenic nodes, maximum on the Earth's surface, with distance from the source will decrease inversely proportional to the square (or cube) of the distance - that is, very, very quickly.

Accordingly, there is a certain height at which geopathogenic nodes of energy grids do not play any role and do not manifest themselves in any way.

After all, it's not for nothing that people constantly want to climb higher: climb the mountains, try to build high-rise buildings, skyscrapers - an intuitive feeling that it is safer at the top, feeds more and more architects to create masterpieces of kilometers high. What is the practical use of this clarification? At least, if an "expert on geopathogenic zones" comes to you and finds on the 16th floor cells are exactly the same, as on the surface of the Earth), then you will know that in front of you charlatan and don't give him money 🙂

Thus, the questions arise:

  1. What are the actual characteristics of geopathogenic grids, nodes, zones, depending on the height above the Earth?
  2. How do these characteristics change with height above the Earth's surface?
  3. Surface of the Earth - do you mean a certain middle plane, such as "sea level", or is the intensity and geometry of the geopathogenic zone high in the mountains the same as in a swampy lowland?
  4. At what height does the impact of a geopathogenic node fall, say, by half?
  5. What is the geometry of geopathogenic zones, for example, on the 9th floor?
  6. What is the altitude safe from geopathogenicity?

And many other practical remarks. Unfortunately, for some unknown reason, “experts in geopathogenic zones” do not answer these questions. Therefore, there are no clear recommendations yet. However, everything is in your hands - since there is a method by which you can deal with these issues - at least for yourself. This method is dowsing.

And now the promised way of detecting geopathogenic zones using biolocation.

Despite attempts to create equipment for determining geopathogenic zones, the human body, the pendulum and the bio-frame continue to be the simplest and most reliable method. The frame is made of calibrated copper, aluminum wire with a diameter of 2 - 2.5 mm. The length of the handle is 12 cm, the sensitive arm is 22 - 25 cm. The pendulum or ring, weighing up to 10 grams, on a string, 30 - 60 cm long, are a kind of sensors and, making various movements (circular, linear), they can also determine geopathogenic zones.

What do you need to know in order to practically determine abnormal zones in your apartment? The sequence is very simple:

  1. It is advisable to use a compass to orient oneself to the cardinal points and, passing along magnetic lines (for example, from north to south), hold a frame or a pendulum in your hands.
  2. At the moment of passing the geomagnetic grid line, the frame in your hands begins to deviate - this will be the grid line.
  3. Then, passing perpendicularly (from east to west), they find the second line.
  4. The mental intersection of these lines will give you a geopathogenic zone, and knowing its size (from north to south - 2 meters, from east to west - 2.5 meters) will help you find these zones faster.
  5. You can check the level of negativity of the zone and the correct location (its diameter is 20-30 cm) with the help of a pendulum (ring).

Well, it would be nice to put these zones on the plan of the apartment (premises). What can prevent you from finding these zones? These are the three most common difficulties:

  • frame or pendulum make chaotic disorderly movements... The reasons are either there is a continuous geopathogenic zone around you, or you are on the 16th floor, and the intensity of geopathogenicity is minimal, or you have not concentrated well on the task.
  • the frame / pendulum clearly defines geopathogenic zones, but when measured and compared with other rooms distances do not match... The reasons are exactly the same - either you are measuring different floors of the building, or you need to concentrate on completing the task.
  • frame / pendulum not moving... Likewise, either you need to make a correction for the height above the Earth, or calm down and concentrate on the task.

It should also be borne in mind that the grid of geopathogenic zones is not constant... Zones can change their location in response to a variety of environmental influences (for example, solar flares). So if "today" you get one result, and "tomorrow" - another, do not be alarmed and do not give up further attempts to understand the structure of the Universe.

What could be an experiment to find answers to the above questions? Very simple: you analyze and discover Hartman, Curry grids, their thickness, intermediate and main nodes, and so on. in the basement of a high-rise building, draw a map of the detected grids, taking into account the thickness of the energy lines. Climb to the roof of the house and conduct a similar analysis. You overlay maps and compare the thickness and location of the lines. As well as the intensity of the negative impact (which is also very easy to determine using a pendulum or frame).

For self-correction: if at the height of the 10th floor you received the same intensity of geopathogenic impact (and the same geometry of the zones) as in the basement, then you are a bad biological locator and violate the laws of this world 🙂

Thus, you can independently obtain data on the behavior of geopathogenic zones and their change with height above the Earth's surface. And use these results for your own pleasure to improve your life and the lives of your loved ones. Well, save money on a variety of charlatans.

So, geopathogenic zones are easily detectable using biolocation.

You just need to practice a little 🙂

Based on materials from

Geopathogenic zones - energy emitted from the depths of the Earth. Geopathogenic zones are present on our planet everywhere, at any point in space, regardless of height. People do not see them, but they feel well if they are in such a zone for a long time.

Geopathogenic zones have a harmful effect on the human body, therefore it is necessary to know where such zones are located. The most dangerous for human health are crossing the boundaries of zones, the so-called nodes. They can be of different signs, positive nodes are able to give energy to a person, and negative ones take it away. But those and other nodes of geopathogenic zones can cause unpleasant sensations in people and cause diseases.

A long stay in the nodes of the geopathogenic zone is harmful, especially if this node is located at the head of the bed or on a chair, armchair, sofa, where a person is for a long time during sleep or rest.

Dowsing has always served human health, for example, in China from time immemorial there is a custom - not to start building a house until the dowser is convinced that the building site is free of “deep demons” (geopathogenic zones).

In the Museum of the History of Parapsychology, recently created in Moscow, there is a stand with a copy of a medieval reproduction. It depicts a man with a willow vine in his hands.

Currently, the dowsing operator uses a frame, usually made of red copper with a diameter of 2 - 3 mm, the length of the handle is 15 cm, and the length of the trunk is 30 cm. The lines of force are located perpendicular to each other, the so-called Hartmann grid. Its cell is 2x2.5 m, and the lines are oriented to the North-South and West-East.

If a geopathogenic node gets on a bed pillow, on a sofa, chair or desk, etc., in this case it is necessary to move some objects in order to get rid of the harmful influence of this geopathogenic node in this zone.

Above in the figure, it is schematically shown how it looks roughly (Hartman grid).

How to search for geopathogenic zones in an apartment?

To define these zones in a room, you must proceed as follows. The operator picks up L-shaped or U-shaped horizontal frames and begins to walk around the room as if in a circle, moving from the walls to the center. For more convenient carrying out of such work, it is advisable to free the room from furniture.
To fix the geopathogenic zones invisible to the eye, the operator should place it on the floor while driving, in places where the frame reacts to zones, cardboard or paper strips. Thus, it will be possible to see the boundaries of geopathogenic zones and their intersections - nodes.
This peculiar schematic drawing is then transferred to graph paper. It turns out a plan drawn up on a certain scale. For greater accuracy of dowsing survey, you can also determine the sign of each node of the geopathogenic zone.
After that, on the basis of the plan, you can place furniture in the room in such a way that the nodes of the geopathogenic zone do not affect human health and are outside the usual places of rest.

Since the discovery by scientists of the laws explaining the electromagnetic nature of the environment on Earth, a huge number of phenomena that are little explained from the point of view of fundamental science have been recorded. One of the most difficult to explain phenomena is the presence of places where people feel the sharply negative influence of the bioenergetic environment.

It can be caused by both natural and artificial external factors. Basic science has no theory to explain such anomalies. In the few works of scientists, the negative impact of the environment on humans is explained by the influence of the geopathogenic zone.

In this article

Official information

Geopathogenic zones (from the Greek geos - Earth, pathos - suffering, genesis - origin) are areas of the earth's surface, the presence of which negatively affects vital activity, mood and health. There is, but still not documented, the hypothesis that the elements of zones can be considered places on Earth where significant physical anomalies, zones of high electromagnetic and infrared radiation, and places of accumulation of harmful substances are recorded.

Primary information about the physical nature of the mysterious phenomenon can be obtained by watching the video material here:

Geopathogenic zones, places with negative energy signs, are located at the nodes of the network - a kind of system of lines of force that cover the Earth. For the first time, the existence of the network in the forties of the last century was announced by the director of the Munich Bioclinic Institute, Dr. Ernst Hartmann.

Conditional image of the Hartman network

The main focus of Hartman's research was geomagnetic anomalies, about which there was little reliable information and even less evidence of their existence. The scientist put forward a theory about the presence on the planet of a network of intersecting energy lines. Such a network of conventionally rectangular shape presupposes the presence of places with direct - favorable (cells) - and with reverse - harmful (lines and nodes) - influence on the bioenergetic aura of a person. The earth, according to Hartman, is not the only place with such a network. It is only part of the overall energy system of the Universe.

The size of the grid cells is 2 (from north to south) x 2.5 (from east to west) m. The cells are compressed in the direction from the equator to the poles. There is an assumption that the negative impact of such areas on living organisms is associated with the interaction of groundwater and gamma radiation emanating from rocks during periods of special activity - during volcanic eruptions and earthquakes. Another hypothesis is based on the action of physical fields that form a special type of disturbance - standing waves.

Evidence of existence

There is no documented evidence of the existence of geopathogenic zones. But scientists are trying to provide a scientific basis for mysterious phenomena and tie together unexplained facts. The first who tried to explain geophysical anomalies at various points on the earth's surface was a physician from Germany, Gustav von Pohl.

In the early 30s of the twentieth century, he published the results of his research in an authoritative medical journal covering the problems of cancer treatment. Von Paul established that mysterious phenomena are observed on various parts of the earth's surface. The researcher's conclusions were based on the statement that the sleeping places of patients who died from cancer were inside the geopathogenic zone.

A few decades later, Ernst Hartman began to seriously study this problem. The research resulted in a voluminous medical report. In it, Hartman for the first time called cancer a disease of location, which directly affects the decrease in the protective functions of the human immune system. Ten years later, in 1960, the researcher published the book "Diseases as a problem of location", which became a kind of guide to studying the effect of geopathogenic zones on the health of people, animals and plants.

Researchers have deduced several conventional categories:

  1. Various geological structures (mineral deposits, tectonic faults, zones of impact of eruptions and earthquakes).
  2. Areas of active human activity using sources of electromagnetic energy (mines, wells, burial of hazardous materials, nuclear waste disposal sites).
  3. Field anomalous phenomena with an unexplored physical nature (spots observed from space).

There are hypotheses that, in addition to the Hartman network, the Earth is covered with several more plexuses of energy lines:

  • Peyrot's network (mesh size 4x4 m);
  • Kurri network (mesh size 5x6 m);
  • Vitman's network (mesh size 16x16 m).

The interposition of the Kurri and Hartman networks in residential premises

The walls and roofs of buildings are not an obstacle for such networks, since the movement of radiation does not depend on external sources of influence. The places of their numerous intersections are especially unfavorable for humans. Belief in the presence of such paranormal phenomena is akin to belief in omens. For example, you cannot put the bed in the place where the cat who first entered the new house lay down. Hartman explained this by the habit of animals for a long time where the lines of the network intersect.

Using the knowledge about the location of geopathogenic zones, it is possible to adjust the design and placement of the main structural elements in the living quarters.


The human body is a complex biological structure, the laws of which, despite the abundance of information, have not been fully studied. It is unlikely that this will ever be possible at all. People do not tolerate long-term stay in places with abnormally high environmental pollution - air, water, soil. Thanks to various studies, it has been established how geopathogenic zones affect living organisms.

On people

Austrian doctor K. Bachler devoted 15 years to studying the problem of finding people with health disorders in geopathogenic zones. For the research, 11 thousand people were involved, susceptible to cancers of various stages - infants, children and adults. The conclusion was that all the patients had sleeping places for a long time in geopathogenic zones.

Hartmann's networks are most detrimental to people with pronounced signs of impaired immune system.

It is generally accepted that if for several days, weeks, months in a row a person is forced to stay inside a geopathogenic zone for at least three hours a day by the nature of his life, he has negative sensations:

  1. Weakness and irritability.
  2. Inexplicable fear of the surrounding reality.
  3. Headache and heart rhythm disturbances.
  4. Blood abnormalities and VSD.

Such periods of disorders of basic life functions in people located in the nodes of the Hartmann network are cyclical. Treatment requires the use of non-standard methods, therefore, it is more lengthy and complex.

The World Health Organization is conducting research on the growth of the number of diseases directly related to the long stay of people in technopathogenic zones - man-made abnormal formations. Curves of diagrams of nervous, immune and cardiovascular diseases invariably go higher and higher.

A sharp increase in the number of electromagnetic zones around people (an increase in the number of smartphones), pollution of air, water and earth with human waste products lead to the fact that doctors have long excluded a number of so-called systemic diseases - cancer, polyarthritis, severe neuroses, sclerotic brain disorders.

On animals

Dogs sleep only where the influence of negative energy is reduced to zero. Cats, on the other hand, use places for rest where the accumulation of such energy is maximal. In ungulates (sheep, horses, cows), under the influence of unfavorable radiation, the percentage of infertility, leukemia, and mastitis increases. Pets in such areas suffer from constant feather loss and other physical anomalies.

But bees, whose hives are located in the locations of unfavorable zones, produce more honey. Thus, the factors of influence of geopathogenic zones on living organisms have to be studied for a long time and in detail.

On plants

The influence of geopathogenic zones on biological structures can be easily detected in plants. Perennial trees with a highly developed root system are massively subject to dichotomy (bifurcation). The percentage of such forms in conifers in places with favorable bioenergy is no more than 0.5–1.0. Within geopathogenic zones, it increases to 25, and sometimes to 50.

Dancing trees

Other negative signs in plants are various curvatures, growth asymmetries and twisting of the crown elements. The research of scientific institutes of the Russian Federation dealing with flora problems and the study of mineral resources is indicative. The percentage of various anomalies in the compared “good” and “bad” growing areas ranges from 10 to 60.

How to determine the location

Mathematical expressions are applicable to determine the parameters of a geopathogenic zone. The maximum intensity in the zone is observed at the very surface of the Earth. The decrease in activity with distance from the source of unfavorable radiation occurs extremely quickly, it is inversely proportional to the distance covered in a square.

Instruments used in dowsing

The error in the dimensions of the cells in the Hartmann network is only 10–20 centimeters. Grid lines can no longer be recorded below five meters from the Earth's surface. Various curvatures are also possible. Zone boundaries are defined using two main methods.

Dowsing (dowsing), frames and pendulums

In order to find signs of a geopathogenic zone in the study area, a pendulum is required. A heavy object on a long thread, slowly moving through the explored space, will be absolutely motionless in the heart of the Hartmann's net. Having reached the line, the pendulum begins to swing. The amplitude of the oscillations is maximum at the points of intersection of the lines - the nodes of the cells.

The dowser, as it is customary to call the researcher of the deviations of the pendulum, can quite accurately indicate the points of location and interweaving of the network. In the modern scientific interpretation, dowsing is called dowsing.

Electromagnetic field detectors (EMF detectors)

A dangerously high level of radiation can also be determined by a completely scientific method - with the help of radiation fixation devices (detectors of electromagnetic fields).

They register fields with extremely high frequencies, sources of naturally and artificially created electromagnetic radiation.

Means of protection

Having received information about the presence of signs and the strength of radiation within the geopathogenic zone, it is necessary to determine the methods of protection.

By the type of impact, devices and objects with which it is possible to compensate for the consequences of negative influences are divided into active and passive.

Here are just a few of the declared ways to protect yourself from unwanted contact:

  1. The presence of materials in the room that absorb various types of radiation. It can be felt, wax, other substances with high viscosity, sound and energy absorption.
  2. Installation of devices capable of deflecting harmful radiation - decorative metal nets or mirrors.
  3. Design items with elements in the form of pyramids or cones that simultaneously serve as decoration and energy trap.
  4. Installation of devices capable of compensating or converting negative radiation.

An extreme way of dealing with negative consequences is to leave the geopathogenic zone and further avoid possible contacts as much as possible.

Geopathogenic zones- energy emitted from the depths of the Earth. Geopathogenic zones are present on our planet everywhere, at any point in space, regardless of height. People do not see them, but they feel well if they are in such a zone for a long time.

Geopathogenic zones have a harmful effect on the human body, therefore it is necessary to know where such zones are located.
The most dangerous for human health are crossing the boundaries of zones, the so-called nodes. They can be of different signs, positive nodes are able to give energy to a person, and negative ones take it away. But those and other nodes of geopathogenic zones can cause unpleasant sensations in people and cause diseases.

A long stay in the nodes of the geopathogenic zone is harmful, especially if this node is located at the head of the bed or on a chair, armchair, sofa, where a person is for a long time during sleep or rest.

Dowsing has always served human health, for example, in China from time immemorial there is a custom - not to start building a house until the dowser is convinced that the building site is free of “deep demons” (geopathogenic zones).

In the Museum of the History of Parapsychology, recently created in Moscow, there is a stand with a copy of a medieval reproduction. It depicts a man with a willow vine in his hands.

Currently, the dowsing operator uses a frame, usually made of red copper with a diameter of 2 - 3 mm, the length of the handle is 15 cm, and the length of the trunk is 30 cm. The lines of force are located perpendicular to each other, the so-called Hartmann grid. Its cell is 2x2.5 m, and the lines are oriented to the North-South and West-East.

If a geopathogenic node gets on a bed pillow, on a sofa, chair or desk, etc., in this case it is necessary to move some objects in order to get rid of the harmful influence of this geopathogenic node in this zone.

The figure shows schematically how it looks roughly.

How to search for geopathogenic zones in an apartment?

To define these zones in a room, you must proceed as follows. The operator picks up L-shaped or U-shaped horizontal frames and begins to walk around the room as if in a circle, moving from the walls to the center. For more convenient carrying out of such work, it is advisable to free the room from furniture.
To fix the geopathogenic zones invisible to the eye, the operator should place it on the floor while driving, in places where the frame reacts to zones, cardboard or paper strips. Thus, it will be possible to see the boundaries of geopathogenic zones and their intersections - nodes.
This peculiar schematic drawing is then transferred to graph paper. It turns out a plan drawn up on a certain scale. For greater accuracy of dowsing survey, you can also determine the sign of each node of the geopathogenic zone.
After that, on the basis of the plan, you can place furniture in the room in such a way that the nodes of the geopathogenic zone do not affect human health and are outside the usual places of rest.

Health. About geopathogenic zones

The most effective way to determine a geopathogenic zone is as follows. The local geopathogenic zone with its negative energy suppresses any vital activity. Therefore, we need a biological object by which we, as an indicator, can orient ourselves - what kind of energy it is positive or negative. And there is such an indicator - these are germinating wheat seeds.

So, we soak the wheat seeds and put them in several saucers. We place these saucers in those places where we spend the most time: a desk, a bed, etc. If the room is empty, then it is even easier to do it - we arrange the saucers in rows with a distance of 50 cm between them. Approximately, after 2-3 days, everything will become clear. Where there is a strong negative geopathogenic radiation, wheat will not germinate. Where it is especially favorable, it will germinate faster, and the sprouts will be much larger. Where the energy background is normal, germination will be normal.

From the findings we draw conclusions and ... rearrangement in the room. We place the workplace in an area with the strongest and most favorable radiation. It is better to leave the bed in a neutral zone so as not to be overly excited and not to suffer from insomnia. On the contrary, we force the negative place of energy outlet with a wardrobe, a chest and other objects that we do not need.

As for household appliances, radio and television equipment, it is better to place them in places with a normal background radiation.

Five methods for determining the GPZ in an apartment.

There are many local geopathogenic zones (GPZ) that negatively affect human health. For example, if the zone runs along the head of the bed, a stroke, brain tumors develop, in the legs - inflammation of the joints, varicose veins, in the abdomen - stomach cancer, liver disease, intestines, etc.

Here are some special tests with which you can check your apartment for DP3.

Test one. Children, dogs, cats, houseplants are very sensitive to GP3. Therefore, when a child or a dog does not want to be in a place specially designated for them in a house or apartment, there is no need to force them. Most likely GP3 is located in these places!

Second test. Cats do not like to be in the negative radiation zone for a long time, but they feed on it! It is recommended to observe your cat for several days: if she visits the same place with enviable consistency, but after staying there for a while, she leaves, it means that her chosen place is in DP3. Beware of it!

Third test. Often in apartments there are places where indoor flowers grow poorly, or even generally die. This is a clear sign that DP3 is located there.

The fourth test. If your household electrical appliances, television and radio equipment are often out of order, move them to another place and watch them work. The normalization of their work will mean that they were previously at the GPP.

Fifth test. In the event that a place in the apartment makes you suspicious of the presence of a GPZ, put a vase with one or more flowers in this place, and the bouquet from which they were taken to another. The death of the experimental flowers earlier than the control ones will mean that your suspicions are not in vain - the GPP is located here.

Signs that a person is in a GPZ. The very first symptoms of the manifestation of the harmful influence of a geopathogenic zone of any kind in a person lying in it with his head are headaches, insomnia, dizziness, nightmares, waking up with a feeling of danger, increased excitability. A person who has not been removed from the GPZ zone will not be cured, and the disease will progress, manifesting itself in its new qualities.

Doctors often associate the presence of headaches and insomnia with mental agitation and fear that sleep will not come. But if, you have no reason to be nervous, and you sleep badly, freeze, this indicates that you are in the GPZ. Sudden dizziness, and the appearance of "bunnies" in the eyes suggests that the person was in the GPZ, and then leaves it.

Some experts claim that every fifth person is in one or another type of GPZ. This can be judged by the number of people who visit doctors for headaches and insomnia. For example, according to the data cited, in the mid-80s of our century complained of headaches and insomnia: in the United States, about 20 million people (8% of the population), in the Federal Republic of Germany, 7 million people. (12% of the population) and in France 9 million people. (16% of the population).

Geopathogenic zones in the bedroom

3 out of 4 beds are located above geopathogenic zones, which not only makes sleep much less pleasant and effective, but also has an extremely negative effect on health over time.

Our method of finding and neutralizing geopathogenic zones and any other harmful radiation in the bedroom, in the place where we are about 30% of the time, helps not only to fundamentally improve the quality of sleep as such and, accordingly, its effect on many aspects of our life, including beauty and health, but directly and allows you to avoid many troubles of which most of us do not even suspect. We are now talking about Geopathogenic Zones, abbreviated as GPZ, which, following the example of the Chinese with their science of Feng Shui, we will romantically call "Dragon's Teeth". In the picture you see them as pillars of subtle energy penetrating the room from bottom to top. By the way, oddly enough, but our experience says that concrete floors will not help you here, "Dragon's Teeth" equally affect people on the first and the last floor.

Have you ever thought that you are sleeping in the Geopathogenic Zone? Did you know that being in a bedroom or an apartment of a GPZ focus leads to the appearance of: night headaches, dizziness when raising the head, sleep disturbance, a feeling of unexplained discomfort? If the focus is in the region of the heart, then there are unpleasant sensations in the chest, tingling in the heart, abnormal heart rate, changes in pressure, shortness of breath.

Scientist Ivan Yotov examined the homes of more than ten thousand sick people, of which 6 thousand suffered from cancer. It turned out that all cancer patients, without exception, slept in geopathogenic zones above the "pluses" (see the explanations above). And geopathogenic zones with "minuses" cause other diseases - cardiovascular, neurosis, bronchial asthma, hypertension, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, metabolic disorders and others.

The scientist came to the conclusion that a person should sleep along the lines of force of the Earth with his head to the north, but always inside the cell formed by these lines. The negative impact from the GPZ begins after staying in it for more than 3 hours.

As can be seen from the above materials, there is every reason to warn people about the possible consequences of finding sleeping places in geopathogenic zones. Terrestrial radiation is one of the elements of risk to which people in both urban and rural areas are exposed, and therefore the problem of geopathogenic zones affects the interests of all people, since it is closely related to their health.

But in bed we spend 6-8 hours in the same place !!! And let's not forget about an important fact: GPZs can be enhanced by surrounding unfavorable factors, such as electromagnetic radiation (in our modern life, this is our everyday companion) and bad ecology, which is found in any metropolis.

Why should we suffer in the age of high technologies and achievements? Why do we need poor health?

Believe me, all this can be avoided and we will help you with this. The best way to neutralize the pathogenic effect of GPZ is not to be a person for a long time in the nodes of the lattice. And since we spend from 1/4 to 1/3 of our lives in sleep, the correct position of the bed will help you avoid the effects of GPZ and enjoy healthy sleep and health in general.

By the way, it is believed that "dragon teeth" affect dreams. If a person sleeps in the wrong place, he often has "wrong" dreams.

In the event that it is not possible to completely avoid being in a geopathogenic zone, there are devices specially developed in our country based on the quantum effect, which significantly reduce the harmful effect, such as Photon, Rotan, Outpost.

Also, special pyramids give a good effect, which along the way harmonize the atmosphere in the house.

But still, the maximum effect is achieved by being outside the GPP!

Here you see the global energy-informational grid of the Earth, the local manifestations of which are geopathogenic zones.

We live with you in one of the largest megacities in the world - Moscow. If we recall the history of Moscow's growth and the places of old cemeteries, burial places, garbage dumps, then it turns out that many quarters of new buildings are just in such "lost places". Someone got / bought an apartment recently, and someone has been living in such a place for a long time. In such places, negative influences are superimposed on each other and it is necessary to choose the place for the bed even more carefully!

Everyone is susceptible to the influence of GPI, but the most sensitive ones suffer most: women and children. It is sometimes impossible to immediately notice the destructive effect of the GPZ for some reason: a strong compensatory function of immunity (depleted over time), a short stay in the place where the GPZ is projected, inattention to certain symptoms (some symptoms are attributed to fatigue and fatigue).

Geopathogenic zones are local geophysical anomalies in the form of weak electromagnetic fields of the Earth of natural origin. The entire surface of the globe is covered with grids of electromagnetic lines about 10 cm wide and a cell pitch of 2.5x2 m - Hartman's net, 5x6 m-Kurri's net, 16x16 m and about 100x100 m-Vitman's net. These grids, superimposed on each other, create a complex picture of geophysical anomalies on the Earth's surface, and at the points of their intersection, small foci 10x10 cm in size are formed, where the radiation intensity increases sharply. At the intersections of these lines in a checkerboard pattern, you can put down "pluses" (where the indicator frame rotates clockwise) and "minuses" (counterclockwise). The nodes of the Vitman lattice (about 40 cm in diameter) and the intersection of any lattice node with an underground river, fault or other anomaly have a particularly negative impact.

Here we come to the area in which Russian scientists have always been at the forefront. This is a device that American, German and Japanese researchers of "thin matters" are already purchasing in Russia and which allows to measure and determine with maximum accuracy the location of geopathogenic zones in an apartment, cottage or office. Our device is the latest generation. With its help, we can not only calculate the location of the GPZ, but also determine its harmfulness, as well as find out whether it is an upward or downward flow, but also find the most optimal place to sleep in your apartment in order to enjoy the pleasures of life for as long as possible. But the list of advantages of this device (its photo is located below) does not end there. Its capabilities allow us to investigate the electro-magnetic radiation of household appliances (EMP), as well as objects around us for the harmfulness of their natural radiation, the so-called "subtle energy" - this is what is called the aura of objects, precious metals, amulets. By the way, experience shows that sometimes the most ordinary objects have their own aura, often they are gifts or antiques. Also, using this device, you can determine the effectiveness of various bioenergy devices.

A very useful property of the newest model of the device is the ability to find the so-called places of Power, which Castaneda wrote about, for example, and which, unlike geopathogenic zones, on the contrary, help a person to recharge with the energy of the earth and become stronger and healthier. Maybe there is such a place of Power in your apartment or cottage.

By the way, about Feng Shui. Any person seriously engaged in this science, and this is science, will tell you that without locating the "Dragon's Teeth" and the places of Power, the analysis of Feng Shui will not be accurate and complete. The cost of services depends on the footage of the bedroom, the size of the bed and the number of gas treatment plants to be neutralized. The estimated service price for a standard bedroom is 5,000 rubles.

Write us a request for the address [email protected] and you will receive all the comprehensive information and will be able to place an order at a time convenient for you.

Pathogenic zones in the apartment

In medical practice, special attention should be paid to the fact that reducing or practically eliminating a person's stay in the biospheric pathogenic zones "Onco" and "Crohn" is a real and main way to reduce the number of oncological and other types of diseases (see the section "Impact of BPZ") ...

Today, the most acute problem is the living of people in apartments and houses that were built in the biosphere pathogenic zones "Onko" and "Krona". As we build housing outside of biospheric pathogenic zones, we need to solve the problems of their detection and neutralization in already built houses. The solution of these tasks is possible only within the framework of a national program.

As a result of many years of research, specialists have created a device for detecting biospheric pathogenic zones and energy grid structures of the Earth's shape field. Knowing that the "Onko" and "Crohn" zones have a round shape, it is possible to diagnose (find) them with a high degree of efficiency in the biosphere using the developed and patented device "Rada 7".

The device "Rada-7" is a highly sensitive meter of the strength of the electrostatic field of the Earth and its changes at the boundaries of the global geobiological grid structures of the Earth's shape field and biospheric pathogenic zones "Onko" and "Crohn". The main task of this device is to detect the "Krona" and "Onko" zones in the Earth's biosphere.

We have reliably established that the Earth itself is not a source of radiation from the biospheric pathogenic zones "Onko" and "Crohn". It is assumed that these zones manifest their activity in the biosphere under the direct influence of the Cosmos (the Universal matrix) and can be structural elements of the Earth's shape field filling the biosphere.

To neutralize the biospheric pathogenic zones "Onko" and "Krona", special form field modulators of enhanced intensity were developed. For the use of modulators-neutralizers, the method of their placement in the form of a protective "umbrella" has been developed and has been widely tested today. Before installing neutralizers in the places where the Onco and Krona zones pass, you must:

Determine the border of the pathogenic zone;
- calculate the size of the zone at different times of the year, according to biological rhythms;

Determine the intensity of pathogenic radiation in the center of the zone (there are zones in which the intensity of pathogenic radiation can reach such a value that leads the body to death within 3-4 years of living in it);
- calculate the density of the installation of modulators-neutralizers per 1 sq. m.

Biocorrectors are glued to the ceiling area and, if necessary, to the walls using special glue. At a high radiation intensity of the BPZ, the density of biocorrectors on the neutralized surface can reach up to 4 pcs. for one sq.m. (fig. 1). If it is not possible to install a protective umbrella over the entire "Onco" or "Crohn" zone, then in this case the effect of "leakage" of pathogenic radiation along the perimeter of the apartment walls will occur. In this case, it is necessary to install a protective umbrella on the walls of the apartment according to the specified method (Fig. 1).

Special biocorrectors allow you to effectively block the flow of pathogenic radiation from zones such as "Onco" and "Crohn" and thus prevent its impact on the human body. The development of special biocorrectors is based on a high density of matrix structures (shape geometry), capable of creating shape fields of the required intensity, which allows blocking the passage of a harmful flow in the "Onko" and "Crohn" zones to the Earth's surface.

When buying an apartment, in most cases, factors such as the location of the house, neighbors, transport interchange, etc. are taken into account. Few people think about whether there are geopathogenic zones in an apartment, few know how to identify them.

What does a geopathogenic zone mean and how can it be dangerous? This concept appeared not so long ago. Cases have been established when residents of a certain house suffered from constant ailments, suicides and death for several decades. Skeptics considered this a coincidence for a long time, but the constant misfortunes with the residents of the "damned" apartment or house will involuntarily make you wonder why this is happening?

Maybe the place is cursed?

In reality, damage and curses, whatever they may be, as an impact from within the planet. It is provoked by cracks in the earth's crust and heterogeneous areas. Scientists call them geopathogenic, translated from Greek as "land that brings suffering."

The manifestation of anomalies in the apartment

Geopathogenic influence always manifests itself on the lives of those who live within the influence of anomalous zones. Family relationships, health and life in general are influenced by them. The heterogeneous crust of the Earth causes conditions such as insomnia, migraines, dizziness, constant and unexplained fatigue, and mental irritability. "Damned" housing makes people feel groundless fears, depression and loss of appetite.

If such signs are identified, measures must be taken, otherwise you can become a victim of an incurable and neglected disease. Unfavorable areas are surrounded by negative energies that can poison the life of many generations. Often, family members living in such apartments, along the chain, begin to die from cancer. To get rid of the bad influence of geopathogenic areas, it is enough to move to another place.

5 ways to recognize "dead" zones

Geopathogenic zones in an apartment: how to determine? This question is especially relevant in our time. There are several indirect signs indicating the presence of anomalous areas.

  1. Animals and small children are especially sensitive to geopathogenic influences. Therefore, if an animal or baby does not want to stay in a certain room, this is a reason to think.
  2. The cat instantly recognizes the "bad" place in which it will never play and sleep, but will regularly enter this territory.
  3. If indoor plants in a certain room begin to wither and dry for no apparent reason, it is possible that this is provoked by geopathogenic effects.
  4. Unfavorable areas can be identified with a regular wax candle. If in any place the light starts to rush, hiss and give a black sediment in the form of soot, this indicates the accumulation of "dark" energy.
  5. Technology in areas with a disturbed biofield is constantly out of order.

Is it possible to get rid of bad influences?

Few people have the capacity to move to a new location with ease. What to do if housing is located in an anomalous zone?

  1. Don't panic. The plot of the apartment just needs to be visited as rarely as possible, if it is possible. When this place is near a wall or in a corner, you can put a cabinet there. This part of the accommodation should not contain a bed, table or refrigerator.
  2. Geopathogenic zones in an apartment - how to identify and neutralize if the place cannot be bypassed? It can be carpeted. On the seamy surface of the material, it is necessary to glue the foil in the form of a lattice. And finally, you need to increase physical activity, intellectually and spiritually develop.