Repair Design Furniture

How to lay paving slabs. How to lay paving slabs: tips and tricks. Is crushed stone necessary

The main condition for success is your desire. Styling paving slabs does not apply to complex construction works... Although, undoubtedly, it will not be easy for a person inexperienced in such matters. But the moral effect of the work performed will cover all the difficulties. Now you will learn how to lay paving slabs yourself.

Choosing paving slabs

The time of ceramic tiles has already passed. Nowadays, polymer tiles are widely used, which are made from polymer materials with high quality indicators. First of all, such a tile has strength and elasticity, it is resistant to negative factors. environment... In addition, it has a wide variety both in color and texture. As they say, choose what your heart desires. And most importantly, do not worry about how to lay polymer paving slabs. Because if you want to cope with this matter, any sensible person will be able to do it. You just have to approach the matter responsibly.

We plan work

Any important work requires preparatory phase... Therefore, when deciding how to lay paving slabs, you first need to plan the entire scope of work.

First of all, you need to decide on the site, its size, configuration, as well as the choice of tiles and other materials. When the final choice in favor of one or another type of paving slabs has already been made, then a plan drawing is drawn up, on which detailed sizes the site planned for laying tiles. With its help, you can easily calculate how much material is needed for work.

By the way, the width and length of the site should be correlated with the dimensions of the paving slabs to be paved, for example, a path, so as not to cut the tiles. After all, this is also associated with certain difficulties.

Cooking tools and materials

Before seriously thinking about the question of how to beautifully lay paving slabs, you need to stock up on tools and materials. So that later you will not be distracted from the work.

From the tool, first of all, you will need a trowel, a building level, wooden or metal pegs, a long strong thread or twine, a rubber hammer, as well as a wooden, hand rammer, a channel or a long pipe, a shovel, a rake, a hose with a diffuser for watering, buckets and a broom ...

The required materials are crushed stone or gravel, sand, dry plaster mix or cement, curbstone and finally paving slabs. The latter comes in various thicknesses. If the tiles will be used for paths, their thickness can be no more than 30-40 mm. For parking lots road transport paving slabs with a thickness of 50-60 mm are taken.

Contour marking

In order to feel satisfaction after the work performed, it is necessary to learn how to properly lay paving slabs, and strictly observe the sequence of operations.

The first step is to break out the contour, that is, mark the track or site. But first you need to decide on the bias. It is necessary so that the water does not stagnate after the rain and, in the end, does not destroy the path. The slope can be directed from house to street. In this case, it is the street that can be taken as the zero mark.

Then two pegs are driven in at the corners of the site along zero level, and a strong thick thread or twine is pulled between them. Levelness should be checked with a level. A new piece of twine is tied to one of the pegs, pulled parallel to the first and attached to the third peg, which is set slightly above zero.

Twine also delimits the next two sides of the rectangle. It is important not to forget to check the horizontal level with a level.

Laying the foundation

Preparation of the base for the tiles is an important condition for the durability of the completed coating, since laying paving slabs on unprepared soil means significantly reducing its service life.

Initially, you should carefully cut the sod on a marked site, to a depth of at least 20-25 cm, so that no roots remain. Then the soil is leveled, if necessary, mounds are cut off or earth is poured into lowlands or pits. The entire site is raked and tamped well.

We must not forget that the slope for water flow is observed. If geotextiles are laid at the bottom of the site, this will prevent the germination of grass between the tiles.

Is crushed stone necessary?

There are two ways to prepare the base. How to install paving slabs will depend on the purpose of the area to be covered. If you have to equip a pedestrian path, it should be borne in mind that the load on it will be small. This means that only sand can be used for the base. If it will be a parking lot for motor vehicles, then a crushed stone base is needed.

In the first case, sand is poured into the prepared trench to a height of 10-15 cm, then it is leveled with a rake, well watered with water from a hose or watering can and tightly compacted with a manual rammer.

In the second case, crushed stone or gravel is poured onto the bottom of the site. It is leveled over the entire surface with a layer of about 15 cm and compacted. After installing the curbs, a layer of dry cement-sand mixture is still poured.

Installation of curbs

Small grooves are dug on the sides of the trench, their bottom is compacted and covered with 5 centimeters of sand. Then curbs are installed there on a liquid solution. The joints between them should be spilled with mortar and sprinkled with sand.

The procedure for installing curbs is the same for both sand and crushed stone. Only on the crushed stone, then you must not forget to pour a layer of sand cement mix a layer of 5-10 cm.

By the way, smooth and flat surface the base should be attached using a profile or a regular pipe.

How to install paving slabs?

When the foundation has been prepared in good faith, it will not be difficult to lay out the tiles. Laying methods can be different, for example, you can lay diagonally, or you can lay one row from the curb. However, one must observe general rule- lay the tiles away from you so as not to spoil the prepared base.

To keep the same gaps between the tiles, it is best to use special crosses. When all the tiles are laid, they must be tamped down with a wooden mallet. In case of uneven adhesion of the tile to the base, add a sand-cement mixture under it with a trowel and level it, then once again tamp the tile well with a hammer.

Sprinkle all the seams between the tiles with a dry sand-cement mixture, sweep the excess with a broom, and water the entire tile with a hose so that the mixture in the gaps is well saturated. If necessary, you can add a little more mixture to the gaps and moisten it again with water.

Paving slab care

Now we know how to lay paving slabs. The photo will help you see it with your own eyes. It remains to be said that the tile requires some maintenance, however, like any other coating. Here are some of the most basic tile maintenance guidelines.

  • Firstly, you can walk on freshly laid tiles no earlier than in 2-3 days.
  • Secondly, the tiles need to be cleaned, and if they are colored tiles and not gray tiles, then they should be washed from time to time.
  • Third, in winter, tiles cannot be used for cleaning metal objects(shovels, crowbars, picks), otherwise it can be damaged. It is impossible to sprinkle it with salt-containing abrasive mixtures. Better to use river sand.

How to install rubber paving slabs?

Probably not even everyone knows that such a tile exists. It turns out that it is made from old tires, or rather from the material that is obtained after processing these tires. Its main advantage is that it is absolutely not slippery, and, of course, it does not beat. Abroad, it is often used for sports fields. However, for garden paths near country houses she will do too.

Such tiles are laid both on the ground and on a solid base. For summer cottages, the first method is preferable.

So, first it is removed upper layer land with turf. After compaction of the soil, a layer of crushed stone is poured onto it, which is evenly leveled (80-100 mm thick) over the entire surface of the site intended for laying the tiles. This is followed by a layer of cement-sand mixture, on which the rubber tiles are laid.

By the way, when laying it, you do not need to provide for a slope, because such a tile absorbs and evaporates moisture well.

The nuances of laying some types of paving slabs

  • How to install large paving slabs... Size practically does not play a role here, the styling technology is the same. Another thing is that when laying large tiles, you may need a "grinder" to cut the tiles into pieces, especially if a drawing is intended. You also need to keep in mind that large tiles do not put in places where cars will drive. In this case, it will not last long. It works very well for footpaths.
  • How to install paving plastic tiles... Purely plastic tiles possesses low frost resistance, it quickly begins to break, crumble, soon fades. It is used as a temporary coating, for example, near the threshold, so as not to carry dirt into the house, or near outbuildings, where appearance is not so important. Plastic tiles most often have a perforated surface through which dust and moisture can freely escape. Such tiles are very easy to interconnect with the help of special locks, which are located along the edges of the ribs. The only condition is that they must be laid on a very flat surface so that the height differences do not exceed half a centimeter.
  • How to install polymer sand paving slabs... Such tiles are composed of plastic, sand, pigment dyes and other composite elements. It is highly durable, lightweight, waterproof and anti-slip. However, due to its comparable lightness, it is better to lay such tiles on a mortar. After the preparation of the base, which consists of sand and gravel, it is necessary to make a screed from ordinary mortar (cement and sand) with a thickness of approximately 3 cm. After a few days, when the screed is well "set", you can start laying the tiles themselves. If the screed turns out to be even, then the layer of mortar that is applied to the tile can be minimal. After all the elements are laid out, the curbs are installed, and then the seams between the tiles are filled with mortar. It is prepared from cement, sand and moisture resistant compounds, for example, liquid glass... It is necessary to grind the seams in several layers. The plastic tile walkway can be used in two days.

Paving slabs laying design

Paving slabs can be a decoration for anyone personal plot... You just need to responsibly and imaginatively approach her choice. The rich colors and various configurations of the tiles available for sale, and most importantly the flight of your thoughts, will help to give your site originality and coziness.

If you want to diversify a large area with tiles, then perhaps you should use the services of a professional designer. If your garden plot small, you can easily handle on their own... To do this, you need to arm yourself with paper, a pencil, a ruler in order to sketch the pattern you have conceived. In addition, there are many already tried and tested options for laying tiles.

Diagonal patterns of the herringbone type are relevant, as well as laying in squares with a transverse direction in a checkerboard pattern. A method that imitates brickwork is in demand. All in your hands.

Paving slabs are a product that is actively used today for cladding floors in a gazebo, on a porch or in another area. The main advantages of tiles are their durability. But this criterion is particularly influenced by the observance of the technology during the arrangement of the base and the quality of the laying work.

Consider what is better to lay paving slabs on. This article will only touch on technical issues.

Laying methods

Paving slabs can be laid in three ways:

  • on the sand;
  • on concrete;
  • on the ground.

How to put tiles on concrete base detailed.

On concrete

It is advisable to use this method in the case when the area on which the laying will be carried out already has a concrete base. It should be simply cleaned of dust and dirt, moistened and applied with a layer of solution. After these works, paving slabs are laid. The laying technique is the same as with a sand cushion.

On the sand

Dry laying occurs when the owner plans to make changes in the future construction project... In addition, this method is actively used by those who do not want to mess with cement mortar... Dry laying will be a great solution for placing chaotic or random pavement patterns, with space between products.

On earthen ground

This option of laying, both on the ground, became widely known during the design of summer cottages, as well as in the courtyard of a private house when laying tiles in the country and this is naturally the easiest. In this case, a large tile is used that imitates natural stone. Tiles are laid in prepared pits (preparation is required), and then using hammer the tamping process is in progress. The space between the tiles and the edges of the holes is eliminated with soil.

Laying technology for mortar

In this way, most of the types of products can be stacked. The process of laying on a concrete base begins with preparatory measures.

The technology for laying polymer sand paving slabs has been described.

Action plan:

  1. Marking the area on which the track will be located.
  2. Remove the topsoil from the marked area.
  3. Make a 3-4 cm deepening.
  4. Tamp the bottom of the pit and fill it with rubble, the layer thickness of which is 10–20 cm and tamp it again.
  5. Install curbs.

Before preparing the mortar, it is necessary to lay the paving slabs on a layer of sand. It must be laid out in the sequence in which it will have to be operated.

To receive concrete mortar you need to prepare the following materials and tools:

  • cement grade 500;
  • quarry crushed stone of fraction 10-20, 20-50;
  • paving slabs 50-60 mm thick;
  • corresponding to the established;
  • sand;
  • water;
  • vessel;
  • shovel or electric drill.

For preparation in appropriate, you need to take cement and add the right amount of water to it. Mix everything with an electric drill and add 4 parts of sand. Mix everything again and the solution is ready.

Laying process:

  1. Remove 4 tiles from the sand and apply mortar to this area.
  2. Reinstall the product. Do such manipulations with the rest of the tiles.
  3. This must be done until the entire sidewalk is laid out.
  4. It is imperative that there is space between the tiles. And this can be achieved if you install special wooden spacers.

Screening technology

How to lay tiles for screening? This installation method is the most economical. At the same time, this will not affect the quality of the final coverage.

The process and installation technique is carried out according to the following plan and subject to a specific rule:

  1. Mark the place and plan the water flow... Such events are necessary in order to finished plot water did not accumulate. For effective removal water, you need to make a slope of 1-2%. You may also be interested in.
  2. Remove the top layer of soil... The depth of the removed layer depends on the intensity of use of the coating. As a rule, it is in the range of 15-50 cm. If the soil is weak, then you can additionally compact. Pour the screenings over the dug hole. If you want to execute quality foundation, then minimal amount its layers should be equal to 3.
  3. Fill up the rubble and tamp it well... Its thickness can be 5–10 cm, as the crushed stone sits down during tamping, so make a reserve of 10–15%. spread the screenings up to 7 cm thick. Tamp well.
  4. One more time to lay down the dropouts, but adding cement to it in a ratio of 1: 4. make sure that this layer is 5 cm higher than the desired tile level.
  5. ... This process can be performed using a cord, which is stretched at the required height. The process of installing the side edging takes place on a concrete base, the width of which is 20 cm, and the height of the concrete lock is 15 cm.
  6. Laying material... During the process, you need to clearly follow the pattern. It is necessary to lay out the first row with special care. The installation of the tiles must be tight. If irregularities have formed, but they must be eliminated. The quality of the work performed can be checked using a marking thread when making rounds, pay attention to the fact that outside the width of the gaps had minimum dimensions and did not exceed 8 mm. To trim tiles, you can use circular saw or grinder. For these purposes, a diamond disc is used.
  7. Grouting the surface. When the surface is laid out, it is necessary to cover it with river sand. Then, using a hard-bristled mop, grout. You can also buy for these purposes special formulations but their cost is high.
  8. Compact the surface... At the end of all work, it is advisable to take a vibrating plate (vibrator) and with a rubber gasket and seal the entire surface. If such a tool is absent, then there is nothing to worry about, since such an operation is optional. Just so the tile will be firmly and securely fixed.

A vibrating plate is a tool necessary for compacting and leveling a mixture of concrete when paving slabs are being laid. The design of the equipment assumes the presence metal beam and a vibrator of the IV series.

Read how to lubricate forms for paving slabs.

In the video: how to properly lay paving slabs for screening (instructions):

Laying granite paving slabs

Granite paving slabs are construction material, which is actively used when laying areas. But today I am actively using it for other purposes as well. The main advantages granite tiles is high strength and reliability.

The order of work / stage by stage:

  1. Carry out the marking of the territory.
  2. Lay the base in the form of geotextiles. He will tell you why geotextiles are laid under paving slabs.
  3. Lay a layer of rubble on top of the base, the thickness of which is 15-25 cm (preparation of the base)
  4. Using a rake, form the required slope.
  5. Tamp the laid out layers.
  6. Using sand and geotextiles in the process, perform a secondary foundation device.
  7. Treat the second layer with water and install the side edging around the perimeter. For the base, you can use lean concrete. Fixing the edging is carried out using a cement-sand mortar.
  8. When all the preparatory measures are completed, you can proceed to laying the granite paving slabs. To prevent the tiles from falling out at the time of operation, the gaps between the products must be eliminated with sand.
  9. It is imperative to compact each stacked row using a rubber mallet.
  10. Upon completion of work, treat the finished surface with a weak jet of water.

On the video - laying granite paving slabs

Laying tiles in various weather conditions

Remains today topical issue about whether it is possible to lay paving slabs in the rain? No one can forbid this, since before laying, even the master is slightly moistened with water. If you want to get quality coverage, then all work must be done in dry and warm weather.

Do not install in the rain, which immediately begins to freeze. Otherwise, in the spring you will have to do all the work again. The reason is that frozen water expands. Therefore, when the tiles are laid on the level and everything is fine, but after the frost it will be warm, the water will melt, reduce its volume, and the tiles will shrink.

How the material is laid in the gazebo, on the porch

Today, many owners use paving slabs to lay out the floor in the gazebo or on the porch. This procedure is very simple to follow.

First you need to stock up following materials and inventory:

  • quarry sand;
  • fine gravel;
  • cement grade 500;

  • paving slabs;
  • rubber hammer.

The action plan is as follows:

  1. Remove the top layer of soil, its depth should not be less than 20 cm.
  2. Apply a layer of sand and gravel. The thickness of each layer should be 3 cm. Thoroughly compact everything and pour out a layer of sand with cement.
  3. Replacing the last two layers can be a regular solution, for the preparation of which sand, cement and water are used. The laying out of the solution should not be carried out immediately, as the material is laid.
  4. You can level the laid tile surface with a rubber or wooden mallet. If you use any other tool, it will damage the product. The main difficulties that arise during the execution of this process depend on the shape of the selected product. Not everyone can cope with this work. As a rule, the laying of all the material is carried out according to the principle of assembly of puzzles. All the same can be done with a large slab 300x300x30

You will find out what plastic tiles are for paths in the country.

The video shows a video tutorial: laying paving slabs by yourself and with your own hands (crisis option):

Cost of work

If you decide to use the services of an experienced specialist, then you need to know the price / rates for laying 1 m2. the cost may vary, since it depends on the chosen method of installation (how much the work on laying paving slabs costs must be found out in advance

  • Turnkey laying on a concrete base for square meter- 2100 rubles, for crushed stone - 1650 rubles.

Arrangement adjoining territory is a very important process. And maximum attention should be paid here not only to green spaces, but also to pedestrian paths, which will not only improve external aesthetics plot, but also make it more comfortable in all respects. V recent times as a material for footpaths, special tiles are used - the material is reliable and practical, and also quite easy to install.

Choosing paving slabs

Paving slabs are characterized by high quality characteristics- it is much stronger than concrete, and under intensive use and heavy loads, unlike other materials, it does not crumble and does not lose its attractiveness.

Laying tiles is not a quick process, but simple enough to do it without the involvement of specialists. It is enough to purchase in advance enough paving slabs, prepare the necessary tools and expendable materials, and you can start arranging the yard area. If you have no experience in construction activities and do not know how to lay paving slabs, a video on the Internet will help you understand the details in more detail.

If you are interested in how to properly lay paving slabs with your own hands, then first you need to learn how to choose a tile so that the end result does not disappoint you. On the modern market there is a huge variety of paving slabs samples, different in:

  • size
  • volume
  • pattern
  • quality characteristics

Before purchasing the material, it is necessary to carefully measure the area of ​​the sidewalk, and calculate the number of tiles based on its size. The most difficult thing is to buy tiles with curly elements or a complex pattern. Here you need not only to calculate its amount, but also to approximately determine its consumption, taking into account the undercuts. Since its drawing will need to be combined, a lot of scrap is formed in the process, which can also be used in the future.

When calculating the number of paving slabs, you need to take into account the masonry method. For example, with the diagonal technique, the material consumption increases significantly. Therefore, it is much easier and more profitable to do the installation of the sidewalk in the traditional way.

When choosing paving slabs, the main criterion is its strength, determined by its thickness. For example, for a footpath it is quite tile is suitable forty millimeters thick. And if you plan to pave a path to the garage, along which cars will drive, then it is better to choose tiles at least five centimeters thick.

What is required to install the tiles?

Before you study the instructions on how to properly lay paving slabs, you need to prepare the tools that you will definitely need in the process. The list is quite long:

  • building level (you can use modern laser models that allow you to make the markings as evenly as possible)
  • rubber hammer- it is necessary to fit the tiles to each other during the laying process
  • wooden pegs(spacers) and nylon thread - with their help, marking is done
  • Master OK- needed to level the sand layer
  • ramming- necessary for compaction of layers
  • sand and fine stone- from them you will need to make a mixture that acts as a "pillow"
  • angle grinder- tool for adjusting the size of paving slabs

Also, do not forget to prepare the paving slabs and the curb itself - with its help, it will be possible to arrange the path in a better quality.

How to lay paving slabs straight?

When all necessary tools and consumables will be ready, you can proceed with the installation of the sidewalk path. But, even if you have an idea about the procedure itself, still watch at least one video on the Internet on how to lay paving slabs - the video will become your best assistant. By the way, there are a lot of literary sources and visual aids on how to properly lay paving slabs, which you can also use.

So, laying paving slabs with your own hands begins with preliminary preparation territory. Professional craftsmen usually draw up a plan of the territory, measure out all sizes, transfer them to paper, and only after that they start work.

  • nylon thread
  • pegs
  • hammer

With their help, you will need to designate the boundaries of the territory where you plan to lay paving slabs. Within the indicated boundaries, you need to carefully remove the sod to a depth of about twenty centimeters, and then remove the soil. Make sure that there is no debris or grass residues in the prepared area.

After the soil is evenly removed, it is necessary to make a pillow of small stone, which is filled up, leveled and carefully rammed. Then you need to start laying the next layer of sand or sand-cement mixture. The sand is stacked up to forty centimeters thick. If you will lay a sand-cement mixture, then a layer of twenty or thirty centimeters will be enough. The sand is mixed with cement in a 3: 1 ratio. To make the layer dense, you can slightly moisten the mixture of sand and cement with water. If you want your paving slabs to last maximum term operation, you need to ensure that plants do not germinate from the soil. This can be done with the help of a geotextile layer, which is placed between the paving slabs themselves and a cushion of sand and cement.

We do the markup of the site

If you are interested in how to properly lay paving slabs, you should know that paving slabs should be laid strictly according to the markings. To do this, you need to measure the level of the slope of the territory where the track will be settled. It is better to do this in the direction from the house to the street.

Drive in two pegs along the line and pull the nylon thread between them. Make sure the thread is level and horizontal. This can be done using a level. Next, tie the free end of the thread to the third peg and pull it perpendicular to the first. The third peg must be driven higher than the first two. Then the fourth peg is driven in, the thread is pulled, as a result of which a rectangle is formed - this is the site for laying paving slabs with your own hands.

Laying paving slabs

After preparatory work are completed, you can proceed to the direct laying of paving slabs. There are several ways to lay tiles with your own hands, for example:

  • traditional
  • diagonal
  • combined

If you are not a professional, then it is better to use the traditional one. First, prepare a solution - mix six parts of sand with one part of cement. It is important that the sand is sufficiently moist. If the sand is dry, moisten it a little and spread the mixture on a prepared area for laying paving slabs.

Tamp down the layer thoroughly. Place two pipes on the sides - at this stage they will play the role of restraints. To make sure that the layer is absolutely even, take a fishing line or thread, pull it over the pipes and drag it a little to the side - so you will see where you need to remove a little, and where, on the contrary, add.

How to lay the paving slabs correctly with your own hands: tile inspection and installation

Before laying tiles with your own hands, you should carefully examine the material itself. Take the tiles and carefully check that there are no cracks, chips and other defects on them that can negatively affect the final result and the quality of the sidewalk.

Laying the tiles correctly is not difficult. Just lay them on the prepared substrate with minimal clearance. Use a rubber mallet to fit the tiles closer together. Do not forget that paving slabs, although durable, are prone to defects, so tapping with a rubber hammer should be light.

If tiles need to be trimmed, use an angle grinder. For this you need:

  • make a mark
  • cut the tiles
  • lay the tiles flush with the rest

Check the level of the masonry periodically - the tiles should be level and in line.

After laying all the tiles yourself, you need to sprinkle the paths with fine gravel and grind thoroughly with a stiff broom or brush. Then you can start grouting. To do this, it is better to use special grouts that are sold in stores. At this point, the process of installing the sidewalk path with tiles can be considered complete. The only thing you need to do next is to install the curb.

Installation of curb slabs

It has already become clear how to properly lay paving slabs. Now you need to figure out how to install the curb. Here you should pay attention to the fact that you can lay the curb flush with the paving slabs, or raise it a little.

The main task of the curb is not the aesthetic appeal of the path, as many think, but the prevention of tiles from creeping on soft ground. To install them, you need to dig special trenches, the width of which will be slightly larger than the size of the curb itself. Next, a sand pillow must be laid in the trenches. A layer of five centimeters will be enough. The sand is carefully compacted and a plate is installed on top, which must be leveled and secured.

Pay attention to the paving slabs. This material has proven itself well, it is strong, durable, beautiful. Now there are many types of paving slabs and everyone can choose the one suitable for the facade of the house or just the one that suits him. Laying paving slabs with your own hands may seem like a very difficult and troublesome task, but in fact, everything is extremely simple. Garden paths can be paved with paving slabs over the weekend, and to cover large yard it will take about two weeks and a helper.

Before you start laying, you need to figure out the main types of paving slabs. The main types of paving slabs are stamped and vibrated. It is better to stop your choice on vibrocast paving slabs, which more than pay off a slightly higher cost for a beautiful appearance and durability.

The thickness of the paving slabs may vary. Typically, the thickness of paving slabs varies between 20-60 mm. 20mm paving slabs are suitable for garden paths or areas that are guaranteed not to be driven by cars. In the yard, they are most often laid with paving slabs 40-45 mm thick. 60mm tiles are laid where multi-ton trucks will drive.

The tile pattern can be any, but beginners are not recommended to take on the laying of tiles such as "rhombus", "brick" and "paving stones". It is more difficult to lay such a tile, the craftsmen ask for more money for working with it.

The color of the tiles can also be almost any, but it is worth considering that colored tiles are more expensive than gray ones.
This article discusses the technology of laying paving slabs with your own hands.

Materials and tools for laying paving slabs

  • Sand. You will need a lot of sand (several tons), its amount depends on the area of ​​the yard, as well as the characteristics of the landscape.
  • Paving slabs (the quantity is calculated by the manufacturer by the square).

  • Border
  • Cement

  • Strong elastic thread
  • Metal pegs
  • Hammer
  • Rubber hammer

  • Shovel
  • Long rule
  • Two steel tubes about an inch in diameter
  • Rammer
  • Wheelbarrow
  • Level
  • Master OK
  • Buckets
  • Broom
  • Bulgarian with diamond disc for cutting concrete

  • Knee pads

Laying paving slabs with your own hands

Decide on the slope of the site. A slope of several degrees must be present, otherwise after the rain the water will stand in the yard. The slope is best done towards the street. If you choose to follow this advice, the street level is taken as the zero point.

Along zero line(the line to which the platform will be inclined) drive two metal pegs into the ground and pull a thread between them. Check horizontality with a level. It is better to apply the level to the thread from below.

Tie another thread to one of the pegs and pull it perpendicular to the first. Tie the free end of the thread to a new peg and drive it into the ground so that the other end is slightly above the zero line. This can be checked with a level (the angle of inclination should be several degrees).

Tie another thread to the last hammered peg at the same level as the previous one and pull it parallel to the zero line, check the horizontalness with a level. Tie the free end to the fourth peg.

Thread the first and last pegs together. As a result, you will get a rectangle marked with threads and lying in the plane of the future site with laid paving slabs.

Now we need to divide our surface into stripes. The width of the stripes is selected based on the length of your rule (the stripe should be several tens of centimeters narrower than the rule). Set aside the selected distance from the zero line and drive a peg into the ground. Do the same on the opposite side. Connect the pegs with thread, equalizing its height along the sides of the rectangle, perpendicular to the zero line. Divide the entire area into strips in the same way.

Now you need to align the site with the markup. Where the thread is too close to the ground, the soil must be removed, and where the holes are too large, pour in. The gap between the soil and the threads should be approximately two tile thicknesses. All this is done by eye, no special precision is required.

The soil, especially where it was poured, must be carefully tamped. To do this, use a rammer. In our case, the rammer was made independently from a crane leg with a welded handle.

When the site is leveled, you can start laying paving slabs.

Prepare a sand-cement mixture. To do this, pour a heap of sand right on the ground, gradually mixing cement there in a ratio of about 6 to 1. It is desirable that the sand is wet, so it is better to lay paving slabs in spring or autumn, when it is not very hot and rather damp.

Spread the prepared mixture evenly over one of the strips.

Tamp thoroughly.

Lay steel pipes under the threads that mark the border of the strip. The gap between the pipe and the thread should be approximately one centimeter less than the thickness of the tile. The pipes must be strictly parallel to the threads and at the same height.

Wear shoes and pants that you don't mind ruining, and don't forget knee pads. Kneel down between the threads, skip the rule underneath, and slide it over the surface of the pipes. You will see where you need to add the cement-sand mixture.

Pour in the required amount of cement-sand mixture. Start tamping it down with your hands while stretching out the rule. You will have an even strip ready to lay. You can add some sand-cement mixture and sprinkle over the leveled area.

Prepare and carefully examine the tiles, lay them in stacks near the prepared area. The tiles are basically all flat, but there are also defects. Some tiles can be convex (turtle), concave (plate), and curved (propeller). It is better not to use such tiles and set them aside for emergency purposes.

Lay one tile, carefully leveling it along the axes of the markings.

Tap the tile with a rubber mallet, sinking it into the ground to the level of the markings.

Do the same with the next tile. The sequence of laying the tiles is selected depending on the pattern of the tiles.

Start laying paving slabs away from you. So, gradually moving forward, you will walk on the tiles you have just laid.

Prepare the base in the same way and lay the next strip of paving slabs.

If there are obstacles on the way (in our case gas pipe and sewer hatch), they need to be bypassed with whole tiles. The final trimming and trimming is best done at the end.

After each working day, the tiles must be swept. During installation, gaps are formed between the tiles, which must be filled. It is the process of filling the gaps that is called sweeping. For sweeping, we need dry sand and cement. They need to be mixed in a ratio of 1 to 6. Spread the mixture evenly over the tile, and then sweep with a broom several times, filling the gaps.

Attention: sometimes when using a sand-cement mixture for sweeping, it may remain on the colored tiles white bloom from cement. This may be due to the quality of the tile, or the peculiarities of its production. Conscientious tile manufacturers in such cases are advised to sweep with clean sand. If in doubt, you can refuse to use a mixture of sand and cement, use only sand.

It is unlikely that your site will be perfectly rectangular, so you cannot do without trimming. Where to cut is determined in place. Tiles are trimmed using a grinder with a diamond disc for concrete.

If you want to make flower beds, mark them out with threads or a bead. Saw off the excess tiles protruding beyond the borders of the flower beds.

The flowerbeds and the edges of the area with the laid tiles must be framed with a border. To do this, dig a trench along the edge with a trowel or small spatula. The depth of the trench is selected based on the planting depth of the curb.

Install the curb sections and secure them to the meta with thick mortar.

Near the curbs, you will find cells where you need to lay the trimmed tiles. The soil in these places must be tamped especially carefully, as it could crumble when digging a trench.

Trim the rest of the tiles as needed to fill in the gaps created while avoiding obstacles.

Where the tile comes close to the gate, it is better to lay it not on the cement-sand mixture, but on the mortar, since in this place the load on the tile will be maximum.

This article describes the process of laying tiles in the yard, in the case of garden paths and with a blind area, everything is much simpler and does not require such careful preparation.

Ecology of consumption. Manor: There are several technologies for laying tiles. It is possible - on a layer of cement mixture and over time the entire surface of the surface turns into a monolith. But it also happens that the tiles will need to be disassembled. Therefore, the best, most practical way is to lay the tiles on a sandy base.

There are several technologies on how to lay tiles. It is possible - on a layer of cement mixture and over time the entire surface of the surface turns into a monolith. But it also happens that the tiles will need to be disassembled. Therefore, the best, most practical way is to lay the tiles on a sandy base.

To do this, you will need a trowel, metal or wooden stakes, a cord, a building level, a rubber hammer, a wooden mallet, a hose, a rake, a broom, profiles, a manual rammer, a channel bar, sand, crushed stone of fraction 10-20 (20-50) or gravel, cement 400 (500) or dry plaster mix, geotextiles, paving slabs 50-60 mm thick, for parking - 70-80 mm, curb.

First draw a blueprint. Based on it, calculate how much you need tiles, sand, crushed stone or gravel, cement.

Use a tape measure and a peg, cord or twine to mark the paths and tiling areas. Check everything "in nature", going through the planned plan.

In order not to have to cut the tiles later, it is necessary to make the length and width of the paving site multiples of the dimensions of the purchased tiles. It is better to avoid such cutting so that the coating is more durable.

Install the curbs first. They may be slightly higher or flush with the track. Their main task is to keep the track from creeping.

The main thing is to carefully execute the base for the tiles. It is this that guarantees the quality and durability of the future track.

First, remove the old cover or, if it is not there, - sod to a depth of 15-20 cm. And no roots or seeds! It is necessary to plan water flow, drainage, especially in clay soil... In order for the water to drain to the edges of the site, transverse or longitudinal slopes are made.

In any case, whether the tiles are laid on mortar, dry mix or sand, a crushed stone or sand pad is always used as a base.

First, we lay and tamp crushed stone or gravel. On top - an intermediate layer of sand 3-5 cm thick. Geotextiles can be placed between the rubble and the sand to ensure a free flow of water.

Tamping on a sunny day is done in a couple of hours, and in cloudy weather - the next day.

As the top layer of the base, you can use a ready-made dry mixture or a cement-sand mixture prepared by yourself in a ratio of 1 to 3. Fill the mixture with a layer of 3-4 cm and level the surface with a rake. Perform the final leveling of the surface with a channel.

Attention! The tiles should be laid away from you. Each subsequent tile should adjoin the previous one as firmly as possible. A gap of 1-2 mm is sufficient for filling with dry mix or sand. We tamp the laid tiles wooden mallet... If the tile sags, put sand under it with a trowel and level it with a tamper. At the end of the installation, the protrusions are leveled with a rubber mallet.

And one more piece of advice. Sand for a mixture with impurities of any salts cannot be used, especially when laying colored tiles: due to impurities, ugly white stains may appear on the path in the future.

Having laid the tiles, we check the site again. Having removed the protrusions and irregularities, we sprinkle all the seams with dry cement-sand mixture, sweep away the excess and moisten the mixture in the gaps from the hose with the spray.

Paving slabs require maintenance. It should be cleaned regularly, washed from time to time. And in winter, you cannot use to clear the path from snow. metal tool to avoid the surface of the tiles. Do not tear the tiles with varnishes, paints and other chemicals. published

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