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Models of plywood boats. How to make a boat from plywood with your own hands: sizes and drawings. Consider Read more Listed Resins

In fishing and hunting stores you can find anything, and boats are no exception.

But many people want to make a swimming agent on their own, because it is interesting and inexpensive.

The boats that are made with their own hands have a number of advantages over factory options:

  • Ease of construction. Such a fixture of plywood will be much easier than wooden or metal structures;
  • Water resistance. For such a boat, one-piece plywood sheets are used, and its shapes are perfect for water descent;
  • Low cost. You will need to spend money only on plywood pieces, glue, varnish and boards;

To ensure the safety of the design, only high-quality materials are needed. Plywood must be solid, without damage. The price of the first varieties is slightly higher, but reliability is also important.

For people who have a skill in a joinery, work will be simple. She will take a week and a half, if you make a boat in your free time, then a couple of full days.

But only a professional can be designing with their own hands, because you need to accurately calculate the load capacity, the room, the shape of the nose and other nuances.

Build construction

When there are materials and drawings, then you need to start work. The first stage will be cut out parts from plywood. To do this, it is best to use the electrolovka. It is important to cut exactly in size, otherwise the design will not come down.

Then the spangles glue with the back side, these items will be very heavy. If the motor need a motor, then the back board is strengthened.

The next step will be the fastening of the transom with sides and bottom. Clamping parts are installed with glue.

After assembling the design, you need to prepare an aerosil and epoxy resin. These substances are mixed 1 to 1. The resulting substance is used to seal the seams. Also for this purpose, inside the boat, the seams are baptized by strips of fiberglass.

Important: With this work, very toxic substances are used, so it is necessary to work on the street, or in a ventilated room, and using special means of protection.

When the glue dries, you need to put the splits. Then you need to install seats, luggage compartments and other elements. After the ship dries, it is necessary to start the final stage, it is grinding and sealing of fiberglass and epoxy solution.

After that, the design of the painting structure is followed, it will help to additionally protect the ship from the effect of water and give a good appearance.

Painting consists of:

  • Degreasing all the details of the vessel;
  • Processing wooden impregnation elements;
  • Putty surfaces. This will disguise all defects;
  • Primers. To do this, you can use boiled olive;
  • Apply paintwork materials. To do this, you can buy any paint, but special waterproof materials for plywood will help to increase the service life of the boat;


The construction of such a floating work is your own hands - this is an interesting and creative lesson for people who love to do things on their own. The main thing is to stick the sizes to indicate the drawings.

Perhaps during this process, there will be errors that will need to redo. But, as a result, it turns out a great and inexpensive boat. Store such a tool is best on land. This ship is perfect for use on calm lakes and rivers.

It is prohibited to go out into the sea or melted on mountain rivers. It is also necessary to closely monitor the seams and integrity of the structure, if there are problem areas, then they need to be sealed.

With a leaning relationship and properly stored, such a floating service will last long and will help excellent time on fishing, or just while walking through the water.

Buying a boat - the case is quite cost. That is why many are asked about how to make their own small and reliable vessel. The process of creating a boat is not so complicated as it may seem at first glance. Nevertheless, it is quite painstaking and requires much attention to detail.

The first and most important stage is the definition, from which the ship will be done. There are not much options, let's look at:

  • Rubber-based fabric. The final result is an inflatable boat.
  • Plastic.
  • Steel.
  • Wood.
  • Plywood.

Each of the options has its advantages and disadvantages that are immediately striking. But now it will be about a boat made of wood.

Deciding with the material you can move to the following stages of planning and training.

Production features

There are really many features, so let's consider them in detail:

  1. Working with a tree. The first and main feature is the ability to work with wooden structures and with a tree in particular. It is necessary to understand which boards are best to choose how to correct them correctly, what loads can withstand one or another material. Before starting work, it is best to prepare and read books on working with a tree. It is very easy to find them, they are available on the Internet.
  2. Choosing materials for assembly. In addition to wood, it is necessary to immediately decide on other materials that will help to make a boat and protect it from the flow. They must fit for the material that was selected and well interact with it.
  3. Place assembly. For the manufacture, there will be quite a lot of space, as well as time. Professionals for manufacture and assembly can leave 4 to 10 days, depending on the complexity. The newcomer will be needed several times more time. That is why it is important to choose a dry and comfortable place.
  4. Instruments. To facilitate and accelerate the process, you will need a number of tools (which will look later). In addition, it is desirable to have an additional pair of arms at some assembly stages.

These are the main features that need to know, but in the course of work, it is likely to have to face others.

Drawing of boats from boards for self-making

Determine with dimensions

One of the most important steps at the planning stage. The capacity depends on the size, load capacity and weight. It is very important to comply with the right dimensions so that the boat is resistant to water.

They can be changed at their discretion, but within reason:

  • Length of the whole design. Length can vary from two to four meters. If the vessel is calculated on one, then the length should be 1.8 - 2.5 meters. Two people are about 3 meters. Three people - 3.5 - 4 meters. A boat 3 - 4 meters long can fully withstand up to 5-6 people, the question here is more in comfort.
  • Width. Also one of the main criteria. Average width of 1 - 1.5 meters. The greater the width, the more stable wonderful. On the other hand, the more width, the less maneuverability. It is necessary to find a golden middle. It is different for everyone depending on the human body, the cargo that will be transported, as well as the length of the whole design.
  • Board height. The average and recommended side height is 50 centimeters. Again, it can be done both above and below, depending on the desire.

It is repulsted from these dimensions, it will be necessary to do all the details in the future. It is difficult to determine these dimensions to the eye, so it is best to make a drawing for clarity.

Moving to the drawings immediately need to say that it is not necessary to have a talent for drawing. At the moment, the drawing can be done without having similar skills online on the Internet. You can make a three-dimensional model that will meet all the requirements and desires.

In addition to basic sizes, it is necessary to immediately determine the sizes of other, smaller, but no less important details. It is best to make drawings and for them separately so that in the future they did not have to customize them.

Basic planes required to build a theoretical drawing of the boat housing

Necessary materials and tools

Having understood with all theoretical issues, go to practice. Collection of all tools and materials and preparations of their work in the final part of the preparation, therefore it is necessary to take special care to this process.

Consider a list of tools and tools that will be needed when assembling:

This is the main list of what is useful when assembling. In addition, other instruments can be useful in the process. For example, hacksaw, hammer, clips, and so on.

Selection of boat plating boats boats

Manufacturing process

Go to the most interesting, manufacturing process. Imagine it in the form of a step-by-step instruction.

There is no place for a hurry and shortcomings, so we do everything extremely carefully and clearly:

Testing boat

After creating and collecting the vessel, go to its testing.

You can test the boat in different ways, but best of all how many steps:

  • The first test for testing waterproof can be made in the yard. To do this, turn the boat and install it on some kind of support (chairs, benches, table). Next, we pour a large amount of water on it. To do this, it is best to use the hose and "watery" minutes 5 -10. After that, the boat can be turned over and check if water fell inside.
  • Now, knowing that schooner does not let water, you can go to the exit to the larger water. More precisely, trying to try it in business. It is strongly recommended the first half an hour not to float into a big depth, because if something is done not so and the boat will begin to quickly gain water, get it much easier to take it.

Let's look at a few tips that can come in handy a newcomer in the difficult construct and assembly.

  • When assembling, do not regret the materials. For example, when fastening the boards with a bottom boat, it is worth spending up too much, but tightly go through all the joints with glue or resin. In the future, such errors will be fixed very difficult.
  • To do with a reserve. Excess parts of the whole can be removed, for example, sawing the lump in the nose of the boat. This also applies to all other details.
  • Before using big nails or screwsIt is advisable to make holes for them with a drill. This will prevent cracks.
  • Do not slip on materials. What high-quality wood, the longer and better it will last in the future.

When making a boat from plywood, you will come up with two main problems. First, you need to correctly sample and make items. Secondly, it is important to collect the boat frame correctly. Further in the article, I will describe in detail how to calculate the sizes for all components, and in the course of building a frame I will focus on particularly important points.

Dimensions and drawings

The first thing to be done is to determine the size of the boat. We will make a boat 3000 mm long, 1400 width and 500 mm high.
Determine the framework of the framework of the frame. To do this, we need to know the length of the boat, two angle a and b, the height of the boat.

We know the length and height - 3000mm and 500 mm. Angle A - 100, angle B - 120.

Knowing these values \u200b\u200bconsider the length of the framework of the frame.

L \u003d 3000- (H * TG (A-90) + H * TG (B-90)) \u003d 2623where H is the boat

Now we find the length of the nose and the transom. As they are under the tilt, their length will be more than the height of the boat.

L transts \u003d √ (〖(H * TG (A-90))〗 ^ 2 + H ^ 2) \u003d 508

L NOSA \u003d √ (〖(H * TG (B-90))〗 ^ 2 + H ^ 2) \u003d 577

It is necessary to determine the width of the bottom. Take half of the boat width - 700 mm. The lower width will be 10% less, i.e. 630 mm. The maximum width of the boat reaches 1/3 of the trans.

In our case, the maximum width will be 1000 mm from the end of the boat. Thus, we transform the bar, so that the maximum bend was at point 1/3 * the length of the boat from the transom.

The length of plywood for board will be equal to the length of transformed brusons (top and bottom, respectively). The width will be smooth nose length on one side and the length of the transom on the other.

The remaining dimensions depend on the situation.

Frame boat

The basis will serve a timber 50 * 50 * 2523 mm. On the one hand, we screw the trauma 50 * 50 * 630 mm, at an angle of 90 degrees. From the ends of the trance to the nose, we screw the deformed brushes (maximum bulge of a bar of 1000 mm from the transom).

We make 6 equilibrium cuts along the entire base (on the bottom). Dimensions of cutouts 50 * 25 mm. Insert 6 bars 25 * 25 mm along the made cuts. Confirm them to the base and sidebruces. The lower part of the carcass is ready.

We screw the nose and traum. Between the nose and the transom again secure the deformed brows, but now at the top. The distance between the side of the side of the side to the height is 500 mm, in a width of 350 mm. In essence, we are located at an angle to the base (angle, about 120 degrees at the maximum convexity point).

Make framework for sides

Note. Please note how bruses are screwed: from the edge of the upper, to the edge of the lower bar. It is important!
For this, we use the bar 25 * 25 mm.

Saving framework

Phaneru to timber bars with self-drawing with a length of 20 mm. First fasten the boards. Plywood must fit tightly to the frame.

Then we are trimming and the bottom of the boat

We glue with waterproof glue all the joints of the plywood. Treat glue all sections of the boat, which in your opinion, turned out vulnerable.

Next, we sew the nose of the boat and fasten the seating. We are wearing a boat from the inside (optional). You can make the floor and do not wash the boards, it all depends on how much plywood you have. Do not cover the boat on the inside of the board, it will add excess weight.

All the remaining details are also your taste, the boat is ready and can be put on the water.

Docoo - especially for

All photos from the article

Motor boat from plywood with their own hands is interesting to many of our compatriots for two reasons - creative nature and lower costs. Despite the seeming complexity of the project, it can be understood and implemented.

But for this, such a factor is extremely necessary as your desire to do this. In addition, what you did on your own, will be more expensive for you in morally, so staying with us, and we will show you the video in this article.

We make the floating grounds of small sizes

Note. We will not consider a specific design, for example, the drawings of the folding boat from plywood with their own hands.
Our goal is to tell you about the general principles and methods of making small floats.

Necessary materials and tools

Plywood selection:

  • to make a boat from plywood with their own hands, you, naturally, this very plywood and will need, only different thickness;
  • for the case, the thickness of the sheet is 5 mm, but for a keel and the splint, it will be necessary to 10-15 mm thick (select the length of the panel depending on the length of the housing);
  • as you understand, you need high-quality products here, so you have to choose to work or elite E, or the 1st grade - the price, of course, will be higher, but the quality will rise with it;
  • in addition, important, on which the waterproof and strength of plywood depends - the most best brands here can be called FSF or FSF-TV (faster-resistant), FB and BS (aviation - used also in shipbuilding).

Whole wood:

  • for the design of the sides, the installation of seats and the arrangement of the strut inside the housing of the boat, you will need solid wood;
  • it is best for this purpose a cutting board made of pine - it is lighter than larch, but thanks to the resin content, it moves well.

Suture material:

  • for tightening the housing and connecting other parts to a solid design, it will take suture material;
  • to do this, you can use a thin knitting steel or copper wire, a thick dumping line or plastic clamps.


  • in order for the boat to be proceeded, all seams need to be sealed with water-repellent glue - at the moment there are very many sold;
  • as practice shows, compositions based on polymer resins are best suited for this purpose;
  • to seal the seams also use fiberglass - tape from it plant on the adhesive on the junction;
  • you can also use fiberglass for this purpose, salas it on board and bottom;
  • to protect against swelling, water-repellent varnishes and adhesives use, impregnating the housing and jumpers - for this, for example, use bakelite varnish or glue;
  • in addition to impregnation, you will also need polymer paint, which will serve as an addition to moisture resistance and decorate your boat.


  • to make a boat with their own hands from plywood, you, of course, will need tools and, first of all, this is a disk saw and / or electric jigsaw (the hacksaw is also useful);
  • a set of manual carpentry tools in the form of a hammer, chisels, passage and the like;
  • grinding disk or ribbon machine;
  • ribbon or steel clamps;
  • paint brushes for applying impregnations and paints and varnishes.

Choose the drawing

Before starting the assembly, find the appropriate drawings in your case - how to make a boat from plywood with your own hands, it can be a flat-bottomed fishing boat that you will use on weekends or kayak for traps during holidays.
But if you are already tempted in the "shipbuilding", you can try to draw such a project yourself, but it is very important to calculate the lifting capacity so that the flooding does not overturn on operation.

Many have not even guessed that you can swim in a homemade boat from plywood. The article will present a phased description of all processes in its manufacture, drawings and lists of all necessary from the materials to the tools are given. The instructions also attached illustrations of work and video for making a design master.

Preparation of material and tools

  • Plywood;
  • Polyurethane glue;
  • Nails;
  • Latex based paint;
  • Silicone sealant;
  • Construction syringe (it will be needed to seal the seams of the structure);
  • Sandpaper;
  • Lobzik;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Roulette;
  • Brush;
  • Clamp;
  • Drill;
  • Parakord (brackets).

One of the sheets of acquired plywood should be divided into 3 parts for the bottom of the structure: 46x61 cm, 61x168 cm and 31x61 cm. The side sides of the boat will represent two pieces of 31 sides by 244 cm. To create the backups, we take 3 pieces with parameters 25x50x2400 mm. The feed and the nasal part of the boat requires a cut in size 25x76x2400 mm. The housing of the self-made boat from plywood for fishing is made of pieces with parameters 25x50x2400 mm.

Note! Subsequently, pieces on the body will be connected by Parakord.

Creating a project with drawings

There is a mass of homemade boat projects from plywood, starting with simple flat-bases, which is used on fishing, to a complex tourist kayak. There are both teams and folding structures. To begin with, we will stop on the simplest drawing of the vessel, which is presented below.

If the self-made boat from plywood according to the drawings, which was found, does not suit, then you can design your own option, but such an event will require more accurate calculations regarding the design capacity. Otherwise, with incorrect parameters, you can make a huge souvenir that is not able to keep you on the water.

So, choosing or creating your own project for building a plywood boat, we transfer our parameters on paper, creating a drawing of the structure. According to these paper templates, we draw the contours of the main elements of the boat on plywood sheets, which will serve as an indicative of drinking sheets and spangling for the trim.

Note!In most cases, the size of the factory plywood does not allow to cut the one-piece element of the boat board. Therefore, it will be necessary to carry out the procedure of splicing sheets.

The splicing of pieces begin with the shy of the shear ends at a sharp angle. As a result, the crashing part should have a length equal to the thickness of the sheet, enlarged 7-10 times. The connected parts with crane ends are well shown in the diagram below.

Ideally beveled pieces of pieces of pieces need to be molded with glue on the mock and tightly clamping clamps by the method "on the US". While our pieces are glued, you can prepare the bars for the boat frame. It will be more convenient to work on the goats specially created by their own hands from 5x5 cm bars.

You can make a homemade folding boat from plywood, the drawing of which is presented below.

Body assembly simple boat

First of all, we will produce the splits (although you can make them after assembling the plywood frame). Exhausting and drinking the necessary bars, secure them with the help of self-tapping and epoxy glue.


Note! At the stage of drinking elements, deviations from drawing parameters should not be more than 1 mm, otherwise, the sides may not be stirred.

In detail shows the build of a homemade boat from plywood on video, which is added in the article.

First of all, we set the trauma to our goats, to which the bottom and sides are attached to the middle of them, connecting on the nose with brackets. With a small thickness of the plywood sheet, the trim can be combined with suture material or adhesive mixture. When assembling, carefully ensure that all elements come together in size.

Spanmost alcohol and fibers are necessary to provide greater thickness, and accordingly, and increase the strength of the structure. Also, in order to increase the reliability of the compounds, additional transactions and the splints are recommended to be made up with tinted or galvanized self-testers with a length of 18 or 25 mm and in diameter 3 mm. Self-tapping screws for feed and sidebar take a little more: 60 by 4-5 mm.

Advice! In the event that when the elements are connected, it turned out a gap, it is necessary to disassemble everything and cut to the desired frame of the folds. And for a homemade boat from plywood under the engine, you need to not forget to puncture the trauma fiberglass, as well as begged with wooden boards made of solid wood.

You can also cut special lining for the trauma to enhance the design as a whole. When all the elements are assembled and agreed with each other, you can proceed to the design of the design. In order for the seams to come out particularly neat, you can use the painting scotch, which is glued on both sides of each seam.

Singing we produce a mixture of aerial and epoxy resin (1: 1), carefully we work with fiberglass so that the resulting bubbles do not work. Seams Clamps must go smooth, and also need to be visible through the layers of fiberglass, wood structure is still visible.

Then we turn over the almost ready-made boat upside down and remove the brackets in the case of the elements bonding, as well as rounding the suture joints. Having obtained the desired flow, you can smoke the seams and outside.

In addition to sizing, the design can be strengthened with 3 layers of glass beverages or to fully strip fiberglass. You can also add to the design of the bench, for which the planks are manufactured, and also cut the suture and install the bolt's nasal. For outdoor stringers and keel need high quality materials so that there are no bitch. Coloring elements will strengthen the design, and will also serve the protection of the casing during the mooring.

Fundamental Design Basics

You can also make a homemade collapsible boat from plywood at the above drawing. Such a boat will consist of several independent sections, which, in turn, represent part of the structure, the length of which is equal to the distance between the splits, which is located nearby. In other words, the boat "cut" on the part.

The section assembly is made by means of bolts, and for a dense fit of parts to each other between sections, a rubber seal is laid. In the collected form to the largest middle section laid all the rest. And then all the elements can be packaged in a cloth case and without any problems transport by car or other transport.

For the manufacture of collapsible design, the following will be needed. materials:

  • Plywood: 2.5 Sheet for the trim - construction 4x1500x1500 mm, part 1 sheet for the sortiece and spangling - 10x900x1300;
  • Boards for removable seats.

Phaneur must acquire 1 varieties so that there are no bitch, but there was a zadorka! 6 m long boards are one of the coniferous thickness of 2 cm, and another 4 cm thick other of any tree. We also need meter beech boards for finishing our boat.

First of all, we also create a design drawing, after which we make paper templates for the transnta, splintings and the belt. In the cutout cut-offs, the corresponding holes must be drilled under the bolts, after which we connect sheets. The splits need to be filled with a file with a rubber seal with a thickness of 1 mm outside.

Also in the splits you need to make holes for rivets, which will be located for each 1-5 cm pairwise, screwed in 1 cm from the edge. They can be constructed independently of the wire with a diameter of 1.5 to 3 mm from aluminum wire. With the help of the conductor produce sections.

When all the elements are made and assembled, the whole design must be soaked with olifa, it is recommended even in two layers. But necessarily over dry plywood. When and the olive will dry up the inner part needs to be lacquered, and the outer-oil paint.