Repair Design Furniture

Dust control methods. Effective ways to remove dust in the apartment and house. Where does dust accumulate

Do you have to clean all horizontal surfaces of your house from dust every day? Does it seem like the dust will never go away? Of course, there is no magic tool that will remove dust once and for all, but it is quite possible to reduce its amount. We will tell you where dust comes from, why it accumulates quickly and how to deal with it correctly.

It is impossible to get rid of the dust completely: even in an empty house without tenants and with closed windows over time, a thick layer of dust accumulates. Why is this happening? To answer this question, you need to know what the dust in the apartment consists of.

What is dust

Dust Are small solid particles ranging in size from 0.01 to 10 microns. First of all, it is necessary to separate coarse and (or fine) dust. Coarse dust is what annoys us so much. A layer of gray "fluff" that accumulates in the corners, on bookshelves and under the sofa.

In fact, the greatest danger for us is fine dust, which we do not even see. It is found in large quantities in the polluted city air and enters our body, damaging the walls of blood vessels and harming our health.

Much of the dust usually consists of the smallest particles of dead skin and tissue fibers. Other dust contributors range from human hair and pet hair to soil particles, pollen, mold spores, dust mites, and other minor sources. Also in some homes, dust contains waste products of cockroaches, termites, ants or other insects. Especially a lot of dust occurs after repairs.

In addition to household sources of dust, there are natural ones - for example, scientists recognize the Sahara desert as the largest source of dust. Also, volcanic ash, fires, meteorites and comets, seas and oceans are to blame for the formation of dust. Even hundreds of thousands of kilometers do not scare such dust: it will overcome all obstacles to get into your apartment.

You cannot remove large sources of dust from your life, such as clothes, furniture, carpets and, in fact, human skin. However, you can use good house cleaning methods. Then the amount of dust will be significantly reduced.

Dusting is always necessary from top to bottom.- otherwise, dirt from surfaces that are above the rest will settle on the already cleaned furniture.

Vacuum and shake out carpets every week. Carpets - world class dust collectors and when you step on them, they "throw" dust back into the air.

Furniture is also worth taking care of. For instance, sofa cushions Like carpets, they create, collect and spew dust into the air when you sit on them. Sofas, beds, armchairs can be vacuumed or knocked out with a thick damp cloth. Also pay attention to the curtains: They need to be washed and steamed regularly.

Dust mites live in almost every home because they enjoy warm, humid environments. They breed in bedding and other places where epidermal particles can be high and contribute their waste products to the overall dust level. In most cases, this is not a problem: just wash regularly linens and take care of upholstered furniture.

Take inventory of the apartment... Perhaps something should be thrown out altogether, and something just replaced. Instead of feather pillows, take padding polyester ones, get rid of the extra ones decorative items and unnecessary clothes, old upholstered furniture. Don't forget about Stuffed Toys: They are a great home for dust mites. Throwing them in the trash is not at all necessary; it is enough to wash them at a high temperature or put them in the freezer for several hours.

Why is there a lot of dust in the apartment? The answer is simple: dust is very fond of disorder. Clutter demoralizes even the most desperate housewives, forcing them to spend on cleaning. a large number of time and effort. Store various knick-knacks and things that you rarely use in a cupboard behind glass or in a drawer. Spend 5 minutes a day to put everything in its place - the dust simply won't come from anywhere.

Our wardrobe also affects the total amount of dust. Just imagine how much dust we bring from the street along with our clothes! Take away close attention washing and organizing space in the wardrobe. It is better to pack seasonal items in vacuum bags.

The worst accumulation of dust is where it is quite difficult to clean up., - under the bed, sofa, behind the refrigerator or wardrobe, in the corners of the closet, etc. When wet cleaning, it is recommended to pay the utmost attention to these areas. Fortunately, mops and vacuum cleaners are now being produced with a wide variety of attachments that can penetrate hard-to-reach places.

The most inaccessible places are at the top of the cabinets - to wipe them from dust, you always need to stand on a chair and stool. How to remove dust in this case? If you are not very worried about the aesthetic appearance of the room, you can put old newspapers or large-format paper on the "roof" of the cabinet - when dust settles on it, it can be rolled up and thrown away. There is no need to deal with a thick layer of dust on the surface of the cabinet itself.

Another tip: if you need to remove dust from embossed surfaces, such as a picture frame, lampshade, and others decorative elements, use an ordinary brush.

Damp rag Is all you need to collect dust from hard, smooth surfaces. Dust adheres to fabric rather than flying and spreading through the air. The main thing is not to use an overly wet cloth: a large amount of water, combined with dust, forms dirt and can ruin the finish of your beautiful furniture. Cotton or microfiber rags absorb water better and remove dirt.

During cleaning, it is better not to use a broom or a broom - they only raise dust into the air and carry it throughout the apartment.

It is widely believed that cleaning the air and partially eliminating dust helps houseplants... We have already said that the role of green assistants is somewhat exaggerated. Of course, plants have a positive effect on the microclimate, but wet cleaning in combination with climatic technology will wipe the nose of any ficus 🙂

How to wipe the furniture so that dust does not settle?

A bit of physics: As you know, microparticles have a small electric charge and are attracted to a surface charged with the opposite charge. To prevent this from happening, antistatic agents are used: they reduce the ability of objects to accumulate static electricity, and dust simply does not settle on furniture and household appliances.

The modern market is flooded with the most different means for cleaning with the most varying degrees of efficiency. To choose suitable remedy, you need to know what it is for. Before using, you must read the instructions - otherwise, instead of cleanliness in the house, you risk observing an ugly dense plaque on horizontal surfaces.

  • To prevent dust from settling on furniture for a long time, use polish(or anti-dust). It contains antistatic agents for furniture from dust. And also polish gives shine to furniture elements. Thus, dust does not settle on the armrests or the table, but simply "slides" off them. Nevertheless, anti-dust for furniture is not a panacea: do wet cleaning still have to, but at least not so often.
  • For TVs and computer monitors, there are special antistatic agents that remove dust and dirt. It is best to choose an antistatic agent that can be used with the equipment turned on and that does not need to be further processed with a napkin or rag.
  • Some sprays eliminate static electricity and kill dust mites. They should be used no more than once every six months. Basically, they are used to process walls, carpets and textiles.
  • With hard surfaces, everything is clear, but with what to wipe upholstered furniture? Special impregnation spreads over the entire surface of a piece of furniture, as if forming a protective film that prevents dust from penetrating inside. However, the furniture will have to be cleaned so that the impregnation does not turn into a thick coating.
  • If you prefer folk remedies, Will help you vinegar... In a glass of cool water, add 50-75 ml of vinegar, two teaspoons olive oil and a couple of drops of any essential oil... Then pour the resulting solution into a spray bottle and treat the furniture with it. This method also destroys unpleasant odors.

The main thing when choosing household chemicals is to carefully select the composition of the product. Avoid names of toxic substances on the packaging - these include chlorine, ammonium, phosphates, triclosan. Also remember that many cleaning products are irritating to the skin and respiratory tract, so it is worth equipping yourself with rubber gloves and a face mask.

Even the most thorough cleaning will not remove 100% of the dust from your home. Do you want even the finest dust to disappear? Trust smart technology. with high-quality filters will definitely help in the difficult fight against dust, and, having the function of inactivating microorganisms, will protect you and your family not only from dust, but also from various viruses, allergens and harmful bacteria.

An air purifier must have a built-in HEPA filter - it is able to retain the finest dust.

A room without fresh air is much more dusty than a constantly ventilated room. In addition, in a stuffy room it is simply hard to breathe and go about your business. To exclude the possibility of street dust getting into your house when airing and, you can install

Dust in the house - worst enemy any owner. While it is nearly impossible to get rid of it completely, there are several ways to stop its spread and reduce the amount.

What is dust and how is it dangerous?

House dust, according to microbiologist Karen Hall, is a whole collection various materials: fibers, dust mites and bacteria, mold and fungus spores, pollen, dead skin particles of dogs and cats, other animals and other small microbes.

We hear about dust mites all the time, but since they are invisible to humans, it's easy to ignore them.

Perhaps the information that dust mites are arachnids and that they inhabit home mattresses in such numbers that they make things heavier will cause someone to take cleaning more seriously.

If this still does not stimulate regular cleaning, then Dr.Karen advises remembering that the cause of dust allergy is not the mites themselves, but their droppings, which provoke asthma attacks and allergic reactions.

Allergist James Sublett claims that the greatest accumulation of mites and their excrement is found in bedrooms and in particular in beds, as well as in furniture with heavy covers. All this dust from beds and furniture instantly gets into the air with the slightest movement.

How to deal with dust?

Of course, the best weapon in the fight against dust is regular cleaning and getting rid of unnecessary items. However, do not overlook other methods that may come in handy.

Simplify the interior

Modern style in the interior is a great advantage in the fight against dust. Flat, massive surfaces, especially floors, as well as smooth leather furniture minimize the amount of dust in the house - just wipe them down regularly.

If you are not a lover modern style Allergist James Sableet advises at least giving up carpet in the bedroom.

Lay a rug in the hallway and in front of the door

In order for the street dust to at least partially remain behind the threshold, there should be rugs in front of the door and in the hallway. Antibacterial carpets will trap some of the germs that enter the house with outdoor shoes.

Better yet, take off your shoes before entering the house, but this can only be done in the country.

Freeze small items

Children's toys or other small dustbags can be placed in a plastic bag and left in the refrigerator for about two days. Then let them melt naturally.

Dr. Karen Hall assures that such a procedure will kill all dust mites.

Keep pets out of the bedroom

Unfortunately, dogs and cats are great carriers of dirt and dust in your home. Therefore, it is advisable not to let them into the bedroom, and especially on the bed.

You can also think about buying special attachment for a vacuum cleaner or pet brush that minimizes hair and does not harm the pet.

Wash pillows

We wash pillowcases and covers a lot, but what about the pillows themselves? If you notice that over time the pillow has become heavier - congratulations, a whole colony of dust mites has settled in it. To avoid these neighbors, you need to clean the pillows or change them at least every six months.

Don't make your bed

Quite a drastic measure, but Dr. Hall assures that a heavy blanket will keep the mattress from cooling, and a cold temperature is necessary to slow down the reproduction of dust mites.

Protect your mattress

The mattress should be vacuumed regularly to collect dust and other dirt. It makes sense to consider buying quality fabric zip covers for your mattress and pillows.

Change your bedding once a week.

This is an obvious rule, but some people forget about it. The washing temperature does not need to be high - even a wash cycle of warm water takes care of adult ticks.

Close the doors

Dust loves to travel, so it's best not to give it a reason to climb into a closet or kitchen drawers.

Dust and clean once or twice a week

Dr. Karen Hall assures that it is impossible to completely get rid of dust, but cleaning once or twice a week will minimize the amount of dirt in the house.

It is advisable to wear a respirator when cleaning so as not to inhale all the dust that you raised. (The dust will settle in 2 hours).

Don't miss hard-to-reach places

The monsters under the bed are not a children's fairy tale, but reality. It is there that ticks live, and if they are not disturbed with a vacuum cleaner, then they will continue to breed. Remember to vacuum high shelves, gaps between cabinets, and other hard-to-reach areas.

Make sure your vacuum cleaner has enough attachments. When buying a vacuum cleaner, be sure to check if it is equipped with a HEPA filter.

Regulate humidity

Dampness and high humidity create excellent conditions for the development of mold and dust mites. Therefore, these parameters must be kept under control.

If your apartment is too damp, consider buying a dehumidifier.

Purify the air

Air purifiers also help to reduce the amount of dust in the room.

Photos and information from and

Dust is the eternal enemy of health and cleanliness in the home. Even after general cleaning, within a few hours it can be seen on smooth surfaces. It not only spoils the appearance of the room, but is also very dangerous to health. What is the best way to remove dust in the apartment and how to prevent its appearance?

House dust harm

The concept of "dust" is quite extensive and includes a large number of components. So, particles of dirt, animal hair, various allergens and so on fly in the air. A particular danger is the dust mite, which can provoke an asthmatic attack or lead to the development of allergies.

In addition, other pathological microorganisms and harmful substances are transferred with dust particles. First of all, these are carcinogens that arise as a result of work household appliances, toxins from cigarette smoke, fungal spores and bacteria. Once in the body, they provoke the development of disease, so dust control is very important to maintain health.

Removing dust collectors

To reduce the amount of dust in the room, remove all decor and interior items that contribute to its accumulation. To do this, follow these simple guidelines:

  • If possible, remove carpets from walls and floors. It is here that the maximum amount of dust is concentrated, even under the condition of daily vacuuming.
  • Throw out the items from the closets that you have not used for more than six months (with the exception of seasonal clothing).
  • Limit the presence of decorative elements in the room. For the most part, this applies to napkins, artificial flowers, figurines and books that are on open shelves. If you do not want to part with your favorite items, keep them behind glass.
  • If possible, replace curtains and tulle with roller blinds or blinds. Thanks to their smaller footprint, they do not accumulate much dust and are easier to care for.

Dust removal methods

Regular cleaning will help to get rid of dust in the room. You should definitely go to all the corners of the rooms and wipe or wash even the most secret places where dirt can accumulate. To effectively and permanently get rid of dirt, use simple guidelines dust control.

Remove dirt not only from open surfaces, but also from furniture, including upholstered ones. To do this, cover the sofa with a damp sheet and knock out the dust. A wet cloth will absorb all dirt and prevent it from spreading in the air and settling on other objects. You can also vacuum the surface using a special furniture brush.

A washing vacuum cleaner with an aquafilter is perfect for cleaning dust in an apartment.

Steaming will help to quickly remove dust from curtains. This method will not only remove dirt, but it will also kill bacteria and also smoothen the fabric. If you want to keep your home clean on a regular basis, get a floor standing steamer with a large water tank.

Remove house dust and all houseplants. Wipe the leaves with a damp cloth, sprinkle with water from a spray bottle. Also wipe down the windowsill or shelf that houses the plants. Don't forget about taking care of your pets. Brush your coat regularly and wash your paws after walking.

Wipe dust off all surfaces, including cabinetry, curtain rods, paintings, and baseboards. Don't miss out on household appliances too. Especially often, dust accumulates on a computer monitor and TV screen.

To clean floors, vacuum the surface well first and then wet mop. The best option- using a washing vacuum cleaner equipped with an aquafilter. Such household appliance not only effectively removes dust from the floor, but also removes dirt particles.

If you don't have a vacuum cleaner, use a mop and rag. Dry all exposed surfaces well, especially under the table, sofa and bed.

Ventilate the area regularly, especially when cleaning. To prevent street dust from entering the room, install on the windows Mosquito nets or cover the openings with a damp cloth.

The better to deal with dust

The use of special tools and devices will help to facilitate the fight against dust.

Humidifier... With sufficient humidity, dust does not fly in the air, but settles on the surface, where it is easier to notice and eliminate.

Hygrometer Is a device that controls the level of humidity. Modern humidifiers are equipped with this feature, so you don't have to purchase it additionally. A hygrometer can help you determine when the humidity is too high and threatens the development of mold.

Membranes for windows... Such devices protect against the penetration of street dust into the room. Another advantage of membranes is that they prevent allergens (pollen of plants, poplar fluff, etc.) from entering the house.

Reducing the amount of dust in the air will help indoor plantchlorophytum... Place it where dirt accumulates most (on a windowsill, desk, or bedside table).

Have you ever seen the scary pictures of what dust looks like under a microscope?

Household dust contains particles of dead skin, hair, pollen, pet hair, if the latter live in the house.

Inhabitants of the lower floors may even have particles of rubber car tires in the dust. Well, the most unpleasant thing is saprophytic mites. By the way, this is almost forty percent of the dust.

I would like, of course, to get rid of the dust once and for all, but this, unfortunately, is fantastic. To reduce the layers of dust, you need to wage a regular, preferably daily war with an invisible enemy.

Wet and dry cleaning is the easiest and most effective remedy... Unfortunately, the miracle of cleaning tools has not yet been invented, so you need to take a rag in your hands every day and destroy the dust.

Dust after cleaning quickly settles on objects, so use the "top-down" principle, i.e. start cleaning from ceiling to floor. First, the corners in the room, so as not to form a cobweb, then go to the wardrobes, then the tables and chairs, and at the end the floor.

A lot of dust accumulates on the curtains, so they need to be washed frequently. Put the books in the closet or put them on closed shelves. Don't bet on open spaces soft toys, pillows, napkins, etc.

Check the window seals to see if they are leaking dirt from the street. There is a lot of dust in the carpets. Either clean them constantly or put them away.

Your Jewelry blackened from silver? Find out at home.

Classic felt boots have many advantages: comfort to wear, warmth, low price ... But they get dirty quite easily in wet weather. Read how to clean light boots from different types pollution.

Means for cleaning the apartment

Rags can be bought at the store, or you can use old unnecessary clothes or sheets. It's good if the rag is cotton. Cotton absorbs water well and does not scratch surfaces.

Prepare a brush for embossed surfaces. There is nothing better for the floor than a mop. Fortunately, now you can buy from various materials, self-twisting and with a movable head to clean in hard-to-reach places.

Dust wipes can be purchased. Good because they are soaked special means, which not only removes dust, but also disinfects.

To remove dirt and dust from textiles use sticky roller brushes. The electric broomstick will use static electricity to remove dust from electrical appliances, for example, from a TV and a computer.

Effective remedies:

  • Anti-dust polish acts as an antistatic agent. It will not get rid of dust for a long time, but it will slightly prolong the cleanliness in the house.
  • Airing... It must be carried out daily, at least twice. Carry out wet cleaning just at the time when the windows are open. In the warm season, the minimum airing time is twenty minutes. In cold weather - two minutes, but it is better to arrange a draft at these minutes.
  • A vacuum cleaner It does not matter - washing or not - the main thing is to vacuum the apartment every two days. In some models washing vacuum cleaners there is a function "air purification". If a large amount of dust has already accumulated in the house, a universal vacuum cleaner will help and.

These devices purify the air, also kill bacteria, sometimes ionize the air and flavor it. It all depends on the model you choose.

The principle of the purifier: dust and dirt accumulates on the filters. It is good if the model of the purifier provides for the presence of a HEPA filter - a dust filter.

These filters were originally designed for use in medical institutions therefore the HEPA filter is able to retain even very fine dust.


A comfortable level of air humidity for a person is forty percent, but this mark is unlikely to rise above twenty percent in our apartments.

If earlier you could only hang wet rags on the batteries, now everything is much simpler: you can buy a humidifier.

In dry air, dust sinks very slowly to the surface. You will do the cleaning, and in fifteen minutes a new portion of the dust will settle out of the air. In humid air, dust gets wet and sinks quickly so that it can be easily removed from the floor.

Traditional methods of cleaning the apartment

Get a plant called chlorophytum, which is fairly common and easy to care for. Spray it with water daily. Dust will be much less. Other plants also help to deal with dust, but especially chlorophytum.

Moisten a dust cloth with a solution of water, to which add a little detergent... Do not overdo it with the product, otherwise stains will remain on the furniture.

Do not overuse brooms. After all, a broom only scatters dust, and does not remove it.

Wear sheepskin coats in winter genuine leather? If soiled, these products are difficult to clean. Find out how to properly and at home.

Modern thermal underwear is made from special synthetic fabrics. In, you can learn how to properly wash thermal underwear.

And if a greasy stain appears on any clothes, it is advisable to sprinkle it with salt first. Read on to learn how to remove old greasy stains from different types of fabrics.

Get rid of dust mite by washing things at high temperatures, if the material of the product allows it.

You cannot completely defeat the dust, but you can reduce its amount. You have to fight with her constantly. It's not easy but modern technologies greatly facilitate the work of housewives.

Dust in the home is a problem we face on a daily basis. Her congestion spoils appearance housing leads to allergies and other health problems. You cannot permanently get rid of dust in an apartment, but there are special methods of cleaning and air purification that will help to significantly reduce its volume. It is about them that will be discussed in our article.

Dust in the house can be found on any surfaces, read our article on how to deal with it.

Dust and its sources

Household dust is an accumulation of the smallest particles: fibers of fabric and paper, keratinized skin cells, animal hair, pollen, crumbling whitewash, mold spores and much more. All this is a favorable environment for the appearance of dust mites. The waste products of ticks are the strongest allergen and the cause of many diseases.

Skin irritation, conjunctivitis, clogged pores, allergies, asthma - this is a small list of the consequences that constant contact with dust can lead to.

Description of some sources of dust in the apartment:

  • textiles - clothes, towels, bed linen, blankets, curtains, carpets, upholstered furniture, lampshades and other fabric interior elements;
  • paper and decor - napkins, newspapers, books, paintings, figurines and other designer decorations;
  • pets - caring for them should be regular (combing wool, bathing, washing paws after a walk);
  • TV, computer and other equipment - when they work, they attract any particles in the air;
  • walls and furniture - whitewash and paint crumble from the walls and ceiling, fibers are separated from worn-out wallpaper, and from the old wooden furniture- trash.
Dust is caused by hard water: it wears out clothes and linen, and after washing, the fibers of the fabric spread throughout the house.

Human beings are also the source of organic dust. You can reduce its amount if you regularly remove dead particles from the surface of the body with a washcloth or scrub, moisturize and nourish the skin.

In addition, dust enters the dwelling through the windows. Most of all, it appears in apartments located on the lower floors, near roads, near construction sites and industrial facilities.

Dust Control Techniques

To get rid of dust in an apartment, cleaning alone is not enough; an integrated approach is needed in this matter. Let's consider all the methods in detail.

Removing blockages

Above, we described what most often becomes places where dust accumulates. Getting started cleaning, you first need to deal with such debris:

  • put figurines, vases and other knickknacks in cabinets with glass doors... Fold excess decor in bags and hide in the pantry;
  • throw away old magazines and newspapers. Collect the editions you want to keep in boxes and take them to the closet. It is better to keep books behind glass in a closet;
  • collect seasonal items and shoes that you do not use, put them in boxes or covers and hide them in the closet;
  • to get rid of dust in the apartment, reduce the amount of textiles in the interior (carpets, rugs, etc.). If you are not ready for this, tune in to frequent cleaning. Remember to regularly wash, vacuum, or steamer curtains, upholstered furniture and fabric lampshades;
  • disassemble all the clutter in closets and closets. Store rarely used items in bags, cases and boxes.

When putting away interior items for storage, do not forget to wipe them from dust. Things and clothes must first be washed or shaken out, shoes must be washed and dried.

Proper cleaning

To get rid of dust in the apartment for a long time, after removing the blockages, carry out general cleaning... First, thoroughly vacuum the floors so as not to pick up or spread dust on all surfaces during cleaning.

Vacuum the cobwebs from the ceiling and upper corners, lift sofas and armchairs, walk through all hard-to-reach areas

Then proceed to clean all textile dust containers:

  • wash, vacuum, or steamer curtains, rugs, rugs, toys, etc .;
  • knock the mattress, pillows and blankets onto fresh air... Prepare bed linen for the change;
  • clean upholstered furniture.

Remove dust from upper and hard-to-reach surfaces after textile processing. Dust is removed from top to bottom so that the swept particles do not settle on already cleaned items.

If you have stretch or dropped ceilings, be sure to wipe them clean. How best to do this, read this article.

Wipe the plants with a damp sponge. If dusting by hand is difficult, take the pot to the bathroom and gently rinse the foliage with a shower. Most plants love this procedure.

Wipe the TV, speakers, kitchen and other appliances (it is advisable to use special sprays for them)

Wipe down the rest of the furniture: sideboards and dressers, sofa handles, headboards, tables, chairs, shelves, etc.

After you have collected dust from all interior items, proceed to cleaning the floor: it needs to be vacuumed and washed again. You can familiarize yourself with the methods of floor cleaning in our article "How to properly wash floors".

Carpets are the largest dust collectors. They need to be vacuumed 1-2 times a week, knocked out and cleaned regularly.

To get rid of dust in an apartment, use the correct inventory.

Take into account household chemicals with an antistatic effect: window cleaner, furniture polish, floor cleaner. They reduce the ability of objects to store static electricity and attract dust. There are odorless hypoallergenic products on sale.

Use an anti-static dust brush (including electric). They neutralize static electricity and attract dust to the lint

Buy a microfiber cloth. This fabric collects and retains dust, but with a piece of an old T-shirt you will only dust off, not remove it.

Carry out a light damp cleaning once every 2 days: wipe the floor in the kitchen, hallway and bathroom

To clean upholstered furniture, cover it with a damp sheet and knock it out: deeply clogged dust will settle on the damp cloth. Then the furniture can be vacuumed and treated with a steamer.

Dust from books can be removed with a vacuum cleaner using a special soft brush attachment, and then wipe them with a slightly damp cloth.

Blinds can be cleaned of dust without removing from the windows. Rotate the plates so that they become a single sheet, and go over them with a vacuum cleaner and a damp cloth. If it is heavily soiled, wash the blinds in the bathroom. Read more about this in this article.

Wallpaper also needs to be cleaned from time to time to prevent dust from accumulating on the walls. Almost all modern varieties wall decor can be damp cleaned. Vacuum them before processing to avoid messy streaks.

To get rid of dust in an apartment, use the advice of experienced housewives:

  • moisten a cloth in water with the addition of potassium permanganate or a drop of detergent (liquid for dishes, shampoo). After such treatment, an invisible film forms on the surface of the furniture, which will prevent dust from settling;
  • get chlorophytum. This plant is unpretentious to care for and significantly reduces the amount of dust;
  • to vacuum the upholstery of furniture, wrap the vacuum cleaner nozzle with gauze soaked in a saline solution (dilute 1 tablespoon of salt in 1 liter of water; hold the rag for 10 minutes and squeeze well).

Air purification

To combat dust more effectively, use special devices:

  • humidifiers (ultrasonic, steam, etc.). In dry air, microscopic dust particles can hang for a very long time;
  • air purifiers (coal, quartz, etc.) They rid the air of dust and harmful impurities;
  • air washing. The device sucks in air, passes it through the filter and lets it out, already cleaned and humidified;
  • ionizers. Under the influence of ions, dust particles become heavier and settle down, making them easier to remove;
  • vacuum cleaner with aquafilter. Such devices retain up to 99% of dust and humidify the air.

Additional measures

It will not be possible to get rid of the dust in the apartment forever, but you can reduce its amount if you take a number of measures:

  • install window membranes or mosquito nets. They prevent dust from entering the street;
  • eliminate cracks on doors and windows with a sealant;
  • Use synthetic-filled pillows and blankets (it produces less dust than feathers and down and is easier to clean);
  • replace draped curtains with more simple options or blinds;
  • take care of good ventilation of the house. Ventilate the premises regularly;
  • change or wash the filters of the devices more often (air conditioner, vacuum cleaner, ventilation, extractor hood, etc.).

How to get rid of dust after renovation

Especially a lot of dust remains after renovation works... Consider step by step instructions for dust removal after repair:

  • open all windows and doors to ventilate the room;
  • put on a protective mask and gloves;
  • collect all large construction garbage in bags and take out of the apartment;
  • take water into a spray bottle and spray the room so that the dust is nailed to the floor;
  • remove the protective film from the surfaces by rolling it inward so that the dust does not fly off;
  • vacuum ceiling, walls, corners, protruding trim, perimeters doorways etc. You can rent a construction vacuum cleaner;
  • wash windows and sills. Change the water as often as possible;
  • wipe with a damp cloth doorways, sockets, switches and other protruding objects;
  • wash the floor. It will have to be washed several times to get rid of white streaks and re-settling of dust. Use detergents;
  • once again collect dust from shelves, window sills, etc. Wash the floor again with detergent.

We hope that we have provided you with comprehensive information on how to get rid of dust in your apartment. If you have any questions, write in the comments. We will be happy to answer them.

There are special traps to fight moths. V sticky layer with which they are coated, pheromones of females are added, attracting males. Sticking to the trap, they drop out of the reproduction process, which leads to a decrease in the moth population.

The habit of using the washing machine "sparingly" can lead to the appearance of bad smell... Washing at temperatures below 60 ℃ and short rinses allow fungi and bacteria from dirty clothes to remain on the inner surfaces and actively multiply.

Stretch ceilings made of PVC film are capable of withstanding from 70 to 120 liters of water per 1 m 2 of their area (depending on the size of the ceiling, the degree of its tension and the quality of the film). So you don't have to worry about leaks from the neighbors on top.

V dishwasher not only plates and cups are well washed. It can be loaded with plastic toys, glass shades of lamps and even dirty vegetables, such as potatoes, but only without the use of detergents.

If the first signs of gestation appear on your favorite things in the form of untidy pellets, you can get rid of them using a special machine - a shaver. It quickly and efficiently shaves off clumped fabric fibers and makes things look worthy.

The easiest way to remove scale and carbon deposits from the soleplate is table salt. Place a thick layer of salt on the paper, heat the iron to maximum, and apply light pressure several times over the salt mat.

Before removing various stains from clothes, you need to find out how safe the selected solvent is for the fabric itself. It is applied in a small amount to an inconspicuous area of ​​the thing from the wrong side for 5-10 minutes. If the material retains its structure and color, you can move on to stains.