Repairs Design Furniture

How to close the battery in the kitchen under the window. How to close the heating battery in the room: Plumbing point. Types of decorative screens for material and design

To hide the battery in a house or apartment, it is not necessary to organize overhaul or large-scale redevelopment, it will be quite economical to choose a couple of new design ideas and solutions that use modern work experience in this area, and special finishing materials.

How to hide the batteries in the room with your own hands.

The most popular way to mask batteries.

The wall covering plasterboard is often used to achieve such a goal (hide the battery). However, this method has both pros and cons. This is done easy, quickly and cheap, but at the same time the area of \u200b\u200bthe room is visually reduced. Having practical experience and knowledge about working with plasterboard such a decision can be implemented independently, in the opposite case, the masking of the battery turn into a long and painful independent work.

We should not forget that with the tight closing of the heating devices, the heat will not pass, so it is not recommended to do this. To solve this problem in the material, holes are cut out, which ensures the necessary air circulation. For a better aesthetic view, decorative screens are installed on top of the drywall, which in the future facilitates the maintenance of radiators.

Also the advantage of using drywall is the ability to hide the pipes, which lead to radiators. However, such a solution is more relevant in the performance of the repair work of the entire premises, as it provides for the coverage of the entire wall material.

The easiest way to hide the battery in the room with your own hands.

It is much easier and saving the hinged screen. There is a large number of different models in this area and alternatives for any interior, for example:

  • hinged screen with a lid;
  • screens-box;
  • metal screens;
  • wood screens;
  • glass screens;
  • screens from MDF.

There are advantage of mounted screens, the fact that they can disguise the batteries regardless of the repair of repair in a room or any other factors. To install such models, it is not necessary to own special knowledge and to prevent a lot of effort, because the installation process provides usual hanging them on the battery. Screens of this type are suitable for two versions of pipe supply (which is provided for by manufacturers) - one-sided and double-sided. Such a masking of batteries as the use of a mounted screen does not prevent the circulation of air and heating the room, it helps to facilitate the process of servicing the heating device and will decorate the room interior.

Screens-boxes also deserve special attention, which are more often installed along the deaf walls or in the hallway. Their function is to become an excellent decorative element of the house and create a cozy atmosphere. Most often, such screens are used as shelves, where some unpaired little things will find place.

For domestic pets, such a product can be the main place to rest, especially in winter. Due to the fact that the boxes may differ in size, with low radiators, you can use small products that can be turned into a mini-sofas or benches. Engineering and materials for the box can be diverse. The most budget solution is painting, where the main cunning will be the correct combination of colors down to applying to the box of any image.

Also, such screens for batteries can be performed as a box: wooden, metal and MDFs. They can have a flat form that can be perfectly applied to masking batteries hidden by plasterboard or embedded in a niche. Modern offered screens have a non-standard design for any room design, for every taste and imagination. An alternative to the choice is a thread, forged scenery and drawings, which are selected individually for keeping the interior and perform the main function - the radiators will perfectly hide.

Original approach to hide batteries in the apartment.

If previous options may seem too hard and cost Or complicated, then you can show the initiative and originality using, only your creative and design qualities. With their help, you can visually disguise the battery in the interior of the room. 1 Method - Painting of the radiator in the flower range of walls. 2 way - to make the wintion of the room its battery.

Modern printing firms provide services for self-adhesive paper of unique images. By choosing and ordering an image, it can be easily placed on the radiator, which will bring originality to the interior. Also, they independently draw batteries with colored pencils, you can give them the painting of your beloved animal or portray your favorite flowers, patterns, etc.

A little more difficult task is before those who want to give the original type of batteries using various shapes and textures. To do this, you can easily find master classes, educational decor of the heating devices, if there is no own skill. There they are trained to decorate batteries with various covers, which look like animals. If the yarn remains, it can be wrapped with a battery that can be of different colors and shades.

With the skill of working with beads or beads, the curtain of a braided bead or a curtain of beads will look original. For such an idea, you must first prepare a frame for the size of the battery, because the curtain or curtain is then attached to this frame.

How to hide batteries in the apartment photo

How to close the heating pipe and can it be done at all? How to close the heating battery with plasterboard?

Will it affect the climate in the room? Or is it better to look for any other solutions?

Perhaps the designer will take the head. However, from the point of view of the author, the photo is the best of decorative screens for the radiator. Do not close the pipes at all.

Basic provisions

Immediately aligns one subtlety. The author is in the past plumber with many years of experience. As a result, it is pointless to look for designer decisions in the article: we will consider first of all how one or another project hurts to normal work or the maintenance of heating equipment.

Nuance: There is no single objection against the beautiful design of the premises. When the houses are clean, beautiful and before the eyes do not stick to the rusty tube or the battery with the irradiated and yellowed paint is fine. However, the experience suggests that if the same thing can be done in several ways, the worst of possible solutions is invariably. We will try to fix it.

So, how to close heating radiators without hurt? What can our attempt can affect beauty?

Heat Pot.

The radiator warms the room using a combination of two methods of heat transfer.

  • Infrared radiation transmits thermal energy directly to objects in the room. It is thanks to him that you feel that the cheeks begin to burn when bringing the face to a hot radiator.
  • Convection flows raise warm air and ensure its replacement is colder. As a result, the entire atmosphere of the room becomes uniformly warm.

Choosing than to close the heating batteries, you need to clearly understand that any screen in front of the radiator will limit the exchange of heat between it and the room. The larger the area of \u200b\u200bits solid surface - the colder will be in the house.


As a coolant, a centralized heating system uses the usual technical Waterwhich is initially far from the ideals of purity. Having done a long way along the heating, elevator node, bottling and risers, water by the time when it turns out to be in the battery, it carries a large number of suspension. Guess where they settle?

It is because of the gradual gradualization of every few years the radiators requires washing. It requires itself a flushing crane, located in the lower corner of the heating device with the opposite side of the side, and ... free access to the radiator.

If it is not - you have to, either put up with the fact that out of ten sections warm the first two, or disperse the decorative box or screen made by your own hands.


I solve how to close the heating radiator, it is useful to remember another thing. All early or later breaks. Since, presumably, if the appearance of the radiator and the pipes do not suit you, they are no longer new - most likely, breakdowns to wait a bit. What can happen?

Options Weight:

  • Steel pipes on threads in front of the battery thinner than in direct areas of riser, and earlier give leaks.
  • The risers that are welded from an electric welding water-gas pipe, sometimes give a flow through the factory welded seam.
  • Leak from under the controlling of the radiator - and at all the frequent guest in apartments with cast iron heating devices.

The lock nut is one of the patients with cast iron batteries.

  • Finally, in the spring and autumn parts of the leaks between the radiator sections. Paronite gaskets in a few years of operation no longer provide tightness.


Any decorative screen in front of the radiator:

  1. Must create as few convection obstacles and thermal radiation. The ideal is a metal or plastic decorative screen in the form of a large-scale mesh. First of all, continuous boxes are unacceptable from above, where hot air rises.
  2. It should be easily removed. It is best to be inserted, without any permanent fastening.

Pipes should also be easily accessible if necessary. If, despite the above, you decide how to close the heating pipes by plasterboard - what, your right. At least refer to a light plastic door near the input of the liner into the radiator. And, of course, be prepared to disassemble the design you created at the first leaks.


So, what to close the radiators of heating taking into account the foregoing?

Decorative screen

The main criteria of choice we have already mentioned. The grid is everywhere where it is possible, and the absence of a constant mounting to the wall.

If you choose, you will probably meet several alternative options that will love to you externally. Alas - no matter how you attracted the design and price of the product, remember that in the winter at home it is necessary first of all warm.

Wooden grid.

How to close the heating batteries if you want to attach your own hands?

The instruction is simple: assemble an appal wooden grille. Thin mounting rails are easy to buy in a construction store, and the Morilka and Varnish will make your product truly memorable.

The most common decision

Finally, consider another option. Perhaps it is better not to think than to close the pipes of heating in rust drums and the irradiated batteries, but replace them with new ones? And the aluminum radiator, and the snow-white pipe made of reinforced polypropylene will not spoil the design of the housing. Rather, on the contrary.

More importantly - in this case, possible problems with the heating system will remain in the past.


Plumbing opinion you listened and, we hope to take note. Video at the end of the article will offer you another point of view on the problem: the same question will be reviewed from the position of the designer.

Successes in the decoration of the house!

Cold is not far from around the corner, and it is already worth paying attention to heating radiators, and think about how they can be hidden so that they do not spoil the interior. There are many creative ideas that will make the batteries into a decorative element and use them practical.

Disguise under the style of the interior

In a beautifully decorated interior, all items and elements must somehow elude each other and form a single style. Heating generators in this case also no exception. They are certainly simply obliged to fit into the common space and only decorate it, rather than spoil. Therefore, it is worth disturbing about a worthy masking of batteries. In classic versions, the screens in the elegant style, made in bright shades - ivory, beige, noble white are appropriate. In a Scandinavian or modern interior, laconic wooden models will look good without coupling decor.

Choosing a suitable material

To the selection of the material from which the screen will be made should be approached at least scrupulously than to the design of the product itself. First of all, the selected material must be resistant to high temperatures. Today, such screens are performed from metal, plexiglas, wood, plastic and plywood. The most reliable and popular metal and plywood. Wood over time can be deformed, and it costs it expensive, plastic is suitable only for offices and non-residential premises, glass can prevent heat bandwidth when heated.

Warm or beauty?

When choosing a screen, there is another dilemma: what to endure the first place - the beauty or more to take care of heat. It is already necessary to repel from how severe winter there are where the apartment is located. If you want to reduce the flow of heat and in winter in the apartment is hot, then you should look at the closed options. If the first place is in the first place, it is necessary to choose options without extra lattices, as well as the most light and patterned.

Practical use of radiator

The most interesting thing is that thanks to the screens, the battery can be used as an additional place to relax, like a shelf or stand for decorative elements. Thus, there are two hare in the hands at once - the battery is disguised, the interior looks great and at the same time there is an additional element that performs practical functions.

For those who have decided to save time and money on the reconstruction of the heating system and replace iron radiators to modern, we offer several ways to hide, disguise, decorate and update old unsightly batteries. You will be surprised how these cast-iron heavyweights in the transfigured form are able to refresh the interior.

Successful camouflage is a simple, but spectacular idea for corrosive eyes of heating radiators. It is enough to choose the paint into the tone of the walls and to paint it with it by the battery. Alkyd and acrylic enamels are best suitable, as well as water-dispersion paints.

And you can proceed on the contrary - with paint, do not disguise the battery, but focus on it.

In the midst of the heating season, the radiator can become a potentially dangerous subject in the house. So that the child accidentally touched the hot metal, special screens were invented, which prevent direct contact with the battery and perform a decorative role in the interior.

In addition, the screen will prevent dust and dirt hitting the battery. So cleaning will not be so burdensome.

The easiest way to entertain the battery in the interior of the room is to hide them in the drywall box and close the decorative lattice. Of course, decoration should be done so as not to violate the operation of the heating system.

Special perforated panels from MDF are the most universal of radiator screens. A wide variety of forms, shades and textures allows you to choose them for any interior. Lightweight, compact, moisture resistant, eco-friendly.

The classic is also considered the screen of strict forms.

In the modern interior, laconic wooden models of screens will look good without coupling decor.

A similar decorative metal frame for the radiator, you definitely do not want to hide behind the curtains. Because he will definitely attract the views of the guests and will become the indisputable "nail of the program."

In the presence of carpentry skills, the idea of \u200b\u200ba decorative screen on the radiator can be developed before the improvised shelving, console, the cabinet. Functional furniture for gold weight in small housing.

From the glass, too, may not be just screens for the radiator, but also beautiful elements of functional furniture.

Some guessed to use the battery covering the screen, as an additional place to relax. Heat, cozy, beautiful.

The radiator and heated towel rail can be made art object. Sometimes it is difficult to guess what the heating system looks like this.

Yellow square is not a picture, but the battery.

We suggest try to solve the problem of non-disestagine the batteries by your own forces, for example, with the help of decoupage. Wash your battery thoroughly, make her surface smooth - old paint is not completely removed. First paint it with ordinary white enamel. While the battery is saved during the day, take a map for decoupage with the pattern that you like. Measure the width of the external surface of the battery section, cut the map on the strips of the desired size. Diluted with water in the proportion of 1x1 glue PVA stir up the motive so that it is located exactly in the middle of the battery. The remaining unique part of the top and bottom and bottom are acrylic colors. When the paint is driving, the entire battery needs to be covered with heat-resistant varnish.

It is possible to cover the battery with the help of a folding frame, inside which the tissue strips are intertwined.

Needlewomen can sew for a radiator some cheerful case. For example, let the nonesthetical metal battery turn into a lamb or other cute little animal. Children will surely be delighted.

The curtain for the radiator is a good alternative, if you do not want to use bulky frame screens. For decorative curtains, choose a fabric that will suit your interior. One part of the tissue velcro is sued to the top of the curtain, and the other is sharpened to the bottom of the window sill above the battery. You can make several curtains and change them depending on the mood.

A simple and original way to mask the battery - with the help of a curved sheet glued plywood with a thickness of 4 mm. To the wall, the panel is fastened with 4 screw hooks at a distance of at least 5 cm from the windowsill, so as not to interfere with normal air circulation. In order to get a beautiful bend, the panel must be longer than the radiator twice, and its center needs to be placed strictly in the middle. On the front side of the panel, make a decorative self-adhesive film for furniture.

From the Fiberboard sheet it is easy to make a universal extended panel, which, if necessary, easy to transfer to another room. It is installed behind the frame of the frame. For the frame, we need boards from the fiberboard with a thickness of 1.6 cm and a width of 8 cm. The horizontal and vertical parts of the frame glue with each other.

If the masking panel is first covered with dark paint, and then varnish, it turns out a drawing board and notes for children. Also, the panel can be decorated with appliqué, picture or cut in her flock fish.

In one of the Moscow apartments there is such a fake fireplace from plywood made by their own hands. It covers an old cast-iron battery.

The transformation happened so. From plywood built the "face" of the fireplace with a window under the furnace, as well as a box-furnace with bricks. Then from polyurethane plinths made decor of the floor and eaves. Light lamp lather in the furnace lasted in the furnace. The casing for the lamp was painted with spots of orange and red paint. Coals depict large stones from the construction store.

In such winter frosty days, as now, our homes and apartments save heating. Therefore, availability heating radiators In housing - it is undoubtedly plus. But often the batteries become a stumbling block when you want to arrange a room beautifully.

So where to give the hated batteries? After all, whatever they are modern, the appearance of the rooms, alas, everything will be spoiled because of them ...

The problem with the design of heating batteries is especially relevant in children's rooms and rooms, where children often play, and not only from aesthetic considerations, but also because kids run a lot and can hit the battery.

If modern radiators have such an appearance that they can easily fit into the High-tech or minimalism room, the Soviet cast iron batteries look completely depressing. Therefore, you need disguise the batterySo that it is not visible, but did not cease to warm us in the cold.

How to hide the battery

Editorial "So simple!" prepared for you 14 practical ways as you can hide the unprecedented radiator And at the same time to transform the interior. Now, looking at the battery in the house, I get aesthetic pleasure!

  1. The easiest way is to paint the battery. Use for this a special paint resistant to increased temperature effects. The color needs to be chosen in the tone of the interior of the room. This option is best to apply to modern aluminum batteries. Painted products made of cast iron will be highlighted.

    But if you decorate them with various drawings - quite another thing! Especially important is in the nursery or in the kitchen. If artistic skills are missing completely, you can use special stencils.

  2. Very original idea! To implement it, you need to have several twine intakes, 3 hours of time and perfection.

  3. You can close the heating battery with a cotton curtain. This option is only suitable for products installed in niche.

    You can attach the scope to the windowsill with the help of lipuchk, \u200b\u200bthe fabric must be chosen into the tone of the wallpaper. Alternatively, you can use blinds.

  4. And this idea is simply 2 in 1! Hide the battery and get a new place to read or pleasant gatherings.

  5. And you can hide them under special lattices or perforated screens. Such adaptations are made of various materials, have a variety of shape and design.

  6. Thanks to the screens, the battery can be used as an additional place to relax, like a shelf or stand for decorative elements.

  7. And how do you like this way?

  8. Screens made of thick glass successfully closed the unsightly battery. Such products look beautiful and very stylish.

    However, the screens made of glass close only the outer side of the battery. They are fixed with screw holders with elastic protective gaskets.

  9. Another interesting idea is a bedside table with lattice doors. Practical and convenient, isn't it?

  10. You can hide radiators using hinged lattices. Most often, such products are used for cast-iron batteries located in a niche under the windowsill. A pleasant bonus will be what everyone will cope with the installation. All that will be needed is to hang the design to the heater.

  11. Great idea for children's room!

  12. Please note that the selection of the material from which the screen will be made should be approached at least scrupulously than to the design of the product itself. After all, the material should be resistant to high temperatures.

  13. Another excellent idea: the battery hidden in the box with a perforated panel. Stylish and tasteful!

  14. And finally decoupage. Using conventional napkins and plow glue, you can also decorate the heater. It is easy to make with your own hands, special skills and expensive materials will not be required.

    It is enough to choose the napkins in the tone, cut the necessary items and save them the radiator. From above, you can apply a special heat-resistant varnish.