Repairs Design Furniture

Kitchen appliances for cooking. What are the kitchen appliances? Photo, titles. Electric ovens have three ways to control

It is good or bad - it's hard to say, but, in any case, inevitably: any woman spends a lot of time in the kitchen. And if there are children in the family, or someone from households on a diet or specialty, then the duties for cooking are almost the main part of the routine of the hostess. will tell about the 10 most useful kitchen appliances, the use of which makes life easier and reduces the time of staying in the kitchen.

Let's notify immediately that every woman in his own kitchen is a chef, so that "technological" addictions from all of us are different. Someone prefers to do a minimum, someone respectfully applies to the most fashionable and advanced novelties and rushing them to get them as soon as they appear on sale. The rating is based on the Internet surveys, and, perhaps, you otherwise place the devices for significance and utility.

10th place: Food processor

This device replaces the graters, knives, a mixer, a blender, it cuts vegetables and fruits, whips eggs, mixes the dough - in general, an excellent assistant hostess in the kitchen. Critics remind that the combine takes a pretty much space and requires careful care: after each use it has to disassemble it and rinse each large and small detail. In general, critics, and supporters agree that the combine is justified if the family is large, and it is often necessary to prepare food in large quantities.

9-seat: Multicooker

In fact, this is an electric pot with wide possibilities: it can make soups, cereals, pilaf and even pastries (muffins). Cons - takes a lot of space, requires careful care, difficult dishes still do not know how. Pluses - food does not burn, products are prepared at optimum temperatures. The most important advantage of a multicooker is her "independence": the hostess can engage in other affairs while the food is preparing, which is very saving time. In advanced, more expensive versions, quite a few modes and functions, there is the possibility of delayed cooking and maintaining a ready-made hot dish.

8th place: Juicer

More and more families go to a healthy lifestyle, including proper nutrition. Probably, the growing popularity of juicers is related to this fact. There are two main types: for everyday use and juicer industrial type (for billets for the winter). The main advantage of the supporters of this device call its ability to quickly and quality squeeze frosses, which are much more useful than packaged juices.

7th place: Breadmaker

This device is quite expensive, but supporters consider the price of justified. Most of the bread makers are capable not only to bake fresh bread (from mixing to baking), but also know how to mix the dough for dumplings and dumplings, as well as cook the jam. Mistols are able to experiment with bread makeup (add bran, cereals, corn flour, etc.). And most importantly - bread is delicious, and its composition is precisely known.

6th place: microwave

This device conquered us with its ability to quickly warm up food, but it is capable of much: in the microwave you can cook (even pastries in some models), as well as defrost products. Types of microwave ovens: "solo" (microwaves only), "solo + grill" (microwaves and the function of the grill). Advanced, more expensive versions of furnaces are multifunctional - have convection heating, capable of processing ferry products.

5th place: mixer

Without a mixer in modern kitchen can not do. Mixers are submersible (manual) and stationary with a bowl (for small volumes such can be used in "manual" mode, relieving the movable part). This device has many nozzles - whipping whipping, mixing products, hooks for kneading, blender nozzles (with shredders knives), glass-shredders. It is possible to install different speed modes, which helps to receive a different result. Advanced, more expensive versions of mixers have noise minimization systems, scratch protection systems on dishes, splashing protection systems.

4th place: electric kettle

The device is definitely not new, but modern electric ketts have become more powerful, thanks to the disk heaters, they boil faster and heat water. Smart models are capable of maintaining a constant water temperature and turn on the timer.

3rd place: meat grinder

Meat grinders are mechanical and electric. We used our moms and grandmothers, and electricity is becoming increasingly popular, as they take the main work on themselves. Meat grinders quickly, efficiently and differently processed meat (up to 4.5 kg per minute). They have self-folding knives, different nozzles not only for minced minced consistency, but also for home sausages, homemade sausages. Modern meat grinders are easy to understand (sometimes automatically), have compacts for storing small parts, compact. Advanced, more expensive versions of meat grids are combined with kitchen combines (there are grinders for cutting and shredding, graters of products - vegetables and fruits), as well as with juicers.

2nd place: kitchen stove

Plates can be gas and electric (including electric stoves and cooking surfaces), have or not have a built-in oven. The tastes do not argue, besides, in some situations, the installation of electric stove is due to the situation (for example, in multi-storey houses). The advantage of gas stoves is economy, the dignity of the electric stove is the absence of an open fire. In most cases (and this is certainly more convenient and expanding the culinary capabilities) Plates are combined with wind wardrobes (gas or electric). Electric ovens have more features: several heating modes, convection heating (the best option for various baking), built-in grill, etc. They can also be combined with a double boiler or microwave. Many modern plates and ovens have a built-in programming function, timers, various food preparation modes (taking, careful quenching, fermentation, defrosting, etc.), as well as quick cooling systems.

1st place: refrigerator

This is the most energy-intensive device in the kitchen and - by unanimous recognition of the owners - the most useful. Meat in it remains frozen, vegetables are fresh, and the drinks are cooled. Modern refrigerators are optimized for storing different products, in different modes, have built-in LCD screens with different indicators, combined with freezers (top, bottom or side-by-side). The shelves in the refrigerators are adjustable in height, drawers and baskets are fully advanced, there are containers for storing certain products, compartments with humidity control (for fruits and greens). Energy-saving refrigerator models are placed in Energy Star marking.

Hosts are also popular with:

- Coffee maker

This is a compact, convenient to use and relatively inexpensive (compared to the coffee machine, for example) the device. Soluble coffee does not have such a rich, saturated taste, as cooked, and the coffee maker cooks coffee quickly and independently. Removable parts are easy to clean; In advanced, more expensive versions, you can set the mode of saving coffee hot; They also have the so-called "antipal" system, often complemented by coffee grinders.

- Toaster

This device is very popular in the West, but, according to experts, did not fit in Russia. Many hostesses believe that unnecessarily occupying a limited kitchen space technique that can only perform one function - to fry and dry bread. Supporters of the same toasters argue that it helps to diversify the menu, and also useful for health (nutritionists recommend that there are dried bread). In all the toosters there are thermostats - they regulate the degree of roasting bread; Advanced, more expensive options can warm buns, croissants, prepare toasts from frozen bread.

- Kitchen scales

Many hostess prepare intuitive or "on the eye", but for complex dishes and baking, kitchen scales are relevant. Modern electronic scales are supplemented with the functions of remembrance of the weight, consistent weighing of the ingredients, calculating the volume of the weighed liquid, the function of the trimction (products weighed without taking into account the weight of the bowl).

- Blender

This device is often built into other kitchen appliances (for example, a kitchen processor) and has similar functions and identical nozzles with a mixer, so the hostess, as a rule, choose something one.

- Aerium

Fashionable device among fans of fried dishes. Allows frying relatively harmless way, with a minimum fat.

- freezer

It is considered necessary by those hosters, which freeze a large amount of products (fresh fruits and vegetables) for the winter.

- Dishwasher

The dishwasher is a dream of the moms of large families, but it is worth this dream, and it takes quite a lot of space.

And what kitchen appliances consider you most useful?

The kitchen is always a separate world for the hostess. Here there is your own rules, its own principles of work and, of course, their kitchen appliances. If you are well oriented in this room, then equipped it for yourself and clearly know how to work quickly and efficiently, it means that you can save an incredibly time. And the cooking process itself will turn from painful routine into something interesting and dynamic.

What will we talk about?

This article will tell you what to achieve such heights in the work on ordinary kitchen. To be more accurate, then it will be about the most popular and necessary tools. We all allocated and even used kitchen appliances, but let's now order and add knowledge about them.

Devices without which you can not do in the kitchen

First, it is four knives. The first is for meat, and the rest are for vegetables and similar products. The knife for meat should be wide, but from thin steel. Such characteristics will allow faster, more convenient and safer to work with the product. For cutting products use a large vegetable knife. The kitchen appliance for cutting vegetables and fruits in this category is the medium knife, well, a small one for small work, such as the removal of eyes and lesions in potatoes. All these devices should be bought with a metal handle, because the wooden is not very reliable, easily absorbs odors and is quite quickly wear out.

Secondly, do not do without scissors. There are many types of species, like knives, but the most necessary in the kitchen are the following: medium fish (for the samples of fins and cutting the carcass itself), large (for cutting meat with bones), small (in order to crop sacraments sour cream and similar products ).

Thirdly, the above devices will be useless without sharpener. To the cutting tools are really effective, it is simply indispensable.

More about small but very important kitchen appliances

Now let's look at other hand kitchen appliances. Names and small descriptions are shown below. These are small kitchen appliances, but their significance in modern kitchen can not be underestimated:

  1. Spoons (as familiar canteens, and wooden). The latter are needed in order to be controlled with jam and dairy dishes. As a rule, it is enough to have three spoons in the kitchen, but this number may vary depending on the situation.
  2. Boards for cutting. Usually hostesses are bypassed by two: large - to work with the dough, small - for meat, vegetables, fish and the like. Often, individual boards are used for listed products. This is more hygienic and reduces the risk of incomprehensible taste.
  3. Rolls. The most popular is two-handed, one-handed and rotating (it is also called European).
  4. The hammer is preferably made of wood.

Since the repair of kitchen appliances operating from electricity often costs a lot, the use of mechanical and hand tools is more profitable financially. Most often, such devices also do not require significantly attention or care, which greatly simplifies work with them.

What low-cost instruments will help save time?

Now we offer to your attention kitchen appliances, photos and descriptions of which will show that they were created precisely in order to maximize your time. Let's start listed and describe:

  1. Meat grinder. Truly brilliant invention. Included with nozzles can be used for more complex tasks than a simple grinding of meat. It is suitable even for squeezing juice.
  2. Grater. If it is universal, it's just an indispensable thing. You can't say anything else.
  3. Whip. Electric, as well as manual, quickly and efficiently stirred everything - from creams and drinks to mince and sauces.
  4. Cheschnodavka. Ensure you from the need painfully rub the garlic manually.
  5. Timer. Rescuer for dishes and assistant who will free your head from experiences.
  6. Opener-corkscrew. It will open before you almost any jar, a bottle, pull the plug. In addition, it will make it very quickly.

More complex, but no less effective devices

And now let's consider those products that are not at all necessary in the kitchen, but incredibly useful and effective. We will make up the top 10, which will include only the best kitchen appliances.

Instruments with many combined functions

Tenth place - a food processor. He can replace the whole kitchen arsenal, which we listed above. You just need to get, enable, select the desired function and wash after the device use. He cuts out, and moves, and swings, and rake. For a large family - one of the most necessary things. But there is a significant drawback - the combine requires a scrupulous and complex care.

Ninth place - Multicooker. In general, a miracle of technology, which can replace not only the devices in the kitchen, but also the hostess itself. Cooking in it safe - no burnt baking or abnormal porridge. Among the advantages it is important to note that multicookers are absolutely independent, the hostess need to load the desired foods inside and press the button. But, of course, there are also cons - it takes a lot of space, also requires care, it is quite difficult to wash. It should be noted that the multicooker is still not all-dry - the complex dishes are still not amenable to her.

Drinks and bread - what you need to mankind

Eighth place - juicer. Its purpose is to explain, think, and not at all. The popularity of this device is currently due to the fact that more and more people try to lead a healthy lifestyle. It is worth saying that the juicers are two types - for Fresh (used everyday) and for workpieces (used seasonally). What is important for kitchen accessories - juicers are easy to wash.

Seventh place - bread makers. Such a car can hit your pocket a little, but the hostesses that use the bread, with confidence they claim that it is worth it. It is important to know that such a device has far from one function. As a rule, bread makers are very well mixed with dough, boiling jam or jams, sometimes even produce fermented dairy products (yogurts). Well, who will not like the ability to prepare bread on your own recipe?

Universal assistants

Sixth place - microwave. It is thanks to her that you can save indeed a lot of time. First of all, we mention about incredible ability to almost instantly warm up food. But this is not the only advantage of such a furnace. You still need to add cooking different dishes and rapid defrosting. If you buy a more advanced microwave oven, then it will have other interesting and useful features that have such kitchen appliances.

Fifth place - mixer. There are really many kinds of devices such and even more nozzles to them. For example, you can use a mixer with your own bowl or submersible. Nozzles are needed to expand the functionality of the device. It is thanks to them that the mixer can be like a whisk of a whisk and mix the blade how to knead the dough with a hook and grind the knives. Changing the speed mode helps to achieve different effects, and expensive instances can also do it without noise and splashing.

The most useful inventions of a person

Fourth place - electric kettle. Not new, but very useful kitchen device. Modern models can easily boil water faster, and improved to support the temperature you need during a specified period of time, and may also be included in the time you specified thanks to the timer.

The third place is a meat grinder. It has already been said about it, but now we will consider the option not manual, but electric. It goes without saying that such devices are much faster and more multitasking. Like in electric there are many nozzles for various purposes. The more modern model, the more effective and better nozzles. The same applies to the knives that are self-sharpening in most cases. Such meat grinders allow not only stuffing stuffing, but also to prepare sausages or nipples. As for the design, modern models are very compact and often automatically disassembled. Wash the electric meat grinder seems to be easy, but also very easy to call this process.

Then, without which the kitchen is not a kitchen

Second place - stove. We do not think that at least somewhere there is a kitchen without it. Since this is an extremely common type of modern kitchen equipment, it means that there is a lot of variation and models. For example, you can choose between gas and electric stove or buy double; You can only install the plate or choose an option with a built-in oven. About this indispensable assistant of any mistress, you can tell a lot of interesting information, but this is a completely different story ...

The first place unequivocally occupies a refrigerator. It is he who allows us to store products at hand, not to run every time in the garden to disrupt the tomato, or on the field to eliminate the cow. It must be said that the modern refrigerator is not just a cabinet with a cold. Smart Systems and Thoughtful Engineering Solutions help this device use individual settings, thereby significantly increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of refrigerators.

Why is it all necessary?

All of the above useful kitchen appliances are very simplifying our life. That is why it is worth estimating your time spent and, perhaps, use information from the article to reduce them as much as possible. In addition, such tools in the kitchen will make cooking not just easier, but also more pleasant, more interesting, and even brighter. With our pace of life and constant hurry such factors play a very important role, and therefore it is impossible to simply discharge a chance to simplify and at the same time decorate their lives. Good acquisitions!

Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers at one time had to be satisfied in the kitchen with unaccompired devices, about the technique that could significantly ease their life, they did not even have ideas.

Another thing is the modern generation of people. Today we have a huge number of kitchen assistants, the choice is just huge. But the entire range of household appliances at home can not place.

Therefore, everyone decides for themselves as much one or another kitchen object is needed. Especially now there are a lot of equipment that has a relatively low "efficiency" for most people.

So someone does not think of his life without a yogurt, but someone in the oven only stores frying pan and pans. Each of us has its own priorities and their preferences in this matter.

After analyzing the opinions of most people, a systematic list of household appliances was compiled, which includes 5 groups.

Such a classification will help you navigate what is really necessary in the kitchen, and from what you can abandon painlessly. And you can buy the necessary household appliances for the kitchen on the site

1. The most useful utility

Whatever paradoxically, but really significant kitchen aggregates are not so much. And if you are completely accurate, then in this category only 3 attributes lead.

Refrigerator - There are no alternative equipment with such functionality. Storage of products outside the window in this case can be considered archaeism, and in the warm season it is not an option.

Stove or cooking panel - Almost no food cooking process without it. So without this helper nowhere.

Oven - Baking and baking are in its power and many mistresses do not think without it their daily hassle in the kitchen. Although there are many already those who would replace it for some more universal device.

2. Popular universal helpers

Household appliances are collected in this group, with excavating popularity. And, which is important, she will not dust without a reason, occupying only a place in the kitchen, but is in intensive exploitation.

Many, of course, live perfectly and without these accessories, while not feeling any inconvenience.

Microwave - The most functional models can not only defrost and warm up food, but also fully replace the oven. This technique is relevant for practical owners and for fans of semi-finished products.

Multivarka - An indispensable thing for those who do not like to mess around with cooking and conduct a considerable part of the time in the kitchen. She and soup will help cook and bake pie.

Electric kettle - Fast boiling speed with auto-discovery pleases many families, especially in the morning. Although some Gas Plate owners prefer to save and enjoy a conventional kettle.

3. It is necessary, but not everyone

Dishwasher - in demand in families with a large number of people when dishes have to be washed several times a day, and not one plate.

Food processor - in demand among people who are often prepared, while using complex technological processes. Another thing will be easier to do everything manually, just not to mess with it with its wash and storage.

Blender - It will be an excellent assistant to young mother, lovers of various kinds of mashed mousses and mousses, and he will help to get rid of lumps in the test.

Electric meat grinder - Need to those who love meat products (cutlets, homemade sausages, etc.), but with caution refers to the finished mince.

Kitchen scales - For lovers, strictly measured all the ingredients and for those who regularly sits on diets with an accurate dosage of portions.

Double boiler - Need to adherents of healthy nutrition.

Bread machine - Accessory for lovers of fresh baking, which at the same time it regularly use it.

Juicer - Only portable models are actively used. Burous aggregates get only on the occasion of cooking juice for the winter.

4. For lovers

This includes accessories about buying which you can regret if you are not a true fan of a dish.

Ice cream, Wafflean, Chocolate - causes delight of both in children and some adults. But does it make sense to acquire them if these aggregates will be used not more than a couple more than a year? It's easier to buy these goodies in the store.

Coffee maker, coffee grinder - Only a true connoisseur and gourmet natural coffee cannot do without these devices.

Blinnitsa - Even true connoisseurs of pancakes are disappointed in it. Where high-quality it turns out to be prepared pancakes on a pancake frying pan.

Brewer - Aggregate for beer sommelier. Since not every beer lover will patiently wait 10 days to enjoy the drink of its own production.

5. No one needs, but there is

The latter group includes the most useless devices in the kitchen, which are used very rarely or in general steel forgotten.

Eggs - someone occurred to someone that he must need the gentle and delicious eggs. Most are still preferred in the old manner to wrap a saucepan.

Sandwicker, toaster - in daily use of units. Most of the use of their first week, remove their way into the closet.

Electoral, chrometer - There are no needs in such aggregates in the house. They are not safe, especially if there is a child in the house.

Aerium, Electrical Church, Marinator - more suitable to paint the guests. In fact, no one uses them with enviable regularity.

rice cooker - A highly specialized multicooker designed for Asians.

Fryernitsa - Even food fry lovers realize that cooking in this device means only two things - a large consumption of oil and painful laundering it subsequently.

Most often, such household appliances appear in the kitchen not by the will of the owners, but with a light hand came to some holiday guest. Do not make such an error when you yourself will be invited to visit about.

Using modern household appliances, we do not think about the fact that they were at the dawn of their appearance. Sometimes we do not notice that I get up in the morning, we turn on any of the home devices, without which our life is not possible, and if for a moment to imagine that there is no TV, refrigerator, microwave or iron, unwittingly think about how modern humanity depends from electronic devices facilitating life and saving a bunch of time. A hundred years ago, all this was not and what awaits us through the age of saying very difficult, you can only assume. So, how did they appear and what are homemade household appliances today?


The idea of \u200b\u200btransmitting the image at a distance comes from deep antiquity, remember the Russian fairy tale about the "saucer with a bulk apple", which also showed the image. The first embodiment of this idea began at the end of the 19th century, and only in 1907 inventor Max Dicmann demonstrated the first semblance of a mechanical type TV with twenty lowercase screen 3 by 3 cm and a frequency of 10 frames \\ s. The principle of electronic television in 1923 patented our compatriot Vladimir Zvorikin, emigrated to the States.

And in 1927, the United States began the first broadcasting, then in 1928 the United Kingdom also began broadcasting, and followed Germany in 1929. VHF Range for mass television has introduced Germany in 1935. From this point on, the rapid development of TVs that had 180 thousand American families in 1947 and by 1953, this figure rose to 28 million. Modern TV did not change its purpose, only the functionality and screen sizes have undergone changes that allow you to feel what is happening On the screen in full force.


Store products with the help of cold were able to have residents of temperate and northern latitudes, in southern countries did not even imagine that ice can be useful for domestic needs and only rich southerners could order snow from mountain peaks. Our ancestors did a cellar. Which are not very different from the current underground refrigerators, which our grandparents still enjoy. The first artificial ice was obtained in 1850 by John Gori, which used a copmress cycle in its device, a similar design is used to this day.

In 1879, the compressor began to use ammonia and many enterprises of the meat industry and other similarity began to purchase devices for making ice. The first household electric refrigerator was manufactured in 1913 and used in its design rather toxic substances. In 1927, General Electric releases the Monitor-Top refrigerator to mass production, which was very popular and sales reached 1 million pieces. Freon began to use in 1930, and used today. The modern refrigerator is an attribute of each family that has intelligent control that allows you to save products for a long time.


American Military Engineer Percy Spencer, conducting experiments with superchard radiation, noticed the property to heat the products and patented in 1946 its invention. The first microwave world was released by the American Raytheon company in 1947 and was called RadaRange. At first, it was used exclusively by the military to defrost products in the soldiers' canteens and had dimensions with human growth.

The first household microwave for the house was represented by Tappan Company in 1955. And only in 1962, the Japanese company Sharp released the first serial model to the mass market, which at first did not enjoy in great demand. Modern microwave is a device that includes grill, convection, microwave and has a mass of automatic modes for the preparation of a variety of dishes. This device firmly entered our everyday life due to
The speed of completing the tasks.


Up to the 19th century, things were erased by hand, and there was such a profession as a workout, requiring severe physical labor. To facilitate washing, a primitive weaplery of type of beaters with jar was used to better erase the mud. In 1874, William Blackstone was launched into serial production The first washing machine with a manual mechanical drive, which greatly facilitated this difficult work.

Electric washing appeared in 1908, and fully automatic in 1949 in the United States. At the present stage, the development of the device can be washed, rinse and press, as well as do it with a given temperature mode and intensity, which allows you to eliminate any types of tissues and only takes linen to the unit and press the button.

A vacuum cleaner

The first guessed to suck dust when cleaning the premises of Hyube Cecil Booth, Briton by origin, which patented his invention in 1901. The inventor understood that the device would be in demand, and designed Puffing Billy, a cumbersome unit, moved on the wagon and worked first on the fuel, and then at electricity. The device had a 30 meter hose and for cleaning the premises was brought as close to the door of the house as close as possible.

The first household electric vacuum cleaner PATENTED P. A. Fisker in 1910, he weighed more than 17 kilograms and could well be used by one person. In 1919, the Association of Vacuum Cleaners was created. The first messenger vacuum cleaner patented Amway in 1959. Now the vacuum cleaners have more powerful parameters with special brushes and air purification filters, as well as light weight and compact dimensions.


This household appliance has a very ancient history, the principle of hot ironing was used during the times of the ancient Greeks, and had a kind of iron rod in the form of a rolling pin, which heated on fire. In the Middle Ages, metal mugs filled with hot water were used. In the 18th century, an iron with hot coal appeared inside, but heating irons were most popular. The first electric iron was created by Erl Richardson in 1903. The latest models of irons have a wide range of temperature modes, as well as a steam function that facilitates ironing.