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What is better for roofing ondulin or corrugated board - the advantages and disadvantages of materials. Roofing material ondulin: its disadvantages and advantages Modern varieties of material

The pros and cons of ondulin are discussed today in almost all specialized roofing forums, and this is not surprising.

The traditional asbestos-cement slate, which until recently covered almost all domestic roofs, is gradually becoming a thing of the past.

It was replaced by more modern, which means high-quality, safe and beautiful materials. One of them is European slate, aka ondulin.

What is ondulin?

Ondulin was invented in France, where in 1946 the first batch of new roofing material was released.

Today euroslate is produced in many countries under other brands, for example, Nuline in the USA or Bituwell in Germany.

The physical characteristics of the material from different manufacturers are the same, since the same materials and production technology are used, but the dimensions of the sheets are different.

Ondulin sheet size is 200 x 95 x 0.3 cm, while it weighs only 6.5 kg, which makes roofing easier.

Each of the brands has representative offices in other countries, for example, in Russia there is the largest plant of the Ondulin company, capable of producing up to 15 million euroslate sheets per year!

In addition, it produces all types of roofing films and fasteners. Since 2013, the factory has been producing shingles of the same brand, onduvilla.

Most often, ondulin is compared with traditional asbestos-cement gray slate. Outwardly, both roofing materials are similar - corrugated sheets for pitched roofs.

But compared to ordinary slate, ondulin even differs in appearance - it has a color, and the palette is quite wide.

Another important difference concerns environmental friendliness. Asbestos-cement slate contains asbestos, a material with carcinogenic properties.

Although the danger is not the slate itself, but asbestos dust when it enters the lungs of a person, therefore it is dangerous not only to use, but to extract asbestos, this fact tarnished the reputation of the material and led to the invention of ondulin.

For the manufacture of the latter, organic cellulose fibers are used, which are compressed when heated to 120 °.

Finished corrugated sheets are first painted and then impregnated with bitumen with polymer additives.

Whatever lack of slate can be remembered - this will be the parameter by which Euroslate differs exceptionally favorably.

As a raw material for the production of ondulin, ... waste paper is used. Other components are added to the purified and crushed cellulose, including resins and mineral additives.

What is good ondulin?

One of the main advantages of ondulin (and it also has disadvantages, about them below) is moisture resistance. This is the merit of water-repellent impregnations that do not allow moisture to penetrate into the thickness of the material.

Amazing moisture resistance is enhanced by the technology of roofing and the composition of the material itself.

When laying ondulin, nails are driven into the highest point of the wave, and the rain stream that flows at the bottom of the wave does not come into contact with the hole.

A special bitumen impregnation under the action of solar heat melts and enhances the impermeability of the roof, turning individual sheets into a single sheet.

Branded nails have the same properties - they seal the hole with bitumen, which finally makes leaks impossible.

The environmental friendliness and safety of ondulin is such that indoor plants that do not like tap water can be pampered with rainwater collected from the roof, of course, if the area is ecologically clean.

Euroslate is neutral to alkalis, acids and oil products, which contributes to its durability.

Temperature effects also practically do not affect the properties of the material, it is able to endure extremely cold and hot periods.

The service life of the roofing material is at least 20 years (warranty period is 15 years). With proper installation, the service life of ondulin can be higher than that of the battens.

Sheets are flexible, which allows you to easily cover even roofs with complex geometry. High plasticity allows you not to worry too much about a flat surface.

For cutting ondulin, an ordinary hacksaw for wood is suitable. If you lubricate its teeth with oil, then the matter goes well.

Ondulin is one of the few materials that are undemanding to the professionalism of the roofer.

The weight of ondulin is four times less than a sheet of classic slate! This makes the roofing process easier.

If laying ordinary slate is almost impossible alone, then one person can handle ondulin.

Unlike asbestos-cement slate or ceramic tiles, ondulin is much less demanding on the strength of the rafters.

Ondulin is much cheaper than metal tiles and many other modern coatings.

It’s cheaper than ordinary slate or a noisy metal profile, from which, without proper sound insulation, you can go crazy not only from the sounds of rain, but also from bird activity on the roof. The soundproofing of euroslate is 40 dB.

Does ondulin have weaknesses?

The disadvantages of ondulin are undoubted, although not as significant as the advantages. A few years after laying with euroslate, the roof loses its bright color.

In some cases, the shade of sheets of the same color does not completely match, and another defect occurs - spots due to the uneven distribution of bitumen.

The manufacturer does not consider the color inconsistency to be a marriage, and it is not always possible to return the goods within the two weeks allotted by law.

On the one hand, the gradient on the roof is not such a serious problem, because it does not affect the protective properties of the roofing material, but for many people it can spoil the mood.

Strength is another complaint about ondulin (reviews on the forums are a clear confirmation). Many users doubt its ability to withstand large amounts of snow.

The strength characteristics of ondulin depend not so much on the quality of the material, but on the correct installation of the truss system and adherence to the sheet laying technology.

The problem often lies in the desire to save money. According to technology, at least 20 nails must be used per sheet of ondulin, but this requirement is not always observed. Only in this way the roof will delight for decades.

If the slope of the slope is at least 15 °, then the pitch of the crate should not exceed 60 cm. In this case, one square meter of the surface can withstand up to a ton of snow, which is quite enough even for snowy regions.

However, in the heat, walking on a roof covered with ondulin is really not worth it. The coating becomes soft, then when the temperature drops, the strength returns.

In strong heat, the smell of bitumen evaporating from the roof surface can be felt.

Like any organic matter, ondulin burns, but the alternative to it is only expensive metal tiles or ugly asbestos-cement slate.

Cheap metal coatings give only the illusion of fire protection, because thin metal burns out quickly enough.

The biological resistance of euroslate is comparable to the usual one - after a few years, spots of moss and flowering fungus may appear on it.

Ondulin, the advantages and disadvantages of which can be discussed for a long time, is one of the most acceptable options among the budget ones.

You can give loans for years for more expensive coverage with better characteristics, or you can be content with the best value for money - it's up to the owners of the house to decide in each case.

A variety of coatings are presented in a wide range and belonging to different price categories: from budget to expensive options. At the same time, the attention of buyers is concentrated not only on the price, but also on the quality of the purchased goods. Among the available, but meeting all technical requirements, performance characteristics include ondulin, the pros and cons of which are to be studied today.

Invention and production of this roofing option

In more than 70 years of industrial evolution, this material, invented in 1946, has received considerable fame. The first batch of ondulin was released by Gaston Gromier and literally "thrown out" on the market. At first, the consumer sector was wary of such a novelty, but a year later the factory launched all production facilities. They were aimed at the production of ondulin coating, which became popular not only in domestic open spaces, but also in neighboring European countries. It began to be actively exported.

Ondulin and domestic industry

The Russians became aware of ondulin only at the end of the last century, when it was impossible to say about the domestic consumer that he was spoiled for quality cheap goods and building materials. It was the described material that became the product that showed in practice that imported goods are not always characterized by high cost. This period is characterized by a construction boom associated with the replacement of traditional slate with an alternative and no less reliable option - ondulin, the pros and cons of which have already been evaluated by many buyers.

The world's best material manufacturers

Thanks to the quality of their products, about which there were rarely negative statements, and the cost of the material, the French mastered the world market in record time, selling not only materials, but also the technology for manufacturing onduline coatings. This is what made the material sold under various brands available today. Among the quality, according to buyers, characterized by a lot of positive properties of ondulin, production:

  • France - Onduline;
  • Belgium - Aqualine;
  • America - Nuline;
  • Turkey - Corrubit;
  • Germany - Bituwell.

When choosing a manufacturing company, it is worth considering that the sheets of material for each supplier differ in size. So, giving preference to one or another brand, remember this so as not to make a mistake when calculating the required amount of material.

Technical characteristics of ondulin of domestic production

The length of ondulin sheets is 200 cm, width - 95 cm, thickness - 0.3 cm, wave height (corrugations) - 0.36 cm. The weight of a standard sheet is 6 kg, which is 20 kg lighter than a conventional sheet of asbestos slate. The strength characteristics of ondulin are not inferior to ordinary slate and even surpass it, and installation is characterized by simplicity.

Ondulin is supplied to the market in the form of sheet plates, completed with fasteners in the amount of 20 pcs. for 1 item.

What is this material made of?

During production, raw materials are processed under high pressure and temperature. Ondulin contains:

  • fiberglass;
  • cellulose fibers;
  • refined bitumen;
  • mineral compounds that replace the filler;
  • mineral pigments that color the material;
  • thermoset resin.

Ondulin reviews: pros and cons according to buyers

The consumer sector is interested in what advantages and disadvantages this or that type of material has. First of all, those who are going to purchase building materials pay attention to the recommendations and reviews not of consultants and sellers, but of those who, like them, once faced a choice and have already tested ondulin on their own roof.

From the reviews and recommendations of customers on the Internet and on the forum about ondulin, the pros and cons of the material, as well as other performance characteristics of the material, we chose the most interesting ones, clearly emphasizing the pros and cons. They are marked by hundreds of buyers across the country. And they generalized them into two groups, which characterize ondulin as a roofing material better than others.

So what are the pros and cons of ondulin?

The positive aspects of using the material

Among the advantages inherent in ondulin, the following characteristics:

  1. The plasticity of the material, which allows it to survive various kinds of loads. So, when hammering a nail, don't worry about the surface cracking. The bitumen-containing composition of the sheets relieves the buyer of the need for additional impregnation of the material for the roof slope with sealing compounds intended for filling mounting holes. Bitumen itself is an excellent sealer.
  2. Ondulin is resistant to minor mechanical damage, such as scratches.
  3. This is one of the best silent roofing in the world today.
  4. Under the action of sunlight, ondulin practically does not heat up, which allows it to be compared with a ceramic coating, although it is inferior to metal products.
  5. Ondulin - a roof covering, characterized by excellent thermal insulation properties. Although it is impossible to say that ondulin is suitable as an alternative replacement for any material.
  6. Moisture never collects under a layer of ondulin, which means that the possibility of condensation is practically excluded.
  7. On the surface and under it, colonies of harmful organisms, for example, fungi, do not form. Together with frost resistance and resistance to sunlight, temperature and humidity changes, this roofing material can last up to 25 years, as the manufacturer claims. From this it turns out that the pros and cons of ondulin also affect the service life of the coating, which depends on the quality of the material and production technology.
  8. Ondulin is an environmentally friendly material consisting of natural components. In addition, it can be painted in any color, at the request of the buyer, so it will suit any landscape design, organically fitting into it.
  9. The light weight of the sheets, which is important for a number of reasons:
  • there is no need to strengthen the entire roof structure or its individual sections: the rafter system and the crate;
  • working at height with such material is simple and easy, you do not have to ask a neighbor or friend for help, because you can cope with raising the sheets to the roof on your own, without risking the safety of either your own or the people around you;
  • this material is easier to store and transport even in the trunk of your own car, which will fit up to 50 sheets of ondulin, the total weight of which will be no more than 300 kg.

Some material flaws

Now familiarize yourself with the cons of ondulin, and take note of the pros. This will come in handy both when choosing a material and at the stage of installation work, which, by the way, is easy to do with your own hands without the help of specialists, which provides an opportunity for additional savings.

  1. Not all manufacturers guarantee the perfect appearance of their product throughout the entire operational period. Burning of the surface is not excluded. This process is characterized by gradualness, and its intensity depends on the type of pigment and its color. So, brown and red colors fade slowly, gradually changing their shade to a duller one.
  2. The roof of the house can also be spoiled by uneven distribution of bitumen, leading to uneven burnout. As a result, the roof becomes spotty and far from aesthetic.
  3. The pros and cons are very contradictory due to the velvety structure of the coating, which, when constantly in the shade, becomes a favorable "soil" for the development of moss and other green vegetation.
  4. Caution - the material is flammable. This is one of the biggest downsides to coverage. The pros and cons of ondulin and tiles in this regard are obvious, since in this respect the buyer gives preference to the last of the options. When heated to +200 ° C and above, ondulin is prone to spontaneous combustion.


As you can see, this material is not without errors, but are there any flaws in slate, tiles, and other roofing materials? What exactly to give preference to is up to you. Construction is a serious matter, and the roof is the foundation that protects the future house from above, and who knows if in a couple of years they will not invent a coating even better than those on the market, but for now, ondulin firmly and confidently holds its position in sales, being the best alternative roofing material for outdoor use. Now blocking a house, bathhouse, gazebo, garage or other building is simple, reliable and inexpensive with the help of ondulin.

A house is built to last for centuries, so that several generations of your family can live in it. Therefore, the problem of protecting the building from the external environment comes to one of the first places. And in this regard, it is very important to have a reliable roof. What can cover it? There are many options and one of them is ondulin. What is good about this roofing material? What are the advantages and disadvantages of ondulin called experts?

What is the material

Before considering the pros and cons of ondulin, you should get acquainted with the characteristics of the material. It is on them that the properties, positive and negative sides, depend.

Ondulin has the following technical characteristics:

  • material is issued in sheets. The length of each is two meters, and the width is 95 centimeters;
  • the thickness of the ondulin sheets is only 3 millimeters;
  • weight is 6 kilograms;
  • sheets of the described material for the roof outwardly resemble slate. Ondulin also has waves. Their height is 36 mm. Each sheet has 10 waves.
  • The material itself is a "layer cake". The basis of ondulin is cellulose fibers. For impregnation, polymeric material and highly purified bitumen are used. Ondulin also contains mineral fillers and pigments that are safe for nature and humans.

    The area of ​​application is the roof covering of private houses and other buildings. Ondulin is good because it is easy to use to repair the roof, especially if it is made of slate. The sheets can be laid directly on the old surface and still provide good protection against rain and snow.

    Pluses of ondulin

    Ondulin has many advantages. All of them are related to the composition of the material and its technical characteristics. Experts note the following main advantages of ondulin:

    • Low water permeability is the biggest plus. For the roof covering material, this characteristic is the most important. Ondulin, subject to proper installation and operation, will not let moisture into the under-roof space. The rafter system will be reliably protected, which means that the house will last longer;
    • The advantage of ondulin is its ability to keep noise out of the house. The material is made from cellulose. This circumstance, despite the thinness of the sheet, allows the material to be a good sound insulator;
    • The advantages of ondulin are that it can be used in almost any climatic conditions. The material is not afraid of any precipitation, including large hail. It also easily withstands wind loads and temperature changes;
    • Another advantage is good protection against biological hazards. The composition of the material easily resists insects, bacteria and fungi. Mold will not grow on the roof. And this means that the material will last longer;
    • It is also possible to cover the roof of a house with ondulin in large industrial cities, where not everything is in order with the environment. The advantages of the material include its resistance to aggressive environments. Ondulin is not afraid of industrial gases, acid rain and other "misfortunes";
    • The advantages of ondulin include ease of installation. The material can be easily bent to the angles you need. With it, it is easy to cover the roof even with a complex configuration;
    • The material can be easily cut. To do this, use a grinder, metal shears or a hacksaw. This advantage also facilitates installation work;
    • Another plus of ondulin is that it weighs a little. First, it greatly simplifies the installation process. Secondly, the load on the truss system will be minimal.

    Environmental friendliness is another advantage of the material. Ondulin is made from cellulose, which is obtained by processing waste paper. The material does not emit any toxic gases hazardous to human health or the environment.

    Disadvantages of ondulin

    Any material, in addition to advantages, also has disadvantages. They must be taken into account first. If you take into account only the pros and ignore the cons, then the design will turn out to be unreliable. And if we are talking about the roof, then this cannot be allowed.

    Experts note the following disadvantages of ondulin:

    • The first disadvantage that many users of ondulin note is its low strength. The material is flexible, which is its plus. But because of this characteristic, ondulin alone is unable to withstand heavy loads. In this regard, it is necessary to carefully consider the arrangement of the crate. In some cases, with a small angle of inclination of the roof slope, a solid base is required. This circumstance increases the cost of arranging the roof, which is also attributed to the minuses of ondulin;
    • Another disadvantage of the material is its combustibility. Ondulin contains cellulose and bitumen. These components burn well. Modern manufacturers are trying to smooth out this minus. Mineral fillers and other components are introduced into the composition. Therefore, modern versions of ondulin light up only at very high temperatures;
    • The disadvantages include the rapid loss of color. The attractive appearance of the new ondulin pleases customers. Over time, under the influence of sunlight and other factors, the color fades. When this happens, it depends on the quality of the ondulin. If you purchased a fake, then the color will fade after 1-2 years. In the case of high-quality material, this may not happen even after 2-8 years;
    • Also, the disadvantages include the roughness of the surface of ondulin. On the one hand, this feature can be attributed to the pluses. The peculiar texture improves the appearance of the roof. But still, this feature is a disadvantage. In winter, snow will accumulate on the surface of the ondulin. He will not be able to "slide" off the roof on his own.

    Some experts supplement all the listed disadvantages of ondulin with its service life. The manufacturer gives fifteen years. Of course, when compared with, such a period is too short. Sheet steel products up to 50 years or more. But in the case of ondulin, much depends on the correct installation and operation.

Private developers often face the question of choosing the right roofing material. After all, everyone understands that the durability of the structure and the effectiveness of protecting the entire structure from adverse natural phenomena depend on this. On the modern market of materials for roofing there is a huge selection of metal, polymer and bituminous coatings. A wide range of colors and textures can satisfy any, even the most sophisticated taste.

In addition, roofing materials can be selected according to wealth, which in some cases is of great importance. Among a large number of roofing materials, there are options that belong to the same price category, for example, ondulin or metal profiles. To understand which of the presented materials is better, you need to familiarize yourself with the advantages and disadvantages, as well as the performance characteristics of each of them.

Description of ondulin - advantages and disadvantages

One of the modern roofing materials is ondulin. This coating is made on the basis of cellulose, which is impregnated with a polymer substance and coated with bitumen during the production process. All rights to the production of this material belong to the company of the same name, which is registered in France. At one of the stages of production, the pulp-polymer mass is subjected to molding, giving it a wave-like profile, then the resulting material is cut into sheets of a standard size. For coloring ondulin, various coloring pigments are used. The surface of the material is soft and rough. The weight of a standard sheet is about 6 kg.

The advantages and disadvantages of ondulin include the following:

  • Flawless operation for 25-50 years, certified by the manufacturer. Compared to other roofing materials, this is a fairly long time.
  • Acceptable cost. Ondulin is an economy-class roofing material, but its appearance is not inferior to more expensive counterparts.
  • Light weight. The lightness of the material is of great importance, since the cost of installing the crate depends on it.
  • High strength characteristics. Ondulin is able to withstand a significant snow load, the thickness of the snow layer on the roof of this material can reach 50 cm.
  • Low thermal conductivity. The material does not transmit heat, therefore, frost, icicles and condensate will not form on its surface. In addition, heat loss through such a coating is minimal.
  • Safety. Ondulin does not contain components that can harm human health and life. This has been proven by numerous studies.

But even the listed advantages of the material do not allow us to say that this is an ideal roofing material.

Firstly, installation or repair work can be carried out at a certain temperature, from +5 to +15 0 C, since when heated, the material loses its strength, and at a negative temperature, its brittleness increases.

Secondly, the material has a special composition and structure, due to which the shortcomings of ondulin are determined:

  • A very important disadvantage of ondulin on the roof is rapid ignition. The presence of cellulose in the composition of ondulin explains its ability to ignite.
  • Poor UV resistance. The sun's rays can spoil the appearance of the material, and burnout occurs unevenly.
  • Accumulation of snow, dirt and dust. The material has a rough surface, so dirt and snow do not roll down on it. Therefore, a roof covered with ondulin requires regular cleaning.

Having studied the advantages and disadvantages of ondulin, you should get acquainted with the similar characteristics of the profiled sheet.

Features and advantages of corrugated board

The professional flooring represents a thin metal sheet with the applied profile. Due to the corrugated surface, the material has a high transverse rigidity. For the production of corrugated board, sheet steel is used, protected by an anti-corrosion alloy based on zinc, aluminum or molybdenum. In addition, the surface of the material is coated with paint or protective polymers. Depending on the thickness of the base and the applied coating, 1 m 2 of corrugated board weighs 6-8 kg. It should be noted the high resistance to ultraviolet and rust, as well as to destruction from biological factors and to mechanical stress.

The advantage over other roofing materials is provided by the presence of the following properties:

  • Operation for half a century with the preservation of waterproofing characteristics, subject to proper installation and quality service.
  • Fire resistant. This property makes it possible to use the material for the construction of the roof of a bathhouse and buildings with stoves and fireplaces, which the high combustibility of ondulin does not allow.
  • The ability to withstand significant loads. The corrugated surface with additional stiffening ribs allows the material to resist heavy loads from accumulated snow.
  • Surface smoothness. Thanks to this property, dirt and snow mass roll off the roof. In addition, ridges arranged parallel to the slope direct melt and rainwater into the gutter of the gutter system.
  • Burnout resistance. This property of corrugated board allows you to keep the color of the roof and its attractiveness throughout the entire operational period.
  • Acceptable price. Compared to other metal roofing materials, corrugated board occupies a more advantageous position, therefore it is very popular.

Like ondulin, the profiled sheet has some nuances that characterize it from a less attractive side:

  • Firstly, the material is based on metal, which has a fairly high thermal conductivity. Therefore, the use of corrugated board for the roof of a house with a residential attic space requires the laying of an additional heat-insulating layer. It is worth noting that the insulation of the roof slope helps to solve the problem of overheating of the attic in hot weather.
  • Secondly, metal surfaces are characterized by high resonant properties, which can amplify wind noise, the sound of raindrops and hail. The solution to the problem is soundproofing the roof.
  • Thirdly, even such a durable material requires care in work, since the anti-corrosion coating can be easily damaged by careless handling.

The main selection criteria - cons of materials

The main factor influencing the choice of roofing material is the taste and preference of the owner, since each coating has its own positive and negative properties.

When choosing ondulin or corrugated board, which have almost the same service life and are completely safe for humans, a few points should be highlighted:

  • By weight, ondulin has lower indicators than corrugated board, which is especially important for a weak truss system or for buildings on a foundation with low bearing characteristics.
  • In the case of a fire hazard, corrugated board has advantages. But if preventive measures are taken in advance, then this minus of ondulin can be ignored.
  • One of the advantages of ondulin is its high soundproofing properties, which cannot be said about the profiled sheet.
  • Comparing the ease of installation, it can be noted that for roofs of complex construction it is better to choose ondulin, since it is more flexible and can be easily cut with a knife. Simple rectangular slopes are more convenient to cover with corrugated board.
  • Laying ondulin can be performed by anyone without special building skills. Decking in this regard can cause some inconvenience, as it requires the skill of working with a special tool.