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How to lay a large paving slabs. How to properly lay paving slabs: ways and recommendations. What tools and materials will be needed for masonry

The most common coating of tracks and sites is paving slabs. Properly conducted preparatory work on the installation of paving slabs - a pledge of durable coating. The laying can perform the wizards, as well as the panel on the pavement can be made independently, this will require efforts and knowledge of laying schemes.

The preparation and marking of the soil is the most creative stage, since the site must be planned in advance, but this is also the most time-consuming stage that plays the most important role. It is necessary to place a zone in which the installation of the tile will be performed with their own hands.

For this you need:

  • Set pegs;
  • Tighten them a solid rope;
  • Adjust fit form Tracks or platforms.

The next stage includes cleaning a part of the Earth at the place of installation. It is necessary to dig a soil to a depth of 20 cm in order to further replace it with more durable materials that are able to withstand the load during a long period of time. The stage of preparation of the soil by an ordinary tamper on the installation site of the tile is complete, it can be made by any ways, the main thing is to ensure that the soil does not care, otherwise the track from the tile does not last long.

High-quality laying of paths paving slabs in the country

It is not difficult to carry out the tile on the ground on the plot, the main thing is to take into account some rules. The presence is necessary drainage to effectively and quickly and rainwater Wrapped from under the paving slabs. If you do not install it, then in winter The tile absorbs the large amount of moisture and, when freezing, collapses. Drainage consists of a conventional subtype of a medium-sized rubble, which must be poured onto the bottom of the purified area, to align well and seal the rubbing. The crossbank layer must be at least 7 cm.

The border is not below the surface of the paving slabs, but does not protrude on it, which organizes the top pad or the site. The border holds back in certain places to the tile, so that it forms a whole fence, it is necessary to copy to each other qualitatively.

To install the curb, it is necessary:

  • On the top of the drainage swelling to impose slides of the solution;
  • Mounted border;
  • At the edges, one border is enough a couple of pieces;
  • Next, so that everything looked beautiful, you need to align the top edge.

Sand is poured onto the crushed stone, alignment and tamper. It is necessary to take care of the absence of slopes. The sand layer is required at least 9.5 cm. It should be as follows: From the sand to the top of the border, there should be a distance that is equal to the thickness of the paving slabs, taking into account the pair of centimeters to the fastening material.

Installing the tile starts from itself to further move along the already installed surface.

It is necessary to monitor the evenness of each row. It uses a stretched cord between borders. Separate tile elements must be at a distance of no more than 2 mm. If there is a need for curly elements or a round site, you can use a grinder for these tasks, it will easily cut all unnecessary parts by the tiles.

Optimal laying technology paving slabs in the country

The laying technology begins with the preparation of a bonding material, which consists of cement and sand in the proportion of 1: 8, the dry mixture is thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained, it is this mixture that holds the tile in the prescribed position.

After that, it is necessary to start directly laying tiles in the country:

  1. To do this, the fastening material is poured into place, it must have a layer at which, when the pavement tile is installed on the sinking, it is raised above the surface of 0.5 heights.
  2. This ottump must be evenly dissolved, it is not required to rub.
  3. After that, it is necessary to put the first tile, which is simply installed on the surface being dumping the surface and is clogged with rubber heavy inquiry into the cement-sand mixture.
  4. It is clogged until the height is equal to the border.
  5. After the second tile is taken and is installed in the same way.
  6. After installing all tiles, the extra fastening material must be deleted.

The completion of the installation occurs in the fake of the tile gaps with a mixture of sand with cement. From the lined surface, the mixture is neatly lowered by a broom in the seams. This mixture will fix paving slab In the prescribed position after the first rain, when the liquid absorbs and hardens. New tracks are poured immediately with a hose with a sprayer, in such a case the tiles must be left alone for a couple of days.

Tips: how to put pavement tiles in the yard

Laying paving slabs occurs in different ways. On a sandy pillow. The tile is placed on a layer of wet sand. This walkway is done to decorate the garden. Water will not be stimple to leave precisely thanks to the seams between the tiles, which are filled with sand.

Cement and wet sand are mixed in proportions 1: 5 and evenly distributed to the top of future tracks.

Due to its ease, availability and reliability, is the most common way. Cement-sandy solution (sand, water and cement) are mixed in the concrete mixer, the resulting mass is distributed over the surface of the tile by a trowel. After that, the tile should be laid and rub. It is very reliable way Styling, but it requires providing drainage.

There are many options for laying paving slabs:

  1. Christmas tree or braid. The most common option. At an angle of 90 ° or 45 °, the tile is placed if the elements alternate with each other, forming the weave, then it is a braid.
  2. Chaotic masonry. The easiest way of laying, which looks quite interesting, consists of tiles of various colors and sizes. In this method, the tile must be seized arbitrarily.
  3. Chess order. Fits tile 2 species: figure and square 2 different colors, Technics this method In placing alternation.
  4. Circular pattern. The most difficult option. Circular patterns are created, which look beautiful and from height, and with close distance.
  5. The combination of lawn and tiles. Most original optionWhen lawn or flower beds are combined with power tracks or platforms. For this method, the street tiles specifically designed for this type can be used.

To properly put the material, there are several tips. You must not forget about the slopes, you need to install a small tubercle in the middle with your own hands, it will allow water to leave better, and also in the cold season, it will make it easier to move the freezing of water and thaw.

Must be implemented designer ideas. For example, mix sand and seeds and fall asleep the resulting mixture in the seams, then there will be a lawn between the tiles, which will allow tracks winning to stand out in the garden. Parking area facing for machines is made on a concrete pillow, road plates You need to lay out by the analogy of the tile.

Laying road tiles do it yourself (video)

The masonry question is solved quite simply, let the process is quite laborious, but according to the technical components absolutely elementary. Already after laying a paving slave with an area of \u200b\u200b1 m 2, you can feel yourself in the most real professional in this matter.

Today, building materials manufacturers produce a large number of species. paving slabs, differing in color, form, raw materials from which they are made, as well as their technical characteristics. It is easy to get confused in this diversity.

The question of choice is most often constructed only on the financial capabilities of the owner of the site, as a good paving slabs costs expensive, and cheap is short-lived and not too beautiful. The modern building materials market offers classifying its main types on source raw materials, that is, made of:

  • natural natural stone solid rocks;
  • natural stone soft breeds such as sandstone or slatry;
  • artificial stone;
  • ceramics and other firing materials;
  • color and monochrome concrete;

Most often, individual developers acquire a tile made of colored concrete mixes. This material is available at a price and sold in almost any construction store.

A high-quality tile of colored concrete is manufactured by vibrating or vibropressing. Piece products made, differ bright color and a smoother surface. Vibropressed material is more durable and frosty, but not so bright.

Also sometimes offer stamped tiles. With her purchase, be very careful, as it is most likely low quality material made by handicraft.

A very important issue is the thickness of the material with which you must decide before laying the paving slabs with your own hands. For pedestrian walkways, a 40 mm thickness is recommended on the household site, and for car parking - at least 60 mm.

If you decide to shove the sidewalk on the street along your site, then use a 60 mm tile, and on the road (but it will be too nobly on your part) you need to take products with a thickness of 80 mm.

Necessary for laying materials

Before laying the paving slabs with their own hands, besides it, it is necessary to purchase such materials as:

  • stone or plastic border;
  • cement brand PC400;
  • crushed stone, fractions no more than 40 mm;
  • sand, best river or washed;
  • geotextile.

The required number of these building materials is determined separately and directly depends on the design of the base, the type of soil and the estimated operational conditions.

Marking of future tracks

It is recommended to take a copy of the plan plan with structures deposited on it, trees, flower beds and other elements of arrangement. Draw on it a scheme. It will be an instruction on laying paving slabs at which you will continue to work. During the preparation of such a scheme, the direction of the slope for the free flow of water from the tracks should be taken into account.

When solving the question of the width of the tracks, it is necessary to envisage that 2 people can safely break on it. Usually this value is 1.0 - 1.2 meters.

In the case of driving a car, the possibility of having a person who should not be forced to go with a paved surface.

Marking and garbage excavation.

The markup is performed according to the plan being drawn up using a roulette and a cord, which is pulled along the slaughtering tracks along the planned track. When tightening the cord, to the width of the track, it is necessary to add 10 cm on each side with a gap to the subsequent installation of borders.

Earthworks and protective layer

The amount of work performed depends on the density of the upper layer. In the event that the surface is a dense clay or any other similar soil, in connection with which the bridge of bulk soil is planned, the preparation of the track under the laying of the tile is reduced to simple surface alignment.

In all other cases, it is necessary to remove 30-35 cm of the surface layer across the entire perimeter.

At the bottom of the trench, it is necessary to plug out a thin leveling layer of sand and well tackle it along with the soil. This underlying layer will be needed then, which will prevent the gerby herb germination, allows you to take water from the drainage layer and will not allow the penetration of rising in the spring of groundwater.

The geotextile bands are unfolded in such a way that the adjacent webs overlap to 15-20 cm, and along the edges of the trench there was a fraction of at least 20 cm. In this case, the technology of laying paving slabs will be fully met with their own hands, and the result of your work will be incommensurable quality .

Drainage device

On the rammed bottom of the trench, unfolded by geotextile, the layer of rubble thickness of 15-18 cm is poured. It will serve as a drainage for collecting and removing the wax and surface water. The presence of a drainage layer will prevent the possible accumulation of moisture at the base of the track and the subsequent swelling in the event of a soil freezing.

Crushed stone should be well tumped and sprinkled with a thin layer of sand. On top of the drainage you need to fasten the second layer of geotextile. He will skip moisture down, not allowing it to return.

Stone products are fixed on the solution, and plastic - with the help of the supplied wedges included.

Placing enclosing borders

At the next stage of work, borders are installed. For this you can use almost any materials. The external fence of the tracks makes from stone, concrete, plastic, brick, wood, slate and any other flat materials.

The traditional option is considered the finished border of concrete. IN lately Manufacturers offered several species on the market plastic borderwhich differ in durability, low cost and simplicity of installation.

The border is set after the drainage layer device.

Applied types of foundations

For the device pedestrian tracks on the site, one of the three possible types of support base is used:

  • concrete;
  • cement-sand;
  • from the rammed sand.

Concrete base is the most expensive, and therefore it is advisable to use it only in the case of the estimated large loads on the surface. The cement-sand base is the most common and universal. The sandy base can be used at low loads on the surface and lack of bunching soils and their movements.

Conceptual image of concrete base.

Concrete base fill

Work on concreting base, before putting paving slabs, start with reinforcement. To do this, it is best to use the finished welded metal mesh with a cell size of 100x100 mm. If you have the remains of old metal pipes, Wire, rods with a thickness of more than 5 mm or other similar metal residues, then reinforcement can be performed with their help.

To do this, place the metal in the form of a lattice and associate its individual parts in the places of intersections with wire. Reinforcement grid It is desirable to lift over the surface by 3-5 cm, setting it on metal or stone stands.

The concrete layer should be a thickness of 10-12 cm, and its surface is lower than the surface of the earth on the thickness of the tile minus 3 cm, since we will then have to put the paving slabs with their own hands.

If after the device of the drainage layer, the depth of the working trench remains quite large, then the surplus falls asleep with sand, which is then tram. Concrete mixture using cement PC400 is prepared in cement, sand and rubble as 1: 3: 5.

Concrete pouring is done at a time. In the case when the volume of concrete for the fill is very large, it is advisable to order concrete mix With delivery to the place. The cost of concrete in this case is slightly higher, but you will save a lot of time and strength. Staying the pavement tiles after 3-5 days, after the initial setting of concrete.

Step-by-step process Styling FEM.

Sand and cement base

Cement-sand base.

This type of base involves laying the tile on a dry cement-sand mixture prepared in a 1: 5 ratio. The thickness of such a layer is 12-15 cm. To access the desired level, under cement-sandy layer Sweep clean sand and thoroughly trambet.

It is important that at the time of laying the tile, the material of the base was dry. Therefore, before putting the pavement tiles, you need to make sure that there will be no precipitation in the next couple of days. The mixture is needed to tumble and align.

For a sandy base device use river or career washed sand. The presence of lime or clay elements in the sand is not allowed. After backfilling the sand, it, again, it is necessary to shed water, tamper and align. The pavement tile is already placed further.

Tile processing before laying

Before independently laying the paving slabs, it is recommended to be treated with hydrophobic composition, which will continue to protect the material from moisture exposure, increase its frost resistance and durability. In addition, the tiles give a more attractive species, prevent the appearance of fungus, mold and salt spots on the surface.

To process the tile, it is dipped into the hydrophobic solution, dried and carried out this operation again. During pre-processing, the tile must be thoroughly examined and all products containing defects are deposited to the side, since we will then spread them in other, low-wing sites.

Laying paving slabs

Laying paving slabs: photo process.

The technology of laying paving slabs on the base of concrete provides its fixing on the layer cement mortar. To lay the pavement tile with its solution so that it is maximally filled the seams, and the seam thickness did not make more than 3 mm.

Alignment is made by a rubber hammer and is checked. construction level. Promotion during masonry occurs "on yourself", that is, you are all the time on the already laid tile, and the solution is settled in front of you. Upon completion of the masonry, all seams must be sealed to obtain a solid monolithic coating.

Stages of laying paving slabs on cement-sandy and purely sandy base is the same. Stacking paving slabs works by the "on itself" method, that is, you move in the sand and put the material in front of you. If it is necessary to align the surface, sand or mixture, be vacated or, on the contrary, is removed.

Each stone must be inserted with a rubber hammer for his reliable landing in place.

After the end of the laying, a small amount is poured on the surface cement-sand mixturewhich then lashes the brush to fill the seams.

Then the surface of the new-minted path must be poured with water and repeat this procedure after another 2-3 days.

Below is a video tutorial on the topic "Laying of paving slabs with their own hands: step-by-step instruction" The process of laying the paving slabs considered in it step by step will tell about the order of laying paving slabs, the features of this process and methods further care coated.

How to put the pavement tile: photo, video, instritation. This article outlines the technology describing how to put the pavement tile at the board of the borders, are considered various options Installations. You will learn what kind of borders exist, familiarize yourself with the rules of choice. qualitative materials, consider technical and performance features each of them. Check out rates for the purchase of materials and turnkey paving service.

The process of laying paving slabs never goes without a border

Registration of tracks by borders and sidewalk tiles: how to put the coating

Arrangement pricework Does not do without the formation of tracks. These elements are performed by several useful features at once.

In the country sections, tile coating is used for:

  • preserving the grassy coating of lawns (tracks allow you to move on the site, without hopping the grass);
  • visual separation of the area of \u200b\u200bthe area on the zone (with the help of them you can arrange a recreation area, the breakfast around the house, the space around the flower, pools, greenhouses, arbors and canopies, etc.);
  • decoring the site and maintaining the overall design of the dissing territory and at home.

Paving tile at the entrance to the country house

Note! The cost of laying paving slabs includes not only the purchase of material and the power itself, but also the installation of borders, if they are supposed to install them. In order to save it, you can engage in these works yourself, the main thing is to adhere to technology.

Classification of borders for paving slabs: how to install the appropriate option

Borders have a beautiful appearance, they are durable and practical, so they are often installed before putting the pavement tile on the sand and other types of surfaces. These elements are able to fit into any architectural solution of your yard, give the completed view of the entire site.

Borders act as lawn protection, as well as tiled coating from erosion. They are able to increase the operating time limits of the tracks.

Garden borders - for beauty and order in your garden

The total classification of borders by type of manufacturing material includes the following varieties:

  • metal;
  • plastic;
  • concrete;
  • brick;
  • wooden (rarely applied);
  • from natural stone.

Styling borders for sidewalks are used even in order to designate the difference in height between the level of the lawn and the surface of the track. To do right choice border, it should be studied in detail specifications The most common types of material.

Existing varieties of borders from concrete are also classified according to the manufacturing technology, among them allocate:

  • concrete curbs;
  • vibrolyed borders;
  • paving borders.

Concrete wets are usually installed on roads with minimal horizontal load

Each of them is able to offer certain advantages and specifications that will suit the owners of country sites when laying a paving slabs on a dry mixture. Technology involves paving on sandy or concrete base.

Features of the installation of borders for sidewalk tiles made of concrete

Concrete translation of factory production is in high demand among country partition owners. Most often, it is used in the method of laying paving slabs on a concrete base, since this type of product has long service life and is characterized by a simple installation system.

Helpful advice! Concrete borders manufactured in the factory setting have an extensive color gamut. Use this advantage when designing garden tracks And Alley. With the help of color wetting, you can create a unique design of pedestrian territories.

Specifications of concrete borders:

  • the level of water absorption is 6%;
  • high strength to compressive - 22.5 MPa;
  • the material is fairly easy to handle (if necessary, cutting a border from concrete can be cut);
  • high level Resistance to frost.

Concrete borders for flower beds competently combine practicality and aesthetics

Thanks to all these characteristics, the installation of borders for paving slabs with their own hands will be high-quality and reliable. An extensive range of products allows not limited to the strict framework for design.

If you decide to take advantage of paving services in a specialized company, to how much work on laying paving slabs, the size and type of borders will affect. Especially if the purchase of materials is carried out by the company itself.

Concrete border for paving slabs: product price

To save on the cost of work on laying paving slabs, ordered in a specialized company, you can purchase everything consumables Alone.

Medium prices for the purchase of concrete borders:

Product Type (Purpose) Color Dimensional parameters (width / length / height), cm Price, rub. / M²
Road border White 15x100x30 345
Grey 15x100x30 274
Color Mix 8x100x20 163
Paving border White 8x100x20 163
Wine 8x100x20 163
Grey 8x100x20 140
Washing tray Brown 20x50x6. 364
Gray (asphalt) 50x100x180 / 230. 876
Grey 20x50x6. 274

Helpful advice! Turn on the road borders specified in the table into the laying technology of paving slabs under the car. These products will ensure safety on your site, limiting the movement of the machine.

Vibrol borders on the country site

Vibrolic products are distinguished by an increased wear resistance. In the production process of such borders, painting pigments are added to the raw materials, as well as plasticizers.

Borders for roads and private sites

Manufacturers produce products of various shapes. In addition to standard rectangles, buyers can purchase borders of the following forms:

  • step;
  • arc;
  • wave, etc.

Often clinker bricks are used as paving borders. This type of material has a high strength indicator, long deadlines Services, while it is completely eco-friendly.

On the other hand, if you think about how to put the pavement tile with your own hands, use clinker bricks In work it is worth avoided. The fact is that blocks have big sizesBecause of which large gaps arise between the workpieces in the installation process, through which the grass and other plants will later grow. Their presence negatively affects the coating condition.

Flowerbed with clinker bricks borders

If you want to buy borders for paving slabs, the price of vibrolynted products depends on the size and coloring.

Middle rates for vibrolyed borders:

Metal, Brick and Flexible Borders for Paving Tile

Plastic borders for paving slabs belong to universal products. They are harmonized with different style directions in the design of household plots, and thanks to big selection Coloring allows you to make the design of the tracks unique.

Helpful advice! Borders of plastic have a flexible structure. Use this property of the material for the design of the curved shape with smooth lines.

In addition to durability and resistance to corrosion exposure, plastic products Characterized also available cost. They are best suited for mounting sidewalks with their own hands.

Installation of garden border of plastic

For metal-based borders, various raw materials are applied:

  • stainless steel;
  • aluminum;
  • copper.

Metal borders are used to arrange smooth tracks that have direct turns. They are used not only to organize coatings from paving slabs, but also combined with paths made of rubble.

Brick borders are no less common than other types of similar purpose products. There are several technologies describing how to put pavement tiles in the courtyard with a framed of a brick. In one case, the laying of blanks can be carried out in a horizontal position, in the other - the brick is placed under a diagonal slope. The result is a beautiful gear framing.

Using red bricks when making garden tracks

This type of material is well combined with a pavement coating, especially if your design outdoor territory Made B. english style. It is worth noting that it is not recommended to carry out the installation of bricks as a border in those areas where frequent and abundant rains are observed, drops a high level of precipitation. Under influence large number Moisture This material is very quickly destroyed.

How to put a pavement tile using a border: the right choice of materials

The scope of pavement borders applies to pedestrian zones, sidewalks along the roadway, as well as tracks in the private sector. Owners of country sites use this kind of building material as a budget solution for the decoration of the courtyard and other zones.

Helpful advice! Paving borders are usually combined with tiles or paving. In this regard, many manufacturers began to add painting pigments in the production raw materials. You can successfully beat the coating using contrasting colors.

Paving tile can serve for a very long time provided proper laying

If compared paving option products with other types of borders, you can allocate whole line Advantages:

  • high level of resistance to wear;
  • durability and reliability;
  • resistance to sharp temperature differences;
  • practically perfect cleanliness of the surface;
  • resistance to moisture;
  • invulnerability before the influence of chemicals (even the use of ice-free reagents is allowed);
  • extensive color gamut;
  • no need to perform additional exterior decoration.

As part of the classification, one-sided and bilateral pavement borders are distinguished. The first of them are used for crucible sites, as well as sidewalks made in the longline technique. The second is good if the tracks are on the same level with a lawn, the border in this case executes the role of the separator.

Single lamp easy to lay it, so it is used to improve the tracks of any type

Bordeur size for paving slabs

The modern range of the construction market offers many variations of borders regarding sizes. Due to this, each consumer can find items that meet its requirements.

Classification of borders in size:

  • globrick - The dimensional range includes products with the following parameters: 8x21x50, 5x20x100, 4.5x21x50 cm;
  • park blocks - dimensions The products are 7x21.1x50 cm;
  • border for road coatings - corresponds to the size of 20x60x300 cm.

Paving borders of factory production usually match standard dimensions - 8x20 or 5x20 cm. Products rectangular shape have a wider dimensional ruler, including small borders with parameters of 0.6x2x5 cm, as well as large - 8x20x100 cm.

Helpful advice! In the network you can find videos, how to put the pavement tiles in combination with various types of borders. Use such visual materials to avoid errors in the power process.

Types of borders for paving slabs

If the organization of pedestrian tracks is assumed, the borders are recommended, the height of which is 30 cm, and the width is no more than 20 cm. Alley is protected by easier products with 8x20 cm parameters.

The quality of borders for paving slabs: how to install the material

Recommendations on how to put pavement tiles in the yard itself are limited not only by the technology itself, but also by tips on the choice of materials. The quality of borders, like the tile itself, has a direct impact on the final result, so the process of selecting materials is extremely important.

In the procurement process should be guided by several criteria:

  1. Specifications - here refers to the type of border, its structure and dimensional parameters, as well as the features of the form.
  2. Indicators reflecting the level of strength of products.
  3. The timing of the borders.
  4. Rates for laying paving slabs without a border and a border (if the use of specialists' services is supposed).
  5. Resistance to temperature differences, as well as the effects of environmental factors.
  6. The quality of staining of the billets (as uniformly painted the surface of the border).
  7. Features of the object under the laying of the tile (view of the track or platform, area, shape and slope of the surface).

Installation of borders

Before purchasing the material, decide what is better to put the pavement tiles and which base you can provide them on your site. From this directly depends on the type of material to be purchased. The most common option is the base for power - soil, with a preformed sand pillow, rubble or concrete.

Note! Many are wondering if it is possible to put the pavement tile on the asphalt, having at its disposal an old asphalt coating in the yard. In fact, it is possible, but for this you will have to hold a number of preparatory work to ensure the quality of the coating.

Laying of paving slabs: Rates for professional services

After purchasing the material it is worth declaring whether you will do all the pavement work independently or hire for this specialists. In each case, you get certain advantages.

Laying pavement blocks

On the one hand, independent performance guarantees significant economy Money. On the other hand, professional service is a guarantee of high-quality and reliable result, of course, if you find truly skillful and qualified specialists.

How much is the laying of paving slabs (average rates):

How to put the pavement tile with your own hands: work on the installation of borders

Everyone will cope with the styling of borders from plastic. This does not require serious preparatory work. Before laying a border for paving slabs from plastic, you do not need to dig a special trench, form a concrete base or to install geotextiles.

First you need to outline the contour part of the track and the height of the border itself. Most of the manufacturers produce products having with outside Holes intended for fasteners of anchors or marking pegs. Thanks to this fastening, the fixation of the border on the ground is turned strong and reliable. For work, only a hammer will be needed to score metal pegs.

Note! The edges of the plastic are very easy to docile, and the products themselves are well bent. You can make a path or the site of the most bizarre form, without fearing that the ends of the borders will not comply, and the framing will be inaccurate.

Installation of paving slabs with borders

How to put borders for paving tiles made of concrete and natural stone

The use of borders from concrete assumes that the coating will be subject to considerable loads. For this reason, the strength of fixation during the organization of the track is in the first place.

On the initial stage Works should dig a trench by placing it along the contour part of the object. The depth depends on which height has a border and how much he should rise above the coating itself in the end.

After that, the trench should be pouring concrete solution. The proportions for the preparation of a mixture of cement and sand make up 1: 3, respectively. The fill is aligned with the level of concrete borders. Make it you need to do the most accurately, placing the stones as close as possible to the edge part of the track. It is not necessary to make a mixture too liquid, in such a composition items will be broken and the fixation will become impossible.

Pouring concrete border

When several borders have already been established, additional fixation of the first should be performed, and then all subsequent stones in the order of installation priority using the additional cement layer in several places. The ideal height of the protrusion is 50 mm.

After the solution grabs and hardens, from the outside the trench is satisted with sand or land. This will allow for a long time to maintain the design in the original form and increase the timing of its service.

If you decide to make borders from natural stone, digging trenches will not need. It is enough just to remove the subtle layer of the soil to perform the flooring from geotextile. Then a large-sized stones are installed on this litter as close to each other. Finally, all the remaining empties fall asleep dry cement.

Note! If between the stones were formed large gapsThey need to be filled with small pebbles before falling asleep cement.

Paving tile - Material that is capable of transforming any plot

Despite the fact that the work seems very simple, it should be responsibly referring to its implementation, since the durability of the coating of tiles depends on the quality of the base.

After the borders are installed and securely fixed, laying the paving slabs with their own hands, video material with technology will help you figure out.

  • for reliability, lock the first row of tiles with a cement solution along the edge part. Due to this, the coating will not shift;

Installation of borders, Preparation of base for paving and laying Tiles for cement mortar

  • start power from the curb;
  • having combusing the workpiece into the base (if it is placed on the sand), observe the same depth, oriented by level;
  • the maximum clearance value is 5 mm. Do not do anymore. Stopping tile without gaps is not recommended;
  • use the grinder to cut the material;

Preparation of the base for laying subsequent tile rows

  • use only pure sand to fill the seams. Leave it for several days for perfect filling;
  • the optimal proportions for the preparation of a mixture of sand and cement are 1:10. In the areas of effluent and in other wet places to fill the seams, it is better to take the proportions 1: 3;
  • do not load the track until all the joints are processed.

Power tile and filling seams with sandy mixture

Do not forget that the paved sidewalks and platforms need care. From time to time spend cleaning the surface. Moreover, colored tiles require more attention in this plan than gray. IN winter time For cleaning ice and snow, use wooden and plastic toolsMetal can damage the coating. It is not necessary to perform staining, this procedure will reduce the quality of the coating and its durability.

Paving tile - perfect option Cover tracks and sites before country house. It is distinguished by increased wear resistance, practical operation, highly aesthetic appearance. Installation of it is not too complex process, while laying paving slabs with their own hands requires compliance certain ruleswhich are described in our step-by-step instructions.

In our article, we will tell you how to put the paving slabs with their own hands, what tools and materials will be required for this, as well as give useful recommendations in video tutorials.

The main advantage self-mount is the maximum reduction of the process. For any work you need to pay, and specialist services today are a lot. In addition self-laying You can do everything without a rush, observing all the recommendations.

At the same time, workers who are able to qualitatively and correctly put the slab, find quite difficult. The desire of any brigade is to fulfill the order quickly to get paid, the quality suffers from this. When independent laying, the owner will be able to take into account all the features of his siteSince only he is well known to weaknesses.

It is unlikely that the brigade of hired workers will be so carefully taken into account these nuances, if only for their work will not require transcendental payment.

The disadvantage of independent installation is the need to carefully explore the rules, additional costs for the acquisition of a special tool for work.

The main types and rules of choice

In terms of composition, the pavement plate is a cement mixture with the addition of various dyes, mineral components, plasticizers. Use of raw materials high Quality Guarantees the correspondence of the GOST, therefore, the durability of the coating.

Proper dosage, compliance with technology - quality assurance, Therefore, it is worth purchasing material from proven manufacturers, do not chase the cheaply handicraft production.

Preference is advisable to give an option having additives of crumbs of granite, polymers, high-quality clay. From the variant consisting exclusively of the concrete-sand mix, it is better to refuse, because it will not last long.

Modern manufacturers offer to the consumer two main types of paving slabs:

  • It has most often rectangular, square or diamond shape, monotonous colors.
  • Manufactured manual way, so it is already more color gamut, maximum variety of forms.

When choosing, the quality of the foundation is taken into account, functional purpose of coverage areas. Experts advise choosing a small size material, as it is more resistant to cracking. It is important to take into account the thickness of the blocks. The minimum is three centimeters, for parking and locations of the car - at least 5-6 centimeters.

Color and shape pick up a harmony building at home, taking into account your own preferences. Installation of a diamond and rectangular plate is more complicated, requires the use of some skills of work. Figure is easier to lay, because the flaws are less noticeable.

IMPORTANT. Choosing a slab, it is necessary to take into account its environmental friendliness, since the heating of the surface in the summer will cause the release of harmful substances, which will adversely affect the health of the family.

Each slab carefully consider, assesses its quality. It is worth abandoning the purchase of a material with the following disadvantages:

  • Inhomogeneous external structure.
  • Too bright color.
  • Uneven coloring.
  • Spots dark color on the other side.
  • Building material in structure.
  • Smooth, with high glitter surface.

Council. Having tapping two copies of each other, you can define their quality: a deaf sound speaks of the fragile material. High-quality stove should be a call.

Tell me on the pages of our site all about! You will learn many useful Soviets and recommendations.

Preparatory work

Before starting work, you need to purchase tiles, consumables, tools.

How to calculate the number of required material

The calculation method depends on the figure, which is supposed to lay out. Complex compositions require a special approach and specific recommendations. The number is calculated on the basis of the selected pattern, After drawing up a preliminary sketch of the entire platform.

If chosen simple forms, It is worth remembering the school course of geometry and calculate the area of \u200b\u200bthe specific geometric Figurewhich is a plot or its separate parts.

The area of \u200b\u200ball parts you want to cover will take the basis. Number of tiles for one square meter The manufacturer is indicated on the packageTherefore, by simple mathematical actions, the required number of purchases purchased is calculated.

Specialists advise purchasing material with a reserve One square meter for each part of the surface covered. It is necessary that there are fewer junctions in indirect corners.

REFERENCE. There are special online calculators, Automatically calculated the number of tiles after the administration of parameters (area area, block size). Taking advantage of them, produce accurate calculations.

Additionally acquired borderwhich is installed to prevent block offset along the edge. Its quantity is calculated along the length of the perimeter of the platform covered.

By purchasing the material and planning the coating size, you need to try to make calculations in such a way that there is no need to lay the cropped copies along the edges. The smaller the cropped pieces will be in the coating, the aesthetically it will look like.

What do you need

Installing paving slabs with their own hands requires use special tools:

  • Trubovka
  • Roulette.
  • Rubber hammer.
  • Lerke or cord for marking.
  • Rule.
  • Level.
  • Bulgarian with discs on concrete.
  • Master OK.
  • Rake.
  • Broom.

In addition to tools acquire consumables:

  • Sand (on the standard section of 2-3 tons).
  • Cement.

Preparation of the foundation

Careful preparation of the foundation - pledge high-quality stacking. After drawing up the plan, marking is performed using pegs with threads stretched on them.. Previously evaluated the quality of the soil different partsThe sides of the slope are found. If it is located towards the house and courtyard buildings, the drainage system is pre-thought out.

Playgrounds are thoroughly alignedThe soil is removed with a height of 15-20 centimeters. Then the surface is rambling. At the same time, the installation of drainage and sewer pipes is mounted.

After alignment and tamping pillow pillow. For garden tracks from paving slabs with their own hands, the thickness of the layer is 10-15 centimeters, for parking spaces and road parts, the thickness of the rubble increases twice.

Pillow trambed a special machine, He is covered with geotextiles, which will prevent the penetration of sand between the crushes. In areas with a weak, bulk soil geotextile additionally stacked under the crushed stone.

The prepared pillow is filled with cement-sandy mixture (1x5), the sand is embanked on top of such a height so that the slab to the plate is 1 cm above the surface.

Council. To prepare the base, it is advisable to use guides from boards in height of the pillow. Especially thorough preparation requires the foundation if on the plot of soft soil. His trambet after moisturizing.

The entire further process will depend on the quality of the basis of the foundation.

It is important to avoid mistakes! If you want to know how to lay paving slabs with your own hands, see the video of a person who decided to put her wrong:

Safety technique

The organization of work requires compliance with security measures:

  • The workplace is exempt from foreign objects.
  • If the stove is placed on a concrete base, notches are made in protective glasses.
  • All work is carried out in rubber gloves so that the skin is not injured and dissolved by cement mortar.
  • Sorting the material and processing the tile edges is carried out in dense mittens.
  • For the protection of the legs, knee pads are used.

On our site you will also learn! How to work with such elements of surface paving?

About the features of laying a porcelain stoneware and how to prepare the basis for this material - read.

How to make steps from paving slabs with your own hands, find out by reading our next material:

How to put it on: technology and work order

After preparing the base for laying a tile, the following actions are needed:

  • Stay the cord along the edges of the tracks and playgrounds with the help of stakes.
  • Install the borders on the borders, knocking them into the soil on the desired height. For greater stability, the border is fixed with cement mortar.
  • For the outflow of water to arrange drainage. The pipe is wounded by geotextile, it fits into a prepared trench next to the border.
  • Next, starting from the curb, start to lay the plates. The ranks can be located diagonally or in a straight line. The ranks are put on themselves, so that the prepared foundation is not destroyed when the workers will move on it. The laid tracks must be strictly parallel with the stretched cords.
  • For uniform gaps between tiles, special crosses are used.
  • The stove is placed on the sandy pillow, sticks from above the hammer for a dense fit to the surface. If any instances are noticeable, the blocks are raised, the cement-sand mixture for alignment is sweeping. For controlling horizontal, a construction level is used.
  • If there are angles or obstacles on the path of laying, they should be bypassed by entire instances. Then the remaining places are filled with suitable fragments. The tile of the necessary shape for these purposes is trimmed with a disk with a discon. Filling these sites is performed in the latter queue.
  • After laying all the rows on a solid section of the seams between the tiles, a mixture of sand and cement is covered. Excess, which did not wake up in the gap, be sure to be lined with a broom.
  • After all the gaps are filled with a sandy cement mixture, the surface is watered with water from the hose so that the blocks are fixed with each other. The hose necessarily needs to wear a diffuser so that the water jet does not knock out a falling mixture.

The process of proper laying of paving slabs with your own hands can be viewed in this mounted video language:

Another useful video tutorial on how to properly put the paving slabs with your own hands - what is needed for this and how to put it right:

IMPORTANT. When laying each site at the end of the day it is covered with a sandy cement mixture and thoroughly penetrate. If this is not done, accidentally falling moisture can spoil the appearance of the coating before the end of all works.


For durability of coating and preserving his beautiful external view it is necessary to follow the rules for the care of it:

In fact, it is simple processWith which you can fully cope on your own, but it is not worth a hurry. Work requires care, hardness, it is better to perform work slowly, thoroughly observing the recommendations of the specialists.

Coating tracks and platforms from paving slabs is the most common. There are rules how to lay out the paving slabs in the courtyard on their own and make it qualitatively, while saving on the work of the masters. There are universal laying schemes for one or another type of paving coating. More complex options for laying tiles will require a thorough approach, self-development scheme. But it is quite possible to master the novice master.

Corrected tile, will last long years.

Methods of laying paving slabs

You can in several ways:

  1. On a sandy pillow. In this method, the tile is put on a layer of wet sand. The tracks laid out in this way are suitable for garden decorating. Thanks to the seams between the tiles filled with sand, water will easily leave and not to be stated.
  2. On the cement-sand mix. In proportions 1: 5, cement and wet sand is mixed and is distributed over the surface of future tracks. This method is applied most often due to its reliability, ease and availability of coating repair.
  3. On cement-sandy solution. Cement, sand and water mixed in the concrete mixer. The resulting solution is applied to the surface with a trowel. The tile is laid and trambed in the Cyonya. This method is most reliable, but you need to take care of providing drainage. Repair damaged stages of paving, laid out in this way will be problematic.

Paving slab laying options

There are many schemes as you can put the paving slabs. Here is some of them:

  1. Christmas tree or braid. This option is one of the most common. Tiles are laid out at an angle of 45 ° or 90 °. Wovenka is a type of masonry with a Christmas tree, in which the elements alternate, forming weave.
  2. Chaotic masonry. This method is very fast in work, and look such paths will be very interesting. For it, a tile of different colors and sizes fit, which will be laid arbitrarily.
  3. Masonry in checker order. For this method, a square or curly tile of 2 colors is suitable. Also in checkers can be put on squares from 2 rectangular tileslaid in different directions.
  4. Circular layout. This method of laying paving slabs is more complicated than previous ones. Thanks to this laying, you can create very beautiful multicolored sites, making certain circular patterns. Such paths and platforms will look beautiful and from close range, and from a height.
  5. The combination of tiles with a lawn. Highly original decision There will be a pavement tracks and sites in combination with a lawn or flower beds. You can make small flowerbeds framed by tiles, and you can use a special-shaped tile that is intended for such a laying. This method will make your site very attractive.

Preparation for laying paving slabs

Materials for laying paving slabs:

Before laying the paving, it is necessary to place the territory.

  • paving slabs;
  • borders;
  • crushed stone fraction 20-50;
  • sand;
  • cement M400 or M500;
  • geotextile.

To correctly calculate the amount of material, first make a site layout project in which you specify the location and dimensions of all tracks. When calculating the number of paving slabs for straight styling, add 20% of the stock to perform trim and in case of combat. If you are planning to lay a diagonal tile, the stock must be 30%.

For laying paving slabs you need such tools:

  • bulgarian S. diamond disk for cutting tiles;
  • shovel;
  • traaming;
  • master OK;
  • kiyanka;
  • a hammer;
  • rake;
  • broom;
  • building level 1.5-2 m long;
  • roulette;
  • wooden pegs;
  • marking cord.

Work on laying paving slabs must be carried out in special knee pads and waterproof gloves. Provide access to water and power grid.

Step-by-step instructions for laying paving slabs

The most important rule in the device tracks is to ensure normal drainage so that the water is not stored and did not destroy the coating.

For this tracks are made with a slight bias - 5 mm for each meter.

Instructions (suitable for laying paving slabs on a sandy and cement-sand pillow):

For safe work, It is necessary to use knee pads.

  1. If there is an old coating, dismantle it. Remove the soil layer with a thickness of 20 cm. Remove unnecessary plants, roots of trees and stumps. Treat the surface with herbicide.
  2. Follow future tracks and sites. Use a peg and cord for this, stretched between them. So you will define the boundaries of the tracks. Place marking should be carried out with strips of 1-1.5 m wide.
  3. Ensure a bias for outflow of rain and melt water. It is advisable to do it towards the street, taking this point for the zero mark.
  4. On the markup, align the playgrounds in the level. To do this, remove the extra sections of the soil, and the depressions fall asleep them. The distance between the soil and markup should be two tile thicknesses. Failure a soil.
  5. Put the crushed stone with a uniform layer and align it all over the area of \u200b\u200btracks and playgrounds.
  6. To put geotextiles on the crushed stone from above, which will prevent the sand sewage and will not give the future covering.
  7. Pour the uniform sand layer and confuse it. For its uniform distribution, it is convenient to use rake. The sand grab must be carried out after its moisturizing.
  8. To further enhance the base, you can make a thin screed.
  9. Next, pour the laying layer of cement and wet sand in the ratio of 1: 5. Equally distribute this mixture using the rule or smooth board and confuse it.
  10. Sort the paving slabs. Set aside defective and damaged elements. Place the material closer to the place of work.
  11. Start laying paving slabs on the selected pattern. Try in the process of work not to disturb the already laid coverage. Touch each tile in the whole surface to take it right position at the required level.
  12. Streams and hatches located on the venues and tracks, you need to skip. Tile around them you laid at the end of the trimming and residues of the elements.
  13. After the coating is laid out, the seams between the tiles are filled with cement-sandy mixture (1: 5). To do this, pour it on the surface of the tracks and place the broom, carefully filling the seams.
  14. Trench rolls up for the installation of borders. Boardors are installed in it, and with the external part of them, the cement-sandy mortar is made.
  15. When the work is completed, you need to check with the level of the surface, firing the protruding elements of the coating using the xiana. Split tiles need to be removed, to plug the cement-sand mixture and put it again, the rambling them.
  16. At the end of the work site and pavement paths are watering with water so that it is impregnated with the layer of herbs and seams. If the cement-sandy mixture in the seams like, you need to repeat the procedure to fill it and again shed water.

After 2 days, the track can be commissioned.

General rules for laying paving slabs that need to be followed, no matter what method and option laying you have chosen:

  • laying paving slabs is not carried out in crude weather (as a last resort, you can make a canopy), it is best to work on cloudy non-fit weather;
  • it is not recommended to use sawdust for sweeping seams;
  • complex primers require a concrete pillow with a thickness of 80 mm so that the base with the tile is not shifted, after which a layer of cement-sand mixture is made with a thickness of 40 mm;
  • for large loads, paving pavement is performed on a cement-sandy solution with a layer of 25 mm, applied to the reinforced concrete pillow;
  • in places near the gate and the porch of the house, the tile is better to lay on the solution, because there is the highest load there;
  • the tracks and platforms must have a good drainage and a bias of 3-5 °.

High-quality paving slabs, laid on its own hands on the territory of a private house for all the rules with a qualitatively made drainage, will serve for many years and at the same time will not lose its initial aesthetic species.