Repairs Design Furniture

Options for laying paving slabs. Options for laying a single-sized tile styling patterns of white and gray paving slabs

And think about how to put it? It is not necessary to spend money on borders and panels (which, as a rule, are sold individually). You can win due to the original methods of laying tiles.
It will be about the ways of laying square tiles of the same size. To view other options, see the drawings of laying rectangular tiles and drawings of laying tiles of different sizes. All photos can be enlarged if you click on them.

Method of laying - "Basic"

One of the most popular in our country. The years of the Soviet era were distinguished by the ubiquitous design of typical bathrooms with square tiles. Such a "tile from childhood" by some causes nostalgia, others run from her all legs. So that such a square single tile looked better, choose the size more. Exceptions are aprons in the kitchen, there is a small tile looks quite appropriate. On the photos presented below, the corridor and bathrooms are depicted - in a calm, bright and contrasting version, as you can see, the square tile looks good. If you plan to put a rectified (seamless) tile of the joint in the junction, then this is the best layout option.

Method of laying - "Basic at an angle"

This is the second most popular. It looks more interesting than the basic drawing of the styling. But minus is that you have to cut the styling tile, for which you need a tile car. However, with the crooked dimensions of our walls, you will have to buy slabkoreauz in any case. The obvious plus of such laying is that in this case these very curves will not be noticeable. Since the tile particles of different sizes along some wall will not rush into the eyes. As you can see in the pictures, the laying of the tiles at an angle looks great in the corridor and in the bathroom and in the kitchen.

Figure styling - "In the dispersion"

The most popular laying option in the disinfooting for rectangular tiles. Nevertheless, the square also has the right to life. Since often such a drawing imitates the laying of bridge and sidewalks in old cities, it is well suited for interiors in which they want to emphasize the historical character, the authenticity of the house, etc. In order to lay out the tile in this way, you need to start from the center and lay out the triangle (look for more details in the styling articles).

Figure Styling - "Chess"

Spectacular drawing, gives the room in charge and liveliness. A classic reception is to use contrasting colors (white and black, blue and yellow, however, it is quite possible to use close colors). As you can see, the drawing is suitable for the floor and for walls. Suddenly, it looks at the kitchen apron.

Figure styling - "Chess at an angle"

Here there is the same effect as when laying a base drawing at an angle - the room looks more interesting, the irregularities of the walls are not rushing. But be careful - if you put a tile with a chess coloring in the dispersion, an optical effect will occur the floor will seem curves (see the example below - how not to put the tile).

Figure Styling - Lines

This is an easy way to give the interior of individuality. You can use different colors and use it instead of expensive borders. In this case, the chances that someone will repeat your room, almost no. At the same time, it will look original and interesting. At all, it is not necessary to use bright combinations, the pale stripes will also wake the interior. On the extreme left photo, multi-colored tiles continue to be multi-colored colored walls, but in this case, you must be as confident as possible in the fact that the colors of paint and tiles coincide. On the extreme right drawing of the line vertical 3 colors - a very original way to make the room interesting and cheerful. In addition, the vertical lines expand the space.

Figure Styling - "Carpet"

If you are not afraid to experiment and want to create something unique, then choose unusual options for laying tiles. The folding of the layout below is quite common, and therefore in the center you can leave both one tile and four, nine, sixteen - depending on the size of your room and tile sizes. On the second figure on the left is an example of laying tiles to the floor. It looks very original such a drawing - a real carpet! When laying "carpet", you can use various decorative elements - borders (as it, for example, is shown in Fig. 4).

Figure Styling - Ornament

This drawing is very similar to the past - carpet. Obviously. What if it is squealing, then we will get a chess cage, so it remains only to increase. As a rule, the greater the central part of the figure (in this case 4 white squares), the prettier it looks entirely. Dark squares visually take the shape of elongated borders. For example 1, the usual square tile of 2-colors looks very original thanks to the intricate ornament.

Figure Styling - Kaleidoscope

Pretty cute and pleasant drawing. You can use multiple colors, you can only 2 (as shown by third photos). The interior will look unusual and fun. On the floor looks good "random" kaleidoscope from a large square tile. In order for the tile to look better on the walls, use small sizes, it will be great difficult to repeat many times on the wall and it will simply turn into a set of spots.

Pictures Combinations when laying tiles

It is not necessary to repeat the same pattern on the walls and sex. Moreover, in the photos can be seen as several drawings are combined on one surface. You can safely experiment with the color and type of tile - for example 3 colors, as in the picture 1. In the second photo, a very interesting picture on the floor is a combination of direct and diagonal calculations. In addition, there are 3 colors tiles.

In the picture at number 3 you can see a truly non-standard approach to laying tiles. On the walls - the usual basic design of the styling - dilutes its combination of tiles of different colors that complement each other. Facing the bath itself is made of tiles of another shape and size. On the floor pattern - chess at an angle. The number of combinations is huge, create, experiment, send photos!

How not to lay a tile

In this section, we specifically give examples of how not to lay the tile. If you put the tile in a chess order - it is not worth spreading it into the dispersion - an optical effect will arise and the floor will look at the curve, and the head will be spinning! In the second figure it is shown that it will be if when laying a tile in the disintegration, use the line tile laying pattern - looks quite rude, distracts attention and the grace does not attach.

Pictures of laying tile

1. Basic drawing of laying.

One of the most popular in our country. For many years, the Soviet era was distinguished by the ubiquitous design of typical bathrooms with square tiles. Such a "tile from childhood" in some causes nostalgia, others run from her all legs. So that such a square single tile looked better, choose the size more. Exceptions fought the aprons in the kitchen, there is a small tile looks quite appropriate. On the photos presented below, the corridor and bathrooms are depicted - in a calm, bright and contrasting version, as you can see, the square tile looks good. If you plan to put a rectified (seamless) tile of the joint in the junction, then this is the best layout option.

If there are various formats - from mosaic to plates of large sizes - the possibility of choosing aesthetic design becomes truly limitless.

The same room will look completely different if you choose a mosaic as a facing or, for example, a large-format tile. The influence of interpatrum seams is affected, which, as it were, break the surface to a certain number of components. With the exception of only the use of retreed tiles that make it possible to achieve the effect of the monolithic surface.

The same can be seen if used in cladding a rectangular tile, but of different formats. Narrow tile as if stretched in length. This feature designers are often used to adjust the geometry of the room, having drawing a layout either along or either across a failed surface.

The format of neighboring tiles also affects the perception of both the tile itself and the lined surface as a whole. For example, the same square tile, surrounded by narrow rectangular elements, will seem much larger than surrounded by wider.

The larger the tile, the most integral the coating seems. However, this does not mean that such a solution is perfect absolutely for all rooms. The harmonious perception of space directly depends on the proportional ratio of the size of the room with the applied facing tile format. This is especially true of its large elements used in layouts. Simply put - everything should be commensurate to each other. Otherwise, even the most sophisticated tile design may not be to the place.

The visual perception of the format affects the color of the tile. The dark will seem more of its true sizes, light - much less. This feature also needs to be considered, especially when selecting color combinations.

Separate inserts from the tiles of contrasting color can be revived these types of layouts. Inserts can be solid, armor or make small groups and even differ in color.

There are also collections of ceramic tiles, the layout of which is carried out solely by the basic method, because then they form that pattern that designer of this tile. These include, for example, decor sets, each element of which is part of a large drawing. They can be put out the floor completely either insert both separate elements in the main sheet of coating.

2. Figure Styling -Basic at an angle

The second most popular option. It looks more interesting than the basic drawing of the styling. In this scheme, the tile seams are rotated at 45 degrees. Such a drawing looks equally beautiful both on the walls and on the floor. The larger advantage of this layout of the tile is that it is impossible to visually determine the curvature of the wall. Suppose one of the walls of the room is slightly wider than the opposite, then laying the tile on the floor according to the base diagram you can see that the cutting pieces along the walls have a non-refinered size and seams are not parallel wall. If you lay the floor tiles diagonally, then this deviation will not be so noticeable. The disadvantage of the diagonal type of laying include the fact that with such a method of location of the tile, which adjoin the walls, need to be cut diagonally, which is quite laborious and can lead to a large number of waste. This option looks much more interesting. But here it is better to use predominantly monophonic tiles.

3. Chess

By placing the tile of two contrast flowers in this way, we will get a very dynamic and bright interior. If you want a more relaxed atmosphere, you can try to choose tiles close to each other by tone. Or choose tiles with stripes and turning each next tile at 90 degrees when styling.

The chess laying option is usually chosen when with the help of floor ceramic tiles they want to slightly revive the inner space of the room. For such an option, you will need a tile of two different colors. You can use contrasting colors, which is much easier, or try to "play" on the nuances, i.e. At combinations of two different tones of the same color. The last option is good if you want to give the room a slightly calmer atmosphere.

A classic reception is to use contrasting colors (white and black, blue and yellow, however, it is quite possible to use close colors). As you can see, the drawing is suitable for the floor and for walls. Suddenly, it looks at the kitchen apron.

A peculiar chess drawing can be obtained if the striped tile should be rotated accordingly and when laying alternate the vertical and horizontal layout of the strips.

Just as in the case of a basic option, a chess drawing can be rotated at an angle of 45 ° to the walls, create chess laying diagonally. However, such a layout of the floor tile is more pronounced, dominant, and therefore it is necessary to apply it rather carefully, carefully picking up the colors. The disadvantages are the same as the method of the base at an angle - you have to cut a lot of tiles stacked along the walls.

But with such a layout you need to be careful. For example, it is not necessary to launch a tile with chess color in the dispersion, otherwise, as a result of the optical effect, the floor itself will seem curves:

5. In the breakdown

In the disintegration or the so-called method brick masonry Floor tiles are also laid quite often. True, in this case, the most winning is not square, but a rectangular tile. Best one-time. And for artificially aged tile, imitating an ancient stone masonry or, for example, a coating of an old tree, this method is simply indispensable. It will help bring the interior of the room to a certain historical era in which it is issued.

However, there is one important moment that you need to consider with this layout. For facing in the dispersion in no case it is impossible Use the tile of two different colors or textures. Otherwise, the floor will seem not even. This is due to the peculiarities of the optical perception of human eye.

6. In the corner of the corner

Stop the tile in the corner at an angle is much more complicated than with many other ways. In addition, this option is suitable only in cases where the floor area has absolutely correct geometric proportions. Otherwise, the tile will reveal all the flaws that will just rush into the eyes. Therefore, before using such a type of calculation, you must remove the corners of the room and level the walls.

7. Yelochka

The layout version of the Christmas tree is reminded by one of the ways of laying parquet. But at the same time it is not necessary to use a tile with a drawing under the tree. You can choose any other, but preferably one-hand. The tile imitating the natural stone is not suitable, because This material does not fit this method. He will not look natural. However, there are many other coloring options, which, with this figure, the layouts look quite harmonious and beautiful. And, of course, in this case only a rectangular tile is used.

A Christmas tree layout looks very original and unusually, if the edges of fairly wide rectangular tiles are parallel to the walls. Then cut the tile less, and in some cases it is possible to replace the half of the rectangular tile square of the appropriate size and color, which is much more economical and less laborious in execution.

At the same time, the cladding of the floor by Christmas tree has its own nuances. The appearance of the coating directly depends on the size of the tile itself. Narrow will create a feeling of greater perspective, so that the room is small in size will seem volume. Wide will give the spacious room more cozy appearance, visually reduce and harmonizes its space.

Low more originality layout a little more originality, applying a tile not one, and two colors. Zigzag stripes are obtained, which can be placed through a series or through several rows.

8. Christmas tree with square tiles

If the drawing of a Christmas tree is supplemented with a square tile, then the coating is generally original. Moreover, the width of rectangular elements will also affect its perception. And again, the format of the tile here also plays a meaningful role. And more width of rectangular elements. What is clearly visible on the following schemes below.

How else can you change the "Christmas tree" with a square tile? Simple insert of squares on the side of the ends of the rectangular. And this can be done both from one and from both ends. Then the drawing of the layout will look like this.

9. Modular tile layouts

Despite the fact that many Usually called modular, you can apply more complex combinations of differentized elements that most accurately comply with the name. modular layout. In such types of facing, it is used from three or more sizes of ceramic tiles, due to which the coating of them is completely eliminated from the monotonous and monotonous alternation of the same type of shapes. Therefore, despite some of the complexity of the calculations, the demand for modular lining is constantly growing.

The modular layout option is quite self-sufficient and in itself acts as an excellent decoration of the stylish interior. At the same time, it is not necessary to use any decorative inserts from expensive tiles, although they can successfully complement the style design of the room design. However, it is necessary to include decor with great caution, because The modular layout and so contains sufficiently many components of the elements and looks like a dynamic pattern. With excessive use of the additional decor, the coating pattern may result in rapid uncertainty.

Basic rules for selecting modular tiles

All sizes of side of the ceramic tiles used in modular types of laying must be multiple to each other. As for color, it is possible to use either a monophonic or contrasting tile without any restrictions. The main thing is that all elements are well combined with each other.

To the modular layout look not as a simple set of scattered elements, but as a whole, it is desirable to use a tile from one collection in the facing. Otherwise, when installing, you can face the inconsistency of the size or the style of unity will be broken, which will adversely affect the appearance of the entire ceramic coating. Ideally, it is better to buy a tile, the format of which is defined directly in the factory as a modular. In this case, the word "modulare" is written on the package, which is a guarantee of conformity from the manufacturer itself. You can buy a pre-sorted kit. It will cost more, but inschers from unpleasant surprises.

Selecting the tile and option of its layouts, you need to make sure whether the coating will really look like you expect. Many manufacturers accompany their products with colorful catalogs with visual photos of real calculations. However, photographs are still somewhat different from reality. Therefore, spread a part of the selected tile on the floor in the appropriate order and say again, whether the drawing is completely suitable for you, as well as a combination of colors and textures.

There is, however, and an alternative method - a ready-made tile, the pattern of which mimics the cladding modules. It usually has large sizes and is placed in the usual basis. It accelerates the surface of the surface cladding itself, significantly reduces costs and does not require highly qualified wizard. The only drawback of such a method is that even well-performed imitation remains only a simulation that is not striking, but still noticeable.

Main drawings of modular tile layouts

Modular tile can be stacked almost chaotically. True, in the picture there should still be a certain rhythm of the alternation of different format elements. And the number of similar options is truly unlimited. Here are some such examples.

At the same time, the symmetric options for layouts are also quite a lot. Applying, for example, in a single laying, only three types of ceramic tile format can be obtained quite simple, but not less attractive types of modular coatings.

At the same time, it should be borne in mind that in some cases the appearance of the coating will depend not only , but also on the mutual direction of laying the same grouped elements. This is clearly visible on the drawings presented below.

Before repair, the question always arises - how to decompose the tile? It is especially relevant for the bathroom and a bathroom, where tiles, most often covered not only the floor, but also the walls. In the kitchen and in the hallway, the tile is most often used on the floor or for the area of \u200b\u200bthe kitchen apron.

Tile can be postponed by several basic ways in shape and much more different drawings. We will analyze the basic options.

Methods of layout


The classic method of layout of the tile involves laying the tile symmetrically, without offset. This is the easiest option with a minimum amount of calculations. It is best that such a way works with a large tile, but, depending on the idea, it can be stacked and small format.

Diagonally (rhombus)

This method repeats the classic in everything except the direction of laying. The tile is put on the diagonal, the painter relative to the walls of the room. Most often, so lay the tile on the floor, the option is used for small accent plots on the walls. Before laying, the rhombus will have to be tinted with the calculations: you need to spread the layout plan in advance. Tile will have to be cut much more than in the classic version, but such a floor looks more interesting


Option layout tile with displacement, as bricks are put. Works and S. Square and rectangular tiles. Small-format tile "Cabanchik" with beveled edges in such a layout looks most elegant.

You can put a tile on the same principle, but with an asymmetric displacement. A rather bold approach that creates the original and often unpredictable result.

Christmas tree

Yes, tile, like parquet, can be put in a Christmas tree! The method works with a narrow and long tile. Especially authentic layout is perceived, embodied with a fashionable tile under the tree.

Pictures of layout

Equal neighborhood

Two tile colors may be present in the room in the same proportion. For example, the floor and wide wall are lined with light tiles, and the rest of the dark or blocks are mixed with each other. The main thing is not to mix and clearly hold borders.

Another example of neighborhood is a horizontal separation of walls. IN The room with high ceilings can be distinguished by the bottom of the walls bright tiles, and the top is darker. The reverse version will add "air" to the room.

Accents and separation of zones

Tile can be laid on zones, dto solve specific interior tasks. For example, a tile of contrasting color or pattern can be highlighted the bath zone or make one wall bright with the calm design of the rest.

The effect of the selection of the zone works if the tiles of the accent color are much less than the main, and the contrast between them is noticeable. It is used mainly on the walls and works with any option layout.


Traditional chess layout, which is familiar to everyone. If you move away from the usual black and white version, you can make a couple of interesting discoveries. Colors are usually used. The reception is suitable for classic layouts and for diagonal.

Lines and strips

The magical property of stripes is to change the perception of space. Horizontal make it wider, vertical - above. Strips can be narrow or wide, and there may be only one strip-edging as accent. Stripes can also zonate the room.

Large inserts

In this method, symmetric sections of one-color tile are based on the basis of the other color, resembles mats on the floor or a large-scale grid. The larger the space, the larger there may be "mats". This drawing is used with a classic or diagonal layout.


Abandoned here and there contrast tiles on a monophonic basis look like splashes. Inclinments can be one color or multi-colored. The method is suitable for all types of layouts, except, perhaps, Christmas trees. With a small tile will look much more effectory.


The tile of a small format can be lined with an ornament or make a drawing that would be made from pixels. A couple of interesting ideas of ornaments:


Tiles of different colors, posted chaotic, create a kaleidoscope effect. The layout can be classic or displaced, and the colors to contrast each other and represent a soft gradient - in this case some system will appear. The fine tile and the classic layout is the best choice, as the complexity and drawing and calculations can overload the space.

Now Kaleidoscope is used with tiles not only in different colors, but also patterns. It turns out a reference to the "Patchvork" style.,,,,,,,

In order to in the yard in any weather, it was pure and beautiful, the owners rip out garden paths and a seating area with various materials. Satoker tile is well suited for these purposes. Different schemes for its laying allow you to simulate space and create interesting patterns. But it should be understood that the visual effect of the decoration of the local area will depend on the chosen scheme of laying paving slabs.

Material has high and decorative and artistic properties. This allows you to create various color and black-free solutions, opening up ample opportunities for creativity.

How to choose the scheme of laying paving slabs

Beautiful and aesthetic power is created as a result of painstaking work and well-thought-out site layout. In addition to the fantasy and wishes of the owners, the choice of paving scheme affects:

  • landscape features;
  • architecture of the site;
  • place laying and its purpose;
  • dimensions and configuration of the site.

Street tiles for tracks are used as one of the elements of landscape design. This is an exclusively designer product: the laying scheme affects the visual perception of the coating. With it, you can simulate space. Paving tile - Durable material. Therefore, to the selection of the laying scheme you need to approach weighted.

What is the plastic tile for tracks in the country, will prompt.

Features of the selection of schemes and layouts paving

Putting pads are made for parking cars or for a recreation area. Depending on the purpose of the site, the method of paving and is chosen. For the yard more often use classic rectangular tiles. Original patterns are obtained as a result of alternating tiles of various colors under the desired angle and using a specific scheme.

All information about the texture of paving slabs is set out.

Views: Square, Classic, Chess, Rhombick

Figure Tile layouts make it possible to create drawings even more interesting. Speected platforms with textured tiles. But beginners without experience it is better to stop their choice on more simple in paving the views. It is not recommended to be taken for laying a "rhombus" type tile, "brick" and "blocking". They are the most difficult in laying, even the masters take the paving these species for a higher price. At the same time, the platforms should be selected proper geometric forms. In this case, you can minimize, or even avoid cutting the protruding parts of the tiles.

The most popular sidewalk layout schemes:

  • "Linear-angular";
  • "Linear with a shift";
  • "Classical";
  • "Modular";
  • rhombick;
  • a circle;
  • "parquet";
  • "chess".

Schemes of layout paving slabs.

The most cost-effective modular schemes and linear with a shift are most cost. This is due to the simplicity of laying and minimal trimming of edge elements.

What picture of the laying is the best for garden tracks

The tracks decorated with sidewalk tiles please the eye and revive the appearance of the yard and garden. The central track is more often made. Narrow trails leaving the garden is not at all necessary to design the same straightforward. Paving slabs allows you to create a coatings of different configuration.

Garden pavement scheme

The curved shape of the tracks looks more natural and interesting. It visually expands the space, makes it more voluminous and multifaceted. For tracks in the classic style, such paving schemes are used as:

  • "Fir-tree" (achieved as a result of laying tiles at an angle of 90 or 45 °);
  • "network" (Created by alternating longitudinal and transverse tiles);
  • "chess" (The tile of two colors fit into a checker order).

These schemes are suitable for paving the tracks with rectangular and curly tiles. On the tracks with bends use laying according to the "Brick Bunch" scheme. It allows you to create soft curves and smooth out small angles.

Visual perception of paved tracks

The direction of the rows of the laid tile affects the visual perception of the paved tracks. Given some moments, you can arrange accents on the plot:

  • In order for the track visually perceived shorter, the rows are placed perpendicular to the direction of movement.
  • The coincidence of the direction of the laying rows with the track axis contributes to the optical pulling of the object.
  • Billing "Christmas tree" made at an angle of 45 °, visually compresses the space.

  • Smooth parallel rows of rectangular bricks also look good in small areas. Although successfully can be used on extensive sites.
  • To create a perspective, rows of bricks put on the end. It can bend into a circle and is often used as edging tracks.


Experienced masters can use several pavement schemes on the same site. They easily combine colors and forms, create bends and achieve interesting effects. Different types of paving slabs provide different schemes of that.

Basic diagrams with beautiful patterns

For paving tracks and playgrounds, it is better to use simple laying schemes. Some of them consider the items.

"Christmas tree" and "Pletenka"

These types of laying are used most often. They do not require high qualifying the wizard when laying, but are able to create attractive patterns. A braid is one of the options "Christmas trees." In this case, the rows alternate the longitudinal and transverse laying.


The scheme has been applied on round areas. A circular pattern allows you to create beautiful places of rest, especially in combination with other schemes, such as "random order" or "Christmas tree".

Classic way

The classic method is based on the use of curly elements of the tile of several forms. These are usually rectangles. The scheme is well suited to minimalist or classic style landscape. Classic is also called the "parquet" and "brick" schemes beautifully look at the coatings using tiles of different colors.

In retro style


The unusual shape of this clover tile allows you to create interesting coatings options. It is smooth and rough. Combinations from different colors, textures and sizes of tiles allow you to create aesthetically decorated coatings.

Even the simple pattern of "chess" with such a tile looks spectacular. This type of tile is universal according to its use.


The form is used to create classic patterns "Parquet", "Fir-tree". The square tile is more suitable for paving in the form of "Chess".

About how to make a birdhouse with your own hands, read.

"Brick (brick)" or square

The elements of the brick shape have rounded edges and have proven themselves in such patterns as:

  • linear styling without a shear or shift;
  • spiral laying;
  • modular laying.

How can I put a tile "Aurika"

The tile repeats the texture of the knee stone, has a wide color palette and is produced in three different sizes. Plates "Aurika" are quite large and allow you to quickly create crucible sites.

A drawing of large and small squares can revive even the most boring landscape. For laying more often use such schemes as:

  • "chess";
  • "Random mix";
  • "Old city".

Video: Displaying a two-color speaker

On video - ways to lay paving slabs with their own hands:

Options consisting of two colors

Color you can limit or emphasize one or another site. The most popular neutral gray color and all shades of brown. They can be used solo or combine with other colors. Neutral colors contrast well with black, red, yellow or even greens or blue shades. But note that the color tile is more expensive than gray.

If you decide to use the tile of different shapes and colors, you need to well calculate the consumption of materials and think through the combination of them among themselves. Do not abuse various colors. Two or three shades will be enough. Motion drawings can make an imbalance into a well-thought-out design.

By purchasing floor tiles, you can save a significant amount of money on curbdoms and panels sold by the pieces and are usually worthwhile. You can do this by posting an independently original drawing using the laying options proposed in this article. We will tell, what are the drawings of laying tiles on the floor.

Main aspects of tile laying

Methods of laying tiles that give the room a unique unique view depend on the shape and color of the finishing material, as well as from the selected decor elements. A creative person can create any ornament yourself. Many interesting ideas exist on pages of magazines and in catalogs of firms that implement the tile. Modern manufacturers offer to the buyer various color combinations of tiles. As well as kits consisting of a material having a different form and a size saturated with various decorative details: inserts, friezes, etc.

Choosing drawings of laying tiles on the floor, you need to consider some nuances:

  1. From the tile with an elongated or rectangular shape, you can upload a variety of ornaments, and the square tile is laid on the diagonal or directly.
  2. If the master wants to give a small room with a volume and a quiet look, then for this it will suit the solid drawing.
  3. Laying the pattern best of all tiles of small size.
  4. It should be remembered that the ornament lined with tiles having a different format is considered annoying. Therefore, before finishing the floor, you need to try to lay out the intended pattern on a small area.

Best before starting work, draw the alleged drawing on paper. This will help draw up the most correct impression of it.

Ceramic and tile has several standard forms:

  • square;
  • rectangle;
  • hexagon;
  • octahedron.

Putting the tile of a square or rectangular shape, you can use colored decorative elements in the patterns horizontally and vertically. It perfectly diversified the design of the surface of the surface.

Hexagon and octahedral tile itself requires adding color inserts. And the use of the tile, the edges of which have a wave-like or simply rounded form will require the master of certain experiments and smelting.

Before starting laying a ceramic or tile, you need to choose an ornament that will have to attract attention to the surface. What will this pattern be depends on the taste and fancy of the finishing or the owner of the apartment.

It should be remembered that the drawing may affect the visualization of the room. For example, laying the elongated pattern, and using the frame of the rectangular shape, parallel lines, you can be sure that the room will seem longer and narrow.

A lining surface having a large area can be applied modular laying. The method is the selection of tiles with the same color and texture, but completely different in size. Paul, and it is best suited for this method, will lose its monotony due to asymmetry. It will not share on clear squares, while it will give the opportunity to arrange the interior in any style. It is not recommended to use the modular laying method for the walls.

Visitally expand the room will help the drawing, laid out of the room. The use of a through ornament that combines in a single integer two rooms will create an illusion of an increase in space.

The most popular stacking is considered a drawing made by tile of one size and invoice, but having different colors and shades of the canvas itself, as well as borders and inserts. The fact is that this method offers a lot of different options and combinations of soft and contrasting colors.

Not the last role in creating the picture plays grout. If you want to draw attention to the ornament, you should use a contrast mixture. A single space on the lined surface is created by the selection of grout tone into the tone of the coinciding tile color.

A huge range of ceramic and tile having various characteristics gives a great opportunity to choose the interior to your liking and desire. It is just important to correctly use advice to increase or decrease the space, or to underline any details using a finishing material.

The photo you can see various options for laying tiles in the bathroom, in the kitchen, living room and other facilities, and choose the most suitable patterns for the decor of the apartment.

The most popular ways of laying

There are several most popular ways to lay tiles on the floor. Talk about them more.

Basic ornament exists in our country for a long time. At one time, it was drawn up typical bathrooms, for the finishes of which the square shape tile was used. Modern specialists are recommended for the basic drawing to use a tile having large dimensions (an exception can be aprons in the kitchen). The basic option is ideal for styling the rectified tile without gaps.

Basic at an angle

This drawing is somewhat more interesting than the basic. But in order to start work, it will take inexpensive tiles, since to perform the original pattern, the tile will have to be very accurately cut. The ornament base at an angle hides the curvature and surface defects and is superbly suitable for styling in the kitchen and in the bathroom.

Laying in the dispersion

The method is usually used for facing the surface with a rectangular tile and is a simulation of styling of antique sidewalks and bridges. The method is used by experts when there is a need to emphasize the authenticity of the room or when creating interiors having a historical orientation. Stacking should be started in the center of the room in the form of a triangle.

Figure "Chess"

A spectacular ornament in which contrasting colors are most often used, very animated space, giving it brightness and elegacity. Suitable for any premises and surfaces.

Chess at an angle

An original ornament with the same characteristics as "chess", but at the same time superbly hides the curvature of the surface. Laying in the dispersion may have a reverse effect, since due to the optical illusion, the surface will seem uneven.

Figure "Lines"

This pattern looks very original in any interior. To perform such stacking, it is necessary to purchase a tile of the same in size and form, but different shades. It looks great and uniquely as borders.

Figure "Carpet"

The ornament of laying in the form of a carpet will suit people who want to create an unusual design with the help of tile or ceramic tiles. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe drawing is limited only by the fantasy of a specialist. For laying fits tile of various shapes, colors and size.

Figure "Ornament"

It has similarity with the previous drawing. It seems that when compressed, you can see a chess cell, so the "ornament" is only an increase. At the same time, the increase in the center gives the drawing an additional advantage. In the photo you can see that the dark tile around the central, brightest part, takes similarity with curbs.

Figure "Kaleidoscope"

This is laying from a number of cute and fun patterns. When performing, a small tile of various colors and shades is used. A large tile in the "Kaleidoscope" laying turns into a set of suprase spots.

Figure "Christmas tree"

The laying method mimics the parquet and is suitable for rectangular and elongated tiles. The material in this case can be placed with a zigzag, and chaotic. It is not recommended to use a tile with a marble or stone imitation on the surface. Facing having a long and narrow shape visually will increase the room. Larger tile size, on the contrary, reduce it. With this method of laying, the use of a large number of colors is welcomed.

Applying in fact one of the ways of laying, you should not forget about the rules for working with tiles and some nuances of the fulfillment of ornaments. And then any, even the most bold experiment, will bear a positive result.
