Repairs Design Furniture

Border corner for a ceramic bath. Review of species, advantages and installation of ceramic borders for the bathroom. Installation of plastic borders and corners

When repairs in the bathroom, even if strictly observe the technology of finishing works, it is impossible to avoid slots between the font and wall. Their appearance may be a consequence of the uneven surface of the side. If a conventional tile is used as a finishing material, then a ceramic border must be applied to eliminate gaps. He will not only hide the gap, but will decorate this room.

If you yourself decorated your bathroom, picked up expensive plumbing and designer tiles used to decorate the walls, then using border of plastic With finishing works, you thus harvest the design of the room and reduce its appearance. So that the elements of the interior are harmonized between themselves, and the appearance of the room was completed, it is worth choosing ceramic borders. Although they are more expensive and their installation is a more complex process, but they have a positive effect on the appearance of the bathroom, making the interior of this room more spectacular.

Features of ceramic borders for the bath

By purchasing tiles for lining of walls in the bathroom, usually burst with it can also be obtained. However, it often happens that they are not included. In this case have to purchase them separately. Choosing them in the store, pay attention to the color and texture of the tile.

Choosing a ceramic border, it is necessary to navigate the color of the tile, which the owner will use for the design of the bathroom, as well as the texture of this material. Following such recommendations, you can hide the slots between the wall and the font, and in addition to this, give the original kind of main decoration of this room - the bath. Decorative corners there are possessesFrom which you should know:

  • high strength characteristics;
  • long service life;
  • spectacular view;
  • resistance to temperature differences;
  • environmental safety material.

It must be said that for decorative plinths, as for any decorative element, characterized certain shortcomings. The most significant among them are the following:

  • in comparison with plastic corners, the cost of the ceramic border is quite high;
  • the installation of these decorative elements is distinguished by high complexity and require a lot of time.

If you, during repair work in the bathroom, you decided to decorate the font of the border, then you should know that when it is installed, the tile glue is used, which is hardening with hardening and does not have elasticity. If the installation of borders to perform on the surface of the acrylic bath, which is expanding when heated, then in this case the base may not cope with the increased load and the crack will appear on the element. As a result, it will be violated hermetic.

There is a ceramic corner and another drawback to know. It lies in the fact that with random strikes a heavy item, this decorative element can burst or on its surface is formed. Of course, if the installation of the plinth is performed qualitatively, it acquires high stroke resistance, but still fragility does not lose.

Varieties of ceramic borders for the bath

Manufacturers of finishing materials are constantly expanding the range of products offered, improving them and increasing their operational characteristics. At the moment, on the market, you can purchase various types of ceramic corners that have wide opportunities for use. If we talk about a ceramic border for the bathroom, then by such a criterion, like an appearance, they can split into three main types:

It is worth saying that ceramic corners regardless of their type have a universal performance. Their installation can be made both on the finishing material itself and under it.

When you picked up an appropriate model of a corner, then you need prepare surface For its installation and decide on the tools that will be used when fastening borders in your bathroom.

Preparation for mounting

To work on the installation of decorative corners in your bathroom, it has passed quickly, and the result pleased you, you need to prepare all the materials and tools in advance that you need during the installation of these elements.

Materials and tools

Without the correct selection of tools and materials it is impossible to guarantee a qualitative result..

  • sealant. Preferably, during operation, use the composition containing anti-grapple additives;
  • ceramic corners in sufficient quantities. It is advisable to purchase a little more than you need, because when performing work, you can accidentally damage several elements;
  • adhesive for tile;
  • gear and flat spatula;
  • emery bar;
  • bulgarian with a cut-off disk for stone.

During operation, not all of the prepared tools may be required. But if you take the work on the installation of a ceramic border with your own hands for the first time, and you have no experience in their holding, you should cook all the tools.

If you do not find a suitable color and texture of a ceramic corner, in this case, you should choose ceramic white borderSince such a shade is universal and perfectly harmonizes absolutely with any design.

How to calculate the required number of corners

Before you go to the store and buy a border, it is necessary to calculate the required quantity for work. When calculating is necessary focus on the following scheme:

Pay attention to one important point: to purchase ceramic corners 3-4 pieces morethan you need. It almost always happens that during trimming and fitting the border several pieces turn out to be spoiled.

Installation of ceramic border

Before performing the installation of a ceramic border, it is necessary to work on the preparation of the place of the joint. It should be degreased and dried. For drying, use home hairdryer. Thereafter everything is filled with sealant. If the width of the slit exceeds 5 mm, then you can refuse to use the sealing composition and make a choice in favor of the mounting foam.

While the sealant or mounting foam is frozen, it is necessary to prepare glue, which will be fixed by ceramic plinth. When preparing the composition, it is necessary to focus on the instruction on the package with glue, which contains a recipe for the preparation of the composition. To fix the decorative element, it is high-quality, it is necessary that the finished glue by its consistency resembles a thick sour cream.

During work, the first thing is performed stacking corner borderAnd then the installation of longitudinal elements is performed.

It is worth saying that some time ago, when creating high-quality junctions, the master was cut off the edges of the border at an angle of 45 degrees, for which they were usually resorted to the use of a grinder with a cut-off disk. After that, the upper part was laid out with the help of pliers. Next, its fixation was performed using adhesive composition. At the moment, it is not required for laying a ceramic border, because in a set to the corners there are already angular blanks, the use of which allows you to create a beautiful junction.

By placing a ceramic border one after another, it is necessary to customize them to each other in such a way that a ceramic profile created by the created ceramic profile is monolithically. Facial joints It is necessary to hide as far as possible. The glue spoke at the joints should be immediately removed with a wet sponge or taking advantage of a cloth.

It is necessary to avoid the situation of its frozen. When all ceramic borders are recorded, it is necessary to wait until the glue resort. Usually it takes 8-10 hours. Then the abundant wetting of the entire corner is performed, and then again need to leave it until complete drying. The need for wetting is related to the fact that the outer side of the ceramic curricular dries faster than the internal one. And this is undesirable, since the risk of microcracks is high.

Completion of work

When a ceramic border is completely drying throughout the perimeter, to ensure the maximum aesthetics of such a design, several more action must be performed. Seams between tiles and curb smelter on acrylic or silicone basis. Performing this, it is necessary to follow the accuracy so as not to stain the tile.

The ideal option when the joints between the curbs are embarrassed by the same material that was used for the seams between the tiles. But for this, it is necessary to provide the same clearance as between the tiles before laying decorative borders. It is possible to ensure this if during the installation of ceramic corners to use plastic crosses. In this case, the plinth will look perfect and do not differ from the tile on the wall.

It should be remembered that the laid ceramic plinth assumes the largest amount of moisture, so when the grout is necessary use moisture resistant composition with anti-grib additives. Do not forget about the selection of the colors of the grout, which must match the style of the design of your room.

Alternative solution

An excellent solution can be a border from mosaic in the bathroom, because when it is laid out, elements of small size are used. Although such material costs more Conventional ceramic corners, but its use allows you to perform work efficiently, even if you do not have greater experience in this matter. Also, the mosaic is used if there are rounded lines. Applying this material, you can repeat absolutely any circumference.


If the surfaces in your bathroom are separated from an expensive material, it will look just great. However, you need not forget about the design of the bath itself. Between its side and wall, slots are often formed, which violate the harmony of the interior. At the same time, decorate the bathroom will help decorative border. In the stores of finishing materials, it is possible to purchase products of various lengths with different colors and textures. Ceramic corner chosen under the design of your bathroom will allow you to decorate the bathroom and thus make the design of this room completed.

Bathroom will turn into a cozy roomIn which the commission of hygienic procedures will be a pleasant occupation. Ceramic corners laid on the side of the bath will perform not only decorative, but also a practical function - eliminate moisture penetration in the slot between the wall and the side of the font.

Ceramic Borders on the Bath

Finishing repair work in the bathroom room, the walls of which are covered with tiles, most consumers are thinking about choosing the most suitable ceramic corner. It should become not only a successful addition and completion of the designed design, but also protect the space under the bathroom itself from the flow and high humidity.

Choice rules

The choice is based on the selection of products capable of listening for quite a long time. Therefore, special attention is paid to ceramic corners, and not plastic products or special tape.

  1. Since one of the most important points is high-quality and efficient sealing of the junction between the wall and the bathroom, you should pay attention to a strict and clear geometry. A curve that does not differ in high quality ceramic corner is almost impossible to stick to the wall. It will not be possible to avoid the appearance of differentials between the individual elements of the border, which will spoil the appearance.
  2. Ceramic corner is a product made of durable waterproof material. It perfectly withstands the processing of detergent and cleaning agents, is quite resistant to mechanical damage.
  3. Such a border or plinth is very resistant to deformation.
  4. The ceramic corner for the bathroom on the tile is easy to install and in most cases is successfully combined with a coating laid on the walls.

Features and Benefits of Ceramics Bordeur

The use of this product will allow not only to decorate the room, but also to strengthen the design. Ceramic corner and border for the bathroom easily falls on the tile, which makes it easier to perform work on its installation.

Before glue the border, attention should be paid attention to the selection of color selection. After all, an outer ceramic corner can be used for artistic trim not only the bath, but also mirrors, and sinks.

An important point of choice is the thickness of the border. Following the advice of the masters, it is worth purchasing a product to one source than the tile used as the main wall covering. The choice facilitates the labeling existing on each product.

Ceramic corner inner is a border used to decorate the angular joints. Internal ceramic corners between the bathroom and the wall, the installation of which is made in accordance with all the rules, guarantee the absence of leaks. They will protect the room from fungus and mold. The photo shows that besides the protective function, it also has aesthetic meaning. They are separated by any joints of two planes and in the bath, and in the shower. Such a plinth will become a real decoration, but the main advantage of a ceramic corner is to increase the strength and resistance to mechanical damage to the entire structure created using tiles.

Montaja rules

Installing the plinth requires compliance with technology, in accordance with which to glue a ceramic corner on a bath can only be adhesive. By purchasing a certain number of items, you should take care of the presence of several spare parts. The installation of a ceramic corner requires a trimming of the components, so a small supply of elements is needed. All work related to installation must be carried out simultaneously with the laying of the tile on the wall. This plinth will make it hermetically sealing the junction formed between the bathroom and the wall.

I solve how to glue the curb to the wall and to the bath, it is necessary to correctly pick up moisture-resistant tile glue. However, in cases where it comes to an acrylic bath, it is better to purchase glue for plastics.

Acrylic bath is successfully combined with a ceramic corner, but before deciding how to glue the plinth, you should take care of the acquisition of a sufficient number of components and reliable glue:

  1. The surfaces of the acrylic bath and the walls on their junction must be carefully cleaned from all sorts of pollution. After cleaning, all surfaces thoroughly dry with a hair dryer.
  2. Determine the size of the slot formed between the wall, where the tile is already located, and the bathroom. Before gluing a ceramic corner, you will need to fit it with a construction foam.
  3. Ceramic corner on an acrylic bath can be glued with tile glue, which is bred in accordance with the instructions.
  4. The glue composition of the spatula is placed on the back of the ceramic corner and the border to the surface of the wall and acrylic bath is tightly pressed. It is possible to glue the plinth elements with the help of plastic glue.
  5. Craw the angles of 45 ° using a diamond disk on the grinder. Setting these parts requires increased attention and caution.
  6. Tightly pressing all the elements to the wall and to the surface of the bath, put the components using crossbars to maintain the same distance between them. The resulting seams fill out the grout. The result can be seen in the photo.

Glit ceramic border and bathroom corner is not so difficult. The main thing is to accurately follow the accompanying instructions and listen to the recommendations of the masters. For greater confidence, you can explore the stages of the work shown in the photo.

The ceramic border for the bathroom ensures reliable protection of the joints from water flowing. With the help of it, the joint is overlap between the bathroom and the walls. In addition, the boarding of the border smoothes the transition from the tile on the walls to the bath, making the room clearance more pleasant and neat.

Note! If you use a bath without a plinth, then water will flow into the joints. Due to dampness, mold and fungi will begin to grow, which highlight disputes, harmful to the human body, and an unpleasant smell.


Compared to plastic plinths, ceramic have more positive qualities:

  • Environmentally friendly and safe, with increasing temperature do not distinguish dangerous compounds;
  • Resistant to many chemicals, including solvents, detergent liquids and cleaning powders;
  • Durable, wear-resistant and non-combustible;
  • Easily tolerate temperature differences without changing the sizes and shapes;
  • Do not absorb water, as they have a low water coefficient, thanks to a special coating (enamel, glaze).

Unlike borders from plastic, ceramic can serve more than 15 years. Plastic plinths are enough no more than 1-2 years, depending on their quality. Ceramic borders do not change their color throughout the service life and are not afraid of high temperatures. They can be cleaned with hard sponges.

The main lack of ceramics plinths is fragility. When falling on the border of a heavy item, it can split or be covered by cracks.

Views and sizes

There are several types of ceramic plates for the bath:

  • Pencil;
  • Angular;
  • Frieze.

Pencil is a thin ceramic strip of cylindrical shape from the outside. It is used to close very small slits or only as a decorative element. For example, a pencil shares the room to zone or finish some one element. A large number of diverse colors of this curb are produced. The length is most often 20 cm, and the width is not more than 1.5 cm.

Corner ceramic plinth has a triangular cross section. It is tightly adjacent to the wall of the room and the bath. This species is most often used to close the joints. Available in monophonic, multicolored, flat or volumetric plinths.

Length 20-25 cm, 3,5-5.5 cm width. Some manufacturers produce plinths with advanced raw edges - for convenient installation at the corners. In other versions, the borders are completed with small angular elements - asks, or they need to be purchased separately. There are also plugs that close the edges of the plinths.

Fris - a ceramic border whose width is equal to the standard tile. Plinths are made of different colors, corrugated, including eating with patterns or patterns.

How to calculate the right amount and how to cut

To find out the required number of ceramic borders, all parties should be measured, which are planned to be separated by them. Calculating the perimeter (folding the length of all sides), it must be divided by the length of one plinth. The result obtained is rounded into the biggest.

Note! Since during transportation and installation it may be randomly damaged by the curb due to its fragility, it is better to purchase a few pieces more (2-4).

Cut the desired length or an angle with the help of a grinder with a diamond disk or passatizes. Scrolls are made on the reverse side of the plinth. When using the first option, the cut will be smooth and smooth, and it will almost not be necessary to lifting sandpaper or grinding machine.

Pasterns are gently biled in small pieces. After that, align the edge. Working this tool, you need to observe extreme caution so as not to damage the entire plinth.

How to make corner

For the trim of the angular zone, two borders are needed with a cut one side. To make an angle on the plinth, from it at an angle of 45 ° there is a smooth slice with the help of a grinder with a diamond disk. After that, it is watched by a grinding machine or sandpaper. Ready corners are also sold.

How to fix and what to glue

Note! You can carry out the installation of borders as over the already installed tile and before it is laying.

Step-by-step instructions for installing ceramic borders under the tile:

  1. Walls and baths are cleaned from dirt, degreased and wipe;
  2. The markup is made, on which ceramic borders will be laid;
  3. After everything dried, the silicone sealant is stacked in the joint with a gun. It is aligned with the spatula and close the remaining small gaps;
  4. For gluing ceramic borders, glue is used, which is resistant to mold and fungi. It should be breeding according to the manufacturer's instructions;
  5. Styling ceramic plinths start with angle. They are customized as close as possible to each other so that the joke was minimal. The glue is applied on the back side of the border with a spatula. After installation, the protruding solution is immediately removed;
  6. So that the borders are tightly to the wall and to each other, they are neatly closed with rubber xyiyan;
  7. There is the same plastic cross between the plinths, which will be used when laying the tile;
  8. After mounting the tiles and borders, all seams are maintained by the same solution.

Guide for the installation of ceramic borders on the tile:

  1. The wall and bath is cleaned and degrease;
  2. As soon as everything dried, the junction between the wall and the bathroom is closed with silicone;
  3. On the tile, the borders are recommended using liquid nails. Apply the adhesive composition on the back side of the plinth, then tightly pressed against the wall;
  4. Face plugs are installed on the edges;
  5. After installing borders, the joints are processed by a transparent silicone sealant.

Note! Before filling out the joint of the sealant, the bath and tile on the wall should be sealed with painting scotch, as it will be more difficult to remove the sealant.

Is it possible to glue on an acrylic bath

You can install ceramic borders on any baths, including acrylic. For installation, it is necessary to use silicone sealant (aquarium), but, in no case is not a grout, since it will crack.

How much is

Prices for ceramic borders of different manufacturers:

How to remove a ceramic border with bath

If a glue with a high degree of adhesion was used for the edge of the borders, then remove the plinth with a small chisel and hammer. First, the seams are cleaned, and then chop out the curb. If you need to remove all the plinth, then start from the edge.

You can also use the cement removal tool. It contains inorganic acid, which cleans the surface from cement, gypsum, lime. It does not damage the surface itself.

Conduct installation of ceramic borders can and with your own hands. This will be especially easy to those who already have the experience of masonry tile, since the installation of plinths is done in almost the same way.

The main purpose of the border for the bath is to close the gaps between the walls and sides, which are formed during installation. Additionally, this element performs decorative functions, as the bath with it looks more attractive and neat. Borders differ in appearance and method of fastening, and to choose the most optimal option, it is best to study their characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of each type.

The most common are borders on a mineral and polymer basis. The first type includes products from marble, granite, ceramics and other similar materials, to the second - from plastic, foam, polystyrene. Consider the main characteristics of both types.

Ceramics and stone borders Have a more presentable look and are distinguished by durability. With careful operation, they easily serve 20 years, or even more, without losing an external attractiveness. Due to the dense solid structure, they cannot be exposed to acids and alkalis, without efforts are purified by contaminants, they are not affected by mold and other microorganisms. At the same time, these products are quite fragile, can crack and break from a random strike or heavy load.

The glossy surface does not tolerate the use of abrasive cleaning products, scratches appear on it. Installation of such borders requires more skill and accuracy in work. As a rule, they are chosen if the bathroom is lined with tiles, a tiled, porcelain stoneware, because on the background of plastic sheat, elements from ceramics look not entirely organic.

PVC-based borders quite diverse. They differ in shape, color, width, texture, fastening method. Plastic corners are made in three versions - soft, semi-rigid and hard. Hard borders often have elastic silicone or rubberized edges, which increases the fitting of the material at the joints. In addition, plastic elements may have a two-stroke profile. Single borders are divided into internal (mounted under lining) and outdoor (fasten over tiles). Two-stalls are attached to the lined surface.

The advantages of plastic can be attributed, first of all, the simplicity and convenience of fastening. Even if the surface is not very flat, there are no special difficulties with the fitting of the border. Due to the presence of angular elements, it disappears the need to cut and customize the parts on the junctions. The material is resistant to temperature differences and moisture, does not work on time, has a decorative appearance. The range of models is very wide, as well as the price range. You can find PVC borders of excellent quality and at the same time inexpensive.

As for the minuses: the surface of the plastic quickly loses its original shine, white borders are yellowing with time. Because of this, they look less aesthetically attractive. It is possible to damage plastic not only by a random blow, but also in the process of cutting during installation, if it is strongly pressed from above. As a rule, these borders have to change every 3-4 years.

Rolled, or tape, borders - This is the fastest and cheapest option sealing gaps. The self-adhesive tape has high elasticity, waterproof, is easily attached to any surface.

The material contains fungicides, thereby lacking the risk of mold. Unlike ceramic and plastic borders, rolled do not crack when shuffles and increased loads, it is easy to cut, can bent under any corners. If necessary, the ribbon is easy to replace.

Special diversity this type of borders is no different. Standard ribbon has a monophonic smooth surface, width 29, 40 and 60 mm, a total length - 3.2 m. The most common and transparent ribbons are the most common, but some manufacturers produce rolled borders of other shades - pink, blue, beige, green. The disadvantage of these products can be called their briefness - the service life is a maximum of 2 years.

Border for bath

Border Mounting Technology do it yourself

Fastening border ribbon

The reliability of the sealing of the joints strongly depends on the quality of the tape itself. The adhesive properties of the material are reduced over time, so when buying, be sure to check the shelf life - usually it is 24 months. In addition, to acquire such products is best in large building stores, where all goods are stored properly. If the tape was stored in an unheated room and peered, after installation, it will quickly start peeling. You should also not take a roll in damaged packaging, with a blurred production date or other defects.

In the process of work you will need:

  • roll of border tape;
  • silicone sealant neutral in composition;
  • solvent;
  • acute knife;
  • household hair dryer.

The ribbon curb must be attached to a solid solid base. If the gap between the side of the bath and the wall is more than 10 mm, you need to either fill it with something, or instead of the ribbon to use a hard curb of plastic or ceramics. To fill it, it is recommended to use a solution based on epoxy resin, you can take waterproof tile glue.

The mixture is thicker than when laying the tile, and gently distribute it around the perimeter of the gap. For convenience, a narrow rubber spatula is used, they also remove excess mixtures. If the clearance is pass-through, wooden rails are fixed under the bathing bath, so that the solution does not fall out. After sealing the slit and setting the mixture, the racks are cleaned.

Step 1. Bath sides and seats adjacent to them are needed very carefully from pollution. If this is a new bath, it is enough to wipe everything with a wet clean cloth to erase dust. If the bath is already used, the surface must be rinsed with soap solution, and then rinse with clean water and dry the hair dryer. After that, the working area is degreased by a solvent and dried again.

Step 2. At the perimeter, the joint is neatly applied with the help of a gun a sealant, carefully filling the slightest cracks and recesses.

Step 3. Glue ribbon starts from the very edge of the side. Take a roll in the hands, flex a protective substrate by 10-15 cm and put the tape so that the folding line on it exactly coincides with the line of the joint. Pretty pressed the glued end and smoothed to remove air bubbles. Next, remove another 15 cm substrate and repeat everything again. The tape is impossible to pull a lot, but also do not allow the appearance of the folds - the material must fall along the entire length evenly.

Step 4. Having reached the corner of the side, the tape is neatly bent and continue to glue in a straight line until the end of the joint. Next, the material is cut into a knife to a knife with the edge of the bath, and the location of the cut is treated with a sealant.

Step 5.. In places of folding border in the corners, folds are formed. To remove them, the protruding part of the tape is cut off with a knife, the cut is lubricated with a small amount of sealant. Then cut off from the roll of the strip 20 mm wide and sections are very neatly closed.

During the day, enjoy the bathroom undesirable, since the glue should dial the necessary strength. If at this time the tape wet, the material is possible.

Fastening plastic border

PVC borders on an adhesive basis are easier to establish the easiest, but not always such a way provides maximum protection against water to fly for sides of the bath. That is why many prefer to buy ordinary plastic corners and attach them to silicone or glue. Depending on the design, installation methods have certain differences, and therefore consider each of them in more detail.

Method 1. This option is used for fastening outdoor borders with a single-part profile. You will need:

  • bordeur of PVC;
  • hacksaw with small teeth;
  • stuslo;
  • pencil and roulette;
  • sealant or glue;
  • painting tape.

Step 1. Bathing sides and adjacent parts of the walls are perfectly cleaned from contaminants with soap solution, washed with clean water and dried. Especially thoroughly need to clean the joint between the bathroom and the wall, since the most dirt accumulates there.

Step 2.. Baths are measured in width and length, then measure the desired distance on the curb and outlines the location of the cutting of a pencil. If the angular elements are not included in the kit, the sections are made at an angle of 45 °, but only on the side where parts of the curb will be shy. On the ends, the profile is cut straight.

Step 3. The border parts are applied to the bath to check how accurately measurements are made. Details should be tight and smoothly shied in the corners, in length correspond to the length of the gap.

Step 4.. Along the border on the wall and on the side of the baths you need to stick the lanes of the painting tape. This is necessary in order to make the glue not staining the surface. Between the edge of the tape and plastic leave the gap of 2 mm along the entire length both on the wall and on the bath. For convenience, you can pre-hold the line with a pencil, holding the part of the border to one hand so that they do not shift. After that, the border is cleaned, and glued tape on the markup.

Step 5. On the perimeter of the junction, silicone or glue is applied with a thin uniform layer and put the first segment on it. They are far from the edge, neatly, but firmly pressed to the walls of the wall and bath. In this position, it is necessary to hold for a few minutes while the glue is grab. Be sure to remove its surplus, speaking from under plastic. Next, they take the following part, applied, check how slices are combined, glued.

This option is also possible: the glue is applied directly to the curb itself (a solid strip along the center and along the edges of the back side), after which the corner is applied to the surface and is strongly pressed for 10-15 seconds. Speaking drops of glue wipe. When the glue is completely driving, a sealant for plumbing is applied along the upper and lower seams. Smoothed the sealant with a rubber thin spatula.

Similarly, stick the rest of the parts, carefully singing them among themselves. When the entire curb will be installed, and the seams are treated with a sealant, you can remove the painting tape. The ends of the corner are closed with plastic plugs, which are usually included.

Council. The described method is suitable for fastening borders from foam, which are cheap alternative to plastic products. To give them a more aesthetic look, after drying, the sealant foam is recommended to cover latex paint under the color of the bath.

Method 2. Installation of a curb border. If you plan to independently lay the tile and possess the necessary skills for this, this method of installation will not cause difficulties. The border, fixed under the lining, keeps much more reliable and longer than the outdoor option.

But in case of damage, it will not be possible to replace the item: you will first have to dismantle the bottom row of tiles. It is started to install and connect the bath to sewage. To avoid damage to the bowl, from the inside it is closed with a film or other material.

Step 1. The surface of the wall is purified from dust, ground, allow to dry completely.

While the primer dries, the length and the width of the side are measured, cutting the border according to measurements. Scroll to the bath, if necessary, slices are corrected.

Step 2. According to the instructions, tile glue are bred, give it to be broken, and in the meantime, the bathing of the baths from dust and degrease. The front part of the border is recommended to be stuck along the entire length of the painting ribbon so as not to be swap during installation.

Step 3. Glue is applied on the wall, distributed to its toothed spatula.

Take the border and put it so that the perforated part goes to the wall, and the lower edge lightened to the surface of the side. Gently press the profile, pressing it into the glue.

Step 4. On top of the border, some more glue are applied and the bottom row of tiles is fixed in a standard way. The edges of the tile should be tightly leaving the profile so that no gaps remain. Surplus glue, speaking around the edges, immediately wipe. Having reached the corner, perform all the same on the other side.

Step 5.. After completing the cladding, the joint between the curb and the bathroom is filled with silicone sealant, smoothed it, remove excess. In conclusion, a painting tape is removed from the border, the ends are closed with plugs.

Method 3. Border with a two-stroke profile.Such a border consists of a mounting plank and the front part, which are easily fasten with each other by snapping. The preparatory stage is no different from the above methods - the surface is cleaned, degreases, sucked, and the profile is restructed according to the sizes of the bath. Next, you must attach the mounting bar. You can do this in two ways: to fasten with screws or glue. If the wall is lined with a cafeter, it is better to choose a second option so as not to spoil the tile.

So, they take a mounting bar, with the back side glue with a solid strip, put the part on the joint and firmly press it at the same time to the wall and bath. Similarly, the rest of the bath perimeter are fixed. When the glue dries well, the personal part of the profile is attached to the bar and press the lock slightly so that the castle snapped. In the corners, the angular elements are attached in the same way, decorative plugs are installed on the ends.

There is another kind of plastic curb, which is distinguished by the elongated lower part. To install such a curb, it is necessary through the gap between the bathroom and the wall wide width of at least 3 mm. The lower part of the profile is inserted into the gap, the side parts are labeled with silicone or glue and pressed to the surface. This option is also quite reliable and easy to perform.

Fastening a border of ceramics

Install a ceramic border more complicated than plastic but not much. The main thing here is to accurately make measurements and correctly cut the edges, because ceramics, unlike PVC, is not so easy. The preparatory process is described above, so we will not stop on it.

Council. To calculate the necessary number of items, you need to measure the total length of the contact line of the bath and walls, divide it to the length of one element and roundate to a greater value. In case of damage during the installation process, it is recommended to add 2-3 parts about the reserve.

Step 1. The border is applied to the bath and outlined the cutting lines. If the kit does not include angular elements, the sections are performed at an angle of 45 degrees to properly dock parts. Crop the edges can be grinding, and you can use Pasalti: by running the cut line, the edges are captured by the edge of the parts and lay down on a piece. After that, the resulting cut is grinding to smoothness.

Step 2. Dilsert tile glue, impose it with a spatula on the back side of the border. The first element is placed on the joint, corrected, pressed to the surface. The next element is tightly customized to the previous one that the seams between them were as thinner and quiet.

Ceresit CE 40 Aquastatic. Elastic water repellent grout

When compliance with the technology of problems with water flowing does not occur. The most common mistake in the installation is low-quality surface preparation. Many consider degreasing unnecessary if the visual bath seems clean, and as a result, the adhesive composition is peeling. You need to dry, too, very well, otherwise it will not be possible to achieve tightness.

Video - Border for Bath

Video - border bath ribbon

Video - Ceramic Border for Bath

In order to waterproofing and decorating joints formed between the wall and the bathroom, it is customary to use so-called corners and borders. They are made from different materials. For those who appreciate reliability and thoroughness, ceramic borders were specifically developed, which perfectly join the bathroom interior. However, it should be noted that the final result of using the border is achieved by the correctness of its installation. And, although this work is preferable to trust the specialists, install a border on the bath is quite possible. From this article you will learn how to properly glue a ceramic border on the bath.

The modern market is flooded with various border options from ceramics. In order not to be confused in all this variety and competently select the tile plinth, it is necessary to take into account the following points:

  1. Bathroom sizes and plumbing containers. These parameters affect the magnitude of the border. If you have a small bathroom and plumbing container, then the border, respectively, you should choose a narrow and low, and thereby relieve the focus with the miniature of their parameters.
  2. Color solution and texture of the bathroom tiles. The border can be absolutely smooth or have a texture, painted in all sorts of colors and have a concave and convex shape. What to stop your gaze is a matter of taste. However, one should not forget that the border must be harmonized with the color decision and texture of the bathroom tile.

Buying the tile of the domestic manufacturer, you can purchase the appropriate texture and colors Ceramic border bundled, which you can not say, choosing a tile of foreign manufacturers - this product is not included in the kit. If you find it difficult to choose the appropriate border option, stop your choice on the classic - the product of white and, thus, it will merge with snow-white plumbing, and you do not break the single room design.

Determine the required number of elements of the ceramic border is easy. For this:

  • With the help of roulette, all sides of the bathroom coming with the wall are measured and summarized the results.
  • Make the resulting amount on the length of one unit of the product and rounded to an integer in a large side.
  • 5-10% add to the resulting border, 5-10% in case of damage or damage (as a rule, it is 2-4 units of a ceramic module).

In the process of installing a ceramic border on the bath you will need:

  • waterproof tile and liquid nails;
  • laser level;
  • ceramic modules;
  • silicone sealant, preferably having special additives that prevent the development of mold;
  • mounting gun for working with sealant;
  • spatula (can be rubber);
  • slam emery;
  • passatia;
  • diamond disks, Bulgarian;
  • malyary Scotch;
  • stationery knife;
  • grout.

Of course, something from the above may not be useful, but if you are working on installing a ceramic border for the first time and do not have the appropriate experience, then preparing the tool and materials in advance, you will avoid a chandelier.

Before starting to install a new curb, it is necessary to prepare the surface, clearing it from all kinds of pollution and removing the remains of ceramics, if the bath has already been blocked by borders. The edges of the sanitary capacitance are desirable to degrease the solvent, and after the disinfection, for example, using a chlorine solution. At the end of the work, the perimeter of the bathroom is well dried and sample along the edge of painting scotch.

Installation of border from ceramics to wall cladding Tile - a rather complicated way of installation, which is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. With the help of a construction pistol, it is necessary to gently and continuously fill the gap between the bathroom and the wall of the sealant. Specialists recommend using silicone sealant for aquariums for this purpose, and silicone sealant in tube (2-3 pcs. 50 ml) will be quite by the way in the absence of a pistol.
  2. In order not to leave places through which water would be selected, it is necessary to crush the sealant layer using a rubber spatula or when it is lacking hand moistened in water. If the gap between the bathroom and the wall is more than 5 mm, then it is filled with mounting foam.
  3. While the mounting foam or sealant is hardening, prepare the glue for the tile. By consistency, it should not be liquid, but similar to thick sour cream.
  4. In the absence of pre-bought angular elements or so-called stars - it is necessary to take care of the adjustment of the pairs of four parts with an angle of 45 °. For this, as a rule, a bladler with a diamond disk is used, and in its absence, the unnecessary part of the tile is biteled by the passage and slice the slice with the help of the emery bar.
  5. Using a laser level, it is necessary to adjust the angle of 5-8 °. For example, if the width of the border is 5-6 cm, then its edge adjacent to the wall must be raised by 5 mm. Then, starting from the angle, the glue and the curb is superimposed on the back of the ceramic product with a spatula, glued to the wall. Each subsequent detail is stacked as close as possible to the previous unit, not forgetting to immediately remove the excess glue, and tap the rubber hammer slightly.
  6. The surface of the curb is again wiped with a damp cloth and leave to die for 8-10 hours.
  7. The next day, the border is abundantly poured with water to fix the adhesive composition and leave until complete drying, thus preventing the appearance of microcracks.
  8. To eliminate gaps between the wall and modules of the border, silicone or acrylic sealant is used, as well as a special water-repellent grout based on latex tone to the tone with the one that will be applied after laying the tile.

In order for the ceramic border perfectly and did not stand out on the background of the walls, it is necessary to leave the gaps of the same when putting this product using special plastic crosses.

Installing borders from ceramics on the tile is much easier. Works are produced in this order:

  • Clean and degrease the surface of the bath and tiles, which is laid on the wall.
  • Fill the gap between the bathroom and the wall with a sealant or mounting foam depending on its size.
  • Carry out an accurate adjustment of the corners in the manner described above.
  • When drying the working surface, the location of the border is treated with waterproof glue, for example, liquid nails. You can also glue a ceramic border to silicone.
  • Waving the time specified in the instructions, starting from the angle, apply a curb, pressing the module to the surface as close as possible until the glue is grabbed.
  • So that there are no problems with alignment of individual modules, it is recommended to use a level.
  • During the work, the spatula cleaned an excess glue.
  • After hardening glue, the formed slots between the modules are treated with a sealant or grout for seams.

If you do the installation on the installation of borders on the bath quality, then this decorated junction between the bathroom and the wall will serve you more than a dozen years, pleaseing the eye and not delivering trouble. And the advice and instructions indicated in the article will help you embody dreams to reality. If this happens or you do not meet your expectations, please write comments and share the experience gained.


Read more about how to close the seam between the bathroom and the wall of sealant: