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What to choose a clinker brick. Facing brick: dimensions, prices, types and characteristics of material Extrusive molding method

When going to go out the outer decoration of the walls of the house, many owners stop their choice on clinker brick, as it is one of the most reliable and durable materials. At the same time, not everyone knows what the clinker is different from the traditional ceramic brick, and why it is considered more durable.

The clinker brick for the facade can have different external execution, shades, sizes and configurations, which allows you to issue any architectural parts of the walls, improving their appearance and making less boring. Well, the technical and operational characteristics of clinker bricks, along with its aesthetic peculiarities, directly suggest that it is the optimal finishing material.

Briefly about the history of the creation of clinker bricks

Clinker material, in fact, is a kind of ceramic brick. Its more high density of the structure due to the manufacturing technology. The firing of this material is made before reaching the final sintering of the clay at a temperature of 1000 ÷ 1400 degrees almost to the vitreous phase. Features of high-temperature firing, as well as mineral components that are part of clay give products different shades. In the finished form, a high-quality brick when tapping on it with a metal subject or a friend about a friend, makes a ringing sound. Interestingly, it is thanks to this property, he got his name - in many European languages, the word-forming root "KLINK" just means pure ringing.

Previously, clinker brick was called refractory, due to the manufacture of special clays with special properties used for its manufacture.

The first workshop where the clinker brick began to make, appeared in 1743, in Denmark. This enterprise began to produce burned brick for road surface. Thanks to the technology of deep firing, the usual molded clay acquired the strength of the cobblestone, which the roads were previously pulled out. Unlike the latter, the brick is simpler in laying, and cheaper at cost.

The special impetus to the release of clinker products gave the rapid development of the industry in the XIX century, and the growth of large cities. For the construction of numerous buildings, there could not be enough for paving the roads of the roads of old migrant. It was necessary to have a material that would not be inferior in strength to natural stone, and which could be produced in any necessary quantity, and - as close as possible to construction objects. It is for the middle of this century that many enterprises on clinker bricks are emerging, which then grew into large companies with world name and successfully continue to do this production to this day.

In Russia, the clinker began to be made since 1884 in the Chernihiv province, on Topchievsky factory. For its manufacture, a German, innovative equipment is used for that time - these are screw presses and a horfman furnace. Moreover, at first it was made not molded, but a brick brick, that is, the clay in the first stage was sintered into one layer. Then the slabs obtained after burning were split into parts, which were used for the pavement of the passage parts.

Only since 1904 the plant moved to the production of molded clinkers, and in 1908 the owner replaces the ring furnace of the hofman, on the chamber version of the furnace. Due to the appearance of this new equipment, the number of inaccurate brick has significantly decreased, and its strength quality has become higher.

In the time of the USSR, the clinker brick for the arrangement of road cloths and the construction of heating furnaces produced several plants, but their production capacity for such a huge country was completely insignificant. The situation is not yet fundamentally changed - and until today, the main part of the clinker brick is delivered to domestic markets from European countries. However, due to the fact that the demand for this building material is steadily increasing, in Russia, the tendency towards expanding the geography of its production is also gradually. So, since 2013, the manufacture of facade and paving clinker is carried out at the plant located in the Leningrad region, in Nikolskoye. And since 2015, the corresponding lines on brick factories in the Tyumen region and Mordovia were fully earned.

Clinker brick production

What is the production of clinker brick differs from the firing of an ordinary ceramic analogue? Let's look at this question several more.

Materials for the production of clinker

For the manufacture of clinker, specially selected clay breeds are used, including the composition of the breeding minerals in the silicate group. In total, the raw material for the manufacture of high-quality clinker should include the following components:

  • The refractory refractory clay grades containing a large percentage of aluminum oxide (Al2O3), which is able to reduce the viscosity of the clay melt, which provides less deformation of products during their roast. The optimal amount of this substance in clay varies from 17 to 23%. If clay is purchased for the manufacture of this brick, containing a smaller amount of aluminum oxide, it must be enriched with kaolinite clays.
  • In addition, clay should contain a certain amount of two or trivalent iron oxide that determines the shade of bricks after firing, which can vary from dark purple to cherry-red. However, its content should not exceed 8% of the total mass, since under the firing at a temperature of 1000 degrees, reactions occur, under which faryt is formed. This substance forms a dense layer on the brick, preventing carbon oxidation and carbon dioxide outlet. A similar phenomenon can lead to the formation of bloating on the surfaces of the product.
  • Calcium content also should not be exceeded. Its quantity should be in the range of 7 ÷ 8%, otherwise, the excess of this substance will lead to:

- reducing the clay sintering period, which means that, as a result of unwanted material reactions, clinker deformation may occur;

- increase porosity, and hence, a decrease in moisture resistance and reduction of the life of the material, when using clinker bricks outside of buildings.

  • The optimal content in the magnesium oxide clay should be 3 ÷ 4%, since if the concentration of this component is increased, the clay will give a greater shrinkage, and as a result - the deformation of the formed products.

Product manufacturing technology

The production of clinker brick is carried out in two ways - extrusive and semi-dry press. To figure out what these manufacturing processes are represented, and which one gives a better building material, it is worth a few words to say about them.

Extrusive molding method

The manufacture of clinker bricks by an extrusive way is sufficiently simple, in the presence of the necessary equipment and the feedstock.

  • The clay mixture is stirred to a homogeneous plastic mass and moves to a special production line department equipped with an extruder conveyor.
  • Then, under pressure, the mixture is squeezed through a molding hole having a specific configuration in cross section. The mass goes to the tape in the form of a rectangular long bulk strip.

  • Further, the extruded molded mass on moving tape enters the next process of the technological line, where it is cut into separate bricks.

  • The formed products are sent to the dryer, as they must act on the firing, having humidity no more than 2 ÷ 3%.
  • After drying, the brick enters the firing, which is produced in the tunnel oven. This is a camera that can have a length of about 200 meters. The process is carried out at high temperatures constituting from 1100 to 1400 degrees.

The clinker brick, made in this way, has high quality and clear "geometry", so many European companies operating in this industry are used in their production. However, the disadvantage of this method are large energy costs, which increases the cost of bricks.

Clinker Brick Prices

clinker brick

Semi-dry pressing

Unlike the extrusive method, the method of semi-dry pressing makes it possible to produce clinker brick with minimal energy costs, but the quality of products will be much lower. The process of making bricks in this case is as follows:

  • Purified, dried and crushed to powder state and moisturized clay mass, falling asleep into special forms.
  • Next, the mixture is pressed.
  • Molded bricks enter the chambers, where the dryer is dried at a temperature of 80 ÷ 85 degrees within 24 ÷ 48 hours.
  • Dried bricks are sent to the firing.

Clinker brick firing

As can be seen from the description of the production methods, whatever of them is used for the manufacture of bricks, the final stage of this process is the same - this is a firing at high temperatures.

The most common firing method used by modern manufacturers is a tunnel. The work of such a production line is that molded bricks laid out by specially piles on pallets enter the continuous firing tunnel furnaces.

The length of the stove tunnel is 200 or more meters. Pallets with bricks installed on conveyor trolleys slowly move inside this chamber. They pass through zones with different temperatures, while the maximum heating is 1100 ÷ 1400 degrees. Thanks to this firing principle, the raw clay is completely sinted, turning into a monolithic clinker block, and it takes off not only high strength comparable to the metal, but also the required decorativeness of the appearance.

Dimensional clinker brick parameters

Modern manufacture of clinker bricks is made according to certain size standards, on which its some characteristics depend. Thus, the clinker is manufactured in several basic sizes, and they are referred to as follows:

SamplesThe adopted name of the sizes of bricksSize, mm.Marking
250 × 120 × 651 NF.
overhead250 × 120 × 881.4 NF
double250 × 120 × 1402.1 NF
"Eurostandard"250 × 85 × 650.7 NF
modular, single288 × 138 × 651.3 NF

In addition to the standard products, it also produces products and smaller installation, referred to as fractions: ¾ - three-quarters, ⅓ - one third, ½ - half, ¼ - quarter.

The accuracy of the parameters of domestic clinker brick is strictly regulated by standards designated in GOST 530-2012 "Brick and stone ceramic". According to the standards established in this document, the product must have a strength brand not less than M300. Permissible deviations from the established dimensional parameters may not exceed: in width - 3 mm, a length is 4 mm and a thickness of 2 mm.

In addition, the facing facade brick is divided into full, that is, without voids inside his body, and hollow, which has through holes of different shapes and sizes.

It is necessary to say in more detail about the hollow version of the clinker brick, since many are not fully understood, for what purpose through holes are provided in products.

When cladding facade surfaces, the laying is very often produced by a common foundation with capital walls. Therefore, in order to remove from the bottom of an excessive load, a hollow brick is used, the weight of which is much lower than that of full-scale options. Holes in the brick can have a different configuration and size, respectively, than or their number more, the easier the product.

In addition, immobilized air layers are always a huge plus to thermal insulation quality of the material. Thus, a pronounced "coldness", characteristic of a dense clinker structure, is somewhat reduced.

The voids in the body of the brick are formed during its manufacture, at the form of forming, both when using the extrusion method and pressing. Webly parameters are determined as a percentage of the mass of full-scale brick.

So, some options for clinker with through holes have a weight that is less than full bricks by 35 ÷ 40%.

Clinker brick can have different forms. Some parties are generally manufactured to order for a specific project, in which non-standard design elements are provided for the architect.

With the help of figure bricks, the most courageous ideas with the presence of various architectural ornamental and functional parts on the facade are embodied - it can be columns and semi-colonges, arched and window openings of complex forms, window sills and sockets and much more.

For the framework of various architectural elements, brick models are provided with rounded corners, as well as semicircular or straight cuts, internal roundabouts and other features relating to both forms and sizes.

The main physico-technical and operational characteristics of clinker

The quality of clinker brick is predetermined by its physical and operational characteristics. This type of finishing material always has high strength qualities, low porosity and hygroscopicity, and as a result - excellent frost resistance. Since the clinker is divided into types with various purposes in use, its characteristics are somewhat different. Some of them are presented in this table:

Name of parametersunit of measurementTypes of clinker bricks
Facade for wall cladding Ordinary for building walls Road (sidewalk) for paving tracks and sidewalks
Densitykg / m³.2000 1900 2100
Thermal conductivityW / M ° C1.17 1.16 1.15
Moisture absorption% 3 ÷ 5.4 ÷ 6.≤ 6
Frost resistanceThe number of cyclesF75F100F70
Parp permeabilitymg / (m / h / n)0.07 0.05 0.03
Acidness resistance% 95 95 95

Now, knowing the digital parameters of the main characteristics, it is worth considering them in more detail to know how they affect the operational abilities of the building material:

Density of material

A long service life of clinker brick and its resistance to various external influences is largely ensured by the density of its structure formed during the firing.

The clinker density of a different type, as can be seen from the table, ranges from 1900 to 2100 kg / m³, which is achieved by sintering and fusion of mineral clay components in the manufacturing process.

Thermal conductivity

The technical characteristics of any building materials are always interrelated. For example, a high clinker density significantly increases its thermal conductivity, the indicator of which can vary from 0.8 to 1.16 W / m ° C. Therefore, the walls built from clinker brick require additional insulation, and even when using it as finishing the facade, it is recommended to provide a layer of insulation as a capital wall. When comparing different types of clinker blocks, the coefficient of their thermal conductivity can be estimated for something like this:

- Full-time clinker brick - 0.5 ÷ 0.7 W / m ° C;

- Hollow brick - 0.22 W / m ° C.

Obviously, the hollow brick is twice-three "warmer" solid.

Gigroscopicity (moisture absorption) clinker

Thanks to expressed low porosity, this type of ceramic bricks absorbs the minimum amount of moisture from the environment. Such quality of products is especially important when the temperatures drops, since the moisture freezing in the pores will create a voltage in the structure of the material, trying to break it from the inside.

Due to the high density of clinker, it does not face such a problem, which means it will be able to withstand high loads and pressure. Therefore, the ordinary clinker brick is great for the construction of bases and even the foundations of various buildings. Low moisture absorption of products also ensures complete absence of hears, which almost always perform on the surface of conventional ceramic products.

Frost resistance

Due to its density and resistance to moisture, the clinker perfectly opposes temperature fluctuations, withstanding even the most severe frosts. If products are manufactured in accordance with the established standards, they are able to withstand up to 75 full-deep freezing cycles with subsequent thawing.

Therefore, quite often this material is used to build houses, as well as paving paths and driveways in regions with an extremely cold climate.

Parp permeability

The clinker density adversely affects its vapor permeability, so it is low enough and is only 0.03 ÷ 0.07 mg / (m / h / pa). In this regard, masonry from clinker brick can not be called breathable, therefore, using this material, you should consider the proper system of ventilation of the premises.


The clinker does not sound the walls, since low porosity and high density contributes to the penetration of sound oscillations, especially shock type. Therefore, if you need to protect the house from external noise, then the walls from the clinker must be additionally closed with thermal insulating material, which fully has the quality of sound insulation.

Fire resistance

As mentioned above, the technology of making clinker bricks is to exposed to high temperatures, so after passing such a hardening, it is not terrible with a heating that gains up to 1800 ° C. In this regard, the laying of clinker blocks can withstand an exposure to open fire for a long time without any deformations on it.

Environmental purity material

Clinker products are made from natural mineral materials, and it is easier to say from different clay grades. In the production of clinker, chemical compositions do not apply and at least some harmful technological processes. Therefore, the products can be safely called environmentally friendly, both at the exit after the manufacture and during the entire period of operation. In conscientious producers, more expensive in their reputation, raw materials for clinker products are required to control the presence of harmful substances and radiation background, so the products comply with all installed safety standards.

Advantages and disadvantages of clinker

The technical characteristics of clinker bricks discussed above summarize that despite the large number of advantages, this material has its own drawbacks.

To obvious advantages This building material can be attributed to the following its qualities:

  • Resistance to high and low temperatures, as well as to their sharp drops.
  • Long service life, when used in masonry optimally selected solutions. Many buildings from the clinker have already stepped over the age-old line without any loss of operational suitability and appearance.
  • No need for cleaning and repair (with a proper installation).
  • Resistance to external natural impacts, such as ultraviolet rays, wind and atmospheric precipitation in all manifestations.
  • High moisture resistance.
  • The ability to withstand increased mechanical loads, including - abrasive, abrasive properties.
  • Aesthetics, styling and effects of appearance.

Disadvantages The clinker bricks can be considered the following factors:

  • Too high thermal conductivity of this decoration can lead to large thermal losses. Such a finish acts as a powerful cold battery - in winter, and excessive heat - in summer, and even that, and the other can most negatively affect the microclimate in the premises. Therefore, if the clinker brick is used as a cladding, the capital walls are recommended additionally insulation, setting the insulation material between their surfaces and clinker, with an appropriate thickness - according to the results of thermal calculations.
  • Large weight due to high density complicates the transportation and construction of capital walls and cladding.
  • Klinker is always characteristic of a fairly high price, which reduces the availability of such a finish.
  • Clinker, even from one party, may differ shades, so before installing the stacking requires sorting and selection of blocks in color, otherwise the wall may not look quite aesthetic.
  • Inaccurate dimensions and intentionally twisted lines of some models of facing bricks may complicate finishing, if there is no work experience.
  • There are also certain requirements for the increased quality of the masonry solution.

A variety of modern clinker brick collections

Classic Types of Clinker Brick

In Germany, in the city of Bad-Nendorf, a clinker brick is already made at Wittmunder Torfbrend Klinkerwerk, which is already considered a classic version of this material. Brick firing in this production is manufactured in a ring classic furnace.

Almost all work at this enterprise is carried out manually, which provides high quality products and eliminates the probability of marriage. Products manufactured in Germany for this technology are unique, since the ring furnace used for their firing is the only preserved in Europe.

The products of the Wittmunder Torfbrand Klinkerwerk plant possesses natural natural hints of burnt clay, as it is made without any chemical additives and dyes. The factory uses not only natural raw materials for the manufacture of bricks, but also environmentally friendly processes of production. And forming, and the raw brick laying into the oven for the firing, and his excavation from it - everything is carried out manually. In order to avoid accidental hit in a batch of bricks, even sorting before sending to the customer is made by Plugular.

The clinker firing in the ring furnace is carried out at a temperature of 1200 ÷ 1400 degrees and this is a sufficiently long process, the duration of which reaches two weeks. It provides products with high strength, durability, a completely unique appearance.

Clinker brick « WitTmunder is manufactured in three dimensional formats having the following names: Oldenburg, Hamburg and Thin. The color shades of the clinker of this manufacturer are very diverse, and vary from saturated purple to juicy red, and shades can be represented in numerous combinations.

A special place in the collection of this manufacturer is occupied by clinker bricks "silver" and "golden" color, as they are a business card of a plant working on old technologies.

The clinker brick "Wittmunder Klinker" is suitable for the exclusive finish of the facades of buildings, which, by architectural intent, it is planned to give "an old chain", turning them into medieval castles. It is used for finishing private houses issued in one of the selected styles.

The uniqueness of the products "Wittmunder Klinker" is that there are no two identical bricks - each of them is exclusive and has surprisingly beautiful overflows from silver-violet to red-blue. Another feature of the brick, produced by this technology, is that each of them does not look properly separately, and together they acquire special aesthetics only in masonry with beautifully decorated seams.

Due to the fact that the collections "WitTmunder Klinker" are sorted by shades of each brick - this work is also carried out manually.

As an example, you can consider several selection options:

  • "FRIESENJUNG" - bricks of this collection are at the heart of red, which is diluted with blue overflows with silver inclusion.

Prices for clinker brick "FRIESENJUNG"

clinker brick "FRIESENJUNG"

  • "Charakterkopf" - a rumbled brick, having a spoonful side in dark greenish shades with silver overflowing inserts.

  • "Goldstuek" - a brick that makes up this collection, painted in a greenish-gray with a yellow gamut, has the effect of gold low tide and is an exclusive view of the brick that has passed peat firing.

The process of sorting ready-made bricks for a specific architectural project is carried out manually and is performed as follows:

  • To determine the color row, a band is set from the clinker, consisting of about 8 ÷ 10 bricks, which are installed on the spoonful side.
  • A customer is invited, who, together with the master, excludes or adds one or another brick to the exposed series. This process is carried out until the necessary harmony of combinations of color shades has been reached. A number of compounded by the customer will serve as a sample for the manufacturer in the manufacture of the main mass of the finishing material.

Table of some variants of sorted clinker parties "Wittmunder Torfbrand Klinker":

Exterior Sorted PartySort number and its brief descriptionBrick size, mmThe number of bricks in the palletNumber of bricks in square masonry meter
0215 - Smooth red220 × 105 × 52504 72
1051 - Blue-brown, with a purple tint, motley220 × 105 × 52504 72
1056 - Blue-purple, pastel, with ohloque splashes.220 × 105 × 52504 72
1057 - Blue-red-purple, variegated with decorative damage on a spoon of some bricks to impart the wall of the Wall of Time.220 × 105 × 65416 56
1649 - red-gray with a flat surface.220 × 105 × 52504 72
1653 - Red brick with intentionally deformed surface.220 × 105 × 52504 72
1656 - Red-black and burgundy with ash ripping - the effect of the face.220 × 105 × 52504 72
1753 - black with even ash raid.220 × 105 × 52504 72
1936 - Architectural, Special Red-Blue220 × 105 × 52504 72
aSSENA - Exclusive Finishing Office Building (Red Brown Brick).220 × 105 × 52504 72
g. Berlin - Building Finishing on Potsdam Square (Red, Ultramarin).220 × 105 × 52504 72
g. Bremerhaven - Finishing of the walls of the Institute building (brown-orange).220 × 105 × 52504 72
bremerhaven - decoration of the walls of the Historical Museum.220 × 105 × 52504 72
valkdrch - Facade of the Bureau Building.220 × 105 × 52504 72
vilgelmshafen - Facade of an office building.220 × 105 × 52504 72
groningen - Facade of the Shopping Center.220 × 105 × 52504 72
frankfurt - the exterior decoration of the walls of kindergarten.220 × 105 × 52504 72

To date, more than forty sorting options have already been developed, and artists of the company designers continue to work on new combinations of shades. In addition, the model range can well be designed and according to individual sketches of the customer.

Clinker brick manufactured by modern technologies

In the Russian market, not only the expensive exclusive products of Wittmunder Klinker or other "heavyweights" in this area (Feldhaus-Klinker, Stroeher, Röben TonbaustOffe), but also products of domestic and other foreign companies are presented. Clinker comes to Russia from China, Poland, Spain, Holland and Germany. Exclusive collections come, as a rule, under the order, but economical, the most sought-after options can always be found in the warehouses of many cities of Russia.

Company "CRH"

CRH Group (CEMENT ROADSTONE HOLDINGS) has been formed from several companies engaged in the production of various building materials. In 1989, the German company "Aka" joined it, whose activities are aimed at the production of bricks. Thus, "CRH" has acquired another direction of its activities. The experience of this division "CRH" in the manufacture of ceramic construction and finishing material is a total of more than 40 years, and during this period the products occupied one of the leading places. The Joint Concern "CRH" includes many enterprises that are located in different countries of the world, and 17 of them are located in Europe.

For example, in Poland in 2001, three lines for the manufacture of clinker "CRH-KLINKER" opened, therefore products produced under this brand can be considered to be Polish products. At the factories in the three cities of the country, in the vicinity of which there are fields suitable for the quality of clay, a clinker-blocking agent is produced for the arrangement of sidewalks and garden tracks, as well as bricks for facing the facade walls. So, in the city of Troops, the "Antika" series, "Super", "Rustika" and "Classic" series is produced. In the city of Gliwice at the CERG plant using a special firing technology using powder coal, a clinker brick is made having a dimensional format 250 × 120 × 65 (RF) and 240 × 115 × 71 (NF) mm.

Bricks of this manufacturer "Mizar" series have a corrugated face and a rich red-brick shade.

In addition, the assortment series includes two more models of products in red-brown shades - "Wega" and "Orion" having a smooth face.

"WEGA" has a pleasant color of bitter chocolate, and it is most often used white or immediately a masonry solution of this color. Such a combination will give the liveliness of the surfaces of the walls and emphasize the accuracy of the masonry.

"Orion" is a clinker brick, which is given the color of milk chocolate. It can be used with the extender of the same color, but for several tones lighter, as well as with light gray or ivory color. Such a restrained combination of paints will give seriousness to the structure.

In the west of Poland there are deposits of light-burning clay, so the Gozdnica plant is located there, where facing products are made with the same name.

The clinker brick of this plant can have a smooth and rough surface - such capabilities provide special properties of local clay and special firing technology. The color of different model rows is quite diverse, and allows you to choose an option for every taste and under the designated designer solution for the design of the facade.

SAHARA model range can have different shades: from matte yellow to thick sandy. Walls lined with brick of this collection create an optimistic mood, and even in a winter cloudy day will look like "sunny".

"Ochra" is the traditional color of the brick. If the walls of the house are not built out of the brick, but from any other material, but I would like the facade to look respectable and carefully, this version of the brick will become the perfect choice. The surfaces of the facade lined with products of the presented collection will be indistinguishable from the walls completely built of red bricks under the extection.

CRH clinker brick - "Cherry".

Brick "Cherry" can also have a few shades, but it is always rich, deep and noble colors that will decorate for any facade.


Another German manufacturer who deserved recognition from the Russian consumer is ADW Klinker, specializing in ceramic products of various different purposes.

Prices for clinker brick "Cherry"

clinker brick "Cherry"

In the Russian market, the company has been presenting its products for more than ten years, and throughout this time is constantly expanding the range. Moreover, the ADW Klinker products differ from the clinker of other manufacturers a very bold color range, thanks to the features of raw materials, which is used for their manufacture. The fact is that this company manufactures its products from white clay, which allows you to give bricks any shade. Therefore, the color range of products of this producer is more wide and diverse. And to change the color does not apply any dyes. One of the technological secrets of the company is the mineral component additives that give to the wedge after heat treatment the necessary shade.

Experienced designers work on the design of clinker products, creating unique combinations of paints. As an example, you can consider three options for clinker bricks from numerous lines collections offered by the manufacturer.

This option of clinker brick resembles the color of malachite and its characteristic shades - light and dark splashes. The brick of the demonstrated collection can have a somewhat deformed shape and a smooth surface. It is clear that such a facing is more suitable for houses or public buildings decorated in a certain style, that is, this clinker requires a specially designed project, otherwise it may look for Alyapovato.

The "Fußstorung" collection is a clinker brick in gray-silver tones with overflow to black. Restrained intonations of these combinations, in general, create a cold design, but when choosing a certain design, it is perfectly suitable for the facade of the house.

Pastel beige tones will give freshness and accuracy to the walls of the house. Some wavy edges of products will add individuality. Well, with a properly selected color of the other elements of the facade finish in combination with facing clinker bricks, the "Sintra Sabioso" collection The appearance of the building will necessarily stand out on a general background of its harmoniousness and the "warmth" from it.

Today, many architects and designers in the preparation of projects prefer precisely the facing brick of the company ADW KLINKER. They fully trust the high German quality of products, allowing you to use this material for regions with the most severe winter conditions. And the wealth of shades allows you to realize the most bold ideas.

Company "DAAS Baksteen"

"Daas Baksteen" - this company is formed in Holland in 1890, thus, the experience of its work on the production of clinker products is more than 120 years. The facing brick of this producer is characterized by painting painting. Designers create literally works of art, as in the laying various shades of products resemble a divorce and brush strokes. Well, the company's management, in order to improve the products and increasing its sales, is trying to fully encourage the development and use of the most modern innovative technologies.

The company also practices the manufacture of bricks on customer sketches after drawing up a certain design of the facade.

"Baksteen 051. Cedarwood »- This collection of facing brick is represented by a large number of picturesque shades, but a factory face of the front side of the brick always imitates the structure of the cedar bark. The color combination of paints is conceived by designers in such a way that light shades are shouted through dark, which creates the effect of space. Interestingly, this color option will look in combination with snow-white windows and doors, as well as other elements of the facade.

The warm combination of shades of ocher, red and peach, with the intestine of a dark brown, reaching black, but through which warm tones are shouted from the inside. The house lined with brick in such a color scheme will be like a fabulous hut or a "gingerbread house".

This masonry is made of non-standard narrow bricks having a size of 240 × 90 × 50 mm, and according to its drawing and color combination, something resembles a rocky structure. Facing this clinker is well suited for chalet, which, after the construction, it is necessary to plant a large number of trees. The finish having a similar color gamut is suitable for both private houses and an office building.

Rauf Company

Unfortunately, the production of clinker bricks is not so developed in Russia, as in Europe. It can be said that this area is only at the beginning of its development. However, both domestic producers have something to submit to the consumer.

The manufacture of clinker on Russian brick plants is carried out according to European technologies, and the products have the quality not lower than foreign analogues. Paxes are significantly lower, simply even from elementary considerations of logistics - the cost of product delivery to places of sale is excluded, there are no custom barriers and other considerable overhead costs.

Since this area of \u200b\u200bproduction is only gaining strength, so to speak, "competes traditions", the variety of color and textured design is not so widely as in foreign companies. But for sure - and our speed technology will be pulled up to world level. Confirmation of this - RAUF FASSADE products

The RAUF brand belongs to the group of Russian companies "LSR" engaged in the production of building materials. RAUF was organized in 1993, and during its activities have already managed to conquer recognition from Russian consumers.

Brick is made on high-quality innovative technological equipment on world-recognized standards. In addition, finished products are tight quality control. The standard domestic product size is 250 × 85 × 65 mm (RF).

The modern range of "RAUF" includes a facing clinker brick of traditional shades - it is red, ocher, brown different tones. In addition, products may have bright noble shades, such as Vanilla, Ivory, Soloma and others. Several of them can be considered to make sure that the domestic version of the facing material has a decent quality and aesthetic appearance.

The clinker brick colors "Vanilla" has a noble appearance, and when it is applied to cladding the walls of the facade, it will give the walls aesthetic appeal, especially if it is used to use its correct combination with other shades. Vanilla will perfectly look in the composition with white and different shades of brown. You can paint the fronton, window and door frames, the roof of the canopy and other elements of the house.

This clinker brick option is called "Brown Mix Rustic", it is painted in almost chocolate color, and the embossed shallow pattern resembles the texture of wood. Such facing will be well harmonized with white or beige color, as well as close to them shades. The facade lined with the brick of this series will stand out against the background of other buildings and looks respectable at any time of the year.

The clinker facing brick "Venice White", actually has a pinkish shade, and due to this, with natural lighting the walls will look perfect white. Especially good, this color will be combined with black or dark brown, which can be made of laying seams, facade elements, as well as roofing.

Since the price of building materials may vary, it is best to know on the sites of trading dealers or manufacturers.

When deciding to put in order the facade appearance of your home, it is recommended primarily to make a sketch of finishing and decide on the color preference. After that, you can already move to the selection of facing material. As you can see, the variety of it is extremely large.

At the end of the publication - an interesting video, which will also help visitors of our portal closer to get acquainted with this unique construction and finishing material - clinker bricks.

Video: Meet the clinker brick!

Reading time ≈ 4 minutes

To date, new building materials are often tested in the traditional market, occupying their niches, thanks to the cheapness, simplicity in the manufacture, application and operation, the possibility of organizing mass production. In particular, this trend is also traced in the production and application of various types of small products. Nevertheless, the fact that new materials popular with new materials today will be very difficult to press the clinker brick in the market. This is explained by the fact that this type of brick is characterized by a huge amount of colors and textures. And if you add more impressive durability, reliability and environmental friendliness, it becomes clear why until now the clinker brick in the construction industry turns out to be competing.

Production technology

The term "clinker" himself has German roots and in translation means "brick". It is already traditionally believed that clinker small products with the best properties are made precisely in Germany and Poland. The technology of manufacturing this type of brick is very simple: it is produced by firing in specially equipped furnaces by exposure to refractory grades of high temperatures (working temperature indicators, and this is about 1200 ° C, an order of magnitude higher than when the standard ceramic brick is fed) to full sintering Source raw materials. As a result, it can be safely argued that since the clinker brick produced today is exceptionally clay, such material relates rather to ceramic products, like a faience or terracotta. It is worth noting that the process of clinker's production requires the scrupulous observance of all technological nuances, a special relation to the formation of products and the quality of the feedstock.

Varieties of clinker bricks

The varieties of this material that exists today determine the features of the application of each specific type of product data.

  1. The clinker facade tile is a kind of decorative facing small-piece material used when finishing the facades, as well as a decorative finishing material (for interior decoration) of various types of rooms. Its release is regulated by GOST 530-2012. Today it produces a hollow, full-length facade clinker.
  2. The technical clinker is used to arrange sidewalks, bridge, garden tracks, sites both outside and indoors. The clinker is pavingly - more expensive type of technical clinker, having the same scope of application.
  3. Clinker acid resistant has excellent abilities to the effects of different aggressive environments. Actively applies when laying out the facades of buildings, structures.
  4. Clinker Waterproof well established itself with the arrangement of a variety of hydraulic structures operated in high humidity.
  5. Clinker specialized allows you to finish surfaces with intricate, complex forms. The production of small products of this species implies the manufacture of diverse angular elements (in addition to the standard). Some manufacturers offer brick clinker facing for various surfaces.
  6. Clinker used in decorative finishing works or in the construction of structures (arbors, fences, canopies, etc.) with a small load on the supporting structures.

The release of all types of clinker bricks, except the facade, is not standardized and is regulated by the technical conditions of each particular manufacturer. The difference in the characteristics of each type of clinker is achieved by the use of various types of clays, characterized by the source data.

Sizes and weight

The main sizes of clinker:

  • 250 x 120 x 65 mm (1 NF - single);
  • 250 x 85 x 65 mm (0.7 NF - "Euro");
  • 250 x 60 x 65 mm (0.5 NF - Half).

In the manufacture of non-standard products, dimensions are allowed (dimensions are set by a specific manufacturer individually).

The weight of clinker brick depends on the manufacturer and can vary from 1.6 to 3.3 kg.

Technical characteristics of clinker bricks

Depending on the brands and manufacturer, the following characteristics may be:

  • strength grade: M200-M1000;
  • water absorption: 3-6%;
  • density: from 1500 to 2000 kg / m³;
  • thermal conductivity: from 0.4 to 0.9 W / (m · ° C);
  • frost resistance: from 100 to 300 cycles;
  • wetness: up to 48%.


  • more than a solid life (minimum of 100 years);
  • high aesthetic qualities;
  • high strength characteristics;
  • the possibility of manufacturing a huge range of products with any forms, colorful, texture;
  • the possibility of a wide range of use;
  • universality.


The disadvantages of clinker products include a very significant moment - their high cost exceeding a minimum of 2 times the price of conventional ceramic bricks. However, if we consider this factor in the key that the operating deadlines of the objects from the clinker are at times exceed the same indicators for structures from ordinary brick, then talk about the deficiencies of the first one cannot withstand no criticism. In addition, special solutions must be used for laying this type of brick, due to its low water absorption.

Ronated choice

By deciding on the choice of clinker bricks as a building material, it is worth studying the photos, video of various examples of its use when building objects of different complexity and destination. After reviewing the reviews about the operation of clinker brick structures, it can be concluded that today it is the best material for the construction of objects of any complexity.


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Pretty new building material, wide use, has increased strength indicators. The clinker brick "accidentally" was obtained on brick factories and earlier. If the firing technology is violated, the temperature rose, the sand turned into a glass. The brick was losing the form, became heavy and waterproof. Marriage was used during the repair of dirt roads. Modern technology made it possible to accurately withstand the annealing temperature, the material does not lose form, but acquires new properties. The annealing temperature reaches + 1300 ° C. The temperature in the furnace during the annealing of a classic brick within + 800 ° C.

The color of the clinker brick depends on natural impurities in clay and sand or is created by adding mineral dyes during the molding of wet blanks. Due to the inhomogeneity of the composition of the original material, even on one pallet, the shade of bricks is slightly different. During the facing of buildings with clinker bricks, it is necessary to mix bricks at least three pallets. If this is not done, then large areas with different stains may appear on the wall plane.

Knowledge not only positive, but also the negative properties of clinker brick will make it possible to make an optimal solution for its use. Technical parameters, requirements for physical characteristics, resistance to the effects of aggressive chemical compounds and linear dimensions are written in the provisions of the GOST 530-2012.

GOST 530- 2012. Brick and stone ceramic. File for download

For the manufacture of clinker, the "skinny clay" is used, the main difference of which is an increased percentage of quartz sand. Basalt volcanic rocks can be added to improve properties. Volcanic basalt - natural glass. As we have already mentioned, the color is determined by natural components or mineral additives. The second production technology significantly increases the cost of products, but makes it attractive, makes it possible to create a wide range of homogeneous color solutions.

Table of physical characteristics of several types of clinker materials

Name of the indicator

Thermal conductivity, W / m2 × ° C1,17 1,16 1,15
Density kg / m32000 1900 2000
Number of complete freezing cycles / size200 100 300
Maximum percentage of moisture absorption%6 4 ≤ 6
Permeability of steam, mg / (m × h × pa)0,07 0,05 0,03
Acid resistance,%95 95 95

Prices for various types of clinker bricks

Clinker brick

Positive quality clinker bricks

  1. High rates of resistance to compression and bending. According to this indicator, the material exceeds the ordinary brick minimum twice. Builders use clinker to build loaded carrier architectural elements.
  2. Low absorption of moisture. Due to this characteristic, the clinker brick can be used as a material for masonry base, for external structures without the need to protect against atmospheric precipitation. Ordinary brick can absorb up to 25% moisture from dry weight. A large amount of moisture destroys the structure of the brick during freezing.
  3. High resistance to mechanical damage. The surface of the brick does not lose the initial properties of the entire period of operation. Facing does not require care, it does not wash it and do not paint, the surfaces are not plastered.
  4. Low porosity. In addition to waterproof, low porosity prevents the appearance of moss on the front surface. The front surface almost does not have microscopic pores, dust does not accumulate in them and the MAs are not growing. Plant roots quickly destroy red bricks, special measures need to be taken to protect. Clinker facades are much easier and cheaper to contain in its original form.

Unfortunately, the material has significant disadvantages.

Objective data of physical and operational indicators of clinker bricks, a description not only of its advantages, but also disadvantages will serve as source during the choice of material for facing buildings of various purposes. In addition, developers will have the opportunity to compare the price with the benefits.

Standard sizes of single brick (1 NF) 250 × 120 × 65 mm, one-time (2 NF) 250 × 120 × 88 mm, double (2.1 nf) 250 × 120 × 140 mm. But there are manufacturers that establish their own technical conditions (TU) on products, in connection with this, standard dimensions have not all building materials.

The European standard (0.7 NF) has dimensions of 250 × 85 × 65 mm. Available incomplete types of "quarter", "half", "three quarters". The clinker modular unit (1.3 NF) has dimensions of 288 × 138 × 65 mm. During the calculations of the required number of materials, keep in mind this information. Deviations in size cannot exceed ± 4 mm in length, ± 3 mm wide and ± 2 mm in thickness. The non-parallelism of planes and faces can not exceed ± 3 mm. The newer equipment and responsible staff from the manufacturer, the more accurate the size of the output. Do not try to acquire the products of the cheap segment, in the end of the savings will turn into a loss.

Buildings facing clinker bricks

We have already mentioned that for clinker bricks, the requirements for cement-sandy solvent differ from the standard, only an experienced bricklayer can prepare a mass. Only he knows how much the amount of water should be reduced, taking into account the weather and place of the masonry. Otherwise, the thickness of the seams and the degree of adhesion will break, and this is extremely negatively affecting the appearance and indicators of the stability of the lined wall.

You can lining buildings both during the construction period and after its completion. In addition, during the facing it is possible an additional insulation of the facade.

We will tell the step-by-step instructions for all types of work, consider each technology separately. Let's talk about possible mistakes of inexperienced masonry.

Facing of buildings without insulation

The method is most often used during the repair of old structures with satisfactory heat-saving performance. General Tips for all types of cladding - the solution should have a viscosity somewhat higher than for masonry by ordinary red bricks, add more cement to it, use only river sand without turning on clay.

For facing, you will need a bricklayer Waterpas, Kirk Mason, Roulette, Metal Square Rods with a side of 6-10 mm, trowel, special tools for internal and or external bunch.

You can purchase plastic or metal fixtures in the construction store to level the thickness of the seams. As they work, what kind of advantages and flaws we will tell below.

Prices for construction levels

Building levels

And last. The requirements for the quality of masonry during the facing is much higher than when laying the walls. Accordingly, these works can only be performed by those masters who have a considerable practical experience of the mason.

Step 1. Checking the state of the foundation and bearing walls. A very important point, take this procedure with great responsibility, correct the detected errors during the facing is very difficult, and in some cases it is impossible, you will have to disassemble the finished cladding. How to check and pay attention to?

Step 2. Without a solution, lay out the first row of facing bricks. Start from one of the corners and head to the opposite. If the last brick in the corner acts too much or vice versa, its length is not enough to overlap, then try moving the whole range to the left or right. It is impossible to find an optimal position - you have to cut a brick. Fur measure the roulette, make a cut as much as possible. Such cut bricks need to have as much as there are rows of cladding. You can immediately prepare several pieces, and it can be measured and cut each separately as needed. How to attach door and window openings we will tell below. The bookmark of the first row is a very important point, you need to stay separately on it.

Practical advice. In order to make a problemable location less noticeable, during masonry, use not one very short brick, and several with a difference in length no more centimeter.

We will have to cut several bricks, which complicates a little complicating the process of cladding. But the problem is solved at a professional level and becomes invisible. And one more remark. The specific width of the seam you will only learn after the full layout of the tape around the perimeter. Start fit with eight millimeters, and later after layouts and bricks, you will find out the exact width of the seam. With this data, select the size of metal rods for cladding.

Step 3. Prepare the cement-sandy solution. We have already mentioned that the clinker does not absorb water, make the solution somewhat thicker. If the facing is placed from a non-standard brick width, then every 4-5 rows need to stop working on a day or two to frozen the solution. This does not mean that construction work is generally stopped, simply proceed to finishing the next wall and so around the perimeter of the house.

Important. Sand for a solution must be sifted or buy pure in warehouses. Small pebbles will create problems during masonry, a laid brick will have to remove and remove pebbles. Otherwise, the seam will be uneven, and this categorically cannot be allowed.

Prepare all the tools, they should be at hand. Do not make a lot of solution, cladding is much slower than the laying of walls. Solution during this time can freeze or fuse on the fraction. Both first and second requires additional effort to restore its properties. Starting the facing is needed from the corners of the structure.

Laying corners

Very important and responsible moment. In the corners, then all cladding will be equal, any error can be critical.

Step 1. On the foundation ribbon, put a layer of solution with a thickness of about 1 cm if the irregularity of the tape is alarming, then the thickness of the solution can be increased to two centimeters. In the future, due to this, you can easily withstand the horizontal of the first lower row of the facing.

Step 2. The height of the angle must be made by about 4-5 bricks. For this, the first row should have a length of 4 bricks, all follow-up in short. Put the first number of the angle, constantly control its position horizontally and vertically the level. To align the position, tapping a little on the surface of bricks with a hammer or handle of the trinket. The thickness of the seam in the places of the adjuncing of the ends of the brick can be controlled by homemade or purchased devices. What it is and how to work with them in the course of the article.

Step 3. Carefully continue to pull the corner up, check it out again in all planes. Keep track of seam thickness with special devices.

By the same algorithm, put the second angle of the wall. If there is a cladding technology, then you can immediately make all the corners of the building. How many of them will be - depends on the architectural features of the structure. Next, you can begin cladding the surfaces of the walls.

Practical advice. If you do not have enough experience, then you must use different devices to control the thickness of the seam. Devices can be made independently or buy in the factory production store.

Homemade seam thickness control adaptations

To create a seam of the same thickness, squares, hexagons or rolled sizes are used. For a horizontal seam, we need rods about 50 cm long, the vertical seam is controlled by rods with a length of about 15 cm. The main condition for all rods - they should be as even as possible. The thickness is selected taking into account the required sizes of the seam, during the cladding it is recommended about eight millimeters. Before starting the cladding, tension between the corners of the rope along the level of the front surface, follow it to not sag. It controls the position of bricks. For each new row you need to raise the rope at the corners. When the height of the facing was equal to the height of the corners - proceed to the laying of new corners and the same height. When and how to break the seams, we will tell further. How to use fixtures?

Step 1. Start to lay horizontal seam, prepare a tank with a mass, trowel and bar.

Step 2. Long rod put on a row of bricks, it should lie about three bricks at the same time. The outer line of the rod must be on the same line with the edge of the bricks.

Step 3. Take a crash on bricks a little more bricks than a rod thickness.

Step 4. Align the mass layer. At the same time, hold the trunks a little at an angle. One side should slide along the rod, and the second to align the mass. The thickness of the mass from the opposite side may be slightly larger than the height of the rod, but in no case is no less. The fact is that aligning the horizontality can be lightly tangles of the hammer on the towering part of the brick. If it will lie below the horizontal level, you will have to remove it and re-lay the solution.

Step 5. Legend a short bar to the brick end, align the corner of its position.

Step 6. Take the cement-sandy solution, crumple it. Less also with a thickness in the opposite side of the brick.

Step 7. Put the brick in place and correct it. Use for this with a furry or trowel.

Step 8. When it lacks the length of the horizontal bar - remove it and put it on a new place. If the rod is smooth and smooth, then you can not completely remove, but stretch along the seam. If there is a minimum skill, such technology significantly speeds up the masonry - you do not have to rub the seams or these works will make much easier.

Practical advice. Start facing the house with the opposite wall facade. If there are minor errors, no one will pay attention to them. And further. While you can purchase a practical experience of masonry, and this is very important. You can be sure that every row will put much faster, it will work out evenly and more beautiful.

Factory devices

We recommend using a plastic set of bricklayer. It consists of two accessories: for horizontal seam and for vertical seam. The set allows you to make a solution of uniform thickness on bricks, increases the veneer rate and has a positive effect on the quality. Additionally, the positions of bricks in each row are controlled, they are automatically aligned on the same line. Disadvantages - it is impossible to regulate the thickness of the seam depending on the layout of the first row. Another disadvantage is a small length of the device for a horizontal seam somewhat complicates work.

Important. Purchase fixtures for the size of the clinker brick.

How to use plastic devices?

Step 1. Put the device to bricks, squeeze the solution and leve out its surface, remove the excess.

Step 2. Move the plastic frame for free space and repeat the operation. Continue laying a mass on three or four bricks. By the time of movement of the template, the back side will evenly remove the surplus of the solution and level the surface.

Step 3. Put in place the first brick and a slight tapping on the surface slightly press it up before the extraction of mass. If there is experience, it is not necessary to check the level. Make such checks through several rows, problems have discovered - correct them in several techniques.

Step 4. Cut a smaller device to the end of the stacked brick, sketch the mass and align it. Place the following brick, slightly move it to the already lying before the extraction of mass.

Experienced masters do not use such devices, and the beginners such a measure will help to fill the hand. We have already mentioned that the specific width of the solution can be defined only after laying the first row. Depending on how it falls, the seam thickness changes, and the fixture has fixed parameters, this is a disadvantage.

How to make jumpers

For jumpers, metal corners or twigs can be used. If the corner has a size of 100 × 100 mm, then you can put one if the shelves of smaller sizes, then take two, one on each side of the brick. The number of rods depends on the diameter, but in any case they cannot be less than two. The diameter of the rods cannot exceed the thickness of the seam.

Metal should be cleaned of rust and coat with high-quality primer, after the end of the facing the surface is painted in the desired color. The length of the jumper stop on each side of the opening is at least 15 cm. You should not use too thick jumpers for two reasons. First, the elements should be held only before pouring the solution, in the future the load on them is minimal. Secondly, too thick jumpers are then difficult to make invisible, and this spoils the appearance of the building.

Shumov extending

An important point, the complexity depends on the correctness of the selected time. You can meet the tips to make the seams 3-4 days after the end of the work. Do not take into account such recommendations, they give them that they never did nothing with their own hands. After 3-4 days, the cement solution will completely freeze, it will have to scratch the surface to align the seam with a large force. When it specifies to the extender depends on the velocity of the masonry. The more practical experience, the more bricks you have time to put. Focus on the state of the solution. As soon as it becomes reminiscent of soft plasticine, proceed to align the seams.

The extending can be:

  • concave or convex. The most complex species can be broken down only on a relatively fresh solution. The convex part of the solution should lie in the same plane with bricks;
  • straight with bave or in trimming. The first is most often used due to simplicity and versatility. The second applies only to the most experienced masters on high quality brick. Requires large practical skills, the flat plane must accurately coincide with the plane of facing bricks;
  • single chair or two-chase. It is rarely applied, for the most part for decorative architectural elements.

Box tools can be purchased in stores or make from any submitted materials both metal and plastic or wooden.

Practical advice. The width of any type of exfoliations should be somewhat less than the seam thickness. The fact is that the ideal parameters of thickness on the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe house will never succeed, there will be sections of several millimeters wider or already. The device must pass through all the lines without jamming.

The most complicated method of bonus - The use of special color decorative mixtures. His and consider in detail.

Step 1. Clean the seams and metal brushes from the solution to a depth of about 8-10 millimeters, remove the dust and residues with a rigid pile.

Step 2. E.if the seams were completely dried, they are recommended to moisten with water. Use for this pulverizers or watering hoses.

Important. If dirty drips appeared on the front surface of the facing, then immediately wash them out or wipe their pure cloth.

Step 3. Prepare a special solution for the bunch, it is implemented in building stores. No opportunity to purchase - make it yourself. To do this, mix dry sand with cement in a 3: 1 proportion and add the mineral dye of the desired color. Mix everything thoroughly. Dry solve prepare immediately to the whole house and with a margin. Next, as you need to take it up with water and use for the bunch.

Step 4. Take the desired extender and gradually fill it with a gap between the rows of bricks. Simultaneously align and remove excess. If the solution hit the front of the brick, then remove it with a slightly damp cloth or foam rubber. The solution is pressed with sufficient effort, otherwise the new extension will fall off and fall out of the seams.

Work is a long and uninteresting, but the result always justifies efforts.

How to make simultaneous insulation

Today, a number of legislation on the compliance of buildings of various purposes of energy efficiency are adopted. Make it without the use of modern technologies and thermal insulation materials is almost impossible. For example, for the middle strip of the Russian Federation, the thickness of the brick wall should be at least 120 cm, and the thickness of the wooden cut is within 50 cm. Only such walls meet the standards of heat resistant.

No one will build houses from such a thick wall, the exit - the use of effective insulation. Most often used mineral wool (extruded or rolled) and foam. Simultaneously with the cladding of the walls it is recommended to make insulation.

Step 1. Decide with the type and dimensions of the insulation. We will consider an example of using extruded mineral wool with a thickness of 6 cm and a height of 60 cm.

Step 2. In the above way, bring the height of the facing to the level of 8 rows, it will be approximately 60 cm. Specific values \u200b\u200bdepend on the thickness of the seam and the size of the clinker facing brick.

Step 3. Buy heat insulating material. During the acquisition, pay attention to the density and the possibility of shrinkage. The fact is that the sheets will lie vertically on each other, under the action of gravity they should not be deformed and sees.

Step 4. Lower in the gap between the bearing wall and the facing plate of thermal insulation, the distance between the facing and the insulation should be about two centimeters. Natural ventilation of space will occur through them.

Prices for mineral wool

Mineral wool

Ventilation in the airspace between the insulation and the facing is provided by products, they can be made by special lattices inserted into the facing or by replenishing some vertical seams by cement-sand mass. The second option looks better outwardly, but less effective. Which ventilation method selects depends only on the preferences of the developer and material of the manufacture of bearing walls. If you have chosen the suture arrangement of phrases, then they must be every three meters in height and each meter in a width in a checker order.

Step 5. To ensure the gap between the insulation and cladding, use flexible connections. They consist of a rod of fiberglass and wide spacer washers. Put on brickwork and pressed to the bearing wall insulation. For each mat, use at least three connections.

Methods for fixing cladding to the bearing walls

There are two opinions among professionals about strengthening the rows of cladding. Some argue that the laying in the corners is reliably connected and no additional work to increase its sustainability should be done. Others, on the contrary, insist on fixation at mandatory. We believe that fixation will never hurt, and the benefits can bring a lot. In addition, the time does not play an important role to the process of cladding. Make fixation and live in the house calmly.

Filling cladding is performed in several ways.

With the help of construction reinforcement. Use the reinforcement with a diameter within 5 mm, thicker is not necessary, it is difficult to work with it. Take a drill with a widdle attack in the wall of the hole with a depth of up to 10 cm, drill at an angle to the plane of approximately 45 °. Such a position eliminates the bursting of the reinforcement during the load. Advantages of using construction fittings: High reliability, the ability to adjust the strut length depending on the features of the carrier wall and cladding. Disadvantages: Each rod has to be aligned on the plane of cladding bricks, it should not be beyond the limits of the seams.

Using perforated profiles. Such profiles are sold in stores and are used during mounting suspended ceilings or wall covering plasterboard. Advantages - Plates without problems bend under the desired angle, which makes it possible to install clamps on the whole wall before the construction of the building with clinker bricks, and then accurately customize their position. Disadvantages - cost somewhat higher than that of construction fittings.

Strengthen the wall is recommended through 5-7 rows, specific distances should take into account the characteristics of the carrier wall and cladding. If there are many window openings, it is necessary to install metal locks between each of them. This is especially true when the window frames are fixed to the facing.

Brick does not hold. There are three reasons. The first is too liquid solution. The second is too glue solution. The third - brick from the first time is very uneven, it is necessary to tap several times from different sides to align. During the shifts, the solution flaps from the plane of the brick, slightly dries, the clutch is sharply weakened. Remove the old solution and apply a new one.

Nonprofessionals are trying to adjust the position of bricks up to tenths of a millimeter. It is not necessary to do this, we have already mentioned that frequent movements reduce the power of the clutch. For any masonry, the deviation from the stretched rope is ± 1 mm is acceptable. It is completely unnoticed on the eye.

After the end of the masonry of the facing on the surface remains stains. This is the consequence of untimely purification of cladding from the resulting solution. Clean it with a damp cloth immediately after finding, do not leave for later. Do not fully solve the solution.

Take the brick only with one hand, in the second always hold the trowel. They laid a brick in place - immediately handle a trowel, straight. The faster you make this operation - the stronger the masonry.

If the solution quickly sets out - add cement and stir. If quickly hardens - little sand. Constantly follow the consistency. Do not leave the solution for a lunch break. It is not a problem to dilute it with water, the problem is that cement will lose its initial properties. And this can not be allowed when cladding the walls with clinker bricks. It has the soyl adhesion coefficient with a solution in comparison with red bricks.

Silicate brick size: parameters and features of brick masonry stamping material

Disputes about what material is better suitable for the construction of the house can be considered complete. All reconciled the facing brick, which pleases the developer of high strength, a variety of color palette, shape and texture.

The inner part of the bearing wall can be folded "of anything": ordinary clay or silicate brick, arbolite or shellular blocks, foam or aerated concrete. The appearance of the facade in any case will be perfect if the outer masonry is laying a facing brick. The gap between it and the main wall is filled with an efficient insulation. So it turns out a three-layer constructive "pie", which does not require additional external trim.

Agreeing with the arguments of builders, the customer remains to do a difficult choice: what facade facade is better to purchase. We will help to clarify this question, and introduce you to the varieties of this finishing material.

Classification of facial bricks

The gradation of the facade facing is determined by the technology of its manufacture.

There are four categories of facial bricks:

  1. Ceramic.
  2. Clinker.
  3. Hypersed (concrete).
  4. Silicate.

Brick in each of the listed categories is available in two versions: full and empty. The weight of the volatile brick is on average by 25-35% less, and the resistance of heat loss is about 10-15% higher.

Ceramic facing brick

It is performed by roasting the raw material mixture consisting of red sloping clay, organic and mineral additives regulating plasticity. In this capacity, coal dust, slag, shame, sawdust, ash and quartz sand are used. The initial mixture is consistently undergoing molding processes, drying and firing. The main difference between the facial ceramic bricks from the ordinary - thorough preparation of components before molding. Therefore, there are no extraneous inclusions and cracks.

The material obtained at the outlet of the Camera is distinguished by resistance to moisture, high strength and good energy-saving qualities. Types and colors of facing bricks ceramic diverse.

On sale you can meet not only ordinary, but also the shaped material (for laying complex architectural elements). To expand the color range, manufacturers use mineral dyes (chromium oxide, thin-fat iron or manganese ore) by adding them to the source raw material.

Decorating the surface of ceramic bricks is performed in several ways. In addition to the smooth matte and shiny surface, the finishers that give this material are presented on sale, giving this material similarity with wild stone.

Clinker brick

The nearest "relative" of ceramic bricks. The main difference between them is the feedstock and the firing temperature. For the production of clinker use medium and refractory clay. Accordingly, their firing is conducted at a higher temperature. The result is a very dense and durable face brick with minimal water absorption. These qualities make it possible to use it not only in the trim of the facade, but also for cladding the basement basement, the construction of fences and paving paths.

The thermal conductivity of the clinker stone is higher than that of ceramic. This disadvantage is compensated by its high resistance to the formation of cracks under the action of low temperatures.

The color palette and clinker texture is extremely varied, because each manufacturer offers buyers their own collections. The dimensional number of this cladding also won't call boring. In addition to the standard single version of 250x120x65 mm, you can buy a brick reduced thickness and height, as well as a long clinker (528x108x37 mm).

Hypersed brick

Clay clay - the energy-intensive process and not too profitable. Therefore, many manufacturers are moving to extruded bumping brick. Its base is the granite screening, water and cement. In essence, it is a superproof concrete, which was given the form of a masonry brick.

The main requirement for finishing the facade is the resistance to atmospheric influences. According to this indicator, the hyperpressive brick is perfect for the finishing of the outer walls.

For strength and other quality characteristics, it is practically not inferior to the wedge. Thanks to the surface factory (under the rock, torn stone) and the use of persistent dyes, this material looks great in the masonry.

The facade finish with hypersed brick looks smart, solid and reliably

Silicate brick

Refers to the category of oblivion materials. From hyperpressed brick, it is distinguished by the raw materials. There is no cement in it. High mechanical strength here is achieved by hardening the mixture of silicate sand and hated lime in the autoclave installation (elevated temperature and pressure).

Nowadays, silicate facade brick as a facing material loses its former popularity. In the struggle for the buyer, manufacturers have developed several variants of the color color of the silicate mixture. Unfortunately, they all look pretty pale and cannot compete with saturated colors of ceramics and clinker.

In the cladding of the building, this material behaves not bad. Compared to clinker brick, it absorbs moisture, but at the same time the ceramics can withstand multiple soaking, freezing and thawing.

Pick up the facade brick, suitable in color, texture and, of course, price, you can not leaving home. To do this, it is enough to go to the site of a reliable supplier and choose a high-quality facing brick to your taste and wallet. If necessary, you can order a consultation of a specialist by telephone and finally decide on the choice.

Figured (shaped) brick

Today, no one is not satisfied with the straight lines of the facade, so each type of facial brick is complemented by a wide range of shaped elements. Using them, it is possible to upload the complex architectural elements without time consuming, dressed up in a beautiful "stone lace".

Popular colors, textures and shapes

A brick building should look brick, sorry for tautology. Therefore, the peak of popularity of customer demand is on colors and shades, characteristic of burnt clay.

Variety of the flat surface of the burgggous brick (ceramic and clinker) is easy. To do this, it is enough to apply a factory figure for crude clay and send it to "consolidate" in the furnace.

Some color and textured options for clinker and ceramic bricks

In addition to "wet embossing", manufacturers apply the following decorating technologies:

  • togotrament (application of mineral crumbs);
  • angodie (the composition forms a glassy film when firing);
  • glazing (similar to Angry, but the front surface of the brick is processed by a composition creating a thicker and durable "crust" when melting).

Masonry plot made of torreoked brick

An affected coverage attracts the attention of smooth color transitions. They are obtained, causing a decorative layer not on the entire brick, but on its separate sections.

The glazed brick is great not only for facade masonry, but also for masonry furnaces and decorating walls indoors.

Togotracted, Angoed and glazed brick is beneficial to use as the fasal finishing accents (corners, belts, framing window openings). This technique makes a pleasant variety into a monotonous series of facial masonry.

Facing brick dimensions and approximate prices for 1 piece

The sizes of facing brick sets GOST. The table shows the standard dimensions of this material.

Table №1

In addition to the domestic government, the market has a European standard. It divides finishing blocks into two additional categories:

  • NF - Normal format dimensions 240x115x71 mm.
  • DF - thin 240x115x52 mm (corresponds to architectural classics).

When buying, you should choose the material of only one standard (domestic or "euro"). Otherwise, the rebirth of the seams will be broken and problems with stacking will arise.

Example of non-standard bricks for cladding 0.5 NF (250x60x65 mm)

Solving for itself what facing brick is better to take into account the price factor. By tradition, the price of foreign products is significantly superior to the cost of domestic building materials. The increase in the price is primarily playing the characteristics of the brick (dimensions, strength, frost resistance), its decorative qualities and of course the prestige of the brand.

The cost of the facing hollow ceramic brick of standard format (250x120x65 mm) is in the range from 12 to 20 rubles per 1 piece. For one-hour ceramic brick, sellers are asking from 20 to 28 rubles.

Clinker brick size 250x85x65 mm (0.7 nf) with a smooth surface is not cheaper than 29 rubles / pcs. For the same material, but with a textured facet will have to pay at least 34 rubles.

The price of a smooth hyperpressive brick of standard size starts from a mark of 23 rubles per 1 piece. For the fact material will have to pay a little more expensive - 25-30 rubles / pcs.

For one color silicate brick (250x120x88 mm) with a smooth surface, sellers are asking for an average of 15 rubles. For the material with the embossed texture will have to pay 24-26 rubles.

The difference in prices for the domestic and imported product is impressive, the cost of some types of foreign blocks from the discharge of "elite" can reach 100-130 rubles. a piece.

An important question that has to be solved when buying is how many facing bricks in 1m2 masonry. You can easily decide on your order if you use our table.

Table number 2. The number of bricks for cladding 1 m2 of the facade (thickness 0.5 bricks)

The facing brick is rightfully called one of the best materials for lining at home. After all, an excellent appearance, in combination with technical characteristics, fully meets the requirements of any home owner, and a large selection of colors, shapes and textures, only expands the available opportunities. Consider what is still facing brick: dimensions, prices and other characteristics of this material.

Requirements to the inner surface of the house walls are several times less than the requirements that are presented to the facing of the outside of the house. And if in the first case you can use a conventional clay or silicate brick, as well as foam concrete or deplete blocks, then provide a really attractive appearance for the outside of the house, you can only using facing brick for the facade.

But even in the case when the choice is made in favor of facing bricks, the owner of the house still has to make a difficult choice, and give preference to one or another option. Consider what types of this material are, and what is worth paying attention to when choosing.

The parameters of the brick are directly determined by the technology of its production, so that depending on the characteristics used for the production of materials and related processes, 4 types of finishing bricks are distinguished:

  • ceramic;
  • concrete (hyperpress);
  • silicate.

At the same time, each of the listed options is also available in 2 types - hollow and full, so the choice is really wide. Briefly consider the characteristics of each of the options, as well as its features and advantages.

Helpful advice! In addition to the fact that void bricks have a much smaller weight (the difference is about 25-35%), they are also more efficient resisting heat loss, surpassing full-scale bricks by 10-15%.

Another interesting question is how much one brick weighs for facing the facade? The weight of the facing brick is determined by what material it was manufactured. For example, a full silicate (white) brick, the size of which corresponds to the standard, on average weighs 4.6 kg, and the usual ceramic brick, designed for cladding, will weigh only 1.45 kg.

Ceramic facing brick: sizes, prices and features

This type of brick is made by firing a specially prepared and formed mass, which consists of red-saline clay, as well as special additives that are able to adjust the plasticity of the material. One of these auxiliary components can be attributed to sawdust, quartz sand, ashes, coal dust, slag, etc.

This mixture is initially formed in the right form, and then dried and burned. The main distinguishing point that makes a facing brick unlike the usual - more thorough preparation of all components before they are formed. This makes it possible to eliminate the risk of cracks, as well as a variety of extraneous inclusions that can spoil the appearance of the finished product.

Thus, the material obtained at the outlet is characterized by extremely high resistance to moisture, as well as high strength and ability to effectively maintain heat. As for color and textured diversity, here this type of brick is represented by a huge variety. Using mineral dyes, which can be added to the starting material (usually chromium oxide, thin pumping manganese or iron ore), manufacturers give bricks an attractive appearance.

Helpful advice! If there is a need to make a facing of a complex architectural element, then it is worth paying attention not to the usual ordinary brick, but on the shaped material that is based specifically for solving complex tasks.

To decorate one of several ways can be used. In addition to the traditional, which are considered smooth and matte ceramic facing bricks, you can find more unusual options, for example, imitation of wild stones. Of course, if the price for standard products will be about 12-15 rubles per piece, then all sorts of imitation will cost much more expensive.

For ceramic products, the following brick dimensions are considered standard - 250x120x65 mm. At the same time, according to European standards, these indicators are somewhat different - 250x85x65 mm. The thickened version corresponds to the parameters 250x120x88 mm and 250x85x88 mm, respectively.

Interesting! Standard brick size "loaf", which is the most common 240x115x71 mm, if navigating European standards.

Clinker decorative facing brick: dimensions and characteristics

Clinker brick is largely similar to ceramic. But there are certain differences between them associated with the features of the feedstock and temperature modes for firing. In order to make a clinker brick, they use mainly average and refractory clay, so for the roasting, respectively, higher temperatures are required.

The result of the use of such technology is a more durable facing brick, which is characterized by a minimum level of water absorption, and excellently resists the effects of all sorts of external factors. Such characteristics make it possible to use it not only for the design of the walls of the house, but also as a facing material for the basement basement, the paving paths and the construction of fences.

But there are also indicators for which clinker brick is inferior to ceramic. For example, it concerns thermal conductivity, which in this case is somewhat higher. True, this deficiency is compensated due to the fact that the material is characterized by a high level of resistance to the appearance of cracks as a result of exposure to low temperatures.

Coloring and clinker brick textures can be so diverse that they can even face with the concept of "collections" who offer various manufacturers to their customers. As for the size of clinker bricks, here you can meet a wide variety of options.

Standard decorative brick size can have the following parameters - 250x120x65 mm, 250x90x65 mm and 250x60x65 mm. As can be seen, the height of the brick can change, but the length and width of the brick remain unchanged. The exceptions make up except the elongated elements whose parameters are 528x108x37 mm.

Characteristics of concrete facing brick: prices and sizes

If we talk about what kind of technologies for the manufacture of facing brick is the most justified, then you will have to turn to such an option as a pressed bakery brick. This is largely due to the fact that due to the rejection of the energy-intensive firing process, the costs of production are significantly reduced. The base for concrete bricks use cement, water and granite dropouts. Mixing these components among themselves, they simply betray the desired shape and leave to stick.

If you repel from the fact that the main requirement for the material used for finishing the facade is resistance to the effects of various external factors, then this material is more than corresponding to the specified criteria. With regard to strength, concrete bricks are not inferior to clinker. And thanks to different colors, they also look great.

The standard dimensions of the full-scale brick from concrete are presented in three versions - 250x120x65 mm, 250x90x65 mm and 250x60x65 mm. There is also a thickened version of this full-scale facing brick, with parameters 250x120x88 mm. But almost any option can be purchased at a price of 25 to 30 rubles.

Interesting! Sometimes you can meet the description indicating the size of the "yellow" facing brick. Most often, the product made by hyperpressia, based on cement and limestone-shelter.

Silicate facing brick: photos, features, advantages and disadvantages

Silicate bricks also refer to materials that are manufactured without resorting to the roasting process. But from the previous version, this brick is characterized by components that are included in its composition. First of all, cement is completely not added in the raw material. The desired strength of the material is achieved by solidifying silicate sand mixed with haired lime. As a stimulator, this process is resorted to the use of autoclave installation, which provides increased pressure and temperature.

Today, this material is not particularly popular as facing material. First of all, this is due to its appearance. Despite the fact that manufacturers still have developed several color solutions, they all look too bright and attractive. So in the fight against ceramic or clinker bricks, silicate exactly lose.

But if we talk about the positive aspects of this choice, then the technical characteristics of this material are more than satisfactory. On the one hand, the silicate elements are somewhat more susceptible to absorb moisture than clinkers, on the other, they better oppose the effects of multiple wetting, freezing and thawing.

Helpful advice! In order to choose a suitable color, texture and form of a brick, not at all necessary to spend the whole day, visiting construction stores. The easiest way is to switch to the site of a reliable supplier, and using the Internet catalog, pick up the best option.

The most popular colors and textures of bricks: Facing for every taste

The color of the burned clay itself is rather bright and attractive, and often is the most preferred option. It is natural coloring that uses the greatest demand and for many years holding a leading position. But still, other options are used.

The desired texture is very simple to give the surface of the facing brick. For this, a factory figure is applied on top of a non-frozen element, after which the element is sent to the furnace.

Article on the topic:

The history of the occurrence and technology of manufacturing a product. Classification. Mounting features. Rating of popular manufacturers and product price.

But this is not the only way to design and decorate the surface of the facing brick. So, on a par with the main, the following technologies are also applied:

  • togotraging is the process of applying mineral crumbs to the brick surface;
  • angobic - applying a special composition, which under the influence of high temperature provokes the appearance of a vitreous film;
  • glazing is a process, slightly similar to the previous one, except that the composition that is applied to the surface forms a film of greater thickness and strength.

Each of these options is worthy of consideration and can be used in the process of facing work. Moreover, bricks decorated using various methods can be combined with each other, decoring individual sections of the facade, doorways, etc. This will avoid in the design of monotony.

Available colors of facing bricks from various materials

The color of the ceramic brick depends on how much and what kind of additives was admitted to raw materials, as well as from the firing. Therefore, it is often necessary to deal with the fact that in different parts of bricks have small differences in color. In order for this not to get into the eyes and did not spoil the appearance of the wall, it is recommended to take bricks alternately from various parties. So, the surface color will be the most uniform.

If we talk about the colors of ceramic brick, it is really presented predominantly red and brown shades. But their diversity is so great that the choice is simply impressive.

But hyperpressed bricks, in the process of manufacture which there is no firing, is painted in the desired color by adding the pigment in the raw materials. This allows uniform staining throughout the volume of the product and avoid inconsistencies with shades in various parties. Concrete bricks of white, black, pistachio, brown, red, peach, gray, chocolate and blue colors are most popular. And those who love non-standard solutions can consider the color of ivory, straw, terracotta and even green.

According to the same principle, as well as hyperpressed, produce painting of silicate brick. The pigment is added in the process of kneading the solution using a special dispenser.

Important! Too much paint in the composition of the solution can adversely affect the strength of silicate brick, so for this type of products, it is often resorted to staining only one side.

Among the main colors of silicate brick should be celebrated white, pink, yellow, orange, gray purple.

How much does it cost to buy a facing brick: the price per piece

In order to understand how much bricks cost, you need to get acquainted with the standards that are installed by Goste. It is there that is spelled out which dimensions of the brick standard, and what should be the weight of one brick of one or another type.

First of all, it should be noted that in the modern market, both domestic and European standards are equally recognized, so when choosing a suitable material, it is necessary to pay attention to it. Due to such double standards, all the material is additionally divided into 2 categories:

  • NF - normal size - 240x115x71 mm;
  • DF - more subtle - 240x115x52 mm.

The second option more corresponds to the architectural classics, but choosing and buying the material must be monitored so that all the elements are one standard. Otherwise, in the process of cladding will have to face a lot of difficulties.

Considering the existing types of material, the cost of facing brick was briefly considered. But still it will be useful to compare how much a facing brick of a type or another to come to the conclusion about the feasibility of one or another choice.

So, the scene of one hollow ceramic brick with standard sizes will be from 12 to 20 rubles. But the price of one-time facing brick, the size of which is 250x120x88 mm, will be slightly higher - from 20 to 28 rubles.

Clinker bricks are more expensive than ceramic. For example, with the parameters of the product 250x85x65 mm, for one thing will have to give at least 29 rubles, and this is based on the fact that its surface will be smooth. Bricks with an textured pattern are even more expensive - from 34 rubles.

Approximately the same price of bricks for a piece of hypersed material. The lower limit of the cost - 23 rubles, and for the textured elements - 25-30 rubles per unit.

Almost also available, like ceramic, colored silicate brick. Its cost provided a smooth surface - 15 rubles per unit, and if the texture texture, the price increases markedly - 24-26 rubles.

The cost of bricks strongly depends on its size, strength, as well as sustainability to frost. But there are other factors, for example, a product of a foreign manufacturer will be much more expensive than domestic. So it is worth thinking in advance, whether you are ready to overpay for the company's name or prefer a simpler and cheap option.

Interesting!Find goods at such low prices only among offers from domestic manufacturers. The rates of foreign companies are usually noticeably higher, and the cost of some elite bricks can reach 100-130 rubles per piece.

Recommendations for the installation of facing brick do it yourself

The process of mounting a facing brick is not too different from the process of laying an ordinary building brick, but still there are some nuances to which it is worth paying attention to:

  • before finally, put all the bricks using the solution, you need to lay out them "dry" to make sure the masonry uniformity. This must be done because non-standard brick size (ceramic or any other), which is almost always found in the party, did not spoil the appearance of the facade;
  • if there is a need to reduce the length of the brick, then for trimming you need to use a grinder with a specially intended disc;
  • the solution on which bricks are stacked may be the same as for masonry of ordinary brick. The only condition - the sand must be subjected to preliminary sifting;
  • if you wish, we can make a wall in a single color scheme, color components can be added to the solution;
  • the perfect size of the seams between facing bricks for vertical up to 12 mm, for horizontal up to 10 mm.

Important!It is strictly forbidden to use for brick trim, designed to work with metal. This may negatively affect the brick, making it unsuitable for further use, as well as lead to malfunction of the most cutting canvas.

In general, in order for the wall in the end, there is an attractive appearance, special attention needs to be paid to the formation of gaps. For this, the laying should be done in such a way that the solution does not reach the edge of 10-15 cm. To achieve it it was easier, you can use a special template that allows you to quickly and easily cope with the task.

Another secret that everyone should know who is taken for independent cladding of the walls is the need to provide air permeability of masonry. To do this, you need every fourth vertical seam to leave empty, without filling with a solution. Due to this reception, air will be able to circulate freely and humidity will be adjusted.

If the brick has a solution during work on the front side of the brick, it is necessary to remove it immediately to prevent drying. Since the material quickly reacts with an alkaline solution, to completely remove the spot in the future may not be possible.

After reviewing all the variety of facing bricks, as well as their size, prices and characteristics, each owner of the house may pick up the most high-quality and appropriate option for designing its facade. Of course, choosing, you have to focus not only on the appearance of the material, but also on the price of finishing bricks for the facade. However, it is quite possible to find an attractive and inexpensive option that will satisfy all your wishes.